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21 Quotes from The Janitor's Sons -- a book by Gregory Collier

Date post: 16-Jul-2015
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21 Quotes From The Janitor’s Sons

21 Quotes From




The Janitor’s Sons is a chilling and extraordinary inside look at urban life in America, and its suburban contrast. Gregory Collier tells the incredible true story of two brothers raised amongst the broad spectrum of social classes in Detroit, Michigan, and its posh suburbs. It’s a story of crime and punishment, agony and ecstasy, and choices that can impact one’s entire life.

Gregory Collier

About The Janitor’s Sons


“As the picture fades to black, so too have our lives moved further apart.

I chose one path; you chose another. Our silhouettes will

ultimately disappear, leaving just a blur. Yet our stories will last

forever, chiseled in the stone wall of destiny. I have a hammer, a

chisel, and blisters on my hands. I am weary, but I am proud ― I’m carving my destiny in stone. You must carve yours too; everyone


― Gregory Collier

“Unless it’s judgment day, babies will be born, and people will die. Someone will fall in love; other relationships will shatter. Someone will make money; others will lose everything — among the many things in the world that happen every day. And even though the Devil will tempt me, God’s righteousness always prevails — and so too must I prevail.” ― Gregory Collier

“The less money I waste, the more money I’ll have, and the better I’m able to capitalize on opportunities and invest for the future.” ― Gregory Collier

“Far too many young people in America aspire to be thugs, and there are far too many victims of

gun violence!”

― Gregory Collier

On the Shoulders of the Souls of My Heroes “I stand on the shoulders of the souls of the tens of millions of Africans who never had the opportunity to educate themselves. It is because of the great Africans, many whose names are not known, and individual stories may never be told, that I strive to achieve despite the obstacles in my path. The deaths of my heroes from the middle passage bound in chains, through centuries of hardship, would be in vain if I did not constantly educate myself, strive to achieve, help others, and make the world a better place.” — Gregory Collier

“DO NOT DARE take for granted the lives of the tens of millions of Africans who died in the middle passage, endured unimaginable hardships, and built the foundation of the world’s wealth, without compensation for their labor, or the dignity that all humans deserve.” ― Gregory Collier

“Acquire as much knowledge as you can on all subjects, and never stop learning. This will separate you from the pretenders — there are a lot of pretenders out there.” ― Gregory Collier

“Don’t worry about your competition, make them worry about you. Don’t worry about what others are saying about you, what they’re doing, or their level of success. Don’t worry at all. Trepidation is a roadblock to success.” ― Gregory Collier

“Follow your dreams, don’t listen to unconstructive criticism, don’t live

within the parameters of mediocrity defined by others, and success will

stare you right in the face—go grab it!”

― Gregory Collier

“Our destiny is not determined by where we were born, whom we were born to, or how we are labeled by others. Destiny is what one chisels in stone with sweat and tears, through hell and high water — what will survive when everything else fades. I chose my destiny. It was not predetermined on the day of my birth, nor was my father’s or my brother’s, for that matter. And you must choose your destiny, for better or for worse.” ― Gregory Collier

“Schleprock is dead; his real name was Calvin. He’d be in his late forties today if he were still alive — but death by an assassin’s bullet is the fate of many thugs.”

― Gregory Collier

“My ancestors were brought to America in chains —packed in the tiny cargo hold of a ship. By divine intervention, at least one of them survived the treacherous voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. Because of the struggles my ancestors endured, I am alive today. Because of their struggles, I thrive today.” ― Gregory Collier

“There are four kinds of men: Those who succeed with the help of their father Those who succeed despite their father Those who fail despite their father, and Those who fail because of their father”

— Gregory Collier

“I’m a janitor’s son, or so it’s been certified. But I’m a son first, and now a father to a son who must chisel his own destiny in stone. Through hell and high water he must go at times, fighting on with sweat on his brow and tears in his eyes. I can guide him and bestow knowledge, but he must use it wisely and make good decisions. I can surround him with high achievers — but he controls his destiny, not me, nor the people he meets. I can’t chisel the rock for him, as much as I’d like to — he must go it alone — his destiny in stone.” ― Gregory Collier

“Network and build alliances. Some people will avoid you, some will work against you. Stay positive. In the future, your detractors will watch as outsiders as you stand in the winner’s circle with your allies.” ― Gregory Collier

“One difference between a drug dealer and a corporate executive is that a drug dealer must have a “street” education. A corporate executive must typically have a college education plus work experience. Another difference is corporate executives often retire to places like Palm Beach, Florida. Drug dealers retire to jail, if they live to retire at all.” ― Gregory Collier

“Though the chains that bound my ancestors were removed, new chains have formed: economic ones. Those who are educated hold the tools to break the chains that bind them. This is today’s reality.” ― Gregory Collier

“Many athletes refer to education as something to fall back on if their athletic careers don’t

work out. Don’t follow their lead. Education is not something to fall back on; education is a tool with which to uplift yourself to higher

levels of achievement.”

― Gregory Collier

“Ghetto economics dominates the lives of many people. In fact, it dominates the spending habits of many local and national governments. Alas, the world has embraced ghetto economics — now much of the world finds itself in peril. Please take my words to heart for your own good: save and invest for the future — and never spend more money than you earn.” ― Gregory Collier

“In a world where black men are too often criticized, vilified, demonized and written off as incompetent, overly aggressive, overtly promiscuous, abundantly tattooed hustlers, players, gangsters and no-good pimps, it’s refreshing to see the success of my colleagues. But this success comes as no surprise to me. I would only have been surprised had my colleagues been failures.” ― Gregory Collier

