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22 Sarmiento v Mison

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  • 8/9/2019 22 Sarmiento v Mison


    Republic of the PhilippinesSUPREME COURTManila


    G.R. No. 7997 !ece"be# $7% $9&7

    U'P(ANO P. SARM(ENTO ((( AN! )UAN(TO G. ARC(''A% petitione#s%*s.SA'+A!OR M(SON% in his capacit, as COMM(SS(ONER O- TE BUREAU O- CUSTOMS% AN!GU(''ERMO CARAGUE% in his capacit, as SECRETAR/ O- TE !EPARTMENT O- BU!GET%#espon0ents% COMM(SS(ON ON APPO(NTMENTS% inte#*eno#.

    PA!(''A% ).1

    Once "o#e the Cou#t is calle0 upon to 0elineate constitutional boun0a#ies. (n this petition fo#p#ohibition% the petitione#s% 2ho a#e ta3pa,e#s% la2,e#s% "e"be#s of the (nte4#ate0 Ba# of thePhilippines an0 p#ofesso#s of Constitutional 'a2% see5 to en6oin the #espon0ent Sal*a0o# Mison f#o"pe#fo#"in4 the functions of the Office of Co""issione# of the Bu#eau of Custo"s an0 the #espon0entGuille#"o Ca#a4ue% as Sec#eta#, of the !epa#t"ent of Bu04et% f#o" effectin4 0isbu#se"ents inpa,"ent of Misons sala#ies an0 e"olu"ents% on the 4#oun0 that Misons appoint"ent asCo""issione# of the Bu#eau of Custo"s is unconstitutional b, #eason of its not ha*in4 been confi#"e0b, the Co""ission on Appoint"ents. The #espon0ents% on the othe# han0% "aintain theconstitutionalit, of #espon0ent Misons appoint"ent 2ithout the confi#"ation of the Co""ission onAppoint"ents.

    Because of the 0e"an0s of public inte#est% inclu0in4 the nee0 fo# stabilit, in the public se#*ice% theCou#t #esol*e0 to 4i*e 0ue cou#se to the petition an0 0eci0e% settin4 asi0e the fine# p#oce0u#al 8uestionsof 2hethe# p#ohibition is the p#ope# #e"e0, to test #espon0ent Misons #i4ht to the Office ofCo""issione# of the Bu#eau of Custo"s an0 of 2hethe# the petitione#s ha*e a stan0in4 to b#in4 thissuit.

    B, the sa"e to5en% an0 fo# the sa"e pu#pose% the Cou#t allo2e0 the Co""ission on Appoint"ents tointe#*ene an0 file a petition in inte#*ention. Co""ent 2as #e8ui#e0 of #espon0ents on sai0 petition. Theco""ent 2as file0% follo2e0 b, inte#*eno#s #epl, the#eto. The pa#ties 2e#e also hea#0 in o#al a#4u"enton & !ece"be# $9&7.

    This case assu"es a00e0 si4nificance because% at botto" line% it in*ol*es a conflict bet2een t2o :;4#eat 0epa#t"ents of 4o*e#n"ent% the E3ecuti*e an0 'e4islati*e !epa#t"ents. (t also occu#s ea#l, in thelife of the $9&7 Constitution.

    The tas5 of the Cou#t is #en0e#e0 li4hte# b, the e3istence of #elati*el, clea# p#o*isions in theConstitution. (n cases li5e this% 2e follo2 2hat the Cou#t% spea5in4 th#ou4h M#. )ustice late#% Chief)ustice; )ose Aba0 Santos state0 in Gol0 C#ee5 Minin4 Co#p. *s. Ro0#i4ue

  • 8/9/2019 22 Sarmiento v Mison


    the o#4anic la2 an0 of the people a0optin4 it. The intention to 2hich fo#ce is to be 4i*en is that 2hichis e"bo0ie0 an0 e3p#esse0 in the constitutional p#o*isions the"sel*es.

    The Cou#t 2ill thus const#ue the applicable constitutional p#o*isions% not in acco#0ance 2ith ho2 thee3ecuti*e o# the le4islati*e 0epa#t"ent "a, 2ant the" const#ue0% but in acco#0ance 2ith 2hat the, sa,an0 p#o*i0e.

    Section $=% A#ticle +(( of the $9&7 Constitution sa,s1

    The P#esi0ent shall no"inate an0% 2ith the consent of the Co""ission on Appoint"ents% appoint thehea0s of the e3ecuti*e 0epa#t"ents% a"bassa0o#s% othe# public "iniste#s an0 consuls% o# office#s of thea#"e0 fo#ces f#o" the #an5 of colonel o# na*al captain% an0 othe# office#s 2hose appoint"ents a#e*este0 in hi" in this Constitution. e shall also appoint all othe# office#s of the Go*e#n"ent 2hoseappoint"ents a#e not othe#2ise p#o*i0e0 fo# b, la2% an0 those 2ho" he "a, be autho#i :

    Secon0% all othe# office#s of the Go*e#n"ent 2hose appoint"ents a#e not othe#2ise p#o*i0e0 fo# b,la2> ?

    Thi#0% those 2ho" the P#esi0ent "a, be autho#i

    -ou#th% office#s lo2e# in #an5 2hose appoint"ents the Con4#ess "a, b, la2 *est in the P#esi0entalone.

    The fi#st 4#oup of office#s is clea#l, appointe0 2ith the consent of the Co""ission on Appoint"ents.Appoint"ents of such office#s a#e initiate0 b, no"ination an0% if the no"ination is confi#"e0 b, theCo""ission on Appoint"ents% the P#esi0ent appoints. @

    The secon0% thi#0 an0 fou#th 4#oups of office#s a#e the p#esent bone of contention. Shoul0 the, beappointe0 b, the P#esi0ent 2ith o# 2ithout the consent confi#"ation; of the Co""ission onAppoint"ents B, follo2in4 the accepte0 #ule in constitutional an0 statuto#, const#uction that ane3p#ess enu"e#ation of sub6ects e3clu0es othe#s not enu"e#ate0% it 2oul0 follo2 that onl, thoseappoint"ents to positions e3p#essl, state0 in the fi#st 4#oup #e8ui#e the consent confi#"ation; of theCo""ission on Appoint"ents. But 2e nee0 not #el, solel, on this basic #ule of constitutionalconst#uction. e can #efe# to histo#ical bac54#oun0 as 2ell as to the #eco#0s of the $9&= ConstitutionalCo""ission to 0ete#"ine% 2ith "o#e accu#ac,% if not p#ecision% the intention of the f#a"e#s of the $9&7

  • 8/9/2019 22 Sarmiento v Mison


    Constitution an0 the people a0optin4 it% on 2hethe# the appoint"ents b, the P#esi0ent% un0e# thesecon0% thi#0 an0 fou#th 4#oups% #e8ui#e the consent confi#"ation; of the Co""ission onAppoint"ents. A4ain% in this tas5% the follo2in4 a0*ice of M#. Chief )ustice ). Aba0 Santos in Gol0C#ee5 is ap#opos1

    (n 0eci0in4 this point% it shoul0 be bo#ne in "in0 that a constitutional p#o*ision "ust be p#esu"e0 to

    ha*e been f#a"e0 an0 a0opte0 in the li4ht an0 un0e#stan0in4 of p#io# an0 e3istin4 la2s an0 2ith#efe#ence to the". Cou#ts a#e boun0 to p#esu"e that the people a0optin4 a constitution a#e fa"ilia#2ith the p#e*ious an0 e3istin4 la2s upon the sub6ects to 2hich its p#o*isions #elate% an0 upon 2hichthe, e3p#ess thei# 6u04"ent an0 opinion in its a0option. Ba##, *s. T#ua3 $? N.!.% $?$> 99 N..%7=9%=@ '. R. A.% 7=:.; =

    (t 2ill be #ecalle0 that% un0e# Sec. $D% A#ticle +(( of the $9?@ Constitution% it is p#o*i0e0 that

    333 333 333

    ?; The P#esi0ent shall no"inate an0 2ith the consent of the Co""ission on Appoint"ents% shallappoint the hea0s of the e3ecuti*e 0epa#t"ents an0 bu#eaus% office#s of the a#", f#o" the #an5 ofcolonel% of the Na*, an0 Ai# -o#ces f#o" the #an5 of captain o# co""an0e#% an0 all othe# office#s ofthe Go*e#n"ent 2hose appoint"ents a#e not he#ein othe#2ise p#o*i0e0 fo#% an0 those 2ho" he "a, beautho#i but the Con4#ess "a, b, la2 *est the appoint"ent of infe#io# office#s% inthe P#esi0ent alone% in the cou#ts% o# in the hea0s of 0epa#t"ents.

    ; The P#esi0ent shall ha*ethe po2e# to "a5e appoint"ents 0u#in4 the #ecess of the Con4#ess% butsuch appoint"ents shall be effecti*e onl, until 0isapp#o*al b, the Co""ission on Appoint"ents o#until the ne3t a06ou#n"ent of the Con4#ess.

    333 333 333

    7; ...% an0 2ith the consent of the Co""ission on Appoint"ents% shall appoint a"bassa0o#s% othe#public "iniste#s an0 consuls ...

    Upon the othe# han0% the $97? Constitution p#o*i0es thatF

    Section $D. The P#esi0ent shall appoint the hea0s of bu#eaus an0 offices% the office#s of the A#"e0-o#ces of the Philippines f#o" the #an5 of B#i4a0ie# Gene#al o# Co""o0o#e% an0 all othe# office#s ofThe 4o*e#n"ent 2hose appoint"ents a#e not he#ein othe#2ise p#o*i0e0 fo#% an0 those 2ho" he "a, beautho#i

  • 8/9/2019 22 Sarmiento v Mison


    Gi*en the abo*e t2o :; e3t#e"es% one% in the $9?@ Constitution an0 the othe#% in the $97?Constitution% it is not 0ifficult fo# the Cou#t to state that the f#a"e#s of the $9&7 Constitution an0 thepeople a0optin4 it% st#uc5 a "i00le 4#oun0 b, #e8ui#in4 the consent confi#"ation; of theCo""ission on Appoint"ents fo# the fi#st 4#oup of appoint"ents an0 lea*in4 to the P#esi0ent% 2ithoutsuch confi#"ation% the appoint"ent of othe# office#s% i.e.% those in the secon0 an0 thi#0 4#oups as 2ell

    as those in the fou#th 4#oup% i.e.% office#s of lo2e# #an5.

    The p#ocee0in4s in the $9&= Constitutional Co""ission suppo#t this conclusion. The o#i4inal te3t ofSection $=% A#ticle +((% as p#opose0 b, the Co""ittee on the E3ecuti*e of the $9&= ConstitutionalCo""ission% #ea0 as follo2s1

    Section $=. The p#esi0ent shall no"inate an0% 2ith the consent of a Co""ission on Appoint"ent% shallappoint the hea0s of the e3ecuti*e 0epa#t"ents an0 bu#eaus% a"bassa0o#s% othe# public "iniste#s an0consuls% o# office#s of the a#"e0 fo#ces f#o" the #an5 of colonel o# na*al captain an0 all othe# office#sof the Go*e#n"ent 2hose appoint"ents a#e not othe#2ise p#o*i0e0 fo# b, la2% an0 those 2ho" he "a,be autho#i

  • 8/9/2019 22 Sarmiento v Mison


    MR. -OI1 Ma0a" P#esi0ent% ", p#opose0 a"en0"ent is on pa4e 7% Section $=% line := 2hich is to0elete the 2o#0s an0 bu#eaus% an0 on line :& of the sa"e pa4e% to chan4e the ph#ase colonel o# na*alcaptain to MA)OR GENERA' OR REAR A!M(RA'. This last a"en0"ent 2hich is coFautho#e0 b,Co""issione# 0e Cast#o is to put a pe#io0 .; afte# the 2o#0 A!M(RA'% an0 on line :9 of the sa"epa4e% sta#t a ne2 sentence 2ith1 E SA'' A'SO APPO(NT% et cete#a.

    MR. REGA'A!O1 Ma, 2e ha*e the a"en0"ents one b, one. The fi#st p#opose0 a"en0"ent is to0elete the 2o#0s an0 bu#eaus on line :=.

    MR. -OI1 That is co##ect.

    MR. REGA'A!O1 -o# the benefit of the othe# Co""issione#s% 2hat 2oul0 be the 6ustification of thep#oponent fo# such a 0eletion

    MR. -OI1 The position of bu#eau 0i#ecto# is actuall, 8uite lo2 in the e3ecuti*e 0epa#t"ent% an0 to#e8ui#e fu#the# confi#"ation of p#esi0ential appoint"ent of hea0s of bu#eaus 2oul0 sub6ect the" topolitical influence.

    MR. REGA'A!O1 The Co""issione#s p#opose0 a"en0"ent b, 0eletion also inclu0es #e4ional0i#ecto#s as 0istin4uishe0 f#o" "e#el, staff 0i#ecto#s% because the #e4ional 0i#ecto#s ha*e 8uite aplenitu0e of po2e#s 2ithin the #e4ions as 0istin4uishe0 f#o" staff 0i#ecto#s 2ho onl, sta, in the office.

    MR. -OI1 /es% but the #e4ional 0i#ecto#s a#e un0e# the supe#*isiopn of the staff bu#eau 0i#ecto#s.

    333 333 333

    MR. MAAMBONG1 Ma, ( 0i#ect a 8uestion to Co""issione# -o

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    MR. REGA'A!O1 e 2ill ta5e the a"en0"ents one b, one. e 2ill fi#st *ote on the 0eletion of theph#ase an0 bu#eaus on line :=% such that appoint"ents of bu#eau 0i#ecto#s no lon4e# nee0 confi#"ationb, the Co""ission on Appoint"ent.

    Section $=% the#efo#e% 2oul0 #ea01 The P#esi0ent shall no"inate% an0 2ith the consent of a Co""issionon Appoint"ents% shall appoint the hea0s of the e3ecuti*e 0epa#t"ents% a"bassa0o#s. . . .

    TE PRES(!ENT1 (s the#e an, ob6ection to 0elete the ph#ase an0 bu#eaus on pa4e 7% line :=Silence; The Chai# hea#s none> the a"en0"ents is app#o*e0.

    333 333 333

    MR. ROMU'O1 Ma0a" P#esi0ent.

    TE PRES(!ENT1 The Actin4 -loo# 'ea0e# is #eco4ni

  • 8/9/2019 22 Sarmiento v Mison


    MR. !A+(!E1 Afte# captain% a00 the follo2in41 AN! OTER O--(CERS OSEAPPO(NTMENTS ARE +ESTE! (N (M (N T(S CONST(TUT(ON.


    MR. !A+(!E1 /es% Ma0a" P#esi0ent% that is "o0ifie0 b, the Co""ittee.

    -R. BERNAS1 That 2ill cla#if, thin4s.

    TE PRES(!ENT1 !oes the Co""ittee accept

    MR. REGA'A!O1 )ust fo# the #eco#0% of cou#se% that e3clu0es those office#s 2hich the Constitution0oes not #e8ui#e confi#"ation b, the Co""ission on Appoint"ents% li5e the "e"be#s of the 6u0icia#,an0 the O"bu0s"an.

    MR. !A+(!E1 That is co##ect. That is *e#, clea# f#o" the "o0ification "a0e b, Co""issione#Be#nas.

    TE PRES(!ENT1 So 2e ha*e no2 this p#opose0 a"en0"ent of Co""issione#s -o< an0 !a*i0e.

    333 333 333

    TE PRES(!ENT1 (s the#e an, ob6ection to this p#opose0 a"en0"ent of Co""issione#s -o< an0!a*i0e as accepte0 b, the Co""ittee Silence; The Chai# hea#s none> the a"en0"ent% as a"en0e0% isapp#o*e0 $D E"phasis supplie0;.

    (t is% the#efo#e% clea# that appoint"ents to the secon0 an0 thi#0 4#oups of office#s can be "a0e b, theP#esi0ent 2ithout the consent confi#"ation; of the Co""ission on Appoint"ents.

    (t is conten0e0 b, a"icus cu#iae% Senato# Neptali Gon

  • 8/9/2019 22 Sarmiento v Mison


    "entione0 in the secon0 sentenceF

    Rathe# than li"it the a#ea of consi0e#ation to the possible "eanin4s of the 2o#0 also as use0 in theconte3t of sai0 secon0 sentence% the Cou#t has chosen to 0e#i*e si4nificance f#o" the fact that the fi#stsentence spea5s of no"ination b, the P#esi0ent an0 appoint"ent b, the P#esi0ent 2ith the consent ofthe Co""ission on Appoint"ents% 2he#eas% the secon0 sentence spea5s onl, of appoint"ent b, the

    P#esi0ent. An0% this use of 0iffe#ent lan4ua4e in t2o :; sentences p#o3i"ate to each othe# un0e#sco#esa 0iffe#ence in "essa4e con*e,e0 an0 pe#ceptions establishe0% in line 2ith )u04e 'ea#ne0 an0sobse#*ation that 2o#0s a#e not pebbles in alien 6u3taposition but% "o#e so% because the #eco#0e0p#ocee0in4s of the $9&= Constitutional Co""ission clea#l, an0 e3p#essl, 6ustif, such 0iffe#ences.

    As a #esult of the inno*ations int#o0uce0 in Sec. $=% A#ticle +(( of the $9&7 Constitution% the#e a#eoffice#s 2hose appoint"ents #e8ui#e no confi#"ation of the Co""ission on Appoint"ents% e*en if suchoffice#s "a, be hi4he# in #an5% co"pa#e0 to so"e office#s 2hose appoint"ents ha*e to be confi#"e0b, the Co""ission on Appoint"ents un0e# the fi#st sentence of the sa"e Sec. $=% A#t. +((. Thus% toillust#ate% the appoint"ent of the Cent#al Ban5 Go*e#no# #e8ui#es no confi#"ation b, the Co""issionon Appoint"ents% e*en if he is hi4he# in #an5 than a colonel in the A#"e0 -o#ces of the Philippines o# aconsul in the Consula# Se#*ice.

    But these cont#asts% 2hile initiall, i"p#essi*e% "e#el, un0e#sco#e the pu#posi*e intention an0 0elibe#ate6u04"ent of the f#a"e#s of the $9&7 Constitution that% e3cept as to those office#s 2hose appoint"ents#e8ui#e the consent of the Co""ission on Appoint"ents b, e3p#ess "an0ate of the fi#st sentence inSec. $=% A#t. +((% appoint"ents of othe# office#s a#e left to the P#esi0ent 2ithout nee0 of confi#"ationb, the Co""ission on Appoint"ents. This conclusion is ine*itable% if 2e a#e to p#esu"e% as 2e "ust%that the f#a"e#s of the $9&7 Constitution 2e#e 5no2le04eable of 2hat the, 2e#e 0oin4 an0 of thefo#eseable effects the#eof.

    Besi0es% the po2e# to appoint is fun0a"entall, e3ecuti*e o# p#esi0ential in cha#acte#. 'i"itations on o#8ualifications of such po2e# shoul0 be st#ictl, const#ue0 a4ainst the". Such li"itations o#8ualifications "ust be clea#l, state0 in o#0e# to be #eco4ni

  • 8/9/2019 22 Sarmiento v Mison


    boa#0s in the 4o*e#n"ent. No #eason ho2e*e# is sub"itte0 fo# the use of the 2o#0 alone in sai0 thi#0sentence.

    The Cou#t is not i"p#esse0 b, both a#4u"ents. (t is of the consi0e#e0 opinion% afte# a ca#eful stu0, ofthe 0elibe#ations of the $9&= Constitutional Co""ission% that the use of the 2o#0 alone afte# the 2o#0P#esi0ent in sai0 thi#0 sentence of Sec. $=% A#ticle +(( is% "o#e than an,thin4 else% a slip o# lapsus in

    0#aft"anship. (t 2ill be #ecalle0 that% in the $9?@ Constitution% the follo2in4 p#o*ision appea#s at theen0 of pa#. ?% section $ D% A#ticle +(( the#eof

    ...> but the Con4#ess "a, b, la2 *est the appoint"ent of infe#io# office#s% in the P#esi0ent alone% in thecou#ts% o# in the hea0s of 0epa#t"ents. E"phasis supplie0H.

    The abo*e p#o*ision in the $9?@ Constitution appea#s i""e0iatel, afte# the p#o*ision 2hich "a5esp#acticall, all p#esi0ential appoint"ents sub6ect to confi#"ation b, the Co""ission on Appoint"ents%thusF

    ?. The P#esi0ent shall no"inate an0 2ith the consent of the Co""ission on Appoint"ents% shallappoint the hea0s of the e3ecuti*e 0epa#t"ents an0 bu#eaus% office#s of the A#", f#o" the #an5 ofcolonel% of the Na*, an0 Ai# -o#ces f#o" the #an5 of captain o# co""an0e#% an0 all othe# office#s ofthe Go*e#n"ent 2hose appoint"ents a#e not he#ein p#o*i0e0 fo#% an0 those 2ho" he "a, beautho#i ...

    (n othe# 2o#0s% since the $9?@ Constitution sub6ects% as a 4ene#al #ule% p#esi0ential appoint"ents toconfi#"ation b, the Co""ission on Appoint"ents% the sa"e $9?@ Constitution sa2 fit% b, 2a, of ane3ception to such #ule% to p#o*i0e that Con4#ess "a,% ho2e*e#% b, la2 *est the appoint"ent of infe#io#office#s e8ui*alent to $$ office#s lo2e# in #an5 #efe##e0 to in the $9&7 Constitution; in the P#esi0entalone% in the cou#ts% o# in the hea0s of 0epa#t"ents%

    (n the $9&7 Constitution% ho2e*e#% as al#ea0, pointe0 out% the clea# an0 e3p#esse0 intent of its f#a"e#s2as to e3clu0e p#esi0ential appoint"ents f#o" confi#"ation b, the Co""ission on Appoint"ents%e3cept appoint"ents to offices e3p#essl, "entione0 in the fi#st sentence of Sec. $=% A#ticle +((.Conse8uentl,% the#e 2as no #eason to use in the thi#0 sentence of Sec. $=% A#ticle +(( the 2o#0 aloneafte# the 2o#0 P#esi0ent in p#o*i0in4 that Con4#ess "a, b, la2 *est the appoint"ent of lo2e#F#an5e0office#s in the P#esi0ent alone% o# in the cou#ts% o# in the hea0s of 0epa#t"ents% because the po2e# toappoint office#s 2ho" he the P#esi0ent; "a, be autho#i

  • 8/9/2019 22 Sarmiento v Mison


    appoint"ents 2he#e the consent of the Co""ission on Appoint"ents is #e8ui#e0. As a "atte# of fact% asal#ea0, pointe0 out% 2hile the $9?@ Constitution inclu0es hea0s of bu#eaus a"on4 those office#s2hose appoint"ents nee0 the consent of the Co""ission on Appoint"ents% the $9&7 Constitution onthe othe# han0% 0elibe#atel, e3clu0e0 the position of hea0s of bu#eaus f#o" appoint"ents that nee0the consent confi#"ation; of the Co""ission on Appoint"ents.

    Mo#eo*e#% the P#esi0ent is e3p#essl, autho#i

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    Sepa#ate Opinions

    TEEANKEE% C.).% concu##in41

    The Cou#t has 0ee"e0 it necessa#, an0 p#ope#% in consonance 2ith its constitutional 0ut,% to a06u0icatep#o"ptl, the issue at ba# an0 to #ule that the 0i#ect appoint"ent of #espon0ent Sal*a0o# Mison asCo""issione# of the Bu#eau of Custo"s 2ithout nee0 of sub"ittin4 a p#io# no"ination to theCo""ission on Appoint"ents an0 secu#in4 its confi#"ation; is *ali0 an0 in acco#0ance 2ith theP#esi0ents constitutional autho#it, to so appoint office#s of the Go*e#n"ent as 0efine0 in A#ticle +((%section $= of the $9&7 Constitution. The pa#a"ount public inte#est an0 the e3i4encies of the publicse#*ice 0e"an0 that an, 0oubts o*e# the *ali0it, of such appoint"ents be #esol*e0 e3pe0itiousl, in thetest case at ba#.

    (t shoul0 be note0 that the Cou#ts 0ecision at ba# 0oes not "ention no# 0eal 2ith the Manifestation of!ece"be# $% $9&7 file0 b, the inte#*eno# that Senate Bill No. $?7 entitle0 An Act P#o*i0in4 -o# theConfi#"ation B, the Co""ission on Appoint"ents of All No"inations an0 Appoint"ents Ma0e b, theP#esi0ent of the Philippines 2as passe0 on :? Octobe# $9&7 an0 2as set fo# pe#usal b, the ouse ofRep#esentati*es. This o"ission has been 0elibe#ate. The Cou#t has #esol*e0 the case at ba# on thebasis of the issues 6oine0 b, the pa#ties. The contin4enc, of app#o*al of the bill "entione0 b,inte#*eno# clea#l, has no bea#in4 on an0 cannot affect #et#oacti*el, the *ali0it, of the 0i#ectappoint"ent of #espon0ent Mison an0 othe# appointees si"ila#l, situate0 as in G.R. No. &DD7$% Ale3G. Al"a#io *s. on. Mi#ia" !efenso#F Santia4o. The Cou#t 0oes not 0eal 2ith constitutional8uestions in the abst#act an0 2ithout the sa"e bein4 p#ope#l, #aise0 befo#e it in a 6usticiable case an0afte# tho#ou4h 0iscussion of the *a#ious points of *ie2 that 2oul0 enable it to #en0e# 6u04"ent afte#"atu#e 0elibe#ation. As st#esse0 at the hea#in4 of !ece"be# &% $9&7% an, 0iscussion of the #epo#te0 billan0 its *ali0it, o# in*ali0it, is p#e"atu#e an0 i##ele*ant an0 outsi0e the scope of the issues #esol*e0 inthe case at ba#.

    ME'ENC(OFERRERA% ).% concu##in41

    ( concu# 2ith the "a6o#it, opinion an0 2ith the concu##in4 opinion of )ustice Sa#"iento% an0 si"pl,2ish to a00 ", o2n #ea0in4 of the Constitutional p#o*ision in*ol*e0.

    Section $=% A#ticle +((% of the $9&7 Constitution p#o*i0es1

    The P#esi0ent shall no"inate an0% 2ith the consent of the Co""ission on Appoint"ents% appoint thehea0s of the e3ecuti*e 0epa#t"ents% a"bassa0o#s% othe# public "iniste#s an0 consuls% o# office#s of thea#"e0 fo#ces f#o" the #an5 of colonel o# na*al captain% an0 othe# office#s 2hose appoint"ents a#e*este0 in hi" in this Constitution.

    e shall also appoint all othe# office#s of the Go*e#n"ent 2hose appoint"ents a#e not othe#2isep#o*i0e0 fo# b, la2% an0 those 2ho" he "a, be autho#i

  • 8/9/2019 22 Sarmiento v Mison


    The Con4#ess "a,% b, la2% *est the appoint"ent of othe# office#s lo2e# in #an5 in the P#esi0ent alone%in the cou#ts% o# in the hea0s of the 0epa#t"ents% a4encies% co""issions o# boa#0s.

    The P#esi0ent shall ha*e the po2e# to "a5e appoint"ents 0u#in4 the #ecess of the Con4#ess% 2hethe#*olunta#, o# co"pulso#,% but such appoint"ents shall be effecti*e onl, until 0isapp#o*al b, the

    Co""ission on Appoint"ents o# until the ne3t a06ou#n"ent of the Con4#ess E"phasis an0 $st th#eepa#a4#aphin4s% supplie0;.

    The 0iffe#ence in lan4ua4e use0 is si4nificant. Un0e# the fi#st sentence it is clea# that the P#esi0entno"inates an0 2ith the consent of the Co""ission on Appoint"ents appoints the officialsenu"e#ate0. The secon0 sentence% ho2e*e#% si4nificantl, uses onl, the te#" appoint all othe# office#sof the Go*e#n"ent 2hose appoint"ents a#e not othe#2ise p#o*i0e0 fo# b, la2% an0 those 2ho" he "a,be autho#i

  • 8/9/2019 22 Sarmiento v Mison


    Co""ission on Appoint"ents o# until the ne3t a06ou#n"ent of the Con4#ess. $

    B, its plain lan4ua4e% the Constitution has inten0e0 that onl, those 4#oupe0 un0e# the fi#st sentence a#e#e8ui#e0 to un0e#4o a consentin4 p#ocess. This is a si4nificant 0epa#tu#e f#o" the p#oce0u#e set fo#th inthe $9?@ Cha#te#1

    ?; The P#esi0ent shall no"inate an0 2ith the consent of the Co""ission on Appoint"ents% shallappoint the hea0s of the e3ecuti*e 0epa#t"ents an0 bu#eaus% office#s of the A#", f#o" the #an5 ofcolonel% of the Na*, an0 Ai# -o#ces f#o" the #an5 of captain to co""an0e#% an0 all othe# office#s of theGo*e#n"ent 2hose appoint"ents a#e not he#ein othe#2ise p#o*i0e0 fo#% an0 those 2ho" he "a, beautho#i but the Con4#ess "a, b, la2 *est the appoint"ent of infe#io# office#s% inthe P#esi0ent alone% in the cou#ts% o# in the hea0s of 0epa#t"ents. :

    un0e# 2hich% as note0 b, the "a6o#it,% al"ost all p#esi0ential appoint"ents #e8ui#e0 the consentconfi#"ation; of the Co""ission on Appoint"ents. ? As fa# as the p#esent Cha#te# is conce#ne0% noe3t#insic ai0 is necessa#, to asce#tain its "eanin4. a0 its f#a"e#s inten0e0 othe#2ise% that is to sa,% to#e8ui#e all P#esi0ential appoint"ents clea#ance f#o" the Co""ission on Appoint"ents% the, coul0ha*e si"pl, #eenacte0 the Constitutions $9?@ counte#pa#t.

    ( a4#ee that the p#esent Constitution classifies fou# t,pes of appoint"ents that the P#esi0ent "a, "a5e1$; appoint"ents of hea0s of e3ecuti*e 0epa#t"ents% a"bassa0o#s% othe# public "iniste#s an0 consuls%o# office#s of the a#"e0 fo#ces f#o" the #an5 of colonel o# na*al captain% an0 those of othe# office#s2hose appoint"ents a#e *este0 in hi" un0e# the Constitution% inclu0in4 the #e4ula# "e"be#s of the)u0icial an0 Ba# Council% @ the Chai#"an an0 Co""issione#s of the Ci*il Se#*ice Co""ission% = theChai#"an an0 Co""issione#s of the Co""ission on Elections% 7 an0 the Chai#"an an0Co""issione#s of the Co""ission on Au0it> & :; those office#s 2hose appoint"ents a#e not othe#2isep#o*i0e0 fo# b, la2> ?; those 2ho" he "a, be autho#i an0 ; office#s lo2e# in#an5 2hose appoint"ents the Con4#ess "a, *est in the P#esi0ent alone.

    But li5e )ustice C#u< in his 0issent% ( too a" a2a#e that autho#s of the fun0a"ental la2 ha*e 2#itten a#athe# confuse0 Constitution 9 2ith #espect% to a la#4e e3tent% to its othe# pa#ts% an0 2ith #espect% to ace#tain e3tent% to the appointin4 clause itself% in the sense that it lea*es us fo# instance% 2ith theincon4#uous situation 2he#e a consuls appoint"ent nee0s confi#"ation 2he#eas that of Un0e#sec#eta#,of -o#ei4n

    Affai#s% his supe#io#% 0oes not. But the (0ios,nc#acies% as it 2e#e% of the Cha#te# is not fo# us to 6u04e.That is a 8uestion a00#esse0 to the electo#ate% an0 2ho% 0espite those eccent#icities% ha*e sta"pe0thei# app#o*al on that Cha#te#. The Cou#t% a*e#s the "a6o#it,% 2ill thus const#ue the applicableconstitutional p#o*isions% not in acco#0ance 2ith ho2 the e3ecuti*e o# the le4islati*e 0epa#t"ent "a,2ant the" const#ue0% but in acco#0ance 2ith 2hat the, sa, an0 p#o*i0e. $D

    (t "ust be note0 that the appoint"ent of public officials is essentiall, an e3e#cise of e3ecuti*e po2e#.$$ The fact that the Constitution has p#o*i0e0 fo# a Co""ission on Appoint"ents 0oes not "ini"i

  • 8/9/2019 22 Sarmiento v Mison


    (n that e*ent% it is as if it is the le4islatu#e itself confe##in4 the appoint"ent.

    Thus% not2ithstan0in4 the e3istence of a Co""ission on Appoint"ents% the Chief E3ecuti*e #etains hissup#e"ac, as the appointin4 autho#it,. (n case of 0oubt% the sa"e shoul0 be #esol*e0 in fa*o# of theappointin4 po2e#.

    (t is the essence of a #epublican fo#" of 4o*e#n"ent% li5e ou#s% that eHach 0epa#t"ent of the4o*e#n"ent has e3clusi*e co4ni

  • 8/9/2019 22 Sarmiento v Mison


    p#efe##e0 befo#e it 2ithin the p#esc#ibe0 pe#io0 #esults in a 0e facto confi#"ation the#eof

    Ce#tainl,% ou# foun0in4 fathe#s ha*e fashione0 a Constitution 2he#e the boun0a#ies of po2e# a#eblu##e0 b, the p#e0o"inance of chec5s an0 counte#chec5s% ,et a"i0 such a #ubble of co"petin4 po2e#se"e#4es a st#uctu#e 2hose pa#ts a#e at ti"es 6ealous of each othe#% but 2hich a#e ulti"atel, necessa#, inassu#in4 a 0,na"ic% but stable% societ,. As M#. )ustice ol"es ha0 so ele4antl, a#ticulate01

    333 333 333

    The 4#eat o#0inances of the Constitution 0o not establish an0 0i*i0e fiel0s of blac5 an0 2hite. E*en the"o#e specific of the" a#e foun0 to te#"inate in a penu"b#a sha0in4 4#a0uall, f#o" one e3t#e"e to theothe#. ... hen 2e co"e to the fun0a"ental 0istinctions it is still "o#e ob*ious that the, "ust be#ecei*e0 2ith a ce#tain latitu0e o# ou# 4o*e#n"ent coul0 not 4o on.

    333 333 333

    (t 0oes not see" to nee0 a#4u"ent to sho2 that ho2e*e# 2e "a, 0is4uise it b, *eilin4 2o#0s 2e 0o notan0 cannot ca##, out the 0istinction bet2een le4islati*e an0 e3ecuti*e action 2ith "athe"aticalp#ecision an0 0i*i0e the b#anches into 2ate#ti4ht co"pa#t"ents% 2e#e it e*e# so 0esi#able to 0o so%2hich ( a" fa# f#o" belie*in4 that it is% o# that the Constitution #e8ui#es. :&

    333 333 333

    e a#e fu#the#"o#e tol01

    333 333 333

    ... (;t 2ill be *ital not to fo#4et that all of these chec5s an0 counte#poises% 2hich Ne2ton "i4ht#ea0il, ha*e #eco4ni

  • 8/9/2019 22 Sarmiento v Mison


    sepa#ate bo0, to sc#utini

  • 8/9/2019 22 Sarmiento v Mison


    (% the#efo#e *ote to 4#ant the petition.

    CRUI% ).% 0issentin41

    The *ie2 of the #espon0ent% as a0opte0 b, the "a6o#it, opinion% is b#iefl, as follo2s1 Confi#"ation is

    #e8ui#e0 onl, fo# the office#s "entione0 in the fi#st sentence of Section $=% to 2it1 $; the hea0s of thee3ecuti*e 0epa#t"ents> :; a"bassa0o#s% othe# public "iniste#s an0 consuls> ?; office#s of the a#"e0fo#ces f#o" the #an5 of colonel o# na*al captain> an0 ; othe# office#s 2hose appoint"ents a#e *este0in the P#esi0ent in the Constitution. No confi#"ation is #e8ui#e0 un0e# the secon0 sentence fo# $; allothe# office#s 2hose appoint"ents a#e not othe#2ise p#o*i0e0 fo# b, la2% an0 :; those 2ho" theP#esi0ent "a, be autho#i

  • 8/9/2019 22 Sarmiento v Mison


    2as still felt necessa#, to p#o*i0e in the thi#0 sentence that the appoint"ent of the othe# office#s lo2e#in #an5 2ill also not nee0 confi#"ation as lon4 as thei# appoint"ent is *este0 b, la2 in the P#esi0entalone. The thi#0 sentence 2oul0 appea# to be supe#fluous% too% a4ain in *ie2 of the fi#st sentence.

    Mo#e to the point% 2hat 2ill follo2 if Con4#ess 0oes not see fit to *est in the P#esi0ent alone theappoint"ent of those othe# office#s lo2e# in #an5 "entione0 in the thi#0 sentence Confo#"abl, to the

    lan4ua4e the#eof% these lo2e# office#s 2ill nee0 the confi#"ation of the Co""ission on Appoint"ents2hile% b, cont#ast% the hi4he# office#s "entione0 in the secon0 sentence 2ill not.

    Thus% a #e4ional 0i#ecto# in the !epa#t"ent of 'abo# an0 the labo# a#bite#s% as office#s lo2e# in #an5than the bu#eau 0i#ecto#% 2ill ha*e to be confi#"e0 if the Con4#ess 0oes not *est thei# appoint"ent inthe P#esi0ent alone un0e# the thi#0 sentence. On the othe# han0% thei# supe#io#% the bu#eau 0i#ecto#hi"self% 2ill not nee0 to be confi#"e0 because% acco#0in4 to the "a6o#it, opinion% he falls not un0e# thefi#st sentence but the secon0. This is ca#efulness in #e*e#se% li5e chec5in4 the b#i0es"ai0s but fo#4ettin4the b#i0e.

    (t "ust be bo#ne in "in0 that one of the pu#poses of the Constitutional Co""ission 2as to #est#ict thepo2e#s of the P#esi0enc, an0 so p#e*ent the #ecu##ence of anothe# 0ictato#ship. A"on4 the "an,"easu#es ta5en 2as the #esto#ation of the Co""ission on Appoint"ents to chec5 the appointin4 po2e#2hich ha0 been "uch abuse0 b, P#esi0ent Ma#cos. e a#e no2 tol0 that e*en as this bo0, 2as #e*i*e0to li"it appoint"ents% the scope of its o#i4inal autho#it, has itself been li"ite0 in the ne2 Constitution.( ha*e to 0isa4#ee.

    M, o2n #ea0in4 is that the secon0 sentence is but a continuation of the (0ea e3p#esse0 in the fi#stsentence an0 si"pl, "entions the othe# office#s appointe0 b, the P#esi0ent 2ho a#e also sub6ect toconfi#"ation. The secon0 sentence is the late# e3p#ession of the 2ill of the f#a"e#s an0 so "ust beinte#p#ete0 as co"ple"entin4 the #ule e"bo0ie0 in the fi#st sentence o#% if necessa#,% #e*e#sin4 theo#i4inal intention to e3e"pt bu#eau 0i#ecto#s f#o" confi#"ation. ( #epeat that the#e 2e#e no 0ebates onthis "atte# as fa# as ( 5no2% 2hich si"pl, "eans that ", hu"ble con6ectu#e on the "eanin4 of Section$= is as a#4uable% at least% as the suppositions of the "a6o#it,. e #ea0 an0 #el, on the sa"e #eco#0s. Atan, #ate% this *ie2 is "o#e consistent 2ith the 4ene#al pu#pose of A#ticle +((% 2hich% to #epeat% 2as to#e0uce the po2e#s of the P#esi0enc,.

    The #espon0ent cites the follo2in4 e3chan4e #epo#te0 in pa4e @:D% +olu"e ((% of the Reco#0 of theConstitutional Con*ention1

    M#. -o

  • 8/9/2019 22 Sarmiento v Mison


    the#eof 2ill #ea0il, #e*eal. hethe# it 2as 0elete0 late# in the session o# #e2o#0e0 b, the st,leco""ittee o# othe#2ise #eplace0 fo# 2hate*e# #eason 2ill nee0 anothe# su#"ise on this #athe# confuse0Constitution.

    ( nee0 onl, a00 that the #eco#0s of the Constitutional Co""ission a#e "e#el, e3t#insic ai0s an0 a#e atbest pe#suasi*e onl, an0 not necessa#il, conclusi*e. (nte#estin4l,% so"e 8ua#te#s ha*e obse#*e0 that the

    Con4#ess is not p#e*ente0 f#o" a00in4 to the list of office#s sub6ect to confi#"ation b, the Co""issionon Appoint"ents an0 cite the 0ebates on this "atte# in suppo#t of this supposition. (t is t#ue enou4h thatthe#e 2as such a consensus% but it is e8uall, t#ue that this thin5in4 is not at all e3p#esse0% o# e*en onl,i"plie0% in the lan4ua4e of Section $= of A#ticle +((. hich shoul0 p#e*ail then the p#o*ision as2o#0e0 o# the 0ebates

    (t is not 0ispute0 that the po2e# of appoint"ent is e3ecuti*e in natu#e% but the#e is no 8uestion eithe#that it is not absolute o# unli"ite0. The #ule #eF establishe0 b, the ne2 Constitution is that the po2e##e8ui#es confi#"ation b, the Co""ission on Appoint"ents as a #est#aint on p#esi0ential e3cesses% inline 2ith the s,ste" of chec5s an0 balances. ( sub"it it is the e3ception to this #ule% an0 not the #ule%that shoul0 be st#ictl, const#ue0.

    (n ", *ie2% the onl, office#s appointe0 b, the P#esi0ent 2ho a#e not sub6ect to confi#"ation b, theCo""ission on Appoint"ents a#e $; the "e"be#s of the 6u0icia#, an0 the O"bu0s"an an0 his0eputies% 2ho a#e no"inate0 b, the )u0icial an0 Ba# Council> :; the +iceFP#esi0ent 2hen he isappointe0 to the Cabinet> an0 ?; othe# office#s lo2e# in #an5% but onl, 2hen thei# appoint"ent is*este0 b, la2 in the P#esi0ent alone. (t is clea# that this enu"e#ation 0oes not inclu0e the #espon0entCo""issione# of Custo"s 2ho% 2hile not co*e#e0 b, the fi#st sentence of Section $=% co"es un0e# thesecon0 sentence the#eof as ( 2oul0 inte#p#et it an0 so is also sub6ect to confi#"ation.

    ( *ote to 4#ant the petition.

    Sepa#ate Opinions

    TEEANKEE% C.).% concu##in41

    The Cou#t has 0ee"e0 it necessa#, an0 p#ope#% in consonance 2ith its constitutional 0ut,% to a06u0icatep#o"ptl, the issue at ba# an0 to #ule that the 0i#ect appoint"ent of #espon0ent Sal*a0o# Mison asCo""issione# of the Bu#eau of Custo"s 2ithout nee0 of sub"ittin4 a p#io# no"ination to theCo""ission on Appoint"ents an0 secu#in4 its confi#"ation; is *ali0 an0 in acco#0ance 2ith theP#esi0ents constitutional autho#it, to so appoint office#s of the Go*e#n"ent as 0efine0 in A#ticle +((%section $= of the $9&7 Constitution. The pa#a"ount public inte#est an0 the e3i4encies of the publicse#*ice 0e"an0 that an, 0oubts o*e# the *ali0it, of such appoint"ents be #esol*e0 e3pe0itiousl, in thetest case at ba#.

    (t shoul0 be note0 that the Cou#ts 0ecision at ba# 0oes not "ention no# 0eal 2ith the Manifestation of!ece"be# $% $9&7 file0 b, the inte#*eno# that Senate Bill No. $?7 entitle0 An Act P#o*i0in4 -o# theConfi#"ation B, the Co""ission on Appoint"ents of All No"inations an0 Appoint"ents Ma0e b, theP#esi0ent of the Philippines 2as passe0 on :? Octobe# $9&7 an0 2as set fo# pe#usal b, the ouse of

  • 8/9/2019 22 Sarmiento v Mison


    Rep#esentati*es. This o"ission has been 0elibe#ate. The Cou#t has #esol*e0 the case at ba# on thebasis of the issues 6oine0 b, the pa#ties. The contin4enc, of app#o*al of the bill "entione0 b,inte#*eno# clea#l, has no bea#in4 on an0 cannot affect #et#oacti*el, the *ali0it, of the 0i#ectappoint"ent of #espon0ent Mison an0 othe# appointees si"ila#l, situate0 as in G.R. No. &DD7$% Ale3G. Al"a#io *s. on. Mi#ia" !efenso#F Santia4o. The Cou#t 0oes not 0eal 2ith constitutional8uestions in the abst#act an0 2ithout the sa"e bein4 p#ope#l, #aise0 befo#e it in a 6usticiable case an0

    afte# tho#ou4h 0iscussion of the *a#ious points of *ie2 that 2oul0 enable it to #en0e# 6u04"ent afte#"atu#e 0elibe#ation. As st#esse0 at the hea#in4 of !ece"be# &% $9&7% an, 0iscussion of the #epo#te0 billan0 its *ali0it, o# in*ali0it, is p#e"atu#e an0 i##ele*ant an0 outsi0e the scope of the issues #esol*e0 inthe case at ba#.

    ME'ENC(OFERRERA% ).% concu##in41

    ( concu# 2ith the "a6o#it, opinion an0 2ith the concu##in4 opinion of )ustice Sa#"iento% an0 si"pl,2ish to a00 ", o2n #ea0in4 of the Constitutional p#o*ision in*ol*e0.

    Section $=% A#ticle +((% of the $9&7 Constitution p#o*i0es1

    The P#esi0ent shall no"inate an0% 2ith the consent of the Co""ission on Appoint"ents% appoint thehea0s of the e3ecuti*e 0epa#t"ents% a"bassa0o#s% othe# public "iniste#s an0 consuls% o# office#s of thea#"e0 fo#ces f#o" the #an5 of colonel o# na*al captain% an0 othe# office#s 2hose appoint"ents a#e*este0 in hi" in this Constitution.

    e shall also appoint all othe# office#s of the Go*e#n"ent 2hose appoint"ents a#e not othe#2isep#o*i0e0 fo# b, la2% an0 those 2ho" he "a, be autho#i

  • 8/9/2019 22 Sarmiento v Mison


    Co""ission on Appoint"ents.

    The inte#p#etation 4i*en b, the "a6o#it, "a,% in0ee0% lea0 to so"e incon4#uous situations as st#esse0 inthe 0issentin4 opinion of )ustice C#u

  • 8/9/2019 22 Sarmiento v Mison


    Chai#"an an0 Co""issione#s of the Co""ission on Elections% 7 an0 the Chai#"an an0Co""issione#s of the Co""ission on Au0it> & :; those office#s 2hose appoint"ents a#e not othe#2isep#o*i0e0 fo# b, la2> ?; those 2ho" he "a, be autho#i an0 ; office#s lo2e# in#an5 2hose appoint"ents the Con4#ess "a, *est in the P#esi0ent alone.

    But li5e )ustice C#u< in his 0issent% ( too a" a2a#e that autho#s of the fun0a"ental la2 ha*e 2#itten a

    #athe# confuse0 Constitution 9 2ith #espect% to a la#4e e3tent% to its othe# pa#ts% an0 2ith #espect% to ace#tain e3tent% to the appointin4 clause itself% in the sense that it lea*es us fo# instance% 2ith theincon4#uous situation 2he#e a consuls appoint"ent nee0s confi#"ation 2he#eas that of Un0e#sec#eta#,of -o#ei4n

    Affai#s% his supe#io#% 0oes not. But the (0ios,nc#acies% as it 2e#e% of the Cha#te# is not fo# us to 6u04e.That is a 8uestion a00#esse0 to the electo#ate% an0 2ho% 0espite those eccent#icities% ha*e sta"pe0thei# app#o*al on that Cha#te#. The Cou#t% a*e#s the "a6o#it,% 2ill thus const#ue the applicableconstitutional p#o*isions% not in acco#0ance 2ith ho2 the e3ecuti*e o# the le4islati*e 0epa#t"ent "a,2ant the" const#ue0% but in acco#0ance 2ith 2hat the, sa, an0 p#o*i0e. $D

    (t "ust be note0 that the appoint"ent of public officials is essentiall, an e3e#cise of e3ecuti*e po2e#.$$ The fact that the Constitution has p#o*i0e0 fo# a Co""ission on Appoint"ents 0oes not "ini"i

  • 8/9/2019 22 Sarmiento v Mison


    p#ocess b, #etainin4 a po2e# to appoint the in0i*i0ual 2ho 2ill e3ecute the la2s. $& This is so%acco#0in4 to one autho#it,% because the appoint"ents clause% #athe# than "e#el, 0ealin4 2ith eti8uetteo# p#otocol% see5s to p#ese#*e an e3ecuti*e chec5 upon le4islati*e autho#it, in the inte#est of a*oi0in4an un0ue concent#ation of po2e# in Con4#ess. $9

    The P#esi0ent has s2o#n to e3ecute theH la2s. :D -o# that "atte#% no othe# 0epa#t"ent of the

    Go*e#n"ent "a, 0ischa#4e that function% least of all Con4#ess. Acco#0in4l,% a statute confe##in4 upon aco""ission the #esponsibilit, of a0"iniste#in4 that *e#, le4islation an0 2hose "e"be#s ha*e been0ete#"ine0 the#ein% has been hel0 to be #epu4nant to the Cha#te#. :$ E3ecution of the la2s% it 2as hel0%is the conce#n of the P#esi0ent% an0 in 4oin4 about this business% he acts b, hi"self o# th#ou4h his "enan0 2o"en% an0 no othe#.

    The P#esi0ent% on the othe# han0% cannot #e"o*e his o2n appointees e3cept fo# cause p#o*i0e0 b,la2. :: Pa#entheticall,% this #ep#esents a 0e*iation f#o" the #ule p#e*ailin4 in A"e#ican 6u#is0ictionthat the po2e# of #e"o*al . . . isH inci0ent to the po2e# of appoint"ent% :? althou4h this has sincebeen te"pe#e0 in a subse8uent case% : 2he#e it 2as hel0 that the P#esi0ent "a, #e"o*e onl, pu#el,e3ecuti*e office#s% :@ that is% office#s hol0in4 office at his pleasu#e. (n (n4les *. Mutuc% := this Cou#thel0 that the P#esi0ent "a, #e"o*e incu"bents of offices confi0ential in natu#e% but 2e li5e2ise "a0eclea# that in such a case% the incu"bent is not #e"o*e0 2ithin the "eanin4 of ci*il se#*ice la2s% butthat his te#" "e#el, e3pi#es.

    (t is to be obse#*e0% in0ee0% that the Co""ission on Appoint"ents% as constitute0 un0e# the $9&7Constitution% is itself sub6ect to so"e chec5. Un0e# the Cha#te#% tlhe Co""ission shall act on allappoint"ents sub"itte0 to it 2ithin thi#t, session 0a,s of the Con4#ess f#o" thei# sub"ission. :7Acco#0in4l,% the failu#e of the Co""ission to eithe# consent o# not consent to the appoint"entsp#efe##e0 befo#e it 2ithin the p#esc#ibe0 pe#io0 #esults in a 0e facto confi#"ation the#eof

    Ce#tainl,% ou# foun0in4 fathe#s ha*e fashione0 a Constitution 2he#e the boun0a#ies of po2e# a#eblu##e0 b, the p#e0o"inance of chec5s an0 counte#chec5s% ,et a"i0 such a #ubble of co"petin4 po2e#se"e#4es a st#uctu#e 2hose pa#ts a#e at ti"es 6ealous of each othe#% but 2hich a#e ulti"atel, necessa#, inassu#in4 a 0,na"ic% but stable% societ,. As M#. )ustice ol"es ha0 so ele4antl, a#ticulate01

    333 333 333

    The 4#eat o#0inances of the Constitution 0o not establish an0 0i*i0e fiel0s of blac5 an0 2hite. E*en the"o#e specific of the" a#e foun0 to te#"inate in a penu"b#a sha0in4 4#a0uall, f#o" one e3t#e"e to theothe#. ... hen 2e co"e to the fun0a"ental 0istinctions it is still "o#e ob*ious that the, "ust be#ecei*e0 2ith a ce#tain latitu0e o# ou# 4o*e#n"ent coul0 not 4o on.

    333 333 333

    (t 0oes not see" to nee0 a#4u"ent to sho2 that ho2e*e# 2e "a, 0is4uise it b, *eilin4 2o#0s 2e 0o notan0 cannot ca##, out the 0istinction bet2een le4islati*e an0 e3ecuti*e action 2ith "athe"aticalp#ecision an0 0i*i0e the b#anches into 2ate#ti4ht co"pa#t"ents% 2e#e it e*e# so 0esi#able to 0o so%2hich ( a" fa# f#o" belie*in4 that it is% o# that the Constitution #e8ui#es. :&

    333 333 333

    e a#e fu#the#"o#e tol01

  • 8/9/2019 22 Sarmiento v Mison


    333 333 333

    ... (;t 2ill be *ital not to fo#4et that all of these chec5s an0 counte#poises% 2hich Ne2ton "i4ht#ea0il, ha*e #eco4ni

  • 8/9/2019 22 Sarmiento v Mison


    the sa"e "anne# that the P#esi0ent sha#es in the enact"ent of la2s 2hich 4o*e#n the nation% thele4islatu#e% th#ou4h its Co""ission on Appoint"ents% 4i*es assu#ance that onl, those 2ho can pass thesc#utin, of both the P#esi0ent an0 Con4#ess 2ill help #un the count#, as office#s hol0in4 hi4happointi*e positions. The thi#0 sentence of the fi#st pa#a4#aph ... The Con4#ess "a,% b, la2% *estthe appoint"ent of othe# office#s lo2e# in #an5 in the P#esi0ent alone% in the cou#ts% o# in the hea0s of0epa#t"ents% a4encies% co""issions% o# boa#0s. specifies onl, office#s lo2e# in #an5 as those

    2ho "a,% b, la2% be appointe0 b, the P#esi0ent alone. (f as e3poun0e0 in the "a6o#it, opinion% onl,the li"ite0 nu"be# of office#s in the fi#st sentence of Section $= #e8ui#e confi#"ation% the clea# intentof the thi#0 sentence is lost. (n fact both the secon0 an0 thi#0 sentences beco"e "eanin4less o#supe#fluous. Supe#fluit, is not to be #ea0 into such an i"po#tant pa#t of the Constitution.

    ( a4#ee 2ith the inte#*eno# that all p#o*isions of the Constitution on appoint"ents "ust be #ea0to4ethe#. (n p#o*i0in4 fo# the appoint"ent of "e"be#s of the Sup#e"e Cou#t an0 6u04es of lo2e#cou#ts Section 9% A#ticle +(((;% the O"bu0s"an an0 his 0eputies Section 9% A#ticle (;% the +iceP#esi0ent as a "e"be# of cabinet Section ?% A#ticle +((; an0% of cou#se% those 2ho b, la2 theP#esi0ent alone "a, appoint% the Constitution clea#l, p#o*i0es no nee0 fo# confi#"ation. This can onl,"ean that all othe# appoint"ents nee0 confi#"ation. he#e the#e is no nee0 fo# confi#"ation o# 2he#ethe#e is an alte#nati*e p#ocess to confi#"ation% the Constitution e3p#essl, so 0ecla#es. ithout such a0ecla#ation% the#e "ust be confi#"ation.

    The $97? Constitution 0ispense0 2ith confi#"ation b, a Co""ission on Appoint"ents because the4o*e#n"ent it set up 2as suppose0 to be a pa#lia"enta#, one. The P#i"e Ministe#% as hea0 of4o*e#n"ent% 2as constantl, accountable to the le4islatu#e. (n ou# p#esi0ential s,ste"% the inte#p#etation2hich )ustice C#u< an0 ",self espouse% is "o#e 0e"oc#atic an0 "o#e in 5eepin4 2ith the s,ste" of4o*e#n"ent o#4ani :; a"bassa0o#s% othe# public "iniste#s an0 consuls> ?; office#s of the a#"e0fo#ces f#o" the #an5 of colonel o# na*al captain> an0 ; othe# office#s 2hose appoint"ents a#e *este0in the P#esi0ent in the Constitution. No confi#"ation is #e8ui#e0 un0e# the secon0 sentence fo# $; allothe# office#s 2hose appoint"ents a#e not othe#2ise p#o*i0e0 fo# b, la2% an0 :; those 2ho" theP#esi0ent "a, be autho#i

  • 8/9/2019 22 Sarmiento v Mison


    $&% thei# confi#"ation is #e8ui#e0 althou4h thei# #an5 is 0eci0e0l, lo2e#.

    ( 0o not thin5 these 0isc#epancies 2e#e inten0e0 b, the f#a"e#s as the, 2oul0 lea0 to the absu#0conse8uences 2e shoul0 a*oi0 in inte#p#etin4 the Constitution.

    The#e is no 8uestion that bu#eau 0i#ecto#s a#e not #e8ui#e0 to be confi#"e0 un0e# the fi#st sentence of

    Section $=% but that is not the p#o*ision 2e ou4ht to inte#p#et. (t is the secon0 sentence 2e "ustun0e#stan0 fo# a p#ope# #esolution of the issues no2 befo#e us. Si4nificantl,% althou4h the#e 2as a lon40iscussion of the fi#st sentence in the Constitutional Co""ission% the#e is none cite0 on the secon0sentence eithe# in the Solicito#FGene#als co""ent o# in the "a6o#it, opinion. e can the#efo#e onl,speculate on the co##ect inte#p#etation of this p#o*ision in the li4ht of the fi#st an0 thi#0 sentences ofSection $= o# b, #ea0in4 this section in its totalit,.

    The "a6o#it, opinion sa,s that the secon0 sentence is the e3ception to the fi#st sentence an0 hol0s thatthe t2o sets of office#s specifie0 the#ein "a, be appointe0 b, the P#esi0ent 2ithout the concu##ence ofthe Co""ission on Appoint"ents. This inte#p#etation is p#e4nant 2ith "ischie*ous if not also#i0iculous #esults that p#esu"abl, 2e#e not en*isione0 b, the f#a"e#s.

    One "a, 2on0e# 2h, it 2as felt necessa#, to inclu0e the secon0 sentence at all% consi0e#in4 the"a6o#it, opinion that the enu"e#ation in the fi#st sentence of the office#s sub6ect to confi#"ation ise3clusi*e on the basis of e3p#essio unius est e3clusio alte#ius. (f that be so% the fi#st sentence 2oul0ha*e been sufficient b, itself to con*e, the (0ea that all othe# appointees of the P#esi0ent 2oul0 notnee0 confi#"ation.

    One "a, also as5 2h,% if the office#s "entione0 in the secon0 sentence 0o not nee0 confi#"ation% it2as still felt necessa#, to p#o*i0e in the thi#0 sentence that the appoint"ent of the othe# office#s lo2e#in #an5 2ill also not nee0 confi#"ation as lon4 as thei# appoint"ent is *este0 b, la2 in the P#esi0entalone. The thi#0 sentence 2oul0 appea# to be supe#fluous% too% a4ain in *ie2 of the fi#st sentence.

    Mo#e to the point% 2hat 2ill follo2 if Con4#ess 0oes not see fit to *est in the P#esi0ent alone theappoint"ent of those othe# office#s lo2e# in #an5 "entione0 in the thi#0 sentence Confo#"abl, to thelan4ua4e the#eof% these lo2e# office#s 2ill nee0 the confi#"ation of the Co""ission on Appoint"ents2hile% b, cont#ast% the hi4he# office#s "entione0 in the secon0 sentence 2ill not.

    Thus% a #e4ional 0i#ecto# in the !epa#t"ent of 'abo# an0 the labo# a#bite#s% as office#s lo2e# in #an5than the bu#eau 0i#ecto#% 2ill ha*e to be confi#"e0 if the Con4#ess 0oes not *est thei# appoint"ent inthe P#esi0ent alone un0e# the thi#0 sentence. On the othe# han0% thei# supe#io#% the bu#eau 0i#ecto#hi"self% 2ill not nee0 to be confi#"e0 because% acco#0in4 to the "a6o#it, opinion% he falls not un0e# thefi#st sentence but the secon0. This is ca#efulness in #e*e#se% li5e chec5in4 the b#i0es"ai0s but fo#4ettin4the b#i0e.

    (t "ust be bo#ne in "in0 that one of the pu#poses of the Constitutional Co""ission 2as to #est#ict thepo2e#s of the P#esi0enc, an0 so p#e*ent the #ecu##ence of anothe# 0ictato#ship. A"on4 the "an,"easu#es ta5en 2as the #esto#ation of the Co""ission on Appoint"ents to chec5 the appointin4 po2e#2hich ha0 been "uch abuse0 b, P#esi0ent Ma#cos. e a#e no2 tol0 that e*en as this bo0, 2as #e*i*e0to li"it appoint"ents% the scope of its o#i4inal autho#it, has itself been li"ite0 in the ne2 Constitution.( ha*e to 0isa4#ee.

    M, o2n #ea0in4 is that the secon0 sentence is but a continuation of the (0ea e3p#esse0 in the fi#st

  • 8/9/2019 22 Sarmiento v Mison


    sentence an0 si"pl, "entions the othe# office#s appointe0 b, the P#esi0ent 2ho a#e also sub6ect toconfi#"ation. The secon0 sentence is the late# e3p#ession of the 2ill of the f#a"e#s an0 so "ust beinte#p#ete0 as co"ple"entin4 the #ule e"bo0ie0 in the fi#st sentence o#% if necessa#,% #e*e#sin4 theo#i4inal intention to e3e"pt bu#eau 0i#ecto#s f#o" confi#"ation. ( #epeat that the#e 2e#e no 0ebates onthis "atte# as fa# as ( 5no2% 2hich si"pl, "eans that ", hu"ble con6ectu#e on the "eanin4 of Section$= is as a#4uable% at least% as the suppositions of the "a6o#it,. e #ea0 an0 #el, on the sa"e #eco#0s. At

    an, #ate% this *ie2 is "o#e consistent 2ith the 4ene#al pu#pose of A#ticle +((% 2hich% to #epeat% 2as to#e0uce the po2e#s of the P#esi0enc,.

    The #espon0ent cites the follo2in4 e3chan4e #epo#te0 in pa4e @:D% +olu"e ((% of the Reco#0 of theConstitutional Con*ention1

    M#. -o

  • 8/9/2019 22 Sarmiento v Mison


    secon0 sentence the#eof as ( 2oul0 inte#p#et it an0 so is also sub6ect to confi#"ation.

    ( *ote to 4#ant the petition.


    $ == Phil. :@9% at :=.

    : The othe# office#s 2hose appoint"ents a#e *este0 in the P#esi0ent in the $9&7 Constitutiona#e1

    $. Re4ula# "e"be#s of the )u0icial an0 Ba# Council ART. +(((% Sec. &:;>

    :. Chai#"an an0 Co""issione#s of the Ci*il Se#*ice Co""ission ART. (FB% Sec. $ :;>

    ?. Chai#"an an0 Co""issione#s of the Co""ission on Elections ART. (FC% Sec. $:;>

    . Chai#"an an0 Co""issione#s of the Co""ission on Au0it ART. (F!% Sec. $$:;> an0%

    @. Me"be#s of the #e4ional consultati*e co""ission ART. % Sec. $&;

    ? hen Con4#ess c#eates infe#io# offices an0 o"its to p#o*i0e fo# appoint"ents to the"% o#p#o*i0es in an unconstitutional 2a, fo# such appoint"ent% the office#s a#e 2ithin the "eanin4 of theclause office#s of the Go*e#n"ent 2hose appoint"ents a#e not othe#2ise p#o*i0e0 fo# b, la2 an0 thepo2e# to appoint such office#s 0e*ol*es on the P#esi0ent. USC% Const.% Pa#% ((% p. @:9% citin4 Op.% Att,.Gen. :$?.;

    The $9?@ Constitution sa,s infe#io# office#s 2hile the $9&7 Constitution states office#s lo2e#in #an5.

    @ E3a"ple1 Sen. Raul S. Man4lapus 2as fi#st no"inate0 b, the P#esi0ent fo# the position ofSec#eta#, of the !epa#t"ent of -o#ei4n Affai#s an e3ecuti*e 0epa#t"ent;. Afte# his no"ination 2asconfi#"e0 b, the Co""ission on Appoint"ents% the P#esi0ent appointe0 hi" Sec#eta#, of -o#ei4nAffai#s.

    = == Phil. :@9% at :=@.

    7 Pp. ?&F?&@% +ol. $$% RECOR! O- TE CONST(TUT(ONA' COMM(SS(ON O- $9&=.

    & Pp. ??F?@% +ol. $$% RECOR! O- TE $9&= CONST(TUT(ONA' COMM(SS(ON.

    9 The secon0 sentence of Sec. $=% ART. +(( of the $9&7 Constitution #efe#s to 2hat this !ecisioncalls the secon0 an0 thi#0 4#oups of office#s appointe0 b, the P#esi0ent.

    $D Pp. @$F@:$% +ol. $$% RECOR! O- TE $9&= CONF CONST(TUT(ONA' COMM(SS(ON.

    Sa#"iento% ).1

    $ CONST.% a#t. +((% sec. $=.

  • 8/9/2019 22 Sarmiento v Mison


    : CONST. $9?@;% a#t. +((% sec. $D?;.

    ? Sa#"iento *. Mison% G.R. No. 7997% =.

    As )ustice Pa0illa fu#the# notes% Section $=% of A#ticle +((% 2as o#i4inall, a *e#bati" cop, of the

    $9?@ p#o*isions. Upon fu#the# 0elibe#ations of the Constitutional Co""ission% ho2e*e#% the consensus2as #eache0 to a"en0 the sa"e to its p#esent fo#".

    @ CONST.% a#t. +(( (% sec. & :;.

    = Sup#a% a#t. ( B;% see. $ :;.

    7 Sup#a% a#t. ( C;% sec. $ :;.

    & Sup#a% a#t. ( !;% sec. $ :;.

    9 Sa#"iento *. Mison% sup#a% C#u Go*e#n"ent *. Sp#in4e#% @D Phil. :@9 $9:7;>Sp#in4e# *. P.(.% :77 U.S. $&9 $9:9;. The Sup#e"e Cou#t has been *este0 2ith the po2e# to aHppointall officials of the )u0icia#, in acco#0ance 2ith the Ci*il Se#*ice 'a2 CONST.% a#t. +(((% sec. @=;Hbut that is b, fiat of the Constitution itself. See also sup#a% a#t. +((% sec. $=.;. (n Go*e#n"ent *.Sp#in4e#% sup#a% 2e #eco4ni

  • 8/9/2019 22 Sarmiento v Mison


    :$ Buc5le, *. +aleo% sup#a.

    :: CONST.% a#t% ( B;% sec. : ?;.

    :? M,e#s *. Unite0 States% :7: US @: $9:=;.

    : TR(BE% (0% at $&&% citin4 u"ph#e,s E3ecuto# *. Unite0 States% :9@ US =D: $9?@;.

    :@ (0.% $$ No. 'F:D?9D% No*e"be# :9% $9=&%

    := SCRA $7$ $9=&;.

    :7 CONST.% a#t. +(% sec. $&.

    :& ol"es% )% !issentin4% Sp#in4e# *. Philippine (slan0s% sup#a% :$DF:$:.

    :9 TR(BE% (0% $&F$9> e"phasis in o#i4inal.

    ?D Sa#"iento *. Mison% sup#a% =.

    ?$ CONST. $97?;% a#t. (% sec. > a#t. (( B;% sec. ?.

    ?: See -#ee Telephone o#5e#s Union *. Ministe# of 'abo# an0 E"plo,"ent% No. 'F@&$&%Octobe# ?D% $9&$%$D& SCRA 7@7 $9&$;
