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#27 Myeloproliferative Update

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  • 8/9/2019 #27 Myeloproliferative Update


    The myeloproliferative

    neoplasms: an update

    Gene R. Shaw, M.D.

    August, 2008

  • 8/9/2019 #27 Myeloproliferative Update


    The large majority of myeloproliferativeneoplasms can confidently be placed in one of

    the following categories.

    Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)

    Polycythemia vera (PV)

    Essential thrombocythemia (ET)

    Primaryidiopathic myelofibrosis (PMF)

    Refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts andthrombocytosis (RARS-T)**RARS-T currently in the MDS/MPN category

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    Chronic myelogenous leukemia

    (CML) Conventional cytogenetics (usually BM) at

    diagnosis and then q 1-2 years

    Q RT-PCR (usually peripheral blood) afterabout 6 months and then ~q 6 months;currently send to BC of WI

    Dont needbaseline (but not a bad idea)

    Expressed in log reduction units

    Major molecular response: > 3 log reduction

    Complete molecular response: not detectable

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    BCR/ABL Tyrosine Kinase

    Inhibitor Analysis

    > 100 different mutations causing resistance

    More common ones stratified for degree ofresistance: T315I most resistant

    Various methods

    Different types of sequencing, double gradient

    denat. electroph., etc

    Best if not too sensitive; small clones may not

    be clinically significant

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    BCR/ABL Tyrosine Kinase

    Inhibitor Analysis

    When to order

    2.6 fold increase = 0.4 log fold increase

    Oregon/German study (Blood, 2009. 114:2598)

    Mayo Laboratories

    Mfld client fee $3-400 range

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    Imatinib (Gleevec)

    Drug Levels Available through GIST/CML Alliance

    No charge currently

    Collected in special kits

    Trough levels < 1,100 ng/ml: trend towardlower rate of clinical response and fastertime to progression

    Occasional patient; e.g. obese and questionif standard dose is sufficient

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    Q: Do you need to do bcr-abl on

    all MPNs to rule out CML? NO (despite what some articles say).

    Conventional cytogenetics detect > 95% ofCML


    CBC parameters and BM morphology can usually

    distinguish between CML and other MPNs

    JAK-2 V617F mutation almostmutually exclusive


    Only 4 of 2317 MPDs in German study

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    Q: Is there any role for leukocyte

    alkaline phosphatase?


    Way too nonspecific.

    Weve discontinued it at Marshfield

  • 8/9/2019 #27 Myeloproliferative Update


    Polycythemia Vera (PV)

    Peripheral blood

    Increased Hb, but not always if iron deficient

    Increased RBC, low MCV

    Numbers can look like thalassemia

    RBC > 6 million/uL in males

    RBC > 5 million/uL in females

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    Low (in perhaps half of cases): essentially seals

    the diagnosis

    Normal or slightly high: not very helpful

    Moderately to very high: rules out except

    when in post-polycythemic myelofibrosis stageand anemic

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    JAK2 V617F mutation

    Gain of function mutation; epo

    independent erythroid colony formation

    9p24 exon 14

    Sensitive; positive in 90-95% ofPV cases Thus a negative result calls the diagnosis ofPV into

    question No correlation with conventional cytogenetic


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    JAK2 V617F mutation

    But nonspecific within the non-CML

    MPNs; also positive in about half ofET,

    PMF, and RARS-T cases

    Otherwise rarely positive: perhaps 2-5% of

    CMML cases and < 2% of various MDS


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    JAK2 V617F

    Thus, a positive JAK2 V617F mutation

    essentially establishes a diagnosis of a non-

    CML MPN, but doesnt specify the subtype.

    PV tends to have a greatermutational

    burden (preferred term; instead of trying to

    establish homo- or heterozygosity), butcurrently no standard method to determine


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    JAK2 exon 12 mutations May be idiopathic erythrocytosis

    Normal white count and platelet count with only

    erythroid hyperplasia in BM. Scott, et al.NEJM

    .2/1/07. Usually low epo

    Some cases (perhaps 10-20%; wide variation in reportsto date) haveJAK2 exon 12 mutations

    Not widely available; a variety of mutations---thus,

    probably requires sequencing. Avaibable at M.D.Anderson in Houston, TX

    May be a panmyelosis and fulfill standard PVdiagnostic criteria JAK2 negative PV.

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    Promising JAK2 inhibitors

    Lestaurtinib (Univ ofPA)

    WP 1066 (M.D. Anderson)

    JG 101348 (Harvard, UC San Diego)


    CEP-701 (M.D. Anderson)

    INCBO18424 (COMFORT Imyelofibrosis

    study advertised in Blood)

  • 8/9/2019 #27 Myeloproliferative Update


    Q: Whats the role of red cell

    mass measurements In my opinion completely unnecessary (despite

    what Jerry Spivak at Johns Hopkins continues to

    say) Can be normal in patients with iron deficiency

    Not normalized for obesity (red cell mass correlates

    better with lean body mass)

    Not widely available; requires radioactive reagents I dont trust em. Anecdotally have seen several

    patients with misleading results

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    Occult PV in Budd-Chiari


    Roughly 50% of patients with Budd-Chiari

    syndrome or splanchnic vein thrombosis

    will be positive forJAK2 V617F

    This subset may have a worse prognosis,

    but based on limited number of cases

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    Primary Myelofibrosis (PMF) Peripheral blood

    Counts all over the map

    Often increased poik (tear drops and/or nucleated reds)and a few blasts

    Bone marrow

    Often dry tap

    Increased reticulin fibrosis

    Increased giant megakaryocytes

    Exclude post-polycythemic phase ofPV

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    Q: Is the cellular phase ofPMF a

    real entity?

    Doubt it. It cant be reliably recognized,

    even by experienced hematopathologists

    Wilkins, et al. Blood. 1/1/08.

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    MPLW515L/K mutations MPL is the thrombopoietin (TPO) receptor

    These mutations result in hypersenstivity to TPO

    Occur in ~ 5-10% ofPMF and 1-5% ofET cases

    Independent (with or without) ofJAK2 mutations

    Clinically pretty similar to those without this mutation;

    PMF pts with them are more often anemic, but thats

    pretty obvious already

    M.D. Anderson offers test, but currently no

    pressing clinical need

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    Essential thrombocythemia (ET) Isolated increase in platelets (now 450,000) and


    No or minimal dysplasia in other cell lines Pretty minimal myelofibrosis

    1-5% have MPL mutations

    Rule out

    Post splenectomy: Howell-Jolly bodies and targets cells Inflamatory related: clinical presentation (e.g recent surgery), high


    Iron deficiency (do not diagnose; recall that PV often irondeficient)

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    Q: Are cases ofET orPMF with the

    JAK2 V617F mutation different; arethey really occult PV?

    Good question.

    They seem to have some features ofPV; e.g. aslightly higher Hb and RBC

    ET pts with JAK2 V617F have more arterialthrombotic events (several studies from different

    countries) and possibly increased risk of fetal loss

    JAK2negative PMF pts may have shortersurvival

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    JAK2- positive cases: Early pre-

    polycythemic phase ofPV vs ET?

    ET patients that go on to develop PV

    In ET like to see Hb < 15 g/dl males

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    Mixed MPD/MDS

    About 50-70% have JAK-2 V617F mutation

    Need to distinguish from refractory

    cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia

    Usually normal cytogenetics and good


    Shaw. BrJHaematol. 131:180-184. 2007

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  • 8/9/2019 #27 Myeloproliferative Update


    The cutting edge:

    TET2 Mutations

    Ten-eleven translocation involves TET1

    Subsequently family of TET genes


    Recent interest in TET2 gene at 4q24

    Putative tumor suppressor gene

    Usually PCR followed by sequencing

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    TET2 Mutations Seen in approximately 10-25% of myeloid

    malignancies in general

    MPNs: prognostic impact currently unknown Mayo study (2010): 199 MPN pts

    25 (12.5%) had a mutation

    Averaged 10 years older

    But no notable differences in conventional cytogeneticabnormalities

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    TET2 Mutations MDSs

    French study (2009): 22 of96 pts mutated

    Betteroverall survival when TET2 mutated

    Multivariate analysis adjusting for age, IPSS, etc

    Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML)

    Same French group (2009): 44 or 88 pts mutated Trend forworse overall survival

  • 8/9/2019 #27 Myeloproliferative Update


    Q: What if the patient has


    Thats a whole nother talk
