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201505 voice

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1 Our Saviour Lutheran Church, 120 S. Henry Street, Green Bay, Wisconsin, 54302 (920) 468-4065 MAY 2015 Recipe for an Incredible Life Mix 1 pound of Grief with 2 cups of Hardship. Slowly blend in a few good books. Bake for a lifetime. Serve. Repeat and repeat again. She was 34. Her little son was nine. At her untimely death, that nine year old whittled wooden pegs that would be used like nails to assemble his mom’s casket. His dad loaded his wife’s coffin on a sled and pulled it to a deep woods, where they buried this dear woman. The young boy is said to have cried at his mother’s grave, praying for her to come back. When the dad and his boy were about to transition to another town, the boy could barely be pulled from that grave in the woods. But that boy had somewhere to go. That little lad made it through the loss, but he always said that he was what he was because of his mom. In the coming years, he would console his grief and kindle his hope through reading and re- reading books. His family had little money, and so the books he got he just kept reading over and over and over. And then he would read them again. “He read and re-read in early boyhood the Bible, Aesop, Robinson Crusoe, Pilgrim's Progress, Weems's Life of Washington and a history of the United States; and later read every book he could borrow from the neighbors, Robert Burns and William Shakespeare becoming favorites. [http://www.nndb.com/people/332/000024260/] If we read a few books over and over, they would certainly influence our thoughts, words and deeds. They would impress on us what they taught. We would absorb them into our deepest character. That boy would meet more hardships than a field full of kernels on a thousand corncobs! One might think that boy would become a sheltered callus kid with his head spinning from seeing the same words over and over again from those worn out books. But he quickly learned how to husk corn and make silage out of the worst of circumstances. His reading taught how to do that. While he did that, he’d keep on reading. The same old books would lay a foundation under him that he would build a life on. His hardships would actually improve him. Again, here is a short list of the books that made him into the endearing character he became… Aesop’s Fables Shakespeare’s Hamlet Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan The Biography of George Washington with Curious Anecdotes Our Saviour’s Voice
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Our Saviour Lutheran Church, 120 S. Henry Street, Green Bay, Wisconsin, 54302

(920) 468-4065

MAY 2015

Recipe for an Incredible Life Mix 1 pound of Grief with 2 cups of Hardship. Slowly blend in a few good books.

Bake for a lifetime. Serve. Repeat and repeat again.

She was 34. Her little son was nine. At her untimely death, that nine year old whittled wooden pegs that would be used like nails to assemble his mom’s casket. His dad loaded his wife’s coffin on a sled and pulled it to a deep woods, where they buried this dear woman. The young boy is said to have cried at his mother’s grave, praying for her to come back. When the dad and his boy

were about to transition to another town, the boy could barely be pulled from that grave in the woods.

But that boy had somewhere to go.

That little lad made it through the loss, but he always said that he was what he was because of his mom. In the coming years, he would console his grief and kindle his hope through reading and re-reading books. His family had little money, and so the books he got he just kept reading over and over and over. And then he would read them again.

“He read and re-read in early boyhood the Bible, Aesop, Robinson Crusoe, Pilgrim's Progress, Weems's Life of Washington and a history of the United States; and later read every book he could borrow from the neighbors, Robert Burns and

William Shakespeare becoming favorites. “ [http://www.nndb.com/people/332/000024260/]

If we read a few books over and over, they would certainly influence our thoughts, words and deeds. They would impress on us what they taught. We would absorb them into our deepest character.

That boy would meet more hardships than a field full of kernels on a thousand corncobs! One might think that boy would become a sheltered callus kid with his head spinning from seeing the same words over and over again from those worn out books. But he quickly learned how to husk corn and make silage out of the worst of circumstances. His reading taught how to do that. While he did that, he’d keep on reading. The same old books would lay a foundation under him that he would build a life on. His hardships would actually improve him.

Again, here is a short list of the books that made him into the endearing character he became…

• Aesop’s Fables

• Shakespeare’s Hamlet

• Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan

• The Biography of George Washington with Curious Anecdotes

Our Saviour’s Voice

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• Autobiography of Ben Franklin

• The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe

• The Kings James Version of the Holy Bible

• The Declaration of Independence, 1776

All the items above are in the public domain. That is, there are many on-line free sources of these books. They will be very inexpensive in book form too. You can read what this young man read. Read these things over and over and they will shape your character too.

About the Bible, this grown boy said: “In regard to this Great book, I have but to say, it is the best gift God has given to man. All the good the Savior gave to the world was communicated through this book. But for it we could not know right from wrong. All things most desirable for man’s welfare, here and hereafter, are to be found portrayed in it.”

In his hardship, from boyhood throughout his manhood, this person would very much relate to this verse, “So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.” - 2 Corinthians 4:16

The Holy Trinity desires us to be renewed day by day too! That is the specific meaning of the word, “Repentance”, an ongoing transformation of the mind. Like the man we are speaking of in our story today, God may use hardship, troubles and good reading to transform us too.

Suppose at the end of your life, someone told about what books you had by your chair, next to your bed or in your hand, what would they say? For many of us, the report might be, “Books? No, he always had his phone in his hand”, or, “I only saw him with a remote control for the TV next to him.”

Consider putting down the phone or turning off the television. Why not read a few good books over and over again? May I suggest, the Bible and the classic,

Pilgrim’s Progress? Consider reading them over and over again and your eyes will be walking where so many have gone before us. Who was that young boy who loved books of whom we speak? Abraham Lincoln.

Ben Franklin loved Pilgrim’s Progress too. About it he said, “Pleased with the Pilgrim's Progress, my first collection was of John Bunyan's works in separate little volumes.” Ben too, was an avid reader, making a few good books his repetitive teachers. In Ben Franklin’s autobiography, which was one of Lincoln’s favorite books, Franklin tells of a time when in a small boat, they pulled a man from the water. What do you suppose was in that soaking man’s pocket? Let’s let Ben tell us, “In crossing the bay, we met with a squall that tore our rotten sails to pieces, prevented our getting into the Kill [a stream, creek, or tributary] and drove us upon Long Island. In our way, a drunken Dutchman, who was a passenger too, fell overboard; when he was sinking, I reached through the water to his shock pate [head], and drew him up, so that we got him in again. His ducking sobered him a little, and he went to sleep, taking first out of his pocket a book, which he desir'd I would dry for him. It proved to be my old favorite author, Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, in Dutch, finely printed on good paper, with copper cuts, a dress better than I had ever seen it wear in its own language. I have since found that it has been translated into most of the languages of Europe, and suppose it has been more generally read than any other book, except perhaps the Bible. Honest John was the first that I know of who mix'd narration and dialogue; a method of writing very engaging to the reader, who in the most interesting parts finds himself, as it were, brought into the company and present at the discourse.”

There is too much to say here about good books being read and re-read. We will let you discover that for yourself. Once again, the finest is the Holy Bible, and many say a great companion is Pilgrim’s Progress.

By Pastor Dave

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Why do families work? Because God Himself designed them! Thriving

families will lead to thriving communities, and thriving communities will

transform the world. People will find purpose, joy and redemption; and

generation after generation will create a positive legacy.

The Family Project is a DVD experience for couples or small groups that

explores the theological, philosophical, and cultural underpinnings of the

traditional family, and combines that information with inspiring stories and

practical tools to help 21st-century families thrive.

The Family Project also offers a hope-filled, optimistic antidote to the current landscape of familial breakdown,

sending a clear message that a return to the time-tested, historical model of the family is where so many of our

culture’s wounds begin to heal. It’s designed to develop a new appreciation for why family matters…based on a

bigger understanding of who God is in His character and why He created humanity the way He did. Equipped

with this information, viewers will also be exposed to a wealth of hands-on tools and resources to help them

embrace those values within their own families and pass them along to future generations.

This course will take place at OSLC during the week of June 22-26 from 5:30-8:30pm, which coincides with

Vacation Bible School this year. A meal will be available in the gym each night to make it easier for your entire

family to participate in Vacation Bible School or The Family Project. Please contact the church office (468-4065

or [email protected]) to reserve your seat!

June 2015 OSLC Usher Schedule Date Service Lead Team

June 4 Th 6:30 David Haase Bobby Haase; Rich Spangenberg; † UN

June 7 Su 7:45 Allen Knaus Clarence Ney; Jerry & Josh VanKauwenberg; Nathan Knaus

Su 9:15 Wendy Frick Roxanne & Randy Dyle; Jack Grant; Mitch Waniger; † UN

Su 10:45 Gerald Buechner Carmen & Lloyd Leuthner; Rich Spangenberg

June 11 Th 6:30 Charles Arthur Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick

June 14 Su 7:45 John Kielpikowski Chad Kielpikowski; Ron Klumb; † UN

Su 9:15 Dave Wians Lonnie Peerenboom; Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer; ; † UN; † UN

Su 10:45 Mike Charles Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft; Don Larson

June 18 Th 6:30 Paul Kuehl Bill Baneck; † UN; † UN

June 21 Su 7:45 Matthew Dalebroux Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; † UN

Su 9:15 Randy Vande Hei Walt Juhnke; Tiffany & Brian Duff; Jennifer Linssen; † UN

Su 10:45 Royal Bruhn Sue Bruhn; Richard Christiansen; Rich Ryman

June 25 Th 6:30 David Haase Bobby Haase; Rich Spangenberg; † UN

June 28 Su 7:45 Mike Morgan Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler

Su 9:15 Shelley Williams Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Rosemary & Steve Clark

Su 10:45 Gerald Buechner Carmen & Lloyd Leuthner; Rich Spangenberg

†UN-Usher Needed If you'd like to volunteer as an usher, please contact the Lead usher of the group you'd like to

join, or contact Rich Spangenberg (920) 857-3014 or email "[email protected]"

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Where Are You Looking? by Deborah Young

54 When the members of the Sanhedrin heard this, they were furious and gnashed their teeth at him. 55 But

Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right

hand of God.56 “Look,” he said, “I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.”57 At

this they covered their ears and, yelling at the top of their voices, they all rushed at him, 58 dragged him out

of the city and began to stone him. Meanwhile, the witnesses laid their coats at the feet of a young man

named Saul.59 While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” 60 Then he fell on

his knees and cried out, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” When he had said this, he fell asleep. Acts

7:54-60 (NIV)


"Where are you looking, Nia?" I asked. As a physical therapist assistant, I raised the same question many times when working with individuals on balance. "I keep forgetting," Nia responded while adjusting her posture and looking up to see her destination, the end of the long white hall. She resituated her single point cane and took a deep breath. "That's why I'm here, Nia. To help you. Remember your balance and walking will be much better if you look where you are going. You don't look down when you're driving do you?" Nia laughed. She moved one foot, then the other. "Just keep your eye on the goal and you'll do fine." While working with Nia, I thought about the stoning of Stephen. For years I'd skipped over this Bible passage or closed my eyes and my ears to it. The thought of stoning another human being didn't sit well with me, not even in God's word. But yesterday's Bible Study forced me to read those words and God opened my eyes. "Where are you looking?" Any time I had read that passage in Acts, I focused on what happened on the ground, on the Earth. For the first time, I heeded Stephen's words and concentrated on where he looked. I centered on heaven where I saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God; I imagined His open arms welcoming Stephen home. What glory awaits us when our Savior welcomes us home! So often I find myself distracted with the things of this world. Like Nia, I lose sight of my goal. Thankfully, God is right there beside me, helping me when I forget. He opens my eyes and my mind when I've lost my focus. He only needs to ask one question. Where are you looking?

*** The Bible study on Acts continues on Sunday mornings at 7:45 in the library/parlor. Please join us.

Christian Writing Group at Our Saviour Our Saviour recently started a group to support and encourage Christians who write (or want to write.) The group meets on the first Monday of the month at 7pm in the parlor of OSLC. The May meeting is on the 4th. Contact Deb Young ([email protected]) or Stephenie Hovland ([email protected]) for more information.

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LWML SCARF COLLECTION On June 23, the LWML National Convention will be held in Des Moines, IA. Sandy Groth and Debbi Young will collect NEW FASHION scarves (store-bought or handmade; NO silky scarves, please) to take as our ingathering gifts for the convention. The purpose of the scarves is to help people, whose clothing has become ill fitting due to weight loss, to look and feel better. There will be a basket in the coat area for this collection, which ends on June 13. Thank you in advance for your donations!


Baptisms Mason Steven Retel

Born: October 23, 2013

Baptized: April 9, 2015

Son of Eric and Jennifer Retel

Maxwell Lawrance Retel

Born: November 12, 2014

Baptized: April 9, 2015

Son of Eric and Jennifer Retel

Ariella Isabella Brantley

Born: August 4, 2014

Baptized: April 16, 2015

Daughter of Angel Brantley and Anna Wendt

Lexie Ryan Bergevin

Born: October 30, 2014

Baptized: April 19, 2015

Daughter of Brandon Bergevin and Jennifer Boatman

Membership Changes OUT: Rod and Noreen Hopkins, transfer to

St. John’s Lutheran Church, East Moline, IL

Funerals Violet M. Ney

December 31, 1923 – March 27, 2015

Funeral service held on March 30, 2015

Craig Nothstine

September 18, 1960 – April 15, 2015

Funeral service held on April 20, 2015

Weddings Jerry Derenne and Diane Prahl

United on March 7, 2015

Blake Beerntsen and Jenna Marin

United on April 18, 2015

EXPERIENCE CHINA THIS YEAR Dr. Peng He from Concordia University Wisconsin will organize a 21-day trip to China from June 16 to July 6. This trip will take you to 8 must-see cities (Beijing, Xian, Chongqing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Suzhou, and Wuhan). The trip also includes a 4-night Yangtze River cruise. The cost per person is $2999 which covers everything from Chicago - airfare between US and China, transportation in China, cruise, three meals per day, hotel (based on double occupancy) -and more. If interested, contact Dr. He at (414) 3398823 or [email protected].

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COMFORT DOLLS – A Story of Adventure

by Caroline Arndt

One day, at a church, there was a group of ladies sitting around a large table that was covered with many balls of bright colored yarn. The ladies were knitting and crocheting ‘comfort dolls’. After each doll was

completed, it was carefully placed into a cardboard box. In the evening, all of the boxes were carefully placed into the church’s storeroom and the ladies went home.

The room was dark and quiet. One little doll peeked out of the box, then another doll and then yet another

little doll peeked out of the box. Soon, they all tumbled to the floor. They were all talking and playing – oh, what great fun they were having.

One said, “I wonder where we are and why we were created.” Another asked, “Why did the ladies all have white faces but we all have brown faces?” There were as many questions as there were dolls. “When the ladies were creating us they were talking about how much the children would love us.” Another asked,

“What are children and where are they?” Another said, “There must be something special for us, but what is it?” One of the littlest dolls asked, “Why, when the ladies were creating us, did they say a prayer for

each of us before placing us in our boxes?”

It was beginning to get light out and each little doll jumped back in to their boxes. This went on night after

night. They all knew that they must have a purpose, but what was it? How long would they be in the storeroom? Every evening more and more dolls joined them.

One day the ladies came back and started unpacking the dolls and repacked them into large crates. They

looked at the dolls, commenting how cute they were and how much the children would love them and how happy they would be.

One day, all the crates were carried outside and placed into a large airplane. We were all so cold, the ground was covered with snow, and it was cold, cloudy and windy. We were all so scared.

All of a sudden we could feel ourselves traveling very fast, and we were even more frightened. Where are

we going? Are we going to meet the children? What will happen to us? There must be something special for us.

On the airplane, there were doctors and nurses. They were talking about sick children – that’s bad. Then they said they would give the children medicine so that they wouldn’t be sick anymore – that’s good.

One nurse, named Donna, said that there were more dolls than usual. Is this good or are there too many

of us? She said how much the children would love us. We are going to meet the children, but where are they and where are we going?

Finally the airplane stopped. One by one the boxes were carried off the airplane and placed into a large room. There was sand, beautiful blue water and warm sunshine. Donna said that we were in Haiti.

Wherever we looked there were long lines of little people, and they all had brown faces like we have.

Could these be the children? Donna gave each of the little people a doll.

I was on the very bottom of the last box. Would Donna find me – or would I be forgotten and tossed


When Donna picked me up, her hands were strong and warm. She looked at me and said that I would

make this special child very happy. Donna handed me to a child whose hands were soft and warm. The child looked at me and smiled. Then she held me to her heart and kissed me.

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BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT – On Saturday, May 2, OSLC will host a men’s basketball tournament. Admission is just $1. Concessions will be available. Proceeds will benefit Our Saviour’s Men’s Ministry and Green Bay Trinity Lutheran School. Games will be played each hour from 9am until 8pm.

YOUTH CONFIRMATION – On Sunday, May 3, twelve youth will confirm their Baptismal vows in a special service at 10:45am. Everyone is welcome.

THE FEAST – The Feast is a Bible study designed for young adults that meets on the 1st Tuesday of every month at 6PM. Each month participants gather at a local restaurant to share a meal, study, and discuss topics about our faith. The topic changes each month, so if you can't make it every time, that is okay. The Feast was started by Faith Lutheran Church and is led by their Director of Christian Education, Kyla Rodriguez. Join us on May 5 at 6pm at Hagemeister Park (325 N Washington St., Green Bay)

MONTHLY FISH FRY – Our last event of the season is on May 8 from 5-6:30pm (doors open at 4:45pm). Don’t miss what we call ‘the best fish fry in town’ and bring a friend! The menu includes deep-fried perch, baked cod, combination (perch/cod) and chicken strip dinners. All dinners include choice of potato (baked potato or French fries), homemade coleslaw, homemade rolls, coffee and lemonade. Additional beverages as well as desserts are available for purchase. Want to carry out? Call ahead (optional) no later than 4pm and then stop by to pick up and take home…with no waiting!

GREEN BAY TRINITY SPRING CONCERT – On Friday, May 8 at 6:30pm, students from Green Bay Trinity will present a concert in the Sanctuary at Our Saviour. Everyone is welcome to attend.

VOLUNTEER SERVANT RECOGNITION SUNDAY MAY 17 – The 10:45am service and the 10:30am Bible study will not be held. Instead, we invite everyone to a potluck lunch to honor those who serve the Lord at Our Saviour. There are many hands at work on a regular basis to keep the grounds in good condition, to keep the bills paid, to make sure that you have what you need when attending service, etc. Plan to attend, bring your favorite dish to share and celebrate all those many volunteers who serve the Lord here.

HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR RECOGNITION – On Sunday, June 7, we will recognize our high school seniors at the 9:15am service. High school seniors are asked to provide information on your plans for the future (a form is on the bulletin board in the office hallway) and a picture to publish by May 13 (for the June voice) or May 31 (for a bulletin insert on June 7). Any questions, just call the office at 468-4065 or email [email protected].

KIDS’ ONLY RUMMAGE SALE – The Kids’ Only Sale will be held on Friday, June 14 (12-6pm) and Saturday, June 15 (8am-2pm). Find everything kids including games, toys, clothes (maternity, too), shoes, furniture, etc. Donations are now being accepted and volunteers will be needed. Proceeds will benefit Green Bay Trinity and Our Saviour children’s programs. Contact Maggie at [email protected] or 265-6432.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL – June 22-26, 2015 – Join us for ‘Camp Discovery’. To volunteer, contact Jenni Harris at 265-5435 or [email protected]. Help is needed before, during and after the event dates. Changes this year include an increase from four to five days (Monday thru Friday) and it will be held in the evening (5:30-8:30pm). For parents and older children, there will also be an adult Bible study (see Family Project in this newsletter) during the VBS time. A meal for each night can be found in the gym from 4:30-5:30pm to give your family even more time together. Online registration has begun at www.oslc-gb.org; paper registration will be available at the Welcome Center in early May.

SUPER SALE IS ON THE WAY – This year’s date is August 15 from 8am-4pm. We are now accepting donations but please remember…no clothes, large TVs, or computers (but just about everything else). Come during office hours or bring on Sunday and place items in the basement. Boxes are available and can be taken from the basement if needed; please bring your donations in boxes that are closed and stackable. Thank you.

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BE A PART OF THE EAST MASON STREET BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE East Mason Street Beautification Committee (EMBC) is a group of neighborhood people

interested in beautifying the median on East Mason Street. This group of young people and

seniors plant and maintain the flower beds from the spring into the fall.

Ten flower beds are planted with perennials and annuals. The annuals are added in June.

The beds are checked and weeded approximately every two weeks.

EMBC contracts with a local greenhouse to keep the beds watered throughout the growing

season. The fund for watering and plans comes from donations of businesses and individuals. The

city does not contribute to this project.

EMBC has been together since 2002 and now additional people are needed. Beginners and

experienced individuals are welcome. If interested in volunteering, please contact Bob or Fay

Boerschinger at 469-5895.

Monetary contributions are also being accepted and can be sent to:

East Mason Beautification Committee

PO Box 22122

Green Bay WI 54305-2122

Green Bay Trinity Lutheran School Scholastic Book Fair

May 4-8, 2015

Open to public Monday-Friday 2:45-3:45PM

Friday, May 8th 5-6:15PM

Preschool Hours Wednesday, May 6th 11AM-12PM

Thursday May 7th 10AM-11AM

Located in the Trinity Library

(Education Hallway at Our Saviour Lutheran, 120 S. Henry St.)

This is a great way to get those summer reading and activity books!

DON’T FORGET THE SCRIP! SCRIP cards have so many uses! Cards can make great teacher or thank you gifts for friends. Buy SCRIP before you shop for groceries, clothing or birthday gifts. Use SCRIP to buy gas or to wash your vehicle. Hungry? Buy groceries at most of our local grocery stores or eat at your favorite fast food or chain restaurant (and some local ones like Julie’s Café). Get office supplies or electronics for your home or office at Office Depot/OfficeMax or Best Buy. And don’t forget to include SCRIP in your summer vacation plans. We can order hotel certificates (see the 3-ring binder at the Welcome Center) and many other businesses nationwide.

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Can you make it through the maze to Jesus? Give it a try. If you need help, contact the office for the answer.

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Skilled Care Facility and CBRFs 226 Bornemann St 468-8675

Advertisements in the business directory help Our Saviour defray the cost of ‘The Voice” each month.

If you would like to advertise, please contact Michelle in the church office at (920) 468-4065 or

[email protected]. Please support the sponsors who support us.

“Our Saviour’s Voice” is published monthly by Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Vacancy Editor, Michelle Burhite. Please feel free to contact the church office with constructive

suggestions and/or comments at [email protected]. Thanks to those who have already commented! We

are always seeking more congregational input and submissions.


Senior Pastor – David H. Hatch (920) 609-0248 [email protected]

Associate Pastor – Greg Hovland (920) 544-3614 [email protected]

Church Office – Michelle Burhite (920) 468-4065 [email protected]

Preschool Director – Christina Scholz (920) 468-3596 [email protected]

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May 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

THE ACCOUNTABLE STEWARD – A 7-session course on gift management for the Christian life begins

on May 12 (thru June 30) – contact the office (468-4065 or [email protected]) to register.

1 2 8am Men’s Basketball

10:15am KINDLE Cluster

3 7:45am Trad Worship

7:45am Bible Study

9:15am Praise Worship

9:15am Bible Study

9:30am Sunday school

w/Bible Olympics

10:30am Bible Study

10:45am Trad Worship

w/Youth Confirmation

4 6pm KINDLE Cluster

6:30pm Elders

7pm Writers Group

Michelle – Vacation


5 7am Bible Study

9am Bible Study

10:30am Staff Meeting

6 7:30am Trinity Muffins for


6pm Praise Band

6pm KINDLE Cluster

7 12:15pm Worship

3pm Fish Fry Prep

6:30pm Worship

8 5pm Monthly Fish Fry

6:30pm Trinity Spring


9 8am Men’s Basketball

10:15am KINDLE Cluster

11am-2pm – SHRED Fest

and Brat Fry at Thrivent

(2301 Riverside Dr.) for

Wounded Warrior Project

10 Mite Box Sunday

Mothers’ Day

Adult Confirmation

7:45am Trad Worship

7:45am Bible Study

9:15am Praise Worship

9:15am Bible Study

9:30am Sunday school

10:30am Bible Study

10:45am Trad Worship

w/Holy Baptism

11 2pm Chicks w/Stix

6pm KINDLE Cluster

6pm Personnel & Finance

6:45pm Church Council

12 7am Bible Study

9am Bible Study

10:30am Staff Meeting

7pm The Accountable

Steward - Session 1

13 6pm Praise Band

6pm KINDLE Cluster

14 12:15pm Worship

6:30pm Worship

7:30pm Evangelism

15 8:30am Preschool Field

Trip to Weidner Center

16 8am Men’s Basketball

10am Men’s Bible Study

10am Gym Rental

17 Servant Sunday 7:45am Trad Worship

7:45am Bible Study

9:15am Praise Worship

9:15am Bible Study

9:30am Sunday school

10:30am Volunteer

Recognition Potluck

18 6pm KINDLE Cluster

7pm Board of Education

19 7am Bible Study

9am Bible Study

10:30am Staff Meeting

7pm The Accountable

Steward - Session 2

20 10am 4K Preschool

Closing Program

6pm Praise Band

6pm KINDLE Cluster

21 10am 3K Preschool

Closing Program

12:15pm Worship

6:30pm Worship




23 8am Men’s Basketball

10am Men’s Bible Study

24 Pentecost 7:45am Trad Worship

9:15am Trad Worship

10:45am Trad Worship

25 6:30pm GBLSA

7pm Stewardship

Memorial Day –

Office Closed

26 7am Bible Study

9am Bible Study

10:30am Staff Meeting

7pm The Accountable

Steward - Session 3



27 6pm Praise Band

28 12:15pm Worship

6pm VBS Meeting

6:30pm Worship


Last Day of School for

Green Bay Trinity

30 8am Men’s Basketball

10am Men’s Bible Study

31 7:45am Trad Worship

7:45am Bible Study

9:15am Praise Worship

9:15am Bible Study

10:30am Bible Study

10:45am Trad Worship

COMING NEXT MONTH: June 7 - High School Senior Recognition at the 9:15am service June 12 (12pm-6pm) – Kids’ Only Rummage Sale June 13 (8am-2pm) – Kids’ Only Rummage Sale June 22-26 - Family Meal from 4:30-5:30pm Vacation Bible School from 5:30-8:30pm The Family Project from 5:30-8:30pm
