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Date post: 09-Mar-2016
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InterstIl A/segeskovvej 15DK-8700 Horsens

tel: +45 75 60 13 77Fax: +45 75 60 15 77

[email protected]


InterstIl ABBox 179stamvägen 2s-661 24 säffle

[email protected] www.interstil.se

InterstIl InterIor ABÅkermansväg 2-4s-241 21 eslöv

tel +46 413-66550Fax +46 413-12090

[email protected]


InterstIl AsP.o. Box 162n-4065 stAvAnger

HjellegjerDe Asluramyrveien 71n-4313 sandnes

tel: +45 75 60 13 77Fax: +46 413 120 90

[email protected]


representative office of Interstil ltd.g2H, 14F, new times Plaza, shekoushenzhenChina

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tHe InterstIl grouP 6

CreAtIve ProDuCt DeveloPment 8

trenD sPottIng 10

sHowroom 14

FAIrs 16

Key ACCount mAnAgement 18

suPPly CHAIn mAnAgement 20

quAlIty AssurAnCe 22

InterstIl InterIor 24

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tHe InterstIl grouP

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tHe InterstIl grouP

one oF sCAnDInAvIA’s lArgest AnD most DIstInCtIve FurnIture AnD InterIor DesIgn trADIng Houses. our ProDuCts Are solD tHrougH more tHAn 1500 leADIng FurnIture retAIlers ArounD euroPe.

In just a few years, our determined strategy has made us one of scandina-via’s largest and most distinctive trad-ing houses in the sector, and today our customers acknowledge us as a dynamic and inspiring partner.

Interstil group is a corporation in rapid development and we report annual sales of more than 170 million euro. the cor-poration was established in its present form in 2005 by the amalgamation of several trading companies, and revenue has been rising steadily ever since.

today we employ more than 200 people in design and product development, purchase, quality, sales, marketing, ac-counting, It, warehousing and logistics.

our main office and warehouse, with a total space of 40,000 m2, are located in Denmark. In addition we have of-fices in norway and sweden and a fully employed staff in a.o. China, vietnam, malaysia, Indonesia and Belarussia.


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CreAtIve ProDuCt


At InterstIl It Is not ABout CreAtIng DesIgn For tHe sAKe oF DesIgn – But rAtHer to CREAtE PRODUCtS thAt SELL!

In order to be able to offer a unique and perfected product range, a dedicated assortment group works to create a distinct line throughout the general corporate assortment.

the main purpose is to generate as much synergy between the individual markets as possible in order to achieve the highest product volume and ac-cordingly the market’s best price for our customers.

Being aware that the right product range is the foundation of Interstil’s entire existence, we are in constant development and unremittingly work to steer the entire process, from the tender idea to the finished product. In close cooperation with our Key Account managers we secure the comprehensive knowledge of the different markets and the furniture trade in europe in general.

thanks to the close cooperation be-tween our product development team, buyers and professional supplier setup, we are able to deliver basically all prod-uct groups and styles.


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we worK HArD to InsPIre our Customers usIng new mAterIAls, exCItIng ComBInAtIons AnD surPrIsIng DetAIls.

Consumers are constantly changing their buying behavior and being in synch with changing needs and wants is critical to business success. those companies that understand the future consumer will be the winners of tomorrow!

At Interstil we work hard to fit the wishes and needs of the future consum-er. A natural result of the process, is our

ability to help our customers preparing today for the new tomorrow with crea-tive, inspiring and commercial furniture.we know all about how vital it is to dare to venture onto new paths and at the same time respect the commercial expression of the product. our ability to transform an idea into a finished product is central to how customers perceive us.

we are constantly seeking new ways to do things. we are curious and are happy to be in the forefront in using new materials, exciting combinations and surprising details.

we take pride in being our custom-ers primarily source of inspiration!


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trenD sPottIng

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[ny CollAge sIDe InDen sHowroom og FAIrs - Flest sortHvIDe BIlleDer....


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[ny CollAge sIDe InDen sHowroom og FAIrs - Flest sortHvIDe BIlleDer....


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In Denmark we have a 1,500m2 show-room in which our customers can glean inspiration on furniture, interior, wallpa-pers, colours, styling and optimal use of the shop area.

our showroom is constantly changing and reflects the new trends that we adopt from all over the world. we want to inspire our customers and show the possibilities in trying new ways in a constantly increasing competition, in order to attract and retain customers in the shops.

welCome to An InsPIrIng worlD oF FurnIture

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to reach our goal of becoming europe’s best furniture and interior design trad-ing company, we want to participate in the leading international fairs both in europe and China.

to our existing customers we use the fairs to show new and commercial at-tractive products, and the fairs are a great opportunity to reach new custom-ers from around the world.

our showroom facilities in Denmark are used all year round to welcome our customers to an inspiring world of furniture.


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tHe FounDAtIon oF A strong PArtnersHIP Is DIAlogue. we generAte As muCH synergy Between tHe InDIvIDuAl mArKets As PossIBle In orDer to ACHIeve tHe HIgest ProDuCt volume AnD tHe mArKets Best PrICe For our Customers.

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Key ACCount mAnAgement

tHe FounDAtIon oF A strong PArtnersHIP Is DIAlogue. we generAte As muCH synergy Between tHe InDIvIDuAl mArKets As PossIBle In orDer to ACHIeve tHe HIgest ProDuCt volume AnD tHe mArKets Best PrICe For our Customers.

the foundation of a strong partnership is dialogue. In-depth knowledge of the cus-tomer and the individual market is vital for a successful outcome for us all. that is why we are striving to be an active co-player in all business and design aspects of the process. As a Key Account at Interstil, you can expect competent and dynamic coop-eration with a strong team based on:

• Singlepointofcontactthrough A DeDICAteD, loCAlly BAseD Key ACCount mAnAger

• Strongback-officeSupport(Dk-baSeD)

• JointproDuctDevelopment

• proDuctSourcing

• Developmentofuniquep.o.S.material

• opportunitytomakeuSeofourin-houSe DeCorAtIon/stylIng ComPetenCes


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PurCHAse AnD ProDuCtIon In tHe FAr eAst

our Buyers AnD stAFF In AsIA HAve extensIve exPerIenCe AnD KnowleDge oF tHe InternAtIonAl FurnIture mArKet

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PurCHAse AnD ProDuCtIon In tHe FAr eAst

our Buyers AnD stAFF In AsIA HAve extensIve exPerIenCe AnD KnowleDge oF tHe InternAtIonAl FurnIture mArKet

we are constantly working to find the right suppliers who are able to meet our own, and accordingly our customers’expectations for product, price and quality.

In order to exploit the potential and achieve the best prices, our purchase strategy is to create synergy among the individual markets on the basis of our customers’ development process. this enables us to place orders of a very large volume at the individual supplier.

we wish to be perceived as a pro-active partner who both inspires and reacts quickly to new trends that enable our customers to be on top of demand. our buyers have extensive experience and knowledge of the international furniture market and are active across the globe.

our unique logistics setup enables us to match the need of the individual customer in terms of warehousing and delivery.


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At Interstil we have a constant focus on making sure that quality always meets customer expectations. All consign-ments are checked by Interstil’s own quality Control team who are all highly qualified furniture specialists.

each consignment is accompanied by a detailed qC report with important infor-mation on every part of the product that enables us to follow any shipment from production to customer.

each month we prepare a detailed Key Performance Indicator quality report containing all relevant KPIs for the qual-ity work. this report ensures that we always know the complaints rate for our customer groups and for the individual products.

In close cooperation with our customers, Interstil constantly focus on developing the high quality of our products.

quAlIty AssurAnCe22

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InterstIl InterIor

Interstil Interior AB is one of the leading suppliers of accessories and small furni-ture to gift- and furniture shops. with a collection that covers more than 3500 items you can always find what you are looking for.

In our 1200m2 showroom located in eslöv, sweden, all is on display. you are most welcome to visit our showroom - it is only 45 min. from Copenhagen Airport. or please visit our webshop www.interstil.se to get your own account and become one of our retailers.

Kitchen, bathroom, hallway, living room, textile, baskets, lantern, paintings, clocks, candles, candleholders, outdoor furniture, season collections and much more…

Classic or modern, minimalist or Ba-roque, strong colours or soft elegance, whatever you are in the mood for… you will find it at Interstil AB.

our Home Is our HAven. wHere WE ALL ARE DECORAtORS AnD our PersonAl style rules. tHIs Is one oF tHe tHougHts we KeeP In mInD wHen we ComPose our ProDuCt rAnge. OUR COLLECtION REFLECtS ON thE PREVAILING StYLE AnD InterstIl InterIor AB Is Known to Be A trenD setter.


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