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27th Annual EfVET International Conference Rethinking VET ...

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27th Annual EfVET International Conference Rethinking VET for Inclusive Excellence! con il patrocinio della Camera di Commercio di Como Program #EfVET18 24th - 27th October 2018 Sheraton Hotel Como, Italy @ef_VET l efvet.org f 24th to 27th of October 2018 Sheraton Hotel Como, Italy www.efvet.org
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27th Annual EfVET International Conference

Rethinking VET for Inclusive Excellence!

con il patrocinio della

Camera di Commercio di Como



24th - 27th October 2018Sheraton Hotel • Como, Italy

@ef_VETl efvet.orgf

24th to 27th of October 2018Sheraton Hotel • Como, Italy


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32 Rethinking VET for Inclusive Excellence!24th to 27th of October 2018

Rethinking VET for Inclusive Excellence

In the daily global challenges of educational and training activities, the importance to help

students, mainly young Persons, to develop a personal resilience is paramount. Entrepreneurial,

digital skills, and creative thinking are only some of the key competences required in todays’, and

the future, labour market as highlighted in recent EU policy documents, including the EU Skills

Agenda in 2016.

As mentioned in the Skills Agenda, an ageing population will impact on European economic

growth, increasing the need for higher productivity and higher skills (CEDEFOP, 2016). Global

competition is dramatically affecting local markets and the sustainability of many enterprises.

Technology is changing habits, consumption, production and ways of working (industry 4.0,

internet of things): the future jobs of 65% of children starting their primary school today do not

yet exist and will provide goods or services which are not yet requested (WEF, 2016). Innovation

has become one of the key drivers for future sustainability of both society as a whole and people’s

daily life (Chatzichristou, 2017).

Skills are the keystone for the future. The need to rethink VET has come:

• overcoming current dichotomies between theory and applied training, HVET and academic

systems, formal vs. informal or non-formal training. Professional competences, literacy and

numeracy and soft skills are all crucial.

• Incentivising a lifelong learning attitude in students and adults, promoting more flexible

pathways. “One-size-fits-all” training can be neither effective nor sufficient for a whole life-

time career.

• strengthening stakeholder engagement, in terms of business-education relationships for

internships, apprenticeships, training needs assessment and for promoting “educational

pacts”, is crucial to creating quality training for Learners. Stakeholders should include parents,

voluntary organisations and institutions, to drive a cultural shift in the perception of VET.

Making VET a first choice for young people is a must.

Vocational education is faced with the challenge to fulfil its mission adequately, and also to

contribute to a sustainable and inclusive growth in Europe. Excellence, within the EfVET community,

continues to drive change especially when dealing with Inclusion: sharing Members’ experience in

tackling the issue of ‘early leavers’; addressing the needs of those with learning difficulties; meeting

the needs of migrant communities and promoting equally and diversity within VET are some of the

issues facing us today. The real excellence concerns the discovery of the human and professional

value of people, notwithstanding their problems and disabilities, leaving no one behind.

· Theme

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54 Rethinking VET for Inclusive Excellence!24th to 27th of October 2018

Rethinking VET for Inclusive Excellence!

24th to 27th of October 2018Sheraton Hotel, Via Cernobbio 41 A, Como, Italy

Wednesday 24th October12.00 – 19.00

Registration of participants

14.00 – 17.30

EfVET Thematic Teams – Get involved!This session allows EfVET members to meet within Thematic Teams (Clusters) with the aim of sha-

ring good practice, network, promoting innovation and opportunities among members, initialing

common projects and develop new cooperation opportunities A preselection of sectors includes

the following:

• Learning mobility

• Internationalization

• Technology enabled learning

• School-Enterprise model

• Technologies & Industry

18.00 – 19.00

Welcome and information session for new members and the first-time participants: - “Introduction to EfVET and the conference”• Joachim James Calleja, President of EfVET and the Steering Committee Members

19.00 – 20.00

Welcome Reception • Mario Landriscina, Mayor of Como

• Annarita Polacchini, Chamber of Commerce of Como


DinnerThe Sheraton Hotel – Restaurant

Target Groups • VET teachers, college managers and trainers

• Association of education institutions

• National and International Chambers

• National Agencies

• VET stakeholders

• EU institutions

• Minister of Education and Culture

Our objectives are:• Industry and Innovation 4.0

• HVET and Higher Apprenticeships

• Inclusive VET

• Digitalisation

Program innovation!

Due to the increasing expectations emerging from the wide community of members, EfVET 2018

Lake Como Conference, introduces two parallel strands of activities. Each strand will focus on

specific targets, in order to multiply and boost the results of members’ participation:

Practitioners in VET for excellenceTeachers, tutors, experts in international mobility, networkers will have

the opportunity to join workshops and activities aimed at sharing and

empowering their teaching practices, increasing networks for staff and

students mobility, promoting new sectorial networks. A bottom-up activity

for Quality and Excellence in VET.

Leaders and Managers for XXI century VETSharing strategic visions and trends in VET at national and European level to

give your crucial contribution for VET innovation. Debates among leaders,

managers, policy makers will focus on relevant topics including leadership

models, digital transformation, internationalization, business-education

partnership, sustainability. Rethinking VET starts at EfVET 2018.

· Program

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76 Rethinking VET for Inclusive Excellence!24th to 27th of October 2018

10.50 – 12.30

CEDEFOP building communities of Learning ProvidersIntroduction and Coordination by Tina Bertzeletou, Expert, Department

for VET Systems & Institutions, CEDEFOP

• Learning providers & the challenge of technology-enhanced learning René van Schalkwijk, EUproVET

• Learning providers and EU mobility: reinforcing learning attractiveness and employabilityJon Harding, EfVET

• Learning providers and migration: empowerment and integration through learningSylvia Liuti, FORMA. Azione srl

13.00 – 14.30


14.30 – 16.00


• 1. School-Enterprise Model

• 2. Strategies for Internationalization of VET colleges

• 3. HVET and Higher Apprenticeships

• 4. Industry and Innovation 4.0

• 5. Management and Leadership Skills

• 6. VET for Social Inclusion & Labour Market Integration

16.00 – 16.10

Coffee break

16.10 - 17.45

Parallel visits

• Clerici Tessuto: Italian award for best VET-Industry partnership


• Cometa Formazione: meeting students, teachers

and tutors across thematic pathways


Thursday 25th October

9.00 – 9.30

Welcome to Como and opening of Conference

• Joachim James Calleja, President EfVET - Opening of the conference and setting the theme

• Melania De Nichilo Rizzoli, Regional Secretary for Education, Training and Labour

• Stefano Tirati, EfVET Vice-President

• Alessandro Mele, Cometa Formazione - Chairman

• Video message by Ms. Marianne Thyssen, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affair, Labour

Mobility and Inclusion

9.30 - 10.30

Rethinking VET for Inclusive Excellence: keynotes

• Rethinking VET for Inclusive Excellence in LombardiaMelania De Nichilo Rizzoli, Regional Secretary for Education, Training and Labour

• The future of EU VET policy post -2020João Santos, Deputy of Head Unit VET, Apprenticeships & adult learning European Commission, DG- EMPL

• The bridge between VET & Industry Cristina Cofacci, International Industrial Relations, Multinational Company ENEL

• Chair: Joachim James Calleja, President EfVET

10.30 – 10.50

Coffee break

10.50 – 11.50

“Outside the EU: cooperation and development for excellence”Introduction to the panel discussion and chairing: Stefano Tirati

• Jens Liebe, Senior Programme Expert & Regional Focal Point for Europe at UNESCO-UNEVOC

• Cesare Onestini, Director of the European Training Foundation

• Alice Wong, Qualifications Framework Secretariat Authority, Hong Kong

11.50 – 13.00

“VET & Industry – model of engagement”

• Slawomir Tokarski, European Commission, Director F-Innovation & Advanced Manufacturing, DG-GROWTH

• Cristina Cofacci, International Industrial Relations, Multinational Company ENEL

• Yvonne van Hest, Programme Director of the Brainport Development

• Moderator: Irene Psifidou, Expert, CEDEFOP

· Program

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98 Rethinking VET for Inclusive Excellence!24th to 27th of October 2018

15.30 – 17.00

Policy Discussion on the future of VET• João Santos, European Commission, DG EMPL - Deputy Head of Unit for VET, apprenticeships and Adult education

• Joachim James Calleja, President, EfVET

• Jens Liebe, Senior Programme Expert & Regional Focal Point for Europe UNESCO-UNEVOC

• Chair: Peter Hodgson, former EfVET President

15.30 – 18.00

Erasmus+ & Future ProgrammePresentation by Chrystalla Petridou, DG-EAC

• Future Erasmus Programme - Novelties for VET

• Marketplace Delegates are invited to meet to discuss potential partnership both for reciprocal

transnational mobility and partnerships for:

KA1 Learning Mobility

KA2 / KA3 strategic partnerships

• Moderators: Jon Harding and Panagiotis G. Anastassopoulos


Gala Dinner & Dance Villa Erba http://villaerba.it/it/

Friday 26th October

08.30 – 10.00

National Board meetings

10.00 – 11.00

Annual General MeetingAnnouncement Award for Excellence

11.00 - 11.30

Coffee break and time for preparation of Roundtables sessions

11.30 – 13.00

Roundtables:Conference offers European project partners the opportunity to disseminate progress, results and products of their Transnational Transfer of Innovation; Development of Innovation and other European initiatives – a key to successful valorization of project outcomes and sustainability• Three sessions of 30 minutes each

11.30 – 13.00

Digital Education Action Plan: Research and Innovation for Digital Learning

• Annika Östergren Pofantis, European Commission, DG-Communications Networks, Content, Technology,

F4 Digital Economy & Skills

• Julian Stanley, European Training Foundation

• Jeffrey Earp, Institute for Educational Technology, CNR

• Moderator: Stefano Tirati, EfVET Vice President

13.00 – 14.30


14.30 – 15.30

Erasmus+ and beyond: exploring new opportunities. Contributions from:

• Finnish National Agency for Education EDUFI • Dutch National Agency • UNESCO-UNEVOC • DG EAC • DG Connect • ETF

• Moderator: Irene Psifidou, Expert, CEDEFOP

· Program

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1110 Rethinking VET for Inclusive Excellence!24th to 27th of October 2018

· Workshops

Saturday 27th October

10.00 – 11.00

Workshops Feedback Rapporteurs will be invited to feedback key outcomes from the Workshops. Evaluation of the workshops via e-vote

• Chairs: Joachim James Calleja President and Stefano Tirati vice-President EfVET.

11.00 - 11.45

Shaping the future of VET: the voice of EfVET

11.40 – 11.50

Announcement of 28th EfVET Annual International Conference in 2019

11.50– 12.00

Closing remarks of the conference• Joachim James Calleja, President of EfVET

13.00 – 19.00

Lunch and Excursion

• Villa del Grumello

Via Cernobbio, 21 22100 Como

• Ferry Boat tour on Lake Como

Workshop 1

School-EnterpriseModerator: Mr Raimo Sivonen, Kainuu Vocational College, Finland

Rapporteur: Mr Paolo Nardi, Cometa, Italy

The “school-enterprise” workshop aims at gathering providers whose training approach is based

on students producing real products for real customers in the same training environment. In

this approach, school and job are no more two separated moments of training, on the contrary

their integration boosts both the quality of numeracy and literacy young people learn, and the

professional skills they need to acquire. A real experience of work, with the support of tutors

in the Training environment, has a significant effect on students in consolidating their soft skills

and developing an entrepreneurial mindset. The workshop will offer the possibility to compare

different approaches in terms of teaching methods, curriculum design methods and organizational

models; main findings will focus on outlining some policy implications for the consolidation of this

model at European level as an opportunity to an effective school-job integration.

Workshop 2

Strategies for Internationalization of VET colleges – IModerator: Ms Vibeke Nørgaard, TEC, Denmark

Rapporteur: Ms Kristina Hessel, Komvux Malmö Universitetsholmen, Sweden

This workshop gives managers input and reflection with regard to strategies for internationalization

of VET colleges in Europe.

Is it possible to develop a strategy, which overarch and integrate international considerations into

college policies and educational programmes?

Often VET colleges benefits from Erasmus mobilities for staff and student and as partners in a

Strategic partnership projects. How to implement the outcomes from this kind of project activities

into the core deliveries, and rethink internalization as a tool for benchmarking, growth and

masterclasses. As an example, Technical Education Copenhagen (TEC is a multicultural Vocational

Training College with close ties to a labor market under a growing Globalization.

TEC presents its own strategy for internationalization and International Policy and discuss with the

participants of this workshop; how can the colleges improve the strategies for internationalization

and drawing on good practices among the participants.

Strategies for Internationalization of VET colleges – II Moderator: Ms Minke Kloppenburg, Noorderpoort, NL

Rapporteur: Ms Victoria Pyke, Bridgwater & Taunton College, United Kingdom

This workshop gives managers input and reflection with regard to strategies for internationalization

of VET colleges in Europe.

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Workshop 5

Management and Leadership SkillsModerator: Ms Gaby Tinnemeier, BBS Soltau, Germany

Rapporteur: Ms Carina João Oliveira, INSIGNARE - Associação de Ensino e Formação, Portugal

The workshop aims at offering a platform to discuss and share experiences on the changing roles

of leaders and managers in VET organisations.

Leading a VET organisation is a challenging task – especially when the managers have to envision,

plan and adapt for the future in an increasingly uncertain environment. There are external forces

that require new and updated skills from the managers. The work environment and VET policies

are changing, the VET funding is reduced in many countries, there are increased expectations for

even closer links with companies and industry and the demand to keep up-to-date and use the

latest technologies in VET are all requirements in today’s VET. In order to be able to act in a very

complex environment, the VET managers require strategic leadership skills, change leadership

skills, people-focused management skills as well as future-casting and development skills.

Join the workshop and share your own experiences and get peer support from your colleagues

from all over Europe.

Workshop 6

VET for Social Inclusion & Labour Market IntegrationModerator: Mr Norbert Ruepert, ROC Midden Nederland, Netherlands (The)

Rapporteur: Ms Niina Puumalainene, Ylä-Savon koulutuskuntayhtymä / Ylä-Savo Municipal Federation of

Education, Finland

Every person has the right to participate. The UN Convention (Article 24) states that everyone

must have equal access to VET and lifelong learning. Equity is at the core of the United Nations

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically aiming to eliminate gender disparities and

ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the most vulnerable,

including persons with disabilities, immigrants, indigenous peoples and young people in vulnerable

situations (e.g. NEETs).

Education and training as well as labour market integration are considered as one of the most

important factors supporting inclusion and integration. Giving VET a vital role facilitating and

supporting effective access to education and labour market. To support this process, it is important

to better understand the different approaches applied at national /regional and local levels as well

as identifying and sharing good practices and successful measures across Europe.

Join the workshop and bring along for sharing your good practices and ideas on how VET can

further contribute to social inclusion and labour market integration of youth at risk and low skilled


Is it possible to develop a strategy, which overarch and integrate international considerations into

college policies and educational programmes?

Often VET colleges benefits from Erasmus mobilities for staff and student and as partners in a

Strategic partnership projects. How to implement the outcomes from this kind of project activities

into the core deliveries, and rethink internalization as a tool for benchmarking, growth and

masterclasses. As an example, Technical Education Copenhagen (TEC is a multicultural Vocational

Training College with close ties to a labor market under a growing Globalization.

TEC presents its own strategy for internationalization and International Policy and discuss with the

participants of this workshop; how can the colleges improve the strategies for internationalization

and drawing on good practices among the participants

Workshop 3

HVET and Higher Apprenticeships Moderator: Mr Hans Daale, EURASHE, Belgium

Rapporteur: Mr Nacho Camacho, INCOMA, Spain

The aim of the workshop is to show that there are opportunities for the providers of VET to be

involved structurally in the provision of qualifications at level 5. This can be done by looking for

cooperation with providers of higher education or/and business academies (being part of the

world of work). But also, if the institution does not already do it, a provider of VET can offer

qualifications at level 5 under the current name Higher VET. One of the most relevant formats for

this type of qualifications is the use of Work-based Learning i.e. apprenticeships in dual education.

But in order to have a clear structure for all target groups and to establish the position of the VET

provider in a formal sense, a real change in the system is necessary. In this session we will make a

number of proposals during the session, to hear from the participants where the opportunities are,

and issues that need to be addressed.

Workshop 4

Technologies and Industry 4.0Moderator: Mr Massimiliano Mascherini, Eurofound, Agency of the European Union

Rapporteur: Mr Panagiotis G. Anastassopoulos, π – consulting, Greece

How to proceed with digitalisation in smart Work environments? Technologies and Industry

4.0 is no longer a future trend. For many Companies, it is now a key part of business strategies

and research agenda. Companies and VET institutions are combining advanced connectivity &

advanced automation, 3D print, cloud computing, computer powered Skills need analysis and the

implementation of educational structures in the context of colleges to transform their business.

Companies are cooperating more with partners in the higher education sector to train the next

generation of skilled workers. But VET must not leave this field to the Higher Education. Therefore,

we will engage in dialogue with experts from VET practice and research to how the requirements

can be satisfied in VET.

· Workshops

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1514 Rethinking VET for Inclusive Excellence!24th to 27th of October 2018

· Speakers

EfVET PresidentJoachim James Calleja

Professor Joachim James Calleja has been involved in vocational educa-

tion and training since 2001. He served as Cedefop Director from 2013

to 2018. Prior to his appointment as Director of Cedefop he served as

Permanent Secretary (State Secretary) of the Ministry of Education and

Employment (2011-2013) in his native Malta.

In 2005 he was entrusted with the setting up of the Malta Qualifications

Council where he served as its Chief Executive for five years. Under his

leadership Malta launched its National Qualifications Framework and rela-

ted legislation leading to the validation of informal and non-formal learning, quality assurance and

accreditation. His career started in 1986 at the Foundation for International Studies at the Universi-

ty of Malta followed by appointments at the United Nations International institute of Aging (1995-

1998) and the Ministry of Economic Services (1998-2001). In 2001 he was appointed Administrative

Director at MCAST followed by a short spell at the European Training Foundation in Torino.

Professor Calleja is a graduate of the Universities of Malta (B.A. Hons Educ; 1981), Padua (D.ED;

1986) and Bradford (Ph.D; 1991) and an accredited commercial mediator at CEDR London. A pro-

lific writer, Professor Calleja has published several books and articles and edited publications in a

number of countries. He is the co-author of the Malta Referencing Report of the Malta Qualifica-

tions Framework to the EQF and the QF-EHEA. His uninterrupted international career in education

spans over 35 years. He has been Malta’s delegate on the EQF Advisory Board, the Bologna Fol-

low-Up Group and Cedefop’s Governing Board.


Slawomir Tokarski

obtained PhD de-

gree at the European

University Institute in

Florence in 1995.

He joined the Polish

administration and

headed a team co-ordinating the preparations

for the accession negotiations and preparing

policy analysis for the Chief Negotiator.

In 2004 he joined the Commission as a Ca-

binet member of the Commissioner respon-

sible for the regional policy. In 2009 he was

nominated Head of Unit dealing with econo-

mic policy and co-ordination of EU funding in

DG MARE. In March 2012 he became Head of

Defence, Aeronautics and Maritime industries

in DG Enterprise.

Since February 2016 Mr Tokarski became Di-

rector, Dir F “Innovation and Advanced manu-

facturing” (DG GROW).

João Santos

João Santos is De-

puty Head of Unit

in the Directorate

General for Employ-

ment, Social Affairs,

and Inclusion at the

European Commis-

sion in Brussels. The

Unit is responsible

for Vocational Trai-

ning, apprenticeships and Adult education, as

well as for the policy orientation of the Era-

smus+ programme in these fields.

From 2009 to 2013 he was posted at the EU

Delegation to China and Mongolia as a diplo-

matic Counsellor dealing with bilateral trade

and investment issues.

He had previously worked at the Directorate

general for Employment and Social Affairs.

As the coordinator of a geographical desk,

he was involved in the negotiations on the EU

structural polices supported by the European

Social Fund. His responsibilities included the

Employment chapter of the Lisbon Strate-

gy for growth and jobs, and the Strategy on

Social Protection and Social Inclusion. In the

same DG he worked on international relations

covering the employment and social affairs

dimension of the EU bilateral cooperation

with China, the USA, and Canada, as well as

on multilateral cooperation within the United

Nations framework, on issues related to the

Social Dimension of Globalization and the De-

cent work Agenda.

Melania De NichiloRizzoli

Melania De Nichilo

Rizzoli is Regional

Minister (Assessor)

of Education, VET

and Labour for Re-

gione Lombardia sin-

ce March 2018.

Medical doctor, she has been Member of Hou-

se of Representatives (2008-2013) and Social

Affairs Committee. Author of several books

on health and social issues.

Her areas of policy include: Education, Trai-

ning, Labour, Employment.

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Cristina Cofacci

Cristina graduated in Law and has a post graduate degree in Com-

parative Law. She is a lawyer and has been Associate Attorney in a

legal firm for 2 years. She joined Enel in 1996, starting her carieer as

“Industrial Relation and Labour Law Specialist”, growing in different

HR Management roles until the direct responsibility of the Group Eu-

ropean and International Social Dialogue, managing the negotiation

process for the Enel European Works Council. She negotiated and

managed the Enel Global Framework Agreement with the Global

Trade Union Federations IndustriAll and Public Services International.

Since 2015 she’s member of the EU Sectoral Social Working Group representing the em-

ployers associations Assoelettrica and Eurelectric in the relationship with the European Trade

Union Federations IndustriAll Europe and European Public Services Union. Since June 2017

she has been appointed as Chairman of the Social Working Group, on behalf of the Italian

employers association Elettricità Futura, for the work programme 2017-2019. She coordinates

the Enel school-work Apprenticeship Programme, ruled by a collective agreement, and she

is the HR focal point for the Education/Enterprise projects and for Sustainability themes.

She’s the Enel Group’s point of reference for the European Alliance for Apprenticeship.

· Speakers

Jeffrey Earp

For the past 20 years

I’ve been involved in

research into Tech-

nology Enhanced Le-

arning at the Institute

for Educational Tech-

nology of the Italian

Research Coucil. I’ve

worked on mostly

European projects

dealing in areas like digital resources, reposi-

tories and environments for teaching and le-

arning, teacher training, e-inclusion, learning

design, game based learning, 21st century

skills, and frameworks for digital competen-

cies in the education sector.

Jon Harding

My education consist

of a degree in Educa-

tion and Training.

I work as an External

Funding & Bid Ma-

nager for European

projects at Bridgwa-

ter and Taunton Col-

lege. I am the UK na-

tional representative

in the EfVET Steering Group Committee.

I have over 20 years’ experience of vocational

teaching and training across all levels of edu-

cation. My current role has been to develop

and manage Erasmus projects for all sectors

across college.

Tina Bertzeletou

Tina is the leading expert on Quality in VET, having contributed to the

set-up of ENQA-VET (2000-08) and acting since then as scientific ad-

visor to EQAVET, the European Network on Quality Assurance in VET,

monitored by the EU Commission. Of sociology and sciences of education

background, Tina has worked over the recent years on the training needs

of SMEs and micro-firms in various sectors, including agriculture, tourism

and retail. In relation to quality, she focused on the issue of accreditation

both as a quality assurance mechanism and as driver for quality culture

within VET institutions.

In the past, Tina provided technical and scientific assistance to the European Commission for the

implementation of the “FORCE programme” and of the Council Regulation (EEC) No 815/1984 on

the Exceptional Financial Aid in favour of Greece to reform its Mental Health and VET sectors.

Currently, Tina is working on creating a Community of VET-practitioners to promote EU VET-rela-

ted policies at grass root level together with the six Associations of VET-providers active at Euro-

pean level and in close cooperation DG Employment.

Tina works in English, French and Greek and speaks German and Italian. She is the author of a book

of poetry and of short stories published in Greek.

Panagiotis G. Anastassopoulos

Panagiotis G. Anastassopoulos - having a degree on Mathematics from

University of Patras he possesses good knowledge of IT development

especially web2.0 applications. With more than 16 years of experience

in innovative business and IT consulting, gained knowledge about both

digital sales and advertising and their appliance to the modern business

and education environment, using methods offered by new technologies

and informatics. Specific experience in IT, through web developing, Appli-

cation Engineering and Social Media administrating.

He also holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (from Hellenic

Open University). With considerable experience in managing national and transnational projects

from South East Europe to Erasmus+ and NSRF he is as effective as needed. His business and

marketing background in management and mentoring specially startups and existing SME’s and

unemployed people guarantees their successful first steps in business highways. Financial control

management in european co-funding projects in sectors like extraversion of greek SME’s, start-

up entrepreneurship and educational development.

He is the National Representative of EfVET in Greece since the end of 2013 and co-owner of

”p-consulting.gr”, a fresh company with modern dynamics.

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Cesare Onestini

Director of the Euro-

pean Training Foun-

dation since Sep-

tember 2017. Prior to

joining the ETF, he

was Deputy Head of

the EU Delegation

to India and Bhutan.

He began working for the EU institutions in

1995, starting by promoting cooperation in

education and training. He has developed in-

tercultural education projects, coordinated

school partnerships and teachers’ mobility

across Member States and was part of the

team which developed proposals for the first

EU programme for Life Long Learning. He has

worked for the EU in external relations,

international trade, security and crisis ma-

nagement and in the EU Delegation to the

UN in New York.

Annika Östergren Pofantis

Annika Östergren Pofantis is a Policy Officer for Digital Skills and EU Code

Week at the Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content

& Technology, DG CONNECT.

Since 2012, Annika has worked in DG CONNECT with stakeholder re-

lations, communication and digital skills more specifically on EU Code

Week, the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition and the Digital Opportunity

Traineeship initiative. She has also worked with various communication

and media related issues at Eurostat and the Directorate-General for En-

vironment. Between 1999-2000 she was head of the press team at the

Commission Representation in Stockholm and in 2001 she served as acting spokeswoman for the

Swedish Commissioner Margot Wallström. She holds a Master’s degree in Mass Communication

and Journalism from the Universities of Uppsala and Gothenburg, Sweden.

· Speakers

Alessandro Mele

Alessandro Mele is

CEO of Cometa For-

mazione (EQF 3 and

4) and Secretary-Ge-

neral of the Interna-

tional Academy of

Tourism and Hospita-

lity (EQF5).

Trainer and speaker at national and interna-

tional conferences, he is currently Chairman

of the Italian National Association of ITS (Hi-

gher Technical Institutes, Italian EQF5 orga-


Jens Liebe

Jens Liebe is a Senior

Programme Expert


VOC International

Centre. He has pre-

viously served the In-

ternational Centre as

a consultant.

He leads the deve-

lopment and implementation of the UNEVOC

TVET Leadership Programme, a UNESCO fla-

gship programme that supports mid- to se-

nior-level TVET experts from around the world

to develop and sharpen their leadership skills.

He is also in charge of the UNEVOC Network

Secretariat, which develops frameworks for

greater network engagement, e.g. through

“Collaborative Research” and “Capacity De-

velopment” opportunities. He further is part

of UNEVOC’s “Greening TVET” team, acts

as Regional Focal Point for “Europe, CIS and

North America”, and provides the Head of

UNESCO-UNEVOC with developmental and

management support.

Prior to joining UNESCO-UNEVOC, Mr Liebe

has worked for international organizations, re-

search institutions and international develop-

ment organizations. He has held positions as

Programme Officer and Assistant Director of

the UN-Water Decade Program on Capacity

Development (UNW-DPC), as a Senior Scien-

tist at the Center for Development Research

(ZEF) of the University of Bonn, where he ser-

ved as scientific coordinator of the interdisci-

plinary “GLOWA Volta Project”, and with the

German Technical Cooperation in Zambia. He

has extensive international work experience,

particularly in Africa, but also in Europe, Asia

and Latin and North America. He enjoys wor-

king at the interface of science and implemen-

tation and has published extensively.

Silvia Liuti

Graduated in Econo-

mics, since 1991 she

has been working in

Vocational Educa-

tion and Training and

Adult Learning, first

as employee of a pri-

vate company based

in Perugia and then

as co-founder, together with other two part-

ners, of FORMA.Azione srl.

Since 2009, together with the same partners,

she is managing also Giove Informatica srl, a

private company aimed at working in digital

skills’ training activities and communication

and dissemination events, through both offli-

ne and online campaigns.

With relation to the specific professional are-

as of work she is Expert of Gender Equality

in the Labour Market, Senior Trainer of Pu-

blic Speaking, Interpersonal Communica-

tion, Gender equality, and also Project ma-

nagement and Coordination of Transnational

projects at EU level.

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Irene Psifidou

Irene Psifidou works

for over 15 years as

expert on education

and training policies

at international le-

vel. She joined Ce-

defop in 2004, and

currently, she is the

main project manager of Cedefop’s thema-

tic activity focused on VET policies for so-

cial inclusion and labour market integration.

Irene is the creator of the new VET toolkit

for tackling early leaving (www.cedefop.eu-

ropa.eu/TEL-toolkit) that Cedefop launched

recently. She is member of high level thema-

tic working groups set up by the European

Commission, as well as the European and In-

ternational Comparative Education Societies.

Before joining Cedefop, she worked as edu-

cation consultant at the World Bank, Washin-

gton DC. At the World Bank, she focused on

preparation of its strategy on secondary edu-

cation and managed education development

and research projects in transitional Balkan

countries. Irene holds a PhD in Comparative

Education Policy from the Universidad Au-

tónoma de Barcelona (UAB) in Spain and

two M.Sc. diplomas – International Studies

and Developmental Cooperation for the Al-

leviation of Poverty (University of Barcelo-

na) and Applied Linguistics (UAB). Irene has

published widely in peer-reviewed academic

journals and international handbooks.

Julian Stanley

Julian Stanley spent

the first half of his ca-

reer working as a VET

teacher and manager

in a variety of schools

in the London area.

Subsequently he joi-

ned the University of

Warwick where he contributed to initial and

continuing professional development. Julian

has led research into the development of cur-

riculum, qualifications and pedagogies at na-

tional and international levels.

Since 2014 he has worked as an specialist in

vocational teaching and learning for the Euro-

pean Training Foundation with a particular fo-

cus on continuing professional development.

He has published various books and articles

including Understanding Employer Engage-

ment in Education (Routledge).

· Speakers

Chrystalla Petridou

Chrystalla Petridou is working as a Seconded National Expert (SNE) at

the European Commission. Currently she works in the unit “Schools and

Multilingualism” in Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sports and

Culture (DG EAC). Her main responsibilities is to monitor and support the

implementation of the Erasmus+ programme in the field of vocational

education and training in line with EU education policy priorities.

She is currently chairing the VET Mobility Working group, comprised by

National Agencies’ representatives working in Key Action 1. Before co-

ming to the Commission she worked as an Attachée at the Cyprus Per-

manent Representation and under this capacity, has been a member of the Education, Culture,

Youth and Audio-visual Committees of the Council.

Prior to this she has worked at the International and European Affairs Office at the Ministry of

Education and Culture in Cyprus, as a policy officer and advisor in the field of Audiovisual during

the Cypriot presidency of the Council of the EU.

Annarita Polacchini

Ceo of ASF, Como

local public tran-

sport company (Ar-

riva Italia), Annarita

Polacchini is Mana-

ging Director of CO-

MONExT, Innovation

Hub, where she is in

charge of the strategy for the development

of the Technological Park and its impact on

the local companies and institutions; rooted

on the Como area, it works with an increa-

sing international perspective. Director of the

Chamber of Commerce of Como, she chairs

the Committee for Competitiveness and De-

velopment of the Province of Como, including

the political and industrial representatives.

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2322 Rethinking VET for Inclusive Excellence!24th to 27th of October 2018

Stefano Tirati

Stefano Tirati graduated in educational sciences at University of Floren-

ce, where he has worked for 3 years, after attending a post-graduate

course in Human Resources Management, at Middlesex University in


From 1995 till 2016 he has directed CSCS, a vocational training centre

implementing IVET, apprenticeships, CVET, vocational guidance, entre-

preneurial support. Since 1995, Stefano has led several research and pilot

projects, with a local, regional, national or international dimension. He

has been responsible for establishing, nurturing and further expanding partnerships involving

a wide range of stakeholders: local VET providers, SMEs and multinational businesses, public

authorities, research centres, chambers of commerce, social partners. In 2016 Stefano launched

a new startup, Learningdigital.eu, supporting corporate and educational providers to manage

learning processes in digital environments.

Stefano currently cooperates with the following organizations:

• Educational manager at ENEGAN, an Italian energy trading company, being responsible for

e-learning solutions for the nationwide sales force

• Advisor at Eurofound, in the FOME research project, focusing on apprenticeship systems and

advanced manufacturing

• Researcher at Italian University Line, online university of the Italian Ministry of Education,

developing teacher training and teachers CP

• Vice President of EfVET, being responsible for fostering horizontal cooperation among mem-

bers and implementing policy strategies through projects

Yvonne van Hest

Yvonne van Hest is Program Director at Brainport Development, the eco-

nomic development board for the Brainport Eindhoven region, Southeast

of the Netherlands.

Yvonne’s main responsibilities are: development and innovation of educa-

tion and labour market issues (PEOPLE) with the aim to increase welfare

and economic growth in Brainport Eindhoven and the Netherlands.

To achieve this, Yvonne leads a team that currently consists of 17 people.

Together they work on specific projects and have a connecting and co-

ordinating role between regional stakeholders working on education & labour market issues. The

main topics are: international talent attraction & retention; skills shortage & mismatch; innovation

and internationalization in education on all levels; integration between education & labour market;

life long development; how to enhance adaptivity in the multi-helix. Yvonne manages a broad

network of different stakeholders on a regional, provincial, national, European and worldwide le-

vel, consisting of companies, educational & knowledge institutes, governments, organizations of

interest, international knowledge workers, etc.

Yvonne studied Business Studies and Incoming Tourism. She is an experienced strategic manager

in sales and marketing, specialized in talent attraction & retention, international labour market

development & education, strategic business development and program management. Yvonne

regularly performs as a keynote speaker and panel expert in conferences throughout the world.

René van Schalkwijk

René van Schalkwijk is president of the EU VET providers association

EUproVET. He is senior consultant and coach at Diraction. He has been

member and acting president of the board of ROC Horizon College in the

Netherlands for over 16 years.

With 1200 student’s quality VET education through partnerships with lo-

cal and sectoral industry, as well as international cooperation and mobility

have been an integral part of the college school strategy for many years.

The college holds a 4 star EFQM quality award.

He has also been involved in the national board for education research NRO. He holds master’s

degrees in business administration, economics and management of education.

Alice Wong

Alice WONG has joined the Qualifications Framework Secretariat of the

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) since its establish-

ment in 2009.

She worked with the Education Bureau of the Government of the HKSAR

on a number of projects for the development of the Hong Kong Qualifi-

cations Framework (HKQF), including the introduction of QF Credit and

Award Title Scheme, and the Comparability Study of the European Quali-

fications Framework and the HKQF.

She has also assisted the implementation of HKQF in the automotive, banking and insurance in-


· Speakers

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· Workshop Speakers

Hans Daale

Hans Daale is ge-

neral manager of

LEIDO, an indepen-

dent network in the

Netherlands, invol-

ved in lifelong le-

arning. One of the

most important tasks

of LEIDO is to organise national and interna-

tional seminars and conferences about deve-

lopments in higher education, in cooperation

with all stakeholders (ministry, accreditation

body, inspectorate, employers’ organisations,

and so on).

LEIDO has been responsible for the intro-

duction of level 5 in the Dutch system (called:

Associate degree).

His last formal position was Dean of Faculty in

the HES Amsterdam School of Business (until

2005). He was also a Project manager in the

University of Applied Sciences of Amsterdam

(until 2007). Since 2007 he is working full-ti-

me for LEIDO.

Since 2013 he is chairing CHAIN5, the commu-

nity of practice for level 5. This means that he

is also involved in European projects concer-

ning this EQF level. Hans Daale is a member of

the EURASHE Working Group on Employabili-

ty and Lifelong Learning.

Nacho Camacho

With a bachelor’s in economics and Master’s Degree in Education for De-

velopment, currently Director of Outgoing Department in INCOMA. Since

15 years ago, we are supporting Spanish schools and other organizations

in promoting international mobility experiences, for both students and

staff. Coordinating mobilities for over 80 schools, identifying needs and

potential partners abroad, and assisting those schools that have no expe-

rience, know how or capacity for developing projects on their own.


Principal adult educa-

tion Health care, nur-

se assistant in Malmo,


Previous experience

as Deputy from bilin-

gual and European

studies, upper secondary school.

Vibeke Holtum Bendix Nørgaard

Vibeke Holtum

Bendix Nørgaard

is Head of Interna-

tional Relations at

Technical Educa-

tion Copenhagen, a large vocational school

in Greater Copenhagen, Denmark. Vibeke has

worked with education and internationali-

zation for more than 25 years nationally and

internationally in various ways, from student

and apprentice exchange, staff development

through international experiences, project-

and partnerships, expert role and during the

latest years strategic implementation of inter-

nationalization in the school and educational

export. Vibeke is member of the EfVET Stee-

ring Committee.

Carina João Oliveira

Carina João Oliveira,

41 years old, is a Civil

Engineer, with a de-

gree from University

of Coimbra Faculty

of Sciences and Te-

chnology and a po-

stgraduate degree in

Management and Leadership from AESE Bu-

siness School. She is the CEO of Insignare –

Association of Education and Training.

She is a member of the Order of Engineers,

having had a great part of her professional

career at Infrastructures of Portugal (Portu-

guese public company responsible for mana-

ging both road and railroad networks), whose

last job there was Manager of the Studies and

Strategy Unit.

INSIGNARE is an organization that owns two

vocational schools, Ourém Vocational Scho-

ol - with workshops for technical areas from

Mechatronics to Management - and Fátima

Hospitality School, where Hospitality and Tou-

rism courses are taught.

Alongside vocational education, INSIGNARE

also has offices for adult and business training.

Minke Kloppenburg

My name is Minke

Kloppenburg, in-

ternational project

manager at Noor-

derpoort Groningen,

working in ERASMUS

KA1 and 2 and in Inter-

reg Projects between

The Netherlands and Germany. Proud to have

our own KA2 project VET WIND II on windmill

maintenance at sea and also promoting the

great Etrainers project during this meeting.

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Massimiliano Mascherini

Massimiliano Mascherini is senior research manager in the Social Policies

unit, where he leads new research on monitoring convergence in the Eu-

ropean Union. Since joining Eurofound in 2009, he has designed and coor-

dinated research in the field of youth employment, NEETs and their social

inclusion, as well as on topics related to the labour market participation of

women. Previously, he was scientific officer at the Joint Research Centre

of the European Commission.

He studied at the University of Florence where he majored in Actuarial

and Statistical Sciences and then obtained a PhD in Applied Statistics. He has been visiting fellow

at the University of Sydney and at Aalborg University.

In recent years, he has produced a range of contributions for international peer-reviewed journals,

conference proceedings and policy reports.

Paolo Nardi

Paolo Nardi is Inter-

national Affairs Of-

ficer and Director of

Cometa Research

Centre on Education

and Welfare based

on the Cometa VET

school (Como, IT)

and coordinator of the UNEVOC Centre of

Excellence for Italy. Fellow at PlusValue and

Assistant Editor of the Journal of Economics

and Policy of Energy and the Environment.

His research interests are focused on VET po-

licy analysis and evaluation, didactic innova-

tion, social innovation and community deve-



Niina Puumalainen

is a director, teacher,

project specialist and

developer of VET

over 14 years. She has

over 20 years’ expe-

rience in teaching in

different levels of trai-

ning. In her career, she has been teaching and

counselling children, adolescents and adul-

ts with different national and cultural back-

grounds. She is also special needs teacher in

VET. Nowadays she works as a development

director in Ylä-Savo Municipal Federation of

Education. She leads a team of development

services and works as a coordinator of Ylä-

Savo regional developing board of directors.

Coordinating local, regional and international

development projects, quality management

and strategical anticipation and planning are

her main tasks.

Victoria Thompson

I have worked for Bri-

dgwater & Taunton

College for over 6

years, where I star-

ted by completing an

apprenticeship in Bu-

siness & Communica-

tion. In more recent

years I have taken on my current role in the

Erasmus Team.

My main responsibilities consist of co-ordina-

ting KA1 and KA2 projects by working with

students and our Curriculum Teams. Effecti-

vely dealing with external partners to establi-

sh work placement, job shadowing and new

projects for staff and students is something I

am always keen to undertake.

Norbert Ruepert

Norbert Ruepert is

the head of the in-

ternational office

of ROC Midden Ne-

derland, one of the

largest colleges for

vocational education

and training in the

Netherlands. Norbert Ruepert has been in-

volved in international cooperation for over

20 years, promoting mobility of students and

staff and coordinating international innova-

tion projects in Europe and Africa.

He received a Helsinki Quality Award for the

innovation project “Placement Support”. ROC

Midden Nederland was awarded the Erasmus

Mobility Charter two years ago.

He has recently set up an excellence program-

me at the college for students with talents

and ambition offering additional opportuni-

ties and challenges.

Raimo Sivonen

Raimo Sivonen has

worked in Vocational

education and trai-

ning already 25 years.

Started as a teacher

and then departe-

ment manager, inter-

national manager, de-

velopment manager and the last 11 years as a

principal in Kainuu Vocational College.

· Workshop Speakers

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Gaby Tinnemeier

Gaby Tinnemeier is the head of a vocational school with various branches

settled in Soltau, Germany, Lower Saxony. With about thirteen years of

experience in school management she deals with all aspects of change

management especially personal management, quality management and

of course development of VET. To help students cross the border between

general and vocational education she implemented a wide ranged pro-

gram of orientating practical. Focussed on integration and inclusion as

outstanding target agreements she applied for a school trial in coopera-

tion with a cooperative comprehensive school.

She considers VET networking in Europe t to be most inspiring and at the same time most impor-

tant. She is a trained hairdresser, vocational teacher and school book author.

· List of participants

Name Institution/College Country

Alimenti Nicola Apro Formazione S.c. a r.l. Italy

Anastassopoulos Panagiotis π – consulting Greece

Angela Bolognini Rosa IIS Dalla Chiesa Spinelli Italy

Apperloo Klaske mbo Rijnland Netherlands

Avar Nilay Nuffic Netherlands

Bakker Alda Horizon College Netherlands

Barbara Galeann Easy Job Bridge Malta

Barkanowitz Esther BBS Wirtschaft Bad Kreuznach Germany

Baudemont Carole CFAI EURE France

Bernasconi Mariachiara Agenzia per la Formazione, l’Orientamento e il Lavoro della Provincia di Como Italy

Bertzeletou Tina CEDEFOP Greece

Bianco Erika AIP LANGUAGES Spain

Biil Eriksen Tina Koege Business College Denmark

Bjerre Pernille Roskilde Technical College Denmark

Blok Arnold mbo Rijnland Netherlands

Boerma Stieneke Noorderpoort College Netherlands

Boetti Luca Istituto Formazione Operatori Aziendali I.F.O.A. Italy

Booi Harm Netherlands

Bottazzoli Claudio AIP LANGUAGES Spain

Bouma Betty mbo Rijnland Netherlands

Brunelli Giampietro ENAC Ente Nazionale Canossiano Italy

Burghardt Horst BBS Syke EUROPASCHULE Germany

Busch AnneLiese Seminole State College of Florida USA

Caldeira Conceiçao LUSO-FORMATAR, SA Portugal

Calleja Joachim James EfVET/MCAST College Malta

Calligaro Luca ENAC Italy

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3130 Rethinking VET for Inclusive Excellence!24th to 27th of October 2018

Name Institution/College CountryName Institution/College Country

Falchi Simone Accademia europea di Firenze Italy

Fernández Quiñones Felipe International Consulting and Mobility Agency SL Spain

Fidalgo Sergio IKASLAN Spain

Figini Giovanni Cometa Formazione Italy

Folkerts Lammert ROC van Twente Netherlands

Foullonneau-Moreau Charlotte UNISER Italy

Gaban Alicia EfVET Belgium

Gajdoš Martin Eppas z.s. Czech Republic

Ganowska Karolina UNISER Italy

García Domínguez Luis IES PUERTA BONITA Spain

García Irene IKASLAN Spain

Garib Agnes mbo Rijnland Netherlands

Garmendia Alfredo Centro San Viator Spain

Gauci Martha-Marie STAGE MALTA Malta

Gazzarata Matteo AFP Colline Astigiane Italy

Gehrels Karin ROC Drenthe College Netherlands

Genais Macpherson Fanette The Placement Factory Limited United Kingdom

Giorgakis Giorgos Eurosuccess Consulting Cyprus

Glasberg-Lidholm Linda Axxell Utbildning Ab Finland

Grande Angelika Trøndelag County Concil, Education Department Norway

Haar Leif EfVET Denmark

Haase Marita Rudolf Rempel Berufskolleg Bielefeld Germany

Halttunen Tanja Axxell Utbildning Ab Finland

Harding Jonathan Bridgwater & Taunton College United Kingdom

Heimdahl Karin Education Administration, City of Gothenburg Sweden

Heine Helstrand Klaus Zealand Busines College Denmark

Hensels-van den Broek Mirjam MBO Raad Netherlands

Hessel Kristina Komvux Malmö Universitetsholmen Sweden

Camacho Nacho INCOMA Spain

Cardoso Mónica Escola Artística e Profissional Árvore Portugal


Cassis Clay Fondazione M. Canossa (Accademia Symposium) Italy

Cesuiko Viktorija UNISER Italy

Chanina Valentina EfVET Belgium

Ciet Sara UNISER Italy

Cofacci Cristina ENEL Italy

Daale Hans EURASHE Belgium

Dannis Elise mbo Rijnland Netherlands

de Graaf Ineke mbo Rijnland Netherlands

De Nichilo Rizzoli Melania Regional Secretary for Education, Training & Labour Italy

de Rooij Martin mbo Rijnland Netherlands

de Waard Els mbo Rijnland Netherlands

Delseny Sobra Florence ALFMED France

Dijkstra Esmeralda ROC Drenthe College Netherlands

Dori Tibor Euro-Contact Budsiness School Hungary

Drago Francesca Scuola Centrale Formazione Italy

Duijndam Hans mbo Rijnland Netherlands

Dybdal Rene Randers Social- og Sundhedsskole Denmark

Dyhrberg Rasmussen Maria Randers Social- og Sundhedsskole Denmark

Dyrløb Gitte Koege Business College Denmark

Enkelmann Thomas FAW gGmbH Germany

Enriquez Ordoñez Paloma CDEA Spain

Esménio Catarina Aula de Comércio, Estudos Técnicos e Profissionais (Escola de Comércio de Lisboa) Portugal

Espilla Susana TKNIKA Spain

Etxebeste Jone TKNIKA Spain


· List of participants

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3332 Rethinking VET for Inclusive Excellence!24th to 27th of October 2018

Name Institution/College CountryName Institution/College Country

Kroese Margrieta Landstede Netherlands

Kubisova Eva Stredná Priemyselná Škola Strojnícka Slovakia

Laihinen Sanna Vocational College Lappia Finland

Landriscina Mario Mayor of Como Italy

Lammi Katriina Keski-Uudenmaan koulutuskuntayhtymä Keuda Finland

Larsson Jenny Education Administration, City of Gothenburg Sweden

Lehmann Hans EUC Syd Denmark

Lehtinen Sauli Keski-Uudenmaan koulutuskuntayhtymä Keuda Finland

Letterie Joan mbo Rijnland Netherlands

Liebe Jens UNESCO-UNEVOC Germany

Liuti Sylvia FORMA.Azione srl Italy

Løfgren Cecilia Technical Education Copenhagen Denmark

Lokker Jan Da Vinci College Netherlands

Lombardi Andrea UNISER Italy

Lombardi Luca UNISER Italy

Lourenço Horácio Escola Artística e Profissional Árvore Portugal

Luijten Bas ROC Ter AA Netherlands

Lukkala Sirpa Invalid Foundation / Keskuspuisto Vocational College Finland

Lunskute Monika Marijampole VET centre Lithuania

Lut Udo Landstede Netherlands

Mancino Lucia UNISER Italy


Mari Leinonen Anna Keski-Uudenmaan koulutuskuntayhtymä Keuda Finland

Mascherini Massimiliano Eurofound Ireland

Mattila Juha-Matti Invalidisäätiö / Vocational College Live Finland

Mavromoustakos Stylianos Intercollege Cyprus

Mele Alessandro Cometa Formazione Italy

Meschino Giulia EVTA Belgium

Hillermann Silke BBS Syke EUROPASCHULE Germany

Hirdes Frank Gustav-Stresemann-Wirtschaftsschule Mainz Germany

Hodgson Peter EfVET United Kingdom

Honkajuuri Heidi Kiipula Vocational College Finland

Humphries Lisa Chichester College United Kingdom

Hyytiä Henna Keski-Uudenmaan koulutuskuntayhtymä Keuda Finland

Irastorza Marijo CDEA Spain

Jakobsen Inge Koege Business College Denmark

Janssen Peter Summa College Netherlands

João Oliveira Carina INSIGNARE - Associação de Ensino e Formação Portugal

Johannessen Ronny Mo and Oyrane College Norway

Jokinen Heidi Keski-Pohjanmaan ammattiopisto Finland

Ka Fai Lee Qualifications Framework Secretariat Hong Kong

Kajander Jussi Luovi Vocational College Finland

Kay Annette Zealand Busines College Denmark

Ketelaars Petrus Summa College Netherlands

Kjærgaard Frost René Roskilde Technical College Denmark

Kloppenburg Minke ROC Noorderpoort Netherlands

Knoester Martijn mbo Rijnland Netherlands

Koca Ali ISMEK Turkey

Koivisto Hannu Raisio Regional Education and Training Consortium, Raseko Finland

Koivula Hannu Luovi Vocational College Finland

Koker Kerem ISMEK Turkey

Konde Zubiaurre Iñaki TKNIKA Spain

Kontturi Mari Luovi Vocational College Finland

Korteharju Tanja Hyria Education Finland

Kosunen Jukka Savo Consortium for education Finland

Kounas Costantino FORMA.Azione srl Italy

· List of participants

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3534 Rethinking VET for Inclusive Excellence!24th to 27th of October 2018

Name Institution/College CountryName Institution/College Country

Pena Nereba HETEL NAZARET Spain

Petridou Chrystalla European Commission DG-EAC Belgium

Petrovska-Rusomaroski Aneta EVN Macedonia Macedonia

Po Chu Alice Wong Qualifications Framework Secretariat Hong Kong

Polacchini Annarita Chamber of Commerce of Como-Lecco Italy


Psifidou Irene CEDEFOP Greece

Puggioni Simona ENAC Italy

Puumalainen Kari Ylä-Savon koulutuskuntayhtymä / Ylä-Savo Municipal Federation of Education Finland

Puumalainen Niina Ylä-Savon koulutuskuntayhtymä / Ylä-Savo Municipal Federation of Education Finland

Pyke Victoria Bridgwater & Taunton College United Kingdom

Ramelyte Ellul Rita Easy Job Bridge Malta

Räsänen Jaana Savo Consortium for education Finland

Renedo Navarro Montserrat M&M Profuture Training, S.L. Spain

Ribeiro Ana AEVA - Escola Profissional de Aveiro Portugal

Rief Monika BBS Wirtschaft II Ludwigshafen Germany

Rikke Holgersen Feldt AARHUS TECH Denmark

Rodriguez Tamara HETEL Spain

Roemer Ole SOSU C Denmark

Ruelius-Mangold Annette BBS Soltau Germany

Ruepert Norbert ROC Midden Nederland Netherlands

Rybinska Agnieszka Foundation for the Development

of the Education System Poland

Saarinen Mika Finnish National Agency for Education

EDUFI Finland

Sánchez López Miguel Ángel IES CIUDAD ESCOLAR Spain

Sandberg Minna Spesia vocational college Finland

Santos Joao European Commission, DG-EMPL Belgium

Mestre Ana Escola de Comércio do Porto Portugal

Metsola Liisa Vocational College Live Finland

Miana Enrique ASOCIACION MUNDUS “Un mundo a tus pies” Spain

Miettinen Anne Hyria Education Finland

Mohring Frans mbo Rijnland Netherlands

Molier Michel Da Vinci College Netherlands

Moreno Sanabria Mónica M&M Profuture Training, S.L. Spain

Morton-Thomas James Chichester College United Kingdom

Murray Paul Foyle International United Kingdom

Nardi Nardi Cometa Formazione Italy

Neijenhuis Johan ROC NIJMEGEN Netherlands

Nieuwenhuijse Kees Graafschap College Netherlands

Nørgaard Vibeke TEC Denmark

Nousiainen Miia Spesia vocational college Finland

Obst Achim Berufsbildende Schule Wirtschaft 1 Ludwigshafen Germany

Öhman Stefan Education Administration, City of Gothenburg Sweden

Ohnemus Pia Randers Social- og Sundhedsskole Denmark

Okon Willie Louise AARHUS TECH Denmark

Oleynikova Olga Centre for VET Studies Russia

Onestini Cesare European Training Foundation Italy

Orueta Iker Education&Mobility Spain

Overmeer Hélène HMC Rotterdam Netherlands

Oyeniran Deborah Rudolf Rempel Berufskolleg Bielefeld Germany

Pachocki Michal Foundation for the Development of the Education System Poland

Palazzetti Chiara FORMA.Azione srl Italy

Pascoal André Escola Artística e Profissional Árvore Portugal

Paulus Cepas Kaunas Technical Vocational Training Centre Lithuania

Pelttari Outi Vocational College Lappia Finland

· List of participants

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3736 Rethinking VET for Inclusive Excellence!24th to 27th of October 2018

Name Institution/College CountryName Institution/College Country

van de Pas Tinus Summa College Netherlands

van den Heuvel Marieta mbo Rijnland Netherlands

Van der Eerden Gonnie National Agency Erasmus+ Netherlands

van der Meer Jaco mbo Rijnland Netherlands

Van der Net Eline National Agency Erasmus+ Netherlands

van der Veer-Wester Els Nova College Netherlands

van der Wijk Jan Berend Alfa-college Netherlands

van Driel Marianne Nova College Netherlands

van Hest Yvone Brainport Development Netherlands

Van Hout Frank Friesland College Netherlands

van Krimpen Annette mbo Rijnland Netherlands

van Laake Jan mbo Rijnland Netherlands

van Schaik Frans Horizon college Netherlands

van Schaik-Ejerskov Ellen Horizon college Netherlands

Van Schalkwijk Rene Euprovet Netherlands

Van Vught Ton Aventus Netherlands

Van Wieren Durk Aventus Netherlands

Varga Juraj Eppas z.s. Czech Republic

Veenink Mieke Graafschap College Netherlands

Vermeulen Corrie mbo Rijnland Netherlands

Verzola Monica ENAIP NET Italy

Viljoen Stephen Paragon Europe Malta

Virkkunen Risto Kainuu Vocational College Finland

Vogelaar Danielle Nuffic Netherlands

Vuorenmaa Raija Edupoli Finland

Vuorinen Anne Keski-Uudenmaan koulutuskuntayhtymä Keuda Finland

Vuorinen Olli Raisio Regional Education and Training Consortium, Raseko Finland

Wall Jennifer Education Administration, City of Gothenburg Sweden

Sanz Lucio Raúl IES Leonardo da Vinci Spain

Sbrissa Sbrissa EVTA Belgium

Schnedler-Soerensen Steen NEXT Education Copenhagen Denmark

Schoonhoven Andre Da Vinci College Netherlands

Schroten Sabine Friesland College Netherlands

Severinsen Hans Koege Business College Denmark

Sig Wadsholt Jan Sosu Oestjylland Denmark

Sioulis Iraklis IVEPE-SEV Greece

Sivonen Raimo Kainuu Vocational College Finland

Sjoeberg Wolff Kenneth AARHUS TECH Denmark

Smid Hanneke Alfa-college Netherlands

Snabilie Hugo Hugo Snabilie Consulting Netherlands

Soragni Cosetta Istituto Formazione Operatori Aziendali - I.F.O.A. Italy

Spatafora Mario Effebi Association – Finance and Banking Organizational & HR development Association Italy

Staley Michael Seminole State College of Florida USA

Stanciu Irina FEG (Fundatia Ecologica Green) Romania

Stancheva Stela EfVET Belgium

Stanley Julian European Training Foundation Italy

Stofkova Alzbeta Stredná Priemyselná Škola Strojnícka Slovakia

Stutzmann Wolfgang BBS Wirtschaft I Ludwigshafen Germany

Theuma Anthony Paragon Europe Malta

Timmerman Jantje mbo Rijnland Netherlands

Tinnemeier Gaby BBS Soltau Germany

Tirati Stefano Learningdigital.eu Italy

Tokarski Slawomir European Commission, DG-GROWTH Belgium

Tortolero Alberto ASOCIACION MUNDUS “Un mundo a tus pies” Spain

Tyystälä Marja-Liisa Vocational College Lappia Finland

Unnur Gunnarsdóttir Ágústa Fjölbrautaskólinn í Breiðholti / FB College Iceland

· List of participants

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Name Institution/College Country

Wanrooij Sjoerd Grafisch Lyceum Rotterdam Netherlands

Ward Edwin Paragon Europe Malta

Warden Christian Manufacturing Technology Centre United Kingdom

Wernér Karin Axxell Utbildning Ab Finland

Wilker Jan StartNet Italy

Winkelhardt Angelika BBS Wirtschaft II Ludwigshafen Germany

Winter Ricardo mbo Rijnland Netherlands

Withagen Marcella Landstede Netherlands

Witteveen Marja Da Vinci College Netherlands

Wollscheid Stefanie Gustav-Stresemann-Wirtschaftsschule Mainz Germany

Wong Sandra Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications Hong Kong

Zehmisch-Baumeister Marion BBS Wirtschaft I Ludwigshafen Germany

Zygmantaite Rasa Lithuania

· Venue



Villa Pliniana

Villa Carlotta

Villa Monastero

Villa Balbianello

Villa Sucota

Villa Giulia

Villa Olmo

Villa Pizzo

Villa Melzi

Villa Gallia


Spazio Como Park

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• Sheraton Lake Como Hotel Via per Cernobbio 41A, 22100 Como

• Hotel Villa Flori Via Cernobbio, 12, 22100 Como

• Hotel Regina Olga Via Regina, 18, 22012 Cernobbio

• Cometa Via Madruzza, 36, 22100 Como


List of restaurants for dinner on Thursday 25thPlease, book your table in advance (ask the help desk). Bring your badge for discount!


Ristorante Imbarcadero Piazza Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour, 20, Como 10%T. 031-270166 / www.ristoranteimbarcadero.it

Crotto del Sergente Via Crotto del sergente, 13, Como 10%T. 031-283911 / www.crottodelsergente.it

Ristorante Caffè TeatroPiazza Giuseppe Verdi, 11, Como 10%T. 031-4140363 / www.ristorantecaffeteatro.it

Cava dei SaporiVia Guido da Como, 2, Como 10%T. 031-520812 / www.lacavadeisapoi.it

Ristorante NumeronovePiazza Giuseppe Mazzini, 5, Como 15%T. 031-272858 / www.numeronovecomo.it

Ristorante Er PiùVia Pastrengo, 1, Como 10%T. 031-272154 / www.erpiucomo.it

Il Glicine di Pozzi Mario & C.Piazza Santo Stefano, Via Vittorio Veneto, 1, Cernobbio 15%T. 031-511332 / www.trattoriadelglicine.com


Harry’s Bar - Riva di CernobbioPiazza Risorgimento, 2, Cernobbio 10%T. 031-512647 / www.harrysbarcernobbio.it

Ristorante Terzo CrottoVia Alessandro Volta 21, Cernobbio 15%T. 031-3347509 / www.terzocrotto.it

Excursion on Saturday 27th: “Lake Como Experience”

Enjoy YOUR experience on Lake Como: The Chamber of Commerce of Como gives each of the

participants of the EfVET Conference 2018 the possibility to make a boat trip on one of the most

beautiful lakes in the world.

The ticket gives you the opportunity to choose among different solutions. All the delegates will

meet at Tavernola Ferry Terminal (Via Cernobbio, 18-30, 22100 Como) at 3.15 pm. A first group will

depart at 3.23 pm. and a second group at 3.53 pm. After boarding you are free to choose:

• “Live the lake”: 1-hour boat trip from Tavernola to Tavernola.

• “Water and history”: Boat trip to Como and visiting the city of Como.

• “Taste the lake atmosphere”: Boat trip with stops in one or more of the most beautiful towns

on Lake Como (Cernobbio, Moltrasio, Torno, Como).

Even if all delegates depart together, please feel free to create your own experience! Please keep

the boat timetable in mind, in order not to miss the last one back to Como or Tavernola.

· Information

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· Notes

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Editor: EfVET conference team

Graphic & Layout Edition: Debora Battistessa, Graphic Designer CREATIVA DESIGN

Rights: creative commons – This work is licencesed under

the Creative Commons Attribution – no derivates 4.0 International License
