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2020 Senior Subject Selection Book

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2020 Senior Subject Selection Book Subject Selections Personalised Study Options www.woodridgeshs.eq.edu.au WOODRIDGE STATE HIGH SCHOOL Empowered, Resilient … World Changing!
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2020 Senior Subjects Handbook1

2020 Senior Subject Selection Book

Subject Selections Personalised Study Optionswww.woodridgeshs.eq.edu.au

WOODRIDGE STATE HIGH SCHOOLEmpowered, Resilient … World Changing!

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2020 Senior Subjects Handbook 2

Welcome to Woodridge State High School

Introduction03 Message from the Principal

04 A Changing World

05 World of Work


07 QueenslandCertificateofEducation(QCE

08 Personalised Pathways

09 Subject Selection

10 5 Step Decision Making Model for Subject


Senior Subjects11 The Arts

19 English

23 HealthandPhysicalEducation(HPE)

28 Hospitality

31 Humanities, Social Science and Business

43 Inclusive Practices

46 IndustrialTechnologyandDesign(ITD)

52 Information and Communication Technology

54 Mathematics

59 Science

66 VETQualifications(StandAlone)

71 Find Out More

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2020 Senior Subjects Handbook3

Contact UsSchool Office HoursMonday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pmPhone: 07 3290 7222

Address: 323 Wembley Road, Woodridge Queensland 4114Fax: 07 3290 7200

Email: [email protected]: woodridgeshs.eq.edu.auFacebook: WoodridgeStateHighSchool

At Woodridge State High School, our vision for our students is that they leave Empowered,ResilientandWorldChanging,leadingourcommunitytobeempowered,connectedandfuture

focussed. Our mission each day is to provide a thriving, agile teaching and learning environment.

Message from the Principal

In preparing for your future, Year 10 will see you and your parents making important decisions about your Senior Schooling Pathway at Woodridge State High School. The subjects you choose to study in both Year 11 and 12 are instrumental in ensuring the next steps you take lead to a successful first step towards your future after high school.This handbook contains valuable information about Year 11 and 12 at Woodridge State High School. I cannot stress this next point enough — it is important that both you and your parents, after reading this handbook, actively discuss what you aim to achieve after completing Year 12. The subjects you choose are the pathway you will take to get to your goal. This is an important decision that should be made with those in your life that will support you over the coming years.Your parents understanding of the career path you wish to follow, as well as their support of you, are critical aspects of the subject selection process. This message will be reinforced throughout 2020 at the Year 10 Transition Events.In addition to this I must emphasise to you that it is important to have a realistic view of the goals you will achieve throughout Senior and after Year 12. It is important that you listen to your Teachers, Student Performance, Empowerment and Culture Heads of Department (Kim Tonges and Veronica Jukic), and Deputy Principal’s (Nathan Shonhan and David Cooke) and base your subject selections on the advice you receive from these key staff members who are very experienced in supporting you to achieve your goals.Prerequisite results indicate the level of achievement that must be attained to experience success in the senior subject it is required for. In order to study senior subjects that have a prerequisite with entry requirements, the defined result must be achieved. If you do not achieve the prerequisite result, it is highly likely that you are not at the level required to engage with the course successfully at this time. Prerequisites may also determine that an alternative subject would be a more appropriate choice. School staff can assist you to make these decisions to provide you with the most successful pathway plan towards your goals.

Your Year 10 results are also an incredibly important indicator of whether you will be successful in Senior Subjects. Choosing which subjects you will study in Year 11 and 12 is not a random process and should not be taken lightly. Use your Year 10 results as a guide when choosing senior subjects you are both interested in, and have demonstrated success in. It is important you have a clear sense of direction and purpose as this commitment to senior subjects will span 2 years and will lead you to what you wish to achieve after you graduate. In addition to this, it will increase your depth of knowledge and give you the skills you require to be a successful life-long learner. This commitment will allow you to attain your Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and ensure your success after Year 12.In summary your job is to:• read this Handbook very carefully;• involve your parents in all discussions;• choose subjects that you are capable of achieving success in, and will

enjoy;• listen to key staff in the school;• achieve the prerequisite result by the end of Year 10 to be eligible to

study that subject in Senior;• use your Year 10 results as a guide when selecting Senior Subjects;• have a clear and realistic sense of what you want to achieve after Year

12;• select subjects that will lead you to attaining your post-high school goals;

and• commit to your study in Year 11 and 12 which entails attendance and

learning behaviours.I wish you every success, both for this year and beyond in Senior. I hope you find the next two years both challenging and rewarding, and I look forward to celebrating your achievements at the conclusion of Year 12 — your graduation!

Kathleen Janecek

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At Woodridge State High School, we acknowledge that young Queenslanders in the 21st century need to be:

• Innovators

• Entrepreneurs

• Lifelong Learners, and

• Responsible Global Citizens.

To prepare students for the 21st century an important aspect of our curriculum at Woodridge State High School is to develop skills involving the use of:

• Personal and social skills

• Communication skills

• Collaboration and teamwork

• Creative and critical thinking, and

• Information and Communication Technologies Skills.

All learning at Woodridge State High School is underpinned by:

• literacy — the set of knowledge and skills about language and texts essential for understanding and conveying content.

• numeracy — the knowledge, skills, behaviours and dispositions that students need to use mathematics in a wide range of situations, to recognise and understand the role of mathematics in the world, and to develop the dispositions and capacities to use mathematical knowledge and skills purposefully.

As part of the Woodridge State High School seven to certainty guarantee, all senior students at Woodridge State High School will participate in learning that is underpinned by:

• Applied learning — the acquisition and application of knowledge, understanding and skills in real world or lifelike

contexts• Community connections — the

awareness and understanding of life beyond school through authentic, real-world interactions by connecting classroom experience with the world outside the classroom

• Core skills for work — the set of knowledge, understanding and non-technical skills that underpin successful participation in work.

This booklet is a guide for students progressing to Year 11 at Woodridge State High School. The task of selecting your pathway or course of study in Senior is not easy, and we encourage parents/guardians to be involved in this decision–making process. The selection of subjects should be made only after careful research and consideration, as the decisions made will have a major influenceonyourcareerandfuture.

It is essential that senior students at Woodridge State High School have a clear understanding of our school commitment to personal excellence through living and demonstrating our school values of Respect, Responsibility, Safety and Learning each day. It is an expectation at Woodridge SHS that students will work towards being their personal best each day through hard work and dedication to their senior studies, so that they may prepare themselves for the demands of their futures.

A Changing World

This booklet is a guide for students progressing to Year 11 at Woodridge State High School.

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As a school community, we intentionally lead each other to discover new ways of thinking and doing.

We ask curious questions because we want to discover new learning and feel empowered to make informed decisions.

We seek opportunities to deepen our learning and challenge ourselves to increase our compatibility for the work we aspire to do.

We choose to grow personally and professionally and we celebrate our readiness to launch – not only our completion of schooling.

Some interesting student survey responses are:

Introducing ourWoodridge World of Work

• 96% want to be successful

• 92% like to help others

• 83% speak more than one language

• 74% know what they are good at

• 78% know what they need to do better

• 80% believe they are hard working

• 89% want paid work

• 71% know the type of work they want

• 72 % like to feel independent

• 61% know the type of skills they need for the work they want

• 69% believe that the subjects they choose at schoolwillhelpthemfindwork

• 65% like to feel challenged

• 61% believe they have good communication skills

• 62%arenotyetconfidentthattheyhavegood computer skills

What sparks your curiosity? What is next for you?How do you make your dreams and goals a reality?

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The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) replaced the Overall Position (OP) from 2020

Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank

What is the difference between the ATAR and OP?• TheATARisafinergrainedrankorderofstudents

than the OP.• It’s a number between 0.00 and 99.95 with

increments of 0.05, whereas the OP consists of 25 bands.

• The ATAR is commonly used in other states and territories.

Calculating ATARsTheQueenslandTertiaryAdmissionsCentre(QTAC)will be responsible for calculating students’ ATARs.

QTAC will calculate ATARs based on either:

Best 5 QCAA General Subjects or

Best 4 QCAA General Subjects +

The best results in:






If a student is eligible for an ATAR in both categories, QTAC will use their highest ATAR.

English as a requirement for ATAR eligibility

In the new system of tertiary entrance, eligibility for an ATAR will require satisfactory completion of a QCAA Englishsubject.

Satisfactory completion will require students to attain a result that is equivalent to a Sound Level of AchievementinoneoftheEnglishsubjects:English,EssentialEnglish,orEnglishasanAdditionalLanguage.

While students must meet this standard to be eligible to receive an ATAR, it won’t be mandatory forastudent’sEnglishresulttobeincludedinthecalculation of their ATAR .

More informationFor more information about the new tertiary entrance system visit the QTAC website https://www.qtac.edu.au/atar-my-path/atar

Important information regarding Tertiary FeesAlltertiarycourseshaveafeestructure.TAFEfeesare paid up-front during the time you are studying, althoughstudentsmaybeeligibleforVETFEEHelpforDiplomaCourses.UNIVERSITYcourseshave a fee structure which may be subsidised by the Commonwealth Support Program if you are an Australian Citizen or have a Permanent ResidencyVisa.(PermanentresidentsonotherthanHumanitarian Visas must pay full fees and will get no discounts).PleaseseetheSeniorSchoolingteamformore information.

New Zealand Citizens who have been in Australia for less than 10 years, are not eligible for Commonwealth Supported Fee structures and Help Loans. To access thesebenefits,studentswillberequiredtobecomeanAustralian citizen. Information regarding this can be obtainedfromtheschoolGuidanceOfficer.

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2020 Senior Subjects Handbook 8

Personalised PathwaysWoodridge State High School is committed to providing personalised pathways for students. At the end of Year 10, all students face a range of options and choices.

The non-negotiables at Woodridge State High School are:

• Participation and attaining a Sound or better inEssentialEnglish,English,orEnglishasanAdditional Language.

• Participation and attaining a Sound level of achievementorbetterinEssentialMathematics,General Mathematics, Mathematical Methods, or Specialist Mathematics.

• All students who choose not to follow an ATAR pathwaymuststudyaminimumof1VETqualificationataCertificateIIlevelorhigher.

• All students will successfully complete the breadth and depth of learning required to achieve a QueenslandCertificateofEducation(QCE).

Personalised Pathways

To graduate from Woodridge State High School, students must receive a Sound Achievement or better in anEnglishandMathematicssubject.ThisismandatoryaspectoftheQCE.

All students must study the equivalent of 6 full subjects.

ATAR Pathways

Subject Mix

Any mix or general, applied, VET subjects and/orschool based apprenticeships/traineeships.

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2020 Senior Subjects Handbook9

Your Checklist When you have made your subject choices, please tick on the following checklist:

• You have a good idea of what you would like to do after Year 12

• You checked the prerequisite for the subjects in Years 11 and 12

• You selected a pathway that allows you to keep as many options open as possible

• You checked the prerequisite subjects necessary for entry into possible tertiary courses

• You considered a School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship to complement your studies and build on work skills

• YouconsideredTAFEatSchoolsandotherVETsprogramsto complement your studies

• Youhaveconsultedwithparents,GuidanceOfficerorYear10/11SPECHODs

Subject Selection

It is important to choose Senior subjects carefully as your decisionsmayaffect:

• The types of career pathway

you can follow later

• Your success at school

• Your feelings about learning

and further education and training.

There are many factors to consider, but choosing your course of study can be made easier if you explore your options, seek advice when you are unsure, and go about your decisions calmly and logically.

As an overall plan, you are advised to choose subjects: • You enjoy

• In which you have demonstrated some ability or aptitude

• Which will help you to reach your career goals

• Which will help you to develop skills, knowledge and attitudes that will help you throughout your life.

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1. Get the Questions Straight• Which subjects do I really have to make decisions


• By when do I have to make that decision?

• What are my real options?

• Clarify in your own mind and write down just what decision you are trying to make.

2. Get the Facts• What subjects do I need for my career options?

• What are my abilities as shown by my past achievements?

• What subjects have I enjoyed in Year 10?

• Do I have the necessary pre-requisite Year 10 subjects?

• What are the pre-requisites for Tertiary courses or careers I am considering?

• Have I read the subject descriptions in this handbook?

• Have I consulted with people e.g. other students who have previously selected these subjects, the GuidanceOfficers,teachers,myparents/guardians?

• Am I prepared to make the commitment to those subjects I require e.g. study, excursions, work experience?

3. Weigh up the Facts• What are the most important considerations?

• What are the consequences of each alternative?

• For Tertiary requirements and options refer to Tertiary CoursesSubjectEntryRequirements.

• You must list a number of choices and compare the advantages and disadvantages of each.

4. Make a DecisionChoose your subjects. This is best done after a period of time during which your unconscious mind has had time to weighupthefacts-forverydifficultchoicesitisan advantage to set a time limit and make the decision at that time.

5. Check the Results• Do these subjects suit my situations?

• Are they possible to achieve reasonable results in?

5 Step Decision Making Model for Subject Selection

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2020 Senior Subjects Handbook11

Sophia LubinHead of DepartmentThe ArtsEmail:[email protected]

The ArtsWithin this Faculty area, you may study:

• VisualArt(General)• VisualArtinPractice(Applied)• DramainPractice(Applied)• Film, Television and New Media


• MediaArtsinPractice(Applied)• MusicinPractice(Applied)• CUA30915CertificateIIIinMusic


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Visual Art

Overview: Visual Art provides students with opportunities to understand and appreciate the role of visual art in past and present traditions and cultures, as well as the contributions of contemporary visual artists and their aesthetic, historicalandculturalinfluences.Studentsinteractwithartists,artworks,institutionsandcommunitiestoenrichtheir experiences and understandings of their own and others’ art practices. Students have opportunities to construct knowledge and communicate personal interpretations by working as both artist and audience. Overall, they use their imagination and creativity to innovatively solve problems.

Prerequisites: 1.BorbetterinYear10English

2. B or better in Year 10 Visual Art




Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 minutes of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods. Fee Information: Students may be required to attend an excursion to an art gallery which will incur a cost for transport of approximately $20. Pathways: AcourseofstudyinVisualArtcanestablishabasisforfurthereducationandemploymentinthefieldsofartspractice, design, craft, and information technologies; broader areas in creative industries and cultural institutions; and diverse fieldsthatuseskillsinherentinthesubject,includingadvertising,artsadministrationandmanagement,communication,design,education,galleriesandmuseums,filmandtelevision,publicrelations,andscienceandtechnology.

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Visual Art in Practice

Overview: Visual Arts in Practice focuses on students engaging in art-making processes and making virtual or physical visual artworks. Visual artworks are created for a purpose and in response to individual, group or community needs. Students explore and apply the materials, technologies and techniques used in art-making. They use information aboutdesignelementsandprinciplestoinfluencetheirownaestheticandguidehowtheyviewothers’works.Theyintegrate skills to create artworks and evaluate aesthetic choices. Students decide on the best way to convey meaning through communications and artworks.

Prerequisites: 1. C or better in year 10 Visual Art preferred



Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 minutes of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods.

Fee Information: Students may be required to attend an excursion to an art gallery which will incur a cost for transport of approximately $20.

Pathways: A course of study in Visual Arts in Practice can establish a basis for further education and employmentinarangeoffields,includingdesign,styling,decorating,illustrating,drafting,visualmerchandising,make-up artistry, advertising, game design, photography, animation, etc.

Core Electives

• Visual mediums, technologies, techniques• Visual literacies and contexts• Artwork realisation

• 2D • 3D

Project Product

A response to a single task, situation and/orscenario.

Atechniquethatassessestheapplicationofidentifiedskillsto the production of artworks.

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Drama in Practice

Overview: Drama in Practice gives students opportunities to plan, create, adapt, produce, perform, appreciate and evaluate a range of dramatic works or events in a variety of settings. Students participate in learning activities that apply knowledge and develop creative and technical skills in communicating meaning to an audience.

Students learn essential workplace health and safety procedures relevant to the drama and theatre industry, aswellaseffectiveworkpracticesandindustryskillsneededbyadramapractitioner.

Prerequisites: 1.ExperienceinYear10Dramapreferred



Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 minutes of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods.

Fee Information: Students may be required to attend a theatre excursion which will incur a cost of approximately $35

Pathways: A course of study in Drama in Practice can establish a basis for further education and employment in the drama and theatre industry in areas such as performance, theatre management and promotions.

Core Electives

• Dramatic principles • Dramatic practices

• Acting(stageandscreen• Community theatre • Contemporary theatre • Playbuilding • Scriptwriting • Theatre through the ages

Project Performance Product Investigation

A response to a single task, situation and/or scenario that give students authentic opportunities to demonstrate their learning.

A technique that assesses physical demonstration of identifiedskills.

A technique that assesses the application of skills in production of a designsolution(set, lighting,sound,etc.).

A response that includes locating and using information beyond students’ own knowledge and the data they have been given.

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2020 Senior Subjects Handbook15

Film, Television and New Media

Overview: By studying Film, Television and New Media, students will develop knowledge and skills in creative thinking, communication, collaboration, planning, critical analysis, and digital and ethical citizenship. Students will be equipped forafutureofunimaginedpossibilitieswithhighlytransferableandflexiblethinkingandcommunicationskills.Prerequisites: 1. C or better in year 10 Media Arts Structure


Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 minutes of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods.

Fee Information: Students may be required to attend excursions to media exhibitions which will incur a cost of approximately $40.

Pathways: Studying Film, Television and New Media can lead to careers in advertising, arts administration and management,communication,design,education,filmandtelevisionandpublicrelations.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4


Concept: technologies

How are tools and associated processes used to create meaning?

Concept: institutions

How are institutional practices influenced by social, political and economic factors?

Concept: languages

How do signs and symbols, codes and conventions create meaning?

Story forms

Concept: representations. How do representations function in story forms?

Concept: audiences

How does the relationship between story forms and meaning change in different contexts?

Concept: languages

How are media languages used to construct stories?


Concept: technologies

How do technologies enable or constrain participation?

Concept: audiences

How do different contexts and purposes impact the participation of individuals and cultural groups?

Concept: institutions

How is participation in institutional practices influenced by social, political and economic factors?


Concept: technologies

How do media artists experiment with technological practices?

Concept: representations

How do media artists portray people, places, events, ideas and emotions?

Concept: languages

How do media artists use signs, symbols, codes and conventions in experimental ways to create meaning?

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Formative internal assessment 1:Case study investigation (15%)

Formative internal

assessment 3:


Summative internal assessment 1:

Case study investigation (15%)

Summative internal

assessment 3:


Formative internal assessment 2:Multi-platformproject(25%)

Summative internal

assessment 2:


Formative external assessment:Examination(25%)

Summative external assessment:


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Media Arts in Practice

Overview: MediaArtsinPracticefocusesontherolemediaartsplaysinthecommunityinreflectingandshapingsociety’s values, attitudes and beliefs. It provides opportunities for students to create and share media artworks.

Students learn how to apply media technologies in real-world contexts to solve technical and/or creative problems. They use their knowledge and understanding of design elements and principles to develop their own works and to evaluateandreflectontheirownandothers’art-makingprocessesandaestheticchoices.

Students learn to be ethical and responsible users of and advocates for digital technologies, and aware of the social, environmental and legal impacts of their actions and practices.





Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 mins of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods.

Fee Information: Students may be required to attend an excursion which will incur a cost for transport of approximately $20.

Pathways: Film, Television & New Media is a General subject suited to students who are interested in pathways beyond school that lead to tertiary studies, vocational education or work. This course can establish a basis for furthereducationandemploymentinthefieldsofinformationtechnologies,creativeindustries,culturalinstitutions,anddiversefieldsthatuseskillsofthesubject.TheprocessesandpracticesofFilm,Television&NewMedia,suchas project-based learning and creative problem-solving, develop transferable 21st century skills that are highly valued in many areas of employment. Organisations increasingly seek employees who demonstrate work-related creativity, innovative thinking and diversity.

Core Electives

• Media technologies • Media communications • Media in society

• Audio • Curating • Interactive media • Moving images

Project Investigation Product

A response to a single task, situation and/or scenario.

A response that includes locating and using information beyond students’ own knowledge and the data they have been given.

A technique that assesses the application of skills in the production of media artwork/s.

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Music in Practice

Overview: Music in Practice gives students opportunities to engage with music and music productions, and, where possible, interactwithpractisingartists.Studentsgainconfidenceandself-esteem,andcontributetothesocialandculturallivesof their school and local community. They gain practical, technical and listening skills to communicate in and through their music. Students explore and engage with the core of music principles and practices as they create, perform, produce and respond to their own and others’ music works in class, school and community settings.

Prerequisites: 1. C in Year 10 Music, or 2 years of instrumental music instruction, or an audition.



Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 mins of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods.

Fee Information: Students may be required to attend a live musical performance which will incur a cost of approximately $35.

Pathways: A course of study in Music in Practice can establish a basis for further education and employment in areas such as performance, critical listening, music management and music promotions.

Core Electives

• Music principles• Music practices

• Community music • The music industry • Music technology and production • Practical music skills • Music in advertising • Live production and performance • Musicforfilm,TVandvideogames• Song-writing

Project Performance Product Extended Response

A response to a single task, situation and/or scenario that give students authentic opportunities to demonstrate their learning.

A technique that assess-es physical demonstra-tionofidentifiedskills.

A technique that assess the application of skills to create music.

A technique that assesses the interpretation, analysis/examina-tion and/or evaluation of ideas and information in provided stimulus materials.

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CUA30915 Certificate III in Music Industry

RTO Details: Woodridge State High School RTO #30456Course Code: CUA30915 Course Units:

Fee Information: Students will be expected to attend an annual music tour; the cost of this will be approximately $450.

Entry Requirements: Nil.

Career Outcomes: Sound mixer/technician, music professional, music producer, musician(instrumental),soundengineer,soundtechnician,audiovisualtechnician,musicproducer,sound engineer.

Mode of Delivery: Delivered on site at Woodridge State High School for a period of 2 years — face to face.

Pathways: DiplomaofMusicIndustry(Business)—DiplomaofSoundProduction—Bachelorof Business-GriffithUniversity/BachelorofBusiness—QueenslandUniversityofTechnology/BachelorofMusicTechnology—GriffithUniversity/BachelorofCreativeArts—UniversityofSouthernQueensland

Support Services Available: A range of support services are available to students, including access to supportstaffandcourseresources.

CUAIND303 Workeffectivelyinthemusicindustry(Core)

CUACMP301 Implementcopyrightarrangements(Core)

BSBWHS201 Contribute to health and safety of self and others

CUAMLT302 ApplyknowledgeofstyleandgenretomusicindustrypracticeCore)

CUAMPF301 Developtechnicalskillsinperformance(Elective)

CUAMPF203 Developensembleskillsforplayingorsingingmusic(Elective)

CUAMPF402 Developandmaintainstagecraftskills(Elective)

CUAMPF302 Prepareforperformance(Elective)

CUAMPF404 Performmusicaspartofagroup(Elective)

CUASOU201 Developbasicaudioskillsandknowledge(Elective)

CUAMCP303 Developsimplemusicpiecesusingelectronicmedia(Elective)

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Lara LeeHead of DepartmentEnglishEmail:[email protected]

Within this Faculty area, you may study:


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Essential English

Overview: StudentsengagewithlanguageandtextstofosterskillstocommunicateconfidentlyandeffectivelyinStandardAustralianEnglishinavarietyofcontemporarycontextsandsocialsituations,includingeveryday, social, community, further education and work-related contexts. They choose generic structures, language, language features and technologies to best convey meaning. They develop skills to read for meaning and purpose, and to use, critique and appreciate a range of contemporary literary and non-literary texts.

Prerequisites: 1. Nil


Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 minutes of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods.

Fee Information: Nil

Pathways:AcourseofstudyinEssentialEnglishpromotesopen-mindedness,imagination,criticalawarenessandintellectualflexibility–skillsthatpreparestudentsforlocalandglobalcitizenship,andforlifelonglearningacrossawide range of contexts.


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2020 Senior Subjects Handbook21

General English

Overview: Englishfocusesonthestudyofbothliterarytextsandnon-literarytexts,developingstudentsasindependent, innovative and creative learners and thinkers who appreciate the aesthetic use of language, analyse perspectives and evidence, and challenge ideas and interpretations through the analysis and creation of varied texts. They make choices about generic structures, language, textual features and technologies for participating actively in literary analysis and the creation of texts in a range of modes, mediums and forms, for a variety of purposes and audiences. They explore how literary and non-literary texts shape perceptions of the world, and consider ways in which texts may reflectorchallengesocialandculturalwaysofthinkingandinfluenceaudiences.

Prerequisites: 1.CorbetterinYear10English


Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 minutes of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods.

Fee Information: Nil



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English as an Additional Language

Overview: EnglishasanAdditionalLanguageisdesignedforstudentsforwhomEnglishisnottheirfirstorhomelanguage.Itdevelopsstudents’knowledge,understandingandlanguageskillsinStandardAustralianEnglish(SAE),and provides them with opportunities to develop higher-order thinking skills and to interpret and create texts for personal,cultural,socialandaestheticpurposes.Theyexplorethewaysliteraryandnon-literarytextsmayreflectorchallengesocialandculturalwaysofthinkingandinfluenceaudiences.Studentsdevelopempathyforothersand appreciationofdifferentperspectivesthroughastudyofarangeofliterarytextsfromdiverseculturesandperiods.

Prerequisites: 1.CorbetterinYear10English2. Band scale 5


Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 minutes of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods.

Fee Information: Nil

Pathways:AcourseofstudyinEnglishasanAdditionalLanguagepromotesnotonlylanguageandliteracyskills,butalsoopen-mindedness,imagination,criticalawarenessandintellectualflexibility—skillsthatpreparestudentsfor local and global citizenship, and for lifelong learning across a wide range of contexts.


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Josh HollidayHead of DepartmentHPEandSportEmail:[email protected]

Health and Physical Education (HPE)Within this Faculty area, you may study:

• PhysicalEducation(General)• Sport&Recreation(Applied)• SIS20115CertificateIISportandRecreation(VET)• SIS30315CertificateIIIinFitness(VET)

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Physical Education

Overview: PhysicalEducationprovidesstudentswithopportunitiestolearnin,throughandaboutsportandactive recreation activities, examining their role in the lives of individuals and communities. Students examine the relevanceofPhysicalEducationthroughmovementconceptsandkeyexercisescienceprinciplestoimproveperformance.Theyconsiderfactorsthatinfluenceparticipationinphysicalactivity,andhowphysicalskillscanenhanceparticipationandperformance.Studentsexplorehowinterpersonalskillssupporteffectiveinteractionwithothers to devise strategies for improved performance. Students are involved in acquiring, applying and evaluating information about and in physical activities and performances, planning and organising activities, investigating solutions to individual and community challenges, and using suitable technologies where relevant.

Prerequisites: 1.JuniorHPE.

Structure: ThePhysicalEducationcourseisdesignedaroundcoreandelectivetopics

ThethreesummativeinternalassessmentswillbeendorsedandtheresultsconfirmedbytheQCAA.Theseresultswill be combined with a single external assessment.

Developed and marked by the QCAA. The external assessment results for physical education will contribute 25% towards a student’s results.

Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 mins of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods.

Fee Information: Therearenoup-frontcostsforstudentstoparticipateinthePhysicalEducationGeneralSubject.However,studentsmayberequiredtoattendoffcampusextra-curricularexperiencestoextendtheirlearning.

Pathways: AcourseofstudyinPhysicalEducationcanestablishabasisforfurthereducationandemploymentinthefieldsoffitness,education,healthsciences,outdoorrecreationandeducation,sportsadministration,communityhealth and recreation and sport performance.

AssessmentForPhysicalEducation,assessmentfromUnits 3 and 4 is used to determine the student’s exit result, and consists of four instruments, including:• Three internal assessments• ONEEXTERNALEXAMINATION

Assessment- General information Assessment are formative in Units 1 and 2, and simmative in Units 3 and 4.

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Sport & Recreation

Overview: Sport & Recreation provides students with opportunities to learn in, through and about sport and active recreation activities, examining their role in the lives of individuals and communities. Students examine the relevance of sport and active recreation in Australian culture, employment growth, health and wellbeing. They consider factors that influenceparticipationinsportandrecreation,andhowphysicalskillscanenhanceparticipationandperformanceinsportandrecreationactivities.Studentsexplorehowinterpersonalskillssupporteffectiveinteractionwithothers, and the promotion of safety in sport and recreation activities. Students are involved in acquiring, applying and evaluating information about and in physical activities and performances, planning and organising activities, investigating solutions to individual and community challenges, and using suitable technologies where relevant. Prerequisites: 1.JuniorHPEpreferred

Structure: The Sport & Recreation course is designed around core and elective topics.

Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 minutes of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods. Fee Information: There are no up-front costs for students to participate in the Sport and Recreation Applied Subject. However,studentsmayberequiredtoattendoffcampusextra-curricularexperiencestoextendtheirlearning.Pathways: A course of study in Sport & Recreation can establish a basis for further education and employment in the fieldsoffitness,outdoorrecreationandeducation,sportsadministration,communityhealthandrecreationandsportperformance.

Assessment For Sport & Recreation, assessment from Units 3 and 4 is used to determine the student’s exit result, and consists of four instruments, including:•oneproject(annotatedrecordsoftheperformanceisalsorequired)• one investigation, extended response or examination.

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SIS20115 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation (NRL Focus)

RTO Details: Binnacle Training #31319 Course Code: SIS20115Course Units:

Fee Information: No cost to eligible students, user pay fee of $250 if applicable. Please speak to the Year 10 or11SPECHODforfurtherdetails.Entry Requirements: Good quality written and spoken communication skills and 'Working with Children’ Student Blue Card. The school will assist students to obtain a Blue Card.Career Outcomes: Community activities assistant, customer service assistant, leisure assistant, recreationassistant,retailassistant,groundsassistant,Sportcoach/trainer,sportofficial,personaltrainer, education.Mode of Delivery: Delivered on site at Woodridge State High School for a period of 2 years — face to face.Pathways:CertificateIIIinSportandRecreation,DiplomaofSportDevelopment(Fitness),BachelorofSportDevelopment,BachelorofSportandExerciseScience,BachelorofPhysicalActivityandHealthScience, Bachelor of Sport StudiesSupport Services Available: A range of support services are available to students, including accesstosupportstaffandcourseresources.NOTE:Electiveunitsaresubjecttochangepriortothecommencementoftheprogram.Thisis to ensure alignment to current industry practices is at its optimum.

BSBWHS303 ParticipateinWHShazardidentification,riskassessmentandriskcontrol

HLTAID003 Provide First Aid

HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety

ICTWEB201 Use social media tools for collaboration and engagement

SISXCCS001 Provide quality service

SISXEMR001 Respond to emergency situations

SISXIND001 Workeffectivelyinsport,fitnessandrecreationenvironments

SISXIND002 Maintainsport,fitnessandrecreationindustryknowledge

BSBRSK401 Identify risk and apply risk management processes

SISXFAC001 Maintain equipment for activities

FSKLRG11 Use routine strategies for work-related learning

BSBWOR202 Organise and complete daily work activities

SISXCAI002 Assist with activity sessions


This document is to be read in conjunction with Binnacle Training's Program Disclosure Statement(PDS).ThePDSsetsouttheservicesandtraining products Binnacle Training provides and those services carried out by the 'Partner School'(i.e.thedeliveryoftrainingandassessmentservices).To access Binnacle's PDS, visit: http://www.binnacletraining.com.au/rto.php and select ‘RTO Files’.

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SIS30315 Certificate III in Fitness

RTO Details: Binnacle Training #31319 Course Code: SIS30315Course Units:

Fee Information: No cost to eligible students, user pay fee of $290 if applicable.PleasespeaktotheYear10or11SPECHODforfurtherdetails.Entry Requirements: Good quality written and spoken communication skills and 'Working with Children’ Student Blue Card. The school will assist students to obtain a Blue Card.Career Outcomes: Community activities assistant, customer service assistant, leisure assistant, recreation assistant, retail assistant, grounds assistant, Sport coach/trainer, sport official,personaltrainer,education.Mode of Delivery: Delivered on site at Woodridge State High School for a period of 2 years — face to face.

SISXEMR001 Respond to emergency situations SISXIND002 Maintainsport,fitnessand recreation industry knowledge

SISFFIT011 Instructapprovedcommunityfitnessprograms

HLTAID003 First Aid

BSBWHS303 Participate in workplace health and safety

SISFFIT001 Provide health screening and fitnessorientation

BSBRSK401 Identify risk and apply risk management processes

SISFFIT006 Conductfitnessappraisals

SISXCCS001 Provide quality service SISFFIT003 Instructfitnessprograms

BSBWOR202A Organise and complete daily work activities

SISFFIT005 Provide healthy eating information

SISXIND001 Workeffectivelyinsport,fitnessandrecreation environments

SISFFIT002 Recognise and apply exercise con-siderationsforspecific populations

SISXCAI002 Assist with activity sessions SISFFIT014 Instruct exercise to older clients

SISXFAC001 Maintain equipment for activities SISFFIT004 Incorporate anatomy and physiologyprinciplesintofitnessprogramming

SISXCAI001 Provide equipment for activities FSKLRG11 Use routine strategies for work-related learning


This document is to be read in conjunction with Binnacle Training's Program Disclosure Statement (PDS). The PDS sets out the services and training products Binnacle Training provides and those services carried out by the 'Partner School' (i.e. the delivery of training and assessment services). To access Binnacle's PDS, visit: http://www.binnacletraining.com.au/rto.php and select ‘RTO Files’.

Pathways:CertificateIVinFitness,DiplomaofSportDevelopment(Fitness),BachelorofSportDevelopment,BachelorofSportandExerciseScience,BachelorofPhysicalActivityandHealthScience,Bachelor of Sport StudiesSupport Services Available: A range of support services are availabletostudents,includingaccesstosupportstaffandcourseresources.NOTE:Electiveunitsaresubjecttochange prior to the commencement of the program. This is to ensure alignment to current industry practices is at its optimum.

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Kirsty WestonHead of Department TechnologyEmail:[email protected]

HospitalityWithin this Faculty area, you may study:

• Hospitality Practices (Applied)

•SIT20316CertificateIIHospitality (VET)

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Hospitality Practices

Overview: Hospitality Practices develops knowledge, understanding and skills about the hospitality industry with an emphasis on food and beverage production and service. Students develop an understanding of hospitality and the structure, scope and operation of related activities in the food and beverage sector and examine and evaluate industry practices. Students develop skills in food and beverage production and service. They work as individuals andaspartofteamstoplanandimplementeventsinahospitalitycontext.Eventsprovideopportunitiesfor students to participate in and produce food and beverage products and perform service for customers in real-world hospitality contexts.

Prerequisites: 1. Nil 2. Good interpersonal skills and basic cookery knowledge is desirable.


AssessmentFor Hospitality Practices, assessment from Units 3 and 4 is used to determine the student’s exit result, and consists of four instruments, including: • at least two projects • at least one investigation or an extended response

Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 minutes of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods.

Fee Information: Students may be required to attend excursions to experience Hospitality service which will incur a cost for transport and / or meals of approximately $50 per year. Students may also have the opportunity to complete additionalcertificatesincludingRSA,RSGandaBaristaCourse,eachcostingapproximately$65—$80percourse.

Pathways: A course of study in Hospitality Practices can establish a basis for further education and employment in the hospitality sectors of food and beverage, catering, accommodation and entertainment. Students could pursue further studies in hospitality, hotel, event and tourism or business management, which allows for specialisation.

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SIT20316 Certificate II in Hospitality

RTO Details: Blueprint Career Development RTO # 30978Course Code: SIT20316Course Units:

Fee Information: No cost to eligible students, user pay fee of $1200 if applicable. Please speak totheYear10or11SPECHODforfurtherdetails.

Students require a plain white shirt, black pants or skirt and black covered footwear. Additional costs may be incurred for excursions to experience a range of Hospitality establishments.

Approximate costs for transport and food is $50 per year.

StudentsmayelecttoparticipateintheHospitalityExperienceProgramcostingapproximately$350 for the 2 day program.

Career Outcomes: Bar attendant, café attendant, catering assistant, food and beverage attendant, Banquet or function manager, bar manager, restaurant manager

Entry Requirements: Nil

Mode of Delivery: Delivered on site at Woodridge State High School for a period of 2 years — face to face.

Pathways: CertificateIIIinHospitality,DiplomaofHospitalityManagement,Bachelorof International Tourism and Hotel Management, Bachelor of Business and Commerce.

Support Services Available: A range of support services are available to students, including accesstosupportstaffandcourseresources.

Work Placement: StructuredWorkPlacementmustoccurtocompleteaCertificateIIin Hospitality. This involves 12 Industry Shifts that need to be done at local venues, some during school hours and some outside school hours. You may be on vocational placement during any part of the course as approved by the school.

SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety

BSBWOR203 Workeffectivelywithothers

SITXWHS001 Participate in safe work practices

SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry

SITHIND003 Usehospitalityskillseffectively

SITCOM002 Show social and cultural sensitivity

SITHCCC003 Prepare and present sandwiches

SITHFAB005 Prepareandserveespressocoffee

SITHFAB004 Prepare and serve non-alcoholic beverages

SITHFAB002 Provide responsible service of alcohol

SITHGAM001 Provide responsible gambling services

SITXCCS003 Interact with customers

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Nicole StevensonHead of DepartmentHumanities and BusinessEmail:[email protected]

Humanities and LanguagesWithin this Faculty area, you may study:

• Accounting(General)• AncientHistory(General)• Geography(General)• LegalStudies(General)• ModernHistory(General)• SocialandCommunityStudies(Applied)• ReligionandEthics(Applied)• Tourism(Applied)

•BSB20115CertificateIIBusiness (VET) •BSB30115CertificateIIIBusiness (VET)•CHC32015CertificateIIIin CommunityService(VET)

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Overview: Accounting provides opportunities for students to develop an understanding of the essential role of organising,analysingandcommunicatingfinancialdataandinformationinthesuccessfulperformanceofany organisation. Students learn fundamental accounting concepts in order to understand accrual accountingandmanagerialandaccountingcontrols,preparinginternalfinancialreports,ratioanalysisandinterpretationofinternalandexternalfinancialreports.Theysynthesisefinancialdataandother information, evaluate accounting practices, solve authentic accounting problems, make decisions and communicaterecommendations.Studentsdevelopnumerical,literacy,financial,criticalthinking, decision-making and problem-solving skills.

Prerequisites: 1.BorbetterinYear10English2.Bandscale6inESLEnglish 3. B in Year 10 core mathematics.


Assessment In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the assessments areaddedtogethertoprovideasubjectscoreoutof100.Studentswillalsoreceiveanoverallsubjectresult(A–E).

Summative Assessments

Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 minutes of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods.

Fee Information: Nil.StudentsmaybeselectedtoattendanexcursiontoGriffithUniversityandQUTwhichwill incur a cost for transport of approximately $20.

Pathways: A course of study in Accounting can establish a basis for further education and employment in thefieldsofaccounting,business,management,banking,finance,law,economicsandcommerce.

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Ancient History

Overview: Ancient History provides opportunities for students to study people, societies and civilisations of the past. Students explore the interaction of societies and impact of individuals and groups on ancient events and ways of life, enriching theirappreciationofhumanity.AncientHistoryhighlightshowtheworldhaschanged,aswellasthesignificant legacies that exist to the present. It enables inquiry-based learning, where students investigate the past by analysing and interpreting historical evidence.

The study of Ancient History empowers students with multi-disciplinary skills in analysing textual and visual sources, constructing arguments, challenging assumptions, and thinking both creatively and critically. Students become knowledge creators, productive and discerning users of technology, and empathetic, open-minded global citizens.

Recommended Prerequisites: • BorbetterinYear10EnglishorBandscale6inESLEnglish• B or better in Year 10 Humanities• BYODlaptopwithMicrosoftOfficeinstalled


Assessment:In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the assessments are added togethertoprovideasubjectscoreoutof100.Studentswillalsoreceiveanoverallsubjectresult(A–E).

Summative Assessments:

Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 minutes of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods.

Fee Information: Nil

Pathways: AcourseofstudyinAncientHistorycanestablishabasisforfurthereducationandemploymentinthefieldsof archaeology, history, education, psychology, sociology, law, business, journalism, the media, social sciences, writing, academia and research.


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Overview: Geographyprovidesopportunitiesforstudentstostudyaboutthesignificanceof‘place’and‘space’inunderstandingour world. In Geography, students engage in a range of learning experiences that develop their geographical skills andthinkingthroughtheexplorationofgeographicalchallengesandtheireffectsonpeople,placesandthe environment.

The study of Geography enables students to appreciate and promote a more sustainable way of life. Through analysing and applying geographical knowledge, students develop an understanding of the complexities involved in sustainable planning and management practices. Geography aims to encourage students to become informed and adaptable and contributes to their development as global citizens who recognise the challenges of sustainability and the implications for their own and others’ lives.

Recommended Prerequisites: • BorbetterinYear10EnglishorBandscale6inESLEnglish• C or better in Year 10 Maths • BYODlaptopwithMicrosoftOfficeinstalled


Assessment:In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the assessments are added togethertoprovideasubjectscoreoutof100.Studentswillalsoreceiveanoverallsubjectresult(A–E).

Summative Assessments:

Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 minutes of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods.

Fee Information: Nil

Pathways: AcourseofstudyinGeographycanestablishabasisforfurthereducationandemploymentinthefieldsof business, law, engineering, architecture, information, technology and science, urban and environmental design, planning and management, economics, global security, biological and environmental science, conservation and land management, emergency response and hazard management and oceanography.


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Legal Studies

Overview: Legal Studies focuses on the interaction between society and the discipline of law. Students study the legal system, how it regulates activities and aims to protect the rights of individuals. Students study the foundations of law, the criminal justice process and the civil justice system. They critically examine issues of governance, explore contemporary issues of law reform and change, and consider Australian and international human rights issues.

Students develop skills of inquiry, critical thinking, problem-solving and reasoning to make informed and ethical decisions and recommendations. They identify and describe legal issues, explore information and data, analyse, evaluate to make decisions or propose recommendations.

Prerequisites: 1.BorbetterinYear10English2. B or better in Year 10 Humanities 3.Bandscale6inESLEnglish4.BYODLaptopwithMicrosoftOfficeinstalled


Assessment:In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the assessments are addedtogethertoprovideasubjectscoreoutof100.Studentswillalsoreceiveanoverallsubjectresult(A–E).

Summative Assessments

Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 minutes of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods.

Fee Information: Legal Studies students may be involved in an excursion to the Courthouse in Brisbane CBD at the student’s expense. The costs for this excursion would be related to public transport expenses and food on the day.

Pathways: A course of study in Legal Studies can establish a basis for further education and employment in the fieldsoflaw,lawenforcement,criminology,justicestudiesandpolitics.Theknowledge,skillsandattitudesstudentsgain are transferable to all discipline areas and post-schooling tertiary pathways. The research and analytical skills this course develops are universally valued in business, health, science and engineering industries.

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Modern History

Overview: Modern History provides opportunities for students to gain historical knowledge and understanding about some of the main forces that have contributed to the development of the Modern World and to think historically. Modern History enables students to empathise with others and make meaningful connections between the past, present and possible futures. Students gain a range of transferable skills that will help them become empathetic and critically-literate citizens who are equipped to embrace a multicultural, pluralistic, inclusive, democratic, compassionate and sustainable future.

Prerequisites: 1.BorbetterinYear10EnglishorBandscale6inESLEnglish3. B or better in Year 10 Humanities4.BYODlaptopwithMicrosoftOfficeinstalled


Assessment:In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the assessments are addedtogethertoprovideasubjectscoreoutof100.Studentswillalsoreceiveanoverallsubjectresult(A–E).

Summative Assessments

Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 minutes of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods.

Fee Information: Nil

Pathways: A course of study in Modern History can establish a basis for further education and employment in the fieldsofhistory,education,psychology,sociology,law,business,economics,politics,journalism,themedia,writing,academia and strategic analysis.

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Social and Community Studies

Overview: Social and Community Studies focuses on personal development and social skills which lead to self-reliance, self-management and concern for others. It fosters appreciation of, and respect for, cultural diversity and encourages responsibleattitudesandbehavioursrequiredforeffectiveparticipationinthecommunityandforthinkingcritically,creatively and constructively about their future.

Students develop personal, interpersonal, and citizenship skills, encompassing social skills, communication skills, respect for and interaction with others, building rapport, problem solving and decision making, self-esteem, self-confidenceandresilience,workplaceskills,learningandstudyskills.

Recommended Prerequisites: • CorbetterinYear10English• C or better in Year 10 Humanities• Bandscale5orbetterinESLEnglish• BYODlaptopwithMicrosoftOfficeinstalled


Assessment:For Social and Community Studies, assessment from Units 3 and 4 is used to determine the student’s exit result, andconsistsoffourinstrumentsfromatleastthreedifferentassessmenttechniques,including:• one project or investigation • one examination • no more than two assessments from each technique• no more than two assessments from each technique

Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 minutes of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods. BYOD: Students conduct several re-search investigations and are required to access and utilise technology when completing each assessment piece. It is highly recommended students have access to their own device and bring this to each lesson. Fee Information: Nil Pathways: A course of study in Social & Community Studies can establish a basis for further education and employment, as it helps students develop the skills and attributes necessary in all workplaces. It also establishes a foundation in principles of physical, mental, and community health that can assist students who go onto work in the community or health departments.

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Religion and EthicsOverview: Religion&Ethicsfocusesonthepersonal,relationalandspiritualperspectivesofhumanexperience.Students investigateandcriticallyreflectontheroleandfunctionofreligionandethicsinsociety.Studentsinvestigatetopicssuch as the meaning of life, spirituality, purpose and destiny, life choices, moral and ethical issues and justice and explore how these are dealt with in various religious, spiritual and ethical traditions. They examine how personal beliefs,valuesandspiritualidentityareshapedandinfluencedbyfactorssuchasfamily,culture,gender,race, class and economic issues. Students gain knowledge and understanding and develop the ability to think critically and communicate concepts relevant to their lives and the world in which they live.

Prerequisites: • CorbetterinYear10English• Bandscale5inESLEnglish• BYODwithMicrosoftOfficeinstalled


Assessment ForReligionandEthics,assessmentfromUnits3and4isusedtodeterminethestudent’sexitresult,andconsistsoffourinstrumentsfromatleastthreedifferentassessmenttechniques,including:• one project or investigation • one examination • no more than two assessments from each technique

Summative Assessments

Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 minutes of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods. BYOD: Students conduct several research investigations and are required to access and utilise technology when completing each assessment piece. It is highly recommended students have access to their own device and bring this to each lesson. Fee Information: Students may be required to attend excursions to local placesofreligioussignificancewithinthisprogram with an approximate cost of $20.

Pathways: A course of study in ReligionandEthicscanestablishabasisfor further education and employment in anyfield.Studentsgainskillsand attitudes that contribute to lifelong learning and the basis for engaging with others in diverse settings.

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Overview: Tourism studies enable students to gain an appreciation of the role of the tourism industry and the structure, scope and operation of the related tourism sectors of travel, hospitality and visitor services. Students examine the socio-cultural, environmental and economic aspects of tourism, as well as tourism opportunities, problems and issues across global, national and local contexts. Students develop and apply tourism-related knowledge and understanding through learning experiences and assessment in which they plan projects, analyse issues and opportunities, and evaluate concepts and information.

Prerequisites: • CorbetterinEnglishorBandscale5inESLEnglish• BYODwithMicrosoftOfficeinstalled


Assessment For Tourism, assessment from Units 3 and 4 is used to determine the student’s exit result, and consists of four instrumentsfromatleastthreedifferentassessmenttechniques,including:• one project • one examination • no more than two assessments from each technique.

Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 minutes of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods. Fee Information: Students will be required to attend at least 2 excursions per year to Tourism venues, for example Dreamworld, which will incur a cost for transport and / or admission of approximately $120 per year.Pathways: A course of study in Tourism can establish a basis for further education and employment in businesses and industries such as tourist attractions, cruising, gaming, government and industry organisations, meeting and events coordination, caravan parks, marketing, museums and galleries, tour operations, wineries, cultural liaison, tourism and leisure industry development, and transport and travel.

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BSB20115 Certificate II in Business

RTO Details: Woodridge State High School RTO #30456 Course Code: BSB20115 Course Units: BSBWOR202 Organise and complete daily work activities

BSBWOR204 Use Business Technology

BSBITU201 Produce simple word processed documents

BSBITU203 Communicate electronically

BSBITU302 Create electronic presentations

BSBSUS201 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices

BSBITU202 Create and use spreadsheets

BSBITU303 Design and produce text documents

BSBWHS201 Contribute to health and safety of self and others

BSBCMM201 Communicate in the workplace

BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers

BSBWOR203 Workeffectivelywithothers

Fee Information: Students may be required to attend excursions which will incur additional costs for transport and/or admission fees of approximately $40 per year. Entry Requirements: StudentsarerequiredtohaveaBYODlaptopwithMicrosoftOfficeinstalledinordertocompletecompetenciesoftheCertificateIIBusiness.

Career Outcomes: AdministrationAssistant,ClericalWorker,DataEntryOperator,InformationDeskClerk,OfficeJunior,andReceptionist.Italsopreparesstudentsforfurtherstudyin:OfficeManagement,BusinessManagement,PublicRelations,FinanceAdministration,EventsAdministrationandMarketing. Mode of Delivery: Delivered on site at Woodridge State High School for a period of 2 years - face to face.

Pathways:CertificateIII,IV,DiplomaandBachelorofBusinessSupport Services Available: A range of support services are available to students, including access to supportstaffandcourseresources.

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BSB30115 Certificate III in Business

RTO Details: Binnacle Training #31319 Course Code: BSB30115 Course Units:

Fee Information: User pay fee of $210.00

Students may incur additional costs for excursions to other outside venues to participate in and to conduct business activities. Approximate costs for transport and admissions are $30 per year.


Career Outcomes: Personal assistant, administrator, dataentryoperator,officeadministrator,administra-tion assistant, clerk / secretary, receptionist, word processing operator, project administrator, Business owner, Business manager, Customer service manager

Entry Requirements:• CorbetterinYear10English

BSBWHS302 Apply knowledge of WHS legislation in the workplace

BSBFLM312 Contributetoteameffectiveness

BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and development

FNSFLT205 DevelopknowledgeoftheAustralianfinancialsystemandmarkets

BSBLED301 Undertake eLearning

BSBITU304 Produce spreadsheets

FNSFLT401 Be Money Smart through a career in small business

BSBINN301 Promote innovation in a team environment

BSBPRO301 Recommend products and services

BSBCUS301 Deliver and monitor a service to customers

BSBWRT301 Write simple documents

BSBITU306 Design and produce business documents


This document is to be read in conjunction with Binnacle Training's Program Dis-closureStatement(PDS).ThePDSsetsouttheservicesandtrainingproductsBinnacle Training provides and those services carried out by the 'Partner School' (i.e.thedeliveryoftrainingand assessmentservices).

To access Binnacle's PDS, visit: http://www.binnacletraining.com.au/rto.php and select ‘RTO Files’.

• BandScale5orbetterinESLEnglish• Students are required to have a BYOD laptop


Mode of Delivery: Delivered on site at Woodridge State High School for a period of 2 years - face to face.

Support Services Available: A range of support services are available to students, including access to supportstaffandcourseresources.

NOTE:Electiveunitsaresubjectto change prior to the commencement of the program. This is to ensure alignment to current industry practices is at its optimum.

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Certificate III in Community Service (CHC32015)

BSBWOR203B Workeffectivelywithothers HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care

BSBADM101 Use business equipment and re-sources

CHCCCS016 Respond to client needs

CHCCOM001 Providefirstpointofcontact CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services

CHCCOM005 Communicate and work effectivelyinhealth

HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care

BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers HLTWHS006 Manage personal stressors in the work environment

CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and development

CHCCCS020 Respondeffectivelyto behaviours of concern

CHCCDE003 Work within a community development framework

HLTFSE001 Follow basic food safety practices

CHCDIS003 Support community participation and social inclusion

HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety

CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety

HLTINF001 Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures

CHCVOL001 Beaneffectivevolunteer

BSBWOR202 Organise and complete daily work activities

CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically

CHCCCS026 Transport individuals

RTO Details: Strategix Trading Academy #31418Course Code: CHC32015Course Units:

Fee Information: User pay fee of $300 to eligible students.

Entry Requirements: A desire to work in the community services industry.

Career Outcomes: TheCertificateIIIinCommunityServiceoffersearlyentryleveltrainingforthecommunity servicessector.EmploymentoutcomestargetedbythisqualificationincludeCommunityCareWorker, Youth Case Worker and many others.

Mode of Delivery: Delivered onsite at Woodridge SHS for a period of 2 years face to face.

Pathways: CertificateIV,DiplomaandBachelorofSocialWork.

Support Services Available: A range of support services are available to students, including accesstosupportstaffandcourseresources.

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Judith MoraisHOD Inclusive Practices SeniorEmail:[email protected]

Inclusive PracticesWithin this Faculty area, you may study:


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AHC10316 Certificate I in Horticulture (VET)

RTO Details: Woodridge State High School RTO #30456Course Code: AHC10316Course Units:

Thisqualificationisanentry-levelqualificationaimedatindividualsenteringthehorticultureindustry. It allows individuals to develop basic skills and knowledge to prepare for work. They may undertake a range of simple tasks under close supervision. The range of technical skills and knowledge is limited.

Fee Information: Nil.

Entry Requirements: Nil.

Career Outcomes: Landscaper, gardener, grounds person, nursery worker, labourer.

Pathways: CertificateII,IIIandIVHorticulture,DiplomainHorticulture.

Mode of Delivery: Delivered on site at Woodridge State High School for a period of 2 years — face to face.

Support Services Available: A range of support services are available to students, including accesstosupportstaffandcourseresources.

Note: Only students on a personalised pathway may enrol in this course. To see if you're eligible, contact the Head of Department.

AHCWHS101 Work Safely

AHCWRK101 Maintain the workplace

AHCLSC101 Support landscape work

AHCPGD101 Support gardening work

AHCTRF101 Support turf work

AHCIRG101 Support irrigation work

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22473VIC Certificate II in General Education for Adults

RTO Details: Woodridge State High School RTO #30456Course Code: 22473VIC Course Units:

Fee Information: Nil.

Entry Requirements: Nil.

Further study opportunities:TheCertificateIIinGeneralEducationforAdultsisequaltoYear10forthepurposesofapplyingforaTAFEcourseandwillmeettheentryrequirementsformostCertificateII,IIIorIVlevelTAFEcourses.

Mode of Delivery: Delivered on site at Woodridge State High School for a period of 2 years — face to face.

Pathways:WhenyoufinishtheCertificateIIinGeneralEducationforAdultsyouwillhaveafreshstartat education. You will learn planning goals and carrying out projects, advanced reading and writing, how tomakedifferentdocuments,computerskillsandmathsandproblemsolving.Youwillbeenrolledintherightlevelbasedonyourability.Thisqualificationaimstoimproveyouracademicskillstoundertake further training and education and enhance your employment opportunities.

Support Services Available: A range of support services are available to students, including access to supportstaffandcourseresources.

BSBWHS201 Contribute to health and safety of self and others

FNSFLT201 Develop and use a personal budget

FNSFLT202 Develop and use a savings plan

ICTICT103 Use, communicate and search securely on the internet

ICTICT106 Operate presentation packages

VU22411 Research pathways and produce a learning plan and portfolio

VU22412 Implement and review a project

VU22414 Engagewitharangeofcomplextextsforlearningpurposes

VU22416 Engagewitharangeofcomplextextstoparticipateinthecommunity

VU22419 Create a range of complex texts for learning purposes

VU22421 Create a range of complex texts to participate in the community

VU22422 Investigate and interpret shapes and measurements and related formulae

VU22423 Investigate numerical and statistical information

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Kirsty WestonHead of Department TechnologyEmail:[email protected]

Within this Faculty area, you may study:


•CPC10111CertificateIin Construction(VET) •MEM20413CertificateIIin EngineeringPathways(VET)

Industrial Technology and Design (ITD)

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Industrial Technology and Design (ITD) Furnishing Skills

Overview: Furnishing Skills focuses on the underpinning industry practices and production processes required to manufacture furnishing products with high aesthetic qualities. Students develop transferable skills by engaging in manufacturing tasks that relate to business and industry, and that promote adaptable, competent, self-motivated and safe individuals who can work with colleagues to solve problems and complete practical work.

Prerequisites: 1. Minimum Sound Achievement in Year 10 ITD preferred.

Structure The Furnishing Skills course is designed around core and elective topics.

Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 minutes of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods.

Fee Information: Nil

Pathways: A course of study in Furnishing Skills can establish a basis for further education and employment in the furnishing industry. With additional training and experience, potential employment opportunities may be found in furnishing trades as, for example, a furniture-maker, wood machinist, cabinet-maker, polisher, shopfitter,upholsterer,furniturerestorer,pictureframer,floorfinisherorglazier.

Assessment For Furnishing Skills, assessment from Units 3 and 4 is used to determine the student’s exit result, and consists of four instruments, including:• at least two projects•atleastonepracticaldemonstration(separatetotheassessablecomponentofaproject).

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Industrial Graphics Skills

Overview: Industrial Graphics Skills focuses on the underpinning industry practices and production processes required to produce the technical drawings used in a variety of industries, including building and construction, engineering and furnishing. Students understand industry practices, interpret technical information and drawings, demonstrate and apply safe practical modelling procedures.

Prerequisites: 1. A minimum Sound Achievement in Year 10 Graphics preferred.


Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 minutes of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods.

Fee Information: Nil

Pathways: A course of study in Industrial Graphics Skills can establish a basis for further education and employment in a range of roles and trades in the manufacturing industries. With additional training and experience, potential employment opportunities may be found in drafting roles such as architectural drafter, estimator, mechanical drafter, electrical drafter, structural drafter, civil drafter and survey drafter.

Assessment:For Industrial Graphic Skills, assessment from Units 3 and 4 is used to determine the student’s exit result, and consists of four instruments, including:• at least two projects•atleastonepracticaldemonstration(separatetotheassessablecomponentofaproject).

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Industrial Technology Skills

Overview: Industrial Technology Skills focuses on the practices and processes required to manufacture products in a variety ofindustries.Studentsunderstandindustrypractices;interpretspecifications,includingtechnicalinformationand drawings; demonstrate and apply safe, practical production processes with hand/power tools and machinery.

Prerequisites: 1. A minimum Sound Achievement in Year 10 ITD preferred

StructureThe Industrial Technology Skills course is designed around:• core topics, which are integrated throughout the course• elective topics, organised in industry areas, and manufacturing tasks related to the chosen electives. Assessment:

For Industrial Technology Skills, assessment from Units 3 and 4 is used to determine the student’s exit result, and this consists of four instruments, including:• at least two projects• at least one practical

demonstration(separatetothe assessable component ofaproject).

Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 minutes of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods.

Fee Information: Nil

Pathways: A course of study in Industrial Technology Skills can establish a basis for further education and employment in manufacturing industries. Employmentopportunitiesmaybe found in the industry areas of aeroskills, automotive, building and construction, engineering, furnishing, industrial graphics and plastics.


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CPC10111 Certificate I in Construction

RTO Details: Blue Dog Training RTO #31193Course Code: CPC10111Course Units:

Fee Information: No cost to eligible students, user pay fee of approximately $600 if applicable. Please speak totheYear10or11SPECHODforfurtherdetails.

Entry Requirements: Nil

Career Outcomes: Trade assistant/worker in carpentry and joinery.

Mode of Delivery: Delivered on site at Woodridge State High School for a period of 2 years — face to face.

Pathways: Developbasicskillsincarpentry.Learntoreadandinterpretplansandspecifications,measureandperform calculations, handle construction materials, use construction tools and equipment and undertake a basic construction project.

Support Services Available: A range of support services are available to students, including access to supportstaffandcourseresources.

CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry

CPCCOHS2001A Apply OHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry

CPCCCM1012A Workeffectivelyandsustainablyintheconstructionindustry

CPCCCM1014A Conduct workplace communication

CPCCCM2004A Handle construction materials

CPCCCM1013A Plan and organise work

CPCCCM1011A Undertake basic estimation and costing

CPCCCM2005B Use construction tools and equipment

CPCCCM1015A Carry out measurements and calculations

CPCCCM2001A Readandinterpretplansandspecifications

CPCCVE1011A Undertake a basic construction project

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MEM20413 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways

RTO Details: Blue Dog Training RTO #31193Course Code: MEM20413 Course Units:

Fee Information: No cost to eligible students, user pay fee of approximately $600 if applicable. Please speaktotheYear10or11SPECHODforfurtherdetails.

Entry Requirements: Nil

Career Outcomes: Tradeassistant/workerinmechanical,metalfabrication,machining,orfittingandturning.

Mode of Delivery: Delivered on site at Woodridge State High School for a period of 2 years — face to face.

Pathways: Increase your employability in the engineering industry. This course will introduce you to the engineering trade and provide you with basic tools and equipment to produce and modify objects.

Support Services Available: A range of support services are available to students, including access to supportstaffandcourseresources.

MEM13014A Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work environment

MEM16008A Interact with computing technology

MEM18001C Use hand tools

MEMPE005A Develop a career plan for the engineering and manufacturing industry

MSAENV272B Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices

MEMPE006A Undertake a basic engineering project

MEM18002B Use power tools/hand held operations

MEMPE002A Use electric welding machines

MEM16006A Organise and communicate information

MEMPE007A Pull apart and re-assemble engineering mechanisms

MSAPMSUP106A Work in a team

MEMPE001A Use engineering workshop machines

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Information and Communication Technology

Within this Faculty area, you may study:

• Information and Communication Technology (Applied)

Kirsty WestonHead of Department TechnologyEmail:[email protected]

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Information & Communication Technology (ICT)

Overview: Information&CommunicationTechnology(ICT)focusesontheknowledge,understandingandskillsrelatedtoengagement with information and communication technology through a variety of elective contexts derived from work, study and leisure environments of today.

Students apply their knowledge of ICT to produce solutions to simulated problems referenced to business, industry, government, education and leisure contexts.

Prerequisites: 1. Nil


Assessment For Information & Communication Technology, assessment from Units 3 and 4 is used to determine the student’s exit result, and consists of four instruments, including:• at least two projects• at least one extended response.

Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 minutes of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods.

Fee Information: Nil

Pathways: A course of study in Information and Communication Technology can establish a basis for further education andemploymentinmanyfields,especiallythefieldsofICToperations,helpdesk,salessupport,digitalmediasupport,officeadministration,recordsanddatamanagement,andcallcentres.

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Chris BerminghamHead of DepartmentMathematicsEmail:[email protected]

MathematicsWithin this Faculty area, you may study:



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General Mathematics

Overview: General Mathematics’ major domains are Number and algebra, Measurement and geometry, Statistics, and Networks and matrices, building on the content of the P–10 Australian Curriculum. General Mathematics is designed for students who want to extend their mathematical skills beyond Year 10 but whose future studies or employment pathways do not require calculus.

Students engage in a practical approach that equips learners for their needs as future citizens. They learn to ask appropriate questions, map out pathways, reason about complex solutions, set up models and communicate in differentforms.

Prerequisites: 1. C or greater in Introduction to General Mathematics


Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 minutes of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods.

Fee Information:Nil,apartfromthepurchaseofaScientificCalculator,whichisrequiredforallmaths studentsatWSHS.ThecostofaScientificCalculatorisbetween$20and$30.

Pathways: A course of study in General Mathematics can establish a basis for further education and employmentinthefieldsofbusiness,commerce,education,finance,IT,socialscienceandthearts.

Assessment In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the assessments are addedtogethertoprovideasubjectscoreoutof100.Studentswillalsoreceiveanoverallsubjectresult(A–E).

Summative Assessments

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Mathematical Methods

Overview: Mathematical Methods’ major domains are Algebra, Functions, relations and their graphs, Calculus and Statistics. Mathematical Methods enables students to see the connections between mathematics and other areas of the curriculum and apply their mathematical skills to real-world problems, becoming critical thinkers, innovators and problem-solvers. Calculus is essential for developing an understanding of the physical world. The domain Statistics is used to describe and analyse phenomena involving uncertainty and variation. Both are the basis for developing effectivemodelsoftheworldandsolvingcomplexandabstractmathematicalproblems.

Prerequisites: 1. C or greater in Introduction to Mathematical Methods


Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 minutes of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods.

Fee Information: Nil, students do require a Casio Graphics calculator. The school does loan Graphics Calculators, however a student can purchase their own for approximately $220.

Pathways: A course of study in Mathematical Methods can establish a basis for further education and employment inthefieldsofnaturalandphysicalsciences(especiallyphysicsandchemistry),mathematicsandscienceeducation,medicalandhealthsciences(includinghumanbiology,biomedicalscience,nanoscienceandforensics),engineering(includingchemical,civil,electricalandmechanicalengineering,avionics,communicationsandmining),computer science(includingelectronicsandsoftwaredesign),psychologyandbusiness.

Assessment In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the assessments are addedtogethertoprovideasubjectscoreoutof100.Studentswillalsoreceiveanoverallsubjectresult(A–E).Summative Assessments

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Specialist Mathematics

Overview: Specialist Mathematics’ major domains are Vectors and matrices, Real and complex numbers, Trigonometry, Statistics and Calculus.

SpecialistMathematicsisdesignedforstudentstodevelopconfidenceintheirmathematicalknowledgeandability,and gain a positive view of themselves as mathematics learners. They will gain an appreciation of the true nature of mathematics, its beauty and its power.

Students learn topics that are developed systematically, with increasing levels of sophistication, complexity and connection, building on functions, calculus, statistics from Mathematical Methods, while vectors, complex numbers and matrices are introduced.

Prerequisites: 1. C or greater in Introduction to Mathematical Methods.

Structure Specialist Mathematics is to be undertaken in conjunction with, or on completion of, Mathematical Methods.

Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 minutes of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods.

Fee Information: Nil, students do use a Casio Graphics calculator. The school does loan Graphics Calculators, however a student can purchase their own for approximately $220.

Pathways: A course of study in Specialist Mathematics can establish a basis for further education and employmentinthefieldsofscience,allbranchesofmathematicsandstatistics,computerscience,medicine,engineering,financeandeconomics.

Assessment In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the assessments are addedtogethertoprovideasubjectscoreoutof100.Studentswillalsoreceiveanoverallsubjectresult(A–E).Summative Assessments

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Essential Mathematics

Overview: EssentialMathematics’majordomainsareNumber,Data,Locationandtime,MeasurementandFinance.EssentialMathematicsbenefitsstudentsbecausetheydevelopskillsthatgobeyondthetraditionalideasof numeracy. Students interpret and use mathematics to make informed predictions and decisions about personalandfinancialpriorities.Thisisachievedthroughanemphasisonestimation,problem-solvingandreasoning, which develops students into thinking citizens.

Prerequisites: 1. Nil


Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 minutes of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods.

Fee Information:Nil,apartfromthepurchaseofaScientificCalculator,whichisrequiredforallmaths studentsatWSHS.ThecostofaScientificCalculatorisbetween$20and$30.

Pathways: AcourseofstudyinEssentialMathematicscanestablishabasisforfurthereducationand employmentinthefieldsoftrade,industry,businessandcommunityservices.Studentslearnwithina practical context related to general employment and successful participation in society, drawing on the mathematics used by various professional and industry groups.

Assessment In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. Schools develop three summative internal assessmentsandthecommoninternalassessment(CIA)isdevelopedbytheQCAA.

Summative Assessments

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Susannah McLaughlinHead of DepartmentScienceEmail:[email protected]

ScienceWithin this Faculty area, you may study:



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Overview: Biology provides opportunities for students to engage with living systems. Students develop their understanding of cells and multicellular organisms. They engage with the concept of maintaining the internal environment. They study biodiversity and the interconnectedness of life. This knowledge is linked with the concepts of heredity and the continuityoflife.Studentslearnandapplyaspectsoftheknowledgeandskillsofthediscipline(thinking, experimentation,problem-solvingandresearchskills),understandhowitworksandhowitmayimpactsociety.Theydevelop their sense of wonder and curiosity about life and respect for all living things and the environment. Students conductfieldwork,laboratoryandotherresearchinvestigations;interpretevidence;analyseandevaluateclaims;andcommunicate biological understanding, arguments and conclusions.

Prerequisites: 1. B in Year 10 Science 2.CinYear10English


AssessmentIn Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the assessments are addedtogethertoprovideasubjectscoreoutof100.Studentswillalsoreceiveanoverallsubjectresult(A–E).

Summative Assessments

Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 minutes of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods.

Fee Information: Students may be required to attend an excursion or workshop which will incur a cost for transport and/or admission.

Pathways: AcourseofstudyinBiologycanestablishabasisforfurthereducationandemploymentinthefieldsofmedicine, forensics, veterinary, food and marine sciences, agriculture, biotechnology, environmental rehabilitation, biosecurity, quarantine, conservation and sustainability.

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ChemistryOverview: Chemistry is the study of materials and their properties and structure. Students study atomic theory, chemical bonding, and the structure and properties of elements and compounds. They explore intermolecular forces, gases, aqueous solutions, acidity and rates of reaction. Students study equilibrium processes and redox reactions. They explore organic chemistry, synthesis and design to examine the characteristic chemical properties and chemical reactionsdisplayedbydifferentclassesoforganiccompounds.Studentsdeveloptheirappreciationofchemistryandexpertiseinconductingscientificinvestigations.Theylearnandapplyaspectsoftheknowledgeandskillsofthediscipline(thinking,experimentation,problem-solvingandresearchskills),understandinghowitworksandhowitmayimpact society.

Prerequisites: 1. B in Year 10 Science 2.CinYear10English


Assessment:In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the assessments are added togethertoprovideasubjectscoreoutof100.Studentswillalsoreceiveanoverallsubjectresult(A–E).

Summative Assessments

Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 minutes of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods.

Fee Information: Students may be required to attend an excursion or workshop which will incur a cost for transport and/or admission.

Pathways: AcourseofstudyinChemistrycanestablishabasisforfurthereducationandemploymentinthefieldsofforensic science, environmental science, engineering, medicine, pharmacy and sports science.

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Overview: Physics provides opportunities for students to engage with classical and modern understandings of the universe. Students learn about the fundamental concepts of thermodynamics, electricity and nuclear processes; and about the concepts and theories that predict and describe the linear motion of objects. Further, they explore how scientists explain some phenomena using an understanding of waves. They engage with the concept of gravitational andelectromagneticfields,andtherelevantforcesassociatedwiththem.Studentsunderstandhowmodelsandtheoriesarerefined,andnewonesdeveloped;investigatephenomenaandsolveproblems;collectandanalysedata;and interpret evidence. Students use accurate and precise measurement, valid and reliable evidence, scepticism and intellectual rigour to evaluate claims and communicate conclusions.

Prerequisites: 1. B in Year 10 Science 2.CinYear10English


AssessmentIn Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the assessments are addedtogethertoprovideasubjectscoreoutof100.Studentswillalsoreceiveanoverallsubjectresult(A–E).

Summative Assessments

Homework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 minutes of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods.

Fee Information: Students may be required to attend an excursion or workshop which will incur a cost for transport and/or admission.

Pathways:AcourseofstudyinPhysicscanestablishabasisforfurthereducationandemploymentinthefieldsofscience, engineering, medicine and technology.

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Science in Practice

Overview: Science in Practice develops critical thinking skills through the evaluation of claims using systematic reasoning andanenhancedscientificunderstandingofthenaturalandphysicalworld.Studentslearnthroughacontextualinterdisciplinaryapproachthatincludesaspectsofatleasttwosciencedisciplines—Biology,Chemistry,EarthandEnvironmentalScienceorPhysics.Theyareencouragedtobecomescientificallyliterate,thatis,todevelopawayof thinking and of viewing and interacting with the world that engages the practical and analytical approaches of scientificinquiry.Studentsplaninvestigations,analyseresearchandevaluateevidence.Through investigations they develop problem-solving skills that are transferable to new situations and a deeper understanding of the nature of science.

Prerequisites: An interest in Science and a ‘C’ in Year 10 Science is recommended.

Structure The Science in Practice course is designed around core topics and at least three electives.

Assessment:For Science in Practice, assessment from Units 3 and 4 is used to determine the student’s exit result, and consists of four instruments, including: • at least one investigation based on primary data • a range of assessment instruments that includes no more than two assessment instruments from any one


StructureHomework: To be successful in Year 11 and 12, it is expected that students complete 30 — 120 minutes of homework per evening. This is inclusive of all subjects and may increase during assessment periods.

Fee Information: Students will be required to attend excursions such as to the Police Museum in Brisbane that will incur a cost for transport and/or admission.

Pathways: A course of study in Science in Practice is inclusive and caters for a wide range of students. It can establish a basis for further education and employment inmanyfields,e.g.animalwelfare,foodtechnology, forensics, health and medicine, the pharmaceutical industry, recreation and tourism, research, and the resources sector.

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Certificate II Sampling and Measurement (VET)

RTO Details: Woodridge State High School RTO #30456 Course Code: MSL20118 Course Units:

MSL912001 Workwithinalaboratoryorfieldworkplace(induction)

MSL913004 Planandconductlaboratory/fieldwork

MSL922001 Record and present data

MSL943004 Participateinlaboratoryorfieldworkplacesafety

MSL952001 Collect routine site samples

MSL972001 Collect routine site measurements

MSL973013 Perform basic tests

MSMENV272 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices

Fee Information: Students will require lab coats and safety glasses which will incur additional costs of approximately $30 per year.

Entry Requirements: Nil.

Career Outcomes: TheCertificateIIinSamplingandMeasurementoffersentryleveltrainingforsamplingand measurementskillsappliedacrossarangeofindustries.Employmentoutcomestargetedbythisqualificationincludesamplersandtesters,productionpersonnel,plantoperators,productionoperators,fieldassistants,drivers,samplecouriers, laboratory assistants, high school science technicians and many others.

Mode of Delivery: Delivered on site at Woodridge State High School for a period of 1 year - face to face.

Pathways: CertificateIII,IV,DiplomaandBachelorofScienceorEngineering.

Support Services Available: Arangeofsupportservicesareavailabletostudents,includingaccesstosupportstaffand course resources.

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Fee Information: User pay fee of $300 to eligible students.Entry Requirements: Nil.Career Outcomes: TheCertificateIIIinIndividualSupportoffersearlyentryleveltrainingforthehealthandcare sector with a particular interest in disability support. Demand for workers in this industry is increasing with the NDIS. EmploymentoutcomestargetedbythisqualificationincludeCareAssistant,DisabilitySupportWorker, Nursing Assistant, Aged Care Worker and many others.Mode of Delivery: Delivered onsite at Woodridge SHS for a period of 2 years face to face.Pathways: CertificateIV,DiplomaandBachelorofNursing.Support Services Available: A range of support services are available to students, including accesstosupportstaffandcourseresources.

Certificate III in Individual Support (VET)

BSBWOR203B Workeffectivelywithothers CHCAGE001 Facilitate the empowerment of older people

BSBADM101 Use business equipment and re-sources

CHCAGE005 Provide support to people living with dementia

CHCCOM001 Providefirstpointofcontact CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs

CHCCOM005 Communicate and work effectivelyinhealth

CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support

BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers CHCCCS023 Support independence and well being

CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families

CHCCCS020 Respondeffectivelyto behaviours of concern

CHCCCS021 Respond to suspected abuse

HLTFSE001 Follow basic food safety practices

CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically

HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety

CHCPAL001 Deliver care services using a paliative approach

HLTINF001 Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures

HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems

BSBWOR202 Organise and complete daily work activities

HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care

CHCCCS026 Transport individuals

RTO Details: Strategix Trading Academy #31418Course Code: CHC33015Course Units:

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VET Qualifications (Stand Alone)Within this Faculty area, you may study:

• TLI11215CertificateIinWarehousingOperations(VET)• TLI21616CertificateIIinWarehousingOperations(VET)• TL21815CertificateIIinLogistics(VET)• FSK20113CertificateIIinSkillsforWorkandVocationalPathways(VET)

Kim TongesSPECHODYear11Email:[email protected]

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TLI11215 Certificate I in Warehousing Operations

RTO Details: Woodridge State High School RTO #30456Course Code: TLI11215Course Units:

Fee Information: No cost but students must purchase Steel Capped Boots.

Entry Requirements: Nil.

Career Outcomes:EmploymentintheWarehousingIndustry.

Pathways: CertificateIIinWarehousingOperations.

Mode of Delivery: Delivered on site at Woodridge State High School for a period of 1 year — face to face.

Support Services Available: A range of support services are available to students, including accesstosupportstaffandcourseresources.

TLIL1001 Complete workplace orientation and induction procedures

TLIA2011 Package goods

TLIA2012 Pick and process orders

TLIA2002 Participate in stocktakes

TLIE1003 Participate in basic workplace communication

TLIG1001 Workeffectivelywithothers

TLIF1002 Conduct housekepping activities

TLID1001 Shift materials safely using manual handling methods

TLID1002 Shift a load using manually-operated equipment

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TLI20419 Certificate II in Warehousing Operations

RTO Details: Woodridge State High School RTO #30456Course Code: TLI20419Course Units:

Fee Information: No cost but students must purchase Steel Capped Boots.

Entry Requirements: Nil.

Career Outcomes: EmploymentintheWarehousingIndustry.

Mode of Delivery: Delivered on site at Woodridge State High School for a period of 1 year — face to face.

Pathways: CertificateIIIinWarehousingOperations.

Support Services Available: A range of support services are available to students, including accesstosupportstaffandcourseresources.

TLIL1001 Complete workplace orientation and induction procedures

TLIF1001 Follow work health and safety procedures

TLIF0009 Ensurethesafetyoftransportactivities(Chainofresponsibility)

TLIA2011 Package goods

TLIA2012 Pick and process orders

TLIA2022 Participate in stocktakes

TLIE1003 Participate in basic workplace communication

TLID1001 Shift materials safely using manual handling methods

TLID1002 Shift a load using manually-operated equipment

TLIA2014 Use product knowledge to complete work operations

TLIA2013 Receive Goods

TLIA2021 Despatch Stock

TLIK2003 Apply keyboard skills

TLIK2010 Use info technology devices in the workplace

TLIE0002 Process Workplace Documentation

TLIG2007 Work in a socially diverse environment

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TLI21815 Certificate II in Logistics

RTO Details: Strategix Training Group RTO #31418 Course Code: TLI21815 Course Units:

Fee Information: No cost to eligible students, user pay fee of approximately $1500 if applicable. PleasespeaktotheYear10or11SPECHODforfurtherdetails.StudentsmustpurchaseSteelCapped Boots.

Entry Requirements: Nil.

Career Outcomes:EmploymentintheTransportandLogisticsIndustryincludingLogistics Officer,LogisticsClerk,WarehouseStoreperson.

Mode of Delivery: Delivered on site at Woodridge State High School for a period of 2 years — face to face.

Pathways: CertificateIIIinLogistics.

Support Services Available: A range of support services are available to students, including accesstosupportstaffandcourseresources.

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FSK20113 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways

Fee Information: No Cost

Entry Requirements: Nil

Career Outcomes: Within the linked area of study through apprenticeships or other training. EgEngineering,Construction,Businessetc

Mode of Delivery: Delivered on site at Woodridge SHS for a period of 1 year – face to face.

Pathways: Thisisageneralvocationalcertificatethatencouragesallstudentstoworkwithinthelinkedareaofstudy.EgEngineering,Construction,Businessetc.

Support Services Available: A range of support services are available to students, including accesstosupportstaffandcourseresources.

RTO Details: Woodridge State High School RTO #30456Course Code: FSK20113Course Units: FSKDIG03 Use digital technology for routine workplace tasks

FSKLRG09 Use strategies to respond to routine workplace problems

FSKLRG11 Use routine strategies for work-related learning

FSKNUM14 Calculate with whole numbers and familiar fractions, decimals and percentages for work

FSKNUM15 Estimate,measureandcalculateroutinemetricmeasurementsforwork

FSKOCM07 Interacteffectivelywithothersatwork

FSKRDG10 Read and respond to routine workplace information

FSKWTG09 Write routine workplace texts

ICTICT202 WorkandcommunicateeffectivelyinanICTenvironment

ICTWEB201 Use social media tools for collaboration and engagement

BSBWHS201 Contribute to health and safety of self and others

FSKLRG10 Use routine strategies for career planning

FSKRDG09 Read and respond to routine standard operating procedures

FSKOCM06 Use oral communication skills to participate in workplace teams

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Find Out MoreStudent resilience, empowerment and wellbeing are essential for both academic and social development, and are strengthened by safe, supportive and respectful learning environments. Woodridge State High School shares this responsibility with the whole Woodridge community.

Educational SupportIdeas to help you nuture your child's potential. https://www.learningpotential.gov.au

StudyVibeisaFREErepositoryofeducationalresources.Itisdesignedtosupportstudentsto developaseffectivelearnersandprovidecarefullycuratedresourcestosupportteachers' curriculum development and improve learning outcomes for students in middle and senior schools. https://www.studyvibe.com.au

World of WorkJobOutlookcanhelpyoumakedecisionsaboutstudyandtraining,yourfirstjob,oryournextstepin your career. https://joboutlook.gov.au

CareerOne provides job listings online, nationwide. https://www.careerone.com.au

Indeed provides job listings online, nationwide. https://au.indeed.com

AAP provides information for people considering career options, employers looking at recruitment and those providing support and advice. https://www.aapathways.com.au

Seek provides jobs listings online, nationwide. https://www.seek.com.au

AFWO provides information and advice about your workplace rights and obligations. https://www.fairwork.gov.au

Jobs Australia provides an overview of trends in the Australian labour market. https://australianjobs.employment.gov.au


Getting Set For LifeAccess provides leadership, education, advocacy and support services to assist migrants, refugees and the broader community, to shape their own future. Their vision is for a cohesive community where individuals are valued, participate economically and experience a higher quality of life. https://www.accesscommunity.org.au

MultiLink provides community services to diverse communities. Multilink focusses on migrant, culturally and linguistically diverse communities http://www.multilink.org.au

The Salvation Army provides community and social services without discrimination. https://www.salvationarmy.org.au

yourtown provides employment services, training services, parent education, family refuges to create brighter futures. https://www.yourtown.com.au/our-services

ATOprovidesinformationonTaxfilenumbersandhowtoapplyforone. https://www.ato.gov.au/individuals/tax-file-number

Free2Go is a youth program designed to help you get your licence, stay safe on the road and start your journey as a driver in Queensland. https://www.free2go.com.au

Applyingforabirthcertificate?FillintheapplicationformtogetaQueenslandbirthcertificate,a replacementbirthcertificateoracommemorativebirthcertificatepackage.https://www.qld.gov.au

Residential Tenancies Authority provides tenancy information and support, bond management, dispute resolution, investigations and prosecutions, and education services. https://www.rta.qld.gov.au

Page 72: 2020 Senior Subject Selection Book

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