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2339 Artists in California 1786-1940

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Artists in California 1786 - 1940 by Edan Milton Hughes Hughes Publishi ng Company 640 Church Street San Francisco, CA 94114
Page 1: 2339 Artists in California 1786-1940

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Artists in California1786 - 1940


Edan Milton Hughes

Hughes Publishing Company640 Church Street

San Francisco, CA 94114

Page 2: 2339 Artists in California 1786-1940

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Copyright © 1986

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrievalsystem, or transcribed, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,

photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of thepublisher, Hughes Publishing Company, 640 Church Street, San Francisco, CA94114.

Printed in the United States of America byBraun-Brumfield, Inc.100 North Staebler RoadAnn Arbor, Michigan 48106

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 85-91064

ISBN 0-9616112-0-0

First Edition

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in 1840. After graduating from the NewHampton Inst, and Thetford Academy, shemarried E. W. Farr in 1861. After the d eathof her husband she had a studio in Bostonuntil the early 1880s when she moved tosouthern C ali f. Mrs. Farr bought an oldvineyard in 1895 after settling in Pasadenaand bui l t a mission style studio on theproperty where she painted sti l l lifes an d

scenes of the missions. Exhib ited: Calif.Bldg., World's Columbian Expo, Chicago,1893. Works held: Washington Co. (PA)Historical Society; Litt leton (NH) PublicLibrary, f AAW; SCA.

FARRELL, Margaret C. Taylor (1883-197 2). Portrait painter. Margaret Taylorstudied at the AIC under Ralph Clarksonand in Cincinn ati under Duvene ck. Aftersettl ing in Los Angeles sometime before1912, she opened a studio , exhibi tedlocally, and appears to have married about1920. She died in Sacram ento on Sept. 7,1972. Exhibited: Calif. Art Club, Blanchard

Gallery, 1912; Pasadena Art Inst., 1928. |AAW; Sacramento Bee, Sept 9, 1972 (obit);PF .

F A R R I N G T O N , M i r i a m (1913- ).Portrait painter, sculptor, il lustrator. Bornin Dwight, III. in 1913. Farrington m oved toOakland, CA with her family in 1914 an dhad settled in Los Angeles by 1924. Duringth e 1930s she studied at the AIC, Otis ArtInst, and with George Stanley. Mem ber:Laguna Beach AA; Carmel AA. Works held:St Mary's Episcopal Church, Laguna Beach(portrait). % PF.

F A R R I N G T O N , W a l t e r . See: Moses,

Walter Farrington.F A R R I N G T O N , W e s l e y . S c u l p t o r .Resident of Los Angeles in the 1930s.Exhibited: Cali f.-Pacif ic Int'l Expo, SanDiego, 1935. % MaS.

F A U C H E R , M i s s J . M . Portrait painter.Resident of San Francisco in 1877. H

SFCD.F A U L K N E R , L e n a H o w e l l . Pa in te r .

Pupil of Grace Hudson in the 1890s. % Th ePainter Lady, pg. 34.

FAUST, Dr . E leanor Chal l iss(1867- ). Painter. Born in At ch ins on ,Kan. on March 1, 1867. Faust attended theSchool of Design for Wom en in Philadelphiaand the PAFA. She appears to havesettled in Inglewood, CA in the 1920s.Primari ly a portrait ist, she also pa int edlandscapes and coasta ls . Exh ib i ted:Artists Fiesta in LA, 1931. Works held:Bank of Inglewood (Malibu Coast); StateBldg., Exposition Park, LA. f PF; CA&A.

F A U S T , K . Painter. Exhibi ted: SFAA,1885 (floral still lifes).

F A V I L L E , W i l l i a m B. ( 1 8 6 6 - 1 9 4 7 ) .Wa terco lorist, architec t. Born in SanAnd rea s, CA on Nov. 13, 1866. Favi l le

attended high school in Buffalo, NY andla te r s tud i ed a rch i tec tu re a t t heMas sachuse tts Inst, of Tec hnolo gy. In1898 he opened an architectural office inSan Francisco, and became a close friendand painting partner of Arthur and LuciaMathe ws. Most of his watercolors werelands cape s, s izes 20" x 26 ". As anarchitect he designed many of SF's major

bui ld ings: St Francis Hotel , Bank ofAmerica, American Trust Company, StateBuilding in Civic Center, Southern PacificBuilding, and the Geary Theatre; as well asthe Oakland Publ ic Library and HotelOakland. He died on Dec. 15, 1947 at hisSausalito home . M ember: Bohem ian Club;Pacific Union; Commonwealth Club of SF.Exhibited: SFMA Inaugural, 1935; GGIE,1939. Works held: Oak land Museum;SFMA. % Mai; WIM Fine Arts, Oakland; SFChronicle, Dec. 17 , 1947 (obit).

F A V O R , M i s s A . M . Portrai t painter.Resident of San Francisco in 1889. %

SFCD.F A V R E T T O , E . E . Po rtraitist. Active in

Los Angeles in the 1920s and 1930s. %CA&A; SCA.

F A Y , G e o r g e F . Painter. Resident ofPasadena, CA in 1932. H CA&A.

F A Y , H o r a c e T . Commerc ia l ar t i s t .Resident of Los Angeles in 1932. % CA&A.

F A Y , J e a n B r a d f o r d (1904 - ). Painter,i l lustrator, cartoo nist. Born in Se attle,Wa sh , on Apri l 22 , 1904. Fay was aresident of San Francisco in the 1930s-1940s and a pupil of Lyonel Feininger atMil ls College (Oak land). Me mbe r: SF

Society of Wom en Art is ts. Exhibi ted:GGIE, 1939. f WWAA 1940-41; MaS.

F A Y , N e l l i e (1870- ). Painter. Born inEureka, CA on Feb. 11,1 870 . When in herteens Fay began art t raining in SanFrancisco under Emil Carlsen at the Schoolof Design, and later with Arthur Mathews.After her art studies she moved toSacramento and became active with theKingsley Art Club. In 1915 she returned toSan Francisco where she was a residentuntil at least 1935. After that time her trailis lost. Member: SFAA; SF Sketch Club.Exhibited: SFAA annuals. H AAW; AAA1913-21; Fid; WAA.

F A Y E , Ida C . Painter. Res ident ofBerke ley, CA in the 1920s and 1930s.Exhibited: Oakland Art Gallery, 1928 (CallaLilies), f CA&A.

FEATHERSTONE, Jessie Pier .Painter. Resident of Los Angeles 1911-14.Exhibi ted: Oakland Art Gal lery, 1928(Silver and Gold at Del Monte an d SunsetRainbow/). % SCA.

FECHIN, Nicolai Ivanovich (1881-1955). Painter, sculptor. Born in Ka zan,Russia on Nov. 28, 1881 . Raised in the

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