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(2nd - 24th month of life) (TOKEN Study)

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Annex to the study report of the Study on deaths in young children (2 nd - 24 th month of life) (TOKEN Study) Page A-1

Annex to the study report of the

Study on deaths in young children (2nd - 24th month of life)

(TOKEN Study)

Page A-1

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Annex 1 Study protocol Page A-5

Annex 2 First study protocol amendment Page A-40

Annex 3 Second study protocol amendment Page A-61

Annex 4 Parent questionnaire for cases Page A-67

Annex 5 Physician questionnaire for cases Page A-95

Annex 6 Non-responder questionnaire for cases Page A-117

Annex 7 Standardised autopsy protocol Page A-121

Annex 8 Additional autopsy investigations Page A-143

Annex 9 Standardised autopsy manual Page A-153

Annex 10 Letter enclosed with informed consent for epidemiological study part

Page A-165

Annex 11 Informed consent for epidemiological study part Page A-169

Annex 12 Declaration of non-participation Page A-177

Annex 13 Compilation of parental experiences with the study Page A-181

Annex 14 Accompanying letter to parental questionnaire Page A-185

Annex 15 Informed consent for pathological study part Page A-189

Annex 16 Accompanying letter to physician questionnaire Page A-199

Annex 17 Measures ensuring data protection Page A-203

Annex 18 Approval of the Federal Data Protection Officer Page A-209

Annex 19 Approval of the Ethics Committee Page A-213

Annex 20 Parent questionnaire for controls Page A-219

Annex 21 Non-responder questionnaire for controls Page A-244

Annex 22 Study report of the pathological study part (in preparation) Page A-247

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Study protocol

Page A-5

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Robert Koch Institute

Study Protocol

Study on deaths in young children (2. - 24th month of life)

14 June 2005

Confidential Contact: Dr Christina Poethko-Müller Robert Koch-Institut FG 23 Health of Children and Adolescents Prevention Approaches Seestraße 10 D-13353 Berlin

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Contents 1 Title of the Study............................................................................................................ 3

2 Project partners............................................................................................................... 3

3 Project sponsors.............................................................................................................. 4

4 Background .................................................................................................................... 4

5 Objective ........................................................................................................................ 5

6 Study questions .............................................................................................................. 5

7 Study region ................................................................................................................... 5

8 Duration of the Study ..................................................................................................... 5

9 Methods.......................................................................................................................... 5

9.1 Epidemiological approach.......................................................................................... 6 9.2 Pathological approach ................................................................................................ 8 9.3 Study base ................................................................................................................ 11 9.4 Study population ...................................................................................................... 11 9.5 Sample Size .............................................................................................................. 12 9.6 Parameter and Instruments ....................................................................................... 14 9.7 Risk factors and exposure ........................................................................................ 14 9.8 Potential confounders............................................................................................... 16 9.9 Data collection and archiving approaches................................................................ 17 9.10 Evaluation strategies and statistical models ............................................................. 19

10 Quality assurance measures ......................................................................................... 29

11 Maintaining data protection and ethical principles ...................................................... 30

12 Time-frame and responsibilities................................................................................... 30

12.1 Preparation phase ..................................................................................................... 31 12.2 Data evaluation and report compilation ................................................................... 31 12.3 Publication of results ................................................................................................ 32

13 Budget .......................................................................................................................... 32

14 List of abbreviations..................................................................................................... 32

15 Bibliography................................................................................................................. 33

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1 Title of the Study Study on deaths in young children (2.- 24th month of life)

2 Project partners Robert Koch Institute (RKI), co-ordinator; PD Martin Schlaud, MD Ass. Professor of Epidemiology at Hannover Medical School Robert Koch Institute Dept. of Epidemiology and Health Reporting Division 23 "Health of Children and Adolescents, Prevention Concepts" Seestr. 10 13353 Berlin, Germany Christina Poethko-Müller, MD, M.Sc. Robert Koch Institute Dept. of Epidemiology and Health Reporting Division 23 "Health of Children and Adolescents, Prevention Concepts" Seestr. 10 13353 Berlin, Germany Professor Gerhard Jorch, MD The Children’s Hospital Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg (MD); Universitätsplatz 2 D-39106 Magdeburg, Germany PD Thomas Bajanowski, MD The Institute of Forensic Medicine University of Essen-Duisburg. Hufelandstr. 55 45122 Essen, Germany Professor Hartmut Hecker, PhD The Institute for Biometrics Hannover Medical School OE 8410 30625 Hannover, Germany Professor Rüdiger von Kries, MD, M.Sc. The Institute of Social Pediatrics, Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich (LMU); Heiglhofstr. 63 81377 München, Germany

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3 Project sponsors The Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI); The Federal Ministry of Health and Social Security (BMGS); GlaxoSmithKline Beecham Biologicals; sanofi-pasteur MSD

4 Background From spontaneous notifications, the PEI learnt of (several) cases of death in young children in close (temporal) relation to the administration of hexavalent vaccines. Since licensing of hexavalent vaccines in 2000 up to the end of November 2004 23 cases were reported includ-ing four children in the second year of life. All had died suddenly and unexpectedly within two days of receiving a hexavalent vaccine. A statistical analysis of these cases, undertaken by von Kries, et al. (von Kries 2003) – in which observed deaths were compared with the number of expected cases – revealed no sta-tistically significant increased standardised mortality ratio (SMR) for children under the age of one. For children between one and two years of age, however, a statistically significant increased SMR (SMR>1; p<0.05) was calculated for one of the two licensed hexavalent vac-cines. The result (that more cases were observed than expected) was taken as a signal for a potential association between hexavalent vaccines and an increased risk of sudden death in children between one and two years of age. This initial analysis, however, contains various degrees of uncertainty. In relying on a very low number of cases, especially for the second year of life (n=4), the outcome might be sub-stantially affected by a single misclassified case. General practise in determinating the cause of death involves a wide range of non-standardised procedures. Interpretation of results from post-mortem examinations are likely to differ between pathologists. Exclusion of defined natural causes of death remains inconclusive for some deaths in temporal association with vaccination. Brain oedema should be regarded as a feature repeatedly detected in cases of death associated with vaccination and should be investigated in a standardised manner. Be-cause the cases were reported spontaneously, and thus collected unsystematically, they could show a biased picture of reality. Observed versus expected calculations performed for the first year of life indicate a considerable degree of underreporting. Furthermore, the estimates given for expected cases in both the first and second years relied on justified, but naturally vague assumptions when extrapolating bridge information from different sources, so the denomina-tors of the SMRs have to be deemed somewhat unreliable. Therefore, this prospective study will systematically examine a potential association between deaths (especially sudden and unexpected cases) in children deceased within the second to 24th month of life (i.e. from the first completed month of life to the end of the 24th completed month) and the administration of vaccines for the next three years.. This study has two branches: An ‘epidemiological approach’ and a ‘pathological approach’. Within the scope of the ‘epidemiological approach’ local health authorities (LHA ‘Gesund-heitsamt’) will be asked on a monthly basis to select all death certificates of children deceased within the second to 24th month of life (active surveillance). Informed consent will be obtained from parents or legal guardians and questionnaires will be send to parents and the doctor responsible for the treatment of the deceased child. The ques-

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tionnaires ask for a comprehensive vaccination history and other data relevant to health (in-cluding autopsies), for data related to the development of the child and to socio-demographic features (see parents’ and doctor’s questionnaires Annex 1 and 2). The ‘pathological approach’ will include all cases of sudden death deceased within the tenth to 24th month of life for which standardised post mortem examinations were undertaken. All institutes of legal medicine and pathology in Germany will be queried on a monthly basis (ac-tive surveillance) whether post mortem examinations have been carried out in children de-ceased within the tenth to 24th month of life during the past month. Parents or guardians of cases will be asked to give informed consent that all autopsy data may be used in this study. The same standardised questionnaires as used in the ‘epidemiological approach’ will be send to parents and physicians.‘

5 Objective To clarify a potential temporal association between vaccination and sudden cases of death in young children deceased within the second to 24th months of life in Germany and to investi-gate whether the risk of sudden death in vaccinated children is different from that of unvacci-nated children within the second to 24th months of life. To facilitate comprehensive assessment of a possible causal association between vaccination and sudden death.

6 Study questions 1. Is there a temporal association between vaccination and risk of sudden death in the first

two years of life?

2. For what length of time after vaccination is the risk of death potentially increased?

3. Is this potential association qualitatively and quantitatively the same at different stages of life?

4. Has this potential association the same magnitude across different –hexavalent– vaccines?

5. Is there a common pathological mechanism for cases of sudden death following vaccina-tion (autopsied cases only)?

6. Is the risk of sudden death in vaccinated children different from unvaccinated children?

7 Study region The territory of the Federal Republic of Germany.

8 Duration of the Study The duration of the field phase is three years. Scheduled start: Third quarter of 2005.

9 Methods An ideal study design would have the following properties: non-selective, prospective case ascertainment, standardised autopsies in all cases, full information on outcome, exposure and confounders and adequate selection of controls.

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For obvious reasons, all desirable properties cannot be achieved by a single study approach. In-depths analyses by autopsies of patho-mechanism cannot be performed in all deaths of children in the second to 24th month and these data would not provide any information on the strength of a possible association. Strength of association, however, can be evaluated by epi-demiological methods if a high number of cases is available, but imply disadvantages in terms of diagnostic certainty. This is why this study has two approaches which complement each other. The path of the data flow is illustrated in Figure 1 (see 9.9.4).

9.1 Epidemiological approach In the ‘epidemiological approach’ local health authorities (LHA) will identify all cases of death in children deceased within the second to 24th months of life. With institutional ap-proval from federal authorities, the RKI will query all collaborating LHA’s on a monthly ba-sis (active surveillance) whether any such cases have occurred in the previous month. The LHAs will answer this request by sending either a negative reply or photocopies of the rele-vant death certificates, on which the name, gender and address are to be blacked out for rea-sons of data protection. These photocopies will be checked at the RKI for meeting the entrance criteria and to make sure that the case has not already been enrolled in the pathological approach (see below).

• If the case has already been enrolled in the pathological approach (see below) and in-formed consent of a parent or guardian has been obtained, the project partner in Mag-deburg (MD) can then gather the relevant medical data from doctors and the parent or guardian (see below).

• If the case has not been enrolled via the pathological approach, informed consent of a parent or guardian must first be obtained.

In such cases, the RKI will ask the LHA involved to identify the parents or guardians, to in-form them about the study and to obtain consent for study participation. This consent will extend to the release of the child’s doctors from their obligations concerning patient confiden-tiality. The LHA will receive written material for that purpose from the RKI, and the parent or guardian will send their response (consenting or withholding consent in a freepost envelope) to the LHA which transmit the informed consent to the RKI. If there is no response after 10 days, a second letter will be sent by the LHA. If there is still no response after another 10 days have passed, the LHA will make additional attempts to contact them by telephone or person-ally. All attempts to contact parents and to obtain informed consent will be recorded on a form for evaluation. Should the parents or guardians withhold informed consent, they will be sent a freepost non-responder questionnaire, asking for reasons of non-participation, socio-economic status, the age of the mother, single parent status, number of children, smoking status and the vaccination status of the deceased child. Following consent, the RKI will give the project team at MD all necessary information to contact the parents and the child’s doctor, in order to obtain comprehensive data that allow for analyses according to the recommendations of the Brighton Collaboration Work Group on SIDS. These data will be obtained by standardised questionnaires (see parents’ and doctor’s questionnaires Annex 1 and 2) which comprise information on vaccination history (time and

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form of the vaccination, information on the vaccine product), data on infant and mother, in-formation on the event and other data relevant to health. All information available from the death certificate, from the parents and physicians question-naires, from potential clinical reports and any available autopsy reports will be used to per-form a best possible classification of the cause of death by a paediatrician expert at the RKI who will be blinded against history of exposure and specially trained on ICD-10 classifica-tion. An independent second classification will be performed by another trained physician at the RKI. If one or both of these experts classify the cause of death to ICD-10 R95-99, the death certificate will be send to the DIMDI (Deutsches Institut für Medizinische Dokumenta-tion und Information). At the DIMDI the national expert for ICD-10 classification will also perform ICD-10 classification. Complete data and assessment of all three coding experts will be provided to a multi-disciplinary case conference. Decision on classification to ICD-10 R95-R99 will be performed by this case conference. Every death classified to R95-R99 will be defined as case. All persons involved in case ascertainment, reporting and coding of diag-noses or causes of death will be blinded to any exposure history in the epidemiological part of the study. Data of the epidemiological approach will be statistically analysed by two methods: Analyses of a possible temporal association will be performed by a self-controlled case series design. Estimates of relative risks of sudden unexplained death associated with vaccination will be performed by a case-control design.

9.1.1 Self-Controlled Case Series design (SCCS) In order to answer the first four study questions, deaths subsequent to vaccinations will be analysed using a self-controlled case series analysis to examine whether the time of death in these cases is in conspicuous proximity to the time of vaccination. The analysis is to be car-ried out according to the method published by Farrington in 1995 for very rare, non-recurring events. A self-controlled case series analysis has the advantage of an implicit control of any potential confounders, even when unknown, which are stable over time and can also control for age effects. For unique events, this method requires the additional assumption that the cumulative incidence of events in the population over the observed period is low. Ascertainment of cases must be independent of vaccination status (Farrington 1995). Data analyses can be performed early and time efficiently. Compared to cohort or case-control studies, a self-controlled case series analysis tends to be faster and less expensive when examining rare events, as only in-formation on cases is required. Besides these strengths, the SCCS method has some limitations. Like cohort or case-control studies even the self-controlled case series method remains susceptible to some bias if vacci-nation is timed to minimize the risk of an adverse event. Eliminating the effect of time con-stant covariables is equivalent to eliminating the analyses of the effect of any time-constant covariables. This means that such covariables cannot be studies in a SCCS analyses. In prin-ciple the case series method is able to estimate relative risks, but this is not true with non-recurrent events like death. Therefore, the case series method is unable to estimate the magni-tude of any potential effect of vaccination on risk of death. Even if there were a general, but delayed protective effect of a vaccination, this may result in an accumulation of events shortly after vaccination. To overcome these limitations and to study the effect of vaccination on risk

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of death, additional analyses using a case-control design will be performed to complement the self-controlled case series method. 9.1.2 Case-Control Study By a case-control study, vaccination histories of cases (deceased children)and controls (chil-dren at live) will be compared in order to study the effect of vaccination on risk of death (study question 6) and to study the effects of covariables. This method allows for detection and assessment of risk factors and identification of vulnerable subgroups. In comparison with a cohort study, it has the advantage of lower cost and is ideal for rare events. A prospective approach is necessary to ensure a standardised case ascertainment independ-ently of vaccination status. Using the case-control approach in rare events, relative risk can be reliably estimated by odds ratios. Odds ratios can be adjusted for potential confounders by multivariate logistic regression. It is important to select controls appropriately, since selection bias in controls can potentially compromise representativeness and introduce a systematic error in effect estimates. Particularly in studies on vaccination, one has to expect potential confounding by health awareness of parents, e. g. if children from low educated parents are more or less likely to be immunised. In studies unable to adjust for such effects, odds ratios for immunisation effects may systematically over- or under-estimate any true association. 9.1.3 Sequential Analyses Since the results from this study are of particular importance to public health, data analyses should not be left to the end of the study. This is why a sequential data analysis of the SCCS data is intended as a monitoring instrument while the study is running. Ongoing monitoring using the one sided open Sequential Probability Ratio Tests (SPRT) of Wald will be under-taken. For this purpose, a warning line will be defined in the graph with the number of cases on the x-axis and the cumulated test results on the y-axis. Should the path of test points cross the warning line, a full interim analysis (SCCS and case-control analyses) will be performed. The sequential analyses will be performed after each new case with the SCCS method and can only give rough hints because age, season or any other confounder cannot be controlled for.

9.2 Pat hological approach The pathological approach of this study is intended to maximise the diagnostic validity in cases to detect natural causes of death that can be taken as sufficient explanations. Complete ascertainment of sudden and unexpected deaths occurring during the tenth to 24th month of life for which post mortem examinations have been carried out is aspired. All institutes of legal medicine and pathology in Germany will be informed in advance and agreement for collaboration will be sought. Study protocol, informed consent forms and case report forms will be provided to collaborating institutes of legal medicine and pathology. This collaboration requires that children deceased between the tenth and 24th month of life will be autopsied and specimens processed according to the study-protocol. With the aim to exclude any natural cause of death and detect possibly unknown patho-mechanism, there will be addi-tional neuropathological, immuno-histochemical, bacteriological, virological and immu-nological investigations and also investigations for predisposing genetic factors. The institutes will identify eligible cases, ask parents for informed consent and pass the case report form and the informed consent to the RKI.

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When informed consent of the parents or guardians could be obtained, data and additional samples will be made available to the Institute of Forensic Medicine of the University of Es-sen. All data from this part of the study will be stored and analysed at the LMU. At this stage the case will be identified by a so called ‘institutsinterne Sektionsnummer’ (au-topsy identifying number of the local institutes ‘internal autopsy number’). This number fits the regular collection system of the institute’s of legal medicine and pathology. RKI will allo-cate a study case number. For reasons of data protection, LMU will receive no information on names or addresses of cases and will process all data on the basis of the ‘institutsinterne Sek-tionsnummer’. In addition all institutes of legal medicine and pathology will be queried by LMU on a monthly basis (active surveillance) whether any post mortem examinations have been carried out in children deceased within the tenth and 24th month of life during the past month. The institutes will answer this request by sending either a negative reply or by a brief report form, on which initials, birth date, death date and the ‘institutsinterne Sektionsnummer’ are stated. In addition, there it will be stated whether the post mortem examination has been performed according to the Standardized Auopsy Protocol (SAP). Information on former reporting of this case will be also included. LMU will match these short reports upon request with case reports received spontaneously from collaborating institutes. If a case reported on request has not already been included in the study and the post mortem examination had been performed according to the study protocol, the institute of legal medicine or pathology will be asked to contact parents or legal guardians for their informed consent for study enrolment and different parts of the study (e. g. use of autopsy data, special pathological examinations, questionnaires etc.). This informed consent will make sure that all autopsy data and additional microbiological and molecular-genetic investigation data can be used in this study. In addition, this consent will extend to the release of the child’s doctors from their obligations concerning patient confidentiality and to the ques-tionnaires sent by the project team at MD. Vaccination history will be obtained by standard-ised questionnaires analogously to the epidemiological approach. Consent and complete personal data will be transmitted to the RKI. Collaborating institutes of legal medicine and pathology will perform all post mortem examinations according to the ‘Standard Autopsy Protocol’ (SAP) (Annex 3) and the ‘Additional Investigation’ (Annex 4) as specified in the ‘Manual related to the Standard Autopsy Protocol’ (Annex 5). Data deriv-ing from the autopsies will be collected and processed at the Institute of Forensic Medicine of the University of Essen. All reports, data and specimens will be labelled by internal autopsy numbers. In addition plausibility check and verification of data completeness will be per-formed. Interdisciplinary case conferences will be held under the auspices of the Institute of Forensic Medicine of the University of Essen in order to classify cases according to the rec-ommendations of the Brighton Collaboration Work Group on SIDS. RKI will verify all case reports from the pathological and the epidemiological approach in order to avoid double-counting and in order to avoid parents to be surveyed twice. RKI will transmit personal data and case numbers to the project team at MD from where questionnaires to parents and physicians will be sent. Completed questionnaires will be returned to MD. In addition plausibility and completeness of data will be checked. Data entry takes place at the RKI. Anonymised data will be made available to the LMU. If informed consent could not be obtained, an anonymous report form will be used. LMU will label every spontaneous report form and the requested short report forms according to the ‚institutsinterne Sektionsnummer’ and an identifier of the reporting institute. Additional medical data will be conjoined by the LMU by using this number.

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Scientific data analyses will be facilitated by the study case number. LMU will perform cap-ture-recapture analyses on the basis of sufficient identifiers. Data analyses will be performed on an in-depth descriptive manner. Descriptive analyses of the pathological data will be per-formed in collaboration with the Institute of Forensic Medicine of the University of Essen.

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9.3 Study base The population of the Federal Republic of Germany, aged within the second to 24th months of life. (Study base of the pathological approach is limited to the German population aged within the tenth and 24th months of life.)

9.4 Study population 9.4.1 Self-Controlled Case Series design (SCCS)

Cases: Every death of a vaccinated infants in the second to 24th months of life, reported by a LHA, for whom informed consent of a parent or guardian has been obtained. Inclusion criteria:

• age at death in the second to the 24th month of life (after the first month of life has been completed and before the 24th month of life has been completed).

• at least one vaccination within the last six months prior to death.

Exclusion criteria:

• inclusion criteria not met

• informed consent of parent or guardian not obtained. 9.4.2 Case-control study

Cases: Every death in an infant in the second to 24th months of life, reported by LHA, for whom informed consent of a parent or guardian has been obtained. Inclusion criteria:

• age at death in the second to the 24th month of life (after the first month of life has been completed and before the 24th month of life has been completed

Exclusion criteria:

• age at death does not meet inclusion criteria

• informed consent of parent or guardian not obtained.

Controls: Controls will be participants of the German Child and Youth Health Examination Survey (KIGGS), matched to cases on age and time of examination. Matching will be performed fol-lowing these rules:

1. the date of survey examination in a control is not earlier than the date of death in a case minus 1 month and not later than the date of death in a case plus 1 month

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2. age at survey examination in a control is not lower than the age a case has died plus 5 weeks and not higher than the age a case has died plus (5 weeks + 2 months = ) 13 weeks

The reason for this is the mode of invitation and examination established in the KIGGS sur-vey. Participants are invited two to five weeks prior to their scheduled date of examination. An effect on vaccination and doctor’s appointments in this period is to be expected, not only by participants avoiding additional appointments, but also possibly in their catching up on missed vaccinations. This may bias any results: the former by increasing, the latter by de-creasing the OR for vaccination because of an artificially lower (higher) probability of the KIGGS children to be immunised. The reference point to assess any exposure in controls is therefore defined as follows:

35 days will be subtracted from the date of examination, specifying a point in time that lies safely before the invitation to the KIGGS examination.

For each case, as many KiGGS study subjects as fulfil the above criteria will be selected as controls. If a KiGGS study subject is a suitable control for more than one case, it will only be selected once into the control group. Data of cases and controls will make a frequency-matched case-control study and will be analysed as such. In a simulation study with real cases notified to the PEI and KiGGS data of May 2003 to December 2004, 85 controls could be frequency-matched to 20 cases, yielding an average of 4.3 controls per case. The number of controls suitable for each case varied between 0 and 13. Due to a lower KiGGS response in very young children, the number of suitable controls for 2- to 4-month-old cases was substan-tially lower than in older cases. The KiGGS survey and this study will run parallel in time for about half of the study period, so the above method to select controls is applicable only for that time. In order to include all cases identified during this study, another analysis needs to be performed: Only step 2 of the above rules will be applied and all age-matched controls selected, irrespective of the time of their examination. The difference in time periods between cases and controls will then be ad-justed for in the logistic model. Sales figures of hexavalent products by time periods will be used to estimate whether the likelihood of being exposed varies over time and to adjust for this potential confounder.

9.4.3 Pathological approach Cases: Every infant deceased within the tenth to 24th months of life, for whom standardised post mortem examination has been performed and informed consent of a parent or guardian has been obtained.

9.5 Sample Size 9.5.1Estimated number of cases

First year of life:

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According to official mortality data published by the Federal Office of Statistics for 2002, mortality rate in live births is 4,2/1000 in the first year of life; and mortality is 1,5/1000 in infants between two and 12 months of age. On the basis of data received from the Federal Office of Statistics in March 2004, von Kries calculates an incidence of SUD (ICD 10 coding R95-99) for the first year of life of 0.663/1000 (von Kries 2004). The absolute number of children who died in 2002 at the age of over 28 days and under one completed year, was 1058. Following ICD-10, 420 of these cases were attributed to the cate-gories R95-99. About 10% of SIDS cases occur during the 10. to 12. month of life. Second year of life: According to the Federal Office of Statistics, there were 377 deaths in the second year of life in 2001 (of which 33 deaths were SUD). Von Kries calculates an incidence of SUD in the second year of 0.04/1000 (von Kries 2004). In 2002, 24 cases of SUD were recorded for the second year of life. For the number of expected cases in this study see section 9.10.1. 9.5.2 Exposure

Vaccination coverage Information on the proportion of vaccinated children has been supplied from the school entry check-ups of the federal states. In 2002, the proportion of vaccinated children was over 90% for Diphtheria (96.6%), Tetanus (96.9%) and Polio (94.7%), more than 80% for Pertussis (87.1%) and Hib (87.6%), and 70.9% for Hepatitis B (Reiter 2004). These data were derived from vaccination cards presented during school entry check-ups. The proportion of children for whom a vaccination card was not presented was as high as 20% in some federal states. Further information on the proportion of vaccinated children for the age group of 2- to 6-year-olds derives from the pilot study of the KiGGS survey. Using theses non-representative data, the proportion of vaccinated children is 96% for Diphtheria and Tetanus, 92-93% for Polio, over 90% for Hib, 83-89% for Pertussis (87%) and approximately 70% for Hepatitis B. These data were obtained by computer-assisted interview by a physician and were based on the vaccination card data. Less than 5% of children could not provide a vaccination card (Dippelhofer et al 2002) However, from the data acquired at school entry examinations, no conclusion can be drawn about the proportion of vaccinated children for the first two years of life. A representative investigation of this age group in Germany was undertaken by Laubereau, et al. in 1999, in-volving 837 children. Response proportion of the 1345 representative households interviewed by telephone was 58%. Only 59% (95%Cl: 54-65%) of children had completed the basic vac-cination schedule on reaching 19 months. At seven months, only 50% of the children had all the immunisations recommended for this age. Similar delays could be observed with booster vaccinations administered in the second year of life; only 50% of children aged 19 months had had it (Laubereau, et al. 2001). Von Kries, et al., estimated exposure to hexavalent vaccines in the second year of life from data of a birth cohort study born in 1997/98: 69.7% of cohort subjects had received a Diphthe-ria/Tetanus/Pertussis/Hib vaccination. Unpublished data by Helen Kalies from a birth cohort

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for the year 2000/01 show that 93.4% (95% CI:: 91,9-94,8) of 24-months-old children were vaccinated with vaccines including Hib. At the age of 24 months 77.4% (95%Cl: 74.8-79.9) of children had received at least one vaccine containing Hib since their 11th month of life. A further increase in this proportion was noted in the birth cohort of 2002/03. On the basis of these data, it seems realistic to assume renewed vaccination exposure for at least 70-80% of children in their second year. In the first year of life, vaccination prevalence increases with every completed month of life. It is realistic to expect 90% of the KIGGS sub-jects to have received at least one vaccination in their first year of life.

9.6 Parameter and Instruments An international workgroup of experts is currently finalising a consensus paper with recom-mendations for studies into sudden death following vaccination. The paper includes recom-mendations for case definition, data collection, analysis and presentation. This study has been designed in a way that most of the recommendations of the Brighton Collaboration Work-group on SIDS are met. Data will be gained by postal questionnaires for parents (Annex 1) and physicians (Annex 2). The questionnaires gather information and data on immunization, on the infant and mother and the event itself. Medical and epidemiological factors, known or suspected risk factors for SIDS and SUD as well as health-related behaviour with regard to vaccination will be made available in order to facilitate adequate data analyses. All information available from death certificates, from parents and physicians questionnaires, from potential clinical reports and any available autopsy reports will be used to perform a best possible classification of the cause of death by a paediatrician expert at the RKI who will be blinded against history of exposure and specially trained on ICD-10 classification. An inde-pendet second classification will be performed by another trained physician at the RKI. If one or both of these experts classifiy the cause of death to ICD-10 R95-99, the death certificate will be send to the DIMDI (Deutsches Institut für Medizinische Dokumentation und Informa-tion). At the DIMDI the national expert for ICD-10 classification will also perform ICD-10 classification. Complete data and assessment of all three coding experts will be provided to a multi-disciplinary case conference. Decision on classification to ICD-10 R95-R99 will be performed by this case conference. Every death classified to R95-R99 will be defined as case (this procedure meets requirements for classification category 4 according to the recommen-dations of the Working Group on Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) of the Brighton Col-laboration). A 10% sample of all death certificates will also be re-assessed by DIMDI experts. Implementation of the ‘Standardized Autopsy Protocol’ - SAP (Annex 3) together with the Additional Investigations (Annex 4) and the detailed standard operating procedure ‘Manual related to the Standard Autopsy Protocol’ (Annex 5) will provide data for classification ac-cording to agreed international criteria (‚San-Diego‘ Case Definition of SIDS) and thereby facilitating compliance with the guideline of the Working Group on Sudden infant death syn-drome (SIDS) of the Brighton Collaboration allowing for case classification with the best level of diagnostic certainty. Cases who have been classified according to this high level of certainty will be labelled and made available for subgroup analyses.

9.7 Risk factors and exposure 9.7.1 Risk factors for sudden deaths and SIDS

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So far, no common causes have been identified in SIDS deaths. From analyses of such cases, however, some characteristics could be consistently found in various studies. Male gender, smoking during pregnancy, household smoking , no breastfeeding or short duration of breast-feeding, young age of the mother and prone sleeping position (Westphalian study on child death 1990-1992) are some of them. From the CESDI SUDI study, further risk factors have been identified, such as multiple pregnancies, premature birth or admission to a neonatal in-tensive care unit (NICU) at any point, multiparity, a household with several children and also socio-economic factors such as unemployed parents, low professional status or a low level of education in the parents (Leach 1999). An analysis of the CESDI SUDI study by Fleming, et al. in 2003, indicate that some of the well-established risk factors (e. g. mothers’ young age, single parenthood, premature birth, previous miscarriages, a previous case of infant death in the family and the refusal to breast-feed, or short duration of breastfeeding) may no longer be statistically significant when con-trols are matched to cases very closely on socio-economic status (Fleming 2003). Studies by Leach (1999) and Platt (2000) show that some of the risk factors for SIDS may be also associated with risk of sudden death in infancy with explained causes (SUDI). Such risk factors are: premature birth, problems in the newborn phase, multiple pregnancy, young age of the mother, single parenthood, multiparity, smoking during pregnancy and unemployment, low professional status, income support, low educational status and crowded parental accom-modation. As was shown for SIDS deaths, cases are more likely to be male even across deaths from verifiable causes (Leach, et al. 1999; Platt, et al. 2000). 9.7.2 Exposure

Hexavalent vaccinations in the first two years of life According to official German recommendations issued by the STIKO, vaccinations against Diphtheria, Haemophilus Influenza type B (Hib), Hepatitis B, Pertussis, Poliomyelitis and Tetanus should be started as early as possible and should be completed no later than 14 months of age (STIKO 2003). Combined vaccines containing Pertussisantigen should be ad-ministrated at of 2, 3, 4 and 11-14 months of age. The gap between the third and fourth (booster vaccination) should be at least 6 months. In principle, administration of combined vaccines is recommended to keep the number of injections as low as possible.

Since 23 October 2000, two hexavalent vaccines, Infanrix Hexa® and Hexavac® have been authorised in Germany via the central European authorisation procedure. Belgium and Ger-many are reporter and co-reporter for Infanrix Hexa® while, for Hexavac®, Germany and Italy took these roles. In April 2003 and again in November 2003, the scientific committee of EMEA, the Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products (CPMP), conducted a re-assessment of the benefit-risk profile of these hexavalent vaccines. These new evaluations were initiated by sudden cases of death that occurred in close temporal association with the administration of hexavalent vaccines. The new evaluations led to an unchanged positive judgement on the benefit-risk profile of the hexavalent vaccines. The conclusions of these discussions are publicly vailable http://www.emea.eu.int/pdfs/human/press/pus/851903en.pdf.

Available data on the prevalence of children immunised according to German recommenda-tions are presented and discussed in section 9.4.2. As a basis for power analyses of this pro-spective study, prescription data of the Institute for Medical Statistics (IMS) and sales figures

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of the pharmacological industry shall be obtained and data from the ongoing KIGGS survey used.

9.8 Potential confounders Studies on adverse events of vaccination can be biased by various sources. Completeness of case ascertainment, or at least non-selective sampling of cases, is a vital prerequisite of any study, since selective enrolment of vaccinated cases would over-estimate any risk associated with vaccines. The way in which this study will enrol all relevant deaths via the LHA, link them with autop-sied cases from the pathological approach and check them against the number of cases re-ported by the Federal Office of Statistics, and the fact that all persons involved in case ascer-tainment, reporting, and coding of diagnoses or causes of death will be blinded to any expo-sure history represents the best possible way to avoid any possible selection bias. Studies on risk of vaccinations may be subject to so-called ‘confounding by indication’ (Greenland 1980) or by ‘confounding by contraindication’. Confounding by contraindication would arise from selective avoidance of (hexavalent) vaccination in children at risk for SUD. Fine and Chen (1992) described a variety of ways ‘confounding by indication’ can operate, indicating that factors associated with no vaccination or belated vaccination may also be asso-ciated with the endpoint of interest itself. Some of the factors being associated with both non-immunisation and ‘sudden infant death syndrome’ are: poorly educated parents, multiparity, young age of the mother, the mother smoking and low birth weight. According to the investigations by Leach (1999) and Platt (2000), it can be assumed that many of the risk factors of SIDS are also associated with sudden deaths with verified causes (SUDI). This is especially the case with factors such as premature birth, problems in the new-born phase, multiple pregnancy, young age of the mother, single parenthood, multiparity, smoking during pregnancy and unemployment, low professional status, income support, low educational status and crowded parental accommodation (Leach, et al. 1999; Platt, et al. 2000). Factors associated with SIDS may also be associated with risk of sudden death with verifiable causes and must therefore to be thoroughly obtained in this study to control for confounding. The direction in which any such confounding may bias results is difficult to anticipate. Lu-man, et al., showed in 2003 that black, young, unmarried mothers with a low level of educa-tion who live close to the poverty line are less likely to have their children completely vacci-nated. On the other hand, however, Smith, et al., from 2004 showed that white, married, well-educated mothers with a high household income and who described themselves as against vaccination were more likely to have their children not immunised. There is little data on this issue for Germany. Analyses of data from the pilot study of the KiGGS survey revealed that in the 2- to6-year-old group a high level of maternal education was associated with a low completion for the vaccination schedule (exception Hepatitis B). Therefore marked education-related differences concerning the probability of exposure to vaccines must be expected in Germany as well (Dippelhofer, et al. 2002). The direction and extent to which any such bias may operate in the German population cannot be reliably concluded from existing data. If a critical attitude towards vaccination were more

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likely in people with a high level of education or social standing, the study would overesti-mate any association between vaccination and risk of death. Deaths are more likely to occur in low SES groups, for other medical reasons, but would then coincide with a higher occur-rence of vaccination. If, according to Fine and Chen (1992), lower SES groups were less likely to have their chil-dren immunised in Germany, this study would have a tendency to underestimate any risk of sudden death after vaccination. Furthermore, study participants of the KiGGS survey may be more health conscious than non-participants, which could introduce another bias into this study’s control group. A high health consciousness in general can be associated with a greater willingness to take preventative measures like vaccinations. Ongoing comparisons of responders and non-responders reveal, however, that differences in SES are low and thet there is virtually no difference in parent-reported health of children.On the basis of the extensive data currently being gathered the KIGGS survey, however, any such confounding by “proneness to immunisation” can be described and adjusted for in this pro-spective study at the time of data analysis. Since over 90% of KiGGS participants present vaccination documents during examination, any recall bias can be ruled out in the control group of this prospective study. A mis-classification of non-cases as cases may bias any true association towards the null. This may be also true when irrelevant cases are included in this study. In order to avoid mis-classification, it was decided to include all cases of death, even if as the cause of death stated on the death certificate is unlikely to be associated with vaccinations. It cannot be excluded that even in cases with a clear diagnosis written on their death certificates (malignancy, severe metabolic disorder, severe infection etc.), vaccinations may be the trigger of a premature death.

9.9 Data collection and archiving approaches 9.9.1 Recording deaths and post mortems In the field phase (months 4-39 of the project), the occurrence of relevant deaths or post mor-tem examinations will be enrolled over three years via local health authorities (LHA = GA) or institutes of forensic medicine (IFM = RM). 9.9.2 Requesting death and post mortem information In a monthly interval, LHAs and IFMs will be queried to provide information on relevant cases of death in the previous month (months 5-40 of the project). Copies of the death certifi-cates will be processed by the RKI after informed consent of a parent or guardian will be ob-tained by the LHA concerned. Post mortem examinations will be conducted according to an internationally compiled, stan-dard autopsy protocol (SAP) and documented; informed consent of a parent or guardian for the use of autopsy data will be obtained by the IFMs. 9.9.3 Gathering data on cases and controls Collection of medical data on both cases (MD) and controls (RKI) will happen in months 6-41 of the project. All data will be made anonymous, entered into databases and checked for plau-sibility.

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9.9.4 Activity flow chart

LMU:requests post mortem

examinations for children(10th - 24th months of life)

RKI:requests information on

deaths of children(2. - 24th months of life)

Inst. of Forensic Med.:post mortem examinations forchildren (10th - 24th months),informed consent of parent or

guardian or negative reply

Local Health Offices:send pseudonymisedcopy of death certifi-

cates or negative reply

Statistical Offices:number of deaths

LMU:registration of

cases, collectionof post mortem




RKI:sorting, checking, case

number allocation

Local Health Offices:ask parents for their

informed consent

RKI:processing, recording,reporting, selection of


Children`s HospitalMD:

contact with doctors/parents, collection of

medical data

Forensic InstituteUniversity Essen:

plausibility check, case-conferences

Parents:informed consent to lift

doctors` obligationsconcerning patient



evaluation of med. data,case-controlled analy-ses, SCCS analyses

LMU:evaluation of post

mortem examinationdata, capture-recapture


fax/e-mail monthly

post monthly


post or encrypted e-mail



number of cases

Figure 1: Chart of activities and data flow

Report of fullname and


Report ofinternal autopsy number and


Case number

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9.10 Evaluation strategies and statistical models Statistical analyses of epidemiological data will be done at the RKI whilst data obtained in the pathological approach will be analysed at the LMU. After descriptive evaluation, data from the epidemiological approach will be statistically ana-lysed by following methods. 9.10.1 Self-Controlled Case Series design With this method, shifts in time of death in pre-specified periods of risk are examined (Far-rington 1995, 1996, 2004; Andrews 2002). Age dependence of risk of dying from SIDS/SUD will be accounted for by adjusting for age categories. In the case of seasonal variations in the rates of both vaccination frequency and the incidents themselves, season will be included as a second confounder (in addition to age). As mentioned earlier, the principle advantage of the self-controlled case series design is the complete control of temporally stable, individual con-founders (e.g. SES, age of mother, gestational age, complications at birth, weight and smok-ing during pregnancy or in the household). The following study questions (see 6) will be in-vestigated by using the SCCS method:

1. Is there a temporal association between vaccination and risk of sudden death in the first two years of life?

2. For what length of time after vaccination is the risk of death potentially increased?

3. Is this potential association quantitatively the same at different stages of life?

4. Has this potential association the same magnitude across different – hexavalent – vac-cines?

By these primary study analyses the following hypotheses will be examined:

1. After vaccination with hexavalent vaccine, the number of deaths in the first interval of 72 hours is higher than expected.

2. This is only true in the second year of life (booster vaccination).

3. This is only true for one hexavalent vaccine. Null hypothesis formulated for the SCCS approach:

H0 Risk of sudden death after vaccination is the same in all classes (up to 6 months). So the conditional probability of occurrence in the first three days, given an event is 0.0164.

H1 The risk following vaccination in the first period (0-3 days) is increased by ρ = eβ = 16 (and 20 respectively for separate analyses of the two different hexavalent products) compared to the risk afterwards (4 days to 6 months). So the probability of occurrence in the first three days = 0.2105 (and 0.25 respectively for separate analyses of the two different hexavalent products).

This Null hypothesis will be tested seperately

1. for cases deceased in their second to 24th month of life following any hexavalent vac-cination during the previous six month

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2. for cases deceased in their second to 12th month of life following any hexavalent vac-cination during the previous six month

3. for cases deceased in their 13th to 24th month of life following any hexavalent vacci-nation during the previous six month

4. for cases deceased in their second to 24th month of life following vaccination with Hexavac® during the previous six month

5. for cases deceased in their second to 24th month of life following vaccination with In-fanrix Hexa® during the previous six month

6. for cases deceased in their second to 12th month of life following vaccination with Hexavac® during the previous six month

7. for cases deceased in their second to 12th month of life following vaccination with In-fanrix Hexa® during the previous six month

8. for cases deceased in their 13th to 24th month of life following vaccination with Hexavac® during the previous six month

9. for cases deceased in their 13th to 24th month of life following vaccination with Infan-rix Hexa® during the previous six month

The following definitions were made for implementing the SCCS method:

Cases: Every sudden death of a vaccinated infant in the second to 24th months of life, reported by a LHA, for whom informed consent of a parent or guardian has been obtained. Inclusion criteria:

• ICD-10 classification of cause of death is R 95 – 99 (classification based on informa-tion from death certificate and parents and physicians questionnaire, from potential clinical reports and any available autopsy reports see 9.6)

• Age at death in the second to the 24th month of life (after the first month of life has been completed and before the 24th month of life has been completed).

• At least one vaccination under study within the last six months prior to death.

Exclusion criteria:

• Inclusion criteria not met or

• Informed consent of parent or guardian not obtained.

1. The age range is divided into age categories of:

1 month 2 months 3 - 4 months 5 months 6 – 8 months 9 – 11 months

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12 – 14 months 15 – 23 months

These catagories discriminate age groups of high, medium or low risk of SUD, derived from the age distribution of SUD deaths in Germany in 2001 (von Kries 2004).

(BMBF Study and Bavarian Bureau of Statistics, von Kries 2004)

2. Elapsed time after vaccination is divided into risk periods of:

Primary analysis

a.) Risk period (risk class 1): 0 – 3 days Control period: 4 – 183 days The hazard rate in the risk period will be estimated in relation to the control pe-riod with a one-sided test of significance at the level α = 0.05. Analogously, a one-sided 95%confidence interval will be calculated.

The ‘high risk’ interval of 0-3 days has been defined according to the recom-mendations of the Brighton Collaboration Working Group on SIDS.

b.) (risk class 2): 4 –7 days Control period: 8 – 183 days The hazard rate in the risk period will be estimated in relation to the control pe-riod with a one-sided test of significance at the level α = 0.05. Analogously, a one-sided 95%-confidence interval will be calculated.

The additional ‘high risk’ interval of 4 – 7 days has been defined in the light of the results of the Italian Hera Study report. These results suggest that the risk period of a potential temporal association between vaccination and sudden death may extend up to 7 days or – more particular – in the time slot of the 4th to 7th day after vaccination.

3. Seasonal classes k.

4. For every case, from the combination of age category, seasonal category and risk pe-riod, there is a particular constant ‘hazard’.







1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23




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5. The hazard h(t) for the time t is therefore a function of the age category at time t, of the seasonal class k, the risk period at time t and an individual set of time independent co-variables .

Exploratory analyses In addition, exploratory analyses with additional risk periods will be performed for compari-son to the risk periods set out a priori under hypotheses 1.

For these secondary (explorative) analyses the elapsed time after vaccination is divided into risk periods of:

(risk class 3): 8-14 days (risk class 4): 15-28 days (risk class 5): 29-183 days.

The risk periods represent categories with markedly different levels of incidence, according to cases of death after hexavalent vaccination observed so far. The borderline of 28 days has been set as a plausible, but arbitrary boundary for a possibly causal association.

In these secondary analyses, the risk class 5 (29-183 days) was chosen as the reference class. Hazard rates of classes 1-4 will be estimated in relation to class 5, with a one-sided test of significance at the level α = 0.05. Analogously, one-sided 95% confidence intervals will be calculated. The tests will be performed sequentially, beginning with class 1. If a significant result is seen in one class, then the next class will be tested. Thus, the multiple level of α = 0.05 will be kept.

In addition to these specific hypotheses, potential temporal associations of any vaccination –not only hexavalent products – and sudden deaths will be investigated by exploratory analy-ses. Explorative analyses will also investigate whether there are differences between the first, second, third and the booster dose. Subgroup analyses will be performed for which case definition must meet category 1 or 2 of the recommendations by the Working Group on Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Power calculation (SCCS) The necessary number of cases will be estimated in accordance with Farrington, et al. (1995, 1996). It relies on the following, simplified assumptions:

1. No age effects.

2. Identical risk period R1 and control period R0 for all N individuals; time of observa-tion: R1 followed by R0.

3. Vaccination as the start of the observation time. The following parameters enter into the formula:

ρ = eβ the relative incidence in the risk group compared to the control group

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v number of cases vaccinated at the beginning of the period (starting with 1, since only vaccinated cases of SUD can enter the analyses)

r = (length of risk period) / (length of observation period)

α = error-I probability for the two-sided test

(1 -β) = power of the test (β = error-II probability)

Zα/2 and Zβ the corresponding upper quartiles of the standard normal distribution. The formula used can be found in appendix 1. The (revised) formula for calculating the number of cases in the SCCS analysis (translated into the syntax of the S-Plus program) is:

events<- function (nu, r, ro, zahalbe, zbeta) { (1/(nu*r*(1r)*(ro-1)^2))* (zahalbe + zbeta*sqrt((1 + nu*r*(ro-1)) *(1 + r*(ro-1))*ro))^2 } The following parameter values are assumed: α = 0.05; one-sided test; (1 -β) = 0.2 (power = 80%); risk period: 3 days; observation phase: 6 months; ρ = eβ (relative incidence): 8, 10, 16, 20. The latter values (16 and 20) are considered for performing a separate test for each hexavalent product. So the resulting numbers will have to be multiplied by 2, assuming equal proportion of both types of vaccine. Given the assumptions made above, the relative risk of a case occurring in the risk period compared to occurrence in the control period, provided there is a case and the vaccination took place within the observation period, is:

RR = eβ x (length of risk period) / (length of control period) = eβ x (3 days) / (duration of observation in days - 3)

The (relative) probability of occurrence within the risk period is:

p1 = RR / (1+RR) This probability can be calculated under the Null-hypothesis H0: ρ = eβ = 1 (β = 0) on the as-sumption that ρ = 10 and for different alternatives. For the power analysis, it is assumed that the Null-hypothesis will be tested with an exact bi-nomial test. The number of cases necessary to reach a power of 80%, in a one-sided test at the level α = 0.05, was calculated as 35, 29, 13 and 11 for ρ = eβ = 8, 10, 16 and 20, respectively (StatXact version 6.0) using the parameter mentioned above; the formula quoted from Far-rington gives the results 24, 17, 10 and 8. Thus, to detect an relative incidence of 16 or 20 for each hexavalent product separately, a total number of 26 resp. 22 cases will be necessary (20 resp. 16 following the formula of Farrington). The total number of deaths in children aged 28 days to one year was 1058 in 2002. Of these cases, 420 were attributed to ICD-10 categories R95-99. For the age group containing babies, the suggested selection strategy should provide a sufficient number of cases. In 2001, the number of deaths in the second year of life was 377. Of these, 33 were attributed to ICD-10 categories R96 and R99. In 2002, the number of deaths described as SUD fell to

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24. The number of deaths from 1999 to 2002 ranged from 24 to 42 per year in the second year of life. The number of cases necessary for the study, 22 to 26 (or 16 to 20) children vaccinated within 6 months of death, is realistic considering that it will have three years for the sub-evaluation of sudden and unexpected death in the second year of life under these conditions, and there is a completion rate for the vaccination schedule of over 85% in the second year (data from an, as yet unpublished, representative survey by H. Kalies and von Kries). After a model calculation, 25 cases are expected if it is assumed that there are 24 SUD cases per year and there is a temporal shift in the SUD cases after vaccination. With 33 cases of SUD per year, and a general increase in intensity by a factor of 2, this number increases to 43. The separate SCCS analysis of the two hexavalent vaccines, however, in light of the number of cases expected for the group of subcases in the second year of life, detection of a relative in-cidence of 20 for each hexavalent product separately can be achieved. 9.10.2 Case-control design The following study questions (see 6) will be investigated by using case-control analyses:

3. Is this potential association qualitatively and quantitatively the same at different stages of life?

4. Has this potential association the same magnitude across different – hexavalent – vac-cines?

6. Is the risk of sudden death in vaccinated children different from unvaccinated chil-dren?

During this secondary study analyses the following hypotheses will be tested:

1. The odds of being vaccinated (within the interval of 72 hours) are higher in cases than in controls.

2. This is only true in the second year of life (booster vaccination).

3. This is only true for one hexavalent vaccine.

Null hypotheses formulated for the case-control approach:

The ‘vaccination history’ will be separated into classes (vaccination status). Lowest class: no vaccination. Condition after vaccination (up to 6 months) will either be assessed as a whole (study question 6) or differentiated according to the classification of time periods. In this dif-ferentiated version ‘0-3 days’ is the highest class, and so on (study question 3). Let p1i and p2i denote the probability for a case and for a control, respectively, to be in class ci .The hypothe-ses to be tested are: H0 p1i = p2i for all classes ci , against the alternative H1 p1i ≠ p2i for at least one class ci For the test of a distinct vaccine, the hypotheses to be tested are of the same form, however p1i and p2i are to be interpreted as conditional probabilities:

For the test of an association of vaccine type 1 with mortality, p1i and p2i are the probabilities for a case and a control, respectively, to be in class ci, given there was no vaccination with vaccine type 2. Accordingly, for the test of an association of vaccine type 2 with mortality, p1i

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and p2i are the probabilities for a case and a control, respectively, to be in class ci , given there was no vaccination with vaccine type 1

The following definitions were made for implementing the case-control design: Cases: Every sudden death of an infant in the second to 24th months of life, reported by a LHA, for whom informed consent of a parent or guardian has been obtained. Inclusion criteria:

• ICD-10 classification of cause of death is R 95 – 99 (according classification based on information from death certificate and parents and physicians questionnaire, from po-tential clinical reports and any available autopsy reports see 9.6)

• Age at death in the second to the 24th month of life (after the first month of life has been completed and before the 24th month of life has been completed).

Exclusion criteria:

• Age at death does not meet inclusion criteria

• Informed consent of a parent or guardian not obtained.

Controls: Controls will be participants of the German Child and Youth Health Examination Survey (KIGGS), matched to cases on age and time of examination. Matching will be performed fol-lowing these rules:

• The date of survey examination in a control is not earlier than the date of death in a case minus 1 month and not later than the date of death in a case plus 1 month


• Age at survey examination in a control is not lower than the age a case has died plus 5 weeks and not higher than the age a case has died plus (5 weeks + 2 months = ) 13 weeks

Differences of vaccination history in cases and controls will be analysed by unconditional logistic regression, adjusting for matching criteria of this frequency-matched study. Relative risks of vaccination will be estimated by adjusted odds ratios and their 95% confidence inter-vals. The following parameter are known factors associated with sudden unexpected death (see 9.8) and will be included in the model of the logistic regression models: age, socio-economic status (SES), age of mother, smoking during pregnancy, premature birth, problems in the newborn phase, multiple pregnancy, crowded parental accommodation, mother smoking. Some of these variables are also associated with vaccination coverage. Power calculation (case-control study) Power analyses of the case-control study was calculated using the programme nQuery Advi-sor 5.0 with given error probabilities of α = 0.05 (two-sided) and ß=0.2. From German vacci-

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nation data cited above and the simulation study of matching KiGGS controls to real cases, the following assumptions were made:

• probability of being vaccinated by hexalavent product A = 40%, • probability of being vaccinated by hexavalent product B = 40%, • probability of not being vaccinated = 20%., • average number of controls per case = 4.

As this analysis focus on differences of vaccination history within the three-day period prior to the cases deaths the following power analysis has been performed. For analysis of a poten-tial risk of any hexavalent vaccine, calculation of power and sample size assumed the prob-ability of being exposed in controls to be 0.0066 (0.8* (3/365) / [0.8 * (3/365) + (1 – 0.8*(3/365) ] = 0.0066). In order to detect a smallest relative risk (OR) of 20 the required sample size is 33 cases and 139 controls. For analysing a potential risk of a certain hexavalent product, the probability of being exposed was calculated to be 0.0033 (0.4 * (3/365) / [0.4 * (3/365) + (1 – 0.8*(3/365) ] = 0.0033). De-tection of a smallest relative risk (OR) of 20 requires a sample size of 69 cases and 293 con-trols. Thus, in light of the number of cases expected in the first year of life, detection of a rela-tive risk of 20 for each hexavalent product separately can be achieved in the case-control analysis as well. Assuming that vaccination as well as occurrence of cases will mainly arise during the first half of second year the probability of exposition in the control group in the second year of life was calculated to be 0.0066 (0.4* (3/183) / [0.4 * (3/183) + (1 – 0.8*(3/183) ] = 0.0066). In order to detect a smallest relative risk (OR) of 20, the required sample size is 33 cases and 139 controls. Thus, in light of the number of cases expected in the second year of life, detection of a relative risk of 20 for each hexavalent product separately can be achieved. The additional analyses focus on estimation the overall potential effect of a vaccination on risk of death. A general, but delayed effect of a vaccination may qualitatively and quantita-tively differ from the immediate effects shortly after vaccination. For analysing a potential risk of a certain hexavalent vaccine, the probability of being exposed is 40% among controls, and a smallest relative risko (OR) of 16 is to be detected. The required sample size to achieve this is 8 cases and 31 controls Exploratory analyses In addition to these main analyses of a potential effects of hexavalent vaccines, any vaccina-tion –not only hexavalent products – and sudden deaths will be investigated by exploratory analyses. These exploratory analyses are not related to the study questions that have been de-fined. For the case-control study and the SCCS design, main analyses focus on unexplained sudden deaths. Level of diagnostic certainty is expected to be different between the pathological and the epidemiological study approach. Autopsies may not be performed in cases who are re-ported by the LHA’s resulting in levels of diagnostic certainty of not more than 3 according the recommendation of the Brighton Collaboration Workgroup on SIDS. Subgroup analyses of cases with higher level of diagnostic certainty (pathological approach) will be performed. In addition exploratory analyses applying a widened case definition will evaluate those cases in which a link with vaccination may be plausible. For these additional analyses cases are defined as any death of an infant in the second to 24th month of life (not only ICD 10 R 95-

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99), reported by a LHA, for whom informed consent of a parent or guardian has been ob-tained. For these analyses the following exclusion criteria apply:

Cause of death according to the information on the death certificate is one of the fol-lowing ICD classifications:

• V01-W74: accidents with means of transport (V01-V99), falls (W00-W19), acci-dental drowning (W65-W74)

• new malignant growth (C00-C97)

• severe endocrinal, nutritional or metabolism disorders (from E00-E90)

• malformations, deformities and chromosomal anomalies (Q00-Q99)

• injuries, poisonings and certain other outcomes with external causes (S00-T98) 9.10.3 Sequential analysis The sequential analysis is intended as a monitoring instrument. Since important new insights relevant to public health could be gained while the study is underway, data analyses will not be left to the end of the field phase. An independent biometrical institute will undertake ongo-ing monitoring using the one-sided open Sequential Probability Ratio Tests (SPRT) of Wald. For this, a warning line will be defined in the field between the x-axis (number of cases) and the y-axis (cumulated test results). Should the path of test points cross the warning line, a full interim analysis will be performed. Sequential data analyses will be performed for both the SCCS and the case-control study. In both versions, they can only give rough hints on potential associations, as the existing models do not permit consideration of any confounder (age + season, and the confounding variables of the case-control study). Hypotheses formulated for the SCCS approach: H0 The risk after vaccination is the same in all classes (up to 6 months). So the condi-

tional probability of occurrence in the first three days, given an event is 0.0164.

H1 The risk following vaccination in the first period (0-3 days) is increased by ρ = eβ = 16 (and 20 respectively for separate analyses of the two different hexavalent products) compared to the risk afterwards (4 days to 6 months). So the probability of occurrence in the first three days = 0.2105 (and 0.25 respectively for separate analyses of the two different hexavalent products).

A one-sided (open) sequential test will be used in accordance to Wald. This test only identi-fies a stop if there is an increase of the risk in the first period. The type I error will be set at α = 0.05; the power 1-β will be 80 percent. For the SCCS approach, the parameter п of the binomial distribution is π = 0π = 0.0164 un-der H 0 , and π = 1π = 0.2105 under the alternative H1. Let α = 0.05 and β = 0.2 be the probabilities of error type I and II respectively. Furthermore, let m denote the actual number cases in the sequential trial (cases with vaccination), and r ≤ m the number of events (cases with vaccination in the first risk period). Then the warning limit to indicate an increased num-ber of events, is reached if

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( )( )

( )mr)1()1(









01 loglog








Thus, for the given parameter values the warning limit w as a function of cases m is mmw 0793.00002.1)( +=

This sequential plan is an open plan in the following sense: The probability that the warning limit will be reached at any time of the process is restricted to α = 0.05 under H ,0 irrespec-tive of the duration of the trial. Vice versa, under H1 the warning limit will be reached with probability 1- β = 0.8 if the duration is unlimited.

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Hypotheses formulated for the case-control approach: The ‘vaccination history’ will be separated into two classes ci (vaccination status positive or negative).. Let p1 and p2 denote the probability for a case and for a control, respectively, to be in class 1 (positive vaccination status). The hypothesis to be tested is: H0 p1 = p2, against the alternative H1 p1 ≠ p2 A two-sided (open) sequential test will be used in accordance to Wald. This test identifies a stop if there is an increase or decrease of the odds for positive vaccine status. The type I error will be set at α = 0.05; the power 1-β will be 80 percent. For the case-control approach the parameter θ ( ) == −



)1(log ππππ log odds ratio is 00 ==θθ

under H 0 , and 00.3)20log(1 ===θθ under the alternative. Let α = 0.05 and β = 0.2 be

the probabilities of error type I and II respectively. Furthermore, let mi )2,1( =i denote the actual number of children in the case and control group , and ii mr ≤ the number of children in class 1 (vaccination) within each group. With



ih = (the relative frequency of class 1 in group i ), 21

21mmrrh +

+= (the pooled relative fre-quency of class 1), the warning limit for an increased odd in group 1 is reached if

( ) )1(12/






21 hhmm





⎜⎝⎛ −

≥−+ θα


For the given parameter values this reads as

( ) )1(334.0157.121



21 hhmm





Accordingly, the warning limit for an increased odd in group 2 is reached if

( ) )1(334.0157.121



21 hhmm





9.10.4 Pathological approach In the pathological party of the study, the following study question will be investigated:

5. Is there a common pathological mechanism for cases of sudden death following vacci-nation (autopsied cases only)?

Descriptive statistics will be applied to the data obtained from the ‘Standardized Autopsy Pro-tocol’ and the ‘Additional Investigation’.

10 Quality assurance measures In order to check the cases reported by health offices for completeness, the RKI will request the number of deaths at 2 to 24 months of life from the statistical offices at regular intervals. Cross checks of cases reported by the forensic and pathologic institutes and the local health authorities will be performed in order to assess completeness.

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ICD-10 coding of the cause of death as stated on the death certificate will be performed by a specially trained expert who is ‘blinded’ against any information on vaccination status. For reasons of quality assurance a random 10% sample will be coded again by a second expert. Consistence will be evaluated. All persons involved in case ascertainment, reporting, and coding of diagnoses or causes of death will be blinded to any exposure history in the epidemiological part of the study. Implementation of the Standard Autopsy Protocol will be supervised by a colleague of the project team at the Institute of Forensic Medicine of the University of Essen. If there are inconsistencies in medical data between parents and physicians questionnaires the physician’s statement will be used because of assumed higher validity.

11 Maintaining data protection and ethical principles Study protocol and additional documents (forms and questionnaires) had been provided to the federal data protection officer and the sixteen data protection officers of the states. Their ad-vice has been taken into account. Approval of the ethics committee of the Hannover Medical School was obtained. Personal data will only be used for the scientific purposes of the study, and will not be passed on to other parties. Organisational measures – e.g. the design of the Institute’s internal post distribution system – will ensure that only staff involved in the study has access to the data. As medical personnel, they are also bound by strict rules on confidentiality. After linking all data to a certain case (death certificate, doctor’s and parents’ questionnaires and the post mortem examination results, if any), data on individual name and address are no longer necessary. They will be separated from the epidemiological and medical data, and sub-stituted with a case number. A list holding case numbers and names/addresses will be stored in a secure place, just in case any implausibilities, questions or checks require later reference. This list will be abolished two years after finalisation of the study at the latest. All data will only be stored and evaluated in a pseudonymised form, and all results of the study will be published in such a way that it is impossible to identify individuals.

12 Time-frame and responsibilities The steps necessary to achieve efficient data collection, with evaluation soon after, are set out in Figure 2.

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Preparation phase

Case ascertainment (GA)

Request for cases (RKI)

Questionnaires cases (MD)

Data obtainment controls (RKI)

Post mortem exam.(RM)

Request:Post Mort. exam.(LMU)

Sequential Analysis. D

Statistical evaluation and end report

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45

Month completed

Figure 2: Project activity plan

12.1 Prep aration phase In the preparation phase (months 1-3 of the project), the following tasks should be completed:

• Process of informing federal health ministries and motivating all administrative levels, LHAs, as well as professional associations.

• Preparation for active surveillance in LHAs (establishing addresses, fax numbers, e-mail addresses; constructing distribution systems; creating study-related registration forms; and agreement and testing of the procedure).

• Preparation of information material, informed consent forms for parents that include an explanation of data protection, and suggested cover letters for LHAs to send to par-ents.

• Finalisation and testing of standardised questionnaires for doctors and parents, as well as documentation for post mortem examination data.

• Construction of databases and user interfaces with plausibility check on data entry.

• Process of informing and motivating all institutes of forensic medicine and pathology, and specialist and professional associations.

• Preparation for active surveillance in ILMs (establishing addresses, fax numbers, e-mail addresses; constructing distribution systems; creating registration forms; and agreement and testing of the procedure).

12.2 Data evaluation and report compilation

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Sequential-analytical analyses will be run with every new case. If the results transgress de-fined limits, a full interim evaluation will be conducted and, if necessary, regulative measures initiated. The final data analyses of the self-controlled case series study and the case-control study will take place after the end of the field phase; the report will be drawn up in months 40-45 of the project. Conspicuous results arising from the in-depths investigation of the pathological approach which are likely to change to overall benefit –risk assessment will be contemporarily reported by the Institute of Forensic Medicine of the University of Essen to the RKI and the PEI.

12.3 Publication of results The study co-ordinators are entitled to publish the study results. Recommendation of the Sci-entific Advisory Board will be taken into account. Study results will be published by the study co-ordinators irrespective of the meaning or consequences of these findings. Undesirable re-sults must not delay or inhibit publication.

13 Budget The resources (both human and financial) needed to achieve the objective of the project are listed in the tables below [not included in this version]. Besides the combined list, there are also individual tables arranged after the institutions.

14 List of abbreviations BMGS Bundesministerium für Gesundheit und soziale Sicherung CPMP Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products EMEA European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products GA Gesundheitsämter KIGGS Studie zur Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Deutschland LfD Landesbeauftragte für Datenschutz LMU Institut für Soziale Pädiatrie der Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität München MD Kinderklinik der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg MHH Institut für Biometrie Medizinische Hochschule Hannover PEI Paul-Ehrlich-Institut RKI Robert-Koch-Institut, RM Rechtsmedizinische Institute SCCS Self controlled case series SIDS Sudden Infant Death Syndrom SUD Sudden unexpected Death SUDI Sudden unexpected death in infancy

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15 Bibliography Andrews, N. J. (2001). "Statistical assessment of the association between vaccination and rare adverse events post-licensure." Vaccine 20(Suppl 1): S49-53; discussion S45-8. Bajanowski, T. and W. Kleemann (2002). "Der plötzliche Kindstod." Rechtsmedizin 12: 233-248. Brown, B., C. Brauner, et al. (1996). "STPLAN version 4.1: calculations for sample sizes and related problems." Houston, TX (USA): The University of Texas, Dept of Biomathematics. Dippelhofer, A., C. Meyer, et al. (2002). "Erste Ergebnisse zum Impfstatus aus der Pilotphase des Kinder- und Jugendgesundheitssurveys." Bundesgesunbdheitsbl Gesundheitsforsch Ge-sundheitsschutz 45: 332-337. Farrington, C. (1995). "Relative Incidence estimation from case-series for vaccine safety eva-luation." Biometrics 51: 228-35. Farrington, C. (2004). "Control without seperate controls:evaluaton of vaccine safety using case-only methods." Vaccine 22: 2064-2070. Farrington, C. P., J. Nash, et al. (1996). "Case series analysis of adverse reactions to vaccines: a comparative evaluation." Am J Epidemiol 143(11): 1165-73. Fine, P. E. and R. T. Chen (1992). "Confounding in studies of adverse reactions to vaccines." Am J Epidemiol 136(2): 121-35. Fleming, P. J., P. S. Blair, et al. (2001). "The UK accelerated immunisation programme and sudden unexpected death in infancy: case-control study." Bmj 322(7290): 822. Fleming, P.J , P. Blair, et al. (2003). "CESDI SUDI Research Group: Sudden infant death syndrome and social deprivation: assessing epidemiological factors after post-matching for deprivation." Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 17(3): 272-80. Greenland, S. and R. Neutra (1980). "Control of confounding in the assessment of medical technology." Int J Epidemiology 9: 361-7. Keller-Stanislawski, B. and J. Löwer (2003). "Todesfälle in zeitlichem Zusammenhang mit Sechsfachimpfung." Kinder- und Jugendarzt 8: 608-613. Laubereau, B., M. Hermann, et al. (2001). "Durchimpfungsraten bei Kinmdern in Deutsch-land 1999: Grundsätzliche Impfbereitschaft, aber Impfungen häufig zu spät und inkomplett." Monatsschr Kinderheilkd 149: 367-373. Leach, C., P. Blair, et al. (1999). "Epidemiology of SIDS and explained sudden infant deaths. CESDI SUDI Research Group." Pediatrics 104(4): e43. Luman, E., M. McCauley, et al. (2003). "Maternal characteristics associated with vac-cination of young children." Pediatrics 111(5 Part 2): 1215-8. Platt, M. W., P. S. Blair, et al. (2000). "A clinical comparison of SIDS and explained sudden infant deaths: how healthy and how normal? CESDI SUDI Research Group. Confidential In-quiry into Stillbirths and Deaths in Infancy study." Arch Dis Child 82(2): 98-106. Reiter S.: (2004). “Ausgewählte Daten zum Impf- und Immunstatus in Deutschland.“ Bundesgesunbdheitsbl Gesundheitsforsch Gesundheitsschutz 47: 1144-1150. Smith, P., S. Chu, et al. (2004). "Children who have received no vaccines: who are they and where do they live?" Pediatrics 114(1): 187-95. STIKO (2003). "Empfehlungen der ständigen Impfkommission (STIKO) am Robert Koch-Institut/ Stand Juli 2003." Epidemiol Bull 32: 245-260. von Kries, R., T. Bajanowski, et al. (2003). "Surveillance on Sudden Unexpected Deaths in young children." Personal communication. von Kries, R., A. M. Toschke, et al. (2004). "Sudden and unexpected deaths after the admini-stration of hexavalent vaccines (DTPa-IPV-HBV-Hib): Is there a signal." Eur J Pediatr. 2004 Dec 16.

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First Amendment

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Darstellung der mit dem 10.3.2006 veränderten Abschnitte des Studienprotokolls ‚Study on deaths in young children (2. – 24th mont h of life) im Vergleich z ur Vorversion vom 14.6.2005 1. Verändert:

In Abschnitt 6 Study questions

Studienfrage 4:

Has this potential association the same magnitude across different hexavalent and non-hexavalent– vaccines?

2. Ergänzt: In Abschnitt 9.2 Pathological Approach Complete ascertainment of sudden and unexpected deaths occurring during the tenth to

24th month of life for which post mortem examinations have been carried out is aspired. If post-mortems are performed in children who died in their 2nd to 9th month of life and it comes to the attention of the pathologist that theses children had been immunised within 7 days prior to death, these cases are also to be included in this study.

3. Gestrichen: In Abschnitt 9.3 Study base The population of the Federal Republic of Germany, aged within the second to 24th

months of life. (Study base of the pathological approach is limited to the German population aged within

the tenth and 24th months of life.)

4. Ergänzt: In Abschnitt 9.4.3 Pathological approach Cases: Every infant deceased within the tenth to 24th months of life, for whom standardised post mortem examination has been performed and informed consent of a parent or guardian has been obtained. If post-mortems are performed in children who died in their 2nd to 9th month of life and it comes to the attention of the pathologist that theses children had been immunised within 7 days prior to death, these cases are also to be included in this study.

5. Ergänzt: In Abschnitt 9.7.2 Exposure However, in September 2005 the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) of the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) recommended the suspension of the marketing authorisation for Hexavac due to concerns about the long-term protection against hepatitis B (see also:www.emea.eu.int/pdfs/human/press/pr/29736905en.pdf).

6. Verändert: In Abschnitt 9.10 Evaluation strategies and statistical models

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Statistical analyses of epidemiological data will be done at the RKI whilst data obtained in the pathological approach will be analysed at the LMU.

After descriptive evaluation, data from the epidemiological approach will be statistically analysed by following methods. 9.10.1 Self-Controlled Case Series design With this method, shifts in time of death in pre-specified periods of risk are examined (Farrington 1995, 1996, 2004; Andrews 2002). Age dependence of risk of dying from SIDS/SUD will be accounted for by adjusting for age categories. In the case of seasonal variations in the rates of both vaccination frequency and the incidents themselves, season will be included as a second confounder (in addition to age). As mentioned earlier, the principle advantage of the self-controlled case series design is the complete control of temporally stable, individual confounders (e.g. SES, age of mother, gestational age, complications at birth, weight and smoking during pregnancy or in the household). The following study questions (see 6) will be investigated by using the SCCS method:

1. Is there a temporal association between vaccination and risk of sudden death in the first two years of life?

2. For what length of time after vaccination is the risk of death potentially increased?

3. Is this potential association quantitatively the same at different stages of life?

4. Has this potential association the same magnitude across different hexavalent and non-hexavalent – vaccines?

By these primary study analyses the following hypotheses will be examined:

1. After vaccination with hexavalent vaccine, the number of deaths in the first interval of 72 hours is higher than expected.

2. This is only true in the second year of life (booster vaccination).

3. This is only true for one hexavalent vaccine. Null hypothesis formulated for the SCCS approach:

H0 Risk of sudden death after vaccination is the same in all classes (up to 6 months). So the conditional probability of occurrence in the first three days, given an event is 0.0164.

H1 The risk following vaccination in the first period (0-3 days) is increased by ρ = eβ = 16 10 (and 20 respectively for separate analyses of the two different hexavalent products) compared to the risk afterwards (4 days to 6 months). So the probability of occurrence in the first three days is 0.1429 (and 0.25 respectively for separate analyses of the two different hexavalent products).

This Null hypothesis will be tested seperately

1. for cases deceased in their second to 24th month of life following any hexavalent vaccination during the previous six month

2. for cases deceased in their second to 12th month of life following any hexavalent vaccination during the previous six month

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3. for cases deceased in their 13th to 24th month of life following any hexavalent vaccination during the previous six month

4. for cases deceased in their second to 24th month of life following vaccination with Hexavac® during the previous six month

5. for cases deceased in their second to 24th month of life following vaccination with Infanrix Hexa® during the previous six month

6. for cases deceased in their second to 12th month of life following vaccination with Hexavac® during the previous six month

7. for cases deceased in their second to 12th month of life following vaccination with Infanrix Hexa® during the previous six month

8. for cases deceased in their 13th to 24th month of life following vaccination with Hexavac® during the previous six month

9. for cases deceased in their 13th to 24th month of life following vaccination with Infanrix Hexa® during the previous six month

The following definitions were made for implementing the SCCS method:

Cases: Every sudden death of a vaccinated infant in the second to 24th months of life, reported by a LHA, for whom informed consent of a parent or guardian has been obtained. Inclusion criteria:

• ICD-10 classification of cause of death is R 95 – 99 (classification based on information from death certificate and parents and physicians questionnaire, from potential clinical reports and any available autopsy reports see 9.6)

• Age at death in the second to the 24th month of life (after the first month of life has been completed and before the 24th month of life has been completed).

• At least one vaccination under study within the last six months prior to death.

Exclusion criteria:

• Inclusion criteria not met or

• Informed consent of parent or guardian not obtained.

1. The age range is divided into age categories of:

1 month 2 months 3 - 4 months 5 months 6 – 8 months 9 – 11 months 12 – 14 months 15 – 23 months

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These catagories discriminate age groups of high, medium or low risk of SUD, derived from the age distribution of SUD deaths in Germany in 2001 (von Kries 2004).

(BMBF Study and Bavarian Bureau of Statistics, von Kries 2004)

2. Elapsed time after vaccination is divided into risk periods of:

Primary analysis

a.) Risk period (risk class 1): 0 – 3 days Control period: 4 – 183 days The hazard rate in the risk period will be estimated in relation to the control period with a one-sided test of significance at the level α = 0.05. Analogously, a one-sided 95%confidence interval will be calculated.

The ‘high risk’ interval of 0-3 days has been defined according to the recommendations of the Brighton Collaboration Working Group on SIDS.

b.) (risk class 2): 4 –7 days Control period: 8 – 183 days The hazard rate in the risk period will be estimated in relation to the control period with a one-sided test of significance at the level α = 0.05. Analogously, a one-sided 95%-confidence interval will be calculated.

The additional ‘high risk’ interval of 4 – 7 days has been defined in the light of the results of the Italian Hera Study report. These results suggest that the risk period of a potential temporal association between vaccination and sudden death may extend up to 7 days or – more particular – in the time slot of the 4th to 7th day after vaccination.

3. Seasonal classes k.

4. For every case, from the combination of age category, seasonal category and risk period, there is a particular constant ‘hazard’.

5. The hazard h(t) for the time t is therefore a function of the age category at time t, of the seasonal class k, the risk period at time t and an individual set of time independent co-variables .







1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23




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Exploratory analyses In addition, exploratory analyses with additional risk periods will be performed for comparison to the risk periods set out a priori under hypotheses 1.

For these secondary (explorative) analyses the elapsed time after vaccination is divided into risk periods of:

(risk class 3): 8-14 days (risk class 4): 15-28 days (risk class 5): 29-183 days.

The risk periods represent categories with markedly different levels of incidence, according to cases of death after hexavalent vaccination observed so far. The borderline of 28 days has been set as a plausible, but arbitrary boundary for a possibly causal association.

In these secondary analyses, the risk class 5 (29-183 days) was chosen as the reference class. Hazard rates of classes 1-4 will be estimated in relation to class 5, with a one-sided test of significance at the level α = 0.05. Analogously, one-sided 95% confidence intervals will be calculated. The tests will be performed sequentially, beginning with class 1. If a significant result is seen in one class, then the next class will be tested. Thus, the multiple level of α = 0.05 will be kept.

In addition to these specific hypotheses, potential temporal associations of any vaccination –not only hexavalent products – and sudden deaths will be investigated by exploratory analyses. Explorative analyses will also investigate whether there are differences between the first, second, third and the booster dose. Subgroup analyses will be performed for which case definition must meet category 1 or 2 of the recommendations by the Working Group on Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Power calculation (SCCS) The necessary number of cases will be estimated in accordance with Farrington, et al. (1995, 1996). It relies on the following, simplified assumptions:

1. No age effects.

2. Identical risk period R1 and control period R0 for all N individuals; time of observation: R1 followed by R0.

3. Vaccination as the start of the observation time. The following parameters enter into the formula:

ρ = eβ the relative incidence in the risk group compared to the control group

v number of cases vaccinated at the beginning of the period (starting with 1, since only vaccinated cases of SUD can enter the analyses)

r = (length of risk period) / (length of observation period)

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α = error-I probability for the two-sided test

(1 -β) = power of the test (β = error-II probability)

Zα/2 and Zβ the corresponding upper quartiles of the standard normal distribution. The formula used can be found in appendix 1. The (revised) formula for calculating the number of cases in the SCCS analysis (translated into the syntax of the S-Plus program) is:

events<- function (nu, r, ro, zahalbe, zbeta) { (1/(nu*r*(1- r)*(ro-1)^2))* (zahalbe + zbeta*sqrt((1 + nu*r*(ro-1)) *(1 + r*(ro-1))*ro))^2 } The following parameter values are assumed: α = 0.05; one-sided test; (1 -β) = 0.8 (power = 80%); risk period: 3 days; observation phase: 6 months; ρ = eβ (relative incidence): 2, 4, 8, 10, 16, 20. The latter values (16 and 20) are considered for performing a separate test for each hexavalent product. So the resulting numbers will have to be multiplied by 2, assuming equal proportion of both types of vaccine. Given the assumptions made above, the relative risk of a case occurring in the risk period compared to occurrence in the control period, provided there is a case and the vaccination took place within the observation period, is:

RR = eβ x (length of risk period) / (length of control period) = eβ x (3 days) / (duration of observation in days - 3)

The (relative) probability of occurrence within the risk period is:

p1 = RR / (1+RR) This probability can be calculated under the Null-hypothesis H0: ρ = eβ = 1 (β = 0) on the assumption that ρ = 10 and for different alternatives. For the power analysis, it is assumed that the Null-hypothesis will be tested with an exact binomial test. The number of cases necessary to reach a power of 80%, in a one-sided test at the level α = 0.05, was calculated as 561, 126, 35 and 29 for ρ = eβ = 2, 4, 8 and 10 respectively (StatXact version 6.0) using the parameter mentioned above; the formula quoted from Farrington gives the results 506, 81, 24, and 17. Thus, to detect a relative incidence of 16 or 20 for each hexavalent product separately, a total number of 26 resp. 22 cases will be necessary (20 resp. 16 following the formula of Farrington). To give a complete overview on the sample size in dependence of both the relative incidence ρ and the length of different risk and observation periods, sample sizes were calculated for risk periods of 1, 2 or 3 days, observation periods of 28 or 183 days, and ρ varying from 2 to 25. Calculations were performed by using the program "binomial.sample.size" of S-PLUS 6.2 with the option of Yates correction to allow for small sample sizes. The results are presented graphically in the following figure:

Page A-47


5 10 15 20 25

Hazard Ratio








ber o

f Cas

esSCCS-Design: Sample Size and Hazard Ratio

Risk: 1 day, Obs: 28 daysRisk: 2 days, Obs: 28 daysRisk: 3 days, Obs: 28 daysRisk: 1 day, Obs: 183 daysRisk: 2 days, Obs: 183 daysRisk: 3 days, Obs: 183 days

Duration of Risk- and Obseravtion Period

Generally, it can be seen that longer risk periods affords less cases given the same hazard ratio. However, this would assume a constant high hazard ratio over the whole period. Roughly, a 3-day hazard ratio of 5 corresponds to a hazard ratio of 15 if the total effect is concentrated on the first day. Also, a long observation period appears inferior to a short period. However, with a short observation period the number of cases to meet the inclusion criterion (vaccination within the observation period) would be reduced. The total number of deaths in children aged 28 days to one year was 1058 in 2002. Of these cases, 420 were attributed to ICD-10 categories R95-99. For the age group containing babies, the suggested selection strategy should provide a sufficient number of cases. In 2001, the number of deaths in the second year of life was 377. Of these, 33 were attributed to ICD-10 categories R96 and R99. In 2002, the number of deaths described as SUD fell to 24. The number of deaths from 1999 to 2002 ranged from 24 to 42 per year in the second year of life. The number of cases necessary for the study, 29 (or 17) (ρ = 10) children vaccinated within 6 months of death, is realistic considering that it will have three years for the sub-evaluation of sudden and unexpected death in the second year of life under these conditions, and there is a completion rate for the vaccination schedule of over 85% in the second year (data from an, as yet unpublished, representative survey by H. Kalies and von Kries). After a model calculation, 25 cases are expected if it is assumed that there are 24 SUD cases per year and there is a temporal shift in the SUD cases after vaccination. With 33 cases of SUD per year, and a general increase in intensity by a factor of 2, this number increases to 43. The separate SCCS analysis of the two hexavalent vaccines, however, in light of the number of cases expected for the group of subcases in the second year of life, detection of a relative incidence of 20 for each hexavalent product separately can be achieved.

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9.10.2 Case-control design The following study questions (see 6) will be investigated by using case-control analyses:

3. Is this potential association qualitatively and quantitatively the same at different stages of life?

4. Has this potential association the same magnitude across different hexavalent and non-hexavalent– vaccines?

6. Is the risk of sudden death in vaccinated children different from unvaccinated children?

During this secondary study analyses the following hypotheses will be tested:

1. The odds of being vaccinated (within the interval of 72 hours) are higher in cases than in controls.

2. This is only true in the second year of life (booster vaccination).

3. This is only true for a one hexavalent vaccination.

Null hypotheses formulated for the case-control approach:

The ‘vaccination history’ will be separated into classes (vaccination status). Lowest class: no vaccination. Condition after vaccination (up to 6 months) will either be assessed as a whole (study question 6) or differentiated according to the classification of time periods. In this differentiated version ‘0-3 days’ is the highest class, and so on (study question 3). Let p1i and p2i denote the probability for a case and for a control, respectively, to be in class ci .The hypotheses to be tested are: H0 p1i = p2i for all classes ci , against the alternative H1 p1i ≠ p2i for at least one class ci For the test of a distinct vaccine, the hypotheses to be tested are of the same form, however p1i and p2i are to be interpreted as conditional probabilities:

For the test of an association of vaccine type 1 with mortality, p1i and p2i are the probabilities for a case and a control, respectively, to be in class ci, given there was no vaccination with vaccine type 2. Accordingly, for the test of an association of vaccine type 2 with mortality, p1i and p2i are the probabilities for a case and a control, respectively, to be in class ci , given there was no vaccination with vaccine type 1

The following definitions were made for implementing the case-control design: Cases: Every sudden death of an infant in the second to 24th months of life, reported by a LHA, for whom informed consent of a parent or guardian has been obtained. Inclusion criteria:

• ICD-10 classification of cause of death is R 95 – 99 (according classification based on information from death certificate and parents and physicians questionnaire, from potential clinical reports and any available autopsy reports see 9.6)

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• Age at death in the second to the 24th month of life (after the first month of life has been completed and before the 24th month of life has been completed).

Exclusion criteria:

• Age at death does not meet inclusion criteria

• Informed consent of a parent or guardian not obtained.

Controls: Controls will be participants of the German Child and Youth Health Examination Survey (KIGGS), matched to cases on age and time of examination. Matching will be performed following these rules:

• The date of survey examination in a control is not earlier than the date of death in a case minus 1 month and not later than the date of death in a case plus 1 month


• Age at survey examination in a control is not lower than the age a case has died plus 5 weeks and not higher than the age a case has died plus (5 weeks + 2 months = ) 13 weeks

Differences of vaccination history in cases and controls will be analysed by unconditional logistic regression, adjusting for matching criteria of this frequency-matched study. Relative risks of vaccination will be estimated by adjusted odds ratios and their 95% confidence intervals. The following parameter are known factors associated with sudden unexpected death (see 9.8) and will be included in the model of the logistic regression models: age, socio-economic status (SES), age of mother, smoking during pregnancy, premature birth, problems in the newborn phase, multiple pregnancy, crowded parental accommodation, mother smoking. Some of these variables are also associated with vaccination coverage. Power calculation (case-control study) Power analyses of the case control study was calculated using the programme nQuery Advisor 5.0 with given error probabilities of α = 0.05 (two sided) and ß=0.2. The calculations were performed by using the program ''binomial.sample.size'' of S-PLUS 6.2 with the option of Yates correction to allow small sample sizes with given error probabilities of α = 0.05 (two-sided) and ß=0.2. From German vaccination data cited above and the simulation study of matching KiGGS controls to real cases, the following assumptions were made:

• probability of being exposed to a hexalavent vaccine = 40% 60%, • probability of being exposed to a non hexavalent vaccine = 40% 20%, • probability of not being vaccinated = 20%., • average number of controls per case = 4.

As this analysis focus on differences of vaccination history within the three day period prior to the cases deaths the following power analysis has been performed. For analysis of a potential risk of any hexavalent vaccine, calculation of power and sample size assumed the

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probability of being exposed in controls to be 0.0066 (0.8* (3/365) / [0.8 * (3/365) + (1 0.8*(3/365) ] = 0.0066). In order to detect a smallest relative risk (OR) of 20 the required sample size is 33 cases and 139 controls. For analysing a potential risk of a certain hexavalent product, the probability of being exposed was calculated to be 0.0033 (0.4 * (3/365) / [0.4 * (3/365) + (1 0.8*(3/365) ] = 0.0033). Detection of a smallest relative risk (OR) of 20 requires a sample size of 69 cases and 293 controls. Thus, in light of the number of cases expected in the first year of life, detection of a relative risk of 20 for each hexavalent product separately can be achieved in the case control analysis as well. Assuming that vaccination as well as occurrence of cases will mainly arise during the first half of second year the probability of exposition in the control group in the second year of life was calculated to be 0.0066 (0.4* (3/183) / [0.4 * (3/183) + (1 0.8*(3/183) ] = 0.0066). In order to detect a smallest relative risk (OR) of 20, the required sample size is 33 cases and 139 controls. Thus, in light of the number of cases expected in the second year of life, detection of a relative risk of 20 for each hexavalent product separately can be achieved. The additional analyses focus on estimation the overall potential effect of a vaccination on risk of death. A general, but delayed effect of a vaccination may qualitatively and quantitatively differ from the immediate effects shortly after vaccination. For analysing a potential risk of a certain hexavalent vaccine, the probability of being exposed is 40% among controls, and a smallest relative risko (OR) of 16 is to be detected. The required sample size to achieve this is 8 cases and 31 controls Definition Cases: Any SUD after month 1 of age until end of month 24. For subanalyses this age interval will be split by end of month 12 Controls: Any selected control child of the study (matched by calender tim e and age as defined in the study protocol). Exposure: Description of vaccination history before timepoint of event (death in cases) or m atched time point (controls) in classes X .

The exposure classes X are defined as: X class 0: No vaccination within the risk class of interest X class 1: Hexavalent vaccination within the risk class of interest X class 2: Vaccination of other type within the risk class of interest

The risk classes of interest, Ri, will be specified as periods of different length (1, 2, 3, 7, 28 or 183 days)

Parameter of interest

Page A-51


The primary aim of the case-control study is to estimate the odds of occurrence of the event (SUD) in dependence of the vaccination status. Let Y denote the outcome, that is the occurrence of the event: :0=Y no event :1=Y event Thus, the parameters of interests are

)1,0( class exposuregiven event, ofy Probabilit)|1(1




)1,0( class exposuregiven event, no ofy Probabilit1










These parameters are listet in the following table:

Event Y

Exposure X 0 (Controls) 1 (Cases) Sum 0 (No vaccination) p00 p01 1 1 (Hexavalent vaccination) p10 p11 1 2 (Other vaccination) p20 p21 1

The ''effect'' of the exposure is measured as the odds ratio:




0 exposureunder event for Odds1 exposureunder event for Odds





In the case-control study the paramters pij are not estimable. Instead, in the retrospective view, the probabilites of the risk classes are estimated separately for cases and controls:

)2,1,0( casesfor classrisk ofy Probabilit)0|(0




)2,1,0( controlsfor classrisk ofy Probabilit)1|(1



Page A-52


These parameters are listed in the following table:

Event Y Exposure X 0 (Controls) 1 (Cases) 0 (No vaccination) q00 q01 1 (Hexavalent vaccination) q10 q11

2 (Other vaccination) q20 q21 Sum 1 1

The following relations hold: Cases:






































In this design, we may by ignoring risk class 2 (other type of vaccination) and calculate the odds for class 1 versus class 0 and compare these odds between cases and controls:

Page A-53


















































Conclusion: The odds ratio for the occurrence of an event comparing exposure class 1 with exposure class 0 can be estimated and tested in the case-control design by ignoring exposure class 2 (other type of vaccination) a nd calculating and testing the odds ratio for exposure class 1 versus class 0 with respect to cases and controls.

Estimation of the probability of exposure to risk for controls: q10 Let T denote the reference time (age in days) of a control child. The distribution of T will be similar to the age distribution of the SUD -cases, since they will be matched by age. Similar, let VH denote the age of hexavalent vaccination, and VO denote the age of vaccination with other vaccines. If we regard the whole study period for age, the following relations hold:

months 24first thin theination wiother vacc of Probabilty)(:

months 24first theon within vaccinatihexavalent of Probabilty)(:



















(Two ore more vaccinations per child would raise the value for exposure probability; they are ignored in these considerations) Let Δ denote the length of the risk class in days. Then, the probability, that the reference date T of a control falls into the risk class of hexavalent vaccination, is

Page A-54











)under and of nce(independe]),(()(


Class)Risk Hexavalent(

























Class)Risk n VaccinatioOther (









Thus, given the distributions { }ttTP )( = , { }tH tVP )( = and { } ,)( to tVP = the parameters q10 , q20 and )(1 201000 qqq +−= can be computed. Computations are performed on the basis of the data of the BMBF Study and Bavarian Bureau of Statistics, von Kries, 2004:

Probability of SUD within the first two years of life

Age [days]






0 200 400 600








Probability of Vaccination Type Hexa within the first two years of life

Age [days]




0 200 400 600








In the latter figure, the relation of hexavalent type to other vaccinations is assumed to be 5 : 3.

In the following computations the length Δ of the risk class is varied as : 1, 2, 3, 7, 28, 183. This will allow calcula ting the sample sizes for comparing cases with co ntrols for different lengths of risk periods. The base probabilities q10 f or controls to fall into th e risk class

Page A-55


(Hexavalent vaccinations within the last days) are estimated by this computation as: [ =Δ 1:] 0.0032, [ =Δ 2:] 0.0064, [ =Δ 3:] 0.0096 , [ =Δ 7:] 0.0221, [ =Δ 28:] 0.0812 , and [ =Δ 183:] 0.320 For these values, the sample size calculation is performed under following assumptions: • The chisquare test is performed two sided on the level α = 0.05 • The power of the test is 80 % • The relation of number of cases to number of controls is 4.3. • The odds ratios are varied from 2 to 25 The calculations were performed by using the program ''binomial.sample.size'' of S-PLUS 6.2 with the option of Yates correction to allow small sample sizes.

Results The results are presented graphically in the following figure:

5 10 15 20 25

Odds Ratio








ber o

f Cas

es (S



Case Control Design: Sample Size and Odds Ratio

Risk period: 1 dayRisk period: 2 daysRisk period: 3 daysRisk period: 7 daysRisk period: 28 daysRisk period: 183 days

Interpretation Example: 1) To compare a risk period of 3 days between cases and controls under the assumption that

an odds ratio of 20 is to be detected with a power of 80 %, 321 =n cases and 138303.42 →∗=n controls are needed. A ''case'' is here defined as an SUD with

Hexavalent vaccination within the last 3 days or without any vaccination in this period. It is assumed that the odds for SUD are raised in this period after Hexavalent vaccination by the factor 20 compared to no vaccination within this period.

2) Comparibly, if an odds ratio of 20 holds even for a 7-day period, the corresponding numbers are 161 =n cases and 69163.42 →∗=n

3) If the number of cases of the first example, ,321 =n is given, this will be sufficient to detect an odds ratio of 10 , if this is valid for a 7-day period after vaccination.

Page A-56


4) If the odds ratio is 16 for a half year period, corresponding to a general (positive or negative) vaccination effect, the necessary sample sizes are 91 =n cases and

3993.42 →∗=n controls. The same holds for a risk period of 28 days. 5) For the focus of a 3-day period it is seen, that odds ratios of 5 , 10 and 15 need

sample sizes of 70,1901 =n and 43 cases, respectively. Exploratory analyses In addition to these main analyses of a potential effects of hexavalent vaccines, any vaccination –not only hexavalent products – and sudden deaths will be investigated by exploratory analyses. These exploratory analyses are not related to the study questions that have been defined. For the case-control study and the SCCS design, main analyses focus on unexplained sudden deaths. Level of diagnostic certainty is expected to be different between the pathological and the epidemiological study approach. Autopsies may not be performed in cases who are reported by the LHA’s resulting in levels of diagnostic certainty of not more than 3 according the recommendation of the Brighton Collaboration Workgroup on SIDS. Subgroup analyses of cases with higher level of diagnostic certainty (pathological approach) will be performed. In addition exploratory analyses applying a widened case definition will evaluate those cases in which a link with vaccination may be plausible. For these additional analyses cases are defined as any death of an infant in the second to 24th month of life (not only ICD 10 R 95-99), reported by a LHA, for whom informed consent of a parent or guardian has been obtained. For these analyses the following exclusion criteria apply:

Cause of death according to the information on the death certificate is one of the following ICD classifications:

• V01-W74: accidents with means of transport (V01-V99), falls (W00-W19), accidental drowning (W65-W74)

• new malignant growth (C00-C97)

• severe endocrinal, nutritional or metabolism disorders (from E00-E90)

• malformations, deformities and chromosomal anomalies (Q00-Q99)

• injuries, poisonings and certain other outcomes with external causes (S00-T98) 9.10.3 Sequential analysis The sequential analysis is intended as a monitoring instrument. Since important new insights relevant to public health could be gained while the study is underway, data analyses will not be left to the end of the field phase. An independent biometrical institute will undertake ongoing monitoring using the one-sided open Sequential Probability Ratio Tests (SPRT) of Wald. For this, a warning line will be defined in the field between the x-axis (number of cases) and the y-axis (cumulated test results). Should the path of test points cross the warning line, a full interim analysis will be performed. Sequential data analyses will be performed for both the SCCS and the case-control study. In both versions, they can only give rough hints on potential associations, as the existing models do not permit consideration of any confounder (age + season, and the confounding variables of the case-control study).

Page A-57


Hypotheses formulated for the SCCS approach: H0 The risk after vaccination is the same in all classes (up to 6 months). So the

conditional probability of occurrence in the first three days, given an event is 0.0164.

H1 The risk following vaccination in the first period (0-3 days) is increased by ρ = eβ = 16 (and 20 respectively for separate analyses of the two different hexavalent products) compared to the risk afterwards (4 days to 6 months). So the probability of occurrence in the first three days = 0.2105 (and 0.25 respectively for separate analyses of the two different hexavalent products).

A one-sided (open) sequential test will be used in accordance to Wald. This test only identifies a stop if there is an increase of the risk in the first period. The type I error will be set at α = 0.05; the power 1-β will be 80 percent. For the SCCS approach, the parameter п of the binomial distribution is π = 0π = 0.0164 under H 0 , and π = 1π = 0.2105 under the alternative H1. Let α = 0.05 and β = 0.2 be the probabilities of error type I and II respectively. Furthermore, let m denote the actual number cases in the sequential trial (cases with vaccination), and r ≤ m the number of events (cases with vaccination in the first risk period). Then the warning limit to indicate an increased number of events, is reached if

( )( )

( )mr)1()1(









01 loglog








Thus, for the given parameter values the warning limit w as a function of cases m is mmw 0793.00002.1)( +=

This sequential plan is an open plan in the following sense: The probability that the warning limit will be reached at any time of the process is restricted to α = 0.05 under H ,0 irrespective of the duration of the trial. Vice versa, under H1 the warning limit will be reached with probability 1- β = 0.8 if the duration is unlimited.

Page A-58


Hypotheses formulated for the case-control approach: The ‘vaccination history’ will be separated into two classes ci (vaccination status positive or negative).. Let p1 and p2 denote the probability for a case and for a control, respectively, to be in class 1 (positive vaccination status). The hypothesis to be tested is: H0 p1 = p2, against the alternative H1 p1 ≠ p2 A two-sided (open) sequential test will be used in accordance to Wald. This test identifies a stop if there is an increase or decrease of the odds for positive vaccine status. The type I error will be set at α = 0.05; the power 1-β will be 80 percent. For the case-control approach the parameter θ ( ) == −



)1(log ππππ log odds ratio is 00 ==θθ

under H 0 , and 00.3)20log(1 ===θθ under the alternative. Let α = 0.05 and β = 0.2 be

the probabilities of error type I and II respectively. Furthermore, let mi )2,1( =i denote the actual number of children in the case and control group , and ii mr ≤ the number of children in class 1 (vaccination) within each group. With



ih = (the relative frequency of class 1 in group i ), 21

21mmrrh +

+= (the pooled relative frequency of class 1), the warning limit for an increased odd in group 1 is reached if

( ) )1(12/






21 hhmm





⎜⎝⎛ −

≥−+ θα


For the given parameter values this reads as

( ) )1(334.0157.121



21 hhmm





Accordingly, the warning limit for an increased odd in group 2 is reached if

( ) )1(334.0157.121



21 hhmm





Page A-59

Page A-60

Second Amendment

Page A-61

Page A-62


Darstellung der mit dem 15.02.2007 veränderten Abschnitte des Studienprotokolls ‚Study on deaths in young children (2. – 24th month of life) im Vergleich zur Vorversion vom 10.3.2006

Die Veränderungen betreffen die Kontrollgruppe des Fall-Kontroll-Studienteils der TOKEN-Studie.

Im Rahmen der TOKEN-Studie werden alle Todesfälle von Kindern im 2.-24. Lebensmonat erfasst

und die Daten der in die Studie aufgenommenen Fälle überprüft auf

1. einen zeitlichem Zusammenhang zwischen unerwarteten Todesfällen und (hexavalenten)

Impfungen (Self Controlled Cases Series Design - SCCS)

2. einen generellen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Risiko, unerwartet zu versterben, und

vorangegangenen Impfungen (Fall-Kontroll-Design).

Bisher wurden die Kontrollen für den Fall-Kontroll-Studienteil aus dem Pool der anonymen Daten

des vom Robert Koch-Institut (RKI) durchgeführten Kinder- und Jugendgesundheitssurveys

(KiGGS) gezogen. Im Studienplan war ursprünglich vorgesehen, die Kontrollen auch nach

Beendigung der KiGGS-Feldphase als historische Kontrollen aus den KiGGS-Probanden zu ziehen.

Die Marktrücknahme eines der beiden hexavalenten Impfpräparate führte jedoch zu einer

grundsätzlichen Änderung der Exposition von Säuglingen in Deutschland und lässt aus

methodischen Gründen das geplante Vorgehen nicht mehr zu.

Es wurde deshalb eine Änderung zum Studienplan erarbeitet, die die zukünftige Ziehung der

Kontrollprobanden - vergleichbar zur Ziehungsmethode bei KiGGS - bevölkerungsbasiert,

prospektiv beinhaltet.

1. Verändert in Kapitel 9 ‘Study population’ Abschnitt 9.4.2 ‘Case-Control study’

Veränderungen zur Vorversion sind in roter Schriftfarbe markiert.

9.4.2 Case-control study

Cases: Every death in an infant in the second to 24th months of life, reported by LHA, for whom informed consent of a parent or guardian has been obtained. Inclusion criteria:

• age at death in the second to the 24th month of life (after the first month of life has been completed and before the 24th month of life has been completed

Exclusion criteria:

• age at death does not meet inclusion criteria

• informed consent of parent or guardian not obtained.

Controls: Controls will be participants of the German Child and Youth Health Examination Survey (KIGGS) or prospective controls after the KiGGS survey has ended. KiGGS controls will be matched to cases on age and time of examination. Matching will be performed following these rules:

Page A-63


1. the date of survey examination in a control is not earlier than the date of death in a case minus 1 month and not later than the date of death in a case plus 1 month


2. age at survey examination in a control is not lower than the age a case has died plus 5 weeks and not higher than the age a case has died plus (5 weeks + 2 months = ) 13 weeks

The reason for this is the mode of invitation and examination established in the KIGGS survey. Participants are invited two to five weeks prior to their scheduled date of examination. An effect on vaccination and doctor’s appointments in this period is to be expected, not only by participants avoiding additional appointments, but also possibly in their catching up on missed vaccinations. This may bias any results: the former by increasing, the latter by decreasing the OR for vaccination because of an artificially lower (higher) probability of the KIGGS children to be immunised. The reference point to assess any exposure in controls is therefore defined as follows:

The reference point is the date when the control was as old as the case on its day of death. Given the matching criteria (as described above) this reference point lies safely before the invitation to the KIGGS examination.

35 days will be subtracted from the date of examination, specifying a point in time that lies safely before the invitation to the KIGGS examination.

For each case, as many KiGGS study subjects as fulfil the above criteria will be selected as controls. If a KiGGS study subject is a suitable control for more than one case, it will only be selected once into the control group. Data of cases and controls will make a frequency matched case-control study and will be analysed as such. In a simulation study with real cases notified to the PEI and KiGGS data of May 2003 to December 2004, 85 controls could be frequency matched to 20 cases, yielding an average of 4.3 controls per case. The number of controls suitable for each case varied between 0 and 13. Due to a lower KiGGS response in very young children, the number of suitable controls for 2- to 4-month-old cases was substantially lower than in older cases. The KiGGS survey and this study will run parallel in time for about half of the study period, so the above method to select controls is applicable only for that time. In order to include all cases identified during this study, another analysis needs to be performed: Only step 2 of the above rules will be applied and all age matched controls selected, irrespective of the time of their examination. The difference in time periods between cases and controls will then be adjusted for in the logistic model. Sales figures of hexavalent products by time periods will be used to estimate whether the likelihood of being exposed varies over time and to adjust for this potential confounder. selection of suitable controls will be continued by the same multi stage sample procedure after the end of the KiGGS survey. The initially planned procedure of selecting KiGGS controls irrespective of time of their investigation needs to be modified due to substantial changes of the marketing authorisations of hexavalent vaccines (see 9.7.2). As a result of the suspension of the marketing authorisation of Hexavac, the exposure to hexavalent vaccines in the study population changed substantially and historic controls would introduce serious bias. Participants of the KiGGS survey were enrolled according to a two-step sampling frame: First a random sample of 167 communities (clusters) was identified in strata of states and BIK1 classes of communities. Individuals were then randomly sampled from the registration office in each selected community. The strategy to match KiGGS participants as controls to TOKEN cases has been described above. In order to achieve the best possible accordance to the sampling frame of KiGGS controls, the procedure of enrolling prospective controls is this:

1 BIK classes indicate size (population) and structure (urban – rural) of communities in Germany.

Page A-64


1. After the photocopies of the death certificates have been received from the LHAs, the date of birth of each reported case is ascertained.

2. Controls for that case must be born on the same day as the case, plus/minus one month. 3. Two communities are randomly selected from the 167 KiGGS sample points. 4. A letter is sent to the registration offices in both selected communities asking to identify at

random 5 children who were born in the specified time period and to send their names, dates of birth, gender and addresses (and the names of their parents) to the RKI.

5. A letter is sent to the parents with information about the study, asking them for consent to participate.

6. If parents do not respond within 14 days, a second letter is sent out as a reminder. 7. If parents still do not respond after another 14 days, tries will be made to contact them by

phone at different times of day. 8. If parents declare to be not willing to participate, they are asked to complete the non-responder

questionnaire. 9. If parents consent, they are sent a questionnaire which is most similar to the questionnaire for

cases. However, questions about the circumstances of death are not asked and the reference date for answers is the age at death in the corresponding case.

Page A-65

Page A-66

Parental questionnaire

Page A-67

Page A-68


Studie über Todesfälle

bei Kindern im

2. bis 24. Lebensmonat

Page A-69


Page A-70


Studie über Todesfälle

bei Kindern im

2. bis 24. Lebensmonat

Page A-71


Liebe Eltern,

Sie haben sich trotz des tragischen Verlusts Ihres Kindes bereit erklärt, an unserer Untersuchung über Todesfälle bei Säuglingen und Kleinkin-dern teilzunehmen.

Dafür danken wir Ihnen sehr. Wir wissen wohl, dass die Beantwortung unserer Fragen für Sie nicht einfach ist. Doch soll diese Untersuchung Erkenntnisse über Ursachen gewinnen und dadurch helfen, zukünftig solche Fälle zu verhindern.

Wir befragen Sie zunächst kurz zu Ihren Lebensumständen und möch-ten auch wissen, wer diesen Bogen ausfüllt. Es werden dann Fragen zu Schwangerschaft, Geburt, medizinischen Behandlungen und Impfun-gen Ihres Kindes gestellt. Wir erfragen auch Namen und Adressen von weiteren behandelnden Ärzten und Krankenhäusern. Wenn Sie uns diese Namen mitteilen, werden wir einen Fragebogen an diese Ärzte versenden und um die medizinischen Befunde bitten. Es folgen dann die Fragen, die sich auf den Zeitpunkt des Todes Ihres Kindes bezie-hen. Abschließend bitten wir Sie um einige Angaben zu Ihren Lebens-gewohnheiten und -bedingungen.

3 Bitte beantworten Sie möglichst alle Fragen vollständig! Sie können zwar Fragen auslassen, die Ihnen unangenehm sind, allerdings würde das die wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung sehr beeinträchtigen.

3 Kreuzen Sie bitte bei jeder Frage an, was auf Sie oder Ihr ver-storbenes Kind am besten zutrifft.

3 Bitte senden Sie uns dann den Fragebogen zusammen mit dem Impfbuch Ihres verstorbenen Kindes (oder einer Kopie davon) und dem Kinderuntersuchungsheft (oder einer Kopie davon) zu.

Bei Fragen und Unklarheiten können Sie sich an uns wenden.

Klinik für Allgemeine Pädiatrie und Neonatologie PD Dr. Klaus Mohnike Emanuel-Larisch-Weg 17 – 19 39112 Magdeburg Tel.: 03 91/67-1 71 01 Fax: 03 91/67-1 71 05 E-Mail: [email protected]

Page A-72


Angaben zu den Eltern


1 Wer beantwortet diesen Fragebogen?

Leibliche Mutter .......................................................................................................................

Leiblicher Vater .........................................................................................................................

Mutter und Vater ......................................................................................................................

Großeltern, andere Verwandte .................................................................................................

Pfl egeeltern/Adoptiveltern .......................................................................................................

Betreuer ....................................................................................................................................

2 Wie alt sind Sie? Bitte für beide Elternteile angeben!

Leibliche Mutter Leiblicher Vater

Jahre Jahre

3 In welchem Land sind Sie geboren? Bitte für beide Elternteile angeben!

Leibliche Mutter

In Deutschland ........................................ In einem anderen Land: ...........................

In welchem anderen Land?

Weiß nicht ................................................ .......................................................................

Leiblicher Vater

In Deutschland ........................................ In einem anderen Land: ..........................

In welchem anderen Land?

Weiß nicht ................................................ .......................................................................

Angaben zu den Eltern

Page A-73


Angaben zu den Eltern

4 Welchen Familienstand haben Sie? Bitte für beide Elternteile angeben!

Leibliche Mutter Leiblicher Vater

Alleinlebend .............................................................................. ..............................

Zusammenlebend in häuslicherPartnerschaft oder Ehe ............................................................. ..............................

Weiß nicht ................................................................................. ..............................

5 Bei wem lebte Ihr Kind hauptsächlich? (Hier bitte nur ein Kreuz machen!)

Das Kind lebte hauptsächlich bei

Leiblichen Eltern .......................................................................................................................

Mutter und ihrem Partner ........................................................................................................

Vater und seiner Partnerin .......................................................................................................

Alleinlebender Mutter ..............................................................................................................

Alleinlebendem Vater ...............................................................................................................

Großeltern oder anderen Verwandten .....................................................................................

Pfl egeeltern/Adoptiveltern .......................................................................................................

In einem Heim .........................................................................................................................

Weiß nicht .................................................................................................................................

6 Mit wie vielen älteren und jüngeren Geschwistern lebte Ihr Kind zusammen?Gemeint sind in diesem Fall auch Halbgeschwister und angeheiratete Geschwister.

Mein Kind lebte mit keinen Geschwistern zusammen ...........................................................

Mein Kind lebte mit einem (1) Geschwisterkind zusammen .................................................

Mein Kind lebte mit zwei (2) Geschwisterkindern zusammen ..............................................

Mein Kind lebte mit drei (3) Geschwisterkindern zusammen ...............................................

Mein Kind lebte mit mehr als drei Geschwisterkindern zusammen ......................................

Weiß nicht .................................................................................................................................

Angaben zu den Lebensumständen des Kindes

Page A-74


Angaben zu den Lebensumständen des Kindes

7 Wie groß ist die Wohnung, in der Ihr Kind hauptsächlich gelebt hat?

m² Weiß nicht ...............................................

8 Wie viele Personen haben außer Ihrem Kind in dieser Wohnung gelebt?

Personen Weiß nicht ...............................................

9 Wurde Ihr Kind gestillt?

Nein ......................................................... weiter mit Frage 11!

Ja, es wurde

bis zum . Lebensmonat gestillt ...............................................................................

bis zu seinem Tod gestillt ...................................................................................................

Weiß nicht .................................................................................................................................

10 Wie lange wurde Ihr Kind ausschließlich gestillt?

Es wurde nie ausschließlich gestillt .........................................................................................

Es wurde bis zu seinem Tod ausschließlich gestillt ................................................................

Es wurde bis zum . Lebensmonat ausschließlich gestillt ............................................

Weiß nicht .................................................................................................................................

11 Wurde in der Gegenwart Ihres Kindes in der Wohnung geraucht?

Täglich .......................................................................................................................................

Mehrmals pro Woche ...............................................................................................................

Einmal pro Woche ....................................................................................................................

Seltener .....................................................................................................................................

Nie ............................................................................................................................................

Weiß nicht .................................................................................................................................

Page A-75



Die folgenden Fragen zur Schwangerschaft richten sich an die Mutter des verstorbenen Kindes. Kann die Mutter den Fragebogen nicht ausfüllen, so bitten wir die oder den Ausfüllende/n die Fragen so genau wie möglich zu beantworten.

12 War die Geburt Ihres verstorbenen Kindes eine Mehrlingsgeburt?

Ja ............................... Nein .......................... Weiß nicht .................

13 Wie viele (Lebend-)Geburten hatten Sie vor der Geburt des verstorbenen Kindes?

Geburten Weiß nicht ...............................................

14 Wenn Sie mehrere Kinder geboren haben, ist eines Ihrer anderen Kinder im Alter unter 24 Monaten verstorben?

Ja ............................... Nein .......................... Weiß nicht .................

Wenn ja, in welchem Lebensmonat ist das andere Kind verstorben?

Im . Lebensmonat

Wenn ja, welches war die Todesursache?



15 Haben Sie während der Schwangerschaft Ihres jetzt verstorbenen Kindes geraucht?

Ja, täglich über 10 Zigaretten ...................................................................................................

Ja, täglich bis zu 10 Zigaretten ................................................................................................

Ja, gelegentlich .........................................................................................................................

Nein, nie ...................................................................................................................................

Weiß nicht .................................................................................................................................


Page A-76


Geburt und Neugeborenenzeit

16 In welcher Schwangerschaftswoche wurde Ihr jetzt verstorbenes Kind geboren?

. Schwangerschaftswoche Weiß nicht ...............................................

Falls Sie sich daran nicht mehr erinnern können:

Mein Kind wurde

zu früh geboren ........................................................................................................................ (mehr als 3 Wochen vor dem errechneten Geburtstermin)

termingerecht geboren ............................................................................................................. (bis zu 3 Wochen vor und bis zu 2 Wochen nach dem errechneten Geburtstermin)

zu spät geboren ........................................................................................................................ (mehr als 2 Wochen nach dem errechneten Geburtstermin)

17 Wie schwer und wie groß war Ihr Kind bei der Geburt?

Ca. Gramm schwer Weiß nicht ...............................................

Ca. Zentimeter lang Weiß nicht ...............................................

18 Sind bei Ihrem Kind in den ersten 4 Lebenswochen nach der Geburt Probleme aufgetreten?

Ja ............................... Nein .......................... Weiß nicht .................

Wenn ja, welche? (Hier sind mehrere Antworten möglich.)

Schwierigkeiten bei der Atmung, Anpassungsstörungen .......................................................

Infektion ....................................................................................................................................

Neugeborenengelbsucht ..........................................................................................................

Untergewicht, Frühgeburt ........................................................................................................

Sonstige ....................................................................................................................................

Verlegung in eine Kinderklinik .................................................................................................

Wie lange lag es dort? ..................................................................................... Nächte

Geburt und Neugeborenenzeit

Page A-77



19 Hatte Ihr verstorbenes Kind jemals folgende Krankheit?

Angeborene Fehlbildungen

Ja ............................... Nein .......................... Weiß nicht .................

Wenn ja, welche?



Andere angeborene Erkrankungen

z. B. Stoffwechsel-Störungen, hormonelle Störungen wie z. B. Schilddrüsenunterfunktion, Blutkrankheiten

Ja ............................... Nein .......................... Weiß nicht .................

Wenn ja, welche?



Körperliche oder geistige Entwicklungsstörungen

Ja ............................... Nein .......................... Weiß nicht .................

Wenn ja, welche?




Ja ............................... Nein .......................... Weiß nicht .................

Wenn ja, welche?




Page A-78




z. B. Asthma, obstruktive Bronchitis

Ja ............................... Nein .......................... Weiß nicht .................

Wenn ja, welche?



Erkrankungen des Nervensystems

z. B. Bewegungsstörungen, Lähmungen

Ja ............................... Nein .......................... Weiß nicht .................

Wenn ja, welche?



Anfallsleiden (Fallsucht, Epilepsie)

Ja ............................... Nein .......................... Weiß nicht .................

Wenn ja, welche?



Bösartige Tumorerkrankung

z. B. Hirntumor, Leukämie, Knochenkrebs, Neuroblastom

Ja ............................... Nein .......................... Weiß nicht .................

Wenn ja, welche?



Fortsetzung von Frage 19

Page A-79



20 War Ihr Kind ein so genanntes „Schreibaby“, das vermehrt (d. h. über mehrere Wochen täglich oder fast täglich mehrere Stunden ohne erkenntlichen Grund) geschrien hat und nicht oder kaum zu trösten war?

Ja ............................... Nein .......................... Weiß nicht .................

21 Haben Sie Ihr Kind vor seinem Tod schon einmal scheinbar leblos aufgefunden (mit Atemstillstand, schlaffer Muskulatur, blasser oder bläulicher Hautfarbe und stark verlangsamtem Herzschlag „ALTE“, von dem es sich erst nach heftigem Schütteln (Stimulation) oder Wiederbelebung erholte)?

Ja ............................... Nein .......................... Weiß nicht .................

Wenn ja, wann?

(Datum) .................................. (z. B.: ) T T M M J J J J

Wenn ja, ist Ihr Kind damals in einem Krankenhaus nachuntersucht worden?

Ja ............................... Nein .......................... Weiß nicht .................

Wenn ja, in welchem Krankenhaus?






Wenn Sie uns Namen und Adressen der behandelnden Krankenhäuser mitteilen, senden wir diesen ebenfalls einen Fragebogen zu und erfragen deren medizinische Befunde zu Ihrem verstorbenen Kind.

Page A-80


Medizinische Behandlungen und Impfungen

22 Wurde Ihr Kind vor seinem Tod jemals wegen einer Verletzung in der Notaufnahme eines Krankenhauses behandelt?

Ja ............................... Nein .......................... Weiß nicht .................

Wenn ja, in welchem Krankenhaus?






Wenn Sie uns Namen und Adressen der behandelnden Krankenhäuser mitteilen, senden wir diesen ebenfalls einen Fragebogen zu und erfragen deren medizinische Befunde zu Ihrem verstorbenen Kind.

23 Wurde Ihr Kind in den letzten vier Wochen vor seinem Tod regelmäßig mit Medikamenten behandelt?

Ja ............................... Nein .......................... Weiß nicht .................

Wenn ja, mit welchen? (Bitte geben Sie möglichst auch die Dosierung an.)








Medizinische Behandlungen und Impfungen

Page A-81


Medizinische Behandlungen und Impfungen

24 Wurde Ihr Kind in den letzten zwei Tagen vor seinem Tod mit Medikamenten behandelt?

Ja ............................... Nein .......................... Weiß nicht .................

Wenn ja, mit welchen? (Bitte geben Sie möglichst auch die Dosierung an.)







Bitte beantworten Sie die folgenden Fragen unbedingt so gut es geht. Bitte fügen Sie zusätzlich entweder eine Kopie des Impfausweises bei oder senden uns den Impfausweis zur Ansicht. Sie erhalten den Impfausweis schnellstmöglich zurück.

25 Wurde Ihr Kind jemals geimpft?

Ja ............................... Nein .......................... Weiß nicht .................

26 Hatten Sie Gründe, Ihrem Kind Impfungen nicht oder noch nicht geben zu lassen?

Ja ............................... Nein .......................... Weiß nicht .................

Wenn ja, welche Gründe hatten Sie?

Mein Kind war noch zu jung ....................................................................................................

Mein Kind hatte Erkrankungen, wegen derer die Impfung aufgeschoben/verhindert wurde ........................................................................

Angst vor Nebenwirkungen .....................................................................................................

Ich hielt für mein Kind das Durchmachen derKrankheiten für besser als die entsprechende Impfung .........................................................

Ich war über die Notwendigkeit der Impfung nicht informiert ..............................................

Der Arzt hat von der Impfung abgeraten ................................................................................

Die Impfung wurde vergessen .................................................................................................


Page A-82


Medizinische Behandlungen und Impfungen







Wenn Ihr Kind nie geimpft wurde, weiter mit Frage 32!

Bitte nehmen Sie jetzt den Impfausweis Ihres verstorbenen Kindes zur Hand und übertragen Sie die Angaben zu den letzten beiden Impfungen vor seinem Tod aus dem Impfausweis in die Tabelle.

27 Wenn Ihr Kind je geimpft wurde, welches waren die letzte und vorletzte Impfung vor seinem Tod?

Bitte übertragen Sie Handelsnamen und Chargennummern möglichst genau!


Handelsname und Chargennummer (Ch.-B.:)

des Impfstoffes Teta











s in

fl uen


b (H




s B










Fortsetzung von Frage 26

Page A-83


Medizinische Behandlungen und Impfungen

28 Bitte geben Sie möglichst genau das Datum und die Uhrzeit der letzten Impfung des Kindes an:

Die letzte Impfung des Kindes fand statt am

(Datum) (z. B.: ) T T M M J J J J

um Uhr (z. B.: Uhr)

Weiß nicht ................................................

29 Wie lange lag diese letzte Impfung vor dem Tode des Kindes zurück?

Weniger als 24 Stunden ...........................................................................................................

24 bis unter 48 Stunden ...........................................................................................................

48 bis unter 72 Stunden (3 Tage) ............................................................................................

72 Stunden bis unter 7 Tage ....................................................................................................

7 bis unter 14 Tage ...................................................................................................................

14 Tage bis unter vier Wochen .................................................................................................

Mehr als vier Wochen ...............................................................................................................

Weiß nicht .................................................................................................................................

30 Hat Ihr Kind diese letzte Impfung gut vertragen?

Ja ............................... Nein .......................... Weiß nicht .................

Wenn nein, welche Schwierigkeiten gab es?



Wurde im Zusammenhang mit der letzten Impfung ein Medikament verabreicht (z. B. ein fi ebersenkendes Arzneimittel), wenn ja, welches?



Page A-84


Angaben zu Ärzten und Kliniken


31 Wer hat die letzte Impfung bei dem Kind durchgeführt?

Bitte geben Sie Name und Adresse des impfenden Arztes an.




32 Wenn Ihr Kind nie geimpft wurde, geben Sie bitte Name und Adresse des behandelnden Arztes an:




33 War das Kind seit seiner Geburt in einer Klinik?

Ja ............................... Nein .......................... Weiß nicht .................

Wenn ja, in welcher Klinik war es zuletzt?

Bitte geben Sie Name und Adresse der Klinik an:




Zu Fragen 21, 22 und 31 bis 33 sowie 35:

Wenn Sie uns Namen und Adressen der behandelnden Ärzte oder Krankenhäuser mitteilen, senden wir diesen ebenfalls einen Fragebogen zu und erfragen deren medizinische Befunde zu Ihrem verstorbenen Kind. Bitte erteilen Sie hierzu auf der Rückseite Ihr Einverständnis.

Angaben zu Ärzten und Kliniken

Page A-85


Angaben zu Ärzten und Kliniken

Entbindung von der ärztlichen Schweigepfl icht

zu den Fragen 21, 22 und 31 bis 33 sowie 35

Mit meiner Unterschrift entbinde ich als Sorgeberechtigter von

.....................................................................................................Vor- und Familienname des Kindes

.............................................. Geburtsdatum des Kindes

die von mir in den Fragen 21, 22 und 31 bis 33 sowie 35 genannten Ärzte, Krankenhäuser und Institute von ihrer ärztlichen Schweigepfl icht und gestatte die Anforderung von Unter-lagen zur medizinischen Vorgeschichte meines Kindes.

.............................................. ..................................................Ort Datum

.....................................................................................................Unterschrift/en Sorgeberechtigte/r

Page A-86



34 Ist Ihr Kind in einem Krankenhaus verstorben?

Ja ............................... Nein .......................... Weiß nicht .................

35 Ist Ihr Kind obduziert worden?

Ja ............................... Nein .......................... Weiß nicht .................

Wenn ja, welches Krankenhaus oder Institut hat die Obduktion durchgeführt?





36 Bitte teilen Sie uns Datum und Uhrzeit vom Tod Ihres Kindes mit:

Das Kind ist am

(Datum) (z. B.: ) T T M M J J J J


Die Uhrzeit des Todes ist bekannt: Uhr weiter mit Frage 38!

(z. B.: Uhr)

Die Uhrzeit des Todes ist nicht bekannt.


Page A-87



37 Wenn die genaue Uhrzeit des Todes nicht bekannt ist, wann wurde das Kind zuletzt lebend gesehen und wann wurde es tot aufgefunden?

Das Kind wurde zuletzt lebend gesehen am:

(Datum) (z. B.: ) T T M M J J J J

um Uhr (z. B.: Uhr)

Das Kind wurde tot aufgefunden am:

(Datum) (z. B.: ) T T M M J J J J

um Uhr (z. B.: Uhr)

38 Zeigte Ihr Kind in den letzten 2 Tagen vor seinem Tod neu aufgetretene Krankheitszeichen oder andere Auffälligkeiten?

Ja ............................... Nein .......................... Weiß nicht .................

Wenn ja, welche?

Fieber ........................................................................................................................................

Erbrechen .................................................................................................................................

Schrilles Schreien .....................................................................................................................

Atemnot ....................................................................................................................................

Schmerzen ................................................................................................................................

Andere Symptome ....................................................................................................................

Wenn ja, welche?





Page A-88



39 Ist Ihr Kind während des Schlafens verstorben?

Ja ............................... Nein .......................... Weiß nicht .................

Wenn nein, weiter mit Frage 47!

40 Wenn Ihr Kind während des Schlafens verstorben ist, in welche Liegeposition wurde es vor seinem Tod zum Schlafen hingelegt?

Auf den Rücken ........................................................................................................................

Auf den Bauch, Gesicht nach unten ........................................................................................

Auf den Bauch, Gesicht zur Seite ............................................................................................

Auf die Seite ..............................................................................................................................

Weiß nicht .................................................................................................................................

41 Wenn Ihr Kind während des Schlafens verstorben ist, in welcher Liegeposition wurde es nach seinem Tod aufgefunden?

Auf dem Rücken .......................................................................................................................

Auf dem Bauch, Gesicht nach unten .......................................................................................

Auf dem Bauch, Gesicht zur Seite ...........................................................................................

Auf der Seite .............................................................................................................................

In einer anderen Position .........................................................................................................

Weiß nicht .................................................................................................................................

42 In welche Liegeposition wurde Ihr Kind in den letzten 4 Wochen vor seinem Tod überwiegend zum Schlafen hingelegt?

Rücken ...................... Seite .......................... Bauch ........................

Weiß nicht .................

43 Veränderte Ihr Kind in den letzten 4 Wochen selbstständig seine Schlafposition?

Ja ............................... Nein .......................... Weiß nicht .................

Page A-89



44 Welche Schlafposition nahm es dann überwiegend selbstständig ein?

Rückenlage ...............................................................................................................................

Bauchlage, Gesicht nach unten ...............................................................................................

Bauchlage, Gesicht zur Seite ...................................................................................................

Seitenlage .................................................................................................................................

Wechselnd ................................................................................................................................

Weiß nicht .................................................................................................................................

45 Wenn Ihr Kind während des Schlafens verstorben ist, wurde es zur Zeit des Todes von außen gewärmt? (z. B. Heizdecke, Wärmestrahler, Wärmfl asche)

Ja ............................... Nein .......................... Weiß nicht .................

Wenn ja, wodurch wurde Ihr Kind gewärmt?

Wärmfl asche .............................................................................................................................

Elektrisches Heizkissen ...........................................................................................................

Das Bett befand sich in unmittelbarer Nähe einer eingeschalteten Heizung .......................

Wärmestrahler ..........................................................................................................................

Andere Formen direkter Wärme ..............................................................................................

Wenn ja, welche?



46 Wenn Ihr Kind während des Schlafens verstorben ist, wie weit war es da mit dem Bettzeug zugedeckt, als Sie es tot auffanden?

Der Kopf war total überdeckt ...................................................................................................

Der Körper war bedeckt, der Kopf aber frei .............................................................................

Es war gar nicht bedeckt ..........................................................................................................

Weiß nicht .................................................................................................................................

Page A-90


Angaben zu den Eltern

Die folgenden Fragen betreffen die Beschreibung der Lebenssituation des Kindes.

Mit der Rubrik „Mutter“ und „Vater“ sind jetzt auch diejenigen Personen gemeint, die möglicherweise für das Kind diese Funktion übernommen haben, wie z. B. der Lebens-partner der Mutter (für „Vater“) oder die Lebenspartnerin des Vaters (für „Mutter“) oder sonstige Personen, falls das Kind nicht bei den leiblichen Eltern gelebt hat.

47 Rauchen Sie zurzeit? Bitte für beide Elternteile angeben!

Mutter Vater

Ja, täglich über 20 Zigaretten ................................................... ..............................

Ja, täglich bis zu 20 Zigaretten ................................................ ..............................

Ja, aber nicht täglich ................................................................. ..............................

Nein .......................................................................................... ..............................

Weiß nicht ................................................................................. ..............................

48 Welchen Schulabschluss haben Sie? Nennen Sie bitte nur den höchsten Abschluss. Bitte für beide Elternteile angeben!

Mutter Vater

Hauptschulabschluss/Volksschulabschluss ........................... ..............................

Realschulabschluss (Mittlere Reife) ........................................ ..............................

Abschluss Polytechnische Oberschule(POS, 10. Klasse) ..................................................................... ..............................

Fachhochschulreife (Abschluss einer Fachoberschule) ........................................... ..............................

Abitur (Gymnasium bzw. EOS) ................................................ ..............................

Anderer Schulabschluss ........................................................... ..............................

Schule beendet ohne Schulabschluss ..................................... ..............................

(Noch) keinen Schulabschluss ................................................ ..............................

Weiß nicht ................................................................................. ..............................

Angaben zu den Eltern

Page A-91


Angaben zu den Eltern

49 Haben Sie eine abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung? Wenn ja, welche? Nennen Sie bitte nur den höchsten Abschluss. Bitte für beide Elternteile angeben!

Mutter Vater

Lehre (berufl ich-betriebliche Ausbildung) ............................... ..............................

Berufsschule, Handelsschule(berufl ich-schulische Ausbildung) ........................................... ..............................

Fachschule (z. B. Meister-Technikerschule,Berufs- oder Fachakademie) .................................................... ..............................

Fachhochschule, Ingenieurschule ........................................... ..............................

Universität, Hochschule .......................................................... ..............................

Anderer Ausbildungsabschluss ............................................... ..............................

Kein berufl icher Abschluss(und auch nicht in der Ausbildung) ........................................ ..............................

In berufl icher Ausbildung(Auszubildender, Student) ....................................................... ..............................

Weiß nicht ................................................................................. ..............................

50 Welche der folgenden Angaben trifft auf Sie zu?

Mutter Vater

Zurzeit ...

... nicht berufstätig (Rentner, Student usw.) ........................... ..............................

... arbeitslos .............................................................................. ..............................

... vorübergehende Freistellung (z. B. Erziehungsurlaub) ...... ..............................

... Teilzeit oder stundenweise berufstätig ................................ ..............................

... voll berufstätig ...................................................................... ..............................

... Auszubildender (z. B. Lehrling) ........................................... ..............................

Weiß nicht ................................................................................. ..............................

Page A-92


Angaben zu den Eltern

51 Wie hoch ist Ihr durchschnittliches monatliches Haushaltseinkommen, d. h. das Nettoeinkommen, das alle Haushaltsmitglieder zusammen nach Abzug von Steuern und Sozialabgaben haben? (Einschließlich Erziehungs- und Kindergeld)

Unter 500 € ...............................................................................................................................

500 bis unter 1.000 € ...............................................................................................................

1.000 bis unter 2.000 € ............................................................................................................

2.000 bis unter 4.000 € ............................................................................................................

4.000 € und mehr .....................................................................................................................

Weiß nicht .................................................................................................................................

Vielen Dank, Sie haben unsere Fragen jetzt beantwortet.

Gibt es vielleicht noch etwas, das Sie uns gerne mitteilen möchten?









Vielen Dank für die Beantwortung der Fragen!

Bitte prüfen Sie Ihre Angaben noch einmal auf Vollständigkeit.

Bitte senden Sie dann den Fragebogen zusammen mit dem

3 Impfbuch (oder einer Kopie davon) und dem

3 Kinderuntersuchungsheft/Vorsorgeheft (oder einer Kopie davon)

im beiliegenden Freiumschlag portofrei an:

Klinik für Allgemeine Pädiatrie und Neonatologie

PD Dr. Klaus Mohnike

Emanuel-Larisch-Weg 17 – 19

39112 Magdeburg

Wir übersenden Ihnen Ihre Originale umgehend zurück!

Page A-93


Herausgeber: Robert Koch-Institut, Nordufer 20, 13353 Berlin

Gestaltung und Satz: da vinci design GmbH, Albrechtstraße 13, 10117 Berlin


Fotonachweis: Hans-Günter Bredow

© Berlin, 2005

Nachdruck, auch auszugsweise, nur mit schriftlicher Genehmigung des Herausgebers.

Page A-94

Physicians’ questionnaire

Page A-95

Page A-96

Studie über Todesfälle im 2. bis 24. Lebensmonat- Fragebogen für den Arzt - Seite 1 von 20 Patientencode: ⏐___⏐___⏐ - ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Ländercode Patientennummer

Studie über Todesfälle bei Kindern im

2. bis 24. Lebensmonat

Arztfragebogen Bitte dieses Deckblatt vor Rücksendung abtrennen und zu Ihren Akten


Geplant ist jeweils ein individueller Ausdruck des Fragebogens mit der Angabe von

Fallnummer ⏐__⏐__⏐__⏐__⏐__⏐__⏐ Name, _____________________ ___________________________________- Vorname Nachname Geburtsdatum, ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐__⏐__⏐ T T M M J J J J Geschlecht ⏐__⏐ Todesdatum ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐__⏐__⏐ T T M M J J J J

Zusätzlich wird das Todesdatum an den erforderlichen Stellen im Text eingefügt.

Page A-97

Sehr geehrte Frau Kollegin, sehr geehrter Herr Kollege, wir bitten Sie, an ei ner Studie zur Klärung medizinischer Hintergründe von plötzlichen Todesfällen bei Säuglingen und Kleinkindern im Alter bis zu 2 Jahren teilzunehmen. Diese Studie ist dringend notwe ndig um zu unt ersuchen, ob ei n Zusammenhang zwischen bestimmten Impfungen und pl ötzlichen Todesfällen besteht. Der Wert und die Aussagekraft dieser Studie hängen wesentlich von der vollständigen Erfassung der Fälle und der zugehörigen Informationen ab. Die Angaben werden den datenschutzrechtlichen Bestimmungen entsprechend pseudonymisiert ausgewertet. Wir danken Ihnen sehr für Ihre Bereitschaft, mit Ihrer Zeit und Arbeitskraft zur Klärung der Fragen beizutragen! Als Aufwandsentschädigung können wir Ihne n einen Betrag von 30 Euro anbieten. Bitte geben Sie dafür au f der letzten Seite des Fragebogens Ihre Kontoverbindung an. Bei Rückfragen können Sie sich an die folgende Kontaktadresse wenden:

Klinik für Allgemeine Pädiatrie und

Neonatologie PD Dr. Klaus Mohnike

Emanuel-Larisch-Weg 17 - 19 39112 Magdeburg

Tel.: 03 91/67-1 71 01 Fax: 03 91/67-1 71 05

Page A-98

Studie über Todesfälle im 2. bis 24. Lebensmonat- Fragebogen für den Arzt - Seite 3 von 20 Patientencode: ⏐___⏐___⏐ - ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Ländercode Patientennummer

1. Wie oft war das Kind in Ihrer Sprechstunde? (von Geburt bis zum Zeitpunkt des Todes,

am ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.)

Anzahl ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ davon Vorsorgeuntersuchungen ⏐___⏐___⏐

2. Hatte das Kind jemals folgende Krankheit?

Ja Nein unbekannt

Störungen in der Neugeborenenperiode?

Früh- oder Mangelgeburt


Behandlungspflichtige Hyperbilirubinämie

Andere schwerwiegende Störungen (z.B. Krämpfe, Sepsis,

intrauterin/perinatal erworbene Infektionen...)

Sonstige wenn ja, welche? ................................................................


Angeborenen Stoffwechsel-Störungen? wenn ja, welche?


................................................................ Endokrine Störungen, Vitaminosen? wenn ja, welche? ................................................................ ................................................................

Page A-99

Studie über Todesfälle im 2. bis 24. Lebensmonat- Fragebogen für den Arzt - Seite 4 von 20 Patientencode: ⏐___⏐___⏐ - ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Ländercode Patientennummer

Fortsetzung Frage 2: Hatte das Kind jemals folgende Krankheit?

Ja Nein unbekannt

Blutkrankheiten? wenn ja, welche? ................................................................ ................................................................ Entwicklungs- und Verhaltensstörungen?

Somatische Entwicklungsstörungen

Kognitiver Entwicklungsrückstand

Störungen der motorischen Entwicklung


wenn ja, welche? ................................................................


Erkrankungen oder Fehlbildungen des Nervensystems?

cerebrale Bewegungsstörungen

Fehlbildungen des ZNS (z.B. Spina bifida)



wenn ja, welche? ................................................................


Page A-100

Studie über Todesfälle im 2. bis 24. Lebensmonat- Fragebogen für den Arzt - Seite 5 von 20 Patientencode: ⏐___⏐___⏐ - ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Ländercode Patientennummer

Fortsetzung Frage 2: Hatte das Kind jemals folgende Krankheit?

Ja Nein unbekannt Erkrankungen oder Fehlbildungen der Sinnesorgane?

wenn ja, welche? ................................................................ ................................................................ Erkrankungen oder Fehlbildungen von Kiefer und Mundhöhle?

wenn ja, welche? ................................................................ ................................................................ Erkrankungen oder Fehlbildungen des Herzens oder der herznahen Gefäße? wenn ja, welche? ................................................................ ................................................................ Erkrankungen oder Fehlbildungen der Atmungsorgane? wenn ja, welche? ................................................................ ................................................................ Erkrankungen oder Fehlbildungen der Verdauungsorgane? wenn ja, welche? ................................................................ ................................................................ Erkrankungen oder Fehlbildungen der Nieren und Harnwege? wenn ja, welche? ................................................................ ................................................................

Page A-101

Studie über Todesfälle im 2. bis 24. Lebensmonat- Fragebogen für den Arzt - Seite 6 von 20 Patientencode: ⏐___⏐___⏐ - ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Ländercode Patientennummer

Fortsetzung Frage 2: Hatte das Kind jemals folgende Krankheit? Ja Nein unbekannt Erkrankungen oder Fehlbildungen von Skelett oder Muskulatur?

wenn ja, welche? ................................................................ ................................................................ Erkrankungen oder Fehlbildungen der Haut?

wenn ja, welche? ................................................................ ................................................................ Multiple Fehlbildungen, einschließlich chromosomaler Aberrationen (z.B. Trisomie 21)?

wenn ja, welche? ................................................................ ................................................................

Malignom? wenn ja, welches?

................................................................ ................................................................ Sonstige schwere Erkrankungen?

wenn ja, welche? ................................................................ ................................................................

Page A-102

Studie über Todesfälle im 2. bis 24. Lebensmonat- Fragebogen für den Arzt - Seite 7 von 20 Patientencode: ⏐___⏐___⏐ - ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Ländercode Patientennummer

3. Erhielt das Kind wegen dieser oder anderer schweren Erkrankungen Arzneimittel?

Ja Nein unbekannt Wenn ja, welche? Chemotherapeutika Kortisonhaltige Arzneimittel Blut- oder Blutbestandteile


Wenn ja, welche? (Bitte geben Sie auch die Dosierung an)





4. Hatte das Kind Ihrer Kenntnis nach vor seinem Tod jemals ein ‚ALTE‘ (Apparent

Life-Threatening Event), ‚ALE‘ (Anscheinend Lebensbedrohliches Ereignis) oder

auch ‚Near SIDS‘?

Ja Nein unbekannt

Wenn ja, wann?





Page A-103

Studie über Todesfälle im 2. bis 24. Lebensmonat- Fragebogen für den Arzt - Seite 8 von 20 Patientencode: ⏐___⏐___⏐ - ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Ländercode Patientennummer

5. A) Bitte geben Sie alle Konsultationen an, die Sie bei dem Kind in den dem Todeszeitpunkt vorangehenden vier Wochen (in

der Zeit vom ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ bis zum ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐) durchgeführt haben. Berücksichtigen Sie hier-

bei bitte auch Hausbesuche oder Telefonkontakte mit den Eltern.

Welche Diagnose oder Verdachtsdiagnose wurde gestellt? (Bitte geben Sie Ihre – auch vorläufige – Diagnose in Blockschrift an.)

Datum Kind Telefon. T T M M J J (Verdachts-)Diagnose untersucht Beratung Impfung Vorsorge

⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ______________________________________________________

⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ______________________________________________________

⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ______________________________________________________

⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ______________________________________________________

⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ______________________________________________________

⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ______________________________________________________

⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ______________________________________________________

⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ______________________________________________________

⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ______________________________________________________

⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ______________________________________________________

⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ______________________________________________________

⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ______________________________________________________

Page A-104

Studie über Todesfälle im 2. bis 24. Lebensmonat - Fragebogen für den Arzt - Seite 9 von 20 Patientencode: ⏐___⏐___⏐ - ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Ländercode Patientennummer

Patienteninitialen: ⏐___⏐___⏐ V N

B) Welche Diagnostik wurde in diesen letzten vier Wochen durchgeführt?

laborchemisch apparativ keine

Wenn apparative Diagnostik durchgeführt wurde, welche?

Ultraschall: Kopf Hüfte Herz Niere Oberbauch

Röntgen: Kopf Hüfte Skelett Lunge Oberbauch

MRT: Kopf Hüfte Skelett Niere Oberbauch

CT: Kopf Hüfte Skelett Lunge Oberbauch



Sonstige, bitte spezifizieren

Bitte fügen Sie Kopien der Befunde bei. Falls keine Kopien verfügbar sind, geben Sie bitte wichtige Befunde mit Datum der Er-hebung und Ergebnis an. Sollte der Platz nicht ausreichend sein, führen Sie bitte die Er-läuterungen auf einem separaten Blatt fort.














Page A-105

Studie über Todesfälle im 2. bis 24. Lebensmonat - Fragebogen für den Arzt - Seite 10 von 20 Patientencode: ⏐___⏐___⏐ - ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Ländercode Patientennummer

Patienteninitialen: ⏐___⏐___⏐ V N

C) Welche Therapien wurden in diesen letzten vier Wochen durchgeführt?

Medikamente (Bitte füllen Sie das Formular „Medikation des Kindes S.18“ aus!)




Sonstige, bitte spezifizieren





6. Wurde das Kind jemals von Ihnen geimpft? Ja Nein

↓ weiter mit Frage 13

7. Wann haben Sie die letzte Impfung bei dem Kind durchgeführt?

Datum ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐

8. Wurde das Kind vor dieser letzten Impfung körperlich untersucht? Ja Nein 9. War das Kind zu diesem Zeitpunkt der letzten Impfung völlig frei von Zeichen einer

Infektion oder Erkrankung?

Ja Nein Unsicher

Wenn nein, welche Symptome haben Sie festgestellt?



10. Wurde im Zusammenhang mit dieser letzten Impfung ein Arzneimittel (z.B. Parace-tamol) verordnet? (Wenn ja, bitte füllen Sie das Formular „Medikation des Kindes im Zusammenhang mit der letzten Impfung S.19“ aus Ja Nein Unbekannt

Page A-106

Studie über Todesfälle im 2. bis 24. Lebensmonat - Fragebogen für den Arzt - Seite 11 von 20 Patientencode: ⏐___⏐___⏐ - ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Ländercode Patientennummer

Patienteninitialen: ⏐___⏐___⏐ V N

11. Bitte dokumentieren Sie jetzt (so genau und vollständig wie möglich) die bei dem Kind jemals durchgeführten Impfungen! 1. Impfdatum: Grundimmun- Wiederholungs- Impfung gut isierung impfung vertragen?

T T M M J J Impfpräparat (Handelsname) Chargennummer 1. 2. 3. Ja Nein* 1.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ___________________________ ____________

Applikationsart: intramuskulär subkutan Applikationsort: Oberschenkel Oberarm glutäal 2. Impfdatum: Grundimmun- Wiederholungs- Impfung gut isierung impfung vertragen?

T T M M J J Impfpräparat (Handelsname) Chargennummer 1. 2. 3. Ja Nein* 2.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ___________________________ ____________

Applikationsart: intramuskulär subkutan Applikationsort: Oberschenkel Oberarm glutäal 3. Impfdatum: Grundimmun- Wiederholungs- Impfung gut isierung impfung vertragen?

T T M M J J Impfpräparat (Handelsname) Chargennummer 1. 2. 3. Ja Nein* 3.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ___________________________ ____________

Applikationsart: intramuskulär subkutan Applikationsort: Oberschenkel Oberarm glutäal * Wenn nein, bitte spezifizieren Sie die Nebenwirkungen unter Nr.12.

Page A-107

Studie über Todesfälle im 2. bis 24. Lebensmonat - Fragebogen für den Arzt - Seite 12 von 20 Patientencode: ⏐___⏐___⏐ - ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Ländercode Patientennummer

Patienteninitialen: ⏐___⏐___⏐ V N

Fortsetzung Frage 11: Bitte dokumentieren Sie jetzt (so genau und vollständig wie möglich) die bei dem Kind jemals durchge-führten Impfungen! 4. Impfdatum: Grundimmun- Wiederholungs- Impfung gut isierung impfung vertragen?

T T M M J J Impfpräparat (Handelsname) Chargennummer 1. 2. 3. Ja Nein* 4.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ___________________________ ____________

Applikationsart: intramuskulär subkutan Applikationsort: Oberschenkel Oberarm glutäal 5. Impfdatum: Grundimmun- Wiederholungs- Impfung gut isierung impfung vertragen?

T T M M J J Impfpräparat (Handelsname) Chargennummer 1. 2. 3. Ja Nein* 5.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ___________________________ ____________

Applikationsart: intramuskulär subkutan Applikationsort: Oberschenkel Oberarm glutäal 6. Impfdatum: Grundimmun- Wiederholungs- Impfung gut isierung impfung vertragen?

T T M M J J Impfpräparat (Handelsname) Chargennummer 1. 2. 3. Ja Nein* 6.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ___________________________ ____________

Applikationsart: intramuskulär subkutan Applikationsort: Oberschenkel Oberarm glutäal * Wenn nein, bitte spezifizieren Sie die Nebenwirkungen unter Nr.12.

Page A-108

Studie über Todesfälle im 2. bis 24. Lebensmonat - Fragebogen für den Arzt - Seite 13 von 20 Patientencode: ⏐___⏐___⏐ - ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Ländercode Patientennummer

Patienteninitialen: ⏐___⏐___⏐ V N

Fortsetzung Frage 11: Bitte dokumentieren Sie jetzt (so genau und vollständig wie möglich) die bei dem Kind jemals durchge-führten Impfungen! 7. Impfdatum: Grundimmun- Wiederholungs- Impfung gut isierung impfung vertragen?

T T M M J J Impfpräparat (Handelsname) Chargennummer 1. 2. 3. Ja Nein* 7.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ___________________________ ____________

Applikationsart: intramuskulär subkutan Applikationsort: Oberschenkel Oberarm glutäal 8. Impfdatum: Grundimmun- Wiederholungs- Impfung gut isierung impfung vertragen?

T T M M J J Impfpräparat (Handelsname) Chargennummer 1. 2. 3. Ja Nein* 8.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ___________________________ ____________

Applikationsart: intramuskulär subkutan Applikationsort: Oberschenkel Oberarm glutäal 9. Impfdatum: Grundimmun- Wiederholungs- Impfung gut isierung impfung vertragen?

T T M M J J Impfpräparat (Handelsname) Chargennummer 1. 2. 3. Ja Nein* 9.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ___________________________ ____________ Applikationsart: intramuskulär subkutan Applikationsort: Oberschenkel Oberarm glutäal * Wenn nein, bitte spezifizieren Sie die Nebenwirkungen unter Nr.12.

Page A-109

Studie über Todesfälle im 2. bis 24. Lebensmonat - Fragebogen für den Arzt - Seite 14 von 20 Patientencode: ⏐___⏐___⏐ - ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Ländercode Patientennummer

Patienteninitialen: ⏐___⏐___⏐ V N

Fortsetzung Frage 11: Bitte dokumentieren Sie jetzt (so genau und vollständig wie möglich) die bei dem Kind jemals durchge-führten Impfungen! 10. Impfdatum: Grundimmun- Wiederholungs- Impfung gut isierung impfung vertragen? T T M M J J Impfpräparat (Handelsname) Chargennummer 1. 2. 3. Ja Nein* 10.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ___________________________ ____________

Applikationsart: intramuskulär subkutan Applikationsort: Oberschenkel Oberarm glutäal 11. Impfdatum: Grundimmun- Wiederholungs- Impfung gut isierung impfung vertragen?

T T M M J J Impfpräparat (Handelsname) Chargennummer 1. 2. 3. Ja Nein* 11.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ___________________________ ____________

Applikationsart: intramuskulär subkutan Applikationsort: Oberschenkel Oberarm glutäal 12. Impfdatum: Grundimmun- Wiederholungs- Impfung gut isierung impfung vertragen?

T T M M J J Impfpräparat (Handelsname) Chargennummer 1. 2. 3. Ja Nein* 12.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ___________________________ ____________ Applikationsart: intramuskulär subkutan Applikationsort: Oberschenkel Oberarm glutäal * Wenn nein, bitte spezifizieren Sie die Nebenwirkungen unter Nr.12.

Page A-110

Studie über Todesfälle im 2. bis 24. Lebensmonat - Fragebogen für den Arzt - Seite 15 von 20 Patientencode: ⏐___⏐___⏐ - ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Ländercode Patientennummer

Patienteninitialen: ⏐___⏐___⏐ V N

12. Bitte beschreiben Sie hier Nebenwirkungen, die nach den unter 10. dokumentierten Impfungen aufgetreten sind:

Bei Impfung Nr. ⏐__⏐__⏐ sind aufgetreten:.............................................................................................................................

Beginn der Symptome⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ War die Impfreaktion lebensbedrohlich? Ja Nein

War eine ambulante Behandlung notwendig? Ja * Nein

War eine stationäre Behandlung notwendig? Ja* Nein

Bei Impfung Nr. ⏐__⏐__⏐ sind aufgetreten:.............................................................................................................................

Beginn der Symptome⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ War die Impfreaktion lebensbedrohlich? Ja Nein

War eine ambulante Behandlung notwendig? Ja * Nein

War eine stationäre Behandlung notwendig? Ja* Nein

Bei Impfung Nr. ⏐__⏐__⏐ sind aufgetreten:.............................................................................................................................

Beginn der Symptome⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ War die Impfreaktion lebensbedrohlich? Ja Nein

War eine ambulante Behandlung notwendig? Ja * Nein

War eine stationäre Behandlung notwendig? Ja* Nein

* Wenn ja, fügen Sie bitte ggf. Kopien der Befunde von abklärenden Untersuchungen bei.

Page A-111

Studie über Todesfälle im 2. bis 24. Lebensmonat - Fragebogen für den Arzt - Seite 16 von 20 Patientencode: ⏐___⏐___⏐ - ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Ländercode Patientennummer

Patienteninitialen: ⏐___⏐___⏐ V N

Fortsetzung Frage 12: Beschreibung von Nebenwirkungen, die nach den unter 10. dokumentierten Impfungen aufgetreten sind:

Bei Impfung Nr. ⏐__⏐__⏐ sind aufgetreten:.............................................................................................................................

Beginn der Symptome⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ War die Impfreaktion lebensbedrohlich? Ja Nein

War eine ambulante Behandlung notwendig? Ja * Nein

War eine stationäre Behandlung notwendig? Ja* Nein

Bei Impfung Nr. ⏐__⏐__⏐ sind aufgetreten:.............................................................................................................................

Beginn der Symptome⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ War die Impfreaktion lebensbedrohlich? Ja Nein

War eine ambulante Behandlung notwendig? Ja * Nein

War eine stationäre Behandlung notwendig? Ja* Nein

Bei Impfung Nr. ⏐__⏐__⏐ sind aufgetreten:.............................................................................................................................

Beginn der Symptome⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ War die Impfreaktion lebensbedrohlich? Ja Nein

War eine ambulante Behandlung notwendig? Ja * Nein

War eine stationäre Behandlung notwendig? Ja* Nein

* Wenn ja, fügen Sie bitte ggf. Kopien der Befunde von abklärenden Untersuchungen bei. Sollten bei mehr als sechs Impfungen Nebenwirkungen aufgetreten sein, vermerken Sie diese bitte auf einem zusätzlichen Blatt

Page A-112

Studie über Todesfälle im 2. bis 24. Lebensmonat- Fragebogen für den Arzt - Seite 18 von 20 Patientencode: ⏐___⏐___⏐ - ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Ländercode Patientennummer

Patienteninitialen: ⏐___⏐___⏐ V N

Zusatzfragebogen zu Frage 5 c) „Medikation des Kindes in den letzten vier Wochen vor seinem Tod“

Handelsname/Name der Generika

Dosierung Start Tag/Monat/Jahr

Ende Tag/Monat/Jahr

Beispiel AMOXICILLIN 4 x 100 mg/Tag p.o 30.03.04 10.04.04

1. ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐

2. ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐

3. ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐

4. ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐

5. ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐

6. ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐

7. ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐

8. ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐

9. ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐

10. ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐

11. ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐

12. ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐

13. ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐

14. ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐

15. ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐

16. ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐

17. ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐

18. ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐

19. ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐

Page A-113

Studie über Todesfälle im 2. bis 24. Lebensmonat- Fragebogen für den Arzt - Seite 19 von 20 Patientencode: ⏐___⏐___⏐ - ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Ländercode Patientennummer

Patienteninitialen: ⏐___⏐___⏐ V N

Zusatzfragebogen zu Frage 10) „Medikation des Kindes im Zusammenhang mit der letzten Impfung“

Handelsname/Name der Generika

Dosierung Start Tag/Monat/Jahr

Ende Tag/Monat/Jahr

Beispiel Paracetamol 250 mg Supp.am Abend des Impftages

30.03.04 30.03.04

1. ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐

2. ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐

3. ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐

4. ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐

5. ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐ ⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐.⏐__⏐__⏐

Page A-114

Studie über Todesfälle im 2. bis 24. Lebensmonat- Fragebogen für den Arzt - Seite 1 von 1 Patientencode: ⏐___⏐___⏐ - ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Ländercode Patientennummer

Patienteninitialen: ⏐___⏐___⏐ V N

Vielen Dank für Ihre Mitarbeit, Sie haben unsere Fragen jetzt beantwortet. Gibt es vielleicht noch etwas, das Sie uns gerne mitteilen möchten? ......................................................................................................................................




Bitte überprüfen Sie den Fragebogen nochmals auf Vollständigkeit und senden ihn dann im beiliegenden Freiumschlag an:

Klinik für Allgemeine Pädiatrie und

Neonatologie PD Dr. Klaus Mohnike

Emanuel-Larisch-Weg 17 - 19 39112 Magdeburg

Für die Überweisung der Aufwandsentschädigung bitten wir um die Angabe Ihrer Bankverbindung. Dieser Abschnitt wird von uns vom Fragebogen

abgetrennt und vom Robert Koch-Institut nach der Überweisung vernichtet:

∀ ∀ ∀ ∀ ∀ ∀ ∀ ∀ Name Kontoinhaber/in: Geldinstitut: Bankleitzahl: ⏐__⏐__⏐__⏐__⏐__⏐__⏐__⏐__⏐ Kontonummer: ⏐__⏐__⏐__⏐__⏐__⏐__⏐__⏐__⏐__⏐__⏐

Page A-115

Page A-116

Non-responder questionnaire - cases -

Page A-117

Page A-118

Robert Koch-Institut | Seestraße 10 | 13353 Berlin


Kurzfragebogen-Studie über Todesfälle bei Kindern im 2. – 24. Lebensmonat

Gesundheitsamt (Stempel):

1. Aus welchen Gründen möchten bzw. können Sie an der Studie nicht teilnehmen?

(Mehrfachantworten möglich)

Nehme grundsätzlich nicht an Studien teil ........

Sehe für mich keinen Nutzen ..............................

Thema belastet mich seelisch zu sehr.................

Aus zeitlichen Gründen .......................................

Sonstige Gründe, ....................................................

und zwar (bitte eintragen!): _________________________________________

2. Welches Geschlecht hatte Ihr verstorbenes Kind? Junge ... Mädchen ...

3. Bei wem lebte Ihr verstorbenes Kind hauptsächlich? (Hier bitte nur ein Kreuz machen!)

Leibliche Eltern ....................................

Mutter und ihrem Partner ....................

Vater und seiner Partnerin ..................

Mutter ..................................................

Vater ....................................................

Großeltern oder anderen Verwandten .

Pflegeeltern/Adoptiveltern ...................

In einem Heim .....................................

4. Wer beantwortet diesen Kurzfragebogen?

Mutter ............. Lebenspartner der Mutter ....

Vater ................ Lebenspartnerin des Vaters .

Sonstige Person ...

5. Wie alt sind Sie? (Bitte für beide angeben)

Mutter... (Jahre) Vater... (Jahre)

6. Rauchen Sie zurzeit? (Bitte für beide angeben)

Mutter: Ja ... Nein ... Vater: Ja ... Nein ...

Laufende Nummer des Falls im Gesundheitsamt

Page A-119


7. Wieviel Stunden (oder Tage) vor seinem Tod wurde Ihr Kind das letzte Mal geimpft?

Stunden wenn nicht bekannt oder länger her als 3 Tage: Tage

8. Wogegen wurde Ihr Kind vor seinem Tod das letzte Mal geimpft?

Mein Kind war noch nie geimpft worden

5-fach Impfung ....................................... welches Impfpräparat?____________________

6-fach Impfung ....................................... welches Impfpräparat?____________________

Masern, Mumps, Röteln .………………….. welches Impfpräparat?____________________

Windpocken …………………………………….. welches Impfpräparat?____________________

Sonstige Impfung ...................

und zwar (bitte eintragen!):


9. Welche Staatsangehörigkeit haben Sie?

Mutter: deutsch .... andere ... welche? __________________________

Vater: deutsch .... andere ... welche? __________________________

10. Welchen Schulabschluss haben Sie?

(Wenn Sie mehrere Abschlüsse haben, nennen Sie bitte nur den höchsten!)

Mutter Vater

Hauptschulabschluss / Volksschulabschluss ................................. ....................

Realschulabschluss (Mittlere Reife) ............................................... ....................

Abschluss Polytechnische Oberschule (POS) 10.Klasse ............... ....................

Fachhochschulreife (Abschluss Fachoberschule) .......................... ....................

Abitur (Gymnasium bzw. EOS) ....................................................... ....................

Anderer Schulabschluss ................................................................. ....................

Schule beendet ohne Schulabschluss ............................................ ....................

(Noch) keinen Schulabschluss ........................................................ ...................

11. Welche der folgenden Angaben zur Berufstätigkeit trifft auf Sie zu?

Mutter Vater

Zurzeit nicht berufstätig (Rentner, Student usw.) ............................. ....................

Arbeitslos ......................................................................................... .................... Vorübergehende Freistellung (z.B. Erziehungsurlaub) .................... ....................

Teilzeit oder stundenweise berufstätig ............................................. ....................

Voll berufstätig ................................................................................. ....................

Auszubildender (z.B. Lehrling) ......................................................... ....................

Vielen Dank für Ihre Mitarbeit!

Page A-120

Standardized autopsy protocol (SAP)

Page A-121

Page A-122


Anlage 3 –Standardautopsieprotokoll I. Standardautopsieprotokoll

bitte diese Seite vor Obduktion als Fallmeldebogen per Fax oder e-mailan Studienzentrale versenden:

Fax-Nr.: e-mail:

Name des Säuglings:

Rechtsmedizinisches Institut






Name des Rechtsmediziners

Wohnort und Adresse

Telefon-Nr. der Eltern

durch Staatsanwaltschaft angeordnet Ja / Nein

hat der StA Bedenken gegen weitere

Studienteilnahme? Ja / Nein

Sterbedatum und Uhrzeit

Datum: __.__.__ Uhrzeit: __.__ Uhr

Einverständnis der Eltern zur Sektion Ja / Nein

Einverständnis zur weiteren Studienteilnahme

liegt bereits vor Ja / Nein

Autopsiedatum und Uhrzeit

Datum: __.__.__ Uhrzeit: __.__ Uhr

Fallnummer der Studie

(wird durch Studienzentrale vergeben!)

Mikrobiologie Ja / Nein Stoffwechselscreening Ja /


Virologie Ja / Nein

Toxikologie Ja / Nein Neuropathologie Ja /


Page A-123


Institut _____________________Sektionsnummer:_________________________



Mikrobiologie Datum/Uhrzeit


Mittelohr re./li.





Pilze, wenn erforderlich



gesamtes Skelett

spezifische Veränderungen

Frakturen Pneumothorax

Hämatome Hyperostosen

Epiphysiolysen sonstiges

äußere Besichtigung

Geschlecht männlich weiblich


fehlend beginnend

komplett gelöst


fehlend beginnend

konfluierend komplett


Rektaltemperatur °C

Maße und Gewichte

Körpergewicht g

Körperlänge cm

Kopfumfang cm

Brustumfang (in Mamillenhöhe) cm

Ernährungszustand reduziert normal adipös

Page A-124




Reanimationszeichen Injektionen HDM

Intubation Elektrodenmarken






Impfstelle erkennbar

Falls Impfstelle erkennbar, wo und welcher Befund?

Turgor: Verstreichen der angehobenen Hautfalte sec.




braun blau grün

grau mehrfarbig


rechts mm

links mm


Stellung der Bulbi abnorm


Konjuktiven Punktblutugen



sonstige Auffälligkeiten:

Page A-125





tiefer Ohransatz

Fremdinhalt im Gehörgang

sonstige Auffälligkleiten




Atresie der Choanen rechts


sonstige Auffälligkeiten:



Lippenbändchen abnorm

Zahnstatus (vorhandene Zähne

bitte markieren) Oberkiefer:


rechts / links

55� 54� 53� 52� 51� / 61� 62� 63� 64� 65�

85� 84� 83� 82� 81� / 71� 72� 73� 74� 75�


Position zwischen Kiefern

hinter Kiefern

gegen Gaumen gedrückt


Frenulum abnorm

sonstige Auffälligkeiten

Page A-126





hoher Bogen


sonstige Auffälligkeiten



sonstige Auffälligkeiten




sonstige Auffälligkeiten




Brustkorb symmetrisch

Page A-127




sonstige Auffälligkeiten





Nabel abnorm


sonstige Auffälligkeiten

äußeres Genitale


Descensus abgeschlossen rechts





Verletzungen der Labien

Hymen intakt

Ostium vaginae




Page A-128








sonstige Auffälligkeiten

innere Besichtigung

Dicke der Subcutis 1 cm unterhalb des Nabels cm


Situs inversus

Zwerchfellstand rechts



Pneumothorax rechts


Flüssigkeit rechts ml

links ml



Flüssigkeit ml

sonstige Auffälligkeiten:

Page A-129





Flüssigkeit ml






sonstige Auffälligkeiten


keine wenige mittel massenhaft

parietale Pleura rechts


viscerale Pleura rechts





parietales Peritoneum

viscerales Peritoneum

Page A-130


Obstruktion der Luftwege JA NEIN Keine











Blutung in den Halsweichteilen


Gefäß-Nervenstrang re./li.

untere Zungenbeinmuskeln








Rinnenstellung der Epiglottis




Page A-131





Gewicht g


sonstige Auffälligkeiten:



Obstruktion durch Schleim














Lappung normal



Ödem gering mittel stark




Page A-132







sonstige Auffälligkeiten


unterblutete Frakturen


normale Konfiguration

Diaphragma abnorm


Herzmasse (mit großen Gefäßen) g

Dicke des linken Ventrikels maximal cm

Dicke des rechten Ventrikels maximal cm

Dicke des Septums maximal cm

Mitralklappenumfang cm

Aortenklappenumfang cm

Trikuspidalklappenumfang cm

Pulmonalklappenumfang cm



Page A-133







sonstige Auffälligkeiten

Einengung der Einfluß-/Ausflußbahn



regelrecht angelegt



Aortenbogen regelrecht


Ductus arteriosus geschlossen

Leichenblut flüssig geronnen






normale Lage ZVK


sonstige Auffälligkeiten

Page A-134







sonstige Auffälligkeiten


Schleinhaut regelrecht



Menge ml




Schleimhaut regelrecht


sonstige Auffälligkeiten

Ileum, Jejunum






Page A-135





Schleimhaut regelrecht



Beschaffenheit des Inhalts


Mesenterium regelrecht


Gewicht g

regelrecht gelappt



sonstige Auffälligkeiten

Gallenbalse abnorm

äußere Gallengänge

regelrecht Ektasie Stenose

Pankreas regelrecht

Milz regelrecht

Gewicht g

Nieren regelrecht

Gewicht (mit Faserkapsel, ohne Ureter)





Page A-136




foetale Lappung




sonstige Auffälligkeiten

Ureter regelrecht



sonstige Auffälligkeiten


Schleimhaut regelrecht


Inhalt (Volumen) ml

Glukose in Urin positiv (Teststreifen)

Azeton im Urin positiv (Teststreifen)

Prostata regelrecht

Uterus, Tuben, Ovarien regelrecht

After regelrecht


Schleimhautverletzungen/ - blutungen

klaffend cm

Schilddrüse regelrecht

Page A-137




Nebennieren regelrecht



Gewicht zusammen g

Hypophyse regelrecht

innere Mißbildungen:


Haarlänge cm

Galea - Kopfschwartenhämatome:


geschlossen überlappend


große Fontanelle gespannt eingesunken

Durchmesser der Fontanelle - längs - quer - schräg cm

Blutungen in der Schläfenmuskulatur

Frakturen des Schädeldaches


Falx cerebri intakt

Tentorium cerebellum intakt

Schädelbasis regelrecht konfiguriert

Frakturen Schädelbasis

Foramen magnum regelrecht

Page A-138





Schleimhaut regelrecht








Hirn (vor dem Schneiden fixieren)

Hirngewicht nativ


normale Konfiguration und Konsistenz





sonstige Auffälligkeiten


Hirnnerven regelrecht

Hirnbasisarterien zart

Page A-139





Rückenmark regelrechte Konfiguration



…sonstige Auffälligkeiten, wenn ja


Page A-140


II. Histologiebefund

L-Nummer Histologiebefund o.p.B.

1 Tons.,




2 Trachea

Gl. Thyr.,

Gl. Parath.,


3 Bifurcatio �

4 Larynx �

5 LK, cervical �

6a Lunge, ROL �

6b Lunge, RML �

6c Lunge, RUL �

6d Lunge, LOL �

6e Lunge, LUL �

7 Lunge, zentral �

8 Herz, quer �

9 Herz, längs, re. �

10 Herz, längs, li. �

11 Thymus �

12 Milz �

13 Diaphragma �

14 Speicheldrüsen, Parotis


15 Haut �

16 Pylorus


Page A-141


17 Pancreas Kopf


18 Ileum / Cäcum �

19 Colon �

20a,b Leber �

21a,b Nieren re/li �

22a,b Nebennieren re/li �

23 Hypophyse �

24 M. iliopsoas �

25 Rippe �

26 Chonchae nasales �

27 Felsenbein �

28 Impfstelle �


Page A-142

Additional investigations

Page A-143

Page A-144

Studienplan Draft - VERTRAULICH - 1


Anlage 4 -Standardautopsieprotokoll- Zusatzuntersuchungen

I Neuropathologie a) Makromorphologische Beurteilung Die makroskopische Untersuchung erfolgt im Rahmen der Obduktion sowie ergänzend durch den Neuropathologen. Ziel ist es, Erkrankungen des ZNS nachzuweisen oder auszuschließen (Todesursachendiagnostik) und eventuell Festellungen zur Bedeutung und Pathogenese des Hirnödems zu treffen.

b) Asservate

Teile des Gehirns (Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Pons, Medulla oblongata und Teile des Rückenmarks)

c) Zuschneideschema Neurohistologie 27 Cortex (different parts: Margo superior cerebralis, Insula, temporal lob, frontal lob,

Area striata, Gyrus cinguli, Corpus callosum) - HE, van Gieson

28 periventricular part of the cerebrum, left - HE, van Gieson

29 Ammon’s horn right (Corpus gen. lat.) - HE, van Gieson

30 Thalamus left - HE, van Gieson

31 Ncl. caudatus und Striatum, right (Comm. ant.) - HE, van Gieson

32 Pineal gland - HE, van Gieson

33 Hypothalamus left - HE, van Gieson

34 Midbrain, cross, van Gieson

35 Bridge - HE, van Gieson

36 Medulla including olives and pyramid - HE, van Gieson

37 Cerebellum right including dentate nucleus - HE, van Gieson

38 Medulla (C2/C3) - HE, van Gieson

39 Halsmark - HE, wenn möglich auch Thorakal- und Lendenmark, van Gieson

Zusätzliche Färbungen: - Nissl


- Heidenhain-Wölcke (Melinisierungsgrad)

- Sudan (Nachweis der interstitiellen Encephalitis, Gliazellmetamorphose - Block 34)

Page A-145

Studienplan Draft - VERTRAULICH - 2


d) Immunhistochemie

Antikörper gegen:

• GFAP (glial fibrillary acidic protein)

• MBP (myelin basic protein)

• LCA (leucocytic common antigen)

• CD 68 (microglia, monocytes, macrophages)


Prof. Dr. Oehmichen Universitätsklinikum des Landes Schleswig-Holstein Arnold-Heller-Str. 12 24105 Kiel Tel. 0431-597 36 00

II. Immunhistochemie der Lunge und des Herzens a) Ziele Nachweis bzw. Ausschluß einer Myokarditis bzw. interstitiellen/alveolären Pneumonie als und Wertung vorbestehender Erkrankungen im Hinblick auf ihre todesursächliche Relevanz.

b) Antikörper Herz: Antikörper gegen:

• CD 68 (Makrophagen)

• LCA (leucocyte common antigen)

• CD 45R0 (B-Lymphozyten)

• CD 3 (T-Lymphozyten)

• C5b-9 (Komplementkomplex als Nekrosemarker)

Lunge: Antikörper gegen:

• CD 68 (Makrophagen)

• CD 45R0 (B-Lymphozyten)

• CD 3 (T-Lymphozyten)

• MRP 14 (entzündlich aktivierte Monozyten, Makrophagen)


PD Dr. Bajanowski

Institut für Rechtsmedizin

Uniklinikum Essen-Duisburg

Hufelandstr. 55

45122 Essen

Page A-146

Studienplan Draft - VERTRAULICH - 3


III Mikrobiologie, Virologie

a) Hintergrund für die Untersuchungen

Plötzliche und unerwartete Todesfälle bei Kindern können durch Infektionen oder Entzündungsreaktionen nach Impfungen oder Infektionen verursacht sein. Für die Mehrzahl der Organe ist es jedoch unwahrscheinlich, dass eine Infektion oder Entzündungsreaktion innerhalb von sehr kurzer Zeit zum Tod führt und vor dem Tod oder bei der Obduktion keine Symptome festzustellen waren. Für Gehirn, Herz oder Lunge kann jedoch ein derart akutes Geschehen nicht ausgeschlossen werden. Das Gehirn kontrolliert sowohl die Atmung als auch andere lebenswichtige Funktionen. In einigen Fälle scheint SUD mit einem Hirnödem assoziiert gewesen zu sein. Herz und Lunge haben ebenfalls vitale Aufgaben in der Sauerstoffversorgung.

b) Mikrobiologische/virologische Untersuchungen des Respirationstraktes Multiplex PCR (Asservate: Trachealabstrich und Lungengewebe) zum Nachweis folgender Erreger:

Influenza A-virus, Influenza B-Virus, RSV, Parainfluenzavirus (PIV) 1, PIV 2, PIV 3, PIV 4, Adenovirus, Corona-virus including SARS, Enterovirus, Rhinovirus, Reovirus (types 1, 2, 3), human Metapneumovirus, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Bordetella pertussis, Bordetella parapertussis, Legionella.


Prof. Dr. Heinz-J. Schmitt

Zentrum für Präventive Pädiatrie, Labor Bau 106 Langenbeckstr. 1

55101 Mainz

c) Mikrobiologische/virologische Untersuchungen des Gehirns, Herzens und des Liquors

PCR zum Nachweis der nachfolgend aufgeführten Mikroorganismen (Einzeltestung, bei positivem Ergebnis eventuell mit Sequenzierung):


1. Medulla oblongata oder wenn vorhanden, zusätzlich von veränderten Regionen

2. Myocard, linker Ventrikel

3. Liquor

Page A-147

Studienplan Draft - VERTRAULICH - 4


Organism Comments Measles virus Important since concomitant vaccination likely and disease still

epidemic in Germany; if positive additional testing to distinguish vaccine virus from wild type virus

Mumps virus As above

Rubella virus As above

Herpes simplex virus

Varicella zoster virus*


Epstein Barr virus


Parainfluenzavirus 1*

Parainfluenzavirus 2

Parainfluenzavirus 3*

Parainfluenzavirus 4


Influenzavirus A*

Influenzavirus B*


Mycoplasma pneumoniae*

Chlamydia pneumoniae*

These organisms are part of multiplex PCR and in order to reduce costs will be tested for in Kiel from brain, CSF and myocardium

*organism previously identified in SUD cases

Page A-148

Studienplan Draft - VERTRAULICH - 5


d) Konventionelle Mikrobiologie (Bakterienkulturen) Gewebeproben (wie unter Anlage 2 III.3.a aufgelistet -) der normalerweise sterilen Organe werden zur Anzüchtung von Bakterien kultiviert.

• Blutagar

• Schokoladenagar

• McConkey agar

• Sabouraud dextrose-Agar

• Thioglycolateboullion

• Brain heart infusion broth

• Schaedler-Agar für obligate anaerobe Bakterien


• zum Nachwesi TPE-Erregern in Routineagar.

• Spezieller Nachweis von Clostridien im Stuhl.

• Stuhlprobe und Serum will zum Nachweis von Clostridium botulinum Toxin.

• Nachweis von Superantigenen, falls erforderlich.

• Staph. Aureus mit Prüfung auf Toxinbildung (TSST-1, Enterotoxine)

Untersucher: Dezentrale Untersuchung in den jeweiligen Rechtsmedizinischen Instituten

IV. Immunologische Untersuchungen a) Serumfaktoren (1,5 ml Serum, tiefgefroren, -20°C) � Superantigen-Spiegel (TSST-1, SEA, SEB, SEC, Pertussistoxin) 244,80

� CH50

� C3d

� Zytokine (IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10, IL-18)

� Mastzell-Tryptase


� IgM, IgG, IgA, IgD (→ Hyper-IgM-Sysndrom, IgA-Defizienz, Hyper-IgD-Syndrom, Agammaglobulinämie)

� IgE (gesamt, spezifisch: Neomycin, Streptomycin, Polymyxin B, Tromethamol)

Für eventuell zeitversetzt durchzuführende, weitere Untersuchungen werden Probenbanken von Blut bzw. Serum angelegt.

Page A-149

Studienplan Draft - VERTRAULICH - 6


b) Untersuchung von Polymorphismen immunregulatorischer Gene (1 Stück Milz, 1:1:0,5cm, tiefgefroren, - 20°C)

• TNF-A Promotor (SNP in Pos. -238 und-308)

• IL-6 Promotor (Pos. 174 G/C)

• IL-10 Promotor (ATA/ATA Genotyp- SNPs in Pos. -1082, -819, -592)

• IL-10 Mikrosatelliten (IL-10G und IL-10R)

Molekulargenetischer Nachweis weiterer Polymorphismen

• Serotonin-Transporter (Opdal SH Pediatics 2004; 114:e506)

c) molekulargenetischer Nachweis von Immunfefekten Bare Lymphocyte Syndrome (CIITA Varianten)

Komplementdefekte C1q-Inhibitor , C2, C3, C4

V. Stoffwechselscreening Das Stoffwechselscreening erfolgt mittels Tandem-MS-Analyse.

Untersuchunghsmaterial: • zwei Tropfen Blut auf Filterpapier (kühl und trocken lagern),

• zwei Tropfen Galleflüssigkeit Filterpapier (kühl und trocken lagern).

Folgende Stoffwechselerkrankungen können nachgewiesen oder ausgeschlossen werden:

Störungen im Aminosäurestoffwechsel (Aminoazidopathien)

• Phenylketonurie

• Tyrosinämie

• Homocystinurie

• Ahornsirupkrankheit

Carnitinzyklus- und Fettsäureoxidations-Defekte

• CPT1- und CPT2-Mangel

• Carnitin-Translokase-Mangel

• MCAD-Mangel

• VLCAD-Mangel

• LCHAD-Mangel

Page A-150

Studienplan Draft - VERTRAULICH - 7


• MAD-Mangel (Glutarazidurie Typ III)

- Störungen im Stoffwechsel organischer Säuren (Organoazidämien)

• 3-MCC-Mangel

• Isovalerianazidämie

• Glutarazidurie Typ I

• Propionazidämie

• Methylmalonazidämie

• HMG-CoA-Lyase-Mangel

• b-Katecholase-mangel (3-Oxo-Thiolase-Mangel).


Labor Becker, Olgemöller & Kollegen

Führichstraße 70

81671 München

Page A-151

Page A-152

Manual related to the standardized autopsy protocol (SAP)

Page A-153

Page A-154


Anlage 5 - Manual für Standardautopsieprotokoll –

I Röntgenuntersuchung des Skeletts Übersichtsaufnahme, falls erforderlich Spezialtechniken

II Leichenöffnung Äußere Besichtigung

Innere Besichtigung

Erstellung des standardisierten Protokolls

III Asservation 1. Histologie a) 4%iges, gepuffertes Formalin, Fixierung über 24 bis maximal 48 Stunden

Zunge, Uvula, Tonsillen, Larynx, Zungenbein, Schilddrüse, Oesophagus, Trachea

Gl. submandibularis, Gl. parotis

3 Cervicale Lymphknoten

4 Lunge: je Lappen 1x (right: � 1<2<3; left: ∇ 4<5)

1 x zentraler Teil mit Bronchus (rechts)

5 Herz: Vorhof und oberer Teil der Ventrikel einschließlich Septum.

6 Thymus

7 Milz

8 Diaphragma (longitudinal)

9 Pylorus mit Duodenum

10 Pancreas, Kopf und Schwanz

11 Ileum, Zoekum, Appendix

12 Leber (beise Lappen, je 1 x)

13 Nieren (Querschnitt re., li. je 1 x)

14 Nebennieren

15 Magenschleimhaut

16 Hirnanhangdrüse

17 M. ileopsoas

18 Rippe (Knorpel-Knochen-Grenze)

19 Nasengänge, Gaumen,Siebbeinzellen

20 Teile des Gehirns (Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Pons, Medulla) und des Rückenmarks

Page A-155


21 Haut, ggf. von Impfstelle, hier auch mit Unterhautgewebe und Muskulatur

22 Felsenbein mit Anteil der Paukenhöhle

b) Tiefgefrorenes Material (Lagerung bei -20°C)

23 Bifurcatio tracheae

24a,b Lunge (je 1 x rechts, links)

25 Duodenum/jejunum (etwa 2cm)

26 höherer Teil des Gyrus frontalis, left side

27 Myocard, linker Ventrikel, 3 Proben

28 Thymus

29 Halslymphknoten

30 Milz

31 Tonsille

32 Leber

2. Neuropathologie 4%iges, gepuffertes Formalin, Fixierung über ca eine Woche

Teile des Gehirns

− Cerebrum

− Cerebellum

− Pons

− Medulla und Halsmark, wenn vorhanden auch Thorakal- und Lendenmark

3. Mikrobiologie, Virologie a.) für dezentral durchgeführte konventionelle Mikrobiologie

− 0,5ml steril entnommenes Herzblut

− Stuhlprobe für Clostridien

− Abstriche von:

− Darm

− Herzblut

− Leptomeninx

− Lunge

− Mittelohr

− Trachea

Page A-156


b.) für extern durchgeführte Zusatzuntersuchungen

(sterile Entnahme, keine Lagerung, direkter Versand bei 4-8°C an: Prof. Dr. Heinz-J. Schmitt, Zentrum Präventive Pädiatrie, Labor Bau 106, Langenbeckstr. 1, 55101 Mainz)

- Liquor

- Gewebeproben in Epi (ca. 4:4:4 mm)

- Medulla oblongata oder wenn vorhanden, zusätzlich von veränderten Regionen

- Leber

- Lunge (zentral) oder wenn vorhanden, zusätzlich von veränderten Regionen-

- Myocard, linker Ventrikel

4. Immunologie - 1,5 ml Serum (in 2 Portionen, tiefgefroren, -20° C)

- 1 Stück Milz, 1:1:0,5 cm (tiefgefroren, -20° C)

5. Toxikologie a) Körperflüssigkeiten (Lagerung bei -20°C bis zur Untersuchung vor Ort)

- Liquor (ca. 1-2ml)

- Herzblut

- Femoralvenenblut

- Urin (wenn vorhanden)

- Augenkammerwasser

- Gallenflüssigkeit

b) Gewebeproben (Lagerung in Glasgefäßen bei -20°C)

- Leber (ca. 60 g in 2 Portionen)

- Niere (ca. 10 g)

- Mageninhalt (wenn vorhanden)

- Fettgewebe (ca. 10 g)

6. Stoffwechselscreening - Zwei Tropfen Blut auf Filterpapier (kühl und trocken lagern)

- Zwei Tropfen Galleflüssigkeit auf Filterpapier (kühl und trocken lagern)

Page A-157


IV. Untersuchungen vor Ort im Institut für Rechtsmedizin 1. Histologie - Zuschneideschema und Färbungen a) tabellarisch

1 Tonsille, Uvula, Zungenrand – HE

2 Querschnitt: Gl. thyreoidea, Trachea, Oesophagus. Parathyreoidea - HE

3 Bifurcatio tracheae - HE

4 Längsschnitt: Larynx einschließlich epiglottis - HE, EvG

5 Halslymphknoten - HE

6a-e Lunge, (rechtst: � 1<2<3; links: ∇ 4<5) - HE, Alcianblau-PAS, Berliner blau

7 zentraler Lungenblock (right) - HE, Alcianblau-PAS, Berlin blau

8a,b Herz, Querschnitt Septum von vorn + Vorderwand beider Ventrikel - HE, EvG, Fett

9,10 Herz, längs durch Vorhof uns Ventrikel, beide Seiten - HE, EvG

11 Thymus - HE

12 Milz - HE, Berliner blau

13 Diaphragma (longitudinal) - HE

14 Gl. submandibularis und - parotiis - HE

15 Haut, evtl. mit Subcutis und Muskulatur - HE

16 Pylorus und Duodenum - HE

17a,b Pankreas (Kopf und Schwanz)- HE

18 Ileum, Coecum, Appendix - HE

19 Colon - HE

20a,b Leber, rechter Lappen - HE, Fett

21a,b Nieren, beide - HE, PAS

22a,b Nebennieren, beide (möglichst ohne Fettgewbe einbetten) - HE, Fett

23 Hirnanhangdrüse - HE

24a,b M. Ileopsoas (längs und quer) - HE, Fett

25 Rippe (Knorpel-Knochen-Übergang - HE, Giemsa

26 Nasengänge – HE

27 Felsenbein (incl. Mittelohr)- HE

28 Impfstelle (Haut und Stichkanal)

Page A-158


b) Zuschnitt - schematisch

Page A-159


2. Toxikologie

Nachweis von:

- Ethanol, Methanol, Azeton, iso-Propanol im Femoralvenenblut

(head-space GC, cut-off 20µg/ml)

- Co-Hb (Herzblut, photometrisch)

- Amphetamine, Cannabinoide, Kokain, Opiate (immunologisch nach Azetonextraktion aus dem Herzblut)

- General unknown Analyse zum Nachweis von Antiepileptika, Benzodiazepinen, Hypnotika, Antidepressiva, Neuroleptika, Opiaten und anderen Analgetika (Herzblut, Lebergewebe, Gc-MS)

3.) Konventionelle Mikrobiologie − 0,5ml steril entnommenes Herzblut, 0,5ml Serum

− Stuhlprobe für Clostridien

− Abstriche von:

− Darm

− Herzblut

− Leptomeninx

− Lunge

− Mittelohr

− Trachea Untersuchung unmittelbar nach der Obduktion in den Instituten für Mikrobiologie des jeweiligen Universitätsklinikums. Nachweis von:

a. Respirationstrakt, Blut, Leptomeninx

• Staphylokokken • Streptokokken • Pneumokokken • Meningokokken • Hämophilus • Bordetella • Klebsiellen • Pseudomonas • Chlamydien • Mycoplasma

Page A-160


b. Magen-Darmtrakt • Salmonellen • Shigellen • Listerien • Camphylobacter • Coli • Bacillus cereus

c. anaerobe Bakterien

• Clostridien

d. sonstige Untersuchungen wenn möglich • Candida Titer bei Hinweisen auf Pilzinfektion • eventuell Toxin-Nachweis • eventuell Nachweis von Superantigenen

V Material-/Befundversand 1. Neuropathologie Teile des Gehirns (Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Pons, Medulla) fixiert über ca. 1 Woche in 4%igem, gepufferten Formalin

Prof. Dr. Oehmichen Universitätsklinikum des Landes Schleswig Holstein Arnold-Heller-str. 12 24105 Kiel

2. Mikrobiologie, Virologie Sämtliche unter Ziffer III.3.b aufgelistete Proben (sterile Entnahme, keine Lagerung, direkter Versand bei 4-8°C)

Prof. Dr. Heinz-J. Schmitt

Zentrum für Präventive Pädiatrie, Labor Bau 106 Langenbeckstr. 1

55101 Mainz

3. Immunologie (tiefgefroren, -20° C) • 1,5 ml Serum

• 1 Stück Milz, 1:1:0,5 cm

Prof. Dr. H. Grosse-Wilde

Institut für Immunologie Universitätsklinikum Essen-Duisburg Hufelandstr. 55 45122 Essen

Page A-161


4. Stoffwechselscreening

• zwei Tropfen Blut auf Filterpaier

• zwei Tropfen Galleflüssigkeit auf Filterpapier

Labor Becker, Olgemöller & Kollegen Führichstraße 70 81671 München 5. Material für Immunhistochemie a) tiefgefrorenes Material (Lagerung bei -20°C in Epis, Versand auf Trockeneis)

23 Bifurcatio tracheae

24a,b Lunge (je 1 x rechts, links)

25 Duodenum/Jejunum (etwa 2cm)

26 höherer Teil des Gyrus frontalis, linke Seite

27 Myocard, linker Ventrikel, 3 Proben

b) Paraffinblöcke von Herz und Lunge

PD Dr. T. Bajanowski

Institut für Rechtsmedizin

Universitätsklinikum Essen-Duisburg

Hufelandstr. 55

45122 Essen

6. Befundversand • Standardautopsieprotokoll

• Histologiebefund

• Toxikologiebefund

• Schnittpräparate Histologie (leihweise)

PD Dr. T. Bajanowski

Institut für Rechtsmedizin

Universitätsklinikum Essen-Duisburg

Hufelandstr. 55

45122 Essen

Page A-162

Page A-163

Page A-164

Information letter enclosed to the informed consent – epidemiological study part –

Page A-165

Page A-166

Liebe Eltern, Sie erhalten von uns, dem Robert Koch-Institut in Berlin, diesen Brief über Ihr zuständiges Gesundheitsamt, da aus datenschutzrechtlichen Gründen nur Ihr Gesundheitsamt Ihren Namen und Ihre Anschrift kennt. Sie haben vor kurzem den Verlust Ihres Kindes erlitten. Dazu sprechen wir Ihnen unser auf-richtiges Bedauern und Mitgefühl aus. Mit diesem Brief möchten wir Sie bitten, eine wichtige wissenschaftliche Untersuchung zu unterstützen. Diese Untersuchung soll bisher unbekannte Risikofaktoren für einen frühen Tod erkennen (z. B. bestimmte Lebensumstände, problematische Schwangerschafts- und Ge-burtsverläufe, Erkrankungen, medizinische bzw. medikamentöse Behandlungen einschließ-lich Impfungen). Gegenwärtig versterben in Deutschland jährlich etwa 1500 Kinder im ersten und zweiten Lebensjahr trotz moderner medizinischer Untersuchungs- und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten. Bekannte Todesursachen sind angeborene Fehlbildungen des Herzens oder anderer lebens-wichtiger Organe, Krebserkrankungen, Unfälle und schwere Infektionen. In einigen Fällen bleibt die Todesursache jedoch unklar. Ihre Antworten werden uns helfen, bisher unbekann-te Einflussfaktoren für solche ungeklärten Todesfälle zu erkennen. Ziel ist es, wirksame und sichere Vorsorgemaßnahmen zu entwickeln. Das Robert Koch-Institut als Bundesinstitut auf dem Gebiet der Krankheitskontrolle und –vorsorge führt in Zusammenarbeit mit der Kinderklinik der Universität Magdeburg sowie dem Institut für Soziale Pädiatrie und Jugendmedizin der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in München diese Studie durch. Über das zuständige Gesundheitsamt haben wir erfahren, dass Ihr Kind verstorben ist; wir kennen jedoch aus datenschutzrechtlichen Gründen Ihren Namen und Ihre Anschrift nicht. Wenn Sie sich bereit erklären, an der Untersuchung teilzu-nehmen, sendet das Robert Koch-Institut Ihnen und – mit Ihrem Einverständnis – dem Kin-derarzt Ihres verstorbenen Kindes einen Fragebogen zu. Bitte teilen Sie uns dazu Namen und Anschrift des Kinder- oder Hausarztes Ihres verstorbenen Kindes mit und geben Sie Ihr Ein-verständnis für die Übermittlung der ärztlichen Befunde. Die Ethikkommission der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover hat unsere wissenschaftliche Untersuchung genau geprüft und ist mit ihrer Durchführung einverstanden. Auch die Da-tenschutzbeauftragten des Bundes und der Länder haben unser Vorgehen überprüft, und wir haben deren datenschutzrechtliche Empfehlungen umgesetzt. Ihre Daten werden nur pseudonymisiert ausgewertet, d. h., wenn die von Ihnen und dem Kinderarzt Ihres Kindes ausgefüllten Fragebögen bei uns angekommen ist und wir die Angaben zu Ihrem Kind voll-ständig zusammengeführt haben, werden alle Namen und Adressen von den Fragebögen ge-trennt, durch eine fortlaufende Nummer ersetzt und spätestens 2 Jahre nach Abschluss der Studie vernichtet. So können später keinerlei Rückschlüsse auf Einzelpersonen mehr gezo-gen werden.

Page A-167

Ihre Teilnahme ist freiwillig, bei Nichtteilnahme oder unvollständigem Ausfüllen entstehen Ihnen keine Nachteile, und Sie können Ihre Einwilligung jederzeit widerrufen. Die zu Ihnen und Ihrem verstorbenen Kind gespeicherten Informationen werden dann gelöscht und nicht für diese Studie ausgewertet. Bitte erklären Sie in der beigefügten Einwilligungserklärung (Blatt Nummer 1) durch Ihre Unterschrift, dass Sie über die Untersuchung informiert worden sind und Sie damit einver-standen sind, dass Ihre Angaben im Fragebogen durch die beteiligten Einrichtungen Robert Koch-Institut und der Kinderklinik der Universität Magdeburg gespeichert und wissen-schaftlich ausgewertet werden dürfen. Eine Weitergabe von anonymisierten Daten kann auch im Rahmen von gesetzlichen Regelungen an die für die Zulassung von Arzneimitteln zuständigen in- und ausländischen Behörden (z. B. das Paul-Ehrlich Institut) erfolgen. Wenn Sie nicht an der Untersuchung teilnehmen möchten, bitten wir Sie, uns dies auf der vorbereiteten Erklärung zur Nichtteilnahme an der Studie (Blatt Nummer 2) mitzuteilen. Bit-te antworten Sie uns in jedem Fall. Wenn wir nichts von Ihnen hören, gehen wir davon aus, dass Sie unser Schreiben nicht erhalten haben oder vielleicht die Rücksendung der Einver-ständniserklärung vergessen haben, und Ihr Gesundheitsamt wird nach einiger Zeit versu-chen, Sie erneut zu erreichen. Wir wissen wohl, dass dieser Brief und Ihre Entscheidung für Sie nicht einfach sind. Den-noch bitten wir Sie sehr herzlich um Ihre Teilnahme an dieser Untersuchung, damit zukünf-tig solche Fälle hoffentlich verhindert werden können. Sollten Sie unsicher sein, welche Entscheidung für Sie richtig ist, möchten wir Sie ermutigen, ein Gespräch mit dem Kinderarzt Ihres verstorbenen Kindes zu führen. Hilfe bei Ihrer Ent-scheidung oder auch zusätzliche Informationen über diese Studie können Sie auch bei den Mitarbeitern der Magdeburger Kinderklinik erhalten: Klinik für Allgemeine Pädiatrie und Neonatologie, PD Dr. Klaus Mohnike, Emanuel-Larisch-Weg 17 – 19, 39112 Magdeburg, Tel.: 03 91/67-1 71 01 Fax: 03 91/67-1 71 05. Prof. Dr. Reinhard Kurth Präsident Robert Koch-Institut Ansprechpartner der Studienleitung im Robert Koch-Institut: Robert Koch-Institut Abteilung für Epidemiologie und Gesundheitsberichterstattung Fachgebiet ‚Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen, Präventionskonzepte’ Seestraße 10 13353 Berlin Telefon 01888/754-3437 (Studienleiter: Priv. Doz. Dr. Martin Schlaud) Telefon 01888/754-3193 (Studienkoordination: Dr. Christina Poethko-Müller)

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Informed consent – epidemiological study part –

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Page A-171


Blatt 1

Einverständniserklärung (BITTE ZURÜCKSENDEN) Hiermit erkläre ich,

Frau _________________________________________________________________________

Herr _________________________________________________________________________

Adresse: _________________________________________________________________________


Telefon ________________________________Handy-Nummer__________________________

dass ich als Sorgeberechtigte/r von

________________________________________, geboren am ______________________________ (Vor- und Familienname des Kindes) Tag Monat Jahr schriftlich über die ‚Studie über Todesfälle bei Kindern im 2. bis 24. Lebensmonat‘ informiert und aufgeklärt wurde. Mit meiner Unterschrift willige ich ein, (Nichtzutreffendes bitte strei-chen) dass die

• Daten meines / unseres Kindes an Hand des Fragebogen erfasst und pseudonymi-siert wissenschaftlich ausgewertet werden,

• Angaben auf dem amtlichen Totenschein im Rahmen der Studie pseudonymisiert wissenschaftlich ausgewertet werden,

• zusätzlich entbinde(n) ich/wir den behandelnden Kinder- oder Hausarzt meines / unseres Kindes:

• Frau/Herrn _______________________________________________________________

Adresse: _______________________________________________________________


Telefon: _______________________________________________________________

• sowie andere Ärzte und Einrichtungen, deren Namen wir im Fragebogen angeben,

von der Schweigepflicht und gestatten die Anforderung von Unterlagen zur medizi-nischen Vorgeschichte meines/unseres Kindes von diesen Ärzten und Krankenhäu-sern.

Ich weiß, dass alle an der Studie beteiligten Personen der Schweigepflicht unterliegen, dass keine persönlichen Informationen über mein Kind oder mich an Dritte weitergegeben wer-den, und gebe meine Einwilligung nur unter dieser Voraussetzung. Die Abgabe dieser Ein-verständniserklärung und die Teilnahme an der Studie sind freiwillig. Mir ist bekannt, dass ich meine Einwilligung bis zur Löschung meines Namens und meiner Adresse jederzeit oh-ne Angabe von Gründen widerrufen kann, ohne dass mir daraus Nachteile erwachsen. Die

Page A-172


zu mir und meinem verstorbenen Kind gespeicherten Informationen werden in diesem Fall gelöscht und nicht für die Studie ausgewertet. Mein Ansprechpartner dafür ist Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Martin Schlaud, Fachgebiet 23 "Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen, Präventi-onskonzepte", Abteilung für Epidemiologie und Gesundheitsberichterstattung, Robert Koch-Institut Seestraße 10, 13353 Berlin, Telefon 01888/754-3437, Telefax 01888/154-3555). Alle Namen und Anschriften werden von den Fragebögen getrennt, bevor die Daten wissen-schaftlich ausgewertet werden, vom Robert Koch-Institut verschlossen aufbewahrt und spä-testens zwei Jahre nach Ende der Studie vernichtet. Die pseudonymisierten Fragebögen wer-den spätestens 10 Jahre nach Abschluss der Studie vernichtet. _______________ _________________ ______________________________________ Ort Datum Unterschrift/en Sorgeberechtigte/r

Page A-173


Einverständniserklärung (Für Ihre Unterlagen)

Hiermit erkläre ich,

Frau _________________________________________________________________________

Herr _________________________________________________________________________

Adresse: _________________________________________________________________________


Telefon ________________________________Handy-Nummer__________________________

dass ich als Sorgeberechtigte/r von

________________________________________, geboren am ______________________________ (Vor- und Familienname des Kindes) Tag Monat Jahr schriftlich über die ‚Studie über Todesfälle bei Kindern im 2. bis 24. Lebensmonat‘ informiert und aufgeklärt wurde. Mit meiner Unterschrift willige ich ein, (Nichtzutreffendes bitte strei-chen) dass die

• Daten meines / unseres Kindes an Hand des Fragebogen erfasst und pseudonymi-siert wissenschaftlich ausgewertet werden,

• Angaben auf dem amtlichen Totenschein im Rahmen der Studie pseudonymisiert wissenschaftlich ausgewertet werden,

• zusätzlich entbinde(n) ich/wir den behandelnden Kinder- oder Hausarzt meines / unseres Kindes:

• Frau/Herrn _______________________________________________________________

Adresse: _______________________________________________________________


Telefon: _______________________________________________________________

• sowie andere Ärzte und Einrichtungen, deren Namen wir im Fragebogen angeben,

von der Schweigepflicht und gestatten die Anforderung von Unterlagen zur medizi-nischen Vorgeschichte meines/unseres Kindes von diesen Ärzten und Krankenhäu-sern.

Ich weiß, dass alle an der Studie beteiligten Personen der Schweigepflicht unterliegen, dass keine persönlichen Informationen über mein Kind oder mich an Dritte weitergegeben wer-den, und gebe meine Einwilligung nur unter dieser Voraussetzung. Die Abgabe dieser Ein-verständniserklärung und die Teilnahme an der Studie sind freiwillig. Mir ist bekannt, dass ich meine Einwilligung bis zur Löschung meines Namens und meiner Adresse jederzeit oh-ne Angabe von Gründen widerrufen kann, ohne dass mir daraus Nachteile erwachsen. Die

Page A-174


zu mir und meinem verstorbenen Kind gespeicherten Informationen werden in diesem Fall gelöscht und nicht für die Studie ausgewertet. Mein Ansprechpartner dafür ist Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Martin Schlaud, Fachgebiet 23 "Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen, Präventi-onskonzepte", Abteilung für Epidemiologie und Gesundheitsberichterstattung, Robert Koch-Institut Seestraße 10, 13353 Berlin, Telefon 01888/754-3437, Telefax 01888/154-3555). Alle Namen und Anschriften werden von den Fragebögen getrennt, bevor die Daten wissen-schaftlich ausgewertet werden, vom Robert Koch-Institut verschlossen aufbewahrt und spä-testens zwei Jahre nach Ende der Studie vernichtet. Die pseudonymisierten Fragebögen wer-den spätestens 10 Jahre nach Abschluss der Studie vernichtet. _______________ _________________ ______________________________________ Ort Datum Unterschrift/en Sorgeberechtigte/r

Page A-175

Page A-176

Declaration not to take part in the study for parents – epidemiological study part –

Page A-177

Page A-178

Blatt 2 Erklärung über Nichtteilnahme an der

‚Studie über Todesfälle bei Kindern im 2. bis 24. Lebensmonat’

Hiermit erkläre ich,

Frau _________________________________________________________________________

Herr _________________________________________________________________________

Adresse: _________________________________________________________________________


dass ich als Sorgeberechtigte/r von

________________________________________, geboren am ______________________________ (Vor- und Familienname des Kindes) Tag Monat Jahr nicht an der ‚Studie über Todesfälle bei Kindern im 2. bis 24. Lebensmonat‘ teilnehmen möchte.

ich bin damit einverstanden, dass mir ein Kurzfragebogen zugesendet wird. _______________ ___________________ __________________________________ Ort Datum Unterschrift Sorgeberechtigte/r

Page A-179

Page A-180

Compilation of parental experiences with the study

Page A-181

Page A-182

„Als wir nach dem Tod unserer Tochter diese Ein-

ladung zur Teilnahme erhielten waren mein Mann und ich überrascht, da wir bis dahin keine Ahnung hatten, dass es so etwas gibt. Der Tod unserer Tochter erschien nun nicht mehr als so

sinnlos wie noch kurz zuvor. Wir haben die Hoffnung, dass Ihre Studie und damit

verbundene Forschungen anderen Eltern ein ähnliches Schicksal erspart.“

Eltern, die sich für die Studie entschieden haben,schildern ihre Gefühle und Eindrücke, um Ihnen

Mut zu machen.„Zuerst haben wir gotterbärmlich

geheult. Dann haben wir uns gesagt, vielleicht hilft es ja, um anderen dieses

Leid zu ersparen. Wir haben nicht groß nachgedacht, ob oder ob nicht,

für uns war es eigentlich klar, mitzumachen.“

„… ich denke, jeder, der sein Kind verliert, möchte in irgendeiner Weise helfen,

dass so etwas anderen Kindern nicht widerfährt.“

„Ja, aber der Zeitpunkt, wann Eltern den Fragebogen

beantworten können, hängt von dem Seelenzustand jedes Einzelnen ab. Unserer

Meinung nach sollten mind. 3 Monate seit dem Tod des Kindes

vergangen sein.“

„Es war ein Gefühlschaos bei uns, da wir immer erinnerten was wir durchlebten oder noch durchmachen müssen!!!“

„Am Anfang war ich nicht daran interessiert,

wollte vom Kindstod nichts wissen. Ich hatte dann darüber nachgedacht und bin zum Entschluss gekommen, ihn doch auszufüllen.

Mich würde es schon interessieren was man machen kann, dass mir dies

nicht noch einmal passiert.“

„Es war natürlich schwer für uns. Da es so kurz nach dem Tod unserer

Tochter war.“

„Ich war erst einmal erstaunt, welche Kreise Klaras Tod zieht. Natürlich

kamen auch viele Gefühle hoch. Wir waren beide gleich bereit, bei solch einer Studie mit-

zumachen. Das war uns beiden wichtig, weil dieses Thema wichtig ist.“

„Wir halten die Studie für zumutbar, für andere mag es

anders sein. Gut war, dass der Fragebogen relativ zeitnah beantwortet werden musste. Bei einer späteren Beantwortung wäre alles wieder

aufgewühlt worden, was man mühsam versucht zu verarbeiten. Dann wäre

unsere Entscheidung vielleicht anders ausgefallen.“

„Wir haben an der Studie teilgenommen, weil wir die

Wissenschaft dabei unterstützen wollen, endlich die Ursachen für den plötzlichen

Kindstod zu finden. Andere Eltern sollen ihre Kinder nicht

auch verlieren.“

Page A-183

Page A-184

Accompanying letter with the parental questionnaire

Page A-185

Page A-186

Liebe Eltern, Sie haben sich trotz des großen Verlusts, den Sie erlitten haben, freundlicherweise bereit er-klärt, an einer Untersuchung über Todesfälle bei Säuglingen und Kleinkindern teilzuneh-men. Wir danken Ihnen sehr für diese Bereitschaft. Wir wissen wohl, dass die Beantwortung unserer Fragen für Sie nicht einfach ist. Doch soll diese Untersuchung Daten und Erkennt-nisse über die Ursachen dieses tragischen Ereignisses gewinnen und dadurch zukünftig hel-fen, solche Fälle zu verhindern. Gegenwärtig versterben trotz moderner medizinischer Untersuchungs- und Behandlungs-möglichkeiten in Deutschland jährlich etwa 1500 Kinder im ersten und zweiten Lebensjahr. Bekannte Todesursachen sind angeborene Fehlbildungen des Herzens oder anderer lebens-wichtiger Organe, Krebserkrankungen, Unfälle und schwere Infektionen. Ihre Antworten werden uns helfen, weitere bisher unbekannte Einflussfaktoren zu erkennen. Ziel ist es, wirksame und sichere Vorsorgemaßnahmen zu entwickeln. Unsere Fragen an Sie finden Sie im beiliegenden Fragebogen. Ihre Antworten unterliegen den Vorschriften des Datenschutzes. Die Beauftragten für den Datenschutz haben unser Vorgehen überprüft, und wir haben die Empfehlungen umgesetzt. Ihre Angaben werden pseudonymisiert ausgewertet, d. h., wenn die von Ihnen und dem Kinderarzt Ihres Kindes ausgefüllten Fragebögen bei uns angekommen ist und wir die Angaben zu Ihrem Kind voll-ständig zusammengeführt haben, werden alle Namen und Adressen von den Fragebögen getrennt und spätestens 2 Jahre nach Abschluss der Studie vernichtet. Ihre persönlichen Un-terlagen (Impfbuch und Kinderuntersuchungsheft) senden wir Ihnen schon vorher zurück. Niemand kann später feststellen, wer welche Angaben gemacht hat. Ihre Teilnahme ist frei-willig, bei Nichtausfüllen oder unvollständigem Ausfüllen entstehen Ihnen keine Nachteile, und Sie können Ihre Einwilligung jederzeit widerrufen. Die zu Ihnen und Ihrem verstorbe-nen Kind gespeicherten Informationen werden in diesem Fall gelöscht und nicht für die Stu-die ausgewertet.

Wenn Sie bei der Beantwortung unserer Fragen Hilfe benötigen, können Sie sich an die Kin-derärztliche Abteilung der Universität Magdeburg wenden. Dorthin senden Sie bitte auch portofrei den ausgefüllten Fragebogen und das von uns benötigte Impfbuch sowie das gelbe Vorsorgeheft oder Kopien dieser Dokumente. Die Anschrift lautet: Klinik für Allgemeine Pädiatrie und Neonatologie: PD Dr. Klaus Mohnike, Emanuel-Larisch-Weg 17 - 19 , 39112 Magdeburg, Tel.: 03 91/67-1 71 01.

Haben Sie vielen Dank für Ihre wertvolle Unterstützung.

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Kurth Präsident des Robert Koch-Instituts

Page A-187

Page A-188

Informed consent

- Pathological study part -

Page A-189

Page A-190

Studie über Todesfälle bei Kindern im 2. bis 24. Lebensmonat A1 Aufklärung (für betroffene Eltern) Zum Verbleib bei den Eltern Liebe Eltern,

Sie haben vor kurzem den Verlust Ihres Kindes erlitten. Dazu sprechen wir Ihnen unser aufrichtiges Bedauern und Mitgefühl aus. Mit diesem Brief möchten wir Sie bitten, eine wichtige wissenschaftliche Untersuchung zu unterstützen. Diese Untersuchung soll bisher unbekannte Risikofaktoren für einen frühen Tod erkennen. Gegenwärtig versterben in Deutschland jährlich etwa 1500 Kinder im ersten und zweiten Lebensjahr trotz moderner medizinischer Untersuchungs- und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten. Bekannte Todesursachen sind angeborene Fehlbildungen des Herzens oder anderer le-benswichtiger Organe, Krebserkrankungen, Unfälle und schwere Infektionen. In einigen Fällen bleibt die Todesursache jedoch unklar. Ihre Antworten werden uns helfen, bisher unbekannte Einflussfaktoren für solche ungeklärten Todesfälle zu erkennen. Ziel ist es, wirksame und sichere Vorsorgemaßnahmen zu entwickeln. Das Robert Koch-Institut als Bundesinstitut auf dem Gebiet der Krankheitskontrolle und Krankheitsvorsorge führt in Zusammenarbeit mit der Kinderklinik der Universität Magde-burg, dem Institut für Rechtsmedizin der Universität Essen-Duisburg sowie dem Institut für Soziale Pädiatrie und Jugendmedizin der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in München diese Studie durch. Wenn Sie sich bereit erklären, an der Untersuchung teilzunehmen, sen-det das Robert Koch-Institut Ihnen und – mit Ihrem Einverständnis – dem Kinderarzt Ihres verstorbenen Kindes einen Fragebogen zu. Bitte teilen Sie uns dazu Namen und Anschrift des Kinder- oder Hausarztes Ihres verstorbenen Kindes mit und geben Sie Ihr Einverständ-nis für die Übermittlung der ärztlichen Befunde. Diese Untersuchungen können außer für die Allgemeinheit unter Umständen auch für Sie als die betroffenen Eltern von Bedeutung sein, wenn Sie an dieser Studie teilnehmen. Wenn für den Tod Ihres Kindes eindeutige Ursachen festgestellt werden, kann dies möglicherwei-se von quälenden Fragen oder unnötigen Selbstvorwürfen befreien. Der Ausschluss innerer Fehlbildungen und Erbkrankheiten, kann Ihnen vielleicht bei der künftigen Familienpla-nung eine Entscheidung erleichtern.

Page A-191


Die Studie knüpft an die gerichtliche Obduktion Ihres verstorbenen Kindes an. Im Rahmen dieser Studie soll, sobald die zuständige Staatsanwaltschaft ebenfalls ihr Einverständnis er-klärt, die Todesursache noch genauer untersucht werden. Zu diesem Zweck bitten wir Sie um Zustimmung zu folgendem Vorgehen: I. Gewebeuntersuchungen 1. Bei der gerichtlichen Obduktion Ihres verstorbenen Kindes sind Teile oder Gewebepro-

ben von allen inneren Organen, auch Teile des Gehirns und des Herzens sowie Körper-flüssigkeiten und Abstriche zurückbehalten worden. Diese Teile sollen nun weiter un-tersucht werden. Dabei werden die bei der Obduktion getroffenen Feststellungen in diese Untersuchungen einbezogen und ausgewertet.

2. Die bei diesen Untersuchungen angefertigten mikroskopischen Präparate und – unter

Umständen – auch Teile des Gehirns, der Lunge und des Herzens, werden zur weiteren Klärung der Todesursache auch in anderen Instituten untersucht und aufbewahrt, damit später eventuell notwendig werdende Nachuntersuchungen durchgeführt werden kön-nen.

Alle zuvor genannten Untersuchungen erfolgen ausschließlich zu dem Zweck, die Ursache und Risikofaktoren des plötzlichen Todes zu ermitteln. Alle Proben, mikroskopischen Prä-parate, Organteile und Zellkulturen werden pseudonymisiert. Das bedeutet, dass sie unter einer Code-Nummer ohne Namensangabe aufbewahrt und gegebenenfalls weiter unter-sucht werden. Alle Namens- und Adressenangaben werden von den Proben getrennt und die Namensliste spätestens 2 Jahre nach Abschluss der Studie vernichtet. Spätestens 10 Jah-re nach Abschluss der Studie werden sämtliche mikroskopischen Präparate, Organteile und Zellkulturen eingeäschert. II. Medizinische Unterlagen Medizinische Angaben zu Ihrem verstorbenen Kind werden durch die Kinderklinik der U-niversität Magdeburg von dem betreuenden (Kinder-) Arzt und ggf. von Kinderklinik/en mittels eines Fragebogens erhoben. Für diese Zwecke bitten wir, dass Sie die betreffenden Ärzte von ihrer Schweigepflicht entbinden. Die Auswertungen erfolgen nur zu dem Zweck, die Ursachen und Risikofaktoren für den plötzlichen Kindestod zu ermitteln. Auch diese Fragebögen und Unterlagen werden in der Studienzentrale mit Code-Nummern versehen und nur pseudonymisiert ausgewertet. Das bedeutet, wenn die ausgefüllten Fra-gebögen und Unterlagen angekommen ist und die Angaben zu Ihrem Kind vollständig zu-sammengeführt wurden, werden alle Namen und Adressen von den Fragebögen getrennt und die Namensliste spätestens 2 Jahre nach Abschluss der Studie vernichtet. Die in der Studienzentrale aufbewahrten Fragebogen und Unterlagen werden spätestens 10 Jahre nach Abschluss der Studie vernichtet. III. Fragebogen Im Auftrage der Studienleitung wird Ihnen ein Fragebogen zugesendet, der Fragen über die Lebensumstände und die Entwicklung Ihres Kindes sowie zu durchgeführten Behandlun-

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gen und Impfungen enthält. Alle Ihre Angaben bei dieser Befragung unterliegen der Schweigepflicht. Sie werden nur in pseudonymisierter Form, d. h. mit Code-Nummer, ohne Namensangabe durch die beteiligten Studienzentren wissenschaftlich ausgewertet. Alle Namens- und Adressenangaben werden von den Fragebogen getrennt und die Namensliste spätestens 2 Jahre nach Abschluss der Studie vernichtet. IV. Gespräche Nach Abschluss der Untersuchungen an den Gewebeproben, d. h. in etwa einem Vierteljahr nach diesem Aufklärungsgespräch, wird sich, sofern Sie das wünschen, ein Arzt des unter-suchenden rechtsmedizinischen Instituts oder eines Studienzentrums mit Ihnen in Verbin-dung setzen, um Sie über die Untersuchungsergebnisse in Bezug auf den Tod Ihres Kindes zu informieren und Ihnen eventuell weitere Fragen beantworten. V. Datenschutz Die Ethikkommission der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover hat unsere wissenschaftli-che Untersuchung genau geprüft und ist mit ihrer Durchführung einverstanden. Auch die Beauftragten für den Datenschutz haben unser Vorgehen überprüft, und wir haben deren datenschutzrechtliche Empfehlungen umgesetzt. Ihre Daten werden nur pseudonymisiert ausgewertet, so dass aus den Ergebnissen keinerlei Rückschlüsse auf Einzelpersonen mehr möglich sein werden. Soweit für diese Studie Pseudonymisierungen erfolgt sind, d. h. bei mikroskopischen Präparaten, Organteilen und Zellkulturen (oben I.) sowie medizinischen Unterlagen oder Fragebögen (oben II und III.), werden diese unter den Code-Nummern aufbewahrt und ausgewertet. Ein Bezug zum Namen des Kindes und der Eltern kann nur anhand von Zuordnungslisten erfolgen, die bei der Studienleitung im Robert Koch-Institut verschlossen aufbewahrt werden. Ein solches “Aufbrechen des Codes” kann nur auf An-weisung der Studienleitung durch die ärztlichen Mitarbeiter/innen der Studienzentrale er-folgen, wenn dies erforderlich ist, z. B. um Sie über das Untersuchungsergebnis bezüglich Ihres verstorbenen Kindes zu informieren. Spätestens zwei Jahre nach Abschluss der Studie wird das Robert-Koch Institut alle Namen und Adressen vernichten. Eine Weitergabe von pseudonymisierten Daten (ohne Namen und Adressen) kann auch im Rahmen von gesetzli-chen Regelungen an die für die Zulassung von Arzneimitteln und Medizinprodukten zu-ständigen in- und ausländischen Behörden (z.B. das Paul-Ehrlich Institut) erfolgen. VI. Freiwilligkeit Die Teilnahme an dieser Studie ist freiwillig. Es steht Ihnen auch frei, nur zu Teilen der Stu-die Ihre Zustimmung zu geben oder einzelne Fragen des Fragebogens (oben III) nicht zu beantworten. Sie können Ihr Einverständnis zur Studienteilnahme selbstverständlich auch noch nach Untersuchungsbeginn bis zur Löschung Ihres Namens und Ihrer Adresse jeder-zeit und ohne Angaben von Gründen ganz oder teilweise widerrufen. Ihr Ansprechpartner hierfür ist Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Martin Schlaud, Fachgebiet 23 "Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen, Präventionskonzepte", Abteilung für Epidemiologie und Gesundheitsbericht-erstattung, Robert Koch-Institut, Seestraße 10, 13353 Berlin, Telefon 01888/754-3437, Telefax 01888/154-3555. Es werden dann die gespeicherten Informationen ganz oder teilweise ge-löscht und nicht für die Studie ausgewertet. Je nach Umfang des Widerrufs werden die noch aufbewahrten mikroskopischen Präparate, Organteile oder Zellkulturen eingeäschert.

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VI. Weitere Fragen Bei weiteren Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an das Institut für Rechtsmedizin der Universi-tätsklinik Essen-Duisburg, Hufelandstr. 55, 45122 Essen, Tel. 0201/723 3600. Bitte erklären Sie in der beigefügten Einwilligungserklärung durch Ihre Unterschrift, dass Sie über die Untersuchung informiert worden sind und Sie damit einverstanden sind, dass Ihre Angaben im Fragebogen und aus den Obduktionsergebnissen durch die beteiligten wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen Robert Koch-Institut, Kinderklinik der Universität Mag-deburg (nur Fragebogendaten) und der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in München ge-speichert und ausgewertet werden dürfen. Wir wissen wohl, dass dieser Brief und Ihre Entscheidung für Sie nicht einfach ist. Dennoch bitten wir Sie sehr herzlich um Ihre Teilnahme an dieser Untersuchung, damit zukünftig solche Fälle hoffentlich verhindert werden können. Prof. Dr. Reinhard Kurth Präsident Robert Koch-Institut

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Studie über Todesfälle bei Kindern im 2. bis 24. Lebensmonat

A2 Einverständniserklärung (für betroffene Eltern) Zum Verbleib bei den Eltern Hiermit erkläre ich,

Frau _________________________________________________________________________

Herr _________________________________________________________________________

Adresse: _________________________________________________________________________


Telefon ________________________________Handy-Nummer__________________________

dass ich als Sorgeberechtigte/r von

_______________________________________, geboren am ______________________________ (Vor- und Familienname des Kindes) Tag Monat Jahr

schriftlich über die ‚Studie über Todesfälle bei Kindern im 2. bis 24. Lebensmonat‘ infor-miert und aufgeklärt wurde. Ich/wir haben auch das mir/uns übergebene Aufklärungs-formular zu dieser Studie in Ruhe gelesen. Den Inhalt der schriftlichen Aufklärung habe/n ich/wir verstanden und habe/n keine weiteren Fragen mehr. Mit meiner Unterschrift willige ich ein, dass (Nichtzutreffendes bitte streichen)

• eine Obduktion im schriftlich erläuterten Umfang durchgeführt wird und die Orga-ne dabei untersucht werden,

• bei der Obduktion Teile des Herzens und des Gehirns, Gewebeproben von den übri-gen Organen sowie Körperflüssigkeiten und Abstriche zur weiteren Klärung der To-desursache entnommen und untersucht werden,

• die bei diesen Weiteruntersuchungen angefertigten mikroskopischen Präparate und

unter Umständen auch Teile des Gehirns und des Herzens an andere Institute ge-sandt und aufbewahrt werden, damit später eventuell Nachuntersuchungen durch-

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geführt werden können. Diese Präparate werden bis maximal 10 Jahre nach Beendi-gung der Studie, d.h. bis zum Jahr 2018 aufbewahrt und dann eingeäschert.

• medizinische Angaben und Unterlagen meines Kindes von dem Kinderarzt und der/

den Kinderklinik/en angefordert und ausgewertet werden. Zu diesem Zweck ent-binde ich den behandelnden Kinder- oder Hausarzt meines/unseres Kindes:

Frau/Herrn __________________________________________________________________

Adresse: __________________________________________________________________


Telefon __________________________________________________________________

sowie andere Ärzte und Einrichtungen, deren Namen wir im Fragebogen angeben, von der Schweigepflicht und gestatten die Anforderung von Unterlagen zur medizinischen Vorgeschichte meines/unseres Kindes von diesen Ärzten und Krankenhäusern.

• mir Mitarbeiter der Kinderklinik der Universität Magdeburg einen Fragebogen zu-

senden • sich ein Arzt des untersuchenden rechtsmedizinischen Instituts oder eines Studien-

zentrums mit mir in Verbindung setzt, um mich über die Untersuchungsergebnisse in Bezug auf den Tod meines Kindes zu informieren.

Die medizinischen Unterlagen und Obduktionsbefunde werden ebenso wie die Fragebögen nur mit Codenummer versehen in der Studienzentrale im Robert-Koch-Institut aufbewahrt und spätestens 10 Jahre nach Beendigung der Studie vernichtet. Ein Bezug zum Namen des Kindes und der Eltern kann nur anhand von Zuordnungslisten erfolgen, die bei der Stu-dienleitung im Robert Koch-Institut verschlossen aufbewahrt werden. Ein solches “Aufbre-chen des Codes” kann nur auf Anweisung der Studienleitung durch die ärztlichen Mitar-beiter/innen der Studienzentrale erfolgen, wenn dies erforderlich ist, z. B. um Sie über das Untersuchungsergebnis bezüglich Ihres verstorbenen Kindes zu informieren. Spätestens zwei Jahre nach Abschluss der Studie wird das Robert-Koch Institut alle Namen und Ad-ressen vernichten. Eine Weitergabe von pseudonymisierten Daten kann auch im Rahmen von gesetzlichen Regelungen an die für die Zulassung von Arzneimitteln und Medizinpro-dukten zuständigen in- und ausländischen Behörden (z.B. das Paul-Ehrlich Institut) erfol-gen. Ich bin darüber informiert, dass ich das Einverständnis bis zur Löschung meines Namens und meiner Adresse jederzeit, auch zu einzelnen Punkten, ohne Angabe von Gründen Widerrufen kann. Die zu mir und meinem verstorbenen Kind gespeicherten In-formationen werden in diesem Fall gelöscht und nicht für die Studie ausgewertet. ______________________, den _______________ (Ort) (Datum) ______________________________________________________________ Unterschrift/en Sorgeberechtigte/r

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Studie über Todesfälle bei Kindern im 2. bis 24. Lebensmonat

A2 Einverständniserklärung (für betroffene Eltern) Zum Verbleib im Studienzentrum Hiermit erkläre ich,

Frau _________________________________________________________________________

Herr _________________________________________________________________________

Adresse: _________________________________________________________________________


Telefon ________________________________Handy-Nummer__________________________

dass ich als Sorgeberechtigte/r von

_______________________________________, geboren am ______________________________ (Vor- und Familienname des Kindes) Tag Monat Jahr

schriftlich über die ‚Studie über Todesfälle bei Kindern im 2. bis 24. Lebensmonat‘ infor-miert und aufgeklärt wurde. Ich/wir haben auch das mir/uns übergebene Aufklärungs-formular zu dieser Studie in Ruhe gelesen. Den Inhalt der schriftlichen Aufklärung habe/n ich/wir verstanden und habe/n keine weiteren Fragen mehr. Mit meiner Unterschrift willige ich ein, dass (Nichtzutreffendes bitte streichen)

• eine Obduktion im schriftlich erläuterten Umfang durchgeführt wird und die Orga-ne dabei untersucht werden,

• bei der Obduktion Teile des Herzens und des Gehirns, Gewebeproben von den übri-gen Organen sowie Körperflüssigkeiten und Abstriche zur weiteren Klärung der To-desursache entnommen und untersucht werden,

• die bei diesen Weiteruntersuchungen angefertigten mikroskopischen Präparate und

unter Umständen auch Teile des Gehirns und des Herzens an andere Institute ge-sandt und aufbewahrt werden, damit später eventuell Nachuntersuchungen durch-geführt werden können. Diese Präparate werden bis maximal 10 Jahre nach Beendi-gung der Studie, d.h. bis zum Jahr 2018 aufbewahrt und dann eingeäschert.

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• medizinische Angaben und Unterlagen meines Kindes von dem Kinderarzt und der/

den Kinderklinik/en angefordert und ausgewertet werden. Zu diesem Zweck ent-binde ich den behandelnden Kinder- oder Hausarzt meines/unseres Kindes:

Frau/Herrn __________________________________________________________________

Adresse: __________________________________________________________________


Telefon __________________________________________________________________

sowie andere Ärzte und Einrichtungen, deren Namen wir im Fragebogen angeben, von der Schweigepflicht und gestatten die Anforderung von Unterlagen zur medizinischen Vorgeschichte meines/unseres Kindes von diesen Ärzten und Krankenhäusern.

• mir Mitarbeiter der Kinderklinik der Universität Magdeburg einen Fragebogen zu-

senden • sich ein Arzt des untersuchenden rechtsmedizinischen Instituts oder eines Studien-

zentrums mit mir in Verbindung setzt, um mich über die Untersuchungsergebnisse in Bezug auf den Tod meines Kindes zu informieren.

Die medizinischen Unterlagen und Obduktionsbefunde werden ebenso wie die Fragebögen nur mit Codenummer versehen in der Studienzentrale im Robert-Koch-Institut aufbewahrt und spätestens 10 Jahre nach Beendigung der Studie vernichtet. Ein Bezug zum Namen des Kindes und der Eltern kann nur anhand von Zuordnungslisten erfolgen, die bei der Stu-dienleitung im Robert Koch-Institut verschlossen aufbewahrt werden. Ein solches “Aufbre-chen des Codes” kann nur auf Anweisung der Studienleitung durch die ärztlichen Mitar-beiter/innen der Studienzentrale erfolgen, wenn dies erforderlich ist, z. B. um Sie über das Untersuchungsergebnis bezüglich Ihres verstorbenen Kindes zu informieren. Spätestens zwei Jahre nach Abschluss der Studie wird das Robert-Koch Institut alle Namen und Ad-ressen vernichten. Eine Weitergabe von pseudonymisierten Daten kann auch im Rahmen von gesetzlichen Regelungen an die für die Zulassung von Arzneimitteln und Medizinpro-dukten zuständigen in- und ausländischen Behörden (z.B. das Paul-Ehrlich Institut) erfol-gen. Ich bin darüber informiert, dass ich das Einverständnis bis zur Löschung meines Namens und meiner Adresse jederzeit, auch zu einzelnen Punkten, ohne Angabe von Gründen Widerrufen kann. Die zu mir und meinem verstorbenen Kind gespeicherten In-formationen werden in diesem Fall gelöscht und nicht für die Studie ausgewertet. ______________________, den _______________ (Ort) (Datum) ______________________________________________________________ Unterschrift/en Sorgeberechtigte/r

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Accompanying letter with the physician questionnaire

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Sehr geehrte Frau Kollegin, sehr geehrter Herr Kollege, mit diesem Brief möchten wir Sie bitten, uns bei einer wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung zur Erfassung der Todesursachen im ersten und zweiten Lebensjahr zu unterstützen. Gegenwärtig versterben jährlich etwa 1500 Kinder im ersten und zweiten Lebensjahr nach Vollendung des ersten Lebensmonats in Deutschland trotz moderner medizinischer Diagnostik- und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten. Neben den bekannten Todesursachen wie angeborene Fehlbildungen des Herzens oder anderer lebenswichtiger Organe, Krebserkrankungen, Unfälle und schwere Infektionen sind einige Todesfälle bisher ätiologisch nur unzureichend oder nicht zu klären. Einige dieser Todesfälle haben sich in auffälliger zeitlicher Nähe zu Impfungen ereignet. Dies führt dazu, dass eine Verunsicherung der Bevölkerung hervorgerufen wird und medizinische Maßnahmen wie Impfungen in Frage gestellt werden. Eine Aussage darüber, ob der beobachtete zeitliche Zusammenhang zufällig ist oder tatsächlich eine überzufällige Häufung dieser Todesfälle in engem zeitlichen Zusammenhang nach bestimmten Impfungen auftritt, kann nur geklärt werden, wenn alle Todesfälle im Rahmen einer epidemiologischen Studie standardisiert erfasst und untersucht werden. Dabei ist die Erhebung von zuverlässigen und sehr detaillierten Daten über Vorerkrankungen, medikamentöse Therapien und Impfungen von herausragender Bedeutung. Hier sind wir auf Ihre Mithilfe angewiesen und bitten Sie sehr um Ihr Engagement! Als Entschädigung für Ihren Aufwand können wir Ihnen den Betrag von 30 Euro anbieten. Dafür geben Sie bitte auf der letzten Seite des Fragebogens Ihre Bankverbindung an. Familie ................................... hat Sie als Arzt des Vertrauens genannt und von der Schweigepflicht für das von Ihnen behandelte Kind ........................................., geb. ...................... entbunden. Beiliegend eine Kopie der Schweigepflichtentbindung. Für die Erfassung der notwendigen Daten haben wir einen Fragebogen beigelegt, der sich wesentlich an den dokumentierten Impfungen und anamnestischen Angaben orientiert. Falls Ihnen weitere ärztliche Befunde vorliegen, wären wir für diese zusätzlichen Informationen sehr dankbar. Diese Studie wird durchgeführt vom Robert Koch-Institut als zentraler Forschungseinrichtung des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit und soziale

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Sicherung auf dem Gebiet der Krankheitskontrolle und –prävention in Kooperation mit • der Klinik für Allgemeine Pädiatrie und Neonatologie der Universität

Magdeburg, • dem Institut für Soziale Pädiatrie und Jugendmedizin der Ludwig-Maximilians-

Universität in München. Die Ethikkommission der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover (MHH) hat der Durchführung der Untersuchung zugestimmt. Die Beauftragten des Datenschutzes haben unser Vorgehen überprüft und wir haben die Empfehlungen der Beauftragten für Datenschutz umgesetzt. Ihre Angaben werden pseudonymisiert ausgewertet, d.h., wenn die von Ihnen und den Eltern des Kindes ausgefüllten Fragebögen bei uns angekommen ist und wir die Angaben zu dem verstorbenen Kind vollständig zusammengeführt haben, werden wir Namen und Adresse von den Daten trennen, gesichert verwahren und spätestens nach zwei Jahren vernichten. Es kann dann später weder ein Bezug zu dem verstorbenen Kind noch zu Ihnen als behandelndem Arzt hergestellt werden. Wir bitten Sie auch aus Gründen des Datenschutzes die erste Seite des Fragebogens, die den Namen des Kindes enthält, vor der Rücksendung abzutrennen. Ihre Teilnahme ist freiwillig, bei Nichtausfüllen oder unvollständigem Ausfüllen entstehen Ihnen keine Nachteile. Gerne stehen wir Ihnen für weitere Fragen zur Verfügung (Klinik für Allgemeine Pädiatrie und Neonatologie: PD Dr. Klaus Mohnike, Emanuel-Larisch-Weg 17 - 19 , 39112 Magdeburg, Tel.: 03 91/67-1 71 01). Wir bedanken uns bei Ihnen und verbleiben Mit freundlichen Grüßen Prof. Dr. Reinhard Kurth Präsident des Robert Koch-Instituts

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Data protection issues

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Darstellung der Maßnahmen zur Gewährleistung des Datenschutzes ‚Studie über Todesfälle bei Kindern im 2. – 24. Lebensmonat’


Epidemiologischer Studienteil 1. Initial erfolgt für jeden Todesfall im 2.-24. Lebensmonat die Übermittlung aller lei-

chenschauärztlichen Angaben sowie von Geburts- und Todesdatum durch das öffent-liche Gesundheitsamt an die Studienleitung im Robert-Koch-Institut.

a. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt sind die personenidentifizierenden Angaben (Name, An-schrift) auf der Kopie des Totenscheins geschwärzt und eine laufende Num-mer durch das jeweilige Gesundheitsamt vergeben, die eine eindeutige Zu-ordnung des Falls in der Kommunikation mit dem RKI ermöglicht. Erst nach Einholung des informierten Einverständnisses der Eltern durch das öffentliche Gesundheitsamt (bzw. den obduzierenden Rechtsmediziner) liegen dem RKI die personenidentifizierenden Daten vor.

2. Eine laufende Fallnummer wird durch das RKI vergeben.

3. Das RKI sendet eine Kopie des informierten Einverständnisses und der Erklärung über die Entbindung von der ärztlichen Schweigepflicht an die Studiengruppe in Magdeburg (MD).

4. Das RKI führt eine Liste, auf der die Fallnummern den Namen der Probanden zuge-ordnet werden. Diese Zuordnungsliste wird fortlaufend aktualisiert und vom RKI in ei-nem abgeschlossenen, gesicherten Ort (Stahlschrank nach DIN-Norm) hinterlegt. Alle zur Dateneingabe vorgesehenen Dokumente tragen nur noch die nicht sprechende Fallnummer. Von diesem Zeitpunkt an ist in der Daten eingebenden und Daten aus-wertenden Stelle RKI die Pseudonymisierung vollzogen. Die Zuordnungslisten wer-den im Fall einer Rücknahme der Einverständniserklärung durch einzelne Eltern ver-wendet, um die Fallnummer zu ermitteln, so dass die Daten auf Wunsch der Eltern gelöscht werden können.

5. MD sendet den mit der Fallnummer versehenen Elternfragebogen an die Eltern. Die Eltern füllen ihn aus, senden ihn zusammen mit einer Kopie des Impfbuchs an Mag-deburg zurück. Eine Schwärzung der personenidentifizierenden Angaben auf der Ko-pie des Impfbuchs und die alleinige Kennzeichnung mit der Fallnummer bereits durch die Eltern wird nicht für dienlich gehalten, da MD zu diesem Zeitpunkt ohnehin noch mit den persönlichen Angaben aus Fragebogen und informiertem Einverständnis ar-beitet (zum Beispiel wird bei der elterlichen Angabe von zusätzlichen Ärzten auf der vom Elternfragebogen abzutrennenden Seite 17/18 diesen Ärzten mit Hinweis auf den Namen und den Todestag des Kindes ebenfalls ein Arztfragebogen zugesendet). Magdeburg führt erste Qualitätskontrollen durch (Vollständigkeit, Lesbarkeit, medizi-nische Plausibilität), schwärzt alle personenidentifizierende Angaben auf der Kopie des Impfbuchs, versieht diese mit der Fallnummer und sendet dann alle Unterlagen an das RKI zur Dateneingabe und Auswertung (vorher: Kopie). Nach Bestätigung des Eingangs der Unterlagen beim RKI vernichtet Magdeburg die Kopie des informierten Einverständnisses und bewahrt nur noch die Kopie des mit der Fallnummer versehe-nen Fragebogens auf. Diese Kopie wird nach Eingabe der Daten in die Datenbank (RKI) ebenfalls vernichtet.

6. MD sendet einen mit der Fallnummer versehenen Arztfragebogen an die Ärzte. Die vom Arzt benötigten personenidentifzierenden Angaben zum Kind sind auf dem (ab-zutrennenden) Deckblatt aufgeführt. Die Ärzte senden den Fragebogen an MD zu-rück, nachdem sie das Deckblatt entfernt und zu ihren Unterlagen genommen haben.

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MD trennt den Abschnitt mit den Angaben zur Kontoverbindung vom Fragebogen und sendet diesen mit getrennter Post an das RKI, so dass über diese Angaben kein Be-zug zwischen dem Arzt und dem Todesfall hergestellt werden kann. Magdeburg führt erste Qualitätskontrollen durch (Vollständigkeit, Lesbarkeit) und sendet dann alle Un-terlagen ans RKI zur Dateneingabe und Auswertung (vorher: Kopie). Über die Konto-informationen kann später lediglich nachvollzogen werden, welche Ärzte überhaupt an der Studie teilgenommen haben.

7. Das RKI gibt die pseudomymisierten Daten ein und wertet sie aus.

8. Nach vollständiger Zusammenführung und Eingabe der Daten, spätestens zwei Jahre nach Abschluss der Fallerfassungsphase werden alle personenidentifizierenden Da-ten (Einverständniserklärung und Zuordnungslisten) definitiv vernichtet. Die pseudo-nymisierten Dokumente (Fragebögen etc.) und Daten werden frühestens 10 Jahre nach Abschluss der Studie vernichtet.

Rechtsmedizinischer Studienteil 1. Initial erfolgt die Übermittlung aller leichenschauärztlichen Angaben, Name. Adresse,

Geburts- und Todesdatum sowie der internen Autopsienummer zusammen mit einer Kopie des informierten Einverständnisses durch die obduzierenden Rechtsmedizini-schen Institute an die Studienleitung im Robert-Koch-Institut.

2. weiter wie unter 2. – 8. des epidemiologischen Studienteils

3. parallel zu Schritt drei informiert das RKI die LMU über die vergebende Fallnummer und die dazugehörenden internen Autopsienummern.

4. LMU sammelt Daten von Obduktionen und Zusatzuntersuchungen unter Fallnum-mern


Page A-206

Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU):

Abfrage Obduktionen beiKindern im 10. - 24.


RKI:Abfrage Totenscheine

von im 2. - 24.Lebensmonat

verstorbenen Kindern

Rechtsmed. Institute:Durchführung Obduktionen bei

Kindern (10. - 24. LM)Informiertes Einverständnisder Eltern oder Nullmeldung


senden Kopienpseudonym.

Totenscheine oderNullmeldung


Anzahl von Todesfällenin relevantemLebensalter

LMU:registriert Fälle,

sammeltErgebnisse vonAutopsien und




RKI:prüft Response,

Einschlusskriterien,vergibt Fallnummern,bittet GA informiertes

Einverständniseinzuholen: siehe Abb.2

Gesundheitsämter:bitten Eltern um


(Kaskade Rekrutierungsiehe Abb. 2)


Auswahl von Kontrollen,Information Magdeburg

Kinderklinik derUniversität Magdeburg

(MD):Fragebögen an Eltern

und Ärzte,Überwachung Rücklauf,auf Wunsch Betreuung

der Eltern

RechtsmedizinischesInstitut der Universität


Fallkonferenzen,Auswertung derObduktionsdaten


Einverständnis,Befreiung von ärztl.


RKI:DateneingabeFragebögen in

Datenbank Fall-Kontroll-und SCCS-Analyse

LMU:Eingabe der

Obduktionsdaten inDatenbank und




Fax/Email monatlich

Post monatlich

Postweg oder encrypted Email



Anzahl Fälle

Abbildung 1: Ablaufdiagramm

Informationüber vollenNamen und



Informat on über interneAutopsienummer und Identifier


Page A-207

Eltern stimmenzu oder lehnen

definitiv ab,oder werden

nach nach 10Versuchen nicht

telefonisch erreicht

Informiertes Einverständnis

unterschrieben an RKIinnerhalb von 10 Tagen


unterschrieben an RKIinnerhalb von 10 Tagen

Eltern haben innerhalbvon 10 Tagen nicht an

RKI geantwortet

Keine Antwort an RKIinnerhalb von 10 Tagen


Einschlusskriteriennicht erfüllt

Teilnahme wirdabgelehnt

GA:senden pseudonymisierte


RKI:prüft Einschlusskriterien

RKI:informiert GA per Fax oder Email über


RKI:sendet GA Anschre ben für Eltern,informiertes Einverständnis, Flyerund Vordruck für Ablehnung der

Teilnahme, Freiumschlag

GA:informiert RKI über Nichtteilnahme

GA:ergänzt Adresse auf Freiumschlag,

initiiert Postversand

RKI:informiert GA per Fax oder Emailüber erfolgreiche Rekrutierung

GA:Mitarbeit für idesen Fall beendet

RKI:sendet GA

Laufzettel für Dokumentation vonTelefonkontakten

Abbildung 2: Maßnahmen zur Teilnahmegewinnung

Eltern:erhalten Unterlagen vom GA

RKI:sendet GA

2. Anschreiben fürEltern, informiertes Einverständnis,

Flyer, Freiumschlag

GA:ergänzt Adresse auf Freiumschlag,

initiiert2. Postversand

GA:ermittelt Telefonnummer, führt bis

zu 10 Kontaktversuchen durch, führtein Gespräch, dokumentiert auf


GA:übersendet Laufzettel an RKI,

übersendet Nonresponder-Fragebogen an Eltern

Page A-208

Approval of the federal data protection officer

Page A-209

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ZUSTELL- UND LIEFERANSCHRIFT Husarenstraße 30, 53117 BonnVERKEHRSANBINDUNG Straßenbahn 61, Finanzministerium

POSTANSCHR FT Der Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz, Postfach 20 01 12, 53131 Bonn

BETREFF Studie über Todesfälle bei Kindern im 2. bis 24. LebensmonatBEZUG Ihr Schreiben vom 23.02.05, AZ: FG23/Sd/TOKEN

Nach Durchsicht der mir zugesandten Unterlagen bestehen aus meiner Sicht keine grundsätzlichenBedenken gegen die Durchführung der geplanten Studie. Die Einzelheiten der Durchführung auf Lä n-derebene müssen Sie allerdings mit den zuständ igen Landesbeauftragten für Datenschutz abstimmen.Aus datenschutzrechtlichen Gründen ist darauf zu achten, dass das von Ihnen geschilderte - und vonmir bereits mehrmals akzeptierte - Pseudonymisierungsverfahren strikt eingehalten wird und die daranbeteiligten Mitarbeiter über die Konsequenzen von Verstößen informiert we rden.

Darüber hinaus sollte Sie in den Aufklärungsunterlagen und den Einwilligungserklärungen die hierunzutreffenden Bezeichnungen "anonymisiert" usw. durch "pseudonymisiert" ersetzen.Zusätzlich ist in diesen Papieren kurz die Wirkung des Widerrufs der Einwilligung au fzunehmen.

Im Auftraggez.Walter

HAUSANSCHR FT Husarenstraße 30, 53117 BonnPOSTANSCHR FT Postfach 20 01 12, 53131 Bonn

TEL +49 (0)228-81995-412ODER +49 (0)1888-7799-412

FAX +49 (0)228-81995-550ODER +49 (0)1888-7799-550


BEARBEITET VON WalterNTERNET www.datenschutz.bund.de

DATUM Bonn, 24.03.2005

GESCHÄFTSZ. IV-401/008#0008

Robert Koch InstitutPostfach 650280

13302 Berlin

Page A-211

Page A-212

Approval of the ethics committee

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Page A-218

Parental questionnaire - control group -

Page A-219

Page A-220

Studie über Risikofaktoren bei Kindern im

2. bis 24. Lebensmonat


8252131169Page A-221

Liebe Eltern,

Sie haben sich bereit erklärt, an unserer Untersuchung über Risikofaktoren bei

Säuglingen und Kleinkindern teilzunehmen.

Dafür danken wir Ihnen sehr. Diese Untersuchung soll Erkenntnisse über

Ursachen von frühen Todesfällen gewinnen und dadurch helfen, zukünftig solche

Fälle zu verhindern.

Wir befragen Sie zunächst kurz zu Ihren Lebensumständen und möchten auch

wissen, wer diesen Bogen ausfüllt. Es werden dann Fragen zu Schwangerschaft,

Geburt, medizinischen Behandlungen und Impfungen Ihres Kindes gestellt.

Anschließend bitten wir Sie um einige Angaben zu Ihren Lebensgewohnheiten

und Lebensbedingungen.

- Bitte beantworten Sie alle Fragen vollständig! Sie können zwar Fragen

auslassen, die Ihnen unangenehm sind, allerdings würde das die

wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung sehr beeinträchtigen.

- Kreuzen Sie bitte bei jeder Frage an, was auf Sie oder Ihr Kind am besten


- Bitte senden Sie uns dann im bereits frankierten Briefumschlag den Fragebogen zusammen mit einer Kopie des Impfbuchs Ihres Kindes zu.

Die Adresse für die portofreie Rücksendung und unsere Kontaktadresse bei

Fragen und Unklarheiten lautet:

Robert Koch – Institut

Fachgebiet 23

- Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen, Präventionskonzepte -

Dr. med. Christina Poethko-Müller

Seestraße 10

13353 Berlin

Tel.. 030 18754 3193 (Ortstarif)

1963131161Page A-222

1. Bitte tragen Sie das heutige Datum ein:

(TT.MM.JJJJ, z. B. 28.09.2007)

2. Wer beantwortet diesen Fragebogen?

Leibliche Mutter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Leiblicher Vater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mutter und Vater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Großeltern, andere Verwandte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Pflegeeltern/Adoptiveltern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Betreuer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3. Wie alt sind Sie? Bitte für beide Elternteile angeben!


Leibliche Mutter Leiblicher Vater


4. In welchem Land sind Sie geboren? Bitte für beide Elternteile angeben!

Leibliche Mutter

In Deutschland In einem anderen Land:

Weiß nicht

Leiblicher Vater

In Deutschland In einem anderen Land:

Weiß nicht

In welchem anderen Land?

In welchem anderen Land?

Angaben der Eltern

. .

1826131169Page A-223

Angaben der Eltern

5. Welchen Familienstand haben Sie? Bitte für beide Elternteile angeben!

Alleinlebend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Partnerschaft oder Ehe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Weiß nicht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Leibliche Mutter Leiblicher Vater

Angaben zu den Lebensumständen des Kindes

6. Wann ist Ihr Kind geboren?

(TT.MM.JJJJ, z. B. 28.03.2006)

7. Welches Geschlecht hat Ihr Kind?

männlich weiblich

8. Bei wem lebt Ihr Kind hauptsächlich? (Hier bitte nur ein Kreuz machen!)

leiblichen Eltern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mutter und ihrem Partner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Vater und seiner Partnerin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

alleinlebender Mutter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

alleinlebendem Vater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Großeltern oder anderen Verwandten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Pflegeeltern/Adoptiveltern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

In einem Heim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Weiß nicht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Zusammenlebend in häuslicher

. .

Das Kind lebt hauptsächlich bei

8145131160Page A-224

9. Mit wie vielen älteren und jüngeren Geschwistern lebt Ihr Kind zusammen? Gemeint sind in diesem Fall auch Halbgeschwister und angeheiratete Geschwister.

Mein Kind lebt mit keinen Geschwistern zusammen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mein Kind lebt mit einem (1) Geschwisterkind zusammen . . . . . . . . . . .

Mein Kind lebt mit zwei (2) Geschwisterkindern zusammen . . . . . . . . . .

Mein Kind lebt mit drei (3) Geschwisterkindern zusammen . . . . . . . . . .

Mein Kind lebt mit mehr als drei Geschwisterkindern zusammen . . . . . .

Weiß nicht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

10. Wie groß ist die Wohnung, in der Ihr Kind hauptsächlich lebt?

m² Weiß nicht

11. Wie viele Personen leben außer Ihrem Kind in dieser Wohnung?

Personen Weiß nicht

12. Wird oder wurde Ihr Kind gestillt?

Wird zurzeit noch gestillt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Nein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Weiß nicht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ja, eswurde bis zum Lebensmonat gestillt.

Angaben zu den Lebensumständen des Kindes

Wenn ihr Kind nicht gestillt wurde, weiter mit Frage 14.

2613131164Page A-225

Angaben zu den Lebensumständen des Kindes

13. Wie lange wurde Ihr Kind ausschließlich gestillt?

Es wird zurzeit noch ausschließlich gestillt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Es wurde nie ausschließlich gestillt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Weiß nicht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Es wurde bis zum Lebensmonat ausschließlich gestillt.

14. Wird in der Gegenwart Ihres Kindes in der Wohnung geraucht?

Täglich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mehrmals pro Woche . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Einmal pro Woche . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Seltener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Nie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Weiß nicht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Schwangerschaft und Geburt

Die folgenden Fragen zur Schwangerschaft richten sich an die Mutter des Kindes.Kann die Mutter den Frageboen nicht ausfüllen, so bitten wir die oder denAusfüllende/n die Fragen so genau wie möglich zu beantworten.

15. War die Geburt Ihres Kindes eine Mehrlingsgeburt?

Ja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Nein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Weiß nicht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

0067131165Page A-226

Schwangerschaft und Geburt

16. Wie viele (Lebend-) Geburten hatten Sie vor der Geburt des Kindes?

Geburten Weiß nicht

18. Wenn Sie mehrere Kinder geboren haben, ist eines Ihrer Kinder im Alter unter 24 Monaten verstorben?

Ja Nein Weiß nicht

Wenn ja, in welchem Lebensmonat ist das Kind verstorben?

Im Lebensmonat.

Wenn ja, welches war die Todesursache?

Ja, täglich über 10 Zigaretten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ja, täglich bis zu 10 Zigaretten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ja, gelegentlich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Nein, nie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Weiß nicht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

17. Haben Sie während der Schwangerschaft Ihres Kindes geraucht?

1173131164Page A-227

Schwangerschaft und Geburt

19. In welcher Schwangerschaftswoche wurde Ihr Kind geboren?

Schwangerschaftswoche. Weiß nicht

Falls Sie sich daran nicht mehr erinnern können:

Mein Kind wurde

zu früh geboren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

termingerecht geboren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

zu spät geboren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(mehr als 3 Wochen vor dem errechneten Geburtstermin)

(bis zu 3 Wochen vor und bis zu 2 Wochen nach dem errechneten Geburtstermin)

(mehr als 2 Wochen nach dem errechneten Geburtstermin)

20. Wie schwer und wie groß war Ihr Kind bei der Geburt?



Gramm schwer

Zentimeter lang

Weiß nicht

Weiß nicht


21. Sind bei Ihrem Kind in den ersten 4 Lebenswochen nach der Geburt Probleme aufgetreten?

Ja Nein Weiß nicht

Wenn ja, welche? (Hier sind mehrere Antworten möglich.)

Schwierigkeiten bei der Atmung, Anpassungsstörungen . . . . . . . . . . .

Infektion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Neugeborengelbsucht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Untergewicht, Frühgeburt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Sonstige . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Verlegung in eine Kinderklinik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

NächteWie lange lag es dort?

7940131162Page A-228


22. Hat oder hatte Ihr Kind jemals folgende Krankheiten?

Angeborene Fehlbildungen

Ja Nein Weiß nicht

Wenn ja, welche?

Andere angeborene Erkrankungenz. B. Stoffwechsel-Störungen, hormonelle Störungen wie z. B. Schilddrüsen-unterfunktion, Blutkrankheiten

Ja Nein Weiß nicht

Körperliche oder geistige Entwicklungsstörungen

Ja Nein Weiß nicht


Ja Nein Weiß nicht

Wenn ja, welche?

Wenn ja, welche?

Wenn ja, welche?

8735131165Page A-229


Erkrankungen des Nervensystemsz. B. Bewegungsstörungen, Lähmungen

Ja Nein Weiß nicht

Wenn ja, welche?

Anfallsleiden (Fallsucht, Epilepsie)

Ja Nein Weiß nicht

Wenn ja, welche?

23. Ist oder war Ihr Kind ein so genanntes "Schreibaby", das vermehrt (d.h. über mehrere Wochen täglich oder fast täglich mehrere Stunden ohne erkenntlichen Grund) geschrien hat und nicht oder kaum zu trösten war?

Ja Nein Weiß nicht

Bösartige Tumorerkrankungz. B. Hirntumor, Leukämie, Knochenkrebs, Neuroblastom

Ja Nein Weiß nicht

Fortsetzung Frage 22:Hat oder hatte Ihr Kind jemals folgende Krankheiten?

Atemwegserkrankungenz.B. Asthma, obstruktive Bronchitis

Ja Nein Weiß nicht

Wenn ja, welche?

5103131161Page A-230


Ja Nein Weiß nicht

24. Haben Sie Ihr Kind schon einmal scheinbar leblos aufgefunden (mit Atemstillstand, schlaffer Muskulatur, blasser oder bläulicher Hautfarbe und stark verlangsamtem Herzschlag "ALTE", von dem es sich erst nach heftigem Schütteln (Stimulation) oder Wiederbelebung erholte)?

Wenn ja, wann?

(TT.MM.JJJJ, z. B. 28.09.2005)

Wenn ja, ist Ihr Kind damals von einem Arzt oder in einem Krankenhausnachuntersucht worden?

Ja Nein Weiß nicht

. . (Datum)

5643131160Page A-231

Medizinische Behandlungen und Impfungen

25. Wurde Ihr Kind jemals wegen einer Verletzung beim Arzt oder in der Notaufnahme eines Krankenhauses behandelt?

Ja Nein Weiß nicht

Ja Nein Weiß nicht

26. Wurde Ihr Kind in den letzten 4 Wochen vor dem regelmäßig mit Medikamenten behandelt?


Wenn ja, mit welchen? (Bitte geben Sie möglichst auch die Dosierung an.)

2069131169Page A-232

Medizinische Behandlungen und Impfungen

Ja Nein Weiß nicht

27. Wurde Ihr Kind jemals geimpft?

Bitte beantworten Sie die folgenden Fragen unbedingt so gut es geht.Bitte fügen Sie zusätzlich eine Kopie des Impfausweises bei.

28. Hatten Sie Gründe, Ihrem Kind Impfungen nicht oder noch nicht geben zu lassen?

Ja Nein

Wenn ja, welche Gründe hatten Sie?

Wenn Ihr Kind nie geimpft wurde, bitte weiter mit Frage 32.

Mein Kind ist noch zu jung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Angst vor Nebenwirkungen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ich war über die Notwendigkeit der Impfung nicht informiert . . . . . . . .

Der Arzt hat von der Impfung abgeraten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Die Impfung wurde vergessen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mein Kind hat/hatte Erkrankungen, wegen dererdie Impfung aufgeschoben/verhindert wurde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ich halte für mein Kind das Durchmachen derKrankheiten für besser als die entsprechende Impfung . . . . . . . . . . . . .



9195131166Page A-233

Medizinische Behandlungen und Impfungen

Bitte nehmen Sie jetzt den Impfausweis Ihres Kindes zu Hand und übertragen Sie

die Angaben zu den letzten beiden Impfungen vor demaus dem Impfausweis in die Tabelle.

29. Wenn Ihr Kind je geimpft wurde, welches waren die letzte und vorletzte

Impfung vor dem ?

Bitte übertragen Sie Handelsnamen und Chargennummern möglichst genau!




Handelsname und Chargen-nummer (Ch.-B.:) des Impfstoffes M






















s in



b (













. .

. .

6122131163Page A-234

Medizinische Behandlungen und Impfungen

30. Bitte geben Sie möglichst genau das Datum und die Uhrzeit der letzten

Impfung des Kindes vor dem an:

Die letzte Impfung des Kindes vor dem fand statt am



(TT.MM.JJJJ, z. B. 28.09.2007)

Weiß nicht

. (z.B. 09.15 Uhr)

31. Hat Ihr Kind diese Impfung gut vertragen?

Ja Nein Weiß nicht

Wenn nein, welche Schwierigkeiten gab es?

Wurde im Zusammenhang mit der letzten Impfung ein Medikament verabreicht(z.B. ein fiebersenkendes Arzneimittel) wenn ja, welches?

32. War das Kind seit seiner Geburt in einer Klinik?

Ja Nein Weiß nicht

Wenn ja, warum?


. . (Datum)


0230131167Page A-235

Auf den Rücken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Auf den Bauch, Gesicht nach unten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Auf den Bauch, Gesicht zur Seite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Auf die Seite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Weiß nicht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

34. Veränderte Ihr Kind in den letzten 4 Wochen vor dem selbstständig seine Schlafposition?


Ja Nein Weiß nicht

35. Welche Schlafposition nahm es dann überwiegend selbstständig ein?

Rückenlage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Bauchlage, Gesicht nach unten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Bauchlage, Gesicht zur Seite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Seitenlage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Wechselnd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Weiß nicht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


33. Bitte erinnern Sie sich, in welche Liegeposition Ihr Kind in den letzten vier

Wochen vor dem vorwiegend zum Schlafen hingelegt wurde?


4664131162Page A-236


Ja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Gelegentlich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Einmal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Nein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Weiß nicht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Wenn ja, wodurch wurde Ihr Kind gewärmt?

Wärmflasche . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Elektrisches Heizkissen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

einer eingeschalteten Heizung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Wärmestrahler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Andere Formen direkter Wärme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Das Bett befand sich in unmittelbarer Nähe

Wenn ja, welche?

36. Wurde Ihr Kind während des Schlafens in den letzten 4 Wochen vor dem

von außen gewärmt? (z.B. Heizdecke, Wärmestrahler, Wärmflasche)%GENGEB

9985131163Page A-237

Die folgenden Fragen betreffen die Beschreibung der Lebenssituation des Kindes.Mit der Rubrik "Mutter" und "Vater" sind jetzt auch diejenigen Personen gemeint,die möglicherweise für das Kind diese Funktion übernehmen, wie z.B. derLebenspartner der Mutter (für "Vater") oder die Lebenspartnerin des Vaters (für"Mutter") oder sonstige Personen, falls das Kind nicht bei den leiblichen Eltern lebt.

37. Rauchen Sie zurzeit? Bitte für beide Elternteile angeben!

Ja, täglich über 20 Zigaretten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ja, täglich bis zu 20 Zigaretten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ja, aber nicht täglich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Nein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Weiß nicht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mutter Vater

38. Welchen Schulabschluss haben Sie? Nennen Sie bitte nur den höchsten Abschluss. Bitte für beide Elternteile angeben!

Hauptschulabschluss/Volksschulabschluss . . . . . . . . .

Realschulabschluss (Mittlere Reife) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(POS, 10. Klasse) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(Abschluss einer Fachoberschule) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Abitur (Gymnasium bzw. EOS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Anderer Schulabschluss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Schule beendet ohne Schulabschluss . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(Noch) keinen Schulabschluss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Weiß nicht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mutter Vater


Abschluss Polytechnische Oberschule

Angaben zu den Eltern

7847131168Page A-238

39. Haben Sie eine abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung? Wenn ja, welche? Nennen Sie bitte nur den höchsten Abschluss. Bitte für beide Elternteile angeben!

Lehre (beruflich-betriebliche Ausbildung) . . . . . . . . . . .

(beruflich-schulische Ausbildung) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Berufs- oder Fachakademie) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Fachhochschule, Ingenieurschule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Universität, Hochschule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Anderer Ausbilungsabschluss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(und auch nicht in der Ausbildung) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(Auszubildender, Student) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Weiß nicht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Fachschule (z. B. Meister-Technikerschule

Berufsschule, Handelsschule

Mutter Vater

Angaben zu den Eltern

Kein beruflicher Abschluss

In beruflicher Ausbildung

Lebensumstände der Eltern

40. Welche der folgenden Angaben trifft auf Sie zu?

Mutter Vater


nicht berufstätig (Rentner, Student usw.) . . . . . . . . . .

arbeitslos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

vorübergehende Freistellung (z.B. Erziehungsurlaub) . .

Teilzeit oder stundenweise berufstätig . . . . . . . . . . . . .

voll berufstätig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Auszubildener (z. B. Lehrling) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Weiß nicht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

0712131162Page A-239

41. Wie hoch ist Ihr durchschnittliches monatliches Haushaltseinkommen, d.h. das Nettoeinkommen, das alle Haushaltsmitglieder zusammen nach Abzug von Steuern und Sozialabgaben haben?(Einschließlich Erziehungs- und Kindergeld)

Lebensumstände der Eltern

Unter 500 € . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

500 bis unter 1000 € . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1000 bis unter 2000 € . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2000 bis unter 4000 € . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4000 € und mehr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Weiß nicht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Vielen Dank, Sie haben unsere Fragen jetzt beantwortet. Gibt es vielleichtnoch etwas, das Sie uns gerne mitteilen möchten?

0301131166Page A-240

Vielen Dank für die Beantwortung der Fragen!

Bitte prüfen Sie Ihre Angaben noch einmal auf


Bitte senden Sie dann den Fragebogen zusammen mit der

Kopie des Impfbuchs

im beiliegenden Freiumschlag portofrei an:

Robert Koch – Institut Fachgebiet 23

- Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen, Präventionskonzepte - Dr. med. Christina Poethko-Müller

Seestraße 10 13353 Berlin

6527131162Page A-241


Page A-242

Non-responder questionnaire - control group -

Page A-243

Page A-244

Robert Koch-Institut | Seestraße 10 | 13353 Berlin


Kurzfragebogen-Studie über Risikofaktoren

bei Kindern im 2. – 24. Lebensmonat

Unser Zeichen : >Fallnummer<

1. Aus welchen Gründen möchten bzw. können Sie an der Studie nicht teilnehmen?

(Mehrfachantworten möglich)

Nehme grundsätzlich nicht an Studien teil ........

Sehe für mich keinen Nutzen ..............................

Aus zeitlichen Gründen .......................................

Sonstige Gründe, ....................................................

und zwar (bitte eintragen!): _________________________________________

2. Welches Geschlecht hat Ihr Kind? Junge ... Mädchen ...

3. Bei wem lebt Ihr Kind hauptsächlich? (Hier bitte nur ein Kreuz machen!)

Leibliche Eltern ....................................

Mutter und ihrem Partner ....................

Vater und seiner Partnerin ..................

Mutter ..................................................

Vater ....................................................

Großeltern oder anderen Verwandten .

Pflegeeltern/Adoptiveltern ...................

In einem Heim .....................................

4. Wer beantwortet diesen Kurzfragebogen?

Mutter ............. Lebenspartner der Mutter ....

Vater ................ Lebenspartnerin des Vaters .

Sonstige Person ...

5. Wie alt sind Sie? (Bitte für beide angeben)

Mutter... (Jahre) Vater... (Jahre)

6. Rauchen Sie zurzeit? (Bitte für beide angeben)

Mutter: Ja ... Nein ... Vater: Ja ... Nein ...

Page A-245


7. Wie viele Tage vor dem >Referencedate< wurde Ihr Kind das letzte Mal geimpft?

Tage wenn nicht bekannt oder länger her als 7 Tage : Wochen

8. Wogegen wurde Ihr Kind vor dem >Referencedate< das letzte Mal geimpft?

Mein Kind war noch nie geimpft worden

5-fach Impfung ....................................... welches Impfpräparat?____________________

6-fach Impfung ....................................... welches Impfpräparat?____________________

Masern, Mumps, Röteln .………………….. welches Impfpräparat?____________________

Windpocken …………………………………….. welches Impfpräparat?____________________

Sonstige Impfung ...................

und zwar (bitte eintragen!):


9. Welche Staatsangehörigkeit haben Sie?

Mutter: deutsch .... andere ... welche? __________________________

Vater: deutsch .... andere ... welche? __________________________

10. Welchen Schulabschluss haben Sie?

(Wenn Sie mehrere Abschlüsse haben, nennen Sie bitte nur den höchsten!)

Mutter Vater

Hauptschulabschluss / Volksschulabschluss ................................. ....................

Realschulabschluss (Mittlere Reife) ............................................... ....................

Abschluss Polytechnische Oberschule (POS) 10.Klasse ............... ....................

Fachhochschulreife (Abschluss Fachoberschule) .......................... ....................

Abitur (Gymnasium bzw. EOS) ....................................................... ....................

Anderer Schulabschluss ................................................................. ....................

Schule beendet ohne Schulabschluss ............................................ ....................

(Noch) keinen Schulabschluss ........................................................ ...................

11. Welche der folgenden Angaben zur Berufstätigkeit trifft auf Sie zu?

Mutter Vater

Zurzeit nicht berufstätig (Rentner, Student usw.) ............................. ....................

Arbeitslos ......................................................................................... .................... Vorübergehende Freistellung (z.B. Erziehungsurlaub) .................... ....................

Teilzeit oder stundenweise berufstätig ............................................. ....................

Voll berufstätig ................................................................................. ....................

Auszubildender (z.B. Lehrling) ......................................................... ....................

Vielen Dank für Ihre Mitarbeit!

Page A-246

Study report

Pathological study part of the TOKEN study

Page A-247

Page A-248


Pathology study part

– Final report –

Institute of Legal Medicine, University Duisburg-Essen

Institute of Legal Medicine, Westfälische Wilhelms-University Münster

Institute for Transfusion Medicine, University Duisburg-Essen

Institute of Neuropathology, RWTH Aachen

Essen, 16 February 2010

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


1 Introduction............................................................................................................. 3 2 Methods and case reporting................................................................................... 5 2.1 Participating institutes of legal medicine ................................................................ 6 2.1.1 Area covered by the institutes ................................................................................ 8 2.2 Response proportion of the participating ILMs....................................................... 9 2.3 Reported cases by institutes ................................................................................ 10 2.4 Expected versus reported cases .......................................................................... 11 2.5 Standardised autopsy protocol............................................................................. 11 3 General characteristics of cases .......................................................................... 13 4 Results with regard to the causes of death .......................................................... 14 4.1 Causes of death ................................................................................................... 14 4.2 Immunohistochemistry ......................................................................................... 15 4.2.1 Lungs.................................................................................................................... 15 4.2.2 Myocardium.......................................................................................................... 16 4.3 Screening for metabolic disorders........................................................................ 19 4.4 Final diagnosis for the underlying cause of death ................................................ 20 5 Results with regard to possible pathomechanisms leading to death in vaccinated

infants/children ..................................................................................................... 21 5.1 Brain oedema....................................................................................................... 21 5.2 Parameters characterizing the immune system ................................................... 25 5.2.1 Immunoglobulins .................................................................................................. 25 5.2.2 The complement system ...................................................................................... 32 5.2.3 Cytokine concentrations ....................................................................................... 35 5.2.4 Discussion of parameters characterising the function of the immune system...... 43 5.2.5 Cytokine polymorphisms ...................................................................................... 44 6 Discussion ............................................................................................................ 49 Appendix 1: Case reports................................................................................................. 54 Appendix 2: List of references for cytokine concentrations.............................................. 69

TOKEN Study – pathology study part



ILM Institute of Legal Medicine

LMU Ludwig Maximilians University

SIDS Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

SUDI Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy

UCD Underlying Cause of death

1 Introduction

SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) is the most important cause of death in the first year of life

(ICD-10 code: R95) after the neonatal period. Apart from SIDS, a number of infants die with the

diagnosis of unknown causes and need to be put together in the same category of SUDI (Sudden

Unexpected Death in Infancy). The number of SIDS infants has declined within the last two

decades in Germany from 1283 infants (1.4 per 1000 live births) in the year 1990 to 228 infants

(0.33 per 1000 live births) in the year 2007. However, the number of SUDI cases in the first and

second year of life has not changed substantially over the last 10 years. Compared to other

countries, the incidence of SIDS and SUDI is relatively high (Figure 1) in Germany.

The TOKEN study is a three-year (2005-2008) active epidemiological surveillance study. Its main

objective is to investigate a potential temporal association between vaccination and sudden death

in young children. There are two parts, the ‘epidemiological approach’ and the ‘pathological

approach’. We hereby only refer to the pathological approach.

The pathology part of the TOKEN study was initiated in order to answer the following study

question: Is there a common pathological mechanism for cases of sudden death following


TOKEN Study – pathology study part








1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007




y pe

r 10

00 li

ve b



R95R96-R99 1. LYR96-R99 2. LY

Figure 1: SIDS mortality rates (per 1000 live births per year) in Germany between 1998 and 2007,

source: German Federal Bureau of Statistics.

In the study protocol of the pathological part, the recruitment of cases was defined as: Complete

ascertainment of sudden and unexpected deaths occurring during the tenth to 24th month of life for

which post mortem examinations have been carried out is aspired. All institutes of legal medicine

and pathology in Germany were informed in advance and agreement for collaboration was sought.

Copies of the study protocol, informed consent forms and case report forms were provided to

collaborating institutes of legal medicine and pathology. This collaboration required that children

deceased between the tenth and 24th month of life were autopsied and specimens processed

according to the study protocol. With the aim to exclude any natural cause of death and detect

possibly unknown pathomechanisms, there were additional neuropathological,

immunohistochemical, bacteriological, virological and immunological investigations and also

investigations for predisposing genetic factors. The institutes were to identify eligible cases, ask

parents for informed consent and pass the case report forms and the informed consents to the


The inclusion criteria were: all infants between the completion of their 9th months of life and the

completion of the 24th months of life, who had died suddenly and unexpectedly, were to be

included in the study. The exclusion criteria were age at death does not meet inclusion criteria or

informed consent of parents or guardian not obtained. At the beginning of 2006 the study protocol

was changed: inclusion criteria were changed and infants in the 2nd-9th month of life, who were

vaccinated within seven days prior to death, were included.

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


At the beginning of the study, all public and university institutes of legal medicine (ILMs) in

Germany were contacted and asked for participation. They were asked to notify the study centre in

Munich of each case of sudden and unexpected infant death anonymously and to perform a

standardised autopsy.

Twenty-five out of 31 ILMs consented to participate, covering about 60% of the German territory.

Since July 2007 the Berlin institute participated but never reported a case to the study centre in


The participating ILMs were contacted on a monthly basis either by e-mail or telefax. The following

information was collected:

The number of autopsied children who had died in their 2nd-9th month of life and had been

vaccinated within 7 days before death and

The number of all autopsied children who had died in their 10th -24th month of life.

Furthermore, information on sex and diagnosis of death of each deceased child was obtained.

Inclusion criteria were

children who had died suddenly and unexpectedly in their 2nd-9th month of life and had been

vaccinated within 7 days before death and

any children who had died suddenly and unexpectedly in their 10th -24th month of life

Then the parents or guardians of these children were asked to give their informed consent that the

autopsy data and the results of the additional investigations may be used for the study.

Participating ILMs were asked to report every death of a child who had died in their 2nd and 24th

month of life to the study centre in Munich, to make sure that no case was missed. With the eligible

cases, the institutes undertook standardised post mortem examinations1, histology, microbiology

and toxicology. Neuropathological examinations were done by the University of Aachen. All

information was entered into an ACCESS database and then transferred into SAS 9.1.

2 Methods and case reporting

The response proportion of the institutes was, apart from the beginning of the study, stable at

100%. The participating ILMs reported 365 cases from August 1st, 2005 to August 31st, 2008. The

1 The SAP (standardised autopsy protocol) is in accordance with the European guidelines for medico-legal autopsies. (Brinkmann B. Harmonisation of medico-legal autopsy rules. Int J Legal Med 1999; 113:1-14.

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


institutes in Kiel and Lübeck were reorganized and combined to one institute in the year 2000 and

therefore reported their cases together.

2.1 Participating institutes of legal medicine

Six of the 31 ILMs in Germany refused to participate for various reasons. The participating

institutes (Table 1) reported monthly all cases of sudden and unexpected death that had died in

their 2nd to 24th month of life. All cases for the forensic part were to be autopsied according to the

standard autopsy protocol (SAP). For some cases, however, adherence to the SAP was not

possible for various reasons (long interval between death and autopsy, not enough material to

investigate, mistakes in the participating institutes).

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


Table 1: Participating public and university institutes of legal medicine in Germany.

Place of institute

Type of institute

BERLIN University Institute of Legal Medicine

BONN University Institute of Legal Medicine

BREMEN* Institute of Legal Medicine

DORTMUND* Institute of Legal Medicine

DUISBURG* Institute of Legal Medicine

DÜSSELDORF University Institute of Legal Medicine

ESSEN University Institute of Legal Medicine

FRANKFURT am Main University Institute of Legal Medicine

FREIBURG University Institute of Legal Medicine

GIESSEN University Institute of Legal Medicine

GÖTTINGEN University Institute of Legal Medicine

HAMBURG University Institute of Legal Medicine

HANNOVER University Institute of Legal Medicine

HEIDELBERG University Institute of Legal Medicine

HOMBURG University Institute of Legal Medicine

JENA University Institute of Legal Medicine

KIEL/LÜBECK University Institute of Legal Medicine

KÖLN University Institute of Legal Medicine

LEIPZIG University Institute of Legal Medicine

MAGDEBURG University Institute of Legal Medicine

MAINZ University Institute of Legal Medicine

MÜNSTER University Institute of Legal Medicine

ROSTOCK University Institute of Legal Medicine

ULM University Institute of Legal Medicine

WÜRZBURG University Institute of Legal Medicine

In addition 2 cases of non-participating institutes were


Trier Private practice of Legal Medicine

Dresden University Institute of Pathology

* - Municipal institute of legal medicine

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


2.1.1 Area covered by the institutes

Figure 2 shows the area of the German territory that is covered by Institutes of Legal Medicine that

participated in the TOKEN study. The study area covers about 60% of the area of the Federal

Republic of Germany with about 50 million inhabitants out of 82 million with about 400,000 live

births (2006).

Figure 2: The study area is marked by black colour.

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


2.2 Response proportion of the participating ILMs

After some problems at the beginning of the study, 100% of the institutes responded to the monthly

queries (Figure 3).

Responserate of IFM











ep (N





ov (N












2005 2006 2007 2008


Figure 3: Percentage of participating institutes of legal medicine responding to monthly queries.

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


2.3 Reported cases by institutes

Three hundred and sixty-five cases were reported by the ILMs between August 2005 and August

2008. Of these, 222 were in the wrong age group, 32 cases were unnatural deaths and in 10 cases

no autopsy was performed (Figure 4). In 43 of the remaining 101 eligible cases (Figure 5), an

informed consent of the parents could be obtained (42.5%).

Figure 4: Reported/eligible cases.

* Including one infant (2nd-9th months) who had died >7 days after vaccination but had the onset of

the final event <7 days after vaccination.

One hundred and one cases fulfilled the inclusion criteria, 25 cases had died in their 2nd-to 9th

month of life and 76 cases were ≥ 9 months old. From nearly half of these cases (43/101), parental

informed consent to study participation could be obtained.

Finally, 43 cases (12 in age group 2nd-to 9th month and 31 in age group 10th to 24th month) met the

inclusion criteria and were included in the final analyses

Reported cases n=365

Eligible cases n=101

Cases with consent n=31

Cases with consent n=12*

Cases 2nd-9th month of life, n=25

Wrong age category n= 222

Cases 10th -24th month of life, n=76

Non-natural death n=32

Not autopsied/autopsied in pathology n=10

TOKEN Study – pathology study part











































Jena Kiel














ngen Ulm










of c


w ith consent w ithout consent

Figure 5: Number of eligible cases by institute of legal medicine

The highest numbers were reported in the state of North-Rhine Westphalia, which has both the

highest population density and the highest infant mortality rate in Germany.

2.4 Expected versus reported cases

Based on the year 2003 with 372 SIDS cases, we expected 10% of cases to occur at ages ≥9

months (this corresponds to the age distribution of the German SIDS Study). The number of

unexpected deaths in the second year of life is relatively stable at about 25 cases per year. As the

SIDS rate fell further during the study period to 228 in the year 2007, an expected number of 27

SIDS cases seemed more realistic. Therefore, 81 cases were expected during the study period.

The institutes reported 101 cases and 43 parents agreed to participate (31 of cases aged ≥9


2.5 Standardised autopsy protocol

A standardised autopsy protocol (SAP) was introduced to all study centres involved. This SAP is in

accordance with the European guidelines for medico-legal autopsies [2] and closely reflects the

international standardised autopsy protocol [3] as well as protocols used in other studies on SIDS

2 Brinkmann B (1999) Harmonisation of medico-legal autopsy rules. Int J Legal Med 113:1–14 3 Krous H (1996) Instruction and reference manual for the international standardised autopsy protocol for sudden unexpected infant death. J SIDS Infant Mortal 1:203–246

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


including the GeSID study [4,5,6]. The autopsy included a thorough external examination, a

complete internal examination, extensive histology, immunohistochemistry of the lungs and the

myocardium, a full analytical toxicology scheme, and microbiology and virology. Furthermore,

neuropathology was done for most of the cases at the Institute of Neuropathology of the Aachen

University Hospital. For some cases these investigation were done decentralised. Finally a

metabolic screening was organised to be performed by the Laboratory Olgemöller & Becker in

Munich using tandem-MS spectrometry. The diagnostic procedure is in accordance with

international recommendations published in 2007 [7].

Data management and statistics

All data were entered with a case-related code number. Data recording was performed at the study

centre in Munich using a Microsoft Access data base. The data were then transferred into SAS

(Statistical Analysis System, version 9.01) software in Muenster.

Case conferences

The cases of the pathology study part were discussed during case conferences held at the RKI in

Berlin. The review committee consisted of one paediatric pathologist, one forensic pathologist, two

paediatricians, and two epidemiologists. The committee reviewed all cases to determine the

underlying causes of death (UCD) and to assign the cases without a morphologically defined UCD

to a specific group (R95 – R99), using the same classification introduced for the GeSID study and

considering the Brighton criteria [8].

4 Mitchell EA, Scragg R, Stewart AW et al. (1991) Cot death supplement: results from the first year of the New Zealand cot death study. NZ Med J:71–76 5 L’Hoir MP, Engelberts AC, van Well GTJ, Bajanowski T, Helweg-Larsen K, Huber J (1998) Sudden unexpected death in infancy; epidemiology determined risk factors related to a pathology classification. Acta Paediatr 87:1279–1287 6 Findeisen M, Vennemann M, Brinkmann B, Ortmann C, Röse I, Köpcke W, Jorch G, Bajanowski T (2003) German study on sudden infant death (GeSID): design, epidemiological and pathological profile. Int J Legal Med 118: 163-169 7 Bajanowski T, Vege A, Byard RW, Krous HF, Arnestad M, Bachs L, Banner J, Blair PS, Borthne A, Dettmeyer R, Fleming P, Gaustad P, Gregersen M, Groogard J, Holter E, Isaksen CV, Jorgensen JV, de Lange C, Madea B, Moore I, Morland J, Opdal SH, Rasten-Almqvist P, Schlaud M, Sidebotham P, Skullerud K, Stoltenburg-Didinger G, Stray-Pedersen A, Sveum L, Rognum TO (2007) Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)--standardised investigations and classification: recommendations. Forensic Sci Int 165(2-3):129-143 8 Jorch G, Tapiainen T, Bonhoeffer J, Fischer TK, Heininger U, Hoet B, Kohl KS, Lewis EM, Meyer C, Nelson T, Sandbu S, Schlaud M, Schwartz A, Varricchio F, Wise RP; Brighton Collaboration Unexplained Sudden Death Working Group (2007) Unexplained sudden death, including sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), in the first and second years of life: case definition and guidelines for collection, analysis, and presentation immunization safety data. Vaccine 25: 5707-5716

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


3 General characteristics of cases

In the following, all infants vaccinated within 6 days prior to death will be referred to as

“vaccinated”, while infants vaccinated more than 1 week prior to death or never vaccinated will be

referred to as “not vaccinated” (Figure 6). The mean age of the 15 vaccinated infants is 5.8 months

(range 2nd to 24th month), the mean age of the not vaccinated infants 14.5 (range 10th - 23thmonth).

The difference in mean age is due to the study design (see page 5). Of the vaccinated infants, 12

had died in the 2nd to 9th month of life, one in the 10th to 12th month of life and two were older than

12 months of age. Twenty-seven infants are male and 16 female. This gender distribution is

generally found in SIDS cases worldwide.









0-3 4-6 >6

Time interval between vaccination and death


ber o

f inf


Figure 6: Distribution of cases by time interval between immunisation and death

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


4 Results with regard to the causes of death

The cases were investigated according to the standard autopsy protocol. The results of the

investigations were used to make final diagnoses for the UCD. If any of the planned diagnostic

steps could not be done or was missed for other reasons, this was considered in the final diagnosis

as a level of decreased diagnostic certainty.

4.1 Causes of death

Twenty-five percent of infants in the younger age group had died due to explained causes. Of the

remaining cases, the UCD remained “unexplained” in 25%, because of incomplete investigations

and/or additional findings not typical for SIDS, while the other 50% showed typical SIDS findings.

Table 2: Causes of death and mean age of infants deceased in their 2nd to 9th month of life.

Cause of death N Mean age in months

SIDS (R95) 6 4.3

Unknown (R 96-99) 3 2.5

Explained cause of death 3 4.0

Table 3: Causes of death and mean age of infants deceased in their 10th to 24th month of life

Cause of death N Mean age in months

SIDS (10-12 months old) 0

Unknown (R96-99

including “SIDS-like”)

18 (2 vaccinated) 16.0

Explained cause of death 13 (1 vaccinated) 15.8

Seventy-five percent (3 out of 4) of infants who had died in their 10 h to 12th month of life were

SIDS/SID cases, showing a similar “SIDS” frequency compared to the younger group. In the

second year of life, an explained UCD was found in 40%.

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4.2 Immunohistochemistry

4.2.1 Lungs

In addition to conventional histology, immunohistochemistry (IHC) is an important method to

characterise inflammatory changes of the lung. In the present study, 4 different antibodies were

used to describe the quality of inflammatory cells which are located in the blood vessels, the

interstitium and in the alveoli. This additional diagnostic procedure was introduced to improve the

diagnosis of interstitial pneumonia and other virus related diseases.

The CD68 antibody reacts with a 110 kDa glycoprotein expressed primarily as an intracellular

molecule. It stains macrophages in a wide variety of human tissues, including lung alveoli.

Therefore the CD68 antibody can be used as pan macrophage marker which is in particular

suitable to detect macrophages in alveoli. These macrophages phagocyte excessively produced

surfactant [9].

The CD20 antibody is specific to a 33 kDa polypeptide present on the majority of B cells in

peripheral blood and lymphoid tissue. No reactivity with other haematopoietic cells has been

observed. The CD20 antigen is present on human pre B lymphocytes and on B lymphocytes at all

stages of maturation, except on plasma cells [10].

The CD45 antibody reacts with a protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) located in hematopoietic

cells except for erythrocytes and platelets. CD45 is also called the common leukocyte antigen. It is

nonreactive with epithelium and connective tissues. The PD7/26 and 2B11antibody have been

assigned to the CD45 cluster at the 6th International Workshop on Human Leukocyte

Differentiation [11]. The protein tyrosine kinases constitute a family of receptor-like enzymes that

catalyze the dephosphorylation of phosphotyrosine residues and are characterized by homologous

catalytic domains [12]. It is well suited for formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues and is used as

a pan lymphocyte screener.

9 Kunisch E, Fuhrmann R, Roth A, Winter R, Lungershausen W, Kinne RW. Macrophage specificity of three anti-CD68 monoclonal antibodies (KP1, EBM11, and PGM1) widely used for immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry. Ann Rheum Dis. 63(2003): 774-784. 10 Polyak MJ, Li H, Shariat N, Deans JP. CD20 Homo-oligomers Physically Associate with the B Cell Antigen Receptor: Dissociation upon receptor engagement and recruitment of phosphoproteins and calmodulin-binding proteins.J Biol Chem 283 (2008): 18545-52. 11 Sewell WA, Cooley MA, Hegen M. NL6. CD45 workshop panel report. In: Kishimoto T, Kikutani H, von dem Borne AEG, Goyert SM, Mason DY, Miyasaka M, et al., editors. Leucocyte typing VI. White cell differentiation antigens. Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop and Conference; 1996 Nov 10-14; Kobe, Japan. New York, London: Garland Publishing Inc.; 1997. p. 499-502. 12 Braford, D., Flint, A.J., Tonks, N.K., Crystal structure of human phosphotase 1B. 1994. Science 11:253(5152):1373.

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The antibody MRP14 reacts with peripheral blood monocytes, neutrophils and keratinocytes

(mature). The antigen expression is lost on tissue maturation of monocytes to macrophages.

MRP14 may be associated with monocyte and neutrophil activation and the accumulation of these

cells in inflammatory sites. The antibody MRP14 can be used as an early stage inflammatory

marker of activated macrophages and monocytes [13].

In 31 cases the investigation of the lungs could be done. All cases showed positive staining results

for CD68, mainly for cells in the lung periphery. These cells can therefore be diagnosed as alveolar

macrophages which occur physiologically in lungs in the investigated age group. CD20-positive B

lymphocytes were detected in small numbers in 10% of the cases mainly located in the alveolar

interstitium, indicating mild forms of interstitial pneumonia. In 20% of the cases CD45 positive

lymphocytes were found. The cells were localised in the alveolar walls as well as in blood vessels.

In the interstitium, the cells indicate the presence of interstitial pneumonia. MRP14 was detected in

a small number of cells in each case. In two cases the density of positive cells was higher

compared to the average rate indicating acute inflammation. In one case the intensity of the

changes were sufficient to explain the death. In the other case the inflammation was judged to be

contributory to death.

4.2.2 Myocardium

In addition to conventional histology, immunohistochemistry (IHC) can help to detect inflammatory

changes associated to myocarditis [14] and is therefore recommended in international protocols

[15]. To improve the diagnosis of myocarditis, we decide to use the following set of antibodies to

detect necrosis and to differentiate cell types:

C5b-9 is also known as the terminal complement complex (TCC). The TCC consists of C5b, C6,

C7, C8 and C9 and forms the membrane attack complex (MAC) as well as the non-lytic fluid-phase

SC5b-9 complex (with protein S). The MAC forms channels in target cell membranes leading to

cell lysis by osmotic leakage. The complexes contain neoantigens that are absent from the

13 Sorg C. The calcium binding proteins MRP8 and MRP14 in acute and chronic inflammation. Behring Inst Mitt (1992) 91: 126-137 14 Dettmeyer R, Schlamann M, Madea B (1999) Immunohistochemical techniques improve the diagnosis of myocarditis in cases of suspected sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). For Sci Int 105: 83-94. 15 Bajanowski T, Vege A, Byard RW, Krous HF, Arnestad M, Bachs L, Banner J, Blair PS, Borthne A, Dettmeyer R, Fleming P, Gaustad P, Gregersen M, Groogard J, Holter E, Isaksen CV, Jorgensen JV, de Lange C, Madea B, Moore I, Morland J, Opdal SH, Rasten-Almqvist P, Schlaud M, Sidebotham P, Skullerud K, Stoltenburg-Didinger G, Stray-Pedersen A, Sveum L, Rognum TO (2007) Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)--standardised investigations and classification: recommendations. Forensic Sci Int 165(2-3):129-143

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individual native components from which they are formed and is directed against a neoepitope

exposed on C9 when incorporated into the TCC.

Thomsen, Schulz and Bhakdi developed a technique for antibody application on routine paraffin

sections: C5b-9 Complement Complex is particularly well-suited for the exact and autolytically

insensitive presentation of disseminated necroses of fibre bundles and single fibres of

myocardium [16]. The application of the technique on paraffin sections lead to the use of this

technique in forensic medicine routine diagnostics of early ischemic myocardial lesions, even in

cases of sudden cardiac death.

The CD68 antibody reacts with a 110 kD glycoprotein expressed primarily as an intracellular

molecule. It stains macrophages in a wide variety of human tissues, including Kupffers cells and

macrophages in the spleen, gut, and lung alveoli and in bone marrow. Peripheral blood monocytes,

large lymphocytes and basophiles and mast cells are positive but neutrophils stain very weakly.

The CD20 antibody is specific to a 33 kDa polypeptide present on the majority of B cells in

peripheral blood and lymphoid tissue. No reactivity with other haematopoietic cells has been

observed. The CD20 antigen is present on human pre B lymphocytes and on B lymphocytes at all

stages of maturation, except on plasma cells. The CD20 molecule is involved in regulation of B cell

differentiation, presumably via its reported function as a Ca++ channel subunit.

CD45R0 (UCHL1) is a member of leukocyte common antigen family. It reacts with an epitope

unique for CD45R0. The antibody labels most thymocytes, a subpopulation of resting T cells within

both CD4 and CD8 subsets, and mature, activated T cells [17]. It is effective on formalin-fixed,

paraffin-embedded tissue sections, and is an excellent marker of reactive T cells and T-cell

neoplasm when only routinely processed material is available.

The anti-LCA antibody (leukocyte common antigen) recognizes a molecule present on the cell

surface of human leukocytes (CD45). It is a transmembrane glycoprotein expressed on most

nucleated cells of haematopoietic origin. CD45, encoded by a single gene mapped to chromosome

1, has various isoforms based on differential splicing of exons 4, 5 and 6. On human leucocytes,

five different isoforms of CD45, named ABC, AB, BC, B and 0, have been identified. These

isoforms are recognized by CD45RA, CD45RB, CD45RC and CD45R0 antibodies. All the CD45

16 Thomsen H, Schulz A, Bhakdi S (1990) Immunohistochemical C5b-9 complement complex demonstration in early stages of myocardial necroses using paraffin sections. Z Rechtsmed 103: 199-206 17 Berti E, Aversa GG, Soligo D, Cattoretti G, Delia D, Aiello A, Parravicini C, Hall BM, Caputo R (1991) A6 – a new 45RO monoclonal antibody for immunostaining of paraffin-embedded tissues.Am J Clin Pathol 95:188-193.

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isoforms share the same intracellular segment, which has been shown to have tyrosine

phosphatase activity. Various leucocytes express characteristic CD45 isoforms, thus T cells

express CD45 isoforms corresponding to their development and activation, B cells predominantly

express the ABC isoform, and monocytes and dendritic cells predominantly express the B and 0

isoforms. Granulocytes principally express only the B and 0 isoforms [18].

In two out of 42 cases, positive results were obtained: Case HGI 30806 showed single cell

necrosis and an increased number of leucocytes in the myocardium by histology. IHC showed

positive staining using C5b-9, indicating acute myocytolysis. Furthermore an increased number of

LCA positive cells were present which could be characterised as T-cells (CD45R0). Therefore we

diagnosed myocarditis and classified this (in combination with severe acute bronchitis/bronchiolitis)

as UCD.

Case HGI 18206 was inconspicuous in histology, but showed positive reaction for LCA and

CD45R0. Because of the number of inflammatory cells and the quality of the infiltrates the case

was diagnosed as viral myocarditis. Cellular necrosis was not present. Therefore the findings

cannot be judged as sufficient UCD, and the case was classified as borderline SIDS.

18 Thomas ML (1989) The leukocyte common antigen family. Ann Rev Immunol 7: 339-369

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


4.3 Screening for metabolic disorders

The classical and simple post-mortem screening method for metabolic disorders in corpses of

infants and young children is the histological investigation of liver specimens stained for fatty

degeneration of liver cells. Nevertheless, this method is unspecific. Therefore in the present study

tandem mass spectrometry was used to perform this metabolic screening (Labour Becker &

Olgemöller, Munich). The method is suitable to quantify amino acids, carnitines, and acylcarnitines


The following disturbances of metabolism can be diagnosed/excluded:

- Disturbances of amino acid metabolism

. Phenylketonuria

. Tyrosinemia

. Homocysteinuria

. Maple syrup urine disease

- Disturbances of the carnitin cycle and fatty acid oxidation

. Carnitin Palmitoyl Transferase1 (CPT1) Deficiency

. Carnitin Palmitoyl Transferase2 (CPT2) Deficiency

. Carnitin Translokase Deficiency

. MCAD-Deficiency

. VLCAD-Deficiency

. LHCAD-Deficiency

. Myoadenylate Deaminase Deficiency

- Disturbances of the metabolism of organic acids

. 3-MCC deficiency

. Isovaleric acidemia

. Glutaric acidemia Type I

. Propion academia

. Methylmalon academia

. HMG-CoA lyase deficiency

. b-ketothiolase deficiency.

In none of the investigated 43 cases, positive findings were made by tandem mass spectrometry.

This means that all the above listed disturbances/disorders can be excluded in the investigated


19 Sweetman L. (1996) Newborn screening by tandem mass spectrometry (MS-MS). Clin Chem 42:3456.

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4.4 Final diagnosis for the underlying cause of death

A summary of the causes of death in both age groups is given in Tables 4 and 5.

Table 4: Causes of death in the younger age group (2 – 9 months) using ICD 10 codes.

Cause of death Number of cases

R95 6

R98/99 3

B34.9 1

Q21.2 1

A88.8 1

Table 5: Causes of death in infants/children who had died in their 10th to 24th month of life using

ICD 10 codes.

Cause of death Number of cases

R98/99 18

W78.0 1

J21.9 1

Q20.5 1

Y65.4 1

A08.0 1

B99 1

I42.4 1

G93.9 1

A39.1 1

Q04.8 1

Q04.3 1

I42.0 1

P27.1 1

In the older children, an explained UCD could be found in 13 out of 31 (41.9%). This proportion is

nearly twice as high as in the younger group (25%). In the older group there are 18 cases showing

findings as known for SIDS. These were diagnosed as “SIDS like” using the ICD-10 codes R98,


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5 Results with regard to possible pathomechanisms leading to death in vaccinated infants/children

5.1 Brain oedema

Some recently reported cases rose the suspicion that brain swelling and brain oedema could be

one mechanism contribution to death after vaccination using hexavalent vaccines [20]. Therefore

we looked at brain oedema in the cases of this study. Although neuropathological investigations

have been performed, it is very difficult to quantify brain oedema. Brain oedema can occur focally

and in such cases the functional significance depends on the region where it is present and on the

centres which could be affected by the oedema. Focal brain oedema cannot be quantified

sufficiently by conventional neuropathological investigation. As a marker of a more generalised

oedema, the age-related brain weight can be measured with regard to the body weight. This

method is an approximation, but easy to do during autopsy. To exclude death-related changes in

brain weight, a suitable control group has to be defined. As a part of the German SIDS study

(GeSID), the brain weight in 231 SIDS cases was recorded and analysed with regard to body

weight and age [21]. These results could be used as reference values in the age group younger

than one year. From these results it is obvious that the relative brain weight decreases during the

first year of life from about 15% of body weight in the first month of life to 11% at the age of one

year (Table 6).

20 Zinka B, Rauch E, Buettner A, Ruëff F, Penning R (2006) Unexplained cases of sudden infant death shortly after hexavalent vaccination. Vaccine 24: 5779-5780. 21 Fracasso T, Brinkmann B, Bajanowski T, Vennemann M (2009) Organ weights in cases of SIDS. A German study. Am J Forensic Med Pathol, in press

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Table 6: Brain and body weight in SIDS cases. Results from the GeSID study are used as

references [21].

Month of

death N Mean

body weight


95% CI Mean brain weight [g]

95% CI Brain weight as a percentage of body

weight [g]

95% CI

1 11 3306 2855-3757 482 441-523 14.4 13.4-15.8

2 29 4445 4155-4735 540 508-572 12.1 11.2-13.1

3 52 4984 4779-5189 611 595-627 12.3 11.4-13.2

4 27 5837 5516-6158 680 654-706 11.7 10.8-12.5

5 27 6784 6305-7263 775 741-809 11.4 10.7-12.2

6 27 6791 6367-7215 801 773-829 11.8 11.0-12.6

7 11 6531 5920-7142 795 734-855 12.2 11.4-13.0

8 13 8170 7618-8722 932 891-973 11.4 10.7-12.1

9 16 8472 7762-9182 935 886-984 11.0 10.4-11.7

10 4 9185 8063-10306 1010 858-1162 11.0 10.4-11.6

11 10 8875 8248-9502 987 908-1048 11.1 10.5-11.8

12 4 9113 7879-10346 967 907-1027 10.6 9.9-11.3

In the immunized cases with explained UCD (Table 7), there are three relative brain weights which

are outside the 95% confidence interval (CI), as calculated from the GeSID study (Table 6). Two

relative brain weights are too low and one exceeds the upper 95% confidence limit. All results may

be explained by the diseases and circumstances leading to death. Interestingly, in the 2 cases with

decreased relative brain weight, the body weight is outside the upper 95% confidence limit of the

GeSID study. The brain weights of the children who had died within the second year of life cannot

be compared to the SIDS group because of the differences in age.

In immunized cases with unexplained UCD, 4 out of 11 cases show increased relative brain

weights compared to the GeSID cases while the relative brain weight is reduced in one case

(Table 8). Therefore, a mild brain oedema can be postulated for three cases. Case No 10 is a child

who had died at the age of 2 month and for whom a brain weight of 1560 g was noted in the

autopsy protocol. As it is not noted in the protocol that the child had a very severe brain oedema or

any other abnormalities, it is very likely that it is a typing error. A brain weight of 560 g is more

probable. However, this cannot be verified in the institute where the child was autopsied as no

other documentation was done and the brain was not examined in Aachen.

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The relative brain weights of children who had died within the second year of life varied between

8% and 12% (Table 8). Although no data on brain weight from a suitable control group are

available for this age group, these values are most probably within a normal range.

Table 7: Brain weight as percent of body weight in children with explained causes of death. One

case is missing, due to missing data. Cases with relative brain weights outside the age-dependent

95% CI are marked in bold.

No Brain

weight Age in

months Gender Body weight Brain weight as

percent of body weight

Cause of death

Vaccination Status

1 1050 7 male 8030 13% A 88.8 Vaccinated

4 632 2 male 6200 10% B 34.9 Vaccinated

11 630 2 female 4500 14% Q21.2 Vaccinated

15 985 11 female 10700 9% W 78.0 Vaccinated

20 1035 12 male 8000 13% J21.9 Non vaccinated

22 833 13 female 6800 12% Q20.5 Non vaccinated

23 900 13 female 11200 8% Y65.4 Non vaccinated

24 1235 13 male 10300 12% B99 Non vaccinated

27 1100 13 female 11230 10% I42.4 Non vaccinated

32 1170 17 male 10000 12% A39.1 Non vaccinated

33 840 18 female 6430 13% Q04.8 Non vaccinated

35 555 20 male 9200 6% Q04.3 Non vaccinated

39 930 23 female 13200 7% I42.0 Non vaccinated

41 924 13 Male Not recorded A08.0 Non vaccinated

42 520 14 Male 5740 9% G93.9 Non vaccinated

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Table 8: Brain weight as percent of body weight in SIDS cases and in cases with unknown UCD

(R95-R99). Cases with relative brain weights outside the age-dependent 95% CI are marked in


No Brain



Age in months

Gender Body weight


Brain weight as percent of body


Cause of


Vaccination Status

2 580 2 female 6800 9% R 98 Vaccinated

3 920 8 male 6570 14% R 95 Vaccinated

5 570 13 Male 6780 8% R 99 Vaccinated

6 711 3 male 5923 12% R 95 Vaccinated

7 790 4 female 6300 13% R 95 Vaccinated

8 720 4 male 5600 13% R 95 Vaccinated

9 1010 14 female not recorded R 98 Vaccinated

10 1560 2 male 5580 28% R 99 Vaccinated

12 562 3 female 4510 12% R 98 Vaccinated

13 660 3 female 5700 12% R 95 Vaccinated

14 5621 1 male 5320 11% R 95 Vaccinated

16 986 10 male 10000 10%

R98 Non vaccinated

17 980 11 male 11200 9% R98 Non vaccinated

18 800 11 female 8500 9% R98 Non vaccinated

19 1310 12 male 11500 11% R99 Non vaccinated

21 985 13 male 8100 12% R98 Non vaccinated

25 570 14 female 6780 8% R99 Non vaccinated

26 970 13 female 11900 8% R98 Non vaccinated

28 1184 14 male 10000 12% R98 Non vaccinated

29 1130 16 female 8600 13% R98 Non vaccinated

30 1135 16 male 11000 10% R98 Non vaccinated

31 1165 16 male 11000 11% R99 Non vaccinated

34 1340 19 male 13400 10% R98 Non vaccinated

36 1360 20 male 11500 12% R99 Non vaccinated

37 1295 20 male 12585 10% R99 Non vaccinated

38 1120 22 female 10000 11% R98 Non vaccinated

40 1215 24 male Not recorded R99 Non vaccinated

While one case (No 10) is regarded as an outlier due to incorrect documentation, data of remaining

cases do not support the view that vaccination may be associated with severe brain oedema or

that severe brain oedema may be a common pathomechanism leading to death.

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5.2 Parameters characterizing the immune system

Measurements were done in 13 immunised and 14 not immunised cases. In some cases not all of

the subsequently described parameters could be determined quantitatively due to an insufficient

amount of serum available during autopsy. In the remaining 16 cases there was definitely not

enough material to do these measurements, or in some cases the serum was haemolytic due to

putrefaction. In the following the results of vaccinated and unvaccinated cases stratified by

explained/unexplained UCD are reported.

5.2.1 Immunoglobulins

Immunoglobulins are important components of the humoral immune system. They play a central

role in immune defence mechanisms. Therefore, IgG, IgM, IgD, and IgA concentrations were

quantitatively determined by radial immunodiffusion and (total) IgE concentrations by ELISA

method. In addition, the concentrations of specific antibodies (IgE) against components of vaccines

were determined using ImmunoCAP technology. IgE is involved in Type I (or immediate type)

hypersensitivities and can be detected by different methods. A semi-quantitative

radioimmunoassay was developed for the detection of specific IgE in serum. Since then, in vitro

IgE testing (i.e. “RAST”) has gained an important role worldwide [22] and a number of technical

and procedural modifications have been introduced, especially the ImmunoCAP. These changes

have increased the sensitivity of the test, without a significant decrease in specificity. This method

uses as the solid phase a flexible, hydrophobic cellulosic polymer to which allergen has been

covalently linked. The advantage of this system is that it has a very high antigen binding capacity

when compared to other systems and it has minimal non-specific binding with high total IgE [23].

As components of vaccines, Streptomycin, Neomycin, Polymyxin B, and Tromethanol were

identified and selected for the test. The results can be given in kU/l. Concentrations can be

assigned to different CAP classes as given in the following (Table 9).

22 Hamilton R, Adkinson NF (1983) Quantitation of allergen-specific IgE in serum using the RAST. Clin Immunoassay 6: 147-154. 23 Corey JP, Mamikoglu B, Akbar I, Houser SM, Gungor A (2000) ImmunoCAP and HY*TEC enzyme immunoassays in the detection of allergen-specific IgE compared with serial skin end-point titration by receiver operating characteristic analysis. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2000 122: 64-70.

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Table 9: CAP classes of specific IgE.

Class IgE (kU/l) Comment

CAP 0 < 0.1 negative

CAP 0/1 0.10 – 0.34 low positive

CAP 1 0.35 – 0.69 Moderately positive

CAP 6 >100 Very high

In particular, for allergens with rare exposure (as it is true in our study), figures ranging between

0.1 and 0.34 (CAP 0/1) give evidence that the individual has been sensitized [24].

In the following the cases are differentiated with regards to the UCD (either explained or

unexplained according to ICD-10 codes 95-99) and with regards to the vaccination status

(vaccinated within 6 days prior to death or not vaccinated within this time frame). Median values

and standard deviations (SD) are calculated if parameters are available of four or more cases.

24 Raulf-Heimsoth M, Rihs HP, Rozynek P, Cremer R, Gaspar A, Pires G, Yeang HY, Arif SA, Hamilton RG, Sander I, Lundberg M, Brüning T (2007) Quantitative analysis of immunoglobulin E reactivity profiles in patients allergic or sensitized to natural rubber latex (Hevea brasiliensis). Clin Exp Allergy 37: 1657-1667.

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IgG molecules are glycoproteins excreted by B-lymphocytes and plasma cells in reaction to

antigen contact. IgG molecules take part in acute immune reaction. Increased concentrations can

be observed in acute infection, and in mono- or polyclonal gammopathy. Lack of antibodies can be

caused by a decreased immune activity.

In 4 cases with an unexplained UCD, no IgG molecules were found (Table 10). This could be due

to haemolytic serum as a result of putrefaction. For all other cases, increased concentrations were

determined. IgG concentrations in the group of explained UCD are higher compared to cases of

unexplained UCD. This phenomenon may be explained by the fact that causes of death were

severe infections in this group.

Table 10: Total IgG concentrations, broken down by vaccination status and UCD. * Normal values

are given for living children who are younger than two years of age.


mean (mg/l)

Range Median Standard


Normal range * Values out of

normal range (%)

Explained UCD,

vaccinated (N=2)

7540 6650-8430 139 - 1139 100

Explained UCD, not

vaccinated (N=4)

9844 7980-10300 9835 1096 139 - 1139 100

Unexplained UCD,

vaccinated (N=8)

5433 0-10800 5090 3043 139 - 1139 100

Unexplained UCD,

not vaccinated (N=8)

5379 0-17400 5379 5914 139 - 1139 100


IgM molecules were produced as the earliest reaction to antigen contact. IgM molecules activate

the complement system. In acute infection IgM levels are increased. Decreased figures are

associated with disturbed immune reaction and weakness of the immune system.

IgM concentrations in cases with explained UCD are much higher that in cases with unexplained

UCD (Table 11). The explanation may be the same as for IgG concentrations. Four out of 16 cases

of unexplained UCD showed IgM concentrations of 0 mg/l. This can be due to post-mortem

changes (haemolysis). The increased values observed are not associated with vaccination status.

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Table 11: IgM concentrations, broken down by vaccination status and UCD

* Normal values are given for living children who are younger than two years of age.


mean (mg/l)

Range Median Standard


Normal range * Values out of

normal range (%)

Explained UCD,

vaccinated (N=2)

1604 977-2230 16 - 229 100

Explained UCD, not

vaccinated (N=4)

1544 916-2310 1475 651 16 - 229 100

Unexplained UCD,

vaccinated (N=8)

662 0-1100 775 435 16 - 229 100

Unexplained UCD,

not vaccinated (N=8)

533 0-1160 439 432 16 - 229 100


IgD molecules are present on the surface of mature B-cells. IgD can be found in serum in very low

concentration. The function is not well understood at present. IgD concentration is increased in

chronic infection, and hyper-IgD syndrome. The significance of decreased levels is unknown.

In the present study no increased IgD concentration was seen. This is in accordance with the fact

that no chronic infection was found in the cases neither by autopsy nor by histology. In 7 cases of

unexplained UCD, IgD could not be determined, maybe due to post-mortem changes (2 cases

were vaccinated prior to death).

Table 12: IgD concentrations, broken down by vaccination status and UCD

* Normal values are given for living adults.


mean (mg/l)

Range Median Standard


Normal range * Values out of

normal range (%)

Explained UCD,

vaccinated (N=2)

16.6 16.6-16.6 1.3 – 152.7 0

Explained UCD, not

vaccinated (N=4)

37.6 16.6-67.9 32.9 24.6 1.3 – 152.7 0

Unexplained UCD,

vaccinated (N=8)

23.9 0-100 11 34.1 1.3 – 152.7 25

Unexplained UCD,

not vaccinated (N=8)

10.9 0-49.6 0 18.1 1.3 – 152.7 62

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IgA antibodies do mainly occur in body fluids and on mucous membranes. Selective IgA deficiency

is the most common immunodeficiency among Caucasians showing variable clinical symptoms.

Negative results of the determination of IgA concentrations can be explained by post-mortem


All cases with an explained UCD are characterised by increased IgA concentrations, independently

of vaccination status (Table 13). In the group of unexplained UCD, 5 cases show increased levels

compared to normal values, while IgA concentrations were not detectable in the remaining case.

Therefore, all concentrations are outside the normal range given for living children younger than

two years of age. Cases with explained UCD show higher concentrations compared to cases with

unexplained UCD. However, the first group comprises of only 6 cases and no meaningful

comparison can be done due to small sample sizes. Nevertheless, the results obtained do not

indicate immunodeficiency in any case.

Table 13: IgA concentrations, broken down by vaccination status and UCD

* Normal values are given for living children who are younger than two years of age.


mean (mg/l)

Range Median Standard


Normal range * Values out of

normal range (%)

Explained UCD,

vaccinated (N=2)

962 605-1320 3 - 102 100

Explained UCD, not

vaccinated (N=4)

1024 605-1410 1040 361 3 - 102 100

Unexplained UCD,

vaccinated (N=8)

252 0-1410 0 514 3 - 102 100

Unexplained UCD,

not vaccinated (N=8)

279 0-859 0 392 3 - 102 100

IgE (total)

IgE can be found on the membrane of mast cells. The concentration in serum is very low. In case

of antigen contact it stimulates mast cells and granulocytes to excrete histamine leading to mast

cell degranulation as part of immediate allergic reaction. Increased IgE figures are found in allergic

reactions, T-cell defects, and IgE-plasmocytoma. Decreased values can be found in immune

deficiency and cases of Ataxia teleangiectatica.

IgE concentrations of both groups (explained UCD, unexplained UCD) are very similar and within

the normal range, except for one case (Table 14). An increased IgE concentration was found in

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


one case with an unexplained UCD. The cause of this increase is not clear. Neither the result of

the autopsy nor of the additional investigations explain the increased IgE concentration in this


Table 14: Total IgE concentrations, broken down by vaccination status and UCD

* Normal values are given for living children who are younger than two years of age.


mean (IE/ml)

Range Median Standard


Normal range * Values out of

normal range (%)

Explained UCD,

vaccinated (N=2)

4 3.9-4.1 0 - 60 0

Explained UCD, not

vaccinated (N=4)

7.8 1.5-21.8 4 9.4 0 - 60 0

Unexplained UCD,

vaccinated (N=8)

15.6 1.3-107.9 2.2 37.3 0 - 60 12.5

Unexplained UCD,

not vaccinated (N=8)

5.5 0.7-21.0 3.0 6.5 0 - 60 0

IgE (specific)

After antigen contact, specific antibodies can be detected by special detection methods (RAST). In

this investigation, the concentration of specific antibodies to Streptomycin, Neomycin, Polymyxin B,

and Tromethanol was determined. All these substances can be found in vaccines.

Only in one case (unexplained UCD), concentrations of specific IgE (Streptomycin, Neomycin, and

Polymyxin B) were increased compared to normal values (Table 15). This case has to be attributed

to CAP class 0/1 (“low positive”, see Table 9), while all other cases showed concentrations <0.1

kU/ml (CAP class 0). This positive finding is indicative for some contact with an allergen prior to

death. Interestingly, the antibody concentrations detected differ for the various antigens

investigated. It can be assumed that the antigenicity of the substances differs. The highest values

were determined for Polymyxin B antibodies which were present in all cases.

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


Table 15: Specific IgE concentrations, broken down by vaccination status and UCD


mean (kU/ml)

Range Median Standard




Values out of

normal range (%)


Explained UCD,

vaccinated (N=3)

0 < 0.1 0

Explained UCD, not

vaccinated (N=4)

0 0 0 0 < 0.1 0

Unexplained UCD,

vaccinated (N=10)

0 0 0 0 < 0.1 0

Unexplained UCD, not

vaccinated (N=9)

0.0014 0-0.11 0 0.039 < 0.1 12.5


Explained UCD,

vaccinated (N=3)

0 < 0.1 0

Explained UCD, not

vaccinated (N=4)

0 0 0 0 < 0.1 0

Unexplained UCD,

vaccinated (N=10)

0.002 0-0.01 0 0.004 < 0.1 0

Unexplained UCD, not

vaccinated (N=9)

0.019 0-0.14 0 0.046 < 0.1 11

Polymyxin B

Explained UCD,

vaccinated (N=3)

0.057 0.04-0.07 < 0.1 0

Explained UCD, not

vaccinated (N=4)

0.06 0.05-0.057 0.06 0.008 < 0.1 0

Unexplained UCD,

vaccinated (N=9)

0.068 0.04-0.1 0.07 0.024 < 0.1 11

Unexplained UCD, not

vaccinated (N=9)

0.076 0.05-0.15 0.07 0.031 < 0.1 11


Explained UCD,

vaccinated (N=3)

0 0 < 0.1 0

Explained UCD, not

vaccinated (N=4)

0.005 0-0.08 0.005 0.006 < 0.1 0

Unexplained UCD,

vaccinated (N=8)

0.004 0-0.01 0 0.007 < 0.1 0

Unexplained UCD, not

vaccinated (N=8)

0.01 0-0.02 0.01 0.009 < 0.1 0

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5.2.2 The complement system

The complement system, a well-known component of the innate immune system, significantly

influences the adaptive immune response via direct cell–cell interaction and maintenance of

lymphoid organ structure. Complement is vital for protecting individuals against pathogens and any

disturbance of homeostasis associated with appearance of foreign antigens. Four antenna

molecules seek for putative danger and subsequently start three activation pathways to eliminate

the hostile triggering signal. To achieve this task, the complement system contains soluble plasma

factors as well as membrane-bound receptor molecules. Complement participates to construct an

immunological network with extensive links to innate immunity, but also to the adaptive immune

system. The body supports the complement activity with a high level of complement production.

Nevertheless, it is important to regulate this immunological regiment by establishing a tight

surveillance composed of redundantly acting regulator molecules [25]. The complement sequence

consists of classical and alternate [Properdin] pathways which may be activated sequentially by a

number of different causes. In general, the classic pathway is activated by antigen-antibody and

cell-antibody complexes and the alternate pathway by bacteria, fungi and some immune

complexes. The sequence of activation in the classical pathway is C1, C4, C2, C3 and C5 to C9. In

the alternate pathway C1, C4 and C2 are bypassed and C3 is activated by an initiating factor (IF),

and two substances called Properdin Factors D and B. Functionally active components of the

complement system were determined by radial immunodiffusion.

C1 inactivator

The first complement component to act in the activation of complement system is called C1. This is

a calcium-dependent complex made up of three subcomponents. When the intact C1 binds to at

least two antibodies, C1r and C1s are sequentially activated, leading to an activation of the

complement cascade [26]. C1-inactivator is the main inhibitor of the classical pathway of the

complement system (C1s and C1r), of the contact activation system (factor XIIa and kallikrein) and

of the intrinsic pathway of coagulation (factor XIa). A decrease in the concentration of C1-

inactivator can be caused by the hereditary angioedema leading to overwhelming complement

activation [27].

25 Rambach G, Würzner R, Speth C (2008) Complement: an efficient sword of innate immunity. Contrib Microbiol 15: 78-100. 26 Rambach G, Würzner R, Speth C (2008) Complement: an efficient sword of innate immunity. Contrib Microbiol 15: 78-100. 27 Zeerleder S, Caliezi C, Redondo M, Devay J, Wuillemin WA (1999) Activation of the plasmatic cascade systems in sepsis: role of C1-inhibitor. Schweiz Med Wochenschr 129:1410–1417.

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More than 50% of the cases showed concentrations of C1 inactivator outside the normal range

(Table 16). Among the cases outside the normal range, increased as well as decreased

concentrations were measured. The increased concentrations show that no overwhelming

complement activation was present in these cases. Only one vaccinated case showed a clearly

decreased concentration (65 mg/l). No obvious cause for this finding could be established. Neither

autopsy nor histology provided results of an angio-oedema. Seven cases of unexplained UCD

showed decreased levels (two infants were vaccinated prior to death). The figures were only

slightly decreased. Four out of these 7 children showed mild airway infection not adequate to

explain the death, but may be sufficient to explain the increased figures of C1 inactivator.

Table 16: Concentration of C1 inactivator, broken down by vaccination status and UCD. *Normal

values are available for living adults only.


mean (mg/l)

Range Median Standard


Normal range * Values out of

normal range (%)

Explained UCD,

vaccinated (N=2)

293 181-406 195 - 345 100

Explained UCD, not

vaccinated (N=4)

387 265-496 393 120 195 - 345 50

Unexplained UCD,

vaccinated (N=8)

267 65-473 243 126 195 - 345 50

Unexplained UCD,

not vaccinated (N=8)

237 102-428 169 131 195 - 345 75


C3 is a glycoprotein with central importance in both the classical and the alternative pathway of

complement activation. C3 can be cleaved into C3a and C3b spontaneously at low level or by C3

convertase at high level. The smaller fragment C3a is an anaphylatoxin and mediator of local

inflammatory reaction. The larger fragment C3b binds with C3 convertase to form C5 convertase


In one vaccinated case and one not vaccinated child in the group with explained UCD C3

concentrations higher the normal value were determined. Both infants had severe infections, which

may explain the increased C3 concentrations. Normal values were found in 5 children, while the

remaining 15 (3 explained UCD, 12 unexplained UCD) showed decreased concentrations. The

28 Janssen BJ, Huizinga EG, Raaijmakers HC, Roos A, Daha MR, Nilsson-Ekdahl K, Nilsson B, Gros P (2005) Structures of complement component C3 provide insights into the function and evolution of immunity. Nature 437: 505–511

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arithmetic mean of the C3 concentration is obviously higher in children who had died due to

explained causes of death. This can be due to the presence of inflammatory diseases in these

cases. With regard to decreased concentrations, it can only be supposed that complement factors

become instable within some hours after death leading to decreased concentrations compared to

the normal values which are given for living children.

Table 17: C3 concentrations, broken down by vaccination status and UCD

* Normal values are available for living children younger than 2 years.


mean (mg/l)

Range Median Standard


Normal range * Values out of

normal range (%)

Explained UCD,

vaccinated (N=2)

1081 171-1990 800 - 1700 50

Explained UCD, not

vaccinated (N=4)

945 194-1840 874 772 800 - 1700 75

Unexplained UCD,

vaccinated (N=8)

479 0-1240 208 481 800 - 1700 62.5

Unexplained UCD,

not vaccinated (N=8)

242 0-1200 36.6 414 800 - 1700 87.5


In the absence of C4, immune complexes will not be cleared by C3 activation peptides, but

bacterial infections can still be defended via the alternative pathway. C4 may be decreased in

systemic Lupus erythematosus (SLE), early glomerulonephritis, immune complex disease,

cryoglobulinaemia, hereditary angioedema, and congenital C4 deficiency.

One child (explained UCD, vaccinated) who had died due to severe infection showed an increased

C4 concentration compared to age related normal values [29](Table 18). In fife cases out of the

group with unexplained UCD, decreased figures were determined (one vaccinated, 4 not

vaccinated). Signs associated with one of the above listed diseases were not found in any case.

Therefore we suppose that concentrations could be influenced by post-mortem changes.

29 : http://www.med4you.at/laborbefunde/referenzwerte/referenzbereiche c3 c4 ch50.htm#C3

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Table 18: C4 concentrations, broken down by vaccination status and UCD.

*Normal values are available for children younger two years of age.


mean (mg/l)

Range Median Standard


Normal range * Values out of

normal range (%)

Explained UCD,

vaccinated (N=2)

410 171-650 70 - 400 50

Explained UCD, not

vaccinated (N=4)

262 171-418 230 111 70 - 400 25

Unexplained UCD,

vaccinated (N=8)

184 0-292 206 92 70 - 400 12.5

Unexplained UCD,

not vaccinated (N=8)

136 0-374 36.6 170 70 - 400 50

5.2.3 Cytokine concentrations


Tumour necrosis factor α (TNFα) is produced mainly by macrophages, but also by lymphocytes,

mast cells, endothelial cells, fibroblasts, and neuronal tissue. Large amounts of TNFα are released

in response to lipopolysaccharide, other bacterial products, and IL-1.

It is responsible for a number of actions on various organ systems, generally together with IL-1 and

IL-6. The stimulation of acute phase responses in the liver is important, leading to an increase in C-

reactive protein and a number of other mediators. Furthermore it induces insulin resistance by

promoting serine-phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1), which impairs insulin

signalling. It stimulates the phagocytotic activity of macrophages and the production of IL-1

oxidants and the inflammatory lipid prostaglandin E2 PGE2.

A local increase in concentration of TNF will cause the cardinal signs of inflammation (heat,

swelling, redness, and pain). High concentrations of TNFα induce shock-like symptoms. A

prolonged exposure to low concentrations of TNFα can result in cachexia. This can be found, for

example, in tumour patients [30,31,32].

30 Locksley RM, Killeen N, Lenardo MJ (2001) The TNF and TNF receptor superfamilies: integrating mammalian biology. Cell 104: 487–501. 31 Wajant H, Pfizenmaier K, Scheurich P (2003) Tumor necrosis factor signaling. Cell Death Differ 10: 45–65. 32 Old LJ (1985) Tumor necrosis factor (TNF). Science 230: 630–632.

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


TNFα concentrations were increased in 3 respectively 9 cases of both groups (Table 19). In the

cases with defined cause of death this increase is the expression of the severe inflammation

leading to death (one was vaccinated prior to death). In the cases with unexplained UCD more or

less severe inflammatory changes were present in 75%, but these changes were judged to be not

sufficient to explain the death. Such inflammatory changes are typical findings in a considerable

number of SIDS cases [33]. A TNF-induced shock cannot be assumed on these results.

Table 19: TNFα concentrations, broken down by vaccination status and UCD

*Normal values are available for living adults only.


mean (pg/ml)

Range Median Standard


Normal range * Values out of

normal range (%)

Explained UCD,

vaccinated (N=3)

16.0 0-46.0 0 – 18.9 33.3

Explained UCD, not

vaccinated (N=4)

138 9.5-274 134 145 0 – 18.9 50

Unexplained UCD,

vaccinated (N=10)

36.3 0-264 5.1 36.3 0 – 18.9 50

Unexplained UCD,

not vaccinated (N=10)

23.1 0-74 21.2 22.7 0 – 18.9 62.5


Interferon gamma (IFN-γ) mediates activation of macrophages, leads to increased production of

nitric oxide (NO), and suppresses T cell activation [34]. The involvement of NO in apoptosis of

thymocytes and macrophages has also been documented [35,36] and NO markedly inhibits the

induction of IL-2 promoter, which can account for most of the reduction in IL-2 production, and

weakly increases the activation of IL-4 promoter [37]. This mechanism could be involved in the

down regulation of IL-2 gene expression [38].

33 Entrup M, Brinkmann B (1990) Histologic findings in the lung in sudden infant death. Z Rechtsmed 103:25-33 34 Abrahamsohn IA, Coffman RL (1995) Cytokine and nitric oxide regulation of the immunosuppression in Trypanosoma cruzi infection. J Immunol 155: 3955–3963. 35 Fehsel K, Kroncke K-D, Meyer KL, Huber H, Wahn V, Kolb-Bachofen V (1995) Nitric oxide induces apoptosis in mouse thymocytes. J Immunol 155: 2858–2865. 36 Albina JE, Cui S, Mateo RB, Reichner JS (1993) Nitric oxide-mediated apoptosis inmurine peritonealmacrophages. J Immunol 150: 5080–5085. 37 Chang R-H, Lin Feng M-H, Liu W-H, Lai MZ (1997) Nitric oxide increased interleukin-4 expression in T lymphocytes. Immunology 90: 364–369. 38 Soong L, Tarleton RL (1994) Trypanosoma cruzi infection suppresses nuclear factors that bind to specific sites on the interleukin-2 enhancer. Eur J Immunol 24: 16–23.

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In five cases of the first (explained UCD) and 18 cases of the second group, IFN concentrations

could not be measured (Table 20). In the remaining cases the concentrations were within the

normal range (for living adults). Two explanations are possible: 1. normal ranges could have age-

related differences; 2. the results could be influenced by post-mortem processes. Furthermore, the

measurements can indicate that down-regulation of IL-2 gene expression did not occur, because

the down-regulating of IL-2 would lead to an increase in IFN-γ (not investigated in the present


Table 20: Concentrations of IFN-γ, broken down by vaccination status and UCD

* Normal values are available for living adults only. red. – reduced (below normal range).


mean (pg/ml)

Range Median Standard


Normal range * Values out of

normal range (%)

Explained UCD,

vaccinated (N=3)

0 0 1.6 – 56.2 100

Explained UCD, not

vaccinated (N=4)

1.6 0-4.7 0.8 2.2 1.6 – 56.2 50

Unexplained UCD,

vaccinated (N=10)

3.4 0-33.7 0 10.7 1.6 – 56.2 90 (red.)

Unexplained UCD,

not vaccinated (N=10)

2.0 0-20.1 0 6.4 1.6 – 56.2 95 (red.)


Interleukin-1ß is a highly effective cytokine with a number of different functions. In endothelial cells,

it triggers the transduction of cyclooxygenase-2 and induces the synthesis of prostaglandine-E2

[39]. During inflammatory reaction it stimulates neurons of the hypothalamus to excrete

corticotropin releasing hormone which leads to ACTH stimulation, and cortisone excretion.

Furthermore it triggers the IL-6 excretion, the formation and excretion of neutrophil granulocytes in

bone marrow, and the formation of CD14 [40].

Seventeen cases (6 explained UCD, 11 unexplained UCD) showed IL-1ß concentration higher

than normal (Table 21). One case (UCD: severe infection) showed a very high IL-1ß concentration

of >62500 pg/ml. Therefore a cytokine shock has to be discussed in this case. Interestingly, the

39 Rivest S et al. (2000) How the blood talks to the brain parenchyma and the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalmus during systemic inflammatory and infectious stimuli. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 223:22-38. 40 Dinarello CA (2005) Blocking IL-1 in systemic inflammation. J Exp Med 201:1355-1359.

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concentrations of IL-6 and IL-10 are also extremely increased in this case (see Tables 22 and 23).

Cases with an explained cause of death are characterised by a higher proportion of cases with

increased IL-1ß concentrations as well as a higher average concentration. As a pro-inflammatory

cytokine IL-1ß is increased in cases showing more or less severe inflammation which is true for a

number of cases of both groups. The IL-1ß concentrations in vaccinated cases are lower than in

unvaccinated cases.

Table 21: IL-1 ß concentrations, broken down by vaccination status and UCD.

* Normal values are available for living adults only. a One case shows an extremely high

concentration which is outside the quantification range of the method (limit: 62500pg/ml).


mean (pg/ml)

Range Median Standard


Normal range * Values out of

normal range (%)

Explained UCD,

vaccinated (N=3)

47 24-80 0 – 34.3 66.6

Explained UCD, not

vaccinated (N=4)

15683 51-62479 a 91 31209 0 – 34.3 100

Unexplained UCD,

vaccinated (N=10)

57 20-201 57 36 0 – 34.3 60

Unexplained UCD,

not vaccinated (N=10)

281 0-2418 39 751 0 – 34.3 60

TOKEN Study – pathology study part



Interleukin-6 is one of the interleukins which regulates inflammatory reactions. In the inflammatory

pathway it is secondary to TNFα. IL-6 should have a key position for the gateway from inborn to

acquired immunity. It should activate the production of acute phase proteins and can act as

lymphocyte stimulating factor. In acute inflammation, sIL-6R increases and limits the accumulation

of neutrophil granulocytes as well as the immigration of CD3+-T-lymphocytes [41]. This step marks

the transformation from inborn to acquired immune reaction [42]. Further functions are the

regulation of

- the apoptosis of leukocytes,

- differentiation and proliferation of B-lymphocytes,

- IgG-secretion of B-lymphocytes, and

- differentiation of monocytes [43].

In all cases the IL-6 concentrations measured were highly increased. In some cases this could be

the expression of an inflammatory reaction (Table 22). In the cases without inflammation, we do

not have a clear explanation. We assume that a mild increase could be due to unspecific agonal

expression. Finally, it has to be considered that the normal values are given for living adults. In one

case the concentration measured was extraordinarily high (>6030000 pg/ml). Interestingly, the

vaccinated children (explained and unexplained UCD) showed lower levels compared to the


Tsokos et al. [44] found significantly elevated IL-6 concentrations in septic patients compared to a

control group (acute myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease, trauma, acute alcohol

intoxication were recorded as causes of death in the controls). The authors concluded that post-

mortem IL-6 serum levels above 1500 pg/ml indicate septicaemia. Furthermore, the group

investigated the time course of post-mortem IL-6 levels and found a time dependent post-mortem

increase in 62.5% of the sepsis cases as well as in 38% of the controls. They hypothesized that

41 Heinrich PC et al. (2003) Principles of interleukin-(IL)-6 type signalling and its regulation. Biochem J 374:1-20. 42 Jones SA (2005) Directing transition from innate to acquired immunity: defining a role for IL-6.. J Immunol

175:3463-3468. 43 Fischer CP (2006) Interleukin-6 in acute exercise and training: what is the biological relevance? Exerc Immunol Rev 12:6-33. 44 Tsokos M, Reichelt U, Jung R, Nierhaus A, Püschel K (2001) Interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein serum levels in sepsis-related fatalities during the early postmortem period. Forensic Sci Int 119:47-56.

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this increase could be the result of an increasing post-mortem decomposition of IL-producing cells

like monocytes, macrophages and lymphocytes leading to an excretion of cytokines.

Using the reference value of 1500 pg/ml all three vaccinated cases of explained UCD and 7 out of

10 vaccinated cases of unclear UCD were below this figure. The same is true for 3 out of 4

unvaccinated cases of explained UCD as well as 7 out of 10 unvaccinated cases of unclear UCD.

Table 22: IL-6 concentrations, broken down by vaccination status and UCD.

* Normal values are available for living adults only.


mean (pg/ml)

Range Median Standard


Normal range * Values out of

normal range (%)

Explained UCD,

vaccinated (N=3)

525 269-856 0.7 – 6.0 100

Explained UCD, not

vaccinated (N=4)

1509065 722-


2762 3013965 0.7 – 6.0 100

Unexplained UCD,

vaccinated (N=10)

1631 17-5496 105 2514 0.7 – 6.0 100

Unexplained UCD,

not vaccinated (N=10)

5962 18-52695 267 16445 0.7 – 6.0 100

TOKEN Study – pathology study part



Interleukin-10 has a number of functions as a regulator of the immune system and immune

response. It is one of the most important anti-inflammatory cytokines. It is mainly produced by

monocytes and TH2 lymphocytes. Main functions are:

IL-10 suppress the formation of TNF, IL-1, IL-2 and IL-6 in antigen presenting cells as

monocytes and dendritic cells, and acts therefore as a suppressor of T-cell activation.

IL-10 supports the proliferation of B-cells and their differentiation. On the other hand, the

excretion of IgE is reduced.

IL-10 inhibits the interferon formation by natural killer cells or can induce the same pathway

if IL-12 is present.

IL-10 facilitates phagocytises by monocytes and inhibits the antigen presentation [45].

IL-10 concentrations are in normal range except for one case (Table 23). This child had died with

high fever and tracheobronchitis. Therefore, normal function of IL-10 in all other cases can be

assumed independent on vaccination status.

Table 23: IL-10 concentrations, broken down by vaccination status and UCD.

* Normal values are available for living adults only.


mean (pg/ml)

Range Median Standard


Normal range * Values out of

normal range (%)

Explained UCD,

vaccinated (N=3)

17.2 9.4-30.0 0 – 626 0

Explained UCD, not

vaccinated (N=4)

2919 21.3-11439 108 5680 0 – 626 25

Unexplained UCD,

vaccinated (N=10)

44.6 0-378 5.9 117.3 0 – 626 0

Unexplained UCD,

not vaccinated (N=10)

27.5 1.3-130.2 14.6 38.3 0 – 626 0


Interleukin-18 is related to the IL-1 family in terms of its structure, processing, receptor, signal

transduction pathway and pro-inflammatory properties. It is mainly expressed by macrophages,

dendritic cells, Kupffer cells, keratinocytes, epithelial cells of the intestine, and fibroblasts at sites of

45 Grütz, G. (2005) New insights into the molecular mechanism of Interleukin-10-mediated immunosuppression. J Leukocyte Biol 77: 3-15.

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


chronic inflammation, in autoimmune diseases, in a variety of cancers, and in the context of

numerous infectious diseases. IL-18 plays an important role in the T-cell-helper type 1 (Th1)

response, primarily by its ability to induce IFNγ production in T cells and natural killer (NK) cells


In all the cases investigated the IL-18 concentrations were much higher compared to “normal”

values (Table 24). A post-mortem up-regulation seems to be possible, but needs further

confirmation. Furthermore, the normal values were taken from Kilis-Pstrusinska et al. [49], who

investigated 15 healthy children aged 3-15 years. This is a very small group. Therefore the

question arises whether or not this group can be used to define normal values. In our opinion

considerable doubt has to be expressed because of the small number of observations.

Table 24: IL-18 concentrations, broken down by vaccination status and UCD.

*Normal values were taken from Kilis-Pstrusinska et al., who investigated 15 healthy children aged

3-15 years [50].


mean (pg/ml)

Range Median Standard


Normal range * Values out of

normal range (%)

Explained UCD,

vaccinated (N=3)

5666 4794-6979 98 – 130 100

Explained UCD, not

vaccinated (N=4)

13278 2297-39448 5683 17612 98 – 130 100

Unexplained UCD,

vaccinated (N=10)

7062 1883-13443 6285 3523 98 – 130 100

Unexplained UCD,

not vaccinated (N=10)

5823 1923-15570 4836 4230 98 - 130 100

46 Dinarello CA (1999) Interleukin-18. Methods 19: 121-132 47 Gracie JA, Robertson SE, McInnes IB (2003) Interleukin-18. J Leukoc Biol 73: 213-224 48 Lebel-Binay S, Berger A, Zinzindohoué F, Cugnenc P, Thiounn N, Fridman WH, Pagès F (2000). Interleukin-18: biological properties and clinical implications.Eur Cytokine Netw 11:15-26 49 Kilis-Pstrusinska K, Medynska A, Zwolinska D, Wawro A (2008) Interleukin-18 in urine and serum of

children with Idiopathic nephritic syndrome. Kidney Bloos Press Res 31: 122-126

50 Kilis-Pstrusinska K, Medynska A, Zwolinska D, Wawro A (2008) Interleukin-18 in urine and serum of

children with Idiopathic nephritic syndrome. Kidney Bloos Press Res 31: 122-126

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


5.2.4 Discussion of parameters characterising the function of the immune system

First of all it is necessary to have a critical look at the figures in the four groups. In particular, the

subgroups of cases who had died due to an explained UCD, stratified by vaccination status,

comprise only 2 – 4 cases. A conclusive comparison is hindered by the small sample size.

The C1-inactivator showed a mild decrease in eight cases, one case from the group with

explained UCD and seven from unexplained cases. The significance of these results is difficult to

interpret because normal values were available for adults only. Obviously, in all these cases the

serum showed haemolysis influencing the results of the measurement. Nevertheless, a decreased

concentration of C1-inactivator can be associated with a deficiency of C1-esterase inhibitor.

In 5 cases measurements for C3 and C4 gave negative results. Conclusions from these low levels

cannot be drawn because these results were influenced by haemolysis of the serum specimens.

High C3 and C4 levels (measured in two cases) should be without pathological significance.

IFNγ could be measured in three cases and showed normal concentrations. In all other cases the

concentrations were 0 mg/l. We assume that these results were influenced by a post-mortem


In 12 cases the TNFα concentrations were increased compared to normal values. TNFα is one of

the acute phase proteins and acts as an activator of macrophages and granulocytes. Therefore

increased TNFα levels can be associated with inflammatory reactions.

IL-1β is increased in 18 out of 27 cases (6 out of 7 explained UCD, 12 out of 20 unexplained

UCD). This increase indicates that in both groups an activation of macrophages and lymphocytes

may have happened due to inflammatory reactions. IL-6 as well as IL-18 concentrations were

highly increased in all cases compared to normal values (available for adults only). We assume

that this phenomenon may be due to an unspecific activation during death or due to post-mortem

changes. In living individuals IL-6 can be used as an early marker of infection. Its concentration

increases prior to CRP. IL-18 is found in high concentrations in allergic reactions. But its function is

not fully understood until now.

Another major difficulty in interpreting the results is that for some of the immunoglobulins,

complement factors and cytokines reference values are available only for adults [51]. For others

51 Pascal A. Berdat1, Thomas J. Wehrle1, Angelika Küng2, François Achermann1, Martin Sutter3, Thierry P. Carrel1 and Urs E. Nydegger1 (2003) Age-Specific Analysis of Normal Cytokine Levels in Healthy Infants. Clin Chem Lab Med 2003; 41:1335–1339

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the reference values are insufficiently described [52]. For some of the parameters no age-related

normal values are available. In addition, the interpretation of low values is difficult. These low

concentrations could be caused by haemolysis of the sera or by post-mortem changes. It could be

a task for further investigations to define age-related reference values for children.

5.2.5 Cytokine polymorphisms

It is known that many cytokine genes show polymorphisms which may affect gene transcription,

influencing cytokine production [53,54]. Most of these changes are single nucleotide

polymorphisms, sometimes microsatellite variations; occasionally other types occur (nucleotide

insertions and deletions). To investigate whether or not such polymorphisms occur in association

with deaths in the first two years of life, a number of the known polymorphisms were investigated

using PCR with sequence specific primers. The allele and genotype frequencies of the following

genes were determined:

IL-1α (T/C -889)

IL-1β (C/T -511) (T/C +3962)

IL-1R (C/T pst11970)

IL-1RA (T/C mspa111100)

IL-4Rα (G/A +1902)

IL-12 (C/A -1188)

IFNγ (A/T -874)

TGFβ (C/T codon 10) (G/C codon 25)

TNFα (G/A -308) (G/A -238)

IL-2 (T/G -330) (G/T -166)

IL-4 (T/G -1098) (T/C -590) (T/C -33)

IL-6 (G/C – 174) (G/A -565)

IL-10 (G/A -1082) (C/T -819) (C/A -592)

52 http://www.med4you.at/laborbefunde/referenzwerte/referenzbereiche_c3_c4_ch50.htm#C3 53 De Capei MU, Dametto E, Fasano ME, Rendine S, Curtoni ES (2003) genotyping for cytokine polymorphisms: allele frequencies in the Italian population. J Immunogenetics 30: 5-10 54 Mytilineos J, Laux G, Opelz G (2004) Relevance of IL10. TGFβ1, TNFα, and IL4Rα gene polymorphisms in kidney transplantation: a collaborative transplant study report. Am J Transplant 4: 1684-1690

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


The frequencies of the different genetic variants of the genes investigated are given below (Table


Because of the low number of cases who could be investigated in this study, we decided to

compare cases of infant death which occurred in their 2nd to 9th month of life (all vaccinated) to

children who had died in their 10th to 24th month of life (3 vaccinated, 12 not vaccinated). Although

there are some differences when comparing these groups, no substantial differences in the

genotypes investigated were found. This is also true when comparing vaccinated and not

vaccinated infants (results not shown).

When all dead infants and children were grouped together and genotype frequencies compared to

those reported by Javor et al., there are some differences of the allele frequencies for TGF-ß

(codon 25), IL-2 (T/G -330), and IL-10 (G/A -1082) (Table 25): For TGF the CG type occurs in the

group investigated in 7.4% compared to 15.8% as found by Javor et al.; for IL-2, position 330, the

GG genotype was not found in our cases. The frequency reported by Javor et al. was 11.6%; the

IL-10 gene shows in position 1082 the homozygous AA in 18.5% of our cases compared to 35%

reported by Javor et al.

Because of the small number of cases investigated, we should avoid an overvaluation of these

findings. In addition there might be some genetic differences between the German population and

the Czech population investigated by Javor et al. [53], as reported for other genotype frequencies

[55, 56].

55 Brdicka, R., Sieglová, Z., Loudová, M. (2000) The short history of DNA analyses used for solving paternity cases and establishing external quality assessment in the Czech Republic. Progr Forensic Genet 8: 612. 56 Brenner, C.H. (2000) Summary of polymorphic STR allele frequencies and Y chromosome haplotype frequencies. Progr Forensic Genet 8: 109-125.

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


Table 25: Polymorphisms in genes encoding for various cytokines.

2 – 9 months (all


10 – 24 months 2 – 24 months Controls (Javor

et al.) [57]

Groups 1 2 1+2 3

Cytokine Pos. Geno-


N % N % N % N %

IL-1 α -889 CC 9 75.0 8 53.3 17 63.0 76 55.5

CT 2 16.7 6 40.0 8 29.6 52 38.0

TT 1 8.3 1 6.7 2 7.4 9 6.5

IL-1ß -511 CC 4 33.3 7 46.7 11 56.1 69 49.3

CF 5 41.7 7 46.7 12 36.6 57 40.7

TT 3 25.0 1 6.6 4 7.3 14 10.0

IL-1ß 3962 CC 9 75.0 10 66.7 19 39.0 81 57.9

CT 2 16.7 5 33.3 7 48.8 47 33.6

TT 1 8.3 0 0 1 13.2 12 8.6

IL-1R 1970 CC 7 58.3 5 33.3 12 61.0 53 37.9

CT 4 33.3 8 53.3 12 34.1 68 48.6

TT 1 8.3 2 13.4 3 4.9 19 13.6

IL-1RA 11100 CC 0 0 0 0 0 43.9 21 15.0

CT 4 33.3 6 40.0 10 48.8 55 39.3

TT 8 66.7 9 60.0 17 7.3 64 45.7

IL-4R α 1902 AA 6 50.0 8 53.3 14 9.8 82 59.4

AG 5 41.7 5 40.0 11 39.0 47 34.1

GG 1 8.3 1 6.7 2 51.2 9 6.5

IL-12 -1188 AA 11 91.7 11 73.3 22 61.0 85 61.2

AG 1 8.3 4 26.7 5 34.1 45 32.4

GG 0 0 0 0 0 4.9 9 6.5

IFN-γ 874 AA 3 25.0 4 26.7 7 75.6 41 29.3

AT 7 58.3 5 33.3 12 24.4 67 47.9

TT 2 16.7 6 40.0 8 0 32 22.9

TGF-ß 10 CC 4 33.3 3 20.0 7 24.4 27 19.4

CT 3 25.0 5 33.3 8 43.9 71 51.1

TT 5 41.7 7 46.7 12 31.7 41 29.5

57 Javor J, Bucova M, Ferencik S, Grosse-Wilde H, Buc M (2007) Single nucleotide polymorphisms of cytokine genes in the healthy Slovak population. Int J Immunogenet 34: 273-80.

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


2 – 9 months (all


10 – 24 months 2 – 24 months Controls (Javor

et al.) [58]

Groups 1 2 1+2 3

Cytokine Pos. Geno-


N % N % N % N %

TGF-ß 25 CC 0 0 1 6.7 1 3.7 0 0

CG 2 16.7 0 0 2 7.4 22 15.8

GG 10 83.3 14 93.3 24 88.9 117 84.2

TNF α -308 AA 0 0 0 0 0 2.4 3 2.3

AG 0 0 5 33.3 5 4.9 21 16.2

GG 12 100 10 66.7 22 92.7 106 81.5

TNF α 238 AA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

AG 1 8.3 0 0 1 26.8 11 7.9

GG 11 91.7 15 100 26 73.2 129 92.1

IL-2 -330 GG 0 0 1 6.7 1 7.3 16 11.6

GT 8 66.7 10 66.7 18 58.5 55 39.9

TT 4 33.3 4 26.6 8 34.1 67 48.6

IL-2 166 GG 4 33.3 5 33.3 9 41.5 56 40.6

GT 7 58.3 8 53.3 15 46.3 62 44.9

TT 1 8.3 2 13.4 3 12.2 20 14.5

IL-4 -1098 GG 1 8.3 0 0 1 2.4 1 0.7

GT 0 0 5 33.3 5 14.6 21 15.0

TT 11 91.7 10 66.7 21 77.8 118 84.3

IL-4 590 CC 9 75.0 13 86.7 22 81.5 94 67.1

CT 3 25.0 2 13.3 5 18.5 41 29.3

TT 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 3.6

IL-4 33 CC 9 75.0 13 86.7 22 81.5 94 67.1

CT 3 25.0 2 13.3 5 18.5 41 29.3

TT 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 3.6

IL-6 -174 CC 1 8.3 1 6.7 2 7.4 21 15.0

CT 6 50.0 9 60.0 15 55.6 66 47.1

TT 5 41.7 5 33.3 10 37.0 53 37.9

Il-6 565 AA 1 8.3 1 6.7 2 7.4 18 12.9

AG 6 50.0 8 53.3 14 51.9 67 47.9

GG 5 41.3 6 40.0 11 40.7 55 39.2

58 Javor J, Bucova M, Ferencik S, Grosse-Wilde H, Buc M (2007) Single nucleotide polymorphisms of cytokine genes in the healthy Slovak population. Int J Immunogenet 34: 273-80.

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


2 – 9 months (all


10 – 24 months 2 – 24 months Controls (Javor

et al.) [59]

Groups 1 2 1+2 3

Cytokine Pos. Geno-


N % N % N % N %

Il-10 1082 AA 2 16.7 3 20:0 5 18:5 49 35:0

AG 8 66:7 11 73:3 19 70:4 61 43:6

GG 2 16.7 1 6.7 3 11.1 30 21.4

IL-10 819 CC 8 66.7 8 53.3 16 77 55.0

CT 4 33.3 7 46.7 11 51 36.4

TT 0 0 0 0 0 12 8.6

IL-10 592 AA 0 0 0 0 0 12 8.6

AC 4 33.3 7 46.7 11 51 36.4

CC 8 66.7 8 53.3 16 77 55.0

59 Javor J, Bucova M, Ferencik S, Grosse-Wilde H, Buc M (2007) Single nucleotide polymorphisms of cytokine genes in the healthy Slovak population. Int J Immunogenet 34: 273-80.

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


6 Discussion

In this study a very sophisticated diagnostic scheme was used to investigate cases and to classify

causes of death. This procedure is in accordance with international recommendations [1, 2, 6]. All

decisions concerning the causes of death were made in interdisciplinary case conferences. The

criteria for any decision are explained in detail in the epidemiological part of this report.

All but one infant in the age group 2-9 months had died within seven days after various types of

vaccines had been administered (see App. 1, cases). In 25% of these cases, a defined natural

cause of death (explained UCD) was found by autopsy, including additional investigations. Fifty

percent showed typical findings of SIDS and were therefore diagnosed as SIDS (ICD-10 code

R95). In the remaining 25%, some important investigations were missing and/or there were

additional findings untypical for SIDS. These cases were classified as “unclear” (unexplained UCD)

and coded as R98/R99. Using a very strict classification scheme for SIDS, the interdisciplinary

case conferences insisted on completeness of all investigation. However, some cases were

autopsied four days after death (due to outstanding decisions of the state prosecutors). After that

time interval, microbiology samples are usually contaminated and, therefore, useless for diagnosis.

The investigation shows that there are a number of children who had died within the second year

of life under circumstances similar to SIDS in the first year, and that autopsy findings are also very

similar. This means that the phenomenon defined as “SIDS” is not observed exclusively in the first

year of life. Nevertheless, the narrow age range used in the definition of the term SIDS was

established by the fact that more than 90% of these deaths did occur during the first year. The

frequency of explained causes of death in the second year is about twice as high as in the first

year of life. This is in accordance with the general experience that the number of unexplained

deaths decreases with increasing age.

Measurement of the brain weight in relation to body weight is one way to characterize brain

oedema. The other way – evaluation of the brain oedema during neuropathological investigation –

is more subjective. Unfortunately, at present there is no other – no better – method to evaluate

brain oedema which could be done under standardised conditions. In one case of the younger age

group, the ratio of brain weight to body weight was much higher than in dead controls (SIDS cases

from the GeSID study). This could indicate a severe brain oedema. Looking at this case, a ratio of

28% was calculated. In this case, the brain weight of 1560 g in a 2-month-old infant is highly

unlikely. All attempts to clarify the situation remained unsuccessful. Using common sense, we think

that the recorded brain weight is probably faulty. In one case the ratio could not be calculated

because the infant’s body weight was not recorded.

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


However, in 13 out of 14 infants who had died after vaccination, the brain weight was in the normal

range. Nevertheless, in six cases the neuropathologist diagnosed brain oedema. One of these

infants suffered from a generalised viral infection including meningoradiculitis, after having been on

ICU for seven days. Another infant with a brain oedema had died due to severe cardiac

malformations with chronic oxygen deprivation, which could have contributed to the brain oedema

together with resuscitation attempts. In the third infant a respiratory tract infection caused by

Klebsiella pneumoniae was diagnosed. In the remaining three cases a clear or obvious explanation

for brain oedema was not found. We have to consider that a mild brain oedema is a frequent

finding in SIDS and is unspecific with regard to its aetiology. At present we cannot fully exclude

that mild brain oedema may be found occasionally in association with vaccination. From the brain

weights measured in the investigated cases and from the brain-body ratios calculated in this study,

however, it cannot be concluded that vaccination is associated with severe brain oedema in this

age group.

Neurological disturbances followed by developmental regression in previously well infants after

vaccination led to the hypothesis that the vaccine itself could be responsible for a condition called

‘vaccine encephalopathy’. This vaccine encephalopathy is inhomogeneous with regard to the type

of vaccination, time lag from vaccination to onset of symptom and clinical symptoms [60].

The onset of Dravet syndrome [61] (epileptic encephalopathy) occurs in the age group when

vaccination is recommended to be administered [62], and an association of the initial seizures with

e.g. whole cell pertussis vaccination had been assumed [63]. Bale pointed out that since the

introduction of acellular pertussis vaccine in the early 90s, the risk of severe neurological

symptoms is negligible. Brown et al. [64] “noted a similarity between cases of alleged vaccine

encephalopathy and Dravet syndrome” and stressed out, that it is not sufficient to have a time-

related association to vaccination. They investigated systematically 14 cases suspicious for

vaccine encephalopathy in which the first symptoms occurred within 72 h after vaccination. Twelve

60 Bale JF (2004) Neurologic complications of immunization. J Child Neurol 19: 405-412. 61 Dravet C, Bureau M, Oguni H, et al. (2005) Severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy (Dravet syndrome). In: Roger J, Bureau M, Dravet C, Genton P, Tassinari CA, Wolf P, eds. Epileptic syndromes in infancy, childhood and adolescence. 4th ed. 62 Doose H, Lunau H, Castiglione E, Waltz S (1998) Severe idiopathic generalized epilepsy of infancy with generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Neuropediatrics 29: 229–238. 63 Nieto-Barrera M, Lillo MM, Rodriguez-Collado C, et al. (2000) Severe myoclonic epilepsy in childhood. Rev Neurol 30:620–624. 64 Brown NJ, Berkovic SF, Scheffer IE (2007) Vaccination, seizures and 'vaccine damage'.Curr Opin Neurol 20:181-187.

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


cases met the criteria for severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy (SMEI). They found mutations

within the SCN1A in 11 out of 12 cases; in 9 the mutations were de novo [65, 66].

In the past, other complications have been discussed as potentially caused by vaccination:

vaccines prepared from live-attenuated viruses (measles, mumps, rubella, and trivalent oral

poliovirus) may cause symptomatic viral infection of the nervous system, as measles encephalitis,

rubella neuritis, and paralytic poliomyelitis [67]. Associations between immunization and brachial

plexus neuritis, acute transverse myelitis, and cranial neuropathies have been suggested, but

never proven (Fenichel) [58]. An overview was given by Bale in 2004 [51].

The clinical definition of encephalopathy includes an acute generalized disturbance of the brain

function, requiring hospitalization and consisting of coma or stupor that cannot be attributed to

medication or postictal state. Infants show altered consciousness, delirium, obtundation and/or

confusion. Symptoms and morphological findings can greatly vary. In four of our cases, increased

body temperature after vaccination was observed (cases 1, 3, 4, and 10). This reaction is obviously

the most frequent reaction after vaccination, and usually harmless.

Neurological symptoms were recorded in one case after vaccination (case 2). This infant had

shown prolonged sleep phases after vaccination and had died suddenly and unexpectedly during

sleep at day two after vaccination. Another child (case 5) had shown neurological symptoms prior

to vaccination as a result of a severe malformation of the central nervous system. In all the other

cases, it is unlikely from the clinical history that a vaccine encephalopathy was associated with


Nevertheless, from the results obtained it cannot be excluded with certainty that the vaccination

may have contributed to the risk of death in some of the cases. In particular, more research is

required on the question whether or not infants suffering from severe chronic diseases or

malformations should be vaccinated during a short stay at hospital [68].

The extended investigations of the immune system did not show any substantial differences

between cases with and without defined cause of death, vaccinated or not vaccinated, except for

65 51 Berkovic SF, Harkin L, McMahon JM, et al. (2006) De-novo mutations of the sodium channel gene SCN1A in alleged vaccine encephalopathy: a retrospective study. Lancet Neurol 5:488–492. 66 49 Claes L, Del-Favero J, Ceulemans B, et al. (2001) De novo mutations in the sodium-channel gene SCN1A cause severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy. Am J Hum Genet 68:1327–1332 67 Fenichel GM (1982) Neurological complications of immunisation. Ann Neurol 12: 119-128 68 Gaudelus J, Lefevre-Akriche S, Roumegoux C, Bolie S, Belasco C, Letamendia-Richard E et al. (2007) Immunization of the preterm infant. Arch Pediatr 14 Suppl 1:S24-S30.

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


such parameters which are associated with infection. Most of the infants/children who had died due

to infection showed higher levels of immune globulins and cytokines compared to infants/children

without inflammatory diseases. Nevertheless, in some of the cases without an explained cause of

death (“unclear cases”) signs of infection were detected even though not sufficient to explain these

deaths. However, any comparison of explained and unexplained cases is impeded by these minor

or moderate signs of infection. In addition, as far as results could be obtained for complement

factor and cytokine concentrations, it is possible that levels could have been influenced by post-

mortem changes. This can be concluded as for some parameters (IL6, IL18) increased

concentrations were found in all cases. Decreased concentrations for other parameters can be

explained mainly by haemolysis, influencing tests results. One child who had died in the second

year of life showed massively increased levels of IgG, IL-1ß, IL-6, IL-10, and IL-18. We suppose

that the death occurred as a result of cytokine shock associated with septicaemia (infant with

41.2 °C fever, despite paracetamol, puerperal tracheobronchitits, tonsillitis, severe dehydration).

No vaccination was given prior to death.

Unfortunately, ranges of “normal” cytokine concentrations are not available for all age groups

during infancy and childhood. For some parameters, reference values were derived from

laboratories where only small numbers of cases were investigated. Moreover, reference values

were defined for living infants and children. Vege et al. [69] investigated the concentration of IL-6,

IL-1ß and TNFα in cerebrospinal fluid of 50 Sudden Infant Death syndrome (SIDS) cases, 9

borderline SIDS cases, 18 infectious deaths, 8 violent deaths and 22 cases with heart/lung

diseases. They found that the IL-6 levels in cases of infectious death, heart/lung disease and

borderline SIDS were significantly higher than in the “pure” SIDS cases. They concluded that this

observation is the result of an immunological stimulation. Nevertheless, in the TOKEN study,

cytokine concentrations were measured in serum, that’s why the measurements done by Vege et

al. cannot be used as references.

In another study performed by Mimasaka [70] levels of Interleukin IL-1ß, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10 in serum

obtained from adults were determined. The serum was collected within 2 days after death in 71

adults (mean age 55.5 years). The causes of death were classified as traumatic death (24 cases),

unnatural deaths by other than traumatic causes (31 cases, unnatural death group), and deaths

due to natural causes (16 cases, natural death group).

69 Å Vege, TO Rognum, AO Aasen, OD Saugstad (1998) Are elevated cerebrospinal fluid levels of IL-6 in sudden unexplained deaths, infectious deaths and deaths due to heart/lung disease in infants and children due to hypoxia? Acta Paediatr 87:819-824. 70 Mimasaka S (2002) Postmortem cytokine levels and the cause of death. Tohoku J Exp Med 197:145-150.

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


The authors found a significant increase of IL-6 and IL-8 levels of the “traumatic” deaths compared

to those of the other unnatural death. IL-6 levels showed considerable variability even among

similar cases. Unfortunately, detailed information on inflammatory changes was not available.

Only Tsokos et al. [71] investigated the time course of post-mortem IL-levels. They found

increasing concentrations of IL-6 associated with an increasing post-mortem time interval.

Unfortunately the measurements were done in adults (mean age 52 years). This means that any

possible post-mortem change in cytokine concentrations cannot be judged with certainty in our

study, particularly in cases with longer time intervals between death and autopsy. Therefore, it

would be helpful to investigate cytokine concentrations dependent on age and on post-mortem

time interval.

Increased levels of specific IgE were found in one child who had died at the age of 13 months

(specific IgE >0.1 KU/l, CUP class 0/1). These levels may be attributed to vaccination given prior to

death. Furthermore, specific IgE concentrations higher 0 were determined in some cases. These

reactions can be judged as normal reaction of the immune system after contact to antigens. The

positive findings in older children who had not been vaccinated within 7 days prior to death can be

explained in the same way. All of these had received vaccinations – but in different time intervals

before death. A treatment using such antibiotics is not known for these children.

Investigations of the genetic background show different genotypes for TGF-ß, IL-2, IL-4, and IL-10

comparing the investigated cases and results obtained by Javor et el. [72] However, this can be

due to a small sample size or as a result of genetic heterogeneity of both populations.

In conclusion: Even with the extensive investigations done in the TOKEN study, not one single

case showed clear signs of death due to vaccination. However, it cannot be excluded that

vaccination may have played a role like a trigger in the death process of very few cases. It would

be helpful to have a bigger sample size. For the immunological investigations, age-related normal

values need to be investigated as suitable reference values.

71 Tsokos M, Reichelt U, Jung R, Nierhaus A, Püschel K (2001) Interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein serum levels in sepsis-related fatalities during the early postmortem period. Forensic Sci Int 119:47-56. 72 Javor J, Bucova M, Ferencik S, Grosse-Wilde H, Buc M (2007) Single nucleotide polymorphisms of cytokine genes in the healthy Slovak population. Int J Immunogenet 34: 273-80.

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


Appendix 1: Case reports

Only relevant findings are described. Case 1 Clinical history

7-month-old boy, uncomplicated pregnancy and delivery. Vaccinated and found lifeless by mother

4 days later*. Body temperature 41 °C. Resuscitation by emergency doctor was initially successful.

Admitted to hospital. Death occurred 7 days after admission.

Autopsy findings

Body weight 8030 g (weight for age 25th - 50th percentile), body length 71cm (length for

age 10th -25th percentile), head circumference 47 cm (head circumference for age percentile


Signs of intensive care. Tracheobronchitis. Meningitis. Brain weight 1050 g.


Purulent bronchitis, meningoradiculitis, suspicious for viral infection of the CNS. Massive oedema

of the brain.


Shiga-like-toxin positive (intestine), haemolytic B-Streptococci (trachea),


negative, alcohol concentration 0.0 mg/l.

Screening for metabolic disturbances negative.

Immunological screening (increased parameters): Polymyxin B IgE 0.04 kU/l, IL-1ß 80 pg/ml,

L-6 856 pg/ml, TNFα 46.0 pg/ml.

Final diagnosis: Brain death caused by meningoradiculitis (A88.8). Epicrisis: Death after 7 days of intensive care with sign of general viral infection. * The event (found lifeless by the mother) was 4 days after vaccination, therefore the case conference included this cases as ’event’ within 6 days after vaccination”.

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Case report 2 Clinical history

2-month-old female infant. Pregnancy complicated by haemorrhages in months 2 and 3. Umbilical

cord loop at delivery, mild O2 lack after birth. Prolonged sleeping phases the day after vaccination

Found lifeless in bed the second day after vaccination in the morning. No signs of illness prior to


Autopsy findings

X-ray examination of the skeleton without any pathological findings.

Body weight 6800 g (weight for age >97th percentile), body length 61cm (length for age 95th – 97th

percentile), head circumference 40 cm (head circumference for age percentile 75th – 90th


No pathological findings. Brain oedema, brain weight 580 g (8.5%).


Unspecific sialadenitis of the parotid glands.


Not done (four days between death and autopsy).


Negative, alcohol concentration 0.0 mg/l.

Screening for metabolic disturbances negative.

Immunological screening (increased parameters): IgG 5540 mg/l, IgM 692 mg/l, IL-1ß 46 pg/ml,

IL-6 36 pg/ml, TNFα 38.3 pg/ml

Final diagnosis: unclear (R98). Epicrisis: SIDS-like case with no additional findings, but no microbiology done (four days between death and autopsy.

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Case report 3

Clinical history

8-month-old male infant. Pregnancy uncomplicated. Delivery at 39th week. Two days later after

vaccination increased body temperature (39 °C), treated with paracetamol. Found dead on the

4th day after vaccination in prone position. Sister had suffered from enteritis the week prior to


Autopsy findings

X-ray examination of the skeleton without any pathological findings.

Body weight 6750 g (weight for age < 3rd percentile), body length 71cm (length for age 50th – 75th

percentile), head circumference 45 cm (head circumference for age percentile 50th – 75th

percentile). Unreactive intussusception of the bowel. No other pathological findings.

Brain weight 920 g.


Mild peribronchial infiltration. Generalised brain oedema and congestion.


Klebsiella pneumonia (trachea).


Negative, alcohol concentration 0.0 mg/l.

Screening for metabolic disturbances negative.

Immunological screening (increased parameters): Neomycin IgE 0.01 kU/ml, IL-1ß 201 pg/ml,

IL-6 5020 pg/ml, TNFα 253 pg/ml

Final diagnosis: SIDS with mild airway infection. Epicrisis: Classical SIDS case found in prone position with mild upper respiratory tract infection, but not sufficient to explain the death.

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


Case report 4 Clinical history

2-month-old male infant. Pregnancy and delivery without any complication. Vaccinated two days

prior to death. Found dead in prone position. Resuscitation attempts without success. Respiratory

tract infection two weeks prior to death.

Autopsy findings

No X-ray examination of the skeleton.

Body weight 6200 g (weight for age 90th – 95th percentile), body length 55 cm (length for age 10th –

25th percentile) , head circumference 39 cm (head circumference for age percentile 25th – 50th

percentile). Putride otitis. Respiratory tract infection. No other signs of illness. Brain weight 632 g.


Pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, interstitial pneumonia, sialadenitis, interstitial nephritis:

generalised viral infection. Brain oedema and congestion.


Staphylococci (middle ear, trachea, lungs, leptomenix);


Negative, alcohol concentration 0.0 mg/l.

Screening for metabolic disturbances negative.

Immunological screening (increased parameters): C1 inactivator 406 mg/l, C3 1990 mg/l,

C4 650 mg/l, IgG 6650 mg/l, IgM 977 mg/l, IgA 605 mg/l, Polymyxin B IgE 0.07 kU/ml,

IL-1ß 39 pg/ml, IL-6 269 pg/ml.

Final diagnosis: generalised viral infection (B34.9). Epicrisis: Death due to a viral infection

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


Case report 5 Clinical history

13-month-old female child, born with hypoplasia of the cerebellum and clouding of the lens of the

eye, tetraspastic cerebral paresis after full term pregnancy. Two days before death vaccinated.

Found lifeless in bed. Resuscitation attempts without success.

Autopsy findings

Body weight 6780 g (weight for age <3rd percentile), body length 70 cm (length for age 3rd – 5th

percentile), head circumference 41 cm (head circumference for age percentile <3rd percentile).

Known malformation of the cerebellum (brain weight 570 g) and cataract. No signs of acute

disease except of mild laryngitis. No injuries. Injection marks on the right and left hip.


Mild infection of the respiratory tract with lymphocytic infiltration of the trachea. Mild activation of

the lymphatic tissue and organs. Agonal aspiration of stomach contents. Unspecific sialadenitis.

Granularcellhypoplasia of the brain, microcephaly, mild brain oedema.


No specific bacteria detected.


Paracetamol and Doxylamin in therapeutic range (e.g. Paedisup® S/-K) , alcohol concentration

0.0 mg/l.

Screening for metabolic disturbances negative.

Immunological screening: normal values for all parameters. Specific IgE for Polymyxin B and

Trometanol detected.

Final diagnosis: SIDS-like death with mild respiratory infect in the second year of life (R99). Epicrisis: The malformation of the brain is a very rare disease, probably not associated with sudden death in early childhood.

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


Case report 6 Clinical history

3-month-old male infant. Vaccinated one day prior to death. Found dead in prone position.

Resuscitation attempts not performed.

Autopsy findings

No X-ray examination of the skeleton.

Body weight 5923 g (weight for age 25th – 50th percentile), body length 64cm (length for age 75th –

90th percentile), head circumference not measured. Signs of putrefaction. Brain weight 711 g.


Mild leukocytic infiltration of the myocardium. IHC for inflammatory cells positive.


Not done because of putrefaction.


Negative, alcohol concentration 0.0 mg/l.

Screening for metabolic disturbances negative.

Immunological screening (increased parameters): Polymyxin B IgE 0.04 kU/ml, IL-1ß 106 pg/ml,

IL-6 106 pg/ml, TNFα 22.0 pg/ml.

Final diagnosis: SIDS with findings of borderline myocarditis (R95). Epicrisis: borderline SIDS, with findings of myocarditis, prone position.

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


Case report 7 Clinical history

4-month-old female infant. Pregnancy and delivery without any complication. Vaccinated 3 days

prior to death. Found dead in supine position. Resuscitation attempts have not been occurred.

Autopsy findings

No X-ray examination of the skeleton.

Body weight 6300 g (weight for age 50th – 75th percentile), body length 64 cm (length for age 75th –

90th percentile) , head circumference 39 cm (head circumference for age percentile 5th – 10th

percentile). No signs of illness. Brain weight 790 g.


Mild activation of lymphatic organs and tissues. Mild brain oedema.


Staphylococcus pneumonia and aureus (middle ear, trachea).


Negative, alcohol concentration 0.0 mg/l.

Screening for metabolic disturbances negative.

Final diagnosis: SIDS (R95) Epicrisis: no additional information

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


Case report 8 Clinical history

4-month-old male infant. Preterm delivery (33 week). Vaccinated the day before death. At the

same day increased body temperature, treated with paracetamol.

Found lifeless in side position. Resuscitation attempts without success.

Autopsy findings

X-ray examination of the skeleton without findings.

Body weight 5600 g (weight for age 5th – 10th percentile), body length 59 cm (length for age <3rd

percentile), head circumference 41 cm (head circumference for age percentile 10th – 25th

percentile). Brain weight 720 g.


Activated lymphatic organs. Focal emphysematic lung changes of unclear origin. Acute congestive

encephalopathy (mild mononuclear cell infiltration).


Klebsiella pneumoniae (trachea, blood).


Negative, alcohol concentration 0.0 mg/l.

Screening for metabolic disturbances negative.

Immunological screening (increased parameters): IgG 4640 mg/l, IgM 859 mg/l, IL-1ß 48 pg/ml.

Final diagnosis: SIDS (R95). Epicrisis: SIDS in a preterm infant, with upper respiratory tract infection with klebsiella.

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


Case report 9 Clinical history

14-month-old female child. Born after full term pregnancy. Further development without any

complication. Vaccinated on the day of death. Found lifeless in bed in prone position. Resuscitation

attempts not done.

Autopsy findings

Body length 78 cm.

Congestion and oedema of the brain. Brain weight 1010 g. Oedema of the lungs. No signs of acute

disease. No injuries. Injection marks not detectable.


Mild oedema of the lungs.


Obviously not done.


Negative, alcohol concentration 0.0 mg/l.

Screening for metabolic disturbances negative.

Immunological screening not done.

Final diagnosis: SIDS-like death in the second year of life, investigation incomplete (R98). Epicrisis: A clear diagnosis cannot be made because of incomplete investigation. A cause of death was not detected.

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


Case report 10

Clinical history

2-month-old male infant. Pregnancy and delivery without any complication. Vaccinated two days

before death. Found lifeless in prone position. Resuscitation attempts without success. Family

history of Marfan Syndrome.

Autopsy findings

Body weight 5580 g (weight for age 50th – 75th percentile), body length 62 cm (length for age 90th –

95th percentile) , head circumference 40 cm (head circumference for age percentile 50th - 75th

percentile). No signs of illness. Brain weight 1560 g.


Acute congestion of parenchymatous organs, brain oedema and lung oedema .


Not done


Negative, alcohol concentration 0.0 mg/l.

Screening for metabolic disturbances negative.

Immunological screening (increased parameters): not done.

Final diagnosis: unclear (R99). Epicrisis: incomplete investigation (documented brain weight may be not correct!)

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


Case report 11 Clinical history

2-month-old female infant, born with atrioventricular septal defect and defect of the ventricular

septum after full term pregnancy. Fed by gastric tube because of insufficient increase of body

weight. Routine check-up (U4) with vaccination at the day of death, has been given paracetamol.

Found lifeless in bed. Resuscitation attempts without success. Died about 10 hours after

vaccination on the way to hospital.

Autopsy findings

X-ray examination of the skeleton without any pathological findings.

Body weight 4500 g (weight for age 5th – 10th percentile), body length 58 cm (length for age 25th –

50th percentile), head circumference 38 cm (head circumference for age percentile 5th – 10th

percentile). Known malformation of the heart with massive hypertrophy of the right atrium. Heart

weight 75 g. Cardiac insufficiency with congestion of the liver (210 g), the spleen (15 g), and the

lungs (left 48 g, right 98 g). Effusion in body pleural and abdominal cavities (20-30 ml each).

Congestion and oedema of the brain (brain weight 630 g). Hypoplasia of the thymus (12 g).

Injection mark on the right hip.


Mild infection of the respiratory tract with lymphocytic infiltration of the larynx and focal interstitial

pneumonia. Agonal aspiration of stomach contents. Congestion of the liver. Mild signs of shock in

the kidneys Hypoplasia of the thymus (12 g).


Trachea: Klebsiella pneumoniae; Streptococcus pneumoniae lungs: Klebsiella pneumoniae,

Staphylococcus aureus (TSST positive); Cavum tympani: Streptococcus pneumoniae.


negative, alcohol concentration 0.0 mg/l.

Screening for metabolic disturbances negative.

Immunological screening not done.

Final diagnosis: acute cardiac failure due to malformation (Q21.2). Interstitial pneumonia. Epicrisis: In this very sick child with a defect of the heart the vaccination could be a contributing factor.

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


Case report 12

Clinical history

3-month-old female infant. Multiple pregnancy and preterm delivery (33 week). ALTE 4 weeks after

delivery. Vaccinated almost two days before death. Found lifeless next night prone position.

Resuscitation attempts without success.

Autopsy findings

X-ray examination of the skeleton without pathological findings.

Body weight 4510 g (weight for age 5th – 10th percentile) , body length 56 cm (length for age 5th –

10th percentile), head circumference 38 cm (head circumference for age percentile 5th – 10th

percentile). Brain weight 562 g. No signs of illness.


Not done


No specific bacteria detected. Negative.


Negative, alcohol concentration 0.0 mg/l.

Screening for metabolic disturbances negative.

Immunological screening (increased parameters): not done.

Final diagnosis: unclear (R98). Epicrisis: incomplete investigation, otherwise classical SIDS case.

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


Case report 13 Clinical history

3-month-old female infant. Born after 38 weeks. Septicaemia on third day of life, was 12 days in

hospital. Vaccinated almost three days before death. Found lifeless in bed in prone position.

Resuscitation attempts not done. No symptoms of acute disease prior to death.

Autopsy findings

Body weight 5700 g (weight for age 25th – 50th percentile), body length 62 cm (length for age 50th-

75th percentile), head circumference 40 cm (head circumference for age percentile 25th – 50th

percentile). Mild congestion and oedema of the brain. Brain weight 660 g. No signs of acute

disease. No injuries. Injection marks not detectable.


Activated lymphatic system. No other pathological findings. Generalized brain oedema and



Intestine: Clostridium perfringens, toxin negative.


Negative, alcohol concentration 0.0 mg/l.

Screening for metabolic disturbances negative.

Immunological screening: C1 inactivator in creased (473 mg/l), CRP increased (32.8 mg/l), Specific

IgE for Polymyxin B positive.

Final diagnosis: SIDS (R95). Epicrisis: The infant did not show any symptom of disease prior to death. The autopsy and histology gave inconspicuous results. In particular, airway infection, enteritis, carditis, and encephalitis could not be detected. The increased CRP cannot be explained by autopsy findings, but could be a result of enteritis two weeks prior to death.

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


Case report 14

Clinical history

1 month - old male infant. Pregnancy, delivery and further development without

complication.Vaccinated almost 3 days before death. Found prone in his bed. Resuscitation

attempts unsuccessful.

Autopsy findings

X-ray examination of the skeleton not done.

Body weight 5320 g (weight for age 50 h – 75th percentile) , body length 55 cm (length for age 10th –

25th percentile), head circumference 38 cm (head circumference for age percentile 10th – 25th

percentile). Mild infection of the lungs and bronchial system. Brain weight 562 g.


Lungs: some dyselectasis

Sialadenitis, hyperactivation of the lymphatic system, at the vaccination region: massive

inflammatory infiltrates with lymphocytes and a central necrosis of the subcutaneous tissue. Brain

oedema and congestion.


Staph. aureus, in the lungs and stomach.


Negative, alcohol concentration 0.0 mg/l.

Screening for metabolic disturbances negative.

Immunological screening (increased parameters): not done.

Final diagnosis: SIDS (R95). Epicrisis: complete investigation, classical SIDS case, found prone, but necrosis at the vaccination site.

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


Case report 15 Clinical history

11-month-old female infant. Vaccinated at the day of death. Died during feeding! Resuscitation

attempts without success.

Autopsy findings

X-ray investigation of the skeleton without pathological findings.

Body weight 10700 g (weight for age 75th – 90th percentile) , body length 79 cm (length for age

>97th percentile) , head circumference 45 cm (head circumference for age percentile 50th – 75th


Oedema of the brain. Brain weight 985 g. Mild emphysema of the lungs. Some petechial

haemorrhages subpleural. Aspiration of stomach contents. No signs of acute disease. No injuries.

Injection mark on left tight.


Tracheitis and focal interstitial pneumonia. Aspiration of stomach contents. Acute emphysema of

the lungs.


Trachea: Klebsiella oxytoca; intestine: Clostridium difficile positive, toxin A + B positive; blood:

Klebsiella oxytoca.


Negative, alcohol concentration 0.0 mg/l.

Screening for metabolic disturbances negative.

Immunological screening not done.

Final diagnosis: aspiration of stomach contents (W78.0). Epicrisis: A suffocation due to aspiration of stomach contents is supposed. The emphysema of the lungs indicates the vital genesis of the aspiration. It could be due to airway infection (tracheitis, interstitial pneumoniae) and/or enteritis (detection of Clostridium difficile may occur in healthy infants too).

TOKEN Study – pathology study part


Appendix 2: List of references for cytokine concentrations.

TOKEN-Study/Immunologic investigationP








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CH100 RID (Radiale Immundiffusion) U/mL 392-1019 TeskitC1-INAKT. RID (Radiale Immundiffusion) mg/L 195-345 TeskitC3 RID (Radiale Imm 800-1700 mg/L http://www.med4you.at/laborbefunde/referenzwerte/referenzbereiche_c3_c4_ch50.htm#C3 w: 1032-1495; m: TeskitC4 RID (Radiale Imm 70-400 mg/L http://www.med4you.at/laborbefunde/referenzwerte/referenzbereiche_c3_c4_ch50.htm#C3 w: 167-385; m: 16TeskitIgG RID (Radiale Imm ca. 139-1139 mg/L je nach Alter sehr unterschiedlich, s. Ergebnistabelle! TeskitIgM RID (Radiale Imm ca. 16-229 mg/L je nach Alter sehr unterschiedlich, s. Ergebnistabelle! TeskitIgD RID (Radiale Immundiffusion) mg/L 1,3-152,7 TeskitIgA RID (Radiale Imm ca. 3-102 mg/L je nach Alter sehr unterschiedlich, s. Ergebnistabelle! TeskitIgE (gesamt) EUROIMMUN Mik ca. 0-60 IE/mL je nach Alter sehr unterschiedlich, s. Ergebnistabelle! TeskitStreptomycin IgE ImmunoCAP für IgE kU/L <0,1 TeskitNeomycin IgE ImmunoCAP für IgE kU/L <0,1 TeskitPolymyxin B IgE ImmunoCAP für IgE kU/L <0,1 TeskitTromethonal IgE ImmunoCAP für IgE kU/L <0,1 TeskitCRP RID (Radiale Immundiffusion) mg/L <15 TeskitIL-1 Human IL-1 beta (IL-1F2) ELISA depg/mL 0-34,3 BIO-Labor Labor EberhardIL-6 OptEIA Human IL ca. 1,7-9,2 pg/mL Berdat 2003 (MW Monat 0-3: 9,0; 4-12: 3,4; 13-24: 1,8) 0-7,6 BIO-Labor Labor EberhardIL-10 OptEIA Human IL ca. 3,3-5,5 pg/mL Berdat 2003 (MW Monat 0-3: 3,4; 4-12: 4,3; 13-24: 5,1) 0-626 BIO-LaborIFN- OptEIA Human IFN- ELISA Set pg/mL 1,6-56,2 BIO-LaborTNF- OptEIA Human T ca. 2,2-3,5 pg/mL Berdat 2003 (MW Monat 0-3: 2,3; 4-12: 3,6; 13-24: 3,3) 0-18,9 BIO-Labor Labor EberhardIL-18 Human IL-18 ELISA pg/mL Datasheet Bender 55-280 (n=8) Teskit
