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2016 March/April - Is Your Lifestyle Killing You? - Maximized Living Magazine

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Is Your Lifestyle Killing You: This issue will make your aware how your lifestyle is killing you, and you don’t even realize it. Learn how to rediscover your youth, maximize your energy, lose weight, and prevent chronic disease.
MAGAZINE MARCH - APRIL 2016 Issue #20 MAXIMIZED LIVING Download this magazine to your smartphone or tablet at: Recipe: SMOOTHIE DEGENERATIVE DESK DISEASE PAGE 9 TM HOW TOXIC IS YOUR DAY? PAGE 13 PAGE 4
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Page 2: 2016 March/April - Is Your Lifestyle Killing You? - Maximized Living Magazine

“There’s something wrong with the world todayI don’t know what it isSomething’s wrong with our eyes

We’re seeing things in a different wayAnd God knows it ain’t HisIt sure ain’t no surprise

We’re livin’ on the edge.” -Aerosmith

We live on the edge of chaos. In some rare cases, we just plain run into “bad luck” when it comes to our health. But more often than not, health problems are a result of the fact that our bodies are highly sensitive to the way we live our lives. If you get sick, you’ve pushed your body over the edge.

You will find under any microscope that if you create a healthy environment for human cells, they will thrive, and if unhealthy, they will struggle. It is that simple! There is a direct and measurable correlation to the way you are living, and your internal ecosystem. Every action we take matters and the choices we made yesterday are either destructive and have moved our body toward chaos or constructive–supporting and promoting health.

There is a principle of physics called the Chaos Theory. Chaos, however, is actually not necessarily the perfect term. Processes and outcomes as they occur in nature and in people are not as random as they appear. Your bodily systems have been specifically designed to live within a range of possibilities and thrive or struggle based on how much you interfere with them.

The famous scientist, Edward Lorenz, has been credited with the concept of the Butterfly Effect, which vividly describes the Chaos Theory. He stated that the earth’s weather systems possess such an immense level of sensitivity, that if a butterfly flaps its wings in the jungles of Africa, the air disturbance that it would cause today could gradually increase until it turned into a storm in Europe one month later. What this means to us is that there is always a cause of every event that occurs in nature and in people.

Lorenz found that although something in life seems nonlinear or sort of arbitrary, there are actually simple equations to determine their outcomes. In other words, our good health or our health problems, aren’t generally random or simply bad luck, they are attracted. We live on the edge of chaos. Our body’s systems have been specifically designed to live within a range of possibilities and thrive or struggle based on how much you interfere with them. Even tiny changes to your body such as ingesting a baby aspirin, minuscule amounts of formaldehyde, an artificial sweetener, coloring, or preservatives, exposure to secondhand smoke, asbestos, or a misalignment in the spine, can consequently be predicted to cause a seriously unpleasant impact on your future. If not today, those minuscule poor choices flap their wings and can bring a health tsunami tomorrow.

Abraham Lincoln is believed to have said, “The best way to prepare for the future is to create it.” The choices you make today have a rippling effect on tomorrow – so make them good ones.

The Edge of Chaos

Maximized Blessings,

Dr. Ben LernerMaximized Living Co-Founder

Contact us: Maximized Living | 1170 Celebration Blvd., Suite 100B, Celebration, FL 34747 | 321.939.3060


02 The Edge of Chaos by Dr. Ben Lerner, DC

03 Answers From The Source: Q&A With Maximized Living Co-Founder Dr. Greg Loman, DC

04 Degenerative Desk Disease

06 Stinking Thinking: How Your Thoughts Can Cause Disease, and What You Can Do to Conquer Stress

09 Recipe: Granny Smith Green Smoothie

10 What You Need To Know About The Meat We Eat

13 How Toxic Is Your Day?

14 Is Your Lifestyle Killing You?

In view of the complex, individual nature of health and fitness problems, this magazine and the ideas, programs, procedures, and suggestions in it are not intended to replace the advice of trained medical professionals. All matters regarding one’s health require medical supervision. A physician should be consulted prior to adopting any program or programs described in this magazine, or any of the Maximized Living resources. The contents of this magazine are based upon the opinions of the authors. The authors and publisher disclaim any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of this magazine.

This magazine is not intended to make recommendations related to getting on or off prescription or over-the-counter medication. If you face any current health concerns, or are currently taking medication, it is always recommended to seek the advice of your physician before starting a new health care program. Only your medical doctor can prescribe drugs or tell you to get off of drugs. Our role is to make you aware of the hazards of poor lifestyle decisions while helping you to create optimum function and healing in your body. In time, you must begin to judge for yourself whether your medications are keeping you alive, merely palliating symptoms of an unhealthy body, or actually causing some of the ailments you suffer from. With the guidance of your prescribing physician, you need to make your own best decisions on medication. As you heal, work with your medical doctors to help you reduce or eliminate the drugs you’re on.

The information in this magazine is intended to be educational and should not replace consultation with a competent healthcare professional. This magazine is intended to be used as an adjunct to responsible health care supervised by a healthcare professional. The authors and Maximized Living are not liable for any misuse of the material contained in this magazine.


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These days you can’t even get through a 30-minute sitcom without pharmaceutical companies putting medications in your face for every type of ailment. How do you think this is contributing to anxiety among the public and how can people understand real health despite all of these messages?

Dr. Loman: This is a huge issue. You have listened to up to 16,000 minutes of drug commercials from birth to 18 years old if you grew up in the US, and it is just getting worse. You are bombarded with pharmaceutical solutions to treat disease once it happens, despite the fact that you can’t prescribe these chemicals to yourself. This most likely makes you feel like a sitting duck just waiting for disease to afflict you, so that you can go to the doctor and request their treatment plan to save your life. And who would blame you? Being seriously sick causes fear because your life is at stake. So yes, I do believe that this messaging creates anxiety in the US.

This is precisely why Maximized Living is so outspoken with our message of achieving real health. We want you, your family, and all of your friends to know that you can take care of your yourself using natural methods so that you DON’T GET SICK. We call these natural methods The 5 Essentials.

Don’t listen to the messaging that tells you that medicine is the only option for creating health and treating problems. Don’t listen to ANYONE that tells you that you have no control over whether you get or recover from diseases like cancer, heart disease, and autoimmune disorders. Get to a Maximized Living clinic today and start to change your life.

Dr. Greg LomanMaximized Living Co-Founder

q:answers from the source

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Firefighter. Lumberjack. Data entry specialist. What do they all have in common?

HEADACHES, FATIGUE, AND LOW BACK PAIN. Though one of those jobs may not seem to mesh with the others, such an assumption would be neither wise nor safe. The tasks of a data entry specialist—or any other desk worker, for that matter—may not require the brawn of a lumberjack or the courage of a firefighter, but they can elicit the same painful symptoms. The difference is that the injuries experienced by the average desk worker develop silently over time.

SLOW DRIP OR DELUGE? While the lumberjack may throw out his back chopping down an oak or the firefighter may collapse from adrenal fatigue after a 24-hour shift, the data entry specialist simply shifts to one side, hunches forward, and doesn’t move for eight hours. Sound like hyperbole? Think again. According to an artice in the Washington Post, the average office worker sits for about 10 hours each day1. Of that time, they remain almost completely still for more than four out of every five hours. Those 40-plus hours of sedentary stillness doesn’t even represent the countless hours spent watching TV, playing video games, traveling, sleeping, or idly browsing the Internet.

In America, our backsides are glued to our seats, and the effects are no joke. Our extended down time leads to a disconcerting wealth of negative health outcomes including: chronic aches and inflammation, accumulated fat around the organs and midsection, hardening of the arteries, insulin resistance, and nerve damage. Half of those factors make up the lethal condition known as metabolic syndrome, which serves as the precursor for a number of more notorious conditions, like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

Already, one in four American adults suffers from metabolic syndrome. And it turns out, lack of exercise away from the workplace is not the lone culprit. It is the cumulative effect of physical inactivity throughout our lives that is the most damaging.

To prevent this damage and fight back against these conditions, we must choose to move and—regardless of occupation—demand safer, more functional work stations. According to the expert statement released in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, Americans should begin to stand, move and take breaks for at least two out of eight hours at work1.

NERVE DAMAGE AND POSTURE As versatile and agile as it is, the human body must still maintain its intended shape. The body’s natural framework allows each tissue, organ, and system of the body to function properly. When that framework breaks down, the body struggles to function. Pain, illness, and disease are then able to develop.

Prolonged inactivity opens the door for nerve damage or neurodegeneration. Because the nervous system controls all function, health, and healing throughout the body the ripple effects of nerve damage should not be ignored. Your nerves are the electrical wiring of your body. They must be cared for as intently as your muscles, bones, and vital organs.

The way you treat your joints and soft tissues is often quite dangerous. In 2011 alone, there were 2,986,500 reported nonfatal injuries and illnesses that occurred in the workplace. Of those, 523,140 were cases involving muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints.

Degenerative DESK DiseaseHow sitting still is silently breaking you down—

and what you can do about it.

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Following symptoms, you should have your spine checked immediately.

1. Headaches/migraines 2. Neck pain 3. Numbness tingling in hands/arms 4. Fatigue 5. Low back pain/leg pain

Is Everything OK at Your Desk? Top 5 Warning Signs of a Damaging Work Position

1. You have a pill bottle by your desk that you dive into daily. 2. By lunch you are exhausted. 3. You notice you are slouching a lot (Don’t blame the chair!). 4. You feel like you need a massage every day. 5. You feel achy after a day at the office.

Quick Guide to Checking Posture (This does not substitute for an exam or X-ray performed by a Maximized Living doctor with specific posture training.)

STAND FACING A MIRROR OR A FRIEND. 1. Close your eyes and walk in place and gently nod your head

up and down 3-5 times. Hold on to a desk or chair if you have trouble with balance.

2. Open your eyes. 3. Look into the mirror or have your friend check the following


FROM THE FRONT : a. Is your head tilted to one side? (Look at eyes or level of the ear lobes.) b. Is your head rotated? ( Look at the nose. Can you see one ear, but not the other?) c. Is one shoulder higher than the other? d. Is the hip higher on one side than the other? (Check the level of the pants.) e. Is one foot flared out to the side? Or is a toe pointed in?

FROM THE SIDE: (You will need a friend to look.) a. Is the ear directly over the shoulder? (Observing whether your hunching.) b. Is the pelvis jutting out in front? (imagine a person pushing out their abdomen.)

These are all signs that your posture, spine and nervous system may be in trouble. An X-ray will validate these findings and help catch problems early enough to correct them. Remember, posture is the window to the spine. It effects everything from breathing to hormone production!

A host of other workplace-related issues are costing employers millions and causing employees to suffer. To name a few, these injuries include:

• TMJ (the jaw joint) issues • Spinal disc problems in the

neck and low back • Strain-induced headaches • Carpal tunnel syndrome (as

well as other neurological and vascular problems)

By implementing proper ergonomic setups, your work station can actually help you maintain a proper posture—your body’s intended shape. Your body is able to maintain optimal nerve supply, blood flow and overall function when in correct posture. And by placing a focus on maintaining subtle movement throughout the day (by sitting on a stability ball or wobble cushion, for instance), you can lessen the negative effects of a primarily sedentary workplace.

You may have a big, cozy chair behind that knotty pine desk, but your inactivity and repetitive motions are likely leaving you feeling anything but comfortable. Not sure whether your work station is affecting your posture? Ask your Maximized Living wellness doctor about what you can do to make a healthy change in your place of business.

1. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/06/02/medical-researchers-have-figured-out-how-much-time-is-okay to-spend-sitting-each-day/f

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“Up to 90 percent of the doctor visits in the USA may be triggered by a stress-related illness,” says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Negative thinking, worry, stress, fear, or anxiety lowers your immune system and can set you up for sickness, disease, or even cancer.

The purpose of your immune system is to defend and protect your body from bacteria, toxins, and viruses. It’s a powerful life saving system. Every time you ingest germs, bacteria or a toxin, your body’s immune system has to destroy it quickly, because it’s trained to do whatever it takes to keep you from getting sick.

Negative thoughts, worry, and fear affect this relationship with the immune system and weaken the immunity. A study done looking at over 300 empirical articles describing a relationship between psychological stress and the immune system found that: Acute stress, lasting ONLY minutes was associated with weakening natural immunity1. Just minutes!

So, how do your negative thoughts weaken the immune system? Stress, worry, doubt, or anxiety puts stress on your body with such force that you release a lot of the stress hormone, cortisol, throughout your body.

Stress, worry, doubt, or anxiety don’t necessarily cause you to get sick. They weaken your body and set up the environment of your body and immune system to be weaker. If you are stressed and someone coughs or sneezes germs on you, your weakened immune system has a hard time fighting back, and that causes you to get sick.

Cortisol can save your life or take your life!

Cortisol has a purpose and is there to save your life when necessary. During periods of intense stress, as though you were about to be attacked by a bear, cortisol tries to reduce inflammation by weakening some of the antibodies that can increase inflammation.

Cortisol is only helpful in short bursts. When you experience prolonged stress, your body needs those T-cells and white blood cells, and unfortunately, cortisol continues to suppress them, thus weakening your immune system over time.

Non-stop worrying damages you at a cellular level and decreases longevity.

So how does worrying and stress affect our cells?Researchers analyzed the cells of mothers caring for critically sick children. The goal was to discover if stress affected a key part of the chromosome known as a telomere, thought to be a marker of aging. Telomeres cap the ends of chromosomes, which contain the body’s DNA. As people begin to age, this cap begins to dwindle down. Disease steps in when the telomere gets too short to work effectively and cells all over the body begin to die.

Conclusion of the study: The longer women cared for sick children (the longer they stayed stressed), the shorter the telomere became.2

How doES stress and worrying cause cancer?STRESS lowers the immune system and decreases the body’s ability to fight disease, so it also loses the ability to kill cancer cells. Dr. Lorenzo Cohen, Ph.D., assistant professor of behavioral sciences at the University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center agrees—STRESS lowers the body’s ability to FIGHT CANCER!

A few techniques for conquering stress include:• MaxT3 exercise 3-4 days per week• Prayer or meditation• Corrective chiropractic adjustments• Seeing unavoidable stress as a blessing and an

opportunity for growth

You will always face stress, it’s inevitable. You need tools and strategies so you are prepared to handle the stress every day.

1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC13612872. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4112289/ Study- An Integrative Review of Factors Associated with Telomere Length and Implications for Biobehavioral Research


Dr. Majors is a survivor of a rare form of

brain cancer that threatened to take

his life five years ago. He allowed his body to heal

itself from cancer using holistic

measures and is a passionate advocate of

helping people understand the true art of health and preventative care.

By Dr. Cha

rles M


s, D


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Nutrients, vitamins, and minerals are needed by the body to create energy and sustain life on a daily basisṪ. Research suggests that cordyceps1 and maca2 are botanicals that can promote energy, endurance and staminaṪ. Targeted nutrients for an active lifestyle can help you thrive. Start living the life you’ve always dreamed of with Maximized Living Men’s Multi, a complete formula that addresses the unique needs of a manṪ.

to Maximize Your Potential

1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3110835/ 2. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19781622

Essential Nutrients

†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18541825

Ensuring you have adequate vitamin D levels cansupport heart health1†. You can support adequateVitamin D3 levels and promote lifelong health with Maximized Living Vitamin D3 + Probiotics†. Vitamin D3 + Probiotics is a unique and synergistic formula that combines the benefits of probiotics with the power of Vitamin D for unparalleled absorption.

Boost Your Body’s Potential

with D3 + Probiotics

†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Page 9: 2016 March/April - Is Your Lifestyle Killing You? - Maximized Living Magazine


Granny SmithGreen Smoothie

INGREDIENTS1 granny smith apple

1 handful baby spinach or kaleJuice of 1 lemon plus one sliver of lemon (including peel)

Stevia to tasteCoconut water to desired consistency

Optional: Coconut milk or almond milk, fresh ginger, mint leaves, kiwi or raspberries

DIRECTIONSPut everything in a high-powered blender and mix until

completely pulverized. Then put in a mason jar with a lid. Because you are keeping the whole apple and including

greens, it will have a fairly heavy consistency to it. If it begins to settle, continue to shake.

1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18541825

Ensuring you have adequate vitamin D levels cansupport heart health1†. You can support adequateVitamin D3 levels and promote lifelong health with Maximized Living Vitamin D3 + Probiotics†. Vitamin D3 + Probiotics is a unique and synergistic formula that combines the benefits of probiotics with the power of Vitamin D for unparalleled absorption.

Boost Your Body’s Potential

with D3 + Probiotics

†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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Animals have sustained the human species for thousands of years. Unfortunately, things have changed so much that we must be very cautious about the meats that we consume. When making nutritional changes, one of the first, most impactful changes you can make is with animal products. The right kind of meat is a great source of protein, and grass-fed beef is a Maximized Living super food because it is an amazing source of Omega 3’s, Conjugated Linoleic Acid, Vitamin E, and B Vitamins.

1. Their lifestyle is unnatural. Animals were meant to roam free and graze! Cows were designed to roam green pastures and eat grass. Today, most are raised in crowded feedlots where they are fed grains and other things a cow cannot digest. Chickens are supposed to peck around the earth eating bugs, grubs, herbs, clover, and even rodents and other small animals. Today, most are so cramped they cannot move. Fish are supposed to swim around rivers and oceans. Today, many varieties of fish that we eat are born and raised in a fish farm.

Certainly none of these animals were designed to be pumped full of vaccines, given regular doses of antibiotics, injected with hormones to make them grow faster, or to eat genetically modified, pesticide sprayed feed. This is not good for them or for us to eat!

2. Commercially raised animals are weak, sick, and distressed:• When cows eat grains, it causes the rumen to expand

and apply pressure to the cow’s lungs. This can cause suffocation, and the animal will likely have a tube pushed down their esophagus to avoid suffocation.

• Severe acidosis is common with this unnatural diet. This causes the cows to get very sick (similar to severe heartburn), so they eat dirt to try to relieve the uncomfortable burning sensation that they feel. These cows pant and salivate excessively, and frequently develop liver disease and ulcers. In order to prevent this, they are given a constant, low-level dose of antibiotics to combat the problem.

• Most cows also have anabolic steroids implanted in their ears to promote faster growth. All of this obviously weakens the cow’s immune system. The same goes for

chicken and fish. Farm raised fish are even fed corn and other grains!

3. Conventional meat is NOT as healthy as naturally raised meat:When animals are not fed a nutritious diet, the flesh of the animal is affected. You are ingesting the antibiotics, added hormones, and other chemicals present in the flesh of the animal.Here are the awesome health benefits of grass-fed beef:

• 2-4 times more Omega-3 fatty acids • 3-5 times more CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid), which is

a powerful cancer fighter• Four times higher in Vitamin E• Higher in the minerals calcium, magnesium, and


4. Treatment of commercially raised animals and effect on the environment are poor:

• Cows are raised in confined feedlots where they cannot even move.

• Dairy cows are hooked up to milking machines almost constantly and have painfully inflamed and infected mammary glands.

• Chickens are declawed, de-beaked, and cramped into tight quarters never seeing the light of day.

• It takes a heavy amount of fossil fuels to grow feed crops, fertilize them, spray them with pesticides and herbicides, and transport them to the feedlots.

• Grass feeding is a natural cycle that feeds animals and replenishes the ground with little to no additional effort.

5. Conventional meats contain other toxic and unhealthy compounds:

• It takes 5-8 pounds of “food” to produce one pound of beef. That is 5-8 pounds of omega-3 rich grass or 5-8 pounds of pesticide-laden, genetically modified, processed grains (mostly corn). You are not only what you eat. You are also what you eat, ate!

• The residuals of vaccines, antibiotics, and hormones given to animals affect our bodies as well.

• Conventional meat purchased in grocery stores can be irradiated, treated with chemical solutions, and injected with flavorings without labels disclosing this information.

What You Need to Know About the Meat We Eat

Here are the Top 5 Reasons to Avoid Commercial Meats

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Beware of Processed Meats• A 2005 study at the University of Hawaii showed a 67 percent increase in

pancreatic cancers in people who eat processed meat. The World Cancer Research Fund reviewed 7,000 studies and deemed processed meats “too dangerous for human consumption,” mainly due to carcinogenic compounds like nitrites and excitotoxins like MSG. Bacon, jerky, sausage, hot dogs, deli meat, frozen meals, and canned meats frequently contain nitrates and MSG.

• Nitrites keep meat looking fresh and colorful but are highly carcinogenic.• MSG is terrible for us and is used for flavor and preserving. You’ll see it listed

as hydrolyzed or autolyzed yeast extract.• Studies link nitrites with colorectal cancer and other digestive system cancers.

Helpful Hints for Reading Labels:No specific label—conventional beef: Animals raised in a CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation) are likely fed genetically modified, pesticide sprayed grains, by-products, other food waste, and given large amounts of vaccines, antibiotics and hormones. Conventional beef could also be irradiated without any labeling.

Organic - According to the USDA, to hold the organic claim, the animal must be raised on organic land, must be fed organic feed, no antibiotics or added growth hormones are allowed, and the animal must have outdoor access. NOTE: Organic does not mean grass-fed therefore, the omega ratios in organic meat more resembles that of conventional beef than grass-fed beef and the nutritional value is inferior to grass-fed beef.

Grass Fed - On January 12th 2016, the USDA revoked the current grass-fed beef labeling standard. The previous requirement was that animals certified under this program be fed only grass and forage, with the exception of milk consumed prior to weaning. They could not be fed grain or grain byproducts and required continuous access to pasture during the growing season. This standard was deemed “confusing for farmers and consumers,” and rescinding this standard means that consumers

Kimberly Roberto

manages one of America’s

leading wellness centers with her husband, Dr. Fred Roberto. Kimberly

conducts popular cooking classes and exercise programs in person and online.

She has led thousands of families to better health through personal nutrition

coaching. Kimberly and her husband reside outside of Atlanta, GA.

By Kimberly R



will be in the dark about meat they are purchasing. The door is now wide open for manufacturers to put a grass-fed label on meat that is not 100 percent grass-fed. This is alarming, and should prompt consumers to be their own advocate by asking more questions about the meat we eat!

How to Make the Switch! • Conventional beef to grass-fed and

finished beef• Conventional poultry and eggs to

free-range, cage-free chicken and eggs

• Farm raised fish to wild-caught fish• Eliminate pork and shellfish

entirely. Maximized Living does not recommend eating these animal products, as pork and shellfish are highly acidic, and contain a lot of toxins. Pigs also have an unsophisticated digestive system and lack of sweat glands, making them highly inflammatory and prone to parasites.

1. http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/blog/organic-meat-what-does-organic-really-mean2. http://blogs.usda.gov/2014/04/29/expanding-opportunities-for-small-scale-beef-producers/#sthash.oQheU22h.dpuf3. http://foodalliance.org/grassfed4. http://sustainableagriculture.net/blog/release-usda-revokes-grass-fed-label-standard/

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MAXIMIZED LIVING MAGAZINE12 1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18088161 2. https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/bvitamins.html

Women require specific nutrients to live healthy, vibrant lives. Good nutrition supports multiple body systems, which becomes increasingly important over the course of a lifetime. Maximized

Living Women’s Multi contains Vitamin D3 for bone health1†, plus 100% of all eight B-Vitamins to help you convert the food you eat into energy2†. Give your body the nutrients it needs for long-term

health, wellness and vitality at every stage of life.

Targeted Supportfor every woman

†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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With all of the cancer information and disinformation broadcasted continually through the major news media, rarely do we hear a mention of the greatest threat to our health – and the most prevalent cause of cancer: toxins. Toxins (poisons) are everywhere in our modern world. A 2009 CDC report revealed that since 1999 there have been over 219 chemicals found in human blood or urine samples1. The FDA has approved 3,000 artificial food additives, preservatives and colorings2. Toxins are coming at you from the food you eat, the shampoo you use, and the clothes you wear. Think about an average day in America: You get out of bed and brush your teeth with toothpaste containing flouride using chlorinated water. You also shower in that chlorinated water and wash your hair with shampoo with sodium lauryl sulfate, propylene glycol, and 20 other ingredients you can barely pronounce. You put on deodorant with aluminum to keep from sweating. All these chemicals accumulate in your body over time, increasing your total body burden3.

If you’re female, you put on your makeup, which is full of cancer causing chemicals like BHA, BHT, DEA, and parabens that have all been shown to disrupt your hormones and endocrine systems. Next, you go down to breakfast and have coffee from beans that have been sprayed with pesticides.You pour some cream that comes from cows fed hormones to make them produce more milk, and antibiotics to fight off the chronic infections they get. All of that ends up in your coffee. You cook your eggs in a Teflon pain full of PFOA’s and other dangerous chemicals.

If you’re watching your weight and drink a diet soda at lunch, you are poisoning your brain with artificial sweeteners like aspartame, which has been linked to migraines, seizures, early dementia, and ADHD in children. To freshen your breath, you chew some gum with more aspartame.

If you skip the diet soda and go with water instead, the plastic water bottle you are using contains phthalates that have also been show to hijack your hormones. All this and we aren’t even to dinner yet!

Independent researchers understand that toxins cause disruptions in cellular function, cellular differentiation, cellular protection, and immune system function. Such poisons also place great stress on the eliminatory system that tries, often in vain, to rid our bodies of a toxic overload; this includes the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system, lungs, bowels, and skin.The result? For starters, you get hormone issues like estrogen dominance, hot flashes, and menstrual problems. An even bigger problem is cancer. According to Aaron Blair, PhD, from the National Cancer Institute, “Most epidemiologists and cancer researchers would agree that the relative contribution from the environment toward cancer risk is about 80-90 percent. There is very solid evidence that environmental factors are the major cause of cancer.” So what can you do?

You can start with eliminating the Toxic Top 5.

1. MedicationsSolution: If you are taking medications for chronic conditions, start applying The 5 Essentials to get to the cause of your condition. Eliminate the cause, and you often eliminate the need for medication. Talk to your doctor, tell them what you are planning and get support.2. Household and personal care productsSolution: Use natural products that do not contain these chemicals. They are available online and at most health food stores.3. Teflon cookwareSolution: Go to your cabinets, pull out anything that is nonstick and throw it away now! Buy stainless steel or micro ceramic cookware. Use extra-virgin olive oil at low to moderate heats and coconut oil at high heats to reduce sticking.4. Tap waterSolution: Get a water filter. There are plenty of good filters out there, but we recommend reverse osmosis filters. A four-stage reverse osmosis filter removes the impurities from water and will save you hundreds of dollars per year compared to buying water. Also, when you drink the water, drink it out of a water bottle that is not plastic. Plastics contain phthalates. Also, store your food in glass containers instead of plastic. Stainless steel water bottles are best for repeat use.5. Food toxinsSolution: Read labels on everything you buy. If you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it. Eat more foods that don’t require food labels, like fruits and vegetables. Another great rule of thumb is that if your food comes to you through a window into your car, it’s toxic. Making real food at home is the best way to ensure you are avoiding chemicals that will make you sick!

Dr. Erik Shuemake

maintains one of the largest natural health clinics in the world, Shuemake Family Chiropractic. He is the author

of Cruise Ship or Nursing Home: 5 Essentials to a Maximized Life.

By Dr. Erik



e, D


how toxic is your day?5 Problems and Solutions that will make your life less toxic.

1. http://www.cdc.gov/exposurereport/2. http://www.fda.gov/Food/IngredientsPackagingLabeling/FoodAdditivesIngredients/ucm094211.htm3. http://www.ewg.org/sites/bodyburden1/findings.php

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I was born in 1981, and grew up in a time when we were told by public health authorities that fat was evil. So, we did whatever we could to consume more carbohydrates and less fat. My family, like most people in those days, thought that foods like orange juice, cheerios, pasta, and potatoes were “health” foods.

My mom was vigilant about keeping sugar and candy out of the house and never really spoiled us with sweets. We were considered the “healthy” kids and my mom was considered radical for restricting processed meats and sugary foods from the family. The only animal products we regularly consumed were fish, eggs, and dairy, with a little bit of poultry from time to time.

This Was My Typical Diet:

Breakfast: A bowl of corn flakes with low-fat milk, a banana, and a glass of orange juice.Lunch: A peanut butter and jelly sandwich on whole wheat bread with pretzels, and an apple.Dinner: Pasta with tomato sauce, parmesan cheese, and garlic bread, or vegetarian burritos with flour tortillas, refried beans, veggies, and processed cheese. As I developed, I became very interested in performance and health. I was an athlete throughout high school and my mom taught me that nutrition played a big role in my performance. I began to ask for kale, garlic, fruit, peanut butter, canned tuna (for protein), and lots of pasta and bread (for carbs).

But My Body Was Breaking Down on the Inside.In my early 20’s, I was a personal trainer and extremely active and fit. However, on the inside, I was struggling.

I would have periods of tremendous intestinal cramping that would leave me lying on the ground squirming in pain. I struggled with constant bouts of diarrhea and constipation

that were unpredictable. I thought this was normal and no big deal, especially, since I was living a much healthier lifestyle than just about anyone that I knew.

I was a lacto-ovo vegetarian and never ate what I considered “junk food” like candy, fast food, or pastries. I exercised daily and looked great on the outside so I thought I was doing everything right, but I really had no knowledge of how to truly care for my body.

By ignoring these smaller problems, I was allowing them to get worse and worse, and eventually spiral out of control. That is when the “little things” completely disrupted my life.

My Typical Diet Plan as a Personal Trainer:

Breakfast: A bowl of Quaker Oatmeal squares, berries, skim milk, dry roasted peanuts, and whey protein (processed – not the raw, non-denatured that Maximized Living currently recommends).Lunch: A salad consisting of spinach, cucumber, onion, tomato and processed soy burger, or tuna fish with olive oil, table salt, and pepper.Snack: Nuts, fruit, processed protein, and energy bars.Dinner: Farmed salmon with veggies and olive oil, or a soy burger on a whole-wheat bun, and salad drizzled with olive oil.Before Bed: Protein shake with skim milk, berries, and whey protein. As you can see, this diet was better than my childhood diet because I was consuming more vegetables and nutrients, but I still took in a lot of carbohydrates and processed foods that were dressed up as “health foods.”

Both of these diets were highly inflammatory and, in my case, the lifestyle factors I will describe going forward destroyed my digestive system. This led me to have low energy, cramping,

Learn how Maximized Living doctor, David Jockers’ lifestyle was killing him so that you can see what changes you may need to make to live your own vibrant life!

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bloating, and constipation. I was also sleepy all the time with major brain fog.

Here were some of the issues with my “healthy” diet:

Drinking Water:I was drinking tons of water (which we all know is healthy)—at least a gallon a day, but unfortunately, the water was not filtered very well and contained chlorine and fluoride, which both have a detrimental effect on our gut microflora and intestinal lining, and increase the risk of cancer development1, 2.

Artificial Sweeteners:I knew better than to eat a bunch of sugar, but at the time, I didn’t realize how bad Splenda was for my body. I never purchased Splenda directly, but I ate processed protein bars and whey proteins that contained this dangerous ingredient. Splenda has been shown to disrupt normal gut microflora and liver cleansing enzymes leading to both digestive and liver problems3.

Pasteurized Dairy: I would consume a lot of skim or low-fat milk, yogurts, and cottage cheese. Unfortunately, most of these products were not organic.

Subsequently, I ended up consuming extreme amounts of hormones and antibiotics, which created dangerous chemicals that inflamed my body and distorted my hormones4. Eating conventional meat from grain-fed cows, which were forced to eat corn and soy-based feeds with high levels of omega 6 fats, also contributed to this inflammation.

Farm Raised Fish:I frequently ate salmon and tuna because I thought they were healthy. Unfortunately, like most people, I ate a low-quality farm-raised variety that I would purchase because I didn’t know the difference between farmed and wild caught. Farmed fish is fed genetically modified (GMO) grains that are laced with pesticides and herbicides that damage the gut lining5.

Gluten and Grains:I would eat oatmeal or Quaker oatmeal squares every morning. I would use whole wheat breads and pastas and lots of brown rice. I thought this was healthy, but grains, in general, are inflammatory and the lectin components can be extremely hazardous to gut health and the overall nutritional status of the body6.

Soy Products:One of soy’s primary isoflavones, genistein, has been shown to inhibit the enzyme tyrosine kinase in the brain. The highest amounts of tyrosine kinases are found in the hippocampus, a brain region that is essential to learning and memory7. So, high soy consumption actually blocks this mechanism of memory formation.

Processed non-organic soy is also genetically modified (GMO) which makes it quite hazardous for a number of reasons. It is best to avoid soy, or at least use fermented soy such as tempeh or miso.

Dr. David Jockers is

a Maximized Living doctor,

functional nutritionist,

corrective care chiropractor, exercise physiologist, and certified strength &

conditioning specialist. He currently owns and operates Exodus Health Center in

Kennesaw, Georgia.

By Dr. Dav

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Processed Proteins:I was a huge fan of processed protein bars, protein shakes, and getting shakes at smoothie places. I remember that I would even drink Ensure because I liked that it had protein and vitamins/minerals in it. I didn’t realize these nutrients were in dangerous synthetic forms that are not well tolerated by the body.

Unfortunately, these products were all synthetically created and had tons of dangerous additives, preservatives, and artificial flavorings. All of these add to our toxic load, inflame the body, and damage the gut lining and the microbial diversity in the digestive system.

NSAIDs:I suffered with headaches all throughout my childhood and would frequently take Ibuprofen or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID’s). When I played high school sports, I took more to control pain and help with injuries. Unfortunately, NSAIDs place a lot of stress on the liver and kidneys and wear down the stomach and intestinal lining8.

Conclusion:Many of the people around you, including those who look healthy and fit, are living destructive lifestyles. It may not catch up with them immediately, but if they continue in the direction they are heading, they will eventually have problems.

What is your lifestyle like? Are you doing what it takes to live a lifestyle that brings health, hope and happiness?

Find out what you need to do to live the abundant life at our next blockbuster workshop: “Is Your Lifestyle Killing You?” Go to maximizedliving.com to find a doctor in your area.

1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1518976/2. http://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancercauses/othercarcinogens/athome/water-fluoridation-and-cancer-risk 3. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/188002914. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2715202/5. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1257546/6. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1115436/7. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/185839098. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1727292/

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from the inside outCLEANSE your BODY

The liver is one of your body’s main organs of detoxification. You could say its most important role is protecting you from potential toxins by safely eliminating them from your body1†. You can promote the elimination of toxins with milk thistle, which research suggests can boost your body’s glutathione concentration giving you a natural defense against toxins2†. Decrease your body’s burden with thenatural botanicals found in Maximized Living Detox System.

1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1749210 2. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0032607/


†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
