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  • 8/20/2019 2.2.Boilerscor45



    2 Boilers

  • 8/20/2019 2.2.Boilerscor45



    2.1 Introduction to Boiler 

    • It is an enclosed Pressure


    • Heat generated byCombustion of Fuel istransferred to water to

     become steam

    • Process: !a"oration

    • #team !olume increases to1$%&& times from water and "roduces tremendous force

    • Care is must to a!oide'"losion.

    What is a boiler?

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    Boiler Specification

    • Boiler Make & Year :XYZ & 2003

    • MCRMa!i"#" Contin#o#s Ratin$% :0'() * & +00oC%

    • Rate, Workin$ (ress#re :0-./ k$c"2$%

    • '1pe of Boiler : 3 (ass *ire t#be

    • *#el *ire, : *#el il• )eatin$ s#rface : M2

    ()at is F*+ 1&&,

    C -

  • 8/20/2019 2.2.Boilerscor45



    2.2 Boiler #ystems

    *l#e $as s1ste"

    Water treat"ent s1ste"

    *ee, ater +45

    Con,ensate s1ste"

    Stea" S1ste"

    Blo ,on s1ste"

    *#el s#ppl1 s1ste"

    +ir S#ppl1 s1ste"

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    2-3 Boiler '1pes an, Classifications

    • Fire in tube or Hot gas through

    tubes and boiler feed water in shellside

    • Fire ubes submerged in water 

    +pplication• Used for small steam capacities

    ( upto 25T/hr and 175!g/cm2


    • /ow Ca"ital Cost and fuelfficient 023

    • +cce"ts wide * loadfluctuations

    • Pac4aged Boiler 

    Fire ube Boiler 

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    Boiler '1pes an, Classifications

    (ater ube Boiler • (ater flow t)roug) tubes

    • (ater ubes surrounded by)ot gas


    • 5sed for Power Plants

    • #team ca"acities range from6.78 12& t9)r 


    • Hig) Ca"ital Cost

    • 5sed for )ig) "ressure )ig)ca"acity steam boiler 

    • emands more controls

    • Calls for !ery stringent water


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    • Pac4age boilers aregenerally of s)ell ty"e

    wit) fire tube design

    "ore number ofpasses#so more heat

    transfer /arge number of small

    diameter tubes leading togood con!ecti!e )eattransfer.

    Hig)er t)ermal efficiency

    (acka$e, Boiler

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    Chain 6rate or 'ra7elin$ 6rate Stoker Boiler Coal is fed on

    one end of amo!ing steel

    c)ain grate

    +s) dro"s off atend

    Coal gratecontrols rate ofcoal feed intofurnace bycontrolling t)e

    t)ic4ness of t)efuel bed.

    Coal must beuniform in si

  • 8/20/2019 2.2.Boilerscor45



    Sprea,er Stoker BoilerUses both suspension

    and grate burning

    $oal fed continuousl%o&er burning coalbed

    $oal fines burn insuspension andlarger coal piecesburn on grate

    'ood fleibilit% to

    meet changing loadre)uirements

    Preferred o!er ot)erty"e of sto4ers inindustrial a""lication

  • 8/20/2019 2.2.Boilerscor45



    (#l7eri8e, *#el Boiler

     'an$ential firin$

    Coal is "ul!erised to a fine "owder$ so t)at less t)an 2 is =>&&

    microns$ and ?&8?7 is below ?7 microns.Coal is blown wit) "art of t)e combustion air into t)e boiler "lantt)roug) a series of burner no

  • 8/20/2019 2.2.Boilerscor45




    • Its ability to burn all ran4s of coal from ant)racitic

    to lignitic$ and it "ermits combination firing 0i.e.$

    can use coal$ oil and gas in same burner3. Because

    of t)ese ad!antages$ t)ere is wides"read use of "ul!eri

  • 8/20/2019 2.2.Boilerscor45



    *l#i,i8e, be, Co"b#stion *BC% boiler

    Furt)er$ increase in

    !elocity gi!es rise to

     bubble formation$ !igorous

    turbulence and ra"idmi'ing and the be, is sai,

    to be fl#i,i8e,- 

    Coal is fed continuously into a )ot air agitatedrefractory sand bed$  t)ecoal will burn ra"idly andt)e be, attains a #nifor"


    istributed air is "assed u"ward t)roug) a bed of solid "articles

    )e "articles are undisturbed at low !elocity.+s air !elocity is increased$

    a stage is reac)ed w)en t)e particles are s#spen,e, in the air

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    Fluidised Bed Combustion

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    *l#i,i8e,9be, boiler Cont,--%

    +,7anta$es :

    • Hig)er rates of )eat transfer between combustion "rocessand boiler tubes 0t)us re,#ce, f#rnace area an, si8e


    • combustion tem"erature 7&oC is lower t)an in a

    con!entional furnace. )e lower furnace tem"eraturesmeans re,#ce, 4

    ! pro,#ction.

    • In addition$ t)e limestone 0CaC,>3 and dolomite

    0AgC,>3 react wit) #,2 to form calcium and magnesium

    sulfides$ res"ecti!ely$ solids w)ic) do not esca"e u" t)estac4 )is means t)e "lant can easil1 #se hi$h s#lf#r


    • *#el *le!ibilit1: Aulti fuel firing

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    )ere are two met)ods of assessing boiler efficiency. 

    %  'he 5irect Metho,: ()ere t)e energy gain of t)e wor4ing

    fluid 0water and steam3 is com"ared wit) t)e energy content of t)e

     boiler fuel.

    2%  'he

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    =!a"ple:'1pe of boiler: Coal fire, Boiler

    Heat input data

    Qty of coal consumed :1.8 TPH

    GCV of coal :3200K.Cal/k

    )eat o#tp#t ,ata

    ! Qty of steam en : 8 TPH

    ! "team #$/tem#:10 k/cm2%&/1800C

    ! 'nt(al#y of steam%sat& at 10 k/cm2%& #$essu$e

    :))* K.Cal/k! +eed ,ate$ tem#e$atu$e : 8*0 C

    ! 'nt(al#y of feed ,ate$ : 8* K.Cal/k

    Find out the Find efficiency ?

    Find out the Evaporation Ratio?

    Efficiency Calculation by Direct Method

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    -ole$ effcency %η&: Q x (H – h) x !!  (" x #C$) 

    (e$e Q Quantty of steam ene$ated #e$ (ou$ %k/($&  H  'nt(al#y of satu$ated steam %kcal/k&  h  'nt(al#y of feed ,ate$ %kcal/k&

      " Quantty of fuel used #e$ (ou$ %k/($&  #C$ G$oss calo$fc alue of t(e fuel %kcal/k&


    %oiler efficiency ( )&  8 TPH 1000K/T %))*8*& 100  1.8 TPH 1000K/T 3200 

    & '!! Evaporation Ratio  8 Tonne of steam/1.8 Ton of coal 

    & **

  • 8/20/2019 2.2.Boilerscor45



    Boiler Flue gas

    Stea" #tp#t

    =fficienc1 > 00 @2@3@/@.@A@@%

    0by In irect Aet)od3


    Fuel In"ut$ 1&&

    1. ry Flue gas loss

    2. H2 loss

    >. Aoisture in fuel

    6. Aoisture in air 

    7. C, loss

    ?. Fly as) loss

    %. #urface loss

    . Bottom as) loss

    ()at are t)e losses t)at occur in a boiler-

    Feed water Blow down

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    )e following are t)e data collected for a ty"ical oil fired boiler.

    Find out t)e efficiency of t)e boiler by indirect met)od and Boiler!a"oration ratio.

    5ltimate analysis of ,il

    C : 6.& H2: 12.&

      #: >.& ,2: 1.&

    DCV of ,il : 1&2&& 4cal94g#team Deneration Pressure : ?4g9cm20g38saturated

    nt)al"y of steam : %%& 4Cal94g

    Feed water tem"erature : %&oC

    Percentage of ,'ygen in flue gas: ?  Percentage of C,2  in flue gas: 11

      Flue gas tem"erature 0f 3 : 22& &C

      +mbient tem"erature 0a3 : 2? &C

    Humidity of air : &.&1 4g94g of dry air

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    Sol#tionStep9: *in, the theoretical air re#ire"ent 

    E 4g94g of oil 

    >D-A ! /% @ DE3/- ! 2 %F @ /-3. ! 3%G00 4g94g of oil

    E16 4g of air94g of oil 

    Step92: *in, the H=!cess air s#pplie, 

    'cess air su""lied 0+3 E E E 7&


    1&&93F>7.603G90.>6H3%.11I0 22   S  xO H  xC  x   +−+



    2  xO




    ? x

    Step93: *in, the +ct#al "ass of air s#pplie,+ct#al "ass of air s#pplie, k$ of f#el E 1 = +91&& ' )eoritical +ir 

    0++#3 E 1 = 7&91&& ' 16

    E 1.7 ' 16

    E 21 4g of air94g of oil

  • 8/20/2019 2.2.Boilerscor45



    Step9/: =sti"ation of all losses


    i- 5r1 fl#e $as loss


    Percentage )eat loss due to dry flue gas E

    mE mass of C,2 = mass of #,

    2 = mass of J

    2 = mass of ,



    " > 2 k$ k$ of oil 

    1&&30 x

     fuel of  GCV 

    T T  xC  xm a f   p   −













    666.& x

     x x xm



    32?22&02>.&21 x

     x x   −E K.16

  • 8/20/2019 2.2.Boilerscor45



    +lternati7el1 a si"ple "etho, can be #se, for

    ,eter"inin$ the ,r1 fl#e $as loss as $i7en belo-


    Percentage )eat loss due to dry flue gas E

    otal mass of flue gas 0m3 E mass of actual air su""lied = mass of

    fuel su""lied > 2 @ >22


    ry flue gas loss E

    1&&30 x

     fuel of  GCV 

    T T  xC  xm a f   p   −




    − x

     x x

  • 8/20/2019 2.2.Boilerscor45



    ii- )eat loss ,#e to e7aporation of ater for"e, ,#e to )2 in f#el



    ()ere$ H2 L "ercentage of H

    2 in fuel



    E ?.1&

    1&&fuelof DCV

     3G80C76'H'K af  "2 x



     3G2?8022&&.67H76'12'K x


    iii- )eat loss ,#e to "oist#re present in air

    E 1&&30 x

     fuel of  GCV 

    T T  xC  xhumidity x AAS  a f   p   −

     E E &.>22 1&&1&2&&



     x x x   −

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    i7 )eat loss ,#e to ra,iation an, other #nacco#nte, losses

      For a small boiler it is estimated to be 2

    Boiler =fficienc1 

    i. Heat loss due to dry flue gas : K.16 

    ii.  Heat loss due to e!a"oration of water formed due to H2 in fuel : ?.1&

    iii.  Heat loss due to moisture "resent in air : &.>22  

    i!.  Heat loss due to radiation and ot)er unaccounted loss : 2 

    Boiler =fficienc1 E 1&&8 K.16=?.1&=&.>22=2 

    > 1&& L 1.7% E 1 0a""3 

    !a"oration atio E Heat utili

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    2.7 ()y Boiler Blow own -

    ()en water e!a"orates issol!ed solids gets concentrated

    and #olids "reci"itates on tubes. educes t)e )eat transfer rate

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  • 8/20/2019 2.2.Boilerscor45



    Contin#o#s Blo,on

    • + steady and constant dis"atc) of small

    stream of concentrated boiler water$ and

    re"lacement by steady and constant inflow

    of feed water.

    •   )is ensures constant # and steam


    • )is ty"e of blow down is common in )ig)8

     "ressure boilers.

    )e ;uantity of blow down re;uired to control boiler water solids

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    )e ;uantity of blow down re;uired to control boiler water solids

    concentration is calculated by using t)e following formula:

    0Continuous Blow down3

    #0#3 in feed water 

    >&& ""m

    #team > 9)r #03 E&

    # 0C3 E>&&& ""m +llowable3

    Blow down flow rateE>&&'1&9>&&& E1 :E1 of >$&&& E >& 4g9)r 

    Blow down0B3

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    2.% Boiler (ater reatment

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    =!ternal Water 'reat"ent

    • (ropose: 'ternal treatment is used to remo!e sus"ended

    solids$ dissol!ed solids 0"articularly t)e calcium and

    magnesium ions w)ic) are a maMor cause of scale

    formation3 and dissol!ed gases 0o'ygen and carbondio'ide3.

    • 5ifferent treat"ent (rocess :

     L ion e'c)ange

     L deminerali

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  • 8/20/2019 2.2.Boilerscor45



    5e9aeration• ()en )eated in boiler systems$ carbon dio'ide

    0C,23 and o'ygen 0,23 are released as gases andcombine wit) water 0H2,3 to form carbonic

    acid$ 0H2C,>3.

    Figure 2.K eaerator 

    •In de8aeration$dissol!ed gases$ suc)as o'ygen and carbondio'ide$ are e'"elled

     by "re)eating t)e feedwater before it enterst)e boiler.

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    =ner$1 Conser7ation


    in Boilers

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    - Re,#ce Stack 'e"perat#re

    • #tac4 tem"eratures greater t)an 2&&@C

    indicates "otential for reco!ery of waste

    )eat.•   It also indicate t)e scaling of )eat

    transfer9reco!ery e;ui"ment and )ence t)e

    urgency of ta4ing an early s)ut down forwater 9 flue side cleaning.

    22o C reduction in flue gas tem"erature

    increases boiler efficiency by 1

    2 *ee, Water (reheatin$ #sin$

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    2- *ee, Water (reheatin$ #sin$

    =cono"iser• For an older s)ell boiler$

    wit) a flue gas e'ittem"erature of 2%&oC$ an


    • Condensingeconomi

  • 8/20/2019 2.2.Boilerscor45



    3- Co"b#stion +ir (reheatin$

    •  Combustion air "re)eating is an alternati!e

    to feedwater )eating.

    • In order to im"ro!e t)ermal efficiency by

    1$ t)e combustion air tem"erature must be

    raised by 2& oC.


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  • 8/20/2019 2.2.Boilerscor45



    - ontro e!cess a rfor e!ery 1 reduction in e'cess air $&.% rise in efficiency.

    )e o"timum e'cess air le!el !aries wit) furnace design$ ty"e of burner$

    fuel and "rocess !ariables.. Install oxygen trim system'+BI= 2-. =XC=SS +&

     Jatural gas Hig) "ressure burner 78?

    (ood utc) o!er 01&82> t)roug) grates3 andHofft ty"e


    Bagasse +ll furnaces 278>7

    Blac4 li;uor eco!ery furnaces for draft and soda8

     "ul"ing "rocesses


  • 8/20/2019 2.2.Boilerscor45



    6.Blowdown Heat Recovery

    • Efficiency Improvement - Up to 2percentage points.

    • *lowdown of boilers to reduce thesludge and solid content allows heat

    to go down the drain• The amount of blowdown should be

    minimi+ed b% following a good watertreatment program, but installing aheat echanger in the blowdown lineallows this waste heat to be used in

    preheating ma!eup and feedwater• Heat reco&er% is most suitable for

    continuous blowdown operationswhich in turn pro&ides the best watertreatment program

    Re,#ction of Scalin$ an,

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    - Re,#ction of Scalin$ an,

    Soot Iosses

    • In oil and coal8fired boilers$ soot buildu" on tubes acts as aninsulator against )eat transfer. +ny suc) de"osits s)ould beremo!ed on a regular basis. le!ated stac4 tem"eratures mayindicate e'cessi!e soot buildu". +lso same result will occur dueto scaling on t)e water side.

    • Hig) e'it gas tem"eratures at normal e'cess air indicate "oor)eat transfer "erformance. )is condition can result from agradual build8u" of gas8side or waterside de"osits. (atersidede"osits re;uire a re!iew of water treatment "rocedures and tube

    cleaning to remo!e de"osits.• #tac4 tem"erature s)ould be c)ec4ed and recorded regularly asan indicator of soot de"osits. ()en t)e flue gas tem"eraturerises about 2&oC abo!e t)e tem"erature for a newly cleaned

     boiler$ it is time to remo!e t)e soot de"osits

    Jariable Spee, Control for *ans

  • 8/20/2019 2.2.Boilerscor45



    - Jariable Spee, Control for *ans;

    Bloers an, (#"ps

      Denerally$ combustion air control is effected by

    t)rottling dam"ers fitted at forced and induced

    draft fans. )oug) dam"ers are sim"le means ofcontrol$ t)ey lac4 accuracy$ gi!ing "oor control

    c)aracteristics at t)e to" and bottom of t)e

    o"erating range.

      If t)e load c)aracteristic of t)e boiler is !ariable$t)e "ossibility of re"lacing t)e dam"ers by a V#

    s)ould be e!aluated.

    L- =ffect of Boiler Ioa,in$ on =fficienc1

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    L- =ffect of Boiler Ioa,in$ on =fficienc1

    • +s t)e load falls$ so does t)e !alue of t)e mass flow

    rate of t)e flue gases t)roug) t)e tubes. )is reduction

    in flow rate for t)e same )eat transfer area$ reduced t)e

    e'it flue gas tem"eratures by a small e'tent$ reducingt)e sensible )eat loss.

    • Below )alf load$ most combustion a""liances need

    more e'cess air to burn t)e fuel com"letely and

    increases t)e sensible )eat loss.

    • ,"eration of boiler below 27 s)ould be a!oided

    • ,"timum efficiency occurs at %787 of full loads

    0 B il R l t

  • 8/20/2019 2.2.Boilerscor45


    0- Boiler Replace"ent

    if the e!istin$ boiler is :

      ,ld and inefficient$ not ca"able of firing c)ea"er

    substitution fuel$ o!er or under8si
