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24 Hours rally raid Greece

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24 HOURS RALLY RAID GREECE The Ultimate Off Road Challenge!!! Rally (T1 and T2) and normal cars are accepted. The event counts for the Greek 4X4 Championship. Last year we had 108 competitors starting the event, from 4 countries. This year we have already 160 competitors from 9 countries.      
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24 HOURS RALLY RAID GREECE The Ultimate Off Road Challenge!!!
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The Ultimate Off Road Challenge!!!

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A 24 Hour 4X4 competition event for normal 4x4 cars.

It is held in central Greece, few kms from Athens.

This is the 5th year of the endurance adventure event.

Normal cars are accepted. The event is a "regularity" event.

Total length 811 kms.

Driving time 24 hours, non stop!

Two services, half an hour each.

Two classes, raid and normal.

Raid with regularity, normal wthout and smaler average speed requirement.

Two (raid) or three (normal) member crews.

Starts Saturday 12:00Z. Ends Sunday 12:00Z

Foreign - non Greek - competitors will be our quests. They have to pay nothing!

Please invite your friends to participate.

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A 24 Hour 4X4 competition event for 4x4 cars. It is held in central Greece, few kms from Athens. This is the 6th year of the endurance adventure event. It is held over two loops, each one ending with a service of 45 to 60 minutes. The event is taking place on the last weekend of November, for this year 2009 at the 28th and 29th of the month.

Rally (T1 and T2) and normal cars are accepted. The event counts for the Greek 4X4 Championship. Last year we had 108 competitors starting the event, from 4 countries. This year we have already 160 competitors from 9 countries.

Total length is about 800 kms. Driving time 24 hours, non stop! Starts Saturday 12:00Z. Ends Sunday 12:00Z. The terrain consists of many types of gravel. From fast, wide roads up to difficult, mud paths and twisting mountain roads. From zero altitude, up to 1500 meters, on the rocky mountains of Central Greece and Evoia Island. During day and night, close to the biggest night in the area, that lasts for 14 hours. And, never to mention, security comes first!

Five categories: Rally with FIA regulations for 4X4, T1 and T2 classes Raid, modified, regularity Normal, normal, regularity Entry, just cruise with smaller average speed requirements. Three member crews. SUV, as entry, with SUV vehicles

The bright participant in this year's Cooper 24 Hours 4X4 2009 will be Russian Boris Gadsin, FIA International Cup for Cross-Country Bajas 2007 winner, runner-up in 2008 and first on the tables for 2009.

Gadasin will take part in the event with co-driver Vladimir Damyanenko and a Mitsubishi Pajero V20 3.5 litres vehicle. His participation was conformed on October the 6th and will be supported by Tetrakinisi Mag, Malatesta Tyres and Egglezopoulos Bros. The last will have the responsibility of servicing the car during the event.

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The famous Zappeio building, at the center of Athens, inside the National Park and beside the Greek Parliament, will host the start and the finish of the race. Zappeio hosted many international meetings and for many years the start of the well known Acropolis Rally.

Todor Christov from Bulgary will participate at Z1 Open driving a Polaris RZR! He is looking forward to win the event as he said!

First entry to the ATVs class isT odorova Zornitsa riding Can-Am Renegade XC. She finished second in class at Balkan Off Road Marathon.

Greek 2008 4X4 Champion will take place in the race, sponsored by Chrysler Jeep Hellas. Takis Egglezoipoulos will drive a Jeep Wrangler JK 2.8 Diesel. His co-driver will be Soula Karamina.

4 Wheels Magazine, sponsors of the event, will take place with a VW Amarok pick-up at Z2 Normal category. Driver will be Giannis Harpidis, one of the major journalists of 4 Wheels. It might be the first appearance of the vehicle on a competition event worldwide!

5 competitors from Bulgaria and 1 from Rumania are the foreign competitors up to know. Among them is Trayan Trayanon who finished second at Balkan Off Road Marathon, driving a Toyota Land Cruiser 70.

Greek KIA club and Lesvos 4X4 Club are the first two teams of at least five entries that will take part at Cooper 24 Hours 4X4 2010. Another one team, from Attiki 4X4 Club, is expected to take place also.

79 entries: Z1 Open (20), Z2 Normal (35), Z3 Entry (10), Z0 SUV (5) and ATV (1). Concerning the manufacturers we have 20 Suzukies, 11 Jeeps, 9 Mitsubishis, 7 KIAs, 6 Landies, 3 Ladas and 2 Toyotas.

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A 24 Hour Off Road competition event for off road vehicles. It is held in central Greece, few kms from Athens. This is the 8th year of the endurance adventure event. It is held over four loops, each one ending with a service of 90 minutes. The event is taking place on the last weekend of November, for this year 2011 at the 26th and 27th of the month.

2009, Borris Gadasin, World Baja Champion, took part at ...the event. This event was sponsored by Cooper Tyres and City of Pireas, Greece. 2010 competitors from Bulgaria, Roumania and Slovenia made the event international.

Rally (T1 and T2) and normal cars are accepted. 2008 year we had 111 competitors from 4 countries.

Total length is about 800 kms. Driving time 24 hours, non stop! Starts Saturday 12:00Z. Ends Sunday 12:00Z. The terrain consists of many types of gravel. From fast, wide roads up to difficult, mud paths and twisting mountain roads. From zero altitude, up to 1500 meters, on the rocky mountains of Central Greece. During day and night, close to the biggest night in the area, that lasts for 14 hours.

Five categories: - Z1, Open, modified, including T1, T2 and T3 cars. - Z2, Normal, normal, regularity. No safety precaution needed. - Z3, Entry, just cruise with smaller average speed requirements. Three member crews are allowed. - Z0, SUV, as entry, with SUV vehicles. - ATVs. - Motos

Foreign competitors will be our quests. They have to pay no administrative cost. Transport and accommodation can be arranged in low prices, if requested.

For European competitors 4 days are enough for coming, racing, return to base. Ships from and to Italy depart every day. Athens Airport is just few kilometers from the start. Scrutinizing is held just before the race, Saturday morning, for foreign competitors.

First time competitors from 8 different countries took part at the event!

Some thousands spectators watched the start from Kotzia square in center of Athens

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24 ώρες 4×4 Σε πρώτο πρόςωπο Δευτϋρα 5 Δεκεμβρύου 2011Δύςκολη η καλογερικό, λϋει ο λαόσ. Παροιμύα μϊλλον βγαλμϋνη από τη δυςκολύα τησ αποχόσ, λϋμε εμεύσ. Και η αποχό μπορεύ να αναφϋρεται ςε καθετύ που μασ ςυγκινεύ και αγαπϊμε. Έτςι λοιπόν, όπωσ κϊθε χρόνο τα τελευταύα πϋντε, αποφαςύςαμε να ςπϊςουμε τον όρκο εγκρϊτειασ και να καθύςουμε πύςω από τιμόνι αγωνιςτικού, λαμβϊνοντασ μϋροσ ςτισ 24 ώρεσ 4×4. Ο αγώνασ διοργανώνεται από τον Ιχνηλϊτη, με διϊφορεσ μορφϋσ την τελευταύα δεκαετύα, ϋχοντασ καταφϋρει να αποτελϋςει κομμϊτι του Βαλκανικού πρωταθλόματοσ 4×4, όντασ και ο κορυφαύοσ του αντύςτοιχου Ελληνικού. Η πρόκληςη μεγϊλη και οι δυςκολύεσ ϊρχιςαν με τη λόψη τησ απόφαςησ, αφού το βαςικότερο όταν η εύρεςη αγωνιςτικού, που θα κϊλυπτε τισ προδιαγραφϋσ τησ κατηγορύασ Ζ1. Η λύςη όρθε από τον καλό μασ φύλο Ιγνϊτιο Ορφανό, ο οπούοσ και μασ παραχώρηςε το, ϊρτια προετοιμαςμϋνο, Mitsubishi Pajero 3.5 24V. Η τελικό προετοιμαςύα ϋγινε από την Ηχοαυτοκύνηςη ενώ η ςτόριξη των 4Τροχών και του surfsalad.eu όρθαν να δώςουν τα εφόδια για τη ςυμμετοχό μασ. Εκκύνηςη λοιπόν, μαζύ με τη μόνιμη ςυνοδηγό μασ, τη Βϊςω, από την πλατεύα Κοτζιϊ το Σϊββατο το μεςημϋρι και εύςοδοσ ςε χώμα ςτο ύψοσ του Καπανδριτύου όπου και η αρχό τησ μεγαλύτερησ ςε μόκοσ SS του αγώνα με μόκοσ 234χλμ! Ο ρυθμόσ που αποφαςύςαμε να ακολουθόςουμε όταν γρόγοροσ ςτα ανοιχτϊ-flat κομμϊτια και αργόσ, ώςτε να διαφυλϊξουμε το αυτοκύνητο, ςτα κακϊ. Φτϊςαμε ςτο τϋρμα τησ ειδικόσ με 11 λεπτϊ προπορεύα, ϋχοντασ κϊνει ϋνα ανεφοδιαςμό και βϊζοντασ τα θεμϋλια για μια ελπιδοφόρα εμφϊνιςη, μιασ και ο χρόνοσ μασ όταν μπροςτϊ και από αυτούσ των μηχανών. Η τύχη όμωσ αποφϊςιςε διαφορετικϊ… Στα μϋςα τησ δεύτερησ ειδικόσ, διατηρώντασ τον ύδιο ρυθμό, μια βύδα ϋφυγε από το εμπρόσ αριςτερό ψαλύδι και μασ οδόγηςε ςτην ϊκρη του δρόμου. Η ςυνϋχεια όταν ςυγκλονιςτικό. Χωρύσ ύςιο τροχό, χωρύσ φρϋνα και ανϊρτηςη, κατευθυνθόκαμε ςτη γνωςτό μασ Ανϊληψη. Εκεύ, μετϊ τα μεςϊνυχτα, κϊτω από τη λϊμπα τησ εκκληςύασ, περιμϋναμε καρτερικϊ το service μασ το οπούο και ϋφταςε αγκομαχώντασ ςτην ανηφόρα από τη Λειβαδιϊ. Οι μηχανικού μασ ϋφτιαξαν ςε 10 μόλισ λεπτϊ με μια προςπϊθεια που θύμιςε Ακρόπολισ ϊλλων εποχών. Συνεχύςαμε τον αγώνα με forfetaria (1 ώρα ςτο χρόνο του τελευταύου) κερδύζοντασ 3 από τισ 5 ειδικϋσ του αγώνα και καταλαμβϊνοντασ μια αξιοπρεπό θϋςη. Δύςκολη η καλογερικό αλλϊ μϊλλον όχι για εμϊσ. Επόμενοσ; Λευτϋρησ Μανιαδϊκησ

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24 Hours Rally Raid Greece 2012

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Be there!!!
