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collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard... · 2017-08-16 · I t"...

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I t" .' ... REMOVED.-H. A. Moan1ssn Ui hvmg over hia istore , and will in iO atiend llll calla at any bout tor the or hh custom.en Uld- the pubtiio generally. VOLUME XX.XVII. (TWO DOLI.AJ:.8 PF.a YEAR) (SlNOLE COPU:S TWO CENT8.) NUMBER Z7 By 'lle.legra.pb. -o- RALtF,\X, JUL\' ll.- Tho Queen, l'rinoe cf Wnl'9 l\nrl Drilish people exlt>nd •n cntbu1i11atio welcome 11nd uupreccdontl!J lo the Bolton Ar- t illcl)"' Com pa .. Fresh Goods Just Received Jams, · J allies, Corned Beef, Brawn J 0 Roast Beef. · "-THE NEW_; . , · IMPROVED ·. WHITE h Ross s ·· IS TIIE nasT AND LIGH'J:E.5T-RUNNINo · . UNIG" olACI\ ' 1 '1110 C11111Ldfan Pa rliament meeta on 1 3Lb. _ -......... 'fbo democmtio convention h11vo nominated Sen111.or Bryan for President. The aoun1! money dt>mocnlla bani bolt· crl . JUL\' 18.-Laurier w111 1wom in a., l 'l'<'!lhlcnL of L'Jo Council on &L'ur.ll\y. The olhl't miniaters w11ro 11worn In l.o- day. 'J'bo Cuban Rebllla l\J'O 11ggr'!ffive. Tho gold DemocraLI wiU 1upporL Mc- Kinley. Cliukra in ie 1pre1111inc:. The Porte has t.p!X'inled " Chrieti&n Gov1·mor for Crl!le. 'fbo Crel11111 want 1 1> ma ke. him Pre.ideuL. TEA- in packages and lib tins· SUGARS-Granulated and B1·own. . Famous Gossages' SOAP in 1 cwt boxes- 2c and 3c bars. and other Groceries.· Al so, in St. John's from Liverpool, and t\J arrive shortly, An Assortment of Crockeryware, The well-known brand GALAXY Flour oil hand Fresh ECCS- 15 cents per doz. Water St.. VICTOR p ARSONS Harlr Gl'ld. .. •te B e ananas. , Sweet Oranges, Lemons. JrL\' H. -TI1c new Ct.nadi11n cabinet i 11s folio"-. :-Lllurier, Premit>r l\n<l Pr <.'tideoL of the Pri,•y Couoeil ; Inland Re,·<onc, ir H. Joly; Public Works , ' fut.' : Agriculton', lion. 8. A. Fisher; :\I inul<'r ('Ir Juaticc, ir 01iv et 'Mowai; 'fr.1110 nml CommPrcl.', ir R. C11rt.. "rii: liL; Customs, Hor. W. Pttll.ersun i }', tmnalu -Oenl'ra l, Hon. R. \\". SootL; Fi n1uu •c, Hon. W. ·. Fielding; MiHti11, li on. l>r. Bordcn ; Jtailw&ya and Cannle, lit o. A. O. DIA Ir; SoliciLOr Gcu1&rul, ll <ln'IM S. H. D1 \Vita. Tht> Yancou 1:r- Aoslrali1 \ ci<blo .,,ill be ccinatn1c1ed umler. 11 joinr,.guArnntco of lh<' Driti1d1, Au6lrRlian a rfill C.1U11Ji1U1 SlWt mmcnls. Erasmic Herb Toilet Soap. Jn Y lG-.tJ or Jy becomes Premier of Oi.lMio. An n •Hin ntterur•tcd to ehooL Pl't'8i· rl l' nL FR11r1•. tl11<>1•n \·iclrrin h11a in, ·ifl'd lh!l Cu r nnJ ('urinl\ to vi• il. Bolmorul in the 11utumo. n uclir i tnl.'<·1•1 ,)<' l l\nd recon•lrllC· It'' l h• It . Ii.in miniMr) , llcl!<.1u: L1 corn· in1: \\ r.1 l,hr i·l• r. ' 1'11c wur \'Oh! hHs L el'l1 i"l.'l<:\tl•l. Jn.\· J•i.-Thc mnj. ,rity of tht> \?< 111· < !C'Tl'llll l re tl1.1:11·1•ru\ c t•I 1 ho Jlhllr. ' r m. Th.. I' d lil' cnl k rn nfc rrncc lt11.1 l• <'<' n J •Ii .,r. ttl ull J. •• 111ricr'11 11ui1mlc i5 n1· t'l It i n1 cl• •\ ndo·C.H :uli1111 I rnJ1• J :?l J • r nt. f1.r tbt hn!r) l' llr 11ud -l O per Cl:l1'r tn Jun<•. Jns li. -A mctiC'lln 1111,I CAJ iLil lltta aru u cldog inv,atmenle in Cen11.1 1 :1. Ull''l!O i:ohl al1ipmcnt1 nre .being ac-nL !rom •upport lho Malaliele r.:vo!L i• 1preadi 'l'hc paaL two d11)'11 in Rubor Graee have bt'en r<"d ltUer days Ill the liist<iry of Army. l\11jound Mrs. MdliJlan llcndq1111rtcr1 eL&tf =ind abonL 3.1 offi«rt ha\·e been (or count'ilf:I All orders in tho Undertaking De· pl\rlment will reeei\•e prompt and cnreful t\ttention, as heretofore, a\ his premises. The PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS prelerfp&fon ued · ,, Uier Will hd a aure cure for Alll'lllU CATA.RRH, Baoiccnms and Ill throat a;;;f luns; M.U .\DlEl>. Ho hnpca •II •ull'e.ren will try hi• remedy, aa IL it invalnalile Thoae dealrlng the prescription, which will COIL lht•m nothing, 1md n1ay prove a hltNinll'. will pleue adJ rf'&I, EJ>w.i.RD A. Wu .so .. '!, Brooklyn, 'F2ll7 New York. = The Major anti bis wife are rropu will be open 1\1! for bu s ineu Scotch warriort and can deJl<'nd upon a - u nder the charge of A competent htal11 welcome IO tbit ciLJ al an1 future time. person. 110f Sale by PUBLI" AU"TIOV captain Panons ancl Litut. Brown EDWARD PARSO:SS. l " " 11 who arejuai drupJllng the refta here ..... ,==-========""- On l\JONDAY, 20th .Tul y, !\l noun• have betin promo&ed to rank or Enllp - . 1 d' d and Cap&aln Ui.,. have J. \V. KENNEDY, (i( not previous y ispose ,) the Boot Shoe-Jlaker. SLIP· WATER br.,lURioR GR.ACE :!.t::. ot &: Slip.) ..._ UM1 OaP._&. :a.nu. .-Enry deacrlption or Ila LEA.'l'BBRW .ARE IWOU.la. to . i:!Gll m-.. DWlle&; l:li!!dP l'Nilllllab co made to order and repaired. - to Ba7 ' ==- x.a anc1uea&.N0t11o Carnages-, Sleighs, Carts, &c. _ jAMES WARREN foJ :::1c!d" Prez:;: ':i'Ji CARRIAGE&SLEIGJI BUILDER IJeu&. Barria and Cade& to Dildo; C&dei :!:d -At.l!O- Tbe 1''ield on Harvey Street known aail»e The Baliaat·Yard. or Trot4tees /ous Mt: icN & Co. WANTED HELP. Goods, 1 p to your requirements l\nd tit prices within your mean a. It is a pleasure to refer to these facts in calling attention to our new line of- STAPLE AND . FANCY DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, FANCY . GOODS, MILLINERY, BOOTS, SHOES, &C . wbich ·are rndinnt with good vnlue and epnrkling with low prices. We cttll special ctltenlion to 011r Milliuc ry 1rhiclt i.a rcplel.e icith i/1e Latut Fasltio1UJ. For_Quali VnrieLy R>nd up-to-date Goods our Stock Second to None. · New Teas, Fine Groceries, Choice Provisions, &c., -a ll Fresh a.nd Reliable . HALL BROS.' Central w areholl8e, Harbor Grace. For Sale . at TAYf . Family Sewing MACHINE THE WORLD._.&> Foot ACHIN ES from 822.50. Large DitlCOunt for(' tsold on Easy Pnymo Mineral Water Manufacturers. - -COMPRISING-- in the Island, Md is !l'HE Summer Drink· CU Ortlport Ortlera pn»nptly allen<lt:tl to. Sewl O.tslt 1oitli Address, 01 l\!ILI'rARY ROAD, St. Johu's. I , Gr<Xileat. ;llit8ical J;wc ntion of tlw Age. it 18 alt Ordlic JJt m or Olioir al commm1d. b'RmI THE WORLD'S GREAT&c:>T MUSICIANS. whnl ffnw1r Sehnrwenkn, RoynJ Prussian Prof C!sor of._ Music, Pioniet. to.the · court of His M;ajcsty, the Emperor of '1 It gwes me grent pleasure to extend lo you my ment. ns regnrds your '' Snr t>noSY" which I had the pie . Mure to lay nnd tesl ycsierdny. It recommenJs il11elfin every respect, not.nlon by its full, fine l\nd 'vcll-bt\lt\nced ton e, but olao by its extrnord in11ry fino nnd scientifically well rc3ultlied register." Ju al tlla J11alramcnl for wt Ouljiorl. - Write for O.ri<tlo!Jtce. W. Il. LASn, SI. Jolm' 11, Ag ent. Jamf'I to Harbor Grace ; C'.apt. Noel and paranu;;i;_... a Lieu&. to He.in.'• Delight. Hant'• All t11nd•o1 Re.,.Srla1 doae aLabortaOllOI' lfarbor, Brigut an1l a ftw Olber COrp9 •\11• a11d ID that· ba\'e <•lticen from Lbie Clllmcil. elaa llnlab. -l a.&ULll Mn in e•e ry localn1 (local or travelinJ) to inmx!nco a new di .. covery and ket-p our 1how card• tacked up on tree., frnCff and bridgr. Lhroogh· ouL t.own and ()(lllllLry. Ste&d1 employ· ment. Corumiuioo or ealary 16:;.00 per mnnlh and expentce, and money depo1ilro in any bank when altLn.ed. For parlicuhu1, write Tll.£ W ORLU MfiOICAL Et.£CTlllC Co.l London. OnL .. C.nllda. _ Flow--leadinJ1 Brancls, Boneless Beef, Hams, - Boston . Keros,ene-- Oi - 115 and 150 test. I mighL eay in conclu•ion lbat nch d =- ·· -- = of tht'ff ('ltficen bave't:onll back t.o lb ei r .-Satisfaction guarantee . corr1 lllled with a Jcterminm •Jlirit to WATER t>tTREET, HARBOR ORAC'E. / work lot God and \'<'ry much i-leated wh.h the pri vilf'gc ttf tbeniling two da11 WALKER.'. - BULf,ETIN,- &t11rduy, July 11. B est Barbados Best Canada and Goulll/s Butte1'. C>f couucit with our new Miljvr 11nd lti1 S. SIMPSON, \il.'lonoJ wife in .:\ewfoundl:mJ'• eccoud . ' CUSTOM TAILOR. city. · 'lhauldng yc.u io aolicipation, l am Youn truly, CJ. P. Cllpt.. P.S.-Wlll reaJe ra kindly note 1hat Ne" man and Cnpt. Burry will uke cliarg,• of Uarbor Gri1co Gc>rps. -Tm: b ermcn re· port Iorgo quantities of codfish on tho boltom lli>}JtUenlly working off it .. !'Urfeit of caftlin which it hnve had tb :lt s truck in. " A strong eMterly wi nd ia net•ded to slit up this l>o.ly of and then the li"hcrmen hiwe a chnnce to do good worlc lfith hook·l\nd· line. Trnps hnve dO JlJ) well during ihe week, and )Ir. E. Rogers who put out one th,e first of tho weetc pas re11ped good returns for hi1 e1Torl9. Capl. W. Dl\we of Bay Roberts has .done wen with his trap at thl\l place. The voyage for trap! horet\bouta is a good one. has taken the houee re· cently occupied by Josiah just. west of Capt. J. J. Hennessy's premises, t\nd ia prepar; ed to do t\ll work jn his ·line with despnkh, in go?d style nnd nL lowost prices. y our SUMMER SUIT cnn l>e ml\do up in good style. Try us I S. Simp'®, St , Bnrbor ·- WANTED I Salesmen and CanvAUera in all town11 t\nd villages not represented, to hnntlle Cle\' oland n1cycle11. Lu- crative employmen\ to righ\ p:1rtlu Bond for our calalogue. Small ca.sh .DIBD. Cll11>ital required. On t he !!lfL c.r Jone RD&ffll Cov& H. A. LOZIER & Co., Trint11 Dq, alitr a lour .net petnf;Ji 169. Yonge .• Toronto, IUIMll, Flora Ann daurhter Of John Ltirguf B1gA Gttlfk tn and lfUJ Ann Driacoll ipl 217..,.. t.\1 World. .Jylttf J.E. WALKER has now on hnnd nnd for Mle t\t the Loweal Prices. Prime Beef-10 and 12c. n lb. Choice V enl, .. Fresh Egga, Fowl, Jil"llousekeepers requiring ICE, in small or large CAD be suppliecl by leaving their orders at the sh op or the undersigned. .T. E. WAI,KER, Op. Boot nnil SJ1oe FadlJT'f Music Teaching. - The un<lel'lliirned, ('vho hna hl'd A large tock of-- Choice -:- SELLING C. HEAP. Victoria and Water NEW SEEDS, 1896. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE, .- c .. NEW-<:;:' ,. n long musical training under Prof, I<'lynn, and who took honors in the- ory of Muaic at recent examination G•rden, Aarlcultural and Flower of Tligher Education), begs to an· nounce that the la pre11ared to - teiu:h music, and wlll give PIANO LESSONS at her home or pupil'• reaideoce. • T erms moderate. · MADELIN& CODY, wa,wr &., Barbot Grae" . . .. .. SEEDS .. TIMOTHY HAY SEED.c:z,r W. B. THO:KPSOH & CO. Fi ouR-al\ Grades. Best Barbados' Molasses. Oakum, Nail&, Coal. BREAD, PORK, BEEF. Tea, Sugar, Rice, Butter, &.c. & Co., Harbor Grace SP.r:-ing Goods. Jus t. rcooi vcd per stMmets Barcelon" nnd Pruuitul from Eng- lish rtnd Scotch tnarkots, n lnrgo nod well-selected stOck or --Dry Good8, Rcad!J Ma<lea, Leatl1er1oore, ®.- - which we intend offering nt. the very lowest 01nrgin of pr<>fit For thu Fisherman we b1we C\ 'erytbin g necessnry to carr¥ on tho gencml trade, o.nd wo sho.11 be glad to satiety all tending . W c wo Id cnU epcciRl attention to our caretully- sclected Hlock or D 118 Tweeds, Cashmeres and Nui1'a Veiling. Very pretty designs iu Print Cottons for summer use. & FOSTER. It I ,
Page 1: collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard... · 2017-08-16 · I t" ... . ' REMOVED.-H. A. Moan1ssn Ui hvmg over hia istore, and will in • iO atiend

I t"

. ' ...

REMOVED.-H. A. Moan1ssn Ui hvmg over hia istore, and will in • iO atiend llll calla at any bout tor the oonvenlsti~ or hh custom.en Uld- the pubtiio generally.


By 'lle.legra.pb. -o-

RALtF,\X, JUL\' ll.-Tho Queen, l'rinoe cf Wnl'9 l\nrl Drilish people exlt>nd •n cntbu1i11atio welcome 11nd uupreccdontl!J ~ooora lo the Bolton Ar­t illcl)"' Com pa D~',

.. Fresh Goods Just Received ~J

Jams, · J allies, Corned Beef, Brawn J 0 Roast Beef.

· ~EeE1vEt)J. .·"-THE NEW_; .

~AT- , · IMPROVED·. WHITE h Ross s · · IS TIIE nasT AND LIGH'J:E.5T-RUNNINo · .

UNIG" olACI\ ' 1

'1110 C11111Ldfan Parliament meeta on Au~ueL 13Lb.

_ -......... 'fbo democmtio convention h11vo nominated Sen111.or Bryan for President. The aoun1! money dt>mocnlla bani bolt· crl.

JUL\' 18.-Laurier w111 1wom in a., l 'l'<'!lhlcnL of L'Jo Council on &L'ur.ll\y. The olhl't miniaters w11ro 11worn In l.o­day.

'J'bo Cuban Rebllla l\J'O 11ggr'!ffive. Tho gold DemocraLI wiU 1upporL Mc-

Kinley. • Cliukra in ~pt ie 1pre1111inc:. The Porte has t.p!X'inled " Chrieti&n

Gov1·mor for Crl!le. 'fbo Crel11111 want 11> make. him Pre.ideuL.

TEA- in packages and lib tins· SUGARS-Granulated and B1·own. . Famous Gossages' SOAP in 1 cwt boxes-

2c and 3c bars. Vineg~,'1>ickles, and other Groceries. ·

Also, in St. John's from Liverpool, and t\J arrive shortly,

An Assortment of Crockeryware, The well-known brand GALAXY Flour oil hand ~ Fresh ECCS- 15 cents per doz.

Water St.. VICTOR p ARSONS Harlr Gl'ld.

.. •te Cabbage,..,..~,,,,

B • e ananas. ,

~~·L1rge Sweet Oranges, La~ge Lemons.

JrL\' H .-TI1c new Ct.nadi11n cabinet i 11s folio"-. :-Lllurier, Premit>r l\n<l Pr<.'tideoL of the Pri,•y Couoeil ; Inland Re,·<onc, • ir H. Joly; Public Works, 'fut.' : Agriculton', lion. 8. A. Fisher ; :\I inul<'r ('Ir Juaticc, ir 01ivet 'Mowai; 'fr.1110 nml CommPrcl.', ir R. C11rt.. "rii:liL; Customs, Hor. W. Pttll.ersun i }', tmnalu-Oenl'ral, Hon. R. \\". SootL; Fin1uu•c, Hon. W. ·. Fielding ; MiHti11, lion. l>r. Bordcn ; Jtailw&ya and Cannle, lit o. A. O. DIA Ir ; SoliciLOr Gcu1&rul, ll<ln'IM S. H. D1\Vita.

Tht> Yancou,·1:r-Aoslrali1\ ci<blo .,,ill be ccinatn1c1ed umler.11 joinr,.guArnntco of lh<' Driti1d1, Au6lrRlian a rfill C.1U11Ji1U1 SlWt mmcnls.

Erasmic Herb Toilet Soap. ~

Jn Y lG-.tJorJy becomes Premier of Oi.lMio.

An n •Hin ntterur•tcd to ehooL Pl't'8i· rll'nL FR11r1•.

tl11<>1•n \·iclrrin h11a in,·ifl'd lh!l Cur nnJ ('urinl\ to vi•il. Bolmorul in the 11utumo.

n uclir i h:a~ tnl.'<·1•1 ,)<' l l\nd recon•lrllC· It'' l h• It. Ii.in miniMr) , llcl!<.1u : L1 corn· in1: \\ r.1 l,hr i· l• r. ' 1'11c wur \'Oh! hHs Lel'l1 i"l.'l<:\tl•l.

Jn.\· J•i.-Thc mnj. ,ri ty of tht> \?< 111· <!C'Tl'llll l re ~ tl1.1:11·1•ru\ c t•I 1ho ~•Iver Jlhllr. ' rm.

Th .. I ' d lil' cnl k rnnfc rrncc lt11.1 l•<'<'n J •Ii .,r.ttl ull J. •• 111ricr'11 11ui1mlc i5 n1· t ' l It in1 cl •

• \ ndo·C.H :uli1111 I rnJ1• incn·n~1 J :?l J • r c~ nt. f1.r tbt hn!r) l'llr 11ud -lO per Cl:l1'r tn Jun<•.

Jns li.-AmctiC'lln 1111,I .En~liah CAJ iLillltta aru u cldog inv, atmenle in Cen11.11:1.

Ull''l!O i:ohl al1ipmcnt1 nre .being ac-nL !rom ~York. •

l'op11li•~ •upport lho Sil~eritea. 'J'~10 Malaliele r.:vo!L i• 1preadi

'l'hc paaL two d11)'11 in Rubor Graee have bt'en r<"d ltUer days Ill the liist<iry of th~Salvation Army. l\11jound Mrs. MdliJlan llcndq1111rtcr1 eL&tf =ind abonL 3.1 offi«rt ha\·e been h~re (or count'ilf:I

All orders in tho Undertaking De· pl\rlment will reeei\•e prompt and cnreful t\ttention, as heretofore, a\ his premises.


prelerfp&fon ued ·,, Uier Will hd a aure cure for ~•O»PQolf, Alll'lllU CATA.RRH, Baoiccnms and Ill throat a;;;f luns; M.U • .\DlEl>. Ho hnpca •II •ull'e.ren will try hi• remedy, aa IL it invalnalile Thoae dealrlng the prescription, which will COIL lht•m nothing, 1md n1ay prove a hltNinll'. will pleue adJrf'&I, ~"· EJ>w.i.RD A. Wu.so .. '!, Brooklyn,

'F2ll7 New York. =

The Major anti bis wife are rropu will be open 1\1! u~ual for busineu Scotch warriort and can deJl<'nd upon a - under the charge of A competent htal11 welcome IO tbit ciLJ al an1 future time. person. 110f Sale by PUBLI" AU"TIOV

captain Panons ancl Litut. Brown EDWARD PARSO:SS. l " " 11 who arejuai drupJllng the refta here .....,==-========""- On l\JONDAY, 20th .Tuly, !\l noun• have betin promo&ed to rank or Enllp - . 1 d' d and Cap&aln ~n11, Ui.,. have J. \V. KENNEDY, (i( not previous y ispose ,) the

=..;~~~~ea-: Boot an~ Shoe-Jlaker. ProTHr~00Lb SLIP· n::.1.=-~~ WATER br.,lURioR GR.ACE :!.t::. ':Jl~D&meate ot &: (oppoal~e Slip.)

• ..._ UM1 OaP._&. :a.nu. .-Enry deacrlption or Dlllde&;~aa4 Ila LEA.'l'BBRW .ARE

IWOU.la. to ~r . i:!Gllm-.. DWlle&; l:li!!dP l'Nilllllab co made to order and repaired.

~;=--- lloadr&wtlWori•~· - --~Jloole to Ba7 ' ==-~ :~ x.a anc1uea&.N0t11o Carnages-, Sleighs, Carts, &c. --~;Qap&.~aac!Ueut.. _

!,~':.:'~;~d: jAMES WARREN foJ :::1c!d" Prez:;: ':i'Ji eo:!'~ CARRIAGE&SLEIGJI BUILDER IJeu&. Barria and Cade& to Dildo; C&dei ~tf:~.~~ ·~ :!:d w::i~b':.1bt. ~0·~:


Tbe 1''ield on Harvey Street known aail»e

The Baliaat·Yard. O~er or Trot4tees

/ous Mt:icN & Co.


Goods, 1

p to your requirements l\nd tit prices within your mean a.

It is a pleasure to refer to these facts in calling attention to our new line of-


BOOTS, SHOES, &C. wbich·are rndinnt with good vnlue and epnrkling with low prices.

We cttll special ctltenlion to 011r Milliucry Dep<ut~ncnt 1rhiclt i.a rcplel.e icith i/1e Latut Fasltio1UJ.

~ For_Quali VnrieLy R>nd up-to-date Goods our Stock i~ Second to None. ·

New Teas, Fine Groceries, Choice Provisions, &c., -all Fresh a.nd Reliable.

HALL BROS.' Central w areholl8e, Harbor Grace. •

For Sale.at TAYf ~OR'S. .

Family Sewing MACHINE ~IN THE WORLD._.&>

Foot ~I ACHIN ES from 822.50.

Large DitlCOunt for('

tsold on Easy Pnymo

Mineral Water Manufacturers. - -COMPRISING--

in the Island, Md is !l'HE Summer Drink·CU

Ortlport Ortlera pn»nptly allen<lt:tl to. Sewl O.tslt 1oitli orcl~.

Address, 01 l\!ILI'rARY ROAD, St. Johu's.

Symph0ny~ I , 'lli~ Gr<Xileat. ;llit8ical J;wcntion of tlw Age.

it 18 alt OrdlicJJtm or Olioir al commm1d.


R~:ad whnl ffnw1r Sehnrwenkn, RoynJ Prussian ProfC!sor of._ Music, Pioniet. to.the ·court of His M;ajcsty, the Emperor of Au~.tria, ~.;-;_ays-

' 1 It gwes me grent pleasure to extend lo you my h1gheal.Ja~~e­ment. ns regnrds your ' ' Snrt>noSY" which I had the pie. Mure to lay nnd tesl ycsierdny. It recommenJs il11elfin every respect, not.nlon by its full, fine l\nd 'vcll-bt\lt\nced tone, but olao by its extrnordin11ry fino nnd scientifically well rc3ultlied register."

Jual tlla J11alramcnl for wt Ouljiorl. - Write for O.ri<tlo!Jtce.

W. Il. LASn, SI. Jolm'11, Agent.

MlU~N&CQMPANY Jamf'I to Harbor Grace ; C'.apt. Noel and paranu;;i;_... ·~ • a Lieu&. to He.in.'• Delight. Hant'• All t11nd•o1 Re.,.Srla1 doae aLabortaOllOI'

lfarbor, Brigut an1l a ftw Olber COrp9 a~:~=e::::ii r~'r.t.., •\11• a11d ID that· ba\'e <•lticen from Lbie Clllmcil. elaa llnlab.

-la.&ULll Mn in e•ery localn1 (local or travelinJ) to inmx!nco a new di .. covery and ket-p our 1how card• tacked up on tree., frnCff and bridgr. Lhroogh· ouL t.own and ()(lllllLry. Ste&d1 employ· ment. Corumiuioo or ealary 16:;.00 per mnnlh and expentce, and money depo1ilro in any bank when altLn.ed. For parlicuhu1, write

Tll.£ W ORLU MfiOICAL Et.£CTlllC Co.l London. OnL .. C.nllda.

~ _ Flow--leadinJ1 Brancls, Pdrh,~ ~ Boneless Beef, Hams, -~ Boston

. Keros,ene-- Oi- 115 and 150 test.

I mighL eay in conclu•ion lbat nch d = - ·· -- = of tht'ff ('ltficen bave't:onll back t.o lbeir .-Satisfaction guarantee . corr1 lllled with a Jcterminm •Jlirit to WATER t>tTREET, HARBOR ORAC'E.

/ work lot God and \'<'ry much i-leated wh.h the pri vilf'gc ttf tbeniling two da11

WALKER.'. - BULf,ETIN,­&t11rduy, July 11.

Best Barbados Jliolasse.~,

Best Canada and Goulll/ s Butte1'. C>f couucit with our new Miljvr 11nd lti1 S. SIMPSON, \il.'lonoJ wife in .:\ewfoundl:mJ'• eccoud . ' CUSTOM TAILOR. city. ·

'lhauldng yc.u io aolicipation, l am Youn truly,

CJ. P. Tnvxrao~, Cllpt.. P.S.-Wlll reaJera kindly note 1hat

Enei~ Ne" man and Cnpt. Burry will uke cliarg,• of Uarbor Gri1co Gc>rps.

-Tm: Fr~nEnY.-Fi. bermcn re· port Iorgo quantities of codfish on tho boltom lli>}JtUenlly working off it .. !'Urfeit of caftlin which it hnve had ~ince tb:lt 1ait·O~b struck in.

" A strong eMterly wind ia net•ded to slit up this l>o.ly of ti~h, and then the li"hcrmen 1~ill hiwe a chnnce to do good worlc lfith hook·l\nd· line. Trnps hnve dOJlJ) well during ihe week, and )Ir. E. Rogers who put out one th,e first of tho weetc pas re11ped good returns for hi1 e1Torl9. Capl. W. Dl\we of Bay Roberts has .done wen with his trap at thl\l place. The voyage for trap! horet\bouta is a good one.

has taken the houee re· cently occupied by ~lra. Josiah Parson~ just. west of Capt. J . J. Hennessy's premises, t\nd ia prepar; ed to do t\ll work jn his ·line with despnkh, in go?d style nnd nL lowost prices.

y our SUMMER SUIT cnn l>e ml\do up in good style. Try us I

S. Simp'®, ll~ttr St , Bnrbor Gra~. ·-

WANTED I Salesmen and CanvAUera in all

town11 t\nd villages not represented, to hnntlle Cle\'oland n1cycle11. Lu­crative employmen\ to righ\ p:1rtlu Bond for our calalogue. Small ca.sh

.DIBD. Cll11>ital required. On the !!lfL c.r Jone a~ RD&ffll Cov& H. A. LOZIER & Co.,

Trint11 Dq, alitr a lour .net petnf;Ji 169. Yonge 8~ .• Toronto, On~. IUIMll, Flora Ann daurhter Of John Ltirguf B1gA Gttlfk JI..,~ tn and lfUJ Ann Driacoll ipl 217..,.. • t.\1 World. .Jylttf

J.E. WALKER has now on hnnd nnd for Mle t\t the Loweal Prices. Prime Beef-10 and 12c. n lb.

Choice V enl, .. Fresh Egga, Fowl,

~ICE.~ Jil"llousekeepers requiring ICE,

in small or large quanllti~, CAD be suppliecl by leaving their orders at the shop or the undersigned.

.T. E. WAI,KER, Op. Boot nnil SJ1oe FadlJT'f

Music Teaching. -The un<lel'lliirned, ('vho hna hl'd

A large tock of--

Choice -:- Gro~eries, SELLING C .HEAP.

~Comer Victoria and Water Streets.~

= ·


.- c .. NEW-<:;:' ,. n long musical training under Prof, I<'lynn, and who took honors in the­ory of Muaic at recent examination G•rden, Aarlcultural and Flower of Tligher Education), begs to an· nounce that the la pre11ared to -teiu:h music, and wlll give

PIANO LESSONS at her home or pupil'• reaideoce. •

Terms moderate. • · MADELIN& CODY,

wa,wr &., Barbot Grae"

. . .. ..



Fi ouR- al\ Grades. Best Barbados' Molasses.

Oakum, Nail&, An~"racite Coal. BREAD, PORK, BEEF.

Tea, Sugar, Rice, Butter, &.c.

MUN~ & Co., Harbor Grace

N~w SP.r:-ing Goods. Just. rcooi vcd per stMmets Barcelon" nnd Pruuitul from Eng­

lish rtnd Scotch tnarkots, n lnrgo nod well-selected stOck or --Dry Good8, Rcad!J Ma<lea, Leatl1er1oore, Gr~ri.CB, ®.-­which we intend offering nt. the very lowest 01nrgin of pr<>fit •

For thu Fisherman we b1we C\'erytbing necessnry to carr¥ on tho gencml trade, o.nd wo sho.11 be glad to satiety all it~ tending purchnser~ . • ~ W c wo Id cnU epcciRl attention to our caretully­

sclected Hlock or D 118 Tweeds, Cashmeres and Nui1'a Veiling. Very pretty designs iu Print Cottons for summer use .




Page 2: collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard... · 2017-08-16 · I t" ... . ' REMOVED.-H. A. Moan1ssn Ui hvmg over hia istore, and will in • iO atiend




/ Ayer'$.. Cherry Pectoral

Will rcllevo tbe most dis­lressing cough, sootho lbo lnlluml'<l memllmne, loosen lhu 11hlcgm, nnd iuduco refreshing sleep. For tho cure of Crot!'[>. Whooping Cougb, Soro Throat, nnd nll tho pul­monary troullles to which tho youni; aro so llnblo,

thero Is no other remedy so eliect­t vo as

AYE R'S Cherry Pectoral A Rocora of noa~y 60 years Gold Uedal1 at IH World'• Cblrl Exposition.


Family Medicine of the Age. Taken Internally, It Cures

Dlarrhcoa, CrumA and Pain In the Stomach, Bare Throat, 8udd1n Cold., eauoh•, etc., lite.

Used Externally, It Cures eut., Bruitn, Burnt. Scaldt, 8praln1, Toothach1, Pain In the Fae., Nwralgla. Rh111matl1m, Fro1t1d F81. ----·---;;-~ - ..,..,.,. ., __ ........ ··--_......, .. u.. - "Illa -=-~=:::,.!.~,=ett.= ~ ...... ~>:.. __

... ~..,,.._ ... -.ui.. · - .. ,,,.,:::" _, __ .. __ r_.

h ................... ,,,~ ...... -~~~;.;r-.. wio"'"7--"~ ""7W?llla~"J'DaT

i:i. .... ·--·-...--

· ~

a: w - The modem stand­.J w ard Family Medi-

°' cine: Cures the fll -~ common every-day

0 ills of humanity.


~ave· g ·n ' Puu' tors

.,~~cBillS Dr. l1n1'1 l1d1H .... PHI•

* THEY f'' th1 R1mlll1 that tht f bounl10u1 hand tlf ntu11 ht.4

PrfWldld '"' •II dlua .. irlll1tt from (I/PURE BLOOD •. ---_,,.-... ..... ~' Morse's -:.;=.Tu~ .. =

HBIG-.t•w. a.nu

Pills ce•.,...111T, ~­••£.1rte., ..._

I'd UU n tlU RAUM

W. L IOISTOOI. ........ ,. .

I ...._

House of -Assenibly. (~~

llon. ltf:C£1\1£n GE.'i£R.AL.:..Dy wbaL right hml tho OoorlriJgo or llny Oovern· menl or Lhia colony', 11t a juncturo like th1\t., to I.Ake tho money or tho Savings' D.'lnk w pay a row aialariea ?

Mr. Mon1s£.-Uud« tho cir'Oum· at.Ance, na it waa tbo only rueana ur 11ro­vidh1g" clrculatipn, iL WAa· justlnable. Tho lion. Colonial Scerct.ary h11d s•iJ that their coutto in Lbo election peti· lions bad brouj;hL tho adruioiatnlion of


. Highest or all in Luvcning Power.-Latest U.S. Go'"'illepan &&rd &be completion of ncgoLiatlona. IL 'nlo CumuuN OP TU£ Bo~no oP le eame.Uy to bo bopro that tho que.· W">HB laid on tho table of tho houae lion now lo tliaputo will bo prompUy. thr following documanta: QuLAllccl decided 10 lbal tho ioaugunotion or atatomant or expcndhuro or ~nl or thl1 important iud111try may not bode· \\"orb, for publio work1,and cou1olitlul.= lay ed. etl st.al4lment or expendituro of IOcal and

Wo thMk your Excollonoy for tho ma!n ror.da. information you baYe given ua of the 'I'ho hon. the CoLO:o."UL SECllETARY flnancllll condition or the Colony, and hud llJ>On the t.able tho following tlocn· for tho promiso that the publio account.a manta : Tho Report• or Con1mi'l'iolll'.n and eallmatee will bo submittbd to u•. or Pilota, Can11d11o Llfo lrte!lrllnco 0.,.,

Tho anti!)ipat.ed surpltlf or r'eceipt.e Co:irederaLion Life foaurancb Co., oYer expo.ndituro at the end or Juno u &:uit.it.ble Lifo AaanranCCl Socle,y, ~lu· hi~bly ptlCying. tu.. Lifo Inaunmco Oil., St..1nd•rd Lifo

~e aball bo plCMod lo mo.ko Her lnJur&nco Co., Co.&1~1 S.S. Cu., B..io~ Majc1ly a ~Lor 1uch mo.neya ae a ball and Shoo Co:1. tho c .. bi~r'• or tbo SJv· bo needed for the public tcr\•ke. iol't• 811.nk, wlonial Conlage Co., Con·

We 11greo wftb your Excellency that aohdaled Fuundry Co., Electric Light lho mining and agrioultural antereata Cu., FloarJni: Dry Dock Co. &laaooio, of the Cdlony demand recognition and Hall Co., Monroe Flbro Co., N.ill'fQnnd· encouragement, and that tl1ia may bo la ,.d B:iiwery Co., Nowroundlanll Oil eo., fitly J:iven by an onlargemeM of the ~all ManufacturingCo., Royo.I Ston:1 , Cree liat. • hmited, SI.pm Sorew Tug Co., &a\ing

Tbi8 boueo will chOf'rfully, to the beat and Wbalin& Co., Port. au Port. A1be9toe or the meam al ita diapoaal, mako pro- 0.,., Walrut $.S. c.,., and Uio Rulee an<I •i1lon for an incrcaae oCtbo cclucallonal Rf .;ulationa of&be Fishery Dt1~mo'lt. gr•nl, ll> ae l.O supplement tho aalarie. llr. Guano£ 11niaeotal _a pcutiun helm or the teachon. Wbtn t ho polioy or tht- Rn. Fruik Smart, Robt. S. ~m· retrenchment wu inaugurated thl!re ner and othen, or Trinity North, anJ WU DO 1ervice LO which lt.e openation1 ~ ODO trom A.lualldfr Pluuglunan were applied with ao much resut. It auc: n&ben, ot Ship Co" oo tho subject. wu oaify the pn111ure ot immolliate ol the Deep Sea .Mi.Ion. Tbe11t1 ~i­ne-1&1 thaL compelled tho houae Jut tillDI were t.wo or mu7 tbM W\Juld lol· 7ear to curtail Lb1I grant in &ho hope lbw for. plWllDt.a&iOD &o the hoaM on and belier lbat a& DO far di.tan& da7 &be &bla au~, ucl be bad DO doabt Ula& lelOUroel ol &he ooloD7 would allow ol &he1 woald' mee' Lb a raTor&ble ro-i&a belog Nloled. oe~ , mi aektid for a

We 1b&ll &ab pleMare fo maldq eum ... b1 &b11 =11-alloc:atloD for &be repafn or fOAda aad laWN lo k o( •&. ·-


ni. .,«c& ... f..t JlffJ'G rnl/6• of Trlttl CMrrll ha• """" a llotuidoold far<>rlte for wp­erartl• •I o A•lf o e<nturu1

.,.., I• to-d•11 tit• IJo«l"df/,. B••Nlf for •U


ll .,.,.w '"·~·'"" ,.. ... ••r•, ~ .. rt• ti.. "'"tow• .ic­J>fflt•, ... ., •:1 ............ (If It .. •lp•GMI~ 'J-ll•lu ,,,...,,.~u • ""°"'" .,.,,...,11 • ..... 111 ...... ., ...... f1,. ..... CUC'711f to 1110 • ,..1i-1. hr .. i. "rl all DrMtnTt.I••


juelioc in pur Court. i.nt.o couLempt. In way policy would justify it.eclf, hut poa· a year for int.eroet., which would not re· Lhn.t et.n.Lemcnt ho begged to dill' a from lerlly would ioap Lbo bonofll wbilel the duco tho deb' at all, thay p1id In ad­tho H on. C.,lonial t:lecret.aq becau1e piueot generation relL tho loeal'I arising dition a ocrtain yoarl1 amount to &be they had not done ao, buL ao Car &II an from it. OuL or O\·ary dollar earned elnking fund, whloh would extingl}iah ei1dOAVOr to do 10 ..... coucerued, then DOW Lhirt.y bad lO bo taken, and tho lho debt• in fort.y Yllll'I. J .. tead of lho hou. gentleman and hie colleai:uca railway waa aL preaent unre.munerativo. .£22,000 we paid Ul,700, l\lo clfe-:l or had doQ& their uunoat Jn· that direc· Thia waa tho eecrct poellion or our whioh would be to complctol1 eJClin· lion. 'Thoao conalitutiug th•L Court or alf&ir1, auJ iL WILi predicted by aomo gulah &be debt a& the enll or 40 yeara. justice were just u much or genUemen yeara ago. Tboae who aaid 10 were nid The hon. aod learned pnt.leman mad11 u ""' tho hon. member himself, aud to be 1c1li.ab, Lhl\L they were . work· I' a greaL r1 ... ,1aying &bu we were taking all Lbojudgmenta in tho caeca worojuat log for their own onJ1 and were ap- mooer tbu waa worth in the oolony 6 and iu :LCCOrcfouco with tho laW1. fbe pealed agilinat to the muac. or our W -41nt., and Inv.Ung il a& 6 per oent, thrco judgea all •greed. In tho TriniLy people, but the cruh came which the.I Why, what became ol tbo mooer that cuc

1 11·bich wafl begun by the Chief bad Corewld. Ho thought that tho hon. wu paid a war on the 4 and 6 ~cent.

Jueuce, And ooilaludccl by Mr. Juatice SurtO) or GonOl'lll Wiii ODO or thoae who bonda. Tho hon.gentleman ruand ranll LitUe, tho Chief Justice b11d gone ouL took Uiat vlott of IL in 1~ when he with lloalin~ the bo "' 91. Ir I.he or his way oven 1.0 aay that ho entirely 1upported tho Reform Part.y or that loan had boeo e~ u &be TerJ heal concurred in tho Judgment gh•en. IC Jay, aud there wu no doubL tbaL ble tor tlm...- n mlgh' be ~erwiaa, bu& at the Court had decided jW1lly, honcaUy, aupport. wu then giYen l.O tha& part.y &bat &lmo the ibree banJra edabU.hed nud in llceord~nco 11•ith lho la.,,, then becauae be aaw lho inevitable re1ulL h<'n> wh6 wore ba&tmateb' aoquainted sorely it had not been broughL into con· which meanL Cc.nCederation. He no wi&b our ooooema, nAllecl &o adTIUIOe t.tmpl, bl1L &b8'o who b&J been lrieJ Jou bl bolioYl'd aL the time &ha& debt UI a oen&. IO U WU ao& &o be wondtncl cnnldn't 111.1\nd tho Jaiih which wu ap- meantdeprtaionanJ depwaion would al &hat weaboald.,..moeme &baa plied to their own mitdceds. It waa en· lead lo Confederatiou. He wu a pro- uaual dlGlouUJ ab'iMcl. ~ *91· 1irely 01\L or placo ror" member of th11 pheL anJ the IOU or • prophet. Now 1-"PfD oClML.JWooDiitiiilllla•illiD~ Executh-e t.o make ench 1Lat.emenla u ho did no& wiah to be uodentood to UJ which •bowed~ "-~ .. had ~en mAde t.o-night in rdcrenco w thaL Lho railway pollo7 would no& Ina ot cenala:al l..u&alloall Id this mAl.ler Cor the public. E\·en iC they LO wealth, bu' be certainl~ mean& to alone did IMI' alllllaoled llr. were true they aboold not bo uill. Tbo aay that wbal.eTer mlgb& be ua outcome Bood. We maa& ~ clf1'11 llOhlent. <.:ourta or juetico had Applied the law ac- iL wu for po1t.erity. He waa no& mak· ruenta bJ UMllr n.lfalta, ADCI abe raulll cording tv tho ovidunce 11 j111Uy •• ove ing tbeao remarb in defence d hie ha Te belo &ba& &a oontlnaed llabllllJ iL had been apvlied In Auy caao in the Government, beca111e what bad been o1 the ooloa1 U. .Naome UIOnd. wort\!. lC tho Govemmcut had public alJ againet tbtm WAI eo palpablt ab- Ano&ber rftal& waa Ula& &tam ooalldeooe &piriL and manllncu they would ear urJ that IL woulJ "°' bf.Jfned, bat LO ot the pobllo waa "'8&0nd lo th• llnan­y< s, iL was truo they bad d11M thuu how that tao mult which bad been ola1 lnititutiODt ol abe ooloDJ. Be had 1l1ing1, 1bat the\· WLru wrong, but Lhat talked about wu tho lftnlL or the intended to make re1J11 &o &tie l)tnODal lhf'y bad not meant. it. JL Wiii a oust.om policy of tho preaenL adminiatralinn, °'-"-'&iOoa which liad falleD from lbe to do thcee things, but a barl oust.om aud thAL they onl)• .. 11bed to abifL h boo. member for BooaTi8S., bat aa be ne,·er m11do lawittnd thoy should honor on other 1houlden. There baJ waa oow abaenl lfe would n1ene hie ro­tho judg~ who 111.d aaiJ that tbia baJ bteti lemanagcmeol anJ . miacondnot marb for a more auhable ocoaaion. cual.<Jm wu riol....l11w. Tho Supremo iu our pu ·c atLlil'll for yen1. Ther11 The oommluee l'IJloandcepon.ed tba& C-0url di not make tho 11\w, lluL it wu bad ~n m · other thinga uid to lboy had s-ed the Addn:ee without

brldpa, a mo9' imponan& "ail4 neoee- ._.ab• beD S:'e 111= ~ ..nloe, wblell we ~· aboWil be Delon the we wou~ able to For

baM W le trer &blOQlb LbempaQJ do- Qd &bb ~ _.....

made ror thorn, nnd ho (tbo ' C...loninl which reply wo ti be made when the amendment. ' Sfcrelary) ctl1imcJ tho 13.illoL AcL hti•I accounta wero ltd n tho table, buL Ou mot.Ion, tho report. wu adopted. bern introduced lly himself, And having ho would brieOy refer aubjec' of Onlered tb•L tho AdJreu read a committed tho brcnche. .or that l\CL educalio~. Thu lion. Colon Secr1:1fry tbirJ ti nae. thoao who were gitilly 11bould hn.\·e had liad said LbaL tho b nle or edue.lllun Ad1lru.sa in Reply to S1R HCRD& Lhe mn.nlineu to 111y Lb11t they bad dono wcru reaponaible for cuUing lho 1Alariee L£\' llu1t11 .. n·, K.C.B-i Governor n< wron~. and ahnuld 11ulfer Cor it. Every· or tho l.eal!bera. Such Aalnt.ement W"8, Commander·ln·Chlef in and o\·er Lhe boJy knew thal. lbc public monies had to 81\Y tho leaaL of it, ab$urJ. H ow ldland of Newfoundland and ita Do-been useJ for polilit11I purpOece, and it coultl the rcducLiun of tho ltfl'nt work pondencice.

ofoqr ddm. ~ & wbeD w~al.&R We abaU oar b9I& ~ &o armed bJ &ho~ 11Ja.

&be du&le1 ol ...too W. ii'"'" ilolll .. ..ad bi DO Wb ciDladOnl ba& mlndlul ol Im~& la oar llabermm and &beV fluallltl commlUed oare. Wo J>f&1 •ed m•&erl.&I adY1.11tapa rd*'.t~ DiTiH 1DaJ dilOCI& CIQI' lind&a&loa. ooulllela &o 'be ri ot the pod Nemes or•arono. .. ot&be wboleoom nl&1. ~r.KOllJIOX-ToMoT.&ba&"9aeleo&

Oom\d&&ee Boue ol AllllD- oomml&&ee oa ~Lia, l'l'~ng aact bly,.JuH Jab, CM'lldoa-inclN ' lio loat~o&«I t1) '*

Mr.Guns PIOfiid lha& &beadJl'fll be thl')' 16all not eater luto .,.; ooa&rid preuntocl t.o /l-la Escellenoy at 11 L m. ror &he l'l'por\iD« or poblic.atloo of the &o-morrow. • debak'I uf &hie bOUIO un&il l'Ppor\ or

Ordered aoconhngl7. Mid commiUoe baa bceo rt'CciYed and · OIU>l:R or THI D..v. ac:<>pt«I by the bou1c ; (:?) that eaid

On motion of Mr. Greeno the bouae commlUt'o 1b11l "uk for tendert'for the wenL 1~1.0 Commillee oo tbt Temper- re.>ordng and 11rlnllng of tho dobatt'• C)f ance Ball. tho hoUIO during the !rCllent acaafon

On motion tho amendmenL w .. road ar•I for the printin~ Ao binding or tho iand paa1ed, and tho oommitleO roao journal or tho houao and aball lay er.id ar~d reported that they bad puaccl tbo tenJera upon Lho t.ablo·or tho house with Ball without imttndment. their rcporL. • ·

Ordered. Uial the reporL bo adopt«!, .lfr. MORUION-ln omer U, facilitate ' trnd the BUJ reaJ a third time Lo-mo~- atlt'ra ho would aak tho pcrmlaeion or row. e house t.o deal with tho two portions

N(Jfl0£ OP Marto:-r. or 'hla qucatioll eoparately I\& there mny Mr. DuPF, for a aeleot committee on bo a.d.itf.:rence or opinion on too pttrL or

printing, reporting and contingencies. h , o. mcmbert in relation lo Lhcm. nio 'l'ho SP£A~£a, oo mc&ion or Lhe hon reuon why ho would m1&ko t1'o l\bove

tho Premicr1 fur Mr. DuO, uamcd tho n:iotlon waa that Coryea"' paat Lhe con· m.,mbf'ra ohnocommittoo aa followe :- Lu.gency committee had voled a large Meara. Duff, Duder, Pitman, Fox 1um ot money annually for the expelll!et Carty, Henry Dawe, and F. J. Morrie. ' or the aeeaion, and ho bad lllways lleen

Ori motion &ho house adjourned · fJI un1blo;to find out bow th" worlt ot that &o-morrow al. 11 &.m. oowmltteo wu conducted. Ho kn6w

wna n.bsurcl to say openly anJ un· iu lln1 other way? Tlioy ehould, under ~.i.v IT Pl.KASE Youa Exc">LU::sov,­bluahingly to the contra ry. n10 hon. the cucnm1La11ct , have oloaed aomo or W~ the C.,mmoos or NewrouuJlanJ member bad 111id 1hal Lhoeeon tbi11ide tho schoole altos:cthor and dismi111 Lheir "J>prchcb your Excellency wi1h exprea'. or the house h•d dono wono tlJao they le4chere, or as waa really intended to a1on1 or moat cordiit.1 cungratulationa had, buL thAt queauon he· wu nOC. Jtoing cut tho aalariea rat.eably : and then tho upon your aasutnptlon or tho Qo,·em· to dcbalo. aL tho prctnn\ moment. Bot hon. membor'a own Government had me,pL or this .bland. We feel lhaL your iC iL were wrong for them, then il Wlll paa,:;J the Bill or indemniLy for what Ex'l!ellenoy'a Conner valuable 1crvlce1 alao wrong for 1l1e othcra ; 11nd when ho the boards bad do110 "iu reducing the LO Lbo people or tho Colony t.ngether 111id that theyout·Heroded lierod,tben 11al1riea which had been prophceied. with tho 10tercaL you havo already ho virtually stlmitt.ed thlll be wu aL Tho retluction had be1n directly aimed manifeaLCJ in our 1fTRirt, warrant ua in lea11L llcroJ. Tho proof or tho podding aL lho teacben, And ho (Yr. M.) bad llelioving tbaL 7our admlni•traLicn wiU wu in tho eaLing, and I.ho Government pointed h out at tho time and not one be fnaugbL wi&b many luting beoefia. bad brought Coor pet.hiona io tho Court. member had riaen to oont.ratJlcL it t.o tho wboh1 oomm1U1it1. and bad tailed, wbilaL lb~ othen hMI wbloh they would baveci.t.11 ~b&d· We Lbank 70Gr &~ for &be Tb .. ~ __ TuuBSD.t.Y, Juno 18, 1896. =~In a1L The GcrfemmanL ~Hieb been ~caae. n ...... ~.wl baff 1Ge....._=~t.atllo'olock,punuapt

tb~t at lhe end or the aeMion I.he com· mllleo uaually brought In ita ceport,and Lholll&DCll of dollan were pU141<1 by lho hcue a&:&be laa& momenl wiU11out an7 fllblmr.don rt- iO ltbn. melltberi. "'neiilioo. meml>en on -tbl8 aide or tho houae aaked for information e<>occm· lug tho ulariee of tho h>porun ADJ tho amount• paid for tho pub­liahini: or the debar.ea theyj were u1ually toW that It wu too lat.cto mako any ol>jectiona u Lho committee had already bound the houao by Lho con· Lr'\Cta which it had made for tlioeo" pur­po1ee. H o thought that in viqw of tho retrenchment 1obemo such 11n ~xpendi· ture w11a altogether unneccasary, trnd ~1aL the.commtllee ahoulJ;now bo (iiven 1natrucuon1 to at onee;preaent their re·

allaodoned L'io indta, e ,....._. ~ ~'8ftill Cl~· In Ula tllpenaea of the euda out ol their owo CO refer &o u &DO&ber time. 'allorda ua Htre~ pleeaate &o learn Tc 'ml·Miu~appofo'9Cl 6y Bil pock.eta u far aa &hey had gone, raod The Rlc&JTD Gun.u .. -He woald &ha& tho n1ult ot Iaa 7oar'i •raU001 Esoelleooy ahe OoTemor to rrcelvo Mr. that ttilh oogood wiU, but.becauao they ~make a Jeogt.by reply to the 1~h bu btt11 to lft&ore naooial aLfn to BPO&ker a~ tho hOUlo with tboAddreaa coulJn'L help lhemwvff. The parLy w oC lh• honorable '}leJObe~ for Bonavia~, inch a aound and aall11Cact.ory condition. ot Tbanlta ID l'Oply to lh~Speeoh t)( ill• which ho belongocl bad not obtained the buL IL would be 1nt.ereaung LO ubeeno We al'O gratified that. tho policy ofre- EsceUency on the opening or the pl:ft­rdua ofOo•f'rnmrot by litl~tlon, buL ou aome or bla remark1. In orJrr w lrenohmrnt in publlo expenditure ent aeaalon or the Leglalature, Mr. the JllfttnL Govemmenl obLa1neJ power throw tho blame or lho dipat.er or J~ aJ<1pt.ed by the l.ogialature l11t year' Speaker and the bonao went Lo the Q l)Y· by a cowanlly re.ignation. They had on tho Go•ernment he had MCribttl ha.a been oarri~ out by tbe -oo•ero'. ernruenL HQillo and, being returned &o bc>en trembling for (heir fate, and were the dia11t.er l.O &he inLrOduction or the ment. 10 Cailbfull.y ~nd "lthout dctri· ~bo Aa.sembly Room, Mr. Speaker In: fleeing from juallu, u all guilty partlra rail"af policy. Ho found on rofercnoo menL w ~he pullllo ~ervico. • or med Lbe ?ouao &bit when in att.end­do. A• aoon 1a ono wc-nL dt.wn, all lho lo tbeJourn~ll or the bouae that on tho Tho wisdom 1 f t!lo adoption of tb&L anh ce on Bia Ellcellcncy tho Go•ornor, rc'lt followed to, bide thc:ir headla from SI.al December, 1880, tho total d~ill policy bu been abundantly veritled by e bad preaen!-ed thoAddreu oCThanb, tho atorm or indignation. Thoy bad In tho Union Bank were t112~9,180.0J, tho ~Loration or our credilllbroad, and 'j wb1ob B11 Escellenoy bad been tbou1bt., by reaiinlng, to Coroe lbe Qoy. made by 2608 depoaho111, ana In 1891- tho 111crea1ccl benefit and cnt.erpriee P euoll to reply,~ followe :-eroor to grant a di..Olution, and tbua to ho excluded 1m and aubacquent yea111 to which ft b .. alimulated our people. Yr. Speaker •nd Gentlemen or &ha lion. ('IC&po tho election pelllioDI. 'nlo hon. oo account or the amount of lnburanoo We learn with pleaeuro lhat tho in· Hou1e or Aucmbly : mem~r b11I wd tbaL they bad doae money put all'»t. b7 Lhe ftro-Llio total k're.t duo l.O holdc111 or our Colonia l I have u, thank you for tho loyal(.;\.d· tba' -=l Uie wbb uf &be 1reat. inw dt'~lta were t2,~.G83, by. 4949 de- &nda hat beeE will bo provided drOll which yon have resented t.o m of &he "• but &be l*JP.le wore IO di· poa1t.on, 10 tb1t donn~ tbla period or ror, And t bat all obllgatlo111 in in which you witlino~y und rtalc ~ Yided tba& one OC1Gld0'& feel bow Lbo eleven yf'&J'll tbo def)Olit.e had 1ncreued connection wl~ e publio 1enico b111 provide for tho Jiremento r

0 b

maiorU1 Wf'nt. Ttiere were no& o•er more tban doublP, and tho number or been met, lhe9' will be a conaidert.blo publlo .ervl~ or~ ooloDy 1 0

t 0

1.000 TO&ft cu& I• tbe coa&efted eleo- depo1lton bad lncreaaed from 2,~ t.o lJalanco LO lbe credit or \b!> Tre&aury. I havo also to exprea' m ·thanks Cor Lfom •a majoritt onei&beroae 1ideor 4 949, aod tbcac figurta did not in~1cato We have &Jway~ rccogm~ed tbo won- the congratulAt.iona .,,binfi , h &be other lo the Tarioot dlatrlc&I, and decline COOMqnea:iL on tho radway .derCully reclJ\>ctralive powcn or t'1e re- kindly tendered lo mo on m ><;:

1 i:i If a pleblaolte or &be wbole people were policy ~ar; aDd 1ffailure came la the aourcNoC the Colony; but we aro nuver- ment.ua G11v11rDor or I.hie iara!11 .~~o taken he belle•ed ih"f Woulcl b&TO bef'n mercbadft ho di~ noL consider lhl\L lhelCAll grtlte!ol t.h11L lho on~erpriae or that. during my tenure or Lb I m ~ ennlt dhided. Tbe ()ppolition bad thl1 could ho uor1bed U> the policy or our pcoplo shonltl have rallied 10 quick· m•y aee it.a rormer ·

0 0 co

po(' eo thl\L we may ace what. amount w11a ~llowed fortthe reporliogSand pnb· llcatton or the debar.ea. .LA&' yen a n<'""llpapcr tendered to tlo the printing of Lho debatea for five bundroo dollara but thia ofT.,r was not 1cccpted and l.wico thn aum Wlll paid to the


gn1m for performiog tho aamo service. N<. onlr wu ooo lhoua11nd dollus paid to the 1elegram, buL tho Stand1ud, Sun anti RecorJ Cl\Ch rcooived aeum ot four hundred dollars for printing lhti 1lobatt'8 of :his house, while theTlmCll 1f.n• palJ out hundred dollal'll ror doing llio &Amo wvrk. What VAiue did tbo.ouuntn· get for auob an expenditure? To mako

Pn&rAnEo nY

C. C. RICHARDS & CO., Yun11fJ11t/1, N. S.


-··'" ............ dw. _.. ~ ;'(fflftlc:lc -­Pala ........... 8IC. ............. ~-

The "0. L" Menthol Plaster


QUEEN-lnsuran~ Co. Lo.-it in.tho Great ~1\fl'1\ ti or.

the sttm '°' $541,ooo · beaten &be OoTernmen\ candidalf'e In Sir Wllllain.Whlteway. It 1bo11ld also ly from lho ahoek of that urrible tli1· to Lbo colon>' and fhr:~nt.y rca~red

18M wba& &be oth•ra a.d beaten them be home In ~i~ that d!lring tho ya.rs aster whiob lhrealcn~ to over11·helm and ·economt~al adminiaiiaLi~r~f .:tt in 18D, ucep& l• &be a&ricta ol Twll· wben Sir Wilham Wh1tow.ay wu in our trade and commrrco at tho oloeo or atrdn, ii.I credit abroad ma l d'lta liop&e and lk. Joltn'e. EYtryono who power, op to 1886, all tho 10!-ftttt. on 1894. Tho readlntts with which tho improve. Y

1 ta

1 Y

knew an7&blng, aod l.O conlradict h the funded debt waa payable w11bin the Colony baa reCO\"ered lnapirea ua with Mr MoO!UTH led • would be a mere wut.e or time, tt.aub11 colon1, and noL aalnglo dollar or IL bad renewed and confirmed confidence in from


tho Rav T \>{'jen adl)CL~ion 1111\Llel'll WOl'lle these .,.pore never pt'r- QUEEN Co~mod their conlrtct., Md in a.ome in­at.anco iL wa.a eaCo to eay Lhn.t LwcnLy col· '\JulDa or malU>r WU lhe extent or Lhl'ir publication. Jn other w<>Na mo1rny11 wuo voted to thoao p11oera either for patty aervicea or for tho pur1>0110 or going into I.ho pooketa or aome mcmbcl'll o.f the ~arty who had financial connec· uc.os wuh thOIJo papen. To ·~ thaL this kind of tblog had bµn 'IUT!f!;- on for yeara. waa nnt A 1upic£c1.L argum nt Cot oonll ouing au ch 11n 1bnte. o wculd, therefc.ro, ·ma-e thaL U1e"1clct Ot' m!l'i&leo ou pri!lting, reporllritt a nd conung.-nclea bo 1nat(UcLed that they ahul ~ot enter Into any conLracL fur the rf'porung or p11blicalion or the debate or this boo.so until tho report. oC eaid commilCM hat been received and adopt­ed by Lhl1 b~e.

nnd the INSURANCE co

crub waa duo t.o undrrmiolnit the ~om· w be aent abroad. tha rnc~y and capaci~y or our people, lnhabit.anta of0

ih~ c1iat:::;1:'0~nPta~~n~i.: m"rcial pn,iaperit7 in 1881. Since that Mr. MoRt~,-The hon. 8enlloman ~nd In. tho recupenillvo forco or our and St.. Mary's, on lhe eubject or herring g~~u';:St~~ :i!: l~1=:,j~1~~5 f9rgot the Nowfonodland railway sull· 10d111~r1e1. liebiog on Sonday, which w11a. orJeruJ tbaUbe S.nka-ere--•went. TI10 ~rill' 11dy. h\y11h1lo deep~!. gniWifol fo1 l~o aueceu Lo be received AuJ lo lie laiJ upon tbe

.. .... Mr. So.Jrr....-That WU tl5 000 a year " \ 0 • 11.ttendcu tho pl'Olt'CUllOn or the I.able. . .... Ulen onlJ JS per cent.., and tho cur• and WU not. taken acoouoL or .. part. ol 6h1her1cab luL YC!'r, WO oannoL bul regrl!L .PurauanL lo order, the Bill U> amend rtnL expenditure only '700,000, whill' tho publlo delll. The fll'llt money bor- t a t a et.tor Pr•oe WAI not obLAlnod Cor the Act 52 Vio. Cllp.12 wu read tho in 1894 millions bad been added t.o tho rowed abroad had be.?n borrowed by Sir ouh r ataplo aruolo or ex~rl, and thaL third time. IL waa o~ered thal lbo public debL and lbo out.lie upendltore. Boben Thorburn. Ho morely referred t e era[ flahny did not yield more pro- 1amo bo ong?Ol!led, bo entitled, " An l'Ol6 to tl,8001000. Tho whole nplana- lo Lhf '"°' la prove tbaL iC there waa a fitablo returna. Xho pte1pec!• for the Acl to ameOJ Lho AcL 52 \'io. Cap. ll!., 1fon or the ra1luro If it were looked al. decline it did nOL bH"in .,,itb tbe Oov· preacnt 1e11aon hue eo much improved, onLltloo, 'Tbe Temporauco Ae4 l889,,. came11t1y waa w be found in t.be C1pL ernmcnL or which Sfr William Whii.e- by reteoo or &be abort oaW:b of our for- l\n<hbat a mc11ago be aenL iQ tho ; __ lhd tho fl1herica of the counliy, whlbh way ,.11 leader. tlgn compelll.0111 Jn lhocodfteh marketa, gb1ativo Council requcal.ing it.a 00110~ were it1 taming indu1triea, had not lbaL largo advancee have been mado Cor reuce tbere.,,lth \_,-been able to 1Larid tho fncru1ed tau· Mr. MoarNc-Ho did oot 111y that. the 01beri1e ; and "e entt'rtaln a rea- Tho remaining matte t lion which railway building bad heaped Mr. Scarr-Tho hQO. member be.llet· aonabl' bopo Lhat tho enterprilo or our Order P•Pf'r 91ere orllered {; b~rer r!: upon it. Tho m1>rch1ot1 bad to fay tho ed tbaL iL wu the duty of tb.o GoYern· aupplytng merchan1,t, u well u of out n waa ordorod that when Lb b · ft111t duty, and the commercia lot11e1 meot to uaumo tho rupone1bllhy or 61hermen wlll be abundantly repaltl Adj 1 adj ·i

0 ouao

were great.er year arter yoar. .At the building the rallw~y, but the merebant.e We lear'n with plcaaure. that Lbo work at ~~':1>o~otk ~~r~h~u~h.e~~:!"Y .p:xt tarilT went. up 1he c:alla upon lbe meieh· ralao<! 1och (lppotlllon tbal tho money of Lhe contracto111 on the weatern exl<n· Lho houu a<ijouroed • en ant.a w pay Into tho treaaury became to bmld tho Placentia. Railway had l.O 1ion or &ho railway bae been entirely _1_ great.er and gTeater, and when the Cail- ~o borrowed abroad, and for~ long limo aatl1factory ; ihaL aeYeoty mllee bno Monday, June 22, ! 896. une of tho t!tberic. aapped tho nferoh· It remained part. of tbo ftoaung debt. of b« n completed dunnr &be year· and Th b ed anta, of coul'llo they ••PJ>ed tho B1olt1 tho colony. 'J'he part.y "ho a row 7ean1 thaL by 'be end o! 18911 tho line will e ouae open at

4 o'elook, p.m.

u Wl'll, and the lnureat on our debt before bad denounced tbe Railway BUI probat.ly· be comple·-.a •-•be iou'"'•m Mr. MoOsuTu p.reeoot.ed a petition b

--" f h loC\I "'• "'~ from John Roaob and oth~1 or Branob whle waa aeot ab ...... Wll conaequ~nt- -~re part l'8 to l Cl oon1trucllon or A termlnua at Port.11x-Buqu111. We In Lbe dillrict. or Placen'la and s•' ly larger and larger. Now for a limo rallway w Hall'• Bar. If lbo original fully appreciate &ho import.anoe ot tbli Ma ' .... b .. that outlay wa1 oft;aeL by tho fact Lhal policy of tho ptt1ent lCAder of the Gov· work and the peal and benoDoent In· ry

1' on "'

0 au 3ect of a ferry. An

l,he money wbiob waa borrowed abroad ernment bad been c'tried out, the ftuence h I.I oertaln t.o um upon tho amount or fort.y do •111

only wae aaked waa apenL in the count11 and thaL bad colooy would not buo bad to J>AY tho deYolopmen' or oar ma~ wU.ILb. for, and ho lnllted Lhal berore Uie cud belt>ed to pey the revenue, buL oolnen lmmt-DIO 1uai1 or money ror int.creel It (1 ialiafaotor7 &o know tbatro-'•o of tho aeMlon lbo ho111~ would aee II.I I.Otho est.e1>t. tha~aomo tbougbtby paid IL bad to pay today. IA1t year tho CApit.al le beinc Introduced t.o de;~ ~{,1~:::..l.O grallfy tho wiebea of Lhe labor. for ir, 11y 5000 men wore to Bank or Montreal refuaed to adnnce tho mineral rel00roe8 ol tho Colony Hr. Jilc:Ga.t.Tft alao aaltcd leave to work up6n tbe railway, they bad been any more Dlooey, and the Colonial and &ha& al Bell hie a oompan7 bu pttaenL a petJtJon from Bugh ...,, ___ &altrn from the fi1beriel, and from the ~Lary Wit compelled l.O go abtoad = iDT•ted IAtp aamr In &be ri It nd b ri ... ,....

tmplo1menL of drawing ftah oot ol tho at a &ime when the heel wiaben for the o on ol wbM •pP:llll'l lo be a p~ f ti~~ _:edenth~~ ~l:;:ie~i· 11° ':"° watu which would rullee lta pn>fit.a1 oolon7 had doubta of Uio 1ucoeN or ble oall1 inuhamdb~Lotfaon ore. Sb= l'reaenatlo AcL rOrbf:a.: e they were " orkinit npon borroftCJ mlaaloa. Ro 1uooeeded In 1e&&lo1 a We tl'QI& &ha' U.. ol&blm ~ e of Placen~ rro keep.I g tbe i;noney, and lhe.re wu no-lromedlat.e re- loan and l't'8oued the colony Crom d.,._ may be &be 1D81Q1 ol DI a •pealed m DC dOp, tum for the.Ir labor, oor were &hey ad· daUoa bt lbe noble work which &he 1iderable ...... f)f ......... • ;:;. pie":,, ~nu! c~m:.t ~ l~ei~ood di1>1 one cent U> the produo&ha wea.IUi boo. pnLlenwa el'ee&ed. lmmedJ&tely m•l &o-:YM ~.. &1 h u b .,.

0 •

or the country. It wu 1impl7 a dead after bla ~~ ~. &he lllCI& 1nronudoll ....... ~ :J no DI• at &bey were DOW depr!Y• .._ in many re1peota to &tie ooanl.ry. d&madnr tt> &be IDtere9ta ol &he ooloDJ will be de~-_, '791' will &ba& t.o

1 1:r.' es&ent from enpciog in B• would ~t &W whea In 1881 the were Clnfulated at home and ablOld bj be baDecl • •JPM whole P:i : b~ reuoo ol &heir bein1 llibfritti wete ju1t. abl. &o meet. the re- &be ~~Uoa. Tbe boo. leedn ol &be oomllUlllftF. C'::. doil n'18 ~s!nt:1a rj°m

c .. "-"l:.=' .. ~ .. "ol::. ~~=~'9.,,-:; .. :;:.;i~... ""'="= ~~-... "?:!-.-¥.: "aa 10 lncttued and &be lab« &&ken rae& \bat. &be OOUDl.r7 ot wbieb • to~• AM 5 •-s; md were a& ~be:,~~ \briel"e awa7 from tbtm, da111oaal,las&llecmr- h .. dmbed IO m"41h,bed • iio~ IM cilllll =.! ... ,, _.,.. "" DI clraR u &he Banb. mal~ iJI their fud. 'l'be politlon .., ilmplt UaJa J

1 Uiil g ...... lbem. wblle &be re.I·

lallare in 1891. He belMti4 la tbe &be a.a ol '6GO,GOO .. e~.ca.e: abe Jf4! II ot &be p1loe were dtb&rnd lrom mlaeal weal&b ot abeeomill7 - &bM &be ..... ~ .. ..,_, • fa *°&.. pdtlllp. Japerb&ple.Cllr.._,_ ...... andl.....SotUplf ,_,..IOmaab ,_,.~==~ ''pponed &be

To be continued

Dress Well and Stylishly and Save Money.


Dinmond Dyes have 111nved bun· ~·eds. of tho usands of dollar• to the 1nt.elhgent people of lhis country for by their 11.id old and. faded clothes havejbeen home dyed to look like n e w.

Diamond Dyes eave money in eruy horn11; they nre true to name anc~ atand at the head or all dye'. •tuJfa in the.world. Diamond D1es are the 0017 original and only re· lil'ble package dye1, and haye never had an equal. Tbeyfare the true preventives of hard Umea and will 10. ve "1e vexatious problem or how to :nake 11mall iocomea cover io­creaaJng family demand1.

There are vile and .worthless im· ilatlODI or Diamond D1ea i thero· fore aee that your dealer 1up11lies you with ahe "Diamond." Com· i I sold for lho uke of

paid out to 31>8 or its pafrons, whoso policies were involved in the fire, exn.ctly a simil~1 amount, viz., '

$541,000 JOUN CORMACK.

Agent, St. Jobn~s.

a. T. DRYSDALE, A.gent, UarLor Grace. ;

Doctcr YIM! 1~ood ... ..,...,.ft>rclcansi~ the Scalp and

i Hair, I uem to havrtned tverytlun..f and am 111 des~\1r

Why Mrs I\ th~ry f>Wtlli~is PALMO·TAI\ SOAP it ia splendid for Washi!!,! I\' ftead it p~enfs dryne" thus puts an end to O~rd•'-Al.lll>U, and ITe3~ Ille ~iir nicety . • •

2S f fOI\ A LAl\C[ TABlfT

. .

Page 3: collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard... · 2017-08-16 · I t" ... . ' REMOVED.-H. A. Moan1ssn Ui hvmg over hia istore, and will in • iO atiend


~ ~


GUARDIAN Fire and Life

Assurance Co'y. ~tlll'IED


'50ll6ClUBBD O APITAL. ..... ..£2,000,000Stg. Tor AL h.•• •::sTED Full DS OP-.A. w Alll>8 OF ................ . . .. 2,700,000 Sli;i ,!..:."$UAL lSOOlilE OPW1DSOP 300,l)()()Stg

"- T'nc OUAllDL\.<~ being a fi1111.-Cla1111 Englil!h Insurance Oompa,!!.t...' lfcn II.II Lboae ad\"lllltAgea mosL de&.1!\ulo to in· 1111rel"I, vis., umlou•LCJ ttKl.iiULy, (avor­able t erm11 and prompt aeLLlemenL 10 clnima for IOIS.

'l'hc Undersigned bavini: I.icon a1.­poinLcd Agenla for No\\•foundland an­prt>pitred io illauc Policies ApfoaL loo bv fire.

T. ,\:. M. WlXTER,St. Jolui'a. C. ~~ E. GODDEN, GI

ub-Ag1m1.~: Harbor Grace, Nfld.


'e ~- °'th1d w1th • moat ena:aafn• : , t.t?>.r you ln•o•t In a

.. ..:ti'~CO WITH ITI NCW


.. ::~ T!:HSION RELEASER, ' t'>· •·•l ·c :!\J uscrul cleYiccl ._

• • -· •I.>. • 7 &cwini; mochine.

.::~:! J"j ll®d:lomely Ballt. • t .... ; i .:~:i c:::2 Perfect Adj11.m.t,

.. . . ; f.!.L SoY::i.blo Artlclta, ,' • r<: A"•I pie= )'OU vp to the 6iD

~ .c. ., ... -utloa.s. I ~ l.l~t.•u WA!n"lll> I• ...

• .'. ,.. l. """~ tnma. A4dnm.

! :3 ~1ACHINE CO., ·~.AND, O.

JOHN CASF.Y, Hrirbor Gr~ Agent ior liRd. (norlh.)

IAST m DX:NTAL PARLORS, SI ,To/m's, Njld . ..

t>r. "A. 13. LEH"R Dcwl4l ~ mad RuideMI :

Jordan Building, Wat4'f' Street (1'earl1 ODDOliW Garland'•

Bcicik S&ore.) .-111.i. Jlfl/tod Jar p,,ifthM &lmo­

lioa WAolll &lm "1arg1.

FOR SALE AT - Fancy and Toy Bazaar,­


Traced and Shaded Mate. Plain and Sh1ulccl Ucrlin Wo:>l.

Pinafores and Apron~, &:c., &c. A. & A. BRUNLEES

J. "A. Whitman, eustom Tailor.

Will gu&rantee Fil, Workmanablp and Style. . Custom work of a.II ldod1 performed

at !owes~ prlcea and wiLb deapat.ch. Outportomen receive promp~.att.entioo

Ghe U4 a call.



N. HAJ:tRIS, Giencral Blacleamitl~ cmcl F'<trrier.

Legiala~~un MONDAY, June 15.


We trust that theadvnnces made by euppliera for tbi1 eeuoo's cod· fishery may be productive of com­mensurnte results, and that tbfl markets for our ataple may be ma· terially improved. ,..

We are pleased lo be inf6rmed of the progress of Raihvay work 11.nd of its probable cq'mpleli<fo to the Southern terminus by thl!'-ond of the season; and we trijst tbat thi11 onterpise may pro~Of pef mnnent advantage to tho Col~.Y·

H i11 eatisfnctory to learn that the attention of foreign capitalists bas been attracted to our mining indu1· triea nnd we hope that the euccesa of Belle hie Mine may be so mark­ed as to induce other capitalists to invest in similar propertiea in Lbe Colony during the preseht yeo.r . •

The nctiun of the Newfoundland Raihny Company, in claiming a right to soled land 11.djacont to!lbe Coo.I nrea, oenr Grand Lake must necessarily retard operaliooe, and wo hope for a.n enrly and faTor· able termination of the present le­gnl proceedings.

We regnrd the Mining and Agri· cultuml interests of the CQlony of vMl imt•ortaoce, and the contem· plated iberal encouragement or these industries, io connection "ith the tarift',to be a wise proceed· ing.

An nugmentation of the fraDtl for educational pur~ wall be highly appreciated, u alao an ai­Jocalion for the maintenance of roads and bridges. ·

We truat thntour legi1li.tion may be ~eneficialJn promoting the pros· penty of the Colony1

GEORGE RENDE.LL, ~ Senior Member Presiding.

Legialo.tive Council, 15th June, '96. Hon. Mr. Ex£RSO.N, io Clecordaoce

\Yith notice of motion previously given, begged to move tho api><>i'nt· meut of a committde on the Print· ing and Contingencies of this House.

'rbe rollowing hon. members were nnmed as such commiUee:­Honorables E merson, Angel, Skel· ton, Fenelon and Harris.

On motion the House then ad­journed till to-morrow at 4.30 p.tn.

Tu&sDAY, Juno, 16 1896. The H ouse mot d 4.30 o'clock

p.m., and on motion of Hoo. Mr. Emerson, adjourned watil Tburt· .day ne.xL, at 11 o'clock n.m.

Hoo. Mr. FENELON-Ono migbt s uppose \bat tho hon. gonth.man imagined be was fighting h~s poli· tical battles over ngain, judging from the vehemence 11.nd fDrco or bis obsen·nlions j and tbat he wns replying to a savnge nttack by a polilical opponent Whilst ho could not but. admire the spirit of loJnHy which prompted hts hon. frtel\d to defend the action of bis colleagues, be failed to eee \he ne· cess\ty for auch nn exhibition of pnrty feeijog in replying to his ( Mr. F.'s) remnrk! , particularly when there waa nothing in his com· roents upon Mr. Bond's mission to suggest tho ideA that tboy were mnde in n spirit of political hostil­ity. The charges ,111ade by th., hon. genllomnn 11.gai:IUt. him ( )Ir. F.) nnd lhoso with whom ho hnd form· erly been politico.Hy llUOcil\t.ed, were mo:tt uncalled for. The state­ment thnl he nnd his former col· lengues desired tho finnncinl ruin of the colony wns most unjustifiable nnd untrue ; he had just as deep nn interest in the 'velfnre of the coun· try ns the hon. genlleman bad, or in foot ~ any one hnd ; he coo­.iidei*ed lbe colony's inleresl3 and his own interests identical , nnd he wna sure that it wns never bis wish, our lhe desire of nny of Ms polili· cnl friend!, tbnt the Government of tho country should be surrendered , provided it could be retnined under conditions u pon which the general interest.e of the colony could be pre· served. He thought. it most unfair for the hon. geotlemnn to refer ns he hnd done to pnrties who wore not represented ~this Cbnmber, nnd if his hon. friend continued in future lo adopt such n line of con· duct, others might be unwillingly compelled to tnke n courso not in keeping with the genernl t-0no of debntes in this branch of the Legis· lature. Iloo. members of this house rnust

1havo their opinions upon pub­

lic mnltors and questions llS well ae anybody else, nud they bBd tho right to give expression lo these opini(>n whenever they thougM proper, without being linble in e.x· ercising t.hat> right to hl\ve cbnrges mnde t\gaioet them of polilicnl ani·

1mus. The hon. gentleman bad re­ferred to Mr. Bond's connection with the Bond·Blnine Treaty u having given tho.t hon. gentleman a reputation in cerlain quarters Tm.RllDAY, June lSth,' 1896 . abroad which fortified him in hi1 The Houee met. funuaoL to ad-endeators to raise the loan in the Journmeot at 11 o clock"a.m •. and United States. He had no detire immedlat.ly ~eel to UoHrn· ,io commen\ npoo Mr. iSood'• cb meat VQ11N.to Pft!Mllli W. Jfla •­acter, ablUty, or hi• lndaMry, bn celfeooy \be Goffmor the adclNal u regards the Bond·Blaine Treat1, in repfy to the opening Speech and he had given the matter very from the Throne. grave cooaideration, he was, and Subsequently having returned bad always been, eolirel1 opposed from Gove'l'ment House, t.he to thfl idea of it. He beheved auch Houae resumed its sitting whoo the a treaty was au absurdity, and hon. Mr. Rendell, 11residing, read would )lever recei\'e the a11ent of to the Couocil,the following note tho Imperial Government, u it. from His Excellency the Governor (lropoaed to diacriminate ag.Un11t thankin1 them for the addrea in Briti1h 1ubjtcl.sinfavorofaforeign reply : .

-wwer. It was abeurd to suppose Jlr. JUndtll andhonourabl.e Gentl~ for a moment. that the British Gov· of cM Legitlatire Gbuncil,-eroment would ever aanction iL 1 have t.o thank you for your Sueb a treatnwu an iml>Ollibility; loyal addreu lo reply to my • Pfecb and u regar&I the ability or the on Thund11y lut. penon who firstconcei•ecl theidea I join with you in the hope that or it, and proteued to believe lo the llahiug durin1 the summer sen­the practicabllityohuch aecheme, aon may redeem the 1011s incurred be did not. thiok: he need at pres- by the comparative failure of the eat ay an,Ythioc. seal fi1ber~and that the increue

On mouon Uie committee rolle in tho forergn marke-1 may lrro­and reported the Addrea without mote ibe intereet.a of the peop e al amendment. The re~ wae on home. ~ motion received. The ACJdreu was I have to thank you for your then on motion read a third time, friendly roference lo my appoint­paued, and ord~nd to be preaent.. meot u Governor of this colony. ed to Hie Excellency by a commit- I hope that the worst crisis in ill tee of the whole house. The fol- history ill now ever, and that the lowing is the Addrell9 :- improvement in its pro1pects, Tr> JJit EzctllrncyS1R H £RBIRT HAR· though thnt improvement moat lie

uv l.'tfoRRAY, Knig/U <»mmandcr neceaea.rily slow, will continue. oftlae.lf<>lt Honourabk Ordtro/tlae (Sgd.) H . MURRAY. hnlh, GolJfrrwr andO>mmmldcr-in.- Government House, June 18, Chit./ in and owr the Jal11nd of NetD- 1896. foundlcmd and ill Dqit:ndenciu. On motion the house adjourned

l.'tfA '<IT PL"£A8£ Youn E;r.o&LLENOY: till Tuesday next at 4.80 p.m. We thank your E.xcellenoy for J '"'

the graciouupeech with which you / TuaDAY, une ~. have been plensed t.o OJ>f!n the pre· The house met nt 4.30 o'clock sent aession or the Legislature. p.m.

We beg leave to congratulate Hon. Mr. EMERSON presented a Your Excellency and the country copy of the Fisheries Rules, ~a11ed upon your appomtmen~ to the Gov- by the Fiahery Board, which by ernment Of this posaeeaion of tho law II.ff p\11.ced OD the tab)el O( bo(h Crown, aorl In the fullest conft- branches of the Legislature, and dence in Your Excellency's wls· eaid that at some future time be dom . and integrity we anticipo.te would move the house- iolo co1u-the advantagea which must result mittee on the sam~. -from Your Excelleooy'1adminiera- Hon. Mr. E1uiasoN1eubm)t t.ed the tion. report. of the conlinitericiee 9q111..,

IS-All kloda or Work• execut.ed wiLb ncatnttl, de.patch and a~ moderate prief11.

It is gratifying t.o beo.r of the ea~ mittee which waa read, and on mo­ilfact.ory condition of our 6nancial lion, adopted, affairs i nnd that the eftlciency of Hon. Mr. E1naso1' gave nollce the Put>lice Service bu not been that on to-morrow be would aak to any eeriot11 derree affected by leave to Introduce a bill to provide the retrent hmeot. [o the public e.z. for the fo.r.matJon uf Limited Lla­peoditure adopted at the Jaa\ See· bility CompaniM in this colony sioo of the Legislature. The re- and for the winding up of the st.oration of the credit or the Col· same.


CBu.tineu 1tand-Han11y St. Weal

·- ...... ..

the aame. A BUI enUUecl,. "Ao upon fruit cnlte ns n protection to Act t.o amend the Temperance Ao\, our local bakeries, for under the 1889," and a Bill entitled, "An present. tariff' it was utterly impos· Act for gran\lag to Her Majesty 1ible for any of our people enguged certain cfuUee upon goods, wares in the baking busine11s to maou­and mercbandlze imported into facture cake qr s \Teet biscuits at a this colony." · price to compote with the like ar·

Oo motion oC lion. Mr. Emer- 'lcles imported. This wu o. very son the· Bill entitled "An Act t.o neces84ry proYiaion in the bill. amend the Temperance Act, 1889," Hon. Mr. FENltLON.-He obsen·ed was read a fin& time, and ordered also that the new tnriff r11.i1es the t.o be read a eecond time lo-mor- duty upon bren.d and biscuit (not row. sbip'a biscuits) from thirty to forty

Hon. Mr. EMsasox-Witb regard per cent. Be did not suppose the to the Revenue Blll he would re· mcre11ao 13( ten per cont. in thie CllSe miodhon. gentlemen that the Act would be ..._aeriqu11 imposition ; but now io ferce expires on the SOth of upon this point, tbou~b ho wM ful­the .preaeot month, and uthe tirue ly alive to the neceMity of gi~ing waanowaoeho11,itwuhisiotention all reaeonable and legitimnt& pro­\o uk when the bill had been read teclioo to Jocn.r indU!ltries, be was a first time, for tbe eu1peoaioo of not prepared to express any deft· the Sith Rule of the Houae in re· nite opinion. .Another chnogo pro­gat'd to it, proYided no bun. mem· po•ed by th• bill , nnd to which the her bad anb 0 Yectioo to the mo· hon. Ropresenta ti vo of the Go rem-. Th ': 1•-:!. bo ment had referred, was the exolu-

tion. e u -~were now a at 1ion of articles manufartured in to conlider proridicl for no Import­

First Great Requisite I

Pure Blood and Strong . Nerves.

run unchecked. · If you, reader, happen to be one of the many 1ur~ ferlnJ from any ohhe form• or dfa. eASo JUsi referred to, do not fail io give Paine's Celery Com1.ound a trial at once. It i11 your only aafe­t7-yqur only true nnd cert1h1 de­hvere.r from perils \hnL end in death .

Paine's Celery Compound is an absolute nnd certain specific for the troubles that threaten yoar lifo ; jt baa cured thot11ands, and , will ~o thuame good werlr, for you • One ltottle will cost you 1899 th"'1 •.visit to a physician, and will coo·

• vmce you ofill 1>0wer to cure. Mrs. C. Fergoson, of Redickville,

Ont., says:



The Only lledioine that Thoroughly Ban- -

ishea DiSease.

" For eight yeare I waa 1orely

ant changea ln tht at.Ung \&rlfl', priaon1 abroad. He entirely ap-and it,,.. mOl&--clJllrable Ula\ the prove or thll provision, for whai- .&JI OITABIO T .AftWI

meaaure abould be P!lt throuih i&a ner excUl8 there might be for per- _ .. 8 DPBIUUOB

troubled with neural~ nenotll debility and indigeation. forwhlob I tried various adverUeed medi· cines, and waa treated by AYe doo­t11rt. I did not recehe an}' good re.iult.a from any aource unW I was rl!l.•ouu~endecl to UM Paloet.e.J_,. Cam~~d. Before I bad mlecl one hotll• f .tbt Oom r foand

varioua...._ ~litll&tl• delay u mlidng each anlc1ee made in our ii ---'bl t. ·.u~ ... f... local prlloo to be put upon the l"""'6 e. · wit: the ~P"' market, heoould eee none whatner The 8* ~ te for• ooo·

oertaln art.fol• fcn'alloWIMOdaercountrlestAuaall 41Uon of'pidi ror ry ilol1C191MI to pu\ of our muiell for the ule of,.. ;,;-; woman an a a\ th 11&-

myeelt ~- tieUU. .... fuur ., I well ~Mt~~·~~ a1 .. ,,, • ~ fell~

upon the a 'flew to goocla. The .ie of the prOda.l*)g(! IEblood and , tlie 9"00111r1~!riljrof Oh or \WO ~D labor be all np\:ji_ta tiial Tbq gi tlie lndunri-. aild ~1 ,,.. on• Ccm8necl.., th• un\rl• In wlalilh - , 'rim and \y t. or the hfclmtrf• be lerernd to. the artlclea ar. • or man11fao- WIO ~er to '° and the bill provlcl• allo.Tor th; tared; bat be dered:it&Mdom 'may be f0rtl6ecl to (i:'f~NW;&°JI exclmion •fall good• manalactur· wrong for a f pie letd\lm.W. g weather of oar • eel in ~IODI abn.d It had been 11 engaged in afioture of mera. ~ found in the past lhai the Im ita· similar arilcl• to comnellecl to Tbree-foarlh1 of our peopl raab lion of the la{ter cl .. of g!:Z°bad compete .ln their ow market with into the portals of 1ammer with interfered conalderabl;rwith local good• i.mJllOrted fro altroad and •11~me charaed watb deadl~ Im· manulactaren, and \he Govern- made under 1uch_ lrcu~1tance1. ))Unties and polaon1. The blood 'l'be Ona& 1'..ale Wae meot had deemetl it desirable to He '!IL;' fu~Jy in/accord wath th!• aa foul and a~nant t the Ii•• and &o ~'~~air:~ proted our people againat such in· prov111on m the bi~l •. •f!d g!'vo h11 kic;lneye work mper ecUy, and are recCed wltboo& s;;fn or baooaftnfeace. terference by prneotiog the im- full 1upporL toit., behev1.ng 1t to be Yery on~n diaeued .. Wilh ~any, b1 &be UH ol Dr. Honn Indian Boo& portation of such gooda. The only a. very nece11ary and w1ee protec- rheumatism, dy1pepa1a and 10dl· Pille. Tbey are &be l&l•& and IOl'ed articles manuf,ctured in our own t1~n to the ~ocal manufo.cturer. He gesUo.n al'9 dally tormentore. Con· medicine for all dilealea lnciden&al t.o prison for market were brooms . did not think there cuuld btt nny 1tipation, headache, dull head And re~ee oC all ageel and lbe more _. \, t h '

1 1 • d ' grounds for refoaiog the uoani- heavy brains, weak nod tired feel- pec1ally 10 1.n Ulla c imat.e. Ladlt1 who

p~ej!J~:d "'b; 'ilie :ie 1~r ~~~L mous consent of the house to ~he injll and ~leeple98neas, mnke life a h!~ tt>a.~0l!jf1t~N~L~~0·~~~l~v~:~

goods; there "'oro no otfler changes request of tho hon. Repre'l!entab\•e mlll~ry .for thousands. I them once will allow benelC to bo wilb· of any importance proposed by tho o.f the Government for the suspen- Life 111 not sare when sue~ symp- ooL them. Dr. Moree'• Jodian ~ bill s1on of the rules with r egard to the tom11 and diseMes are permitted to Pille are eold by all Medicino Dealen.

· pnssnge of the bill. Hon. ~r. FENELON thought tnat

under the circulll!lances the Coun­cil would not be noting injucllci­ously in allowing the suspension of the 1ules in denling with the Revenue Bill. Though 'be bill w:ui one which the house had no po1Jer to materially alter or amend, still it was quite consistent with their duties to aee the usual parliamen­tary procedure wu folowed with re­gaid to it, and t<i the enactment of all bllla brought -before the Conn· ell ; and exoe in cues or nee• ~ .... n&, Dot io-ToJTIDi dt 0. of DrfDeipJe or other Jou to the public or to Conocil, did be con11ider a depar­ture from the established form jwitiftablo. He thought it ~as moa\ desirable that the two ind us· tries meoUoned lfl Hill Excol lency'1 opening 11peech should be incluRed in tho!e to which it is intended' lo aft'ord uai1wnce under tho bill now about to be presented t.o the house, it 1 he wu glad to see thnt the

,a,sure provided for tlie exemp­tion from duty Miatennls 11.nd machinery lmpo- for mining and agriculturnl purposes nnd not for sale. The industries refer red to required a\l the le~slnth•e nid to their development tho.t coold be afforded them, nud he did not think thl\l tbe wisdom of th us foe· toriug them could be 9uostioned. Of course the considerahon of such matters raiu1s the question or free trade or protection, buC the prin­ciple or free trade nid not apply eqtlally to new countries aa it did to old and developed countries with esablished industriea j he judged that tbe new Revenue Bill wu a sort of compromise between the two as reearded the assistance it would afford lo such industries. Heap­proved of the exemption UDder U)o bill of imfroved machinery for agricultura purposes, for the ma· jority of our iJGOplo eova~ed ln farming would Bnd it very d1ffioult, if not impouible, to provide sucb without eome MSistance of this kind. He noticed also that lhe bill admitted cattle feed, oil cake1 meal, cottou seed, pens meal ana bran, d11ty tree; \bls, be thought, would prove a great advantage to cat~le raisers in thla country. and as none of those arUc~os wu pro­duced here, Lhe ex.emption "ould out in any way interfere with other interest.a. With regard to frui~ cake, not cuL by machinery, men· tioned in the bill, he was not in a poaiUoo to offer an opinion as he waa not aware what particu\ar in· duetry wu affected b.r lt1 lm1>9rta· lion · but be J>!91UIDed the Oonm­men£ had 1o0d reasons tor iocreaa·

To preveo\ pale and delicate cuildren rrom lapeing Into chronic innlid1 later io li(e, lhey eboulJ Lake Ayer'a Sa.1"1&· parilla ~ether with plenty of whole-1ome food and out-door exeroite. Wlul~ lhf'y nrcd to build up tho eyet.em ia good red blood.


Loo<lon, June 26.-Tbe directors of the British South Africn Com­pany 11.Doounco that they have, &ftei' an anxlou1 and continuous consideration and consultation. wit.b llr. Chamberlain, Colonial 88cre· tary, resolved to accopttbe resigna· lion of Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Beil, as direct.ors of the company. The board record their profound appreoinlion or Mr. Rhodes' !er· vices to the empire, and thank both Messrs. Rhodes and Beit They

Mr. CECIL RHODES. pledge themselves to continue lo devote their energies to maintain and develop Rbodeain, the admin­istration of q.hich remains vested i.i. tbe company. Tho directors further aaf th oy regret.thnt the oc­cur rencr.s m t he Trnnsvnnl in De­cember and Jnnuary, of which they did not have cognlr.ance, compel them to accept the resignation of Messrs. Rhodes and Beil


Cure $IGK HEADACHE.. ed the daty 11j>On ft. Han. Mr. 1rll&lll011-The bakert Pu I V tabl

were the ct ... here intended to be Are re 1 ege e, protected. Are Susar Coated,




Sick Headache, Oon8tipation, Weak Stomaqh, Impaired Dige tion

Disordered - Liver, -:- and ·:- Female - · en ts THE SALE IS NOW SIX MILLION BOXES YEARL


... P.a£PAJIED (INLY BY TB£ PnoPRt£Toa-

THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire. Sold by nil Druggisle and Pnten~Medicioe Dealers, everywhere.

C. KNOWLINC, St. Jobn~s, Agent for Newfoundland.

Worth thei~. weight in GGld. Dr. MORSE'S INDIAN

Root Pills.

Dr. Morse's Indian ROOT PILLS.

Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pilla


Root Pills·

Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills.

To Save Doctors Bills1 use Dr. Morse's Indian-Root Pills. ----~-... ...... - .... ~---

Best Family Pill in Use I


K saJ'TU• Woau •~ OoooOaou.

W 1.1

,.,_ NormAn,Ont1Jaouar7 l6, l!O. • • ..... llllTOCir. Brorllvll e, Ont .•

O&Ak Sut.-Yoor" Dr. Atnrte'• lnll lan Rliol Pill•" aro lbo beal. r~alalOr for lho •JtlOm lhal hamanll7 can ua. Lire It aa Ibo llmo pltff: lrall and dollcato aro nll\DJ 01 lhl wortca. A Uoy pArllclo or fore110 "ubei.aaco allbt.rff to Ibo amallHI wheel In worll• and wbal I• Ibo r l'au1n ... 1 ftrn, only " ah1b• dlirctr-eaQO 11 pr-pllbio In II.I llm• ll:Hptar. bul wall J'OU:,.. lbe Oblervallo11 STOW• , l be lrre1olarll.7 bec:omc.1 1naur, un•ll M lu l wba1 oonld hA•• bffn rffllned wllb llUlo trouble, la llM l>etlnln~, will ao• roqulro macb c&ro la lboroa1hl7 eloan atn1 th• •n­llre work. Boll II In ha.man 11r- allr bt de,.nsemonll• n e11lee1ec1, 11 ITOW9 and ln­erc-..e11trape~p41bl1 a1 nrat, t hen rapid· IJ onll wbaC-.ld, In lbo 1>o:1tn1a1, ba•o bffn en red wit blllUo t.rouble beoom• al· mOlll rai.al • . To prennl lhl•, 't r.d•IM all to ll~rl()" 1huf.1tom t'requeoU7, hJ tho ,... or

~':.'' ~1u~ ~rib~fi~ur;•., 71.f'~a:!.•1· TIJ£ TRAVELLERS' 8A.F'£0UARO.

Amacaod~ Pond, N.8., .Jan. 11, eo. W4 lJ. t!Omnoctc. llrodr•tllo, Onl.

t>f.ar Bir :-F'}!f man7 7ean, l bavo been " nrna '>belle• or In l)'Our • Dr. lfo...,•1 lndlan Holl' PlllL" Not Wllb IUO.h. blind r&llb, bul a ooalldklc• wroa"l\l bJ •n actual pereonal u ;perlence or lb r .,.100 and marlL My bWllOOM 11 each bU I •pend much or my llmo away tl'om bome, Md J WOUid aol ooa­• ldor lllf tra•~llln~ ou1111 oomi'et<I wllboul a ltOlt 0 MOrM'I Pl IL YounM. fi: Yct11"1la

A VALUABL£A.RTIOLE8ELLS \\'ELL ll&racbot1 narborl N.8. 1Jan.lll'al.

W . B . Oo...ioc11, Brocll•ll e,Ont , Dear 8~r.r:Th11 11 to eenlCT that I dHI In

Palfont Medlclnn, lnetudtn1 •arlOUJI ltlndll 01 PILIL l aell moro oflb• or. Mone'• lndlu Rool Pill• Ulan o r all lb• 011>eu oornblnld. Tbe lr aal .. 1 llnd aro 11111 lnettaalair.

Yoon,4e., L.N. Nnmo!AON~

PHffiNIX ;.<! • .,., •. I .

~J·,. .... ... ~ ··.:· ~·= .. ~· '!•• ~·~

~EBTA.BI.ISRED 1782.~ Music Teaching. onr is a matter of sincere coogratu· On motion of Hon: iMr. Emeraoo lation . the house adjourned until Thun-

We are glad -to Jeam that the day nut, th• 26Ul jqet., at i.80 Colony bu been and 1"11 be in a P·lll·

On motion of hon. Kr. }:menon, the a. .. oae BW wu \beo read a Are Miid but Effective. Head Ofll.ce: 19 Lombard Street. - · - - London. ftnt tlmt, Tbe unrlersi2ned, (who h


u had a long musical training under Prof. Fly no, and who took honors io the­ory of Music at recent examination of Higher F.ducation),"bega 1.o:an· oouoce that ahe is prei-red '° teach muaic, and will gin

position to me~ tll obli1ation1 t.o holden of it.a bonds, ancl tba~ a con­llderable balance wm remain t.o the credit of the treuU17. We unite with Your Excellency in the hope­ful Yiew of the economic oonditaon of the I.eland.

On motloa 1»f'lhn. )Ir. Bmenoo, ""· fOr Ille lto•aclt, I the 81ith. RaJt of~ ~QM WU IOl-

FatBA.Y, 1un• 26, 1896. pendtthiltla ~ to"1• Bnenae 11111 tar tH Liver, Th• llou1t roet at 4-80 p.m. BPI now ~11111 QMmoll. ............ .._ ..._ 11--a...

The busineBS of the PBCENIX is one of th& l~gE11st in the world- the annual premium income exceeding 0NB MILLlOM' POUNDS STERLING.

PIANO LESSONS at her home or pupil'• reeidenoe.

Term• moderate. MADELINE CODY,

W Ater St, Barbor GtfCil.

We NIMtha\ &be reeaUolth• put SprfQC't Beal ~ h• to a c.Nin uteot1liWcl'ecl to rlYinl ol &ride. ...

lfau Hr. lluoa.a., eeotor mem· On m~tiuiCJIOI Kr. aenon, .... ....- ... ...,.... her, pre11ldiug. Hon. ,,..tding the bUL .... time, TM ... AllS 110 OTHH PILLI member Informed the houe tba& ud lb• OD m on, n- -

-~10 GOOD M '9 meeupe .bad been reoeliied' tobecl f Of the the HOme of Alaemblt W ol• IDI lie OoUoU Alla\ die7 II ~t!t: .-.r.

~·.:~....... ~ •

A¥Eft'S PILLS. ~~ at the WOftd'I .........

In1mrances against loee by Fias are efl'ected by t.hl1 long-eetabU11hecl Company on all desoriptioo1 or property in Newfoundland on tho mos\ ravorable W?m1.

Claim1 settled PROll.PTLY and LIBERALLY.

W. Ai G. RKNDBLL. ST. Jou'a, .Ag_,./~ Newjowullai.d.


Page 4: collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard... · 2017-08-16 · I t" ... . ' REMOVED.-H. A. Moan1ssn Ui hvmg over hia istore, and will in • iO atiend

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-~~--~/'-7~· ~(~~· ~~ lt i:1 f1111t \kcomil\"' "' hou~hold requisite. l•'rom distnnt Lnbrndor to t.be sugnr-cnnc countries. n~J in the fnr East, it is being used with great success.

Encourn.,.cJ hv the dcmnnJ for this nrticle nnd the popnlnrity which it hns nlrend,r gaiu:d, the Company intend ru1 far M possible to impply e\•ery family in tho country with it during the coming sensou. \ ( During the Summer. their yncht will call n.t ti\1 the settlements arounl tl1~ coast. :md fully n<lvertisc n1:1 well t~s place the l\rti~le. in the hnnds ?f nil clenlcr:1. Bul:!incS;; people will be compelled to keep it m stock,-~ their customers will not. be withont it, having once used .MOTllER'S OILS Luument.

Fil:!hermcn, if you wn.nt to keep 1

you1· ban~s. soft nnd ~rec from eo.ces during the lishing~eMOn, use M OTHER s OILS Lunment. It 18 soft, 1100t.lung and satisfying. Price 26 cts. pGr bottle-sold e\·cry\fhere.



- FRrD .\Y, J t;LY 11, J.'00.

We n7c0"n rrccipt urn p:u11phlel, prep:HcJ l.iy Mr. A1lolph :\iel::ten. 'u.,erintendent. o~ ~c_wro11_ndln11d

Fieheries, contn1n111:z dareclaons for the manufacture ot' C:u.!l ivor Oil, published by tho Fi11heries Oeparl· menl for the infor111t1tion of tho general puhl ic. \\" c hn ,.c l>Cru ed this pamphlet with 111uch )I ensure. It is written in n i;o0t.I style nnJ l>y ono who is edtlcnll.Y 111a~ter of h~s bnsine•s. It contarn'I minute da· reclion<'. in n conci::o form.•of ho1v i o proparc medicin::al codlh·er oil by the best nml mC1:1L nppro\'Od methodsnJopte<l l.y the Norwegian manufacturer• who hn\'C hitherto held a reputntlon fur 1.roducing tho iln,~t. pure t. ::amt mo~t perfect gmde of oil thnl h::ae been 111nde. The c:ire \\ hich thu hn\'e boslo\\·· ed on thi s article of commerce has enabled them to lie cn•ily lirst nnd to outsllip :a.II their ri \'nli iu tho markets of tho \rurld. The vrices which 01ey rccei\'od for their pro· duels have, wo ulldcrslnnd, been moro thnn fifty per cent. al.iovo the prices obtni ned l>y the mnnufoct ur­crs or nn inferior article. L:lSt yeu, to a limited extent, some of our IOC31 mnnufocturers ndopted the fretting aod purifying proce s of the Norweginn11 ; nnd tho Colony is much indebted to Mr. Nielsen for giving tho fullc t nntl l\lOSl minuto information ns to how to handle nnd produce the 111os~ per· r~qunlity of metlicinnl oil. IC tho•e engaged in tho bu1<ine ·~ will carefully follow the inelruclions or Mr. ~ielson, we hn\"C no doubl but that they must always succee~ in produ~ing n first-do.~ nrtacle, double in value of thnt }.)roduced in years gone by-which JO ruo.oy in11t:mces was almo•t un•nleable at any price by reaeon or iu offensive taste and smell, until at lut it be­came scarcely worth while Cor our people to engage ht the manurac­tare of medicinal olt. Laa& year, howner, we understand &bat by the la&roduction or the (neaiog ~ and careful m111ip~lation Under &be direction of ~Ir. Nieleeia. the J'rlce o( oar refined Oill rote

.from IRy cenba to one dollar and a half !8~~1on In the American and Canadlal! markel.

Mr. Neileen haaalread.Y given the Colony much informa\1on on the handling and cure of herrin~s and their preparation for the d1fl'erent markets o( the wurld, which we think would he of \•cry gre11t value to the trade and fisheries or the counlry, ir 1ucb wero clo!ely fol· lowed by our curers nnd ~btpper8 or herrlngs. lie proved by nctual ehi pm en ts to Americnn mnrket1 that herrin~s put u11 by his method would readily sell nl Crom seven to eight dollllrB per b:mel, while nt the aame lime herrings handled after our rough and ready and im· perfect manner werf' notselling (or more than from t~r dollars lo four and a half per bn rel. We much regTet thnt mdre e h::ad not boen l.Dade by our people or the prncti­cal information which hlls been given them from limo to timo by Mr. Nielson and tho Fstherioa De, partment. We nre insulflr and con­aervntivo in our halJilil, and reluct· antl y move out of the anc.ient. ways. We are npl to consider that the methods pursued by our grnod­fathers and fathers are good enough for ua, forgetting that the world moves rapidly onwud ; thnt our Jee.en compelltors aro con11lantly in· '\.enting sometbintt new, and in many ways prepnrmg 6.sh Cor hu-man food, making U atlracll\•e to the eyo and po.latablo to the l.a!te. While we are apt to continue tho o~ method only of curing the cod and herring, nnd 1omel~et. wo re­gret t.o eay, not following thtLi method in the careful and pains· taking manner of our falhers.

Ooe of the chief bencftta, we tbink, of the Fisheries Depnrtment will be In di911eminhllng practical information or the method• pursu­ed br our wldeawake competitors 1D the baodllq or 6-h and 6aber7

products. Roluclnnt 1\9 our flaber­men are to intre>duce n0\1eftios, we yet belie,·e t4ht intelligence mus\ nnturnlly win in the long ruo, l\nd tbnl our people will mako some prugreS!I, although i\ mny noL be so rnpid us lh:a.l uf tho Americ11n<1, ~ori•eginns, or Frenchmen. Ono or the lir<Jt steps onwnrd ia, we sub· mil, to got rid or lhnl old sotr-so.lis· fiod fooling that wo aro tho finest fi t>hormon m the world, tho.l we know more nboutlhe fishorie3 lhan nny other people, nnd thRl .our w:I\' nre the best. If we cnn only 1111ike up our minds that olhcr people know something of tho fish· eric~. nnd that their methods are mnking them succes fut compoli­tora with us, we shall then lie in :a. foir wny ror gronl impro\'cment in nil bmnches of our stnplo trndo. \\'o.nting this, we must ncce snrily continue lo foll to loownrd-with l o~~ to our~cl\'ei! nnd thoso depend-ing on us. '---- - ---

The Cu toms Returns, it i~ 11lens· inK to ob::erve, yet continue to bow n nulrked iruprovomont. 1''or the qu;lrlcr ending June 30, S-I0:!.000 were recei\'ed ns ngninst 8~2.000 fc r tho snme period Jn t yenr, when tho imports were for ohdous rot\· sonll ncces.l'o.rily ' 'ory light. llut bo that ns it may, the foct i11 n llnl· i Cnctury one thnt the trndo of tho old Colony is SI) buoynnt. Its eln8· ticity is somolhing wonderful.

Work on the l\ettem end of the N. N. & \\'.Railway is proceeding with hot hnslo. Rails are being lni<l "ith efficiency nnd despatch. .'t. Oeorgo's Bny will, il is estiml\t­ed, be rencbed by the en1l of the present week. Seven mill's were lo.id Inst week. One of tho oner· getic contr:icloN, ~Ir. R. (:J.. Reid, wn.s eicpected in from the front by to-dny',; trnin.

The lnl1!!ler indut1lry i11 one upon whose do\'elopment a good deal 11 expected \o accruo to the Colony. Though yet pursued to only a mod­erate eiten\ hero and elaewhere in the co6ntry, very much more could be done than haa hitherto been attempt"1. Just here it is in­tereetlng to note a fact mentioned by late mail papers-namely, that CAnadian canaera are delighted with the in~lllcence to hand that a'f91nedy, bu been diecovered for wba& ii ltnown u U..amut or black found In tfoned lnblt.r, o( which Enfll•h dealen bit~rly complain· ed aat year. Dr: ~lacph1il (bnc­teiiolugi11t), of YcGill 1Jnivorsity. wu comml111ioned eome weeks ago by the Don1inion Got"emment to investigate the matter-with the re1ult that a leading Cano.dinn grocer now announces that. he (the Doctor) has succeeded in dl•cover· ing an effective remedy for tho de­leterious blemish. This, ii. is con· ftdenll y tu1serted, will mean mil­lions or dolll\rs nnnually to Cnoa­dian canners of the toothsome crus· ll\Cean. Il is lo be hoped oleo it will result. in an increased price for tho lobster, and that Newfoundland denlel'8 'mny reap tho full benefit.

John Cnbot's namo in connection with the onrly history or Newfound· JBnd ie one nlmosl. to conjure wit,h. Since hie time lo tho present hour many and varied nre tho change!! which have takon pince here l\.S elaewhere. To mention one thing merely-that is the growth in tho trunsntlnntic steam eervicc-the focl i11 an interesting one tbat, namely, there aro now twelve dif­ferent lines of eteamera plying.from lho flt. f,awrence regularly acro~s the AUanlic,sup1llementcd b,y boalJI ~nown as " tram(J8," runn11.rg nt 1 rregulnr poriod11. Tbe lntost effort made in tho development of ocenn 1uam11hi1) navigation is tho plae· ir.g on tho rout.o of a fasl AUnntio Line. A recent. public t1e!lpalcl1 11l4ted thtrt the cort\raot for this bnd beon granted by the Britlth Uov­ernment to tho Allan Company. Tho subsidy will be aevenly·lh1e thousand pounds etg.

John Cabot, the old diecoTerer, is at. lut to have hl1 due. Il i11 now ata~d that th• Royal Society of Canada baa &ale• ap bu....., and that on lane M&b of nu& 7ear-

tho 400th nnnivcrsary or his di•· covory o( the mainland of Amerio& -there is to be a Cabot Celebra· lion at Jlali(u:, Nova Scotia. It is, as our readers are aware, a moot point "'hero \he illmtrioua John lirst landed. Some claim the honor for Cnpe Breton. Othera Aust aa confident! y auert \bat Cabot" 111nd· fall WAS Cape Bona vista, Newfound· !anti. At tho re.:eut mcotiog hold at Ott11\Ta, \Tith the object of ob­to.ining de~igns for " memorial lo Cnbot, (to be erected nt Syclnov, C. B.,) a committee "'n'I "l!l>Vinteil, consisting of tho Archb1llhop of Hnlifax, Dr. Rouriuot, ~rr. -Santi· ford Flomiug, and Dr. Dn\T:.<On. Amongst the totters rend nt the meeting wer" ones from ;\fr. ~Cnrk· hnm, (Presidont of tho Roy:il Geo· grophicnl Society), Dr. Justin Win­sor, (Librnrinu uf 1Ja,·nr1l l 'nh·er­sih·), Arohl.ii hop O' Uricn, tho ~la.r­qtil of Lt.>rne, nnd Dr. Harvey, t. J ohn's, ~ewfoundll\nd.

Tho illu~lrntcd pn1>eril to hnn1I by Inst E nglish 1uuil cxmlnin illus· t rntion:< or the tll-fated Cape Uno . let\Uler Dri111111u11ul C.•·'li:, Jo,.t lnte Inst monlh on n ruck ofT one of tho small i~lnnds between lJshnnl nnd the consl of Finistorro. WiChin th rce minutu tho \'C3•el foundered. and or nboul 2.;Q perl!Oll!I on boo.rd only three \Vere . aved. Tho po.r­ticular causo or the cnlnmity is un­known. Tbo supposition is lhol oft'ing to a •udJen appearance o( fog the tJ1hant light was obecured, nnd tho steamer wns eaugbt in ono of tho dangerou~ eurrents which nbouncl upon that pcriloui const, ancl WI\! carried u1>on the rock..c. The db11u1ter \TDS "'"fully uudon,· &nd occurred ahorlly after nll tT1e passengers had retired to their l.ierths, nnd there could ha\'& lit:cn little or no opportunity of gelling out tho bonts. The disMter brought grief into mnny n English home.

LADRADOI\ MAIL .£RVJCE.-No­thlng i11 yel known of tho Lnbrndor mail and pnuen~er service. Reports are <iurrent that tho etenm lnunohea Sir Donald nnd Jennie Foote will do \ho work on the Labrndor tbie 11eason ; but \hie arrangement would not ensure a ealisfactory mail connection or passenger or lreiJhl accommodation. The Vir· gin1" J..ake bM this trip gono to Batlle Harbor ror fisher( news, but It .. not taken any mni matter or freight for pl1oe1 north of that place. The mnil for Labrndor, moreover, la now in St. John 's nwaiting trnneportation - conee.­quentl~t ~ill l>O late before any new1 by regulnr mail can be re­cei\•ed Cro111 tho conat.

-TnE ST. Jom1's STnEET RAIL· WA v.-The Assembly's Select Com­mittoe-Me19ra. Whitewa)_'.. Fur· long, lllorri11, )Jori1on, Morine, Greene, Hutton, Fox nnd Ayro­met on Tuesday last to henr lhe Municipnl Council's views on the propo11od bill. They favored a street railway, but des1red cerlnin modiflcalions nnd amendments. lllr. Morino prop<ii>eJ thnt a copy of their domands be sent l\lessrs. Reid and a reply requO!led from them. Thia wu 11groed to and com· milteo adjourned until tbo re11ly is received. Tho Munl11ipal Council demands, il nppenra, "an annunl payment of 81000 lo equaliro los es on honse taxes ; 4 ,,or cent. yenrly on the gro 11 receipts of the Com-11any; the riaht tu include ii in any proviaionJ for gentral :lfunicipnl lnxnllon ; a ft•o cont fore within the Municipal limit!!. ond the line within the110 limite, to ho OniehN( before l\\o yenrs; tho clv<rter not. to ex<'oed 25 yenr~, with tlfo Council to have lb• option or buying it after 21 years ; the ooml'any to !Jo linble for lo811el or injuries 11nd to remove en ow, ice, eto.j from il• lrack11 in winter; tho ine to be einglo and not double track ; be­eidea minor alteraUone."

ADD1U88. .. To )fa· , ar. MADDOCK, OR<JA1Hi.-r, C.\I:·

llOSt •• UI lft.'Tlll)l>l.rf (.'UUll(.il. It i1 with f\'tllnp t\f 1IN'p rt'f;rt t that

w1• h>1'm 11( your Rf1p10llt>hlug d;•Jlllrturo from nur 1111111~ nnJ tho 4'<l11au1ucnt &4.l\'4'r11nco o( yourcunncction wiJh us n.a "choir.

In l0<>\:in1: ua('\t over the long period during-which we have been a"<iclatcd in thu mueii:•l eenlcc• of thu Church, u well 111 in tbo many publio &nd aocilll KJllhcrlng., for Lbo promolinn of e<>nconl and harmony, wo ca tr to miuJ many ecuo111 of unalloyed plcuure &nd cnjo) mcut,lugely due to your ~picu· ou1 t&lent and &biU&7, a& all Limes ex· erolacd lo our behalf wilb the rooet un· gr_t1diriog generoeity.

'lt ·1a oCedleee for ue to HY tha& we ahall mi.u JOU. The brigh& wi111.>mo· ntae &nd am&ibility ol your dlepoahlon b .. won you auch a place in our aO'ec­lione 11 will teeare 700 a Iaaling place lo our memoriea, which but cauees ua tu feol your 1,.. all lb• more k=.

.U a 1ll1b& memea&o ol our will &od ea&eem pezmlL ua lbe plta1ore ol ~Ung JOU wilb &be ~pilU)'fnc iriOto, uuaun, Ula' i' wW be &be meam, &o IODle u&ea&. ol ~ lfalb' aod gladne11 oTer ~Co&an tiom'i circle.

We praJ &W&be ~ol God m&J enr ai&elid ~ ancl &be otiOlen ~ ol ..JQU( Jo1• ancl IClllOW, <•1 Uie lauer b6 lew iUi11 &be.==,) ud II we are aewr t!PlD '°'lllnd our TOloee in &Iii llumoal• ol eanb ~1 .U .. ooan&ed wor\b or a pan ha &be •b· llmer ~ ftD.

a. 81mpao111, {bid&., .L 'l'a7Jor. Aa ~-IC. B.Ta7lor,eu..n•b F. Ta1· Joa', llairle& ll•llball. 8-le Pike, Bboda T&Jlor, Baal J07oe, A. R. Ta1· lor, Mar,_ Guuld, Jane Pe~, Minnie T&7lor, U.1 Taslor, Ju. P. O~, Willia L. Penney, Hedle1 Ta]'lor, W. T. Guy, Joeepl1 Maddock, Ricbanl Tucker, E. Auguetue Howt'll.

.H.BPLY. Tu R. l'l'tl'M>S, EIQ , ColCDUC'fOR, .\SU

)(IOIDCBll OF C1101S1 OF CARIJ;,)'£.\R )I F.T1101>111T Cm RC 11. -

IK-u F rl u11l1,-I thank you \'UY much fur your kin·I

Wtll'l" .lln•I atilt OICIN l..'ln\liblo lll•J!r'­clntlon or my lmmblo aor\·icee. \\ hilc OM m"y work m R i;oocl ,., 11~11 dtht'r from n unsl' or tluty or l•J\'o 01 tho U'i>rk, )'l't, to k1pw 1hat onr'~ c-llorh, 11ot\\ill 1l 1r 11ln;t many iml"·rfrc•iu .. ,, ar • \ :tlurtl hy tmo frt~nJ · i ~ :i a•HUOO or cnt'Our<gcmcnt..

.\m• It It> lh~l f Ill.\)' h'lVO hl'('n Or pt. ui1r.• thnt I mAy ha\O ~h'l u iA by ,,o mr<\! a ('0111111 " •INI«' with Ill( I e Jt­tllll thnl I h:nc "'crh'..-.1. I n•ture )NI I prn. • \ 'l'l'l' hi.:hly till' 11•h'.ml•Jt•'9 of 11. l\ltHic:l\I tl'l\inini: und"r 1noh ll h .1•1· r ••Ill tbe ronlinl r.il11tl na with 01~ 111h1 rs O( tho Choir IYht> h \'O C'\"l'C l1rl'n fCf\•l)' to ntait t in our mtulcal cntr rtainment•.

J 11111 fully c:onsdous th,1l J in no way lllf'rilj tho \'Alurll1l·J f:'ill whi.-h )"Ou ""''C prt'ScµteJ m<', hut ahaJI 1:vor rPJ:anl h 11.1 1Hblcen ol goo.l·will from indulgonl frienda. l pmy that tho li11ht lmparteJ by it may be • mbolic 1•1 th.- lfi;h\ of OqJ'• Ho.>ly SJ.fr Jwellln& wbblo our !le&r&e, br-ln• J .wblcb wo ahall ao w&lk day I.)• Ii / lhAL cn-ntually we ahnll r~&Oh thu buutlful cily o( 'll'hicla "the 14mb b the Ugh~ thcrOQf."

1 am, you11 alncQrtly, M. C. MADDOClt.

ADDRESS. To Mll;3 ~r. MADllOCE FllOll Tm: lh:n10-

m iT SUSl>A \' SCHOOL, C.\11.J}OSl>:.\R. Oc.>.u )fiu lladJoek,-

\\'e, yoor fellow·"'urkera in tho Clr­bon.-ar Methodiat Sunday School, ha ing bran! that your conncclion whb tho &hool it IOOn lo be acvtred I>)' yuur removal from &ho Circuit, beg to cxpreea our deep r~ret that wo aro thue to loeo fro numl>M one with whom iL has al J>een moat plc11un~ to Jl'Ork.

Duri111 the whole of your 1ife yoo have .. 1chul1r and teacher Ltcn •• eociated with the 1ch0<>l, and in that time you hue nOI. only won the hlgbrat r 1pcct and teem of your auociates and the tructt regard of your acbolara ; but by your uniform courtety and atl'lllghtforwarJneaa1 and uc1elH1h de­vo1ion to tho work 10 which we are all eo much inteffl!tcd, have compelled our admlntlon al)J lovo i and you may be 11uured U1at tho ~evel'llpce pf tho lie wWch baa bounJ ue together caueu us unfeigned aOlTOw.

But we ate not .unmlndfol of the anapicloua OYfnt '!fhich removes you from ua, and we h11ten tn oJr .. r our aincere oongratulatlollll and our heart· it,iit '!fiahta that your f11ture life may be one of unalloyed bappfneu.

C.AROOSE.All Ncm~.-&iuitlsnin allhOro Local and othE'r Items. -Mr. J. lliU}'anl do.irta throui:h tho nn th' lknch hno in nt.umlunco 0 11 - ·- - medium nf tht' HT.\SIHllH, ti> lhnul: hi11 Wl~lne11llly. '1110 " Owney U.•llu," -\\'illi.uu Li·>:rcw, :i ymrn,: manp flUl'ila fnr tlw hnn ;901110 t•hot~mJ•h C.pt. l1ikc, nrri••~I tll llh~re. Dul! ,t yt·.tr. ur ui;r, \\Ill! Jn11v111~ 1 nt ll.1uh11u nit.um, 111ul "'"'' 1•h1>to11ruph of 1•u1•1ltl, BRlmcr on \\'cdnt'ld\y with 11 IOAJ of on ~l\lunlay by tho e1o1111izini; of I\ llUl\l prcacnted to him ainco tbe eloaing of CUC\I. 1L 1\'Rll btully nerdtd. M coals 111 which bo and hill brvthcr wcru over· achoo! for v1u.'llt1un. wcro ,·cry aCAroo. 011 1'hun1cla)' ltc' '· bnuling tb .. ir IQb1ter uupe. .MATRrnOlllAL.-An intcr<eting cvcnL Mr. Oollc-y arrived fm111 ..t. John'• • -Bi1hoo liM1•loy, er St. John'a, left i!l lO U\ko 1,inco on Wulncsd•l)' nl'xL nt. where ho had been Rt lending Synod. Englancl for Nowfoundlnnd a fow Jaya tho r~aitlcnco of one 1>f our prominrnt There pnucd Rway on und~· a ,·ory oi;u. .t::labdrato prc~rationa havo bclll citizena-Uio mlllrini;o of A yuung <'Ill reaulent. of thia plac<', viL, Samul!I mado to gh·o Lhu Daebup a rii;hl royal Water trert tleat.:r to & granddaugbtt r Pye. For ycara ho WU a planter CAI'- wclcoo1e OD bia anival. or tho aforraalJ citizen. ThcCCl"ClllODY rying on tho flahcry at. Capo Cha.rletJ. The bl'tlL way to •\"Old 1enlp diae .. ee• 11·ill bo A quiet one. He livcicl lO Ibo ripe ai;:o or 8-l }a.ta. b I , 11· d b Id Mr. Rcynolda g11ro an 11ddreu rn tho a r .a rnir out, an prematuro a • -Tho . S. Cbbnn is expected i\.lcthodiat SAbbatb School oo Friday nC111, la to uao th" beat preventive known here from St. John's earl\' to-mor· en' ning on Sunday School Work-110 for that purpoecr-llall'a liAil &m.wcr. row (Salnrday) to .Messn! Yunn & the eamo ovcnlog thrro 'll'ere thtte -Tho 'll'tatbcr Wico July came lo Co h h ~( l d 1 Church of r,., ·1aud miniatera at aer•ice. h111 b1:en wa.rm &od aommerlike-eomc • e n9 • ontrea. goo s ior , sever&! locnl firm!. And it. i. ""'·"\\urthy ono w11 au Eng· 11 .. ya tho bcai, for & 1ow bouni •t leaat, liahman. the second & Nowfouodlandor w .. , it. may be almoaL aaid, lntenee. -A put.llo nClllco publi•hcd in a late and the I.bird an lriabman. Great ex· Tho thermometer on Mq,,nday regiatereJ oumbl'r or tho" ltoyal Oa1etto " lllat1'1 citenienL wu e&utcd on Saturday afler- SO in tho ah&do &nd 110 u1 the eon-not Lhat Ula Execllrncy tbo Govenl()r In noou by tho rlaging of tho fire-bell. It bad for Newfoundlau.I ! Council hu lit-tn pltaat'd, under Ibo w .. aooo 1pre&d arouud that Mr. Allred -An American hanker, the Loula J. provlaio111 of tkctlun U!l ol the Puatal P~nney'e bou10 w .. on fire. The tire- Kenny, arrhcd &~ 8&. Jobn'a on Tura- Ad or 1&11, to name tho aeUleme11&, men were quickly 1.111 the acenu; but day. ISha .. a no& nry IUCCdlfol, haT· ai1,;1:ikd &UnuL four mllN from St>anl· lheir aenlce. were not rtqulred. A ins ooly HCurcd 100,000 &b. She bad arJ.a Day, on the ro.d leadlor i6om bucke~ul ol wa&er :U~uiahtd the been oo& aince April la&. 8be e&nitt a SpanJaada 0~1 io New llarbol', " Oud-flame. The lire wu b7 a 1parlt crew of 19 mllll, 12 ol wbom an New· dooriUe." fh!&ln1 be&weeu the Cel& and lbe bat.tea loundlaDdea. -Tb• S&earoer Tonnoni, 1076 &om,

&L ~ \b• fel& oa. Tbe b4&&eo -DllOWRl>.--8carae1J a ...,.. JIU" OapL &net, lrom QudiJI' wi&b a ~ ca111h& re.-Fieh le l&lrl1 ~plen&llul .. ba& aoaialelm b1 dro:oooar a& or OoaJa lor Raurax, ran ubare aL o.Pe aboo& Frab \Va&er. T?tle &he PA' J.ab-.a-. 'l'b- ona '-"-n Pine on \Ved~E;lllr· 'J'be weeka':i: 16quln&alaperday ooe ......,..t.W .... - CNW - ber of1 a 0.11 ... Ii'"'" &rap llCIO 80 qllln&ala <.a y·~~ ~ ...- ::: I~ ~ an4 &be abf Ill~ da7. 'l'npa en an DO& dolnc m11ob • .l 0>'9L ~ "'~ J°'1 Cull"Dudo~ OD WedDiadaJ '"'° &n.pa ptscb 16 :J__.~ w &he~ a'Poll Jlcildia&.J'-'=.,,,..·•-quln&ala. Ho0k.......ua9 ..... nu .-!""' • --.we-·-·· .... ~-CID iloDl1ay and 'fu ... f. a~ JelaD;bo&b beJOilpd to \ft8le7 I !.li'oWiilli-tiW~ lrom l&o·lS qalDlala ... bclaL.~j....., .,. w 1'1-

baten'& doDe maab alnOe. 'l1at ..-...n. lclneeu19Jteld'liiih~ 8be Bo..UbateDO&daoemaab~Ja&ewi&b 10 .._..!1117 •A,_,.~ Peco and tbe lollatera.-..._la~dall. DutlnS &be 11i11L W~ll -clerk, In a oodaln ilrt aoocll l'9N, beeo tho IDCll&~larotall;~ TJlj: a moatb'e 1IO&ioe lo lMTe, &be !rm CIUftS and lba deniiuid for U &04Q-:la s== ~ thinking buelneaa toodull w paJ aeeo- ~t11r&haneTorbelott. PrompUo~ onJ clerk. Ho baTeo'L been. here a andeoreloeure. :Ili~~:fl~1!'1 LwttlTemoatb Jd ; and of f:oUne le a -A ~Ut16'n to the Executive eel &erm, aod -d~,...~~ibtC'1 atraugier lo the place. l>eaah laid ill kl b • f -.II , '"" h11111l on an nld lady or thla place on as ng 0;' ~ e appointing o am_.. be ,.LI &o th• did or cibllclren. :A: au~ \\'l'dllt'tldaJ~· Mary T&ylor,-wifc cal pract1~1ooer on the ~ular Lab- ply ol PaaY Dnll' P.a1111CJu.aaboa1d 0( tho !ale llcn~I Taylor. tilae w.a• wdl rador 1na1l 11\eamer WU 1tgned here &ltra)'I ho &L b&mt for it le the only k I · I !\( d d b ii medicine thaL cad ho rdll'il on '' all ·nown in al , <1. on • 011 ny, nn sen\ on y ma timf'll l\ll •~ft', aum and •pttdy. A tea•

Jn the lll'Lbf!'li•t Chunh ('In S_unJay, that Jay. tfoot•nful ~ill cure anv Ul'llin.r.> <'ate; th. c.· -H•· .... J ... L~ura<l rr.<',•l'hNl "". la.re- -TllF. ,_ .... VT D··-•.-'. Ir. IIen~. (1' ~·o l . •. ~ • . II Iii' t It I Jt .• 1 ..... , ,_., ·' • • ·- 1ut 1n 10\'rrc Alla.:.rs ll 11 OCl'••lt'll~lly 111

• s~rn.ou. "' 1811111 1 1 it cv. · .r. for 111111.y nara t11.1d-•ldflil·l"M{ll'ntcr al 111C:<'f~~rr t•• l>:lthu tltft 1111T~r.r."eto111·

l'llll11'•y pr.·aclu,J. 1l•c rou1:9I' <x 1111 'I• ••n<. J J)m Munn,\: Go '•·· htta i;mtt· t•1 "''h '1'ith tlu· l'AI!\ J\11.u1e. All rqmt• 1!'1111 111 wRa clmcltlfl lo the upurnun· ::-'l John'• to '11p.·rintlncl thl' r.•t Ririn~ 1•hlC' dr11i:d•lft h.u .. it f11: ft ti·. ~X:. ary, 'l!.1\1• 1 •r ,_ 1 1 nl ~[(.~111. John ~lnrM,.,~ : 111'11,;11 .1mn prkl! 1• r turi:• '"'!'''" 1 1,;!-.,,11' n Wrrt' •UA~' nu u.t'Al<~Y 18 • \or,·• nl .. 1111. ~<>me lhfr11., 11 l'.lrp• nl ·rt1 :"aun-' t . •· llv..,...y U•'lll-. "'llC '" l\h\\ l>a\·t• ,..1", i;o:w W 1,,, rnJpi:ul iii lhl' -J"on 1~11 \l!:s-:\llPiu. C', &. .\ , ~1 lht • r· ""' n'?1\' 111\".ulrn:.: a time. w. rk oh thllt lh:tllH r. \\'hiln thi• 0 .1\\c'a I.Iii; . Zif. n·rtti\ \\11• l hll• l l1u..i Sho \ )1'1)< • , • l<I' l 1 l");•ln• y I r u . lo.1 I 11r " " 111 r• 11, uf<l 11..,1 IC\ thtir 'l·•Y di .. r 111 o:t \\'ttln t.ll\)' I t• :.1 II 1r tt 1'• rl 1.y ~inla I• r \ rrl.1b.1l111 .r .. ct<•ry. t he p, t ,, 11,1 thPir atc·iunrra h r" fur r• 1 ir•, C.1pt. lt1rt!1 tt'• .t a111·l1\u11e;h :5.., !low. ••. lso '"'''"'"~',I\ llnll' L<• J ro..·1·<tl to tile')' •li·I thi· ni·xt l>uit tliinZo-that \\1ta l'he ~ln!"l l ln. i loJ Ii 1 ul 11111 .. eli)I J, 1li~·I• r. .•Ir. 1 • .,111 rt Dull guo In lu r to h!\\'O our llh'n 1,111111Co\ 1 Jon tht 111 lit for r• 1 -u,.., 1thich ' all :.. Cllt 1:ii •~··· 1111

tr~din,: !'Ion; tbll cout. , . :-:~ .. Joh.i's. 'fhe Gr~ nl~ii 1 .., ill, ,.,., un· htr l10lt >Ill is i;r It ' "' r:n~. lui. ,;:1u . l f,,· :-ion• ... 111 • llu •n• r \actor~• ar- •lt-n •and h,l\·e cor ai•kl'l\lilu n'J>Ail'll •ill l M"t: "11• w \: ·I, ~t m nn I «:rn

rl\··.U to ~h •r • Du tr~ B.thll• r on fu•11· d 11,. ' I'"'"'• I\ lut ol pl.1nl:ur,; 111111 • IUtJr.tu::h ' olny wilhn ~·r~uol ~ 1lt. !'hi" h 1a ht l'n ; · n:n""'1tiu.:. '1 1111 ~I.II) ll' \\ 15 I• m1t r· her fir•t 1ii111· ill tlw Nl.'wf11umll1mJ tr.111· -Snrnr: iut••llii:••nc• h.l• ''!'' ll 1~1 .. ,y ly •l lurv.tn•l·i\fl "~hU<i11t r 1111•1 c·.un" inghu~it1 ••. ;r hrrtt """ 1l ''l:ry friU11•l· rt·rdn.J an rq;unl ' " ''" ' tr•1111 tl1htr~" here e:>llll' :.'O )'""' ni;o trom ~o~.i f\· m •oti11~ on h• r 11mn1.I h1·ro. 'l'lw frum C.<pl. Ulitntlfonl 11110 w113 .lt ll.,11n1: $cul'i t v.ilh 1111111 ... r, C'1pt. l'.•ll1•11 lid11-' U111t. or tht' ~orv.t;;il\n l.ucin, layln1: U.iy (Ill R-Atunloy iu hie all"lllll ltl\lnch. in ch1\1'1:•• ur lllr. Shtt ..... IS eohl t, here. h• iu.r li111Lcu11.1111 l.:> tho C~1,1. ur From lllauc !fabltm ~· l.~ncl•·au· Lo11 1• ,\Jet11r1. l>.1wl• 'Ahn 11ltc•n.J lwr rii: rrn•I tho Victoria. houk·anu·lino 'tlo.tts wt ru doinit wcl · renowc'tl her w1~idc•, .t... !ibe j, t.u\

Then- 11':\l I\ liquor cue befuro n1ai;i · Traps alao nt the formt'r flll\C«' luid don' !VO vma. 1'hc .,., . .,rk atror.k1l lw the re· lrate Jlir.pitll')' on \\'cdnl'ed•w. A w.ill good 'lforlt. Tho gallant captain's men pairir.g uf thia ' "' t•l "ill hrlp i.,a11111•ly known• u:bcell('r (who haa bt.oen lieforo got 6000 qtb. 'Ilio grc:cn·61h c..llchtra in our C3r('t'ntc111 "'iah lucrAli\'d c-1?.plo) • tba eourl bcforu) W' ... 111mmontd for crafi, hOWOHr, Wt'ro all poorly flahetl. rucnt-en bAtll)' Mrtk'<l liy t'U~lll. aellin« llqnor· 'fhi; )f..giatrato fined Capt. Wbi~ll'y &t Bonne Etperancc had -A GR1£\•.&srE.-)ir. B. Oriere, tho b 11r 8:?0, Walab her fal\')'er, ap•-1-• to aC.O been fortunat.u-ho had thl'n about ""_.,.,. •ooo t' J B • •· t t agent or nuara. John llunay .t'Som tho Su11reme Court. ., !J '"· amt• rown • uoa a, 11 l · l I I ~ · Lo b d ---• b • J·'O C4mO 111 1er •Y I I\' S.S. \'i,..inb l.alte The Ii-lit"' the 11uL ""ek wi•'- trn\1a LMUCC-itu· up, a aecun:u a ou • ., T . 1 • .,.

p . , ~ ' " ll b • ' I •· t.11· Th on ucau \)', ttt11m1m:: tu St. John'• by had bt-on .. ooJ. :I uorc'1 tni~or Fu• I· I\ a.11 o1i. •Or '"""'an anc. o CAP" \V ·' d i .. " Ii t le j tl 1 L J I cunu .iy'e tni 11. un \\'1~Jnr1<lay water eecurlng 100 qtla on \ l'dnod11y n a rue 11 on 10 1 u Y• momin,i, thl' cun1wra < m1•luy1-d on tbo and ono lrAp Ill Moaquitu 1lO qt la. - l..011.mm F1s111tRY.-RepoiU from room rncL Mr. Oraev,• anol laid a griev·

The re w111 to be 11 cricket mllteh hcr.i tho Wcatward show that tho lob11er llnre "'hich thlly hntl bdorc him-tho on Timraday " 'Ith a team from • t. fialwry Up to date ie fa r behind ll goo<I grievnl\Cfl tir ing tho mtu of w.igll they Jobu'a. Arrangements had been mode one. n,o hugeat number or eul'S ro- were rcctivinJ:, onl) I l>l'r day. They when~ ~legram enmcaayiog tlae team ported ia 120 euca for a fl\Clory Ill .. i:ed for Rn rncn·M~ of :tUocnta, ghing couldn't aecur-. ii put:ige by tho Jngm· Colinrt fpr 1,000 trape,11nJ 15 Ii hrrmcn. .. their rc:\IOn thl\l they al'\l not r<'i;ll· ha1ilil. TI10 fish l\ro of n amall run, and thla in larly employcJ, bi in;: only taken nu

A ema.11 achooncc belonging to Duller a large mcaauro explains Lhu ehorlage "'hen an <til-cal')tO is ttl he 1>npari ,1 ror o ( CuplJa arrived from ~L. Juhn'a on in the catch. The factoril'll hero nre ahipmont. Mr. Orlcvo ll!tcnL..J to tho 1'hunday with Rev. Mr. Cowperwait<1'1 d11lni; fnJ rly well-ooo reportin~ for complain~ or tho men, anti promiat'd furniture. 1110 Rev. genlleman nnd elghL ClllCll in a week. 1'ho yichl JICr them 'that ho wouhl auc nbout the family arrived on 'fhuret.l11y by the fiah hereabouta ia ftllly 2S per cc.>nt. mate.er, which J uubtJru ructna thaL tho evening tmio. Tbn!e carri•gea meL llheAtl or other placc1-duo to the coo.ri:re will receive tho advaoco for him a~ tho trAin l\nd on hia arri\"al at cruetaceana nol being taken tollny grent which they luokt•I for-R oonai<\cnuion Carboocar be 'llH met llL thb parannar e.zten~ before tbia aeaa?n. "1licla they at\I jnatly eniitlc:U to. l>y tho l11djes or the coogregatioo w o - Tho Churcli Qoild haa poetponcd -A R.c.."'t:Wli.D Ci.ma.-Somo threo tendered ham a cordial reception. the holding of it.a oxcuraion to Whit.-

Tho Pet alliled •'half pad three on boume until the lSth or Auguet- the months ni;o an action was taken by Tbunday ror Labrnt.lor on a . trading date nf tho holdin" or tho Slr&'A'bcrry Joal'ph Morrie. n111rtncr of thi1 pt.cc,

" aJtain&L H11n. J11l111 llurlle for the aum \'Oyagl'. F .. 11ival and Fair at lbllt plaet'. The r • n b" b ll d d A. certain young man lo & dry gp<Mia ~laaonio br,,thretl a?Q to Join with the 0 • 1•• " ac ie cfcn anll J\Verred

•tore, with ble beat girl who alao f)tlea Ouilu, and IL ia llkel" that tho 'Fire had been nulled to the wife or tho ti d · k b b' d 1 l r ' plaintiff. 1110 latter contended that 1e yar auo e m tnc counter t t Brigi.de will aeod & contingent or il11 for 8t. Jolm'11 by yl'tlenlaji'• train to mcmhe1'11. The Guild commit~o ahould tlfle letter h11d not been eonl u it "'"'

d ' d 1 • 11 not recei vccl. A flcr a conaiderablo apen n 1ew aye t 1ere. o W1 oot endcM•or to get up a couplo or crewe to take her " for better for 11'0 1'110" thla cor:rt~le at tho R""at~ lo bo held that be11ting, Judge Denne ga\'O jutfg. t i ' "· ment- tho dcfcnd1r.nt ae J>AY tho rip. • day. io non·poul'UlOn ofa boll& wlU act pl:iintilf W. cnch n,irtv land half One ol ll10 Rey. Mr, Cowperwaito'11 againat auc:ce , but Harbor Graco '11111 • ... ~·

aooa camo around the &y on hie Jo it. beat in the premiers, and tho Lho Court chars:<'I. Ono • nlficant uloycle. Ho left St. Jolin'• at s o'cloc:k n-tt& committee at "\Vbitboumo will fart wu brougl1t out in e\"IJc Ct', ant.I

· [ ,.._..._ 7 ,,,_ that waa that when ouco n le r ia a.m., amv ng al vasuonear at p. m. doubtlc!a do all in its powu to provide H " ] 'II b · fi · ·, mailed iL becomes thll propenv of tho o aaya ; remem er my 1r1t v11i. a place on the pmgrammo for ll connlo h 1 · ' lo Carbooear." Ho waa covered from of crow~ at. !t ut. from tbia place. 1'he penon to " om t 111 l\J.lrcuoo. Tho ht'lld 10 foot l'l'hh mud and tbo rain party from this end or tho lino promiao sequel ehowa tluH uft1·n t.liuno ia lslill dripping from all pana or bit Cllothlnr. 10 be a 1.,..,0 one. qpon th e who ore t ntircly gniltfre ,

. ., and tha.t. one cannot bo crrtain always Wo requ t your accept.inco of the

&ccompanying little pl'ftent, which wa hopo may aon:1ttime1 remind yru of tho 1111my happy boun1 l\' 8 havo apen~ to- -R&TRESCIDIS:ST C!.AIM.-Son~o grthl.'r in tho IC11'ico of Him \fhOIO men ho.,·o been working on tl11s command" fted my lamb• '' you ha\'u claim durin~ tho week, and somo ao faithfully Clldc11voureJ to oboy. oxcavoting <Jone. A aµlendid vein

-rElll>Os.u •. -The Re\". Mr. Swnnn, of accur:H·y in clt riclll mattcl'll, for, so .who hati hacl cha"'e of the llarbor rtport 81\)'a, thu lclt;·r in qucalion woe Graco Circuit during tho pMl thrco returned to tho eentla thia week, hn\'· yeara1 l<'nea for bia now mie Inn Rt ing 1., in it.a time in the d~Ml letterolllco C.'uplu1, to-morrow. Hia m111y friends It havini: br1·11 Pthlrtt~l'CI In Mnnt~I n-greL to bid him adieu, and wiab him instead of llorhor GNC.'. It is \·n no a pl'Oilperoue and happy aeaaon in Ilia way likely that a11y Cnrthcr I~ vro.

We arc, )'ours truly, of minornl tins l>oen uncovered of . Jamca Nurae Superlnt!ndenL Min· three and ho.If foot in thickn~s ond llttr, A. Penney, l:!upcrantenclent or there are lndlentione of the lend School, R. Stnilll!On, R. Taylor J. P. r th d I · JI Th i Guy, u. Taylor, J. Btmlatc:r, A. Tar tor, ur . er .eve op10g '!e . e. m n-Rlchard &dcoc:ll, Frtd T. Demlster, oral is sn1d to be n mixture of sth'er, Jl. J. Nurse, Rod Penney, Liuie imp-I lend nnd other kindred oroe, buL aon, J~~je Udell, 0. 'J'ul'ki-r, Dlu1c the ex.net kind wlll not bo known. Pake, A· lllpplalor, ijt&nnab 11'.ITa.x· untfl n proper n soy \Yill bo fVndo. for, Mary Penol'y, J. L. ~ oel, Biii" J MeQAre. Trainor nn'1,.Cougblnn, lho Noel, M11rr ~aylllr, Wm. ~Oflll Ami~" owner$, brwo good h opes of their Dl11ck, &lay Go••!:.I, Annie D. 1 cumy. clnim uo,ing n \01\lualJlo ono nm!

BBPLY. tho puLlio intoro~t is awnken~d ns T<> A. PR.'i:(EY, ~ • S u P.:a1YTrJ1ua,;:(1' t<> the probabilitiea lhl\l v. ill l\riso

A'iD 'lit•cr1u.1 OI' CAltlvSt:.\ft }lnuo should !l,·tYor t.o found there in l >l"f 'Ci>IHY: 110()1...

D 11r .f'rifncli,- • lnrgo <1unntltlto.i. One ofthd1ar..lt11~ tit'I lo be ,llllYert'd in · d • o· 1

lc:ul11gC1ubOne&r ia myeonnc1:tio11 "Ith -Co I.wcr I for the refining tho l:lchool that 1 bavu 1&tkml1-d Crom is \'Ory 11cnrco nnd pmcticnlly noth · my thifcllu:ql

1 tho hall9w,'J lnll11r11cfo1 ing hns het-n dono by tho F1lclorics

or 1>ihlch h.no hel~I U1 awrttcn life• here. Mr. W. A. ~[unn' factory, 111111 luno lmJMlrt..'<l atr<'nath fnt il• howowr, i' luwin3 n ~upply hy tho ever, .. day du1ha. To lit~n to the In· l'chr. f•ombino., oxpectotl frorrl .'l. 1tructlo111 <•fa faithful ;,uperlntt'ndt nt, John's to-morrow. A )ol of Hn tCI 1 njny J•l•Ollllnt ~iat1011a whh my , h ·1 d Mlow·•orll• ni, IUJll &o mt• t the lorii;lit cnQO!I 1or t o 01 ns well ns woo en t11qulrlu1 f'4*! al my t;11111lay-l:!eh, ol eheols hnve been mado horo for tbe el- hH• i..., po lrbome tall: but & JO:lmo !?nctory. dell1bUol prhllfP. ,..

Your kind word8 and babdtome girt. -The 11ohr. QC11M11, 01\pi. rnylor, whlob ban quite taken me by aurprilae eniled lhl1 mornlnlf for Olntgow, will enr be &o me a reminder or u1e1 wilb 373 ea11k containing llw lone deb~ al=- I ow• io my bolo•t'll seal oil for Me!lSI'$. John Murray & Bandar • Od I am ~nndeid So t!:at., I I iOii:Wf OCli fP-7 fulun llfq • ns. &he lrD 7oar ob.,. -Thtro will be a distribution !:&t ... tdn &o be of prizee at th~ R. C. Accademy of MWilL GF=:ffej1""


thia L0Wn1 on DtJt 'Friday1 2-tth iDRt. ~- ~ u o'cloet. f'rien4• are !nn~d.

new 1phere 11f labor. ccedinb'll "ill be ( ntailt•I an'tho c11e. The Re\". W, J. Dunn, 11 ho h111 brrn

appoint.cd to euccectl .&be 1'tov. ~Ir. -TllE TRA>JP ~1111' r'uRF.:.T Bnooi.:.­S11•ann, came to town yt'llterday to :u· 'lhe S.S. ForetL Drook, C.1ptl\in Crh1py, 1urue ohnri:o or the JIUt.onte hl're. or tho Fort t O.tk :-;tc;1mship Co. from rQ\', gcntl<'man baa 'the reputation 0 Tyne to Muntr, nl in bt1ll"1t, w~ tow1.'tl being '1' s:ood prencher And n &enlous i1110 this port 11t 11 a.m. \\'t'dnrad•y in pastor. 11 ii congregation nnt.1 <>lht'r " t.l ieahled co1111itio11. ' hll h ft 'l')'no on frientla hl're bhl him a he irty ,n•lcoml', June !llJth fur the 11bo\'1• m,·ntionl.J porL

• ,,,t. •. Fitzs:<'rald, chief Jn,r1tetor nol <'Xf'•ri,nt'l'tl f11\·11ralrit· lVl'l\lher till Pick cJ Fish, !('IL btr11 hy Wr<tncadAy ~1hy hut wbcn a a1ro11g Lrc1w and m<>rnius;', tl'l\ln for the w••l c0tut c•n l1.•1i)yu tuou!p a1a. r.,rc 11•Ct\1111h n~t. huainf• in c.inncction .,,,Ith the du ties Al ~ n 111\, 'l'lhrn 111 IKI. ;,.! 40 . • o rtli, or hie olllee. for.,;' lll.!.\I W1111, h< r htil ~h.a(~ annr,M:d

- A trim lllllt' ecboonr r arri vrtl hero otr, :u1•l ahe thrrc·lt> l••t h• r rrop< lo r llll;f 111 CAlllC t1.1tAlly 1li•~1,:,,1. ACtl r

yr.ttrdr&y. i-be u tho .\litnl \!7 1011•0 drift in.·~· alwut till ~·n:il••Y n •te11n11 r builL hv ~Ir. John l\lanu • whll le I 11 t 1 1. I ' alO u,.;ncr, at 8.W. Arm, (.;r,.Cn IJ.&y, \\-n~ tlJ: llt'< W •C I pru\r• tu uC I 1e '~.

\larlnu. c1.,1. J. ~· 1rr.1y loe1und rrum the- pot wint('r n1u11ro att<'r Mr .• \Inn Nuw t'1&Plll tu '\l•mtr. l\I. Th111t!0\1tll·r, o.,,...Jri1lj1•', nL present l\t ~i11P• r';t tt r· thl' .11 ... b1 ... 1 FBl"t 'l llniuk In tow, atl•I lior. lltr 11rrsent oari;o f<& :tT,000 rod ll.'!l\'ln11ih1•ri11 thtlc11rll (If th11 lug J"i\\'t•r­of lnmbt•r lrom I C11ll'1 Illy• co11,41i~n<'d ill• orr \lie n:\rruw11 rt ~umi"I bn vo)·age. tn Mr. John 0. 31111111. l'oor r1:purt11 or Tho Pur.'tt Orouk "Ill rl'm:tio in porL tin· l11h1•ry in Ort'<'n B:ly, aro •rou~l 'I II nJ I r · hy ~Ir. l.lanut l. A JIUhdhh WM buns: unu " 11

" "' f'r"I"" or • • " l a.rn\'tt, tl'*J•pt.J n~ C.po Jobn &11<1 at IWuoJ -No"~· , · l:lar!>Pr, ancl tbero aro ohancl't thnt th11 -CRICl(l.T.-A mntch 6etwtion an eatt<:hes will impl'QY('. l'reViOUI lo e)e\•en from thi!I ,),QCO nnd ,A teAt)\ liut wtelc, tho proapect.a Wl'rl\ gloomy, " ·• .. .H0<1k-«111l·lioe meo doing notl1ing. &I· from Brigu11 and fay \iuborts wna mon tlehery pqor-tlle fish bting email. to hn\'O been played nt the lnst­&lt la very aearce at ll!'t<'ral pfaQta In nnmod 11lnco )'C!llorill\y, but.. the Orrtn U11y anJ on the French !:!bore, rnin i.hut ufT nil (lhnncc!I of the and ~ho PCOtile are not It\• JlOl'ition ln gnmo coming ofT. lt ''ill be play· buy ii, and lbQ trMlen and do.ikra will ed noxt Thuuda•·. An olo"'n from n°' •dvance aoy aupply. Tho AIRn J will 1o lo St. Jobn'a aher dlecharging this town _goes lo Ilollrt'e Content. ber IO&d of lumb4at, part ol whlob bu next Tueeday t.o play a ma&ch with been purcbtled by ftiahop Kacd a team of tha& place.

_. . . . . .
