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What is the best way to TEACH reading?

What kind of readers do we want our TEACHING to


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oOpen Minded







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• Change Talk about/around text

• Expand definition of Comprehension

• Develop Novice toward Expertise

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• Mini Lesson

• Reading Application

• Sharing

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Taught by methods Taught by methods that are…that are…

engaging & motivatingengaging & motivating

The Five Keys to Reading

Phonemic AwarenessPhonemic Awareness




Comprehension strategiesComprehension strategies

Identifying words Identifying words accurately and accurately and fluently.fluently.

Constructing Constructing meaning meaning once words once words are identified.are identified.

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1. The ability to hear; identify; and manipulate individual sounds (phonemes) in spoken words.

2. Improves children’s word reading and reading comprehension.

3. Helps children learn to spell.4. Identify phonemes.5. Categorize phonemes.6. Blend phonemes to form words. ( c+a+t =

cat )7. Segment words into phonemes. ( cat = /c / /a /

/t/ )8. Delete or add phonemes to form new words.9. Substitute phonemes to make new words.

EX: black – lack – flack – slack EX: cat – hat – mat – bat

– rat EX: car – ham – man – bar - ram

The National Reading Panel:Phonemic Awareness

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Any phonics is better than no phonics.

Teaching a few phonics well is better than teaching many phonics poorly. (beginning /ending/vowels/digraphs/blends)

Regular, Systematic and Explicit phonics instruction is more effective than non-systematic phonics instruction.

Synthetic phonics is more effective than analytic phonics. (NRP, Clackmannanshire, Rose Report, California)

Instructs students in how to relate letters and sounds (grapheme / phoneme), how to break spoken words into sounds and how to blend sounds to form words.

Give students many opportunities to apply what they are learning about letters and sounds to the reading of words, sentences, and paragraphs.

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• Mini Lesson( 10-15 min)

• Reading Application

• Sharing

“Private Practice” Conferencing

“Small Group” Guidance

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Bridge to Understanding

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Fluency1. The ability to read a text accurately and


2. The ability to recognize words automatically.

3. The ability to group words quickly to gain meaning from reading.

4. Allows readers to focus attention on what text means.

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The Best Thing In The Worldcontains all of the 220 Dolch Basic Sight Words. It is a 675 word

passage.Retrieved from: http://teachers.net/lessons/posts/1224.html

Once upon a time, there were four brothers who lived in a far away land. Their father was an old king. One day he said, "I will not live long now. Today you must start out into the world. In a year, bring back the best thing you have found. The one who can pick the best thing shall be the new king.“

The first brother said, "I will look in every city or town. I will buy the best thing I can for my father.“

The next two brothers said, "We will both go on fast ships over the sea. We will find something better.“

The last brother said, "I am going to ask the people here in our

own land to tell me the best thing."

The other three brothers began to laugh."Then you will never be king!" They said.

The last brother started off. When he had gone about six miles, he met a man, "What do you carry in those big bags?" he asked.

"The best thing in the world," said the man. "These are full of the good nuts which fall from my five nut trees.“

"I don't think that would work," said the brother to himself, "I must try again."

The brother went on another seven miles. He found a small brown bird. It had been hurt, so he put it in his coat where it could keep warm. As he went on, he saw a little girl crying. He ran to meet her. "Why are you crying?" he asked.

"I want to get some water from the well," she said. "We use so much. We drink cold water. We wash the clothes clean with hot water. But I do not know how to pull it up. Please show me.“

The brother said, "Hold this bird and I will help you. It does not fly around anymore because it got its wing hurt.!“

"Thank you. What a pretty bird!" she said. "I wish you would give it to me. If you will let me keep it, I will always be very kind to it. I will take care of it myself. I will make it grow well again.“

"Yes, you may have it," said the brother. So he gave her the bird and went on.

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Direct Teaching of

Specific Words

Direct Teaching of

Specific Words

Components of Effective Vocabulary Instruction

Teaching and Modeling

Independent Word Learning


Teaching and Modeling

Independent Word Learning

Strategies Wide Reading

Wide Reading

High-Quality Oral


High-Quality Oral


Word Consciousness

Word Consciousness

Nagy, 2005

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What it means to “know” a word• To understand the word when it is written or spoken.• To recall it when you need it.• To know how to use it with the correct meaning.• To know how to use it in a grammatically correct way.• To know how to pronounce it correctly.• To know how to spell it correctly• To know how to use it in the right situation.• To know when (and when not) to use it.• To know if it has positive or negative connotations.• To know which other words you can and can not use with it.

• http://exchanges.state.gov/forum/vols/vol42/no1/p02.pdf

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Learner’s incentives for choosing whether or not to read a book.

• Interest value:– Do I or will I like this book?

• Attainment value:– How important is this book to me?

• Utility value:– How useful is this book to me?

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Extrinsic vs. Intrinsic Motivation

• Extrinsic Motivation– External reasons for reading

• Told to read by the teacher• Get good grades

*Less likely to continue activity outside of original context independently.

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Extrinsic vs. Intrinsic Motivation• Intrinsic Motivation

– Curiosity and desire to read for its own sake.• Genuine interest in reading.• Desire for mastery.• Enjoyment of challenge.

*Continuing motivation outside of the original setting to read.

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Motivation and Extensive Reading:What can teachers do?

• Allow for student input and choice.

• Gear instructional activities to student interest.

• Allow for interaction among students of varying levels.

• Help students set specific, attainable reading goals.

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What can teachers do? (cont.)

• Give many opportunities to succeed at challenging reading tasks.

• Help match challenge level of task to student skill level.

• Plan higher level thinking (more complex) activities as opposed to “standard operations and procedures.”

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Mini Lesson( 10-15 min)

• Skills and Strategies (competencies)

• Genre (extensive and intensive)

• Sustainable Habits and Behaviors (life long learning)

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Establish Routines•    where to sit during reading time• giving a book talk•    how to be a good listener in a share session•    what is an appropriate noise level during reading time•    what to do when you finish a book•    what kinds of questions to ask during a share session•    running a small group share session•    self-evaluation•    getting ready for a conference•    how to have a peer conference•    where to sit during mini-lessons•    taking care of books•    keeping track of books read•    rules of the workshop 

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Posters byBeth Newingham

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Posters byBeth Newingham

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Posters byBeth Newingham

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Choose Your Path1. “One Text at a Time”

2. Broad Units of Study

3. Long Term

Systematic Framework

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TEXT Behaviors/Actions Strategies/Tools Attitude/Stance




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Literature ExampleMonday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday REFLECT

Code Breaker

Meaning Maker

Text User

Text Critic

Q: What have I taught students today that will make them a stronger, more competent R/W/T the next time they pick up a text like this?

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Posters byBeth Newingham

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Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6

Shared Reading

Shared Reading

Shared Reading

Shared Reading

Shared Reading

Shared Reading








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Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6

Shared Reading

Shared Reading

Shared Reading

Shared Reading

Shared Reading

Shared Reading

GenreHistorical F








-historical fiction

-Schema Activation-historical event

-connect life to real event in history

-punctuation. ? !-plot (introduction, problem, conclusion)

-historical fiction -critical features

-punctuation “ “-dialogue


-character feelings


-headings / subheadings

-table of contents


-Cause and Effect



-bold print


-main idea

-Problem and Solution

-Elements of Fantasy


-character traits

-types of characters:-static / dynamic

-Elements of Fantasy

-compare to Realism

-Review Plot

-main idea

Vocabulary Vocabulary

Vocabulary Vocabulary

Vocabulary Vocabulary

Context clues

Context clue

Base Word Base Word

Prefixes Prefixes

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Planning for Daily Intentional Teaching• What do my students need to know?

• What strategies/knowledge help them as readers?

• In what way does this “strategy” look different across genre?

• How will I make this strategy or understanding clear to them? • What language will I use?

• What texts/materials will best support this instruction?

• How can/will I connect this work to writing?

• How will I collect evidence that can help me determine how well students have grasped this new understanding?

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Read to Self

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Read to Someone

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Work on Writing

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Work on Words

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Listen to Reading

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☺Full Disclosure: Clarify Expectations

☺Explicitness: Describe the Practice

☺Demonstrate: Make it Visible

☺Practice w/ Guidance: Scaffolding

☺Private Practice: Student Application

☺Share and Reflect