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2015-V1.0 Canny Reference Projects

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ZZmm0£ J ψ 仨/ 康为电梯股份有限公司 CANNY ELEVATOR CO..LTD. MfurVEh地址:江苏省汾湖南新技术产业开发区原为大道888号 电话:0512-63290000 传真:0512-63293938 网±J: www.canny-elevato「.com 电子信箱:(同内) marketing@canny-elevator.com (同外) export-can[email protected] expo叫@canny-elevate「.com 400客户服务热线:400-188-2367 由绚:215213 股票代码:002367 2015 V1 O


£轻Jψ- ?仨/苟言〉

康为电梯股份有限公司CANNY ELEVATOR CO .. LTD. 《洲“@

M川吨位川f 占付川(「urrtJ’主〔》「-VEh{}」「(-♂

地址:江苏省汾湖南新技术产业开发区原为大道888号电话:0512-63290000传真:0512-63293938网±J.t: www.canny-elevato「.com

电子信箱:(同内) [email protected]

(同外) [email protected] expo叫@canny-elevate「.com


股票代码:0023672015 V1 OJ:i:




装点颂世之美Decorate the charm of our prosper'。us times

作为中 国民族品牌电梯代表的康力电梯, 经过十余年的发展, 一个中国乃至全球颇具规模的电扶梯生产基地屹立于世界电梯企业之林, 并连续九年电梯行业内资企业主要经济指标位居第一。 被誉为 “中国电梯业的希望和骄傲” !

在发展思路上, 康力电梯非常专注技术自主创新与对产品的精益求精, 经过不懈努力,康 力 电扶梯的技术水平已跻身国际一流企业行列, 特别在扶梯领域更是一枝独秀。 在超高速、 超大高度、 节能环保、 智能化与集成化群控等国际前沿、 尖端技术方面, 康力已具备了强大的研发能力 , 以及全面的安装和服务能力, 并取得了骄人的业绩和市场影响力。 康力一一打破了外资品牌、 合资品牌在超五星酒店项 目 、 轨道交通项 目 、 机场项目、 大高度重载公共交通型自动扶梯领域和超高速电梯领域的垄断地位。 如沈阳龙之梦装有12台6m/s超高速电梯, 上海龙之梦雅仕大厦装有6m/s超高速电梯。 康力 电梯用汗水与勇气跨越艰难历程 , 用智慧与创新攀登上行业巅峰。

术和至诚求美, 月lj双足而不变。 十余年, 康力人精诚如一 , 凭完美的 品质、 精湛的技术与贴心的服务不断为您的建筑装点颂世之美。

CANNY『epresents for the Chinese brand elevato『 Ove『10 years’development, a large-scale elevator

and escalato『 manufacture base towers among vast domestic and overseas elevator manufacturers. The main economic indexes of CANNY Elevator ranks No. 1 among vast domestic elevato『 enterprises fo『9 years in

succession. CANNY has b臼n reputed as "Hope and P『ide in the Chinese Elevator Industry"!

CANNY is concen甘ated upon the independent technical innovation and keeps imp『oving the products

acco『ding to the wise developing concept After the unremitting e何0巾,the technological level of CANNY

elevators and escalators ascends itself in the f『ont ranks of the白『st-class international lift manufacture『S

CANNY is especially 『ema『!<able in the es臼lator field. Rega『ding the wo『Id’s top front-line technology such as super high speed, supe『 large height, ene叼y-saving, envi『onmental protection, intellectual and integ『ated

group supervision etc., CANNY is equipped with the powerful R & D 臼paαty, the comp『ehensive installation

and se『vice abilities. It gets the outstanding achievements. It is very influential in the market CANNY breaks

th『ough the monopoly position of foreign brand and joint ventu『e brands in supe『 five-star hotel p『ojects,『ail

transit p『ojects, a叩0同projects, la『ge height heavy-load public traffic type es臼lato『field, supe『 high speed

elevator白eld etc., e.g令12 sets of 6m/s super high speed elevators in Shenya『ig Drago『l-Dream, 6m/s super high speed elevators in Shanghai Longemont Yes Tower. CANNY Elevato『 cou『ageously surpasses the ha『d

procedu『·es by the hard and g『eat e宵。『ts and attains the industrial peaks by intelligence and innovation.

In ancient China, Bian He pu『sues perfect Nephrite th『oughout his life. He neve『gives up even though

the Empe『or misunde『stands him and α.rts 。而his legs. Eventually Nephrite is known to the wo『Id because of

his contribution. Bian He is beloved by the people gene『ati on 硝e『 gene『ation. Over 10 years, CANNY

Elevato『 also decorates the cha『m of our prospe『ous times th『ough the perfect quality, consummate technology and wholehearted se『vice.

CANNY ELEVATOR-An Expert in the Worldwide Elevator Industry.



目 录Contents

.重点工程Key projects


成都新世纪环球中,心Chengdu New Century Global Center

。项目背景丁he project background

新世纪环球中心是全球最大的单体建筑, 分为2期进行建设, 总建筑面积约1 76万m2;其中配套设施齐全, 设有皇冠假日酒店、 洲际酒店等五星级酒店。

New Century Global Center is the largest mono-building 1n the world. It is divided into two phases for the construction. The total building area is about 1,760,000 square meters. It has the complete conveying facilities. It has five-star hotels such as C『own Plaza Hotel, Intercontinental Hotel etc.

。亮色Highlight本项目 是全球最大的单体建筑, 打造世界现代田

园城市的重大项 目 , 超大型城市综合体。This project is the la『gest mono-building in the wo『Id. It

creates a significant project in modem garden style city in the WO『Id. It is a super la『ge city complex.

。电梯日evator康 力 电梯为此项 目(含五星级酒店}共提供了

161台电梯和142台扶梯(其中2台提升高度21 m的自动扶梯 ) 。

CANNY Elevator provides the projects including five-star hotels with 161 elevato『s and 142 escalators. (Among them, 2 escalators have lifting height of 21 meters.)

经 典 ·工程 .


张家界天门山观光隧道天梯Zhangjiajie Mt. Tianmen Panorama Tunnel Elevator

。项目背景丁he project background 张家界最早载入史册的名山 , 天门洞位于海拔1300余米的峭壁之上 , 高131.5米, 宽57米, 深60米 , 南北对开于千寻繁

壁之上, 气势磅睛, 巍峨高绝, 是罕见的高海拔穿山溶洞。Mt. Zhangjiajie is the earliest famous mountain that has been put into the historical record. Tianmen Cave is located above the cliff of over

1300m height above sea level. (131.5m height, 57m width, 60m depth) It runs from no时1 to south in high cliff. It is of 9『eat momentum. It stands towering. It is a rare mountain-crossing karst cave with high altitude.

。亮色Highlight1著名旅游胜地, 天门山 天门洞是世界

最高海拔天然穿 山溶洞, 施工难度大;2康力 电梯投入使用后, 形成一个循环

的游览通道, 增加景区收益和缓解造力。3.此项目荣获“2014年度电梯世界工程

奖一新安装自动扶销”-等奖。 中国电梯晶牌

首次获此菜誉, 康为电锦再创行业第-记录。

It is a famous place of interest. Tianmen Cave in Mt. Tianmen is a natural mountain- crossing karst cave with the highest altitude in the world. It is highly difficult in constructio『1.

The project of Mount Tian men Tourism Tunnel

Escalators by Canny Elevator Co., Ltd which has

createda new miracle w。rtd engineering project,

was awarded the first prize for “Project of the year

2014 -- The New lnstallati。n Escalat。旷·.

。电梯Elevator康力 电梯为该项目 提供24台KLXF公交型

大高度自动扶梯。 其中包括20台提升高度达30米的超大高度重载公交型 自动扶梯和4台高度为20米的大高度重载公交型自动扶梯。

CANNY Elevator provides the project with 24 sets of KLXF public traffic type large height escalators.They include 20 u『1its super high rise heavy duty public traffic type escalator, 4 units 20 high rise heavy duty escalator.


An Expo<电

;n W崎









为由飞作A Oagsh>p


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E 默王建

苏州轨道交通一号线苏州轨道交通二号线Suzhou Metro Line 2

Suzhou Metro Line 1

。项目背景The project background

。项目背景The project background


苏州轨道交通2号线是继1号线后苏州轨道线网的南北向骨干线路, 全长26.557公里, 设站22座, 工程总投资高达145亿元。

Full length: 26.557km. It sets 22 stations. Total project investment is as high as 14.5 billion RMB. 苏州轨道项目是苏州历史上投资规模最大的城市建设工

程 , 开创了中等城市在全国建设轨道项 目 的先河, 苏州轨道交通一号线贯通苏州东西, 全长25.739公里 , 设置24个站点 , 连接了全市重要的行政中心、 商业中心、 文化中心。

1. The largest investment scale of urban construction project in the history of Suzhou City.

2. CANNY is the first domestic brand that wins the bid in metro projects.

。亮色 HighlightSuzhou Metro Project is the la『gest investment scale urban

construction project in Suzhou history. It pioneers metro projects in medium domestic cities. Suzhou Metro Line 1 『uns from east to west Suzhou City. The full length is 25.739 kilomete『S It sets 24 stations to connect the important administration cente怡,commercial centers却1dcul阳『al centers in Suzhou City.

。电梯Elevator康力电梯为项目 提供199台KLXF大高度公交型 自动扶梯; 为 控

制中心大楼提供6台 目 的层呼梯控制系统KLK2NF 3.5m/s高速电梯。One successful bid of our public traffic escalator has maximum projects

in China.

国内公共交通电扶梯招标单次中标台数最多的工程项 目 。

CANNY Elevator provides the project with 199 sets of KLXF large height public traffic type escalators. It provides Control Center Building w1廿i 6 sets of KLK2NF 3.Sm/s high-speed elevator with destination floor calling control system.

经 典·工程ι ·


。电梯 Elevator康力电梯中标全线315台自动扶梯项 目 , 总金额达2.5亿元。CANNY Elevator wins the bidding of 315 escalators. Total amount is

250 million RMB.

苏州轨道交通四号线Suzhou Metro Line 4

。项目背景The project background 苏州轨道交通4号线由主线与交线两部分组成, 主线全程长

41.5km, 北起相城区, 南至吴江, 共支线线路全长19.2km, 总长度超过 了 1号线和2号线之和, 预计于2017年3月通车投逞。

No 4 Suzhou rail transit is established to be 53.1 km, with the total Ieng伽 exceeding the sum of lengths of No 1 Line and No 2 Line, which is expected to be put into ope『ation in March, 2017.

。亮色Highlight4号线工程量及施工难度 , 大大高于苏州地铁1号线和2号

线, 是苏州已开工的轨交工程里工程量最大的一条线路。The work amount and construction difficulty of No 4 line the largest

work amount among all 伽e rail transit projects having been started in Suzhou.

An Expo>电

;n W崎

。电梯 Elevator 怕阳徒M曲


康力电梯中标全线自动扶梯352台 , 总金额高达约2.7亿元



Canny Elevator has bid for the 352 escalato『S in all Ii惜,withthe total amount of money 『eaching nearly 0.27 billion yuan.



CANNY [iml

E 默王建


为由飞作A Oagsh>p


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印度德旱地铁 韩国地铁Indian Deli Subway Korean Metro-station

。项目背景 The project background 。项目背景丁he project background 印度地铁有限公司(DMRC ) 三期工程包括4条共计119公里长的新地铁线, 是连接大首都区 { 德里、 古尔冈以及诺

伊达) 的主要干线, 到2016年第三期工程竣工将完成德里的地铁线路总长310公里, 227个车站, 届时, 德里地铁将成为全世界第7大的地铁系统, 日均客流量预期可达400万人次 , 在亚洲 , 德里地铁站的 数量仅排在上海、 东京和首 尔之后。

地铁站等交通枢纽站乘客流量大 , 对配置在站内 的 自动扶梯的要求极高 , 康力电梯以其一流的品质、 完美的服务,在众多竞争对手中胜出, 获得韩国大型公共交通项目 。

Indian Subway Co .. Ltd. (DMRC) Third-Phase Project includes 4 new subway lines totaling 119 kilometers of length. It is a trunk line that connects with big capital area (Deli, Gu『gaon, NOIDA). By the year 2016, third-phase project will finish Deli subway line with total length of 310km, 227 bus stations. By then, Deli Subway will be No. 7 subway system in the world.

Hubs of communication such as metro station etc. have la『ge passenger flows. Therefore they have high requirements towards the intemal escalators. CANNY Lift stands out among vast competitors because of the first-class quality and prefect service. CANNY wins the bid of Korean large-size public traffic escalator projects.

。亮色Highlight 。电梯Elevator是印度规模最大的城市基础设施项 目 , 也是康力电梯目前海外

市场单笔最大中标工程。总计291台公交型自动扶梯。Totally 291 units public traffic escalators.

It is the largest city infrastructure project in India. It is also the largest amount of bid project for CANNY Elevator in the overseas ma『kets.



。亮色Highlight 康 力 电梯 自 2006年以来持


CANNY Elevator continuously serves la『ge-size public traffic P『ojects in Korean Subways since 2006.

。电梯Elevator 为韩国首尔 、 大田、 光州等

地铁项目 提供逾600台重载公交型自动扶梯。

CANNY provides Korean Seoul, Daejeon, Gwangju subway projects etc. with 600 sets of heavy-duty public tra简c type escalators.

经 典 ·工程 .



An Expo>电









.重点工程•Key p『ojects

沈阳龙之梦Shenyang Dream of Dragon

。项目背景The project background

“龙之梦” 项目位于沈阳市大东区, 斥资260亿元打造的沈阳 “龙之梦”亚太中心的建成将成为沈阳市东部最具影响力 的标志性建筑群, 将刷新沈阳今后建设第一高楼的历史。

“Dream of Dragon” Project is located in Inner Side of First Circle Line, Dadong District, Shenyang City. Shenyang “Dream of Dragon” Asia-Pacific Center totaling 2.6 million RMB investment will be the most influential symbolic const『uction group in east Shenyang City. It will refresh the history of Shenyang No. 1 Tower in future.

上海龙之梦雅仕大厦Shanghai Longemont Yes Tower

。项目背景The project background 该项目 位于上海市长宁区凯旋路、 长宁路西南块, 基地东|自凯旋路, 南依规划路 , 西 、 北侧邻东方海外基

地, 西南角连多层住宅区, 轨道交通3号、 4号明珠线紧邻基地东侧。The project is located on Kanxuan Road of Changning District, Southwest Block of Changning Road in Shanghai City. The base

is adjacent to Kaixuan Road in the east, close to Guihua Road in the south. It is near Orient Overseas Base in the western and northern sides. It connects with multi-storey residential a『ea at southwest corner. Metro Pearl Line 3 and line 4 are close to the eastern base.

。亮色Highlight沈阳标志性建筑 , 堪称中国商业


Liaoning Provin饵,China. It is a symbolic building in Shenyang. It has been reputed as a model example of complex cαnmercial building in China.

。电梯Elevator康 力 电梯为沈陆 “龙之梦 ” 项 目

产品包括12台群控6m/s高速电梯和普通乘客电梯、 载货电梯、 液压载货电梯、 无机房观光电梯在内总计669台电扶梯产品。

CANNY Elevator p『ovides Shenyang “Dream of Dragon” Project w1伽totally 669

escalators and elevators includi「ig 12 6m/s high sp四d i阳,0『dinary pass创ger lifts, goods I阳,hydraulic goods I的s, machine 『oom-lesspan or arr旧lifts etc.











用It is located in core area of Changning District,

Sh町、ghai City, China. It belongs to Class-A office building. It represents for No. 1 speed of domestic elevators. At present, it has been thrown into commercial use.

。电梯Elevator康力 为此项目提供了6台群控6m/s超高

速电梯和8台4m/s高速电梯。CANNY Elevator provides the p叫时ts with 6

sets of 6m/s group-supervision high speed Ii缸s, 8 sets of 4m/s high speed lifts.

| 经典-L工矛呈 ..









E 默王建

贵阳世纪金源大饭店(五星级) 贵阳世纪城Guiyang Empark Grand Hotel (Five-star) Guiyang Century Town

。项目背景The project background

。项目背景丁he project background

贵阳世纪城是由世纪金源集团投资逾百亿元兴建的超大型复合型地产项 目 , 项目 总体规划5000多亩。

Guiyang Century City is a super large compound real

estate project that has been const『ucted by Century Gold

Source Group with over 10 billion RMB of investment. Its total

planned area is over 333.33 hectares. 。电梯Elevator项 目位于贵州省贵阳市金阳新区, 总投资人民币4亿

元, 总建筑面积7.1万平方米, 是世纪金源集团集各地饭店设计精华而倾力打造的超五星级标准饭店。 。亮色Highlight

康力电梯为该项目提供了约1350台电扶梯产品。 产品涵盖了无机房电梯、 观光电梯、 乘客电梯、 4.0m/s的高速电梯, 提升高度5m-6m的自动扶梯。

Guiyang Empark Grand Hotel is located in Jinyang New

District, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province. The total investment is 400 million RMB. The total building area is 71,000 square meters. It is a

super five-star standard hotel wholeheartedly built by Century

Golden Resources Group in gathering the design quintessence of

various hotels all over the country.

是贵阳市最大规模的高尚综合社区之一。 CANNY Elevator provides the project with about 1350 sets of

products. The products cover machine room-less lifts, panor却nalifts, passenger lifts, 4.0m/s high speed lifts, escalators wi廿15m-6m

|,仕ing height. It is one of伽e largest scale noble and complex

communities in Guiyang City.












。电梯Elevator康力公司为该项 目提供17台高速电梯及自动扶梯,

其中8台4m/s群控。CANNY Company provides the project with 17 sets of high

speed lifts. Among them, 8 h白s are of group supervision. Speed is


.重点工程• Key projects








宁波杭州湾世纪城Ningbo Hangzhou Bay Century City Residential Quarter, Zhejiang, China

。项目背景丁he project background 有 “城市造营商” 之称的世纪金源集团, 2012年于杭州|湾新区斥资268亿元, 打造浙江第一大盘 “宁波杭州湾世纪城” 。

世纪城占地面积2600亩, 总建筑面积600万平方米的超级城市综合体, 总投资额超过268亿元, 入住人口达10万人 , 集住宅、购物中心、 酒店、 学校、 公寓、 商业街等于一体。

Century Gold-Source Group has been reputed as “The City Operator” In 2012, it invested in 26,800,000,000RMB in Hangzhou Bay New District to build up No. 1 Residential Quarter in Zhejiang- Ningbo Hangzhou Bay Century City Residential Quarter, Zhejiang, China. It covers an area

of 173.33 hecta『es. It is a super urban complex. Total building area is 6 million square meters. Total investment exceeds 26,800,000,000RMB. It

has 100,000 residents. It integrates the residence, shopping center, hotel, school, apa同ment, comme『cial street into one.

。亮色Highlight 。电梯Elevator超大型复合地产项目 , 杭州湾沿岸标志性建筑群, 由世

纪金源集团斥资268亿元打造, 总建筑面积600万m2。康力为一期工程提供416台电梯。CANNY offe『s 416 units elevators for its first phase

project. It is super large compound real estate p叫时t, a symbolic

building group along the banks of Hangzhou Bay. It has been invested

in 26.8 billion RMB and constructed by Century Gold Source Group. Total building area is 6 million square mete『S

罗源湾滨海新城Luoyuan Bay Seaside New City Residential Quarter

。亮色Highlight。项目背景丁he project background

是一座在建的综合性国际城市综合体。 CANNY 且EVATOR

It is a comprehensive international city complex

under the construction. 罗源湾滨海新城位于被誉为闽东 “夏威夷” 的罗源湾胖,是世纪金源集团巨资打造的综合体项 目 , 项 目 占地面和5740亩, 总规划建筑面积臼0万平方米, 总投资额约200亿元。

An Expo<电




Luoyu部1 Bay Seaside New City has been reputed as “Hawaii in

Eastern Fujian Province, China” It is located on the banks of Luoyuan

Bay. It is a complex project that has been constructed by Century Gold

Source Group with a la『ge sum of capital. It cove『s an area of 382.67

hectares. Total planed building area is 6,800,000 square mete『S Total investment is about 20 billion RMB.


截止2015年4月康力为其提供760台电梯。 世”电..i‘曲

2但也,�.. Till April 2015, CANNY offers 760 elevators of Luoyuan Bay. 一飞弘


.重点工程Key projects

长沙·湘江世纪城Changsha Xiangjiang Century Town

。项R -r'-'f;五· The project background 湘江世纪城,位于长沙市开福区湘江东岸百里湘江风光带的核心地段. 总投资168亿元,总占地1500亩, 总建筑面积约400万平方米的


Xiangjiang Century City is located in central area of Xiangjiang Scenic Belt, Eastern Banks of the Xiangjlang River, Kaifu District, Changsha City, Hunan P『ovince.China. Total investment is 16.8 billion RMB. It totally cove『s an area of 100 hectares. Total building area is about 4 million square meters. It is a supe『large compound

real estate project.


2. 全城大规模配置哥哥华观光电梯, 长沙绝无

仅有。1. 6km riverside view brings about No. 1 estate in

Hunan Province. 2. The city is equipped with large-s臼le deluxe

panorama lifts which are unique in Changsha City.

。电梯Elevator康力电梯为其提供了包括观光电梯、 乘客电


CANNY Elevator provides the project with 480 sets of products including panorama lilts, passenge『 lifts,

escalators and car lilts.



。项目背��_:丁he project background 成功中标土耳其地铁项目,是康力电梯进驻欧


This project is also our first metro line project in

European market.

。亮色Highlight康力电梯在土耳其公共交通领域的重大突破。It is a key breakthrc川gh of CANNY Elevator in developing

the Indian markets.

哈尔滨地铁Harbin Metro-station

。项目背}}{The project background 一期工程东起哈尔滨东站, 西端终点至晗医大

二院, 工程总长 14.4公里. 一期工程投资额预计达


Total length: 14.4km. Investment is estimated to be 5890 million RMB for first-phase of Harbin Subway Line 1.


改变, 是哈尔滨城市重大的公共交通项目。

It is a significant public traffic project in Harbin City.

。电梯 Elevator伊兹米尔市西格玛地铁:8台;奥兹洛斯地铁:24台;保罗华地


8 CANNY escalators in Sigma Subway of Izmir City, Turkey, 24 CANNY

escalators in Oztas Subway, 44 CANNY escalators in Borova Subway.


CANNY Elevator provides the project with 45 sets of energy-saving

















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京沪高铁无锡东站 合肥·滨湖世纪城Hefei Binhu Century Town Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Rail Wuxi East Station

。项目背景The project background 京沪高速铁路,是新中国成立以来一次建设里程最

长、 投资最大、 标准最高的高速铁路, 也是国内第一条具


It is the longest mileage, largest investment and highest

stand a『d high-speed railway since the founding of New China.

。亮色Highlight京沪高铁无锡东站将成为京沪高铁和无锡地铁、 锡虞

城际铁路的综合换乘站, 是无锡地区重要的交通枢纽。

Beijing-Shanghai Express Railway is the longest mileage,

largest investment and highest standard high-speed 『ailway since

the founding of New China.


The project background 滨;湖世纪城是由世纪金源集团投资兴建的超大型复

合型地产项目,项目占地为2500亩, 总建筑面积约为



It cove『s an area of 166.67 hecta『es. Total building area is

about 4,800,000 square meters.


|经 典 -l工矛呈 .. I ;��j':��:' 'W

。电梯Elevator康力电梯为其提供豪华观光电梯4.0m/s、 3.0m/s的高速电梯、 普

通乘客电梯、 自动人行道, 共453台电扶梯。CANNY Elevato『P『ovides the project with altogether 453 sets of products. 。电梯Elevator

康力电梯为该项目提供自动扶梯21台,电梯23台。CANNY Elevator provides the project with 21 escalators and 23 elevators.

安徽省 “第一大楼盘”,配套阵容堪称聂华。It is No. 1 Real Estate in Anhui Province China.

南昌吕北机场Northern Nanchang Airport

。项目背景丁he project background 南昌昌北国际机场扩建工程是政府投资项目。新建航

站楼面积为9.6万平方米, 飞行区的技术标准由40升为

4巨。Newly built terminal building area is 96,000 square meters.

Technical standard of flying zone rises from 40 to 4E.


。omestic brand firstly enters into provincial capital city airport

kind p叫时ts.

合肥北城世纪城Northern Hefei Century City

。项目背景丁he project background 北城世纪城是合肥在建的超大楼盘,占地面积达到

2400亩, 成为继滨湖世纪城之后的又一座大城, 拥有超

强的社区配套。It covers an area of 160 hectares. It is another big real estate

a仕er Riverside Century City.

。电梯 Elevator490台电梯。490 units elevators.


。电梯Elevator 。亮色 Highlight



10 sets of public traffic type escalator and 1400mm wide auto-walk.

安徽超大楼盘,占地面积160万m飞It is super large real estate in Anhui Province, China. It covers

an area of 1,600,000 square mete『S

·重庆国际博览中心Chongqing International Fair Center

项H背让The project background

重庆国际博览中心位于重庆两江新区的核心一-1党来会展 域 , 总建筑面积60万平方米, 是国内第二、 西部最大的大型场馆。

Total building area is 600,000 square mete邸, It is No. 10 large-size hall in the world, No. 2 in China and the largest in West China.


是国内第二、 西部最大的大型场馆。It is No. 2 la『ge-size stadium in China, the largest

stadium in West China.

•!.!飞Eleva·’:oi康力为此项目 提供162台垂直电梯,16台扶梯。CANNY offe『s 162 vertical elevato『s. 16 escalators to

Chα1gqing lnternatiαial Fair Center.





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·西宝高铁Xi' an-Ba句i High Speed Railway

西安至宝鸡铁路客运专线起点 为郑西客专咸 阳西站出站端 , 终点为宝鸡商站(新建)出站端.客运专线正线建筑长度138.044公里。

J;"'t, H'斗’

西部铁路客运大动脉。Railway Passenger Transport Artery in West China

』员u·1r1,: The p「eject background

L回glh is 138.044削lometers.



一一一一一→· 公共项目Public projects



康力 为该项目提供29台电扶梯 , 其中23.2° 特殊规格公交型自动扶梯19台。

special Totally 29 elevators including 19 sets of 23.2。specification public trattic type escalato『

m〈hF叶。万A fiat•.bp




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.公共项目• Public projects


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Turkey BSB Overpass Pr叮ect

项目背景The p「oject background 伊兹米尔一一土耳其第三大城市, 政府为改善交通, 在


Izmir is No. 3 City in Turkey. The government builds live footbridges over廿1e roads.


目,惠民工程。CANNY firstly offers outdoo『 heavy load public traffic type

escalators for Turkish p『ojects. It has been invested in by the government. It is a people-benefit p『oject.



CANNY provides the p『oject with 20 sets of KLT35-XF…SOM outdoor heavγ-duty escalators.


·印度火车站客运专线Fuzhou Huawei Passenger Station

项H背挝The project background 是解决印度人口流动快速增长的重要公共交通基础

设施建设项目,康力电梯进驻印度市场, 为印度城市建设发挥重要作用。

CANNY Elevato『 enters into the Indian markets. It plays an important role for Indian city construction.

先色Highlight是目前世界上自动扶梯运行环境最恶劣工程、 最复

杂的工程,也是康力电梯开发印度市场的重大突破。At present, CANNY elevato『s and escalators operate in too

bad 『unning envi『onments, the most cαTlplicated work conditions in the world.

ll!.情,Elevator 康力电梯为该项目提供应台重载公交型自动扶梯。CANNY Elevator offers 52 heavy duty public traffic escalato『S

to『 the p『oject.

·伊朗地铁Iran Metro

项目背旦;The project background

伊斯法罕是伊朗最古老的城市之一, 伊朗最著名的旅游城市及文化中心。当地政府为改善交通,在该市兴建横跨南北的地铁项目。 康力电梯作为地铁一号线自动扶梯的唯一供应商,发挥至关重要的作用。

As one of the most ancient cities in |『an, Isfahan is Iran's most famous tourist city and cultural center. In order to improve tr创sportation, the local government launches the subway p叫ectthat connects the north to伽e south of伽e city. Canny Elevator is the sole supplier of escalator fo『the No.1 subway line, and plays a C『ucial role in the cα1Structiα1 of the project.

先色Highlight助力伊朗的城市基础建设, 提升伊斯法罕市国际化

旅游形象。Contributed to the urban infrastructure construction of |『an,

and enhanced ESFAHAN’s image as an international tourism city.

J[.!.怖Elevator康力为该项目提供73台公共交通型自动扶梯CANNY We have provided the project with 73 sets of public

se『vice escalators.

·长沙地铁1号线Changsha Metro Line 1

项目背 景 The p roject background

长沙市轨道交通 1号线一期已于2009年正式启动建设, 工程范围为汽车北站至尚双塘站,线路全长23.627千米,共设车站20座,预计2016每上半每通车。

Changsha Metro Line 1 first phrase has been under cα1Struction in year 2009. Line length of 23.627km. It is scheduled to put into use by the early year 2016.

1·�色Highlight康力电梯公共交通领域又一典型示范工程。Another classical model p『ojectfor CANNY Elevato『 in public

t『ansportation area.

ll!,梯Elevator康力为该项目提供103台电扶梯产品。CANNY provides the project with 103 sets of elevators and













.公共项目• Public projects

·东莞至惠州城际$JL道交通Dongguan to Huizhou Intercity Metro

项国背旦; The project background

东莞至惠州城际轨道交通该项 目 线路全长约97公里, 近期新建车站13个 , 速度 目 标值为200公里/小时。

The whole line is about 97 miles and it has been recently new built 13 stations with a speed goal of 200 miles per hour.


莞惠城际轨道是珠江口 东岸地区轨道交通的骨干项目之一。Dongguan to Huizhou Intercity Metro is one of the key p『ojects of east

C臼st area metro in Zhujiang entry.

IL!,梯 Elevate「康力为该项目提供135台电扶梯产品。CANNY provides the project with 135 sets of elevato『s and escalators.






·大连市金州一普湾新区城际铁路专线DalianJinzhou - Puwan New District Intercity Railway Special Line

I页U背旦; The project background 是大连市建设的快轨3号线续建工程 , 是202轨道延伸

线工程之后的又一条重要轨道建设工程。It is Express Rail Line 3 Continued Project in Dalian City. It is

anothe『 significant 『ail const阳ction p『oject after 202 Rail Extension Line.


构建起一条连接主城区与新市区 , 引领城市向北发展的纵向交通通道。

It constructs a longitudinal trafiic channel that connects downtown city with new city area. It leads the city to develop towards the north areas.

rl.!,梯Elevator45台公交型自动扶梯。45 Units public traffic type es臼lators.

·江苏盛泽医院Jiangsu Shengze Hospital

i页H背封 The p roject backg「ound

由江苏省政府、 吴江市政府、 盛泽镇政府共同出资 ,唐仲英基金会捐赠, 总投资5亿元人民币建造 的 , 是一家非营利性三级综合性公立医疗机构, 总 占地面积205.9亩。

It is a non profitable thi『d-class comprehensive public medical treatment institute. It totally covers an area of 13.73 hectares.

先色Highlight非营利性三级综合性公立医疗机构。Non p『ofitable third-class comprehensive public medical

treatment institute.

IL!,梯 Elevator医梯、 无机房客梯、 扶梯共24台。Totally 24 hospital lifts, machine room-less passenger lifts and


·贵阳奥林匹克体育中心Guiyang Olympics Sports Center

项目背反 The project background 贵阳奥林匹克体育中心位于费用市金阳新区中心地带

的南侧。 项 目 规划总用地面积为116.27公顷, 规划总建筑面积为28.939万平方米。

It plans to totally cove『 an area of 116.27 hectares. @

·J°f色Highlight是目前贵州省规模最大、 功能最齐全的大型体育综合









At present, it is the largest comprehensive stadium with the most complete functions in Guizhou Provin臼.

IL!,梯 日evato「康力为该项目提供20台KLT重载公交型自动扶梯。CANNY offers 20 sets of KL T heavy load public traffic type

escalators fo『 the p叫ect.









.公共项目• Public projects

·合肥第一人民医院及南扩工程滨湖医院Hefei No. 1 People ’ s Hospital and Southern Expansion Project Binhu Hospital

才怪 •

·北京首都体育学院教学综合楼Co盯nEducation (CJPE)


为山飞作A nag、hip

br•n<.l m the



·河北省中医院Traditional Chinese Medical Hospital ofHebei Province


·新疆乌鲁木齐自治区政协办公厅政协委员活动大楼Political Advisors Activity Building of General Office of Npc in Urumqi, Xi吟iang

·重庆江北嘉陵公园地道改造工程ChongqingJiangbei Jialing Park Tunnel Transformation P叫ect


el临沂市人民医院Linyi Ciry People ’ s Hospital

·河北承德消防指挥中心Hebei Chengde Fair Command Center

·韩国住宅展览馆Korean Residence E.xhibition Hall

·意大利梅格利那火车站Italian Meigalina Railway Station

·湖北葛洲坝中心医院Hubei Gezhouba Central Hospital

·福州、|华威客运Fuzhou H飞1awei Pa描町、ger Station

·北京独栋奥线Beiji吨 Single Aoxian (Oly叫>ic) Building








·吴江大厦W叮iang Building










Lhasa Holyland Paradise InterContinental Hotel (Five-star)

项目背后The project background

项 目 建设用地350亩 , 总建筑面和约21 .2万平方米, 成为国内景区中最大的五星级酒店之一。

Lhasa Holyland Pa『adise Intercontinental Hotel P『oject uses 23.33 hectares of the land.

l[! f弟Elevator康力为此项目提供33台垂直电梯, 4台扶梯。CANNY offers 33 ve『tical elevators, 4 escalators to Lhasa Holyland

Paradise lnte『Continental Hotel.


拉萨圣地天堂洲际大饭店是国内海拔最高, 西藏最高档的超五星级大饭店。

Lhasa Holyland Paradise Intercontinental Hotel further is the highest height above sea level in china and one of the highest grade super-five sta「hotels in Tibet.


Commercial projects

development of Century Gold

·贵安新天地Gui an New Realm

项目背景The project background

责安新天地作为世纪金源集团集二十军之大成打造的 “海西首席旅游商住综合体” 。

It absorbs the elite of 20 years’ Source G『oup.

l[! f弟Elevato「康力为此项目提供683台电梯。CANNY offers 683 elevators to Gui ’ an New Realm.

先色Highlight超大规模的旅游商住综合体, 福建首个商住复合型独栋群。It is the first commercial and residential compound mono-building

9『oup in Fujian Province, China.

·佛山国际家居博览城Foshan International Household Fair City @








项目背提The p「oject background 项 目 占地面积622亩, 总建筑面积200万平方米。The project covers an area of 41.47 hectares. Total building area is 2

million square mete『S

,f:;色Highlight佛山国际家居博览城是目 前世界单体面积最大的家居博览

城 , 是国际化顶级家居主题博览中心。 酬地翩翩

At present, Foshan International House Decoration Fair is the biggest l!i刷专东h…


1[!怖Elevator康力电梯为此项目提供了44台电梯, 138台自动扶梯。CANNY Elevator provides the projects with 44 sets of elevators, 138

sets escalators.




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.商业项目• Commercial projects

·合肥世纪金源大饭店(五星级)Hefei Century Gold-Source Hotel (Five-star)

项目背景The project background

合肥世纪金源大饭店是世纪金源酒店集团旗下 , {顷力打造的第十二家豪华五星级酒店。

It goes all out to build up No. 12 deluxe five-star hotel.

先色Highlight该饭店为双塔式设计, 总建筑面积近14万平方米的五星级酒店。It is a five star hotel with nearly 140,000 square mete『S of total building area.

·杭州湾世纪金源大饭店(五星级)Hangzhou Bay Century Gold-Source Hotel (Five-star)

项目背且; The project background 宁波杭州湾世纪金源大饭店有限公司是世纪金源集团旗下第十五

家按国际标准五星级标准建造的高端商务会议型酒店。Ningbo Hangzhou Bay Century Hotel Co., Ltd. is No. 15 high end commercial

meeting type hotel.

先色Highlight酒店坐拥杭州湾世纪城 , 是一个规模大、 功能全、 品位高的大型

城市综合体。It is a large-size functions and high grade.

·鹏瑞利青羊广场Pengruili Qingyang Plaza

项国背旦:The project background 以新加坡怡丰城为蓝本打造的鹏瑞利青羊广场, 甲级写字

楼和五星级酒店等高端物业。Pengruili Qingyang Plaza has been constructed according to the

blueprint of Singapo『e Yifeng City Real Estate.

ll!,棉Elevator康力电梯为该项目提供49台电梯 , 其中高速梯43台。CANNY Elevator offers 49 elevators including 43 high speed

elevato『s for the project.

先色Highlight成都城西板块唯一的商业规划, 大 型时尚购物中心。It is the only la『ge size popular shopping center with the

commercial planning in western Chengdu City, Sichuan P『0明白,China.

fl!,梯Elevator康力为该项目提供44台电扶梯产品及人行道。CANNY Elevator provides the p『oject with 44 sets of elevators,

escalato『s and auto-walks.

·天来国际广场Tianlai International Plaza

项目背景The project background 天来控股集团以国际化的视野倾力打造的地标级都会业态

于一体的60万方高端城市综合体。It is a high end city complex that covers an area of 600,000 square


先色Highlight成都唯一荣获华西都市报等多家媒体共同推选的 “成都十

大新地标” 称号的项目。It i s theα1ly project that has been jointly appraised as “Top 10

Newlandma『K P『oject in Chengdu City”.

ll!,棉Elevator22台电扶梯项目 (其中 6台 4m/s高速电梯)22 CANNY escalators (including 6 sets of 4m/s high speed elevator)

1 [!梯Elevator使用康力4台群控3.0m/s援华高速电梯及自动扶梯。It uses 4 sets of CANNY group supervision 3.0m/s deluxe high speed lifts

and escalators.


·重庆君豪大饭店(五星级)Chongqing King World Hotel (Five-star) ·荣盛国际购物广场

Rongsheng International Shopping Plaza 项目背罪;The pr叫ect background

重庆君毫哥大饭店是世纪金源集团旗下商务会议型五星级饭店, 于2005每11月开业, 是当时西南地区最大的五星级酒店。

It has been established in Nov. 2005. The Hotel is the largest in Southwest Area.

J页H背且· The project background 荣盛国际购物广场项目位于沧州发展重点西部新区 , 作为

80万平方米体量沧 州第一大盘的首开之作。It is located in Western Cangzhou New District with the key

developments. It covers an area of 800,000 square meters.

先色Highlight康力电梯产品于2005军投入使用, 是当 时第一家投入使

用首批国产3m/s高速电梯的五星级酒店。CANNY Elevator p『ovides King World Hotel with 4 sets of group

supervision 3.0m/s deluxe high sp臼d lifts.

先色Highlight项 目 建成后, 将成为河北乃至华北最大的商业综合体。After its completion, it will be the largest commercial complex in

Hebei Province and even in North China.

ll!, f弟Elevator康力电梯为该项目 提供电梯56台 , 其中4.0m/s高速梯

5台。CANNY Elevator provides the project with 56 sets of elevato『S

including 5 sets of 4.0m/s high speed elevators.








ll!, f弟Elevator康力为该项目提供82台电扶梯产品及自动人行道。CANNY Elevator provides the project with 82 sets of elevators,

escalato『s and auto-walks.









. 商业项 目• Comme「cial projects

· 沈阳 五洲城Shenyang Five-continent City

项 H 背景 The project backg round

五 洲 城 是 以 发 展 第 六 代 专 业 市场 为 目 标 的 现 代 商 贸 城 , 拟 规 划 占 地6000余亩 , 是东北规模空前 , 业态形式最全的超级市场 集群 1

It is to be covering 400 hectares and becoming an ultra一la「ge market complex of unp「ecedented la「ge scale and widest busi ness scope in Northeast of China

亮色 High l ight

是沈阳未来的行政 、 科技、 文化中 , 面 向 国 际开放的东北亚枢纽 门 户 。I t w i l l b e a n i nt e 「 n at i o n a l N o 「theast g ateway i n t u t u 「巳 S h e nyang c i ty o n

administ「ation, technology a n d culture

· 肇庆市宝能环球金融 中心Baoneng Global Financial Center, Zhaoqing

项 H 背景 The project background

肇庆首个航母级城市综合体 , 该项 目 总 建面约 1 20万平方米 , 建成后将成为 肇庆新区CBD商务综合体建筑的典范。

As Zhaoq i n g ' s f i rst a i rcraft ca「「 ie「 c l as s city complex, the p「oject covers a total con st「uction area of about 1 20m square meters, it wi l l be a 「ole model of CBD busi ness complex b u i l d i n g i n the New D ist「ict of Zhaoq ing

电梯 Elevator

康 力 为 该项 目 提供158台电梯。CAN NY P「ovides the p 「oject with 1 58 sets of elevato「S

亮色 High l ig ht


It wil l become the h ig h-end urban busi ness compl巳x l i ke an ai rcraft carrie「 i n the CBD of the new d ist「ict of Zhaoqing

· 阜阳万达广场Fuyang Wanda Plaza

项 H 背景 The project backg round

项 目 占地240 多 亩 , 计划投资约45亿元的超大型城市综合体项 目 。

It is an ultra-large urban complex with the scheduled investment of a「ound 4.5 bill ion RMB

亮色 High l ight

带动阜阳 产业结构升级 , 阜 阳万达广场将成为阜阳 的地标性建筑。Fu ya「1g Wanda Plaza is to b巳 a landma「k con st「uction of Fuyang

电梯 Elevator

康 力 为 该项 目 提供35台 电扶梯。CAN N Y Elevato「 P「ovides the p「oject with 35 sets of

e levato「s and escalato「S

· 凉都国 际大酒店 ( 五星级 )Lia吨du International Hotel (Five-star)

项 H 背景 The project backg rou nd

六盘7j()京都锦江国 际 大酒店 由 六盘水恒宇房地产开发有限公司投资按五星级标准建造。

L i u p a n s h u i L i a n g d u J i nj i a n g I nt e r n a t i o n a l H ot e l has b e e n i n vested i n a n d constructed b y Liupanshui Hengyu Real Estate Developing C o . , Ltd

电梯 Elevator

康 力 为 该项 目 提供54台 电梯。CAN NY P「ovides the project with 54 sets of e levato「S

壳色 High l ight

建成后将成为 六盘水文化、 建筑、 旅游的标志性建筑。Afte 「 its c o m p l et i o n , i t w i l l b e a s y m b o l i c b u i l d i n g t h at i nteg 「ates c u l t u 「 e ,

construction , t「avel cha「acte「istics into one in Liupanshui City, Guizhou P「ovince, China

·北京金源时代购物 中心Beijing Century Golden Resources Shopping Mall

项 H 背景 The project backg round

项 目 位于北京市海淀区远大路 , 总投资人 民 币38亿元 , 是 当 时世界上最大的单体商业建筑。

The total investment is 3,BCO m i l l ion RMB. I t is the fi rst shopping mal l i n its t「uesense i n China

A nog,hip


m 山c

Chm�"' �ft


完色 High l ight

该项 目 先后荣获 “ 中 国 十 大 商业地产MALL” 、 “ 中 国 最具 影 响 力 的Shoppi咱 Mal l ” 、 “ 中 国 商铺1 00强” 等称号。

The p 「oject has been successively awa「ded the glo「y tit les such as “One of Ten Commercial Estates in China”


电梯 Elevator

康 力 为 该项 目 提供1 6台电梯。CAN N Y P「ovides the p「oject with 1 6 sets o f e levato「S

· 重庆嘉陵风情步行街Chongqing Jialing Fine Demeanor Walk Street

项 H 背景 The project backg rou nd

嘉陵风情步行街总 投 资 20亿元 , 总 建筑面积达到63万余平方米。

The total i nvestment i s 2 b i l l i o n R M B . The total b u i l d i n g area reaches to ove「 630,000 square meters

电梯 Elevator

康 力 电梯为该项 目 提供了 1 4 1 台 产 品 。CAN N Y Elevato「 P「ovides the p「oject with 1 41 p「od ucts

先色 High l ight

打造重庆主城北部商圈 。It c「eates a b u s i ness c i 「c le in no「thern Chongqing C ity, Sichuan

P「ovince China

电梯 Elevator

康力 为该项 目 提供1 74台 电扶梯产 品 。CAN NY Elevator p「ovides the p 「oject with 1 7 4 sets of e levato「S

and escalato「S










An Expe同

;n the





.商业项目• Commercial projects

· 南京金盛百货中央门店Nanjing Jinsheng Department Store Zhongyangmen Branch

项国背且· The project background 金盛集团创建于1995年 , 是一家大型民营跨国企业。Founded in 1995, Jinsheng Group is a large-size private transnational


先色Highlight南京地标性项 目 , 南京金盛店使用的电梯均为康力品牌。Nanjing Landmark Project. CANNY is cooperative partner of Jinsheng Group

while CANNY lifts are always used in Nanjing Jinsheng Stores.

· 西双版纳国际度假区Xishuangbanna International Holiday Resort

项 目背旦; The project background 项 目 位于景洪市工业 园 区 , 占地6万平方公里, 由万达集团

投资, 度假项 目总投资150亿元。This project is located in Jinghong City Industrial Zone, occupies an

area of 60,0α〕Km2. It is invested by WANDA GROUP with total capital of 15 billion RMB.

11.!,梯 Elevator电扶梯共31台。Altogether 31 elevators and escalators.

先色Highlight是西南地区投资额最大的度假项目 。有1e largest capital investment resort project in China Westsouth area.

11.!,楠 日evator目 前 , 康力 电梯为该项目提供230台电梯。CANNY P『ovides the project with 230 sets of elevators for the


· 重庆世纪金源、大饭店(五星级)Chongqing Empark Grand Hotel (Five-star)

项H背景The p「oject background 重庆世纪金源大饭店是金源集团旗下斥 巨资6.8亿元人民币精心打

造的又一商业地产力作, 总建筑面积14.8万平方米的综合性涉外饭店。After starting 4 five-sta『 hotels, Golden Resources G『oup invests in 680

million RMB to elaborately build “Chongqing Empa『K Grand Hotel'’


的藻华商务饭店。C『1ongqing E『npa『k Gra「1d Hotel is a 『a『e deluxe com『ne『cial hotel that has

been designed and bL」ilt acco『di『1g to supe『 five- ta『 standa『d in Southwestern Area of China.

· 营 口 万达广场Yingkou Wanda Plaza

项H背景 The project backg「ound项 目 总投资60亿元 , 占地面积13万平方米 , 将成为营口市

业态齐全、 环境优美、 影响力 巨大的地标性建筑群。The total investment of this project is 6 billion RMB. Covering an area

of 130,000m2

11.!,梯 Elevator康力离速电梯及自动扶梯在04年已在该项目使用。CANNY high speed elevators and escalato『s have been used for

this project since 2004.

-;,';;色Highlight是万达集团第三代城市综合体又一辉煌巨制。It is another remarkable unde由king among WANDA third generation

urban complex.

1[!怖 日evator康力为该项目提供26台电梯。CANNY provides the p『eject with 26 sets of elevators.

·腾冲世纪金源大饭店(五星级)Tengchong Century Golden Sources Hotel (Five-star)



1页 H背景The project background 项目位于云南省腾冲县 “腾;中国际体育度假公园” 建筑群中 , 总建

筑面积3.1万平方米, 当地最高档的五星级酒店。The total building area is 31,000 square meters. It is the highest grade five sta『

hotel in local area. A nag、hip

br•no.l m the



先色Highlight腾;中的标志性建筑。A symbolic building in Tengchong, Yunnan Province.


· 南宁大商汇N anning Commercial Center

项 国 背 且; The project background 规划占地1080亩, 总建筑面积100万平方米 , 总投资人民币

25亿元。Suining Haiqi Square covers an area of 72 hectares. The total

building area is 1 million square meters.

必色 Highlight全面辐射东南亚地区的超大型商业航母, 是永不落幕的商博

11.!,梯 Elevator提供了25台电梯, 其中包括3m/s的高速梯8台。CANNY offe『s 25 lifts including 8 sets of 3rn/s high speed lifts.

4』-z;;。It is a super la『ge commercial tycoon that comprehensively radiates

Southeast Asia It is everlasting SαJth Asia Fair.








IL!,梯 Elevator康力为该项目提供18台电梯。CANNY Elevator p『ovides the project with 18 sets of elevators.








CANNY ii]!

.商业项目• Commercial projects

· 安阳万达广场An yang Wanda Plaza

项 H 背 旦; τhe project background 是万达集团布局中原的第四座万达广场, 总建筑面积约65万m2’

其 中商业面积近23万平方米, 总投资约40亿元。利1is project is the 4th earliest Wanda Plaza in middle of China constructed by

WANDA GROUP. Guiyang Southwest International T『ade City has a total investment of RMB 60 billion, with a total floo『 area of approximately 14.2 million square meters.

·贵阳西南国际商贸城Guiyang Southwest International Trade City

项目背景The project background 贵阳西南国际商贸城, 投资总额600亿元 , 总建筑面

积约1420万平方米, 是一个大型综合性商业集群。

先色Highlight是目前河南规模最大的一站式、 国际级城市综合体。It is the largest scale one-stop international urban complex in Henan province.

rl!,梯 Elevator康力为该项目提供52台电梯。CANNY provides the project with 52 sets of elevators. 先色Hig hlight

建成后将成为辐射东南亚的西南商贸新标杆!Afte『 completion, it will become the new benchma『k of

Southwest Trading that has huge influences on Southeast Asia!

ll!,梯 Elevato「康力为该项目提供154台电梯。Canny provides 154 elevators for the project.

先色Hig hlig ht是那单�市新的标志性地标建筑。It is a new and symbolic landmark building in

Handan City, Hebei Provin饵, China.

· 鸿基行政公馆Hongji Administration Hall

· 内蒙古鄂尔多斯兴蒙建材城Inner Mongolia Erdos Xingmeng Building Material Center

项目背民 The project background 鸿基行政公馆位于郎郭市金十字区绝

版中心地段 , 项 目 总 占地88亩 , 总建筑面积42万m2。

Total building area is 420,000 square meters.

l l!,梯 Elevator康力电梯为其提供40台电梯 , 12台 自动扶

梯, 共计52台。CANNY Elevator provides the p『oject with 40 sets

of elevators and 12 sets of escalators.

J页H背且· The project background

星梦投资集团斥巨资打造的18万平米超大体量 , 是投资者的描金首选。

It has a supe『 volume of 180,000 square meters.

先色Highlight鄂尔多斯士也标性项 目 。Landmark P『oject in Erdos City. ·常州万都国际陶瓷装饰城 、 常州万都国际家具城 、 常州万都广场

ll!,梯 Elevator康力为该项目提供20台电扶梯产品。CANNY Elevator provides the project with 20 sets of elevato『s and


Wandu International Ceramics Decoration Center, Wandu International Furniture Center, Changzhou Wandu Plaza ·河源碧桂园东江凤凰城J页H背目: The project backg「ound

常州万都集团 巨资打造的包括万都国际陶瓷装饰城、 万都国际家具城、 万都广场商业项目。

Hoenix Ci町, East River, Biguiyuan, Heyuan

先色Hig hlig ht常州地区最大的陶瓷装饰 、 家具市场; 常

州顶级商业综合体, 顶级写字楼。The largest ceramics deco『ation and furniture

markets in Changzhou area.

J页H背且· The project background 项 目 规划j 占 地600亩 , 位处河源 “两江四岸” 城市规

划的江东新区, 附近更有规划体育馆、 影剧院、 医疗、 学校、 大型商业等城市级配套一应俱全 , 势必成为河源未来的中央居住区。

Changzhou Wandu Group invests a g『eat volume in building Wandu International Ce『amicDecoration City,Wandu International Furniture City and Wandu Square Comme『cial P『oject.、

为山飞作 ti.!.棉Elevator

康力 为万都集团提供共176台电梯 , 其中4台群控2.5m/s和5台群控2.0m/s中高速电梯。

The Project will be located in Jiangdong New District of Heyuan city's "two rivers and fou『 banks" u『ban plan, cove『ing an a『ea of 600 mus, its surrounding areas will have stadiums, theaters, health care cente怡, schools, large comme『cial buildings and other city­level facilities, it will be the central residential area of Heyuan city in the future. A nag、hip

br•n<.l m the



CANNY (an elevator company) have provided to Wandu Group 176 elevators.including 4 high幡speedmultiple cont『ol elevators ( 2.5m/s ) and 5 middle­sp四d multiple control elevators{2.0m/s).




必色Highlight大型城市综合体, 占据未来河源城市核心区。Highlight: as a large-scale urban complex, it occupies the

core district of the future Heyuan city.






IL!,柿 日evato「康力为该项目提供44台电梯。CANNY Elevator provides the pro陪ct with 44 sets of elevators.









.商业项目• Commercial projects

· 福州贵安金源、温泉大饭店(五星级)Fuzhou Guian Jinyuan Hot-spring Hotel(Five Star)

项目背景 The project backg round 福州责安世纪金源温泉大饭店是世纪金源集团旗下第16家现代化商

务度假综合型饭店 , 集休闲、 度假、 会议为一体, 按国家五星酒店标准兴建 , 总建筑面积9万平方米 , 总投资10亿元人民币。

It was built by the national standard for Five Sta『 hotels, with a total construction area of 町,000 square meters and an investment of 1,000,000,000 RMB.


世纪金源集团打造的又一五星级酒店, 于2013年5月 1 日 隆重开业。It, as anothe『 Five Star hotel built by Century Jinyuan Group, started business

on 1st,May,2013.

tl!.悼 Elevator康力为该项目提供17台电梯。Canny has provided 17 elevators to the project.

· 重庆金源时代购物中心Chongqing Century Golden Resources Shopping Mall

· 罗源湾世纪金源大饭店(五星级)Luo Yuanwan Century Jinyuan Hotel(Five Star)

项目背景The project background 项 目 位于罗源湾畔, 作为世纪金源酒店集团旗下的第17家五星级酒

店 , 投资10亿元人民币。Located on Luo Yuanwan Bay.as the seventeenth Five Sta『 hotel under Century

Jinyuan G『oup, this project was invested 1,000,000,000 RMB.

先色Highlight成为当地新的地标性建筑, 于2014年1月3日正式开业。It has become a new landma『k building in the area of Luo Yuanwan Bay and

started business on 3rd,January,2014.

· 苏州周庄 · 龙隐水庄Suzhou Zhouzhuang • longying Waterside Residence

· 重庆太平洋西部奥特莱斯购物广场 · 郑州国际小商品城Chongqing Pacific Wesr-Outlers Shopping Mall Zhengzhou International Commodity Marker t[.!.梯Elevator

康力为该项目提供23台电梯。Canny has p『ovided 23 elevators to the project.

1页 H背祟; The project background 福州世纪金源大饭店是世纪金源集团独资兴建的现代化智能

型的旅游涉外饭店。 饭店建筑面积8万平方米。



·福州世纪金源大饭店(五星级)Fuzhou Century Jinyuan Hotel(Five Star)


br;aj m <he

ci.;,�sc lifl

,, .. ,.,.

1[!梯Elevator康力为该项目提供14台电梯。Canny has provided 14 elevators to the project.


Fuzhou Century Jinyuan Hotel, with an construction a『ea of 80,000 square meters.

先色Hig hlight现代化智能型的旅游涉外饭店。A modern intelligent foreign-related tourism hotel.

· 佛山承创大厦Foshan Chengchuang Building

· 商京世纪大厦 ( 丽晶国际 )Nanjing Century Building (Lijing Tnrernarional)

· 内江万达广场Neijiang Wanda Plaza

· 四川成都正成 · 财富领地Zhengcheng Wealth Center, Chengdu City, Sicllllan Province



An�x阳tn l'、ewo·'dwdo



· 常州迪i若水镇DINO Water Town









.商业项目• Commercial projects

· 天津天帮购物乐园Tia时in Tianbang Shopping Paradise

· 重庆西永软件园 · 大丰市欧蓓在F国际购物中心Chongqing Xiyong Software Park Dafeng OBS I OUPEISHA International Shopping


· 苏州赛格电子市场 · 湖南环洲鼎盛Suzhou Segood Electronics Market Hunan Huanzhou Ding声hen Square

· 泰州中嘉国际装饰城Taizhou Zhongjia International Decoration Center

· 吴江东值盛国际大酒店 ( 五星级 )Wujiang Dong Heng Sheng International Hotel (Five-Star)

· 河北常记国际家居展示中心Hebei Changji lntemarional Home Decoration Exhibition Center

· 舟山市普陀鑫材国际广场 · 戴斯 ( 福州 ) 晋都大酒楼 ( 五星级 )Zhoushan City Puruo Xincai International Squ哑e Days ( Fuzhou ) Jindu Ho时 ( Five-Star)

· 河南郑州金智万博商城 · 瑞德奥特莱斯国际广场Jinzhi Wanbo Shoppi吨 Center, Zhengzhou Ruide Outlets International Plaza

Ci町, Henan Province.

· 湖南家乐福超市韶山南路店 · 红棉国际时装城Hunan Carrefour Supermarket Shaoshan Red-Cotton Incemarional Fashion Center South Road Shop

· 河北承德双百购物广场 · 天津M1申道Hebei Chengde Shuangbai Shopping Square Tianjin Caishen Street


为山飞作A nag、hip

br•n<J m the



· 南通海安安达步行街Anda Walk Street, Haian County, Nantong City


· 泉州海峡西岸圄际采购区域物流中心Quanzhou Srarait West Bank International Purchase Area Logistics Center

· 无锡市哥伦布商业广场Wuxi City Colwnbus Shopping Mall

· 河北冀州吉美百货Hebei Jizhou Jimei Depamnent Store

· 新疆库尔勒天百购物中心Xinjiang Koria Tianbai Shopping Center

· 成都福地广场Chengdu Fud.i Plaza








· 厦门九龙城Xiamen Nine-Dragon City Residential Quarter









.商业项目• Commercial projects

· 徐州锦绣华庭广场Xuzhou Jinxiu Huating Square

· 四川遂宁海琪广场Sidman Suning Haiqi Square

· 泰州金港国际商业广场Taizhou Golden Port International Commercial Plaza

· 福州火炬 ( 翔安 ) 厦华电子工业园Fuzhou Torch (Xia吨’ An) Xiahua Electronic Industrial Zone

· 古巴德斯瓦硬件中心Badeswa Hardware Center

· 马来西亚曾持广场Malaysia Pood Square

· 意大利科斯莫购物中心Italy Cosmo Shopping Center

· 沙荣购物中心Sharon Shopping Center

· 印尼棉兰帕拉斯超级购物中心Indonesia Medan Pallas Super Shopping Center


为山飞作· 印尼万隆银达购物中心

Afl鸣、hip Indonesia Bandung Yinda Shopping Center




· 印尼垄嘉华购物中心Indonesia Rongawa Shopping Center

· 银利亚购物中心Syria Shopping Center

· 智利中国商品贸易中心 · 哈萨克斯坦共和国阿拉木图市购物中心Chile China Conunodiry Trade Center Alm鸣-Ara City Shopping Center, The Republic


· 蒙古国首都乌兰巴托爱科购物中心 · 俄罗斯阿尔比超市Ulan Bator Shopping Center, Capital of Mongolia Ru臼ia Albi Supermarket

· 俄罗斯大陆购物中心Russia Continent Shopping Center








· 俄罗斯拉普兰德商贸中心Russia Lapulande Conunercial Trading Center









盛京绿洲、|·荣盛 ·Rise-sun Shengjing Green Continent

项 目 沈北新区核心地段, 是城市升腾的价值高地 , 占地面积23万平方米, 建筑面积46万平方米。

It covers an area of 230,000时 and building area of 460,000m2.

项目背祟;The project background

IL!,梯 Elevator康力为该项目提供84台电梯。CANNY provides the project with 84 sets of elevato『S

先色Highlight国家一级房地产开发企业, 荣盛地产打造在沈阳城市的又一品牌

地产项 目 !It is another brand famous estate project in Shenyang by national first class

estate developing ente『prise RUN-RISE.


Residence projects · 倚莲半岛Lotus Byland Residential Quarter

项目背景 The p「oject background 倚莲半岛位于广州市番属区石楼镇灵兴片 区 内 , 项 目 倚中高档

“现代中式别墅” 住宅类型为主打产品。

IL!,棉 Elevator康力为该项目提供了92台乘客电梯及别墅电梯。CANNY provides the project with 92 sets of passenger

elevato『s villa elevators.

Lotus Byland Residential Quarter is located inside Lingxing District, Shilou Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou.

先色Highlight以岭南传统建筑风格特色为亮点, 创造山水庭院式居住空间。It takes the traditional building style of South of the Five Ridges as highlights.

龙泉新都Dragon Spring New Center Residential Quarter
















项目背tl: The p r叫ect background 总投资32亿元, 面积 120万平方米 , 总楼座110栋, 需求电梯400余台。

IL!,梯 日evator康 力 电 梯 为 此项 目 将提供

96台电梯产品。C A N N Y E l e v a t o r p r o v i d e s

the projects with 96 elevators and escalato『S

I t is the First-Lot Experimental Pioneer P『oject for Old Village T『ansformation Leader Group in Jinan City, Shandong Province, China.

Total investment is 3.2 billion RMB.





'"'"' n ..陀、chf>



.住宅项目• Residence p『ojects

· 西藏海亮世纪新城Tibet Hailiang Century New City

项目背且: τhe project backgro und 海亮世纪新城是西藏的特大型住宅项目 , 并且是目 前拉萨乃至

全自治区最大的房地产项 目 , 项 目 占地1700多亩。Hailiang Century New City is an extra-la『ge residence project in Tibet.

At present, it is the largest 『eal estate project in Lhasa and even the whole autonomous region.

必色Highlight拉萨最高的人工建筑 { 除布达拉宫外 ) , 该项目 是拉萨最大的

项 目 。It is the highest man-made building except Potala Palace in Lhasa City.

It is also the largest project in Lhasa.

· 金山郡Jinshan Shire

项目背且 The project background

金 山郡位于成都金堂城市森林公 国 内 , 总 占地面积13.7万平方米 , 项 目 外拥 1 200商城市森林公 园 , 内揽一湾碧绿的湖水, 紧i自金堂政务中心。

Jinshan Shire is located in Jintang City Forest Pa『k, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China. It covers a total area of 137,000 square meters.


必色Highlight打造天府花国水城乐居典范。It constructs a model example of 训appy Residence, Water

Pa『adise in Chengdu City, Sichuan P『ovince, China. C州NY Elevator p『ovides the p『ojectwith 87 sets p『oducts.

先色Highlight远洋天著是北京CBD区域的唯一别墅项 目 , 其所开创的新型

另lj墅--平墅产品 , 在房地产建筑史上具有划时代的意义。It is of historical significance in real estate construction history.

IL!,梯 Elevator康力为该项目提供135台电梯。CANNY provides the project with 135 sets of elevators.

· 北京远洋天著·广西观澜溪谷Far Ocean Tianzhu

项目背反 The project background

远洋天若是远洋地产在北京东南五环开发的又一高端力作, 咫尺CBD与BOA双核心地带, 项 目 总建筑面和26万平米。

Guangxi Guanlan Xigu Residential Quarter

项目背封 The project background 观澜溪谷项目位于仙葫大道中段的上洲 , 打造一个在

别墅物业领域具有典范地位的高品质项目 。Total building area is 260,000 square mete『SGuanlan Xigu Residential Quarter is located in Upper

Continent, Mid Section of Xianhu Avenue, Nanning. IL!,梯 Elevator

康力 电梯将为其提供450台别墅电梯。CANNY Elevator p『ovides the p『oject with 450 sets of villa elevators.

必色Highlight别具特色的 “养生” 宣居小区。The Distinctive and Characteristic “Health-Ca『e” Pleasant

Life Residential Qua『ter

· 安徽合肥观湖苑Anhui Hefei Guanhuyuan Residential Quarter



1页 剧背旨( The project background 观湖苑坐落于滨湖新区紫云路和庐州大道交汇处, 社区总占地

面积200窗, 总建筑面积约45万平方米。The community covers a total area of 13.33 hectares. Total building area is

abα.rt 450,000 square mete『S

A nag、hip

br•n<.l m the




安徽典型小户型高档住宅项 目 。Typi臼I small and high-end residence in Anhui Province.


1[!梯 Elevator康力电梯为其提供48台电梯、 3台扶梯, 共计51台。CANNY Elevator provides the p叫ect with 48 sets of elevators and 3 sets of


·荣盛锦绣天地Run-rise Jinxiu Tiandi Quarter

1[!梯Elevator康力为该项目提供146台乘客电梯。CANNY provided the project with 146 sets of passenger elevators.



项 td I背趾 The p ro ject backg「ound

紧邻沈阳政府重点打造的经济技术开发区西金廊沿街带的新型人居范本。It is a new life living model next to economic and technology developing zone named

Xijinlang Along Street Zone which is built by government as a key and impo『tant area.







宅等为一体的城西新中心。It is the new center of west city as the

mixture of commerce 部1d residence built by SUN RISE with millions' capital.

IL!,梯Elevator康力为该项目提供88台电梯。CANNY P『ovides the p『oject with

88 sets of elevators.









.住宅项目• Residence p『ojects

· 南昌 水栅尚都Nanchang Shuixie Shangdu Residential Quarter

项目背如: The project background

项 目 总 占地面积为71302.96平方米 , 总建筑面积约为16.7万平方米 , 该项目位于京东大道旁 , 南昌城市副核心区。

The project covers a total area of 71302.96 square meters. Total building area is about 167,000 square mete『S

先色 Highlight康力电梯和天使集团的强强合作典范。It is a model example that power unites with power, i.e. CANNY Elevator

cooperates with Angel G『oup.

· 沈阳荣盛幸福大道三期Shenyang Run-rise Happy Road Third Phrase Housing

项目背旦: The p roject backg r0t」nd荣盛幸福大道位于沈辽路与中央大街黄金交点之上的50

万平主流生活城邦, 配套齐全, 观景居所。Shenyang Run嘟”se Happy Road is located on the c『oss of Shenliao

road and central road. It is a fully equiped sight-viewing housing.

ll!.楠 Elevator康力电梯为54台电梯。CANNY Elevator provides the project with 54 sets goods lifts.

先色Highlight品牌地产 , 彰显大城风华!Famous b『and estate and showing elegance and talent of la『ge city.

·天瑞国际Tianrui International

项目背J;t The project background “天瑞国际” 位于安JI顶市经济技术开发区, 项 目 总用地面积126.6

亩 , 分三期进行开发建设。It totally covers an area of 8.44 hectares. It is divided into 3 phases for the

development and construction.

必色 Highlight成就安JI顶首个国际生态社区。It fulfills the first international ecological community in Anshun City, Guizhou

P『ovince, China.

ll!. f弟Elevator康力为该项目提供51台电梯。CANNY P『ovides the p『oject with 51 sets of elevators.

· 济宁海亮公馆Jining Hailiang Mansion

项目背景The project background 济宁海亮公馆总占地面积138亩 , 总建筑面积25万平方

米 , 位于济宁市高新区正大菱花片区, 具有强大升值潜力。Jining Hailiang Mansion covers an area of 9.2 hectares and its

building area is 250,000m2

ll!.柑, Elevator 康力为该项目提供46台电梯。CANNY P『ovides the project with 46 sets of elevators.

先色Hig hlight

济宁海亮公馆是海亮地产在济宁重点开发建设高端住宅项目 。

Jining Haihuang Mansion is another key high end residential P『oject constructed by HAILIANG estate in Jining.

·抚顺远洋城Fushun Sino-ocean City



项目背如: The project background

项目 位于抚顺中央生态区板块之中 , 总用地面积约137万平方米,规划总建筑面积近200万平方米。

Located in Fushun central ecotope,this p『oject occupies a total a『ea of 1,370,000m2 and scheduled building area tends to be 2,000,000m>.

A nag、hip

br•n<.l m the



必色 Highlight

远洋地产为城市精英打造的第三代城市复合型社区, 是远洋地产在环渤海地区重要的战略项目之一。

It is one of the most important strategic p『ojects of SINO-OCEAN in Circum帽Bohai Sea Region.


ll!. f弟Elevator康力位该项目提供59台电梯。CANNY P『ovides the p『oject with 59 sets of elevators.

· 远洋风景Sino-ocean Landscape Residential Quarter

项目背景The project background

远洋风景位于津滨大道, 总体占地16万平米 , 总建筑面积26万平米。

An area of 160,000m2 and building a『ea of 260,000m2.

ll!.柑, Elevator

康力为该项目提供41台电梯。CANNY P『ovides the project with 41 sets of elevators.

先色Highlight外围8万平米市政公国, 公国里的家的绿色社区。Surrounded by a city park of 80,000『n2, it becomes a green

quarter in park.








fl!.梯Elevator康力为该项目提供63台电梯。CANNY P『ovides the p『oject with 63 sets of elevators.









.住宅项目• Residence p『ojects

·唐山市景泰翰林Tangshan City “Jingtai Hanlin” Residential Quarter

项国背且· The project background “景泰翰林” 项 目 位于唐山市路北区 , 项 目 总建筑面积80

万平米, 聘请德国阿思曼 · 萨罗繁城市与建筑规划事务所规划设计, 全力打造欧陆简约风情社区!

Total building area is 800,000 square mete『S

先色Highlight是唐山最大的社区之一, 全部建成后成为单项目使用商品牌

电梯最多的小区。Afte『 the completion, it uses the most same brand lifts in the residential


·远洋时代城Sino-ocean Times City

项国背旦:The project background 远洋时代城总建筑面积约为56.5万平方米 , 项 目秉承远

洋地品牌核心, 打造成为远洋地产新城区板块布局的标志性项 目 !

T剑<ing its brand co『e culture, Si『10-ocean Times City, which has been the landmark project during the pro臼ss of SINO-OCEAN striving to『 new cities layout, is about 565,000m2 on building area.

tl!,怖Elevator康力为该项目提供99台电梯。CANNY offers 99 passenger lifts.

先色 Highlight

大连首个TM. O示范区。It is the first T.M.0 model zone in Dalian.

tl!.柿 Elevator康力为该项目提供23台电梯。CANNY provides the project with 23 sets of elevators.

· 陕西高山流水 · 幸福快车Shanxi Mountain Stream • happy Express Residential Quarter

1页H背景 The project backg「ound高山流水 · 幸福快车隶属城北核心发展版图、 未来市政府中心

区域, 占地130亩。It covers an area of 8.67 hectares.

先色Highlight陕西高品质人居社区。High quality living community in Shanxi Province.

·广西百色金辰星河湾Guangxi Baise Jinchen • star River Bay Residential Quarter

项目背 如: The project background

金辰 · 星河湾位于市重点开发建设的龙景新区 , 项 目 总占地约100亩 , 总建面积约20万平方米, 计划投入4.5亿元,为百色人民打造国际化的高品质楼盘。

The project covers a total area of 6.67 hectares. The total building area is about 200,000 square meters.

tl!.楠 Elevator康力为该项目提供34台垂直电梯。CANNY offers 34 ve「tical lifts.

先色Highlight百色新世纪高尚住宅的地标性建筑, 高档楼盘。Landmark buildings in Baise New Century Noble Residences,

high grade estates.

· 碧桂园凤凰城Country Garden Fenghuang City

项目背 景 The project background 碧桂自凤凰城占地400亩 , 位于济南市政府东招区域经十东

路侧, 囊括全城无限优势, 首现五星级家园社区。Country Garden Fenghuang City covers an a『ea of 27 hectares. To be

the first five-star home garden quarter.


为山飞作A nag、hip 先色Highlight

房地产十强品牌碧桂国首驻济南倾力打造的高端社区。Top ten brand estate Country Ga『den initail entering Jinan to build it a

high end quarter.

br•no.l m the




I L!,棉Elevator康力为该项目提供80台电梯。CANNY provides the project with 80 sets elevators.

· 远洋红星海Sino-ocean Red Star Sea Residential Quarter

J页H背旦; The p「oject background 位于大连开发区滨海大道沿线, 是集别墅、 住宅和商业

为一体的180万m2低密度复合型社区。It is a less dense mixed qua「te『 of 1 .aoo,ooom2 integrating

villa residence and commercial area.

IL!,体 日evator康力 为该项目提供10台电梯。CANNY P『ovides the project with 10 sets of elevators.

先色Highlight高端生活方式的典范, 开启全新的人居领创格局。It is the symbol of high end life sty怡,leading a new living pattern.








先色Highlight康力为该项目提供53台电梯。CANNY provides the project with 53 sets of elevators.




.住宅项目• Residence p『ojects

· 南京亚都天元居Nanji吨 Yadu Tia町uanju Residential Quarter

· 四川成都正成 · 名城在岸Sichuan Chengdu Zhengcheng • mingcheng Zuoan 只因idenrial Quar白


为山飞作A nag、hip

br•n<J m the



· 贵阳恒达 · 雍熙御固一期 二期First, Second Phase of Guiyang Hengda • yongxi Yuyuan Residential Quarter


· 东江凤凰城'

Dongjiang Phoenix City

· 北京中海古城现代嘉固Beijing Zhonghai Anciem-Cicy Modem Garden Residential Quarter

· 铜仁蓝波湾Blue-Wave Bay, Tongren City, Guizhou Province. China

· 郑州威尼斯水城Zhengzhou Venice Water City

e nv









u- νL民配’他hLM421·se




· 河北保定望都第一城 · 河北保定阳光水岸Wangdu No. 1 City Residential Quarter, Hebei Baoding Sun Coast Residential Quarter Baoding Ci巧, Hebei Province

· 湖南湘潭书香庭苑 · 南昌朝阳农场项目Hunan Xian侈an Shuxia.ng Tingyuan Residential Nanchang Chaoyang Farmland Project Q旧rter

, I

, I · 南昌凤凰家园

Nanchang Phoenix Homeland

· 长春伟�星城二期 · 宝鸡翰林华府小区Changchun City Weiye Xingcheng Second B叫i City Hanlin Huafu Residential Quarter Phase Residential Quarter

· 聊城市金柱 · Jk城华府Jinzhu • shuicheng Huafu Residential Quarter in Liaocheng City

· 吉林九州公园时代Jilin Jiuzhou Garden Times

· 日照市太阳海岸Rizhao City Sun Coast

· 河南郑州长葛市世纪鑫尚城Century Xinshang City Residential Quarter, Changge, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province

· 香堤荣府Xian驴i Ron民1 Residential Quarter

· 新城东苑、 商洲东苑New City Ease Garden, Nanzhou Ease Garden
















.住宅项目• Residence p『ojects

· 保定风帆集团一区住宅小区Baoding Fengfan Group No. t District Residential Quarter

· 福建闽侯商山安置房F飞ijian Minhou Nanshan Relocation Houses

· 深圳中山阳光花园Shenzhen Zhongshan Sunshine Park

· 河北衡水锦绣现代城Hebei Hengshui Splensor Modem City Residential Quarter

· 贵阳花溪御园Guiyang Huaxi Yuyuan R臼idential Quarter


· 肇东市宏盛固公寓二期Second Phase of Hong Sheng Yuan Apartment in Zhaodong City

· 吉林市卓越方舟Jilin City Zhuoyue Fangzhou Residential Quarter

· 成都西林新居Chengdu Xilin New R臼idence

· 重庆银山掘Chongqing Yinshanyuan Residential Quarter

· 四川广源启明星花园 · 江门市凤山水岸Sichuan Guan窃uan Morning-Scar Garden Residential Jiangmen City Fengshan Shuian R臼idencial Quarter Quarter


为山飞作A nag、hip

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· 深圳惠州市金山龙庭8号公馆Shenzhen Huizhou City Jinshan Longting No. 8 Residence

· 四川成都市东方华美苑Sichuan Chengdu City Orient Huameiyuan Residential Quarter

· 宿迁嘉汇枫景固Suqian Jiahui Fengjingyuan Residential Quarter


· 四川成都炬星拧穰新城Sichuan Chengdu Torch-Scar Lemon New City Residential Quarter
















.住宅项目• Residence p『ojects

· 常州金洲花城Changzhou Gold-Continent Flower-City

· 上海浦江镇一号基地一号地块No. 1 Land Parcel, No. l Base of Pujiang Town, Shanghai, China


为山飞作A nag、hip

brM><J m the



· 聊城市南湖新城Liaocheng South Lake New City Residential Quarter


· 湖南桶’香鑫城 · 内蒙古包头市巨力时代小区Hunan]飞.1xiang Xincheng Residencial Quarter Inner Mongolia Baotou City Juli Times

Residential Quarter

· 河南郑州和家园 · 长春市幸福乡小区Henan Zhe吨zhou Harmonious Homeland Changchun Happy Town Residential Quarter Residential Quarter

· 宿迁用世 . 7.k韵城Suqian Yongshi • Water Cham1 City

· 梧州市中恒玫瑰湖 · 恒祥豪苑Wuzhou Zhongheng Rose Lake • Hengxiang Deluxe Garden
