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    NAME :

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    S.Sundaram Prof/Mechanical Engineering 1

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    DEPT :



    Knowledge on the principles of management is essential for all kinds of people in all kinds oforganizations. After studying this course, students will be able to have a clear understanding ofthe managerial functions like planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling. Students willalso gain some basic knowledge on international aspect of management.


    Definition of Management Science or Art Management and Administration Development of

    Management Thought Contribution of Taylor and Fayol Functions of Management Types of

    Business Organization.

    2. PLANNING 9Nature & Purpose Steps involved in Planning Objectives Setting Objectives Process of

    Managing by Objectives Strategies, Policies & Planning Premises- Forecasting Decision-



    Nature and Purpose Formal and informal organization Organization Chart Structure and

    Process Departmentation by difference strategies Line and Staff authority Benefits and

    Limitations De-Centralization and Delegation of Authority Staffing Selection Process -

    Techniques HRD Managerial Effectiveness.

    4. DIRECTING 9

    Scope Human Factors Creativity and Innovation Harmonizing Objectives Leadership

    Types of Leadership Motivation Hierarchy of needs Motivation theories Motivational

    Techniques Job Enrichment Communication Process of Communication Barriers and

    Breakdown Effective Communication Electronic media in Communication.


    System and process of Controlling Requirements for effective control The Budget as Control

    Technique Information Technology in Controlling Use of computers in handling the

    information Productivity Problems and Management Control of Overall Performance Direct

    and Preventive Control Reporting The Global Environment Globalization and Liberalization

    International Management and Global theory of Management.


    1. Harold Kooritz & Heinz Weihrich Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw-Hill, 19982. Joseph L Massie Essentials of Management, Prentice Hall of India, (Pearson) Fourth Edition, 2003.


    1 Tripathy PC and Reddy PN, Principles of Management, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1999.2. Decenzo David, Robbin Stephen A, Personnel and Human Resources Management, Prentice Hall of India, 1996

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    3. JAF Stomer, Freeman R. E and Daniel R Gilbert, Management, Pearson Education, Sixth Edition, 2004.4. Fraidoon Mazda, Engineering Management, Addison Wesley,-2000.




    1. Define Management.

    Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which

    individuals, working together in groups, efficiently accomplish selected aims..

    2. What is Management?Management is the process of giving direction and controlling the various

    activities of the people to achieve the objectives of an organization.

    3. Write some characteristic of management.

    1. Management is a continuous process.

    2. Managers use the resources of the organization both physical as well as

    human to achieve the goals.

    3. Management aims act achieving the organization goals by ensuring effective

    use of recourses.

    4. What is the role of management in organization?

    1. Management helps indetermination of the objectives of an organization.

    2. Economic and social development takes place through management

    5. Write any two points favour for management as a science.

    1. Management principles should be verifiable.

    2. Reliable basis for predicting future.

    6. Write any two points favour management as an art.

    1. Management is creative.

    2. Management includes the use of practical knowledge and personal skill.

    7. Who is father of Scientific Management?


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    8. What is time study?

    The movement which takes minimum time is the best one.

    9. What is motion Study?

    Taylor suggested that eliminating wasteful movements and performing only

    necessary movements.

    10.Who is father of Principles of Management?

    Hendry Fayol

    11. Write 14 Principles of Fayols Management.

    1. Division of work

    2. Authority and Responsibility

    3. Discipline

    4. Unity of command

    5. Unity of direction

    6. Individual interest to general interest

    7. Remuneration

    8. Centralization

    9. Scalar chain

    10. Order 11. Equity

    12. Stability

    13. Initiative

    14. Esprit de Corps.

    12. What is authority?

    It is the power given to a person to get work from subordinates.


    To delegate the power to his subordinates.

    13. What is responsibility?

    It is the amount of work expected from a man by his superior.

    14. Give a comment Management is both A science and an art.

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    Management is a science because it contains general principles. It is also an art

    because it requires certain personal skills to achieve desired results.

    15. What is centralization?

    The organization is centralized when the power is concentrated with one person.

    Or The power is uniform for all the persons throughout the organization

    16. What is decentralization?

    If the power is fully distributed to the subordinates of the organization.

    17. What is scalar chain?

    The instruction and orders should be sent from the top management to the lower


    18. What is Esprite de corps?

    This means union is strength. In organization employees should be harmony and


    19. What is a Management level?

    1. Top level management

    2. Middle level management

    3. Lower or bottom level management.20. Write some important functions of top level management.

    1. To formulate goals and policies of the company

    2. To formulate budgets

    3. To appoint top executives.

    4. To provide overall direction and leadership of the company

    5. To decide the distribution of profit etc.

    21. Write some important functions of middle level management.

    1. To train, motivate and develop supervisory level.

    2. To monitor and control the operation performance.

    3. To coordinate the various activities of a department.

    22. Write some important functions of lower level management

    1. To train and develop the efficiency of the workers

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    2. To assign jobs to workers

    3. To give order and instruction

    4. To maintain discipline and good human relations among workers.

    5. To report feedback information about workers.

    23. What are the essential skills needs for the managers?

    1. Technical Skill 2. Human skill and 3. Conceptual skill.

    24. Write the functions of the management.

    1. Planning

    2. Organizing

    3. Staffing

    4. Coordinating

    5. Controlling or Directing

    25. What is sole trading?

    The sole partnership is that form of business organization, which is owned and

    controlled by a single individual.

    26.Write any two merits of sole trades.

    1. Liberal legal formalities to start the business.

    2. it is easy to formation.

    27. Write any two demerits of sole trades.

    1. Limited resources.

    2. Short life.

    28. What is partnership?

    A partnership an association of two or more persons to carry on business and to

    share its profits and losses.

    29. Write merits and demerits of partnerships.


    1. Larger financial resources.

    2. Promptness of decision making


    1. Lack of public faith.

    2. Limitation in transfer in share.

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    30. What is Joint Stock Company?

    By Joint Stock Company is association of many persons who contribute money

    worth to common stock and employ it in some trade or business and also share

    the profit and loss as the case may be arising there from

    31. Explain Private limited company.

    A private limited company is a company that has a minimum paid up capital as

    may be prescribed.

    32. Write any two privileges of a private limited company.

    1. A private limited company can be incorporated with just two persons. This

    facilities easy formation as well as efficiently functioning.

    2. It is not issuing prospects for collecting its share capital.

    3. It is exempted from conducting statutory meeting.

    4. A private company works with just two directors.

    5. Directors are not necessary to file with the Register a written consent to

    act as a director.

    6. A private company need not be an index of its members.

    33. What is a co-operative society?

    It is voluntary association of persons for mutual benefit and it aims areaccomplished through self-help and collective effect. Co operative organization

    is mutual help i.e., one for all for one.

    34. What are the types of co- operative societies?

    1. Consumer co- operative societies.

    2. Producer co- operative societies.

    3. Co operative marketing societies.

    4. Co operative crediting societies.

    5. Co operative forming societies.

    6. Co operative housing societies.

    35. Write the merits and demerits of co- operative societies?


    1. It is easy to formation

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    2. Low operator cost


    1. Lack of motivation

    2. No credit facilities.

    36. Give an example of Public corporation.

    1. LIC

    2. IDBI

    37. Give example of government companies.

    1. Coal mines

    2. Tamilnadu state transport corporation

    3. Tamilnadu Electricity board etc.

    38. What is social responsibility? (AU 2004)

    Society is the part of the management to interact actions withers to protect social

    interest a society.

    PART B

    1. Explain the principle of F.W.Taylor theory (AU May 2004)

    2. Explain the Henry Fayol management theory (AU May 2004)

    3. What are the major functions of management explain?

    4. Indicate the three level of management.

    5. Explain management is an art or science both science and art.

    6. Describe the Social responsibilities of the management.

    7. Explain the importance of management.

    8. Explain the business entry (AU may 2005)

    9. Explain the types of business organization.

    10.Briefly explain the characteristic of sole trade.

    11.Explain the following: (AU May 2006, Dec 2006,and May 2007)

    a) Features of partnership

    b) Kind of partners

    c) Rights of partner

    d) Merits and Demerits of partnership.

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    12.Briefly explain limited companies.

    13.Explain Joint Stock Company and Government Company.

    14.Differentiate between partnership and sole traders.(AU May 2006)


    1. Define Planning

    Planning is the process of selecting the objectives and determining the course

    of action required to achieve these objectives.

    2. State the important observations suggested about planning.

    Planning is outlining a future course of action in order to achieve on


    Planning is looking ahead

    Planning is getting ready to do some thing tomorrow.

    Planning is a trip laid down to capture the future.

    3. What are the objectives of planning (AU DEC 2005)

    Planning is a primary function of an organization

    It helps in achieving objectives

    It is done to cope with uncertainty and change

    It helps in coordination

    Planning increases organizational effectiveness

    Planning guides in decision making

    4. List out various types of plans.(AU April 2006)

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    Purposes (or) Mission; Objectives; Strategies; Policies; Procedures; Rules;

    Programs and Budgets.

    5. What do you mean by Purposes?

    The Mission or purpose identifies the basic function or task of an enterprise or

    agency or of any part of it.

    6. Define Objectives or Goals.

    Objectives or Goals are the ends toward which activity is aimed they are the

    results to be achieved.

    The determination of the basic long-term objectives of an enterprise and the

    adoption of courses of action and allocation of resources necessary to achieve

    these goals

    7. Define Policy.

    Policies are plans in that they are general statements or understanding, which guide

    or channel thinking in decision-making.

    8. What are Procedures?

    Procedures are plans that establish a required method of handling future activities.

    They are guides to action, rather than to thinking, and they detail the exact manner

    in which certain activities must be accomplished.

    9. Define Rules.

    Rules spell out specific required actions or non-actions, allowing no discretion. They

    are usually the simplest type of plan.

    10. Define Programs.

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    Programs are complex of goals, policies, procedures, rules, task assignments, steps

    to be taken, resources to be employed, and other elements necessary to carry out a

    given course of action. They are ordinarily supported by budgets.

    11. Define Budget.

    A budget is a statement of excepted results expressed in numerical terms. It may be

    referred to as a numberized program.

    12. What do you mean by Zero-base budget?(AU Nov.2005)

    Budgeting in which enterprise programs are divided into packages comprising

    goals, activities, and needed resources, and costs are calculated for each package

    from the ground up.

    13. Define Planning.

    Planning determines the future course of action. It bridges the gap between where

    we are to where we want to go.

    14. What is planning premises?

    The planning assumptions- the expected environment in which plans will operate;

    they may be forecasts of the planning environment or basic policies and existing

    plans that will influence any given plan.

    15. List out the various steps in planning.(AU NOV 2006)

    1) Being aware of opportunities; 2) Establishing objectives 3) Developing planning

    premises 4) Determining alternatives courses 5) Evaluating alternative courses

    6) selecting a course 7) Formulating derivative plans & 8) Numbering plans by


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    16. What is Key Result Areas?

    The Key Result Areas (KRA) is the area in which performance is essential for the

    success of the enterprise.

    17. List out the objectives in hierarchy.

    1)Socio-economic purpose; 2) Mission; 3) Overall objectives of the organization

    (long range, strategy); 4) More specific overall objectives (KRA); 5) Division

    objectives; 6) Department and unit objectives; 7) Individual objectives (performance,

    personal development objectives).

    18. Define Management By Objectives (MBO).

    Management by objectives is a compressive managerial system that integrates

    many key managerial activities in a systematic manner and that is consciously

    directed toward the effective and efficient achievement of organizational and

    individual objectives.

    19. What are the steps in strategic planning process?(AU April 2005)

    1) Input

    2) Enterprise profile

    3) Orientation of top managers

    4) Purpose and major objectives

    5) External Environment

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    6) Internal Environment

    7) Development of Alternative Strategies

    8) Evaluation and choice of strategies

    9) Medium and short-range planning, implementation and control10)Consistency.

    20. Mention the required reasons for the need of policies

    To ensure a uniform pattern of action

    To simplify and speed up the process of decision making

    To secure coordination of efforts

    To improve the performance of subordinates.

    21. Name any two important procedures in organization.

    Procedures for placing orders for material and equipment

    Procedure for sanctioning different types of employees leave.

    22. State any four advantages of procedures in planning.(AU Nov.2006)

    It avoids confusion and duplication by providing clear guidelines to


    It helps to improve performance by providing best and simplest way

    of performing a job.

    It brings uniformity in operations.

    It leads to simplification and elimination of unnecessary


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    It facilitates coordination between different work units.

    23. Classify budgets.(Au Nov.2005)

    1. Variable budgets or Flexible budget

    - These budgets vary according to the organization output .

    2. Programme budgets

    - In this budget, the agency identifies goals, develops detailed

    programmes to meet the goals, and estimates the cost of each


    3. Zero base budget

    - It is a combination of programme and variable budget.

    24. What are the advantages of planning?

    It helps in achieving objectives

    Better utilization of resources

    Economy in operation

    It reduces uncertainty and risk

    It improves competitive strength

    Effective control


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    It encourages Motivation

    25. What are the limitations of planning?

    Lack of accurate information

    Time and cost


    Delay during emergency period.

    26. State the two approaches of objectives

    Top down approach

    Bottom up approach

    27. What are the advantages of objectives?

    Unified planning

    Defining an organization


    Individual motivation

    Basis for decentralization

    Basis for control

    Co ordination.

    28. List down the guidelines for objectives setting.

    I. Objectives should cover the main features of the job.

    II. Objectives must be clearly specified in writing.

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    III. The list of objectives should not be too long. Wherever ist

    possible, combine some objectives to make the list


    IV. It must set by considering the various factors affecting their


    V. It should be variable

    VI. It should clearly indicate the organizational mission.

    VII. It should be challenging and reasonable.

    VIII. It should yield specific results when achieved.

    IX. It should be coordinated with these of other managers and

    organizational units.

    X. It should provide timely feedback so that the necessary

    corrective action can be taken.

    XI. Short term objectives should be consistent with long term


    XII. It should start with the word to and be followed by an action.

    XIII. It shoud be periodically reviewed.

    XIV. It should clearly indicate the resources and authority

    required for achieving it.

    XV. All the assumptions underlying the objectives are clearly


    29. What are the steps involved in MBO process?(AU April 2004)

    Setting preliminary objectives

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    Fixing key result areas

    Setting subordinates objectives

    Recycling objectives

    Matching resources with objectives

    Periodic performance reviews


    30. What are the benefits of MBO?

    Improvement of managing

    Clarification of organization

    Personal satisfaction

    Team work

    Development of effective control

    Fast decision making.

    31. What are the weaknesses of MBO?

    Failure to teach the philosophy of MBO

    Failure to give guidelines to goals area

    Difficulty of setting goals

    Emphasis on short term goals

    Danger of inflexibility

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    Team consuming

    Increased paper work.

    32. What are the major kinds of strategies and policies?(AU Nov 2004)

    I. Growth

    II. Finance

    III. Organization

    IV. Personnel

    V. Products or Services

    VI. Market.

    33. Explain the term decision and decision making.(AU APRIL 2004)

    A decisionmay be a direction to other to do or not to do.

    Decision-making is defined as the selection of a course of action from among

    alternatives; it is the core of planning. It is one of the function of management

    and also a core process of planning. The management executive takes a number

    of decisions every day. Thus, a decision may be rational or irrational. There are

    number alternatives available to the management. The best one is selected out

    of the available alternatives.

    34. How would you evaluate the importance of a decision? (AU NOV 2004)

    1. Decision-making is a selection process. The best alternative is selected

    out of many available alternatives.

    2. Decision-making is a goal oriented process. Decisions are made to

    achieve some goals or objectives.

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    3. Decision-making is the end process. It is preceded by detailed discussion

    and selection of alternatives.

    4. Decision-making is a human and rational process involving the application

    of intellectual abilities. It involves deep thinking and foreseeing things.

    5. Decision-making is a dynamic process. An individual takes a number of

    decisions each day.

    35. Write down the process followed in decision making process.(AU MAY 2007)

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    36. Mention the three approaches generally adopted by managers in selecting an



    What are the techniques useful while evaluating alternatives? (AU APRIL 2005)

    Quantitative and Qualitative analysis

    Marginal analysis

    Cost effective analysis

    37. What do you mean by limiting factor and principles of limiting factor?

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    Limiting Factor is something that stands in the way of accomplishing a desired


    Principles of limiting factor: By recognizing and overcoming those factors that stand

    critically in the way of a goal, the best alternative course of action can be selected .

    38. Differentiate Quantitative factors and Qualitative or intangible factors.

    Quantitative factors: These are factors that can be measured in numerical terms,

    such as time or various fixed and operating costs.

    Qualitative factors: These are difficult to measure numerically such as the quality

    of labour relations, the risk of technological change, or the international political


    39. What is Marginal analysis?

    Evaluating alternatives may involve utilizing the techniques of marginal analysis to

    compare additional revenues arising from additional costs. Where the objective is to

    maximize profits, this goal will be reached, as elementary economics teaches, when

    the additional revenues and additional costs are equal.

    40. What do you mean by Cost Effectiveness Analysis?

    Cost Effectiveness analysis seeks the best ratio of benefits and costs; this means,

    for example finding the least costly way of reaching an objective or getting the

    greatest value for given expenditures.

    41. Differentiate Programmed decision and nonprogrammed decision.

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    Programmed decision is applied to structured or routine problems.

    Non-programmed Decisions are used for unstructured, novel, and ill-defined

    situation of a nonrecurring nature.

    42. What is Decision Tree?

    Decision Tree depicts, in the form a tree , the decision points, chance events, and

    probabilities involved in various courses that might be undertaken.

    43. What do you mean by Preference Theory?

    Preference or utility theory is based on the notion that individual attitudes toward risk

    will vary; some individuals are willing to take only smaller risk than those indicated

    by probabilities (Risk Averters) and others are willing to take greater risks


    44. What is DSS?

    Decision Support System use computers to facilitate the decision making process of

    semi-structured tasks. These systems are designed not to replace managerial

    judgment but to support it and to make the decision process more effective.

    PART B

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    1. Describe the various elements in planning (AU APRIL 2004)

    2. What are the different types of plans? Explain. (AU NOV 2004)

    3. Give an account of various steps involved in planning or Explain with

    flow diagram the steps in planning. (AU April 2005)

    4. Describe the different objectives of planning( AU Nov 2005)

    5. Explain briefly the benefits and weakness of MBO.

    (AU NOV 2004 & April 2005)

    6. Describe the steps involved in strategies planning process.

    (AU April 2007)

    7. State and explain the eight recommendations that should considered by

    managers for successful implementation of strategies. (AU April 2005)

    8. Discuss the factors for strategies policies and planning premises.

    (AU Nov 2005)

    9. Describe the various types of decision. (AU April 2004)

    10.Describe the steps in rational decision-making. (AU April 2005)

    11.Explain modern approaches to decision making under uncertainty

    (AU Nov.2004)

    12.Write short notes on any two important modern approaches to decision

    making under uncertainty. (AU April 2005)

    13.Define decision making and explain the process of decision making that

    affects the efficiency of the business decisions.(AU Nov.2005)

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    1. Distinguish between creativity and innovation.

    Creativity refers to the ability and power to develop new ideas.

    Innovation means the use of these ideas.

    2. What is Brainstorming?(AU Nov.2004)

    An approach to improve problem discovery and solving by encouraging unfettered

    suggestions and ideas, usually from a group of individuals.

    3. Define Organizing.

    Organizing means establishing an intentional structure of roles for people to fill in an


    4. Differentiate formal organization and informal organization.(AU April2006)

    Formal organization means the intentional structure of roles in a formally organized


    Informal organization is a network of personal and social relations not established or

    required by the formal organization but arising spontaneously as people associate

    with one another.

    5. Define Departmentation.

    Departmentation designates a distinct area, division, or branch of an organization

    over which a manager has authority for the performance of specified activities.

    6. State the Principles of Span of Management. (AU April 2004)

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    Span of management states that there is a limit to the number of subordinates a

    manager can effectively supervise, but the exact number will depend on the impact

    of underlying factors. The term Span of control is also known as span of

    Management But span of management is a better term because control and

    supervision are elements of management.

    7. Differentiate between Intrapreneur and Entrepreneur.

    Intrapreneur is a person who focuses on innovation and creativity and who

    transforms a dream or an idea into a profitable venture by operating within the

    organizational environment.

    Entrepreneur is a person who does similar things, but outside the organizational


    8. List out various bases of departmentation.(AU Nov 2006)

    1) Departmentation by simple numbers

    2) Departmentation by time

    3) Departmentation by enterprise function

    4) Departmentation by territory or geography

    5) Customer departmentation

    6) Process or equipment departmentations

    7) Departmentation by product

    8) Matrix organization

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    9. What do you mean by Strategic business unit (SBU)?

    SBU is a distinct little business set up as a unit in a larger company to ensure that a

    certain product or product line is promoted and handled as though it were an

    independent business.

    10.What is Matrix Organization?(AU April 2006)

    Matrix organization is the combination of functional and project or product patterns of

    departmentation in the same organization structure.

    11.Differentiate Power and Authority.

    Power is the ability of individuals or groups to induce or influence the beliefs or

    actions of other persons or groups.

    Authority is the right in a position to exercise discretion in making decision affecting

    others. It is, of course, one type power, but power in an organization setting.

    12.Differentiate Line and Staff Authority.

    Line authority is that relationship in which a superior exercises direct supervision

    over a subordinate- an authority relationship in direct line or steps.

    Staff relationship is advisory. The function of people in a pure staff capacity is to

    investigate, research, and give advice to line managers.

    13.What is Functional authority?

    Functional authority is the right that is delegated to an individual or a department to

    control specified processes, practices, policies, or other matters relating to activities

    undertaken by persons in other departments.

    14.Differentiate Centralization and Decentralization of Authority.

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    Centralization of authority: the tendency to restrict delegation of decision making

    in an organization structure, usually by holding authority at or near the top of the

    organization structure.

    Decentralization of authority: The tendency to disperse decision-making authority

    in an organization structure.

    15.What is organization chart?

    Organization chart indicates how departments are tied together alone the principle

    lines of authority.

    16.Define Organizational Culture.

    Culture is the general pattern of behavior, shared beliefs, and values that members

    have in common. Culture can be inferred from the way people say, do, and think

    within an organizational setting. It involves the learning and transmitting of

    knowledge, beliefs, and patterns of behavior over a period of time, which means that

    an organization culture is fairly stable and does not change fast.

    17. What do you understand by effective organizing (AU Nov.2005)

    Effective organization focuses on finding mistakes in present organizing and

    avoiding such mistakes by proper planning. Effective organizing avoids

    organizational inflexibility and makes the staff work effectively by avoiding conflicts

    by clarification.

    18. Define Value.

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    Value can be defined as a fairly permanent belief about what is appropriate and

    what is not that guides the actions and behavior of employees in fulfilling the

    organizations aims.

    19. Mention any four characteristics of an organization.

    1. Common objectives

    2. Specialization or Division of Labour

    3. Authority of structure

    4. Group of persons

    20. State advantages of organization.

    I. It facilitates administration

    II. It increases the efficiency of management

    III. It facilitates growth and diversification

    IV. It ensures optimum use of man and material resources.

    21. Distinguish between formal and informal organization

    Sl.No Point of view Formal organization Informal organization

    1 Origin

    It is createddeliberately and

    consciously by theframes of theorganization

    It is created spontaneouslyand naturally

    2 Purpose

    It is created forachieving legitimate

    objectives of theorganization

    It is created by the membersof the organization for socialand psychologicalsatisfaction

    3 Nature Planned and official Unplanned and unofficial

    4 Size It may quite large It may be small in size

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    22. Enumerate the advantages of functional organization grouping.

    (AU April 2005)

    1. Science a foreman is responsible for one function, he can perform his

    duties in a better manner.

    2. This organization structure makes use of specialists to give expert

    advice to workers.

    3. It relives line executives of routine, specialized decisions which are

    sometime boredom.

    4. Expert guideline reduces the number of accidents and wastages

    materials, man and machine hours.

    5. It relieves pressure of need to search a large number of all round


    23. State the important factors in determining an effective span.

    1. Capacity of superior

    2. Capacity of subordinates

    3. Nature of work

    4. Type of technology

    5. Delegation of authority.

    24. What is staff authority?

    The relationship between a staff manager and the line manager with whom he

    works depends in part on the staff duties.

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    25. Compare line and staff authority.

    S.No Line authority Staff authority

    1 It has right to decide or commandIt has right to provide advice,assistance and information

    2It contributes directly to attainmentof organizational objectives

    It assists line in effective attainment ofobjectives

    3It creates superior subordinaterelations

    Extension of line and supports line

    4It follows from top to downward i.e.superior to subordinate.

    It folws in any direction dependingupon the situation.

    26. What is staffing?

    Staffing is filling, and keeping filled, the positions in the organization structure with

    competent people.

    27. What are the situational factors affecting staffing?

    The situational factors affecting staffing are:

    The external environment

    Equal employment opportunity

    Women in management Technical Factor and Legal Factor

    Staffing in the international environment

    The internal environment

    Promotion from within

    Promotion from within in large companies. Social Factor and Legal Factor

    The policy of open competition

    Responsibility for staffing

    Need for top-management support in overcoming resistance to effective staffing

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    28. Define Job Design.

    It requires an appropriate job structure in terms of content, function, and


    29. List down Personal characteristics needed by managers.

    Personal characteristics needed by managers

    Desire to manage

    Communication skills and empathy

    Integrity and honesty

    Past performance of managers

    30. What do you mean by selection?

    Selection is the process of choosing from among candidates, from within the

    organization or from the outside, the most suitable person for the position or for

    future positions.

    31. What is Recruiting?

    Recruiting involves attracting candidates to fill the positions in the organization

    structure. Before recruiting begins, the positions requirements, which should relate

    directly to the task, must be clearly identified.

    32. Classify commonly used tests.

    1. Intelligence tests; 2.proficiency and aptitude tests; 3. Vocational tests; 4.

    Personality tests.

    33. What is Assessment Center?

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    Assessment center is a technique for selecting and promoting managers. This

    approach may be used in combination with training. Assessment centers were first

    used for selecting and promoting lower level supervisors, but now they are applied

    to middle-level manager as well.

    34. Define Orientation.

    Orientation involves the introduction of new employees to enterprise its functions,

    tasks, and people.

    35. Define Performance Appraisal.

    Performance appraisal is the systematic evaluation of the individual with regard to

    his or her performance on the job and his potential for development.

    37. Define Merit rating.

    Merit rating is a systematic, periodic and, so far as humanly possible, an impartial

    rating of an employees excellence in matters pertaining to his present job and to his

    potentialities for better job.

    38. List the various methods of performance appraisal.

    Appraisal based on traits

    Appraisal by results or objectives

    39. What is stress?

    Stress is a very complex phenomenon. It can also be described as the rate of all

    wear and tear caused by life.

    40. What is the need for job rotation?

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    The purpose of job rotation is to broaden the knowledge of managers or potential

    managers. Trainees learn about the different enterprise function by rotating into

    different positions.

    41. Distinguish between Management and Organization Development.

    Management Development: refers to long-term, future-oriented programs and the

    progress a person makes in learning how to manage.

    Organization development: is a systematic, integrated, and planned approach to

    improve the effectiveness of groups of people and of the whole organization or a

    major organization unit.

    42. What is Sensitivity Training?

    A form of training based on behavior of persons in groups and, through undirected

    group interchange, designed to make these persons more aware of their feelings

    and the feelings of others toward them.

    43. Define organizational conflict.

    Conflict is a part of organizational life and may occur within the individual, between

    individuals, between the individual and the group, and between groups

    44. How can conflict be managed?

    Managing conflict can be managed in different ways, some focusing on interpersonal

    relationships and others on structural changes.

    45. What is Halo effect?

    It is the tendency of the rather depend excessively on the rating of one. Trait or

    behavioral consideration in rating all other traits or behavioral considerations.

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    46. Write the difference between recruitment and selection

    S.No Recruitment Selection

    1 It is one step process It involves several steps

    2It is only finding, developing thesources of employees attractionthem to apply for jobs.

    It is due process of finding out thesuitable to the job out of therecruitment.

    3 It is initial step of the organization It is final step of the organization

    47. What is grading method?

    It is one of the trait based appraisal methods. The actual performance of the

    employees is measured against these grades. This method is generally useful for

    promotion based on performance.

    48. What are the roles of manager?

    1. Inter personal role

    2. Information role

    3. Decisional role

    49. What are the personal characteristics needed by manager?

    1. Leadership

    2. Communication skill

    3. Honesty

    4. Self confidence

    50. Define the Peter Principle.

    It states that every person in a hierarchy tends to rise to the level of his


    51. List out the physical sources of stress.

    1. Work overload

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    2. Loss of sleep

    3. Loud noises

    52. What are the methods for reduction of stress?

    1. Healthful nutrition

    2. Relaxation

    3. Recreation facilities

    53. What are the essential for training?

    a. Training is necessary when a person is shifted from one job to another.

    b. Training develops new skill to the employees.

    c. Training is provides a sense of security and confidence to employees.

    54. What are training inputs?

    1. Motivation

    2. Progressive information

    3. Reinforcement

    4. Practice

    55. What are the methods of on the job training?

    1. Job rotation

    2. Apprenticeship and coaching

    3. Committee assignments

    4. Experience

    5. Temporary promotions

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    56. What are the methods of off the job training methods?

    1. Lecture

    2. Seminars

    3. Case studies

    4. Business game

    5. In basket method

    6. Sensitivity training

    57. What is basket training method?

    Basket contains a number of correspondences like memo, circulars, letters and

    reports. The trainees are required to solve ach problem and to record their

    decisions within a specified time period. This training is promotes the skills like

    logical thinking, time management skill and decision making skill.

    58. What is O.D?

    Organization Development is a systematic and continuous process of learning

    and growth. O.D is an educational strategy which focuses on the whole culture of

    the organization in order to bring about planned change.

    59. Write some characteristics of O.D.

    1. OD has a planned process.

    2. OD is a dynamic process.

    60. What are the roles of OD?

    1. O.D. provides better management from top to bottom

    2. O.D.improves communication skill.

    3. O.D. keeps the organization healthy

    4. O.D. improves coordination and team work.

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    61. What is managerial grid?

    Managerial grid is behavioral theory of leadership. It plays an important role in

    managerial behavior in organizational development.

    62. What are the two types of managerial grid?

    1. Production concern

    2. People concern

    63. What are the difference between management development and

    organizational development?

    S.No Management Development Organizational Development

    1It is aimed at improving Managers skillsand job performed

    It is aimed to change the totalsystem of organization

    2 Train the Employee and Managers Improvement in the job design

    3 Educate and train the EmployeesTo create problem solvingapproach.

    64. What is the purpose of HRM? (AU DEC 2005)

    1. Recruitment

    2. Selection

    3. Training

    4. Appraisal process.

    PART - B

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    1. Give a brief account of at least six mistakes in organizing. (AU April 2005)

    2. Explain how formal organization is different from informal organization.

    Illustrate. (AU Nov. 2004)

    3. How does a leader influence organization culture? (AU Nov.2004)

    4. Discuss about the factors determining an effective span of management.

    (AU April 2005)

    5. Describe departmentation by process. What are its advantages and

    disadvantages? (AU April 2004)

    6. Explain the line organization with a neat sketch. What are the advantage

    and disadvantage of line authority? (AU NOV. 2005)

    7. Explain the concept of functional authority. How do you delegate it?

    (AU Nov.2004)

    8. Explain the concept of decentralization. (AU Nov.2005)

    9. Briefly explain the factors determining the degree of decentralization of

    authority. (AU April 2005)

    10.Explain and evaluate the external factors affecting staffing.

    11.What are the characteristics of a manager inventory chart?

    12.Discuss the various types of selection interviews.

    13.What do you mean by performance appraisal? Discuss its need and

    importance in an organization.

    14.Explain the ten steps in formulating career strategy.

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    15.Explain in details the various types of conflict. Give examples that are

    relevant to each type of conflict.

    16.Explain organization development process.

    17.What is sensitivity training? Do you think sensitivity training would make

    you better manager explain?

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    1. What is staffing?

    Staffing is filling, and keeping filled, the positions in the organization structure with

    competent people.

    2. What are the situational factors affecting staffing?

    The situational factors affecting staffing are :

    The external environment

    Equal employment opportunity

    Women in management

    Staffing in the international environment

    The internal environment

    o Promotion from within

    o Promotion from within in large companies

    o The policy of open competition

    o Responsibility for staffing

    o Need for top-management support in overcoming resistance to effective


    3. Define Job Design.

    It requires an appropriate job structure in terms of content, function, and


    4. Define Leading.

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    Leading is defined as the process of influencing people so that they will contribute to

    organization and group goals.

    5. List out Human Factors in Managing.

    1. Multiplicity of roles

    2. No average person

    3. The importance of personal dignity

    4. Consideration of the whole person.

    6. Define Motivation and Motivators.(AU Nov.2005)

    Motivation is a general term applying to the entire class of drives, desires, needs,

    wishes, and similar forces.

    Motivators are things that induce an individual to perform.

    7. Differentiate between Motivation and Satisfaction.

    Motivation refers to the drive and effort to satisfy a want or goal.

    Satisfaction refers to the contentment experienced when a want is satisfied.

    Motivation implies a drive toward an outcome, and satisfaction is the outcome of

    already experienced.

    8. What are the basic needs placed by Maslow in his need hierarchy theory?

    1. Physiological needs

    2. Security or safety needs

    3. Affiliation or acceptance needs

    4. Esteem needs and 5.Need for self-actualization.

    9. What is Positive reinforcement or Behavior modification?

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    It holds that individuals can be motivated by proper design of their Work environment

    and praise for their performance and that Punishment for poor performance produces

    negative results.

    10. Differentiate between Job Enrichment and Job Enlargement

    Job Enrichment: is related to factors such as challenge, achievement, recognition

    and responsibility are seen as the real motivators.

    Job Enlargement: It attempts to make a job more varied by removing the dullness

    associated with performing repetitive operations. It means enlarging the scope of

    the job by adding similar tasks without enhancing responsibility.

    11. Define Leadership

    Leadership is defined as influence, that is the art or process of influencing people

    so that they will strive willingly and enthusiastically toward the achievement of

    group goals.

    12. What are the major ingredients of Leadership?

    i) The ability to use power effectively and in a responsible manner;

    ii) The ability to comprehend that human beings have different motivation

    forces at different times and in different situations;

    iii) The ability to inspire, and

    iv) The ability to act in a manner that will develop a climate conducive to

    responding to and arousing motivations.

    13. What do mean by Principle of Leadership.

    Since people tend to follow those who, in their view, offer them a means of

    satisfying their own personal goals, the more managers understand what

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    motivates their subordinates and how these motivations operate, and the more

    they reflect this understanding in carrying out their managerial actions, the more

    effective they are likely to be as leaders.

    14. Define three basic styles of Leadership

    Autocratic leader commands and expects compliance, is dogmatic and positive,

    and leads by the ability to withhold or give rewards and punishment.

    Democratic or Participative leader consults with subordinates on proposed

    actions and decisions and encourages participation from them.

    Free-rein leader uses his or her power very little, if at all, giving subordinates a high de

    independence in their operations.

    15. What is Contingency theory of Leadership?

    The theory holds that people become leaders not only because of the attributes

    of their personalities but also because of various situational factors and the

    interactions between leaders and group members.

    16. What do you mean by Path-Goal Theory?

    Path-goal theory suggests that the main function of the leader is to clarify and set

    goals with subordinates, help them find the best path for achieving the goals, and

    remove obstacles.

    17. Define Communication

    Communication is the transfer of information from a sender to a receiver; with the

    information being understood by the receiver.

    18. List out the steps involved in communication process.

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    i) Sender (Thought, Encoding); ii) Media (Transmission of message); iii) Receiver

    (Reception, decoding, Understanding); iv) Noise; v) Feedback

    19. What is Encoding?

    The Thoughts or an Idea which is converted in a way that can be understood by

    both the sender and the receiver.

    20. What is Decoding?

    The receiver converts the message into thoughts.

    21. What do you mean by Noise in Communication? (AU April 2004)

    Communication is affected by Noise, which is anything whether in the sender, the

    transmission or the receiver- that hinders communication.

    22. What do you mean by downward communication? (AU April 2004)

    Downward Communication flows from people at higher levels to those at lower

    levels in the organizational hierarchy. This kind of communication exists

    especially in the organizational hierarchy. This kind of communication exists

    especially in organizations with an authoritarian atmosphere.

    23. What is Upward Communication? (AU April 2004)

    Upward Communication travels from subordinates to superiors and continues up

    the organizational hierarchy.

    24. What do you mean by Crosswise communication? (AU April 2004)

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    Crosswise communication includes the horizontal flow of information, among

    people on the same or similar organizational levels and the diagonal flow among

    persons at different levels who have no direct reporting relationships.

    25. What is Oral Communication? (AU April 2004)

    Oral Communication can occur in a face-to-face meeting of two people or in a

    managers presentation to a large audience; it can be formal or informal and it

    cab be planned or accidental.

    26. What do mean by Written Communication? (AU April 2004)

    Written forms of communication keep people informed about the enterprise.

    These written forms include the company newspaper or magazine and bulletin

    board notices.

    27. What is Non-Verbal Communication? (AU April 2004)

    People communicate in many different ways. What a person says can be

    reinforced (or contradicted) by nonverbal communication, such as facial

    expressions and body gestures.

    28. List out the Barriers and Breakdown in communication

    a) Lack of planning; b) Unclarified Assumptions; c) Semantic Distortion; d)

    Poorly Expressed Messages; e) Communication Barriers in the International

    Environment; f) Loss by Transmission and Poor Retention; g) Poor Listening

    and Premature Evaluation; h) Impersonal Communication ; I) distrust, threat

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    and Fear; j) Insufficient Period for Adjustment to change; k) information

    overload; l) other communication Barriers.

    29. What is Communication Audit?

    One way to improve communication in an organization is to conduct a

    communication audit. Such an audit is a tool for examining communication

    policies, networks and activities. Organizational communication is viewed as a

    group of communication factors related to organizational goals.

    30. What is Teleconference?

    Teleconference is a group of people interacting with each other by means of

    audio and video media with moving or still pictures.

    31. Write short note on OMBUDSPERSON

    This concept is originated in Sweden, where a citizen to investigate

    complaints about the federal bureaucracy could approach a civil servant.

    Companies have found that the position of the ombudsperson can provide a

    valuable upward communication link and avert front-page scandals and legal

    costs by bringing improprieties to the attention of the appropriate person before

    they become major problems.

    32. What do you mean by GRAPEVINE?

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    A kind of informal organization network over which information tends to flow,

    usually regularly, between persons who know and trust each other.

    33. Define creativity.

    It is defined as the ability to produce new and useful ideas through the

    combination of known principles and components in novel and non obvious ways. It

    exits throughout the population, largely independent of age, sex, and education.

    34. What are the steps involved in creative process?

    1. Saturation 2. Preparation 3. Frustration and incubation

    4. Inspection or illumination 5. Verification

    35. What does SCAMPER stands for?

    S Substitute components, materials, people

    C Combine mix, combine with other assemblies or services,


    A Adapt alter, change function, use part of another element.

    M Modify increase or reduce in scale, change shape , modify

    attributes (e.g. colour)

    P put to another use

    E Eliminate remove elements, simplify, reduce to core


    R Reverse turn inside out or upside down, also use of


    36. Mention the use of DO IT process for creativity.

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    DO IT is an acronym that stand for:

    D Define problem

    O Open mind and apply creative techniques

    I Identify best solution

    T Transform

    37. What are the steps involved in simplex tool?

    i. Problem finding

    ii. Fact finding

    iii. Problem definition

    iv. Idea finding

    v. Selection and evaluation

    vi. Planning

    vii. Sell data

    viii. Action

    38. What is meant by Brain Storming (AU Nov 2004)

    An approach to improve problem discovery and solving by encouraging unfettered

    suggestions and ideas, usually from a group of individuals.

    39. Compare Theory X and Theory Y (AU April 2004)

    S.No Theory X Theory Y

    1 The average human dislikes work Work is as natural as play or rest

    2People are unmotivated andprefer to be directed by other

    Motivated and capable of directingtheir own

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    3 They avoid responsibilityThey accept responsibility underproper conditions

    4External control, threatening andclose supervision are required

    Self directed and self are controlled.

    40. Mention importance of motivation.

    Proper utilization of human resources possible since it inspires employees to

    make best possible use of different factors of production.

    Proper motivation improves the efficiency of operation.

    Motivation creates a willingness on the part of workers to do the work in a better


    Higher motivation leads to job satisfaction. As a result of this labour absenteeism

    and turnover are low.

    41. Name the steps involved in motivation process.

    1. Analysis of situation

    2. Preparing. Selecting and applying a set of appropriate motivating tools.

    3. Follow up.

    42. What are the types of Motivation?

    1. Positive motivation

    2. Negative motivation

    3. Extrinsic motivation

    4. Intrinsic motivation

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    43. What are the different motivational theories? (AU April 2004)

    Mc Gregors Theory X and Y

    44. Distinguish between motivation and Satisfaction(AU April 2005)

    Motivation Satisfaction

    Management is the art of gettingwork done by the subordinates in order toattain common goals of the organization.Getting work done is difficult task.

    After attaining the goals, everyoneinvolved in the same gets happiness orinternal feelings.So, motivation is before attaining thespecific task but satisfaction means, thehappiness comes after attaining the goals.

    45. State any two merits of equity theory.

    1. This theory makes managers realize that equity motive tends to be one of the

    most important motives of the people in the organization.

    2. Feelings or perceptions in equity are important factor in work setting.

    Management should take necessary steps to develop the perceptual skill of the


    46. List out few leadership traits. (AU Nov. 2004)

    1. The Michigan studies

    2. The Ohio state university studies

    3. The managerial grid

    47. What are the four basic ingredients of leadership skill? Or Mention any two

    leadership qualities. (AU April 2005 & Nov. 2005)

    Physical qualitiesSound health, vitality, appearance, physical and nervousenergy, forcefulness, physique, enthusiasm

    Intellectual qualitiesHigh intelligence, sound judgement, ability to teach,scientific approach, decisiveness, self understanding.

    Moral qualitiesIntegrity, moral courage, fair play, will power, sense ofpurpose, objectivity.

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    Social qualitiesAbility to inspire, tact, percussiveness, self confidence,empathy, initiative, knowledge of human nature, humanrelations attitude.

    48. Note down the various communicating networks.

    1. Simple chain

    2. Wheel

    3. Circular

    4. Free flow

    5. Inverted V

    49. Differentiate single and multiple channel networks.

    S.No Single channel Communication Multi channel communication


    This communication is allowed ononly one path called as lineauthority. It is simply referred asthrough proper channel

    This communication is allowed in morethan one path

    2 Communication flow is slow Communication flow is faster

    3 Easy to maintain orderly in nature Potential problems may occur

    4 Miscommunication is reduced Miscommunication is increased

    50. State the advantages of oral communication.

    1. Doubts are clarified immediately.

    2. Feed back is known

    3. It provides team sprit

    4. Personally of the sender influences the process of communication

    5. Quick and effective method.

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    PART B

    1. Describe theory X and Y. (AU April 2004)

    2. What are some possible implications of theories X and Y, staffing, leading

    and controlling? (AU NOV 2004)

    3. Enumerate the assumptions of Mc Gregors Theory X and Y

    (AU April 2005)

    4. Explain any three theories of Motivation. (AU Nov 2004)

    5. Discuss the different theories of motivation. (AU Nov. 2005)

    6. Explain how motivation helps an organization to improve productivity?

    (AU Nov 2005)

    7. Write short notes on Maslows hierarchy of needs. (AU April 2005)

    8. Briefly explain about the three types of basic motivating needs proposed

    by Mc Cleeland. (AU April 2005)

    9. Explain different styles of leadership based on authority.

    (AU Nov.2004 &April 2005)

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    10.Explain the importance of strong leadership in the creation of cohesive

    work in an industrial organization. (AU Nov2005)

    11.Explain the qualities required for effective leadership. (AU April 2004)

    12.What are the barriers to effective communication? Explain them(AU April

    2004 & April 2005)

    13.Discuss the importance of communication in a modern industrial

    organization. (AU Nov 2005)

    14.What are the communication barriers and suggest measures how

    communication be made effective? (AU Nov 2004)


    1. Define Controlling.(AU May 2005)

    Controlling is the measurement and correction of performance in order to make

    sure that enterprise objectives and the plans devised to attain them are being


    2. What are the three steps in basic control process?

    i) Establishment of Standards; ii) Measurement of Performance; iii)

    Correction of Deviations.

    3. Define Standards.

    Standards are by definition simply criteria of performance. They are the selected

    points in an entire planning program at which measures of performance are

    made so that managers can receive signals about how things are going and thus

    do not have to watch every step in the execution of plans.

    4. List out the different types of Standards.

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    i)Physical standards; ii) Cost standards; iii) Capital standards; iv) Revenue

    standards; v) Program standards; Vi) Intangible standards.

    5. What do you mean by the Principle of Critical-point control?

    Principle of Critical-Point Control, one of the most important control principles,

    state: Effective control requires attention to those factors critical to evaluating

    performance against plans.

    6. What is Strategic Control?

    Strategic Control comprises systematic monitoring at strategic control points as

    well as modifying the organizations strategy on the basis of this evaluation.

    7. What do you mean by Real-Time Information and Control?

    This is information about what is happening while it is happening. It is technically

    possible through various means to obtain real-time data on many operations.

    8. List out the requirements for effective controls.

    i) Tailoring controls to plans and positions; ii) Tailoring controls to individual

    managers; iii) Making sure that controls point up exceptions at critical points; iv)

    Seeking objectivity of controls; v) ensuring flexibility of controls; vi)Fitting the

    control system to the organizational culture; vii) Achieving economy of controls;

    Viii) Establishing controls that lead to corrective action.

    9. What is Budgeting?

    Budgeting is the formulation of plans for a given future period in numerical terms.

    As such, budgets are statements of anticipated results, either in financial terms-

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    as in revenue and expense and capital budgets- or in nonfinancial terms- as in

    budgets of direct-labour-hours, materials, physical sales volume or units of


    10. List out Types of Budgets.

    i) Revenue and expense budgets; ii) Time, space, material and product budgets ;

    iii) Capital expenditure budgets; iv) Cash budgets.

    11. What do you mean by Variable or Flexible budget?

    These are designed to vary usually as the volume of sales or some other

    measure of output varies and so is limited largely to expense budgets. The

    variable budget is based on an analysis of expense items to determine how

    individual costs should vary with volume of output.

    12. What is Zero-Base Budgeting?

    Budgeting in which enterprise programs are divided into packages comprising

    goals, activities and needed resources and costs are calculated for each

    package from the ground up.

    13. List out Traditional Non budgetary control devices.

    i) Statistical data; ii) Special reports and analyses

    ii) Operational audit iv) Personal observation.

    14. What is Operational Audit?

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    Operational auditing is the regular and independent appraisal, by a staff of

    internal auditors of the accounting, financial and other operations of an


    15. List out Time-Event Network Analyses

    i) Gantt Charts; ii) Milestone Budgeting; iii) PERT

    16. What do know about Gantt chart?

    A technique for planning and control developed by Henry L.Gantt showing by

    bars on a chart the time requirements for the various tasks or events, of a

    production or other program.

    17. What do you mean PERT Analysis?

    PERT-(Program Evaluation and Review Technique) A time event network

    analysis system in which the various events in a project are identified, with the

    planned time established for each. These events re placed in a network showing

    the relationships of each event to the other events.

    18. What are the three time estimates in PERT program?

    i) Optimistic Time-an estimate of the time required if everything goes

    exceptionally well.

    ii) Most likely time-an estimate based on the time the project engineer really

    believes is necessary for the job.

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    iii) Pessimistic Time- a time estimate based on the assumption that some

    logically conceivable bad luck-other than a major disaster-will be


    19. What is Critical Path?

    Critical path is the sequence of events which takes the longest time and which

    has Zero (or the least) slack time.

    20. What Program Budgeting is?

    Program budgeting is basically a systematic method for allocating the resources

    of an enterprise in ways that will most effectively help the enterprise to meet its


    21. What do you mean by Management Information System?

    A formal system of gathering, integrating, comparing, analyzing and dispersing

    information internal and external to the enterprise in a timely, effective and

    efficient manner.

    22. Define Operations research.

    Operations research is the application of scientific methods to the study of

    alternatives in a problem situation, with a view to obtaining a quantitative basis

    for arriving at a best solution.

    23. What do you mean by Linear Programming?

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    A technique for determining the optimum combination of limited resources to

    obtain a desired goal; it is based on the assumption that a liner relationship exists

    between variables and that the limits of variables can be determined.

    24. What is EOQ?

    EOQ- (Economic Order Quantity) approach to determining inventory levels has

    been used by firms for many years. It works reasonably well fo finding order

    quantities when demand is predictable and fairly constant throughout the year

    (that is, there are no seasonable patterns).

    25. What do you know about Just-in-Time (JIT) inventory system?

    (AU May 2005)

    In this system, the supplier delivers the components and parts to the production

    line just in time to be assembled. Other names for this or very similar methods

    are zero inventory and stockless production.

    26. What is Distribution Logistics?

    An exciting and profit-promising way of using systems logistics in planning and

    control is the expansion of inventory control to include other factors; this system

    is referred to here as distribution logistics.

    27. What do you mean by Value Engineering? (AU Dec 2005)

    Analyzing the operation of a product or service, estimating the value of each

    operation and attempting to improve the operation by trying to keep costs low at

    each step or part.

    28. What are Quality Circles?

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    A quality control circles, or simply quality circle (QC), is a group of people from

    the same organizational area who meet regularly to solve problems they

    experience at work. Members are trained in solving problems, in applying

    statistical quality control, and in working in groups.

    29. What do you mean by Total Quality Management (TQM)?

    TQM involves the organizations long-term commitment to the continuous

    improvement of quality-throughout the organization ad with the active

    participation of all members at all levels-to meet and exceed customers


    30. What is Budget Summary?

    A budget summary, being a resume of all the individual budgets, reflects

    company plans so that sales volume, costs, profits, utilization of capital and

    return on investment may be seen in their proper relationship


    31. What do you mean by Return on Investment Control?

    A control technique designed to measure a division or some other part of a

    business enterprise by looking on the profit made as a percentage of the

    investment in assets in that entity.

    32. Differentiate between Direct Control and Preventive Control

    Direct Control- The normal procedure is to trace the cause of an unsatisfactory

    result back to the persons responsible for it and get them to correct their


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    Preventive Control:- The alternative in the area of management is to develop

    better managers who will skillfully apply concepts, techniques and principles and

    who will look at managing and managerial problems from a systems point of

    view, thus eliminating undesirable results caused by poor management.

    33. State the principle of preventive control

    The higher the quality of managers and their subordinates, the less will be the

    need for direct controls.

    34. What do you know about International Management?

    International management focuses on the operation of international firms in host

    countries. It is concerned with managerial issues related to the flow of people,

    goods and money, with the ultimate aim being to manage better in situations that

    involve crossing national boundaries.

    35.What is International Business?

    International business engages in transactions across national boundaries.

    These transactions include the transfer of goods, services, technology,

    managerial knowledge, and capital to other countries.

    36. List out the various forms of International business.

    i) Exportation; ii) Licensing Agreement ; iii) Management Contracts; (iv) Joint

    ventures; V) Subsidiaries.

    37. Define Multinational Corporations (MNCs)

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    Multinational corporations have their headquarters in one country but their

    operations in many countries.

    38. What are the four types of orientation?

    i) Ethnocentric- the orientation of the foreign operation was based on that

    of the parent company.

    ii) Polycentric- is based on the notion that it is best to give the foreign

    subsidiaries staffed by local nationals, a great deal of managerial freedom.

    It is assumed that nationals have the best understanding of the local


    iii) Regiocentric this orientation favors the staffing of foreign operations on

    a regional basis.

    iv) Geocentric- this means that the total organization is viewed as an

    interdependent system operating in many countries. The relationships

    between headquarters and subsidiaries are collaborative, with

    communication flowing in both directions.

    39. Define Comparative management.

    Comparative management is defined as the study and analysis of management

    in different environments and the reasons that enterprises show different results

    in various countries.

    PART - B

    1. Define controlling. Explain the steps in the basic control process.

    2. How critical control points and standards are important in controlling?

    3. Discuss control as a feedback system.

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    4. Explain real-time information and control.

    5. What are the requirements for effective control?(AU DEC 2006)

    6. Explain nature and types of budget.

    7. How do you control through ROI? What are the pros and cons of ROI.

    8. What are the advantages do MNCs have? What challenges must they meet?

    Give examples

    9. Explain the forms of International business.

    10.Explain the managerial functions in international business.

    11.Explain the operational differences of domestic firms and MNCs.

    12.Explain the role of MIS play at various levels of management. (AU Dec 2004)

    13.What tools generally found in operation research have been widely used in

    production and operation management? (AU Dec 2004)

    14.What are the effective steps for direct control and preventive control?

    (AU May 2005)

    15.What are the factors affect the operations of the multinational enterprises?

    Explain? (AU May 2004)

    16.What advantages do multinational corporations have? What are the

    advantages of MNC? (AU May 2004)

    17.Explain a unified global theory of management? (Au Dec.2005)

    18.Discuss about the general steps involved in the operation research

    procedure?(AU May 2005)

    19.Discuss the factors determining span of control.(AU May 2005)

    20.What is the roll of It in controlling(AU DEC 2006)

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    21.What is Productivity? Explain the method of improving productivity in IT

    industry (Au DEC 2006)



    Seventh Semester

    (Common to all Branches)


    Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

    Answer ALL questions.

    PART A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)

    1. What is meant by Productivity?

    2. What is Social Audit?

    3. How would you evaluate the importance of a decision?

    4. State briefly Tows Matrix.

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    5. State the factors that influence job design?

    6. What are the sources of organizational conflict?

    7. What is meant by Brain Storming?

    8. List out few leadership traits.

    9. What are the dangers in budgeting?

    10. What is Value Engineering?

    PART B (5 x 16 = 80 marks)

    11. (i) What are the important aspects of the systems approach to Manager selection? (8)

    (ii) What are the main characteristics of organization development? (8)

    12. (a) (i) Define management. What are the functions perform to attain the set goals?(9)

    (ii) List and discuss the benefits and limitations of some code of ethics. (7)


    (b) (i) What are different types of plans? Explain. (8)

    (ii) Explain briefly the benefits and weakness of MBO. (8)

    13. (a) (i) Explain modern approaches to decision making under uncertainty. (10)

    (ii) Explain how formal organization is different from informal organization.

    Illustrate. (6)


    (b) (i) Explain the concept of functional authority. How do you delegate it? (10)

    (ii) How does a leader influence organization culture? (6)

    14. (a) (i) What are some possible implications of theories X and Y, staffing, leading and

    Controlling? (7)

    (ii) Explain any three theories of Motivation.



    (b) (i) Explain different styles of leadership based on authority. (8)

    (ii) What are communication barriers and suggest measure how communication

    be made effective? (8)

    15. (a) (i) Define controlling as a managerial function and explain the basis control

    Process. (10)

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    (ii) State briefly the nature and applications of information technology. (6)


    (b) (i) Explain how operation research helps to enhance productivity. (8)

    (ii) What do you understand by principle of Preventive Control? Explain its

    advantages. (8)



    Seventh Semester

    (Common to all Branches)


    Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

    Answer ALL questions.

    PART A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)

    1. Define social audit.

    2. List important functions of managers.

    3. Mention the three approaches generally adopted by managers in selecting an alternative.

    4. Enumerate the advantages of functional organization grouping.

    5. Briefly classify the tests that are commonly used in the selection of people for job.

    6. State the objectives of sensitivity training.

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    7. Distinguish between motivation and satisfaction.

    8. What are the four basic ingredients of leadership skill?

    9. State the principle of preventive control.

    10. Write some of the requirements that must be fulfilled to ensure the JIT method to work.

    PART B (5 x 16 = 80 marks)

    11. (i) Discuss about the general steps involved in the operation research procedure. (9)

    (ii) Explain the assumptions and advantages of principle of preventive control. (7)

    12. (a) (i) Give an account of various steps involved in planning. (8)

    (ii) Explain briefly the benefits and weaknesses of MBO (8)


    (b) (i) Enumerate the Fayols Principles of Management. (6)

    (ii) State and explain the eight recommendations that should be considered by

    managers for successful implementation of strategies. (10)

    13. (a) (i) Write short notes on any two important modern approaches to decision making

    under uncertainty. (6)

    (ii) Discuss about the factors determining an effective span of management(10)


    (b) (i) Briefly explain the factors determining the degree of decentralization of

    Authority. (10)

    (ii) Give a brief account of at least six mistakes in organizing. (6)

    14. (a) (i) Give a brief account of the skills and personal characteristics needed by

    managers. (6)

    (ii) Discuss about the various steps in the formulation of career strategy.



    (b) Discuss in detail about the various approaches followed in organizations for

    Manager development. (16)

    15. (a) (i) Enumerate the assumptions of Mc Gregors theory X and theory Y. (8)

    (ii) Write short notes on Maslows hierarchy of needs. (5)

    (iii) Briefly explain about the three types of basic motivating by Mc Cleeland. (3)

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    (b) (i) Give a brief account of various leadership styles based on use of authority.(4)

    (ii) Discuss about the barriers and breakdowns in communication. (12)



    Seventh Semester

    (Common to all Branches)


    Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

    Answer ALL questions.

    PART A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)

    1. State the objectives of management at micro - level

    2. Define planning

    3. State the features of decision making.

    4. What are the advantages of organization?

    5. Define staffing.

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    6. What is organizational development?

    7. Distinguish motivation and satisfaction.

    8. State any two purposes of communication

    9. Mention the steps involved in a basic control process.

    10. Define productivity

    PART B (5 x 16 = 80 marks)

    11. (a) (i) What are the advantages of the manager inventory chart? Explain. (8)

    (ii) How do you formulate career strategy for your employees? (8)

    (b) (i) Discuss the role of various approaches of management in management theory.

    Which approach, do you think, adequately clears the nature of management?(10)

    (ii) How do you classify the levels of management? Briefly describe the function

    of different levels of management (
