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2nd February Theme E T ANI The Conference of …. Mani S.G CRI Reg. President Mob.: 9981195843 Sr....

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EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATION 2nd February (‘Religious’ Day) World Day World Day for Consecrated Life World Day Contact:- Fr. Johnson Kannanaickal CMI, M. P. Regional Executive Secretary, St. Paul House, P. B. No. 7, Anand Nagar, Bhopal - 462 021 C R I C R O ET M I A N A UNA U N M U INNOVATION IN CONSECRATED LIFE FOR GREATER EFFECTIVENESS (Private use only) Bro. Mani S.G CRI Reg. President Mob.: 9981195843 Sr. Jyoti OSB CRI Reg. Vice Presidente Mob.: 9893082331 Sr. Tresa Abraham OSF CRI Reg.Secretary Mob.: 9407260120 Sr. Mercy FSMA CRI Reg.Councillor Mob.: 9425319418 Fr. John K. V. C. CRI Reg.Councillor Mob. : 9425899656 Sr.Jessy Maria CMC CRI Reg.Councillor 9617489555 Fr. Anto CMI CRI Reg.Councillor 9425637968 Fr. Johnson CMI Regional Executive Secretary 9425691997 Consecrated life today stands in need of are visioning and re- grounding as its fire is dying out. 1. Mission Innovation in mission is a challenge of being a disciple of Jesus creating a community of prophetic people in order to be close to the poor 2. Formation: A Christo-centric formation praxis where the candidate becomes a disciple of Christ instead of a profession centered formation and the formative structure of our communities should be defined by the function in the given context 3. Life style: Re-visioning our life style, ministry, and community life in accordance with the charism of the respective congregation. The Conference of Religious India had its National Assembly at Leonia Holistic Destination, Hyderabad from October 28th-31st, 2012 Theme “INNOVATION IN CONSECRATED LIFE FOR GREATER EFFECTIVENESS”. 12


2nd February

(‘Religious’ Day)

World Day World Day for Consecrated Life

World Day

Contact:- Fr. Johnson Kannanaickal CMI, M. P. Regional Executive Secretary, St. Paul House, P. B. No. 7, Anand Nagar, Bhopal - 462 021












(Private use only)

Bro. Mani S.GCRI Reg. PresidentMob.: 9981195843

Sr. Jyoti OSB

CRI Reg. Vice Presidente

Mob.: 9893082331

Sr. Tresa Abraham OSF

CRI Reg.Secretary

Mob.: 9407260120

Sr. Mercy FSMA

CRI Reg.Councillor

Mob.: 9425319418

Fr. John K. V. C.CRI Reg.CouncillorMob. : 9425899656

Sr.Jessy Maria CMCCRI Reg.Councillor9617489555

Fr. Anto CMI CRI Reg.Councillor9425637968

Fr. Johnson CMIRegional Executive Secretary 9425691997

Consecrated life today stands in need of are visioning and re-grounding as its fire is dying out.

1. MissionInnovation in mission is a challenge of being a disciple of Jesus creating a community of prophetic people in order to be close to the poor

2. Formation: A Christo-centric formation praxis where the candidate becomes a disciple of Christ instead of a profession centered formation and the formative structure of our communities should be defined by the function in the given context

3. Life style:Re-visioning our life style, ministry, and community life in accordance with the charism of the respective congregation.

The Conference of Religious India had its National Assembly at Leonia Holistic Destination, Hyderabad from October 28th-31st, 2012




nd2 February, 2013 -


Greetings to all consecrated persons!

thOn 6 Jan,1997, The late Holy Father John Paul II decided that the ndWorld day for Consecrated Life will be celebrated on the 2 Feb, on the

feast which commemorates the Presentation which Mary & Joseph made of Jesus in the temple to present Jesus to the Lord.(Lk.2:22).The presentation of Jesus in the temple is an eloquent icon of the total offering of one's life for all those who are called to show forth in the church & in the world, by means of the evangelical counsels “ the characteristic features of Jesus- the chaste, poor & obedient one” (VC1).

The reason for the world Day for Consecrated Life:

The purpose of such a day is threefold. In the FIRST PLACE, It answers the intimate need to praise the Lord more solemnly & to thank him for the great gift of consecrated life which enriches & gladdens the Christian community by the multiplicity of its charisms & by the edifying fruits of so many lives totally given to the cause of the kingdom. In the SECOND PLACE, this day is intended to promote knowledge of & esteem for the consecrated life by the entire people of God. The THIRD REASON regards consecrated persons directly. They are invited to celebrate together solemnly the marvels which the Lord has accomplished in them, to discover by a more illuminated faith the rays of divine beauty spread by the spirit in their way of life, & to acquire a more vivid consciousness of their irreplaceable mission in the church.

Following the instruction of late Pope it is a challenge for every religious person to re-read, re-discover & re-state her/his vocation & find new meaning in her/his life as a prophet. They have to be Just as prophets have always arisen in times of crisis to proclaim the will of God to the people of Israel, so in the history of the church religious Orders have always had a prophetic vocation. They have offered a response, in the church and in society, to the longings of the people. They have put their finger on the wound when the church has been too turned in on

itself. The first monk responded in this way to the worldwide spread of the church. Benedict, at a time of migration, set up places of community which brought stability to their surroundings. Confronted by the feudal structure of the church and of society, Francis reawakened sensitivity to poverty. Dominic made his own the desire of the Cathars for a pure and clear faith. Ignatius wanted to responded to the Reformation and direct life again only towards the figure of Christ. And many religious Orders in

ththe 19 century responded to the needs of their times. It is always a question of a prophetic response, a response which comes from God, an attempt to put the will of God into practice in a particular time.

The task of the prophet is not to predict the future but to proclaim the will of God for the present and the situation of today. The prophet claims the “today of God” for people. This” today of God” is often in contrast with the world. Honesty is necessary in announcing the word of God.

Consecrate life has always had a prophetic dimension in the history of the church. How can we live this prophetic dimension today?

- Placing God at the centre- Making a critical reflection of the society and the church- Offering a realistic hope and making the people aware that

everything is transitory.- Becoming a blessing for people and leave a legacy.- Prophetic mission is always a mission for people.

Jesus has shown how to recognize our prophetic mission. He invites us to enter by the narrow gate and to journey by the hard road (Mth713-14).The narrow gate is hard and unique which God has planned for us. A certain effort is necessary to find that gate. The wide road is not bad road, but the road which everyone takes. Jesus believes that each one of us is capable of finding the unique way in which our life can become a blessing for people. Animated by the Spirit of God, may

every consecrated live up to her/his commitment.


Br. Mani S. G., CRI M. P. Regional President

Yours Sincerely in Christ,

February 2


The Blessing of Candles and the Procession

First Form :The Procession

1. At an appropriate hour, a gathering takes place at a smaller church or other suitable place other than inside the church to which the procession will go. The faithful hold in their hands unlighted candles.

2. The Priest wearing white vestments as for mass approaches with the minister. Instead of the chasuble, the Priest may wear a cope, which he leaves aside after the procession is over.

3. While the candles are being lit, the following a antiphon or another appropriate chant is sung

Be hold, our Lord will come with power, to enlighten the eyes of his servants alleluia.

4. When the chant is concluded, the Priest facing the people says: In the name of the father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Then the Priest greets the people in the usual way, and next he give and introductory address, encouraging the faithful to celebrate the rite of this feast day actively and consciously. He may use these or similar words.

Dear brethren (brothers and sister),Forty days have passed since we celebrated The joyful feast of nativity of the Lord.Today is he blessed day when Jesus was presented in the Temple by Mary and Joseph.Outwardly he was fulfilling the Law,but in reality he was coming to meet His believing people.Prompted by the Holy Spirit,Simeon and Anna came to the Temple.

Enlightened by the same Spirit,they recognized the Lord And confessed him with exultation.So let us also, gathered together by the Holy Spirit,proceed to the house of God to encounter Christ.There we shall find him And recognize him in the breaking of the bread,until he comes again, revealed in glory

5. After the address the Priest blesses the candles, saying w i t h hands extended:

Let us pray,

O God, source and origin of all light,who on this day showed to the just man Simeonthe Light for revelation to the Gentiles,we humbly ask that,in answer to your people’s prayers,you may be pleased to sanctify with your blessing these candleswhich we are eager to carry in praise of your name,so that treading the path of virtue,we may reach that light which never fails.Through Christ our Lord.

R. Amen.


O God True light, who create light eternal,spreading it far and wide,pour, we pray, into the hearts of thefaithful the brilliance of perpetual light,so that all who are brightened in your holy templeby the splendour of these candlesMay happily reach the light of your glory.Through Christ our Lord.

R. Amen


He sprinkles the candles with holy water without saying anything, and puts incense into the thurible for the procession.

6. Then Priest receives from the Deacon or a minister the lighted candle prepared for him and the processionbegins, with the Deacon announcing (or, if there is no Deacon, the Priest himself):

Let us go in peace to meet the LordLet us go forth in peace.In the name of Christ. Amen.

7. All carry lighted candles. As the procession moves forward, one or other of the antiphons that follow is sung, namely the antiphon A light for revelation with the canticle (Lk 2:29-32), or the antiphon Sion adorn your bridal chamber or another appropriate chant.

Ant. 1 Lk 2:29-32

A light for revelation for the Gentiles and the glory of your people Israel.

Lord now you let you servant go in peace, in accordance with your word:


For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all peoples.


Ant. Sion, adron your bridal chamber and welcome Christ the King; take Mary in your arms, who is the gate of heaven, for she herself is carrying the King of glory and new light. An Virging she remains, though bringing in her hands the Son before the morning star begotten, whom Simeon, taking in his arms announced to the peoples as Lord of life and death and Saviour of the world.

8. As the procession enters the church, the Entrance Antiphon of the Mass is sung. When the Priest has arrived at the altar, he venerates it and if appropriate, incenses it. Then he goes to the chair, where he takes off the cope, if he used it in the procession, and puts on a chasuble. After the singing the hymn Gloria in excelsis (Glory to God in the highest), he says the Collect as usual. The Mass continues in the usual manner.

Second Form : The Solemn Entrance

9. Whenever a procession cannot take place, the faithful gather in church, holding candles in their hand, the Priest, wearing white sacred vestments as for Mass, together with the minister and a representative group of the faithful, goes to a suitable place, either in front of the church door or inside the church itself, where at least a large part of the faithful can conveniently participate in the rite.

10. When the Priest reaches the place appointed for the blessing of the candles, candles are lit while the antiphon Behold, our Lord (no.3) or another appropriate chant is sung.

11. Then after the greeting and address, the Priest blesses the candles, as above nos. 4-5, and then the procession to the altar takes place with singing (no. 6-7). For Mass, what is indicated in no. 8 above is observed.

At the Mass

(Latin or syro-malabar ro syro- malankara Rite)

Entrance Antiphon Cf. Ps 47:10-11

Your merciful love, O God, we have receivedin the midst of your templeYour praise, O God, like your name, reaches the ends of the earth;Your right hand is filled with saving justice.


The Gloria in excelsis (Glory to God in the highest ) is said


Almighty ever-living God,

we humbly implore your majesty

that, just as your Only Begotten Son

was presented on this day in the Temple

in the substance of our flesh,

so , by your grace,

we may be presented to you with minds made pure.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity

of the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever.


I (Name),/though unworthy,/relying on divine mercy,/and resolved to respond to God’s special call/ in total commitment,/to serve God and his people in this Congregation,/renew my vows/of Chastity, Poverty and Obedience/to the Most Holy Trinity,/before my Mother of Carmel the Immaculate Virgin Mary,/and all the angels and saints,/according to the Constitution/of (Name of your congregation)

First reading : Mal 3:1-4

Responsorial Psalm : ZZ 23nd 2 Reading : Heb 2:14-18

Gospel : LK 2:22-32


(Or follow any formula for renewal of vows)


Leader: In the countenance of Jesus, the image of the invisible

God and the reflection of the Father's glory, we glimpse the depths of an eternal and infinite love which is at the very root of our being. Those who let themselves be seized by this love cannot help abandoning everything to follow Him. (V. C. 18) Striving to become one with Him, we take on His mind and His way of life.


1. Lord Jesus we pray for the leaders of the church, may our Holy Father Pope Benedict VI be strengthened in the Holy Spirit and be filled with wisdom to guide and lead the church according to the teachings of Christ.

2. Lord Jesus you are the way that leads us to the Father, teach us how to walk the path of consecrated chastity, poverty and obedience as you lived them on earth.

3. As religious may we uphold human rights for an inclusive society, raising our voices whenever and wherever there are injustices, corruption, violence and violation of human rights.

4. All of us may learn the values of good governance, transparency, accountability, selflessness, integrity, impartiality, commitment, justice and peace. May the leaders implement them while they govern.

5. The various faiths and religions in India may advocate peace, compassion, respect and acceptance among all people and work towards love and unity.

6. May we collaborate with government departments and the NGOs and support ecologically sustainable development in the country and in the world.

7. We pray for all the youth, especially the young in religious life, that all recognize their contributions in our Congregations, invest our time, energy and resources that their dreams be fulfilled and enabled to dedicate themselves for God and humanity generously.

8. That all consecrated men and women study gender policy for right relationships, develop mutual respect for all God's creation, and oppose all forms of violence against anyone.


9. We pray for this Eucharistic community that we may practice the hospitality of the table fellowship in our daily lives create a counter cultural community of the new covenant to function as light, salt and leaven.

May every consecrated person may feel that they are called by the father, consecrated in Christ, sent in the Spirit, feeling with the church and the world, energized by the Eucharist, walking with Mary, we make this prayer through Christ our Lord.

When this feast falls on a Sunday, the Creed is said.

Prayer over the Offerings

May the offering made with exultation by your Church

be pleasing to you, O Lord, we pray,

for you willed that your Only Begotten Son

be offered to you for the life of the world

as the Lamb without blemish.

Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.

Preface: the mystery of the of the Presentation of the Lord.

Text without music:

V. The Lord be with you.

R. And with your spirit

V. Lift up your hearts.

R. We lift them up to the Lord

V. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

R. It is right and just.

It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation,always and everywhere to give you thanks,Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God.


For your co-eternal Son was presented on this day in the Temple and revealed by the Spiritas the glory of Israel and Light of the nations.

And so, we, too, go forth, rejoicing to encounter your salvation, and with the Angles and Saintspraise you, as without end we acclaim:

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts...

Communion Antiphon Lk: 2:30-31

My eyes have seen you salvation,

which you prepared in the sight of all the peoples.

Prayer after Communion

By these holy gifts which we have received, O Lord,

bring your grace to perfection within us,

and, as you fulfilled Simeon’s expectation

that he would not see death

until he had been privileged to welcome the Christ,

so may we, going forth to meet the Lord,

obtain the gift of eternal life.

Through Christ our Lord.

