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Rev. Msgr. Thomas Derivan, Pastor�

Rev. Joseph Ligory, Parochial Vicar�

Rev. Edmundo Gomez, Retired, �

Rev. Robert Imbelli, Weekend Associate�

Mrs. Josephine Fanelli, Principal�

Mrs. Marie McCarrick, Dir. of Religious Education�

Nadia Papayani, Dir. of Music�

RECTORY: 718�892�1900/1901 WEBSITE: www.sttheresachurchbronx.org SCHOOL: 718�792�3688�

FAX: 718�892�1146 E�MAIL: [email protected] � RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: 718�792�8434�

Church of St. Theresa�

A Caring Community Reaching Out To One Another in Christ�


Saturday at 5:00pm, �

Sunday at 7:30am, 9:00am(Italian), �

10:30am(Family Mass) 12:15pm , �

1:30PM(Spanish) & 5:00pm�


Monday thru Saturday 8:00am & 9:00am�


Miraculous Medal & St. Theresa �

Novenas after Monday morning Masses�

St. Anthony Novena after Tuesday �

morning Masses.�

Thursday 12 Noon Mass �

& Eucharistic Adoration�

Exposition & Benediction of the �

Blessed Sacrament First Friday 6:00PM �

2855 St. Theresa Avenue, Bronx, New York �


Saturdays from 4:00pm to 5:00pm �

and by appointment�


Baptisms take place most Sundays �

after the 1:30pm Mass.�

We ask parents to attend the Baptism �

preparation meeting. Register at the �

Rectory for the meeting. �

The date of the Baptism will be discussed

at the Baptism meeting.�


Call the Rectory at least six months in�

advance of the wedding date to make an �

appointment with parish clergy. �



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The side entrance to the Church on Pilgrim Avenue will be

open every Sunday for anyone who is handicapped or in a

wheelchair. Also this same entrance will be opened every

weekday until 9:30AM.�


Before our altar today is the empty stable. It was certainly not a beautiful place. It was just an animals’ stall, a place to keep the �

animals out of the cold, a place to feed them and give them shelter. But the fact is that the stable was where Jesus was born, not in a

palatial mansion, but in an animals’ stall. Let us think about the empty stable in our Mass today for it teaches us a beautiful lesson for

this last week of Advent. In a very real sense, the empty stable tells us how to prepare for Christmas.�

Our retired Pope Benedict XVI said that it is a beautiful custom to put the empty stable in our homes in the weeks before Christmas.

Pope Francis recently said the same thing. The point is: it is empty. Its emptiness represents two things, one bad and one good. First,

the bad. The empty stable represents the world without Jesus. Our world is like an empty stable with no room for Christ. For so many

people, their hearts and their lives are empty of God, like this stable. For their heart is too cluttered with the things of self, so cluttered

that there is no room for Christ. For so many people, the stable is filled with the wrong things, with the desire for possessions, with

obsession with the latest devices, with material things that are here today and gone tomorrow. And even though these things clutter up

people’s hearts, still deep down inside they know that their life is empty, for a life without God is empty indeed. (How else do we �

explain the depression of so many people in our society today, a depression that can lead to despair. Many people feel that emptiness of

heart.) Even though they may have plenty of material things, still they feel the emptiness within. The empty stable is a reminder of the

emptiness of the world, the emptiness of the human heart.�

That is the bad side of the empty stable. But the good side is more powerful. The empty stable reminds us that we must make our

hearts empty, open, ready to receive Christ at Christmas and indeed every day of our life. We must empty ourselves of all the clutter,

all of the foolishness of life, for only an empty stable can welcome Christ the Lord. The empty stable before the altar today is a �

reminder to us, as if a voice is saying, “Be ready, be ready to let Christ fill your heart and fill your life.”�

There were two people who came to that empty stable two thousand years ago. And they were empty in that good sense, empty of

self, ready to be filled with Christ. Of course, one was Our Blessed Mother Mary. Because her heart was empty of sin, she became a

worthy dwelling place for the Son of God. There was no one more ready to receive Christ than Mary. But there was someone else who,

shall we say, came in a “close second.” And that was the carpenter whose name was Joseph. I have mentioned before that I see �

St. Joseph as a young man, not much older than some of our older teenagers. He was filled with love for Mary which reflected his love

for God. He was a simple working man, the carpenter of Nazareth, but it was he that God the Father chose to be the foster father of His

Son. Joseph did not understand everything, but that did not matter. He just did what God directed. For Joseph that was enough. He

was ready. He was ready to take Mary as his wife. He was ready to travel with her to Bethlehem for the most important event in �

history, the birth of the Son of God. He was ready when they had to flee to Egypt as immigrants, to avoid the murderous intentions of

King Herod. And he was ready to be the father of the Holy Family of Nazareth, knowing that the little boy who was helping him in the

workshop of Nazareth was not his Son, but God’s Son. Of all people St. Joseph made his heart an empty stable, ready to welcome the

One who is Savior of the world.�

I have encouraged you to make St. Joseph you “Advent saint.” Let him now become our “Christmas saint.” Ask for his help in these

final days before Christmas to prepare your heart, your home and your life to be the empty stable welcoming the Lord Jesus Christ.�

� � � � � � � � � � �

� � � � � � � � � � � � Father Thomas B. Derivan �


Almighty God and Father of light,�

A child is born for us,�

And a son is given to us.�

Your eternal Word�

Leaped down from heaven�

In the silent watches of the night,�

And now your Church�

Is filled with wonder�

At the nearness of her God.�

Open our hearts to receive His life�

And increase our vision�

With the rising of dawn,�

That our lives may be filled �

With His glory and His peace�

Forever and ever.�


All we know about the apostle John is from the Gospels and

Paul’s letters. Like Peter, John and his brother James, the sons

of Zebedee, were called from their family fishing business to �

follow Jesus. They were present at the Transfiguration, the �

raising of Jairu’s daughter and Jesus agony in the garden, and

after Jesus’ death were important figures in the Jerusalem �

community. Catholic tradition identified the apostle John as the

author of the gospel, the Book of Revelation, and the 3 letters of

John. But modern biblical scholars believe that the apostle, the

evangelist and the author of Revelation were 3 different �

persons. May we use our skills as John the apostle and as John

the evangelist did to make Jesus known to his followers.�

How might I draw others more closely to Jesus through my

words and actions today?�




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If any member of your family or if any of your neighbors are

“Homebound” and would like to receive Holy Communion at

home, please call the Rectory so that a Priest or Eucharistic �

Minister might visit them.�


Have you noticed our Petition Book in the vestibule of the

Church? Every Saturday before the 5:00PM Mass, the �

petitions entered into the book for that week are brought up to

the altar of the Blessed Mother, where they remain for all the

weekend Masses. Please pray for these intentions.�


Christmas is filled with people. The Christmas story is filled with the people who were part of the first Christmas two thousand

years, people like the shepherds with their sheep and the Wise Men with their gifts; people like angels telling the Good News of Jesus’

birth to shepherds in the night; people even like Caesar Augustus, the Roman Emperor, who decreed that people would have to return

to their home town to register, not realizing that what he did was part of God’s plan for Jesus to be born in the city of David, �

Bethlehem; people like the innkeeper who could find no room for Jesus to be born; people like the citizens of Bethlehem who did not

realize how close they were to the Son of God; and of course people like Joseph and Mary who welcomed Jesus with great joy and love

on that first Christmas night. Yes, Christmas is filled with people. So it was on the first Christmas. So it will be on this Christmas as

we look at the manger in church or in our homes and as we sing those beautiful words, “O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord.”�

Christmas is about all of these people whose statues are in the manger. But one statue is the most important One, the One whose

birthday this is, the One who is the reason why we celebrate this night, Jesus the Lord. We must always remember, in the famous

phrase, that He is “the reason for the season” or, as I like to put it, He is “the birthday boy.” When children have a birthday party, often

they invite friends and they give the “birthday child” a gift. On His birthday, Jesus is the giver�He gives us His gift, not a nicely

wrapped present, but something far more precious, something more beautiful. The gift Jesus gives us in the gift of Himself, the gift of

His grace, the gift of His love. When we look at the figure of Jesus in the manger, think that Jesus is saying to each of us: “come and

receive the gift of my love.”�

May we keep that message in our hearts not only on Christmas Day, but on every day in every year that the Lord gives to us.�

God bless you and your families for a joyful and blessed Christmas. �

You are in our prayers at our Christmas Masses. Merry Christmas!�

Father Thomas B. Derivan�� � Father Joseph Ligory�

Father Edmundo Gomez� � � Father Robert Imbelli�

Salesian Fathers�


The following Masses will be celebrated for the Feast of �

Christmas, the Birth of Our Lord, a holyday of obligation:�

�� Tuesday, December 24th�

� Christmas Eve Mass at 5:00PM with children’s�

� � Nativity Pageant�

Midnight Mass�12AM�

�� Wednesday, December 25th�Christmas Masses as on�

Sunday�7:30AM, 9:00AM(Italian), 10:30AM(Family),�

12:15PM, 1:30PM(Spanish) and 5:00PM�


Let us pray in silence�

for the coming of peace into the world�

and into our home.�


as we pray before this our Christmas crib�shrine�

and await the feast of the Birth of the Holy Child,�

call forth the dormant child from within each of us;�

cause us to wonder and to rejoice again �

in this most ancient feast.�

As the Magi came bearing gifts,�

may we, this Christmas, share with one another�

the gold of charity,�

the myrrh of kindness�

and the incense of prayer.�

With the shepherds,�

we come to the birth of Christ�

seeking a simple celebration, �

where the greatest gift will be ourselves�

given to You, our God,�

and to each other.�

May the Star of Bethlehem�

which shone brightly over the first crib�

stand guard over our home,�

filling it and all the earth�

with light and peace.�

We adore You, O Christ and we bless You�

because by Your holy birth�

You give hope to all the world. �


Prayers and text by Fr. Victor Hoagland, C.P.�

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DECEMBER 22, 2019�


The liturgy for today, the Fourth and last Sunday of Advent, is characterized by the theme of closeness, God’s closeness to �

humanity. The Gospel passage shows us two people, the two people who, more than anyone else, were involved in this mystery of

love: the Virgin Mary and her husband, Joseph. A mystery of love, the mystery of God’s closeness to humanity.�

Mary is presented in the light of the prophet who says: “Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son.” Matthew the Evangelist

recognizes that this happened in Mary, who conceived Jesus through the Holy Spirit. The Son of God “comes” into her womb in �

order to become man, and she welcomes him. Thus, in a unique way, God drew near to mankind, taking on flesh through a woman. To

us too, in a different way, God draws near with his grace in order to enter our life and offer us the gift of his Son. What do we do? Do

we welcome him, let him draw near, or do we reject him, push him away? As Mary, freely offering herself to the Lord of history, �

allowed him to change the destiny of mankind, so too can we, by welcoming Jesus and seeking to follow him each day, cooperate in

his salvific plan for us and for the world. Mary thus appears to us as a model to look to and upon whose support we can count in our

search for God, in our closeness to God, in thus allowing God to draw close to us and in our commitment to build the culture of love.�

The other protagonist of today’s Gospel is Saint Joseph, Joseph cannot explain to himself the event which he sees taking place before

his eyes, namely, Mary’s pregnancy. Just then, in that moment of doubt, even anguish, God approaches him through his messenger

and Joseph is enlightened about the nature of this maternity: “the child conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.” Thus, in facing this �

extraordinary event, which surely gave rise to many questions in his heart, he trusts totally in God who has drawn near to him, and �

after his invitation, does not repudiate his betrothed, but he takes Mary as his wife. In accepting Mary, Joseph knowingly and �

lovingly receives Him who has been conceived in her through the wondrous work of God, for whom nothing is impossible. Joseph, a

just and humble man, teaches us to always trust in God, who draws near to us: when God approaches us, we must entrust ourselves to

him. Joseph teaches us to allow ourselves to be guided by Him with willing obedience.�

These two figures, Mary and Joseph, who were the first to welcome Jesus through faith, introduce us to the mystery of Christmas.

Mary helps us to assume an attitude of openness in order to welcome the Son of God into our concrete life, in our flesh. Joseph spurs

us to always seek God’s will and to follow it with full trust. Both allow God to draw near to them.�

“Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called ‘Emmanuel’ which means, God�with�us.” Thus the

angel says: “the child shall be called Emmanuel, which means God�with�us”, in other words, God near to us. And to God who draws

near, do I open the door � to the Lord � when I sense an interior inspiration, when I hear him ask me to do something more for others,�

When he calls me to pray?�

God�with�us, God who draws near. This message of hope, which is fulfilled at Christmas, leads to fulfillment of the expectation of

God in each one of us too, in all the Church, and in the many little ones whom the world scorns, but whom God also loves and to

whom God draws near.�

� � � � � � � � � Angelus Message, December 18, 2016�


Go to sleep my Son�

this manger for your bed�

You have a long road before You�

rest Your little head.�

Can You feel the weight of Your glory?�

Do You understand the price?�

Or does the Father guard Your heart for now�

so You can sleep tonight?�

Go to sleep my Son�

go and chase Your dreams�

this world can wait for one more moment�

go and sleep in peace�

I believe the glory of Heaven�

is lying in my arms tonight�

but Lord, I ask that He for just this moment�

simply be my child.�

Go to sleep my Son�

Baby, close Your eyes�

soon enough You’ll save the day�

but for now, dear Child of mine�

Oh my Jesus, Sleep tight�

By Fred Pratt Green/Russell Schulz�Widmar�

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On Christmas Day, we celebrate the birth of Jesus. The next day we celebrate the birth of Stephen. But Stephen’s is a different kind

of birth; it is his birth into eternal life. Death brought life for him. He is the first martyr of the Christian Church.�

In the beginning of the Church, its members were Jews. Many of these Jews lived in Palestine, but others lived in distant cities

around the Mediterranean Sea. We call them “Hellenized” Jews. As adults, many of them came to Jerusalem to live.�

Among these Hellenized Jews was Stephen. (He may have come from Alexandria in Egypt.) Hearing the preaching of the apostles

in Jerusalem, he came to believe in Christ Jesus.�

As the early Church grew, the apostles made an important decision. Preaching kept them busy, but many of their followers needed

food and clothing. So the apostles selected seven people to collect and distribute these necessities. Stephen was one of the seven, who

were known as deacons.�

God filled Stephen with grace and power. He did good, just as Jesus had done. But around the year 34�35 AD, some Hellenized

Jews felt that Stephen rejected God when he accepted Jesus. So they dragged Stephen out of Jerusalem and began to stone him.�

As he died, Stephen said, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” Praying for those who were stoning him, he said, “Lord, do not hold this

against them.” With these words, Stephen died. In life as in death, he truly followed Jesus.�



Fabiola came from one of Rome’s most illustrious families. A Christian, she was married to a man who had a notorious reputation.

She obtained a civil divorce from her husband, but remarried before her husband had died. When her second husband passed away,

Fabiola, still a woman in her prime, acknowledged the breach of her marital vow by making public penance. The wealthy socialite

presented herself outside the door of the Lateran Basilica on the day before Easter. Saint Jerome reported that a great impression was

made among the faithful by Fabiola’s disheveled hair, pale features, soiled hands, and unwashed neck” � signs of her true repentance.�

But this was only the beginning of Fabiola’s conversion. With her considerable wealth she built a hospital, the first of its kind in

Western Europe. Fabiola moved into the hospital and devoted herself to the care of the sick and the orphaned. With her own hands

she picked them up off the street, cleaned their putrid wounds, and nursed them back to life.�

For a time, Fabiola went to the Holy Land, where she studied the Scriptures under Saint Jerome and worked in a hospice. Later, she

returned to her hospital to continue her work among Rome’s poorest. She died on her way to Jaffa, where she was intending to �

continue her charitable work.�

Father of all mercies, through the intercession of Saint Fabiola, let a new life begin in me. Grant me deep humility and burning �




Laywoman († 399)�

Today’s feast commemorates the boys slain instead of Jesus

by King Herod the Great (Mt 2:16�18) to eliminate the threat to

his throne from the newborn king. In contrast to the Magi’s

welcome, Herod’s murderous rage foreshadows the opposition

that Jesus will later meet, culminating in his crucifixion by the

Romans. To escape Herod’s massacre, the Holy Family �

became refugees in Egypt. This unique episode also echoes

Moses’ rescue from the slaughter of the Hebrew children by the �

Pharaoh (Ex 2:1 � 10). Like a new Moses, Jesus will lead his

people on a new exodus journey into God’s promised kingdom.

May we do all we can to lessen the suffering of children and


What might I do today to help innocent children who are �

neglected, abandoned, beaten and killed today?�




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5:00PM� Salvatore & Anna Cernaro� � � �


7:30AM� Carmelina Frangella� � � �

9:00AM� Anna Cernaro�� � � �

10:30AM� Anna Tartarone� � �

12:15PM� Frank DiPolo� � � � � �

1:30PM� Francisca Gonzalez� � � � �

5:00PM� Atilio Persic� � �


8:00AM� Haydee Cruz� � � �

9:00AM� Nicoletta Ferrara� � � � �


8:00AM� Luke Turrisi� � � � � �

9:00AM� Carmelina Frangella�

5:00PM� Sal & Maria Zottola�

Midnight� Carmelina Frangella� � �


7:30AM� Christmas Intention� � � � �

9:00AM� Christmas Intention�

10:30AM� Christmas Intention�

12:15PM� Christmas Intention�

1:30PM� Christmas Intention�

5:00PM� Christmas Intention� � �


8:00AM� Louis Loscalzo (Living Intention)� � �

9:00AM� Teresa & Alfio Morello� � �

12NOON� Marie Sansalone� � � �


8:00AM� John D’Amelio� � � � �

9:00AM� Ralph Bockino� � �


8:00AM� Pecovic Pala & Prena�

9:00AM� Dennis Abate� �

5:00PM� Fay, Anthony, Tony & Jeanie Landi� �


7:30AM� Parishioners of St. Theresa� �

9:00AM� Liz McGill� � � �

10:30AM� Vincent Bottari� � � � �

12:15PM� Ralph Bockino� � � � �

1:30PM� Maria Hernandez & Milton Anton� � �

5:00PM� Anthony Flores� � � � �






All new or unregistered parishioners are asked to please register

by phone or in person at the Rectory or fill out the information

below. Many items of importance will be mailed home in the

course of the year.�








Phyllis Amitrano, Maryann Cale Bannan, Kenny Brisco, �

Nancy Cardone, Elaine Reiss Cina, Joseph Cina, Phyllis Caruso,�

Pasqua Del Prete, Marie DiPolo, Thomas Egan, Frank Ferrara,�

Rita Ferrara, Daley Gribbon, Ita Griffin, Sean Howell, �

William Keenan, Sal Lanza, Frank Maiorana, �

Maryann Maiorana, Diane Martino, Joe Martino, �

Theresa Martino, Patrick & Jimmy McCoy, Isabelle O’Brien, �

Marie Petillo, Joseph Pisano, Marie Russillo, Camille Siciliano,�

Mario Simeone, Toni Spahr, Florence Valentine, �

Dean Valentine, Nicholas Vasti, Frank Vertullo, Irene Vesely.�

Please continue to share the peace and joy of our faith with

others . There are so many that are in the need of Jesus. Can

you be for all of us a living sign to all our parishioners and

neighbors, and tell them for us “we need them and love them”.

Someone may hear and accept the invitation from you and

return home to worship the Lord with us. So please invite a

friend, relative, or neighbor to come with you to Church next

Sunday. God will do the rest. Let us share our treasure of faith

with others.�

III William Wirsing & Kerry Ann McLaughlin�

CONFESSIONS are heard every Saturday from 4:00PM to

5:00PM or by appointment in the Rectory.�

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