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2017 March ISACA Security Challenges with the Internet of Things - Eric Vanderburg

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© 2017 JURINNOV, LLC All Rights Reserved. Security Challenges with the Internet of Things ISACA MARCH 2017 ERIC VANDERBURG DIRECTOR, CYBERSECURITY JURINNOV, A TCDI COMPANY
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Security Challenges with the Internet of ThingsISACA MARCH 2017




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Topics• Overview• Uses• Challenges• Strategies

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IoT security statistics• 93% of IoT early adopters are concerned about IoT security

-Global IoT Report 2017 from IoT Works

• 6.4 billion IoT devices in use today and 5.5 million added per day- Gartner

• 85% of enterprises intend to deploy IoT devices, but only 10% feel confident in the security of those devices– AT&T Cybersecurity Insights Report

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Uses of IoTIoT will be everywhere in the future and it is already where you don’t want it

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Where is IoT


• Camera systems

• Cars• Car apps with minimal security

• Many vulnerabilities identified• Unencrypted credentials

• Lack of integrity checks

• Outdated communication protocols

• Few actually exploited

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Where is IoT?• Factories• Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) for robotic systems

• Industrial control systems

• Smart meters

• Smart homes

• Animals and humans

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IoT ToysToys are connected to the Internet/cloud to: ◦ Learn

◦ Exchange data with friends

◦ Obtain software updates

◦ Allow for online customization

◦ Obtain data on surroundings

Targeted to get data on users

Used for surveillance

Good information for thieves

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IoT Challenges• DDoS• Ransomware• Surveillance• Backdoors• Data breaches• Botnets

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IoT and DDoSProtecting people, places, and assets

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October 21, 2016

Internet hosting provider OVH was faced with a 1Tbps DDoS attack

Botnet was entirely comprised of CCTV cameras

Home routers and IP cameras turned into a botnet.

Botnet was used to launch DDoS attacks against the Dyn DNS system targeting sites such as Twitter, Spotify, Amazon, Reddit, Yelp, Netflix, and The New York Times.

September 22, 2016 September 13, 2016

Krebs on Security was hit by a 665Gbps DDoS attack

The site was protected by Akamai, a company that specializes in protecting sites from attacks

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DDoS statistics• About 75% of global organizations have been victims of a DDoS


• 3,700 DDoS attacks occur every day -CSO

• Malicious code for DDoS botnets has been found in up to 600,000 IoT devices –PC World

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Effects of a DDoS attack• Entire shutdown of a small countries internet capability

• Temporary outage of backbone DNS servers

• Specific attacks can easily take down a single site

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Defense strategies• Vulnerability scanning

• Quarantining until remediation

• Review vendor vulnerabilities, firmware release notes, and history. Do they have a track record of resolving vulnerabilities in a timely manner?

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Defense strategies• Change default credentials

• Use strong passwords

• Update firmware regularly

• Turn off unused features

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IoT and RansomwareProtecting your credentials and identity

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IoT and Ransomware• TV

• Phone

• Refrigerator


• Smart home devices (lightbulbs, plugs, etc.)

• Automated cars

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IoT ransomware news• A hotel in Austria had it’s system compromised that

locked guests out of their rooms until ransom was paid.

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Easy Ransomware Targets• Many devices use android or Linux variant.

• Software updates are infrequent or nonexistent.

• Many users do not change default credentials

• If credentials are present they are usually simple

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• Hundreds of new ransomware variants just this year this year (over 400% increase since 2015)






















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Ransoms• Ransoms range from 0.5 – 5

bitcoins Bitcoin valued at 767 USD or 719 EUR as of December, 2016

Ransoms for organizations are far more

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Highest value targets• Banks

• Hospitals

• Universities

• Government Agencies

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IoT and SurveillanceProtecting your credentials and identity

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Surveillance• Android devices such as Android TVs or cars are


• Not updated as often nor as easily

• The TV can be off, but the camera and mic are still functioning

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Surveillance• CIA tools

•Weeping angel – monitors conversations from TVs

•Malware injected into Huawei, ZTE and Mercury routers

• The tools developed are not shipped with the devices but must be installed by physical media

• The tools do not have the capability to install themselves remotely

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Mark Zuckerberg is concernedWhat about you?

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January 2017

CIA hacking tool documentation leaked on wikileaks

The FDA announced that cardiac monitoring devices have vulnerabilities that allow them to be hacked.

March 2017

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Connected AI• Siri, Alexa, Cortana, etc.

• All requests sent to an AI are recorded

• These recordings may potentially be kept indefinably

• It can record every word heard even if the AI is not in use at the time

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Many IP cameras are easily accessible

Default credentials

No password

No firewall

Pierre Derks and restreaming reality

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IoT BackdoorsIs IoT the network’s weakest link?

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Notable backdoors• 80 models of Sony cameras allow backdoor access for complete

control of the device

• Nearly all DblTek VoIP devices have root backdoor access

• Some Samsung, LG, Asus, and Lenovo devices might be sold with a Trojan or ransomware preinstalled

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Devices potentially with backdoors preinstalled• Galaxy Note 2

• LG G4

• Galaxy S7

• Galaxy S4

• Galaxy Note 4

• Galaxy Note 5

• Xiaomi Mi 4i

• Galaxy A5

• ZTE x500

• Galaxy Note 3

• Galaxy Note Edge

• Galaxy Tab S2

• Galaxy Tab 2

• Oppo N3

• Vivo X6 plus

• Nexus 5

• Nexus 5X

• Asus Zenfone2

• LenovoS90

• OppoR7 plus

• Xiaomi Redmi

• Lenovo A850

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Recent backdoor firmware found November 2016AFFECTED DEVICES


• Huawei

• Blu

• AdUps firmware (on 700 million devices)


• Sniffs SMS messages and call logs

• Gathers contact information

• Records GPS location data

• Sends data discreetly to China

• Remotely execute malicious code with root privileges.

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IoT Data BreachesData exfiltration from IoT devices

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December 2, 2015

CloudPets exposed 2.2 million voice recordings and account info of the 800,000 kids

Data of 6.4 million children breached from Vtech devices.

February 22, 2017 March 13, 2017

US Teledildonicscollected sensitive information on information from IoTadult toys.

Privacy infringement lawsuit settled with claimants.

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Predictions• Forrester predicts more than 500,000 IoT devices will be

compromised in 2017

• As adoption increases, so will attacks

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What to do• IoT Security needs to be part of the design, not some

tacked on afterthought

• Each part of a device must be examined for potential vulnerabilities

• Have backup systems in place in case an attacker gains access to the device.

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IoT Botnets

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Mirai• Botnet program responsible for largest breach in history

• Source code is freely available online

• Only takes about 30 minutes to set up

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Botnet Overview• Bot• Program that performs automated tasks

• Remote controlled

• AKA: zombie or drone

• Botnet – collection of bots remotely controlled and working together to perform tasks

• Bot herder – bot master

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Threat defined – What is done with botnets?• DDoS

• Spam

• Distribute copyrighted material• Torrents

• Data mining

• Hacking

• Spread itself


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Life Cycle

Exploit◦Malicious code◦Unpatched vulnerabilities◦Trojan◦Password guessing

Rally - Reporting in◦Log into designated IRC channel and PM master

◦Make connection to http server

◦Post data to FTP or http form


Exploit Rally Preserve Inventory Await

instructionsUpdate Execute Report

Clean up

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Life Cycle

• Preserve• Rootkit

• Encrypt

• Polymorph

• Kill security services, firewall or debugging processes


Exploit Rally Preserve Inventory Await

instructionsUpdate Execute Report

Clean up

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Life Cycle

• Inventory• determine capabilities such as RAM, HDD, Processor, Bandwidth,

and pre-installed tools

• Await instructions from C&C server

• Update• Download payload/exploit• Update C&C lists


Exploit Rally Preserve Inventory Await

instructionsUpdate Execute Report

Clean up

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Life Cycle

Execute commands◦ DDoS◦ Spam◦ Harvest emails◦ Keylog◦ Screen capture◦ Webcam stream◦ Steal data

Report back to C&C server

Clean up - Erase evidence


Exploit Rally Preserve Inventory Await

instructionsUpdate Execute Report

Clean up

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IoT Security StrategiesSecuring IoT, one device at a time

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IoT Security Features• Secure booting• Verify software/firmware integrity with digital signatures at

startup• Start up security processes before networking processes

• Access control• Least privilege

• Authentication• Require authentication to network before communicating• Secure storage of credentials

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IoT Secure Development• Security needs to be “by design” when developing IoT


• Account not only for normal people who put convenience first but also for attackers

• Assume the system will fail and build in countermeasures

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IoT Implementation Security• Segmentation

• Firewall and IPS

• Vulnerability scanning

• Patch management

• Turn it off if you don’t need it

• Know where the data is stored such as in the cloud and how it is secured.

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Cleveland, Ohio 44115
