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27-CR-20-12951 Filed in District Court 7/7/2020 11:00 AM€¦ · 27-CR-20-12951 Filed in District...

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27-CR-20-12951 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 7/7/2020 11:00 AM
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27-CR-20-12951 Filed in District CourtState of Minnesota7/7/2020 11:00 AM

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J. Alexander Kueng:


Store Manager:What's going on? Before they drive off, I've got it here, it's a fake biIl from the gentieman-

Thomas Lane:

[crosstalk 00:00:57].

Store Manager:

Mm-hmm {afrmative}.

Store Manager:


J. Alexander Kueng:The driver in there?

Store Manager:Hold on. which one?

Male 1:

That blue one over there.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Which one?

Thomas Lane:

yup-yup just head back in.

J. Alexander Kueng:Okay.

Male 1:

BRJ, something like that.

J. Alexander Kueng:All right. (silence)

Thomas Lane:

let me see your hands.

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27-CR-20-12951 Filed in District CourtState of Minnesota7/7/2020 11:00 AM

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Male 2:

Whoa, damn, man. [crosstaik 00:01:39].

J. Alexander Kueng:

Squad 320, we're going to be out with Minnesota, BR], Boy, Robert, John, 026 at 38th street and Cedar.

Thomas Lane:

let me see your other hand, Both Hands, put your hands up right now!

Male 2:

I'm right here, boss

Shawanda Renee Hill:

Let him see your hands

.I. Alexander Kueng:Ali right, I appreciate that, man.

Male 2'.

I‘m cool, bro. That shit... He...

George Flayd:What did ldo?

Thomas Lane:

Put your hand up there, Put your fucking hand up.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Put your hand up.

George Floyd:

Igot shot.

Male 2:

Let me get over here, sir.

J. Alexander Kueng:No, you're going to stay right there for me.

Male 2:

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‘s transcript was exported on Jun 15, 2020 - View latest version here.

Okay. Okay.

Thomas Lane:

Put your hands on the wheel.

George Floyd:

Yes, sir. i'm sorry, sir.

Thomas Lane:

who else is in the car?

George Floyd:

[crosstalk 00:02:04].

Male 2:

lust us, man. Me and-

J. Alexander Kueng:No, you got one more back here.

Male 2:

It's a lady.

J. Alexander Kueng:It's a lady?

Male 2:

Yes, sir. A female. Giving us a ride, we trying to get a ride.

J. Alexander Kueng:Is this her car?

Male 2:

No, it's his other friend car, sir. She giving her and I a ride.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Yeah. All right, so it's who's car? Your friend's car. you said?

Male 2:

It's his friend's car.

J. Alexander Kueng:

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Male 2:

Her name, I forget. Her name is Ton... I forgot. I forgot her name, hut I know her, his coworker. He was

giving her and I a ride. This young lady right here?

J. Alexander Kueng:Yeah.

Male 2:

And I a ride.

J. Alexander Kueng:


Male 2:

And we was just waiting on him, or whatever.

Thomas Lane:

Step out and face away.

George Fioyd:

[crosstalk 00:02:40].

Thomas Lane:

Step out and face away.

J. Alexander Kueng:All right. What stopped you here, at Cup Foods?

Male 2:

[do business with Adam, lwas trving to buy me a laptop, and I did buy one but it wasn't working, so he

gave me my change back, you can ask him. You can ask him.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Okay. Do you have your ID on you?

Male 2:

I can get one.

Thomas Lane:

Step out and face away.

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George Floyd:

Please, don't shoot me Mr. Ofcer, please.

Male 2:

How you doing, sir?

J. Alexander Kueng:

I'm good.

Male 2:

I'm just reaching to get this out.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Yeah, that's ne.

George Floyd:

Okay, okay. Okay, please, please, please, man.

Mate 2:

I'm going to stay right here, bro.

l. Alexander Kueng:

Yup, I appreciate that.

George Floyd:

Please, please. l didn't know, man. I didn't know.

Male 2:

Adam knows him, bro.

George Floyd:

l didn't know. l didn't know.

J. Alexander Kueng:Stay here.

Male 2:


J. Alexander Kueng:You take a seat in that car.

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Thomas Lane:

Put your hands behind your back.

Male 2:

Yes, sir.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Stay in the car.

Male 2:

Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

George Fioyd:

I didn't know.

Thomas Lane:

Put y0ur fucking hands behind your back.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Stop moving.

George Floyd:I didn’t do nothing. Im not going to do nothing.

J. Alexander Kueng:Put your hands behind your back then.

George Floyd:

I'm not going to do nothing.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Face the door.

Thomas Lane:

Get his other hand.

George Floyd:

I didn‘t do nothing wrong. Man.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Hey, you come back. Stay in the car.

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George Floyd:

I‘m sorry, Mr. Ofcer. I'll get on my knees, whatever. Oh man, please.

J. Alexander Kueng:Stop resisting, man.

George Floyd:

I'm not.

.L Alexander Kueng:

Yes, you are.

George Floyd:

I didn't do nothing wrong, man- [Inaudible 00:03:41] Please, [inaudible 00:03:42].

J. Alexander Kueng:

Stay down.

George Floyd:

Please, please, man.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Stand up. Stand up for me.

George Floyd:

I don‘t want to go back.

J. Alexander Kueng:Stand up.

George Floyd:

l don't want to go back there. I didn't do nothing that‘s wrong, man.

J. Alexander Kueng:Come on, walk with me.

George Floyd:We [inaudible 00:03:55].

.l. Alexander Kueng:

Walk with me. Walk with me.

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George Floyd:

My ngers man. God damn, man.

J. Alexander Kueng:Stand up.

George Floyd:

Why you doing rne iike that?

J. Alexander Kueng:Stand up.

George Fioyd:God damn, man.

J. Alexander Kueng:Come on.

George Floyd:

Ijust wa nt to stop getting arrested.

J. Alexander Kueng:We're trying to get out of the street here so you don‘t get hit by a car.

George Floyd:That‘s it, man. Iwas just looking, man, but I didn't do nothing wrong.

J. Alexander Kueng:Take a seat. Sit down forme.

George Floyd:Thank you, man. Thank you, Mr. Ofcer.

Thomas Lane:

320 were code 4

J. Alexander Kueng:Sit down.

George Floyd:Thank you, man. God.

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J. Alexa nder Kueng:Sit all the way down, atten your feet out.

George Flow:Yes. sir. Yes, sir, I will. Please, man. Please. Please, man.

J. Alexander Kueng:

You got an ID on you?

George Floyd:

Igot one at home.

J. Alexander Kueng:

All right, what's your name?

George Floyd:


J. Alexander Kueng:George?

George Floyd:

George Perry Floyd. I dorft know what's going... Man, that‘s it.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Spell it for me.

George Floyd:

G E O R G E.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Last name?

George Floyd:

Floyd. Man. F-L-O-Y-D.

J. Alexander Kueng:


George Floyd:


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J. Alexander Kueng:Date of birth?

Geo rge Floyd:

[inaudible 00:04:48], October 14th.

J. Aiexander Kueng:October 14th?

George Floyd:'73. Man, I got shot last time, same thing, man.

J. Alexander Kueng:Okay, do you mind doing me a favor? Just run this guy for me. George Floyd. Thank you.

George Floyd:

Man, look, Mr. Ofcer. I don't want no problems, | ain't going to do nothing.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Man, do you know why we're here?

George Floyd:


.l. Alexander Kueng:

We‘re here because it sounds like you gave a fake bill to the individuals in there.

George Floyd:


J. Alexander Kueng:Do you understand that?

George Floyd:


J. Alexander Kueng:And do you know why we pulled you out of the car? Because you was not listening to anything we told


George Floyd:

Right, but I didn't know what was going on.

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J. Alexander Kueng:You listen to us, and we will tell you what's going on, all right?

George Floyd:

Yes, sir.

J. Alexander Kueng:When you‘re moving around like that, that makes us think way more is going on that we need to know.

Thomas Lane:

Kueng, just put him In the car.

George Floyd:

Right. And it's all I had.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Gotcha, all right. We're going to put you in the back of a squad, all right?

Geo rge Floyd:Can l talk to you? [crosstalk 00:05:43]?

J. Alexander Kueng:

Yeah, we‘re going to sort all this out, all right?

George Floyd:

Please? Please, man. Please.

J. Alexander Kueng:

That your car key?

George Floyd:It‘s my sister's.

J. Alexander Kueng:Kev fob right there?

George Floyd:

Yes, sir. Her name is... | got one problem.

J. Alexander Kueng:Yeah?

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George Floyd:


J. Aiexander Kueng:I'm going to hold on to that for you. Stand up.

George Floyd:

Please, man. [inaudible 00:06:01], Mr. Officer, like right now, i'm like, "What's going-

J. Alexander Kueng:Yeah and look it, you're still able to reach your side. You're making me nervous.

George Floyd:

All right, look at my wrist, look at it.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Yeah, Igot you We'll x all that. We'll x all that, but you got to walk with me.

George Floyd:


Thomas Lane:

What are, are you on something right now?

George Floyd:

No, nothing.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Because you acting real erratic.

George Floyd:I'm scared. man.

Thomas Lane:

Let‘s go, lets go.

George Floyd:

God, man.

J. Alexander Kueng:You got foam around your mouth, too?

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11115 transcript was exported on Jun 15, 2020 - view latest version here.

Geo rge Floyd:

Yes. Yes, I was heaping earlier.

Thomas Lane:


George Floyd:

Man, why the... All right, let me calm down. I'm feeling better now. Okay, Mr. Ofcer, will you do me

one favor, man?

J. Alexander Kueng;We're going to talk about that once we get to the car.

Thomas Lane:

Get to the car, man.

J. Alexander Kueng:Stop moving around.

George Floyd:

God dang, man. Oh, man. God, don't leave me, man. Please, man. Don't leave me, man. Please, oh,

please don't leave me, man.

Thomas Lane:

Did we lock that door [crosstalk 00:06:45]?

l. Alexander Kueng:

Yeah, just unlock the door for me.

George Floyd:I didn‘t do anything.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Stand up. Stop falling down.

George Floyd:I'm claustrophobic, man.

J. Alexander Kueng:Stand up.

George Floyd:I'rn claustrophobic.

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J. Alexander Kueng:

Stay on your feet and face the car door.

George Floyd:

Please. man. Please.

Thomas Lane:

You get a [crosstalk 00:06:56] on him?

J. Alexander Kueng:

No. Not yet. Keep the door open. Keep the door open.

George Floyd:

Ijust want to talk to you, man.

Thomas Lane:


George Floyd:

Please, let rne talk to you, please.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Man, you ain't listening to-

George Floyd:

l know.

J. Alexander Kueng:nothing we're saying, so we're not going to listen you saying.

George Floyd:I'm claustrophobic. I'm claustrophobic, Mr. Ofcer.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Face the door.

George Floyd:

Please, man. I‘m claustrophobic

J. Alexander Kueng:I hear you, but you are going to face this door.

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George Floyd:Iwon't do anything.

Thomas Lane:

listen up. Stop.

George Floyd:

lwon't do anything. I won‘t do anything. i really won‘t do anything, man. I'm not a resistor, man. l'rn not.

l'm not. You can ask him, he know me here.

Thomas Lane:

Check that side.

George Floyd:

God, man. I will do anything to get me out. Why is this going on like this? Look at my wrists, Mr. Officer.I'm not that kind of guy.

J. Alexander Kueng:Sit still.

George Floyd:Mr. Ofcer, I'm not that kind of guy. Please, I'rn not that kind of guy, Mr. Ofcer. Please. God. Please,man. Don't leave me by myself, man. Please.

.l. Alexander Kueng:

Might want to hold on to that.

George Floyd:

I'm claustrophobic, that's it.

Thomas Lane:

YGu're still going in the car.

J. Alexander Kueng:Got anything sharp on you?

George Floyd:

l won't do nothing to hurt yaii.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Do you have anything sharp on you?

George Floyd:

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No, sir.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Not Even a comb or nothing?

George Flayd:

Nothing. I don't have nothing. Why you got to do me like that, Mr. Ofce r. Please, crack the window for

me and stuff, man.

J. Alexander Kueng:Stand up straight.

George Floyd:

I am claustrophobic for real, Mr. Ofcer.

Thomas Lane:

you got him?

George Floyd:Would you please crack it for me? Please [crosstalk 00:08:02]?

Thomas Lane:

Yes, l'll crack it. 1 will.

George Floyd:Please stay with me, man.

Thomas Lane:

| will.

George Floyd:

Please, stay with me, man. Thank you. God, man. I didn't know all this was going to happen, man.

Please, man. Ijust want my hands free. 1 don'twant to do nothing to y‘all, man. Nothing.

.l. Alexander Kueng:

You got that inside inner pocket, real quick. on your side?

George Floyd:

And l understand...

J. Alexander Kueng:

I'm listening.

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George Floyd:

And I understand that people do stuff, and y'all Bon't know me.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Take a seat.

George Floyd:

Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.

Thomas Lane:

Grab a seat.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Why are VOu having trouble walking?

George Floyd:

Because that was my [inaudible 00:08:30], my hands hurt.

Thomas Lane:

I'll role the windows down, okay?

George Floyd:

Please, man. Please, don't do this.

J. Alexander Kueng;

Take a seat.

George Floyd:

I'm going in. I'm going in.

.I. Alexander Kueng:

No, you're not.

George Floyd:

I'm going to go in.

J. Alexander Kueng:Take a seat.

Thomas Lane:

Grab a seat, man.

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George Fiovd:

Why y'all don‘t believe me, Mr. Ofcer?

J. Alexander Kueng:Take a seat.

George Floyd:

l'm not that kind of guy. I'm not that kind of guy, man.

J. Alexander Kueng:Take a seat.

George Floyd:

Y'all, I'm going to die in here.

J. Alexander Kueng:Take a seat.

George Floyd:I'm going to die, man.

J. Alexander Kueng:You need to take a seat right now.

George Floyd:

Ijust had COVID, man. I don't want to go back to that.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Take a seat.

Thomas Lane:

Hey, I'll roll the windows down. Hey, listen.

George Floyd:

Dang, man.

Thomas Lane:


George Floyd:

I'm not that kind of guy.

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Thomas Lane:

I'll roll the windows down if you put your legs in, all right? I’ll put the air on.

George Floyd:

Please, man. Y'all treating bad. Look at that. Look at that.

J. Alexander Kueng:

You‘re not even listening.

George Floyd:

Look at it. Look at it.

J. Alexander Kueng:

We can x it, but not with you standing out here.

George Floyd:

Okay, man. God, y‘all do me bad, man.

Male S:

[crosstalk 00:09:04], man. Give them a win.

George Floyd:

No, | don't want to try to win.

Male 5:


George Floyd:

I don't want y'all to win.

Male 5:

You‘re resisting, though. [crosstalk 00:09:08] want to win, now quit resisting, bro.

George Floyd:l don't want to win. I‘m claustrophobic.

Male 5:

You ain't going to win, bro.

George Floryd:

I'm claustrophobic and l got anxiety. I don't want to do nothing to them.

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Thomas Lane:

I'll roll the window down.

Male 5:

[crosstalk 00:09:14}, sten to me.

George Floyd:

Man, I'm scared as fuck, man.

Maie 5:

That’s okay. You made a mistake, somebody got to [crosstaik 00:09:19].

George Floyd:

When I start breathing it's going to go off on me, man.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Get in there.

Thomas Lane:

Puli your legs in.

George Floyd:

Okay. Okay. Let me count to three. Let me count to three and I'm going in.

Male 5:

You can't win, bro.

George Floyd:Please.

Male 5:

You can’t win.

George Floyd:I'm not trying to win. I'm not trying to win.

Male 5:

Go on in.

George Floyd:

I'll get on the ground, anything.

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Male 5:

Go get in the car.

J. Alexa nder Kueng:Get in the car.

George Floyd:He know it, too, Mr. Ofcer. Y'all hear me? Don't do my like that, man.

J. Alexander Kueng:Get in the car.

George Floyd:

Okay, can l talk to you, please?

J. Alexander Kueng:if you get in this car we can talk.

George Floyd:I am, but I'm a claustrophobic.

J. Alexander Kueng:I'm hearing you, but vau're notu with me.

George Floyd:l'm claustrophobic, man. God, l'm claustrophobic Iinaudible 00:09:44], man.

J. Alexander Kueng:Get in the car. Get in the car.

Thomas Lane:

slide you butt over here, im guna pull you in.

J. Alexander Kueng:Get in the car.

George Floyd:I'm claustrophobic, Mr. Ofcer.

J. Alexander Kueng:Get in the car.

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George Fioyd:

Can you put me in the front?

J. Alexander Kueng:

No you‘re not getting in the front

George Floyd:

Okay, man. Okay. I'm not a bad guy.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Get in the car.

George Floyd:

I'm not a bad guy.

Male 5:

You will not win.

George Floyd:

Oh, God. 0h, man. Please, ofcer. Please.

J. Alexander Kueng:Take a seat.

George Floyd:

Please, man, please.

J. Alexander Kueng:Take a seat.

George Floyd:lcan‘t. Hold on. i can't choke. Ican't breathe, Mr ofcer. Please, please.

Derek Chauvin:

Quit talking. Sit down.

J. Alexander Kueng:You‘ll be fine.

George Floyd:

My wrists. My wrists, man. My wrists, man. Please. l can't... I'll lay on the ground. I’li lay on the ground.

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George Floyd:I want to lay on the ground. I'm going to lay on the ground. Oh, I'm coming down. I'm going down, I'mgoing down.

.I. Alexander Kueng:Get in the squad.

George Floyd:

I‘m going down. I'm going down. I'm not going up.

Maie 5:

Man, you going to die of a heart attack, just get in the car.

George Floyd:I can't breathe.

Male 5:

Get in the car.

George Floyd:

ljust had COVID, man. I can't breathe. Ican't breathe.

J. Alexander Kueng:Take a seat.

George Floyd:

Please, man. One of you listen to me.

Derek Chauvin:

Is he going to jail?

J. Alexander Kueng:He's under arrest right now for forgery.

George Floyd:I can't-

J. Alexander Kueng:Until we figure out what’s going on.

George Floyd:

Forgery for what? For what? Please, man. I can't fucking breathe.

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Thomas Lane:

Let take him and just.

J. Alexa nder Kueng:

Here, come on out.

George Floyd:Thank you. Thank you.

Derek Chauvin:

Get him down on the ground.

J Alexander Kueng:Lay on the ground. On the ground.

George Floyd:

0w, my wrists, sir.

Maie 3:

He said he's not breathing, man.

Derek Chauvin:

You got a restraint? Hobbie?

.I. Alexander Kueng:

it's in the truck.

Derek Chauvin:


J. Alexander Kueng:

I'll grab that once we get him...

George Floyd:


Thomas Lane:

Jesus Christ.

George Floyd:I can‘t breathe. I can't breathe.

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Thomas Lane:

Thank you.

George Fioyd:I can't breathe.

J. Alexander Kue ng:

Stop moving.

George Floyd:Momma. Momma.

Tou Than:

It says, hobble?

George Floyd:Momma. Momma.

.l. Alexander Kueng:

Yeah, it's in the in one ofthe front pouches.

George Floyd:Momma.

J. Alexander Kueng:

0n my right side bag.

George Floyd:Momma. Momma.

Too Thao:

[crosstalk 00:11:49] here.

Thomas Lane:

Can we get Code 2. for one bleeding from the mouth.

Derek Chauvin:

You're under arrest guy.

George Floyd:

Alright. Alright. 0h my, God. l can't believe this

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Derek Chauvin:

That’s why you're going to jail.

George Floyd:I can‘t believe this. I can't believe this.

Thomas Lane:


George Floyd:I can't beiieve this. I can't believe this, man. Momma, I love you. [Reese 00:12:09] I Iove you.

Thomas Lane:

You got hobble?

George Fond:Teli my kids I love them.

J. Alexander Kueng:They're grabbing it.

George Floyd:I'm dead.

Thomas Lane:

It's in my side. it's listed, it's labeled. It says, hobble.

George Floyd:[can‘t breathe for nothing, man, this mid—blooded man.

Derek Chauvin:

All right, you're doing a lot of talking.

George Floyd:

Momma, I love you. lcan't do nothing.

Tou Thao:

Are we calling for EMS?

J. Alexander Kuegn:

Yeah, EMS is on their way.

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George Floyd:

My face is gene.

Tou Thao:

Well do you want a hobble at this point, then?

George Floyd:i can't breathe, man.

Derek Chauvin:

We'll hold him until EMS shows up.

Thomas Lane:


George Floyd:Please. Please let me stand.

Derek Chauvin:


George Floyd:

Please, man. I can‘t breathe.

Thomas Lane:

Can you get up on the” sidewalk, please? One side or the other, please?

George Floyd;

My face skinned up bad.

Thomas Lane:

Here, should we get his legs up?

George Floyd:Oh my, God.

Derek Chauvin:

Nope, just leave them.

George Floyd:


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.I. Alexander Kueng:

yup, Just leave him.

Derek Chauvin: -

just leave them.

Thomas Lane:

All right-

George Floyd:

I‘m dead.

Thomas Lane:

Hopefully Park's still sitting on that car they were...

George Floyd:Look at my face, man.

Derek Chauvin:

is he high on something

Thomas Lane:

Fm assuming so.

J. Alexander Kueng:I believe so, we found a pipe on him.

Thomas Lane:

He wouldn't get out of the car.

Thomas Lane:

He wasn‘t following instructions.

Derek Chauvin:

l5 this his Mercedes?

Thomas Lane:

Yeah, it's across the street. Park's watching it.

George Floyd:Please. Please.

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Thomas Lane:

Two other peopie were with him.

George Floyd:

Please, I can‘t breathe. Please, man. Please, [inaudible 00:13:18].

Tau Thao:

EMS coming code three?

Thomas Lane:

Ah Code 2, We can probabiv step it up then. You got it?

George Floyd:Please man, somebody help me.

Tou Theo:


George Fioyd:| can't breathe.

J. Alexander Kueng:You're doing ne. You're talking ne.

Thomas Lane:

Deep breath.

George Floyd:l can't breathe.

Male 3:

He can't breathe. Please.

George Floyd:| can‘t breathe.

Male 3:

{crosstalk 00:13:42].

George Floyd:

[can't breathe.

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Male 3:

[crosstalk 00:13:45]. This is where my homie die—d [Inaudible 00:13:49].

George Floyd:

My father Just died this way.

Derek Chauvin:


George Floyd:

Man, Ican't breathe. My face, it's skinned up. Man.

Thomas Lane:

He's got to be on something.

Tou Thao:

What are you on?

George Floyd:l can't breathe. Please, your knee on my neck. l oan't breathe, shit.

Male 5:

Well, get up and get in the car, man.

George Fond:I will.

Male 5:

Get up, get in the car.

Geo rge Floyd:l can‘t move.

Male 5:

[crosstalk 00:13:49]. Get up, get in the car.

George Floyd:Momma.

Thomas Lane:

We found a weed pipe on him, there might be something else with it. Might be like, PCP or something.

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George Floyd:l can't.

Male 5:

[crosstalk 00:14:15].

Thomas Lane:

ls that the shaking of the eyes, right? Is PCP?

George Floyd:

My knee.. My neck.

Male 5:

YOu can't win, man.

Thomas Lane:

Where their eyes shake back and forth really fast?

George Floyd:I'm through.

Male 5:

I know you are, but listen.

George Floyd:I‘m claustrophobic. My stomach hurts.

Derek Chauvin'.


George Floyd:

My neck hurts.

Derek Chauvin:


George Floyd:

Everything hurt. I need some water or something. Please. Please. I can't breathe, ofcer.

De rek Chauvin:

You're doing a lot of talking, a lot of yelling.

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George Floyd:

They going to kiil me. They‘re going to kill me, man.

Derek Chauvin:

Takes a heck of a lot of oxygen to say that.

Male 5'.

[crosstalk 00:14:53], you can get off of him.

Geo rge Floyd:

Come on, man.

Male 5:

Yeah, that's it. That's the [crosstalk 00:14:57].

George Floyd:l cannot breathe. [cannot breathe.

Male 3:

Tough guy. Taugh guy, huh?

George Floyd:

They're going to kill me. They're going to kill me. 1 can't breathe.


[crosstalk 00:15:24].

George Floyd:| can't breathe.


[crosstalk 00:15:32].

Male 3:

You can put him in the car.

Tou Thao:

We tried that for 10 minutes.

Male 3:

This some one line shit. You know that. He can't breathe, bro.

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George Fioyd:

Piease, sir. Please.

Male 3:

[crosstalk 00:15:45].

George Floyd:


Male 3:

{crosstalk 00:15:51].

Tou Than:


Male 3:

Is this your move? You trapping him, he ain't breathing right there, bro. You don‘t think that's what it?You don't think nobody going to see that‘s you right there, bro?

Thomas Lane:

You want him on his side?

Derek Chauvin:

No, leave him. Staying put where we got him.

Thomas Lane:

0k, I just worry about the excited delirium, or whatever.

Male 3:

He's not breathing right, man.

Derek Chauvin:

That why we got the ambulance coming .

Thomas Lane:

0kay,i suppose.

Derek Chauvin:

That's fine.

Male 3:

It's hard to talk when you... You need to get him off the ground, bro. You could get him off the ground,bro. You could get him off the ground you bum, right now.


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[crosstatk 00:16:15].

Male 3:

He enjoying that shit, he a fucking bum, bro. He enjoying that shit right now, bro. You could have fuckingput him in the car by now, bro.

Male 3:

He's not resisting arrest or nothing.

Female 1:

ls he taiking now?

Male 3:

You ain't doing anything- Look at you, your body language is crazy, you fucking pawn.

Fernate 1:

Look at him. Bro, get the fuck off of him. [crosstalk 00:16:37].

Male 3:

[crosstalk 00:16:37] at the academy, bro. You know that's bogus right now, bro. You know it's bogus, youcan't look at me like a man because you a bum, bro. He's not even resisting arrest right now, bro-

Fernale 1:

He's about to pass out.

Thomas Lane:

I think he passing out. [00:16:50]

Male 3:

He's bleeding right now, bro. You think that‘s cool? You think that's cool though, right bro. You thinkthat’s cool right now, bro.

Derek Chauyin:

You guys all right, though?

Thomas Lane:


J Alexander Kueng:Good so far?

Thomas Lane:

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My knee might be a little scratched, but I'll survive.

Male 3:

You think that's cool though, bro. You‘re a bum, bro. You‘re a bum for that. You‘re a bum for that, bro.Can't you get mad, you see him here? Stopping his breathing right now. [crosstalk 00:17:15].

Female 1:

Look it. What the fuck?

Thomas Lane:

He's breathing.

J Alexander Kueng:Yeah, he‘s breathing.

Thomas Lane:


Male 3:

He‘s going to choke him. Are you going to choke him like that?

Female 1:

What the fuck?

Male 3:

I'm not scared of you, bro. You‘re a pussy ass dude, bro.

Derek Chauvin:

Don‘t come over here.

Female 1'.

I want [crosstalk 00:17:31], ofcer.

Derek Chauvin‘.

Don't come over here.

Thomas Lane:

Up on the sidewalk.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Yeah. We need you to keep some distance.

Female 1:

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I'm a hast. I'm a fire ghter in Minneapolis.

Thomas Lane:

Want to roll him on his side?


He's not responsive right now. He's not responsive right now, bro.

Female 1:

Does he have a pulse?

Male 3:

No, bro, look at him. He's not responsive right now, bro.

Female 1:

[crosstalk 00:17:45].

Male 3:

Bro, are you serious? He's going to just stand In here with that on his neck, bro?

Female 1:

Let me see a pulse.

Male 3:

Is he breathing right now?

Female 1:

He‘s handcuffed.

Male 3:

Check his pulse. Check his pulse. Check his pulse. Check his pulse.

Thomas Lane:

You got One?

J. Alexander Kueng:Ican't nd one.

Derek Chauvin:


Male 3;

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Check is his puise.

J. Alexander Kueng:

I thought I'd check him for a putse.

Male 3:

Check his pulse, bro. He’s coding, bro. Don‘t do drugs, bro? What is that? What do you think that is? Hesaw your car, what you‘re doing today?

J. Alexander Kueng:I can't find one.

Male 3:

You called, we ain't doing okay, bro.

Female 1:

Yes, lam from Minneapolis.

Tou Thao:

Get on the sidewalk.

Female 1:

Show me his pulse.

Male 3:

Check his pulse.

Female 1:

Check his right [crosstalk 00:18:27] now.

Male 3:

Check his pulse.

Tou Thao:

Get back on the sidewalk.

Male 3:

_That man ain't moved yet, bro. The man ain't moved vet.

Female 1:

[crosstalk 00:18:28] on the street. He's not moving.

Male 3:

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Vau're a bum, bro. You're denitely a burn, bro.

Female 1:

Check his pulse right now and tell me what it is. Tell me what his pulse is right now.

Male 3:

Check the pulse. Bro, he has not moved, not one time.

Thomas Lane:

Advise, what?

J. Alexander Kueng:Of code three.

Derek Chauvin:

Acknowledge that.

Male 3:

[crosstalk 00:18:28].

Tou Thao:

Okay, guys, move. Go back to your [crosstalk 00:13:28].

Thomas Lane:

There we go.

Male 3:

He's not fucking moving. He's not fucking movin’g.

J. Alexander Kueng:what are we going?

Male 3:

Bro, he was just moving when I walked up. He just got back out here. You just got back out here. He'snot fucking moving.


[crosstalk 00:18:28].

Male 3:

Bro, he's not fucking moving. Is that your [1087 00:18:28], bro? [inaudible 00:19:29].

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Female 1:

Get the fuck off of him, what are you doing? He‘s dying.

Male 3:

[crosstalk 00:19:37], he's not practically moving:

Thomas Lane:

Not responsive right now, you guys might want to.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Right now.

Male 3:

He's not even fucking moving. Get off his fucking neck, bro. Get off of his neck.

Female 1:

Get off him.

Male 3:

Look at that. Are you serious?


[crosstalk 00:19:55].

Male 3:

Are you serious? [crosstalk 00:19:59].

Thomas Lane:

Should we get another car?

J Aiexander Kueng:

get what?

Thomas Lane:

Get another car just for the crowd?

C rowd:

[crosstalk 00:20:06].

Derek Chauvin:

Let's get him on [crosstalk 00:20:09].

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Male 3:

You going to let his hand on his neck, bro? You going to let him keep down like that? Going to let him kilithat man in front of you, bro? He's not even fucking moving right now, bro. He's [crosstalk 00:20:23] hisfucking morn. [crosstalk 00:20:30].


[crosstalk 00:20:28].

Mate 3:

[crosstalk 00:20:31], bro. You going to just sit there with your knee on his neck? You a real man for that,bro. He in hand cuffs, man. [crosstalk 00:20:37]


You guys can get out of way.


[crosstalk 00:20:37].

Femaie 1:

Yeah, now | have your name tag, bitch.

Male 3:

[crosstalk 00:20:37], bro.


You guys can get out of the way.

J. Alexander Kueng:All right.


[crosstalk 00:20:37].

Female 1:

What‘s your badge number, cop?

Male 3:

[crosstalk 00:20:37}. He's damn near dead, bro.


[crosstalk 00:20:37].


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Let‘s go to 40th.

Thomas Lane:

Do you want one of us to ride with? [00:21:32]

J Alexander Kueng:Yeah stick with him.

Thomas Lane:

Ride with?

J alexander Kueng:Yeah, stick with him.

Thomas Lane:


Derek Chauvin:


Thomas Lane:

Idon't have my phone so i'll be Baker.

J. Alexander Kueng:Sounds good.

Derek Chauvin:

Get baited down.

Thomas Lane:

What's that?

J Alexander Kueng:

Help get belted down.

Derek Chauvin:

Get belted down

Thomas Lane:


C rowd:

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[crosstalk 00:21:48].

Male 3:

You such a man, bro. That shit crazy.


You guys want to shut the doors, get out of here?

J. Alexander Kueng:

Yup. Sounds good.

Thomas Lane:

You want me in here?

Male 3:

[crosstalk 00:21:57]. You just really killed that man, bro.

J. Alexander Kueng:Doors?

Male 3:

You just really killed that man, bro. You just really killed that man, bro.

J. Alexander Kueng:


Thomas Lane:


J. Alexander Kueng:Is this yours?

Thomas Lane:

Yeah. Nope.

Male 3:

You just killed that man, bro. You just really killed that man, bro.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Sir, is this one yours?

Male 3:

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Bro, you bogus, you know that, bro. You know You bogus, that's why you can't even look like a man, bro.


[crosstalk 00:22:29].

Tou Thao:

You guys want to sit with that car?

J. Alexander Kueng:

Say again?

Tou Thao:

You guys want us to stay with the car?

Male 3:

That shit phony, bro.

J. Alexa nder Kueng:He's got that squad.

Male 3:

Such a man, you about to have dreams at night, bro. [crosstaik 00:22:41].

J. Alexander Kueng:That car is stitl over there? Let me talk to the other occupants real quick.


[crosstalk 00:22:45].

Ofcer Chang:There's a quick one. You guys good with these two?

.I. Alexander Kueng:I‘m going to double check with them. Lane talked to them last time. All right.

Male 2:

She was to get his phone sir.

J. Alexander Kueng:

She want to get his phone? In the car?

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Shawanda Renee Hil:

Its right there.

J. Alexander Kueng:Alt right.

Male 2:

Yeah, it's right there on the front seat, sir.

Mate 2:


Ofcer Chang;

He's already gone, he doesn't need his phone.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Yeah, he's gone.

Officer Chang:Is that his phone? Put his phone back.

J. Aiexander Kueng:Yeah, put his phone back. If hes guna come back and get his stuff, we got to be able to teli him where itIS.

Tau Thao:

He went to the hospital.

Shawanda Renee Hill;

Are you sure?

J. Alexander Kueng:Yeah.

Officer Chang:Put his phone back, that's it.

Male 3:

Did you know him, bro?

Male 2:

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Male 3:

I've got it. You might call his family or somebody, [inaudible 00:23:13].

Shawanda Renee Hill:

What happened? Why he in the hospital?

Male 3:

[crosstalk 00:23:13].

Ofcer Chang:I didn‘t talk to them vet, l couid probably do It.

J4 Alexander Kueng:

Okay, you ran them, though?

Ofcer Cha ng:


J. Alexander Kueng:0h, okay.

Shawanda Renee Hill:

No, That man took our name.

Male 3:

you better call his family.

Ofcer Chang:She probably has his ID.

Male 2:

What happened?

Shawanda Renee Hill:

What happened to him?

Male 3:

He fucked up, man.

Shawnad Renee Hill:

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They fucked him up?

Male 3:

He fucked up.

J. Alexander Kueng:Right.

officer Chang:[crosstalk 00:23:28].

J. Alexander Kueng:He took your ID?

Male 2:


J. Alexander Kueng:AII right. Yeah, because I got his stuff.

Male 2:

How you doing, sir?

J. Alexander Kueng:Good. All right-

Male 2:

Yeah, I already know what happened, he told us. So Mr. [Hanaquin 00:23:36] vouched for me, l didn'tgive him no money or nothing like that, or whatever happened.

J. Alexander Kueng:Right. He did, right? He gave him that $20?

Male 2:

Yeah, whatever, I don‘t know.

J. Alexander Kueng:All right.

Male 3:

Itried, ltold him he can't win. Go on, get in the car, I kept telling him.

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J. Alexander Kueng:

Yeah, I appreciate it.

Male 2:

Yeah, thank you [crosstalk 00:23:48].

J. Alexander Kueng:

Yeah, no problem.

Male 3:

I tried. | told him he can't win. Go on, get in the car, I kept telling him. You can't win, bro, get in the car. I

said, I know you can't win.

'1. Alexander Kueng:I don't need anything from them.

Officer Cha ng:

They're good?

J. Alexander Kueng:Yeah.

Ofcer Chang:


J. Alexander Kueng;I'm going to go talk to the owner. I'll be right back.

Female 2:

Okay, thank you.

Male 3:

[inaudible 00:24:20].

Female 2:

[inaudible 00:24:20].

J. Alexander Kueng:

Hey, I remember you guys.

Store Manager:

How's it going?

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J. Alexander Kueng:

Good, how about you?

Store Manager:

Good, good.

J. Alexander Kueng:Do you still have that $20?

Store Manager:I do. They had a lot more with them too, just so you know.

J. Alexander Kueng:All right. Do you have all ofthem?

Store Manager:

No, we only confiscated one.

.I. Alexander Kueng:

Only conscated the one?

Store Manager:

Actually, he bought something with it too.

J. Alexander Kueng:Okay.

Store Manager:One employee caught it and the other person that was with him... So they both had counterfeits, thegentleman with the hat, and the big guy. We caught one and the other person was spending one overon the other side.

.l. Alexander Kueng:

Okay. Was the big guy the one that made the purchase?

Store Manager:He's the one that was trying to purchase. He took it from him... No. We didn't take that from him. Thisone was actually used in here at the tobacco shop—

J. Alexander Kueng:Okay, by who?

Store Manager:

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Let me just confirm. Chris, come here for a second.

Male 4:

Switch spots with me. I got you, bro.

Store Manager:

One attempted and got rejected. One of them came through, l think the gentleman with the hat anddreads. Which person was successful at using it?


The bigger one.

Store Manager:The bigger one. The bigger one was successful one at using it.

J. Alexander Kueng:

The bigger guy?

Store Manager:


J. Alexander Kueng:


Store Manager:The other one with the hat and dreads attempted and got rejected.

J. Alexander Kueng:All right. He just gave you the $20? What did he purchase with it?

Store Manager:

Ciga rettes.

J. Alexander Kueng:Cigarettes? Okay.

Store Manage r:

He each had a few on him. Iwas told after the fact. I would have handled it if l was in here.

J. Alexander Kueng:No, fair enough. Do you guys have security cameras on the inside?

Store Manager".

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of course.

J. Alexander Kueng:Okay.

Store M anager:We went outside to talk to them, they were just really high off stuff and they said, get out ofmy face orsomething, and that's when we called you guys.

J. Alexander Kueng:Okay. It wasjust the $20 that he paid with?

Store Manager:Yeah.

J. Alexander Kueng:Okay. He had more on him, but he just paid with the $20.

Store Manager:We only got one, but he attempted twice.

J. Alexander Kueng:Twice.

Medic 1:

Where did medics go?

J. Alexander Kueng:They went down to 40th Street?

Medic 2:

40th Street?

J. Alexander Kueng:-Yeah. There was a bit of a crowd they got-

Medic 2:


J. Alexander Kueng:

They've got a guy in the ambulance. One of our ofcers is in there with him. They went down to 40th toget away from the crowd they said.

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Medic 2:

Okay, cool.

Store Manager:

Yeah, people are saying that. I don't know why they were messing with you guys.

J. Alexander Kueng:Yeah. About what time was he in here? Like, right when you called?

Store Manager:Five minutes before we called.

J. Alexander Kueng:Five minutes before we called?

Store Manager:


J. Alexander Kueng:Okay. What was his behavior like in the store, then?

Store Manager:The one with the hat and dreads, that I've known for a long time, he was nice, just trying to buysomething. He had real bills for that.

J. Alexander Kueng:Yeah.

Sto re Manager:Howeve r—

J. Alexander Kueng:Can you describe the bigger guy to me? When you sav, bigger, you just mean-

Store Manager:One of them was like, six eight.

J. Alexander Kueng:Six eight? Muscular?

Store Manager:Yeah.

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Employee 1:

The one that you guys have over by the car.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Okay, the one with the tank top on?

Store Manager:Yeah.

J. Alexander Kueng:


Store Manager:One of them was with hat and dreads, and then tall with the tank top.

J. Alexander Kueng:Gotcha. All right. What tipped you off... It looks like it too. Did you just check after the fact, is that whatit was?

Store Manager:One of them was getting rejected, so I made him go check the rest of the cashier and they found thatone.

.I. Alexander Kueng:

Okay. Gotcha. It was getting rejected when you put it in the system?

Store Manager:

No, l mean that's who took it, [inaudible 00:27:09].

J. Alexander Kueng:Got you.

Store Manager:

Actually, we lost a 20, because $10 for cigarettes, $10 with change.

J. Alexander Kueng:Got you. all right. Do you just have your ID on you so | can just get your name quick?

Store Manager:Sure. (silence)

J. Alexander Kueng:ls the number you called from a good phone number to get in contact with you?

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Store Manager:it's the store number, yeah.

J. Alexander Kueng:

Okay, that's ne. Are you the manager?

Store Manager:Yes. {silence} Hello, hello.

Male 5:

Going u p in flames out here.

Store Manager:Thank you.

Male 5:

Typical shit, huh, Mike?

Employee 1:

lf you want to see the camera, [inaudible 00:28:04].

Store Manager:He's not authenticated from the [inaudible 00:28:04], so I'll show you.

J. Alexander Kueng:If you do get that-

Store Manager:

It's available, just come get it when you want it.

J. Alexander Kueng:Perfect. Yeah, just keep it saved on a ash drive or something for us.

Store Manager:

Okay, the thing is, the thing only lasts two weeks or something.

J. Alexander Kueng:Okay, two week retention time?

Store Manager:[think so.

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J. Alexander Kueng:Are you able to burn it right now?

Store Manager:I could, if you want it. A lot of times you guys just put it on your phones.

J. Alexander Kueng:Just record it on our phones? You can pull it up right now?

Store Manager:Ithink so.

J. Alexander Kueng:All right. I'll be back with you then, all right?

Store Manager:0 kay.

J. Alexander Kueng:Thank you.

Sto re Manager:


Male 5:

he’s sweating like a mother fucker.

J. Alexander Kueng:Yeah.


[crosstalk 00:28:40].

Male 3:

You know you bogus for that, bro. YOu know yOu bogus- You can't say nothing right now. Yeah, this is

where you at, right?


[crosstalk 00:28:50].

J. Alexander Kueng:Sir, do you have a envelope that l oould borrow for a sec?

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Derek Chauvin:

That's what he passed in there?

J. Alexander Kueng:Yes, sir, $20 counterfeit.

Derek Chauvin:

Just the one?

J. Alexander Kueng:Just the one. They said he had more on him, but this is the one that they used to do a transaction with.

Derek Chauvin:

Okay, so he actually got some goods and services with it?

J. Alexander Kueng:He did.

Derek Chauvin:


J. Alexander Kueng:That was our guy. They said, "Bigger guy." blackmale, tank top, no dreads.

Derek Chauvin:

Okay. Was he in the vehicle?

J. Alexander Kueng:Which one?

Derek Chauvin:

The one-in front of us. He was in that vehicle?

J. Alexander Kueng:Yeah, he was in this vehicle, yes.

Derek Chauvin:

Okay, by himself?

J. Alexander Kueng:No, it was him, and the two that were with him,.the male and the female.

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Derek Chauvin:

The female?

j. Alexander Kueng:Yeah,

Derek Chauvin:


J. Alexander Kueng:But we pulled him out because when we tried to talk to him he started fidgeting around and grabbingfor things. So we pulled him out, but he was not cooperative.

Derek Chauvin:


J. Alexander Kueng:He was ghting us the whole time.

Derek Chauvin:

He was in the driver's seat?

J. Alexander Kueng:Yes. he was in the driver's seat.

Derek Chauvin:

Do we have keys for the car?

J. Alexander Kueng:I do.

Derek Chauvin:

As long as you have them on you, that's what-

J. Alexander Kueng:Igot a fob for it.

Derek Chauvin:

So the car doesn't disappear.

J. Alexander Kueng:Right.

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Dispatch 2:

320, [inaudible 00:29:57].

Derek Chauvin:

He's calling you.

.I. Alexander Kueng:

320, able.

Dispatch 2:

[inaudible 00:29:58].

J. Alexander Kueng:

Copy. All right, so we got the $20. They have security footage, l told them to save that. Said it‘s a 14 hourretention time. I'll probably go back and just grab that on the body camera, but they said they can pullthat up quick. They recorded on the [VWC 00:30:21]. I'll go grab my baker.

Derek Chauvin:

Okay, what‘s [inaudible 00:30:30]?

J. Alexander Kueng:

Shutting off body cam to talk to ofcers.

Derek Chauvin:

Shutting off for now.

Officer Chang:

{inaudible 00:30:37].

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