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2017 sept final

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Catalyst THE MAGAZINE OF HAYES FREE CHURCH (U.R.C.) September 2017
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September 2017

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111, Pickhurst Lane, Hayes, Kent BR2 7HU

Sunday Services. 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.

We are a member of the United Reformed Church. We believe in Justice and Peace.

Principal Contacts

Interim Moderator: Mrs Hilary Miles

Church Secretary: Mrs Mavis Righini Tel: 020 8462 1168

Treasurer: Mr. Simon Narracott Tel: 020 8462 2004

Lettings Secretary: Mrs Undine Connolly Tel: 020 8776 0108

Church Website www.hayesfreechurch.com

Church Magazine Catalyst

Editor: Miss Christine Rees catalysthfc


Contents :

Church Secretary’s Letter 1 Women in the Church 11

Sunday Services 2 A school in Africa 12

Church Notices/Age UK 3,4,6 Christmas Trees advance notice 13

Christening invitation 5 Food Bank needs 14

Cash for Nash 7 Monkey Music 14

In need of prayer 8 Stop Press 14

Bible Quiz Answers 9 Calendar 15-16

Quiz Evening 10 HFC Organisations inside back cover

Final Thought - back cover


Copy for the October 2017 edition is needed by Sunday 10th September – apologies for the early deadline, but the editor is very grateful if you would nonetheless submit items in good time.

You can leave copy in the "R" Pigeon Hole for Christine to collect; hand it directly to her, or e-mail it to [email protected] Thank you.

Editor’s note: throughout this magazine, the following abbreviations are standardly used:

URC (United Reformed Church); HFC (Hayes Free Church);

CTiH (Churches Together in Hayes).

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Letter from the Church Secretary

Dear All,

I hope you all feel refreshed and ready for the remaining part of 2017? It is strange how we still seem to cling to school terms and holidays even when we have long left school.

So what lies ahead? We really don't know, but God will be with us every step of the way. How very reassuring.

I'm sure like me you look at the news and feel so helpless. How we long for all the misery around the world to just be miraculously put right. Yes, it would be a huge miracle.

We had a small miracle happen the other Sunday when after a moving service led by Tony Miller we had a retiring collection and over £400 was spontaneously given for the Whitechapel Mission.

So let's be positive, we are not alone in wanting to improve things for all the strugglers in the world. Today has been given to us, as was yesterday and every day yet to come, a gift from God. Let us use each day and be able to look back as we go to bed and say 'Yes, I did do something good to help another'. If you are housebound or utterly dependent on others, you still can do your bit. Even those struggling to make ends meet can help. The POWER of PRAYER is available for all of us to use. A quick and easy link to God through His Son Jesus. We don't have to use long words and complicated language; God made us and understands all about us. The joy is, He is waiting for us to get in touch - and don't forget to listen for that personal message to us from God.

What an amazing Saviour we have, let’s be brave and spread the good news.

With Christian love to you all,


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Sunday Services

September 2017

3rd 10.30 am - Morning Service – Duncan Wilson

6.30 pm - Holy Communion – Judy Davies

10th 10.30 am - Morning Service – John Cox

6.30 pm – Evening Service – TBA

17th 10.30 am - Morning Service – Major Cliff Kent

6.30 pm – Evening Service – TBA

24th 10.30am – Morning Service – Alan Kienlen with Christening

6.30 pm - Evening Service – Rev. Darren Street

October 2017

1st 10.30 am - Morning Service – Hayes Free Church Elders

6.30pm – Morning Service – TBA

Evening services will take place in the Elders’ Vestry, which is accessed from the side door in Hilldown Road.

Notes on Preachers

Duncan Wilson is a member of our congregation, and seeking to become a Lay Preacher.

Judy Davies is a Synod Recognized Lay Preacher from Bromley URC, where she is also Church Secretary.

John Cox is a Reader at St Mary’s Church, College Road, Bromley (Diocese of Rochester).

Major Cliff Kent is a retired Salvation Army Officer who worships at The Salvation Army Regent Hall, the only church in Oxford Street.

Alan Kienlen is a Synod Recognized Lay Preacher from Emmanuel URC, where he is also a Serving Elder.

Rev. Darren Street is Pastor of Hayesford Park Baptist Church

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Church Meetings

By a decision of the Church meeting of July 23rd, regular meetings will now normally take place at two monthly intervals instead of one (on the fourth Sunday of January, March, May, July, September and November). In future, therefore, Catalyst will list only one upcoming meeting instead of two. So the next Church meeting will be at 12.00 noon in the Church on Sunday 24th September, after the morning service.

The Elders’ meetings will be unaffected and will continue monthly, as before. Their next two meetings will be at 7.00 pm in the small hall on Tuesdays 5th September and 3rd October.

News of the Church Family

Eric Hitch has now moved to Sevenoaks where he will be near his son.

The Tuesday Friendship Group:

Tuesdays from 12th September

This is the new name for the Women’s Fellowship, which is no longer restricted to ladies but has now developed into a group to which all are welcome. There are many familiar features, however, and as before meetings will be held in the small hall at 2.00pm on Tuesdays, finishing at about 3.30pm. Any occasional changes to these timings will be notified as they arise. In September the programme is:

12th Catch-up after the holidays 19th Gentle Exercises with Pat Marshall 26th Demonstration by Cooks (the Frozen Food Group) and a brief look ahead to October: 3rd Oct Bring a favourite poem

Members who use the Mini-Ambulance service are asked to phone Sylvia Mack on 8462 1938 by 9.00 am on any Tuesday that they are unable to come to a meeting.

Please come along for a pleasant afternoon. We have a very varied programme with plenty to interest everyone. Sylvia Mack

Saturday Fellowship

We usually meet on the first Saturday of each month. This month we will meet on Saturday 2nd September at 2.30pm in Barbara’s house. The leader is Martin Nunn and you are welcome to join us.

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Men's Group: 21st September

The September meeting will be a walk led by Bill Bowman, followed by a meal. The area we are going to explore is “Secret St James’s.” Please meet in The Plumber’s Arms, 14 Lower Belgrave Street, London SW1W 0LN (five minutes from Victoria station) at 6.30pm on Thursday 21st September. Please let Bill know by 14th September if you intend to come on the walk so he can book the meal. Bill’s mobile is 07905 499815 or email him on [email protected]

Women's Contact Group: 4th September

We will be meeting for our monthly meal at the Warren Sports Ground, Hayes, at 12.30 pm on Monday 4th September. The Warren is accessed by car from Croydon Road (address: Croydon Road, Hayes, BR2 7AL) or on foot from the junction of Warren Road and Holland Way. All ladies are welcome. Sylvia Mack

Hayes Mothers' & Toddlers' Club: Fridays from 8th September

We welcome all babies and children under school age, accompanied by their parents, grandparents or carers, to our club on Friday afternoons between 2 and 4pm in term time. The fee is £1 per family - tea, squash and biscuits are provided. This is a time when adults can meet up, while the children in their care are busy playing with toys and activities in the company of other children. Wendy Smith

Messy Church: 27th September 2017 - Animal Special

This meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month in the church from 3.30 - 4.30 pm, and children from 2 to 12 years are welcome. Our September meeting on 27th will be an Animal Special!

Book Club: 6th September

We meet on the first Wednesday of every month at 2.00pm in the Small Hall. This month’s meeting will be on Wednesday 6th September.

Singles’ Lunches

The Singles Lunches take place approximately once a month. Unless otherwise notified, all the lunches will be held at the Warren, starting at 12.30pm (for details of the location see the Women’s Contact Group notice above). The next two lunches will take place on 1st October and 29th October (both are Sundays). Anyone living alone is welcome to come along (more information from Joan Smith).

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An invitation to all at Hayes Free Church:

Claire and Chris Turner

Invite you to celebrate the christening of

Oliver Michael Turner Sunday 24 September


Hayes Free Church

111 Pickhurst Lane


Garden party reception to follow from 12.30pm at

25 Cromwell Avenue, Bromley, BR2 9AG

Rather than gifts, donations in aid of Ronald

McDonald House, Camberwell, are gratefully received.

We are indebted to them for their generosity and

support during Olly’s difficult first weeks.

www.justgiving.com/fundraising/claire-turner85 or

retiring collection following the service.

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The Fairtrade Stall

The Fairtrade stall is held monthly on the 2nd and 4th Sunday just after the morning service. The stall is near the refreshments trolley. Do pop by to see what we have for sale. The items range from snacks and breakfast foods through to greetings cards. We will be open on 10th and 24th September and we look forward to seeing you. Richard and Barbara

Notice Sheets

If you have an item for inclusion on the Notice Sheet on a particular Sunday in July, please contact the relevant person below, by the date shown.

By Tuesday 29th August for Sunday 3rd Sept: Brenda Cordingley 8462 3867

By Tuesday 5th Sept for Sunday 10th Sept: Brenda Cordingley 8462 3867

By Tuesday 12th Sept for Sunday 17th Sept: Joan Smith 8462 3920

By Tuesday 19th Sept for Sunday 24th Sept: Joan Smith 8462 3920

By Tuesday 26th Sept for Sunday 1st Oct: Pamela Collison 8658 0748

Ministry of Flowers

Thank you to Mavis and her helpers for their weekly choice and arrangement of flowers in the church. Thanks go also to those who provide for these displays week by week. For this month, they are:

3rd – Win Browne 10th – Joan Bolam

17th – Joan Smith 24th – Joan and Bob Cook

After the service on Sunday morning, the flowers are distributed in order to celebrate, or thank, or support, and in all cases to bring further enjoyment.

Help at Home Service

A new service has just been launched by Bromley & Greenwich Age UK, described as a “dedicated customer focused domestic, shopping and companionship service” for Bromley. They list a huge number of different tasks, not just shopping, dusting, vacuuming etc, but also several more specific tasks like collecting prescriptions, putting out the rubbish, caring for house plants and pets. They also offer someone to provide company on trips out, make the arrangements for visits, and share in activities like reading and watching films. The first step is a free consultation to establish what the individual user needs. The cost of the service is not stated in the leaflet they have supplied but more information can be obtained from them by:

phone (020 8315 1853); email ([email protected])

or their website (www.ageukbromleyandgreenwich.org.uk).

Their office is in Community House, South Street, Bromley BR1 1RH.

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Specialist Educational College for young adults with disability.

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Situations needing our prayers: Over this summer we have welcomed visitors from two charities with which the church has long been associated, both of which particularly need our prayers at the moment.

The Leprosy Mission

In June Sally Carter-Esdale gave us an insight into the difficult tasks that the Mission is undertaking. Although tremendous strides have now been made in the treatment of leprosy, especially if it is caught early, that is by no means the end of the story. All sorts of obstacles prevent people from seeking help at the right time, particularly if they are remote from the nearest hospital. Sally vividly described the dedicated work of a husband and wife medical team as they try to cope with enormous numbers of patients at Purulia Hospital in India, and told us of the current drive to raise money for much-needed improvements, with a new building.


The Whitechapel Mission

Tony Miller took our morning service on a Sunday in July. He explained how policy decisions affecting other aspects of society can directly lead to an increase in homelessness. In particular he painted a bleak picture of the situation facing young adults leaving care, and the abruptness and completeness with which their support is withdrawn, leaving them literally on the streets. A high proportion of homeless people spent at least part of their childhood in care. Here too the numbers needing help are overwhelming, and Whitechapel has seen many more coming through the doors, especially women. Tony said that whilst, during his many years working for the charity, it had always been running to stand still, now it was running just as hard, but beginning to lose ground.


(The same theme is covered in a 40-minute TV programme: Kicked Out: from Care to Chaos, which is available on BBC i-player until 3rd October – see: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p04xwl4l/kicked-out-from-care-to-chaos)

On both occasions everyone was clearly moved by what we heard, and people contributed generously to retiring collections (besides bringing clothes and other items for Whitechapel).

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Bible Quiz: the Four Gospels In the last issue I invited you to look through the various incidents, people or sayings listed below and see if you could assign them to the correct Gospel writer (each one, though well known, appears in only one Gospel). Here they are again with the answers alongside.

- The Magnificat - LUKE

- Simeon and Anna in the Temple - LUKE

- The temporary disappearance of the 12-year-old Jesus - LUKE

- “Blessed are the merciful” (the Beatitudes appear in two Gospels, but this blessing appears only once) - MATTHEW

- The division into sheep and goats - MATTHEW

- Nicodemus - JOHN

- The names of the sons of Simon of Cyrene (who is mentioned in three of the four Gospels as carrying the cross) - MARK

- Jesus’ last words: It is finished - JOHN

- One young man, dressed in white, in the tomb on Easter morning (the other Gospels refer to one angel, two men, and two angels) - MARK

- The walk to Emmaus (in detail – it is fleetingly mentioned in another Gospel also) - LUKE

- The fish breakfast on the shore, after the Resurrection - JOHN

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Women in the Church This is a special theme for September 2017, chosen by the URC for a special reason: on 17th September it will be 100 years since the first ordination of a woman into a mainstream religious tradition in Britain. Her name was Constance Coltman and the denomination was the Congregational Union of England and Wales (now, of course, part of the URC). Constance (1889-1969) was originally a Presbyterian, but encountered a reluctance to accept her calling. She therefore studied at a Congregational college (Mansfield College Oxford) for London University’s Bachelor of Divinity (Oxford University itself did not accept women as full members at that time). Constance persevered, managing to achieve a call to the Ministry which was one of the requirements she had to meet, and, as Constance Todd, she was ordained alongside Claud Coltman, whom she married the next day. Serving together, they completed many years of ministry. Also in 1917, a woman was appointed as assistant preacher at City Temple – another first, again within the Congregational tradition. This was Maude Royden (1876-1956), who was in fact an Anglican. Both Constance and Maude, who were friends, were active in the movement for women’s suffrage; they were also pacifists, as was Claud, though Maude renounced this in 1939. Their experiences sit within a wider revolution in the position of women which had begun several years earlier, and still continues (the first woman to qualify as doctor, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, did so in 1865, but the first women solicitors and barristers only emerged in 1922, while the Church of England did not see a woman bishop until 2015). The most famous objective, votes for women, was partially granted in 1918, just a year after Constance’s ordination, and full voting parity with men was achieved in 1928. That was the public picture, but the individual bravery and persistence of both these women is a more personal source of inspiration. The URC website links Constance’s story with those of modern “Daughters of Dissent” in her willingness to challenge the status quo, and strive for something better. The URC is holding a lecture on Saturday 16th September, and on 17th, the actual anniversary, there will be a special service and also a film about Constance’s life. These events are public, but you have to book. If you are interested, please see: http://www.urc.org.uk/latest-news/2366-constance-coltman-centenary-celebrations.html http://www.urc.org.uk/latest-news/1697-constance-coltman-film-first-public-screening.html or see me if you don’t have access to a computer.

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Andrew Rees grew up in HFC and is still a regular visitor to Hayes. Some will remember him, and some may meet him for the first time now. He has recently been volunteering in Africa and has sent us this report: ETIGS School, Kasoa, Ghana In April 2015, independently of a charity, I started an association as a volunteer with a small private school in Kasoa, Ghana, about an hour’s drive west of the capital, Accra. The school has a Christian foundation and is called the End Time Grace School (ETIGS). I was quickly made welcome and asked to teach English and ICT (Information Communication Technology aka Computing) to an age range from 7 to 13, covering Primary and Junior High School. In Ghana children attend the same school from ages 3 to 14 through Nursery, Kindergarten, Lower and Upper Primary and Junior High School. They then sit a national exam (BECE) before relocating to Senior High School. I had no previous experience as a teacher, so had to get used to the world of lesson preparation, delivering, marking, setting tests and so on. Who said that a change is as good as a rest! But it’s very rewarding, and the children are very keen to be taught. In how many schools in England would you find pupils seeking out a teacher to remind him/her that they should be taking their class in a few minutes? There have been some funny and rewarding moments, for example rehearsing a school play I wrote that was a variation of ‘Toad of Toad Hall’. However, teaching hasn’t been the only challenge. The school is on a rented site, and has to leave it by April 2018. So, needing to relocate, we spent time last year looking at three different sites, before purchasing some land that had a large unfinished house on it. It will serve both as the school and accommodation for the headmaster and his family. We are now converting it into a school. The first phase of the work was recently completed. It involved laying the foundation and building the walls of the school hall, constructing a front wall and completing work on two classrooms. The next phase, from September, will involve a new roof, plastering, a toilet block, and extending electricity to the classrooms. This photo shows the hall. We are in the process of establishing a charity for the work, but it takes time and we have to move quickly to get the work completed in the next nine months.

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Here is an advance notice of the programme everyone has been waiting for!

HAYES FREE CHURCH CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL 2nd – 10th December 2017 will be in aid of BROMLEY Y

Bromley Y is a long established local charity offering free therapeutic support to young people between the ages of 0 – 18 years, and to their families .

The church will be open for services at 10.30am and 6.30pm on both Sundays. During the festival it will also be open daily to view the trees as shown below.

Please note the church will not be open on the afternoon of Saturday 2nd December prior to the Opening Concert (doors open at 7.00pm).

Saturday 2nd December 7.30pm – OPENING CONCERT: Croydon Guitar Club Entertains Sunday 3rd December 6.30pm – Evening Service with Pickhurst Junior Academy Tree viewing 1.00 – 2.45pm Monday 4th December 7.30pm - Bishop Justus School Concert Tree viewing from 2.30pm to start of concert Tues 5th December NO EVENING EVENT Tree viewing 2.30 – 4.30pm Wednesday 6th December 7.30pm – Concert: The Wandle Ringers Tree viewing from 2.30pm to start of concert Thurs 7th December 7.30pm – Chamber Concert: Bromley Youth Music Trust (featuring string quartets and Cello Massif) Tree viewing from 2.30pm to start of concert Fri 8th December 7.00 for 7.20pm - Film Night Tree viewing from 2.30pm to start of film evening Sat 9th December 7.45pm – Concert: Beckenham Concert Band Tree viewing from 2.30pm to start of concert Sun 10th December 6.30pm – Evening Service: Churches Together in Hayes with musicians from Hayes School Tree viewing 1.00 – 2.45pm

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Monkey Music comes to HFC: a new weekday event for young children

Established in the Bromley area for over 15 years, local children’s music group, MONKEY MUSIC, are delighted to be opening new classes at Hayes Free Church from September 2017. Classes will be held in the Small Hall on Monday and Thursday mornings, with experienced Monkey Music teacher, Lyndsey. Suitable from 3 months to 4 years, Monkey Music offer fun and educational age-specific music classes with a progressive curriculum. Maximum 15 children per class.

Please see the website www.monkeymusic.co.uk for more details, or call 020 8777 6700. Email: [email protected]. With a FREE class the first time you come along, please get in touch to book. Term starts: Monday 11 September.

* * * * * *

Bromley Food Bank: urgent request!!

At time of going to press there has just been an urgent request for the following items: Custard, tinned cold meat (eg ham, spam etc), tinned fruit, biscuits.

The following are also needed, slightly less urgently: Jars of pasta sauce; tinned vegetables; tinned “hot” meat (ie can form the basis of a hot meal); rice pudding; tinned tomatoes; squash; UHT milk.

Although a little time will have elapsed before you read this, these items will almost certainly still be required. And there is also more information at:


Dates to remember in September:

Monday 4th – Most Bromley Schools start the Autumn term

Sunday 17th – Anniversary of the Ordination of Constance Coltman (see p11)

!!!Stop press!!! Joan Smith: Joan has moved locally but her phone number is unchanged.

Recycling: Rymans in Bromley will take back used ink cartridges.

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Calendar for September 2017

Fri 1

Sat 2 2.30pm Saturday Fellowship (p3)

Sun 3 10.30am


Morning Service: Duncan Wilson (p2)

Holy Communion: Judy Davies (p2)

Mon 4 12.30pm Women’s Contact Group: Lunch (p4)

Tue 5 7.00pm Elders’ Meeting (p3)

Wed 6 2.00pm Book Club (p4)

Thur 7

Fri 8 2.00pm Mothers and Toddlers (p4)

Sat 9

Sun 10 10.30am


Morning Service: John Cox (p2)

Followed by the Fair Trade Stall (p6)

Evening Service: Preacher TBA (p2)

Mon 11

Tue 12 2.00pm Friendship Group: Catch up after the holidays (p3)

Wed 13

Thur 14

Fri 15 2.00pm Mothers and Toddlers (p4)

Sat 16

Sun 17 10.30am


Morning Service: Major Cliff Kent (p2)

Evening Service: Preacher TBA (p2)

Mon 18

Tue 19 2.00pm Friendship Group: Gentle exercises – Pat Marshall (p3)

Wed 20

Thur 21 6.30pm Men’s Group: London walk and meal (p4)

Fri 22 2.00pm Mothers and Toddlers (p4)

Sat 23

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Sun 24 10.30am




Morning Service with Christening: Alan Kienlen (p2)

Followed by the Fair Trade Stall (p6)

Church Meeting (p3)

Garden party reception for the Christening (p5)

Evening Service: Rev Darren Street (p2)

Mon 25

Tue 26 2.00pm Friendship Group: Cooks (the Frozen Food group) (p3)

Wed 27 3.30pm Messy Church: Animal Special (p4)

Thur 28

Fri 29 2.00pm


Mothers and Toddlers (p4)

“Cash for Nash” Rock Choirs at the Warren (p7)

Sat 30

And looking ahead to October 2017:

Sun 1 10.30am



Morning Service: the Elders (p2)

Singles’ Lunch (p4)

Evening Service: Preacher TBA

Tues 3 2.00pm


Friendship Group: Bring a Favourite Poem (p3)

Elders’ Meeting (p3)

Sat 7 7.30pm CTiH Quiz Night for St Christopher’s (p10)

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CHURCH ORGANISATIONS – please advise the Editor of updates as they arise

Day Organisation Contact Phone Sunday


5.45pm Brownies Sarah Humphrey 020 3539 8113

6.30pm Cubs Brenda Petts 020 8325 3956

12.30pm - 1st Mon only

Women's Contact Group Sylvia Mack 020 8462 1938


2.00pm Tuesday Friendship Group

Wendy Smith 020 8462 1779

7.15pm Scouts - 1st troop Paul Hasling 020 3236 0083


2.00pm - 1st Weds only

HFC Book Club Wendy Smith 020 8462 1779

3.30pm - 4th Weds only

Messy Church Mavis Righini 020 8462 1168

5.30pm Rainbows Jenny Longman 07730 574962

6.00pm Beavers Brenda Petts 020 8325 3956

6.30pm Guides – 4th Hayes Teresa Cheyne 020 8777 6042

8.00pm Explorers Tom Strachan 07745 813 295


5.30pm Brownies Stevie Blair. 020 8325 3469

7.15 - 8.45pm Rangers Please use this email contact:

Hayesdistrict@ yahoo.com

7.15pm Scouts - 2nd troop Paul Hasling 020 3236 0083

8.00pm - 3rd Thurs only

Men's Group Bruce Tannock 020 8325 6264


2.00pm Mothers & Toddlers Wendy Smith 020 8462 1779

6.30pm Guides – 3rd Hayes Teresa Cheyne 020 8777 6042


2.30pm - 1st Sat only

Saturday Fellowship Martin Nunn 020 8462 5918

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Final Thought:

By day, by night, at home, abroad,

Still are we guarded by our God;

By his incessant bounty fed,

By his unerring counsel led.

With grateful hearts the past we own;

The future, all to us unknown,

We to thy guardian care commit,

And peaceful leave before thy feet.

In scenes exalted or depressed

Thou art our joy, and thou our rest;

Thy goodness all our hopes shall raise,

Adored through all our changing days.

Philip Doddridge
