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Leeds City Council LAQM Annual Status Report 2019 2019 Air Quality Annual Status Report (ASR) In fulfilment of Part IV of the Environment Act 1995 Local Air Quality Management November 2019
Page 1: 2019 Air Quality Annual Status Report (ASR) ASR...2019 Air Quality Annual Status Report (ASR) In fulfilment of Part IV of the Environment Act 1995 Local Air Quality Management November

Leeds City Council

LAQM Annual Status Report 2019

2019 Air Quality Annual Status Report (ASR) In fulfilment of Part IV of the Environment Act 1995 Local Air Quality Management November 2019

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Leeds City Council

LAQM Annual Status Report 2019

Local Authority Officer Paul Spandler

Department Communities & Environment

Address Millshaw Park Way, Leeds, LS11 0LS

Telephone 0113 3785959

E-mail [email protected]

Report Reference number EH/EPA/ASR2109

Date November 2019

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Executive Summary: Air Quality in Our Area Air Quality in Leeds City Council Air pollution is associated with a number of adverse health impacts. It is recognised

as a contributing factor in the onset of heart disease and cancer. Additionally, air

pollution particularly affects the most vulnerable in society: children and older people,

and those with heart and lung conditions. There is also often a strong correlation with

equalities issues, because areas with poor air quality are also often the less affluent


The annual health cost to society of the impacts of particulate matter alone in the UK

is estimated to be around £16 billion3.

Air quality monitoring in Leeds shows that air quality in the majority of the city, it’s

suburbs and rural areas achieve UK and EU objectives.

The main pollutants of concern within Leeds are Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and

particulate matter. The main source of nitrogen dioxide in Leeds is from vehicle

emissions. The principal source of particulate matter is road traffic emissions,

particularly from diesel vehicles. It is also emitted from industrial combustion plants

and public power generation, commercial and residential combustion, and some non-

combustion processes (e.g. quarrying). Natural sources can include airborne dust

and sea salt from vast distances away.

Long term trends show an ongoing improvement in air quality but there are areas in

Leeds that remain above the annual mean air quality objective for NO2. Monitored

levels of particulate matter, both PM10 and PM2.5 are well within UK and EU

objectives and are close to World Health Organisation guideline levels.

Leeds has six Air Quality Management Areas (AQMA’s) in response to exceedances

in NO2 objectives. Monitoring at the AQMA’s shows a generally reducing trend in

pollution with levels in 2018 now compliant with the annual average objective in four

of our AQMA’s. In addition a number of city centre locations, not declared as

AQMA’s, have shown exceedances of the annual average for NO2. The

1 Environmental equity, air quality, socioeconomic status and respiratory health, 2010 2 Air quality and social deprivation in the UK: an environmental inequalities analysis, 2006 3 Defra. Abatement cost guidance for valuing changes in air quality, May 2013

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implementation of the Clean Air Charging Zone in 2020 and traffic management

proposals are expected to address these concerns.

The current AQMA’s are shown in Appendix D and can also be viewed online at


Real time monitoring is undertaken at eleven sites across Leeds. This allows hourly

and daily air quality objectives to be assessed as well as annual objectives.

Permitted exceedances for the hourly average objective for NO2 and the daily

average objective for PM10 were not breached during 2018 at any of our monitoring


Following ministerial approval Leeds is on course to introduce a Clean Air Charging

Zone (CAZ) in 2020. The CAZ, one of the largest of its kind in the country, will reduce

air pollution in Leeds by encouraging businesses to transition to cleaner, less

polluting vehicles. Further details of CAZ can be found at


Actions to Improve Air Quality Leeds City Council is committed to improving air quality in the city and has

undertaken a vast array of work to this end, with a particular focus on targeting

nitrogen dioxide emissions associated with road transport. The CAZ is the most

pivotal piece of this broad programme of work. Due to go live in 2020, the CAZ has

been modelled to deliver significant air quality improvements across the city,

incentivising affected sectors to upgrade their vehicles to cleaner, less polluting,

compliant vehicles that will not be charged to enter the zone.

The Council and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) have secured

almost £2 million from the government’s Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) for

the installation of 88 new, free electric vehicles rapid charge points (EVCPs) across

West Yorkshire. 30 of these charge points will be in Leeds as the council continues to

work toward a hub model of strategically placed EVCPs across the city. Using

planning conditions, the council will also ensure that new developments include

provision for EVCPs.

Improving the cycling and walking infrastructure in Leeds also remains a top priority

and a significant amount of work has been delivered so far. The Cycle Superhighway

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connecting Leeds and Bradford, upgrades to the Leeds Liverpool Canal towpath, and

the Leeds City Centre Cycle Superhighway have all been completed.

A table detailing measures to improve air quality across the city can be found at

Table 2.2 within the main body of the report.

Conclusions and Priorities As was the case in last year’s Annual Status Report, reducing pollutant

concentrations continues to be the common trend in Leeds. Four of our AQMA’s are

now indicating results below objective levels and can be considered for revocation in

the near future.

The Clean Air Charging Zone is a hugely significant piece of work that will see a step

change in the emission standards of vehicles driving in the city.

Further schemes will improve access to cycling routes whilst public transport is of

course a key focus. On street car parking provision in the city centre continues to

decrease whilst the popularity of the city’s park and ride sites increases, removing

thousands of cars from the city centre each week.

Local Engagement and How to get Involved Clean Air Leeds is the platform for Leeds’ air quality behaviour change campaign.

The campaign is aimed at three key audiences: residents, schools and organisations.

Its objective is to raise awareness of the things these groups can do to improve the

quality of air we breathe. Reducing air pollution will require a city-wide effort, and

even small anticipated changes in behaviour will have a significant positive impact on

air quality.

The campaign has built a following on social media, and was ‘launched’ alongside

the National Clean Air Day campaign in June 2017. Since its launch there has been

engagement with schools through competitions, encouraging children to walk, cycle

or ‘park & stride’ to school, and we have developed toolkits with activity packs that

can be used by teachers. We have been providing businesses with one-to-one

briefings to discuss how they can reduce air pollution or emissions through their fleet,

supply chain, staff travel and heating. Residents are regularly communicated with

through the Clean Air Leeds inbox, through which the council provides advice on the

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Clean Air Charging Zone, electric vehicle charge points, idling, and air quality issues

(advising on both citywide and localised trends).

The Clean Air Leeds website has had an extensive amount of content added over the

course of the previous 12 months. Individual pages now advise each of the three

target audiences (residents, schools, organisations) on what they can do to reduce

their carbon footprint and subsequently their contribution to air pollution.

This year, much of the focus of the Clean Air Leeds campaign has been on engine

idling. There has been a citywide communications campaign to spread awareness of

the issue, and anti-idling road signs are to be installed outside a number of Leeds

schools and all city centre taxi ranks. Over two hundred schools so far have also

received free anti-idling banners, to encourage those dropping children off or picking

them up at the end of the school day, to switch off their engines and reduce their


Further information on the campaign and the council’s progress to date can be found

at www.CleanAirLeeds.co.uk or connect with the team on social media via

@CleanAirLeedsCC on Twitter or CleanAirLeedsCC on Facebook. Alternatively,

email [email protected].

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Table of Contents Executive Summary: Air Quality in Our Area .......................................................... i

Air Quality in Leeds City Council ........................................................................................ i

Actions to Improve Air Quality ............................................................................................ ii

Conclusions and Priorities ................................................................................................ iii

Local Engagement and How to get Involved ..................................................................... iii

1 Local Air Quality Management ........................................................................ 1

2 Actions to Improve Air Quality ........................................................................ 2

2.1 Air Quality Management Areas .............................................................................. 2

2.2 Progress and Impact of Measures to address Air Quality in Leeds City

Council ............................................................................................................................. 6

2.3 PM2.5 – Local Authority Approach to Reducing Emissions and/or


3 Air Quality Monitoring Data and Comparison with Air Quality Objectives and National Compliance .................................................................... 19

3.1 Summary of Monitoring Undertaken .....................................................................19

3.1.1 Automatic Monitoring Sites .......................................................................................... 19 3.1.2 Non-Automatic Monitoring Sites................................................................................. 200

3.2 Individual Pollutants ........................................................................................... 200

3.2.1 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)............................................................................................... 200 3.2.2 Particulate Matter (PM10) ............................................................................................ 211 3.2.3 Particulate Matter (PM2.5) ........................................................................................... 212 3.2.4 Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) ................................................................................................ 222

Appendix A: Monitoring Results ........................................................................... 23

Appendix B: Full Monthly Diffusion Tube Results for 2018 ................................ 85

Appendix C: Supporting Technical Information / Air Quality Monitoring Data QA/QC ........................................................................................................... 101

Appendix D: Map(s) of Monitoring Locations and AQMAs ............................... 106

Appendix E: Summary of Air Quality Objectives in England ............................ 110

Glossary of Terms ................................................................................................ 111

References ............................................................................................................ 112

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List of Tables Table 2.1 – Declared Air Quality Management Areas .…………………………...........3 Table 2.2 – Progress on Measures to Improve Air Quality ……………………………..8 Table A.1 – Details of Automatic Monitoring Sites …………………………………….23 Table A.2 – Details of Non-Automatic Monitoring Sites…………………………….....24 Table A.3a – Annual Mean NO2 Monitoring Results…………………………………...44 Table A.3b – Annual Mean Monitoring Results Associated with Specific Schemes .64 Table A.4 – 1-Hour Mean NO2 Monitoring Results ……………………………………80 Table A.5 – Annual Mean PM10 Monitoring Results …………………………………..81 Table A.6 – 24-Hour Mean PM10 Monitoring Results ……………………………..…..82 Table A.7 - PM2.5 Monitoring Results …………………………………………………...83 Table A.8 - SO2 Monitoring Results………………………….…….….……………..….84 Table B.1 – NO2 Monthly Diffusion Tube Results - 2018…………….………….…….85 Table C.1 – Air PT Results 2018…………………………………………………….….104 Table E.1 – Air Quality Objectives in England…………………………………………110 List of Maps Plan D.1 Ebor Gardens AQMA ….…………….……………………………………106 Plan D.2 Caspar Apartments AQMA .…………….………………………………..106 Plan D.3 The Normans AQMA ………….…………….……………………………107 Plan D.4 The Tilburys AQMA …………….…………….………………………..…107 Plan D.5 Pool in Wharfedale AQMA ……….……………….………………..……108 Plan D.6 Chapel Hill AQMA …………………….………….……………….………108 Plan D.7 2018 Diffusion Tube Monitoring ……….………….…………………….109

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1 Local Air Quality Management This report provides an overview of air quality in Leeds City Council during 2018. It

fulfils the requirements of Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) as set out in Part IV

of the Environment Act (1995) and the relevant Policy and Technical Guidance


The LAQM process places an obligation on all local authorities to regularly review

and assess air quality in their areas, and to determine whether or not the air quality

objectives are likely to be achieved. Where an exceedance is considered likely the

local authority must declare an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) and prepare

an Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) setting out the measures it intends to put in place

in pursuit of the objectives. This Annual Status Report (ASR) is an annual

requirement showing the strategies employed by Leeds City Council to improve air

quality and any progress that has been made.

The statutory air quality objectives applicable to LAQM in England can be found in

Table E.1 in Appendix E.

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2 Actions to Improve Air Quality 2.1 Air Quality Management Areas Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) are declared when there is an exceedance

or likely exceedance of an air quality objective. After declaration, the authority must

prepare an Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) within 12-18 months setting out measures

it intends to put in place in pursuit of compliance with the objectives.

A summary of AQMAs declared by Leeds City Council can be found in Table 2.1.

Further information related to declared or revoked AQMAs, including maps of AQMA

boundaries are available online at, https://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/aqma/local-

authorities?la_id=143 Alternatively see Appendix D: Maps of Monitoring Locations

and AQMAs.

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Table 2.1 – Declared Air Quality Management Areas


Date of Declaration

Pollutants and Air Quality


City / Town

One Line Description

Is air quality in the AQMA influenced by roads

controlled by

Highways England?

Level of Exceedance (maximum monitored/modelled concentration at a location of relevant exposure)

Action Plan(1)

At Declaration Now Name Date of Publication Link

Ebor Gardens (AQMA 1/2017)

Declared 1 July 2001;

Amended 1 July 2010; Endorsed

1 July 2017

NO2 Annual Mean


An area encompassing a number of properties adjacent to the A64 at the eastern end of the Inner Ring


NO 46 (2010) μg/m3

40 μg/m3

Caspar Apartments

(AQMA 2/2017)

Declared 1 July 2001; Amended

1 July 2010; Endorsed

1 July 2017

NO2 Annual Mean


An area encompassing

a block of properties adjacent to

the A64 at the eastern end of the Inner Ring

Road, surrounded by the slip road access from North Street.


43 (2002) Initial

declaration based on modelling

μg/m3 30 μg/m3

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Date of Declaration

Pollutants and Air Quality


City / Town

One Line Description

Is air quality in the AQMA influenced by roads

controlled by

Highways England?

Level of Exceedance (maximum monitored/modelled concentration at a location of relevant exposure)

Action Plan(1)

At Declaration Now Name Date of Publication Link

The Normans (AQMA 3/2017)

Declared 1 July 2010;

Endorsed 1 July 2017

NO2 Annual Mean

Kirkstall, Leeds

An area encompassing

a small number of

properties at the ends of

streets perpendicular

and immediately adjacent to

the A65 Abbey Road.

NO 56 (2010) μg/m3 41 μg/m3

The Tilburys (AQMA 4/2017)

Declared 1 July 2010;

Endorsed 1 July 2017

NO2 Annual Mean


An area encompassing a number of properties adjacent to

the eastbound slip road of

Junction 2 of the M621 and A653 Ingram

Road Distributor

YES 44 (2010) μg/m3 31 μg/m3

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AQMA Name Date of Declaration

Pollutants and Air Quality


City / Town

One Line Description

Is air quality in the AQMA influenced by roads

controlled by

Highways England?

Level of Exceedance (maximum

monitored/modelled concentration at a location of

relevant exposure)

Action Plan(1)

At Declaration Now Name Date of Publication Link

Main Street, Pool-in-

Wharfedale (AQMA 5/2017)

Declared 1 July 2017

NO2 Annual Mean


An area encompassing a number of properties in

the immediate vicinity of the A658 Main


NO 59 (2016) μg/m3 52 μg/m3

Chapel Hill, Morley (AQMA


Declared 1 July 2017

NO2 Annual Mean

Morley, Leeds

An area encompassing a number of properties

adjacent to a narrow,

inclined road leading away from Morley town centre

NO 41 (2015) μg/m3 39 μg/m3

☒ Leeds city Council confirm the information on UK-Air regarding their AQMA(s) is up to date Note: (1) Although an Air Quality Action Plan for Leeds as a whole has been in place since 2004 and was informally updated to reflect ongoing proposals to improve air quality, the Action Plan is now complimented by the air quality improvement actions contained within the CAZ proposal and implementation plan.

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2.2 Progress and Impact of Measures to address Air Quality in Leeds City Council

Defra’s appraisal of last year’s ASR concluded that the report was well structured, and

provided all the information required by the DEFRA Guidance.

Specific points raised by the appraisal are set out below with the updated response

from Leeds City Council:

1. The 2018 report highlighted the ongoing work that is taking place, with regard

to the development of the CAZ. Response: Development of the CAZ continues

as a priority with implementation expected in 2020.

2. The development of a full set of action plan measures will need to follow on

from, and be designed to complement the Caz in order to be effective.

Response: A comprehensive set of complimentary measures are in place (see

Table 2.2).

3. Monitoring results at 3 of the 6 AQMA’s are below objective levels. It is

recommended that monitoring continues at all sites for the time being.

Response: Monitoring has continued at all 6 AQMA sites in 2018.

4. Results in Table B1 suggest there are only 5 diffusion tube sites with

exceedances representative of relevant exposure (DT’s 59,105,114,121,165).

However none of these sites are located within an AQMA, highlighting there

may be significant uncertainty in the boundary of the current AQMA’s.

Response: DT’s 59, 121 and 165 are located within the proposed CAZ and it is

expected that the implementation of the CAZ will address these exceedances.

DT105 is located in a position of limited relevant exposure characteristics.

DT114 is located within the Pool in Wharfedale AQMA.

5. Four automatic monitoring sites (A2,A6,A21,A22) have exceedances

representative of relevant exposure. Notable site A22 in City Square is

exhibiting results above 60 μg/m3 and requires further investigation in order to

determine the extent of potential exceedances of the hourly mean objective.

Sites A2, A21,A22 are not located within AQMA’s. Response: A2, A6, A21, A22

monitoring sites are located within the proposed CAZ and it is expected that the

implementation of the CAZ and associated traffic management measures to City

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Square will address these exceedances. Further investigation of NO2 hourly

mean levels at A22 identified there were no exceedances of the hourly limit in


Leeds City Council has taken forward a number of direct measures during the current

reporting year of 2018 in pursuit of improving local air quality. Details of all measures

completed, in progress or planned are set out in Table 2.2.

Leeds City Council expects the following measures to be completed over the course

of the next reporting year:

1. Implementation of a Clean Air Charging Zone.

2. Delivery of funding packages to support HGV, bus, coach, taxi and private hire

operators to replace or upgrade their vehicles to be CAZ compliant.

3. Continued replacement of existing Council Fleet vehicles with ULEV’s.

4. Expansion of the anti-idling campaign with a particular focus on schools.

5. Roll out of electric vehicle rapid charging points across the city.

Leeds City Council anticipates that the implementation of a CAZ and the measures

stated in Table 2.2 will support compliance in the Normans AQMA.

Burley in Wharfedale AQMA is outside of the CAZ boundary and whilst air quality is

improving and there is likely to be further improvements linked to the CAZ and other

measures in place across the city it is recognised that further measures specific to the

AQMA may be required to ensure compliance. To this end ANPR data for the AQMA

has been used to understand the likely contributions of vehicle types and age to

emission source apportionment. Portable real time analysers have been installed to

identify concentrations of pollutants at specific times of the day. This information may

then be used to inform any microsimulation and instantaneous emission modelling to

determine whether it is possible to improve the situation through traffic management


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Table 2.2 – Progress on Measures to Improve Air Quality

Measure No. Measure EU

Category EU


Organisations involved

and Funding Source

Planning Phase

Implementation Phase

Key Performance


Reduction in Pollutant /

Emission from Measure(a)

Progress to Date Estimated /

Actual Completion


Comments / Barriers to implementation


Bus Lanes - linked to

quality bus



Traffic Managem


Strategic highway

improvements, Re-prioritising

road space away from cars, including Access

management, Selective vehicle

priority, bus priority, high

vehicle occupancy lane

Leeds city Council &

West Yorkshire Combined Authority

2010 - 2012 2010

Operating well with reduced journey

times and increased patronage

Completed 2014

2 Guided busways

Transport Planning

and Infrastruct


Bus route improvements

Leeds City Council

1995 - 2008 1996 - 2010

3.5 km of guideways built along sections of A61, A64 &

A63 corridors.

Implementation on-going

Completed 2010

3 Provision of hybrid


Vehicle Fleet


Promoting Low Emission Public


West Yorkshire Combined Authority

2010 - 2012 2012 - ongoing

Reduced vehicle


Implementation on-going ongoing First phase successful,

second phase on-going


Retrofit technologies to 146

Metro buses

Vehicle Fleet


Vehicle Retrofitting


West Yorkshire Combined Authority

2013 2014 - 2015

All Euro III and Euro IV to

meet Euro 5+ emission standards

All Euro III buses retrofitted 2015

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Measure No. Measure EU

Category EU


Organisations involved

and Funding Source

Planning Phase

Implementation Phase

Key Performance


Reduction in Pollutant /

Emission from Measure(a)

Progress to Date Estimated /

Actual Completion


Comments / Barriers to implementation

5 P + R sites

Alternatives to

private vehicle


Bus based Park & Ride

Leeds City Council 2010 2014

Elland Road, Alwoodley and Temple Green in operation.

Further site in progress

Three sites in operation with one more in planning

stage. Over 10 million journeys made

removing 9,000 cars from the city centre

every week.


6 HOV lanes Traffic


Strategic highway

improvements, Re-prioritising

road space away from cars,

including Access management,

Selective vehicle priority, bus priority, high

vehicle occupancy lane

Leeds City Council

1999 - 2001 2001 & 2011

HOV lanes in operation

across Leeds on going

7 HGV lanes Traffic


Strategic highway

improvements, Re-prioritising

road space away from cars,

including Access management,

Selective vehicle priority, bus priority, high

vehicle occupancy lane

Leeds City Council 2008 2010

HGV lane in place to

service access to M1


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Measure No. Measure EU

Category EU Classification


involved and

Funding Source

Planning Phase

Implementation Phase

Key Performance


Reduction in Pollutant /

Emission from Measure(a)

Progress to Date Estimated /

Actual Completion


Comments / Barriers to implementation

8 City

Centre Package

Traffic Managem


Strategic highway improvements, Re-

prioritising road space away from

cars, including Access

management, Selective vehicle

priority, bus priority, high vehicle

occupancy lane

Leeds City Council 2015 2021

Redirecting all vehicles

except buses and taxis away

from City Square



City Centre North Bank

Traffic Managem


Strategic highway improvements, Re-

prioritising road space away from

cars, including Access

management, Selective vehicle

priority, bus priority, high vehicle

occupancy lane

Leeds City Council 2023

10 A65/Airport link road

Transport Planning

and Infrastruct


Other Leeds City Council

2014 - 2018

Improved access to

airport Three proposals

under consideration

11 New Rail Stations

Transport Planning

and Infrastruct


Public transport improvements-interchanges stations and


West Yorkshire Combined Authority

2010 - 2014 2014 - 2015

2 new rail stations

(Apperley Bridge & Kirkstall Forge)

includes 2 P&R with 400


Completed 2016. Over half a million journeys made in


3 further stations under consideration

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Measure No. Measure EU

Category EU Classification


involved and

Funding Source

Planning Phase

Implementation Phase

Key Performance


Reduction in Pollutant /

Emission from Measure(a)

Progress to Date Estimated /

Actual Completion


Comments / Barriers to implementation

12 Improved access to rail use

Transport Planning

and Infrastruct


Public transport improvements-interchanges stations and


West Yorkshire Combined Authority

2008 - 2014 2010 -2014

New southern entrance to Leeds rail

station including a

cycle point for 300 cycles

completed 2015


Incentives to promote

LEV's & ULEV's

Promoting Low

Emission Transport

Other Leeds City Council

2015 - 2016 2016 -2021

Range of incentives are

being developed including reduced

parking costs, free EV


Free parking for

ULEV's registered to Leeds Residents.

14 CAZ


Promoting Low

Emission Transport


Leeds city Council funding

from JAQU

2016 -2018 2019 -2020 Compliance

with AQD TBC 2020 Government Interface


Development of

public EV recharging

network (fast and


Promoting Low

Emission Transport

Procuring alternative Refuelling

infrastructure to promote Low

Emission Vehicles, EV recharging, Gas

fuel recharging

West Yorkshire Combined Authority

2013 2014 - 2017

16 Rapid EV Chargers

Installed on strategic WY network, of

which 8 will be in Leeds

30 rapid charge points (60 charge

bays) to be installed in Leeds by end of




Exemplar local

authority - Liquid gas (CNG/LBM) vehicles;

hybrid vans;

electric 'panel' vans

Promoting Low

Emission Transport

Procuring alternative Refuelling

infrastructure to promote Low

Emission Vehicles, EV recharging, Gas

fuel recharging

Leeds City Council

2006 - 2015 2009 - 2025

127 Low Emission

Vehicles on fleet including 95 fully electric

vans and 4 CNG RCVs,

and 22 hybrid vehicles


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Measure No. Measure EU

Category EU Classification


involved and

Funding Source

Planning Phase

Implementation Phase

Key Performance


Reduction in Pollutant /

Emission from Measure(a)

Progress to Date Estimated /

Actual Completion


Comments / Barriers to implementation


Regional Centre of

Excellence for LEVs

Promoting Low

Emission Transport


Leeds City Council with Highways England funding

2018 -2019 2020

Uptake in demand for trials of LEV vehicles from

local business.

Funding secured and recruitment for staff to

deliver scheme underway


18 Scoot to School scheme

Alternatives to

private vehicle


Other Leeds City Council 2018 2018

400 micro scooters allocated to 30

primary schools for travel to and from school for children



Retrofit Technology – Electric Retrofit for


Vehicle Fleet


Vehicle Retrofitting programmes

Leeds City Council

2019 -2020 2020 - 2025 Procurement process

in development 2025

20 Modal

Shift Grant Scheme

Promoting Low

Emission Transport

Other Leeds City Council 2019 2020

Reduction in petrol and

diesel vehicles on roads in Leeds and

promotion of alternative transport methods

Competitive tendering procurement process

in development 2020

21 E-bike trial scheme

Promoting Low

Emission Transport

Other Leeds City Council 2019 2019

Tender documentation ready

for bikes and maintenance,

awaiting government approval for

allocation of funding

2019 Government to

approve funding for scheme


Leeds & Bradford

City Connect


Transport Planning

and Infrastruct


Cycle network Leeds City Council

2012 - 2014 2014 - 2016

23 kms of cycle tracks

between East Leeds & Bradford

Completed 2019

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Measure No. Measure EU

Category EU Classification


involved and

Funding Source

Planning Phase

Implementation Phase

Key Performance


Reduction in Pollutant /

Emission from Measure(a)

Progress to Date Estimated /

Actual Completion


Comments / Barriers to implementation


Cycling and

pedestrian routes

Transport Planning

and Infrastruct


Cycle network Leeds City Council

2000 onwards 2020 -2026

Cycle route + pedestrian crossings in city Centre. Cycle Lane Kirkstall Road. 14km of upgraded

canal towpath improving cycling and

walking provision

Ongoing Cycle network

expanded to 148km across Leeds


Travel Awarenes

s Campaign


Promoting Travel



Leeds city Council &

West Yorks districts

2000 - 2015 Ongoing

A range of initiatives & campaigns taking place


25 Bikeability

Promoting Travel


Promotion of cycling

Leeds City Council

2005 - 2015 Ongoing

Provision of cycle training

at schools

2,882 bike training sessions across 16

schools. 141 businesses

engaged through the “bike friendly businesses” programme


Leeds City Car Club -

Using ULEV's

Alternatives to

private vehicle


Car Clubs Leeds City Council

2002 - 2005 Ongoing

50 vehicles available to members


27 Car Sharing

Alternatives to

private vehicle


Car & lift sharing schemes

Leeds City Council

2002 - 2005 Ongoing

LCC corporate scheme in

place. Also W Yorks Travel

Plan has growing

database across W



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Measure No. Measure EU

Category EU Classification


involved and

Funding Source

Planning Phase

Implementation Phase

Key Performance


Reduction in Pollutant /

Emission from Measure(a)

Progress to Date Estimated /

Actual Completion


Comments / Barriers to implementation


School, workplace

and residential

travel plans

Promoting Travel


Personalised Travel Planning

Leeds City Council

2000 - 2015 2001 onwards

98% schools have plans in

place. Ongoing

29 Personailised travel


Promoting Travel


Workplace Travel Planning

Leeds City Council

2005 - 2015 2005 - onwards

Sustrans officers have developed travel plans

across various organisations



UTMC system to support

smooth/free flowing


Traffic Managem


UTC, Congestion management,

traffic reduction

Leeds City Council

2010 - 2012 2012 - 2016

New TMS in operation and to be extended across the city

31 Variable message


Traffic Managem


UTC, Congestion management,

traffic reduction

Leeds City Council

2012 - 2014 2012 - 2016 20 VMS's

installed 34 VMS's installed

32 Speed

management signs

Traffic Managem


UTC, Congestion management,

traffic reduction

Leeds City Council

2010 - 2015 2012 - 2016 50 signs

installed 50 signs installed, additional signs likely


EV charging capability through planning


Policy Guidance

and Developm

ent Control

Air Quality Planning and

Policy Guidance

Leeds City Council

2010 -2011 2012 - onwards

Increasing number of EV charge points installed on

new developments

Over 1000 charge points conditioned

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Measure No. Measure EU

Category EU Classification


involved and

Funding Source

Planning Phase

Implementation Phase

Key Performance


Reduction in Pollutant /

Emission from Measure(a)

Progress to Date Estimated /

Actual Completion


Comments / Barriers to implementation

34 Hybrid/taxi

hire project

Promoting Low

Emission Transport

Taxi emission incentives

Leeds City Council/ITS

Leeds University

2013 - 2014 2015 Uptake of

LEV/ULEV Over 1400 hybrid

vehicles now registered


Liquid Nitrogen

technology applicatiooand trials

on refrigeratertransport units in Leeds

Vehicle Fleet


Fleet efficiency and recognition schemes

Leeds City Council

2014 - 2016 2015 0- 2017

Dearman Engine

Company have received govt. funding

to develop and trial zero emission transport

refrigeration units (TRU's) working with

local operators.

2019 onwards Trials completed.

Trial data to be used to inform government on benefits of system and

phasing out of red diesel units.

36 Eco

driving techniques


Vehicle Fleet


Fleet efficiency and recognition schemes

Leeds city Council 2006 2006 onwards Embedded in all CPC

driver training ongoing


West Yorkshire

Low Emission Strategy (WYLES)

Promoting Low

Emission Transport


All West Yorks

Districts & WYCA

2012 - 2013 2014/15

To develop an overarching strategy for West Yorks

Strategy endorsed and district wide

strategy coordinator in place


UTM system

Traffic Managem


UTC, Congestion management,

traffic reduction

Leeds City Council with

funding from

National Productivity Improveme

nt Fund

2016 - 2017 2018 - 2020 2020

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Measure No. Measure EU

Category EU Classification


involved and

Funding Source

Planning Phase

Implementation Phase

Key Performance


Reduction in Pollutant /

Emission from Measure(a)

Progress to Date Estimated /

Actual Completion


Comments / Barriers to implementation

39 BUS18 Strategy

Promoting Low

Emission Transport

Other WYCA and

bus companies

2017 2018 onwards

Increase bus patronage through

improved journey

experience, including

congestion relief and improved ticketing

Improved real time

journey info and card payment rolled out



LPTIP bus corridor


Traffic Managem


Strategic highway improvements, Re-

prioritising road space away from

cars, including Access

management, Selective vehicle

priority, bus priority, high vehicle

occupancy lane

WYCA, Leeds City

Council and DfT funding

2017 -2019 2019 - 2021

Increase bus patronage through

improved journey

experience, including

congestion relief and improved ticketing

2021 Funded through £1.73 million transport fund.


(a) In relation to the ‘Reduction in Pollutant/Emission from Measure’ column, all are intended to have a positive benefit in the Council’s efforts to tackle traffic emissions

across the whole of the city, reducing the highest pollution levels where they occur and reducing background concentrations elsewhere.

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2.3 PM2.5 – Local Authority Approach to Reducing Emissions and/or Concentrations

As detailed in Policy Guidance LAQM.PG16 (Chapter 7), local authorities are

expected to work towards reducing emissions and/or concentrations of PM2.5

(particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 2.5µm or less). There is clear

evidence that PM2.5 has a significant impact on human health, including premature

mortality, allergic reactions, and cardiovascular diseases.

Leeds City Council is taking the following measures to address PM2.5:

There are a number of sources of PM2.5 particles, many of which relate to traffic and

transportation. Tailpipe emissions from diesel vehicles have been identified as a

major source in the past but others, including brake, clutch and tyre wear all

contribute to the overall burden as well as re-suspension from the road surface in the

wake of a moving vehicle.

Although tyre wear and re-suspension will prove difficult to tackle, hybrid and full

electric vehicles deliver reduced emissions from tailpipes and clutch use while also

benefiting from regenerative braking systems.

A number of the measures described in Table 2.2 above seek to reduce the more

polluting vehicle types, while increasing the proportion of ULEVs, the use of Park &

Ride sites and car clubs esp. with ULEVs.

Particulate pollution from domestic sources is recognised an emerging issue in Leeds

as it is across the country. Most areas of Leeds are designated as Smoke Control

Areas. Advice and enforcement protocols are in place within the Council’s Cleaner

Neighbourhood Teams to take the appropriate action in cases of non compliance

with Smoke Control and Environmental Protection legislation.

Demolition and construction dust is controlled by planning conditions requiring

demolition and construction management plans.

All measures outlined in Table 2.2 that aim to reduce NO2 and PM10 will also have a

beneficial impact on PM2.5.

Measures to reduce and control PM2.5 emissions will continue although it is noted

that both AURN monitoring sites in Leeds (Leeds Centre and Headingley kerbside)

that measure PM2.5 recorded annual mean concentrations of 12 µg m-3 and

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11 µg m-3 respectively in 2018. Both within air quality objectives and close to the

World Health Organisation Guideline of 10 µg m-3.

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3 Air Quality Monitoring Data and Comparison with Air Quality Objectives and National Compliance 3.1 Summary of Monitoring Undertaken The data capture target of 85% was attained at nine of the eleven automatic monitors

located in Leeds. Two sites failed to meet the target due to technical issues. Actions

are in place to ensure capture targets are met at all sites going forward.

Additional diffusion tube sites were included in the 2018 monitoring programme to

support a range of projects including the Local Public Transport Infrastructure

Programme (LPTIP), the East Leeds Orbital Route (ELOR) and further baseline

measurements prior to the CAZ implementation and planned city centre

transport/public realm improvements.

A number of diffusion tube monitoring sites were removed in 2018 on the completion

of short term projects looking at local air quality following Ward Member and resident

queries. All sites showed compliance and were not of concern.

No changes to the AQMA’s are proposed.

3.1.1 Automatic Monitoring Sites

This section sets out what monitoring has taken place and how it compares with


Leeds City Council undertook automatic (continuous) monitoring at 11 sites during

2018. Nine of the sites were operated exclusively by the city council while one is part

of the Automatic Urban and Rural Network (AURN) and the other an affiliated site

owned by the city council but with results accepted into the national network.

Table A.1 in Appendix A shows the details of the sites. National monitoring results

are available at https://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/imnteractive-map where a full data set from

the Leeds Centre site is available (monitoring includes NOx/NO2, PM10, PM2.5, SO2,

CO, O3 and benzene). Full data from the Headingley Kerbside site (NOx/NO2, PM10

and PM2.5) is also available on this site. In 2018 the council maintained its own TEOM

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at the Corn Exchange site to monitor PM10 and VCM adjusted results are available in

Tables A.5 and A.6.

Maps showing the location of the monitoring sites are provided in Appendix D.

Further details on how the monitors are calibrated and how the data has been

adjusted are included in Appendix C.

3.1.2 Non-Automatic Monitoring Sites

Leeds City Council undertook non-automatic (passive) monitoring of NO2 at 282 sites

during 2018. Table A.2 in Appendix A shows the details of the sites.

Maps showing the location of the monitoring sites are provided in Appendix D.

Further details on Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) for the diffusion tubes,

including bias adjustments and any other adjustments applied (e.g. “annualisation”

and/or distance correction), are included in Appendix C.

3.2 Individual Pollutants The air quality monitoring results presented in this section are, where relevant,

adjusted for bias, “annualisation” and distance correction. Further details on

adjustments are provided in Appendix C.

3.2.1 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)

Table A.3 in Appendix A compares the ratified and adjusted monitored NO2 annual

mean concentrations for the past 5 years with the air quality objective of 40µg/m3.

For diffusion tubes, the full 2018 dataset of monthly mean values is provided in

Appendix B.

Table A.4 in Appendix A compares the ratified continuous monitored NO2 hourly

mean concentrations for the past 5 years with the air quality objective of 200µg/m3,

not to be exceeded more than 18 times per year.

The Jack Lane automatic monitoring site (A9) recorded one hour exceeding the 200

µg m-3 objective in 2018.

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The following diffusion tubes recorded annual averages above 60 µg m-3,

DT 181 City Square/Boar Lane 61 µg m-3

DT183 Neville Street NW tunnel exit 88 µg m-3

DT 184 Neville Street NE tunnel entrance 65 µg m-3

DT 403 Bishopgate Street road side 60 µg m-3

To further investigate the potential for exceedances of the NO2 hourly mean

concentration objective of 200 µg m-3 the Bishopgate Street automatic monitoring

site (A21) was established as close as reasonably practicable to the elevated results

obtained on the north side of the Neville street tunnel with the rail station platforms

and station approach above. There were no exceedances of the 200 µg m-3

objective during 2018.

A number of diffusion tubes were introduced in 2018 to support the LPTIP and other

infrastructure improvements. Whilst a number of the locations recorded annual

averages above 40 µg m-3 these locations were not relevant to long term exposure

characteristics. However all these locations are within the CAZ boundary and will

benefit from its implementation.

D377 recorded an annual average of 46 µg m-3 and is relevant to long term

exposure. Again this location is within the CAZ boundary and will benefit from its

implementation. Additional diffusion tubes have been located around the vicinity in

2019 to better understand the localised air quality.

3.2.2 Particulate Matter (PM10)

Table A.5 in Appendix A compares the ratified and adjusted monitored PM10 annual

mean concentrations for the past 5 years with the air quality objective of 40µg/m3.

Table A.6 in Appendix A compares the ratified continuous monitored PM10 daily

mean concentrations for the past 5 years with the air quality objective of 50µg/m3, not

to be exceeded more than 35 times per year.

There have been no exceedances of these objectives for several years.

3.2.3 Particulate Matter (PM2.5)

Table A.7 in Appendix A presents the ratified and adjusted monitored PM2.5 annual

mean concentrations for the past 5 years.

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Annual mean concentrations monitored in Leeds in 2018 were well within the


3.2.4 Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)

Table A.8 in Appendix A compares the ratified continuous monitored SO2

concentrations for 2018 with the air quality objectives for SO2.

Although air quality issues around SO2 were confidently dismissed more than ten

years ago, monitoring of this pollutant continues at the Leeds Centre site to inform

the national network. There have been no breaches of any of the objectives applying

to this pollutant.

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Appendix A: Monitoring Results Table A.1 – Details of Automatic Monitoring Sites

Site ID Site Name Site

Type X OS Grid Ref

Y OS Grid Ref

Pollutants Monitored


Monitoring Technique

Distance to Relevant Exposure

(m) (1)

Distance to kerb of nearest

road (m) (2)

Inlet Height


A1 Leeds Centre (AURN)

Urban Centre 429969 434259

NO2; PM10; PM2.5; (+SO2;

CO; O3 )

NO Chemiluminescent FDMS N/A N/A 2.7

A2 Corn Exchange Kerbside 430358 433422 NO2; PM10 NO Chemiluminescent

TEOM 1 (1hr NO2) 1 2.7

A3 Headingley

(AURN Affiliated)

Kerbside 427989 436045 NO2; PM10; PM2.5

NO Chemiluminescent FDMS 1 1 2.7

A6 Haslewood Close Roadside 431268 433701 NO2 YES Chemiluminescent 0 7 3.3

A9 Jack Lane, Hunslet Roadside 430731 431911 NO2 NO Chemiluminescent N/A 5 2.7

A17 Kirkstall Rd Roadside 427147 434789 NO2 NO Chemiluminescent N/A 5 2.7

A18 Temple Newsam Other 435940 432271 NO2 NO Chemiluminescent N/A N/A 2.4

A19 Tilbury Terrace Roadside 428830 431657 NO2 YES Chemiluminescent 1 15 1.5

A20 International Pool Roadside 429329 433672 NO2 NO Chemiluminescent 1 (1hr NO2) 4 1.5

A21 Bishopgate Street Roadside 429932 433370 NO2 NO Chemiluminescent 1 (1hr NO2) 3 1.5

A22 Abbey Road Roadside 426286 435784 NO2 YES Chemiluminescent 28 2 1.5

Notes: (1) 0m if the monitoring site is at a location of exposure (e.g. installed on the façade of a residential property). (2) N/A if not applicable.

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Table A.2 – Details of Non-Automatic Monitoring Sites

Site ID Site Name Site Type X OS Grid Ref

Y OS Grid Ref

Pollutants Monitored



Distance to

Relevant Exposure

(m) (1)

Distance to kerb of nearest

road (m) (2)

Tube collocated

with a Continuous Analyser?

Height (m)

D2 (A3) Headingley (Affiliated) Kerbside 427989 436045 NO2 NO N/A 1 YES 2.7

D6 (A6) Haslewood Close, Wall corner (R) Roadside 431268 433701 NO2 YES 0 7

(to A64) YES 3.3

D7 (A6) Haslewood Close, Wall corner (L) Roadside 431268 433701 NO2 YES 0 7

(to A64) YES 3.3

D8 Haslewood Close Gable Roadside 431264 433704 NO2 YES 0 8 NO 2.4

D9 Haslewood Close facing open area Roadside 431269 433720 NO2 YES 0 27 NO 2.4

D17 19/20 Ladybeck Cl (rear) DP Roadside 430750 433813 NO2 YES 0 13 NO 2.4

D19 Ladybeck Reception (rear) Roadside 430695 433835 NO2 YES 0 14 NO 2.4

D20 25 Ladybeck Cl, rear block (side) Roadside 430727 433834 NO2 YES 0 6

(to A64) NO 2.4

D24 West Street Car Park

Urban Centre 429011 433617 NO2 NO N/A 25 NO 2.7

D26 (A1) Leeds Centre AURN (L)

Urban Centre 429969 434259 NO2 NO N/A 30 YES 2.7

D27 (A1) Leeds Centre AURN (R)

Urban Centre 429969 434259 NO2 NO N/A 30 YES 2.7

D28 (A1) Leeds Centre AURN (M)

Urban Centre 429969 434259 NO2 NO N/A 30 YES 2.7

D31 Railway Terrace, East Ardsley Roadside 430151 426388 NO2 NO 0 14

(to M62) NO 2.4

D35 110 Jack Lane, Hunslet Roadside 430720 431898 NO2 NO 0 7 NO 2.4

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Site ID Site Name Site Type X OS Grid Ref

Y OS Grid Ref

Pollutants Monitored



Distance to

Relevant Exposure

(m) (1)

Distance to kerb of nearest

road (m) (2)

Tube collocated

with a Continuous Analyser?

Height (m)

D43 82 New Road Side, Horsforth Roadside 423925 437335 NO2 NO 0 1 NO 2.4

D44 253 New Road Side, Horsforth Roadside 423269 437505 NO2 NO 0 2 NO 2.4

D45 2 Norman Row, pipe, Kirkstall Roadside 426276 435820 NO2 NO 0 2 NO 2.4

D46 4 De Lacey Mount, Kirkstall Roadside 426214 435955 NO2 NO 0 7 NO 2.4

D48 2 Haddon Place, Kirkstall Roadside 427437 434618 NO2 NO 0 3 NO 2.4

D52 78 Selby Rd, Garforth LP Kerbside 440063 432361 NO2 NO 0 2 NO 2.4

D53 1 Gilbert Mount, Kirkstall Roadside 426531 435222 NO2 NO 0 17

(to A65) NO 2.4

D59 (A2) Corn Exchange Urban Centre 430358 433422 NO2 NO 0 1 YES 2.7

D60 (A17) Kirkstall Rd/ Woodside Terr. Roadside 427147 434789 NO2 NO 0 5 YES 2.7

D68 (A9) Jack Lane GH Roadside 430731 431911 NO2 NO N/A 5 (to A61) YES 2.7

D70 Ladysmith

Workwear, Easy Road

Roadside 431534 432764 NO2 NO 0 7 NO 2.4

D74 Norman Street, Kirkstall Rd LP Roadside 426291 435800 NO2 NO 0 12 NO 2.4

D76 302 York Road Roadside 432569 433764 NO2 NO 0 8 NO 2.4

D105 76 Selby Rd, Garforth Kerbside 440034 432364 NO2 NO 0 4 NO 2.4

D109 107 Bradford Rd, Otley Roadside 419598 445168 NO2 NO 0 3 NO 2.4

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Site ID Site Name Site Type X OS Grid Ref

Y OS Grid Ref

Pollutants Monitored



Distance to

Relevant Exposure

(m) (1)

Distance to kerb of nearest

road (m) (2)

Tube collocated

with a Continuous Analyser?

Height (m)

D110 23 Westgate, Otley Roadside 420037 445462 NO2 NO 0 2 NO 2.4

D114 8 Main Street, Pool Roadside 424507 445151 NO2 NO 0 2 NO 2.4

D118 1 Rein Road, Morley Roadside 426914 426605 NO2 NO 0 2 NO 2.4

D120 2 Chapel Hill, Morley Roadside 426362 428162 NO2 NO 0 2 NO 2.7

D121 adj 32 Otley Road, Headingley Roadside 427906 436195 NO2 NO 0 2 NO 2.4

D122 North Street, LS2

(o/s Northern Intelligence)

Roadside 430522 434022 NO2 NO 0 2 NO 2.4

D123 Victoria Avenue Roadside 432419 433674 NO2 NO 0 15 (to A64) NO 2.4

D125 12 Tilbury Terrace Roadside 428824 431658 NO2 YES 0 17 (to M621) NO 2.4

D126 73 East Park Parade Roadside 432527 433409 NO2 NO 0 2 NO 2.4

D135 Gotts Road (L) Roadside 428866 433332 NO2 NO N/A 7 (to A58M) NO 2.4

D136 Gotts Road (R) Roadside 428858 433327 NO2 NO N/A 7 (to A58M) NO 2.4

D137 362 Bradford Rd, Thornbury Roadside 420612 434359 NO2 NO 0 4 NO 2.4

D144 Railway Terrace, East Ardsley LP Roadside 430142 426388 NO2 NO 0 12

(to M62) NO 2.4

D149 Tilbury Row new tube Kerbside 428762 431670 NO2 YES 0

35 (to M621

on-slip) NO 2.4

D151 Sunbeam Terrace, 2

Bradford Road, Tingley

Roadside 428280 426170 NO2 NO 0 5 NO 2.4

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Site ID Site Name Site Type X OS Grid Ref

Y OS Grid Ref

Pollutants Monitored



Distance to

Relevant Exposure

(m) (1)

Distance to kerb of nearest

road (m) (2)

Tube collocated

with a Continuous Analyser?

Height (m)

D153 3 Oban Terrace, Bradford Road,

Tingley Roadside 427900 426240 NO2 NO 0 10 NO 2.4

D154 The Brambles, Bradford Road,

Tingley Roadside 428080 426220 NO2 NO 0 27 NO 2.4

D155 9 Ladybeck Close Roadside 430720 433785 NO2 YES 0 12m NO 2.4

D160 79 Faroe (off Gotts Road)

Urban Background 429070 433250 NO2 NO 0 N/A NO 10th

Floor D161 236 Leadwell Lane Roadside 432556 427356 NO2 NO 0 3 NO 2.4

D163 (A20) International Pool Roadside 429329 433672 NO2 NO N/A 5 YES 1.5

D164 International Pool Car Park Roadside 429260 433639 NO2 NO N/A 5 NO 2.4

D165 Yorkshire Post Roadside 428980 433435 NO2 NO N/A 9 NO 2.4

D166 Gotts Rd Exit Roadside 428926 433394 NO2 NO N/A 6 NO 2.4

D167 Graingers Way Roadside 428779 433252 NO2 NO N/A 6 NO 2.4

D168 Spence Lane Roadside 428633 432860 NO2 NO N/A 9 NO 2.4

D169 Arco Roadside 428582 432656 NO2 NO N/A 19 NO 2.4

D170 Canal Place Roadside 428766 433294 NO2 NO N/A 7 NO 2.4

D171 Harley Davidson Roadside 428833 433358 NO2 NO N/A 10 NO 2.4

D172 Fountain Street Roadside 429285 433723 NO2 NO N/A 23 NO 2.4

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Site ID Site Name Site Type X OS Grid Ref

Y OS Grid Ref

Pollutants Monitored



Distance to

Relevant Exposure

(m) (1)

Distance to kerb of nearest

road (m) (2)

Tube collocated

with a Continuous Analyser?

Height (m)

D176 Wattle Syke, Collingham Kerbside 439487 446158 NO2 NO 7 2 NO 2.4

D177 Half Moon, Collingham Kerbside 438758 445935 NO2 NO 0 8 NO 2.4

D178 City Sq TL (SW o/s Queens Hotel) Kerbside 429839 433401 NO2 NO N/A 1 NO 2.4

D179 City Sq TL (SW o/s Majestic) Kerbside 429837 433410 NO2 NO N/A 1 NO 2.4

D180 City Square (north side) Kerbside 429905 433473 NO2 NO N/A 1 NO 2.4

D181 City Sq TL (SE Boar Ln side) Kerbside 429939 433403 NO2 NO N/A 1 NO 2.4

D182 City Sq TL (SE o/s Queens Hotel) Kerbside 429932 433397 NO2 NO N/A 1 NO 2.4

D183 Neville St TL (NW tunnel exit) Kerbside 429965 433295 NO2 NO N/A 1 NO 2.4

D184 Neville St TL (NE tunnel entrance) Kerbside 429989 433291 NO2 NO N/A 1 NO 2.4

D186 Neville St Bus Stop (SE tunnel exit) Kerbside 429965 433173 NO2 NO N/A 1 NO 2.4

D187 Neville St Pipe (SW tunnel entrance) Kerbside 429958 433176 NO2 NO N/A 3 NO 2.4

D189 Kirkstall Lane Roadside 426580 435685 NO2 NO 7 2 NO 2.4

D190 8 Carlton Moor Mews, Sharp Ln LP Roadside 431639 427967 NO2 NO 3 2 NO 2.4

D191 Skyliner Apartments Rentals Roadside 430774 433566 NO2 NO 13 1 NO 2.4

D192 St Peter's Square /Duke St Roadside 430779 433515 NO2 NO N/A 1 NO 2.4

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Site ID Site Name Site Type X OS Grid Ref

Y OS Grid Ref

Pollutants Monitored



Distance to

Relevant Exposure

(m) (1)

Distance to kerb of nearest

road (m) (2)

Tube collocated

with a Continuous Analyser?

Height (m)

D193 LP Opp Millgarth Police Stn site Roadside 430699 433684 NO2 NO N/A 1 NO 2.4

D194 5 Wattle Syke, Collingham Roadside 439524 446143 NO2 NO 0 11 NO 2.4

D195 273 Elland Road Roadside 428213 431181 NO2 NO 0 15 NO 2.4

D196 120 Park Road , Guiseley Roadside 418941 441730 NO2 NO 0 7 NO 2.4

D197 (A21) Bishopgate Street Roadside 429932 433370 NO2 NO N/A 3 YES 1.5

D198 Norman Row gable Roadside 426278 435811 NO2 YES 0 2 NO 3

D199 Knowsthorpe Gate met station Industrial 433134 432248 NO2 NO N/A 25 NO 2.1

D200 New Station Street LP 1 Roadside 430061 433276 NO2 NO N/A 5 NO 2.4

D201 New Station Street LP 2 Roadside 430042 433272 NO2 NO N/A 3 NO 2.4

D202 57 Royston Hill, East Ardsley Roadside 430629 424716 NO2 NO 0 3 NO 2.4

D203 Telegraph post, Main St, Pool Roadside 424418 445268 NO2 YES 1 1 NO 2.4

D204 11 Farnham Close Suburban 435562 438338 NO2 NO 0 14 NO 1.8

D205 93 Bradford Rd, East Ardsley Roadside 430106 425107 NO2 NO 0 6 NO 2.4

D206 52 Bradford Rd, East Ardsley Roadside 430439 425060 NO2 NO 0 4 NO 2.4

D207 24 Royston Hill, East Ardsley Roadside 430591 424902 NO2 NO 0 5 NO 2.4

D208 Pool Hall Cottage Other 424589 445084 NO2 YES 0 7 NO 1.8

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Site ID Site Name Site Type X OS Grid Ref

Y OS Grid Ref

Pollutants Monitored



Distance to

Relevant Exposure

(m) (1)

Distance to kerb of nearest

road (m) (2)

Tube collocated

with a Continuous Analyser?

Height (m)

D209 Old School House, Pool Roadside 424381 445348 NO2 YES 3 2 NO 2.4

D210 White Hart PH, Pool Roadside 424627 445118 NO2 YES N/A 2 NO 2.4

D211 Pool Bank New Road Roadside 424617 445064 NO2 NO 9 2 NO 2.4

D213 Leeds Rail Station Platform 7/8 Other 430058 433261 NO2 NO N/A N/A NO 2.4

D214 Leeds Rail Station Platform 9/11 Other 430044 433246 NO2 NO N/A N/A NO 2.4

D215 TP nr Image Studio, Chapel Hill Roadside 426504 428285 NO2 YES 1 3 NO 2.4

D216 LP o/s Peking Express, Chapel Hill Roadside 426431 429197 NO2 YES 1 2 NO 2.4

D217 Brunswick St, Morley opp No. 19 Roadside 426253 428192 NO2 YES 1 1 NO 2.4

D218 Chapel Allerton Sch on main building

Urban Background 430566 436854 NO2 NO 0 27 NO 2.4

D219 Chapel Allerton Sch

playground on fence

Roadside 430586 436864 NO2 NO 0 4 NO 2.4

D220 Churchwood Road Lawnswood TP Roadside 427257 437117 NO2 NO N/A 2 NO 2.4

D221 5 Spen Road LP No 4 Roadside 426747 437544 NO2 NO N/A 1 NO 2.4

D222 19 Spen Road LP No 15 Roadside 426533 437779 NO2 NO N/A 1 NO 2.4

D223 o/s Thornlea Court, West Park Drive Roadside 426536 437634 NO2 NO N/A 1 NO 2.4

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Y OS Grid Ref

Pollutants Monitored



Distance to

Relevant Exposure

(m) (1)

Distance to kerb of nearest

road (m) (2)

Tube collocated

with a Continuous Analyser?

Height (m)

D224 Weston Ln Otley - LP opp no 95 Roadside 419402 446252 NO2 NO N/A 2 NO 2.4

D225 Weston Ln Otley - LP o/s no 11 Roadside 419838 446179 NO2 NO N/A 2 NO 2.4

D226 Bus stop at 42 Weston Ln Otley Roadside 419638 446203 NO2 NO N/A 1 NO 2.4

D227 Weston Dr Otley - LP o/s no 7b Roadside 419471 446337 NO2 NO N/A 2 NO 2.4

D228 Weston Dr Otley - LP o/s no 78 Roadside 419198 446401 NO2 NO N/A 2 NO 2.4

D229 Weston Dr Otley - LP o/s no 150 Roadside 418926 446450 NO2 NO N/A 2 NO 2.4

D230 Kids Utd nursery NE play area on


Urban Background 431902 430848 NO2 NO 0 84 NO 2.4

D231 Kids Utd nursery NE play area on


Urban Background 431910 430842 NO2 NO 0 75 NO 2.4

D232 Kids Utd nursery

South play area on fence

Urban Background 431877 430810 NO2 NO 0 100 NO 2.4

D233 Hunslet nursery on veranda

Urban Background 431145 431632 NO2 NO 0 150 NO 2.4

D234 Hunslet nursery on tree in play area

Urban Background 431161 431601 NO2 NO 0 115 NO 2.4

D235 Caspar Apartments LP at entrance Roadside 430497 434032 NO2 YES 14 3 NO 2.4

D236 Caspar Apartments 1st veranda pole Roadside 430490 434044 NO2 YES 0 17 NO 2.1

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Y OS Grid Ref

Pollutants Monitored



Distance to

Relevant Exposure

(m) (1)

Distance to kerb of nearest

road (m) (2)

Tube collocated

with a Continuous Analyser?

Height (m)

D237 Caspar Apartments last veranda pole (closest to IRR)

Roadside 430423 434058 NO2 YES 0 19 NO 2.1

D238 Bus station in middle on pole Other 430676 433529 NO2 NO N/A N/A NO 2.4

D239 Whitkirk 1 LP at jct Grove

Rd/Jean Ave Roadside 435043 433146 NO2 NO N/A 2 NO 2.4

D240 Whitkirk 2 LP

opp 147 New Templegate

Roadside 435035 432915 NO2 NO N/A 3 NO 2.4

D241 Whitkirk 3 LP

o/s 112 New Templegate

Roadside 435233 432999 NO2 NO N/A 3 NO 2.4


Whitkirk 4 LP at jct New

Templegate/Temple Park Green

Roadside 435466 433072 NO2 NO N/A 3 NO 2.4

D243 Whitkirk 5 LP o/s 48/50 Temple Gate Roadside 435814 433351 NO2 NO N/A 3 NO 2.4

D244 Whitkirk 6 LP o/s 26/28 Temple Gate Roadside 435888 433444 NO2 NO N/A 3 NO 2.4

D245 Sovereign Street LP in front of green Roadside 430090 433105 NO2 NO N/A 3 NO 2.4

D246 81 Aberford Rd Woodlesford DP Roadside 436554 428588 NO2 NO 0 2 NO 2.4

D247 AECOM on door

facia rear of building

Roadside 429920 432710 NO2 NO N/A 6 NO 2.4

D248 Emovis 3rd Floor office window frame Roadside 430092 433834 NO2 NO N/A 17 NO 6

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LAQM Annual Status Report 2019 33

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Y OS Grid Ref

Pollutants Monitored



Distance to

Relevant Exposure

(m) (1)

Distance to kerb of nearest

road (m) (2)

Tube collocated

with a Continuous Analyser?

Height (m)

D249 Amazing Grace EY

Centre adj play area

Urban Background 431046 433462 NO2 NO 0 42 NO 1.5

D250 Amazing Grace EY

Centre car park entrance

Roadside 431041 433422 NO2 NO 0 58 NO 2.7

D251 Jimbos nursery on LP nearest road

(A64) Roadside 432199 433577 NO2 NO 0 10 NO 2.1

D252 Jimbos nursery on LP next to play area

Urban Background 432225 433563 NO2 NO 0 30 NO 2.1

D253 Footpath on A64

side of La Coccinelle nursery

Urban Background 434269 434381 NO2 NO 3 60 NO 3

D254 La Coccinelle nursery, side gate

Urban Background 434260 434397 NO2 NO 0 75 NO 2.4

D255 Leeds Uni union Woodhouse Lane

Urban Background 429357 434625 NO2 NO N/A 60 NO 2.4

D256 Leeds Uni Woodhouse Lane Kerbside 429582 434721 NO2 NO N/A 1 NO 2.4

D260 Wellington Place LP Roadside 429194 433423 NO2 NO N/A 68 (to A65 / Wellington

St) NO 2.4

D261 Quayside Hse, Canal Wharf LP Roadside 429739 433032 NO2 NO N/A 3 NO 2.4

D262 2 Brewery Place LP Roadside 430567 433118 NO2 NO 10 26 NO 2.4

D263 B&B Wakefield Road TP Roadside 432000 430828 NO2 NO N/A 3 NO 2.4

D264 First Direct Wakf'd Rd LP at entrance Kerbside 432034 431006 NO2 NO N/A 0 NO 2.4

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LAQM Annual Status Report 2019 34

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Y OS Grid Ref

Pollutants Monitored



Distance to

Relevant Exposure

(m) (1)

Distance to kerb of nearest

road (m) (2)

Tube collocated

with a Continuous Analyser?

Height (m)

D265 Thwaite Gate LP o/s Skoda Garage Roadside 432063 431150 NO2 NO N/A 2 NO 2.4

D266 33 Rocheford Gardens Roadside 431801 431351 NO2 NO 0 15 NO 2.4

D267 Low Rd LP opp Dental surgery Roadside 431409 431610 NO2 NO N/A 3 NO 2.4

D268 Low Rd LP o/s Suzuki Garage Roadside 431374 431677 NO2 NO N/A 4 NO 2.4

D269 LP o/s 1 Whitfield Way Roadside 431192 431799 NO2 NO 3 19 NO 2.4

D270 Hunslet Rd

cycle/pedestrian sign

Roadside 430895 432251 NO2 NO N/A 2 NO 2.4

D271 Hunslet

Rd/Brookf'ld Terr LP

Roadside 430851 432360 NO2 NO N/A 1 NO 2.4

D272 Hunslet Rd/Black Bull St LP inb'd Roadside 430631 432610 NO2 NO 1 2 NO 2.4

D273 Hunslet Rd/Black Bull St LP outb'd Roadside 430608 432672 NO2 NO N/A 2 NO 2.4

D274 TP o/s 155 Belle Isle Rd Roadside 431150 430079 NO2 NO 8 3 NO 2.4

D275 LP o/s 96 Belle Isle Rd Roadside 431082 430275 NO2 NO 8 2 NO 2.4

D276 LP adj 1 Middlecroft Close Roadside 431889 429630 NO2 NO 10 2 NO 2.4

D277 LP adj 2 Highlands Grove Roadside 431867 429579 NO2 NO 12 3 NO 2.4

D278 960 Scott Hall Road Roadside 430563 438780 NO2 NO 0 16 NO 2.4

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Y OS Grid Ref

Pollutants Monitored



Distance to

Relevant Exposure

(m) (1)

Distance to kerb of nearest

road (m) (2)

Tube collocated

with a Continuous Analyser?

Height (m)

D279 28a Hallfield Cres, Wetherby Roadside 441000 447967 NO2 NO 0 19 NO 2.4

D280 23 Netherdale Court, Wetherby Roadside 441182 448728 NO2 NO 0 12 NO 2.4

D281 1 Boston Road, Wetherby Roadside 440440 447856 NO2 NO 0 2 NO 2.4

D282 12 Boston Road, Wetherby Roadside 440435 447734 NO2 NO 0 2 NO 2.4

D283 (A22) Abbey Rd / Norman St Roadside 426286 435784 NO2 YES 28 2 YES 1.5

D284 3 Leeds Road LS19 Roadside 420852 439666 NO2 NO 0 6 NO 2.1

D285 12 Leeds Road LS19 Roadside 420869 439582 NO2 NO 0 7 NO 2.1

D286 131 Ring Road Wortley Roadside 426670 431713 NO2 NO 0 11 NO 2.1

D287 Int'l Pool LP in Car Park Roadside 429334 433661 NO2 NO N/A 17 NO 2.4

D288 Int'l Pool overbridge LP Roadside 429332 433668 NO2 NO N/A 10 NO 2.4

D289 Former Yorkshire Post access Roadside 429006 433407 NO2 NO N/A 44 NO 2.4

D290 Yorks Post slip road to IRR (Sth) Roadside 428964 433432 NO2 NO N/A 1 NO 2.4

D291 Gotts Road adj to R Aire and hsg Roadside 428986 433355 NO2 NO N/A 75 NO 2.4

D292 Yorks Post slip road to IRR (Nth) Roadside 429063 433495 NO2 NO N/A 3 NO 2.4

D293 Wellington Street Roadside 429127 433500 NO2 NO N/A 3 NO 2.4

D294 Park Lane/IRR overbridge (South) Roadside 429401 433766 NO2 NO N/A 5 NO 2.4

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LAQM Annual Status Report 2019 36

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Y OS Grid Ref

Pollutants Monitored



Distance to

Relevant Exposure

(m) (1)

Distance to kerb of nearest

road (m) (2)

Tube collocated

with a Continuous Analyser?

Height (m)

D295 Joseph's Well/IRR LP (North) Roadside 429414 433974 NO2 NO N/A 4 NO 2.4

D296 Joseph's Well/IRR LP (South) Roadside 429395 433893 NO2 NO N/A 4 NO 2.4

D297 Park Lane/IRR overbridge (North) Roadside 429404 433831 NO2 NO N/A 5 NO 2.4

D298 Adj. IRR/Fountain St slip road Roadside 429304 433708 NO2 NO N/A 1 NO 2.4

D299 32 Westbury Terrace Roadside 431793 430435 NO2 NO 0 6 NO 2.4

D300 52 Westbury Mount Roadside 431754 430391 NO2 NO 0 5 NO 2.2

D301 Enterprise Way LP Urban Background 431639 430105 NO2 NO 4 18 NO 2.4

D302 Barrack Rd LP14 R401 Roadside 431200 434974 NO2 NO N/A 3 NO 2.4

D303 Roundhay Road LP13 R401 Roadside 431167 434958 NO2 NO N/A 4 NO 2.4

D304 Barrack Rd LP17 B140 Roadside 431148 435012 NO2 NO N/A 3 NO 2.4

D305 Barrack Rd LP18 B140 Roadside 431175 434992 NO2 NO N/A 3 NO 2.4

D306 Barrack Rd LP15 R401 Roadside 431215 435000 NO2 NO N/A 3 NO 2.4

D307 Roundhay Road LP63 R401 Roadside 432045 435927 NO2 NO N/A 1.5 NO 2.4

D308 Roundhay Road LP67 R401 Kerbside 432107 436021 NO2 NO 26 4 NO 2.4

D309 Roundhay Road LP50 R401 Roadside 431875 435710 NO2 NO N/A 2.5 NO 2.4

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LAQM Annual Status Report 2019 37

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Y OS Grid Ref

Pollutants Monitored



Distance to

Relevant Exposure

(m) (1)

Distance to kerb of nearest

road (m) (2)

Tube collocated

with a Continuous Analyser?

Height (m)

D310 Skinner Lane LP2 L305 Roadside 431440 434040 NO2 NO N/A 2 NO 2.4

D311 Beckett Street LP6 B203 Roadside 431419 434100 NO2 NO N/A 2.5 NO 2.4

D312 Beckett Street LP7 B203 Roadside 431444 434126 NO2 NO N/A 2.5 NO 2.4

D313 Lincoln Green Road LP3 A43 Roadside 431377 434107 NO2 NO N/A 2.5 NO 2.4

D314 Beckett Street LP5 B203 Roadside 431418 434061 NO2 NO N/A 2 NO 2.4

D315 Beckett Street LP4 B203 Roadside 431393 434043 NO2 NO N/A 1.5 NO 2.4

D316 Lincoln Green Road LP1 L305 Roadside 431399 434085 NO2 NO 18 2 NO 2.4

D317 Pickering Street LP5 P218 Kerbside 427633 433747 NO2 NO N/A 0.5 NO 2.4

D318 A647(AMT) LP42 A279 Roadside 427662 433719 NO2 NO N/A 2 NO 2.4

D319 HOV lane(s) LP60 S796 Roadside 426086 434106 NO2 NO 10 2 NO 2.4

D320 HOV lane(n) LP76 S796 Roadside 425806 434198 NO2 NO 43 4 NO 2.4

D321 A647 Bradford Road LP38 B916 Roadside 420524 434296 NO2 NO 7 3 NO 2.4

D322 A647 Bradford Road LP39 B916 Roadside 420512 434325 NO2 NO 7 3 NO 2.4

D323 Ledgard Way LP2 L223 Roadside 427317 433673 NO2 NO N/A 3 NO 2.4

D324 Ledgard WayLP1 L223 Roadside 427297 433674 NO2 NO 50 2 NO 2.4

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Y OS Grid Ref

Pollutants Monitored



Distance to

Relevant Exposure

(m) (1)

Distance to kerb of nearest

road (m) (2)

Tube collocated

with a Continuous Analyser?

Height (m)

D325 Ledgard Way LP2 796 Roadside 427268 433651 NO2 NO N/A 4 NO 2.4

D326 Ledgard Way LP1 S796 Roadside 427266 433625 NO2 NO N/A 3 NO 2.4

D327 Ledgard WayLP52 C654 Roadside 427300 433616 NO2 NO N/A 11 NO 2.4

D328 Ledgard Way LP56 S279 Roadside 427337 433615 NO2 NO 30 2.5 NO 2.4

D329 Ledgard Way LP55 S279 Roadside 427323 433640 NO2 NO N/A 3.5 NO 2.4

D330 Lawnswood Rbt LP139 0245 Roadside 426798 438073 NO2 NO 14 2 NO 2.4

D331 Lawnswood Rbt LP52 R239 Kerbside 426847 438073 NO2 NO N/A 1 NO 2.4

D332 Lawnswood Rbt LP45 R239 Roadside 426869 438035 NO2 NO N/A 2 NO 2.4

D333 Lawnswood Rbt LP2 0244 Kerbside 426847 437976 NO2 NO N/A 1 NO 2.4

D334 Lawnswood Rbt LP1 0244 Kerbside 426821 437973 NO2 NO N/A 1 NO 2.4

D335 Lawnswood Rbt LP65 R240 Roadside 426787 437997 NO2 NO N/A 4.5 NO 2.4

D336 Lawnswood Rbt LP50 R239 Kerbside 426798 438048 NO2 NO 13 1 NO 2.4

D337 Blackman Lane LP10 B426 Roadside 429810 434561 NO2 NO N/A 2.5 NO 2.4

D338 Blackman Lane LP12 B426 Roadside 429764 434530 NO2 NO N/A 2.5 NO 2.4

D339 St Marks Road LP60 W881 Roadside 429553 434803 NO2 NO 4 2 NO 2.4

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Y OS Grid Ref

Pollutants Monitored



Distance to

Relevant Exposure

(m) (1)

Distance to kerb of nearest

road (m) (2)

Tube collocated

with a Continuous Analyser?

Height (m)

D341 Woodhouse Lane LP70 W881 Roadside 429363 434965 NO2 NO 5 2 NO 2.4

D342 Woodhouse Lane LP71 W881 Roadside 429334 434979 NO2 NO 7 2 NO 2.4

D343 Stainbeck Lane LP142 S731 Kerbside 429942 437003 NO2 NO N/A 1 NO 2.4

D344 Stainbeck Lane LP102 S144 Kerbside 429924 436982 NO2 NO N/A 1 NO 2.4

D345 Stainbeck Lane LP103 S144 Kerbside 429902 436981 NO2 NO 17 1 NO 2.4

D346 Stainbeck Lane LP40 S731 Roadside 429868 437017 NO2 NO 7 2 NO 2.4

D347 Stainbeck Lane LP41 S731 Kerbside 429893 437027 NO2 NO 22 1 NO 2.4

D348 Stainbeck Lane LP108 S144 Kerbside 429912 437036 NO2 NO 17 1 NO 2.4

D349 Stainbeck Lane LP109 S144 Roadside 429930 437032 NO2 NO 12 1.5 NO 2.4

D350 Stainbeck Lane LP28 P325 Kerbside 430006 436609 NO2 NO N/A 1 NO 2.4

D351 Stainbeck Lane LP79 S144 Roadside 429983 436579 NO2 NO N/A 2 NO 2.4

D352 Stainbeck Lane LP78 S144 Roadside 429964 436573 NO2 NO 54 1.5 NO 2.4

D353 Stainbeck Lane LP30 P325 Roadside 429900 436606 NO2 NO N/A 2.5 NO 2.4

D354 Stainbeck Lane LP29 P325 Kerbside 429921 436617 NO2 NO 10 1 NO 2.4

D355 Stainbeck Lane LP85 S144 Roadside 429942 436636 NO2 NO 15 2 NO 2.4

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LAQM Annual Status Report 2019 40

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Y OS Grid Ref

Pollutants Monitored



Distance to

Relevant Exposure

(m) (1)

Distance to kerb of nearest

road (m) (2)

Tube collocated

with a Continuous Analyser?

Height (m)

D356 Stainbeck Lane LP84 S144 Kerbside 429972 436641 NO2 NO N/A 1 NO 2.4

D357 Buslingthorpe Lane LP23 S222 Roadside 430486 435357 NO2 NO 15 4 NO 2.4

D358 Buslingthorpe Lane LP22 S222 Roadside 430466 435356 NO2 NO N/A 4 NO 2.4

D359 Buslingthorpe Lane LP3 S144 Roadside 430462 435425 NO2 NO 32 4 NO 2.4

D360 Buslingthorpe Lane LP2 S144 Kerbside 430482 435423 NO2 NO 16 1 NO 2.4

D361 Between

Potternewton/Stainbeck LP95 S144

Roadside 429917 436844 NO2 NO 10 2 NO 2.4

D362 Between Stainbeck Lane LP122 S144 Kerbside 430027 437292 NO2 NO 15 1 NO 2.4

D363 Between Stainbeck Lane LP123 S144 Kerbside 430046 437284 NO2 NO 11 1 NO 2.4

D364 Potternewtron Lane

Technorth LP7 H172

Roadside 430790 436638 NO2 NO 7 2.5 NO 2.4

D365 Potternewton Lane

Technorth LP5 H172

Roadside 430843 436614 NO2 NO 17 3 NO 2.4

D366 Chapel Allerton Hospital LP48

C258 Roadside 430870 436387 NO2 NO 8 4 NO 2.4

D367 Chapel Allerton Hospital LP45

C258 Roadside 430871 436304 NO2 NO 17 2 NO 2.4

D368 Reginald Terr LP2 R155 Roadside 430914 435792 NO2 NO N/A 3 NO 2.4

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Y OS Grid Ref

Pollutants Monitored



Distance to

Relevant Exposure

(m) (1)

Distance to kerb of nearest

road (m) (2)

Tube collocated

with a Continuous Analyser?

Height (m)

D369 Reginald Terr LP30 C258 Roadside 430969 435807 NO2 NO N/A 2 NO 2.4

D370 Reginald Terr LP1 H112 Roadside 430979 435783 NO2 NO 19 2 NO 2.4

D371 Reginald Terr LP26 C258 Kerbside 430963 435744 NO2 NO 17 1 NO 2.4

D372 Saville Mt LP6 C258 Roadside 430764 435256 NO2 NO N/A 3 NO 2.4

D373 Saville Mt LP5 C258 Roadside 430770 435222 NO2 NO N/A 1.5 NO 2.4

D374 Brookside LP172H172 Roadside 431101 440501 NO2 NO N/A 3.5 NO 2.4

D375 Brookside LP173 H712 Roadside 431119 440538 NO2 NO N/A 4 NO 2.4


Between Potternewton

Lane/Stainbeck LP94

Roadside 429895 436842 NO2 NO 10 2 NO 2.4

D377 Cardigan fields EAST LP57 K202 Roadside 427673 434494 NO2 NO 0 3 NO 2.4

D378 Cardigan Fields WEST LP56 K200 Roadside 427667 434476 NO2 NO N/A 2 NO 2.4

D379 New Road Side Horsforth LP40

N370 Kerbside 423313 437470 NO2 NO 1.5 0.5 NO 2.4

D380 New Road Side Horsforth LP41

N371 Roadside 423298 437503 NO2 NO N/A 3 NO 2.4

D381 Seacroft Hospital LP239 Y12 Roadside 434902 434660 NO2 NO 13 2.5 NO 2.4

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Y OS Grid Ref

Pollutants Monitored



Distance to

Relevant Exposure

(m) (1)

Distance to kerb of nearest

road (m) (2)

Tube collocated

with a Continuous Analyser?

Height (m)

D382 Seacroft Hospital LP238 Y12 Roadside 434909 434627 NO2 NO N/A 4 NO 2.4

D383 Back Osmanthorpe Lane jnctn A64 Roadside 433144 433998 NO2 NO 17 2 NO 2.4

D384 Harehills Lane jnctn A64 LP119 Y12 Roadside 433132 434034 NO2 NO N/A 2 NO 2.4

D385 Sandringham Way LP3 S74 Suburban 430805 439414 NO2 NO 20 10 NO 2.4

D386 8 Main Street, Pool Roadside 424507 445151 NO2 YES 0 2 NO 2.4

D394 86/88 Standale Rd Pudsey LP Roadside 421507 433940 NO2 NO 7 2 NO 2.4

D395 Meadow Pk Dr/Bradford Rd Kerbside 420802 434420 NO2 NO 9 1 NO 2.4

D396 Priesthorpe

Ave/ORR 20mph sign

Kerbside 420877 434515 NO2 NO 28 2 NO 2.4

D397 30/32 Priesthorpe Ave LP Roadside 420784 434618 NO2 NO 6 2 NO 2.4

D398 Stanningley

Bypass/Dawson's Cnr

Roadside 420971 434399 NO2 NO N/A 3 NO 2.4

D399 243/245 Bradford Rd LP Roadside 421019 434470 NO2 NO 3 2 NO 2.4

D400 Sommerville

Rd/Bradford Rd 20 sign

Roadside 421325 434454 NO2 NO 8 2 NO 2.4

D401 Cotefields Ave o/s F'sley Farfield PS Suburban 421053 435072 NO2 NO 14 2 NO 2.4

D402 Oakwood Clock Urban Background 432636 436906 NO2 NO N/A 30 NO 2.4

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Y OS Grid Ref

Pollutants Monitored



Distance to

Relevant Exposure

(m) (1)

Distance to kerb of nearest

road (m) (2)

Tube collocated

with a Continuous Analyser?

Height (m)

D403 Bishopgate Street road sign Kerbside 429934 433368 NO2 NO N/A 1 NO 2.4

D404 Hobberley Ln,

Shadwell (LP with 30)

Suburban 434856 439357 NO2 NO 7 1 NO 3

D405 11/12 Manor Court, Shadwell LP Suburban 434563 439609 NO2 NO 7 1 NO 3

D406 53 Hornbeam Way, Whinmoor LP Suburban 436387 437959 NO2 NO 6 1 NO 3

D407 Thorner Lane 30mph (East sign) Kerbside 437054 438680 NO2 NO 15 1 NO 3

D408 24 Morwick Grove, Scholes LP Suburban 437520 436897 NO2 NO 8 1 NO 3

D409 18 Main Street, Scholes LP Roadside 438366 436473 NO2 NO 10 1 NO 3

D410 545 Leeds Road, Scholes LP Roadside 437967 436122 NO2 NO 12 1 NO 3

Notes: (1) 0m if the monitoring site is at a location of exposure (e.g. installed on/adjacent to the façade of a residential property). (2) N/A if not applicable.

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Table A.3a – Annual Mean NO2 Monitoring Results

Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

A1 Urban Centre Automatic 98 98 38 31 33 32 30 A2 Kerbside Automatic 85 85 55 54 51 54 51 A3 Kerbside Automatic 99 99 45 40 40 35 33 A6 Roadside Automatic 100 50 45 46 38 42 40 A9 Roadside Automatic 99 99 47 46 45 43 41 A17 Roadside Automatic 99 99 33 30 29 27 28 A18 Other Automatic 99 99 20 20 20 18 16 A19 Roadside Automatic 97 97 44 38 37 34 31 A20 Roadside Automatic 78 78 42 38 36 A21 Roadside Automatic 96 96 67 58 A22 Roadside Automatic 99 99 45 39

D2 Kerbside Industrial Diffusion Tube 100 100 37 37 37 32

D6 Roadside Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 33 34 36 34

D7 Roadside Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 35 36 37 35

D8 Roadside Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 34 35 37 35

D9 Roadside Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 31 32 34 33

D17 Roadside Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 36 36 33 34

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D19 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 32 33 33 32 37

D20 Roadside Diffusion Tube 75 75 32 34 35 35 39

D24 Urban Centre Diffusion Tube 100 100 39 33 31 29 30

D26 Urban Centre Diffusion Tube 100 100 35 32 31 32 30

D27 Urban Centre Diffusion Tube 100 100 34 32 33 33 32

D28 Urban Centre Diffusion Tube 100 100 36 34 32 32 30

D31 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 35 32 32 32 30

D35 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 39 37 36 37 34

D43 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 47 38 43 31 35

D44 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 35 34 31 34 31

D45 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 39 39 37 37 37

D46 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 30 29 27 30 26

D48 Roadside Diffusion Tube 58 58 35 32 31 31 29

D52 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 92 92 46 37 41 37 38

D53 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 24 22 23 26 24

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D59 Urban Centre Diffusion Tube 25 25 52 51 49 46 53

D60 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 32 28 28 29 28

D68 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 42 42 43 45 40

D70 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 32 32 35 35 33

D74 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 34 33 38 35 32

D76 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 35 32 29 33 31

D105 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 100 100 52 41 43 47 43

D109 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 36 35 39 37 33

D110 Roadside Diffusion Tube 67 67 35 35 36 36 38

D114 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 62 52 60 55 52

D118 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 43 42 41 40 34

D120 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 53 41 39 35 35

D121 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 46 39 39 42 40

D122 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 38 35 36 37 37

D123 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 30 28 29 29 30

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D125 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 32 29 32 29 28

D126 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 32 31 32 32 29

D135 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 45 42 44 42 38

D136 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 46 44 47 44 41

D137 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 32 29 28 29 31

D144 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 38 31 37 36 32

D149 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 83 83 31 30 29 33 29

D151 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 31 30 32 28

D153 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 34 34 30 29

D154 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 34 36 31 28

D155 Roadside Diffusion Tube 33 33 37 36 30 31

D160 Urban Background

Diffusion Tube 58 58 29 27 30 27

D161 Roadside Diffusion Tube 42 42 32 33 32

D163 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 45 39 40

D164 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 40 40 36

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D165 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 53 48 48

D166 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 49 51 44

D167 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 50 49 47

D168 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 46 47 43

D169 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 38 34 35

D170 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 44 40 41

D171 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 49 45 44

D172 Roadside Diffusion Tube 50 50 32 32 28

D176 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 100 100 44 42 41

D177 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 100 100 30 33 29

D178 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 83 83 46 51 46

D179 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 92 92 58 50 47

D180 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 92 92 47 47 48

D181 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 100 100 62 58 60

D182 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 100 100 56 52 51

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D183 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 92 92 95 99 88

D184 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 92 92 88 76 65

D186 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 100 100 60 51 53

D187 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 100 100 64 58 55

D189 Roadside Diffusion Tube 58 58 39 39 39

D190 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 31 30 31

D191 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 48 44 47

D192 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 60 55 53

D193 Roadside Diffusion Tube 75 75 55 55 52

D194 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 27 29 26

D195 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 25 24 25

D196 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 24 22 22

D197 Roadside Diffusion Tube 42 42 61 55

D198 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 40 41

D199 Industrial Diffusion Tube 100 100 29 28

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D200 Roadside Diffusion Tube 58 58 50 53

D201 Roadside Diffusion Tube 75 75 46 55

D202 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 46 43

D203 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 34 39

D204 Suburban Diffusion Tube 100 100 19 19

D205 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 27 26

D206 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 26 31

D207 Roadside Diffusion Tube 67 67 24 30

D208 Other Diffusion Tube 100 100 21 21

D209 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 21 20

D210 Roadside Diffusion Tube 75 75 29 29

D211 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 53 45

D213 Other Diffusion Tube 92 92 55 56

D214 Other Diffusion Tube 100 100 57 56

D215 Roadside Diffusion Tube 50 50 34 32

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D216 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 32 31

D217 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 32 39

D218 Urban Background

Diffusion Tube 92 92 18 20

D219 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 27 27

D220 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 18 18

D221 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 22 22

D222 Roadside Diffusion Tube 75 75 18 20

D223 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 17 17

D224 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 11 11

D225 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 18 18

D226 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 18 18

D227 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 14 14

D228 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 13 13

D229 Roadside Diffusion Tube 58 58 13 13

D230 Urban Background

Diffusion Tube 100 100 24 23

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D231 Urban Background

Diffusion Tube 100 100 25 24

D232 Urban Background

Diffusion Tube 100 100 22 22

D233 Urban Background

Diffusion Tube 100 100 22 22

D234 Urban Background

Diffusion Tube 100 100 24 25

D235 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 39 36

D236 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 30 30

D237 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 31 30

D238 Other Diffusion Tube 92 92 37 42

D239 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 20 21

D240 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 18 20

D241 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 23 19

D242 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 23 20

D243 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 25 21

D244 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 23 20

D245 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 34 35

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D246 Roadside Diffusion Tube 50 50 26 30

D247 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 36 32

D248 Roadside Diffusion Tube 75 75 39 37

D249 Urban Background

Diffusion Tube 100 100 33 31

D250 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 33 33

D251 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 33 32

D252 Urban Background

Diffusion Tube 83 83 32 26

D253 Urban Background

Diffusion Tube 33 33 26 22

D254 Urban Background

Diffusion Tube - - 22 -

D255 Urban Background

Diffusion Tube 83 83 20 20

D256 Kerbside Diffusion Tube - - 46 -

D257 Urban Background

Diffusion Tube 92 92 - 16

D258 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 83 83 - 17

D260 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 28 30

D261 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 30 29

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D262 Roadside Diffusion Tube 58 58 - 32

D263 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 100 100 35 31

D264 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 31 32

D265 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 44 38

D266 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 27 26

D267 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 45 38

D268 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 35 31

D269 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 25 28

D270 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 33 35

D271 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 32 32

D272 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 51 47

D273 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 32 35

D274 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 30 26

D275 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 25 25

D276 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 26 25

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D277 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 20 26

D278 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 19 17

D279 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 21 18

D280 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 18 22

D281 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 25 34

D282 Roadside Diffusion Tube 67 67 32 32

D283 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 36 40

D284 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 28 33

D285 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 21 21

D286 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 26 29

D287 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 40 34

D288 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 43 35

D289 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 - 34

D290 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 56 54

D291 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 36 32

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D292 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 61 52

D293 Roadside Diffusion Tube 75 75 58 40

D294 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 39 36

D295 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 47 50

D296 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 39 43

D297 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 43 37

D298 Roadside Diffusion Tube 75 75 36 36

D299 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 27

D300 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 22

D301 Urban Background

Diffusion Tube 67 67 18

D302 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 31

D303 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 29

D304 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 30

D305 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 32

D306 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 37

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D307 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 33

D308 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 100 100 31

D309 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 46

D310 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 35

D311 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 39

D312 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 35

D313 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 32

D314 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 31

D315 Roadside Diffusion Tube 58 58 32

D316 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 33

D317 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 92 92 26

D318 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 39

D319 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 30

D320 Roadside Diffusion Tube 75 75 33

D321 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 39

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D322 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 33

D323 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 37

D324 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 34

D325 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 36

D326 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 50

D327 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 44

D328 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 42

D329 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 37

D330 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 36

D331 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 83 83 38

D332 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 40

D333 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 83 83 30

D334 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 92 92 29

D335 Roadside Diffusion Tube 67 67 34

D336 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 75 75 42

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D337 Roadside Diffusion Tube 58 58 33

D338 Roadside Diffusion Tube 25 25 30

D339 Roadside Diffusion Tube 58 58 48

D341 Roadside Diffusion Tube 58 58 36

D342 Roadside Diffusion Tube 42 42 45

D343 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 67 67 31

D344 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 83 83 36

D345 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 92 92 30

D346 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 27

D347 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 92 92 31

D348 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 83 83 34

D349 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 32

D350 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 100 100 32

D351 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 32

D352 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 30

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D353 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 29

D354 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 100 100 36

D355 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 38

D356 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 75 75 34

D357 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 33

D358 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 37

D359 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 46

D360 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 92 92 34

D361 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 29

D362 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 100 100 23

D363 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 92 92 33

D364 Roadside Diffusion Tube 67 67 39

D365 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 35

D366 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 29

D367 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 23

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D368 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 24

D369 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 33

D370 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 32

D371 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 92 92 37

D372 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 31

D373 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 28

D374 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 20

D375 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 18

D376 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 44

D377 Roadside Diffusion Tube 50 50 46

D378 Roadside Diffusion Tube 67 67 31

D379 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 92 92 26

D380 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 31

D381 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 44

D382 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 32

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D383 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 43

D384 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 44

D385 Suburban Diffusion Tube 100 100 27

D386 Roadside Diffusion Tube 73 67 50

D394 Roadside Diffusion Tube 88 58 19

D395 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 75 50 27

D396 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 100 67 28

D397 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 67 19

D398 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 67 38

D399 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 67 35

D400 Roadside Diffusion Tube 88 58 22

D401 Suburban Diffusion Tube 88 58 19

D402 Urban Background

Diffusion Tube 100 50 24

D403 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 75 75 60

D404 Suburban Diffusion Tube 100 42 19

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D405 Suburban Diffusion Tube 80 33 14

D406 Suburban Diffusion Tube 100 42 15

D407 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 100 42 16

D408 Suburban Diffusion Tube 80 33 15

D409 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 42 18

D410 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 42 20

☒ Diffusion tube data has been bias corrected ☒ Annualisation has been conducted where data capture is <75% Notes: Exceedances of the NO2 annual mean objective of 40µg/m3 are shown in bold. NO2 annual means exceeding 60µg/m3, indicating a potential exceedance of the NO2 1-hour mean objective are shown in bold and underlined. (1) Data capture for the monitoring period, in cases where monitoring was only carried out for part of the year. (2) Data capture for the full calendar year (e.g. if monitoring was carried out for 6 months, the maximum data capture for the full calendar year is 50%). (3) Means for diffusion tubes have been corrected for bias. All means have been “annualised” as per Boxes 7.9 and 7.10 in LAQM.TG16 if valid data capture for the full calendar year is less than 75%. See Appendix C for details.

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Table A.3b – Annual Mean NO2 Monitoring Results associated with specific schemes

Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring Period (%)


Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Ebor Gardens AQMA

A6 Roadside Automatic 100 50 45 46 38 42 40

D6(A6) Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 35 33 34 36 34

D7(A6) Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 34 35 36 37 35

D8 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 35 34 35 37 35

D9 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 37 31 32 34 33

Caspar Apartments


D122 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 38 35 36 37 37

D235 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 39 36

D236 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 30 30

D237 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 31 30

The Normans AQMA

A22 Roadside Automatic 99 99 45 39

D45 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 39 39 37 37 37

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring Period (%)


Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D46 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 30 29 27 30 26

D74 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 34 33 38 35 32

D198 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 40 41

D283 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 36 40

The Tilburys AQMA

A19 Roadside Automatic 97 97 44 38 37 34 31

D125 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 32 29 32 29 28

D149 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 83 83 31 30 29 33 29



D114 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 62 52 60 55 52

D203 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 34 39

D208 Other Diffusion Tube 100 100 21 21

D209 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 21 20

D210 Roadside Diffusion Tube 75 75 29 29

D211 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 53 45

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring Period (%)


Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Chapel Hill AQMA

D120 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 53 41 39 35 35

D215 Roadside Diffusion Tube 50 50 34 32

D216 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 32 31

D217 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 32 39

Inner Ring Road (A58(M))

A20 Roadside Automatic 78 78 42 38 36

D24 Urban Centre Diffusion Tube 100 100 39 33 31 29 30

D135 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 45 42 44 42 38

D136 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 46 44 47 44 41

D160 Urban Background

Diffusion Tube 58 58 29 27 30 27

D163(A20) Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 45 39 40

D164 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 40 40 36

D165 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 53 48 48

D166 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 49 51 44

D167 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 50 49 47

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D168 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 46 47 43

D169 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 38 34 35

D170 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 44 40 41

D171 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 49 45 44

D172 Roadside Diffusion Tube 50 50 32 32 28

D287 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 40 34

D288 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 43 35

D289 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 - 34

D290 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 56 54

D291 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 36 32

D292 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 61 52

D293 Roadside Diffusion Tube 75 75 58 40

D294 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 39 36

D295 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 47 50

D296 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 39 43

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D297 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 43 37

D298 Roadside Diffusion Tube 75 75 36 36

City Square Area

A21 Roadside Automatic 96 96 67 58

D178 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 83 83 46 51 46

D179 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 92 92 58 50 47

D180 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 92 92 47 47 48

D181 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 100 100 62 58 60

D182 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 100 100 56 52 51

D183 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 92 92 95 99 88

D184 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 92 92 88 76 65

D186 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 100 100 60 51 53

D187 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 100 100 64 58 55

D197(A21) Roadside Diffusion Tube 42 42 61 55

D200 Roadside Diffusion Tube 58 58 50 53

D201 Roadside Diffusion Tube 75 75 46 55

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D202 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 46 43

D213 Other Diffusion Tube 92 92 55 56

D214 Other Diffusion Tube 100 100 57 56

Duke St/Bus Station Area

D191 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 48 44 47

D192 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 60 55 53

D193 Roadside Diffusion Tube 75 75 55 55 52

Schools & Childrens’ Nurseries

D218 Urban Background

Diffusion Tube 92 92 18 20

D219 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 27 27

D230 Urban Background

Diffusion Tube 100 100 24 23

D231 Urban Background

Diffusion Tube 100 100 25 24

D232 Urban Background

Diffusion Tube 100 100 22 22

D233 Urban Background

Diffusion Tube 100 100 22 22

D234 Urban Background

Diffusion Tube 100 100 24 25

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D249 Urban Background

Diffusion Tube 100 100 33 31

D250 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 33 33

D251 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 33 32

D252 Urban Background

Diffusion Tube 83 83 32 26

D253 Urban Background

Diffusion Tube 33 33 26 22

D254 Urban Background

Diffusion Tube 22

Proposed 20mph Zones

West Park

D220 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 18 18

D221 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 22 22

D222 Roadside Diffusion Tube 75 75 18 20

D223 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 17 17


D224 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 11 11

D225 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 18 18

D226 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 18 18

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D227 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 14 14

D228 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 13 13

D229 Roadside Diffusion Tube 58 58 13 13


D239 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 20 21

D240 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 18 20

D241 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 23 19

D242 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 23 20

D243 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 25 21

D244 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 23 20

LPTIP Integrated

bus corridors

D263 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 100 100 35 31

D264 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 31 32

D265 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 44 38

D266 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 27 26

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D267 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 45 38

D268 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 35 31

D269 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 25 28

D270 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 33 35

D271 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 32 32

D272 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 51 47

D273 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 32 35

D274 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 30 26

D275 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 25 25

D276 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 26 25

D277 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 20 26

D302 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 31

D303 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 29

D304 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 30

D305 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 32

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D306 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 37

D307 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 33

D308 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 100 100 31

D309 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 46

D310 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 35

D311 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 39

D312 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 35

D313 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 32

D314 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 31

D315 Roadside Diffusion Tube 58 58 32

D316 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 33

D317 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 92 92 26

D318 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 39

D319 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 30

D320 Roadside Diffusion Tube 75 75 33

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D321 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 39

D322 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 33

D323 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 37

D324 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 34

D325 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 36

D326 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 50

D327 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 44

D328 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 42

D329 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 37

D330 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 36

D331 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 83 83 38

D332 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 40

D333 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 83 83 30

D334 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 92 92 29

D335 Roadside Diffusion Tube 67 67 34

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D336 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 75 75 42

D337 Roadside Diffusion Tube 58 58 33

D338 Roadside Diffusion Tube 25 25 30

D339 Roadside Diffusion Tube 58 58 48

D341 Roadside Diffusion Tube 58 58 36

D342 Roadside Diffusion Tube 42 42 45

D343 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 67 67 31

D344 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 83 83 36

D345 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 92 92 30

D346 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 27

D347 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 92 92 31

D348 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 83 83 34

D349 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 32

D350 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 100 100 32

D351 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 32

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e ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D352 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 30

D353 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 29

D354 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 100 100 36

D355 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 38

D356 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 75 75 34

D357 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 33

D358 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 37

D359 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 46

D360 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 92 92 34

D361 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 29

D362 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 100 100 23

D363 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 92 92 33

D364 Roadside Diffusion Tube 67 67 39

D365 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 35

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D366 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 29

D367 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 23

D368 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83 83 24

D369 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 33

D370 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 32

D371 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 92 92 37

D372 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 31

D373 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 28

D374 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 20

D375 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 18

D376 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 44

D377 Roadside Diffusion Tube 50 50 46

D378 Roadside Diffusion Tube 67 67 31

D379 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 92 92 26

D380 Roadside Diffusion Tube 92 92 31

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

D381 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 44

D382 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 32

D383 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 43

D384 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 44

D385 Suburban Diffusion Tube 100 100 27

Dawson's Corner

D137 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 100 32 29 28 29 31

D394 Roadside Diffusion Tube 88 58 19

D395 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 75 50 27

D396 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 100 67 28

D397 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 67 19

D398 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 67 38

D399 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 67 35

D400 Roadside Diffusion Tube 88 58 22

D401 Suburban Diffusion Tube 88 58 19

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Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring

Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

East Leeds Orbital Road

D404 Suburban Diffusion Tube 100 42 19

D405 Suburban Diffusion Tube 80 33 14

D406 Suburban Diffusion Tube 100 42 15

D407 Kerbside Diffusion Tube 100 42 16

D408 Suburban Diffusion Tube 80 33 15

D409 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 42 18

D410 Roadside Diffusion Tube 100 42 20

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Table A.4 – 1-Hour Mean NO2 Monitoring Results

Site ID Site Type Monitoring Type

Valid Data Capture for Monitoring Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture

2018 (%) (2)

NO2 1-Hour Means > 200µg/m3 (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

A1 Urban Centre Automatic 98 98 0 0 0 0 0 A2 Kerbside Automatic 85 85 0 0 0 0 0 A3 Kerbside Automatic 99 99 0 0 0 0 0 A6 Roadside Automatic 100 50 0 0 (115) 0 (90) 0 0 (105) A9 Roadside Automatic 99 99 3 0 0 0 1 A17 Roadside Automatic 99 99 0 0 0 0 0 A18 Other Automatic 99 99 0 0 0 0 0 A19 Roadside Automatic 97 97 0 3 0 0 0 A20 Roadside Automatic 78 78 0 0 0 (98) A21 Roadside Automatic 96 96 2 0 A22 Roadside Automatic 99 99 0 (109) 0

Notes: Exceedances of the NO2 1-hour mean objective (200µg/m3 not to be exceeded more than 18 times/year) are shown in bold. (1) Data capture for the monitoring period, in cases where monitoring was only carried out for part of the year. (2) Data capture for the full calendar year (e.g. if monitoring was carried out for 6 months, the maximum data capture for the full calendar year is 50%). (3) If the period of valid data is less than 85%, the 99.8th percentile of 1-hour means is provided in brackets.

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Table A.5 – Annual Mean PM10 Monitoring Results

Site ID Site Type Valid Data Capture for Monitoring Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture 2018 (%) (2)

PM10 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

A1 Urban Centre 97 97 18 16 17 14 17

A2 Roadside 62 62 23 21 20 17 18 A3 Roadside 96 96 23 18 19 17 18

☒ Annualisation has been conducted where data capture is <75% Notes: Exceedances of the PM10 annual mean objective of 40µg/m3 are shown in bold. (1) Data capture for the monitoring period, in cases where monitoring was only carried out for part of the year. (2) Data capture for the full calendar year (e.g. if monitoring was carried out for 6 months, the maximum data capture for the full calendar year is 50%). (3) All means have been “annualised” as per Boxes 7.9 and 7.10 in LAQM.TG16, valid data capture for the full calendar year is less than 75%. See Appendix C for details.

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Table A.4 – 24-Hour Mean PM10 Monitoring Results

Site ID Site Type Valid Data Capture for Monitoring Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture 2018 (%) (2)

PM10 24-Hour Means > 50µg/m3 (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

A1 Urban Centre 97 97 7 5 4 5 2

A2 Roadside 62 62 12 13 6 6 1(28) A3 Roadside 96 96 15 13 5 6 3

Notes: Exceedances of the PM10 24-hour mean objective (50µg/m3 not to be exceeded more than 35 times/year) are shown in bold. (1) Data capture for the monitoring period, in cases where monitoring was only carried out for part of the year. (2) Data capture for the full calendar year (e.g. if monitoring was carried out for 6 months, the maximum data capture for the full calendar year is 50%). (3) If the period of valid data is less than 85%, the 90.4th percentile of 24-hour means is provided in brackets.

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Table A.5 – PM2.5 Monitoring Results

Site ID Site Type Valid Data Capture for Monitoring Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture 2018 (%) (2)

PM2.5 Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

A1 Urban Centre 94 94 13 11 10 10 12 A3 Roadside 97 97 14 13 11 10 11

☒ Annualisation has been conducted where data capture is <75% Notes: (1) Data capture for the monitoring period, in cases where monitoring was only carried out for part of the year. (2) Data capture for the full calendar year (e.g. if monitoring was carried out for 6 months, the maximum data capture for the full calendar year is 50%). (3) All means have been “annualised” as per Boxes 7.9 and 7.10 in LAQM.TG16, valid data capture for the full calendar year is less than 75%. See Appendix C for details.

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Table A.6 – SO2 Monitoring Results

Site ID Site Type Valid Data Capture

for monitoring Period (%) (1)

Valid Data Capture 2018 (%) (2)

Number of Exceedances 2018 (percentile in bracket) (3)

15-minute Objective

(266 µg/m3)

1-hour Objective

(350 µg/m3)

24-hour Objective

(125 µg/m3)

A1 Urban Centre 98 98 0 0 0

Notes: Exceedances of the SO2 objectives are shown in bold (15-min mean = 35 allowed a year, 1-hour mean = 24 allowed a year, 24-hour mean = 3 allowed a year) (1) Data capture for the monitoring period, in cases where monitoring was only carried out for part of the year. (2) Data capture for the full calendar year (e.g. if monitoring was carried out for 6 months, the maximum data capture for the full calendar year is 50%). (3) If the period of valid data is less than 85%, the relevant percentiles are provided in brackets.

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Appendix B: Full Monthly Diffusion Tube Results for 2018 Table B.1 – NO2 Monthly Diffusion Tube Results - 2018

Site ID

NO2 Mean Concentrations (µg/m3)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Annual Mean

Raw Data

Bias Adjusted (0.8) and

Annualised (1)

Distance Corrected

to Nearest

Exposure (2)

D2 44 50 46 42 43 31 24 33 36 34 52 41 39.7 32 - D6 51 54 40 46 38 31 34 38 40 46 43 41.9 34 - D7 61 51 37 46 39 34 34 40 45 50 49 44.2 35 - D8 47 58 57 49 38 34 39 44 36 49 28 43.5 35 - D9 55 49 47 46 34 26 35 38 35 43 46 37 40.9 33 - D17 41 42 36 52 41 31 34 39 49 48 47 41.8 34 - D19 53 53 77 47 41 41 32 32 31 43 55 45.9 37 - D20 41 50 82 47 39 38 40 62 38 48.6 39 - D24 31 47 47 41 30 22 34 32 35 40 49 40 37.3 30 - D26 53 34 48 43 30 20 30 30 39 31 50 39 37.3 30 - D27 57 45 56 40 31 22 25 31 37 38 48 44 39.5 32 - D28 57 49 52 41 30 22 22 30 35 36 46 36 38.0 30 - D31 41 41 51 43 44 35 23 25 25 35 44 40 37.3 30 - D35 58 54 57 49 40 33 33 38 30 49 36 35 42.7 34 - D43 47 56 46 53 36 37 42 35 40 38 51 47 44.0 35 -

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Site ID

NO2 Mean Concentrations (µg/m3)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Annual Mean

Raw Data

Bias Adjusted (0.8) and

Annualised (1)

Distance Corrected

to Nearest

Exposure (2)

D44 47 41 39 44 30 36 32 38 33 52 30 38.4 31 -

D45 56 57 52 36 44 40 45 41 45 41 49 47 46.1 37 -

D46 38 40 38 37 32 25 15 26 19 29 42 45 32.2 26 -

D48 47 34 26 29 31 36 42 35.0 29 -

D52 59 55 40 47 28 44 42 44 46 61 59 47.7 38 -

D53 37 33 30 30 26 19 21 14 43 37 42 30.2 24 -

D59 68 64 64 65.3 53 -

D60 34 45 44 38 30 23 23 27 27 33 46 42 34.3 28 -

D68 64 65 54 39 42 31 49 46 55 55 48 49.8 40 -

D70 50 44 50 46 36 20 26 33 26 68 47 41 40.6 33 -

D74 52 46 41 37 36 27 35 36 27 43 48 49 39.8 32 -

D76 50 44 45 42 35 28 26 34 40 35 50 37 38.8 31 -

D105 66 43 69 54 44 40 46 51 59 49 61 57 53.3 43 -

D109 55 44 52 46 44 30 27 38 42 41 40 41.7 33 -

D110 56 49 47 35 39 35 43 47 43.9 38 -

D114 56 64 77 74 69 50 68 60 77 59 65.4 52 -

D118 53 43 51 40 50 40 37 38 45 30 42.7 34 -

D120 52 50 57 50 50 40 34 26 37 38 42 52 44.0 35 -

D121 58 55 61 52 47 40 49 38 45 50 49.5 40 -

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Site ID

NO2 Mean Concentrations (µg/m3)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Annual Mean

Raw Data

Bias Adjusted (0.8) and

Annualised (1)

Distance Corrected

to Nearest

Exposure (2)

D122 54 55 50 43 38 29 36 40 55 59 45.9 37 -

D123 52 37 44 34 32 17 33 33 39 46 44 37.4 30 -

D125 48 38 35 28 15 27 31 37 44 42 34.5 28 -

D126 50 47 49 42 34 25 30 29 24 39 46 37.7 29 -

D135 57 56 59 43 27 43 45 44 22 60 64 49 47.4 38 -

D136 58 56 48 64 52 42 50 51 24 51 62 61 51.6 41 -

D137 41 43 45 41 53 23 34 31 29 32 45 50 38.9 31 -

D144 44 48 60 44 51 39 30 27 33 27 41 35 39.9 32 -

D149 51 50 45 26 19 25 33 25 37 51 36.2 29 -

D151 34 32 56 41 19 35 37 26 28 34 39 38 34.9 28 -

D153 26 33 44 38 46 38 40 29 25 37 43 34 36.1 29 -

D154 35 44 36 42 39 33 27 25 26 38 35 32 34.3 28 -

D155 36 42 52 40 42.5 31 -

D160 49 37 43 37 19 22 29 33.7 27 -

D161 46 41 34 30 25 35.2 32 -

D163 49 50 60 53 37 43 43 49 52 67 50.3 40 -

D164 69 58 51 48 31 31 37 31 50 45 45.1 36 -

D165 69 64 79 62 64 45 53 52 54 61 56 62 60.1 48 -

D166 73 63 54 59 42 41 54 59 51 51 60 55.2 44 -

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Site ID

NO2 Mean Concentrations (µg/m3)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Annual Mean

Raw Data

Bias Adjusted (0.8) and

Annualised (1)

Distance Corrected

to Nearest

Exposure (2)

D167 73 57 75 63 63 41 55 48 61 53 63 55 58.9 47 -

D168 73 61 67 57 47 29 45 51 46 56 57 53.5 43 -

D169 60 41 60 48 46 32 32 33 20 45 61 47 43.8 35 -

D170 55 57 71 56 55 41 43 38 34 48 64 59 51.8 41 -

D171 68 52 69 62 54 32 52 42 47 53 66 57 54.5 44 -

D172 38 34 46 42 33 43 39.3 28 -

D176 63 42 60 57 62 31 49 53 52 36 54 60 51.6 41 30 D177 50 36 51 34 35 28 28 31 35 35 41 27 35.9 29 -

D178 70 61 56 42 57 44 38 52 78 73 57.1 46 -

D179 75 52 65 67 48 42 50 53 56 72 72 59.3 47 -

D180 67 74 69 65 45 51 51 38 63 66 70 59.9 48 -

D181 71 88 87 65 97 68 66 56 49 74 99 86 75.5 60 -

D182 81 62 70 69 67 58 47 56 54 68 79 52 63.6 51 -

D183 146 104 131 133 117 83 107 103 88 96 101 109.9 88 -

D184 71 88 97 92 112 72 81 68 73 81 60 81.4 65 -

D186 77 77 80 71 68 50 64 56 72 69 63 51 66.5 53 -

D187 85 72 83 23 80 58 88 71 77 73 64 48 68.5 55 -

D189 59 53 58 48 47 42 57 52.0 39 31 D190 51 45 50 41 38 26 26 29 33 42 42 47 39.2 31 -

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Site ID

NO2 Mean Concentrations (µg/m3)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Annual Mean

Raw Data

Bias Adjusted (0.8) and

Annualised (1)

Distance Corrected

to Nearest

Exposure (2)

D191 71 63 62 77 53 46 46 40 61 68 58.7 47 37 D192 83 76 76 86 45 57 56 46 70 72 64 66.5 53 -

D193 79 56 62 72 48 57 64 67 76 64.6 52 -

D194 40 32 35 34 33 23 34 34 29 34 38 29 32.9 26 -

D195 36 39 40 23 23 22 28 28 34 38 39 31.8 25 -

D196 25 35 34 30 30 20 23 22 20 28 30 32 27.4 22 -

D197 67 72 59 75 57 66.0 55 -

D198 53 50 60 56 53 38 46 46 50 57 63 49 51.8 41 -

D199 45 40 44 37 27 23 29 29 20 37 43 39 34.4 28 -

D200 81 68 58 41 68 88 57 65.9 53 -

D201 74 67 82 63 52 52 70 87 69 68.4 55 -

D202 61 70 62 65 54 42 38 47 39 56 53 53.4 43 -

D203 54 58 47 55 51 31 49 36 51 65 45 49.3 39 -

D204 30 28 26 24 21 14 22 19 19 24 33 24 23.7 19 -

D205 43 41 41 23 29 24 25 23 23 33 49 32.2 26 -

D206 40 49 50 41 43 34 40 28 18 27 47 41 38.2 31 -

D207 37 36 18 32 28 33 35 50 33.6 30 -

D208 34 31 31 30 32 15 18 15 13 25 35 32 25.9 21 -

D209 25 27 32 29 26 14 25 19 19 26 33 31 25.5 20 -

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Site ID

NO2 Mean Concentrations (µg/m3)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Annual Mean

Raw Data

Bias Adjusted (0.8) and

Annualised (1)

Distance Corrected

to Nearest

Exposure (2)

D210 31 37 44 43 33 20 32 46 39 36.1 29 - D211 50 55 59 72 65 46 64 51 44 52 60 57 56.3 45 31 D213 80 74 76 70 64 46 62 56 78 81 81 69.8 56 -

D214 71 69 89 75 75 57 69 64 72 81 90 24 69.7 56 -

D215 41 31 26 31 34 41 34.0 32 -

D216 53 51 53 32 36 34 34 29 25 21 52 51 39.3 31 -

D217 54 54 56 53 43 36 39 33 58 57 48.3 39 36 D218 40 32 31 18 19 12 11 17 26 42 33 25.5 20 -

D219 43 31 43 36 36 14 24 24 28 39 51 40 34.1 27 -

D220 32 35 25 20 11 15 15 19 20 37 17 22.4 18 -

D221 36 31 38 26 24 22 23 20 24 30 25 27.2 22 -

D222 32 31 34 22 20 16 18 18 37 25.3 20 -

D223 33 25 20 23 14 11 15 18 10 16 35 31 20.9 17 -

D224 18 18 20 14 9 4 7 8 9 14 25 14 13.3 11 -

D225 35 28 26 18 8 16 16 18 22 30 28 22.3 18 -

D226 24 25 28 24 13 8 22 23 32 23 22.2 18 -

D227 25 24 23 13 13 5 12 19 19 16 16.9 14 -

D228 18 18 19 14 12 8 11 11 14 26 22 15.7 13 -

D229 22 18 17 12 16 26 24 19.3 13 -

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Site ID

NO2 Mean Concentrations (µg/m3)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Annual Mean

Raw Data

Bias Adjusted (0.8) and

Annualised (1)

Distance Corrected

to Nearest

Exposure (2)

D230 43 36 34 28 23 13 13 24 26 28 41 37 28.8 23 -

D231 41 34 42 31 25 17 22 22 23 30 36 43 30.5 24 -

D232 34 35 36 24 24 16 18 22 23 25 40 35 27.7 22 -

D233 35 35 36 31 23 15 19 20 19 26 33 35 27.3 22 -

D234 37 45 40 33 24 19 22 21 24 27 41 39 31.0 25 - D235 61 50 52 50 30 28 37 39 39 46 55 47 44.5 36 32 D236 45 41 48 41 31 27 27 35 37 40 48 33 37.8 30 - D237 44 36 44 29 30 20 47 34 34 41 46 39 37.0 30 -

D238 49 61 61 56 52 54 36 47 68 53 40 52.5 42 -

D239 31 31 34 27 18 15 18 20 24 27 39 35 26.6 21 -

D240 37 32 33 24 17 17 19 19 22 30 25.0 20 -

D241 39 32 29 20 16 12 18 20 13 25 33 23 23.3 19 -

D242 41 29 30 23 16 12 16 19 25 24 36 32 25.3 20 -

D243 38 36 33 28 19 15 17 22 21 24 31 25.8 21 -

D244 40 35 26 21 13 20 20 23 25 27 28 25.3 20 -

D245 51 54 55 46 38 29 37 39 29 40 50 61 44.1 35 -

D246 36 37 29 28 31 42 33.8 30 -

D247 55 42 37 20 28 35 35 46 63 37 39.8 32 -

D248 60 48 45 35 38 42 47 61 42 46.4 37 -

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Site ID

NO2 Mean Concentrations (µg/m3)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Annual Mean

Raw Data

Bias Adjusted (0.8) and

Annualised (1)

Distance Corrected

to Nearest

Exposure (2)

D249 50 28 54 41 37 21 28 35 34 43 48 49 39.0 31 -

D250 52 42 54 41 36 26 23 35 39 43 53 45 40.8 33 -

D251 53 48 48 44 38 28 25 33 33 42 41 43 39.7 32 -

D252 49 39 38 30 18 22 24 15 46 47 32.8 26 -

D253 35 31 38 27 32.8 22 -

D255 32 28 30 22 18 18 19 18 24 35 24.4 20 -

D257 28 27 27 17 13 9 10 13 22 30 29 20.5 16 -

D258 28 26 19 16 11 15 15 17 29 34 21.0 17 -

D260 40 39 57 32 37 24 32 31 32 44 42 34 37.0 30 -

D261 44 51 45 39 40 20 27 27 26 36 47 36 36.5 29 -

D262 53 47 39 36 22 28 32 36.7 32 -

D263 53 35 46 41 40 26 34 34 29 42 48 35 38.6 31 -

D264 55 48 46 49 39 23 30 26 28 41 52 48 40.4 32 -

D265 65 41 61 38 46 39 33 47 35 60 50 46.8 38 -

D266 37 41 44 34 29 27 20 24 25 35 35 41 32.7 26 -

D267 59 57 57 53 48 34 36 37 36 51 59 47.9 38 -

D268 45 58 50 33 47 30 37 31 29 27 39 42 39.0 31 -

D269 43 40 44 38 35 23 18 22 25 36 43 46 34.4 28 -

D270 57 55 58 46 44 29 38 29 24 42 41 59 43.5 35 -

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Site ID

NO2 Mean Concentrations (µg/m3)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Annual Mean

Raw Data

Bias Adjusted (0.8) and

Annualised (1)

Distance Corrected

to Nearest

Exposure (2)

D271 52 52 51 43 32 23 25 36 28 53 41 44 40.0 32 - D272 78 71 62 66 51 42 56 55 37 61 60 60 58.3 47 45 D273 52 54 51 49 44 33 36 33 27 43 54 48 43.7 35 - D274 34 40 36 32 14 24 29 29 33 43 46 32.7 26 -

D275 41 45 35 30 20 19 20 22 19 47 41 30.8 25 -

D276 45 43 40 33 25 18 17 23 24 30 49 21 30.7 25 -

D277 41 40 43 34 29 18 23 24 21 31 50 32.2 26 -

D278 30 30 30 18 17 11 14 15 15 20 31 26 21.4 17 -

D279 28 23 30 24 14 9 17 20 18 24 37 24 22.3 18 -

D280 29 31 33 36 31 21 22 19 9 24 36 33 27.0 22 -

D281 43 55 51 44 45 37 43 36 18 37 56 39 42.0 34 -

D282 43 47 38 31 37 34 49 42 40.1 32 - D283 47 56 55 53 46 52 45 53 51 51 41 50.0 40 25 D284 48 49 54 50 40 31 36 38 32 34 47 42 41.8 33 - D285 35 13 34 26 27 17 24 22 22 24 35 34 26.1 21 -

D286 40 40 52 41 39 24 32 22 16 40 42 43 35.9 29 -

D287 55 60 52 42 26 34 35 27 46 42 41.9 34 -

D288 58 54 54 44 33 40 29 23 46 56 44 43.7 35 -

D289 45 50 58 46 42 26 26 37 27 46 53 50 42.2 34 -

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Site ID

NO2 Mean Concentrations (µg/m3)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Annual Mean

Raw Data

Bias Adjusted (0.8) and

Annualised (1)

Distance Corrected

to Nearest

Exposure (2)

D290 92 75 81 65 74 49 64 56 62 58 71 60 67.3 54 -

D291 52 48 55 42 38 25 23 34 26 44 50 39.7 32 -

D292 78 64 71 75 56 71 62 50 79 54 51 64.6 52 -

D293 66 60 44 42 52 27 44 61 59 50.6 40 -

D294 53 43 57 48 55 32 39 42 49 48 33 45.4 36 -

D295 80 78 77 52 34 70 54 63 48 86 50 62.9 50 -

D296 65 57 55 55 33 49 47 48 58 65 52 53.1 43 -

D297 56 62 43 59 56 36 46 25 38 36 61 42 46.7 37 -

D298 47 47 49 48 39 42 39 58 41 45.6 36 -

D299 41 46 45 33 30 18 24 31 23 30 47 38 33.8 27 -

D300 35 31 34 29 23 17 23 19 18 23 35 36 26.9 22 -

D301 32 25 11 18 13 23 32 26 22.5 18 -

D302 48 36 51 47 34 33 32 28 19 45 47 37 38.1 31 -

D303 42 45 43 34 22 29 31 31 39 52 36.8 29 -

D304 58 44 31 24 32 40 41 44 39 27 38.0 30 -

D305 55 39 50 43 32 30 30 31 39 45 49 40.3 32 -

D306 64 50 62 54 51 40 38 39 30 48 54 25 46.3 37 -

D307 65 29 51 41 38 22 35 38 38 36 55 41 40.8 33 -

D308 53 49 49 44 30 22 29 35 35 41 35 49 39.3 31 -

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Site ID

NO2 Mean Concentrations (µg/m3)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Annual Mean

Raw Data

Bias Adjusted (0.8) and

Annualised (1)

Distance Corrected

to Nearest

Exposure (2)

D309 79 64 68 61 54 44 49 54 52 40 66 59 57.5 46 - D310 61 54 51 47 23 32 32 31 39 50 58 43.5 35 -

D311 64 55 60 56 38 40 38 35 47 58 49 49.1 39 -

D312 60 43 50 44 36 28 35 34 39 42 58 48 43.1 35 -

D313 60 45 42 48 27 25 32 35 32 54 39 39.9 32 -

D314 59 43 46 32 34 28 30 37 29 40 44 41 38.6 31 -

D315 56 49 20 33 28 34 57 39.6 32 -

D316 65 49 59 47 46 31 19 31 33 32 44 41.5 33 -

D317 44 38 36 24 18 19 29 24 34 44 46 32.4 26 -

D318 75 58 56 52 42 35 39 47 31 44 60 42 48.4 39 -

D319 48 42 46 42 32 24 25 39 27 44 45 38 37.7 30 -

D320 62 50 48 37 29 24 41 33 52 41.8 33 -

D321 66 54 65 50 41 39 38 41 44 45 50 49 48.5 39 32 D322 40 60 49 34 29 36 57 32 36 40 46 41.7 33 -

D323 61 54 59 35 40 31 29 40 45 52 54 52 46.0 37 -

D324 55 55 48 45 35 35 17 47 26 37 60 43 41.9 34 -

D325 47 49 50 54 45 37 34 28 39 46 65 52 45.5 36 -

D326 87 66 79 78 54 44 49 38 48 63 86 51 61.9 50 -

D327 72 52 68 57 56 49 48 64 40 46 56 50 54.8 44 -

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Site ID

NO2 Mean Concentrations (µg/m3)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Annual Mean

Raw Data

Bias Adjusted (0.8) and

Annualised (1)

Distance Corrected

to Nearest

Exposure (2)

D328 65 61 59 51 54 55 39 46 42 49 54 61 53.0 42 27 D329 68 50 58 29 35 34 44 33 44 54 56 45.9 37 - D330 45 55 51 58 43 43 29 28 42 52 43 44.5 36 26 D331 60 50 51 31 40 47 47 42 55 54 47.7 38 -

D332 68 46 56 53 47 30 43 47 35 55 58 54 49.3 40 -

D333 47 41 37 37 26 34 31 36 43 42 37.4 30 -

D334 36 46 49 44 25 26 22 25 37 45 46 36.5 29 -

D335 50 43 62 49 32 27 32 44 42.4 34 -

D336 53 61 45 66 63 47 42 56 39 52.4 42 27 D337 42 38 32 34 30 44 59 39.9 33 -

D338 28 21 34 27.7 30 - D339 60 63 56 49 50 47 61 55.1 48 42 D341 62 65 48 38 31 25 49 45.4 36 31 D342 62 51 50 46 59 53.6 45 36 D343 57 39 55 36 37 42 38 45 43.6 31 -

D344 43 42 59 53 40 38 34 43 47 47 44.6 36 -

D345 45 50 49 41 30 30 24 24 37 44 32 36.9 30 -

D346 38 34 44 39 27 27 22 29 40 40 34.0 27 -

D347 50 49 49 40 32 26 27 24 34 59 40 39.1 31 -

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Site ID

NO2 Mean Concentrations (µg/m3)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Annual Mean

Raw Data

Bias Adjusted (0.8) and

Annualised (1)

Distance Corrected

to Nearest

Exposure (2)

D348 56 47 51 38 26 33 30 42 62 44 42.9 34 -

D349 59 47 48 34 31 28 32 32 39 46 44 40.0 32 -

D350 52 34 54 38 33 27 35 38 28 38 57 39 39.4 32 -

D351 57 43 52 41 31 25 31 38 41 47 44 24 39.5 32 -

D352 50 41 38 43 41 29 30 27 26 38 57 35 37.9 30 -

D353 49 49 51 42 36 23 27 24 17 36 49 34 36.4 29 -

D354 59 53 48 52 44 30 39 29 34 45 65 47 45.4 36 26 D355 52 55 57 49 53 33 40 35 34 48 64 46 47.2 38 27 D356 52 36 55 35 30 40 38 38 59 42.6 34 -

D357 48 50 43 36 26 31 34 35 42 54 50 40.8 33 -

D358 59 49 61 58 50 31 33 28 27 42 65 44 45.6 37 -

D359 63 54 64 68 68 49 59 46 50 48 75 46 57.5 46 33 D360 53 51 49 35 40 32 32 35 45 43 49 42.2 34 -

D361 50 49 45 33 35 23 30 29 22 35 48 39 36.5 29 -

D362 24 39 39 31 23 18 21 22 19 28 43 30 28.1 23 -

D363 53 43 47 41 40 28 27 33 41 49 45 40.6 33 -

D364 66 43 63 54 38 51 68 52 54.4 39 31 D365 59 49 49 41 46 28 39 41 24 49 61 35 43.4 35 -

D366 47 44 41 39 34 21 34 24 28 34 44 39 35.8 29 -

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Site ID

NO2 Mean Concentrations (µg/m3)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Annual Mean

Raw Data

Bias Adjusted (0.8) and

Annualised (1)

Distance Corrected

to Nearest

Exposure (2)

D367 44 36 39 27 26 18 20 22 27 28 31 33 29.3 23 -

D368 41 34 32 26 17 22 24 27 45 34 30.2 24 -

D369 54 50 47 40 41 31 31 30 39 49 42 41.3 33 -

D370 50 45 51 38 40 28 35 34 36 43 48 27 39.6 32 -

D371 60 46 57 47 40 27 38 40 37 59 56 46.1 37 27 D372 53 50 47 46 32 27 27 26 31 37 53 38 38.9 31 -

D373 45 36 33 34 30 24 29 29 38 44 43 35.0 28 -

D374 34 34 33 23 22 13 18 18 7 25 40 30 24.8 20 -

D375 31 31 29 12 22 7 14 18 14 26 39 24 22.3 18 -

D376 68 65 78 58 34 47 40 26 48 76 66 55.1 44 32 D377 45 53 53 30 57 62 50.0 46 -

D378 56 37 52 27 36 23 13 35 34.9 31 -

D379 35 41 37 29 23 15 35 22 30 47 42 32.4 26 -

D380 42 45 47 46 40 31 39 24 33 37 47 39.2 31 -

D381 81 67 66 53 50 42 47 60 38 55 59 47 55.4 44 32 D382 59 41 52 42 36 30 36 33 37 36 44 41 40.6 32 - D383 61 63 67 61 63 46 52 41 32 42 57 61 53.8 43 32 D384 81 63 72 68 55 32 23 53 31 56 62 66 55.2 44 -

D385 53 35 43 33 28 25 22 34 28 38 34 36 34.1 27 -

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Site ID

NO2 Mean Concentrations (µg/m3)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Annual Mean

Raw Data

Bias Adjusted (0.8) and

Annualised (1)

Distance Corrected

to Nearest

Exposure (2)

D386 63 73 66 62 49 72 75 41 62.6 50 -

D394 24 12 18 18 12 27 35 20.9 19 -

D395 34 31 29 17 32 37 30.0 27 -

D396 34 27 29 23 26 22 56 40 32.1 28 -

D397 18 12 18 16 17 21 42 32 22.0 19 -

D398 44 36 53 52 42 54 47 21 43.6 38 -

D399 39 31 37 43 31 46 46 44 39.6 35 -

D400 19 19 23 23 16 28 36 23.4 22 -

D401 18 15 18 17 23 39 29 22.7 19 -

D402 26 24 24 24 32 43 28.8 24 -

D403 79 86 100 84 66 66 59 71 68 75.4 60 -

D404 12 12 13 21 63 24.2 19 -

D405 10 15 26 24 18.8 14 -

D406 14 20 18 24 20 19.2 15 -

D407 17 14 21 26 19 19.4 16 -

D408 13 18 17 24 18.0 15 -

D409 18 12 22 33 28 22.6 18 -

D410 17 22 22 31 31 24.6 20 -

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☒ National bias adjustment factor used ☒ Annualisation has been conducted where data capture is <75% ☒ Where applicable, data has been distance corrected for relevant exposure Notes: Exceedances of the NO2 annual mean objective of 40µg/m3 are shown in bold. NO2 annual means exceeding 60µg/m3, indicating a potential exceedance of the NO2 1-hour mean objective are shown in bold and underlined. (1) See Appendix C for details on bias adjustment and annualisation. (2) Distance corrected to nearest relevant public exposure.

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Appendix C: Supporting Technical Information / Air Quality Monitoring Data QA/QC C.1 QA/QC of Automatic monitoring network and data

The Leeds City Council monitoring network is managed and operated by a team of

officers within the Environmental Protection Team (EP Team) of the Communities

and Environment Directorate. The combined expertise of this group covers all

aspects of the management of the network from routine site procedures through

calibration to data ratification. Appropriate training both internal and from external

agencies such as EMAQ has been received by officers within the team.

The QA/QC for the Leeds Centre AURN site and the affiliated Leeds Headingley

Roadside site is carried out by Ricardo Energy & Environment (E&E). Officers within

the EP Team provided LSO support for the Leeds Centre site between 1993 and

2009 and continue in the LSO role at the Headingley site.

C.1.1 Instrumentation

In 2018 a combination of API and Monitor Labs instruments were used to monitor

oxides of nitrogen (NOx) to establish NO2 concentrations in the network together with

an R&P TEOM to monitor PM10 particles at the Corn Exchange site in the city centre.

All stations are air conditioned with the exception of Temple Newsam where the

analyser is sited in a large brick-built store room/unused office.

C.1.2 Servicing

Service contracts are in place so that all analysers are serviced every 6 months

together with 6 monthly GPT testing of the gas analyser at the Headingley site and

annual GPT testing elsewhere. The contract also requires attendance to

breakdowns within 48 hours of callout.

All service and breakdown visits by engineers are recorded in the form of engineers’

reports and stored within the Department for later use (during data ratification,

assessment of long-term analyser performance etc.).

C.1.3 Calibration

Sites are attended for regular manual calibrations, routine site checks and

maintenance. The procedures for these site visits are documented in internal

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guidance documents based on the instrument manufacturers’ operation manuals and

the AURN Site Operators Manual.

Pre-calibration checks are made which check ancillary equipment such as modems

and air conditioning and to record instrument status.

Zero response to clean air is carried out through the use of in-line scrubbers.

Span checks are carried out using nitric oxide calibration gas of known concentration

with a certified concentration.

Instrument and TEOM filters are changed if required followed by post-zero and span

checks to ensure that everything is operational before leaving site.

All Calibration visits are recorded on calibration forms and on site specific

spreadsheets kept within the Department.

C.1.4 Data collection

Automatic data collection from the stations is achieved using the Airviro data

administration module. 15-minute un-scaled data is collected from the on-board

memory of each analyser.

The data is reviewed daily to determine that the collection protocols are working, that

the data looks sensible and to identify faults. This involves viewing and comparing

data from different locations.

Should assessment of the data lead to action being taken, this is recorded within site

spreadsheets kept by the Department.

C.1.5 Site Audits

In addition to regular calibrations and six monthly servicing of the equipment, an

annual GPT test (when testing is carried out on the equipment with a separate

calibration gas) to confirm the ongoing acceptable performance of the analysers is

carried out.

Site audits of the Headingley and Leeds Centre sites are carried out independently

as part of the AURN national network.

C.1.6 Data ratification

While this process was carried out in-house, in recent years data ratification has

been carried out externally by Air Quality Data Management.

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Electronic analysers suffer drifts in their response to the zero (baseline) gas and

sensitivity changes with time. Raw data from the NOx instruments are therefore

scaled into concentrations using the latest values derived from the manual and

automatic calibrations.

The ratification process finalises the data to produce the measurements suitable for

reporting. All available information (including calibrations results, service records and

audit reports) is critically assessed so that the best data scaling is applied and all

anomalies are appropriately edited. Generally this operates at three, six or twelve

month intervals. However, unexpected faults can be identified during the instrument

routine services or independent audits which are often at 6-monthly intervals. In

practice, therefore, the data can only be fully ratified in 12-month or annual periods.

The data processing performed during the three and six monthly cycles helps build a

reliable dataset that is finalised at the end of the year.

In addition to overcoming the drift in analyser performance, anomalies in the

collected data can occur for a variety of reasons that could result in data being

discarded. Instruments and infrastructure can fail in numerous ways that significantly

and visually affect the quality of the measurements. These may include:

• ignoring calibrations that were poor e.g. a spent zero scrubber

• closely tracking rapid drifts or eliminating the data

• comparing the measurements with other pollutants and nearby sites

• corrections due to span cylinder drift

• corrections due to flow drifts for the particulate instruments

• corrections for ozone instrument sensitivity drifts

• eliminating measurements for NO2 conversion inefficiencies

• eliminating periods where calibration gas is in the ambient dataset

• identifying periods were instruments are warming-up after a powercut

• identification of anomalies due to mains power spikes

• correcting problems with the date and time stamp

• observations made during the sites visits and services

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The identification of data anomalies, the proper understanding of the effects and the

application of appropriate corrections requires expertise gained over many years of

operational experience.

C.1.7 PM10 corrections

Monitoring of PM10 (and PM2.5) as part of the national AURN is carried out using

FDMS (filter dynamics measurement system) equipment. However, the PM10 monitor

installed in the Corn Exchange monitoring station is an older TEOM (Tapered

Element Oscillating Microbalance) instrument. Results from this equipment are

corrected to a ‘gravimetric equivalent’ (ie the FDMS system) using the TEOM VCM

(Volatile Correction Model).

C.2 QA/QC of diffusion tube monitoring

C.2.1 Diffusion tube precision and ‘AIR NO2 PT’ performance

The West Yorkshire Analytical Services laboratory (WYAS) supply nitrogen dioxide

diffusion tubes to the city council for its investigations. AIR NO2 PT is an independent

analytical proficiency-testing scheme run on behalf of Defra. Performance reports on

all analytical laboratories taking part in AIR NO2 PT are described as satisfactory.

The AIR NO2 proficiency testing scheme reported that WYAS achieved the following

percentage of results determined as satisfactory in 2018:

Table C.1

In terms of the precision associated with the analysis of multiple tubes there are no

occasions in the last three years when the performance of WYAS was described as

anything other than ‘Good’.

C.2.2 Diffusion tube bias adjustment factors

The preparation method of the nitrogen dioxide diffusion tubes supplied to the city

council has been 50% TEA in acetone manufactured by Harwell Scientific Services.

A spreadsheet compiled by the National Physical Laboratory reports bias corrections

reflecting the difference between results obtained from automatic analysers



January to

February 2018

April to May 2018 July to August


September to

August 2018

WYAS 50% 75% 100% 100%

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compared with those obtained from co-located diffusion tubes analysed by individual

laboratories. The NPL reported bias correction to be used for this diffusion tube and

WYAS as the analyst is 0.80 for 2018 tube data.

C.2.3 Diffusion tube annualisation

The reported diffusion tube results have been annualised in accordance with TG (16)

where data collection has been less than 75% (and no less than 25%). Data used for

each annualisation of bias corrected diffusion tube results has been the appropriate

periods of the ratified hourly data from the two AURN sites in Leeds used in

conjunction with the annual mean result from those two sites.

C.2.4 NO2 fall-off with distance correction for diffusion tube data

Where it was appropriate to calculate the annual mean NO2 concentration (typically

at the nearest residential property), the LAQM distance correction tool was used.

Data collected in relation to source (ie Kerb) to tube location and source to receiver

was used together with the Defra predicted 2017 background concentration for the

1km x 1km grid square in which the measurement/property was located.

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Appendix D: Maps of Monitoring Locations and AQMAs Plan D.1 Ebor Gardens AQMA

Plan D.2 Caspar Apartments AQMA

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Plan D.3 The Normans AQMA

Plan D.4 The Tilburys AQMA

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Plan D.5 Pool in Wharfedale AQMA

Plan D.6 Chapel Hill AQMA

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Plan D.7 Map showing extent of 2018 diffusion tube monitoring

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Appendix E: Summary of Air Quality Objectives in England Table E.1 – Air Quality Objectives in England

Pollutant Air Quality Objective4

Concentration Measured as

Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)

200 µg/m3 not to be exceeded more than 18 times a year 1-hour mean

40 µg/m3 Annual mean

Particulate Matter (PM10)

50 µg/m3, not to be exceeded more than 35 times a year 24-hour mean

40 µg/m3 Annual mean

Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)

350 µg/m3, not to be exceeded more than 24 times a year 1-hour mean

125 µg/m3, not to be exceeded more than 3 times a year 24-hour mean

266 µg/m3, not to be exceeded more than 35 times a year 15-minute mean

The units are in microgrammes of pollutant per cubic metre of air (µg/m3).

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Glossary of Terms Abbreviation Description

AQAP Air Quality Action Plan - A detailed description of measures, outcomes, achievement dates and implementation methods, showing how the local authority intends to achieve air quality limit values’

AQMA Air Quality Management Area – An area where air pollutant concentrations exceed / are likely to exceed the relevant air quality objectives. AQMAs are declared for specific pollutants and objectives

ASR Air quality Annual Status Report

Defra Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

DMRB Design Manual for Roads and Bridges – Air quality screening tool produced by Highways England

EU European Union

FDMS Filter Dynamics Measurement System

LAQM Local Air Quality Management

NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide

NOx Nitrogen Oxides

PM10 Airborne particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 10µm (micrometres or microns) or less

PM2.5 Airborne particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 2.5µm or less

QA/QC Quality Assurance and Quality Control

SO2 Sulphur Dioxide

TEOM Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance

VCM Volatile Correction Method

Page 120: 2019 Air Quality Annual Status Report (ASR) ASR...2019 Air Quality Annual Status Report (ASR) In fulfilment of Part IV of the Environment Act 1995 Local Air Quality Management November

Leeds City Council

LAQM Annual Status Report 2019 112

References Defra Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Factors Spreadsheet http://laqm.defra.gov.uk/bias-adjustment-factors/national-bias.html

Defra LAQM Helpdesk Summary of Laboratory Performance in AIR NO2 PT Scheme



Defra Nitrogen Dioxide Fall Off With Distance Calculator


Defra LAQM Technical Guidance (TG16)


Defra LAQM Policy Guidance (PG16)

