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26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE · 15/12/2019  · Сам вертеп набуває значення...

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December 15, 2019 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 1 VOL. 56 / NO. 50 SUNDAY OF FORE-FATHERS TONE 2 DECEMBER 15, 2019 26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE • WARREN, MI 48091 Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 • Cell: 586-565-2600 Email: [email protected] • www.stjoschurch.com Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 • Email: [email protected] • www.stjosaphatbanquets.com Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 • Email: [email protected] Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM Cell: 586-457-3314 • Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday Friday 10:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. (Closed for lunch 12:00 1:00 p.m.) Regular Schedule of Divine Liturgies Sundays: 8:30 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. (Ukrainian); 12:00 noon (English) Weekdays: 8:30 a.m. (Ukrainian) Saturday: 9:00 a.m. (Ukrainian); 4:00 p.m. (English) Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: 9:00 a.m. (Ukr.) and 7:00 p.m. (Eng.) Confessions - During Liturgies To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion & Funerals - call the Office first. For Weddings - make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead. The Nativity of Christ The Church celebrates the coming of the Son of God into the world with the feast of the Nativity of Christ. The birth of Christ is announced to the shepherds by the angel of the Lord: “To you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is the Christ, the Lord” (Lk 2:11). The Fathers of the Church extolled Christmas night as a day of joy and peace: Today the Bountiful One became poor for our sake ... Today we receive a gift for which we did not ask ... This present day threw open the heavenly door to our prayers ... Now the Divine Being took upon himself the seal of humanity, in order for humanity to be decorated by the seal of Divinity. According to the liturgical texts, the birth of the Child “from a mother without a father” is the fulfilment of the prophecy of Daniel about the rock hewn from the mountain without human hands (see Dn 2:45). In the Incarnation, the Son of God “came from the bosom of the Father, and in his ineffable self-emptying he took on our lowly state.” Through the most holy Mother of God, he became what he had not been before - a human. The Church sings of the Mother of God thus: “The bright and spiritual cloud, filled with heavenly rain, today rises above the earth, in order to drop dew upon it and to water it.” At the birth of Jesus, “the spring of grace ... overcomes the winter of unbelief.” The Nativity is a harbinger of Pascha. The manger is understood to be a sign of the Lord’s tomb, and the placing of the Child in the manger is a prefiguration of the placing of Christ in the tomb. The myrrh, brought by the magi, is already an anointing for the future burial. As we sing in the divine services of the feast of the Nativity of Christ, God the Word, in the Incarnation, deigned to limit himself in time - “The beginningless Word mysteriously accepts a beginning”- and in space - “The Uncontainable is contained by flesh.” Christ accepted the humility of childhood to counterbalance Adam’s choice of self-exaltation. When the Virgin received in her womb the Word of God, her womb became a noetic paradise [noetic, from the Greek nous, meaning mind or intellect]. Her womb was thus a place of encounter between God and humanity. The ewe-lamb carried the great Shepherd in her womb; and then in the cave, Різдво Христове Церква святкує пришестя Сина Божого у світ празником Різдва Христового. Про народження Христа ангел Господній звіщає пастухам: Сьогодні народився вам у місті Давидовім Спаситель, він же Христос Господь (Лк. 2, 11). Отці Церкви оспівували Різдвяну ніч як день радості та миру: Сьогодні Багатий збіднів для нашого спасіння... Сьогодні ми сподобились дару, про який не просили... Сьогодні відчинилися небесні брами для наших молитов… Сьогодні Божество вдягнулося в людину, щоб людина прикрасилася Божеством. За літургійними текстами, народження Дитяти без отця з матері є здійсненням пророцтва Даниїла про камінь, відсічений від скелі без допомоги руки (див. Дан. 2, 45). У воплоченні Син Божий вийшов з лона Отця і невимовним умаленням нашу нужденність прийняв. Він стає Тим, Ким не був, тобто людиною, через Пресвяту Богородицю світлу хмару, вагітну дощем небесним, що несеться нині понад землею, щоб її зросити й напоїти. У народженні Ісуса весна благодаті… перемагає зиму безбожності. Різдво є провісником Пасхи. Ясла розуміємо як знак гробу Господнього, а покладання Дитяти до ясел як прообраз покладання Христа до гробу. Миро, принесене мудрецями, вже є помазанням на майбутній похорон. Як співаємо в богослужіннях Різдва Христового, у воплоченні Бог Слово зволив обмежити Себе в часі: Безначальне Слово таємничим чином прийняло початок, та в просторі: Невмістимий обмежується плоттю. Христос прийняв смирення дитинства на противагу обраному Адамом самовивищенню. Коли Діва прийняла у своє лоно Боже Слово, то її лоно стало мисленним раєм – місцем зустрічі Бога і людини. Ягниця виносила великого Пастиря у своєму лоні, а тоді у вертепі від Діви зацвіло Дерево життя Христос. Розділення між людиною і Богом, між землею і небом тепер усунене, про що небо звістило землю устами зірки і собором зірок ангелів. Сам вертеп набуває значення царської палати, а ясла – царського престолу. Ісуса пов’язують пеленами для розв’язання людства від узів гріхів. Упалий раніше царський образ людини відновлюється аж до його повноти у воскресінні. (Xrystos Naqa Pasxa-190-3) (cont. on pg. 3)

December 15, 2019 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 1



Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 • Cell: 586-565-2600 Email: [email protected] • www.stjoschurch.com

Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 • Email: [email protected] • www.stjosaphatbanquets.com

Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 • Email: [email protected]

Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM Cell: 586-457-3314 • Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. (Closed for lunch 12:00 –1:00 p.m.)

Regular Schedule of Divine Liturgies

Sundays: 8:30 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. (Ukrainian); 12:00 noon (English) Weekdays: 8:30 a.m. (Ukrainian) Saturday: 9:00 a.m. (Ukrainian); 4:00 p.m. (English)

Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: 9:00 a.m. (Ukr.) and 7:00 p.m. (Eng.) Confessions - During Liturgies

To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion & Funerals - call the Office first. For Weddings - make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead.

The Nativity of Christ The Church celebrates the coming of the Son of God

into the world with the feast of the Nativity of Christ.

The birth of Christ is announced to the shepherds by

the angel of the Lord: “To you is born this day in the city of

David a Saviour, who is the Christ, the Lord” (Lk 2:11). The

Fathers of the Church extolled Christmas night as a day of joy

and peace:

Today the Bountiful One became poor for our sake ... Today

we receive a gift for which we did not ask ... This present

day threw open the heavenly door to our prayers ... Now the

Divine Being took upon himself the seal of humanity, in order

for humanity to be decorated by the seal of Divinity.

According to the liturgical texts, the birth of the Child “from

a mother without a father” is the fulfilment of the prophecy of

Daniel about the rock hewn from the mountain without

human hands (see Dn 2:45). In the Incarnation, the Son of

God “came from the bosom of the Father, and in his ineffable

self-emptying he took on our lowly state.” Through the most

holy Mother of God, he became what he had not been

before - a human. The Church sings of the Mother of God thus:

“The bright and spiritual cloud, filled with heavenly rain,

today rises above the earth, in order to drop dew upon it and

to water it.”

At the birth of Jesus, “the spring of grace ... overcomes

the winter of unbelief.” The Nativity is a harbinger of Pascha.

The manger is understood to be a sign of the Lord’s tomb, and

the placing of the Child in the manger is a prefiguration of the

placing of Christ in the tomb. The myrrh, brought by the

magi, is already an anointing for the future burial.

As we sing in the divine services of the feast of the Nativity

of Christ, God the Word, in the Incarnation, deigned to limit

himself in time - “The beginningless Word mysteriously accepts

a beginning”- and in space - “The Uncontainable is contained

by flesh.” Christ accepted the humility of childhood to

counterbalance Adam’s choice of self-exaltation. When the

Virgin received in her womb the Word of God, her womb

became a noetic paradise [noetic, from the Greek nous, meaning

mind or intellect]. Her womb was thus a place of encounter

between God and humanity. The ewe-lamb carried the great

Shepherd in her womb; and then in the cave,

Різдво Христове Церква святкує пришестя Сина Божого у світ празником Різдва Христового. Про народження Христа ангел Господній звіщає пастухам: Сьогодні народився вам у місті Давидовім Спаситель, він же Христос Господь (Лк. 2, 11). Отці Церкви оспівували Різдвяну ніч як день радості та миру: Сьогодні Багатий збіднів для нашого спасіння... Сьогодні ми сподобились дару, про який не просили... Сьогодні відчинилися небесні брами для наших молитов… Сьогодні Божество вдягнулося в людину, щоб людина прикрасилася Божеством. За літургійними текстами, народження Дитяти без отця з матері є здійсненням пророцтва Даниїла про камінь, відсічений від скелі без допомоги руки (див. Дан. 2, 45). У воплоченні Син Божий вийшов з лона Отця і невимовним умаленням нашу нужденність прийняв. Він стає Тим, Ким не був, тобто людиною, через Пресвяту Богородицю – світлу хмару, вагітну дощем небесним, що несеться нині понад землею, щоб її зросити й напоїти. У народженні Ісуса весна благодаті… перемагає зиму безбожності. Різдво є провісником Пасхи. Ясла розуміємо як знак гробу Господнього, а покладання Дитяти до ясел – як прообраз покладання Христа до гробу. Миро, принесене мудрецями, вже є помазанням на майбутній похорон. Як співаємо в богослужіннях Різдва Христового, у воплоченні Бог Слово зволив обмежити Себе в часі: Безначальне Слово таємничим чином прийняло початок, та в просторі: Невмістимий обмежується плоттю. Христос прийняв смирення дитинства на противагу обраному Адамом самовивищенню. Коли Діва прийняла у своє лоно Боже Слово, то її лоно стало мисленним раєм – місцем зустрічі Бога і людини. Ягниця виносила великого Пастиря у своєму лоні, а тоді у вертепі від Діви зацвіло Дерево життя – Христос. Розділення між людиною і Богом, між землею і небом тепер усунене, про що небо звістило землю устами зірки і собором зірок – ангелів. Сам вертеп набуває значення царської палати, а ясла – царського престолу. Ісуса пов’язують пеленами для розв’язання людства від узів гріхів. Упалий раніше царський образ людини відновлюється аж до його повноти у воскресінні. (Xrystos Naqa Pasxa-190-3) (cont. on pg. 3)

December 15, 2019 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 2

LITURGIES FOR THE WEEK Sunday of Fore-Fathers

Sunday, December 15, 2019 (Pr.Bk. pg. 221, 457)(Mol. st. 215, 447) Col. 3: 4-11; Lk. 14: 16-24

8:30 #1270 Health & God's Blessings for Jennifer, David, Andrew, Axel, Avery & Adeline — D. & K. Holowchak

10:00 — For The Parish

All Living & Deceased Choir Members

12:00 #991 + Lily Ondusky — O. & S. Sowirka & Family

Monday, December 16, 2019 (Proph. Haggai) 2 Tim 2: 20-26; Lk. 19: 37-44 8:30 #1302 + Lubomyr Lypeckyj — I. & A. Lawrin

#1384 + Oksana Korduba-Kaczynski — M. Nakoneczna & L. Kytasty

Tuesday, December 17, 2019 (Proph. Daniel) 2 Tim. 3: 16-4:4; Lk. 19: 45-48 8:30 #398 + Peter Bryk — D. Karpinsky

Wednesday, December 18, 2019 (Mrt. Sebastian) 2 Tim. 4: 9-22; Lk. 20: 1-8 8:30 #700 ++ Iwan Sowirka, Sophia Bej & Michael & Maria Sowirka — Sowirka Family

Ukrainian Village

11:00 #1376 + Lidia Diakiw — O. Papiz

Thursday, December 19, 2019 (Mrt. Boniface) Ti. 1: 5-2:1; Lk. 20: 9-18 8:30 #1373 ++ Mykola & Anna Dorosz — Family

Friday, December 20, 2019 (BMrt. Ignatius) Ti. 1: 15-2:10; Lk. 20: 19-26 8:30 #499 + Osyp Rudnycky — Family

Saturday, December 21, 2019 (Mrt. Juliana) Gal. 3: 8-12; Lk. 13: 18-29

9:00 #807 Health & God's Blessings for Layla, Angela & Trevor — M. Kloka

4:00pm #470 + Donna Chupa — Family

Sunday, December 22, 2019 (Pr.Bk. pg. 222, 459)(Mol. st. 216, 449) Heb. 11: 9-10, 17-23, 32-40; Mt. 1: 1-25

8:30 #629 + Evdokia Pytlovana — M. Levandivskyj

10:00 — For The Parish

12:00 #548 ++ Stephan & Maria Senyk — K. Senyk & Family

Altar Cleaning — Jeannette Cionka and Shirley McMellen

Fr. Bernard Panczuk, OSBM, Fr. Lawrence Lawryniuk, OSBM, Nicholas Allen, Shirl Batche,

Lisa Thompson-Burton, Chuck, Donna Herrick, Rebecca Holowaty, Eugene Iwasiuk, John Kobasa, Christina Lloyd, Roman Magnota, Mary Spear, Pat Szymanski, Teri Turak, George Zwierzycki

- All our elderly parishioners and parishioners that are ill, in nursing

homes and home bound. Also for all men & women in Military Duty

and for peace in the United States and Ukraine.

Za naqyx star'yx i xvoryx parafi]n kotri ne mowut/ pryxodyty do

cerkvy. A takow za na'yx vo]kiv i za myr v Ukra\ni i v Ameryci.

Please notify us of any updates to the list. Thank you.


Brian Khomiak son of Yurii Khomiak and Mariana Kashuba

was baptized in our church on Sunday, November 24, 2019.

God Bless Him and Mnohaya Lita!

+ May She Rest in Peace +

Romana Kohut passed away on November 20, 2019 in

Rancho Mirage, CA. A Memorial Liturgy will be held on

December 20, 2019 at Nativity of BVM Church in LosAngeles.

Also a Memorial Liturgy will be held on December 20, 2019

at 9:30a.m. at Immaculate Conception Church in Hamtramck.

Please Remember Her in Your Prayers

Liturgy Received For The Repose of the Soul

+ In Memory of Lidia Diakiw

Olena Papiz

Thank you for your recent donations for the less fortunate for Thanksgiving dinners.

D]ku=mo za va'i qedri powertvy

na obidy dl] bidnyx na Den/ Pod]ky.

$20 Maria Levandivskiy $25 Maria Tytusa

Total from your donations for this year: $1989.00

Orhanizatory zbirky novo\ Rizdv]no\ vyшyvky dl] naшo\ cerkvy

qyro vd];ni vsim wertvodavc]m za finansovy dopomohy:

Mari] Kuшnir Orys] "emberko Irena Mari;ak

Mari] Vely;ko L[dmyla Bazar Myros] Vasylyk Vlad] Kumlyk Ol/ha Myxajl]k

129-viddil SUA: Ol/ha Palinevy; Valentyna "ajda Halyna Kavec/ka

Veselyx Sv]t vsim i Bowoho blahoslovenn] v Novoho Roku!!

Please Pray For The Sick

December 15, 2019 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 3

Christ - the Tree of Life - blossomed from the Virgin. The wall

of partition separating humanity from God and earth from

heaven is now removed. Heaven announces this to the earth

through “the voice of the star” and “the starry host”- the

angels. The stable itself becomes a royal palace, and the

manger a royal throne. Jesus is bound in swaddling clothes in

order to unbind humanity from the chains of sin. Although it

had been fallen, the royal image of humanity is now being

renewed to its fullness in the Resurrection. (Christ our Pascha-#190-3)

Pre-feast of the Nativity

Let Us Celebrate - As we begin the Pre-feast of the

Nativity of our Lord. The first Hymn we hear at the pre-feast

vespers, invites us with these words to come and celebrate

the pre-feast of Christ's Nativity: "Let us celebrate, O People

the Pre-feast of Christ's Nativity...with the eyes of our

soul, let us behold the Virgin, as She hastens to the cave to

give birth to the Lord and God of all...."

The one who comes is - With these words we begin our

"Holy Week" of preparation. God in His wisdom nourishes

us with His Word at these important liturgical services.

They remind us of what we are preparing for and what we will

celebrate, that is, the coming of God in the flesh who is the

"Lord and God of all."

How is it Possible? Love - Each night at vespers and

compline we hear the announcement of who is coming and

why He comes. To know Christ and who He is, and why He

has come, all one needs to do is to come and behold the

most unusual and most glorious mystery we are preparing to

celebrate. It is truly a mystery. For how is it possible for the

creature to give birth to the "Lord and God of all."? How is

it possible for the uncontainable One to be contained? How is

it possible for the Creator to become a creature? This is the

great mystery. It is the great mystery of God's love for us, a

love that is unconditional. He loved us in our sin and in our

sinful condition without any strings attached. His love made

the impossible possible. "God is love" is the underlying

proclamation of all these pre-feast services.

Winter Pascal Feasts - The prefeast of the Nativity and

Theophany follows the pattern of the pre-feast or Holy Week

before Pascha. The style of the hymns, the tones used all

remind us of that Great Week before Pascha. Both feasts,

Nativity and Theophany, are Pascal Feasts. They are related to

Pascha, rooted in Pascha, and their meaning is fulfilled in

Pascha. The pre-feast liturgical hymns remind us of this.

Journey to Bethlehem - Come then, let us all celebrate the

prefeast of Christ's Nativity. Come let us receive the word of

God into our hearts through the inspired hymns of His Liturgy

in His holy Church. Let us use this time to go up to Bethlehem

and grow spiritually, then, when the day of the Feast comes we

can enter into the joy of our Lord. Let us welcome Christ into our midst, the One who existed as the Son of God in the

bosom of the Father before the world began. Let us welcome

Him as the only One who gives meaning to our lives.

Best Wishes, Health, Happiness and God's Blessings.

Happy Birthday Maria Brunec, Jaroslaw Konopada, Anneliese Pytel,

Wasyl Pyszniak, Mary Pytiak, Deborah Waterstradt,

Christina Kalba, Wasyl Tetiuk, George Kapitanec,

Susan Sloboda, Valentyna Sorych, John Zavinsky,

Nickolas DeNardis, Alexandra Bojcuniak, Natalie Stasyk,

Mattei Jacks, Anton Soroka, Mykola Murskyj

Mnoha] Lita!

Names printed are for birthdays for this week — from Sunday thru Saturday

Calender of Events

Dec 20th …...... St. Nicholas Play at 9:00am and 6:30pm

at Immaculate Conception School Dec. 24th …...... Christmas Eve — 9am & 10pm Lit. (Ukr/Eng) Dec. 25th …...... Christmas — 11:00am Liturgy (Eng/Ukr)

Dec. 31st ………. New Years Eve Liturgies of Thanksgiving — 9:00am & 6:00pm

Jan. 1st ……….. New Years Day —Liturgy of Thanksgiving - 9am

Jan 5th ………... Eve of Theophany — small water blessing 8:30am, 9:30a.m. (water blessing) & 12:00noon Lit.

Jan 6th ………... Theophany — great water blessing 9:00am (water blessing) & 7:00pm liturgies

Tuesday Night Faith Formation Sessions

Tuesday evenings at 7:30p.m - 9:00p.m. - classroom

Hope Through Jesus and Mary featuring Fr. Mykhailo Kuzma

Pastor at Immaculate Conception church in Palatine, Il

December 17th — Movie Night (TBA)

Classes resume: January 14th — Our Lady of Guadalupe

For more information contact: Orest Sowirka or Zach Gala

at [email protected]

Condo on Dora Lane For Sale

near the Ukrainian Credit Union and the Church A condo with 2 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, kitchen, dining room,

living room, unfinished full basement with 2 car attached

garage. Plus a deck in the yard.

For more info, please call 313-590-4350.

Experienced Care Giver is looking to help those in need.

Customized services for help with daily living includes

groceries or other shopping, errands, laundry and preparing

meals. Lives locally and minutes away from Ukr. Village.

For more info or questions, please call JoAnne 586-596 4493.


Ukrainian American Veterans

Annual Wild Game Dinner February 22, 2020 at Ukr. Cultural Center

Reserve tickets before Feb 15th.

Call Matt Wroblewski 586-755-9575 for more info.

December 15, 2019 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 4 St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Church

26401 St. Josaphat Drive

Warren, Michigan 48091

Tel. (586) 755-1740 Fax. (586) 755-1399

E-mail: [email protected] www.stjoschurch.com

Parishioner Information Form We are updating our parishioner list. Whether you are a registered parishioner or newly registered, please fill

out this form if you have any changes to be made. The information is strictly kept confidential. Please return

the form to the church office in a sealed envelope marked "office" and drop it into the collection basket or

send it to the office. Your participation is greatly appreciated. Env. #:


Last Name: First Name:

Date of Birth: Date of Marriage: Church:

Status: Single Married Divorced Widowed


Last Name: First Name:

Date of Birth: Date of Marriage: Church:

Status: Single Married Divorced Widowed


City: State: Zip:

Phone #: ( ) - Cell #: ( ) -



Last Name: First Name:

Date of Birth: Baptism: Holy Communion: Grade level:

Last Name: First Name:

Date of Birth: Baptism: Holy Communion: Grade level:

Last Name: First Name:

Date of Birth: Baptism: Holy Communion: Grade level:

Membership dues per year:

$25 per family

$12 per single person

$10 widow / widower

* Children (at college age) should be registered separately

* Would you like to have the church envelopes sent to you

yes no (circle your response)

December 15, 2019 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 5

Por]dok Sv]to;no\ Liturhi\

Vivtorok, 24-ho hrudn], 2019 – Sv]t Ve;ir

9>00-ij rano – Sv. Liturhi]

10>00-ij ve;ir – Rizdv]na vidprava (Ukr/Anh)

Sereda, 25-ho hrudn], 2019 – Rizdvo Xrystove

11>00-ij rano – Sv. Liturhi] (Anh/Ukr)

:etver, 26-ho hrudn], 2019 – Sobor Pr. Bohorodyci

9>00-ij rano i 7>00-ij ve;ir – Sv. Liturhi\

P’]tnyc], 27-ho hrudn], 2019 – Sv. Perv. Stefana

9>00-ij rano i 7>00-ij ve;ir – Sv. Liturhi\

Vivtorok, 31-ho hrudn], 2019 – Nave;. Novoho Roku

9>00-ij rano i 6>00-ij ve;ir – Pod];ni Sv. Liturhi\

Sereda, 01-ho si;n], 2020 – Novyj Rik

9>00-ij rano – Blahal/na Sv. Liturhi]

Nedil], 05-ho si;n], 2020 – Nave;. Boho]vlenn]

8>30-ij rano – Sv. Liturhi]

9>30-ij rano – male Vodosv]tt] i Sv. Liturhi]

12>00-ij p.p. – Sv. Liturhi]

Ponedilok, 06-ho si;n], 2020 – Boho]vlenn] Hospodn=

9>00-ij rano – Sv. Liturhi] – velyke Vodosv]tt]

7>00-\j ve;. – Sv. Liturhi]

Schedule of Christmas and New Year Liturgies

Tuesday, December 24, 2019 – Christmas Eve 9:00 a.m. – Divine Liturgy 10:00 p.m. – Christmas Compline/Divine Liturgy (Eng/Ukr)

Wednesday, December 25, 2019 – Christmas Day 11:00 a.m. – Divine Liturgy (Eng/Ukr)

Thursday, December 26, 2019 – Syn. of Blessed Mother 9:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. – Divine Liturgies

Friday, December 27, 2019 – Feast of St. Stephen 9:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. – Divine Liturgies

Tuesday, December 31, 2019 – New Year's Eve 9:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. – Divine Liturgies of Thanksgiving

Wednesday, January 01, 2020 – New Year's Day 9:00 a.m. – Divine Liturgy of Invocation

Sunday, January 05, 2020 – Eve of Theophany 8:30 a.m. – Divine Liturgy 9:30 a.m. – Small Water Blessing & Divine Liturgy 12:00 noon – Divine Liturgy

Monday, January 06, 2020 – Theophany 9:00 a.m. – Divine Liturgy – Great Water Blessing 7:00 p.m. – Divine Liturgy

Dorohyj Ot;e,

Bawa[, qob Vy poblahoslovyly naq dim z Jordans/ko[ vodo[.

(Blahoslovenn] domiv po;yna=t/s] 6-ho si;n]).

Dear Father,

We would like for you to bless our home during the Epiphany (Jordan) season

which begins on January 6th.

Please fill out the card and mail it to the church office or drop it in the collection basket.



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