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23rd Advance Program Annual Institute · 2013. 4. 12. · Coord. Drug Intervention 12:00 noon-1:00...

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Healthy Workplace, Health Returns: New Approaches to Mental Health and Wellness 23 rd Annual Institute April 27-29, 2011 The Venetian, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA easna Employee Assistance Society of North America Advance Program
Page 1: 23rd Advance Program Annual Institute · 2013. 4. 12. · Coord. Drug Intervention 12:00 noon-1:00 p.m. Box Luncheon in the Exhibit Hall 1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m. Arsenault Managing Transgenderism

Healthy Workplace, Health Returns: New Approaches to Mental Health and Wellness


Annual Institute

April 27-29, 2011 • The Venetian, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

easnaEmployee Assistance Society of North America

Advance Program

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• CenterforClinicalSocialWork• EAPExpert• HomewoodHumanSolutions

• Shepell.fgi • CaringBridge• CrisisCareNetwork• Empathia,Inc.• AfternoonCoffeeBreak• PPCWorldwideCanadaEAP


Platinum SPonSorS

• CaringBridge• Crisis Care Network

• Harmony Healthcare• InfoMC, Inc.

• ProtoCall Services• The SASSI Institute

Gold Sponsors Silver Sponsors Bronze Sponsors


Page 3: 23rd Advance Program Annual Institute · 2013. 4. 12. · Coord. Drug Intervention 12:00 noon-1:00 p.m. Box Luncheon in the Exhibit Hall 1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m. Arsenault Managing Transgenderism

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Who Should AttendEA professionals, psychologists, counselors, social workers, human resource practitio-ners, health educators, occupational health and safety professionals, labor educators, organizational development ex-perts, researchers and public policy makers, union leaders, personnel directors, family and marriage therapists, substance abuse professionals, management consultants, risk managers, benefits and insurance managers, health promotion and wellness managers and consultants are invited to attend.

Professional Credits AvailableA total of 17 hours of professional develop-ment hours/continuing education units from various disciplines may be earned by Insti-tute participants for a fee of $20.00.

These include:

• ProfessionalDevelopmentHours(PDHs)for Certified Employee Assistance Profes-sionals(EACC)

• ContinuingEducationalUnits(CEUs)forSocialWorkers(NASW/ASWB)

• ContinuingEducationalUnits(CEUs)forPsychologists(APA)

• ContinuingEducationalUnits(CEUs)forCertifiedProfessionalCounselors(NBCC)

• ContinuingEducationalUnits(CEUs)forBehavioral Health Professionals in Cali-fornia(CBBS)

Sponsorships, Exhibits and AdvertisingFor information on Sponsorships, Institute Program advertising, exhibit space, and delegate bag stuffers, call 703-416-0060, or send an email to [email protected].

The Venetian HotelTheroomratewillbe$159USanight.Toreserve your room online visit the Institutewebsite: http://www.easna.org/conferences (scrolldownthepageuntilyouseethe“Re-serveYourHotelRoom”headline)orcalltheVenetian at 1-877-283-6423.

RegistrationThe early bird registration fee is $465 for members, $565 for nonmembers until March 29.RegisteronlineattheInstitutewebsite:http://www.easna.org/conferences.html.

EASNA Membership DiscountEASNA Members receive a $100 discount on registration. Membership is based on the calendar year. To join, go to www.easna.org andclickonthe“JoinEASNA”linkontheleftside of the page.

Maximize Your Institute Experience in the EASNA Exhibit HallThe Institute will bring together some of the top EAP service providers in one room, giving you unmatched networking opportunities, as well as exposure to the professional and organizational tools

you need as an EA Professional. Take advantage of planned uninterrupted hall hours without missing a session, or visit at your leisure, but be sure to spend time in this industry-leading Exhibit Hall.

Exhibit Hall Highlights•InternetCafé•ContinentalBreakfasts•BoxLunchonFriday•CoffeeBreaksonThursdayandFriday

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April 279:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Pre-Institute:BringingCuttingEdgeAlcoholRiskReductionintoYourEAPPractice 6:00p.m.-8:00p.m. WelcomeReceptionintheExhibitHall

April 28 7:30 a.m.-8:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast 8:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Plenary, Ballard, Thrive: The Critical role of EAPs in Creating a Culture of Health 10:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Break 10:30a.m.-12:00noon Saulnier CNRail’sCIRP:GettingEveryoneonBoard Jacobson WorkerProductivity:WaystoMeasureIt andDemonstrateValue Levine ExpandingWorkplaceWellbeingto Multinational Populations 12:15 a.m.-1:30 a.m. Annual General Meeting Luncheon 1:45p.m.-3:15p.m. Gorter ATailoredFit:BestPracticesforIncident ResponsetoBanks Merrick ResultsofaSurveyofEAPandB.H. ServicesUsers Melemis TheFiveRulesofRecovery:ANew ApproachtoRelapsePrevention 3:15 p.m.-3:45 p.m. Break 3:45p.m.-5:15p.m. Courtemanche Sustainability:TheKeytoSBIRTLong Term Success Ashley Veteran: The Forgotten Worker Lam DepressionHurts:HowoneEAPMakesa Difference

April 29 7:30 a.m.-8:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast 8:30a.m.-9:30a.m. Plenary,Messer,SupportingtheWorkplaceCivilityInitiative:EAP’sRoleandResponsibility 9:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Corporate Awards 10:00-10:30 Break 10:30a.m.-12:00noon Ives TradeUnionParticipationinEFAP Kolski-Andrea HowUnderstandingMoreaboutHuman Biology Adds Value to EAP Org. Interventions Newman Improving the Value of an EAP Through a Coord.DrugIntervention 12:00 noon-1:00 p.m. Box Luncheon in the Exhibit Hall 1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m. Arsenault Managing Transgenderism in the Workplace Miller Crossing the Bar - an Historical PerspectiveonAdd.RecoveryModels…. Gordon PositiveConversationsatWork

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Wednesday, April 27

Pre-InstItute WorkshoP

9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Bringing Cutting Edge Alcohol Risk Re-duction into Your EAP Practice

In 2006 SAMSHA reported that 80% of problemdrinkersareemployed.Riskydrink-ing is associated with reduced productivity, increased accidents, increased disability claims, other medical and emotional condi-tions and job-related costs. Screening for risky alcohol use, brief intervention including referraltotreatment(SBIRT)isaneffective,evidence-based practice used within medical settings for identifying and reducing risky drinking behavior and its multiple associated adverse impacts. Within the past three years, SBIRThasmigratedacrossthemedicalprac-

ticethresholdtoEAPs.Aetna’sEAPwasthefirsttoembraceSBIRTandproduceresultsto support its efficacy within an EAP setting. BIG(BriefInterventionGroup),aninternation-al collaboration including EAP professional associations, federal and state agencies and EAP industry leaders is working diligently to transform“routinepracticeofEAPsintheU.S.andCanadatoincrease…theidentifi-cation of alcohol misuse through the use of evidence-basedSBIRT,”thus“reducingthenegative impact of undetected and untreated alcohol problems that reduce productivity, drive up healthcare costs and increase ac-cidents.”Thisdaylongsessionisaimedatgiving participants the opportunity to learn aboutSBIRTanditsvalue.Theprogramin-tendstotakethemysteryoutofSBIRTandits implementation by helping participants to build their own individual road map, complete with access to resources that will enable them to readily embrace this cutting edge, evidence-based practice that delivers EAP value to both individual clients as well as organizational customers.

About the Trainers:

Judy Mickenberg, LICSW, Aetna EAPCo-author of a number of professional articles and a frequent presenter in profes-sional forums, Ms. Mickenberg has more than 20 years of EAP experience, and has provided leadership for national and international EAP programs. Currently she serves as the EAP and Clinical Content Ex-pert for Aetna, responsible for a wide range of activities including internal staff training, customer facing training and seminars, psy-choeducational communication/resources, EAP program promotion resources, crisis response process/protocols, and special projects including the implementation of SBIRTwithinAetna’sEAPcallcenter.Ms.MickenbergisalsoamemberofEASNA’sKnowledgeTransfer&ResearchCommittee.

Tracy L. McPherson, PhD, Assistant Re-search Professor, George Washington University, Center for Integrated Behav-ioral Health Policy/Ensuring Solutions to

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Alcohol ProblemsOverthelast12years,Dr.McPhersonhasservedasProjectDirector/Co-PIonnumerousworkplace alcohol and drug abuse prevention projects funded by NIH, NHTSA, and SAMHSA involving the development and evaluation of substance use prevention and health promo-tion education and training programs. In the past four years her research has focused on improving access to alcohol screening, brief intervention,referraltotreatment(SBIRT),andfollow-up care through evidence-based prac-tice change in the EAP and other workplace settings.ShechairsEASNA’sKnowledgeTransfer&ResearchCommittee,hasco-au-thored numerous publications and presenta-tions, and serves on editorial review boards of leadingworkplacejournals,includingJournalof Workplace Behavioral Health and American JournalofHealthPromotion.

Thursday, April 28

oPenIng PlenAry sessIon

8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Thrive: The Critical Role of EAPs in Creating a Culture of Health

Successful organizations understand the link between employee well-being and organiza-tionalperformance.UsingAPA’sPsychologi-cally Healthy Workplace model as a frame-work for examining the key characteristics of ahealthy,high-performingorganization,Dr.Ballard will discuss strategies for success in the economic recovery and offer real-world examples from award-winning companies. This session will show you how Employee Assistance Programs can help create a workplace culture where both employees and the organization can thrive.


David W. Ballard, PsyD, MBA, American Psychological Association. In the ca-pacityofAssistantExecutiveDirectorforMarketingandBusinessDevelopmentattheAmericanPsychologicalAssociation,Dr.Ballard designs and directs efforts related to health and well-being in the workplace and oversees the development of resources

to help psychologists build, manage, market, and diversify their practices.

MornIng WorkshoPs

10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon

WS-1A Peer Presentation: CN Rail’s CIRP: Getting Everyone on Board

This presentation will provide participants withinformationabouthowCNRailinitiatedapeer-drivenCriticalIncidentResponsePro-gram(CIRP)inpartnershipwiththeirexternalEAP provider to ensure that employees im-pacted by critical incidents in the workplace are provided with quality services in a timely manner. Participants will learn about how the program works, what types of training is pro-vided to key players, some of the challenges that have been overcome, and how the pro-gram has functioned over the past 12 years.


Marc Saulnier, MSW, RSW (OCSWSSW) (ICISF), CSW, Shepell.fgiMarc Saulnier began his professional career as a Military Social Worker for the Canadian DepartmentofNationalDefenseinGermany.After many years in the EAP industry, Marc has assumed the role of Account Executive andhasbeenworkingcloselywithCNRailbyco-facilitating EFAP peer training sessions with the CN EFAP System Manager across Canada.

Anita McDonald, CN EFAP System ManagerAnita has been working with CN for 13 years, and is currently managing a team of 350 EFAP peers across Canada. She is responsible for program design, overall program operations, contract administration with the external service provider, and sup-port to the EFAP Senior Advisory Committee and local EFAP support groups.

WS-1B Peer Presentation: Worker Productivity: Ways to Measure It and Demonstrate Value

This presentation reviews two popular measures of worker productivity: the Health andProductivityQuestionnaire-Select(HPQ-Select)andtheWorkplaceOutcomesSuite(WOS),withattentiontoresearchandap-

plication within diverse EAPs to improve EAP practice and demonstrate value.


Dr. Jodi M. JacobsonDr.JodiM.JacobsonisanAssistantProfessorand Chair of the EAP Subspecialization at the UniversityofMaryland,SchoolofSocialWork.Her research focuses on workplace behavioral health and the impact of EAP and other health and wellness interventions and programs on productivity.Dr.JacobsonisacurrentmemberofEASNA’sKnowledgeTransferandResearchCommitteeandEAPA’sWorkplaceDisasterPreparedness Committee.

Dr. David ShararDr.DavidShararistheManagingDirectorofChestnutGlobalPartnersandaResearchScientist with Chestnut Health Systems. He has published more than 60 articles related to EAP outcomes, ethics, quality issues, and pricing structures. He also serves on EASNA’sKnowledgeTransferandResearchCommittee and is on the Board of the EA ResearchFoundation.

WS-1C Peer Presentation: Expanding Workplace Wellbeing to Multinational Populations

Expanding EAP services from a North Ameri-can mindset to multinational populations requires rethinking of the product, audience, promotion, and service access. This pre-sentation will highlight lessons in delivering global services in terms of the cultural differ-ences that influence the implementation and logistical delivery of global EAPs, as well as provide the attributes of successful interna-tional EAP and Wellbeing programs.


David Levine, MSWBasedinChicago,DavidLevineleadsglobaldevelopmentforOxford,UK-basedPPCWorld-wide.ThroughhiscareerDavehasmanagedthe development of national and international EAP/WorkLifeandbehavioralhealthprograms.

Nicholas Malhomme, MBANickMalhommeisheadofGlobalSalesandMarketing for PPC Worldwide, which offer EAP Services in over 140 countries across

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the globe. He has more than eight years experience working in Human Capital Man-agement in his current role. He also has worked for organizations such as Total Pe-troleumandMCI(nowVerizon).Nickworksclosely with leading global organisations to ensure programs meet their organisational and cultural requirements. He holds an MA inModernLanguagesandanMBA.

Afternoon WorkshoPs

Time: 1:45 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.

WS-2A Peer Presentation: A Tailored Fit: Best Practices for Incident Response to Banks

Financial institutions have specific expecta-tions and preferred protocols following rob-beries; one size does not fit all! This poses challenges and risks for EAPs seeking to provide customized service to high profile customers. This presentation will review best practicesforCIRservicestobanks,along

with integrating elements of psychological first aid into a unique corporate culture.


Jeff Gorter, MSW, LMSW, Certified Addictions CounselorJeffGorteristheAccountExecutiveforCrisisCare Network. He has responded directly to the September 11 terrorist attacks, Hurricanes KatrinaandRitaintheGulfregion,theVirginiaTechshootings,andthe2010Gulfoilspill,along with numerous local events.

Joe UtechtJoeUtechtisaManagementConsultantatCeridian Corporation, and is responsible for trainingCeridian’sManagementConsultantsinCrisisResponse.Hehasconsultedwithmanagement in coordinating critical incident responses for more than 2,000 critical inci-dent cases to financial institutions, private businesses, schools, and government orga-nizations involving situations such as work-place accidents, violence, robberies, natural disasters, and employee deaths.

WS-2B: Peer Presentation: Results of a Survey of EAP and Behavioral Health Services Users

This research-based panel presentation will provide new results of a comprehensive sur-vey of employees regarding EAP and behav-ioral healthcare use. The presenters will pro-vide insights into how certain variables influ-ence the use of EA services by employees. The study findings have implications for EAP providers, human resource administrators, employers and other stakeholders involved in purchasing, administrating, providing and evaluating EA programs.


Elizabeth Merrick, PhD, MSWElizabethL.MerrickisaSeniorScientistinthe Institute for Behavioral Health, Heller School for Social Policy and Management at BrandeisUniversity.SheservedasthePrin-cipal Investigator for the employee survey upon which this presentation is based.

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Arlene Darick, LCSW, CEAPArleneDarick,isDirectorofEAPandClientServices for MHN, a large national provider of EAP and managed behavioral health ser-vicesinSanRafael,CA.Sheisresponsiblefor all administrative, service delivery and fiscalmanagementtoEAPclientsinMHN’smore than 10 million plan members.

Bernie McCann, MS, CEAPBernie McCann is a NIAAA research fellow andadoctoralcandidateatBrandeisUni-versity. His EAP background includes pro-viding direct services, consulting with nu-merous companies, conducting professional development training for practitioners, and conducting quality audits of EA services

WS-2C Peer Presentation: The Cognitive Therapy Guide for Counselors: A New Approach

Learnanewapproachtoteachingcogni-tivetherapy.Learnhowtoteachthoughtrecords in a way that encourages rapid change.Learnhowtoaddresscommonproblems that clients encounter in cogni-tivetherapy.Learnhowtousethebasicsof cognitive therapy in different therapeutic situations. The presentation includes a handout and PowerPoint presentation based on the book I Want to Change My Life: How to Overcome Anxiety, Depression and Addic-tionbyDr.Melemis.Thebookisaself-helpguide to cognitive therapy and stress man-agement.ItisthewinneroftheGordonBellAwardforJournalism.Allparticipantswillreceive a free copy of the book.


Steven M. Melemis, Ph.D., MDSteven M. Melemis is a leading authority on addiction and mood disorders. He is Medical Inspector for the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, and served as Vice-Chair of Addiction Medicine for the Ontario Medical Association. He is the author of I Want to Change My Life: How to Overcome Anxiety, Depression and Addiction, a self-help guide to cognitive therapy and stress management as coping skills for change.

Time: 3:45 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.

WS-3A Peer Presentation: Sustainability: The Key to SBIRT Long Term Success

Workshop participants will have an op-portunity to learn about variables that can promote or threaten the sustainability of new practices within an EAP environment. Specif-ic information and knowledge will be shared aboutAetna’sexperienceinsustainingtheeffective use of Screening and Brief Interven-tionforRiskyAlcoholUsewithinanEAPCallCenter environment. Principles and practices for positively impacting the sustainability of new practices can be generalized to a wide range of programmatic initiatives.


Sherry Courtemanche, LCSWMs. Courtemanche is the Clinical Manager of the Aetna EAP, and has been a member oftheAetna/GeorgeWashingtonUniversityteam that led the EAP industry in imple-menting Screening and Brief Intervention withReferraltoTreatment(SBIRT)withinanEAP call center environment. Jessica Abate, LCSWMs. Abate currently serves at Aetna as the SBIRTProgramManager,amemberofAet-na’sMotivationalInterviewing(MI)Champi-onsTeamandtheEAPMITeamLead.Sheis engaged in all phases of training related toSBIRTandMI,providingclinicalsupervi-sion and leadership for a dedicated group of SBIRTcliniciansandsupportingateamofMI champions.

Judy Mickenberg, LICSW, Aetna EAPMs. Mickenberg has more than 20 years of EAP experience, and has provided leader-ship for national and international EAP pro-grams. Currently she serves as the EAP and Clinical Content Expert for Aetna, respon-sible for a wide range of activities including theimplementationofSBIRTwithinAetna’sEAP call center. Ms. Mickenberg is also a memberofEASNA’sKnowledgeTransferandResearchCommittee.

WS-3B Peer Presentation: Veterans: The Forgotten Workers

Veterans have a unique set of employment challenges. This presentation will elucidate the issues veterans face when continuing or gaining employment after a deploy-ment. The instructors will provide insights that may help to reduce stigma related to traumatic stress disorders and provide em-ployers with resources for working with this unique population.


Larry Ashley, EdS, LCADC, CPGCLarryhasbeeninvolvedinthesubstanceabuse and trauma field for 35 years as a college professor, researcher, and therapist. He is currently Addictions Specialist and UndergraduateCoordinatorintheDepart-mentofCounselorEducationattheUniver-sityofNevada,LasVegas,DirectoroftheProblemGamblingTreatmentProgram,andClinicalAssistantProfessorintheDepart-ments of Psychiatry and Internal Medicine, UniversityofNevadaSchoolofMedicine.

Meghan Pierce, BA, Graduate Assistant, University of Nevada, Las VegasMeghanPierceistheHarrah’sGraduateAssistantinProblemGamblingCounselingintheDepartmentofCounselorEduca-tionattheUniversityofNevada,LasVegas(UNLV)andisleadtherapistintheUNLVProblemGamblingTreatmentProgram.Sheis a graduate student in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program with an em-phasis in addictions. She assists Professor Ashley in doing research on combat related trauma.

WS-3C Peer Presentation: Depression Hurts: How One EAP Makes a Difference

Presentation participants will develop a better understanding of the importance of assessing the presence of major depressive disorder (MDD)inanemployeepopulationincontextto its impact work absence, work impairment and job satisfaction. With this knowledge, EAP providers can better design and deliver clini-cal services that more effectively assist em-ployeeswithMDDtoimprovetheirfunctionalbehaviours at the workplace and provide a stronger return on investment for customers.

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Dr. Raymond W Lam, MD, FRCPCDr.RaymondW.LamisProfessorandHeadoftheMoodandAnxietyDisordersProgramintheDepartmentofPsychiatry,UniversityofBritishColumbia,andDirectoroftheMoodDisordersCentreofExcellenceatUBCHospitalwithintheVancouverCoastalHealthResearchInstitute.Hisresearchex-amines clinical and neurobiological factors in seasonal, atypical, difficult-to-treat and workplace depression, biological effects of light, clinical trials, clinical guidelines and treatment programs for depression.

Debra Wolinsky M. Ed, RCC (BC), R Psych (AB)AsSeniorDirectorofClinicalOperationswithPPCCanada,Debraprovidesstrategicclinical planning and support for customers and their employees. In addition, she is PPC Canada’sPrivacyOfficer,aPeerReviewerwiththeCOAandservesonEASNA’sBoardofDirectors.Shefrequentlyconductsinter-views with newspaper and wire services journalists as an EAP industry expert.

Friday, April 29

MornIng PlenAry sessIon

Time: 8:30 a.m. – 9:30am

Supporting the Workplace Civility Initiative: EAPs Role and Responsibility

The landmark decision by the Indiana Supreme Court awarding damages to an employee verbally berated by a supervisor (Raessvs.Doescher,IndianaSupremeCourt,April2008)propelledworkplacebullyinginto the spotlight. Many organizations have begun initiating anti-bullying policies and have taken on the initiative to create a civil workplace. EA professionals are called upon to support and even direct this process. This session provides a thoughtful, experience-based analysis of the underlying factors that must be addressed in order to successfully drive this change. This approach blends consultation, training, and intervention and demonstrates strategies for empowering managers/leadership as change agents.


Debra Messer, MA, CEAPDebraMesserhas35yearsofclinicalex-perience, including 15 years in EAP. As an AccountManagerandConsultantforUPMC’smedical units–comprised of 50,000 employ-ees as well as four regional VA facilities and two comprehensive mental health service providers in the western Pennsylvania area–Debraprovidesconsultationforleadershiponcritical issues such as workplace bullying and civility, retention and engagement, morale and team issues, and supervisor/manager development and training.

MornIng WorkshoPs

Time: 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

WS-4A Peer Presentation: Trade Union Participation in Employee and Family Assistance Programs

This session is aimed at EFAP professionals who are not familiar with unionized workplaces and EFAP involvement. Attendees will receive information on joint union/management EFAP programs, employee needs and benefit co-or-dination from a union perspective. The session will stress the importance of union support in increasing acceptance of EFAP programs and the support these programs provide to unions in serving their mandate of representing mem-bers in the unionized workplace.


John Ives, Staff OfficerJohnIveshasbeenaStaffOfficerwiththePWUforthepast10yearsandaBusinessRepresentativewiththeInternationalBroth-erhood of Electrical Workers prior to that. John’sinvolvementinemployeeassistancegoes back to the early 1990s as a founding member of the Building Trades Assistance Plan in Toronto.

Susan Walker, Union Chief StewardSusanWalkerhasbeenapartofthePWUEFAP Committee for 19 years. As the Chair and a member of the EFAP Committee, Susan is involved in the planning of annual Corporate EAP/EFAP Conferences with our employers, designingandpresentingUnionEFAPtraining

programsanddevelopingtheUnion’spolicieson EFAP.

WS-4B Peer Presentation: How Understanding More about Human Biology Adds Value to EAP Organizational Interventions

This presentation will introduce the EA pro-fessional to a knowledge base which can guide and become a framework for manage-ment and organizational consultation. By drawing from new research made possible by technology, updated knowledge is syn-thesized with long acquired insights to help us see the neurobiological basis for human performance, social behavior and, above all, increased productivity and creativity.


Annette Kolski-Andreaco, MSW, LSW, MURPAtLifeSolutions,Ms.Kolski-Andreacoworkswith educational accounts and is the coordi-nator of training. Her expertise is in execu-tive leadership and coaching, management consultation and social intelligence. Ms. Kolski-Andreaco has also led organizations as an executive director/senior manager in health care and human relations for over 25 years.

WS-4C Peer Presentation: Improving the Value of an EAP through a Coordinated Drug Intervention

Through this presentation, EAP professionals will understand the importance of identify-ing individuals who are either over-treated and under-treated for their depression and anxiety, and how proactive intervention and coordination of care can generate cost sav-ings and improved outcomes.


Fred Newman, CEO Interface EAPFred Newman is the founder and CEO of Interface EAP and Coordinated Health Solu-tions. In 2004, Interface began development of its unique Pharmacy Intervention Protocol (PIP) patent pending to address the quality of care and costs issues resulting from the high use of antidepressants and other psychotro-pic medications within the general medical setting.

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Melanie Ellens, SPHRMelanieistheDirectorofHumanResourcesatSt.Joseph’sHospitalandMedicalCenterin Phoenix, Arizona. For more than ten years, she has provided innovative em-ployee relations programs and proactive HRstrategiestosupportthebusinessgoalsand objectives for the organization with over 5,000 employees. She is a current memberoftheSocietyforHumanResourc-esManagement(SHRM)andiscertifiedthrough the Society as a Senior Professional inHumanResources(SPHR).

Afternoon WorkshoPs

1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

WS-5A Peer Presentation: Managing Transgenderism in the Workplace

Participants will learn best practices in managing workplace issues related to transgenderism, and how to support the employee who is transitioning.


Michel Arsenault, MSWMichelJ.ArsenaulthasobtainedhisMasters

ofSocialWorkfromMcGillUniversityinMontreal and has worked in a clinical set-ting for over 20 years. He has worked as a counsellor, trauma debriefer, trainer, and manager for Shepell.fgi, and currently over-seestheirclinicalnetworkintheGreaterToronto area.

For over 10 years, Michel has been helping organizations who have employees who are transgendered. He has provided consultation, coaching, and education to companies in the financial, government, manufacturing, information technology, and media sectors who are dealing with these issues. Michel was an on-camera expert in a video documentary called Erica, a life in Transition. This documentary explores the transition of a transgender person from the personal, family, work, and community per-spective. He has provided this specialized service in both Canada and Asia.

WS-5B Peer Presentation: Crossing the Bar: An Historical Perspective on Addiction Recovery Models

Employee addiction is workplace costly. This factual, historical perspective explores the evolution from prohibition to AA to state of the science – brain repair and sustain-able recovery.


Judith Ann Miller, Ph.D., CACIIIJudithhas47yearsexperienceinthefieldof addiction recovery. She is a student of neuroscience and has experience in neu-rotransmitter testing and repair and brain imagingwithneuro-feedbackforPTSD.

WS-5C Peer Presentation: Positive Conversations at Work

Organizationswantahealthyworkplace.It’sethical,goodbusiness,andthelaw.They’relooking to their EAPs for help. As EAP practi-tioners,we’reexpertsinrelationships.Anewframework of positive psychology broadens this expertise with innovative ideas and strategies to promote workplace health.


Debbi Gordon, Msc CPsych AssociateDebbiGordonisaWorkplaceConsultantforFSEAP. Her consulting specialties include work/life balance, positive psychology, workplace health and organizational resil-iency. She has consulted with high profile organizations to assist them in areas of organizational development, culture trans-formation and corporate wellness strategy.
