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THIASOS · 2018-09-12 · Hägg R., Marinatos N. (a cura di), Sanctuaries and cults in the Aegean...

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2012, n. 1 Bibliografie THIASOS rivista di archeologia e architettura antica
  • 2012, n. 1


    THIASOSrivista di archeologia e architettura antica

  • «THIASOS» Rivista di archeologia e architettura anticaDirettori: Enzo Lippolis, Giorgio Rocco

    Redazione: Luigi Maria Caliò, Monica LivadiottiRedazione sito web: Antonello Fino, Chiara Giatti, Valeria Parisi

    Anno di fondazione: 2011

    Rita Sassu, Santuari in Grecia

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    Thiasos, 1, 2012, Bibliografie, pp. 25-38

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  • Santuari in Grecia, R. Sassu, Thiasos, 1, 2012, Bibliografie, pp. 25-38 25

    Santuari in Grecia

    a cura di Rita Sassu

    Opere generali

    Tra le più recenti opere a carattere generale sui santuari greci meritano particolare attenzione: Pedley J., San-ctuaries and the Sacred in the Ancient Greek world, Cambridge 2005; Alcock S.E., Osborne R. (a cura di), Placing the gods: sanctuaries and sacred space in ancient Greece, Oxford 1996; Marinatos N., Hagg R. (a cura di), Greek Sanctuaries: New Approaches, London 1993; Reverdin O., Groupe B. (a cura di), Le Sanctuaire grec. Entretiens sur l’Antiquité Classique, Genève 1992. Nel 1984 F. de Polignac ha discusso l’origine dei santuari greci e la loro possibile continuità con l’età del Bronzo, in De Polignac F., La naissance de la cité grecque. Cultes, espace et société, VIII-VII siècles avant J.C., Paris 1984, evidenziando la centralità dell’edificazione di uno spazio sacro nella costruzione della polis. Ulteriori pubblicazioni sul temenos sono: Aa.Vv., Temples et sanctuaries. Séminaire de recherche 1981-1983, Lion 1984, con articoli su materiale sia greco che orientale; Scully V., The Earth, the Temple and the Gods, New Haven-London 1979, incentrato sulla relazione fra il temenos e lo spazio circostante; Tomlinson R.A., Greek Sanctuaries, London 1976, che presenta una disamina generale dei principali santuari greci ed una trattazione più specifica su alcuni di essi; Jantzen U. (a cura di), Neue Forschungen in griechischen Heiligtumern, Tubingen 1976; Lavos G.P., Altgrie-chisches Témenos: Baukorper und Raumbildung, Basel 1974; Melas E. (a cura di), Temples and Sanctuaries of Ancient Greece, London 1973; Sokolowski F., Lois sacrées des cités greques, Paris 1969 (sulle leggi sacre); Berquist B., The Archaic Greek Témenos, Lund 1967, che indaga l’organizzazione spaziale e strutturale dei santuari greci arcaici.

    Esaurienti repertori bibliografici sui santuari sono reperibili in Lippolis, Livadiotti, Rocco, Milano 2007 (d’ora in poi abbr. Lippolis, Livadiotti, Rocco 2007). Si v. inoltre: Hellmann M.-Ch., L’architecture grecque, II. L’architecture religieuse et funéraire, Paris 2006; Bozzoni C., Franchetti Pardo V., Ortolani G., Viscogliosi A., L’architettura del mondo antico, Roma-Bari 2006; Charbonneaux J., Martin R., Villard F., Grèce archaïque (620-480 avant J.-C.), Paris 1968, trad. it. Grecia. L’età arcaica, Milano 2005; Charbonneaux J., Martin R., Vil-lard F., Grèce classique, Paris 1969, trad. it. Grecia. L’età classica, Milano 2005; Charbonneaux J., Martin R., Villard F., Grèce hellénistique, Paris 1970, trad. it. Grecia. L’età ellenistica, Milano 2005; Lawrence A.W., Greek Architecture, New Haven-London 19965, con aggiornamenti di R.A. Tomlinson; Maggi S., Troso C., I tesori della Grecia, Vercelli 2004; Gruben G., Die inselionische Ordnung, in Des Courtils J., Moretti J.-Ch. (a cura di), Les grands ateliers d’architecture dans le monde égéen du VIe siècle av. J.C., Actes du colloque d’Istanbul, 23-25 mai 1991, Pa-ris 1993, pp. 97-109; Travlos J., Bildlexikon zur Topographie des antiken Athen, Tübingen 1988; Martin R., Storia universale dell’arte. La Grecia e il mondo greco, dall’età classica all’ellenismo, Torino 1984; Leekley D., Efstratiou N., Archaeological Excavations in Central and Northern Greece, Park Ridge 1980; Leekley D., Noyes R., Archaeolo-gical excavations in Southern Greece, Park Ridge 1976; Leekley D., Noyes R.., Archaeological excavations in the Greek islands, Park Ridge 1975; Dinsmoor W.B., The Architecture of Ancient Greece, London-New York 19753; Doxiadis C.A., Architectural Space in Ancient Greece, Cambridge 1972; Scranton R.L., Greek Architecture, New York 1960. Per un quadro storico si v. Musti D., Introduzione alla storia greca, Roma-Bari 2004.

    Tra gli studi più aggiornati dedicati a culti specifici, in particolare quello di Asclepio e quello eleusino di Deme-tra e Kore, si segnalano, rispettivamente: Melfi M., I santuari di Asclepio in Grecia, Roma 2007; Lippolis E., Mysteria. Archeologia e culto del santuario di Demetra a Eleusi, Milano 2006. Si tengano presenti anche: Cosmopoulos M., Greek Mysteries: The Archaeology and Ritual of Ancient Greek Secret Cults, London 2003; Scarpi P., Eleusi, dionisismo, orfismo, Roma 2002.

    Valavanis P., Games and Sanctuaries in Ancient Greece, trad. ing. di D. Hardy, Athina 2004, si focalizza sui santuari panellenici e sui giochi olimpici.

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    Sull’“archeologia del culto” si v. Renfrew C., Bahn P., Archeologia. Teoria, Metodi e Pratica, Bologna 1995, partic. pp. 347-377; Renfrew C., The Archaeology of cult: The Sanctuary of Phylakopi, in BSA Suppl. 18, 1985; Ren-frew C., Wagstaff M., An Island Polity: The Archaeology of Exploitation in Melos, Cambridge-New York 1982.

    Fasi più antiche della pratica religiosa greca

    Oltre al già segnalato lavoro di Polignac, diverse opere s’incentrano sulle più antiche fasi della pratica rituale nel mondo ellenico, tra cui numerosi Atti dei Simposi organizzati dall’Istituto Svedese. Il primo dei convegni [Hägg R., Marinatos N. (a cura di), Sanctuaries and cults in the Aegean Bronze Age, Proceedings of the first Internatio-nal symposium at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 12-13 May 1980, Stockholm-Lund 1981] si focalizza sulle forme cultuali e gli spazi sacri relativi all’età del Bronzo; il sesto affronta in particolare la tematica dei rituali connessi alle divinità e ai morti in tale periodo storico nell’Argolide [Hägg R., Nordquist G.C. (a cura di), Celebrations of death and divinity in the Bronze Age Argolid, Proceedings of the sixth International symposium at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 11-13 June 1988, Stockholm-Lund 1990]; il secondo [Hägg R. (a cura di), The Greek Renaissance of the eighth century B.C.: tradition and innovation, Proceedings of the second International symposium at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 1-5 June 1981, Stockholm-Lund 1983] s’incentra sulla grande rifioritura ellenica dell’VIII a.C., dopo i ‘Secoli Bui’, non mancando di evidenziare l’importanza della religione in tale ripresa; della pratica rituale durante il medesimo secolo ed il successivo tratta anche il quinto simposio [Hägg R., Marinatos N., Nordquist G.C. (a cura di), Early Greek cult practice, Proceedings of the fifth International symposium at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 26-29 June 1986, Stockholm-Göteborg 1988]. Il terzo Hägg R., Marinatos N. (a cura di), The Minoan thalassocracy: myth and reality, Proceedings of the third International symposium at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 31 May-5 June 1982, Stockholm-Lund 1984], il quarto [Hägg R., Marinatos N. (a cura di), The Function of the Minoan palaces, Proce-edings of the fourth International symposium at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 10-16 June 1984, Stockholm-Lund 1987] ed il quinto [Hägg R. (a cura di), The function of the ‘Minoan villa’, Proceedings of the eighth International symposium at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 6-8 June 1992, Stockholm-Jonsered 1997] vertono sul mondo minoico, anche in questo caso non trascurando il fenomeno religioso.

    Per ulteriori approfondimenti riguardo al periodo iniziale della religione greca si consultino: Coldstre-am J.N., The early Greek Period, in Το Ηράκλειο και η περιοχὴ του Διαδρομὴ στο χρὸνο, Herakleion 2004, pp. 59-75; Coldstream J.N., Geometric Greece (900-700 B.C.), London 2003; Hägg R., Sanctuaries and workshops in the Bronze Age Aegean, in Linders T., Alroth B. (a cura di), Economics of cult in the ancient Greek world. Proceedings of the Uppsala Symposium 1990, in Boreas 21, 1992; Antonaccio C.M., Placing the Past: the Bronze Age in the Cultic Topography of Early Greece, in Alcock S.E., Osborne R. (a cura di), Placing the gods: sanctuaries and sacred space in ancient Greece, Oxford 1996, pp. 79-104; Mazarakis Ainian A.J., From rulers’ dwellings to temples. Architecture, religion and society in iron age Greece (1100-700 B.C.), in SIMA 121, 1997; Morgan C., From palace to polis? Reli-gious developments on the Greek mainland during the Bronze Age/Iron Age transition, in Hellström P., Alroth B. (a cura di), Religion and power in the ancient Greek world, Proceedings of the Uppsala Symposium 1993, in Boreas 24, 1996, pp. 41-58; Sourvinou-Inwood C., Early sanctuaries, the eight century and ritual space. Fragments of discourse, in Marinatos N., Hägg R. (a cura di), Greek Sanctuaries: New Approaches, London 1993, pp. 1-16; Kopcke G., Tokumaru I. (a cura di), Greece between East and West 10th-8th centuries B.C., Mainz 1990, (partic. Strøm I., Evi-dence from the sanctuaries, pp. 46-60); Fagerström K., Greek Iron Age Architecture, in SIMA 81, 1988; Morris I., Burial and Ancient Society: The Rise of the Greek City-State, Cambridge 1987; Dietrich B.C., Die Kontinuität der Re-ligion im ‘dunklen Zeitalter’ Griechenlands, in Buchholz H.-G. (a cura di), Ägäische Bronzezeit, Darmstadt 1987, pp. 478-498; De Polignac F., Offrandes, mémoire et competition ritualisée dans les sanctuaries grecs à l’époque géometrique, in ibid., pp. 59-66; Mazarakis Ainian A.J., Contribution à l’étude de l’architecture religeuse grecque des Ages Obscu-res, in AntCl 52, 1985, pp. 5-48; Mallwitz A., Kritisches zur Architektur Griechenlands im 8. Und 7. Jahrhundert, in AA, 1981, pp. 599-642; Snodgrass A.M., Archaic Greece, The Age of Experiment, London 1980; Kalpaxis A.E., Früharchaische Baukunst in Griechenland und Kleinasien, Athens 1976; Giuliano A., Arte orientalizzante, Genova 1975; Snodgrass A.M., The Dark Age of Greece, Edinburgh 1971; Drerup H., Griechische Baukunst in geometrischer Zeit, in ArchHom 2, O, 1969.

    Aspetti economici del santuario greco

    Indagano gli aspetti economici del santuario greco le seguenti pubblicazioni: Shaya J., The Greek Temple as Museum: The Case of the Legendary Treasure of Athena from Lindos, in AJA 109, 2005, pp. 423-442; Shaya J., The

  • Santuari in Grecia, R. Sassu, Thiasos, 1, 2012, Bibliografie, pp. 25-38 27

    Lindos Stele and the Lost Treasures of Athena: Catalogs, Collections and Local History, Ph.D. diss. Michigan Univ. 2002; Davies J.K., Temples, Credit, and the Circulation of Money, in Meadows A., Shipton K. (a cura di), Money and its Uses in the Ancient Greek World, Oxford 2001, pp. 117-128; Hamilton R., Treasure Map: a Guide to the Delian Inventories, Ann Arbor 2000; Dignas B., ‘Inventories’ or ‘Offering Lists’?: Assessing the Wealth of Apollo Didymaeus, in ZPE 138, 1998, pp. 235-244; Harris D., The Treasures of the Parthenon and the Erechteion, Oxford 1995; Linders T., Alroth B. (a cura di), Economics of cult in the ancient Greek world, Proceedings of the Uppsala Symposium 1990, in Boreas 21, 1992, [con partic. riferimento ai seguenti articoli: Linders T., Sacred Finances: Some Observations, pp. 9-14; Isager S., Sacred animals in Classical and Hellenistic Greece, pp. 15-20; Tréheux J., L’unité de pesée et l’unité de compte des hiéropes à Delos, pp. 21-24; Ampolo C., The economics of cult of the sanctuaries in southern Italy and Sicily, pp. 25-28; Strøm I., Obeloi of pre- and proto- monetary value in the Greek sanctuaires, pp. 41-52; Beer C., Ethnic di-versity and financial differentiation in Cypriote sanctuaries, pp. 73-83; Aleshire S.B., The economics of dedication at the Athenian Asklepieion, pp. 85-97]; Linders T., The Delian Temple Accounts. Some Observations, in OpAth 19, 1992, pp. 69-73; Linders T., Gods, gifts and society, in Linders T., Nordquist G. (a cura di), Gifts to the Gods, Proceedings of the Uppsala Symposium 1985, in Boreas 15, 1987, pp. 115-122; Jameson M.H., The Leasing of Land in Rhamnous, in Studies in Attic Epigraphy, History and Topography Presented to Engene Vanderpool, in Hesperia Suppl. 19, 1982, pp. 66-74; Pekáry T., Die Wirthschaft der griechiscg-römischen Antike, Wiesbaden 1979 (trad. it., a cura di L. Gallo, Storia economica del mondo antico, Bologna 1986); Linders T., The Treasurers of the Other Gods in Athens and Their Fun-ctions, Meisenheim am Glan 1975; Linders T., Studies in the Treasure Records of Artemis Brauronia Found in Athens, Stockholm 1972; Bogaert R., Banques et banquiers dans les cites grecques, Leiden 1968; Bogaert R., Les origins antiques de la banque de dépôt, Leiden 1966; Sinn U., The influence of Greek sanctuaries on the consolidation of economic power, in Hellström P., Alroth B. (a cura di), Religion and power in the ancient Greek world, Proceedings of the Uppsala Symposium 1993, in Boreas 24, 1996, pp. 67-74; Powell J., The cost of the Propylaea, in Classical Review 46, 1932, pp. 250 ss.


    Tra le più rilevanti pubblicazioni concernenti l’edificio templare figurano: Spawforth A., The complete Greek temples, London 2006 (Templi dell’antica Grecia, trad. it., Roma 2007); Shaya J., The Greek Temple as Museum: The Case of the Legendary Treasure of Athena from Lindos, in AJA 109, 2005, pp. 423-442; Mazarakis Ainian A.J., From rulers’ dwellings to temples. Architecture, religion and society in iron age Greece (1100-700 B.C.), in SIMA 121, 1997; Gruben G., Il tempio, in Settis S. (a cura di), I Greci, I. Formazione, Torino 1996, pp. 381-429; Gruben G., Die Tempel der Griechen, München 1986; Gruben G., Griechische Tempel und Heiligtümer, München 2001; Hollin-shead M.B., Adyton, opisthodomos, and the inner room of the Greek temple, in Hesperia 68, 1999, pp. 189-218; Ma-zarakis Ainian A.J., Early Greek Temples: their Origin and Function, in Hägg R., Marinatos N., Nordquist G.C. (a cura di), Early Greek Cult Practice. Proceedings of the fifth International symposium at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 26-29 June 1986, Stockholm 1988, pp. 104-119; Roux G., Tresors, temples, tholos, in AA.VV., Temples et sanctuaires, Paris 1984, pp. 153-172; Kallemeyn Thalmann S., The adyton in the Greek temples of South Italy and Sicily, Ph. D. diss. Berkeley 1976, Ann Arbor 1980; Corbett P.E., Greek temples and Greek worshippers: the literary and archaeological evidence, in BICS 17, 1970, pp. 149-158; Gruben G., L’architettura dei templi e dei santuari greci, in Berve H., Gruben G., I templi greci, Firenze 1962, pp. 111-312; Stillwell R., The Siting of the Classical Greek Temples, in Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 13/3, 1954, pp. 293-298.

    Sulla statua di culto, si v. Bettinetti S., La statua di culto nella pratica religiosa greca, Bari 2001. Sul rituale della peplophoria: Greco G., Des étoffes pour Héra, in Héra. Images, espaces, cultes, Atti del Colloquio Internazionale di Lille, 29-30 novembre 1993, Napoli 1997, pp. 185-199; Zancani Montuoro P., L’edificio quadrato nello Heraion alla foce del Sele, in AttiMemMagnaGr 6-7, 1965-1966, pp. 23-195.


    L’opera principale sull’altare è Yavis C.G., Greek altars, St. Louis 1949. Si v. inoltre: Ohnesorg A., Ionische Altäre, Berlin 2005; Étienne R., Autels et sacrifices, in Le sanctuaire grec, Entretiens sur l’antiquité classique, Vando-euvres, 20-25 août 1990, Fondation Hardt pour l’étude de l’antiquité classique. Entretien 37, Genève 1992, pp. 291-312; Étienne R., Le Dinahet M.T. (a cura di), L’espace sacrificiel dans le civilisations méditerranéennes de l’antiquité, Actes du Colloque tenu à la Maison de l’Orient. Lyon, 4-7 juin 1988, Paris 1991; Rupp D.W., Reflections on the Deve-lopment of Altars in the Eight Century B.C., in Hägg R. (a cura di), The Greek Renaissance of the Eight Century B.C.:

  • 28 Santuari in Grecia, R. Sassu, Thiasos, 1, 2012, Bibliografie, pp. 25-38

    Tradition and Innovation, Proceedings of the second International symposium at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 1-5 June 1981, Stockholm 1983, pp. 101-107; Rupp D.W., Greek altars of the north-eastern Peloponnese 750-725 b.C. to 300-275 b.C., Ann Arbor 1977, che tratta degli altari peloponnesiaci; Sahin M.C., Die Entwicklung der griechischen Monumentalaltäre, Bonn 1972.


    L’opera generale più completa sull’hestiatorion è Goldstein M.S., The Setting of the Ritual Meal in Greek San-ctuaries 600-300 B.C., Ph.D. Diss. Berkeley Univ. 1978, rist. anast. Ann Arbor 1982 (d’ora in poi abbr. Goldstein 1982). Ulteriori pubblicazioni sulle sale per il banchetto rituale sono: Frickenhaus A., Griechische Banketthäuser, in JdI 32, 1917, pp. 121-130; Will E., Banquets et salles de banquet dans les cultes, in Mélanges D’histoire ancienne et d’archéologie offerts à Paul Collart, Paris 1976, pp. 353-362 (d’ora in poi abbr. Will 1976); Dentzer J.-M., Le motif du banquet couché dans le Proche-Orient et le monde grec du VIIe au IVe siècle avant J.-C., Rome 1982; Börker C., Festbankett und griechische Architektur, Konstanz 1983.

    Si v. inoltre sugli hestiatoria, sul sacrificio e conseguente consumazione del pasto sacro: Nilsson M.P., Ge-schichte der Griechische Religion, München 19552, pp. 829-830; Détienne M., Vernant J.-P., La cuisine du sacrifice en pays grec, Paris 1979 [partic. Détienne M., Pratiques culinaires et esprit de sacrifice, pp. 7-35; Durand J.-L., Du rituel comme instrumental, pp. 167-181]; Schmitt-Pantel P., Les repas au Prytanée et à la Tholos dans l’Athènes classique. Sitèis, trophè, mistos: Réflexions sur le mode de nourriture démocratique, in AnnAStorAnt 2, 1980, pp. 55-68; Bergquist B., The Archaeology of Sacrifice: Minoan-Mycenean versus Greek, in Hägg R., Marinatos N., Nord-quist G.C. (a cura di), Early Greek Cult Practice, Proceedings of the fifth International symposium at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 26-29 June 1986, Stockholm 1988, pp. 21-34; Aa.Vv. Sympotica. A symposium on the symposion, Oxford 1990, [con particolare riferimento a Bergquist B., Sympotic Space: A Functional Aspect of Greek Dining-Rooms, pp. 37-65; Boardman J., Symposion Forniture, pp. 122-131; Bruit L., The Meal at the Hyakinthia: Ritual Consumption and Offering, pp. 162-173; Cooper F., Morris S., Dining in Round Buildings, pp. 66-85; Schmitt-Pantel P., Sacrificial meal and Symposion: Two models of Civic Institutions in the Archaic City?, pp. 14-26; Murray O., Sympotic History, pp. 3-14]; Étienne R., Le Dinahet M.T. (a cura di), L’espace sacrificiel dans le civilisations méditerranées de l’antiquité, Actes du Colloque tenu à la Maison de l’Orient. Lyon, 4-7 juin 1988, Paris 1991; Étien-ne R., Autels et sacrifices, in Le sanctuaire grec, Entretiens sur l’antiquité classique, Vandoeuvres, 20-25 août 1990, Fondation Hardt pour l’étude de l’antiquité classique, Entretien 37, Genève 1992, pp. 291-312; Schmitt-Pantel P., La cité au banquet. Histoire des repas publics dans les cités grecques, Rome 1992.

    Per i singoli hestiatoria si considerino le seguenti pubblicazioni:Santuario di Artemis presso la Marmarià di Delfi: Bommelaer J.-F., Guide de Delphes, Paris 1991, pp. 70-71.Santuario di Artemis a Brauron, complesso di sale da banchetto retrostanti la stoa a P: Papademetriou J.,

    Ανασκαφαί εν Βραυρῶνι τῆς Αττικῆς, Πρακτικά της εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας 1945-1947, 1948 (1949), pp. 81-90; Papademetriou J., Ανασκαφαί εν Βραυρῶνι τῆς Αττικῆς, Πρακτικά της εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας 1949 (1951), pp. 75-90; Papademetriou J., Ανασκαφαί εν Βραυρῶνι τῆς Αττικῆς, Πρακτικά της εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας 1950 (1951), pp. 173-187; Papademetriou J., Ανασκαφαί Βραυρῶνος, Πρακτικά της εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας 1959 (1965), pp. 18-20; Papademetriou J., The Sanctuary of Artemis at Brauron, in Scientific American 208, 1963, pp. 110-120; Bouras Ch., Η αναστὴλωσις της στοὰς της Βραυρῶνος, Athina 1967, partic. pp. 71-102; Kon-dis J., Αρτεμις Βραυρωνὶα, in AD 22/1, 1967, pp. 156-226, partic. pp. 169-175, 180-182; Börker C., (recensione a) Η αναστὴλωσις της στοὰς της Βραυρῶνος, in Gnomon 41, 1969, pp. 802-806; Goldstein 1982, pp. 114-122.

    Santuario di Apollo presso Capo Zoster: Stauropoullos Ph.D., Ιερατική οἰκία ἐν Ζωστἣρι τἣς Αττικῆς, in AE 1938 (1940), pp. 1-31; Goldstein 1982, pp. 126-135; Travlos J., Bildlexikon sur Topographie des antiken Athen, Tübingen 1988, pp. 467-468.

    Santuario di Zeus (?) presso Megara: Lolling H.G., Συμβολαί εἰς τὴν τοπογραφὶαν της Μεγαρίδος, in AE 1887, pp. 201-216, partic. pp. 213-216; Philos D., Ανασκαφαὶ παρὰ τὰ Μέγαρα, in AE 1891, pp. 21-56, partic. pp. 35-47; Lolling H.G., Philios D., Μεγαρικά, in AE 1891, pp. 55-64; Goldstein 1982, pp. 162-168.

    Santuario di Demetra e Kore a Corinto: Stroud R.S., The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore on Acrocorinth, Preliminary Report I: 1961-1962, in Hesperia 34, 1965, pp. 1-24; Stroud R.S., The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore on Acrocorinth, Preliminary Report II: 1964-1965, in Hesperia 37, 1968, pp. 299-330; Bookidis N., The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore on Acrocorinth, Preliminary Report III: 1968, in Hesperia 38, 1969, pp. 297-310; Bookidis N., Fisher J.E., The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore on Acrocorinth, Preliminary Report IV: 1969-1970, in Hesperia 41, 1972, pp. 283-331; Bookidis N., Fisher J.E., The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore on Acrocorinth, Preliminary Report

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    V: 1971-1973, in Hesperia 43, 1974, pp. 267-307; Goldstein 1982, pp. 173-188; Bookidis N., Ritual Dining at Corinth, in AA.VV. Sympotica. A symposium on the symposion, Oxford 1990, pp. 86-93; Bookidis N., Ritual dining at Corinth, in Marinatos N., Hägg R. (a cura di), Greek sanctuaries, New approaches, London-New York 1993, pp. 45-61; Bookidis N., Stroud R.S., The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore: Topography and architecture. Corinth: Results of excavations conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, vol. XVIII, part III, Princeton 1997; Pfaff Ch., Archaic Corinthian Architecture, ca. 600 to 480 B.C., in Williams C.K., Bookidis N., Corinth, XX. Corinth, The Centenary (1896-1996), Athina 2003, pp. 95-138.

    Santuario di Asclepio a Corinto: De Waele F.J., The Sanctuary of Asklepios and Hygieia at Corinth, in AJA 37, 1933, pp. 417-451, partic. pp. 430-433; De Waele F.J., The Fountain of Lerna and the Early Christian Cemetery at Co-rinth, in AJA 39, 1935, pp. 352-359, partic. pp. 352-356; Roebuck C., Corinth, vol. XIV. The Asklepieion and Lerna, Princeton 1951, pp. 42-57, 65-110; Goldstein 1982, pp. 192-206.

    Santuario di Zeus a Isthmia: cave adibite a hestiatoria: Broneer O., Excavations at Isthmia, 1959-1961, in Hesperia 31, 1962, pp. 4-7; Broneer O., Isthmia II: Topography and Architecture, Princeton 1973, pp. 33-46; Gold-stein 1982, pp. 210-220.

    Santuario di Hera presso Perachora: Payne H., Perachora. The Sanctuaries of Hera Akraia and Limeneia, Vol. I., The Architecture Bronzes Terracottas, Oxford 1940, pp. 14, 26; Tomlinson R.A., Perachora: the Remains outside the Two Sanctuaries, in BSA 64, 1969, pp. 155-258, partic. pp. 164-172, 238-240; Will 1976, p. 355; Goldstein 1982, pp. 223-231.

    Santuario di Hera presso Argo: Brownson C.L., Excavations at the Heraeum of Argos, in AJA 8, 1893, pp. 223-224; Tilton E.L., in Waldstein C. et alii, The Argive Heraeum, I, Boston-New York 1902-1905, pp. 105-139; Frickenhaus A., Griechische Banketthäuser, in JdI 32, 1917, pp. 121-130; Weickert C., Typen der archaischen Ar-chitektur in Griechenland und Kleinasien, Augsburg 1929, pp. 172-174; Amandry P., Observations sur les monuments de l’Héraion d’Argos, in Hesperia 21, 1952, pp. 221-274; Tomlinson R.A., Argos and the Argolid. From the end of the Bronze Age to the Roman occupation, London 1972, pp. 238 ss.; Miller S.G., The date of the West Building at the Ar-give Heraion, in AJA 77, 1973, pp. 9-18; Coulton J.J., The architectural development of the Greek Stoa, Oxford 1976, p. 217; Goldstein 1982, pp. 233-242; Poulsen B., s.v. Kline, in Thesaurus Cultus et Rituum Antiquorum, V, 2005, pp. 358-362; Hellmann M.-Ch., L’architecture grecque, II. L’architecture religieuse et funéraire, Paris 2006, p. 200; Sinn U. et alii, Kultorte: Griechenland, in Thesaurus Cultus et Rituum Antiquorum, 2006, pp. 1-127.

    Santuario di Asclepio a Epidauro: sacello arcaico inglobato nel V a.C. nell’edificio ‘E’ (da taluni ritenuto un complesso per la consumazione del pasto sacrificale): Lambrinoudakis V., Conservation and research: new evidence on a long-living cult. The sanctuary of Apollo Maleatas and Asklepios at Epidauros, in Stamatopoulou M., Yerou-lanou M. (a cura di), Excavating Classical Culture, Oxford 2002, pp. 213-224, partic. p. 216; ‘edificio E’: Robert F., L’edifice E d’Èpidaure et la topographie du hiéron d’Asklépios, in BCH 57, 1933, pp. 380-393; cd. ‘ginnasio’ (recen-temente reinterpretato come hestiatorion): Kavvadias P., Περί τῶν ἑν Επιδαύρῳ Ανασκαφῶν, Πρακτικά της εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας 1900, pp. 103-105; Kavvadias P., Τό ᾿Ιερόω τοῦ Ασκληπιοῦ έν Επιδαύρῳ, Athina 1900, pp. 143-154; Kavvadias P., Περί τῶν ἑν Επιδαύρῳ Ανασκαφῶν, Πρακτικά της εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας 1902, pp. 49-51; Frickenhaus A., Griechische Banketthäuser, in JdI 32, 1917, pp. 121-133; Delorme J., Recherches au gymnase d’Épidaure, in BCH 70, 1946, pp. 108-119; Delorme J., Gymnasion. Étude sur les monuments consacrés à l’education en Grèce, Paris 1960, pp. 95-99; Tomlinson R.A., Two Buildings in Sanctuaries of Asklepios, in JHS 89, 1969, pp. 106-112, pp. 106-112; Goldstein 1982, pp. 246-257; Lambrinoudakis V., Conservation and research: new evidence on a long-living cult. The sanctuary of Apollo Maleatas and Asklepios at Epidauros, in Stamatopoulou M., Yeroulanou M. (a cura di), Excavating Classical Culture, Oxford 2002, pp. 213-224, partic. p. 223; Melfi M., I santuari di Asclepio in Grecia. 1, Roma 2007, p. 22.

    Santuario di Asclepio a Trezene: Legrand Ph.E., Fouilles de Trézène, in BCH 21, 1897, pp. 543-551; Le-grand Ph.E., Antiquités de Trézène; notes de topographie, in BCH 29, 1905, pp. 269-318, partic. pp. 292-300; Le-grand Ph.E., Nouvelles observations sur un édifice de Trézène, in BCH 30, 1906, pp. 52-57; Frickenhaus A., Gri-echische Banketthäuser, in JdI 32, 1917, pp. 114-118; Welter G., Troizen und Kalaureia, Berlin 1941, pp. 31-35; Goldstein 1982, pp. 262-271.

    Santuario di Zeus presso Olimpia: prytaneion, alcuni dei cui ambienti fungevano da sale per la consumazione del pasto sacro: Dörpfeld W., Das Prytaneion, in Olympia II. Die Baudenkmäler, Berlin 1892, pp. 58-61; Mallwitz A., Olympia und seine Bauten, München 1972, pp. 160-163; Hitzl K., Die kaiserzeitliche Statuenausstattung des Me-troon, in OF 19, 1991, pp. 4-8; Valavanis P., Games and Sanctuaries in Ancient Greece, trad. ing. di D. Hardy, Athina 2004, p. 120.

    Santuario di Apollo presso Egina: Hoffelner K., Walter Karydi E., Das Thearion von Ägina. Zum Apol-lonkult auf Egina, in AA, 1994, pp. 125-148; Hoffelner K., Walter Karydi E., Alt- Ägina, I.3. Das Apollon-Hei-

  • 30 Santuari in Grecia, R. Sassu, Thiasos, 1, 2012, Bibliografie, pp. 25-38

    ligtum. Tempel Altäre, Temenosmauer, Thearion, Mainz/R. 1999; Wuster W.W., Alt-Ägina, I.1. Der Apollontempel, Mainz/R. 1974.

    Santuario di Aphaia ad Egina: serie di tre vani preceduti da portico presso il settore sud-est del muro di peribolo da alcuni letti come vani per la consumazione della mensa sacra: Furtwängler A., in Furtwängler A., Fiechter E.R., Tiersch H., Aegina. Das Heiligtum der Aphaia, München 1906, pp. 94-95; Hellmann M.-Ch., L’architecture grecque, II. L’architecture religieuse et funéraire, Paris 2006, pp. 227, 268; ‘edificio ovest B’, situato a 165 m dal tempio di Aphaia ed interpretato come hestiatorion: Fiechter E.R., in Furtwängler A., Fiechter E.R., Tiersch H., Aegina. Das Heiligtum der Aphaia, München 1906, pp. 107-113; Goldstein 1982, pp. 143-151.

    Samothrakeion di Delos: Reinach S., Fouilles de Délos, in BCH 7, 1883, pp. 329-373; Reinach S., Fouilles de Délos, in CRAI 1910, pp. 306-310; Reinach S., Fouilles de Délos, in CRAI 1913, p. 204; Chapoutier F., Le san-ctuaire des dieux de Samothrace, in Délos 16, 1935; Vallois R., L’architecture hellénique et hellénistique à Délos jusqu’à l’eviction des Déliens (166 av. J.-C.), I. Les monuments, Paris 1944, pp. 81-85; Bruneau P., Recherches sur les cultes de Délos à l’époque hellénistique et à l’époque imperiàl, Paris 1970, pp. 379-399; Roux G., Salles de banquets à Delos, in Etudes déliennes, in BCH Suppl. 1, 1973, pp. 548-554; Goldstein 1982, pp. 275-280.

    Santuario di Apollo Delio di Monte Kyntos o Kastro sull’isola di Paros: Rubensohn O., Das Delion von Paros, Wiesbaden 1962, pp. 31-35, 50-51, 58-67; Kontoleon N.M., (recensione a) Das Delion von Paros, in Gnomon 38, 1966, pp. 202-211; Goldstein 1982, pp. 283-290.

    Santuario di Apollo a Thera: Sperling J.W., Thera and Therasia, Athina 1974.Santuario di Herakles presso Thasos: Launey M., Etudes Thasiennes. I, Le Sanctuaire et le culte d’Héraklès a

    Thasos, Paris 1944; Grandjean Y., Salviat F., Guide de Thasos, Paris 2000, pp. 142-145Santuario di Apollo (?) presso Thasos (Aliki): Servais J., Aliki, I. Les deux sanctuaires, in Etudes Thasiennes, IX,

    1980, pp. 1-78; Grandjean Y., Salviat F., Guide de Thasos, Paris 2000, pp. 162-165.Santuario di Poseidon a Thasos: Grandjean Y., Salviat F., Guide de Thasos, Paris 2000, pp. 96-98.Santuario di Atena a Lindos: Lippolis E., Il santuario di Athena a Lindo, in BSA 66-67, 1988-1989, pp. 97-

    157, partic. pp. 124-126, 136, 139.Santuario di Atena Polias e Zeus Polieus a Camiro: Caliò L.M., Il santuario di Camiro. Analisi delle strutture e

    ipotesi di ricostruzione della grande stoà dorica, in Orizzonti 2, 2001, pp. 85-107.Santuario di Afrodite Pandamos e Pontia a Kos: G. Rocco G., Coo: il complesso sacro a est dei quartieri del porto,

    in Χάρις Χαίρε. Μελέτες στη μνήμη της Χάρης Κάντζια, Τ. Α', Athina 2004, pp. 175-194; Rocco G., Il santuario di Afro-dite Pandamos e Pontia a Kos, in ASAtene LXXXVI, s. III, 8, 2008 (2011), pp. 599-612.

    Santuario di Asklepios a Kos: l'edificio D sulla seconda terrazza, identificato da Herzog come abaton, è stato recentemente interpretato come hestiatorion in Livadiotti M., L’hestiatorion dell'Asklepieion di Kos, in Thiasos.


    L’opera più completa sul propylon è rappresentata da Carpenter J.R., The Propylon in Greek and Hellenistic Architecture, Ph.D. Diss. Pennsylvania Univ. 1970, rist. anast. London 1979 (d’ora in poi abbr. Carpenter 1979). Al-tre pubblicazioni di carattere generale su questa tipologia architettonica sono: Fougeres G., Propylum, Propylaeum, Propylaea, in Daremberg Ch., Saglio M.E., Dictionnaire des Antiquités Greques et Romaines, Paris 1877-1919, pp. 606 ss.; Hagn TH., Das griechische Propylon, Definition und Dokumentation einer Denkmälergruppe, in Docter R.F., Moorman E.M. (a cura di), Proceedings of the XVth International Congress of Classical Archaeology. Amsterdam, july 12-17 1998, Amsterdam 1999, pp. 184-186; Hagn TH., Das Propylon im archaischen und früklassischen Grie-chenland, Magisterarbeit Wien 1993; Von Hesberg H., Formen privater Repräsentation in der Baukunst des 2. und 1. Jahrhunderts v. Chr., Köln-Weimar-Wien 1994.

    Per i singoli propilei si considerino le seguenti pubblicazioni:Santuario di Artemide a Laphrion (Calidone): Dyggve E., Poulsen F., Das Laphrion, der Tempelbezirk von

    Kalydon, København 1948, pp. 68-69, 279 ss.; Carpenter 1979, pp. 64-67.Acropoli di Atene: ‘Propilei di Mnesikles’: tra le ricerche più aggiornate sul monumento: Rhodes F., Archi-

    tecture and meaning on the Athenian Acropolis, Cambridge 1995; Hurwit J.M., The Athenian acropolis, Cambridge 1999, p. 194; Camp J.M., The Archaeology of Athens, New Haven-London 2001, pp. 82-90, 252-253; Goette H.R., Athens, Attica and the Megarid. An archaeological guide, London 2001, pp. 19-21; Holtzmann B., L’Acropole d’Athè-nes. Monuments, cultes et histoire du sanctuaire d’Athena Polias, Paris 2003, pp. 145-154; Rocco G., Guida alla lettura degli ordini architettonici antichi, II. Lo ionico, Napoli 2003, pp. 114-117; Dinsmoor W.B., Dinsmoor W.B.Jr., The Propylaia to the Athenian Akropolis, II. The Classical Building, Princeton 2004; Hurwit J.M., The Acropolis in the age of

  • Santuari in Grecia, R. Sassu, Thiasos, 1, 2012, Bibliografie, pp. 25-38 31

    Pericles, Cambridge 2004, pp. 155-163; Ortolani G., L’architettura greca, in Bozzoni C., Franchetti Pardo V., Ortolani G., Viscogliosi A., L’architettura del mondo antico, Roma-Bari 2006, pp. 87-89. Si v. inoltre, tra gli studi meno recenti: Hoffer J., in Förster, Allgemeine Bauzeitung, VI, Wien 1841, pp. 119-125; Bohn R., Die Propyläen zu Athen, Berlin-Stuttgart 1882; Penrose F.C., An Investigation of the Principles of Athenian Architecture, London 1888; Elderkin G.W., Problems in Periclean buildings, Princeton 1912; Powell J., The cost of the Propylaea, in Clas-sical Review 46, 1932, pp. 250 ss.; Stevens G.P., The Periclean Entrance Court of the Acropolis of Athens, in Hesperia 5, 1936, pp. 442-520; Stevens G.P., Architectural Studies concerning the Acropolis of Athens, in Hesperia 15, 1946, pp. 73-106; Shoe L.T., Dark Stone in Greek Architecture, in Hesperia Suppl. 8, 1949, pp. 341-352; Dinsmoor W.B., The Architecture of Ancient Greece, London-New York-Toronto-Sydney 1950, pp. 199-205; Bundgaard J.A., Mnesikles, a Greek Architect at work, Oslo 1957; Lawrence A.W., Greek architecture, Harmondsworth 1957; Hodge A.T., The woodwork of Greek roofs, Cambridge 1960; Carpenter 1979, pp. 74-84; Travlos J., Bildlexicon zur Topographie des antiken Athen, Tübingen 1971, pp. 482-493; Coulton J.J., Ancient Greek Architects at Work, Ithaca 1977, pp. 119-122, 148-152; Giuliano A., Storia dell’arte greca, Roma 20023.

    Acropoli di Atene: ‘Vecchi propilei’: Ross L., in Archaeologische Aufsätze, Leipzig 1855, pp. 77 ss.; Bohn R., Die Propyläen zu Athen, Berlin-Stuttgart 1882, pp. 15 ss.; Weller C.H., The Pre-Periclean Propylon of the Acropolis at Athens, in AJA 8, 1904, pp. 35-70; Dinsmoor W.B., The date of the older Parthenon, in AJA 38, 1934, pp. 447-448; Dinsmoor W.B., The correlation of Greek Archaeology with history, in AA.VV., Studies in the History of Culture, Me-nosha 1942, pp. 185 ss.; Stevens G.P., Architectural Studies concerning the Acropolis of Athens, in Hesperia 15, 1946, p. 127; Dinsmoor W.B., The Hekatompedon on the Athenian Acropolis, in AJA 51, 1947, pp. 119, 126; Dinsmoor W.B., The Architecture of Ancient Greece, London-New York 1950, p. 198; Plommer W.H., The Archaic Acropolis: Some pro-blems, in JHS 80, 1960, p. 127; Bergquist B., The Archaic Greek Temenos, Lund 1967, pp. 22-24; Carpenter 1979, pp. 49-61; Dinsmoor W.B.Jr., The Propylaia to the Athenian Acropolis. I. The Predecessors, Princeton 1980; Mylonas Shear I., The Western Approach to the Athenian Acropolis, in JHS 119, 1999, pp. 86-127, partic. pp. 110-118.

    Acropoli di Atene: Propylon della corte sita dinnanzi alla facciata occidentale del Partenone: Stevens G.P., The Periclean Entrance Court of the Acropolis of Athens, in Hesperia 5, 1936, pp. 442-520; Carpenter 1979, p. 86.

    Santuario di Poseidon presso Capo Sounion: Stais V., Ανασκαφαί εν Σουνίωι, in AE 1900, pp. 112-150; Stais V., Τὸ Σούνιον, Athina 1920; Carpenter 1979, pp. 67-68.

    Santuario di Aphaia ad Egina: Furtwängler A., in Furtwängler A., Fiechter E.R., Tiersch H., Ae-gina. Das Heiligtum der Aphaia, München 1906, pp. 75-85, 151-154; Welter G., Aigina, Berlin 1938, pp. 64 ss.; Bergquist B., The Archaic Greek Temenos, Lund 1967, pp. 15-17; Ohly D., Tempel und Heiligtum der Aphaia auf Ägina, München 1978; Schwandner E.L., Der ältere Porostempel der Aphaia auf Aegina, in DAA 16, 1985; Bankel H., Der spätarchaische Tempel der Aphaia auf Aegina, Berlin-New York 1993.

    Santuario di Afrodite Epilimeni a Egina: Van Buren E.D., Greek Fictile Revetment in the Archaic Period, London 1926, p. 5.

    Santuario di Poseidon a Isthmia: Gebhard E.R., The evolution of a Pan-Hellenic Sanctuary, in Marinatos N., Hägg R. (a cura di), Greek sanctuaries, New approaches, London-New York 1993, pp. 154-172.

    Santuario di Asclepio a Epidauro: Roux G., L’architecture de l’Argolide aux 4. et 3. siecles avant J.C., Paris 1961, pp. 252-274, tav. 43; Kavvadias P., Περί τῶν ἑν Επιδαυρία ανασκαφῶν, Πρακτικά της εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας 1893, pp. 9-10; Blouet A., Expédition Scientifique de Morée, II, Paris 1883, tav. 80; Carpenter 1979, pp. 131 ss.; Maggi S., Troso C., I tesori della Grecia, Vercelli 2004, p. 244; Melfi M., I santuari di Asclepio in Grecia. 1, Roma 2007.

    Santuario di Asclepio a Trezene: Welter G., Troizen und Kalaureia, Berlin 1941, pp. 29, 35; Carpenter 1979, pp. 113-115.

    Santuario di Poseidon a Calauria: Wide S., Kjellberg L., Ausgrabungen auf Kalaureia, in AM 20, 1895, pp. 267 ss.; Welter G., Troizen und Kalaureia, Berlin 1941, pp. 44-51; Bergquist B., The Archaic Greek Temenos, Lund 1967, pp. 35-36; Carpenter 1979, pp. 63-64.

    Propylon del Pelopion nel santuario di Zeus a Olimpia: Dörpfeld W. in Curtius E., Adler F. et alii, Olimpia: Die Ergebnisse der vom Deutschen Reich veranstalteten Ausgrabungen, Texband II, Berlin 1892, pp. 56-57; Mallwitz A., Olympia und seine Bauten, München 1972, pp. 120-124, 134-137; Carpenter 1979, pp. 100-102; Herrmann H.V., Pelops in Olympia, in Stele. Tomos eis mnemen Nikolaou Kontoleontos, Athina 1980.

    Santuario di Apollo a Delos: propylon ‘dei Nassi’: Vallois R., L’architecture hellénique et hellénistique à Délos jusqu’à l’eviction des Déliens (166 av. J.-C.), I. Les monuments, Paris 1944, pp. 238-242; Courbin P., L’oikos des Na-xiens, in Délos 33, 1980; Gruben G., Naxos und Delos. Studien zur archaischen Architektur der Kykladen, in JdI 112, 1997, pp. 261-416, partic. pp. 350-372; Bruneau P., Ducat J., Guide de Délos, Ecole Française d’Athènes. Sites et monuments. 1, Athina 2005, p. 169; propylon ‘degli Ateniesi’: Tsakos K., Delo-Mikono, Athina 1998, p. 14; Bruneau P., Ducat J., Guide de Délos, Ecole Française d’Athènes. Sites et monuments. 1, Athina 20054.

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    Santuario di Apollo a Thera: Sperling J.W., Thera and Therasia, Athina 1974, pp. 82-84.Santuario di Artemide a Thasos: Grandjean Y., Salviat F., Guide de Thasos, Paris 2000, fig. 43.Santuario di Eracle a Thasos: Pouilloux J., Études Thasiennes, 3. 1. Recherches sur l’histoire et les cultes de

    Thasos, Paris 1954, tav. 41; Grandjean Y., Salviat F., Guide de Thasos, Paris 2000, fig. 94; Launey M., Études Tha-siennes, 1. Le Sanctuaire et le Culte d’Héraklès à Thasos, Paris 1944, pp. 20-21, 84, 225.

    Santuario dei Grandi Dei a Samotracia: Frazer A., Samothrake 10.The propylon of Ptolomy II, 1990.Santuario di Hera a Samos: Buschor E., Heraion von Samos. Frühe Bauten, in AM 55, 1930, pp. 40-41; Bu-

    schor E., Schleif H., Heraion von Samos: der Altarplatz der Frühzeit, in AM 58, 1933, p. 165; Bergquist B., The Archaic Greek Temenos, Lund 1967, pp. 46-47; Carpenter 1979, pp. 64-67.

    Santuario di Demetra a Pergamo: Dörpfeld W., Die Arbeiten zu Pergamon. I. Die Bauwerke, in AM 35, 1908-1909, pp. 357-364; Hepding H., Die Arbeiten zu Pergamon. I. Die Inschriften, in AM 35, 1908-1909, pp. 439-442; Carpenter 1979, pp. 160 ss.

    Santuario di Atena a Pergamo: Bohn R., Altertümer von Pergamon, II. Das Heiligtum der Athena Polias Ni-kephoros, Berlin 1885, pp. 49-56, tavv. 3, 18, 19, 29-31, 50; Ohlemutz E., Die Kulte und Heiligtümer der Götter in Pergamon, Würzburg-Auhmülle 1940, pp. 41-55; Radt W., Pergamon. Archäologischer Führer, Istanbul 1984, p. 13, tav. 8; Radt W., Pergamon. Geschichte und Bauten, Funde und Erforschung einer antiken Metropole, Köln 1988, pp. 180 ss.; Von Hesberg H., Formen privater Repräsentation in der Baukunst des 2. und 1. Jahrhunderts v. Chr., Köln-Weimar-Wien 1994, pp. 141 ss., tav. 80a.

    Santuario di Artemide a Magnesia sul Meandro: Humann C., Kohte J., Watzinger C., Magnesia am Mean-der, Berlin 1904 pp. 129 ss.; Carpenter 1979, pp. 142-146.

    Santuario di Apollo a Claros: Étienne R., Varène P., Sanctuaire de Claros, l’architecture. Les propylées et les monuments de la voie sacrée: fouilles de Louis et Jeanne Robert et Roland Martin, 1950-1961, Paris 2004, partic. pp. 15-78; Picard C., Ephèse et Claros, Paris 1922; Robert L., Les Fouilles de Claros, Limoges 1954; Parke H.W., The oracles of Apollo in Asia Minor, London 1985, p. 113.

    Santuario di Zeus a Labraunda: Jeppensen K., Labraunda, I.1, The Propylaea, Lund 1955; Westholm A., Labraunda, I.2, The architecture of the Hieron, Lund 1963, pp. 88, 105-106; Carpenter 1979, pp. 96-100.


    L’opera generale più completa sulla stoa è Coulton J.J., The architectural development of the Greek Stoa, Oxford 1976 (d’ora in poi abbr. Coulton 1976).

    Per le singole stoai si considerino le seguenti pubblicazioni:Santuario di Artemis Laphria a Kalydon: ‘stoa J’: Dyggve E., Poulsen F., Das Laphrion, der Tempelbezirk von

    Kalydon, København 1948, pp. 72-74, 282-285; Coulton 1976, p. 243.Santuario di Apollo a Thermon: ‘stoa est’: Coulton 1976, p. 290; ‘stoa centrale’: Coulton 1976, p. 291; ‘stoa

    sud’: Coulton 1976, p. 291.Santuario di Apollo a Delfi: ‘stoa degli Ateniesi’: Amandry P., Fomine Y., Fouilles de Delphes, II. Topographie

    et Architecture. La Colonne des Naxiens et le Portique des Athéniens, Paris 1953, pp. 33-121; Coulton 1976, p. 234; Lippolis, Livadiotti, Rocco, Milano 2007, p. 529; ‘stoa di Attalo I’: Roux G., La terrasse d’Attale Ier à Delphes, in BCH 76, 1952, pp. 141-196, partic. pp. 166-185, 196; Coulton 1976, p. 234; ‘stoa ovest’: Roux G., Énigmes à Delphes, Paris 1963, pp. 11, 29; Coulton 1976, p. 234; ‘stoa degli Etoli’: Valavanis P., Games and Sanctuaries in Ancient Greece, trad. ing. di D. Hardy, Athina 2004, p. 249.

    Santuario dei Cabiri a Tebe: ‘stoa sud’: Bruns G., Kabirenheiligtum bei Theben. Vorläufiger Bericht über die Grabungskampagnen 1964–1966, in AA, 1967, pp. 266-268; Coulton 1976, p. 290; ‘stoa ovest’: Bruns G. in Neue deutsche Ausgrabungen im Mittelmeergebiet und im vorderen Orient, Berlin 1959, pp. 244-245; Bruns G., Kabiren-heiligtum bei Theben. Vorläufiger Bericht über die Grabungskampagnen 1964–1966, in AA, 1967, pp. 259; Coulton 1976, p. 290.

    Santuario di Artemide Brauronia sull’Acropoli di Atene: Stevens G.P., The Periclean Entrance Court of the Acropolis of Athens, in Hesperia 5, 1936, pp. 442-520, partic. pp. 459-470, 520; Dinsmoor W.B., The Hekatompedon on the Athenian Acropolis, in AJA 51, 1947, pp. 109-151, partic. pp. 136-137; Edmondson C.N., Brauronian Artemis in Athens, in AJA 72, 1968, pp. 164-165; Boersma J.S., Athenian building policy from 561/0 to 405/4 B.C., Gronin-gen 1970, p. 72; Travlos J., Bildlexicon zur Topographie des antiken Athen, Tübingen 1971, pp. 124-125; Coulton 1976, pp. 82, 116, 222; Rhodes R.F., Dobbins J.J., The Sanctuary of Artemis Brauronia on the Athenian Acropolis, in Hesperia 48, 1979, pp. 325-341; Kahil L., Le “Craterisque” d’Artemis et le Brauronion de l’Acropole, in Hesperia 50/3,

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    1981, pp. 253-263; Despinis G., Neus zu einem alten Fund, in AM 109, 1994, pp. 173-198; Angiolillo S., Arte e cultura nell’Atene di Pisistrato e dei Pisistratidi, Bibliotheca Archaeologica 4, Bari 1997, pp. 68-69; Despinis G., Zum Athener Brauronion, in Hoepfner W. (a cura di), Kult und Kultsbauten auf der Akropolis, Internationales Symposion. Berlin, 7.-9. Juli 1995, Berlin 1997, pp. 209-217; Holtzmann B., L’Acropole d’Athènes. Monuments, cultes et histoire du sanctuaire d’Athena Polias, Paris 2003, pp. 180-181, 187; Lippolis, Livadiotti, Rocco, Milano 2007, pp. 550-551.

    Santuario di Asclepio e Igea sulle pendici dell’Acropoli di Atene: ‘stoa ovest’: Köhler U., Der Südabhang der Akropolis zu Athen nach den Ausgrabungen der archälogischen Gesellsschaft, in AM 2, 1877, pp. 229-260; Versakis G., ‘Ο τοῦ ἐν Αθήναις Ασκληπιείου, in AE 1908, pp. 272; Versakis G., ‘Ο τοῦ ἐν Αθήναις Ασκληπιείου, in AE 1913, pp. 71-72; Judeich W., Topographie von Athen, München 19312, p. 322; Martin R., Metzger H., Recherches d’archi-tecture et de topographie à l’Asclepieion d’Athenes, in BCH 73, 1949, pp. 342-350; Tomlinson R.A., Two Buildings in Sanctuaires of Asklepios, in JHS 89, 1969, pp. 112-117; Travlos J., Bildlexicon zur Topographie des antiken Athen, Tübingen 1971, pp. 127-129; Coulton 1976, pp. 44, 225; ‘stoa est’: Versakis G., ‘Ο τοῦ ἐν Αθήναις Ασκληπιείου, in AE 1908, pp. 256-284, partic. p. 272; Allen G., Caskey L.D., The East Stoa in the Asklepieion at Athens, in AJA 15, 1911, pp. 32-43; Versakis G., ‘Ο τοῦ ἐν Αθήναις Ασκληπιείου, in AE 1913, pp. 52-74, partic. pp. 52-65; Judeich W., Topographie von Athen, München 19312, p. 322; Martin R., Metzger H., Recherches d’architecture et de topographie à l’Asclepieion d’Athenes, in BCH 73, 1949, pp. 316-339; Travlos J., Bildlexicon zur Topographie des antiken Athen, Tübingen 1971, pp. 127-134; Coulton 1976, p. 223.

    Santuario di Dioniso sulle pendici dell’Acropoli ateniese: ‘stoa di Eumene’: Judeich W., Topographie von Athen, München 19312, pp. 325-326; Travlos J., Bildlexicon zur Topographie des antiken Athen, Tübingen 1971, pp. 523-526; Coulton 1976, pp. 55, 225.

    Santuario di Artemis a Brauron: Bouras Ch., Η αναστὴλωσις της στοὰς της Βραυρῶνος, Athina 1967; Kontis J., Artemis Brauronia, in AD 22A, 1967, pp. 156-206, partic. pp. 171-175; Boersma J.S., Athenian building policy from 561/0 to 405/4 B.C., Groningen 1970, p. 91; Coulton 1976, pp. 226-227.

    Santuario di Poseidon al Sounion: ‘stoa nord’: Stais V., Ανασκαφαί εν Σουνίωι, in AE 1900, pp. 112-150, partic. pp. 120-121; Boersma J.S., Athenian building policy from 561/0 to 405/4 B.C., Groningen 1970, p. 218; Coulton 1976, pp. 95, 97, 99, 103, 285.

    Santuario di Amphiaraos ad Oropos: Petrakos V.Ch., Ο Ορωπὀς και το ιερόν του Αμφιαράου, Athina 1968, pp. 77-84; Coulton 1976, pp. 48, 269.

    Santuario di Nemesis a Ramnunte: Petrakos V.Ch., Ο δήμος τοθ Ραμνούντος. Συνόπση των ανασκαφών και των ερευνών. I. Τοπογραφία, Athina 1999, pp. 218-219; Lippolis, Livadiotti, Rocco, Milano 2007, p. 601.

    Thorikos: ‘stoa dorica’: Dinsmoor W.B., The Architecture of Ancient Greece, London-New York-Toronto-Sydney 1950, p. 196; Dinsmoor W.B.Jr., Anchoring two floating temples, in Hesperia 51, 1982, pp. 410-452; Travlos J., Bildlexikon sur Topographie des antiken Athen, Tübingen 1988, p. 431; Mussche H.F., Le bâtiment dorique, in Tho-rikos II, 1964, Bruxelles 1967; Mussche H.F., Thorikos during the last years of the sixth century B.C., in Coulton W., Palagia O., Shear T.L. (a cura di), The archaeology of Athens and Attica under the democracy, Proceedings of an in-ternational conference held at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, December 4-6 1992, Oxford 1994, pp. 211-215; Vanhove D., The Laurion revisited, in Mussche H.F. (a cura di), Studies in South Attica, 2, Gent 1994, pp. 30-75, partic. pp. 40 ss.; Tomlinson R.A., Archaeology in Greece, 1995-1996, in ARepLond 42, 1996, pp. 1-47; Blackman D.J., Archaeology in Greece, 1996-1997, in ARepLond 43, 1997, pp. 1-125, partic. p. 16; Goette H.R., Athens, Attica and the Megarid. An archaeological guide, London 2001, pp. 216-219; Camp J.M., The Archaeology of Athens, New Haven-London 2001, pp. 114-115, 311-315; Hellmann M.-Ch., L’architecture grecque, II., L’architec-ture religieuse et funéraire, Paris 2006, pp. 248-249; Lippolis, Livadiotti, Rocco, Milano 2007, p. 607.

    Santuario di Zeus a Megara: Goldstein 1982, pp. 162-168.Santuario di Asclepio a Corinto: ‘stoa nord’: Roebuck C., Corinth, V. The Asklepieion and Lerna, Princeton

    1951, pp. 58-60; Coulton 1976, p. 227; ‘stoa nord I’: Scranton R.L., Corinth: results of Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, I.3. Monuments in the Lower Agora and North of the Arcaic Temple, Princeton 1953, pp. 163, 174; Coulton 1976, p. 227; ‘stoa nord II’: Scranton R.L., Corinth: results of Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, I.3. Monuments in the Lower Agora and North of the Arcaic Temple, Princeton 1953, pp. 163-164, 174; Coulton 1976, p. 228; ‘stoa nord III’: Scranton R.L., Corinth: results of Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, I.3. Monuments in the Lower Agora and North of the Arcaic Temple, Princeton 1953, pp. 164-170, 174; Coulton 1976, p. 228; ‘stoa nord-ovest’: Stillwell R., Corinth, I.2. Introduction, Topography, Architecture, Cambridge, Mass. 1941, pp. 89-107, 128-129; Williams C.K., Excavations at Corinth, 1968, in Hesperia 38, 1969, pp. 52-55; Williams C.K., Corinth, 1969. Forum area, in Hesperia 39, 1970, p. 36; Coulton 1976, p. 228.

    Santuario di Hera ad Argo: ‘stoa inferiore’: Waldstein C. et alii, The Argive Heraeum, I, Boston-New York 1902-1905, p. 136; ‘stoa nord’: Waldstein C. et alii, The Argive Heraeum, I, Boston-New York 1902-1905, pp. 112-

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    114; Amandry P., Observations sur les monuments de l’Héraion d’Argos, in Hesperia 21, 1952, pp. 221-274, partic. pp. 226-235; Bergquist B., The Archaic Greek Temenos, Lund 1967, pp. 21-22; Lauter H., Zur frühklassischen Neuplanung des Heraions von Argos, in AM 88, 1973, pp. 175-187; Coulton 1976, p. 215; Pfaff Ch., Three-peaked Antefixes from the Argive Heraion, in Hesperia 59, 1990, pp. 149-156; Billot M.F., Terres cuites architecturales d’Argos et d’Epidaure. Notes de typologie et d’histoire, in Hesperia 59, 1990, pp. 95-139; Des Courtils J., L’architecture et l’histoire d’Argos dans la première moitié du Ve siècle avant J.-C., in Pierart M. (a cura di), Polydipsion Argos. Argos de la fin de palais mycéniens à la constitution de l’état classique, Actes de la table ronde. Fribourg (Suisse), 1987, in BCH Suppl. 22, 1992, pp. 241-251; Hellmann M.-Ch., L’architecture grecque, II, L’architecture religieuse et funéraire, Paris 2006; ‘edificio nord-est’: Waldstein C. et alii, The Argive Heraeum, I, Boston-New York 1902-1905, pp. 114-116; Amandry P., Observations sur les monuments de l’Héraion d’Argos, in Hesperia 21, 1952, pp. 221-274, partic. pp. 235-239; Bergquist B., The Archaic Greek Temenos, Lund 1967, pp. 21-22; Coulton 1976, p. 215; Hellmann M.-Ch., L’architecture grecque, II, L’architecture religieuse et funéraire, Paris 2006; ‘portico sud’: Waldstein C. et alii, The Argive Heraeum, I, Boston-New York 1902-1905, pp. 127-130; Amandry P., Observations sur les monuments de l’Héraion d’Argos, in Hesperia 21, 1952, pp. 221-274, partic. pp. 254-261; Roux G., L’architecture de l’Argolide aux 4. et 3. siecles avant J.C., Paris 1961; Coulton J.J., The Columns and the Roof of the South Stoa at the Argive Heraion, in BSA 68, 1973, pp. 65-85; Coulton 1976, pp. 40, 217; Amandry P., Sur les concours argiens, in Etudes Argiennes, in BCH Suppl. 6, 1980, pp. 211-253; Des Courtils J., L’architecture et l’histoire d’Argos dans la première moitié du Ve siècle avant J.-C., in Pierart M. (a cura di), Polydipsion Argos. Argos de la fin de palais mycéniens à la constitution de l’état classique, Actes de la table ronde. Fribourg (Suisse), 1987, in BCH Suppl. 22, 1992, pp. 241-251; Sinn U. et alii, Kultorte: Griechenland, in Thesaurus Cultus et Rituum Antiquorum, Los Angeles 2006, pp. 1-127; ‘edificio nord-ovest’: Waldstein C. et alii, The Argive Heraeum, I, Boston-New York 1902-1905, pp. 131-134; Frickenhaus A., Griechi-sche Banketthäuser, in JdI 32, 1917, pp. 121-130; Amandry P., Observations sur les monuments de l’Héraion d’Argos, in Hesperia 21, 1952, pp. 221-274, partic. pp. 239-254; Miller S.G., The date of the West Building at the Argive Heraion, in AJA 77, 1973, pp. 9-18; Coulton 1976, p. 217; Hellmann M.-Ch., L’architecture grecque, II. L’architecture religieuse et funéraire, Paris 2006.

    Santuario di Afrodite ad Argo: Coulton 1976, p. 217.Santuario di Apollo Pizio ad Argo: ‘stoa ovest’: Vollgraff W., Le Sanctuaire d’Apollon Pythéen à Argos, Paris

    1956, pp. 43-45; Roux G., Le sanctuaire argien d’Apollon Pythéen, in Revue des études grecques 70, 1957, p. 480; Roux G., L’architecture de l’Argolide aux 4. et 3. siecles avant J.C., Paris 1961, p. 75; Coulton 1976, p. 217; ‘stoa IV’: Voll-graff W., Le Sanctuaire d’Apollon Pythéen à Argos, Paris 1956, pp. 35-42.

    Santuario di Apollo Lykeios nell’agora di Argo: ‘stoa sud’: Coulton 1976, p. 217; Marchetti P., Rizakis Y., Recherches sur les mythes et la topographie d’Argos, IV. L’agora rivisitée, in BCH 119, 1995, pp. 437-472; Pariente A., Pierart M., Thalmann J.P., Les recherches sur l’agora d’Argos: résultats et perspectives, in Pariente A., Pierart M., Thalmann J.P., Argos et l’argolide. Topographie et urbaniste, Paris 1998, pp. 211-231.

    Santuario di Asclepio a Epidauro: ‘stoa-abaton’: Roux G., L’architecture de l’Argolide aux 4. et 3. siecles avant J.C., Paris 1961, pp. 291-302; Coulton 1976, pp. 47, 237; Melfi M., I santuari di Asclepio in Grecia. 1, Roma 2007, p. 47; ‘stoa nord-est’: Roux G., L’architecture de l’Argolide aux 4. et 3. siecles avant J.C., Paris 1961, pp. 291-302; Coul-ton 1976, p. 239.

    Santuario di Apollo Maleatas a Epidauro: Roux G., L’architecture de l’Argolide aux 4. et 3. siecles avant J.C., Paris 1961, pp. 248-249, 404; Coulton 1976, pp. 238-239.

    Santuario di Zeus Soter a Megalopoli: Gardner E.A., Loring W., Richards G.C., Schultz R.W., Wood-Wood-house W.J. (a cura di), Excavations at Megalopolis, 1890-1891, London 1892, pp. 52-59; Coulton 1976, p. 256.

    Santuario di Asclepio a Gortyna in Arcadia: ‘stoa a sud-est del santuario’: Coulton 1976, p. 240.Santuario di Despoina a Lykosoura: Coulton 1976, pp. 252-253.Santuario di Asclepio a Messene: Coulton 1976, pp. 52, 256-258.Santuario di Zeus a Olimpia: ‘stoa sud’: Mallwitz A., Olimpia und seine Bauten, München 1972, pp. 240-

    244; Coulton 1976, pp. 48-49, 268; ‘Echo stoa’: Dörpfeld W., Olympia II, Berlin 1892, pp. 70-72; Mallwitz A., Olimpia und seine Bauten, München 1972, pp. 194-199; Coulton 1976, pp. 48-49, 268; ‘stoa di Agnaptos’: Valava-nis P., Games and Sanctuaries in Ancient Greece, trad. ing. di D. Hardy, Athina 2004, p. 122.

    Santuario di Poseidon a Calauria: ‘stoa A’: Welter G., Troizen und Kalaureia, Berlin 1941, pp. 45-47; Coul-ton 1976, pp. 45, 242; ‘stoa B’: Welter G., Troizen und Kalaureia, Berlin 1941, pp. 47-48; Coulton 1976, p. 243; ‘stoa C’: Welter G., Troizen und Kalaureia, Berlin 1941, pp. 48-49; Coulton 1976, pp. 52, 54, 243; ‘stoa D’: Troi-zen und Kalaureia, Berlin 1941, p. 48; Coulton 1976, pp. 242-243; stoa del III a.C.: Troizen und Kalaureia, Berlin 1941, p. 51; Coulton 1976, p. 243.

    Santuario di Herakles a Thasos: ‘galleria est’: Bernard P., Salviat F., Guide de Thasos, Paris 1968, p. 72; Coul-ton 1976, pp. 288-289.

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    Santuario dei Grandi Dei a Samotracia: ‘stoa J’: Mccredie J.R., Samothrace. Preliminary report on the campai-gns of 1962–1964, in Hesperia 34, 1965, pp. 101-110; Lehmann K., Samothrace Guide, New York 19663, pp. 74-76; Mccredie J.R., Samothrace. Preliminary report on the campaigns of 1965–1967, in Hesperia 37, 1968, pp. 201-204; Coulton 1976, p. 281.

    Santuario di Apollo a Delos: ‘stoa di Antigono’: Courby F., Délos, V, Le Portique d’Antigone ou du nord-est et les constructions voisines, Paris 1912, pp. 13-45; Coulton 1976, p. 231; ‘stoa dei Nassi’: Courby F., Le sanctuaire d’A-pollon délien, in BCH 45, 1921, pp. 174-241; partic. pp. 238-240; Vallois R., L’architecture hellénique et hellénistique à Délos jusqu’à l’eviction des Déliens (166 av. J.-C.), I. Les monuments, Paris 1944, p. 160; Vallois R., L’architecture hellénique et hellénistique à Délos jusqu’à l’eviction des Déliens (166 av. J.-C.), II, Paris 1966, pp. 101-102, 178-180; Coulton 1976, p. 233; Hellmann M.Ch., Fraisse P., Le monument aux hexagones et le portique des Naxiens, in Délos 32, 1979; Ohnesorg A., Inselionische Marmordächer, in DAA 18.2, 1993; Tsakos C., Delo-Micono, Athina 1998, p. 16; Bruneau P., Ducat J., Guide de Délos, Ecole Française d’Athènes. Sites et monuments, 1, Athina 20054, pp. 199-200; ‘stoa di Filippo’: Bruneau P., Ducat J., Guide de Délos, Paris 1965, pp. 75-76; Coulton 1976, p. 233; ‘stoa meridionale’: Vallois R., L’architecture hellénique et hellénistique à Délos jusqu’à l’eviction des Déliens (166 av. J.-C.), I. Les monuments, Paris 1944, pp. 65-68, 161; Bruneau P., Ducat J., Guide de Délos, Paris 1965, p. 76; Vallois R., L’architecture hellénique et hellénistique à Délos, II, Paris 1966, pp. 101-102, 178-180; Coulton 1976, p. 234.

    Santuario di Artemide a Delos: ‘stoa a L’: Bruneau P., Ducat J., Guide de Délos, Paris 1965, p. 101; Coulton 1976, pp. 231-232; ‘piccola stoa’: Bruneau P., Ducat J., Guide de Délos, Paris 1965, p. 99; Coulton 1976, p. 233.

    Santuario di Poseidon a Tenos: Coulton 1976, p. 285.Santuario di Hera a Samos: ‘stoa sud’: Dinsmoor W.B., The Architecture of Ancient Greece, London-New York-

    Toronto-Sydney 1950, p. 142; Gruben G., Die Südhalle, in AM 72, 1957, pp. 52-62; Charbonneaux J., Martin R., Villard F., La Grecia arcaica, Milano 1969, p. 14; Coulton 1976, pp. 21, 27, 280; Kyrieleis H., Führer durch das Heraion von Samos, Athina 1981, pp. 95-96; Gruben G., Griechische Tempel und Heiligtümer, München 2001, pp. 353-354; ‘stoa nord-ovest’: Dinsmoor W.B., The Architecture of Ancient Greece, London-New York-Toronto-Sydney 1950, p. 142; Walter H., Das griechische Heiligtum: Heraion von Samos, München 1965, pp. 62-63, 79; Coulton 1976, pp. 27, 30-31, 279-280; Isler H.P., Kalpaxis T.E., Samos, 4. Das archaische Nordtor und seine Umgebund im Heraion von Samos, Bonn 1978, pp. 6 ss.; Kyrieleis H., Führer durch das Heraion von Samos, Athina 1981, pp. 103-104; ‘stoa sud-ovest’: Gruben G., Griechische Tempel und Heiligtümer, München 2001, p. 359.

    Santuario di Asclepio a Kos: ‘stoa antica’: Herzog R., Schazmann P., Kos I, Asklepieion, Berlin 1932, pp. 14-16; Coulton 1976, p. 246; ‘stoa inferiore’: Herzog R., Schazmann P., Kos, I. Asklepieion, Berlin 1932, pp. 64-67; Coulton 1976, p. 246; ‘stoa superiore’: Herzog R., Schazmann P., Kos, I. Asklepieion, Berlin 1932, pp. 14-21; Coulton 1976, p. 246.

    Santuario di Atena a Lindo: Dyggve E., Lindos. Fouilles de l’acropole 1902-1914, III, Le sanctuaire de Athana Linda et l’architecture lindienne, Berlin-København 1960, pp. 217-297; Coulton 1976, pp. 251-252; Lippolis E., Il santuario di Athena a Lindo, in BSA 66-67, 1988-1989, pp. 97-157.

    Santuario di Apollo Hylates a Kourion presso Cipro: Coulton 1976, p. 249.Santuario di Atena a Pergamo: ‘stoa nord-est’: Bohn R., Das Heiligtum der Athena Polias Nikephoros, Berlin

    1885, pp. 28-56; Coulton 1976, p. 275; ‘stoa sud’: Bohn R., Das Heiligtum der Athena Polias Nikephoros, Berlin 1885, pp. 75-78; Coulton 1976, p. 276.

    Santuario di Demetra e Kore a Pergamo: ‘stoa settentrionale inferiore’: Bohtz C.H., Albert W.D., Die Un-tersuchungen am Demeter-Heiligtum in Pergamon, in AA, 1970, p. 410; Coulton 1976, p. 276; ‘stoa settentrionale superiore’: Dörpfeld W., Die Arbeiten zu Pergamon, I. Die Bauwerke, in AM 35, 1908-1909, pp. 368-371; Bohtz C.H., Albert W.D., Die Untersuchungen am Demeter-Heiligtum in Pergamon, in AA, 1970, p. 410; Coulton 1976, p. 276; ‘stoa sud’: Dörpfeld W., Die Arbeiten zu Pergamon, I. Die Bauwerke, in AM 35, 1908-1909, pp. 364-368; Bo-htz C.H., Albert W.D., Die Untersuchungen am Demeter-Heiligtum in Pergamon, in AA, 1970, pp. 404-407, 410-412; Coulton 1976, p. 276; ‘stoa ovest’: Bohtz C.H., Albert W.D., Die Untersuchungen am Demeter-Heiligtum in Pergamon, in AA, 1970, p. 410; Coulton 1976, pp. 276-277.

    Santuario di Asclepio a Pergamo: ‘prima stoa ellenistica orientale’: Ziegenaus O., Das Asklepieion, Berlin 1968, pp. 44, 85-87; Coulton 1976, p. 275; ‘successiva stoa ellenistica orientale’: Ziegenaus O., Das Asklepieion, Berlin 1968, pp. 52-54, 86; Coulton 1976, p. 275; ‘stoa ellenistica meridionale’: Ziegenaus O., Das Asklepieion, Berlin 1968, pp. 41, 57, 85, 87, 125-126; Coulton 1976, p. 275.

    Santuario di Atena a Smirne: ‘stoa sud-est’: Cook J.M., Nicholls R.V., Pyle D.M., Old Smyrna excavations. The temples of Athena, in BSA Suppl. 30, 1998, pp. 88, 90-91, 133, 137, 163-165, 169-170; Lippolis, Livadiotti, Rocco, Milano 2007, p. 753; ‘stoa sud’: Cook J.M., Nicholls R.V., Pyle D.M., Old Smyrna excavations. The tem-ples of Athena, in BSA Suppl. 30, 1998, pp. 88, 96, 100, 107, 133, 136-137, 163-165; Lippolis, Livadiotti, Rocco, Milano 2007, p. 754.

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    Didymaion, santuario di Apollo Philesios a Mileto: ‘stoa sud’: Drerup H., Naumann R., Tuchelt K., Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Didyma 1962, in AA, 1964, pp. 333-384, partic. pp. 369-384; Lippolis, Livadiotti, Roc-co, Milano 2007, p. 740; ‘stoa est’: Lippolis, Livadiotti, Rocco, Milano 2007, p. 740; ‘stoa nord-est’: Gruben G., Kaster G., Das archaische Didymaion. Mit einem Exkurs: Die Säulenhöhe des Naxier-Oikos in Delos, in JdI 78, 1963, pp. 78-182, partic, p. 99; Lippolis, Livadiotti, Rocco, Milano 2007, p. 740.

    Santuario di Latona a Xanthos: ‘stoa ovest’: Metzger H., Fouilles du Létôon de Xanthos, 1962-1965, in RA 1966, pp. 107-108; Metzger H., Fouilles du Létôon de Xanthos, 1966-1969, in RA 1970, pp. 320-321; Le Roy C., Le développement monumental du Létôon de Xanthos, in RA, 1991, n. 2, pp. 341-351, partic. p. 343; Le Roy C., Le Létôon, sanctuaire fédéral, monuments et inscriptions, in DossAParis 239, 1998, p. 43; Coulton 1976, p. 294.

    Santuario di Atena a Priene: Schrader H., Wiegand T., Priene: Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen und Untersu-chungen in den Jahren 1895-1898, Berlin 1904, pp. 128-129; Coulton 1976, p. 279.

    Santuario di Zeus a Priene: ‘stoa nord’: Schrader H., Wiegand T., Priene: Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen in den Jahren 1895-1898, Berlin 1904, pp. 137-139; Coulton 1976, p. 279; ‘stoa sud’: Schrader H., Wiegand T., Priene: Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen in den Jahren 1895-1898, Berlin 1904, pp. 137-139; Coulton 1976, p. 279.

    Santuario di Zeus a Labraunda: ‘stoa di Mausolo’: Westholm A., Labraunda, I.2. The architecture of the Hie-ron, Lund 1966, pp. 31, 67, 88-90, 106-107, 113, 121-122; Coulton 1976, pp. 249-250.

    Santuario di Apollo a Didyma: ‘stoa sud’: Drerup H., Naumann R., Tuchelt K., Bericht über die Ausgrabun-gen in Didyma 1962, in AA, 1964, pp. 333-384, partic. pp. 369-384; Coulton 1976, p. 236; ‘stoa est’: Knackfuss H., Didyma, I. Die Baubeschreibung, Berlin 1941, pp. 134-135; Coulton 1976, p. 236; ‘stoa nord-est’: Knackfuss H., Didyma, I. Die Baubeschreibung, Berlin 1941, pp. 134-135; Gruben G., Kaster G., Das archaische Didymaion. Mit Einem Exkurs: Die Säulenhöhe des Naxier-Oikos in Delos, in JdI 78, 1963, pp. 78-182, partic. p. 99; Coulton 1976, p. 236.

    Santuario di Atena Polias e Zeus Polieus a Camiro: Caliò L.M., Il santuario di Camiro. Analisi delle strutture e ipotesi di ricostruzione della grande stoà dorica, in Orizzonti 2, 2001, pp. 85-107.


    L’opera più completa sul thesauros è Rups M., Thesauros, a Study of the Treasury Buildings as Found in Greek Sanctuaries, Ph.D. Hopkins Univ. 1986. Si v. inoltre Dyer L., Olympian Treasuries and Treasuries in General, in JHS 25, 1905, pp. 294-315; Roux G., Tresors, temples, tholos, in AA.VV., Temples et sanctuaires, Paris 1984, pp. 153-172, partic. pp. 154-159.

    Per i singoli thesauroi si considerino le seguenti pubblicazioni:Santuario di Apollo a Delfi: in generale: Partida E.C., The treasuries at Delphi, An Architectural Study; ‘the-

    sauros dei Sifni’: Daux G., Hansen E., Fouilles de Delphes, II. Le trésor de Siphnos, Paris 1987; Bommelaer J.-F., Guide de Delphes. Le site, Paris 1991 (d’ora in poi abbr. Bommelaer 1991), pp. 124-126; Jacquemin, Offrandes monumentales à Delphes, Paris 1999 (d’ora in poi abbr. Jacquemin 1999), pp. 35 ss.; ‘thesauros dei Sicioni’: Bom-melaer 1991, pp. 118-120; Jacquemin 1999, p. 351; ‘thesauros dei Corinzi’: Bommelaer 1991, pp. 153-155; Jacquemin 1999, pp. 143, 320; ‘thesauros degli Cnidi’: Bommelaer 1991, pp. 141-143; Jacquemin 1999, pp. 319, 371; ‘thesauros degli Ateniesi’: Audiat J., Le trésor des Athéniens, Paris 1933; Neer R., The Athenian Treasury at Delphi and the Material of Politics, in ClAnt 23, 2004, pp. 63-94; De La Coste Messelière P., Fouilles de Delphes, IV.4. Sculptures du trésor des Athéniens, Paris 1957; Bommelaer 1991, pp. 57-60; Jacquemin 1999, pp. 57 ss.; ‘the-sauros eolico’: Bommelaer 1991, p. 143; Jacquemin 1999, p. 372; De La Coste Messelière P., Corés Delphique. Appendice, in BCH 77, 1953, pp. 373-376; ‘thesauros V’: Bommelaer 1991, pp. 126-127; Jacquemin 1999, p. 370; ‘thesauros dei Beoti’: Bommelaer 1991, p. 128; Jacquemin 1999, p. 370; ‘thesauros VIII dei Potideati’: Jacquemin 1999, p. 370; Laroche D., Nenna M.-D., Deux trésor archaïque en poros à Delphes, in Bommelaer J.-F. (a cura di), Delphes. Centenaire de la grande fouille réalisée par l’École Française d’Athènes, 1892-1903, Actes du Colloque Paul Perdrizet. Strasbourg, 6-9 novembre 1991, Leiden 1992, pp. 109-124, partic. pp. 119-124 (d’ora in poi abbr. Laro-che, Nenna 1992); ‘thesauros IX’: Laroche, Nenna 1992, pp. 115-119; Jacquemin 1999, p. 370; ‘thesauros X’: Bommelaer 1991, pp. 231-232; Jacquemin 1999, p. 370; ‘thesauros XII’: Bommelaer 1991, p. 143; Jacquemin 1999, p. 370; ‘thesauros XIII’: Bommelaer 1991, p. 155; Jacquemin 1999, p. 370; ‘thesauros XV’: Bommelaer 1991, p. 159; Jacquemin 1999, p. 370; ‘thesauros XVI’: Bommelaer 1991, pp. 160-161; Jacquemin 1999, p. 370; ‘thesauros XVII’: Bommelaer 1991, pp. 190-191; Jacquemin 1999, p. 370; ‘thesauros XVIII’: Bommelaer 1991, pp. 206-207; Jacquemin 1999, p. 371; ‘thesauros XIX’: Bommelaer 1991, pp. 206-207; Jacquemin 1999,

  • Santuari in Grecia, R. Sassu, Thiasos, 1, 2012, Bibliografie, pp. 25-38 37

    p. 371; ‘thesauros XX’: Bommelaer 1991, p. 227; Jacquemin 1999, p. 371; ‘thesauros XXI’: Bommelaer 1991, p. 228; Jacquemin 1999, p. 371; ‘thesauros XXII’: Jacquemin 1999, p. 371; ‘thesauros XXIII’: Bommelaer 1991, p. 234; Jacquemin 1999, p. 371; ‘thesauros XXVI’: Bommelaer 1991, p. 144; Jacquemin 1999, p. 371; ‘thesauros XXVII’: Bommelaer 1991, p. 230; Jacquemin 1999, p. 371; ‘thesauros XXVIII’: Jacquemin 1999, p. 371; ‘the-sauros XXX’: Bommelaer 1991, p. 227; Jacquemin 1999, p. 371; ‘thesauros di Cirene’: Bousquet J., Fouilles de Delphes, II. Topographie et Architecture, 5.1. Le tresor de Cyrene, Paris 1952.

    Santuario di Atena a Delfi: ‘thesauros dorico’: Bommelaer J.-F. (a cura di), Marmaria. Le sanctuaire d’Athéna à Delphes, Paris 1997, pp. 50-53; Jacquemin 1999, p. 369; Marcade J., A propos du décor en marbre des monuments de Marmaria, in Bommelaer J.-F. (a cura di), Delphes. Centenaire de la grande fouille réalisée par l’Ecole Française d’Athènes, 1892-1903, Actes du Colloque Paul Perdrizet. Strasbourg, 6-9 novembre 1991, Leiden 1992, pp. 255-259; ‘thesauros eolico’: Bommelaer J.-F. (a cura di), Marmaria. Le sanctuaire d’Athéna à Delphes, Paris 1997; Jacquemin A., Offrandes monumentales à Delphes, Paris 1999, p. 370; Marcadé J., A propos du décor en marbre des monuments de Marmaria, in Bommelaer J.-F. (a cura di), Delphes. Centenaire de la grande fouille réalisée par l’Ecole Française d’Athè-nes, 1892-1903, Actes du Colloque Paul Perdrizet. Strasbourg, 6-9 novembre 1991, Leiden 1992, pp. 252-253.

    Santuario di Zeus a Olimpia: ‘thesauros I’: Mallwitz A., Olimpia und seine Bauten, München 1972 (d’ora in poi abbr. Mallwitz 1972), pp. 167-169; Herrmann H.V., Olympia. Heiligtum und Wettkampstätte, München 1992 (d’ora in poi abbr. Herrmann 1992); ‘thesauros II’: Mallwitz 1972; Herrmann 1992; ‘thesauros III’: Mallwitz 1972; ‘thesauros IV’: Mallwitz 1972; ‘thesauros V’: Mallwitz 1972, pp. 92, 165, 170-173; ‘thesauros VI’: Mallwitz 1972, p. 173; Mallwitz A., VII. Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Olympia, 1956-58, Architektur eines Schatzhauses, Berlin 1961; ‘thesauros VII’: Mallwitz 1972, p. 173; ‘thesauros VIII’: Mallwitz 1972, p. 173; ‘thesauros IX’: Mallwitz 1972, pp. 93, 165-166, 173-174, 178; ‘thesauros X’: Mallwitz 1972, pp. 92, 165-166, 170-174; ‘thesauros XI’: Mallwitz 1972, p. 176; ‘thesauros XII’: Mallwitz 1972, pp. 93, 111, 163, 165, 170-179.

    Santuario di Apollo a Delos: thesauroi (?): Vallois R., L’architecture hellénique et hellénistique à Délos jusqu’à l’eviction des Déliens (166 av. J.-C.), I. Les monuments, Paris 1944, pp. 24-29; Bruneau P., Ducat J., Guide de Délos, Ecole Française d’Athènes. Sites et monuments, 1, Athina 20054, pp. 188-189.


    Le pubblicazioni fondamentali sulla tholos sono Robert F., Thymélè: recherches sur la signification et la desti-nation des monuments circulaires dans l’architecture religieuse en Grèce, Paris 1939 e Seiler F., Die griechische Tholos. Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung, Typologie und Funktion kunstmässinger Rundbauten, Mainz/R. 1986 (d’ora in poi abbr. Seiler 1986). Si v. inoltre: Dörpfeld W., Thymele und Skene, in Hermes 37, 1902, pp. 249-257; Koenigs W., Ein archaischer Rundbau, in Koenigs W., Knigge U., Mallwitz A., Rundbauten am Kerameikos, in Keraimekos 12, Berlin 1980; Schmitt-Pantel P., Les repas au Prytanée et à la Tholos dans l’Athènes classique. Sitèis, trophè, mistos: Reflections sur le mode de nourriture démocratique, in AnnAStorAnt 11, 1980, pp. 55-68; Roux G., Tresors, temples, tholos, in AA.VV., Temples et sanctuaires, Paris 1984, pp. 153-172, partic. pp. 166-170; Cooper F., Morris S., Dining in Round Buildings, in AA.VV. Sympotica. A symposium on the symposion, Oxford 1990, pp. 66-85 (d’ora in poi abbr. Cooper, Morris 1990).

    Per le singole tholoi si considerino le seguenti pubblicazioni:Santuario di Atena a Delfi: Charbonneaux J., Fouilles de Delphes, II. Topographie et Architecture, 2. La Tholos

    du sanctuaire d’Athèna Pronaia, Paris 1952; Bousquet R., L’atelier de la tholos de Delphes, in BCH 108, 1984, pp. 199-206; Laroche D., La tholos de Delphes, forme et destination, in Bommelaer J.-F. (a cura di), Delphes. Centenaire de la grande fouille réalisée par l’Ecole Française d’Athènes, 1892-1903, Actes du Colloque Paul Perdrizet. Strasbourg, 6-9 novembre 1991, Leiden 1992, pp. 207-223; Giuliano A., Storia dell’arte greca, Roma 19982, p. 257; Hellmann M.-Ch., L’architecture grecque, II, L’architecture religieuse et funéraire, Paris 2006, p. 119.

    Santuario di Apollo a Delfi: Laroche D., Nenna M.-D., Le trésor de Sicyone et ses fondations, in BCH 114, 1990, pp. 241-284.

    Santuario dei Cabiri presso Tebe: Wolters P., Bruns G., Das Kabirenheiligtum bei Theben, Berlin 1940; Hemberg B., Die Kabiren, Uppsala 1950, pp. 184-187; Heyder W., Mallwitz A., Das Kabirenheiligtum bei Theben, II. Die Bauten, Berlin 1978; Schachter A., Cults of Boiotia, 2. Herakles to Poseidon, London 1986, pp. 66-110; Fossey J.M., Topography and Population of Ancient Boiotia, Chicago 1988, pp. 211-212; Cooper, Morris 1990, p. 66.

    Santuario di Zeus a Nemea: Miller S.G., Excavations at Nemea, in Hesperia 47, 1978, pp. 58-88; Miller S.G., Excavations at Nemea, in Hesperia 49, 1980, pp. 178-205, partic. pp. 192-194.

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    Santuario di Asclepio a Epidauro: Noack F., Der Kernbau der Tholos von Epidauros, in JdI 41, 1927, pp. 76-79; Robert F., La date du labyrinthe d’Èpidaure, in RA 10, 1937, pp. 240-243; Robert F., Thymélè: recherches sur la signification et la destination des monuments circulaires dans l’architecture religieuse en Grèce, Paris 1939; Roux G., L’architecture de l’Argolide aux 4. et 3. siecles avant J.-C., Paris 1961, pp. 83-257; Büsing H., Zur Bauplanung der Tholos von Epidauros, in AM 102, 1987, pp. 225-258; Riethmüller J., Die Tholos und das Ei, in Nikephoros 9, 1996, pp. 71-109.

    Santuario di Zeus a Olimpia: ‘Philippeion’: Miller S.G., The Philippeion and Hellenistic Macedonian Archi-tecture, in AM 88, 1970, pp. 189-218; Pedley J.G., Sanctuaries and the sacred in the ancient Greek world, Cambridge 2005, p. 128.

    Tholos di Eretria: Petrakos B., E)re/tria, in AD 17/B, 1961-62, pp. 144-157, partic. pp. 148-151; Auberson P., Schefold K., Führer durch Eretria, Berne 1972, pp. 123 ss.; Seiler 1986, pp. 36-39; Ducrey P. et alii (a cura di), Eretria. A guide to the Ancient City, Freiburg 2004, pp. 246-247.

    Santuario di Grandi Dei a Samotracia: Deville G., Coquart E., Rapport sur une mission dans l’île de Samo-thrace, Archives des missions scientifiques et littéraires 4 (2nd ser.), 1867, pp. 253-278; Thiersch H., Pro Samothrake, Wien 1930; Lehmann P., Samothracian Reflections, Princeton 1979; Lehmann P., Samothrace: a Guide, New York 19835; Cole S., Theoi Megaloi: the Cult of the Great Gods at Samothrace, Leiden 1984, pp. 36-37; Seiler 1986, pp. 72-89; Mccredie J., Roux G., Shaw S.M., Kurtich J., The Rotunda of Arsinoe, Princeton 1992.

    Santuario di Paros: Fastje H., Der Rundbau von Paros, in AA, 1972, pp. 420-430; Gruben G., Naxos und Paros, II. Die Tholos, in AA, 1982, pp. 661-683.

    Santuario di Kommos: Shaw J., Excavation at Kommos (Crete) during 1977, in Hesperia 47, 1978, pp. 111-154, partic. 134-136; Shaw J., Excavation at Kommos (Crete) during 1978, in Hesperia 48, 1979, pp. 145-173, partic. pp. 165-169; Shaw J., Excavation at Kommos (Crete) during 1979, in Hesperia 49, 1980, pp. 207-250, partic. pp. 218-229; Shaw J., Excavation at Kommos (Crete) during 1980, in Hesperia 50, 1981, pp. 211-251, partic. pp. 224-243; Shaw J., Excavation at Kommos (Crete) during 1981, in Hesperia 51, 1982, pp. 164-195, partic. pp. 185-192; Shaw J., Excava-tion at Kommos (Crete) during 1982-1983, in Hesperia 53, 1984, pp. 251-287, partic. pp. 256, 260; Cooper, Morris 1990, pp. 68-69.

    Santuario di Apollo a Didyma (edificio rotondo da alcuni interpretato come tholos): Knackfuss H., Didyma, I. Die Baubeschreibung, Berlin 1941, pp. 136-139; Fehr B., Orientalische und grichische Gelage, Bonn 1971-1972, pp. 29-34; Rupp D.W., Reflections on the Development of Altars in the Eight Century B.C., in Hägg R. (a cura di), The Greek Renaissance of the Eight Century B.C.: Tradition and Innovation, Proceedings of the second International sympo-sium at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 1-5 June 1981, Stockholm 1983, pp. 101-107, partic. pp. 102-103.

    Santuario di Atena (?) a Cnido: Bankel H., Knidos. Der hellenistische Rundtempel und sein Altar, in AA, 1997, pp. 50-71; Love I.C., A Preliminary Report of the Excavations at Knidos 1969, in AJA 74, 1970, pp. 154-155.
