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2019...Top Drivers of Workplace Happiness for Creative and Marketing Professionals In short, The...

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Page 1: 2019...Top Drivers of Workplace Happiness for Creative and Marketing Professionals In short, The Creative Group 2019 Salary Guide is your all-in-one source for accurate salary and




Page 2: 2019...Top Drivers of Workplace Happiness for Creative and Marketing Professionals In short, The Creative Group 2019 Salary Guide is your all-in-one source for accurate salary and




Your Guide to Starting Salaries


Hiring Trends: United States


How to Use Our Salary Tables


Creative & Marketing Salaries: United States


Adjusting Salaries for U.S. Cities


Hiring Trends: Canada


Creative & Marketing Salaries: Canada


Adjusting Salaries for Canadian Cities


A Snapshot of Compensation Packages


A Manager’s Onboarding Checklist


10 Interview Questions to Ask Job Candidates


About The Creative Group

You acknowledge and agree that the Salary Guide and its contents shall be solely for your personal, non-commercial use and that the Salary Guide and copyright are the exclusive property of Robert Half International Inc. © 2018 Robert Half International Inc.

Page 3: 2019...Top Drivers of Workplace Happiness for Creative and Marketing Professionals In short, The Creative Group 2019 Salary Guide is your all-in-one source for accurate salary and

Your business is competing in a fierce hiring market today. Skilled creative and marketing professionals are in short supply. Top candidates frequently field multiple job offers. For many roles, the talent crisis is expected to deepen.

To recruit the best people and build happy and productive teams, staying current on salary and hiring trends is a must. And The Creative Group 2019 Salary Guide can help you do just that.

Why a salary guide from The Creative Group? Because we know what we’re talking about when it comes to compensation, hiring and boosting employee job satisfaction.

Our staffing specialists place creative professionals with companies like yours every day. We know what candidates are looking for in job offers, which skills require employers to pay a premium and which roles are hardest to staff. The salary ranges in the guide are based on the thousands of placements we’ve made and the actual salaries our clients are paying to land top talent.



Page 4: 2019...Top Drivers of Workplace Happiness for Creative and Marketing Professionals In short, The Creative Group 2019 Salary Guide is your all-in-one source for accurate salary and

Doing worthwhile work

Feeling appreciated for the work they do

Interest in their work

31 2

Top Drivers of Workplace Happiness for Creative and Marketing Professionals

In short, The Creative Group 2019 Salary Guide is your all-in-one source for accurate salary and hiring data and the information you need to build a happy and productive workforce.

Source: Robert Half’s The Secrets of the Happiest Companies and Employees

WHY WORKPLACE RELATIONSHIPS MATTEREmployees with good team relationships are 2.5 times more likely to be happy at work.


Source: Robert Half’s The Secrets of the Happiest Companies and Employees

Page 5: 2019...Top Drivers of Workplace Happiness for Creative and Marketing Professionals In short, The Creative Group 2019 Salary Guide is your all-in-one source for accurate salary and

Creative and marketing professionals have more options than ever in terms of where, when and how they work. This leads to both opportunities and challenges for employers. Here’s a look at some key trends likely to affect your hiring prospects in the coming year.

New technology fuels new staffing needs

Competition for good gigs is nothing new for creatives. And for several years now, employers have had to compete for skilled creative talent. Today, businesses seek professionals who can:

Leverage new technology to improve marketing capabilities and campaign performance

Employ data to deliver personalized experiences throughout the customer journey

Use rapid prototyping to deliver superior products and services

Finding digital-savvy creatives to support these initiatives can be a tall order.



Page 6: 2019...Top Drivers of Workplace Happiness for Creative and Marketing Professionals In short, The Creative Group 2019 Salary Guide is your all-in-one source for accurate salary and

Cutting edge becomes old school quickly

Technology waits for no one. It evolves with lightning speed, and so must your business. Companies need a pipeline of multiskilled — and adaptive — creative professionals to make sure they’re squeezing maximum benefit from the latest tools. Employers increasingly look for candidates proficient in:

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning

Content creation and content marketing

Data science, data analysis and A/B testing

Digital strategy

Front-end web development

Motion graphics

Search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM)

Social media management

User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design

Video production

Your perfect hire may not exist

Your business can’t afford to hold out for a candidate who “has it all.” If you expect to find a web designer who’s also an analytics guru, you may need to think again. Rather than waiting for the ideal candidate in a tough hiring market, it’s better to secure someone who has the primary expertise and work style you want. Then, provide your new employee with on-the-job training to fill skills gaps.

Source: The Creative Group survey of nearly 600 creative and marketing professionals with hiring authority

71% of creative and marketing professionals say it’s challenging to find talent with up-to-date digital skills.


Page 7: 2019...Top Drivers of Workplace Happiness for Creative and Marketing Professionals In short, The Creative Group 2019 Salary Guide is your all-in-one source for accurate salary and

Landing top talent requires speed

Impressed by a candidate you just interviewed? Odds are they’ve impressed other hiring managers, too. Make your best offer as swiftly as possible or risk losing out on your first pick. And if you use creative freelancers, consider converting high performers to full-time staff sooner rather than later.

Rethink your online hiring strategies

The ubiquity of online job boards and social media makes it seem like the internet is the only tool employers need to find talent, but that’s a risky strategy. A digital-only approach may feel quick and easy, but it can mean sorting through a daunting number of applications and still not finding the best person for the job. If you’re a busy creative manager who doesn’t have a lot of time to evaluate candidates, working with specialized recruiters can help bring people with the right skills and personality to the table.

Workplace collaboration is more crucial

As teams create more integrated campaigns for digital and traditional channels, creatives need to get along and work well with their colleagues across company departments. Finding people who thrive in collaborative environments and

communicate clearly is more important than ever. Bonus: Camaraderie built through successful partnering boosts innovation and staff morale.

Retention is a priority

What’s just as challenging as hiring top creative candidates? If you said, “Retaining your star players,” you’re spot on.

According to research by The Creative Group, most turnover on creative teams occurs among entry-level employees. And the most common reasons people leave are limited opportunities for career growth and boredom with their jobs. To retain top talent, companies need to:

Reward creativity and risk-taking

Invest in professional growth and development

Create a corporate culture that encourages ownership of ideas and projects

Regularly check in with staff to determine if they are happy in their roles

Ensure salaries are competitive


Page 8: 2019...Top Drivers of Workplace Happiness for Creative and Marketing Professionals In short, The Creative Group 2019 Salary Guide is your all-in-one source for accurate salary and

WE MAKEHIRING EASYHiring doesn’t have to be a costly, time-consuming process. We can help you find the right fit for your open roles. Find out all the ways we can be a trusted advisor throughout your hiring process.


Page 9: 2019...Top Drivers of Workplace Happiness for Creative and Marketing Professionals In short, The Creative Group 2019 Salary Guide is your all-in-one source for accurate salary and


Content strategist

Digital marketing manager

Digital strategist

Email marketing specialist

Front-end web developer

Hybrid designer

Marketing analytics manager

Project manager

SEO/SEM specialist

Social media manager

UI designer

UX designer

For details on in-demand positions, see the glossary of job descriptions.


Page 10: 2019...Top Drivers of Workplace Happiness for Creative and Marketing Professionals In short, The Creative Group 2019 Salary Guide is your all-in-one source for accurate salary and

25th The lowest percentile most often fits candidates who are new to a role and still developing their skills. The job may be in a market with low competition for talent or in a smaller, less complex organization.

50th To start a candidate at the midpoint percentile, expect three to five years of experience and the necessary skills to get the job done. The role is likely of medium complexity or in a market where competition for talent is moderate.


75th Higher-end starting salaries require a strong skill set and more experience than most candidates possess, possibly including specialized certifications. The job may be fairly complex or in a market where competition for talent is high.

95th Candidates with an advanced level of experience and certifications can command a starting salary in the highest percentile. The work is very complex or in a market where competition for talent is extremely high.

To help you determine salary levels for new hires, we report starting pay ranges by percentiles, as explained at right. Salary figures represent the national average, but you can adjust the figures on the following pages to your market using the local variances on Pages 16-17 for the United States and Page 25 for Canada. Bonuses, benefits and other kinds of compensation are not factored into our calculations. If appropriate, consider other financial incentives your company offers. Then move quickly — there’s a good chance that your top candidate is your competitors’ first choice, too.


© 2018 Robert Half International Inc.

POSITION 25th 50th 75th 95th

Design & Production Graphic Designer 42,000 55,000 65,250 83,250


Page 11: 2019...Top Drivers of Workplace Happiness for Creative and Marketing Professionals In short, The Creative Group 2019 Salary Guide is your all-in-one source for accurate salary and


POSITION 25th 50th 75th 95th

Design & Production Creative Director 90,000 111,000 135,750 186,000

Creative Services Manager 66,000 82,500 97,500 121,500

Art Director 68,750 85,750 99,750 120,000

Project Manager 56,250 68,750 81,500 103,750

Studio Manager 54,000 65,000 77,000 98,250

Production Manager 50,500 61,250 70,750 91,500

Graphic Designer 42,000 55,000 65,250 83,250

Digital Artist 49,000 62,500 79,500 94,250

Production Artist 42,500 52,000 58,250 72,750

Production Coordinator 37,500 41,250 49,000 62,250

Production Assistant 31,750 37,000 44,000 55,500

3D Animator 57,000 67,000 79,500 101,250

3D Modeler 50,000 60,000 68,750 90,500

Multimedia Designer 54,000 71,000 82,000 97,500

Presentation Specialist 50,000 60,750 71,750 91,500


2019 SALARY GUIDE | THE CREATIVE GROUP 10© 2018 Robert Half International Inc.

Page 12: 2019...Top Drivers of Workplace Happiness for Creative and Marketing Professionals In short, The Creative Group 2019 Salary Guide is your all-in-one source for accurate salary and

POSITION 25th 50th 75th 95th

Design & Production Package Designer 46,750 56,250 68,750 90,750(continued) Environmental Designer 55,000 63,500 81,250 91,000

Illustrator/Infographics Designer 44,000 53,000 62,750 80,000

Photo Retoucher 40,000 52,000 68,750 83,500

Photographer 37,500 51,000 62,750 87,500

Traffic Manager 45,500 55,000 66,250 82,000

Traffic Coordinator 33,750 41,500 46,750 55,000

Digital Asset Manager 43,750 48,000 51,000 75,000

Desktop Publisher/Layout Artist 33,250 41,500 47,750 65,000

Digital Design & Production User Experience (UX) Director 107,000 128,500 152,250 190,000

User Experience (UX) Designer 75,000 93,500 114,500 148,000

User Experience (UX) Researcher 72,000 85,000 112,500 135,000

User Interface (UI) Designer 65,000 80,000 94,750 125,000

Instructional Systems Designer 69,250 83,250 98,750 120,000

Interactive Art Director 76,500 92,000 104,000 124,750

Interaction Designer 64,500 72,750 86,500 119,750

Information Architect 79,500 95,000 115,000 143,500

Front-End Web Developer 65,000 79,250 96,000 130,500

Interactive Producer 72,750 78,500 94,250 104,500

Mobile/Responsive Designer 65,000 84,000 98,500 110,250



2019 SALARY GUIDE | THE CREATIVE GROUP 11© 2018 Robert Half International Inc.

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POSITION 25th 50th 75th 95th

Digital Design & Production Visual Designer 62,750 79,000 97,750 105,000(continued) Motion Designer 62,500 74,000 88,000 104,000

Web Designer 56,000 67,250 76,000 101,500

Web Production Artist 44,000 53,000 61,750 76,000

Video Producer 59,750 73,750 87,500 111,250

Video Editor 53,250 63,250 77,500 104,000

Content Development Proposal Specialist 60,750 72,750 81,250 95,000& Management Content Strategist 60,750 73,000 86,500 110,250

Content Manager 53,750 62,750 77,750 99,000

Web Content Manager 45,750 53,500 64,250 85,500

Web Content Coordinator 39,750 47,750 52,000 65,000

Copywriter 58,250 71,500 83,250 108,000

Interactive/Web Copywriter 52,000 62,500 83,000 104,000

Technical Writer 60,250 72,750 80,000 101,250

Copy Editor 42,000 62,000 69,750 79,250

Proofreader 40,000 50,000 60,000 72,750


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POSITION 25th 50th 75th 95th

Advertising & Marketing Account Director 83,250 100,000 118,500 155,000Agency Account Supervisor 73,250 84,250 99,750 132,750

Account Manager 53,750 63,750 74,750 97,250

Account Executive 45,500 54,500 68,750 85,250

Account Coordinator 35,000 42,000 49,750 60,250

Advertising & Marketing Chief Marketing Officer 136,500 164,000 196,000 247,750Corporate Vice President of Marketing 120,500 145,000 171,750 219,000

Marketing Director 86,500 108,000 128,000 163,000

MarCom Manager 63,500 75,000 87,000 114,500

MarCom Coordinator 41,500 50,000 59,500 74,000

Advertising & Marketing Media Director 83,500 100,250 120,500 158,500Agency or Corporate Media Buyer 53,250 62,500 75,250 91,000

Media Planner 47,750 57,000 72,750 85,000

Marketing Analytics Manager 81,750 93,250 116,500 145,250

Marketing Analytics Specialist 52,000 68,000 85,000 104,250

Web Analytics Specialist 62,500 73,500 99,000 112,000

Digital Marketing Manager 65,000 79,500 95,000 125,000

Digital Marketing Coordinator 44,750 54,500 62,750 89,500

Brand/Product Manager 72,000 90,000 100,750 132,000

Digital Project Manager 62,500 81,000 96,000 114,500

2019 SALARY GUIDE | THE CREATIVE GROUP 13© 2018 Robert Half International Inc.

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POSITION 25th 50th 75th 95th

Advertising & Marketing SEO/SEM Specialist 52,000 62,500 72,750 94,500Agency or Corporate Market Researcher 50,750 60,750 77,500 99,750 (continued)

Digital Strategist 64,500 77,500 91,750 124,750

Digital Community Manager 46,750 56,250 66,750 88,500

Social Media Manager 49,000 57,750 72,750 98,250

Social Media Specialist 41,500 50,250 60,250 80,000

E-Commerce Marketing Manager 70,000 84,000 99,250 126,250

Email Marketing Specialist 44,750 53,750 63,750 81,250

Event/Trade Show Manager 45,750 55,000 65,250 88,750

Event/Trade Show Coordinator 34,500 41,500 49,250 62,750

Public Relations Vice President of Public Relations 95,750 115,000 136,250 188,000

Public Relations Director 85,000 95,000 112,500 145,000

Public Relations Manager 68,750 77,500 91,750 121,000

Public Relations/ 45,750 55,000 66,250 83,000Communications Specialist

Source: Robert Half survey of more than 1,000 workers in the United States employed in professional environments

54% of workers feel comfortable negotiating salary at a new job.

2019 SALARY GUIDE | THE CREATIVE GROUP 14© 2018 Robert Half International Inc.

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CALCULATE YOUR CUSTOM SALARYHow do salaries in your area compare to the national averages? Click the button below to calculate local salaries. Just select from the options for job titles and locations, and the calculator does the work for you.


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AlabamaBirmingham –5%

Huntsville –6%

Mobile –14%

ArizonaPhoenix +15%

Tucson +7%

ArkansasFayetteville –5%

Little Rock –5%

CaliforniaFresno –8%

Irvine +30%

Los Angeles +32%

Monterey +15%

Oakland +32%

Ontario +20%

Sacramento +6%

San Diego +27%

San Francisco +41%

San Jose +38.5%

San Rafael +32%

Santa Barbara +27%

Santa Rosa +22%

Stockton –13%

ColoradoBoulder +17.5%

Colorado Springs –3.5%

Denver +9%

Fort Collins –2%

Greeley –11%

Loveland –5%

Pueblo –17%

ConnecticutHartford +17%

New Haven +12%

Stamford +31%

DelawareWilmington +5%

District of ColumbiaWashington +33%

FloridaFort Myers – 9%

Jacksonville –4%

Melbourne – 9.5%

Miami/ Fort Lauderdale +6%

Orlando +1%

St. Petersburg –3%

Tampa –0.5%

West Palm Beach +2%

GeorgiaAtlanta +6%

Macon –18%

Savannah –15%

HawaiiHonolulu +7%

Starting salaries vary widely from city to city — cost of living, a scarcity of top talent and many other factors can all have an impact. To customize pay ranges for your area — and to better compete for local talent — increase or decrease the national salary for your role by the percentage for your nearest city. Market variances apply to all industries and professions in a region.


Calculate a custom salary with the Salary Calculator.

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IdahoBoise –11%

IllinoisChicago +23.5%

Hoffman Estates +12%

Naperville +12%

Rockford –15%

IndianaFort Wayne –16%

Indianapolis –3%

IowaCedar Rapids –6%

Davenport –5%

Des Moines +1%

Sioux City –16%

Waterloo/ Cedar Falls –13%

KansasOverland Park +1%

KentuckyLexington –8.5%

Louisville –8%

LouisianaBaton Rouge –1%

New Orleans –1%

MainePortland –5%

MarylandBaltimore +3%

MassachusettsBoston +34%

Springfield +1%

MichiganAnn Arbor +1%

Detroit –1%

Grand Rapids –14.5%

Kalamazoo –20%

Lansing –15%

MinnesotaBloomington +6.5%

Duluth –20.4%

Minneapolis +7%

Rochester +2%

St. Cloud –14%

St. Paul +4%

MissouriKansas City –0.5%

St. Joseph –10%

St. Louis +0.5%

NebraskaOmaha +0%

NevadaLas Vegas +2%

Reno +1%

New HampshireManchester +12% Nashua +14%

New JerseyMount Laurel +15%

Paramus +30%

Princeton +25%

Woodbridge +26.5%

New MexicoAlbuquerque –8.5%

New YorkAlbany –4%

Buffalo –6.5%

Long Island +20%

New York +40.5%

Rochester –6.5%

Syracuse – 9.7%

North CarolinaCharlotte +2%

Greensboro +0%

Raleigh +4%

OhioAkron –11%

Canton –18%

Cincinnati –2.5%

Cleveland –4%

Columbus –2%

Dayton –13%

Toledo –14.5%

Youngstown –24%

OklahomaOklahoma City –7%

Tulsa –7%

OregonPortland +9%

PennsylvaniaHarrisburg –5%

Philadelphia +15%

Pittsburgh –2%

Rhode IslandProvidence +1.5%

South CarolinaCharleston –5%

Columbia –6.5%

Greenville –6%

South DakotaSioux Falls –16%

TennesseeChattanooga –11%

Cool Springs +0%

Knoxville –11%

Memphis –5%

Nashville +1.5%

TexasAustin +9%

Dallas +10%

El Paso –28%

Fort Worth +9%

Houston +8%

Midland/Odessa +10%

San Antonio +1%

UtahSalt Lake City +6%

VirginiaNorfolk/ Hampton Roads –2%

Richmond –1.5%

Tysons Corner +32%

WashingtonSeattle +25%

Spokane –18%

WisconsinAppleton –15%

Green Bay –13.5%

Madison –1.5%

Milwaukee +1%

Waukesha +0%

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Because in-demand creatives know how much companies like yours need their skills, they often can set their own terms. Following are some trends likely to affect hiring in Canada in the coming year.

Digital is (still) in demand

Demand for digital-savvy professionals remains strong. Creatives who are on top of emerging technologies and know how to code are highly desired. For example, employers increasingly seek candidates with knowledge of programming languages like CSS, HTML and JavaScript no matter what their primary area of expertise is. Senior-level talent — particularly seasoned UX and UI designers — is in short supply.

Candidates snub long hiring processes

Companies are growing, and low unemployment in the creative field means you need to work harder and faster to land top talent. Many employers are turning to recruiters to help find highly skilled candidates swiftly. When you come across promising people, be prepared to make an offer quickly or risk losing the strongest applicants to competing offers.


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Companies relax job requirements

Managers are more inclined to bend on certain hiring requirements, especially for digital roles. For some, hard and soft skills outweigh education, with greater emphasis placed on experience and interpersonal abilities. Businesses are bringing on more creative candidates who meet only the absolute musts for the job and are a good fit with the workplace culture. On-the-job training takes care of the rest.

Freelancers save the day

When the challenge of finding top full-time talent seems too daunting, managers increasingly turn to highly skilled creative freelancers to fill gaps on their teams. These workers provide you greater staffing flexibility and a wide range of expertise for short-term projects.

Work-life balance is key

Companies are offering more flextime, remote arrangements and other work-life balance perks to woo top candidates. This gives employees the flexibility they desire — and makes your company stand out while allowing you to expand your search geographically.

Email marketing specialist

Front-end web developer

UI designer

UX designer

Web designer


Page 21: 2019...Top Drivers of Workplace Happiness for Creative and Marketing Professionals In short, The Creative Group 2019 Salary Guide is your all-in-one source for accurate salary and


POSITION 25th 50th 75th 95th

Design & Production Creative Director 115,000 132,000 150,000 175,500

Creative Services Manager 74,750 85,000 102,000 115,000

Art Director 70,500 85,000 101,000 110,500

Project Manager 65,000 75,000 85,750 98,750

Studio Manager 58,750 65,000 72,250 93,750

Production Manager 72,750 83,250 88,000 95,500

Graphic Designer 52,000 62,750 75,000 90,250

Digital Artist 50,000 59,000 66,500 78,750

Production Artist 50,000 59,500 70,000 75,500

Production Coordinator 48,000 55,000 62,000 67,500

Production Assistant 33,500 38,750 42,500 45,500

3D Animator 60,000 69,500 82,750 92,250

3D Modeler 60,000 66,500 72,250 82,750

Multimedia Designer 52,000 65,500 74,250 87,750

Presentation Specialist 53,500 58,750 64,250 75,500

Package Designer 58,500 68,500 74,000 83,250


2019 SALARY GUIDE | THE CREATIVE GROUP CANADA 20© 2018 Robert Half International Inc.

Page 22: 2019...Top Drivers of Workplace Happiness for Creative and Marketing Professionals In short, The Creative Group 2019 Salary Guide is your all-in-one source for accurate salary and

POSITION 25th 50th 75th 95th

Design & Production Environmental Designer 51,500 57,000 62,250 69,500(continued) Illustrator/Infographics Designer 51,250 57,750 62,000 70,250

Photo Retoucher 47,750 52,750 60,500 66,500

Photographer 45,000 58,500 69,750 79,000

Traffic Manager 57,250 60,250 63,500 73,500

Traffic Coordinator 45,250 50,500 54,750 63,250

Digital Asset Manager 40,500 45,000 50,500 55,500

Desktop Publisher/Layout Artist 35,000 42,000 45,750 60,250

Digital Design & Production User Experience (UX) Director 95,500 100,000 115,500 130,500

User Experience (UX) Designer 70,000 78,750 95,500 106,750

User Experience (UX) Researcher 65,250 77,750 92,000 113,500

User Interface (UI) Designer 60,000 70,000 82,000 102,500

Instructional Systems Designer 61,250 67,750 77,500 84,500

Interactive Art Director 77,000 85,000 92,500 117,750

Interaction Designer 59,500 65,750 72,750 83,500

Information Architect 75,500 87,750 105,500 130,750

Front-End Web Developer 65,000 76,000 87,500 101,000

Interactive Producer 62,500 75,000 89,750 95,750

Mobile/Responsive Designer 69,000 80,000 91,500 107,750

Visual Designer 71,500 80,000 87,000 102,750

Motion Designer 64,500 71,000 80,000 105,750


All salaries listed on Pages 20-24 are in Canadian dollars.


2019 SALARY GUIDE | THE CREATIVE GROUP CANADA 21© 2018 Robert Half International Inc.

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POSITION 25th 50th 75th 95th

Digital Design & Production Web Designer 60,000 75,000 93,500 114,500(continued) Web Production Artist 45,250 52,000 61,250 75,500

Video Producer 57,000 65,500 75,000 94,750

Video Editor 54,250 60,000 69,500 77,750

Content Development Proposal Specialist 53,250 59,500 71,000 90,500& Management Content Strategist 56,500 69,000 81,000 102,500

Content Manager 51,500 62,000 73,000 92,500

Web Content Manager 48,000 52,750 57,750 68,000

Web Content Coordinator 41,750 46,500 52,250 58,500

Copywriter 54,750 65,750 77,000 98,750

Interactive/Web Copywriter 53,250 67,750 79,500 95,500

Technical Writer 53,000 65,000 77,500 85,750

Copy Editor 52,750 63,000 75,500 95,000

Proofreader 51,000 61,000 72,250 77,750

Advertising & Marketing Account Director 87,250 94,000 110,750 125,000Agency Account Supervisor 70,250 75,750 89,000 115,500

Account Manager 62,000 68,500 74,000 87,750

Account Executive 47,250 56,500 68,500 86,000

Account Coordinator 37,500 41,500 45,250 51,500


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Source: Robert Half survey of more than 400 workers in Canada employed in professional environments

34% of workers feel comfortable negotiating salary at a new job.


POSITION 25th 50th 75th 95th

Advertising & Marketing Chief Marketing Officer 138,000 165,000 179,500 204,750Corporate Vice President of Marketing 119,750 130,750 145,750 171,500

Marketing Director 91,250 108,000 128,500 147,750

MarCom Manager 71,500 79,000 86,000 98,000

MarCom Coordinator 41,500 50,000 57,500 63,500

Advertising & Marketing Media Director 80,750 89,250 98,000 110,000Agency or Corporate Media Planner 51,500 59,500 72,750 90,000

Media Buyer 41,500 45,750 50,500 64,000

Marketing Analytics Manager 77,750 88,250 96,000 114,000

Marketing Analytics Specialist 56,000 70,000 80,250 87,750

Web Analytics Specialist 55,000 65,000 77,750 92,750

Digital Marketing Manager 63,000 75,750 90,000 111,750

Digital Marketing Coordinator 40,750 46,500 56,750 63,000


2019 SALARY GUIDE | THE CREATIVE GROUP CANADA 23© 2018 Robert Half International Inc.

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POSITION 25th 50th 75th 95th

Advertising & Marketing Brand/Product Manager 59,000 73,000 89,500 113,750Agency or Corporate Digital Project Manager 60,000 81,000 88,250 100,000 (continued)

SEO/SEM Specialist 50,250 61,500 72,750 88,500

Market Researcher 48,500 58,000 68,750 87,500

Digital Strategist 65,500 78,750 95,500 120,500

Digital Community Manager 43,750 53,750 64,250 72,250

Social Media Manager 50,750 62,250 73,500 98,500

Social Media Specialist 46,000 59,000 68,750 80,750

E-Commerce Marketing Manager 65,750 78,750 91,500 125,750

Email Marketing Specialist 42,500 55,000 60,500 75,750

Event/Trade Show Manager 45,500 54,250 65,250 74,000

Event/Trade Show Coordinator 39,750 47,500 51,750 59,000

Public Relations Vice President of Public Relations 110,500 124,000 145,750 175,000

Public Relations Director 97,000 106,500 116,250 147,500

Public Relations Manager 85,500 90,000 108,500 118,750

Public Relations/ 47,000 55,500 64,250 78,750Communications Specialist



2019 SALARY GUIDE | THE CREATIVE GROUP CANADA 24© 2018 Robert Half International Inc.

Page 26: 2019...Top Drivers of Workplace Happiness for Creative and Marketing Professionals In short, The Creative Group 2019 Salary Guide is your all-in-one source for accurate salary and

Starting salaries vary widely from city to city — cost of living, a scarcity of top talent and many other factors can all have an impact. To customize pay ranges for your area — and to better compete for local talent — increase or decrease the national salary for your role by the percentage for your nearest city. Market variances apply to all industries and professions in a region.

AlbertaCalgary +4%

Edmonton +2.2%

British ColumbiaFraser Valley +1.2%

Vancouver +5.6%

Victoria –2.2%

ManitobaWinnipeg –8%

OntarioKitchener/ Waterloo –3.7%

Ottawa +0.2%

Toronto +4.9%

QuebecMontreal +3.1%

Quebec City –9%

SaskatchewanRegina –5.1%

Saskatoon –3.5%


Visit the Canadian Salary Calculator to calculate local salaries.

2019 SALARY GUIDE | THE CREATIVE GROUP CANADA 25© 2018 Robert Half International Inc.

Page 27: 2019...Top Drivers of Workplace Happiness for Creative and Marketing Professionals In short, The Creative Group 2019 Salary Guide is your all-in-one source for accurate salary and

A SNAPSHOT OF COMPENSATION PACKAGESBenefits, perks and incentives can play as significant a role as salary in your ability to attract and retain top talent. See what other firms offer so you can keep pace.

Benefits — Assistance with basic needs; noncash; not tied to job performance (e.g., health insurance, retirement plan)

Perks — Special privileges; typically noncash; sometimes tied to job performance or seniority (e.g., telecommuting, workplace wellness program)

Incentives — Motivational rewards; usually cash; tied to job performance (e.g., bonuses, profit-sharing plan)

* Multiple responses were permitted. Top responses are shown. ** Includes vacation, sick days and paid holidays


Common benefits*

% Companies offeringMost wanted benefits












Health insurance

Paid time off**

Dental insurance

Vision insurance

Disability insurance (short-term and/or long-term)

Retirement savings plan

Leave of absence

Employee assistance program

Pretax programs (e.g., commuter benefits, flexible spending accounts, health savings accounts)

Tuition assistance or reimbursement

Life insurance and AD&D insurance

Page 28: 2019...Top Drivers of Workplace Happiness for Creative and Marketing Professionals In short, The Creative Group 2019 Salary Guide is your all-in-one source for accurate salary and


Common perks*

% Companies offering % Companies offeringMost wanted perks Most wanted incentives

Employees expect more time offHelping employees save for retirement

Companies that match contributions to employees’ 401(k) or RRSP*** plans

3-4%90%Average company match

Common incentives*

44% Annual or biannual bonuses

33% Profit-sharing plan

22% Spotbonuses

19% Sign-on bonuses

12% Deferred compensation plan

12% Retention bonuses

* Multiple responses were permitted. Top responses are shown. ** Includes vacation, sick days and paid holidays *** Registered Retirement Savings Plan in CanadaSource: Robert Half surveys of more than 600 HR managers and more than 1,500 workers in North America


23%On-site amenities (e.g., exercise facilities, child care)

17%Compressed workweek

44%Employee social events

21%Paid time off for volunteer activities

Average number of days of paid time off companies offer employees with less than 5 years’ tenure


Average number of days of paid time off job seekers want when joining a new company


62%Flexible work schedules

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A MANAGER’S ONBOARDING CHECKLISTThe experience you provide your new hires during their first weeks can determine whether they are happy in the job or begin to look for a new one — and your onboarding process can tip the balance. Here’s a checklist to go by so all the time, money and effort you put into hiring don’t go down the drain.


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Prior to Day One

� Allocate enough time to onboarding so your new hire can digest everything that’s presented.

� Set a clear agenda and share it in advance.

� Explain the nuts and bolts, such as where to park and the person to ask for upon arrival.

� Set up a computer, server access, email, voicemail and building security permission so the newcomer can be productive from day one.

� Offer early access to select portions of your company intranet or HR system so the new hire can see a greeting from your CEO or department head, review the employee handbook and even fill out HR paperwork.

Day One

� Welcome the new hire with genuine excitement. Make introductions right away so the person knows who’s who.

� Conduct an office tour so your new hire knows where to find the essentials, such as office supplies and restrooms.

� Arrange meetings with all the people your new hire will work with — and a welcome lunch — so they can start developing personal relationships.

� Offer branded items like a coffee mug or notebook so the newcomer feels like part of the team.

� Conduct a basic orientation: Offer background about the company’s industry, structure, history and values — and invite questions.

Week One and Beyond

� Review the job responsibilities and set goals.

� Set aside time for appropriate functional training, including overviews of any internal systems unique to your firm.

� Assign your new hire a mentor who can answer questions as they arise.

� Check in regularly to ensure new staff understand their assignments and to find out if they’re enjoying their work.

� Periodically meet with them to ensure their goals are still aligned with your company’s.


Page 31: 2019...Top Drivers of Workplace Happiness for Creative and Marketing Professionals In short, The Creative Group 2019 Salary Guide is your all-in-one source for accurate salary and


The job interview is your first real opportunity to gauge your candidates’ technical and interpersonal skills. Here are questions to ask that will give you insight into both and help you determine if they would be happy at your organization.

1 What are your top sources for industry trends and inspiration?

2 Can you tell me about a time you disagreed with a client’s creative direction and how you handled it?

3 What project are you most proud of, and how did you help in its success?

4 Share an example of a specific business challenge you had to work on with a team. How did you approach it and what was the impact of your contributions?

5 How do you challenge yourself to improve your creative work?

6 Would you rather deliver your project past deadline but in perfect condition or on time and in OK shape?

7 What could you do in your current role to help make your projects more successful?

8 How would you enhance our company’s branding?

9 What management style do you thrive under?

10 What or who inspired you to work in this field?


Page 32: 2019...Top Drivers of Workplace Happiness for Creative and Marketing Professionals In short, The Creative Group 2019 Salary Guide is your all-in-one source for accurate salary and

ABOUT THE CREATIVE GROUPAt The Creative Group (TCG), we believe that when your workforce is happy, so is your bottom line. And what makes creative people happy? Inspiration.

We help inspiration strike by connecting businesses like yours with top digital, creative, marketing, advertising and public relations professionals. How? We offer personalized service and use the latest recruiting technology to help get the job done.

Whether you’re looking for help to manage sudden increases in workload, seeking to hire talent or tackling a strategic marketing initiative, we offer a complete creative staffing solution. From concept to execution, we’re here to help. Visit creativegroup.com to learn more about our services.



CaliforniaIrvineLa JollaLos AngelesOaklandSan FranciscoSan Jose



District of ColumbiaWashington

FloridaCoral GablesTampa







MissouriSt. Louis

New JerseyPrinceton Saddle Brook Woodbridge

New YorkNew York

North CarolinaCharlotte Raleigh

OhioCincinnatiCleveland Dublin




TexasAustin DallasHouston




Canada MississaugaTorontoVancouver

FranceParis La Défense

United KingdomLondon

Find contact information for the office nearest you online or call 855.750.7260.

