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55 3. GROWTH AND CHARACTERIZATION TECHNIQUES This chapter briefly presents the low-temperature solution methods used for the growth of single crystals. It enumerates the significance of the semiorganic materials used as dopants in KDP, their synthesis, along with growth of pure and semiorganic doped KDP single crystals. The experimental methods and mechanism adopted for the characterization of the grown crystals are also described. 3.1 LOW TEMPERATURE SOLUTION GROWTH Growth of single crystals from solutions at low temperatures is the only method for the crystallization of substances which undergo decomposition before melting. This method may be used for substances fairly soluble in a solvent and non reactive with it. Single crystals intended for device applications are expected to have a well developed morphology and to contain a low density of defects. For this, it is necessary to consider the thermodynamic and kinetic parameters which characterize the overall growth conditions. The thermodynamic parameters determine the growth mechanism and the kinetic parameters determine the growth kinetics space and the generation of defects. Nucleation is one of the most important phenomenon in crystal growth. In a supersaturated (or super cooled) system when few atoms or molecules join together in the form of a cluster, a change in energy takes place. This cluster which consists of such atoms or molecules is normally termed as an embryo. An embryo may grow or disintegrate and disappear completely. If the embryo grows to a particular critical




This chapter briefly presents the low-temperature solution methods used for

the growth of single crystals. It enumerates the significance of the semiorganic

materials used as dopants in KDP, their synthesis, along with growth of pure and

semiorganic doped KDP single crystals. The experimental methods and mechanism

adopted for the characterization of the grown crystals are also described.

3.1 LOW TEMPERATURE SOLUTION GROWTH Growth of single crystals from solutions at low temperatures is the only

method for the crystallization of substances which undergo decomposition before

melting. This method may be used for substances fairly soluble in a solvent and non

reactive with it. Single crystals intended for device applications are expected to have a

well developed morphology and to contain a low density of defects. For this, it is

necessary to consider the thermodynamic and kinetic parameters which characterize

the overall growth conditions. The thermodynamic parameters determine the growth

mechanism and the kinetic parameters determine the growth kinetics space and the

generation of defects.

Nucleation is one of the most important phenomenon in crystal growth. In a

supersaturated (or super cooled) system when few atoms or molecules join together in

the form of a cluster, a change in energy takes place. This cluster which consists of

such atoms or molecules is normally termed as an embryo. An embryo may grow or

disintegrate and disappear completely. If the embryo grows to a particular critical


size, then it is known as “critical nucleus”, and there is a greater probability for the

nucleus to grow.

Growth of single crystals ranges from a small inexpensive technique to a

complex sophisticated expensive process and crystallization time changes from

minutes to several months. It is a non-equilibrium process, at the same time the crystal

growth process must be as near equilibrium and as near to a steady state process as

possible. So, control of the crystal growth environment and consideration of growth

kinetics both at the macroscopic and atomic levels are of vital importance to the

success of a crystal growth experiment.

Crystal growth from solution is an ancient crystal growth method permitting

crystal growth at a temperature well below the melting point. Materials which

decompose on heating and/or which exhibit any structural transformation while

cooling from the melting point can be grown by low temperature solution growth

technique, when suitable solvents are available. The supersaturation may be attained

by evaporation of the solvent, by cooling the solution or by a transport process in

which the solute is made to flow from a hotter to a cooler region.

If the crystal is in dynamic equilibrium with its parent phase, the free energy is

at a minimum and no growth will occur. For growth to occur this equilibrium must be

disturbed by a change in temperature, pressure, chemical potential, electrochemical

potential or strain. The system may then release energy to its surrounding to

compensate for the decrease in entropy accompanied by the ordering of atoms in the

crystal and the evolution of heat of crystallization. Normally, just one of these


parameters is held minimally away from its equilibrium value to provide a driving

force for the growth of crystal.

Selection of a solvent is a critical step in crystal growth from low temperature

solutions. Proper selection of a solvent requires a chemical similarity between the

solvent and the material to be grown. For example, crystals of nonpolar organic

compounds can be easily grown from nonpolar organic solvents. The chemical

similarity also determines the crystal solubility in the solvent. Consequently, because

there is the contact between the surface of a growing crystal and the solvent

molecules, the solvent also provides a control over the crystal habit.

Organic solvents are in general, volatile, toxic and inflammable. For growing

crystals of many materials, water is a good solvent because of its low viscosity, low

toxicity, easy availability in the pure state and cheapness. It is also inert to a variety of

glasses, plastics and metals and provides a wide range for the selection of growth

temperature in comparison with other solvents. A solvent in which the solute has

solubility between 10 to 60 % may be considered suitable for crystal growth. In the

case of very high solubility (i.e. solutions containing a large number of solute) growth

rate may be very low due to the increased solution viscosity which renders the system

diffusion controlled or the resulting crystals are of unwanted morphology. Similarly,

solvents in which a solute is less soluble also provide low growth rates due to the low

solubility. In both these cases, it is desirable to use solution modifiers to change

solubility or viscosity.

We have, in the present study, used one of the low-temperature solution

methods (the free-evaporation method) for the growth of sample crystals. So, we


briefly provide here some information regarding the three major methods used at low

temperatures for the growth of single crystals.


Low temperature solution growth can be sub-divided into the following

methods such as slow cooling method, slow evaporation method and temperature

gradient method.

In slow cooling method, supersaturation is produced by a change in

temperature usually throughout the whole crystallization. Since the volume of the

crystallization is finite and the amount of substance placed in it is limited, the

supersaturation requires systematic cooling. It is achieved by using a thermo stated

crystallizer and the volume of the crystallizer is selected based on the desired size of

the crystals and the temperature dependence of the solubility of the substance. The

lower limit of the temperature is the room temperature.

In slow evaporation method, an excess of a given solute is established by

utilizing the difference between the rates of evaporation of the solvent and the solute.

In this method the solution loses particles, which are weakly bound to other

component and therefore the volume of the solution decreases. The vapour pressure of

the solvent above the solution is higher than the vapour pressure of the solute and

therefore the solvent evaporates more rapidly and the solution becomes supersatured.

It is sufficient to allow the vapour formed above the solution to escape freely into the

atmosphere. This method of crystal growth is the oldest and technically very simple.


Temperature gradient method involves the transport of the materials from a hot

region containing the source materials to be grown to a cooler region where the

solution is supersaturated and the crystal grows. The main advantages of this method

are that, this method is insensitive to changes in temperature provided, both the source

and growing crystal undergo the same change with the crystal growing at a fixed

temperature and there is economy of the solvent and solute. On the other hand,

changes in the small temperature difference between the source and the crystal zones

have a large effect on the growth rate.


The quest for new frequency conversion materials is presently concentrated

on semiorganic crystals due to their large nonlinearity, high resistance to laser

induced damage, low angular sensitivity and good mechanical hardness [209]. Amino

acid exists as dipolar ion in which the carboxyl group is present as carboxylate ion

and this dipolar nature of amino acids make them ideal candidates for NLO

applications. Complexes of amino acids with inorganic salts are promising materials

for optical second harmonic generation as they tend to combine the advantage of the

organic amino acid with that of the inorganic salt [210]. A large number of

semiorganic materials have been formed using amino acids such as glycine,

L-arginine, L-alanine, L-proline, L-lycine with a wide combination of inorganic salts

and they have been explored for a variety of applications.

Transition metal thiourea (TU) complexes are also potentially useful

candidates for such organometallic systems. As ligands with potential S and N donors,


the TU molecule is interesting not only due to the structural chemistry of their

multifunctional coordination modes, but also because of the possibility of formation

of organometallic coordination complexes with NLO activities. In the case of metal–

organic coordination complexes, the organic ligand is usually more dominant in the

NLO effect. As for the metallic part, focus is on the group - IIB metals, (Zn, Cd and

Hg) as these compounds usually have a high transparency in the UV region, because

of their closed d10 shell configuration. Regarding the organic ligands, small � electron

systems such as Urea [OC(NH2)2], and thiourea [SC(NH2)2] have been used with

remarkable success. These ligands and their metal (group IIB) complexes are always

colourless. Potential NLO materials like zinc tris(thiourea) sulphate (ZTS), thiourea

zinc chloride (ZTC), bis thiourea zinc chloride (BTZC), triallyl-thiourea cadmium

chloride (ATCC), bis thiourea zinc acetate (BTZA), are examples of this approach.

Zinc tris(thiourea) sulphate (ZTS) is a metal-organic crystal which plays an

important role in the emerging photonic and optoelectronic technologies. It is a

promising semiorganic NLO material which has a high laser damage threshold, a low

cut off and is 1.2 times more nonlinear than KDP [209]. It is a noncentrosymmetric

orthorhombic crystal with space group Pca21 [210].

Bis thiourea zinc chloride (BTZC) is a potential nonlinear optical material

which crystallizes in the noncentrosymmetric orthorhombic space group Pn21a with

SHG efficiency 0.66 times that of KDP. It has a large transmittance window in the

visible region which enables very good optical transmission of the second harmonic

frequencies of Nd:YAG lasers [211].


Urea thiourea magnesium sulphate (UTMS) is a relatively new semiorganic

material with good thermal stability.and transmitting ability in the entire visible

spectrum. It belongs to the orthorhombic system and has an SHG efficiency which is

1/4th of KDP [212].

Glycine sodium nitrate (GSN) is one of the complexes of glycine and it

possesses both non-linear optical (NLO) and ferroelectric properties with very high

degree of transparency. It belongs to the monoclinic system with space group Cc and

its SHG efficiency is twice that of KDP [213].

L-alanine sodium nitrate (LASN) is an outstanding NLO material of potential

applications with good lower cut-off wavelength and optical transmission window� It

belongs to the orthorhombic system and has space group P212121, and has an SHG

efficiency which is two times that of KDP [214].


In the present study Zinc tris(thiourea) sulphate (ZTS), Bis thiourea zinc

chloride(BTZC), Urea thiourea magnesium sulphate (UTMS) which are potential

thiourea complexes, Glycine sodium nitrate (GSN) and L-alanine sodium nitrate

(LASN) - the complexes of amino acids - have been synthesized and crystallized. The

identity of these grown semiorganic crystals was confirmed by FTIR analysis, and

their powdered crystalline samples were used as dopants.

3.4.1 Synthesis of Zinc tris(thiourea) sulphate (ZTS) Pure ZTS salt was synthesized by stoichiometric incorporation of AR grade

thiourea and zinc sulphate taken in the molar ratio 3:1. The component salts were very


well dissolved in deionized water and the solution was stirred to get a saturated

solution using a magnetic stirrer and the mixture was heated at 50° C till the white

crystalline salt of ZTS was obtained. Temperature was maintained at 50° C to avoid

decomposition. The resultant precipitate of ZTS was dried and purified by

recrystallization. The mechanism of the reaction is as follows.

3CS[NH2]2 + ZnSO4 → Zn[CS(NH2)2] 3SO4

From the saturated aqueous solution prepared using the synthesized salt of

ZTS and deionised water, small transparent colourless single crystals of ZTS were

grown within 20-25 days employing slow evaporation technique at constant room

temperature [210].

3.4.2 Synthesis of Bisthiourea zinc chloride (BTZC) Bisthiourea zinc chloride was synthesized using AR grade thiourea and zinc

chloride in the molar ratio 2:1. The component salts were very well dissolved in

deionised water and thoroughly mixed using a magnetic stirrer and the mixture was

heated at 50° C till the white crystalline salt of BTZC was obtained. The mechanism

of the reaction is as follows

2CS[NH2]2 + ZnCl2 → Zn[CS(NH2)2]2 Cl2

From the saturated aqueous solution prepared using the synthesized salt of

BTZC and deionised water, small transparent colourless single crystals of BTZC were

grown within 15-20 days employing slow evaporation technique at constant room

temperature [211].


3.4.3 Synthesis of Urea thiourea magnesium Sulphate (UTMS) The required quantities of the component salts i.e. equimolar amounts of AR

grade reagents urea, thiourea and magnesium sulphate were very well dissolved in

double distilled water and thoroughly mixed for about 4 hours using a magnetic stirrer

to ensure homogeneous concentration throughout the volume of the solution. The

saturated solution taken in a beaker was covered with a perforated cover and left

undisturbed for slow evaporation. Good quality single crystals were grown within

three weeks [212].

3.4.4 Synthesis of Glycine sodium nitrate (GSN) Glycine sodium nitrate crystals were grown from aqueous solution by slow

evaporation technique. The starting materials were analytical grade reagents glycine

and sodium nitrate. The solution was prepared by dissolving equimolar amounts of

glycine and sodium nitrate in deionized water. The solution was stirred continuously

for an hour to get a saturated solution. Then it was filtered and transferred to a beaker

covered with a perforated cover. Small transparent single crystals with perfect

external form were grown in a few weeks by the slow evaporation technique at

constant room temperature from a saturated solution obtained through spontaneous

nucleation. A possible reaction mechanism of the chemical synthesis is as follows:

C2H5NO2 + Na(NO)3 → Na(NO3) . C2H5NO2

Selecting macro defect free crystals as seeds, crystals with larger dimensions

were obtained by slow evaporation at ambient temperature after a period of 40- 45

days by slow evaporation technique [213].


3.4.5 Synthesis of L-alanine sodium nitrate (LASN) The semiorganic dopant L-alanine sodium nitrate was synthesized using AR

grade L-alanine and sodium nitrate taken in the molar ratio 1:1. The calculated

amount of L-alanine and sodium nitrate salts were very well dissolved in deionised

water and thoroughly mixed using a magnetic stirrer to get a saturated solution. Then

it was filtered and transferred to a beaker covered with a perforated cover. Small

transparent single crystals of LASN were grown within 40-45 days with perfect external

form by the slow evaporation technique at a room temperature [214].



Single crystals of pure and semiorganic-doped KDP single crystals were

grown by solution growth at room temperature by the slow evaporation of aqueous

solutions. To grow pure KDP single crystals, re-crystallized salt of KDP (Merk-

Germany) was used to prepare the supersaturated aqueous solution. The amount of

solute (m) in grams is given by the following relation

m = (M × X × V ) /1000 (in gram units)

where M is the molecular weight of the solute, X is the supersaturated concentration

in molar units (1M in the present work) and V is the required volume of the solution.

A volume of 200 ml of pure KDP solution was prepared and the pH was noted as 3.8.

The solution was constantly stirred for about 3 hours using a magnetic stirrer and then

filtered using Whatmann filter paper. The filtered solution was transferred to a borosil

glass beaker which was porously sealed and placed in a dust free atmosphere for slow


evaporation. The grown crystals were harvested after a growth period of about 15 to

20 days depending on the temperature of the surroundings.

Potassium dihydrogen phosphate was doped with semiorganic material Zinc

tris(thiourea) sulphate (ZTS), Bis(thiourea)zinc chloride (BTZC), Urea thiourea

magnesium sulphate (UTMS), Glycine sodium nitrate (GSN), and L-alanine sodium

nitrate (LASN) in five different molar ratios. For the formation of the doped crystals,

the supersaturated solution was prepared by dissolving the dopant solute along with

the pure KDP solute. If the molecular ratio of the pure substance and dopant is 1: P,

then the amount of dopant solute (m1) to be added is calculated using the formula

m1 = (M1 × X × V × P ) / 1000 (in gram units).

where M1 is the molecular weight of the dopant. For the dopants ZTS, BTZC, UTMS,

GSN and LASN, the doping ratios used in the present study are

Pure KDP : Dopant (ZTS, BTZC, UTMS, GSN and LASN)

1 : 0.00 (for pure KDP)

1 : P (for P = 0.002, 0.004,0.006, 0.008, 0.01)

where the dopants are added to KDP in five different molar ratios. Figure 3.1(a) & (b)

shows the photographs of the grown pure and doped crystals.


Pure KDP crystal

0.2 mol% 0.4 mol% 0.6 mol% 0.8 mol% 1.0 mol%

KDP crystals doped with ZTS

0.2 mol% 0.4 mol% 0.6 mol% 0.8 mol% 1.0 mol%

KDP crystals doped with BTZC

Figure 3.1(a): Photographs of the grown pure and semiorganic doped

KDP crystals


0.2 mol% 0.4 mol% 0.6 mol% 0.8 mol% 1.0 mol%

KDP crystals doped with UTMS

0.2 mol% 0.4 mol% 0.6 mol% 0.8 mol% 1.0 mol%

KDP crystals doped with GSN

0.2 mol% 0.4 mol% 0.6 mol% 0.8 mol% 1.0 mol%

KDP crystals doped with LASN

Figure 3.1(b): Photographs of the grown semiorganic doped KDP crystals



All the grown crystals of pure and semiorganic doped KDP were found to be

colourless and transparent with good quality.

The external morphology of ZTS doped KDP crystals shows a tapered habit.

This may be due to the adsorption mechanism of the impurities. A significant

extension takes place in the prism sector for concentrations of 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 mol%

of ZTS in the doped KDP crystals. When the concentration of impurity is increased

the propagation rate of the extension of the habit face is slowed down and tapering in

the prism sector appears. The thickness and cross section of the prism sector

decreases. The growth along (001) direction is several times greater than the growth

rate along (100) direction and observations show that the tapering effect is more in the

case of 0.8 and 1.0 mol% ZTS doped KDP crystals. Similar behavior has been

reported when impurities with large molecular dimensions as in the case of

metaphosphate, boric acid and quaternary ammonium cations have been added in

KDP which has resulted in tapering [125].

Earlier studies have also reported that selective adsorptions of metallic cation

suppress the growth of surfaces like the prismatic section (100) or pyramidal section

(101) of KDP crystals [47, 147, 215-216]. Also it was found during the crystal growth

of the N, N’ dimethyl urea doped KDP crystals that growth rate along c-axis is found

to be decreased and tapering of faces occurred along c-axis in the doped crystals. It

gives evidence that the metallic cations and dyes influence the growth of prismatic

(100) section and pyramidal (101) section of KDP crystals and changes the KDP

crystal habit. The growth rate decreases with increasing doping level. This decrease in


the growth rate is attributed to the attachment of the larger size cations on prismatic

face (100) [31].

In the case of UTMS doped crystals for lower concentrations of the dopant up

to 0.6 mol% the crystals appear transparent without defects. At higher concentrations

i.e with 0.8 and 1.0 mol% dopant concentrations of UTMS the doped KDP crystals

exhibit tapering in the prismatic faces. The presence of mother liquor inclusions is

also observed in the UTMS doped KDP crystals for these higher dopant


BTZC, GSN and LASN doped KDP crystals do not show much variation in

external morphology compared to the pure KDP crystal. Growth rate is found to be

enhanced with these dopants and bigger crystals with better crystalline perfection

have been obtained.

3.7 STUDIES ON PURE AND SEMIORGANIC DOPED KDP CRYSTALS 3.7.1 Measurement of Solubility Solubility corresponds to saturation i.e. the equilibrium between a solid and its

solution at a given temperature and pressure. The solubility data of a material governs

the amount of material, which is available for growth and hence, defines the total size

limit. Solvent and solubility factor define supersaturation, which is the driving force

or the rate of crystal growth.

Re-crystallized salt was used to measure the solubility of KDP in deionised

water. Solubility study was carried out using a hot plate magnetic stirrer, oven and

digital thermometer. The temperature was controlled to an accuracy of within ± 0.1°C


using a voltage regulator attached to the magnetic stirrer. KDP salt was added in small

amounts to 50 ml of solution taken in a 100 ml beaker, Initially, the solution was kept

at 30oC and stirred continuously using the magnetic stirrer till a white precipitate was

formed, which confirms the supersaturation condition. After attaining this condition,

the solubility was determined gravimetrically. In the same manner the solubility of the

semiorganic impurity (ZTS, BTZC, UTMS, GSN and LASN) doped KDP salts

dissolved in 100 ml at 35, 40, 45 and 50 °C were determined for different impurity

concentrations (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1 mol%). The solubility curves for pure and

semiorganic doped KDP crystals are shown in figures 3.2 to 3.6.

25 30 35 40 45 50 55















y (


00 m

l w


r )

Temperature (oC)


KDP+0.2mol% ZTS

KDP+0.4mol% ZTS

KDP+0.6mol% ZTS

KDP+0.8mol% ZTS

KDP+1.0mol% ZTS

Figure 3.2: Solubility of pure and ZTS doped KDP in water

In the case of doped KDP crystals it was found that when semiorganic impurity

was added in the KDP solution in 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 mol% and dissolved, the

temperature of KDP crystal saturation was raised because the presence of small amount

of the semiorganic dopants in water changed the dissolution equilibrium of KDP.


25 30 35 40 45 50 55















y (



ml w



Temperature (oC)


KDP+0.2mol% BTZC

KDP+0.4mol% BTZC

KDP+0.6mol% BTZC

KDP+0.8mol% BTZC

KDP+1.0mol% BTZC

Figure 3.3: Solubility of pure and BTZC doped KDP in water

25 30 35 40 45 50 55















y (






Temperature (oC)


KDP+0.2mol% UTMS

KDP+0.4mol% UTMS

KDP+0.6mol% UTMS

KDP+0.8mol% UTMS

KDP+1.0mol% UTMS

Figure 3.4: Solubility of pure and UTMS doped KDP in water


25 30 35 40 45 50 55















y (


00 m

l w



Temperature (oC)


KDP+0.2mol% GSN

KDP+0.4mol% GSN

KDP+0.6mol% GSN

KDP+0.8mol% GSN

KDP+1.0mol% GSN

Figure 3.5: Solubility of pure and GSN doped KDP in water

25 30 35 40 45 50 55















y (


00 m

l w



Temperature (oC)


KDP+0.2mol% LASN

KDP+0.4mol% LASN

KDP+0.6mol% LASN

KDP+0.8mol% LASN

KDP+1.0mol% LASN

Figure 3.6: Solubility of pure and LASN doped KDP in water


The observed results in this work are found to be similar as reported in the

literature earlier [132]. It is also observed that solubility increases with increase in

temperature and decreases with increase in concentration. The solvent was able to

accommodate fairly more solute between the temperature ranges of 30 to 50o. In all

cases the cases positive slope of solubility curve enables growth by slow evaporation.

The results confirm that KDP grown in the presence of the semiorganic dopants was

stable and less water soluble than KDP at room temperature.

3.7.2 Density measurement The density of a substance is defined as mass per unit volume, i.e. ρ = M/V

where M is the mass and V is the volume of the substance under consideration at

room temperature. Density can be calculated by knowing the mass of the unit cell

content and the volume of the unit cell. Volume of the unit cell can be estimated from

X-ray diffraction data. The measured density of a substance may sometimes be

different from that estimated from the X-ray diffraction data. This is suggestive of

crystal defects, mostly point defects in crystals leading to non-stoichiometry.

Densities of all the crystals grown in the present study were measured by the

floatation method within an accuracy of ± 0.008 g/cm3. Carbon tetrachloride of

density 1.594 g/cm3 and bromoform of density 2.890 g/cm3 are respectively the rarer

and denser liquids used. About 20 ml of carbon tetrachloride was taken in a test tube

and the crystal for which the density has to be determined was dropped into it. The

crystal was found to be sinking. Bromoform was then gradually added until the crystal

was in a suspended state. Now the density of the mixed solution was equal to that of

the crystal. Density of the solution was determined by finding the mass of 20 ml of


the solution and using the relation ρ = M/V where the symbols bear the same meaning

mentioned earlier.


Characterization of a crystal essentially consists of an evaluation of its

chemical composition, structure, defects and study of their optical properties. This

will assist, to make rapid progress in the growth process and also improve the quality

of the crystal. In order to estimate the perfection of the grown crystals an assessment

technique is required, and post growth analysis provides information on the process

that occurred during crystal growth. As the technology of instrumentation analysis has

improved with the advent of analytical balances, automated titrators and computer

controlled instruments, the speed, accuracy and precision of the characterization

techniques have improved. In the present work, the grown crystals of pure and

semiorganic impurity doped KDP crystals have been analyzed employing the

following characterization techniques

3.8.1 X-ray Diffraction analysis X-ray Diffraction analysis is a versatile, non-destructive analytical technique

for identification and quantitative determination of various crystalline phases of

powder or solid samples of any compound. The molecular structure, atomic

coordinates, bond lengths, bond angles, molecular orientation and packing of

molecules in single crystals can be determined by X-ray crystallography. Single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis

Single crystal X-ray diffraction is an analytical technique in which X-rays are

employed to determine the actual arrangement of atoms within a crystalline specimen.


Single crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD) is used to analyze crystal structure of single


The monochromatic X-rays incident on a plane of single crystal at an angle �

are diffracted according to Bragg's relation 2d sin � = n� where d is the interplanar

spacing of the incident plane, � is the wavelength of X-rays and n is a positive integer.

The intensity of the diffracted rays depends on the arrangement and nature of atoms in

the crystal. Collection of intensities of a full set of planes in the crystal contains the

complete structural information about the molecule.

In the present study, the single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis was

performed using Four-circle Enraf Nonius CAD4 single crystal X-ray diffractometer.

The shield was equipped with graphite monochromated MoK� (� = 0.71073 Å)

radiation. Since the crystal was transparent, the single crystallinity was studied with

Leica polarizing microscope. Single crystal of suitable size was cut and mounted on

the X-ray goniometer. The crystal was optically centered at the sphere of confusion

using the built in tele-microscope. 25 reflections were collected from different zones

of the reciprocal lattice using random search procedure. The reflections were indexed

using the method of short vectors followed by least square refinements. The unit cell

parameters thus obtained were transformed to correct Bravais cell. Powder X-ray diffraction analysis

X-ray powder diffraction (PXRD) is an instrumental technique used to study

crystalline materials. When an X-ray beam hits the three-dimensional structure of

non-amorphous material which is defined by regular, repeating planes of atoms, part


of the beam is transmitted, part is absorbed by the sample, part is refracted and

scattered and part is diffracted. From the diffracted beam, we can measure the

distance between planes of the atoms that constitute the sample by applying Bragg’s

law 2d sin � = n�. Since we know �, we can measure angle � and calculate d spacing.

The characteristic set of d spacing and their intensity generated in a typical X-ray scan

provide ample information. When interpreted by comparison with standard reference

patterns and measurements, this “finger print” allows for identification of the

material. From X-ray powder diffraction data we can get the angle of scattering and

the corresponding intensities of diffracted beams for each reflection. The ease and

precision with which X-ray intensity measurements are made by means of fully

automated diffractometer has greatly contributed to the growth of successful structure


Powder XRD patterns of the grown crystals were recorded using an automated

X-ray powder diffactometer (PANalytical XPERT-PRO MPD).This is a fully

computerized X-ray diffactometer which is employed for X-ray diffraction studies.

This is a versatile, sensitive and high resolution X-ray diffractometer. The intensity of

the diffracted beam against 2�o is recorded in the range 10-70o with CuK� radiation

(� = 1.54056 �). Using the observed 2� (Bragg angle) and d (interplanar spacing), all

the reflections of the powder XRD pattern for pure and impurity added KDP have

been indexed using the ‘TREOR’ software package following the procedure of Lipson

and Steeple [217].


3.8.2 Atomic absorption studies

Atomic absorption analysis (AAS) is the most powerful analytical technique

for the quantitative determination of a particular metal element within a sample. Most

solid samples are first dissolved and converted to solutions to facilitate analysis.

Atomic absorption technique is specific because the atoms of a particular element can

only absorb radiation of their own characteristic wavelength.

The technique makes use of a flame to atomize the sample. The electrons of

the atoms in the flame can be promoted to higher orbitals for an instant by absorbing a

set of quantity of energy. This amount of energy is specific to a particular electron

transition in a particular element. As the quantity of energy put into the flame is

known and the quantity remaining at the other side can be measured, it is possible to

calculate how many of these transitions take place, and thus get a signal that is

proportional to the concentration of the element being measured. Direct sampling of

solids may be accomplished using an electro-thermal furnace. Atomic absorption

studies of semiorganic material doped KDP crystals were carried out using an atomic

absorption spectrometer (Model: AA-6300) to confirm the presence of specific metals

in the doped KDP crystals.

3.8.3 Energy dispersive spectrum analysis Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS or EDAX) is a chemical

microanalysis technique used in conjunction with scanning electron microscopy

(SEM). This technique detects X-rays emitted from the sample during bombardment

by an electron beam to characterize the elemental composition of the analyzed

volume. The data generated by EDAX analysis consist of spectra showing peaks


corresponding to the elements making up the true composition of the sample being


When the sample is bombarded by the SEM’s electron beam, electrons are

ejected from the atoms comprising the sample’s surface. The resulting electron

vacancies are filled by electrons from a higher state, and an X-ray is emitted to

balance the energy difference between the two electrons’ states. The X-ray energy is

characteristic of the element from which it was emitted. The EDAX X-ray detector

measures the relative abundance of emitted X-rays versus their energy. The spectrum

of X-ray energy versus counts is evaluated to determine the elemental composition of

the sampled volume. Features or phases as small as 1 �m or less can be analyzed. The

sample X-ray energy values from the EDAX spectrum are compared with known

characteristic X-ray energy values to determine the presence of an element in the

sample. Elements with atomic numbers ranging from that of beryllium to uranium can

be detected. The minimum detection limits vary from approximately 0.1 to a few

atom percent, depending on the element and the sample matrix.

In the present study EDAX studies on the grown pure and semiorganic

impurity (1 mol%) doped KDP crystal samples were performed using the EDAX

detector (model-Thermoelectron Corporation with superdry/II) equipped in Hitachi

model S-3000H scanning electron microscope.

3.8.4 Microhardness measurement

Microhardness studies find wide applications in the study of material properties

of solids. Hardness testing has been widely used to study the strength and deformation

characteristics of materials. It measures the mean contact pressure when an indenter


is pressed on to the surface of a flat specimen, thus providing a simple and non-

destructive means of assessing the resistance of the material to plastic deformation.

Hardness is defined as the ratio of the load applied to the surface area of the


Vickers microhardness test is found to be the most suitable (among various

types of hardness measurements available) for the measurement of microhardness of

crystals. Hardness measurement is to be performed on a limited area with small

damage to the area being measured and must yield extremely reliable results. A

hardness tester fitted with a diamond pyramidal indenter attached to an incident light

microscope is used for this study. The diamond indenter is in the form of a square

pyramid, whose opposite faces make an angle 136° with one another. The indenter

can be pressed on the sample under a load (P) of 25, 50, 100,150, 200 g etc. The

duration of the indentation time was kept constant (10 seconds). For each load

several indentations were made and the average value of the diagonal length of the

indentation mark was considered to calculate the microhardness. The impression of a

square pyramid has a superficial area of d2 / 2 sin (�/2) where d is the diagonal

length of the indentation and � is the apex angle of the indenter (� = 136°). The area

of impression is related to hardness as Vickers Microhardness number Hv,

Hv = load / area of impression = 2P sin (�/2) /d2 = 1.8544 P /d2 kg/mm2

where P is the load in kilograms and d is diagonal length of indentation in mm.


In the present study, microhardness measurements were done on a plane of the

grown pure and impurity doped KDP crystal surfaces using a Vickers microhardness


3.8.5 UV-Vis -NIR spectral measurements

UV-Vis spectroscopy is one of the most important analytical and

characterization techniques which is useful in characterizing the absorption,

transmission, and reflectivity of a variety of technologically important materials. The

Ultraviolet-Visible-Near infrared (UV-Vis-NIR) spectroscopy measures the

absorption or emission of radiation associated with the changes in the spatial

distribution of electrons in atoms and molecules. In practice, the electrons involved

are usually the valence or the bonding electrons, which can be excited by absorption

of UV or visible or near IR radiation. The quantity of absorption depends on the

wavelength of the radiation and the structure of the compound. The radiation

absorption is due to the subtraction of energy from the radiation beam when electrons

in orbitals of lower energy are excited into orbitals of higher energy. Since this is an

electron excitation phenomenon, it is also called as electronic spectroscopy. After the

sample absorbs a portion of the incident radiation, the remainder is transmitted on to a

detector where it is changed into an electrical signal and displayed after amplification.

The transmission spectrum shows what percentage of the incoming light that actually

makes it through the sample.

The spectrum of a compound represents a group of either wavelength or

frequency, continuously changing over a small portion of the electromagnetic

spectrum versus either percent transmission (%T) or absorbance (%A).


Transmission spectra are important for any NLO material because, the material can be

of use only if it has a wide transparency range to know the suitability for optical

applications. In the present study, the UV-Vis-NIR transmission spectra were

recorded for the pure and impurity doped KDP single crystals of 2 mm thickness

using a Perkin-Elmer Lambda 35 UV-Visible spectrometer in the range 190-1100 nm.

3.8.6 Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) analysis This technique is one of the most important and widely used spectroscopic

techniques for analyzing quantitatively the structural units of the unknown

compounds. It helps to identify the functional units, internal structure of the molecules

and nature of the chemical bonds of a compound. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)

spectroscopy is an ideal analytical technique for the study of condensed phase

materials, if chemical specificity and selectivity are sought. A complementary

technique to Raman spectroscopy, FTIR has gained widespread acceptance as a

characterization tool primarily due to its universality and versatility. The vibrational

spectrum of a molecule is considered to be a unique physical property and is

characteristic of the molecule. As such, the IR spectrum can be used as a fingerprint

for identification by the comparison of the spectrum from an "unknown" with

previously recorded reference spectra.

Absorption of infrared radiations is confined largely to molecular species for

which small energy differences exist between various vibrational and rotational states.

When the frequency of the incident radiation coincides with the vibrational frequency

of the molecules, absorption of energy takes place. When the molecules return from

the excited state to the ground state the absorbed energy is released resulting in


distinct peaks in the IR spectrum. This IR absorption bands reveal the state of the

molecules present in the sample.

In this study, the KBr pellet method was used to record the IR spectra of the

grown crystals, where crushed powder of the grown crystals was mixed with KBr and

pelletised using a hydraulic press. In Fourier Transform IR spectroscopy, the infrared

radiation is analyzed by means of a scanning interferometer. The interferogram

containing all the information is constructed into the spectrum with the help of the

mathematical programming called Fourier Transformation.

The FTIR spectra of pure and semiorganic impurity added (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8

and 1 mole% ) KDP crystals grown in the present study have been recorded in the

range of 400-4000 cm-1 using Perkin Elmer Fourier transform infrared spectrometer

(Model : Spectrum RXI) using KBr pellet method. The spectra were used to analyze

the presence of different constituents and their bonding properties qualitatively.

3.8.7 Second harmonic generation measurements The study of second harmonic generation in crystals yields useful information

on the nonlinear property of material. It is highly desirable to have some technique of

screening crystal structures to determine whether they are non-centrosymmetric and it

is also equally important to know whether they are better in exhibiting NLO property

than those currently known. Such a preliminary test should enable us to carry out the

activity without requiring oriented samples. Kurtz and Perry powder technique [218]

is extremely useful for testing of materials for second harmonic generation. Here the

difficulty in requirement of large single crystal of optical quality is removed.


The fundamental beam of wavelength 1064 nm, from a Q-switched Nd:YAG

laser is used to test the second harmonic generation (SHG) property. The pure and

semiorganic impurity added KDP crystals were ground into fine powder and packed

in micro capillary tubes mounted in the path of laser pulses with pulse width 6 ns and

repetition rate 10 Hz, having an input energy of 0.68 mJ/pulse. The second harmonic

generation was confirmed by the green emission of wavelength 532 nm from the

samples. The output energy for pure and semiorganic doped KDP samples was

measured. Microcrystalline powder of KDP is taken in a similar capillary tube sealed

at one end for comparison. The intensity of the second harmonic output from the

sample is compared with that of pure KDP. Thus, the figure of merit of SHG of the

sample is estimated.

3.8.8 Thermal analysis - TGA/DTA techniques Thermal analysis is defined as a group of techniques in which the physical

property of a substance is measured as a function of temperature, while the substance

is subjected to a controlled temperature program. The importance of thermal analysis

in quality control, failure analysis and material research and development is well


Thermal analysis is useful in both quantitative and qualitative analysis.

Samples may be identified and characterized by qualitative investigations of their

thermal behaviour. Information concerning the detailed structure and composition of

different phases of a given sample is obtained from the analysis of thermal data.

Thermogravimetry (TG) or Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) provides a

quantitative measurement of any weight changes associated with thermally induced


transitions. For example, TG can record directly the loss in weight as a function of

temperature or time (when operating under isothermal conditions) for transitions that

involve dehydration or decomposition. Thermogravimetric curves are characteristic of

a given compound or material due to the unique sequence of physical transitions and

chemical reactions that occur over definite temperature ranges. TG data are useful in

characterizing materials as well as in investigating the thermodynamics and kinetics

of the reaction and transitions that result from the application of heat to these

materials. The usual temperature range for TG study is from ambient to 1200 °C in

either inert or reactive atmospheres. In TG, the weight of the sample is continuously

recorded as the temperature is increased. Samples are placed in a crucible or shallow

dish that is positioned in a furnace on a quartz beam attached to an automatic

recording balance. Linear heating rates from 5 to 10 °C/min are typical. The amount

of sample required is from 10 to 300 mg. Computer software allows the computation

of weight change which is important in kinetic interpretations of reactions and


In Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA), the difference in temperature

between the sample and a thermally inert reference material is measured as a function

of temperature (usually the sample temperature). Any transition that the sample

undergoes results in liberation or absorption of energy by the sample with a

corresponding deviation of its temperature from that of the reference. A plot of the

differential temperature, �T versus the programmed temperature, T, indicates the

transition temperature and whether the transition is exothermic or endothermic. DTA

and TG analyses are often run simultaneously on a single sample. The thermal effects

are observed as peaks whose sequence (on the temperature scale), sign (endothermic


or exothermic), magnitude and shape reflect the physical or chemical changes taking

place. Since any change in the chemical or physical state of a substance is

accompanied by changes in energy that are manifested as heat changes, the DTA

method is applicable to all studies listed for TG and also to phase transformations

including polymerization, phase equilibrium and chemical reactions.

In the present work DTA and TG studies have been carried out on the grown

crystals in the temperature range 10-1000 °C using SDTQ 600 V 8.2 thermal


3.8.9 Dielectric measurements Dielectric measurement is one of the useful characterizations of electrical

response of solids. A study of the dielectric properties of solids gives information

about the electric field distribution within the solid. The frequency dependence of

these properties gives a great insight into the material’s applications. Various

polarization mechanisms in solids such as atomic polarization of the lattice,

orientational polarization of dipoles and space charge polarizations can be understood

by studying the dielectric properties as a function of frequency and temperature for

crystalline solids. The frequency dependence of these properties gives insight into the

material applications. The dielectric constant is one of the basic electrical properties

of solids. The dielectric constant determines the share of the electric stress which is

absorbed by the material without any dielectric breakdown.

The dielectric loss is a measure of the energy absorbed by a dielectric. The

capacitance (Ccrys) and dielectric loss factor (tan �) measurements were carried out to

an accuracy of ± 2% using an LCR meter (Agilent 4284 A) for a fixed frequency of


1 kHz at various temperatures ranging from 35-150 °C in a way similar to that

followed by Mahadevan and his co-workers [15, 108, 219]. Temperature was

controlled to an accuracy of ± 1 C. The samples were prepared and annealed in a

way similar to that followed for the resistance measurement. Air capacitances (Cair)

were also measured for the dimensions equal to that of the crystals. Since the

variation of air capacitance with temperature was found to be negligible, air

capacitance was measured only at room temperature.

The dielectric constant of the crystal was calculated using the relation

εr = ��





C. As the crystal area was smaller than the plate area of the cell, the above

relation was modified to account for the air capacitance around the crystal within

plate area as

εr =

















where Ccrys is the capacitance with crystal, Cair the capacitance of air, Acrys is the area

of the crystal touching the electrode and Aair is the area of the electrode. AC Electrical Conductivity

The AC conductivity (ac) was calculated using the relation ac = �o�r � tan � where ε0 is the permittivity of free space and is equal to 8.854×10−12 C2 N-1m-2, �r is

the dielectric constant, tan � is the dielectric loss and � is the angular frequency.

87 Activation energy

The general relation proposed by Arrhenius for the temperature variation of

conductivity is given by

σ = σ0 exp ��





where o is a constant depending on the material, E is the activation energy, T is the

absolute temperature and k is the Boltzmann’s constant. The above equation may be

rewritten as

ln σ = ln σ0 (kT)


A plot of ln versus T1

gives ���



as the slope and ln 0 as the intercept.

It is customary to plot ln versus 1000/T, from the slope of which the activation

energy (E) can be calculated.

Values of ln were plotted against T

1000 for all the grown samples and the

AC activation energies were calculated from the slope of the straight line best fitted

by least square analysis.
