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2016 goog thinks kitaya-the fat

Date post: 19-Feb-2017
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THE WET PAINT Please choose the correct sentences. (ททททททททททททททททททททททททท ททททททททททททททททททททททททททททททททท) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1.1The thin man turned his face to see the fat one while the fat man was running to the chair.
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THE WET PAINT Please choose the correct sentences. (ทานคดวาลำาดบเหตการณตอไปนตรงกบคำาอธบายภาพในขอใด)

1 2

3 4

5 6

1.1 The thin man turned his face to see the fat one while the fat man was running to the chair.

1.2 The fat man sat on the chair while the thin onewas showing the sign “ WET PAINT “

1.3 There were two men , one was thin and the other one was fat.

1.4 Then, the thin man started running to the chair, too.

1.5 The fat man reached the chair while the thin one

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was shouting.

1.6 The fat man ran more quickly than the thin one.Design : Kitaya Sriri & Student 2006

เกมเรยงรปจากภาพ The Wet Paint

เเเเเเ เ เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ – การใชภาพทบทวนประโยค Past Simple

เเเเเเเเ 10 - 15 เเเเ

เเเเเเเเเเเ เเเเเเเเเเเเเ / เเเเเเเ Sheet แผนเดยว กได

เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ 1. เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ เ เเ 4 เ- 6 เเ เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ - เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ 2.เ เเเเเเเ เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ 3. เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ

ประโยชน 1. สอน / ทบทวนการใช กรยา ชองท 2 และการใชไวยากรณ เกยวกบ เหตการณในอดต(Past Simple) 2. การทำางานรวมกนเปนกลม – การคดวเคราะหจากภาพทกำาหนดให 3. ผเรยนใช กจกรรมเกมการเรยงรปภาพเปนสอกระตน การเรยนภาษาองกฤษ 4. ผเรยนไดรบการพฒนาสงเสรมการทกษะเขยน

เฉลย : รปท 1 – 1.3 รปท 2 -- 1.1 รปท 3 -- 1.4 รปท 4 – 1.6 รปท 7 – 1.5 รปท 6 -- 1.2

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ประโยคทสมบรณ1.3 There were two men , one was thin and the other one was fat.1.1 The thin man turned his face to see the fat one while the fat man was running to the chair.1.4 Then, the thin man started running to the chair, too.1.6 T he fat man ran more quickly than the thin one. 1.5 The fat man reached the chair while the thin one was shouting.1.2 The fat man sat on the chair while the thin on was showing the sign “WET PAINT”

Design : Kitaya Sriri & Student 2006

My Hero - Beautiful Picture Please choose the correct sentences. (ทานคดวาลำาดบเหตการณตอไปนตรง กบคำาอธบายภาพในขอใด)

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Part : A

1 2

3 4

Part : B

1 2

3 4

MY Hero1. Mari’s cat was on the branch of the tree while Mari was talking to Bob ,

her neighbor and her boyfriend.

2. He climbed up the tree to take the cat down for Mari.

3. She kissed Bob because he was her hero.

4. At night, he climbed up the tree again to hide the fish on the branch of the tree for Mari ’s cat. OH … OH ! it’s his plan.

Beautiful Picture1. Pat is Lee’s wife . They got a beautiful picture. Pat wanted to hang it on the left wall, but Lee wanted to hang it on the other side.

2. They had the difference ideas. They got very angry.

3. Lee got the good idea. He brought a big saw.

4. At the end, they could hang the picture on both sides of the wall. Design : Kitaya Sriri &Student /File :The Fat

Work …WorkRewrite this story in a more readablefrom by combining the groups of sentences.

1. The two women talked to each other louder than the three men,Narong couldn’t read his book.

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2. While the three men were talking,Narong pointed to sign “Quiet”. They were noisy so he couldn’t read.

3. He walked in his office.It’s time to work.

4. There was a group of boys ran into the office and shouted very loudly.

5. He looked at the clock on the wall.

6. While his family was making the loudest noise, but he could read the book. He was happy.

7. In the morning, Narong said hello to his family and went to do his job.

8. The three men talked to each otherwith the loud voice.

9. Narong and three men paid attention on their books. They stopped talking.

10. He said hello to his family again in the evening.

11. After that , There were two womencame in.

12. He didn’t let the children to sit in that room because he couldn’t stand on anymore.

13. While he was reading at his desk,the three men walked in.

14. He walked out his office because it’s time to go black home.

15. He walked to the two women and pointed at the sign “Quite” again.

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เฉลย ภาพ –รปตรง Work …WorkRewrite this story in a more readable from by combining the groups of sentences.

7. In the morning, Narong said hello to his family and went to do his job.

3. He walked in his office.It’s time to work.

13. While he was reading at his desk,the three men walked in.

8. The three men talked to each otherwith the loud voice.

2. While the three men were talking,Narong pointed to sign “Quiet”. They were noisy so he couldn’t read.

9. Narong and three men paid attention on their books. They stopped talking

11. After that , There were two womencame in.

1. The two women talked to each other louder than the three men,Narong couldn’t read his book.

15. He walked to the two women and pointed at the sign “Quite” again.

4. There was a group of boys ran into the office and shouted very loudly.

12. He didn’t let the children to sit in that room because he couldn’t stand on anymore.

5. He looked at the clock on the wall.

14. He walked out his office because it’s time to go black home.

10. He said hello to his family again in the evening.

6. While his family was making the loudest noise, but he could read the book. He was happy.

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

11 12

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13 14


เฉลย ภาพ – รปตรง Routineรปภาพตอไปนแสดงกจวตรประจำาวนของลดดาจงเตมคำาศพท(Present simple Tense)เพอบรรยายภาพ ซงสามารถเขยนเตมไดมากกวา 1

1. In the morning, Ladda gets out of bed at six o’clock every day.

2. Ladda brushes her teeth very morning.

3. Ladda washes her face to make it clean.

4. Ladda eats her breakfast at six thirty every morning.

5. Ladda leaves for school at seven o’clock.

6. Ladda waits for the school bus in front of her house.

7. Ladda has a lot of friend and classmates at school.

8. Ladda enters her classroom at eight o’clock.

9. Ladda always raises up her hand when she has some questions to ask her teacher.

10. Ladda is ready to go home.

Design : Mrs.Kitaya Sriri & the student /2006

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Routineรปภาพตอไปนแสดงกจวตรประจำาวนของลดดาจงเตมคำาศพท(Present simple Tense)เพอบรรยายภาพ ซงสามารถเขยนเตมไดมากกวา 1

1. In the morning, Ladda ............... of bed at six o’clock every day.

2. Ladda ............... her teeth very morning.

3. Ladda ………. her face to make it clean.

4. Ladda ……….. her breakfast at six thirty every morning.

5. Ladda ……… for school at seven o’clock.

6. Ladda ……... for the school bus in front of her house.

7. Ladda …… a lot of friend and classmates at school.

8. Ladda …...... her classroom at eight o’clock.

9. Ladda always ……….. up her hand when she has some questions to ask her teacher.

10. Ladda .……….. ready to go home.

Design : Mrs.Kitaya Sriri & the student /2006

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เฉลย ภาพ – รปตรง After Schoolรปภาพตอไปนแสดงกจวตรประจำาวนของแดง จงเตมคำาศพท(Present simple Tense)เพอบรรยายภาพ ซงสามารถเขยนเตมไดมากกวา 1

1. Dang walks home from school at three o’clock in the afternoon every day.

2. He reaches home. He changes his clothes.

3. He ride on his bicycle to meet his friends.

4. He meets his friends and talks about their hobbies and games.

5. Dang and his friends play basketball together every evening.

6. Dang’s dinner is ready at five thirty every evening.

7. After dinner Dang’s parents often ask about his study.

8. Dang stars doing his homework at sven – thirty every night.

9. At nine – thirty Dang feels tired after his hard working during the day.

10. Dang goes to bed at ten o’clock every night.

Design : Mrs.Kitaya Sriri & the student /2006

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After Schoolรปภาพตอไปนแสดงกจวตรประจำาวนของแดง จงเตมคำาศพท(Present simple Tense)เพอบรรยายภาพ ซงสามารถเขยนเตมไดมากกวา 1

1. Dang ………… home from school at three o’clock in the afternoon every day.

2. He ……………… home. He changes his clothes.

3. He …… on his bicycle to meet his friends.

4. He ………. his friends and ……… about their hobbies and games.

5. Dang and his friends ………… basketball together every evening.

6. Dang’s dinner ……... ready at five thirty every evening.

7. After dinner Dang’s parents often ………. about his study.

8. Dang …….. doing his homework at sven – thirty every night.

9. At nine – thirty Dang ………… tired after his hard working during the day.

10. Dang …………… to bed at ten o’clock Every night.

Design : Mrs.Kitaya Sriri & the student /2006

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Rush TimeDesign : Mrs.Kitaya Sriri & the student /2006

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เฉลย ภาพ – รปตรง Rush Timeรปภาพตอไปนแสดงกจวตรประจำาวนของ Somjai จงเตมคำาศพท(Present simple Tense)เพอบรรยายภาพเหลานใหสมบรณ

1. Somjai always gets up late to go to work.

2. He tries to correct his bad habit by going to buy an alarm clock to wakehim up early in the morning.

3. At night he sets the alarm clock for waking him up.

4. He sleeps well at night.

5. The alarm clock works so well during his deep sleep.

6. That he feels angry and throws it away.

7. So he gets to sleep it again.

8. Finally he goes to work late as usual.

Rush Time

Design : Mrs.Kitaya Sriri & the student /2006

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Rush Timeรปภาพตอไปนแสดงกจวตรประจำาวนของ Somjai จงเตมคำาศพท(Present simple Tense)เพอบรรยายภาพเหลานใหสมบรณ

1. Somjai always up late to go to work.

3. He to correct his bad habit by going to buy an alarm clock to wakehim up early in the morning.

3. At night he the alarm clock for waking him up.

4. He well at night.

5. The alarm clock so well during his deep sleep.

6. That he angry and it away.

7. So he to sleep it again.

8. Finally he to work late as usual.

Rush Time - 1

Design : Mrs.Kitaya Sriri & the student /2006

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เฉลย ภาพ – รปตรง Rush Timeรปภาพตอไปนแสดงกจวตรประจำาวนของ Somjai จงเลอกคำาศพท(Present simple Tense)เพอบรรยายภาพเหลานใหสมบรณ

1. Somjai always (gets , get , got) up late to go to work.

2. He (try , tries, tried) to correct his bad

habit by going to buy an alarm clock to wakehim up early in the morning.

3. At night he (set ,sets, sat) the alarm clock for waking him up.

4. He (sleep , sleeps, slept) well at night.

5. The alarm clock (work , works, worked) so well during his deep sleep.

6. That he (feel , feels , felt) angry and (throw , throws , threw) it away.

7. So he ( get , gets , got) to sleep it again.

8. Finally he ( go , goes , went ) to work

Rush Time - 1

Design : Mrs.Kitaya Sriri & the student /2006

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Rush Timeรปภาพตอไปนแสดงกจวตรประจำาวนของ Somjai จงเลอกคำาศพท(Present simple Tense)เพอบรรยายภาพเหลานใหสมบรณ

1. Somjai always (gets , get , got) up late to go to work.

2. He (try , tries , tried) to correct his bad

habit by going to buy an alarm clock to wakehim up early in the morning.

3. At night he (set , sets , sat) the alarm clock for waking him up.

4. He (sleep , sleeps , slept) well at night.

5. The alarm clock (work , works , worked) so well during his deep sleep.

6. That he (feel , feels , felt) angry and (throw , throws , threw) it away.

7. So he ( get , gets , got) to sleep it again.

8. Finally he ( go , goes , went ) to work

Rush Time - 1

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Design : Mrs.Kitaya Sriri & the student /2006

Rush Timeรปภาพตอไปนแสดงกจวตรประจำาวนของ Somjai จงเลอกคำาศพท(Present simple Tense)เพอบรรยายภาพเหลานใหสมบรณ

1. Somjai always (gets , get , got) up late to go to work.

2. He (try , tries , tried) to correct his bad

habit by going to buy an alarm clock to wakehim up early in the morning.

3. At night he (set , sets , sat) the alarm clock for waking him up.

4. He (sleep , sleeps , slept) well at night.

5. The alarm clock (work , works , worked) so well during his deep sleep.

6. That he (feel , feels , felt) angry and (throw , throws , threw) it away.

7. So he ( get , gets , got) to sleep it again.

8. Finally he ( go , goes , went ) to work

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เกมเรยงรปจากภาพ Work…Work

เเเเเเ เ เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ – การใชภาพทบทวนประโยค Past Simple เเเเเเเเ 40 - 50 เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ เเเเเเเเเเเเเ / เเเเเเเ Sheet แผนเดยว กได เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ 1. เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ / เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ เ เเ 4 - 6 เเ เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ - เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ 2.เ เเเเเเเ เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ 3. เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ 4. ใหผเรยนเรยบเรยงเขยนเปนประโยคทถกตองสมบรณประโยชน 1. สอน / ทบทวนการใช กรยา ชองท 2 และการใชไวยากรณ เกยวกบ เหตการณในอดต(Past Simple) 2. การทำางานรวมกนเปนกลม – การคดวเคราะหจากภาพทกำาหนดให 3. ผเรยนใช กจกรรมเกมการเรยงรปภาพเปนสอกระตน การเรยนภาษาองกฤษ 4. ผเรยนไดรบการพฒนาสงเสรมการทกษะเขยนเฉลย : No.1 p7 No.2 p3 No.3 p13 No.4 p8 No.5 p2No.6 p9 No.7 11 No.8 p1 No.9 p15 No.10 p4 No.11 p12 No.12 p5 No.13 p14 No.14 p10 No.15 p67. In the morning, Narong said hello to his family and went to do his job.3. He walked in his office. It’s time to work.13. While he was reading at his desk, the three men walked in 8. The three men talked to each other with the loud voice.2. While the three men were talking, Narong pointed to sign “Quiet”. They were noisy so he couldn’t read.9. Narong and three men paid attention on their books. They stopped talking.11. After that , there were two women came in1. The two women talked to each other louder than the three men, Narong couldn’t read his book.15. He walked to the two women and pointed at the sign “Quite” again.4. There was a group of boys ran into the office and shouted very loudly.12. He didn’t let the children to sit in that room because he couldn’t stand on anymore.5. He looked at the clock on the wall.14. He walked out his office because it’s time to go black home.

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10. He said hello to his family again in the evening.6. While his family was making the loudest noise, but he could read the book. He was happy.

ออกแบบโดย : นางกฤตยา ศรร / 2006 /File The fat

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