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21± Acres For sAle • MArble FAlls · Marble Falls is located in the middle of the Texas Hill...

Date post: 03-Aug-2020
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The information contained herein was obtained from sources deemed reliable. However, Martine Properties, Inc. makes no guarantees, warranties or representations as to the accuracy or completeness thereof. This property informa- tion flyer is submitted subject to error, omissions, change of price or conditions, prior sale or lease, or withdrawal without notice. Published June-2015 Located in the heart of the Texas Hill Country West side of Marble Falls off TX Hwy 281; Gateway Park subdivision Beautiful grounds for—office park, industrial park residential or multi-family community Perfect area for any lifestyle including Marble Falls’ evolving high-tech and medical industries Lot fronts Gateway Parkway On site water, wastewater, and electricity (Pedernales Electric Cooperative) CS-3 Zoning Highest density allowed in Marble Falls—35 units per acre Mild topography—land determined to be outside the 500 year flood plain In close proximity to Lake Marble Falls, Granite Shoals and Baylor Scott & White Hospital district Easy access to the most popular dining, shopping and entertainment venues in Burnet County 2015-2020 household growth projections are estimated at 4.62% 21± ACRES FOR SALE MULTI-USE COMMERCIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY SEC of Gateway Parkway and Gateway Central Marble Falls, Texas 78654 30.559750, -98.271610 Source download: The Retail Connection for Marble Falls Economic Development Corp Nov-2014 Mike Martine, CCIM Martine Properties, Inc. 512-327-7028 x5 O 512-563-3818 C [email protected] www.MartineProperties.com 315 South Congress, Suite 200 Austin, Texas 78704 Call for sale price Property|Area Description 21± Acres For sAle • MArble FAlls
Page 1: 21± Acres For sAle • MArble FAlls · Marble Falls is located in the middle of the Texas Hill Country on the Colorado River, 48 miles northwest of Austin,75 miles north of San Antonio,

The information contained herein was obtained from sources deemed reliable. However, Martine Properties, Inc. makes no guarantees, warranties or representations as to the accuracy or completeness thereof. This property informa-tion flyer is submitted subject to error, omissions, change of price or conditions, prior sale or lease, or withdrawal without notice. Published June-2015

Located in the heart of the Texas Hill Country •

West side of Marble Falls off TX Hwy 281; Gateway Park subdivision•



Lot fronts Gateway Parkway •








21± Acres For sAleMulti-use coMMerciAl site developMent opportunity

sec of Gateway parkway and Gateway central Marble Falls, texas 7865430.559750, -98.271610

Source download: TheRetailConnectionforMarbleFallsEconomicDevelopmentCorpNov-2014

Mike Martine, cciMMartine properties, inc.


[email protected]


Call for sale price

Property|Area Description

21± Acres For sAle • MArble FAlls

Page 2: 21± Acres For sAle • MArble FAlls · Marble Falls is located in the middle of the Texas Hill Country on the Colorado River, 48 miles northwest of Austin,75 miles north of San Antonio,

property photos

21 Acres | GAtewAy PArk

Frontage on Gateway Parkway

30.559750, -98.271610 • Marble Falls, Texas 7865421± acres For sale • MulTi-use coMMercial siTe

The information contained herein was obtained from sources deemed reliable. However, Martine Properties, Inc. makes no guarantees, warranties or representations as to the accuracy or completeness thereof. This property informa-tion flyer is submitted subject to error, omissions, change of price or conditions, prior sale or lease, or withdrawal without notice. Published June-2015

Page 3: 21± Acres For sAle • MArble FAlls · Marble Falls is located in the middle of the Texas Hill Country on the Colorado River, 48 miles northwest of Austin,75 miles north of San Antonio,

site survey

Lot fronts Gateway Parkway •Onsitewater,wastewater,andelectricity•(PedernalesElectricCooperative)CS-3Zoning•HighestdensityallowedinMarbleFalls—35•unitsperacreMildtopography—landdeterminedtobe•outsidethe500yearfloodplain

21 Acres | GAtewAy PArk30.559750, -98.271610 • Marble Falls, Texas 7865421± acres For sale • MulTi-use coMMercial siTe

Mike Martine, cciMMartine properties, inc.512-327-7028x5O512-563-3818CMike@MartineProperties.comwww.MartineProperties.com315SouthCongress,Suite200Austin,Texas78704

The information contained herein was obtained from sources deemed reliable. However, Martine Properties, Inc. makes no guarantees, warranties or representations as to the accuracy or completeness thereof. This property informa-tion flyer is submitted subject to error, omissions, change of price or conditions, prior sale or lease, or withdrawal without notice. Published June-2015

Page 5: 21± Acres For sAle • MArble FAlls · Marble Falls is located in the middle of the Texas Hill Country on the Colorado River, 48 miles northwest of Austin,75 miles north of San Antonio,

southeAst corner oF GAtewAy pArkwAy And GAtewAy centrAl property Fronts GAtewAy pArkwAy

21 Acres | GAtewAy PArk30.559750, -98.271610 • Marble Falls, Texas 7865421± acres For sale • MulTi-use coMMercial siTe

The information contained herein was obtained from sources deemed reliable. However, Martine Properties, Inc. makes no guarantees, warranties or representations as to the accuracy or completeness thereof. This property informa-tion flyer is submitted subject to error, omissions, change of price or conditions, prior sale or lease, or withdrawal without notice. Published June-2015


Page 6: 21± Acres For sAle • MArble FAlls · Marble Falls is located in the middle of the Texas Hill Country on the Colorado River, 48 miles northwest of Austin,75 miles north of San Antonio,

MarbleFallsislocatedinthemiddleof theTexasHillCountryontheColoradoRiver,48milesnorthwestof Austin,75milesnorthof SanAntonio,inthemiddleof theHighlandLakesarea,thelargestchainof lakesinTexas.Ithostsoneof thelargestdragboatracesintheUnitedStateseachAugust.

ABirdsEyeViewof MarbleFallsVideo

Marble Fallsin the Middle oF everywhere

TheCityof MarbleFallsisembarkingonanupdateof theadopted2009CityComprehensivePlaninordertorefinethecommunity’svisionandplanforfuturegrowthbaseduponpublicparticipation.CitizensareencouragedtoparticipateinthePublicImprovementphaseof theupdatetakingplaceduringtheSummerof 2015.

ThepropertyislocatedintheGatewayParksubdivisionwhichconsistsof SingleFamily,Multi-familyandaCommercialandIndustrialsectionwherethesiteissituated.

21 Acres | GAtewAy PArk30.559750, -98.271610 • Marble Falls, Texas 7865421± acres For sale • MulTi-use coMMercial siTe

The information contained herein was obtained from sources deemed reliable. However, Martine Properties, Inc. makes no guarantees, warranties or representations as to the accuracy or completeness thereof. This property informa-tion flyer is submitted subject to error, omissions, change of price or conditions, prior sale or lease, or withdrawal without notice. Published June-2015

Page 9: 21± Acres For sAle • MArble FAlls · Marble Falls is located in the middle of the Texas Hill Country on the Colorado River, 48 miles northwest of Austin,75 miles north of San Antonio,

approved by The Texas real esTaTe coMMission For voluntAry usetexas law requires all real estate licensees to give the following information about brokerage services to prospective buyers, tenants, sellers and landlords.

inForMaTion abouT brokerage servicesBeforeworkingwitharealestatebroker,youshouldknowthatthedutiesof abrokerdependonwhomthebrokerrepresents.If youareaprospectivesellerorlandlord(owner)oraprospec-tivebuyerortenant(buyer),youshouldknowthatthebrokerwholiststhepropertyforsaleorleaseistheowner’sagent.Abrokerwhoactsasa subagent represents theowner incoop-erationwiththelistingbroker.Abrokerwhoactsasabuyer’sagentrepresentsthebuyer.Abrokermayactasanintermediarybetweenthepartiesif thepartiesconsentinwriting.Abrokercan assist you in locating a property, preparing a contract orlease,orobtainingfinancingwithoutrepresentingyou.Abrokerisobligatedbylawtotreatyouhonestly.

iF The broker represenTs The oWner:Thebrokerbecomestheowner’sagentbyenteringintoanagree-mentwiththeowner,usuallythroughawritten-listingagree-ment,orbyagreeingtoactasasubagentbyacceptinganofferof subagencyfromthelistingbroker.Asubagentmayworkinadifferentrealestateoffice.Alistingbrokerorsubagentcanas-sistthebuyerbutdoesnotrepresentthebuyerandmustplacetheinterestsof theownerfirst.Thebuyershouldnottelltheowner’s agent anything the buyer would not want the owner to knowbecauseanowner’sagentmustdisclosetotheowneranymaterialinformationknowntotheagent.

Realestatelicenseeasksthatyouacknowledgereceiptof thisinformationaboutbrokerageservicesforthelicensee’srecords.

iF The broker represenTs The buyer:Thebrokerbecomesthebuyer’sagentbyenteringintoanagreementtorepresentthebuyer,usuallythroughawrittenbuyerrepresentationagreement.Abuyer’sagentcanassisttheownerbutdoesnotrepresenttheownerandmustplacetheinterestsof thebuyerfirst.Theownershouldnottellabuyer’sagent anything the owner would not want the buyer to know becauseabuyer’sagentmustdisclosetothebuyeranymaterialinformationknowntotheagent.

iF The broker acTs as an inTerMediary:Abrokermayactasanintermediarybetweenthepartiesif thebrokercomplieswithTheTexasRealEstateLicenseAct.Thebrokermustobtainthewrittenconsentof eachpartytothetransactiontoactasanintermediary.Thewrittenconsentmuststatewhowillpaythebrokerand,inconspicuousboldorun-derlinedprint,setforththebroker’sobligationsasaninterme-diary.ThebrokerisrequiredtotreateachpartyhonestlyandfairlyandtocomplywithTheTexasRealEstateLicenseAct.Abrokerwhoactsasanintermediaryinatransaction:(1)shalltreatallpartieshonestly;(2)maynotdisclosethattheownerwillacceptapricelessthantheaskingpriceunlessauthorizedinwritingtodosobytheowner;

(3)maynotdisclosethatthebuyerwillpayapricegreaterthanthepricesubmittedinawrittenofferunlessauthorizedinwrit-ingtodosobythebuyer;and(4)maynotdiscloseanyconfi-dentialinformationoranyinformationthatapartyspecificallyinstructsthebrokerinwritingnottodiscloseunlessauthorizedinwritingtodisclosetheinformationorrequiredtodosobyTheTexasRealEstateLicenseActoracourtorderor if theinformationmateriallyrelatestotheconditionof theproperty.With the parties’ consent, a broker acting as an intermediarybetweenthepartiesmayappointapersonwhoislicensedun-derTheTexasRealEstateLicenseActandassociatedwiththebrokertocommunicatewithandcarryoutinstructionsof onepartyandanotherpersonwho is licensedunder thatActandassociatedwiththebrokertocommunicatewithandcarryoutinstructionsof theotherparty.If youchoosetohaveabrokerrepresentyou,youshouldenterintoawrittenagreementwiththebrokerthatclearlyestablishesthe broker’s obligations and your obligations. The agreementshould state how andbywhom thebrokerwill be paid.Youhavetherighttochoosethetypeof representation,if any,youwish to receive.Yourpaymentof a fee to abrokerdoesnotnecessarilyestablishthatthebrokerrepresentsyou.If youhaveanyquestions regarding theduties and responsibilities of thebroker,youshouldresolvethosequestionsbeforeproceeding.

TexasRealEstateBrokersandSalesmenarelicensedandregulatedbytheTexasRealEstateCommission(TREC).If youhaveaquestionorcomplaintregardingarealestatelicensee,youshouldcontactTRECatP.O.Box12188,Austin,Texas,78711-2188,or512-465-3960|(Form5/98)

Owner/LandlordSignature Date Buyer/TenantSignature Date

21 Acres | GAtewAy PArk30.559750, -98.271610 • Marble Falls, Texas 7865421± acres For sale • MulTi-use coMMercial siTe

Mike Martine, cciMMartine properties, inc.


[email protected]

