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2016 July/August Radiance

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Published by the Temple of Light, 11 Goddard, Irvine, CA
Page 1: 2016 July/August Radiance

a publication for the Socially and Spiritually Conscious Community



Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt


SHIFT YOURREALITYShaman Isabella Stoloff



CHIRO CORNER - Dr. Ben Horning







INSIDE A SESSION - Sherry Hopson





YOUR SACRED TEMPLE - Rev. Arlene Meyer



Michele Amburgey



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July/August 2016 Radiance 3

TABLE OF CONTENTSFEATURE ARTICLESPublisher's Editorial: Access to Genius ................ 4By Rev. Danielle Marie HewittSpiritual Director and Founder of the Temple of Light Spiritual Community, Publisher of Radiance Magazine, and Mentor to Spiritual Leaders, Holistic and Healing Arts Practitioners, Ambassadors to Seekers

Thank God I'm Crazy .............................................18Grace Avalon

Shift Your Reality ...................................................24By Shaman Isabella Stoloff

You Can Communicate with the Angelic Realms ..............................................26By Michele Amburgey

Angelic Journey to Human Incarnation .............28By Angelica Rose


Special Events ...................................................22

Leadership Page ...................................................23

COLUMNSChakra Insights .....................................................8By Nancy Kimes

Animystic Adventures .............................................9By Kara Udziela

Chiro Corner ...........................................................12By Dr. Ben Horning

Omni-Dimensional Mystery School .....................13By Laurie Reyon & Seth

Spiritual Entities ...................................................14By Joel Sandrovitch

The Spiritual Millionaire........................................15By Rev. Basia Christ, Ph.D.

Transform Your Energy ..........................................20By Carol Leilani

God is My Source of Course .................................21By Rev. Annette Drake

The Sound of Healing ............................................28By Marcie Howard

Inside a Session .....................................................29By Sherry Hopson

The Time of the Buffalo ........................................32By Amaya Victoria

A Channeled Message from Willow ....................33By Monique Hemingway

Your Choices Will Change the World: ................34By David Wells, Ph.D.

Embracing Our Inner Freedom ............................40By Merit

Your Sacred Temple ..............................................42By Rev. Arlene Meyer

Published by Rev. Danielle Marie, Spiritual Director ofTemple of Light Spiritual Community

Radiance is published by The Temple of Light Spiritual Community, 11 Goddard, Irvine, CA 92618.

Publisher’s Liability: Radiance does not warranty any advertised services or products. Opinions and factual statements expressed herein are the responsibility of the authors and not necessarily endorsed or verified by the magazine, nor do any advertisements necessarily constitute endorsement by the magazine, publishers, or editors.Radiance is a free publication that is available at various metaphysical stores, health food locations, vegetarian restaurants, yoga studios, spiritual centers, coffee stands, and libraries throughout Orange County. If you would like copies at your location or recommend a site, please email [email protected] or contact our office at (949) 333-1641. Office hours are from Monday to Saturday, 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.Go to http://radiancemagazine.org to view current and past issues of Radiance and share your thoughts! Annual subscriptions are available for $25. To submit an article, please email Rev. Danielle at [email protected].

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4 Radiance July/August 2016

by Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt, Publisher

positive currently happening in your life. It may also be a message of affirmation of something you are manifesting to let you know it’s on the way!

The third card represents your destined future if you stay on your present course or it can be bidding you to clear that which is in your past and present in order to create the future you may have. The future card, like the former two, can be a warning of a future path or a positive affirmation of what you are creating. You will know in your heart which way the messages are swaying.

Take time to examine the words written on the cards, study the images and all of their details, thoroughly read the meaning of the card from the accompanying booklet and then absorb them energetically. You will find the messages to be astonishingly accurate. After using them for over ten years now, I am still moved by both the accuracy and timing of them. A non-believer once said to me she felt Oracle Cards were so broad as to render them open to any kind of interpretation and application. But, if you have ever asked the same question every day for week, shuffled the deck 10 times and see the same three cards come up again and again,

you start to understand how relevant and real they are.

My new and current “favorite” is a deck written by Stewart Pearce, author of Angels of Atlantis. He has a few decks, but this one, Angel Heart Sigils, is one of the most beautifully written and etherically illustrated desks which I have come across

in years. I had the pleasure of sitting in a lecture several months ago when he was in town from the United Kingdom and immediately went to his table and purchased two books and two Oracle Card decks. Each card in this deck has a sigil (a symbol considered to have magical power), an Archangel or as Stewart Pearce calls them “Angels of Atlantis”, a one-word

Access to Genius

I love Oracle Cards. I have been using them in my daily spiritual practice since 2005 when I purchased my first deck, Archangels by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. Since then, I have had an insatiable

habit of buying them. I go through periods of having favorites, but keep a select few as steady companions. I use them to receive messages for myself, friends, family, clients and students. They were my first real metaphysical tool and with them I developed my highly attuned clairaudient skills. I sat on my bed each night for years pulling the cards and journaling the messages. It wasn’t long before I started “hearing” the messages from the cards rather than reading them. After hearing the messages, I also began seeing visions and feeling their meaning. When I am blocked because my ego has hijacked my good senses, Oracle Cards enable me to get past the gauntlet of my monkey mind and get back to being connected to the highest and purest realms of consciousness.

I was trained “old school” on how to do a reading with the cards. There are several different kinds of spreads, but the one I use 90% of the time is the three card; past, present and future protocol. The first card represents energies, mind sets, beliefs and actions from the past which have effected and created who you were or possibly still are. It can mean to remind you the energies from the past are still very much a part of you and having an effect on your daily life, or it can mean to communicate a form of congratulations and affirmation on having recently worked through and released those same things. You will intuitively know which one applies to you, the warning or the congratulations.

The second card pulled from the deck represents what is happening in your life right now and speaks as to how well you are coping or experiencing your present. As with the past card, it can be issuing a warning for you to look at something happening now in order to bring it to your focus, or it can be affirming something

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message and a very detailed collection of purposeful images. From this deck, I recently had one of the most powerful messages I have received in years.

In my healing room I have a lovely white, double shelf, half moon table where my collection of Oracle Cards reside. I purchased this deck along with another one from Stewart Pearce, which I opened immediately, but for some reason, this one remained a virgin on my shelf until recently. On the day I finally opened the deck and “christened” it, I was teaching some students how to increase their clairaudient skills. I received the message to go and retrieve some Oracle Card decks from my room and allow the students to give themselves readings. As I collected an armful and returned to the class I saw I had scooped this one up and felt a sense to retain it on my table for my own personal reading. I handed out the other cards, settled everyone in and provided them with a guided meditation in order to prepare them for their own experience. When I was comfortable they were all accessing higher consciousness and were well into their process, I turned to this deck and opened it for the first time and prepared to give myself a message.

Before sharing the contents of the message it is important to mention just prior to this day in class, I had been working very diligently and with great intent to resolve any and all lingering issues I had in any of my given relationships. When I say resolved, I mean completely and totally without any remaining ability to have my buttons pushed – to be come “buttonless” with everyone. I had set the intent to see all of my friends and family as beautiful beings of the Universe having their own perfect journey and I commanded to receive the tools I needed to live my life without any form of judgment for them. I had come to realize how exhausting it is to be in judgment of people and I wanted to get off of that train and hop on a new one with a brighter, happier destination. I wanted to be free of that which plagued me and effected my daily energy. The day before this class, I received a message in my mediation. I was guided (or told) to ask for the courage to see my part in every one of those relationships, in effect, to allow no stone to go unturned where I contributed to the demise of any of them. I gulped (energetically) and agreed. For the first time I saw visions of my part in how

things had come to be where they were. I was shown what I looked like from their perspective. I shuttered. I forgave myself. I asked their forgiveness. I saw them as beautiful beings with great hearts and plagued by their own pain which governed their actions and I felt overwhelming love and compassion for them. I vowed never to forget this moment and to hold it in my heart and keep it with me always. I never wanted to lose or forget how this felt. It was more than freedom; it was beyond words.

So, after double checking the students were working independently and were well into their process. I connected with the cards, prayed over them, shuffled them well (but gently of course) and pulled my three

cards; Humility, Loyalty and Genius.

The card representing my past was; Humility by Archangel Raziel which shows an image of a small child hugging the very largest of elm trees. The message is rather a stern warning of us allowing our egos to run amuck and tell us tales of grandeur, thereby placing us above

others and forgetting that although we are children of the Universe, there is a governing force which exists greater than our imagination which knows and sees all. This message was, thankfully, an affirmation telling me I had turned a corner in the process of putting myself above other people in certain situations (that’s what judgment does.) It affirmed for me to see everyone as beautiful and loving, not just my friends and family, but everyone, who dwells upon this earth plane. I had never felt so humble before. Humility is not humiliating. It is powerful.

The card representing my present was; Loyalty by Archangel Hanael which shows an image of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi. The message is a beautiful one affirming the nature of these two men and how they saw everyone as equal and deserving of love.

continued on page 6 >>

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6 Radiance July/August 2016

These two beloved spiritual beings spoke out when one kind of person was judged or treated unfairly by another. I felt my heart swell when I saw this card for it affirmed for me that I was truly free of judgment and now resided in a place where I felt true love and compassion for everyone. This doesn’t mean I am exempt from being annoyed

or feeling imposed upon, it means that I can manage relationships with fairness, good communication and truth without feeling the need to complain or have contempt. I was thrilled.

These first two cards were such a powerful affirmation. In my meditations when I feel I have accomplished something, there can often be a nagging thought that I am being a little too optimistic. Receiving these two

cards which provided me with the affirmations felt perfect and beautiful. And, I trusted them. It was wonderful.

The third card was the gift and an unexpected revelation. The card; Genius by Shamael shows two of the most renowned scientists of our time, Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla.

The message in the booklet relays that I now have “flow” which allows the genius of the Universe to come through me with a “joyous pouring forth.” It further relates that a true artist doesn’t believe that he or she alone achieved the creative outpouring, but rather the spirit of genius, in the form of the Angel of Inspiration, flowed through them. I am told I will be guided and assisted in order to excel in measures that supersede even my own expectations and anticipations. Just as was done for these two and many others.

Rev. Danielle is a Master TheaHealer® who practices a healing art primarily on ThetaHealing®, but with several personal additions and modifications. Her sessions are life-changing, creating shifts in her clients’ perceptions resulting in the most positive changes imaginable. Rev. Danielle has been a student of metaphysics since 2002 and studied under several mentors, including Vianna Stibal an Dr. Doreen Virtue.

As a metaphysical minister, she believes in the innate intuitive ability gifted to each of us. Teaching this and witnessing healings has become her life’s work and passion. She believes we can live free from pain and suffering and be in a state of peace and joy. Contact Rev. Danielle by email at [email protected].

<< continued from page 5 I get it. I understand. When we release the emotions and feelings of hurt, anger, jealously, insecurity, contempt and all the others like them, we open up to the flow of the Universe. It’s like clearing an eight lane highway which was previously been blocked by five lanes and now the traffic moves at normal speed. Yes, normal speed. We are all meant to have this flow and be able to manifest our dreams with the creative genius of the Universe coming to us as naturally as we breathe air.

I am now experiencing much bigger picture ideas of the future of the Temple, of my home life and traveling. I dare to dream a little bigger now because I know the Universe will show me how to do it. I don’t have to figure it all out myself. I conjure up an image and then hear myself say “….and it’s done!”

I will get the messages of what to do and how to do it when the time is right. I can sit back in a relaxed manner and await my instructions. And again, I trust it.

I felt the release of the emotions the day I meditated and committed to demonstrating the responsibility of owning my part. But having it so eloquently confirmed shortly after and then being shown what the reward or gift was for having done such an honorable task was truly amazing and unexpected. I have never felt so very blessed in all my fifty some odd years. Peace to you and may you find your path to do what is yours to do too.

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Quantum Meditation Choury DeVelle7pm$10Every Monday

Thriving, Not Surviving MeditationElizabeth Hendershot7:15pm$10Every Monday

Max Meditation System tmShauna Kossoff7pm$25Every Monday

Learn to Meditate: Kriya Yoga TraditionSusan Lape, PhD6pm$5Every 2nd Sunday

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8 Radiance July/August 2016

It is interesting I was led to pick this particular card for this column. This is also the message I chose to share on Facebook recently. I trust you can relate to the simplicity of this message. It is a great reminder with the retrograde planets that have been in our path. “Chakra Insights” oracle cards are designed with you in mind, to feed your heart and soul on a daily basis. You probably realize how easily distractions from being kind to yourself can affect outcomes. Distractions can throw you a curve. It is true that serving others gives you a feeling of worthiness, and it is honorable to be in service. Just remember, in order to serve others under the best and highest conditions you need to serve yourself wisely to feel complete within yourself. Being kind to yourself honors YOU! Know your limits of what you have the capacity to give at any given moment. Also remember to step back and recharge your energy before stepping into another situation. Think about the past week or even the past month. How quickly have the wheels been turning in your life? It is easy to say slow down, take a breath, and it should be easy to do it. Don’t you feel when you are caught up in the rat race that you are literally overwhelmed with the finish line instead of the joy in the process of getting there? When you are kind to yourself you are not only observant but aware of the experiences and entrapments. You are more decisive in your choices and sense what you can breeze through or what needs more time for your rest and delight.This card is one of the HEART CHAKRAS which rest in the balance of the other six. It represents love, compassion and service. This reminds me of an important issue, and that is of ‘giving’. Because most of you reading this article are empathetic, giving can come easily. Consider for a moment however, about the blessings you will give by also receiving from others. My friends, we need to bring balance in each situation. If you are always on the giving end of things you will eventually feel depleted, not having the ability to give anymore. Then what? Giving and allowing yourself to receive gives you the energy exchange needed to fill yourself with the fuel needed for your next opportunity. When you feel a sense of peace, love, contentment inside, your heart radiates with joy. Let joy serve you! I know many of you serve through healing, being kind to yourself will also

serve you in this way. Core issues often lay upon the heart. Feed it with love daily. You can relate to “follow your heart” and... you can fill in whatever you want. What does “follow your heart” mean to you?I will happily be sharing more messages with you in subsequent columns. They carry many insights to bring you back to what you need for yourself to bring awareness and balance, aligning the chakras for optimal results. The messages tend to flow on the backbone of emotional issues giving you a sense of inner strength and optimism. You will feel that you have an intangible partner that will guide you no matter what the circumstances look like. The tangible message(s) will always support and bring forward the very best in your purpose and nature. Once you attune yourself with the guidance received, you will see how bringing yourself back to simplicity will bring you back to your center.

Nancy Kimes is a teacher, author and consultant of the Tibetan Black Hat Sect of Feng Shui. Her book, Feng Shui Journeys, will show you the dynamics, principles and psychology behind the practice of Feng Shui concerning the major areas of your life including relationships. Her book may be purchased on Amazon. For information

or inquiries contact Nancy at [email protected]

Nancy KimesChakra Insights:Be Kind to Yourself

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July/August 2016 Radiance 9

Kara created Pet’s Eye View to help pets and their families create stronger bonds by using telepathic skills and deep animal knowledge. I unleash your animal’s voice and work on strengthening the bond you have with your special pet.

“Animystic” is defined as the belief that natural objects, natural phenomena, and the Universe possess souls, and everything is imbued with life spirit. Those of us walking this path—and if you are reading this and are one of us, whether this is a new awakening or not—generally believe it is true. However, it can be easy in our busy, modern world, using smart phones (that a Microsoft study proved to have reduced our attention span to EIGHT seconds that is less than a goldfish) to forget we can expand our senses and connections to other people, and listen to animals, birds, trees, the Stone people, elementals, and fairies, too. These entities have spirits and they will speak if you quiet your mind enough to listen.I was trained in a tradition that taught its earliest novitiates to sit quietly at the base of a tree and listen or look for words which were not our own, inside our heads, or images or feelings from the tree. Following is a pathway to becoming an Animystic in five easy steps.1. Pick Your Favorite Element—Do you think fairies

are for children? That’s ok. Maybe you are more drawn to trees or the wind, or crystals and gems, or you can get behind the idea that your favorite lilac bush has a spirit. Who hasn’t held a gemstone and felt its pulse? Who hasn’t urged a tomato plant to grow? If you love your cat more than anything, commit to hearing her, not just interpreting her looks. Whatever element you feel closest to and most passionate about, set the intent that you will soon connect.

2. Meditate—No one ever really wants to read this one-the 8-second attention span issue again, but dedicating a practice to even 5 minutes a day sitting in a sacred place, and clearing your mind is essential. If you are uncomfortable clearing your own chakras or don’t know a good meditation, YouTube has thousands for free. Pick one which works for you, BUT, I caution you that for these earthly connections we are discussing, it is best to pick a “grounding” meditation, not one that connects you with galaxies.

3. Spend quiet time near the chosen natural object—Animals and elementals will open up when you are getting started when you are calmest

Kara Udziela Animystic Adventures:Five Easy Ways to Become an Animystic

and centered. There is a wonderful Pagan couplet that reads, “Speak Little, Listen Much. Soft of eye and light of touch.” Some of you may actually see the spirit of the tree or the flower, or the fairy that protects your dog, if you make your gaze light and sleepy. Open your third eye and pray to hear the spirit of the tree, or see an image or feel a feeling the tree wants to impart.

4. Keep a Journal—Make or choose a beautiful, eco-friendly journal and record what your senses tell you. Like any exercise, your Animystic muscle will grow as you continue. Be cautious not to over interpret what you see, hear and feel, for the most authentic connections.

5. Reuse, Recycle and Clean—All of nature and the elementals appreciate tidiness. The fairies will often ask you for a gift and that gift is often picking up trash or cleaning and tidying a garden. Leave stone or crystal with a song for the tree, pure chocolate for a fairy. Watch your world come alive!

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10 Radiance July/August 2016

Dances of ReflectionJen Cormier/Meg Golden


Every 3rd Thursday (no class in July)

Integrative DanceJohn Salat


Every 1st Sunday

QiGongAdil Panton


Every Tuesday

Tai Chi for Better LivingRyan Lee

6pm$20 ($15 or $14 w/package)

Every Wednesday

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July/August 2016 Radiance 11

All in the Family12pm (All Ages)

Every 3rd Sunday (no class in July)$20 per family

Earth Angels Kids Yoga (5-15 yrs)

2pm Every Sunday


Kundalini Yoga & Meditation3pm Every Sunday and

7pm Every Tuesday$15

Gentle Flow Yoga9:30am

Every Tuesday and Thursday $15

Young at Heart (for Seniors)

1:30pmEvery Tuesday and Thursday


Naam Yoga6:30pm

Every Wednesday$15


Karen Yousefzadeh

Jen Cormier & Meg Golden

LemiaAstarabadi & Joshua Bowser

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12 Radiance July/August 2016

Lastly, supplements do not counteract eating poorly. Eating fast food then taking a multivitamin does not negate the junk food that was just consumed. Still try to eat clean. Adding a good multi vitamin will enhance your healthy meals.

(This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition.)

Dr. Ben Horning grew up in a holistic home. He studied at the university of Maryland and received the unique degree of Agriculture and Resource Economics. He received his Chiropractic Doctorate at Southern California University of Health Sciences. An eternal optimist, Dr. Horning cares about restoring

health and allowing his patients to flourish in whatever goals they have.

When it comes to eating, it is very important to have a diet full of nutrition. Unfortunately, in today’s society having a nutritious meal can be near to impossible. First of all, you have to get all your vitamins, minerals, amino-acids, carbohydrates, and fats every day. And secondly, here’s the reality, even if you had time to cook all of your meals there is still a chance your food may be in deficient in nutrition. The reason being, it is hard to tell where your food comes from. Is it organic? Is it GMO free? And even if it is, what was the soil’s mineral content? Who knows? Don’t get me wrong, I highly suggest eating as clean as possible. I’m also not trying to discourage you. However, my point is that in today’s age, nutritional supplements can play a big part in your health journey. Here is an important piece of data in regards to supplements: NOT ALL SUPPLEMENTS ARE THE SAME. First of all, there are different grades of supplements. The lower quality will be found at generic stores where high quality can only be prescribed to you by a doctor or a nutritionist. It’s worth the extra time and energy to see a doctor or nutritionist in order to get access to high quality supplements.Secondarily, the next thing is to differentiate they type of supplements. They can be either synthetic supplements or whole food supplements. The important thing to know is Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) is not the same as a Whole Food Vitamin C Complex. Whole food Supplements contain other minerals called co-factors. These co-factors help the body recognize the vitamin and which aides in its absorption. So the amount of a vitamin actually in a whole food supplement will be less than that of a synthetic one because it will be absorbed much easier and will most likely work a lot better.Supplements can help fill in the gaps for healthy living. They can also help to prevent or manage certain conditions. Like everything, take them in moderation unless specifically prescribed for a certain reason. Without knowing your body’s chemistry, you could create deficiencies by consuming an excess of a certain vitamin or mineral mineral. You see this with calcium. Many companies will add magnesium to counter this effect. So if you are going for general health, stick with a well-rounded supplement.

Benjamin Horning, DC Chiro Corner:The Truth About Supplements

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The Dolphins are ambassadors and embodiments of Joy. They represent the positive feeling and emotional states of happiness, passion, love, joy, family and

purpose. They are ambassadors to humanity assisting us in finding and living those qualities within ourselves. They remind us to go within to find that special place that lives within our hearts. They ask us to connect with the Divinity within ourselves and truly connect with our Souls. They remind us our physical bodies are just an expression of that part of us which embodies a higher power and consciousness. It is only through creating joyful feelings can we achieve a higher vibration and can truly connect to and communicate with our higher selves. So, the dolphin’s message is quite simply to become aware of how easy it is to monitor our thought forms and choose to change them if we find our thoughts anything other than joyful! The Dolphins have shared with me they are the designated KEEPERS of the human DNA template system. They receive infusions of DNA activations through the earth’s ocean systems from our Divine Creator. It is their given task to process this information internally and calibrate the actual DNA that is perfect and right for each person. The Dolphins are toothed whales and have informed me they have existed on Earth for 30 million years. They represent a highly evolved life form that has amazing wisdom and healing abilities which can calibrate our DNA, offering us an accelerated pathway to Mastery.

The Whales are the ancient of the ancients. The Humpback whales have shared they have existed on Earth for over 300 million years. They are the molecular librarians of Earth’s evolution. What we call the “Akashic records” lives in the oceans of planet Earth. The information is stored in the water molecules. Since water is never destroyed, only recycled Earth’s entire history remains safe in our ocean archives. The whales can access our Akashic records and offer us vast

amounts of information and healing alignments when asked.

As a Whale communicator and Healer I offer energetic processes for others to connect to the Whale Kingdom.

The following is a recent message from the Great White Whales through me:

“We are the Great Whales and are here now to assist humanity in personal and collective Soul Transformation & Evolution. As you awaken to the truth of WHO YOU REALLY ARE, you will remember your Elders in the oceans. We offer you the opportunity as humans to unlock the mechanisms within you that open the ‘Crystalline Seals’. We are the ‘Keepers of the Codes of Creation’ and can assist you in activating your dormant DNA.”

Laurie Reyon is a certified Akashic Records Consultant, a Life Path Intuitive and Telepathic teacher. She offers an individualized Spiritual Coaching into Consciousness program and facilitates Whale Healing and Clearing Sessions. Reyon offers Boat Trips and Spiritual Cetacean Journey Retreats. Reyon works in sacred partnership with Master Cat Puddah, who is an aspect of the Soul of “Seth.”

Expand Your Consciousness with

the Dolphins and Whales by Laurie Reyon

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14 Radiance July/August 2016

The remake of Ghostbusters is in cinemas this summer, but for some it is too close for comfort. Last year I discovered I had a couple of spirits of dead people hanging

around and had to call in the services of a real-life exorcist. This took me a journey deeper than anything I could have imagined.

There are two great taboos left in our society that are rarely discussed in polite company: money and death. People rarely disclose their finances, and almost never talk about their own eventual passing. How many people think about their own death?

One theory says that when somebody dies, their soul may get ‘stuck’ between worlds. Rather than safely going over to the other side, to a place of peace and tranquility, many souls linger in this world. They may not realize they are dead, they may not want to let go of their earthly life, or they may be a host of other reasons. Most of these entities still need some energy so they will attach themselves to humans. It has been estimated that millions of people suffer from these attachments, and in almost every case there is a spiritual lesson to be learned for the human involved.

I had a problem with these ‘entities’, or ‘attachments’. For years I suffered from mood swings, so-called depression, physical pains and other pains that doctors and therapists were unable to solve. Then I was introduced to Wanda Pratnicka, a therapist who works with people in this world and the in-between realms, and my life changed. Wanda has a psychic ability that enables here to speak with these spirits and persuade them to pass over to what she calls ‘the Light’, rather than hang onto people’s bodies. She writes about it in her book Possessed by Ghosts but it is far less glamorous than a bunch of New Yorkers running around with electric hoses to capture ghosts that are terrorizing the city. Instead these entities are lost between worlds and

Spiritual Entities - How Cleansing Them Changed My Lifeby Joel Sandrovitch

looking for energy so they survive in some form.

Entities get attached to people for many reasons, explains Wanda. It may be a dead relative who feels they have unfinished business on earth, so they may use your body as a way to achieve a certain goal. Wanda teaches that even if someone was very loving during their lifetime, the situation changes once they have crossed to the other side.

My own journey has been powerful and led me to change a lot of my day-to-day attitudes. One of the first lessons is that of forgiveness. When we harbor resentments, our body remembers every single upset, whether it is for the person who cut us off in traffic this morning, or being angry with our third-grade teacher because of something that happened three decades ago. These negative emotions of anger, blame, upset, complaining or resentment, can cause us to lower our emotions and it allows entities to attach to us. When we forgive someone, we start to raise our vibration, to hold a higher consciousness, and this helps the exorcist lead away spirits which may be attached. “But I can’t forgive Dad because what he did.” you might say. When we do not forgive the other person, we are the one who is suffering.

I spent many months forgiving other people, doing this private practice through journaling and writing, and then I spent even longer forgiving myself for all the things I hadn’t done, for all the projects I had abandoned and for all the times I had broken my word to myself. The results were amazing. I felt physically lighter, began to experience some healing in my body, had a new clarity of thought and my emotions were far happier and more joyful. There were no longer any spirit “hitchhikers” in my field of energy. I was no longer possessed because the entities cannot stick to us when our thoughts are embedded with love.

Wanda Pratnicka is a psychologist and parapsychologist with degrees from the Institute of Economics and Culture in Moscow. She is the bestselling author of Possessed by Ghosts – Exorcisms in the 21st Century and the series In the Wheel of Life: Volumes 1-3. Her Recent book is Know the Truth and Be Free.

Want to be free of anxiety, depression or painful emotions? Want to clear negative thinking forever? Want to heal your body from a problem you have? Call Wanda Pratnicka at 914.662.9763. www.WandaPratnicka.com

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How many of us have heard the expression, "Money is the root of all evil?" and grew up thinking all "rich" people got their money by taking advantage of others? I came from a blue collar family and heard this often. On May 1 at 4 o'clock in the morning, I woke up from a dream where I was in a panel discussion on stage at a spiritual conference with Marianne Williamson, Rev. Michael Beckwith, Deepak Chopra, and the Dalai Lama.We had been discussing the reality that, yes, you can be spiritual and rich. As I sat in bed with my eyes wide open, I wondered if it were really possible. I thought about all the spiritual people I know and, sad to say, most are financially struggling. In fact, I know of only two people I could say have a successful healing practice.Why, if spiritual people believe in abundance, are so many living a life of pinching pennies, stinginess, greed, and sacrifice. I have heard some say, "I will not give anyone more than what they pay for." Or, "I will not let anyone take advantage of me. This is business." Or, "She's making money, but is not living in integrity."I set out to discover the reason or reasons why. In the next few days, I discovered some valid points and had an epiphany. I changed my thoughts which I always believed were positive, but realized they were limiting. I had to let go and fully to trust in the Universe so it would co-create a life of abundance with me. I saw the error of my ways and since then have completed a comprehensive program on the very topic of this column - The Spiritual Millionaire. I can say this with a clear conscience, without guilt, and with a newfound belief : Our powerful, limitless thoughts really create our reality. I have experienced a major paradigm shift and now want to share it with every spiritual person I know who is passionate about helping others AND having a truly abundant life which will allow them to be even more generous.And to set the record straight, the actual quote from the Bible, 1 Timothy 6:10, is: "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs." Money is not evil. The love (and I add the lack of it) is.

Rev. Basia Christ, Ph.D.The Spiritual MillionaireCan You Be Spiritual AND Rich?

Yes, YOU Can be a Spiritual Millionaire

Rev. Basia Christ has a Ph.D. in Transformational Counseling and is a M.I.N.D.S.© Alternative Holistic Psychology Master. She is accepting clients who want to work one-on-one to let go of negative baggage, heal trauma, find their life purpose, and become who they were meant to be. She uses a variety of modalities, including assessments, in-depth conversations, guided meditation ... and more. If you have questions, please call or text 949.690.1257, email [email protected], or visit http://basiachrist.com/blog1/spiritual-counselor.

Register today for The Spiritual Millionaire, an 8-week individualized program, to learn how

you can live joyfully by being being spiritual AND rich.

Week 1: Money & SpiritualityWeek 2: Money, Self-worth & Deservedness

Week 3: Money, Balance & Enjoying the Journey

Week 4: Money & Money ManagementWeek 5: Money, Purpose & Passion

Week 6: Money, Mind & FearWeek 7: Money & Relationships

Week 8: Money, Income & Freedom

To schedule a FREE 1-HOUR CONSULTATION, go to: http://basiachrist.com/blog1/

spiritual-counselorSessions can be conducted in my home office,

by phone, FaceTime, or Skype.

25% DISCOUNT$600 until 8/30/16


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16 Radiance July/August 2016

Highly Sensitive People (HSP)Rev. Johnnie Urban

Every 3rd Saturday11:30am- $10

You are the Living Light Healing Discourse

Victor EdwardsEvery Saturday

9am - $25

Spiritual Healing FundamentalsRev. Danielle Marie HewittEvery Saturday (exception 1st Saturday)9am - $44

Authentic Public Speaking for Highly Sensitive People

Rev. Johnnie Urban Every 2nd Saturday (starting September 2016)

11:30am - $40

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July/August 2016 Radiance 17

OC Hawkins Study GroupEvery 2nd and 4th Tuesday

7pm - Love Donation

A Course in MiraclesGrace AvalonEvery 1st and 3rd Thursday6:30pm - $25

Life Action PlanMargo Mateas

Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday7pm - $25

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18 Radiance July/August 2016

I sat surrounded by a sea of pale, expressionless faces, their staring eyes abandoned by their owners. Old men shuffled up and down the hall. Overweight women sprawled like crabs on two

decades old, 1940's furniture. Suddenly, men’s voices bellowed profanity. Frozen in fear, my back braced so tightly against a wooden, slated chair that welts started to rise. The ruckus ended in one man’s sorrowful moan. Heavy steel doors slammed shut, echoing down the hallway and into the dismal waiting area where I had been ordered to sit.

The scuffle continued. Now they were right next to me. I stiffened. Jerking up my legs, I hugged them to avoid contact, wrapping myself in the navy-blue gabardine skirt I’d worn for a week.

"Y' all better lemme go, God dammit," a red-faced, middle-aged man with greasy hair and dirty cowboy boots rasped in desperation. "Y’ all gotta get outta here. Gimme my gun. Satan's a comin'! Ain't nothin' we can do about it . . . gotta keep a runnin.”

"Yeah, Jesse, we know. That's what you told us last time," a pot-bellied attendant roared through his shaggy beard as he and three huge orderlies in white coats wrestled him to his knees.

Pinning him to the floor, they wrapped him in a straightjacket, binding his arms tightly to his sides. I watched as they dragged him across the hall and into a freight elevator.

As the doors closed, he shouted, struggling to be heard. "The world's a comin' to an end! Run! Save yerselves!" I caught a glimpse of his terror-filled eyes and distorted facial expressions as he continued to implore them.

THANK GOD I’M CRAZYChapter OneThe Waking Dreamby Grace Avalon

They stared right through him, ignoring his desperation.

No one noticed me.

How am I going to save myself? I wondered. Have I stopped existing? Not one nurse had asked me how I felt. Instead, they ordered me around like a child. I'm twenty-two, for God's sake. I'm an adult.

Oh, dear God, please, please, get me out of here!

I don't belong here. Why had Jack—my own husband—brought me here? Things with him had been unbearably hard. He could be cold and arrogant, but didn’t he care about me at all? How could he deliver his own wife—the mother of his children—into this hell on earth?

Days, I felt certain, had passed since I’d been "dropped off." My mind raced. I’d lost track of time. I searched frantically for some means by which to make sense out of this nightmare.

I needed to clear my head. How could this be happening to me? After all the brutality and abuse I’d endured while growing up, I’d counted on my marriage, my new life. I believed that it would be better. What had happened? How had I come to this place?

Only a few nights ago my husband had led me out of our home for a “little ride.”

I could hardly comprehend his words. My mind had found a new world—a safe world—a world filled with superb and kaleidoscopic rainbows.

As he drove, a weathered sign near the side of the road blurred its way into my vision. The dim, incandescent beam of headlights exposed black letters that read:

WESTON, West Virginia State Mental Hospital.

I laughed out loud as pink, fluffy, clouds hastily swept me up into to a land of exquisite brilliance. Part of me had already escaped, liberating me from the hellish prison that was my life.

A few nights previous, without warning, I had been drawn into a powerful and magnetic presence of profound inner peace. I’d been sucked into a grand enfoldment of love. My mind cracked wide open. Somewhere deep inside of me, my worn spirit spied an avenue of escape. For the first time in my life I had felt safe. In the window of my mind, I spied an open portal smack in the center of a whirling, spinning,

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all-consuming nexus. It drew me nearer. It fully embraced me. Grateful, I offered no resistance.

As the hours passed, my mind had played within this welcome refuge. I became aware that way deep inside of me, there existed a longing. I had been hungrily seeking sanctuary, a safe harbor, a place of retreat. I gladly surrendered to this mysteriously nurturing crack in my reality.

As a baby chick pecks through the embryonic shell to a wondrous new dimension—I had escaped. I was free. This magnificent presence catapulted me into clear skies of azure blue and baby pink aurora borealis.

Something snapped as my mind left my twenty-two year old body. Like a limp puppet, my head had slumped onto the back of the grey and white striped denim sofa in the tiny living room of our college campus barracks-style apartment.

The room spun. I floated within a giant, radiant kaleidoscope. Then, as though watching a movie, I witnessed various unrelated images. Miscellaneous scenes drifted across my interior screen. I had laughed with joy as I was transported on a magic carpet over a winding driveway lined with evergreen trees, a road sign bearing a state highway number, a bubbling hot tub near the ocean, a flat-top mountain where below it lay the ribbons of a five-lane highway with a giant blank sign stretched over several lanes . . . on and on it went.

I felt like a stowaway on a flight to ecstasy. Incredibly light. Joyful. Free. Just like that—brand new! Born again! I was a creature of nirvana! A child in a garden of glee. I felt as though I had come home.

Thank God I’m Crazy is a life-affirming and eye-opening biography of an ordinary woman who, thought to be crazy, is unable to deny her trust in her secret visions, as over three decades her visions come to life. This book is an undeniable revelation of humanity’s inborn, and naturally- healing spiritual nature, and dramatically exposes life’s lessons as illusory dreams that teach us how to accept the non-existence of time, and to claim our mortally-overwhelming, holy heritage.Thank God I’m Crazy is forthcoming in the fall, published by Waterfront Digital Press, and available from Amazon as either ebook or print book.

Grace Avalon, an educator and business woman for thirty years, is a beloved counselor, teacher of A Course in Miracles, and speaker who challenges others to trust their own inner voice and to laugh together as in this miracle called life, we realize that no matter what comes—this too is good.

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20 Radiance July/August 2016

Carol LeilaniTransform Your EnergyHealing is EXPONENTIAL

Carol Leilani is a multiple modality energy healer with many modalities in her “tool kit”, a fluid intuitive, and dimensional healer. Her gift is tuning into your HIGHER SELF and being informed by yourself.

'Healing, the gift that keeps on giving, and giving and giving......."It's sort of like dominos, where one block hits another, and so on and so on, or a sweater, when you pull one string of yarn, and the sweater starts coming apart.Once you change one element, you change the composition of the whole. Say, you unravel one major thread that has caused suffering in your life, and it mitigates the suffering, but then, beyond that it affects other aspects of your life, and you FEEL happier? I've seen it happen, on a regular basis.For example, one client of mine, was in a relationship where he just recently got engaged. All of a sudden, the woman was upping the date and rushing him to get married as quickly as possible. He left a spiritual retreat, where I met him, early to fly back to his country to figure this out. He postponed the rushed plans for marriage, and was emotionally distraught and mentally confused. I chatted with him on messenger and started working with him, to energetically untangle him from her, so that he could think clearly. I saw that the relationship had left his first and second chakras empty, and so I filled those with energy to give him strength. Since his solar plexus center was underpowered, I gave him breathing exercises and helped plump that up, so he could find his own presence in the matter. Then he flew out from Asia to have a private session in person, and we worked on alcoholism, and took that out of his whole systems, including removing the cravings and clearing out the trauma from the cause, which was suppressed anger and hurt and grief from his farther dying about 20 years before. After this, his whole life started shifting, and a whole AWAKENING started happening.I helped him connect with his heart, and neglected passions came up. He put in his notice to his job and is finishing out the term to then embark on his heart's desire, starting a non-profit organization to help Gaia. It's all interconnected. So, pull that yarn in the sweater ,and let the things that no longer serve you unravel. The only thing you need to bring to a really good healer, is the ability to surrender and let go.Healing yourself affects everyone else. His mother

visited him in Asia and had always worried about him and after seeing him, is no longer worried ,and can relax and enjoy her life now.Healing yourself is the FIRST and most important thing to do. You don't need to be "sick" to take advantage of healing. I think that is the biggest misunderstanding about the role of healers today. Understand that healing ONE thing, RECONFIGURES the whole person, and it is exponential and ongoing. Healing is the gift you give yourself that keeps on giving, to yourself and others.It doesn't matter if it is a matter of childhood issues, or trauma, or addiction, which is really a symptom of something deeper usually, or anything really....as long as you are READY to have your life change. To healing! To wholeness! To life that is better! To peace and joy!

Change your energy ...

change your lifeEnergy system clearings,

and rebootsGet energy flowing and increase

VITAL LIFE FORCEUninstall unwanted programs.

Get calmed and centeredFeel great

Implant removals

Email [email protected] to schedule an appointment.

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July/August 2016 Radiance 21

Rev. Annette has served as Senior Minister for the First Church of Religious Science (now the Center for Spiritual Living, Fullerton) for the past 20 years. In her years of service, she has taught classes, held seminars, counseled many clients and performed weddings and memorial services. “My years of service have been the most rewarding time of my life. I love inspiring people and lifting the spirits of those around me.” Her new slogan “New Day – New Way” says it all. Every day is a chance to build a new inspired life, filled with love, harmony, peace, health, prosperity and all that you desire.

Rev. Annette DrakeGod is My Source ...of Course!Happiness is a Choice. Choose It Today

So, this is a happiness test. On a scale of 1-10 how happy are you this morning? How happy were you yesterday morning? Are you happier than you were last week?This is the truth about happiness:Happiness is an inside job.Happiness is a choice.You decide whether you are going to be happy or not.Nobody is going to make you happy. “Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling.” Margaret Lee RunbeckHow are you traveling through your life today? Are you at ease with yourself and your surroundings or tensed up, making sure everything is perfect even though it causes you too much stress?Your manner of travel in this life can make you happy to be alive or not. It is your choice.What picture comes to mind when I say a happy family? A happy relationship? A happy job? From childhood on, nearly all of us have images of how our lives should be. It might be an image of our work—how successful, famous, affluent we will be; or an image of our spouse, how sexy our wife or how wealthy and loving our husband we will have; or an image of our children, how happy and loving they will be. The problem, of course, is that only in rare cases do people, spouses, work, or children live up to their images. Images, after all, are perfect, and life is not.In his book, Happiness Is a Serious Problem, Dennis Prager has an unhappiness formula that is worth noting.U = I-RUnhappiness= Images minus Reality.Our images can make us feel very unhappy if we don’t attain them. That is a point to remember because your images may be running your life and running you into the ground!The only way to move on in your life is to get rid of those images and create new ones that enhance your life where you are right now. What images would you get rid of right now?

Many of our children and grand children are raised with images that are not real. The television is the main source of these images. Are you trying to live up to an image that just isn’t right for you?How about, perfect white teeth, a dark tan and being very thin? Do you sometimes say, “That’s what I’m working on to change so I can be happy with myself. Those last 7 pounds can drive you up a wall!”We should be able to say to ourselves, “I can be happy with what I have even though I am not satisfied with it.” This enables us to do two things:1. Maintain awareness of what we are feeling while

not allowing it to sabotage our happiness.2. Work on reducing whatever it is that causes

dissatisfaction.A thought to think on:There is a secret to happiness—and it is gratitude. All happy people are grateful, and ungrateful people cannot be happy. We tend to think that it is being unhappy that leads to people complain, but it is truer to say that it is complaining that leads to people becoming unhappy.Become grateful and you will become a much happier person.Think for a moment and ask yourself, “Am I happy even though I may not have achieved the total picture? Am I grateful for all that I have right now?”If you said yes to those questions, congratulations!! You are travelling life’s path in a manner that is full of happiness for you and those around you.Remember, happiness is a choice, choose it right now, today!!

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22 Radiance July/August 2016

Spirit Art Mediumship and Psychic Art DemoMichael & Marti Parry

Saturday, July 23rd -7pm, $45

Handpan Sound Healing ConcertRyan Matthews

Saturday, July 16th - 7:30pm, $20Come and Experience this Beautiful & Unique Sound Healing Vibrations

from the Handpan!

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July/August 2016 Radiance 23


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Radiance Magazine


TERI NEJADOn-site Practitioner


FAIZ MASHOOD, D.C.On-site Practitioner



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SHAR PIRNIAOn-site Practitioner


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AMAYA VICTORIAOn-site Practitioner


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24 Radiance July/August 2016

and know our souls so well that we understand what we are doing and why. Take ownership and allow the beauty of honesty, compassion and understanding into our lives. There is magic in being vulnerable, and trusting our inner guidance. When we do this we are able to make lasting friendships, ones where we can speak our truth with no fear of being judged. I have run on both sides of the tracks but I have to say being honest and open works much better for me. When I said no more to gossip and little white lies my whole world opened up. Once I set the intention to have loving women in my life, they appeared and the old ones faded away, a distant memory of who I once allowed myself to be. Remember there are no victims only volunteers. Who are you volunteering to be? Stop talking about your friends behind their backs in the guise of helping or caring. If you have something to say, say it to their face. They will appreciate it much more and you will feel better about yourself. Today I speak to my friends with an open heart. I say right away when something bothers me and I trust them to do the same. As we step into this new divine honest feminine flow and create lasting relationships it is important to be impeccable with our words. I teach my clients their words are spells and their thoughts are things. I encourage them to love themselves by being the kind of human that can walk with their head held high. This is how to manifest and have the life you desire. By being the best you can be. Shifting your consciousness is easy once you figure out that it all comes from within. If every woman in the world went to their mothers, sisters, daughters, and friends and said, “I love you no matter what”, and asked for forgiveness and forgave them as well, the healing would begin. If every one of us could see ourselves in the eyes of another and become a mirror, this world would change, and mother earth would smile upon her children once again.

Shaman Isabella Stoloff Isabella provides private shaman training, one-on-one healings, house clearings & blessings, weddings & sacred journeys. Isabella assists her clients in releasing all that no longer serves them, so they can ignite the light within. She founded the Orange County Healing Center in 2009, is a

graduate of Healing the Light Body school & has a Master of Fine Arts in Performance. www.ochealingcenter.com

Once I stepped onto my Shaman’s path in 2006 I knew I had to finally let go of the story of victimization that rang like a loud bell throughout my life. It took me until

2009 to really “get it” and now I know who I am and trust what I feel. As women we have to see the truth about ourselves and then be willing to throw what no longer serves us into the fire, and burn away all the old negative belief systems. Then and only then can we move forward and truly trust ourselves. I personally found so much release when I realized in the center of my being that I had chosen my parents as well as all the challenges I had gone through in my lifetime. Once I fully grasped the concept I began to systematically look over my life and let go of all of the stories that held me back and created separation. I began to write about my issues and burn them. During one of my many trips to Peru I found that fire was transformational, and sure enough the more I wrote and burned, the less I was triggered. I looked over all the times I had given my power away to other people, place and things. I made peace in my soul for all the wrong I had done or had been done to me. It wasn’t easy at first, so I created techniques to use that allowed my mind freedom from the negativity and I began teaching others to do the same. The more I practiced, the better I became at shifting my consciousness. I truly believe when we learn how to shift our perceptions our life changes. It is time for us as women to take responsibly for our creations

Shift Your Realityby Shaman Isabella Stoloff

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Dr. Kayhan graduated from the University of Southern California and has more than 15 years of experience.

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26 Radiance July/August 2016

Angels are becoming more and more present in every aspect of our world these days. That’s not to say they haven’t been before, but with all of the information that we have

access to now, the Angels are front and present in very powerful ways!

It is important that we all know that we can communicate with the Angelic Realms. The Angels want to communicate. As a matter of fact, the Angelic Realms were created to be a part of the Human experience and are here to serve us. It is part of their spiritual experience and growth.

Guardian Angels, Angels and Archangels are the most common Angelic Realms that work directly with human beings. Because Human consciousness is rising at an ever-accelerating rate, other realms are beginning to communicate as well, but we are going to talk about how best to communicate with Guardian Angels, Angels and Archangels today.

Students and clients ask me all the time how they can communicate with their Angels. It’s exciting because five years ago I was asked how to know if Angels are communicating. Now people know they are, and are asking to learn how to really become an active participant!

I put this question to the Archangels and Archangel Michael answered right away, “We are always here to work with you. The secret is Prayer and Meditation. Prayer sets your intention, provides protection, and opens a space for us to be with you in a more intimate and Divinely loving way. Meditation quiets your mind and your body and gives you a space to more clearly receive the answers, healing, guidance and inspiration we are bringing you.”

You Can Communicate with the Angelic Realms!by Michele Amburgey, Angelic Channel

I love to share my “Five Pronged Protocol” for communicating with the Angelic Realms with anyone who wishes to really connect. I have found it works with everyone who will implement it into his or her lives and let it be a part of their daily spiritual practice.

1. Prayer: Just like Archangel Michael said above, it creates a beautiful space for you to be with the Angels and to prepare yourself for communication. I recommend that you always invite in only beings of Love and Light. We do live in a world of duality, so setting this, as part of your intention is important.

2. Ask: You have to ask for what you want. The angels honor your free will, they will not circumvent that free will. When you are struggling, they might think that you want to figure it out yourself and grow through the struggle, unless you ask for help. Think about that. They love you so much that they will allow you to have your experience. And they are waiting by your side to help you when you decide that the struggle, the pain the frustration is too much. So ask for help. Ask them to Help with and bless you and your situation, your day, your family and loved ones.

3. Imagination: Open up your imagination. Imagination is the tool or the portal through which Spirit, your Guides and Angels communicate. In our culture we’ve put imagination aside for logical thinking. But it is incredibly important! It is how you manifest things. It is how you are connected to the Divine. Everything in creation started with the imagination. “If you can dream it, you can do it” is a very high consciousness statement. Allow your imagination some room to grow. Do some daydreaming. Get creative. Paint, draw, sing, dance, garden, play a musical instrument. Let your creative energies out to play and allow your imagination to open wide. The Angels will be able to come through and love you in a thousand ways if you will. Trust your experience. Trust your inspiration.

4. Meditation: This is how we are able to quiet the mind and still the body. But you don’t have to sit like a pretzel and chant strange sounds, although there is nothing wrong with that at all. I enjoy chanting. There are many ways to meditate. Get a

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guided CD that focuses on relaxation. When you get to the end, instead of jumping back into life, be in the stillness for a few moments. Meditation is kind of like listening. Listening to your inner world, listening deeply to what is around you at the present time, and listening to what comes to you from your Angels. You don’t have to reach out and grab it. Let it come to you. Being quiet and in stillness through meditation makes it much easier to hear, feel and experience the subtle qualities of the Angels.

5. Gratitude: The most important part of your spiritual experience across the spectrum is gratitude. Be in gratitude for the Angels and your Guides, God, Goddess, Divine Creator or whatever support you receive. Also be in gratitude for your trials, struggles and frustrations. This is how we grow and learn. Gratitude brings you more of the good things in life. Your energy attracts your experiences. Being grateful for everything allows the negative to be transmuted to a positive and amplifies the positive to even more positive. Gratitude shows the spiritual realms that you have acknowledged your part in a situation, learned the lesson and are ready to move into something better. The energy of gratitude is powerful and I suggest you use it daily.

Now that you are doing these practices every day, and the Angelic Realms are listening and you are receiving their inspiration and insight, you might be interested in what kind of things you can ask the angels for and what angels to call upon.

I asked Archangel Michael if he would answer this question and he responded, “Everything. Ask us to help you with everything. We will do all we can do to help, support, guide, protect and love you.” I love this answer. It is a wide-open doorway to ask for whatever we need.

I ask the Angels to help me with finding parking spaces. Archangel Zadkiel is awesome at finding great parking spaces. I will pull up to a place and all the spaces are full. I ask Zadkiel to help and within a minute or two, here comes the owner of the closest car and they move along. I call on Archangel Metatron to help with technical things like the computer and figuring out

all the remotes and buttons and connection on my television. One day I was almost in tears trying to figure out how to connect something to my television and all of a sudden I hear Metatron laughing as he said, “Are you going to ask for help?” Archangel Michael is great to call upon when you are feeling unsafe or uninspired. He is the protector Angel, so ask him to protect you and your family and loved ones. I call upon Archangel Raphael when I’m tired or sick or need a pick me up. I ask him to run his emerald green light through my chakras to clear out any stagnant energy. I feel better almost immediately and it works every time. Archangel Sandalphon is wonderful to call on to help with weight loss, work outs, arriving to places on time and dealing with being grounded. I tend to get ungrounded easily and it’s hard to function and get things done. Sandalphon comes in and quickly gets me back in my body, and then tells me to go get some exercise or stretch for a minute or two. Archangel Ariel helps me with my herbs and teas and essential oil blends. I love to make personalized herbal teas and essential oil blends with crystals for clients to further support their healing and growth. Ariel comes in with some unique ideas that work great. I love calling on Archangel Uriel to help with my altars and crystal grids and doing rituals. He is the Archangel of alchemy and he helps me to get focused and clear when I am creating beautiful altars, grids and rituals. He guides with such loving, Light filled energies that sometimes I weep. It’s like he gets into my heart of hearts and understands my deepest intentions.

There are many Angels to work with. I invite you to do some research and find the Angels that inspire you. Do your prayer and meditations and invite in the Angels that are waiting to work with you. They can hardly wait to hear from you!

Michele Amburgey is a Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner and Intuitive Consultant; Crystal and Sound Healer; and Aroma therapist. She holds a Master’s Degree in Metaphysical Therapy and a Bachelors in Holistic Health. She is a natural, trained, clairvoyant and medium.

Michele is a Reiki Master Teacher, Pranic Healer, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Past Life Regressionist. She is the radio show host for Love Light Radio and co-hosts Angelic Realms Radio on Blog Talk. Michele teaches spiritual classes in Southern California and online. Her website is www.MicheleAmburgey.com.

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We talk a great deal about healing … how to create a “healing space.” What does it means to heal, is it curing an illness? We go to doctors, we go to alternative practitioners. We seek healing in any way we can. Most of us seek to heal the physical manifestation of illnesses … but what if the symptoms occur earlier than we realize? What if the process of an illness begins in our unconscious mind and we struggle to recognize those signs.Dis-ease occurs in the entirety of a person’s being – meaning, it affects our spiritual, our emotional and our physical bodies. We cannot experience dis-ease in only one part of us – it affects the wholeness of who we are. We can, however, not recognize the signs of dis-ease until they have manifested in a dramatic way.We work on our awareness and our consciousness; we eat health-fully; we exercise, we meditate, we keep an open heart, we do our best to have a dis-ease free life. And life happens, it just does. In a long list of preventative and self-caring options, comes Reiki and Sound Therapy. Reiki allows us to let go a place where we can have a quiet respite from the stress and/or chaos of our hectic lives. Reiki fills us with love – as a Reiki Practitioner, I can only fall in-love with each client – over and over again – to provide a sense of calm, healing and nurturing. So Reiki gives us unconditional love and peace-filled moments.Adding sound to the mix, only enhances the healing qualities of the Reiki … the vibrations of the drum, the singing bowl, the rattles and chimes, and the voice, through Sacred Chant, connects us to all things holy on this planet and beyond it.Years ago when I was working with one of my mentors, I witnessed him “fall in-love” with a client, as he accessed those healing energies available to all of us. I watched him lay his hands on another individual, creating space for healing. I remember my heart opening and crying uncontrollably because I had never experienced such beauty. I knew then that I had to find a way to express that energy. When I began to sing professionally, I realized I had found a vehicle for the expression of that energy with the two combined.

Marcie HowardReikiSounds A Journey of Healing

ReikiSounds has allowed me to travel the pathway of a healer and to share with many beautiful individuals a way to stay in touch with who we are, a pathway to conscious-ness and love, and a way to know peace-filled moments. I am so blessed.

Marcie Howard is a certified Reiki Master and Sound Healer. She is located within the Temple of Light and available for private ReikiSounds sessions. Please visit her website at www.reikisounds.org to learn more about her work and schedule an appointment. Marcie also teaches Reiki in small group environments and on an individual basis. Reiki I is offered every second Saturday morning at the Temple of Light from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Contact Marcie directly to reserve a space. Groups are kept small for optimum detail and attention. Only four members per class. Marcie can be reached @ 714-336-8122 or at [email protected].

Option #1:First session, only

$35 for a 90-minute session

Option #2:Thereafter, reduced one-at-a-time rate @ $50/session. (Regular


Option #3:Purchase three

90-minute sessions @ $120 – ($40/


Session Specials

Buy a friend a gift certificate, get the first session @ $35.


Meet Marcie at the Holistic Fair the first Saturday of every month at the Temple of Light to receive

a FREE 15-minute ReikiSounds session.

Reiki I Group Rate

$75/person. Second Saturday of the

month from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Reiki II Group Rate

$75/person. Scheduled on an as

needed basis

Reiki III Master’s Class

Tutored on a one-on-one basis.

(Contact Marcie for details)

714.336.8122 / [email protected] /www.ReikiSounds.org

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July/August 2016 Radiance 29

Sherry HopsonInside a SessionThe Unexplained Illness

llnesses can be so frustrating when you can’t receive the correct diagnosis or even an explanation as to why you are suffering the way you do. Amy was a client in her early 20’s who had suffered for as long as she could remember from lung issues. Born a twin she was the only one that suffered from any lung issues and there was no genetic link leading to lung disorders. She had breathings issues that only seem to happen when she was excited. She could run and play with no issues but when she became over anxious, excited or startled she would lose her breathe and couldn’t regain controlled breathing. Doctor after doctor did one test after another when she was growing up and they could never find the answer as to why. When we sat down she really wanted to talk about financial matters but when I looked into the financial blockages it was actually the same past life experience that her lung and financial issues began. The life time was in the early 1900’s. She was a young immigrate in her late teens, she had traveled from Scotland with an older brother. They had plans to bring the rest of her family over when they became settled. Several days after being in the US, her brother was robbed and stabbed, died shortly after. She was left alone in a strange country. She went to work for a furniture factory and lived in a tenement house that was attached to the factory. She was working six days a week and could barely cover her cost of living. She was never able to get ahead to send money to the family to bring them to the US or enough money to get herself back home. Five months after being in the U.S., a fire broke out at the factory in the middle of the night. She had lived on the fifth floor of the tenement house. Everyone was evacuated very quickly, she stood in the street in shock and decided that she had time to run back inside to get some of her possessions which were her only ties to family. She ran through the barricades and back up the fifth floor to grab a trunk with her family pictures and a few heirlooms, she was overcome with smoke and passed of suffocation. There were several fragmentations that occurred during that time period. A fragmentation is when the soul experiences a trauma or emotional issue they cannot accept thereby setting up the foundation of

karma. It is as if they are existing there and here at the same time. With a fragmentation, when the soul experiences the same emotion it will trigger a vortex of energy in a chakra which then amplifies the energy connected to the past. With Amy, her fear of being on her own triggered her experience of struggle. Her breathing issues came from the suffocation when she had heightened levels of emotion. The first step was to clear the fragmentations through energy work, the second step was to change the perception of her lessons that were in that experience. The first lesson was being able rely upon her own self breaking past life patterns of codependency and the second one was the fear of being alone which was the reason that she attracted a life of being a twin. Redefining both of these within the physical mind created a different reaction to the emotional being allowing her to move past her blockages to get what she desired.

Sherry Hopson has over 25 years experience. She is an internationally renowned intuitive author, speaker and radio personality. She spent the first 26 years of her business career in corporate America working her way up to running a successful national finance firm. She left her position to follow her passion as a spiritual counselor. She is a past life and energy expert, and known for her unique energy clearing techniques. Her specialty is working with a soul’s progression of the emotional aspects of development from life time to life time and also the development process of the master soul groups. For more of Inside as Session, check out the newsletter at www.sherryhopson.com

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Psychic DevelopmentDebra HookeyEvery 1st and 3rd Wednesday7pm - $25

Mediumship DevelopmentDebra HookeyEvery 2nd and 4th Wednesday7pm - $25

Shamanic JourneyingJayden Rodriquez, Shaman

Every 1st & 3rd Thursday7pm - $30

Conscious Anatomy Medical Intuitive Workshop

Rev. Danielle Marie HewittEvery Saturday (exception 1st Saturday)

9am to 12pm - $44

Love Never Ends Spirit CircleDebra Hookey5th Wednesday (if they occur)7pm - $25

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Essential Oils for Health & Wellness

Harmony RoundyEvery 4th Thursday

6:30pm - $20

Channeling CircleAmaya VictoriaEvery 3rd Tuesdays7pm - $25

Crystal JourneysDeborah Shea

Every 2nd and 4th Thursday7pm - $20

Animystic Adventures (Animal Communication & Other Early Wisdom)Kara UdzielaEvery 3rd Thursday (RSVP to Instructor [email protected])7pm - $25

Chakra Insights Oracle Card WorkshopNancy Kimes

Every 3rd Thursday7pm - $20

(Oracle Cards may be purchased in class)

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species walking on four legs on our earth. Buffalo was the chief supplier of food for the plains people, and all of buffalo was used right down to its hooves for glue.I have been privileged to be a teacher and healer in the healing arts for over 35 years. For so many of these years I have read, and I have written about self-healing. I believe we have come to a time in our potential as a collective to take our eyes off ourselves, to place our vision on something much larger, the culmination and continuation of all species, and earth itself. Surely, self-healing, deep internal work, continued growth is a must. It is a necessity because the human race is wobbling without bearing or ballast. Yet, if we stay self-myopic, only thinking about how we can manifest or how we can get ahead, we are missing the point. The buffalo stands before us. Buffalo medicine is awakened; it brings to us a message. Buffalo says “I come once again to populate the earth. I represent life on earth. I come to heal the hoop. It is time for cooperation amongst those gathered on earth. So I have come to gather the tribes, the villages, the communities. I am stable, prolific, solid and grounded.” Come with me now, let us put our ears close on the earth, can you hear that? The thundering of hooves? Great buffalo, the messenger of the universe runs towards us.

I turn my head to the right as I am working with and paying attention to the individuals who have come online to participate on our weekly, Thursday evening Ceremony Circle called “Circling the heavens.”I cannot “see” the participants that have joined me. They are able to “speak” to me via typing in the cue and hear and watch me via a camera that projects my image on the screen of my computer. As I turn my head to my right, in my mind’s eye, I see a buffalo. I hear “time of the buffalo, time of the earth.” I am fascinated and startled, yet not surprised. For over the last four-day period preceding this Thursday night group, every time I have been working with clients in healing sessions, I have seen the buffalo.There is a story the Lakota tribe speak of quite often of the White Buffalo Calf Woman. White Buffalo Calf Woman brought to the people seven of their ceremonies. Teaching them how to make, use and store the pipe. She also showed them how to pray properly. In addition, White Buffalo Calf Woman taught the people about the inipi or sweat lodges. For more information on White Buffalo Calf Woman go to http://www.crystalinks.com/buffalocalfwoman.htmlMany years ago on August 20, 1994 at the Heider Farm in Janesville, Wisconsin was born a white female buffalo calf who was called “Miracle”. The Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota Nations (known collectively as the Sioux) were considered her primary spiritual guardians. Miracle was considered the answer to the prophecies of the return of peace and harmony on earth. Yet, on September 19th, 2004 Miracle was found murdered on the farm. At that time there was a great outcry amongst the people of all cultures. Devastated, I went to prayer asking spirit “why?” How could such an act of what appeared to be great darkness occur? I was told this “In the murdering of this animal, what she carried is now on the wind, and is given to the people.”Fast forward to April/May 2016. Here after 12 years, I sit facing my computer screen with buffalo standing next to me. I ask her why she is here, for what reason? Buffalo represents the Universe and the four directions and is placed in the west. On the medicine wheel, color red and the setting sun. Buffalo was at one time the most prolific breed of animal on the plains of this earth. Truly out numbering many, if not most of the other

Amaya VictoriaThe Time of the Buffalo

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Monique HemingwayA Channeled Message from Willow

We are Willow, here to discuss with you the Emerging. What is the Emerging? It is you! The old version of what you thought was you, is merging into what you now know is you. The truth in your heart is calling. It is urging you to be who you came to be. No longer painted with the beliefs that you are not good enough, smart enough, or worthy enough. Get rid of the “not enough” thinking. Replace it with “I came here to shine”. Shine your light first for yourself and others will follow. Make it strong and powerful. Your light has been hidden behind lies, pain and disappointments that you have experienced. Energy shifts started in 2012 and are continuing to bring you new thought forms and new ways to experience this world. This is the heralding of the Golden Age. It begins with each and every one of you. It is not a particular cause, person, or organization that will tip the scales. It is solely you. You are that powerful. When every individual understands that concept, then you will all be contributing to usher in the New Age, both together and individually. You are the midwives of this birthing and you chose to be here. Earth was in need of deep healing; you answered the call. She is embracing her light as you embrace her. This is a symbiotic relationship, both in need of the other, one empowering the other.As a collective consciousness you are beginning to land into the 5th dimensional frequencies. There have been turbulent times and many things have been strewn about. It is akin to an airplane coming in for landing; it will inevitably hit turbulence. This is what you are experiencing now, the final bumps of your journey out of the 3rd dimension. As a collective, you are starting to tap into the 5th dimension. Some individuals all over this planet are already touching into even higher dimensions and beyond. You are all capable of that.This energetic signature is new and feels different, yet you have felt it before in other lifetimes. All are feeling now this newness, this rarified energy as it calls to you. It calls to your heart and your cellular memories and proclaims, “I am here!” “Allow me to open up your heart and release the pain that you knew from times past. Enter into this new world cleared and untethered.”This is a realm that is filled with more light, more love and oneness. The dimensions you were living

in before emphasized individualism and created a separation energy. That is now changing because it no longer works. Mankind is starting to step into the energy of oneness. We are all one, yet the connected consciousness of oneness begins individually.We ask you to take a look at your heart and heal what you are ready to heal. Some days you will want to dig deep, while others you will just want to play. There is no right or wrong way to ascend. To be able to lift yourself higher, you need to release yourself of the weight the keeps you grounded in lower energies.Dear ones, we are so excited for Mankind and all the sentiment beings on your planet Earth! It is here and we are near. We are holding you energetically. Love is where you came from and love is where you will return to. We are Willow, and we come to you with the brightest of blessings and the deepest of joy!

Monique's psychic gifts have been a natural part of her life since birth. Always drawn to Metaphysical things, she spent her life studying and learning ways to expand her consciousness. Twenty years ago, she followed her Soul's calling and began intensive training in many modalities of Spiritual healing and counseling. Monique is a highly trained and Certified Clairvoyant, Psychic, Medium, Trance Channel, Reiki Master and Vibrational Energy Healer. She is also a Health Coach, working with clients to reclaim their Dynamic Body and Optimal Health through nutrition and the connection of Mind, Body and Spirit.

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David Wells is a pharmacist and Ph.D. scientist who opened up to his calling as an energy medicine healer by learning how to truly bring about healing in the body - not with drugs but with the movement of energy. David is also an artist and uses his intuitive talents to channel healing energy into his works. Visit David at the Laguna Art-A-Fair this summer. energymedicinehealer.com

“How can the choices I make as an individual possibly change the world? I am but one person among several billion on this planet. Surely any choice I make will be outnumbered. Why should I even bother?” Have you ever caught yourself thinking self-limiting beliefs such as these? Imagine yourself as absolutely having this power to change the world with the choices you make every day. Here’s a spoiler alert… you absolutely do! The decisions you make, the interactions you have with people who cross your path, the positivity, kindness, love and light you put out into the world, these all multiply themselves over and over. I heard Deepak Chopra describe in a presentation [paraphrased], “When you smile and are happy, you positively influence and impact those around you. Then each of those people, in turn, positively interact with the people around them, and this positivity becomes an energetic snowball that grows in size exponentially – all originating from the actions of one person.” Positivity, happiness, and hope are shared and spread across the globe in this manner. Think of a ‘viral video’ from the internet that makes others laugh – recently one such video from the mother who wore a Chewbacca mask and laughed uncontrollably went viral and reached 150 million views and counting, spreading laughter from one person to so many other people. How is this even possible? Oh, but it is! Have you ever been on the receiving end of a smile from a stranger or a child, and recall the impact that it had on you, whether for a fleeting moment, minutes or for the entire day? Even a simple “Good Morning” when said in a positive tone affects the energy of the elevator or that space in which it is shared. Everything is energy -- from our thoughts to our words to our actions. We make a many choices every single day. Next time, ask yourself if you are making a choice from a place of love, or from a place of fear. When we choose love, we send light into the world and raise the vibration. If fear, judgments, disappointments, and the ego enter our choices, take a deep breath, and make another choice based on pure loving thoughts for everyone. Every person on this earth is a soul who is on a unique journey, finding their place in life with regard to career, personal relationships, health and self-love.

David Wells, Ph.D.Your Choices Will Change the World

We can never fully appreciate the path another is on, even someone within our immediate family. If we can hold no judgment toward others and simply love someone exactly as they are, a new perspective opens to us where we respect and honor their true self. Our peaceful, loving thoughts toward others also support and help them in every way we are able. When we come from a place of love to share a smile or kind word and spread positivity, we provide encouragement to everyone we meet. Our effects are magnified well beyond ourselves. When we make choices to share our time with others in a volunteering role, this decision impacts many more people. Never underestimate the power that one person has to change a situation, simply from their choice in any given moment, and in a ripple effect, to positively influence change on a grander scale. If you are reading this, YOU are that person, in this moment, to choose love and watch it ripple forward.

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Crystal Jewelry Making ClassKathleen Abraham

Every 3rd Saturday9am

$25 class fee plus $10 material fee

Heal Your Soul Through Expressionistic ArtDavid Wells, Ph.D.

Every 2nd Saturday9am

$55 class fee plus $20 material fee

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July/August 2016 Radiance 37

Have you ever wondered what would happen if instead of dying, you continued your journey as a spiritual being having an experience in human form? What

would happen if instead of the human form of dying, your spirit continued its’ journey as a spiritual being, having a spiritual experience in human form? Usually, when a human person is complete with what he or she came to Earth to learn or experience, their human form dies. Having evolved their spirit by what they learned on Earth they move on to the next experience of their evolution. When one chooses to evolve spiritually, some come to a point in their human life where they “wake up” and realize they are a spiritual being having a human experience (as compared to coming to know this after crossing over.) Imagine waking up and discovering that you are not only a spiritual being, but an Angelic walk-in who has incarnated in a human body for the first time.

I am often asked what does a “walk-in” mean and what happened to the other soul that left.

A walk-in experience is when two individual soul expressions switch places. The first soul has gone as far as it can in its’ development and is ready to move on to the next part of the journey of evolution. The second soul which takes its’ place will serve in a different capacity than the first one. The Universe grants permission for this exchange in order for it to take place. Another way to refer to the experience is “soul transference.” The first soul continues on their journey, either to reunite with a loved one and/or go to another place to further their learning experience without returning to Earth.

The second soul or “walk-in”, which comes into the human body is a more evolved spirit and continues the journey. Imagine dying with the knowledge you have and then incarnating again on Earth as a baby with all the knowledge fully retained. You come in wiser because

you learned from your previous incarnation. For me, instead of coming in at birth, I dropped into a body of a 37-year-old woman and continued the journey where her expression left off. The human expression that was complete moved on by leaving the body in spirit form. This is where the body would normally die. Instead of her body physically dying as she chose to leave it, in her place, I dropped into her body as a spiritually more evolved expression of which was originally residing in the body in order to continue the journey of awakening the Human Ego and serving my purpose as an Angelic incarnation. The other expression had more to learn about maturing and strengthening the emotions and evolving them to a place of forgiveness and love. In her new existence, with out her body, and through awareness of the self-defeating beliefs and emotions that sabotage confidence and love, she was able to evolve through them. She became wiser intellectually and emotionally and purer in unconditional love.

Our soul transference which resulted in my incarnation, occurred at a meditation event with the other expression's boyfriend and his friends in Montana. It started when the other expression said out loud that she wanted to experience the highest vibration of a spiritual experience in human form. The Angelic realm hears our prayers and I said I would go and help her boy achieve this. The wise Angels from the Angelic realm said to me, "Are you sure? If so, you can help us."

At the meditation event, all of the windows in the house were closed and they all sat in a circle. The wind started blowing and the other expression was in an energy frequency field moving forward through some type of time warp. She collapsed, left the body and I literally fell in as she left. We both were unaware of what was happening in the moment as this experience occurred. We only knew she left and I came in. I saw her soul expression above my head and she saw me as I entered her body. Since the human mind was unaware as yet of me dropping in, we experienced much confusion.

My soul expression had instructions before I dropped in, but the memory of the human mind of her expression did not know initially what was happening. As a result, I felt confined and uncomfortable. It was

Angelic Journey to Human Incarnationby Angelica Rose

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like wearing very tight, uncomfortable clothes which could not be taken off. The people in the meditation group put quartz crystals around my new body sensing something had happened. Quartz crystals provide power and protection.

The people there were all energy readers and could feel my energy was different. They asked where I was from. I told them I came from the Angelic Realm. I was having difficulty breathing and started to hyperventilate. I was so used to high frequencies of pure love energy and what I was now experiencing was so confined and dense. They gave me a paper bag to blow into in order to help me calm down. Afterwards, I had to sit in a tub of water for hours to acclimate to Earth's density. It sounds funny now to look back and see myself soaking in a tub of water, but I guess it felt similar to a baby in a mothers’ womb.

Soon after the transference, the relationships forged with the previous soul expression (friends and family) all abruptly ended. They were all afraid, and acted out of fear upon noticing how different I was. They didn’t recognize me anymore. I received guided messages by the Angelic Realm to break up with the boyfriend knowing he and I were now so different. I felt alone on this planet in the human form and did not know what to do. I yelled out loud, "did you forget to give me the book of rules and regulations about this planet?"

That night I had a dream telling me what was happening. My Angelic Guides informed me I was a chosen one to incarnate and help with the planetary evolution and everyone on the planet by bringing in the expansive frequency of love. They showed me a vision of the birth of the former expression, where it was planned then that I would come in later and fulfill my Angelic purpose. They told me I was a chosen one. These nonphysical energetic beings in the dream shared with me I am to stay connected to the ethereal realm. I was temporarily being isolated from other human expressions because that would be a distraction. They shared I would be guided and instructed and to stay present each day and listen. They told me in the dream I would have helpers in nonphysical form to assist with the expansiveness of human consciousness. These helpers included the

Angelic Realm, Christ Love and starting in 2012 a group I call the Expansive Pure Love Beings. Christ was familiar with the Earth and helped me understand how to live here. He talked to me through the human filters to help me navigate the energy to a different frequency thereby making it easier to release the emotional control. Christ also sent nurturing love to the emotions and helped protect me.

They nonphysical beings explained they would be downloading energy to start the process of shifting the DNA of the human body to a light body, activating the human mind to acclimate to the frequencies of the Angelic mind and to work on the human emotions through clearing self-defeating energies. The Angelic Realm and Christ Love supported me in both the awakening of the human belief programs by transmuting old energy patterns in the form of beliefs that had a dense energy to them. Examples of dense energies are fears, insecurities, limitations, judgments, anger, and sadness. The Angelic Realm would download higher vibrations of love in the body, mind, and emotions. Examples of higher vibration energies are peace, confidence, abundance, acceptance, love, and joy.

They shared with me part of my purpose was to continue to evolve the emotions where the other expression left off so the energy of the human emotions can shift to more of an Angelic frequency. This allowed me to fulfill the purpose of supporting the awakening through channeling pure love energy and assisting others in their awakening. My experience with evolving the emotions entailed having energy downloads channeled initially from the Angelic Realm and later on from the Expansive Pure Love Beings. The energy transmutes the denser energy in the emotional realm and replaces it with a higher frequency energy that creates healthier emotional belief systems. Some examples of denser vibrations are negativity, complaining, judging, fears, limitations, poverty consciousness, and insecurity. Some examples of expansive pure love frequency vibrations are positivity, acceptance, peace, love, prosperity consciousness and confidence.

Human beings strive to awaken and activate their Inner Spirit from human consciousness to spiritual oneness.

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For me, I had to evolve mostly the emotional realm so the energy of the human emotions shifted to more of a frequency of an Angelic. This allowed me to fulfill my chosen purpose for being here on Earth. Those on the spiritual path initially set out to unravel the self-defeating beliefs that are keeping them in a state of feeling separate from the full awareness of their Inner Spirit. These beliefs come from birth and are also taken on as one matures into an adult. The Inner Spirit becomes active when enough of the defeating beliefs where were covering up their core Inner Spirit essence become unraveled. Once enough of the core beliefs get released, the body receives light energy frequency where an awareness of connection to the Inner Spirit and the Universe occurs.

This starts the process of activating the Inner Spirit in the mind, heart and body more fully thereby allowing the Human Ego Control to subside and create more of a partnering with the Inner Spirit. This creates more of a oneness of alignment in place of a duality type of living. Duality living consists of comparisons based on ones’ belief system. The Human Ego identifies with the belief systems and uses comparisons to associate how it feels and thinks. For example, using duality words such as good and bad, right and wrong, happy and sad, are ways the Human Ego compares when it is analyzing an experience or person based on the belief systems. When the Human Ego associates the belief system in any given occurrence or situation with a person as a favorable outcome, there is a positive response. When the Human Ego associates the belief system in any given occurrence or situation with a person as unfavorable, a negative reaction occurs.

With a oneness connection, our focus shifts from Human Ego to the Inner Spirit being more actively. When the Inner Spirit is more active, there is little to no living in duality. The labels of good and bad, right and wrong, happy and sad don't exist because all of that comes from judgment. We experience duality when we allow self-defeating beliefs to dominate the human thoughts and emotions. We also have duality when we experience a challenge that we perceive as a problem and complain, blame, and judge about it. Duality creates emotional discomfort and confusion. Duality

thinking experiences labels such as, right and wrong, good and bad, or positive and negative, which creates the chattering thoughts and the confusion. The human mind is attempting to get clarity on some area. If the duality thinking gets fed, duality emotions become active such as, happy and sad or angry and love.

I was living in two worlds. One was what I knew as my truth, as pure love energy. I could fee this when I left my body or when I raised my energy high enough to experience it. The other world was what I was experiencing in this body more frequently. The human expression requires evolving, which is challenging. I saw so much emotional energy turmoil which starts at the birth of the body. In the midst of clearing out the energy cells, I was able to get clarity on what I was learning and evolving from. There was a lot of fear and insecurity due to experiencing the world with so much negativity. I experienced this when I came in to the body so I was able to relate to that energy. Knowing pure love and then experiencing some people who had anger, judgment, coupled with fear and insecurity only triggered more of the same energy inside which made it difficult to clear. There was so much negativity that it was extremely challenging to get the vibration up. I felt like I dropped into a mess of emotional unfinished energy that the other expression never fully completed. I had work to do.

Note from Author: This Article is an excerpt from my new book which shares my Angelic Walk-in experience on Earth. It is about my journey as an Angelic walk-in in which I incarnate for the 1st time on Earth where I learned to discover true spiritual and emotional freedom.

Angelica Rose, An Angel Walk-in, is a Universally Gifted Angel Messenger, Medium, Inner Spirit Activation Specialist, a Certified Hypnotist and Author of E-books, Relaxation CDs and DVDs, and Talks on Spiritual Oneness. Angelica also created an online series called “Spiritual Journey from Human Consciousness to Spiritual Oneness”

available on MP3 and MP4. She was certified as a minister of LOVE in 2007. Tel:971-217-6576 http://angelroselove.wix.com/love

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40 Radiance July/August 2016

When pressures of life intensify, greater freedom still awaits us through the comfort of a sacred passage within our heart. When we face the times of challenge, our options seem to be narrowing down; our long nights yearn for peaceful rest; the sincere connections of the heart seem to be sacrificed for no reason; we feel alone and the light of our love seems diminished. Yet, if we explore deeper, seeking that inner space of freedom, we find we know we can never truly be alone even through our loneliness; our love was never diminished, it is being exalted and purified, and we are loved as much as we love. The circle within us is complete. All we need is to remove the blocks of false perception, release the doubts and feel the sacred flow. As we surrender, connect with higher inspiration, and clear our energetic constructs, we perceive and receive. We feel the inner sacred presence that is always there, holding and soothing us. We know we are being lavishly supported, even as we felt we were intensely deprived and pulled in a million directions. An inner guidance calms and soothes, as we lift the golden wings of the heart and open our arms to embrace the intense beauty of life and existence. In every moment, like a bee gathering honey, like a transformed royal butterfly, we can close our eyes, focus on our inner world and gather the nectar of love from all the corners of the heart, and from all the words and pictures, scattered by the cherished people and the transforming events that paint the pages of the story of our life. We let go of loss and regret and open our hearts to this moment, here and now, envisioning a new avenue with each new heart beat, a renewed sense of who we are. We realize all the intensifying pressure was meant to be. It was all supporting us. The immense pressure was showing us it is a time of real challenge and inevitable change. It banished the possibility to retreat and so we encounter a defining moment.

MeritEmbracing OurInner FreedomOur calling meets our fate, and action must be born of necessity. Only our heroic selves can heed the call and find the calling. We march through an inescapable battle to free our inner land, and to redeem the true peace that cannot be shaken. Our heart is always telling us that we can. The good in us is supported by all that is good, and under all the pressure, the gold of our experience is being refined. As we connect to our heart’s beat, we resonate with our true tune, a song of praise for life, a reconciliation with who we are. We might not see the next step, but we can feel this inner resonance of the right alignment. In that space, we reside. It is that field, which Rumi described, beyond right and wrong, a field of bliss and being, where possibility is born again. Our intense fears dissipate in a cascading flow of contentment in which we are held. We return to love again and again. Love is our strength and who we are, even beyond the shadows of death. Our hearts and eyes are raised high to seek the support of God, as was inspired by the Psalm. We are protected amid all the trouble.A thousand stars brighten the nights for us, a full moon intensifies and then temporarily disappears to reappear again. The golden warmth of the sun enlivens our days. The cycles of time gift us with new beginnings, as they release and transform us and connect us with that which is beyond time. Trillions of cells are supporting us silently. And every breath connects us with vast inner and outer worlds. How can we doubt that it is all meant to be? We are supported to triumph. Victory is the secret hidden and spelled in the letters of life. Our calling is confirmed with every heartbeat. It becomes the destiny that chooses us and that we choose. As for all the struggle, it reveals an intense invitation to live our truth, as we reside in the sanctuary of the inner palace of the heart, where freedom always lives, always waiting for a moment when we return to ourselves.Contact Merit at Golden Light Inspiration: 949.445.2224 or email merit. Golden Light [email protected] for a consultation and in-depth exploration. Astro Keys for empowering understanding of your unique energetic patterns and personal tools for inner alignment for subconscious motivation and opening to Higher Consciousness guidance. FREE: 15 minutes introductory Consultation. Sessions by Skype (Cleopatra dreams), in person and by phone.

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July/August 2016 Radiance 41

Angelic Channeling Vox Angelus (Phyllis Douglass)Every 2nd Friday$20

Sound Healing JourneySeth PincusEvery 3rd Friday$15 prepay/$20 at the door

New Earth Drumming CircleAlejandro TovaresEvery Saturday10am$15 (bring your own drum or use those on-site)

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42 Radiance July/August 2016

REV. ARLENE MEYER11 Goddard, Irvine, CA 92618

Sunday Service: 10:00 AMJoin us to hear a dynamic message which is practical, positive and relevant, enjoy uplifting contemporary music and meet other enthusiastic like-minded people.

Everyone is welcome!Unity Telephone: 949.472.9230

Office Hours: 10 AM - 2 PMwww.unityoforangecounty.org

[email protected] of Light: 949.333.1641

Going to a retreat at an Ashram, a Sangha, or a retreat center is a wonderful experience for our minds and spirits. The places I have been to were serene, pristine, beautiful and have food which not only nourished my body, but my soul as well.We seek places that are an oasis in this busy world we now live in. Yet each one of us have our own oasis, our own temple, a place of the Most High, a gift from the Universe, and unique to each of us. That temple is our body. Unfortunately, we would never treat any holy place the way we treat our personal temple. Think about some of the things we do to our bodies. We put into them garbage in the form of processed food that is empty of nourishment and filled with things whose names we cannot pronounce. We do not move our bodies as they were intended and wonder why they are not working as they should.The Jordan river flows into the Dead Sea and the Sea of Galilee. Yet the Dead Sea is “dead” – there is no vegetation, no life, and nothing can exist around it. The Sea of Galilee is filled with many varieties of fish and vegetation, yet they are both fed by the same river. The difference is, the Dead Sea has no outlet, whereas the Sea of Galilee flows out. When water does not move it dies, and cannot support life forms. Like the Sea of Galilee, we need to not only put good things in, we need to have an outlet, whether it is sports, walking, yoga, dancing, etc. Movement along with good food is the key to a healthy body and a healthy body is important if we want to live a balanced, spiritual life.We have been given, in this lifetime, a body to care for, nurture, respect, appreciate and honor. What if we asked ourselves the question -- would I treat a holy temple the way I treat my body?For a few summers I was blessed with going to a Buddhist retreat center in Massachusetts. I loved the place. It was surrounded by thousands of acres of forests, trails, streams, and a beauty that was a masterpiece for the eyes. The center itself was clean, beautifully appointed without being garish and the food was not only fabulous but nutritious as well. What made this place so special was wherever I went, I could feel LOVE. That Love was in the cleanliness of the

place, the simply beauty, the natural light that poured in everywhere, the silence, and the quiet respect each person had, not just for the place itself, but for each other. I always left with a determination to continue treating my personal temple with the love and respect I felt at that sangha. Sometimes I am successful and sometimes I fall short. The main thing is the intention to do so. I cannot abuse, disregard and ignore the needs of my temple yet expect to have a deep spiritual connection with Spirit. Each part of us is intimately interconnected and as such can only be “treated” holistically (as whole).Respect your temple. It is the vehicle your soul was given in this lifetime and one that should be cherished.

Rev. Arlene MeyerUnity ChurchYour Sacred Temple

Rev. Arlene Meyer is a Minister, Motivational Speaker, Life Consultant, Author and Healthy Lifestyle Coach. She has inspired and empowered people for 20+ years. She uses her life experiences of overcoming addiction, illness and debt to one of prosperity, wholeness, peace and health to guide individuals, couples, families and groups into transforming their lives to live life the way they would like. She offers inspiring talks, workshops and transformation in-depth coaching programs that help others achieve new heights of health, success, meaning, and spiritual aliveness. Arlene is author of Seven Days to Becoming a Vegetarian, an easy-to-follow cookbook for people wanting to add healthy options to their diet. [email protected]

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Temple of Light

Goddard Business Center11 Goddard

Irvine, CA 92616



July 2, August 6, and September 3

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