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2nd Sunday Of Easter 7th April, 2013

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2nd Sunday Of Easter 7th April, 2013. The service. The Service – This form of the holy communion service is from page 6 of the Supplement to Lutheran Hymnal, which was authorised by the Lutheran Church of Australia at its 1987 General Synod. . Quiet time for prayer. Opening sentence. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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2nd Sunday Of Easter 7th April, 2013 1
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2nd Sunday Of Easter


7th April, 2013 


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The service

The Service – This form of the holy communion service is from page 6 of the Supplement to Lutheran Hymnal, which was authorised by the Lutheran Church of Australia at its 1987 General Synod.


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Quiet timefor



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Opening sentenceM: 'I am the Alpha and the Omega',

says the Lord God Alleluia,C: who is and who was and who

is to come, the Almighty Alleluia.

(Rev 1:8 NRSV)


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M: In the name of the Father and of the Son † and of the Holy Spirit.

C: Amen


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Opening HymnWe sing our opening hymn:

Hail, Thou once despised Jesus, v.1,2,4

LHS 112 CAL293John Bakewell (1721-1819) and others

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Hail, Thou once despised Jesus

1. Hail, Thou once despised Jesus,Hail, Thou Galilean king!Thou didst suffer to release us,Thou didst free salvation bring.Hail, Thou agonizing Saviour,Bearer of our sin and shame;By Thy merits we find favour;Life is given through Thy name.

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Hail, Thou once despised Jesus

2. Paschal Lamb, by God appointed,

All our sins on Thee were laid;By almighty love anointed,Thou hast full atonement made:All Thy people are forgivenThrough the virtue of Thy blood;Opened is the gate of heaven;Peace is made ‘twixt man and God.

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Hail, Thou once despised Jesus

4. Worship, honour, power, and blessing,

Thou art worthy to receive;Loudest praises without ceasingMeet it is for us to give.Help, ye bright angelic spirits,Bring your sweetest, noblest lays:Help to sing our Saviour’s merits,Help to chant Immanuel’s praise.

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M: Friends in Christ: St Peter and the apostles said: 'The God of our ancestors raised up Jesus, and exalted him at his right hand as Leader and Saviour that he might give repentance and forgiveness of sins.’

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Therefore let us confess our sins to God our Father and ask him in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive us.

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Our help is in the name of the Lord.C: ♫ He máde heavên and earth.M: I said, I will confess my sins to

the Lord.C: ♫ Then hé forgave the guilt of

my sin.

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C: Almighty God, merciful Father, I, a poor helpless sinner, confess to you all my sins, and repent of all the evil I have done. I have deeply displeased you and deserve your punishment in time and in eternity.

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But I am sorry for my sins, and I ask you, for the sake of the holy innocent sufferings and death of your dear Son Jesus Christ, to be gracious and merciful to me. Amen.

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M: I ask each of you in the presence of God who searches the heart:

Do you confess that you have sinned, and do you repent of your sins?

I do.

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M: Do you believe that Jesus Christ has redeemed you from all your sins, and do you desire forgiveness in his name?

C:I do.

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M: Do you intend with the help of the Holy Spirit to live as in God's presence, and to strive daily to lead a holy life, even as Christ has made you holy?

C: I do.

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M: upon your confession, I, as a called and ordained servant of the word, announce the grace of God to all of you, and on behalf of my Lord Jesus Christ I forgive you all your sins, in the name of the Father and of the Son † and of the Holy Spirit.

Peace be with you.Amen.

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M: Kyrie eleison C: ♫ Lord, have mercy.M: Christe eleison C: ♫ Christ, have mercy.M: Kyrie eleison C: ♫ Lord, have mercy.

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HIGHESTM: Glory to God in the highest,C: ♫ and on earth peace, among

those with whom he is pleased.We praise you, we bless you,we worship you, we glorify you,we give thanks to you for your great glory,O Lord God, heavênly king,God, the Father almighty.

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HIGHESTO Lord, the only begotten Son,

Jesus Christ,O Lord God, Lamb of God,Son of the Father,you take away the sin of the world; have mercy on us.You take away the sin of the world; receive our prayer.

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HIGHESTYou are seated at the right hand of

God the Father;have mercy on us.For you alone are holy,you alone are Lord,you alone, O Christ, with the Holy Spirit,are most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

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Liturgy of the WORD

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M: The Lord be with youC: And also with you.

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PRAYER OF THE DAY M: Let us pray for faith in our risen Lord. C: Merciful God,

your Son Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life, who gives hope and joy to those who doubt.

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PRAYER OF THE DAY Give to us who do not see you

faith and life and blessing, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

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The apostles boldly proclaim Jesus' resurrection 

R: The first reading for the second Sunday of Easter is written in chapter 5 of Acts, beginning at verse 27.

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Acts 5:27-3227When the apostles were brought

before the council, the high priest said to them,

28"We told you plainly not to teach in the name of Jesus. But look what you have done! You have been teaching all over Jerusalem, and you are trying to blame us for his death."

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Acts 5:27-3229Peter and the apostles replied: We don't obey people. We obey God. 30You killed Jesus by nailing him to a

cross. But the God our ancestors worshiped raised him to life 31and made him our Leader and Saviour. Then God gave him a place at his right side, so that the people of Israel would turn back to him and be forgiven.

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Acts 5:27-3232We are here to tell you about all this,

and so is the Holy Spirit, who is God's gift to everyone who obeys God.

This is the Word of the Lord.C: Thanks be to God.

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Psalm 150 CEV R: The Psalm is Psalm 150

R: 1Shout praises to the LORD! Praise God in his temple.

Praise him in heaven, his mighty fortress.

C: 2Praise our God! His deeds are wonderful, too marvellous to describe.

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Psalm 150 CEV R: 3Praise God with trumpets and all

kinds of harps. C: 4Praise him with tambourines

and dancing, with stringed instruments and woodwinds.

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Psalm 150 CEV R: 5Praise God with cymbals, with

clashing cymbals. C: 6Let every living creature praise

the LORD. Shout praises to the LORD!

C: Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

As it was in the beginning is now and will be for ever. Amen.

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SECOND READINGRevelation 1:4-8 CEV

Every eye will see the Lord

R: The second reading is written in chapter 1 of Revelation, beginning at verse 4.

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Revelation 1:4-84From John to the seven churches in

Asia. I pray that you will be blessed with

kindness and peace from God, who is and was and is coming.

May you receive kindness and peace from the seven spirits before the throne of God.

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Revelation 1:4-85May kindness and peace be yours

from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness.

Jesus was the first to conquer death, and he is the ruler of all earthly kings.

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Revelation 1:4-8Christ loves us, and by his blood he

set us free from our sins. 6He lets us rule as kings and serve God his Father as priests.

To him be glory and power forever and ever! Amen.

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Revelation 1:4-87Look! He is coming with the clouds.

Everyone will see him, even the ones who stuck a sword through him. All people on earth will weep because of him. Yes, it will happen! Amen.

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Revelation 1:4-88The Lord God says, "I am Alpha and

Omega, the one who is and was and is coming. I am God All-Powerful!"

This is the Word of the Lord.C: Thanks be to God.

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C: ♫ Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

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gospelJohn 20:19-31 CEV

Thomas sees the risen Christ and believes M: The holy gospel is written in

chapter 20 of the Gospel according to St John, beginning at verse 19.

C: ♫ Glory to you, O Lord.

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John 20:19-3119The disciples were afraid of the

Jewish leaders, and on the evening of that same Sunday they locked themselves in a room. Suddenly, Jesus appeared in the middle of the group. He greeted them 20and showed them his hands and his side.

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John 20:19-31When the disciples saw the Lord, they

became very happy. 21After Jesus had greeted them again, he said, "I am sending you, just as the Father has sent me." 22Then he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit. 23If you forgive anyone's sins, they will be forgiven. But if you don't forgive their sins, they will not be forgiven.”

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John 20:19-3124Although Thomas the Twin was one of

the twelve disciples, he wasn't with the others when Jesus appeared to them. 25So they told him, "We have seen the Lord!" But Thomas said, "First, I must see the nail scars in his hands and touch them with my finger. I must put my hand where the spear went into his side. I won't believe unless I do this!”

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John 20:19-316A week later the disciples were

together again. This time, Thomas was with them. Jesus came in while the doors were still locked and stood in the middle of the group. He greeted his disciples 27and said to Thomas, "Put your finger here and look at my hands! Put your hand into my side. Stop doubting and have faith!”

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John 20:19-3128Thomas replied, "You are my Lord and

my God!" 29Jesus said, "Thomas, do you have

faith because you have seen me? The people who have faith in me without seeing me are the ones who are really blessed!”

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John 20:19-3130Jesus worked many other miracles for

his disciples, and not all of them are written in this book.

31But these are written so that you will put your faith in Jesus as the Messiah and the Son of God. If you have faith in him, you will have true life.

This is the Gospel of the Lord.C: ♫ Praise to you, O Christ.

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Prayer after the gospel

M: Lord Jesus, thank you for letting Thomas doubt, and for showing yourself after your resurrection. Strengthen our faith in you as the living Son of God. C: Amen.

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C: We believe in one God,the Father, the Almighty,maker of heaven and earth,of all that is, seen and unseen.


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We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,the only Son of God,eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light,true God from true God,begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father; through him all things were made.


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For us* and for our salvationhe came down from heaven,was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became truly human.For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;he suffered death and was buried.

* This means: us human beings


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On the third day he rose againin accordance with the Scriptures;he ascended into heavenand is seated at the right hand of the Father.He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead,and his kingdom will have no end.


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We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,who proceeds from the Father and the Son,who with the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified,who has spoken through the prophets.


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We believe in one holy christian† and apostolic church.We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.We look for the resurrection of the dead,and the life of the world to come. Amen.

† or: 'catholic' here means 'universal'


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We sing :

The head that once was crowned with thorns


LHS 169 CAL293Thomas Kelly (1769-1855)

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The head that once was crowned with thorns

1. The head that once was crowned with thorns

Is crowned with glory now:A royal diadem adornsThe mighty victor’s brow.

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The head that once was crowned with thorns

2. The highest place that heaven affords

Is His, is His by right,The King of kings and Lord of lordsAnd heaven’s eternal light;

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The head that once was crowned with thorns

3. The joy of all who dwell above,The joy of all below,To whom He manifests His love,And grants His name to know.

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The head that once was crowned with thorns

6. The cross He bore is life and health,

Though shame and death to Him:His people’s hope, His people’s

wealth,Their everlasting theme.

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We sing as our free will offering is received.

Crown Him with many crowns v.1,3,4

LH113 CAL 293Sts. 1, 3: Matthew Bridges (1800-1894) Sts. 2, 4, 5: Godfrey Thring (1823-1903)

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Crown Him with many crowns

1. Crown Him with many crowns, the Lamb upon His throne.Hark! How the heavenly anthem drowns all music but its own.Awake, my soul, and sing of Him who died for thee,And hail Him as your matchless King through all eternity.

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Crown Him with many crowns

3. Crown Him the Lord of love, behold His hands and side,Those wounds, yet visible above, in beauty glorified.All hail, Redeemer, hail! For You have died for me;Your praise shall never, never fail throughout eternity.

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Crown Him with many crowns

4. Crown Him the Lord of life, who triumphed over the grave,And rose victorious in the strife for those He came to save.His glories now we sing, who died, and rose on high,Who died eternal life to bring, and lives that death may die.

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OFFERTORY SONG: create in me

C: ♫ Create in me a clean heart, O God,and put a new and right spirit within me.Cast me not away from your presence,

and take not your Holy Spirit from me.

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OFFERTORY SONG: LET THE VINEYARDSRestore to me the joy of your

salvation,and uphold me with a willing spirit.

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Offering PrayerC: Living God,

let the resurrection of your Son transform our lives. Make us bold in serving you and bringing your good news to other people. Amen.

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Call to prayer

M: Jesus Christ is the firstborn from the dead, and he has made us to be a kingdom, priests serving his God and Father. Let us come to the Father to pray in the name of Jesus.

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M: Our Lord and our God,C: breath on us the breath of life.Concluding prayer

M: God of life, show us the risen Lord through your life-giving Spirit, so that we may be filled with faith to do the work you have given us to do.

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PRAYER OF THE CHURCHWe ask this in the name of your Son

Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

C: Amen.

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M: The Lord be with you.C: ♫ And also with you.M: Lift up your hearts.C: ♫ We lift them up to the Lord.M: Let us give thanks to the Lord our

God.C: ♫ For that is fitting and right.

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M: It is indeed right and good, Lord God, holy Father, that we should at all times and in all places give thanks to you, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

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By his death he has destroyed death, and by his rising again he has restored life.

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And so, with angels and archangels, and with all the company of heaven, we adore and praise your glorious name:

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HOLY, HOLY, HOLYC: ♫ Holy, holy, holy, Lord God

of hosts;heaven and earth are full of your glory.Hosanna in the highest.Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.Hosanna in the highest.

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LORD’S PRAYERC: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven.Give us today our daily bread.Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

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C: For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen.

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M: Our Lord Jesus Christ, on the night when he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, and said: Take and eat; this is † my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.

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M: In the same way he took the cup, after the supper, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, and said, Drink of it, all of you; this is † my blood of the new covenant, which is shed for you for the forgiveness of sins. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.

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M: The peace of the Lord be with you always.

C: Amen.

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COMMUNION INVITATIONM: Jesus says: 'Those who eat my

flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise them up on the last day.’ 

C: Thanks be to God. M: Come, everything is ready.


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LAMB OF GODC: ♫ O Christ, Lamb of God, you

take away the sin of the world; have mercy on us.O Christ, Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world; have mercy on us.O Christ, Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world; grant us your peace. Amen.

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During the distribution the Minister or his assistant says:

Take and eat, this is the body of Christ, given for you.

Take and drink, this is the blood of Christ, shed for you for the forgiveness of sins.

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Praise the Lord, rise up rejoicing

LHS 842 CAL 293H.C.A. Gaunt 1902- , alt.


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Praise the Lord, rise up rejoicing

1. Praise the Lord, rise up rejoicing,worship, thanks, devotion voicing:Glory be to God on high!Christ, your cross and passion

sharing,by this eucharist declaringyours the final victory.


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Praise the Lord, rise up rejoicing

2. Scattered flock, one shepherd sharing,

lost and lonely, one voice hearing,ears attentive to your Word;by your blood new life receiving,in your body, firm believing,we are yours, and you the Lord.


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Praise the Lord, rise up rejoicing

3. Sins forgiven, wrongs forgiving,we go forth alert and livingin your Spirit, strong and free.Partners in your new creation,seeking peace in every nation,may we faithful followers be.


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M: The body of our Lord Jesus Christ and his precious blood strengthen and preserve you in body and soul to life eternal. Go in peace.†

C: Amen.

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C: ♫ LORD, NOW let your servant depart in peace,according to your word,for my eyes have seen your salvation,which yóu have prepared in the presence of äll people;

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a light to reveal you to the nations,and the glory of your people Israel.Glory to the Father and the Sonand the Holy Spirit,as it was in the beginning, is now,and wíll be forevermore. Amen.

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GREETINGM: The Lord be with you.C: And also with you.


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THANKSGIVING VERSE M: O give thanks to the Lord, for he

is good. Hallelujah!C: For his love endures forever.



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Post-Communion PrayerM: Let us pray.C: Almighty and merciful God,

your Son Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life for all who put their trust in him. As we have received his body and blood, raise us up from the death that comes with sin, and give us the new life of faith in Christ, so that we may always live to please you.

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Post-Communion PrayerWe ask this through your Son, Jesus

Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

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M: Let us bless the Lord.C: ♫ God be praised forevermore.

M: Look, he is coming with the clouds; every eye will see him, even those who pierced him.

C: So it is to be. Amen.

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M: The Lord bless you and keep you.

The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look upon you with favour,† and give you peace. C: ♫ Amen. Amen. Amen.

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M: Go in peace. Accept the word that God has planted in you.

C: In the name of Christ. Amen.

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Closing hymn

Yours is the glory

LHS 770 CAL293A toi la glorie, O Ressuscite

Edmond Louis Budry 1854-1932Tr. Richard Birch Hoyle 1875-1939, alt.

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Yours is the glory

1. Yours is the glory, risen, conquering Son,

endless is the victory over death you won;

angels in bright raiment rolled the stone away,

kept the folded grave-clothes where your body lay:

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Yours is the glory

Yours is the glory, risen, conquering Son,

endless is the victory over death you won.

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Yours is the glory

2. See, Jesus meets us, risen from the tomb;

lovingly he greets us, scatters fear and gloom;

let the Church with gladness hymns of triumph sing,

for her Lord is living, death has lost its sting:

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Yours is the glory

Yours is the glory, risen, conquering Son,

endless is the victory over death you won.

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Yours is the glory

3. No more we doubt you, glorious Prince of life;

life is nought without you: aid us in our strife.

Make us more than conquerors through your deathless love;

bring us safe through Jordan to your home above:

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Yours is the glory

Yours is the glory, risen, conquering Son,

endless is the victory over death you won.

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Go in peace. Accept the word

that God has planted in you.

Please stay a while and have a cuppa and chat with us.
