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20582661 Answer to Who is JJ Hurtak

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AN ANSWER TO WHO IS J. J. HURTAK: HERALD OR HERETIC? By Andrew Morgan Copyright © 2009 Andrew Morgan When reviewing author James Hurtak’s 1 career and writings that span many decades, one cannot help but find parallels to Galileo Galilei 1 , Emanuel Swedenborg 2 , 1 Galileo Galilei, Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher called the father of modern physics and Stephen Hawking said that Galileo was responsible for the birth of modern science. Persecuted by the Catholic Church for pointing out the scientific fact that the earth was not the center of the Universe and other conflicts of science and dogma. 2 Emanuel Swedenborg, ( 1688 to 1772) Swedish scientist, philosopher, Christian mystic and theologian credited with creating the concept “New Age” ; described as a belief in an artistic and spiritual new age. Credited with influencing the thinking of Kant, William Blake, Carl Jung, Ralph Waldo Emerson and August Strindberg. 1 | Page
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By Andrew Morgan

Copyright © 2009 Andrew Morgan

When reviewing author James Hurtak’s 1 career and

writings that span many decades, one cannot help but find

parallels to Galileo Galilei1, Emanuel Swedenborg2, Baruch

Spinoza3 and Omar Khayyam4 also controversial for offering

new ideas about religion and science over their long careers.1 Galileo Galilei, Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher called the father of modern physics

and Stephen Hawking said that Galileo was responsible for the birth of modern science. Persecuted by the

Catholic Church for pointing out the scientific fact that the earth was not the center of the Universe and other

conflicts of science and dogma.

2 Emanuel Swedenborg, ( 1688 to 1772) Swedish scientist, philosopher, Christian mystic and theologian credited

with creating the concept “New Age” ; described as a belief in an artistic and spiritual new age. Credited with

influencing the thinking of Kant, William Blake, Carl Jung, Ralph Waldo Emerson and August Strindberg.

3 Baruch Spinoza, ( 1632 – 1677) a Dutch philosopher, of Portuguese Jewish origin, considered one of the great

rationalists of the 17th century laying the ground work for the 18th century Enlightenment and modern biblical

criticism. Attacked by the Dutch Jewish establishment, the Catholic Church and the Protestant Church for his

philosophical and scientific views, including his belief in religious and intellectual freedom.1 | P a g e

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Hurtak’s detractors, like Galileo’s critics, have basically the

same complaint that Hurtak’s ideas appear at odds with the

religious orthodoxy and world view as if Scripture should be

immune to interpretation. In 1609 Galileo was determined not

to be in violation of any laws but still he was held to be at

variance with Scripture a quasi crime if not an actual criminal

offence. It wasn’t until about 1632 that the Inquisition actually

convicted him for heresy and punished him with house arrest.

Hurtak’s critics, fortunately, do not have the Inquisition

available but they do have the internet and Hurtak’s heresies

are widely attacked with inquisitional passion if not

inquisitional authority.

How do you attack a Philosopher and Scholar?

Philosophers and Scholars are idea people who try to get you

to look at things from another perspective. Scholars remind

people not to forget or ignore the past lest they repeat the

mistakes and evils of the past. Scientists are engaged in similar

4 Omar Khayyam (born 1048 AD, Neyshapur, Iran—1123 AD ) Persian mathematician, philosopher, astronomer and

poet.2 | P a g e

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inquiry as they root out reality’s secrets using their scientific


Hurtak and other scholars throughout history have been

forced to defend their ideas. Omar Khayyam, another

philosopher/scientist, was systematically attacked and

ostracized by the political and conservative religious

establishment for trying to mathematically prove and rectify a

mathematically and astronomically correct calendar.

Other astronomers, like Galileo Galilei were not and are

not immune from small minded people and their fear of new

ideas or changes to their vested interest.

Hurtak’s wide ranging mind has touched upon many

disciplines on both sides of the religious and scientific

continuum, from the implications of modern physics to the

mysteries of consciousness5.

5 Quantum Mind Conference 2007, July 17-20, 2007 at The University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria Sponsored by

The University of Salzburg, The Center for Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona,3 | P a g e

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Philosopher and Scholars are kind of hard to pin down,

especially if they are not concerned about everyone agreeing

with them. Controversy itself might be viewed as a victory in

itself because if your ideas are being debated, at least they

have currency and are not being ignored into oblivion. Many

Philosopher and Scholars would kill for a small bit of the

attention paid to Hurtak and his colleagues on matters such as

Dr. Hurtak’s article on Space Law6.

What was the job of the inquisition? According to the

internet: “It had the tasks of maintaining and defending the

integrity of the faith and of examining and proscribing errors

and false doctrines.” Critics of Hurtak and other Philosophers

and Scholars are following more or less the same rules. If the

Philosopher or Scholar suggests another way of looking at God

than the fundamentalist view, the assertions must be

discredited so that the only version is the main stream version.

6 Space Law Needed for The Protection of Martian Resources Excerpts from a Paper for the Mars Society

Conference by J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D, Ph.D., AFFS Corporation Copyright © 2003 J.J. Hurtak The YeTaDeL Foundation.

The fundamental question of how the brain produces conscious experience remains unanswered through classical

neurocomputational explanations.4 | P a g e

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The assertions are “God is what we say it is”. God cannot be

within. God cannot not exist. The power of organized religion is

the persuasive power of their version of reality: Their God, their

rules. Hurtak begs to differ and takes exception.

As Science has gained ascendency over philosophical

speculation in the past century and mysteries yield to the

scientific method and modern technology supplants magic,

dogma and fanaticism at every turn, the fundamentalists are

worried about their loss of influence and power; particularly

when science validates “mystical abilities” and paranormal

experiences as innate within man and nature as natural,

mathematic and scientific fact. The Catholic Church continues

to see its ranks growth slowing as dogma seems less and less

plausible to the more educated citizenry. Religion and Politics

work tirelessly to hold on to the power that they have.

Futuristic Philosophers and independent Scholars like Dr. J. J.

Hurtak advocating that you should think for yourselves and not

slavishly adhere to unexamined doctrines, are destabilizing to

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the applecart. So the critics go after these kinds of people using

weapons codified in war games as psychological warfare. For

example Cointelpro (an acronym for Counter Intelligence

Program) was the branch of the military tasked with gaining the

hearts and minds of the enemy. It was officially disbanded in

1971. Their mission was similar to Homeland Security’s mission

statement “protecting national security, preventing violence

and maintaining the existing social and political order,”

according to the internet. Their tools were subtle and very


Critics of J. J. Hurtak see their power slipping away and

attack what they view as opposing views to keep the public

looking at things their way. Fundamentalists and those who

have a vested political or economic interest in the status quo

want to help you to see it their way. Hurtak hopes his readers

stay open to opposing interpretations and new discoveries and

information and find their own truth. We know more now

about microcavitations in the body from new technologies and

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breakthroughs in DNA research has given us new “truths”

about both the past and future every day.

To grow, people must be open to new information not

blindly ignore this new knowledge. Interestingly enough J.J.

Hurtak predicted many of these discoveries in his books and in

conferences many years ago. As far back as 1973 Hurtak argued

the importance of “zero-point energy” as a new energy source

and DNA as an “analog of the soul”. His detractors could better

criticize him if they referred to his work and commented on it.

But then they would be required to do their homework and

actually read the works they are commenting on.

When a Philosopher, Historian and Scholar are attacked,

the methods of attack seem more distructive and insidious than

just shooting down one or another false accusation. Politicians

seek to tip the balance in their favor with dirty tricks long

enough to get elected by planting false stories that are proved

false long after Election Day. This kind of psychological warfare

was employed by the Nixon administration and took on the

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moniker of “dirty tricks” exposed by the Watergate scandal and

investigative stories in the Washington Post.

The Watergate break-in at the Watergate Hotel in

Washington D.C. was for the purpose of political espionage to

assist in gaining advantage by the Republicans over the

Democrats. The dirty tricks nomenclature equates a Dirty Tricks

Squad to any organized, covert attempt to besmirch the

credibility or reputation of a candidate, individual or

organization so as to render them ineffective. Is there a

“Cosmic Watergate – the cover up of UFOs? After researching

this article and many Blog sites I believe J. J. Hurtak has been

the target of dirty tricks throughout his professional career. No

one has given credit to Hurtak for his efforts to help in

unraveling the “Cosmic Watergate7 involving the UFO cover up.

Hurtak’s presentations have been at major UFO Disclosure

conferences in the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, and the recent Disclosure

7 A prestigious three-day international conference was held at the Sheraton Washington in Washington, D.C. on May 27-29, 1995 on the subject of response to ET contact. The "When Cosmic Cultures Meet" International Conference organized by The Human Potential Foundation featured presentations by scientists, academics, governmental spokespersons, research professionals, military officers, journalists and religious spokespersons. This world-class conference revealed the solid acceptance by political, academic, scientific and journalism figures of the realism of preparing for extraterrestrial contact.8 | P a g e

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conference in Curitiba, Brazil, 20078.Philosophers and Scholars

have been forced to defend their ideas since Socrates9. Socrates

confronted his accusers in Plato’s account of the incident, the

“Apology.” Socrates was accused of defamatory and false or

half true ideas only to be diminished by taking on critics

directly. In Socrates’ case, his direct confrontation resulted in

his suicide regardless of the truth or falsity of the accusation of

corrupting the youth of Athens. In the “Apology, 10” Socrates

tries to dismiss rumors that he is a sophist and defends himself

against charges of disbelief in the gods and corruption of the

young. Socrates famously denies being wise and explains how


? The “II Forum Mundial Ufologia” was held in Curitiba, Brazil, from the 15th through the 18th of November, 2007,

at the Bourbon Hotel. It was organized by the Nucleo de Pesquisas Ufologicas (NPU) and hosted many of the same

world experts who appeared a few days earlier in Washington, D.C., at the historic press club on Disclosure

briefings on the reality of extraterrestrial sightings and documented extraterrestrial technology.

9 Socrates, Classical Greek philosopher credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy. Accounts of

Socrates come largely from stories written by his student, Plato. From Socrates we get the Socratic Method as a

type of teaching in which a series of questions are asked to encourage fundamental insight into the issue under

discussion, leading to more questions but not necessarily an answer to the questions.

10 Apology, account written by Plato , student of Socrates ; Plato’s version of a speech given by Socrates defending

himself against charges of being a teacher who corrupted the young , refused to worship the gods and creating

new gods.9 | P a g e

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his life as a Philosopher and Scholar was launched by the Oracle

at Delphi. He says that his quest to resolve the riddle of the

oracle put him at odds with his fellow man, and that this is the

reason he has been mistaken for “a menace to the city-state of

Athens,” according to the internet.

J. J. Hurtak like Socrates is conflicted about how to

confront false statements and usually when going after

anonymous bloggers Hurtak is only able to get the blog taken

off the internet. You cannot litigate with anonymous writers

planting derogatory stories. It makes little sense to debate the

publication of half truths by fleshing out the full truth on the

back page of the newspaper when the half truth appears on

page one. So what can latter day Socrates do? Maybe just

expose the methods of critics to get the readers to dismiss their

criticism in favor of keeping an open mind to new ideas.

Who is Dr. James J. Hurtak? He’s an academic, award

winning film maker, writer, international speaker, composer,

historian and futurist. All these facts and information are

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available to the public if they take the time to look and/or read

his books. He is a lecturer on controversial abstract subjects,

on the importance of ancient Egyptian texts and early Christian

Coptic writings11. His career has involved controversy including

a look into the importance of alternative and free energy

sources. His detractors frequently take factoids out of context

and try to lead the reader to unsupportable inferences that are

founded on suspicion and cynicism. They go after him like

Houdini went after spiritualists.

The magician Houdini attacked spiritualists as con men

who took advantage of public vulnerabilities for profit.

Houdini’s training in magic allowed him to expose frauds that

had successfully fooled other so called experts. His motivation

was to protect the public from exploitation by charlatans

preying on their hopes during moments of weakness, say after

the death of a loved one. Hurtak’s critics, I believe, feel they are

on a similar quest. Or perhaps they are just protecting their

11 Hurtak, J.J. and Desiree Hurtak (1999) Pistis Sophia, A Coptic Text of Gnosis with Commentary” Los Gatos:

Academy For Future Science, www.pistissophia.org 11 | P a g e

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system and interests. But they got the wrong guy! Dr. James

Hurtak is the real deal and lazy fact checking just makes the

critics appear malicious.

The critics say they are just seeking the truth, just like

Mulder in the X files. But, often their lazy fact checking reveals

an inadvertent malice and an unintended libel to which

honorable men must respond. As an academic researcher

Hurtak would rather lecture than litigate. But as with

irresponsible behavior everywhere, the line has to be drawn


Dr. James J. Hurtak could be called doctor doctor, I

suppose because he took the trouble to qualify and earn two

PhD’s. His first Doctorate was from the University of California

in1976 in Social Science. His second Doctorate he picked up in

1993 from the University of Minnesota in History. In between

he was a director of the Technology Marketing Analysis

Corporation in the 1980s and for those involved in the

international symposia (RETSIE) and other projects sponsored

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by various government agencies, teaching professionally at

California’s State Universities at Northridge, Los Angeles

respectively and Cal Arts. With a history in academia his critics,

oddly, try to cast doubt on his educational resume without

bothering to check with the Universities.

Some would assert that accusing Hurtak of being an

academic charlatan is seeking to discredit a teacher who can

prove his credentials with one phone call to the University,

Office of Records and have time left over to ring his attorney.

When one’s livelihood is attacked, the damages are easily

measured and reduced to dollars.

Dr. Hurtak’s long career has encompassed many different

subjects from anthropology to Egyptology to linguistics.

Einstein did not confine himself to Physics! When called upon

to get into politics, Einstein called upon President Roosevelt to

make sure the Germans did not solve the question of Nuclear

energy before the Allies did. Sometimes academics step outside

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of the halls of academia for the larger good. Many think Dr. J. J.

Hurtak is that kind of person.

If anything is true, Dr. Hurtak may be guilty of being

involved in too many areas of inquiry. But guys who can

manage two PhD’s are often more inquisitive than the average

Professor. The fictional character Dr. Indiana Jones taught

Archaeology but refused to stay in the lecture hall. His reward

was the Holy Grail. Dr. Hurtak has spent a career seeking the

real “holy grail of knowledge” and his advocates claim his

curiosity has opened up areas of inquiry that might never have

been opened except for him.

Hurtak loves a legitimate debate. His critics and internet

bloggers take pot shots that make obvious that they haven’t

even read Hurtak’s published work. It is reminiscent of the

Official Protestant Church position in Sweden in the 18th

Century with the attack on Emmanuel Swedenborg who

claimed contact with the paranormal world of the angelic.

Swedenborg who was a prolific writer in vast scientific and

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spiritual themes was also a serious thinker on the subject of

other worlds and founded his own spiritual community. Before

long the princley prowlers decided to diminish his work as too

far afield of contemporary though. He was branded a heretic.

Before governments decide to assassinate writers or their

reputations there should be a rule that says they’ve got to at

least read the offensive book! There is terrorism and there is

“psychic terrorism”. Dr. Hurtak publishes his ideas and his

detractors often can be discredited by merely reading Hurtak’s

published works.

Dr. Carl Sagan, another doctor (with only one PhD. From

the University of Chicago in astronomy and astrophysics),

shared Dr. Hurtak’s fascination with aliens. He, like Hurtak, also

wrote about the relationship between religion and science.

Sagan has Hurtak beat by about 5 books with about 20

books to his credit. Hurtak came in a close second with about

fifteen books. The actual number of books both guys wrote is a

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little hard to count because they both have collaborated with

other authors on some books sharing a byline.

Concerning contact with a “Being of Higher

Consciousness”, who some have equated to Aliens, Hurtak has

taken a lot of criticism for his book from the early 1970’s

wherein he claimed a direct meeting with Enoch. He titled the


have trouble defining Enoch just like I struggle with the

definition of cubit; both obscure biblical terms. Some interpret

Enoch to be an Alien. The internet says Enoch is an ancestor of

Noah (the ark) and or related to the Hebrew word for

enlightenment, wisdom and spirituality. Cubit still eludes me,

but I think it’s about a yard, or so. Regardless, Sagan and Hurtak

spent much of their academic careers investigating the

possibilities of extraterrestrial life. Folks who do this get

accused of being “strange” or “mavericks” for having new,

12 Hurtak, J.J. (1973) The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch®. Los Gatos: The Academy For Future Science.


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unconventional or different views than the majority. But, even

Sagan kept working in this area until he died. Hurtak has not

confined his research to aliens or any single subject. He is a

prominent international lecturer on Comparative Religion*,

Egyptology13 and Environmental Science14. He didn’t stall back

in the ’70’s with Enoch. He moved on to many other areas of

inquiry. He’s even been a consultant to the television industry

seeking to add greater entertainment value to their projects.

So, even if J. J. is a “maverick” as was Galileo (technical

term), he has academic credentials, decades of teaching and

lecturing all over the world, and a large international following

that makes him at least a “maverick” who mainstream history

and science have proved to be right more times than not and

who gets more invitations to speak at international conferences

and symposia than he can accept every year. His reputation has

survived the test of time.

13 DeSalvo John (2008) Decoding the Pyramids. London: Metro Publishing

14 Dr. Hurtak was a presenter at the U.N. Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, August, 2002.17 | P a g e

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These so called forums on the internet are an insidious

gossip format that is all over the place from reprinting copy

from other sites to pot shot comments on current events by

bored bloggers in bunny slippers. It’s hard to take their

commentary seriously when it’s mostly musing of amateur

writers that does not rise to the level of journalistic reportage.

It ain’t the Washington Post and Bob Woodward.

When fools call you names you’re supposed to ignore

them and play with the other kids. When fools attack your

livelihood, your reputation, and your credentials to your

customers, it is tough to turn the other cheek. One such LLP

filed a lawsuit in Oregon against a blogger magazine and the

blogger published the text of the lawsuit complaint and claimed

the plaintiff was a psychopath for defending their reputation.

The plaintiff was seeking several kinds of damages amounting

to nearly $5 million. Sounds like serious money. That kind of

law suit would give me pause. The blogger continued to defame

the guy in his next issue while claiming poverty as an excuse.

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The empty pocket defense. It seems some people believe that

since they have nothing of value to lose they can lie without

consequence and claim to be judgment proof. They think this is

good thing. Suing “broke bad guys” is usually disappointing,

regardless of whom is right. The internet also seems to

warehouse old stuff from the past even as present day legal

squabbles litigate postings from two years ago.

You sue the “character assassins and defamers” and the

most you can often get is they take down the posting that lives

on at another site. You’re chasing your tail to fight these guys.

Hence the playground advice is to ignore fools and hope your

readers do as well.

In trying to sort out the good “wackos” from the bad

“wackos” one theme emerges for me; humanism and truth are

proven by time. Humanism is inclusive, enabling and

constructive. The bad “wackos” employ many of the destructive

methods of their so called enemies. The Cointelpro weapons

are being used against the humanists not by nefarious

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government so much as by competitive, lazy, combative

bloggers who fancy themselves as seekers of truth and the

light. These self proclaimed protectors of their truth, seem bent

upon stirring up controversy by trashing other views of the

human condition and the Evolution of Society, except theirs,

even when time and facts prove the defamers wrong. They

aren’t helping the humanist Movement. You can hardly buck

the”status quo” when the rebels bicker among themselves.

Dr. J. J. Hurtak is one of the good guys. He is an inclusive

Futurist seeking more bridges to understanding and growth and

evolvement in every individual. He has no time to bicker with

bloggers in bunny slippers. He is busy catching a plane to his

next symposium to bring light where there is darkness in a

world being quickened towards a “cosmic civilization”.

Hopefully the force will be with him!



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