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2019 Sinhala Continuers Level public examination

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Student/Registration Number Centre Number 2019 PUBLIC EXAMINATION Sinhala Continuers Level Wednesday 23 October: 2 pm Australian Eastern Daylight Time Reading Time: 10 minutes Working Time: 2 hours and 30 minutes You have 10 minutes to read all the papers and to familiarise yourself with the requirements of the questions. You must not write during this time. Monolingual and/or bilingual printed dictionaries may be consulted during the reading time and also during the examination. Section 1: Listening and Responding (30 marks) Instructions to Students 1. Allow approximately 40 minutes for Section 1. 2. Write all your answers to the questions in Section 1 in this booklet in black or blue pen. Space is provided for you to make notes. 3. You must answer ALL questions in Part A and Part B. 4. Answer Part A in ENGLISH and Part B in SINHALA. 5. Write your student/registration number and the centre number (if required) on the front cover of this booklet. 6. All question booklets will be collected at the end of the examination. © Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 2019

Student/RegistrationNumber Centre Number

2019 Public Examination

SinhalaContinuers Level

Wednesday 23 October: 2 pm Australian Eastern Daylight Time

Reading Time: 10 minutes Working Time: 2 hours and 30 minutes

• Youhave10minutestoreadallthepapersandtofamiliariseyourselfwiththerequirementsofthequestions.Youmustnotwriteduringthistime.

• Monolingualand/orbilingualprinteddictionariesmaybeconsultedduringthereadingtimeandalsoduringtheexamination.

Section 1: Listening and Responding (30 marks)

Instructions to Students

1. Allow approximately 40 minutes for Section 1.

2. Write all your answers to the questions in Section 1 in this booklet in black or blue pen. Space is provided for you to make notes.

3. You must answer ALL questions in Part A and Part B.

4. Answer Part A in ENGLISH and Part B in SINHALA.

5. Write your student/registration number and the centre number (if required) on the front cover of this booklet.

6. All question booklets will be collected at the end of the examination.

© VictorianCurriculumandAssessmentAuthority2019


MarksText 11. Complete the table below. 3

Suggested government changes

Expected outcome

Part A (Questions 1–3) (15 marks)

Yourresponsewillbeassessedonhowwellyou:• understandgeneralandspecificaspectsoftextsbyidentifyingandanalysinginformationandconveytheinformationaccuratelyandappropriately.

You will hear THREE texts. Each text will be played twice. There will be a short break between the first and second playings of each text. You may make notes at any time.

Listen carefully to each text and then answer the questions in ENGLISH.

You may make notes in this space. These notes will NOT be assessed.


MarksText 22. In the table below, outline the differences between Literature Day last

year and this year.6

Last year This year

You may make notes in this space. These notes will NOT be assessed.


MarksText 33. Identify six steps taken by the Principal to develop the school to its present


You may make notes in this space. These notes will NOT be assessed.


MarksText 44. What was the purpose of the sister’s phone call? Explain how the brother

joked about it.

kx.S úiska lrk ,o ÿrl:k weu;=fï wruqqK l=ula o@ ifydaorhd úiska thska úys¿ l< wkaou úia;r lrkak'






Part B (Questions 4–6) (15 marks)

Yourresponsewillbeassessedonhowwellyou:• understandgeneralandspecificaspectsoftextsbyidentifyingandanalysinginformationandconveytheinformationaccuratelyandappropriately.

You will hear THREE texts. Each text will be played twice. There will be a short break between the first and second playings of each text. You may make notes at any time.

Listen carefully to each text and then answer the questions in SINHALA.

You may make notes in this space. These notes will NoT be assessed.


MarksText 55. Describe the features of the environment and the activities of the people

during the Sinhala New Year season.

isxy, w¨;a wjqreÿ ld,hg .ul mßirfha ,CIK iy ñksiqkaf.aa l%shdldrlï úia;r lrkak'


Environmental features

mßirfha ,CIK

Activities of people

ñksiqkaf.aa l%shdldrlï

You may make notes in this space. These notes will NoT be assessed.


MarksText 66. State three different factors that have changed people’s lifestyles,

according to the text. Provide one example for each factor.

fþohg wkqj" ñksiqkaf.a Ôúk rgdj fjkia lsÍug n,md we;s tlska tlg fjkia lreKq ;=kla i|yka lrkak' tla tla lreK i|yd WodyrKh ne.ska fokak'


End of Section 1

You may make notes in this space. These notes will NoT be assessed.


Student/RegistrationNumber Centre Number

2019 Public Examination

SinhalaContinuers Level

Section 2: Reading and Responding (25 marks)

Instructions to Students

1. Allow approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes for Section 2.

2. Write all your answers to the questions in Section 2 in this booklet in black or blue pen.

3. You must answer ALL questions in Part A and Part B.

4. Answer Part A in ENGLISH and Part B in SINHALA.

5. Write your student/registration number and the centre number (if required) on the front cover of this booklet.

6. All question booklets will be collected at the end of the examination.

© Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 2019


uykqjr k.rh

Y%S ,xldfõ fojk úYd, k.rh jk uykqjr k.rh" ,iaik l`ÿ jeá j,ska

jg jQ" l`ÿlr m%foaYhl msysá k.rhls' Y%S ,xldfõ os.u .`. jk uyje,s

.`. k.rh jgd" th idrj;a lrñka .,d nishs' fï ksidu k.rfha b;d isis,a

foaY.=Khla o mj;S'

uykqjr k.rfha w,xldrhg wu;rj ft;sydisl iy wd.ñl jYfhka o

jeo.;alï we;' Y%SS ,xldfõ wjidk rcq rg md,kh lf<a uykqjr k.rfha

isgh' í%;dkH wdl%uKfhka miq rc;=udj rfgka msgqjy,a l< o" rc ud<s.dj

;ju;a fn!oAOhkaf.a b;d jákd isoaOia:dkhla f,i mj;shs' rcjreka uykqjr

rclï lrk ld,fha isgu" nqÿkajykafiaf.a oka; Od;+ka jykafiaj ud<s.dfõ

jev isgqjd ksis f.!rjfhka /l n,d .ekSu rc;=udf.a ld¾hhla úh' oeka o<od

ud<s.dj fn!oaO isoaOia:dkhla muKla fkdj" úfoaYslhka wdl¾IKh lr .kakd

ia:dkhla njg o m;a ù we;' uykqjr o<od ud<s.dfõ iEu jirlu mj;ajk

o<od fmryer úfoaYslhka w;r b;d m%isoaO ixialD;sl wx.hla njg m;a ù we;'

wfma wjOdkh oeka fhduq ù we;af;a fï iqkaor k.rhg isÿfjñka mj;sk mdßißl

ydksh ms<sn|jhs' l`ÿj, f.dvke.s,s boslsÍu i|yd .ia lmd oeófuka" l`ÿ

kdhhEfï ;¾ckhg ,laj we;' ;jo" k.rfha ck.yKh wêl f,i jeäù

m%Odk mdr fomi l=vd ksfjia iy lv idmamq boslr we;' fuu boslsÍï k.rfha

w,xldrh úkdY lrñka" ;ono jQ lvfmd<l iajNdjhla we;s lrjhs'

rfÜ wd¾Òlh i|yd ixpdrl jHdmdrh jeo.;a fõ' tu ksid úfoaYslhka

wdl¾YKh lrk uykqjr k.rfha w,xldrh /l .ekSug" wkjir boslsÍï

kj;d" k.rh jvd ie,iqï lsÍug mshjr .;hq;=h'

Part A (Questions 7–8) (10 marks)

Your response will be assessed on how well you:• understandgeneralandspecificaspectsoftexts( forexample,bycomparing,contrasting,summarisingand/orevaluating)andconveytheinformationappropriately.

7. Read the text and then answer in ENGLISH the questions that follow.



(a) Explain how the following factors have contributed to the prominence of the city of Mahanuwara, according to the text.


• Geography

• History

• Religion

• Economy

(b) What are the recent concerns about the city? 2


f,dal <ud oskh fjkqfjka l=udß lreKdr;ak uy;añh l<

foaYKfhka Wmqgd .;a fldgila'

zwo fï isák orejka ;uhs fyg wfma rfÜ wkd.;h Ndr.kafkaa¡ tA

ksid orejkaj fyd|ska /l n,d .ekSu" Tjqkaj ksjeros ud¾.hg fhduq

lrùu iy Tjqkag jákd ukqIH .=K O¾uhka lshd oSu" Tjqka ;=, jákd

wdl,am f.dv ke`.Su" jeäysá wmf.a j.lSuhs'

orejka /l n,d.kakjd lshkafka Tjqkaj fyd|ska fmdaIKh lr

Tjqkaj m%%isoaO mdi,a j,g hj,d" wu;r mx;s f.ksh,d" úNd.j,g

by<u m%;sM, ,nd fok tl fkfjhs' wksjd¾hfhkau orejkag fyd|

fmdaIKhla fukau iqÿiq wOHdmkhl=;a wjYHhs' kuq;a tmuKlskau

iudchg fyd| ñksfila ìysfjkafk keye'

wm orejkag Tjqkaf.a <ud ld,h" .iafld<ka" jeõ fmdl=Kq w;r

úfkdao ùug wjia:djka ,nd fokak ´fka' Tjqkag mßirfha jákdlu

f;afrkafka th w;aú|skak bv ÿkak úghs' t;fldg mßirhg wdorh

lrk" th /l n,d .kak mrmqrla ìys fõú' wo ld,fha mßirhg

lrk ydks fmakjd fkao@ tfyu fjkafka mßirfha we;s jákdlu

fkdokakd ksihs'

;j fohla ;uhs jeäysáhka orejkaj wkjYH f,i ;r`.ldÍ

;;a;ajhkag ;,a lr" Tjqkaj wd;aud¾:ldó njg m;alsÍu' tA fjkqjg

Tjqka ;=, wks;a wh flfrys lreKdj" fnod yod .ekSu" l<.=K ie<lSu

jeks jákd ñksia .=K O¾u j¾Okh l< hq;=hs' fï .;s.=K orejkag

bf.k .ekSug foujqmshka" jeäysáhka iy .=rejreka wdo¾Yu;a úh


orejka wOHdmkfhka ,nk ch.%yK w.h lrk ;rugu Tjqkaf.a

fyd| .=Khka o w.h lsÍug foujqmshka mqreÿjkak' túg Tjqka tu

.=Khka jvd;a j¾Okh lr.kak Wkkaÿ fõú'''Z

8. Read the text and then answer in ENGLISH the question that follows.



Identify two values mentioned by the speaker and explain how adults can enable children to develop each value, as mentioned by the speaker.


Value How adults can enable children to develop this value


my; i|yka jkafka Tn ñ,oS .;a mß.Klhg wod,j mß.Kl fj<|ief,ka Tn fj; ksl=;a l< úia;r ud,djhs'

ABC mß.Kl imhkafkda

j¾.h – ABC meú,shka 18

mß.Klfha úfYaI myiqlï(

• by< ld¾h M, iys; oDv ;eáhla ^ydâ äiala& – fuhska jevigyka

fõ.j;a lrhs'

• by< .=Kd;aul ;;a;ajfhka hq;a fjí leurdjla'

• jhs-*hs cd, myiqlï'

• í¨gQ;a myiqlï'

• ujqihlska f;drj yeisrúh yels h;=re mqjrejla'

ñ, oS .;a oskh – 2019 wf.daia;= 20

úl=Kqï ñ, – fvd,¾ 1800

YdLdj – k.r YdLdj

j.lSu – jir folhs

ie<lsh hq;=hs(

jir foll j.lSu hgf;a wdjrKh jkafka mß.Klfha fldgia fyda

jevigykaj, fodaI muKs' Ndú;fha oS isÿjk leãï fyda fjk;a fodaI fuhska

wdjrKh fkdfõ'

lsishï .eg¿jl oS j.lSï iy;slh bosßm;a lsÍug j. n,d.kak'

n,h fkd,;a mß.Kl w¿;a jeähd lrkakka hgf;a w¿;a jeähd lsÍï u.ska

mß.Klhg isÿjk fodaI fuhska wdjrKh fkdjk nj lreKdfjka i<lkak'

Part B (Question 9) (15 marks)

Your response will be assessed on how well you:• demonstrateanunderstandingofthestimulustext• writetextappropriateandrelevanttocontext,purposeandaudience• structureandsequenceinformationandideas• manipulatelanguagestructuresandvocabularyinSinhala.

9. Read the text and then answer the question in approximately 150 words in SINHALA on page 8.



Within six months of purchasing the computer mentioned in Text 9, you realise that the computer programs are not functioning according to the specifications stated. Write a formal letter to the manager of ABC Computer Suppliers about your concerns to persuade him to provide a solution to your problem.

9 jk fþofha i|yka mß.Klh ñ, oS f.k udi yhla we;=<; oS" mß.Kl jevigyka" i|yka lr ;snQ úfYaIs; lreKq wkqj l%shd;aul fkdjk nj Tng jegyqkss' ABC mß.Kl imhkafkda ys l,uKdlre fj; Tnf.a lKiai,a, m,lr" tu .eg¿jg úl,am úi`ÿula ,ndoSug Tyqj fmd,Ujk" úêu;a ,smshla ,shkak'

You may make notes in this space. These notes will NOT be assessed.




SinhalaContinuers Level

Centre Number

Question 9


End of Section 2

Student/RegistrationNumber Centre Number

2019 Public Examination

SinhalaContinuers Level

Section 3: Writing in Sinhala (20 marks)

Instructions to Students

1. Allow approximately 40 minutes for Section 3.

2. Write your answer to a question from Section 3 in this booklet in black or blue pen. Space is provided for you to make notes.

3. You must answer ONE question in SINHALA.

4. Write your student/registration number and the centre number (if required) on the front cover of this booklet.

5. All question booklets will be collected at the end of the examination.

© Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 2019


10. Write an imaginative story about the clearing of the forests for a young adult creative writing competition, from the point of view of an elephant. Start your story with, ‘Son, when i was your age i walked through the forest with my father, but now …’

fh!jkhkaf.a ks¾udKd;aul ,sùfï ;r`.hla i|yd" le<Ejla t<slsÍu ms<sn|j w,sfhl=f.a weiska olsk wkaou .ek uk#l,ams; flá l;djla ,shkak' Tfí l;dj zmqf;a uu Thdf.a jhfia oS uf.a ;d;a;d tlal le<Ej we;=f,ka weúof.k .shd" ta;a oeka '''Z hk jdlHfhka wdrïN lrkak'

11. Write an informative article for a newspaper about what could happen to the coastal areas of Sri lanka if the global temperature rises by 2 degrees Celsius and the ice caps melt. Suggest at least three ways in which an increase in the global temperature could be prevented.

f.da,Sh WIaK;ajh ;j fi,aishia wxYl 2 lska by< f.dia whsia jeiau oshù hEfuka Y%S ,xldfõ fjr<nv m%foaYj,g úh yels úkdYh ms<sn|j úia;rd;aul ,smshla mqj;am;lg ,shkak' f.da,Sh WIaK;ajfha jeäùu j<ld .; yels l%u ;=klaj;a wju jYfhka fhdackd lrkak'

12. Writethescriptforaspeechtobedeliveredatyourfinalschoolassembly,evaluatingsomesatisfactoryand unsatisfactory experiences you had while studying at your secondary college. indicate the impact of these experiences on your life.

oaú;shsl mdif,a bf.k .kakd ld,fha oS Tn ,enQ i;=gqodhl iy wi;=gqodhl w;aoelSï ms<sn|j we.hSula lrñka" mdif,a Tfí wjidk /iaùfïoS meje;aùug kshñ; l:dfõ msgm;la ,shkak' tu w;aoelSï Tfí Ôú;hg we;s l< n,mEï ms<sn|j o i|yka lrkak'

Section 3 (Questions 10–12) (20 marks)

Your response will be assessed on how well you:• demonstratedepthoftreatmentofinformation,ideasand/oropinions• writetextappropriateandrelevanttocontext,purposeandaudience• structureandsequenceinformationandideas• manipulatelanguagestructuresandvocabularyinSinhala.

Answer ONE question from this section in approximately 250 words in SiNhAlA.


You may make notes in this space. These notes will NOT be assessed.


Question Number:



End of Section 3
