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2017-18 Annual Report

2017-18 Annual Report





Annual Report 2017-18


OUR PHILOSOPHY Kids Are Kids! was established to meet the educational and therapy needs of any child and their family. We believe that our integrated, holistic and family-centred program is the most effective way for each family to benefit from the expertise of staff across a range of disciplines.

Kids Are Kids! has adopted a model of Family Centred Practice. This approach recognises the expertise of the family who knows their child’s needs the best. Families and therapists work together to set goals based on the family’s objectives. Therapists may assist families to break down the goals they have into smaller achievable steps in order to achieve their larger goals. Therapy is provided in many settings in-cluding the home, day care and school as well as within our centres.

As part of this approach, parents and therapists are partners and both have responsibilities to meet the agreed goals set at the time of assessment.

For families this means

Identifying goals at the outset of therapy.

Participating in decisions about the frequency and intensity of therapy.

Following up on therapy at home (making it part of daily life).

Attending scheduled appointments.

For therapists this means

Providing sound clinical information that enable decisions to be made about goals for therapy.

Providing high-quality advice and training to families and significant others in the child’s life.

Providing families with all the information they need to make decisions.

Evaluating the effectiveness of intervention and making appropriate recommendations.

CONTENTS Our Philosophy ....................................................... 3 Organisational Structure ......................................... 4 Board Members ...................................................... 5 Management Team ................................................ 7 Our Team ................................................................ 7 Chairperson’s Report ............................................. 8 Executives’ Report ................................................ 10 Program Report ................................................... 12 Human Resources ................................................. 15 Funding ................................................................. 15 Premises ................................................................ 16 Major Sponsors, Affiliates and Special Thanks ..... 17 Statistics ................................................................ 18 Treasurer’s report ................................................. 20 Financial Statistics ................................................. 20 Financial Report .................................................... 23 Statement of Board of Management ................... 25 Statement of Profit Or Loss .................................. 26 Statement of Financial Position ............................ 27 Statement of Changes in Equity ........................... 28 Statement of Cash Flows ...................................... 29 Notes to the Financial Statements ....................... 30 Independent Audit Report .................................... 36


Patron—Professor Andrew Whitehouse Appointed as Patron for Kids Are Kids! in 2014. Professor Andrew Whitehouse has been working at the Telethon Kids Institute since 2009, having arrived back in WA from the University of Oxford, where he was the Scott Family Junior Research Fellow for Studies in Autism (University College). He has been awarded competitive research funds from national and international funding bodies exceeding $30 million, and he is currently funded by a NHMRC Career Development Award. Professor Andrew Whitehouse directs the Autism and Related Disorders research team, who investigate the genetic and neurodevelopmental causes of developmental disorders such as Autism and language impairment, and conduct clinical intervention trials into these conditions. He was recently awarded the most prestigious award in the country for young researchers – the 3M Eureka Prize for Emerging Leader in Science for 2017.

“Sometimes I forget what a rare privilege it is to love what you do for a living. Working with children with developmental disabilities and their families, it is near on impossible not to wake up each day, rub your hands together and look forward to what the day will bring: extraordinary children, from extraordinary families, in extraordinary circumstances. A collision of admiration and awe that creates the strongest of passions. I am extremely honoured to be the Patron of an organisation that is awash with this passion; it lines the halls of the centre and rings out through the hooting and hollering of the dedicated staff. As long as we have organisations like Kids are Kids, we will never forget how privileged we all are to share a world with these wonderful children. “

Organisation Chart

Board of Management

Executive Officers

(Clinical & General Management)

Senior Program &

Clinical Coordinators

Senior Therapists Therapists

Senior Supervising






Reception &

Admin Staff

Annual Report 2017-18


Board Members Chairperson—Wayne Revitt Wayne Revitt has worked with children who have additional needs and their families as a carer, teacher and consultant for over 16 years. Wayne has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Western Australia, A Diploma of Education from Edith Cowan University and a Bachelor of Education (Special Needs) from James Cook University in Queensland. Beginning with voluntary work in Special Schools and the Activ Foundation hostels and group homes, Wayne went on to teach in Special Schools in Queensland and Western Australia. More recently with Hospital School Services, Wayne was Teacher in Charge of a Specialist Mental Health programme at a Child and Adolescent Mental Health clinic. This programme involved education and therapy for adolescents with a variety of mental health issues. Wayne was the Co-ordinator of the Peter Moyes Centre at Christ Church Grammar School from 2009 to 2011 and is currently the Head of Primary at the John Wollaston Anglican Community School. Wayne’s previous role with AISWA as an Inclusive Education Consultant has provided him with the opportunity to learn from many dedicated teachers across a wide range of schools, each with different educational and religious philosophies. He is interested in student well-being and in particular the great importance of early learning through evidence based, preventative, social-emotional learning programmes. As a founder of Kids Are Kids! Therapy and Education Centre, Wayne has served as Chairperson for the majority of the last decade.

Treasurer— Linda Smith Linda is a Chartered Accountant and member of the Australian Restructuring Insolvency and Turnaround Association with over 13 years of experience in corporate restructuring, business advisory and audit in Australia and the United Kingdom (UK). Linda qualified as Chartered Accountant in the UK while working for PKF (UK) LLP with a client portfolio including private companies in a diverse range of industries and UK Central Government Departments. Since relocating to Western Australia in 2011, she has been been involved in a number of significant and complex restructuring and recovery matters currently a Senior Manager at McGrathNicol. Linda conducts independent business reviews for clients and is responsible for implementing and managing turnaround strategies. Linda enjoys spending time with her two young children.

Secretary—John O’Leary John is a highly regarded insurance professional with extensive underwriting and broking qualifications and experience. John has a strong passion for Disability and Community Care and continues to focus on providing his ever increasing portfolio of clients with exceptional service underpinned by thorough risk management advice and claims management expertise.

Vice Chairperson—Ian Jarvis Ian was encouraged to become involved with Kids Are Kids! In 2003 by his daughter Kyla, a Speech Pathologist who worked for the organisation for many years. Ian retired after 35 years with PMG/Telecom/Telstra in finance, administrative and information technology roles and 9 years with Lotterywest developing business reporting systems and analytical tools. He continues to apply his experience and skills to improving the IT systems at Kids Are Kids!

A widower with 4 children and 7 grandchildren, Ian’s interests include computing, dinghy sailing, genealogy, community matters and family. He is also involved in other volunteer work associated with the Perth Modernian Society, beginner sailor training, dolphin watch program and the local residents association.


General Member— Ben Palmer Ben is a qualified economist and has extensive experience in advising and managing the investment assets of charities and not-for-profit organisations. He spent nine years in the UK, latterly as Head of Portfolio Management for a leading fund manager, before returning home to Perth in 2011. Ben has sat on a number of Investment Committees, has advised numerous trustee boards and is currently General Manager, Investments for the Government Employees Superannuation Board (GESB). Ben has three young children and is passionate continuing his involvement in the charitable sector in Perth and in particular, helping disadvantaged children. In his spare time Ben likes spending time with his family, playing guitar and restoring his 1973 MG.

General Member—Melanie Boulton Melanie is a parent representative on the board and comes with 28 years of experience working for NGO’s in the not-for-profit and community services sector. Melanie has held various roles both in children’s services and family support programs as well as bringing direct personal understanding of the needs of families that include children with a disability.

General Member—Rebecca Shellabear Rebecca is a skilled Psychologist currently working within a specialist behaviour role with the Department of Education. Rebecca brings years of experience working in both the mental health and education sectors in varied roles with children and community organisations. She is passionate about connecting with her community and health and well being. She loves getting outdoors with her family and two rescue dogs.

Annual Report 2017-18


Therapy Team

Senior Program & Clinical Coordinator

Amanda Jackson Jun Wee

Senior Supervising Therapists

Sally Conneally Louise Rogerson

Lauren Jerrat Karen Nitsche

Speech Pathology


Samantha Ziegelaar Laura Sarubin

Tanya Erpen

Management Team

Executive Officer Clinical Management— Lisa Hoffman Lisa started her career as an occupational therapist working for Disability Services Commission with children with disabilities. She then started work at PMH in the psychiatric ward and later the eating disorders program and the Family Pathways Program. She moved from a senior clinical role to a management role and was responsible for designing, implementing and evaluating the day treatment program for the eating disorders program. Lisa completed her masters degree looking at the peer relationship culture amongst inpatients with anorexia nervosa. Lisa joined Kids Are Kids! In 2014 as Program and Clinical Services Manager. Lisa has a son and enjoys spending time with him.

Executive Officer General Management—Teresa Barrie Teresa commenced at Kids Are Kids! in July 2010 after working in administration and banking for many years. Prior to starting in her current position Teresa worked for T&C and ANZ bank for 7 years in a Management position, after having her second child Teresa then moved onto working in administration and accounting for the family business. Teresa has 2 children and enjoys spending quality time with her family.

Occupational Therapy

Clinical Psychology

Polina Starovoitova Nicole MacDonald

Lucy Moran Kate Bodill

Marketing Amy Cikarela – Marketing Co-Ordinator

Administration Team Kim Wright - Program Administrator

Renae Plumridge – Receptionist

Bridie Gordon—Receptionist

Heather Turner—Receptionist

Heidi Menezes—Receptionist

Our Team As at 30 June 2018

Jessica Vis Melissa Burge

Julia Noakes Rachel Bletchly

Sarah Hellyer Valerie Phoon

Kate O’Rourke Helen Corbould

Ellie Hodyl Jessica Williams

Alisha Dufty Natalie Dodd

Louise Philpott Sarah Henley

Sonja Van Heyningen

Angela James Kylie Kemsley

Sarah Browning Min Ng

Kimi Naidoo Tanya Sullivan

Michelle Preston


Chairperson’s Report The Kids Are Kids! Therapy and Education Centre is honouring our 21st Birthday in this year. In early October, we celebrated with a wonderful Gala Dinner. For my report this year, I include the transcript of my opening speech:

Good evening. A warm welcome to each and every one of you as we celebrate a wonderful milestone; the 21st Birthday Celebration of the Kids Are Kids! Therapy and Education Centre.

Before moving on, it is right to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we gather today, the Wadjuk people from the Noongar nation of South Western Australia, and pay our respects to their elders, past, present and future.

This night is indeed a celebration. To honour 21 years of service, since Kids Are Kids came into existence way back in the late 1990’s. A time to be grateful for the many, many people who have contributed to this great organisation.

What do we do? For those of you new to Kids Are Kids, we are a community-based therapy provider for children with disabilities or any developmental needs. Established in 1997, our main centre is located in Bateman WA, with offices located in Rockingham and Mt Barker, serving the Great Southern region. We also provide services to regional centres, such as mining towns, using TeleHealth technology, or fly in, fly out services. Throughout our 21 years in the industry Kids Are Kids! has helped thousands of children and their families through individually tailored therapy, group programs and family support. We strive to support all children, particularly the disadvantaged and vulnerable, by providing Speech Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Clinical Psychology services to children aged 0-18 years.

Our backbone, our core values, were established back in the early years, and have stood the test of time. Who first developed these values? Well, I would like to introduce you to some very special guests. Just over 21 years ago, four young professionals decided that the care and therapy services that families were receiving, could be improved. That families deserved to have a choice.

So, with all the chutzpah and confidence of youth, we thought we would create our own organization. After all, how hard could that be? We all agreed Kids Are Kids should be caring, flexible, focused on family and unique. And here we are, two decades later. Could I please ask Bronwyn Fiztgerald, Mai Welsh and Margaret Orr to stand, and could we together acknowledge our Kids Are Kids Founders?

Our values have stood the test of time. We never did want to grow too large and lose the personal touch. We provide services to all kids and families who seek our help. An important decision centered on the name of our organisation. To this day, this remains an essential part of our guiding philosophy. Our intent was to provide assistance for all children. Not just children with a disability. Not just children with a particular funding code.

Not just children from a pre-determined geographical area. We believed that all kids, are just kids.

We believed this so much, we added an exclamation mark to stress the point! This goes to the very heart of Kids Are Kids; our decisions are made based on family and community need, not categories.

To this day, our services are innovative and varied. We look for the gaps in services to families and act accordingly. We are agile and progressive, and proud of our mission, to help children flourish through therapy and family support.

It is not complicated. We are not top heavy. The expertise and dedication demonstrated by our staff, is underpinned by care and compassion. It is service for others, that defines Kids Are Kids. It is why, through some tough times, we have survived - and now flourished.

Growing from Bronwyn, as our very first staff member and Speech Pathologist, in a two room building, we now have 42 staff members. I should point out that Bronwyn’s role included accepting less remuneration, working long hours and (quite literally) going it alone. Bronwyn’s commitment to Kids Are Kids was the foundation of our organisation and set the tone for a caring, dedicated approach to our families.

This will not be a night of speeches, I promise. But I would like to pay tribute to one other person. Ian Jarvis, would you mind joining me at the podium.

This man has devoted thousands of hours to Kids Are Kids over two decades. He singlehandedly developed his own, genius, software system (TOTS) that is used to record all therapy hours and details. As a handyman, he literally created therapy rooms and office space that did not seem possible. He has been Vice-Chairperson on our Board for many years. He has provided support and counsel to many Executive Officers. He has repaired the reticulation and

Annual Report 2017-18


swept the floors. He is a man of integrity and great humility. Ian is a role model to all of us; he serves others to make a positive difference in the lives of our children and their families. On behalf of the Kids Are Kids Community, I would like to present Ian with this award for his outstanding service and dedication to Kids Are Kids. Thank you, Ian. You are a Kids Are Kids legend.

We have a relatively unusual senior leadership model at Kids Are Kids, in that instead of one CEO, we have two Executive Officers, Lisa Hoffman and Teresa Barrie. Basically, Lisa manages the therapy side of things and Teresa looks after the business angle. However, the two of them don’t really work this way. Instead, each is invested heart and soul in every aspect of our organisation. They do, thankfully, seem to really like each other! They are natural leaders and lead with courage and vision. Both Teresa and Lisa have enabled Kids Are Kids to take on the uncertain new world of NDIS with a sense of optimism and expertise. Can we please thank Lisa and Teresa for their ongoing dedication and commitment to Kids Are Kids.

I also thank our long-standing corporate partners, Grant Thornton, ATCO and Lakes Networking. Your support means a great deal to us; because each of you believes in Kids Are Kids, and has provided invaluable financial and moral support for many years. Thank you.

We are honoured to have Professor Andrew Whitehouse, Director of the Autism Research Team at the Telethon Kids Institute, as our Patron. Unfortunately Andrew has other commitments tonight, but we thank Andrew and his family for their continued support. He is the perfect Patron to have for Kids Are Kids.

Kids Are Kids exists to help families navigate though what can be a confusing, and often unfair, world. To help children develop to their potential and live life well. I know you are all very proud of Kids Are Kids, and I thank you all, for joining us tonight.

OK. I’m nearly done! Please bid well on all the auction items and make sure you make it onto the dance floor at some stage.

One last request; could all current Kids Are Kids staff please stand? These are the people making a real difference to others, day in and day out. Whether you are a caring ear on reception at the centre, or driving out to visit a family to provide therapy, or volunteering to help out wherever you can; you are all part of the Kids Are Kids Family. Please give our staff a big round of applause?

Enjoy the night. Thank you.

Wayne Revitt




Executive Officers’ Report Writing this report each year always prompts us to take a step back from the frantic pace that seems to not only continue throughout each year but steadily increase, and to make some time to reflect on the year that was. This reflection is particularly poignant this year because Kids Are Kids! has celebrated its 21st birthday, and with this a sense of coming of age, a maturity, and an achievement. It does seem that Kids Are Kids! has found

it’s place in a rapidly evolving sector, and while this year has again presented its challenges and opportunities, it has always felt like we were steadily just getting on with what Kids Are Kids! has always been about, and staying true to our values and mission. This clarity and focus has guided our path and day to day decisions, and helped Kids Are Kids! build on all that has been achieved before.

This year has without doubt been our busiest to date across the whole organisation. All of our staff have worked very hard to be able to support more families than ever before and to make a difference to more children’s lives. When we look across our staff we see so many new faces that have joined our team this year, and all have been chosen for their skills as well as their compassion and values, as it is the staff, and the way that they care about the families they support that is what makes Kids Are Kids! special. While increasingly the challenge is to thrive in a competitive business marketplace, Kids Are Kids! is grounded by providing quality services that genuinely improve lives and help children reach their full potential. The busier we have become, the more cohesive we have seen the team; supporting each other and developing as individuals and as a group. We couldn’t be prouder of our wonderful team and what they have achieved this year.

We continue to strive to improve our programs and develop new and innovative services that better meet the needs of the families we are working with and families in the community who are particularly vulnerable. While the changes associated with the NDIS have presented their challenges, they have also provided Kids Are Kids! with opportunities to provide services to more families and welcome previous families back through successfully registering as both an Early Intervention and School Age Services Provider with the NDIS. We were also successful in our application to provide services to families in the Pilbara and Kimberley regions under NDIS using telehealth mediums. This complements our existing telehealth services to regional areas and allows us to further build our relationships in these communities. Jun Wee has worked extremely hard this year integrating all of our staff in these programs and navigating an ever changing landscape. We have recently welcomed Amanda Jackson to job share with Jun in the Program Coordination of both our block funded and individualised funded programs and we look forward to continue to develop these services with these wonderful therapists and program leaders. Our speech pathologists, occupational therapists and physiotherapists have all worked tirelessly this year on developing evidence based programs that meet the needs of individual families and we have seen many of our staff take on supervisory responsibilities under a trial of a new structure that has helped us promote a broader range of skill development across our staffing groups.

Our group programs have undertaken considerable reform this year thanks to the hard work of clinical psychologist Kate Bodill. While most of the changes have been procedural to improve quality and efficiency, we have also been thrilled to be able to offer a number of fully subscribed Circle of Security groups, supporting parents of children with additional needs, thanks to the Helen Leech Endowment through Perpetual Trustees. Our clinical psychologists Polina Russell and Lucy Moran have done a great job in delivering a high quality group that really helps families improve their relationships with their children. Kids Are Kids! has been developing this program for a number of years and it is very rewarding to see so many families now benefiting from these groups. We also have improved our Social Eyes group and developed a new literacy group and bike riding group.

Our clinical psychology services have expanded considerably under the leadership of Lauren Jerrat. The NDIS has provided families with more choice around integrating psychology as part of their intervention team and we have also commenced ASD Diagnostic Assessments across speech pathology and clinical psychology as part of our Fee for Service program and commenced cognitive assessments under this program.

In addition to maintaining all of our longer standing contracts, Kids Are Kids! was successful in a number of grant opportunities this year. The Great Southern Regional Development Scheme funded us to provide education, speech and language screens and intervention in the Frankland Cranbrook community. We received a grant through the Helen Leech Endowment, through perpetual trustees to provide Circle of Security Groups to families with children with additional needs, Toybox International donated equipment to our Sensory Xploration Hub including a very popular rock climbing wall and we gratefully received a Commonwealth Bank Centenary Grant.

Kids Are Kids! wouldn’t be able to provide all the services we do without the support of some very special

Annual Report 2017-18


organisations. We were thrilled to be chosen by Grant Thornton to be their charity partner again for another 3 years and ATCO, Lakes Networking and Think Fragile X have again provided us with amazing support this year. We welcomed Liberty International Underwriters as a major donor for our therapy scholarships and local Woolworth stores supporting us with volunteering and regular donations and support. Once again we thank our wonderful Patron, Professor Andrew Whitehouse for all of his support again this year.

There were many social events, but undoubtedly the highlight was the Wine and Cheese fundraiser we held in October with the help of many volunteers and donors the event was a great success. Our annual family Christmas picnic was bigger than ever, and a huge success thanks to Santa’s Helpers, Grant Thornton and Zenith Insurance and it was wonderful to share this event with so many of the families we support. It really is a privilege and an honour to be a part of Kids Are Kids! and we look forward to further building on the many achievements that have all brought Kids Are Kids! to where we are today. Congratulations to all those who have contributed as part of the Kids Are Kids! family.

Warm regards,

Teresa Barrie Lisa Hoffman

Executive Officer General Management Executive Officer Clinical Management

Lisa and Teresa with Woolworths volunteers


Program Reports

KidStart Early Childhood Intervention Program (DSC), WA NDIS and NDIA NDIS

(Jun Wee and Amanda Jackson, Senior Program and Clinical Coordinators)

This year has been a busy year of development and growth for the Kids are Kids! KidStart team. There has been a steady stream of new families commencing services with Kids are Kids! throughout the year,

particularly through WA NDIS state funding. We have been busy recruiting and training new staff to keep up with the needs of the program. This year the WA NDIS program has grown significantly with all clinical staff now working in this program and an additional 11 staff joining the team over the year. We welcomed Amanda Jackson, an experienced Speech Pathologist and Program Coordinator later in the year, working in a job sharing role with Jun Wee. Jun and Amanda are working together to lead this program, develop processes and procedures to accommodate changes in the sector and provide support and supervision for staff.

There has been a lot happening in the sector, with the rollout of the WA NDIS Scheme to more trial sites in 2017, and following that, the news at the end of 2017 of the agreement for WA to adopt the federal National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The KidStart program (state block funding) has continued with all places remaining full despite the consistent transfer of clients from state block funding to WA NDIS / NDIS. From July 2017 the South Metro areas of Mandurah and Rockingham were also added to the areas trailing the WA NDIS scheme, adding to the pre-existing WA NDIS trial areas of Cockburn, Kwinana and Armadale. With a significant amount of our Kids are Kids! families falling within these geographical areas, it has been a focus of the team to provide reassurance and support in these transitions, and to ensure continuity and quality of services.

This year the KidStart team have changed their meeting structure to accommodate all the changes in the sector, and new procedures for the transition to WA NDIS, and incoming NDIS. Kids are Kids! has endeavoured to be as up to date as possible, to ensure staff and families are supported through this time of change and transition. We have also put in place regular waitlist meetings to ensure new families receive services in a timely way. Despite many changes at an administrative level, we have continued to keep the focus on the quality of our clinical services. We have continued to have regular professional development days as a team, clinical supervision as well as training for staff throughout the year, to consistently improve and develop the quality of our services.

The year to come will be an exciting year, with continued growth in the team, significant development of team training and resources, processes and procedures to enhance the quality of the services provided, and a particular focus on upskilling key workers in a range of clinical areas for transdisciplinary practice. The upcoming transition of previously block funded areas Fremantle, Melville and South Perth will be particularly important, and a lot of work will be going into ensuring the smooth transfer of clients into the federal NDIS. The team has worked very hard to keep up with the new fast paced market of the NDIS, and we are proud of everything our team has achieved this year.

Annual Report 2017-18


Child Development Service (CDS) Program

(Sally Conneally, Senior Supervising Speech Pathologist)

This has been a busy year for this program which exceeded budget expectations for both the physiotherapy and speech pathology programs. During the year, Kids Are Kids! were able to provide CDS speech pathology

services to 147 clients: 83 Bateman clients and 64 Rockingham clients. This was an average of 6.75 hours of services per client. Our Physiotherapy program saw 90 clients across the year, all in Rockingham. The speech pathologists working in the CDS program during the year were: Sally Conneally, Melissa Burge, Julia Noakes, Sonja Van Heyningen and Rachel Bletchley and the physiotherapists were Laura Sarubin and Samantha Ziegelaar.

The team has worked hard to accommodate changes in referral numbers as requested by our contract manager to help families receive this service in a timely way. We have also faced our own capacity challenges during such a period of rapid growth across other programs that we have sometimes needed to reduce referrals across these programs for some periods to accommodate changes in our own staffing.

We have continued to work with CDS staff to ensure referral procedures across organisations work well and continue to strive to meet all our KPIs, and monitor these closely. All reports were submitted on time and we look forward to reviewing these with our contract manager.

Autism Assessment

(Louise Philpott, Senior Speech Pathologist)

Our contracts with Department of Communities and Child Development Services were both extended and this year has seen many changes within this program across both of these contracts. Procedures and processes

were thoroughly reviewed and changed significantly to improve quality and timeliness across these programs and ensure consistency across staff. These have been monitored closely for adherence to KPIs and management has worked closely with contract managers to ensure continued improvement across the program. This program has decreased considerably over the year due to staffing availability across this very specialised area, predominantly due to the expertise and experience being held within a small group of staff and a considerable portion of these staff commencing maternity leave.

Department of Social Services (DSS)

(Jun Wee and Amanda Jackson, Senior Program and Clinical Coordinators)

The DSS team continues to provide therapy and resources support to Kids Are Kids! families, and this program really now operates as an adjunct to our KidStart program. Some families in the KidStart team have

chosen to top up their state funding using DSS funding while other families on the waitlist for KidStart have been able to commence services sooner, using DSS funding until a KidStart place becomes available. The team continues to provide a consistent and co-ordinated service for families using both state and federal funding at Kids Are Kids! The team has also been working with families who are transitioning to NDIS, supporting families to use their funding most effectively during the transition process.

WA Country Health Services (WACHS) Program

(Sally Conneally, Senior Supervising Speech Pathologist)

This program has expanded this year to include Speech Pathology and Occupational Therapy for the Pilbara region in addition to Clinical Psychology. The other regions of Katanning and Northam have remained only

clinical psychology. Referral patterns from the regions fluctuate across the year which can be challenging to accommodate from a staffing perspective, particularly with capacity issues with rapid growth across other programs. This program runs to support families and services in regional locations and we pride ourselves on our long standing relationships with each of the communities we serve.

Previously one of the most challenging aspects of this program has related to technical difficulties using a videoconferencing medium but we have found this year has seen a significant reduction in these issues through our local connection with NBN which has helped improve the quality and efficiency in our service delivery. Our staff have developed considerable expertise using this medium and we have started training more staff in this technology.


Fee-For-Service Program

(Louise Rogerson, Senior Supervising Occupational Therapist)

Our Fee-For-Service program continues to provide individualised and multi-disciplinary services to clients and their families. The program offers a focused or detailed assessment and individualised quality therapy

according to the goals of the child and their family. Families can choose to see one therapist or a multidisciplinary team. These sessions can take place either in the home, school or at the Kids Are Kids! Centre in Bateman or our satellite offices in Rockingham or Mount Barker. Whilst the costs of these services are met by the families, Kids Are Kids! provides many services under the Commonwealth Government’s Chronic Disease Management and Mental Health plans which allow families to claim through Medicare. Our therapists also have provider numbers allowing families to claim through a range of Private Health Funds.

Kids are Kids! has continued to provide services at Aubin Grove Primary school and Honeywood Primary School and we have welcomed a new relationship with Comet Bay Primary School this year.

Clinical Psychology

(Lauren Jerrat, Senior Clinical Psychologist)

The clinical psychology team has continued to see amazing growth and a high demand for services.

Polina Russell (formerly Starovoitova), Lucy Moran and Kate Bodill have worked hard to complete their clinical psychology internships and are now accredited clinical psychologists. With an increase in staff, we have increased the number of days we provide psychology services within the Rockingham area as well as providing much needed psychology services to families living within the Northam area through the WA Country Health Service. In addition to autism assessments, we have been able to introduce cognitive testing to a number of families this year.

Kids Are Kids! Great Southern

(Alisha Dufty, Senior Speech Pathologist)

This year has seen more development in our Great Southern services, largely due to being part of a Great Southern Development Scheme grant which has enabled families in the Cranbrook Frankland region to

Annual Report 2017-18


receive quality speech pathology services through Kids Are Kids! We continue to build relationships in the local community and have started offering services in Denmark throughout the year. Our client base continues to grow and we are now looking forward to providing both occupational therapy and speech pathology as Senior Occupational Therapist Michelle Preston joins our team in the Great Southern.

Therapy Scholarships

Kids Are Kids! was thrilled to be able to offer 10 therapy scholarships again this year thanks to the wonderful generosity of the Think Fragile X Foundation, Liberty International Underwriters and ATCO Australia. We had a record number of scholarship applications and our selection panel included representatives from Liberty, the Think Fragile X Foundation, ATCO and administrative and clinical staff. Scholarships were offered to 10 very

worthy families so that their children could access much needed therapy at Kids Are Kids! to address their goals and priorities to improve their children’s lives. We have been exploring fundraising initiatives this year to enable this important program to continue.

Group Program

(Kate Bodill, Clinical Psychologist)

This year has seen groups run more consistently across the year and a major review and improvement to processes and procedures across this program. We have seen two groups in particular really achieve some

momentum; Social Eyes and Circle of Security. We have received some great feedback from participants about the groups and what a difference it is making to their lives. We have also delivered articulation, literacy and bike riding groups which have all been successful and we have some very exciting groups planned for the near future.

Human Resources Due to continued growth we have welcomed a number of new staff to the Kids Are Kids! team. Heidi Mendezes to our administration team, Occupational Therapists Kimi Naidoo, Tanya Sullivan and Michelle Preston, Physiotherapist Tanya Erpen, Clinical Psychologist Kate Bodill and Speech Pathologists Jessica Williams (nee Cameron), Sarah Henly, Helen Corbould, Karen Nitsche and Natalie Dodd. Senior Program Coordinator Amanda Jackson joined us in June, bringing with her extensive experience as a Speech Pathologist and Program

Manager working with children with disabilities with a particular focus on early intervention. We are very thrilled to welcome Amanda to our team to job share with Jun Wee to lead our KidStart, WANDIS and NDIS programs and to further support our rapidly growing team.

Many of our staff have celebrated weddings this year and we have several staff who have welcomed new babies; Nicole MacDonald, Heather Turner, Min Ng, Rachel Bletchley and Alisha Dufty and we have more staff expecting bundles of joy in the coming year.



This year we provided services for 72 places in our Department of Communities funded KidStart Early Intervention program and our contract for DoC funded Autism Assessments was also extended. We were successful in registering as a Disability Services Provider with the NDIS for both early childhood intervention

and school aged services and to provide services in the Pilbara and Kimberley regions. We were delighted to have our contracts for CDS Physiotherapy services and Autism assessments extended for a further 12 months along with our contract with WACHS extended to also include Occupational Therapy in the Pilbara in addition to Speech Pathology and Clinical Psychology services.


Grants During the year we were awarded a grant from Perpetual IMPACT Philanthropy Program the Helen Leech foundation for a new group program for children with ASD which we are currently developing, a Commonwealth Centenary Grant and were also allocated monies through a Southern Region Development Scheme grant to provide services to children in the Cranbrook and Frankland regions.


We were very grateful to be the beneficiary of a number of donations during the year and thank everyone for their generosity and continued support. Without the support of our corporate partners and individuals it just would not be possible to continue to provide quality affordable therapy services to all families. A special thanks to Grant Thornton, The Think Fragile X Foundation, ATCO Australia, ATCO Gas, ATCO Power, Lakes Networking,

Liberty International, Newmont Perth Social Club, Woolworths, Toybox International, Santa’s Helpers and Michelle Kagi.


Our wine and cheese fundraiser held at Latitude 34 was a successful evening bringing everyone together to help raise funds through ticket sales, donations and raffles. Money raised has been used towards our fee for service program which every year runs at a significant loss. We also raised funds through Cadbury Easter

Eggs, Entertainments Books and the Grill’d Local Matters program.

Premises While Kids Are Kids! has welcomed the growth in staff numbers and clients this has put additional strain on existing premises. We have been working hard exploring different options for the long term to meet the changing needs of our client population. To accommodate the increase in staff numbers and clients we have secured a short term lease for additional office space next door at 22 Parry Avenue, Bateman.

Annual Report 2017-18


A Special Thank You to these


ATCO EPIC City of Melville

Lotterywest Santa’s Workshop

Think Fragile X Foundation Nexia Perth

Lakes Networking Newmont

Compu-Stor West Australian Ballet

Grant Thornton Woolworths


Ian Jarvis Diane Richardson

Marie Trappitt Ted Rowley

Chetan Xavery

Major Sponsors and Affiliates

































0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% 6.0% 7.0% 8.0% 9.0%



Mid West




East Fremantle

Victoria Park












South Perth




Great Southern








% Clients by LGA - 2018


Annual Report 2017-18


2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Individual Group

Number of Sessions 2012-2017









2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Number of Clients -2010-2018

# New Clients

# Clients
















0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

% Clients by Age - 2018


Treasurer’s report (Linda Smith—Treasurer)

The financial results for the year to 30 June 2018 reflect a year of unprecedented growth for Kids Are Kids!, achieving record income of $2,882,717 (FY2017: $2,115,508) and a significant surplus of $358,650 (FY2017: $137,369).

The substantial increase in income was due to a significant increase in grant funding during the year, reaching a record amount of $2,586,179 (2017: $1,755,891). The key area of growth was the significant increase in grant funding from WA NDIS which was $951,263 for the year (FY2017: $297,504) as the programme rolled out in Western Australia.

In conjunction with the increase in income, expenses also increased to $2,524,067 during the year (FY2017: $1,978,139), predominately due to a 33% increase in employee costs to $2,241,601 for the year. Full time equivalent staff numbers have also increased significantly during the year from 19.2 to 27.2 employees to service the increase in demand for the services provided by Kids Are Kids! Otherwise, costs were tightly controlled remaining largely consistent with the previous year. To accommodate growing staff numbers, a 12 month lease was entered into on 19 June 2018 for neighbouring offices at 22 Parry Avenue, Bateman which increases the operating expenses going forward into the next financial year.

Cash comprises the substantial part of current assets at 30 June 2018, being $1,894,407 of the $1,976,860 of the total current assets reported. The significant cash balance is considered in conjunction with the corresponding liability for unexpended grant funds of $630,285 at 30 June 2018, being grant income received in advance for services or conditions which have not yet been performed. In adjusting the cash figure for unexpended grants, Kids Are Kids! held

cash of $1,264,122 at the 30 June 2018, being a strong cash position to start the next financial year and significantly higher than the previous year (FY2017: $805,951). Non-current assets reported are $6,082 being the depreciated value of fixed assets and a security bond paid for the rental premises at 22 Parry Avenue.

Total liabilities were also significantly higher at 30 June 2018 being $1,070,405 (2017: $669,133), primarily due to the increase in unexpended grants of $630,285 at 30 June 2018 (2017: $346,775) and an increase in the provisions for annual leave and long service leave.

The high level of activity during the year results in a robust balance sheet position at 30 June 2018, reporting an equity position of $912,537 (2017: $553,887) while maintaining an excellent liquidity position with net current assets of $931,437.

Overall, the year to 30 June 2018 was year of unprecedented growth for Kids Are Kids!, achieving record income, with the organisation expanding to provide services to a record number of families. The year’s performance has resulted in a strong cash positon at the year-end meaning that Kids Are Kids! is in an excellent position to meet the challenges and opportunities which arise in the future. The financial results are testimony to the dedication of the staff and executive management of Kids Are Kids!.

Annual Report 2017-18


Fundraising & Donations

1.1%Grant Funding


Therapy Fees8.8%


Income 2017-18

Employee expenses




Expenditure 2017-18

Financial Statistics


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Annual Report 2017-18

