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3. NEURAL NETWORK MODELS 3.1 Early Approaches

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3. Neural Network Models 20 3. NEURAL NETWORK MODELS 3.1 Early Approaches The first neural network models go back to the 1940s. Around this time, two mathematicians, McCulloch and Pitts (1943) suggested the description of a neuron as a logical threshold element with two possible states. Such a thresh- old element has L input channels (afferent axons) and one output channel (efferent axon). An input channel is either active (input 1) or silent (input 0). The activity states of all input channels thus encode the input information as a binary sequence of L bits. The state of the threshold element is then given by linear summation of all afferent input signals x i and comparison of the sum with a threshold value s. If the sum exceeds the threshold value, then the neuron is excited; otherwise, it is in the quiescent state. The excited and quiet state should correspond to the firing or not firing of an action potential of biological neurons and are represented in the model by the binary values 1 and 0 for the activity of the output channel. Excitatory and inhibitory input signals are modulated by “synaptic strengths” w i = ±1. The output signal y of a neuron is thus given by y = θ X i w i x i - s ! . (3.1) where θ(x) = 1 for x 0 and θ(x) = 0 for x< 0. McCulloch and Pitts demonstrated that any arbitrary logical function can be constructed by an appropriate combination of such elements. Their proof is based on the obser- vation that, in particular, AND-gates and inverters can be realized as special cases of (3.1); therefore, any other logical function can be constructed from these. The model of McCulloch and Pitts for the first time suggested how neurons might be able to carry out logical operations. Their idea of the neu- ron as a logical threshold element was a fundamental contribution to the field

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3.1 Early Approaches

The first neural network models go back to the 1940s. Around this time, twomathematicians, McCulloch and Pitts (1943) suggested the description of aneuron as a logical threshold element with two possible states. Such a thresh-old element has L input channels (afferent axons) and one output channel(efferent axon). An input channel is either active (input 1) or silent (input 0).The activity states of all input channels thus encode the input information asa binary sequence of L bits. The state of the threshold element is then givenby linear summation of all afferent input signals xi and comparison of thesum with a threshold value s. If the sum exceeds the threshold value, thenthe neuron is excited; otherwise, it is in the quiescent state. The excited andquiet state should correspond to the firing or not firing of an action potentialof biological neurons and are represented in the model by the binary values 1and 0 for the activity of the output channel. Excitatory and inhibitory inputsignals are modulated by “synaptic strengths” wi = ±1. The output signaly of a neuron is thus given by

y = θ


wixi − s). (3.1)

where θ(x) = 1 for x ≥ 0 and θ(x) = 0 for x < 0. McCulloch and Pittsdemonstrated that any arbitrary logical function can be constructed by anappropriate combination of such elements. Their proof is based on the obser-vation that, in particular, AND-gates and inverters can be realized as specialcases of (3.1); therefore, any other logical function can be constructed fromthese. The model of McCulloch and Pitts for the first time suggested howneurons might be able to carry out logical operations. Their idea of the neu-ron as a logical threshold element was a fundamental contribution to the field

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and has found entrance into numerous later models, albeit often in modifiedform.

However, the theory of McCulloch and Pitts failed in two important respects.Firstly, it did not explain how the necessary interconnections between neu-rons could be formed, in particular, how this might occur through learning.Secondly, such networks depended on error-free functioning of all their com-ponents and did not display the (often quite impressive) error tolerance ofbiological neural networks.

The psychologist Hebb (1949) suggested an answer to the first question inhis now famous book Organization of Behaviour (Hebb 1949). According tohis suggestion, the connection between two neurons is plastic and changesin proportion to the activity correlation between the presynaptic and thepostsynaptic cell.

This Hebb hypothesis has survived up until today in various mathematicalformulations as the essential feature of many network models with learningability, although its experimental verification remains in dispute. One of itssimplest mathematical formulations is

∆wi = ε · y(x) · xi (3.2)

for the change in the synaptic strengths wi (i = 1, 2, . . . , n) of a neuron re-ceiving an input x = (x1, x2, . . . , xn)T when xi is the input at the ith synapse.y(x) denotes the excitation of the neuron and ε > 0 is a parameter measur-ing the size of a single learning step. The quantities y(x) and wi can also beconsidered as continuous.

With the advent of the computer, it became possible to simulate in moredetail the learning capacity of networks made of neurons subject to rules ofthe above kind and to demonstrate practical applications of such systems.

3.2 The Perceptron

The perceptron proposed by Rosenblatt (1958) constituted an important stepin this direction. It consists of a fixed number N of elements, each of whichis supplied with an “input pattern” through L channels. Each of the inputpatterns is described by an L-component feature vector x = (x1, x2, . . . , xL)T

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and belongs to one of N “ pattern classes.” The classification of the inputpatterns and the required number and the interpretation of the componentsxi depends on the application; the xi might, for example, describe gray levelsof image pixels or quantities of a more complex feature extracted from theinput pattern by some preprocessing stage. The perceptron shall learn thecorrect classification of the pattern vectors using known classification exam-ples during a “training phase.” For the classification of an input pattern x,each element r computes a binary output value yr according to

yr = θ(∑i=1

Lwrixi). (3.3)

The coefficients wri, i = 1, 2, . . . , L determine the behavior of the element r.The absence of an “excitation threshold” in (3.3) does not imply a loss ofgenerality. The action of such a threshold can be taken into account withoutchanging the general form of (3.3) by agreeing on a constant input signalx1 = 1. The threshold is then given by the value −wr1.

During a training phase, each element adjusts its coefficient wri in such away that it only reacts to the input patterns of “its” class Cr with an outputvalue yr = 1. For this to be possible, the existence of a solution must firstbe guaranteed, i.e., there must exist weights w∗ri for which (3.3) correctlysolves the classification problem. The satisfaction of this condition dependsboth on how the problem is posed and on the coding chosen for the patternvector x. This can be illustrated as follows: Within a particular choice ofcoding, i.e., an assignment of “features” x1, x2, . . . , xL to each pattern, eachpattern corresponds to a point x in a “feature space”(possibly of very highdimension). The individual classes Cr can be considered as subsets of pointsin this space. Each element must assign its output values yr to points in sucha way that the spatial region belonging to the output value yr = 1 includesthe points of the class Cr and excludes the points of all other classes Cs,s 6= r. However, the flexibility of the separation afforded by the thresholdelements of the form (3.3) is limited: geometrically, every choice of weightswri corresponds to a separation of the feature space by an L− 1-dimensional“hyperplane” into two regions, one with yr = 1 and the other with yr = 0. Ifthe classes in the space of pattern vectors x are arranged in a manner whichis too “convoluted,” then the desired separation by hyperplanes cannot beachieved, and the perceptron algorithm is doomed to fail from the outset.Figure 3.1 offers a simple example. We assume L = 2, i.e., each pattern is

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characterized by a two-dimensional “feature vector,” and only two classes areconsidered. In this case, the available “hyperplanes” are lines (L−1 = 1), bymeans of which a complete separation of the classes C1 and C2 is evidentlyimpossible.

Abb. 3.1: Example of two patternclasses C1 and C2 in a two-dimen-sional feature space of the variablesx1 and x2 which are not linearly sep-arable.

Abb. 3.2: The addition of a fur-ther feature x3 leads to a higher-di-mensional feature space, in which thetwo classes may be linearly separa-ble. Projection onto the x1−x2-planeleads back to the nonseparable situa-tion of Fig. 3.1

A way out of such a situation can often be found by appropriate extensionof the feature vectors by additional feature variables. These can increase thedistinguishability of the classes to the extent that a separation by hyperplanesbecomes possible. If, for example, in addition to C1 and C2 a further featurevariable x3 can be found that differs sufficiently from C1 and C2, the situationshown in Fig. ?? may occur in the resulting L = 3-dimensional feature space.A separation of C1 and C2 by a plane is now possible. This geometric propertyof two classes is called linear separability.

Linear separability of each class from the union of all the other classes thus

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guarantees that the perceptron of Eq.(3.3) can correctly classify all patterninstances, provided its weights wri are chosen appropriately. The task offinding such a set of weights remains. An attractive approach makes use of anumber of classification examples, i.e., vectors x together with a specificationof their respective classes. These constitute the input to the perceptron ina “training phase.” Every time an element r provides an incorrect outputvalue yr 6= yr(corr) in response to some input x ∈ Cs, its coefficients wri,i = 1, 2, . . . , L, are changed by an amount

∆wri = ε ·(y(corr)r − yr

)· xi (3.4)

This no longer exactly corresponds to Hebb’s rule, but rather the postsynap-tic activity yr in (3.2) is replaced by the difference dr = y(corr)

r − yr betweenthe correct output value and the perceptron’s current output value yr. Thefactor ε in front of the expression determines the “learning step size” andmust be positive. Eq. (3.4) then acts as an error correction rule: In caseof a correct answer from the element r, dr = 0, and all of the weights wriremain unchanged. In case of an incorrect output value, dr = ±1 and Eq.(3.4) implies a change in the sum

∑iwrixi by ±ε∑i xi2. If the output value

was too small, this causes an increase in the sum (dr = 1) if the input pat-tern x is repeated, and a reduction (dr = −1) if the output was too large.This procedure is known as the perceptron algorithm, for which the followingconvergence theorem holds: Perceptron Convergence Theorem: ( Rosenblatt

1961; Block 1962; Minsky and Papert 1969) Let the classification problembe solvable with appropriate weights w∗ri by means of the perceptron ansatz(3.3), and suppose that the feature vectors x are all bounded, i.e., there ex-ists a constant M , such that ‖x‖ < M is always satisfied. Then, with thechoice

εr = 1/‖x‖ (3.5)

the perceptron algorithm (3.5) will always find a solution after finitely manyadaptation steps for the weights wri (only the “true” modification steps, i.e.,steps with dr 6= 0, are counted).

In the following, we give a proof of this theorem for the mathematicallyinterested reader. However, for an understanding of what follows, there is noharm in skipping the mathematical derivation.

Since all elements operate independently of one another, in the proof of thepreceding theorem it suffices to consider a single element, and in the following

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we can thus suppress the index r. We denote by w∗ = (w∗1, w∗2, . . . , w


a weight vector for which the perceptron solves the classification problemcorrectly (the existence of a vector with this property is required by thetheorem). Hence, there exists a constant δ > 0, such that 1

w∗ · x > δ, if y(corr)(x) = 1

w∗ · x < −δ, if y(corr)(x) = 0. (3.6)

Here, y(corr)(x) designates that output value which corresponds to a correctclassification of the input x by the element under consideration. Let w(t)denote the weight vector of the perceptron obtained after t modification stepsfrom some (arbitrary) starting value. For w(t), the next modification step,i.e., d = y(corr) − y = ±1, yields

w(t+ 1) = w(t) + ε · d · x, (3.7)

and thus

w2(t+ 1) = w2(t) + 2εd · (w(t) · x) + ε2d2x2

≤ w2(t) + ε2d2x2 = w2(t) + 1. (3.8)

In (3.8), we have made use of the relations d · (w ·x) = (y(corr)−y)(w ·x) ≤ 0and d2ε2 = 1/‖x‖2. From Eq.(3.8), we obtain an upper bound for theincrease in the length ‖w(t)‖ with the number of modification steps thathave occurred

‖w(t)‖ ≤√‖w(0)‖2 + t. (3.9)

On the other hand, at each modification step, the scalar product w · w∗satisfies

w(t+ 1) ·w∗ = w(t) ·w∗ + ε · d · (x ·w∗)≥ w(t) ·w∗ + ε · δ. (3.10)

The last step makes use of Eq.(3.6). Therefore, w(t) · w∗ grows at leastlinearly with the number of modification steps

w(t) ·w∗ ≥ w(0) ·w∗ + t · δ/M. (3.11)1 For classes with infinitely many elements, there could always be vectors demanding

arbitrarily small δ. In this case, we consider Eq. (6) as a more precise statementof the requirement that a solution exist. Equation (6) implies that this solution isinsensitive to sufficiently small perturbations of the weights w∗.

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With the help of (3.10), (3.11) and the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, we thushave

w(0) ·w ∗+ t · δ/M ≤ w(t) ·w ∗≤ ‖w(t)‖ · ‖w∗‖≤ ‖w∗‖

√‖w(0)‖2 + t (3.12)

Since the left side of this inequality is linear and thus grows faster with t thanthe right side, t cannot become arbitrarily large, i.e., only a finite number ofmodification steps can occur. This concludes the convergence proof for theperceptron. For a thorough discussion and other approaches to a proof, seefor example (Minsky and Papert 1969).

A more flexible variant of the perceptron results if the individual elements donot work completely independently of one another, but rather compete withone another for the correct classification. Equation (3.3) is then replaced by

yr =

{1 : wr · x > ws · x ∀ s 6= r0 : else.


A learning step occurs every time the index r of the element with yr = 1deviates from the correct classification s of the input vector. In this case, theweight vectors of the two elements r and s are changed according to (3.4).The resulting learning rule is (note y(corr)

r = 0 and y(corr)s = 1)

∆ws = εx,

∆wr = −εx. (3.14)

Here, the procedure also finds a solution after a finite number of modificationsteps, as long as a solution exists. The greater flexibility of this approachstems from the fact that now each element r can close off for its class notjust a half-space, but a conical region bounded by those hyperplanes wherewr · x = ws · x.

Aside from the convergence theorems, numerous other interesting and impor-tant statements can be derived with mathematical rigor for the perceptron (Minsky and Papert 1969). This is possible because the individual elements“interact” either not at all or at most in a very simple way. In spite of thisrelative simplicity, the insights gained from the perceptron illustrate manytypical problems posed by parallel and adaptive systems. In particular, theperceptron permits a relatively far-reaching analysis of its performance and

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also of its limitations. The convergence theorem guarantees that whenevera perceptron solution exists, the learning algorithm will find it. Similarlyfar-reaching results are usually not known for learning rules in more com-plex, multilayered networks. On the other hand, it soon became evident thatfor a whole series of practical classification problems, the requirement of theexistence of a perceptron solution, i.e., of appropriate weights wri, is notsatisfied, and that the perceptron thus cannot solve such problems. More-over, other problems do admit a solution in principle but demand that theweights be maintained with a precision growing exponentially with the sizeof the problem, a requirement which in practice cannot be satisfied ( Minskyand Papert 1969). Such limitations of the perceptron have been overcomerecently by means of multilayer network models. We will return to this inSection 3.9.

3.3 Associative Memory

Hebb’s learning rule in the form of Eq. 3.2) led to another class of models,those of associative memory. One of the remarkable properties of the humanbrain is its ability to draw inferences or associations between all types ofmental images. For a long time the location of this mental capacity and therespective mode of information storage posed a great puzzle. Although Hebbproposed the synapse as a relevant storage element, it was not compatiblewith neurophysiological experiments to ascribe to individual synapses a rolerequiring a degree of reliability similar to that of storage locations in a con-ventional computer. On the contrary, information storage in neural networksturned out to be remarkably robust with respect to loss or malfunction ofsome limited portion of the neurons. One possible explanation was providedby storage concepts in which each newly arriving piece of information isstored in a way that is “distributed” over many storage elements. Thus, lossor malfunction of a portion of the memory causes merely a general degradingof the quality of the stored information but not the total loss of individualentries.

A proposal for a network model with such properties was made by Willshaw,Bunemann, and Longuet-Higgins (1969), whose network uses threshold valueelements of the type (3.1). The information to be stored is presented in theform of training pairs (x,y). x plays the role of the input pattern, y that

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of the output pattern, and both are represented as binary vectors for whichthe components take values 0 or 1. x plays the role of the “key” for theassociated pattern y. Proper operation of the network model of Willshaw etal. requires that x be a vector with a large number of components, whereasy may be of low dimension. The dimension N of y determines the number ofthreshold value elements required. Each threshold value element computes,as in the perceptron, a single component yr of the output pattern. It is givenby

yr = θ


Lwrixi − sr). (3.15)

Here, sr is the threshold of element r and θ(.) is again the step functiondefined in connection with (3.1). The right side of (3.15) can be evaluatedby N McCulloch-Pitts neurons, which receive the input pattern x throughN common input channels. Information storage occurs in the matrix of theL×N “synaptic strengths” wri. These are to be chosen in such a way that(3.15) assigns the correct output pattern y to each input pattern x.

Willshaw et al. considered the case where p training pairs(x(1),y(1)), (x(2),y(2)), . . . , (x(p),y(p)) are to be stored, whose input patternsof 1s and 0s each contain the same number k of 1s, e.g., x = 010100100 fork = 3. Suppose that the positions of these 1s are not correlated with eachother and that their number k is small compared to the total number L ofcomponents of a pattern. The input patterns thus consist almost completelyof 0s. On the other hand, the number of 1s in the output patterns y(ν) neednot be restricted in any way.

The storage of a training pair (x,y) = (x(ν),y(ν)) consists of setting allweights wri satisfying both xi = 1 and yr = 1 to the value one (all theweights are zero before storage of the first pattern). The remaining weightsremain unchanged. This is illustrated in Fig. 3.3a–c for the example of thestorage of three training pairs. The horizontal input lines carry the inputpattern, the vertical output lines the output pattern. A value wri = 1 isdesignated by a mark at the intersection of input line i and output line r.Those weights that have been changed for the storage of the most recentlyoffered pattern pair are identified by open circles.

After all of the p training pairs have been stored, the resulting memory matrixbecomes

wri = maxν=1,...,p

(y(ν)r x


). (3.16)

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The threshold is set to the value sr = k − 1/2.

This choice of a memory matrix and threshold guarantees that all outputlines that were active during the storage of a training pair



reactivated if the input pattern x(ν) is presented alone. Formally, this resultsfrom the relation∑


wrix(ν)i =


wri · y(ν)r x

(ν)i =


y(ν)r x

(ν)i =


x(ν)i = k > sr, (3.17)

which holds provided y(ν)r = 1.

Figure 3.3d offers an illustrative example. Here, the memory array formedafter the steps shown in Fig. 3.3a–c is presented with the input pattern ofthe training pair stored in step (b). In this case, k = 2, and all thresholdstake the value sr = 3/2. Each output line r active in storage step (b) hasleft exactly k weights wri = 1 (r fixed) in the memory matrix; these arehighlighted in Fig. 3.3d by open circles. These weights “belong” precisely tothose k input lines which together were active in step (b), and, if the sameinput lines are again activated, they produce the sum

∑iwrixi = k > sr and

thus the excitation of all those output lines r that were active during storagestep (b).

Note that Fig. 3.3d also shows that the output pattern can contain, in addi-tion to the correct 1s, a few erroneous 1s. Such an “erroneous 1” is present onthe second output line of Fig. 3.3d and is designated by an (∗). As illustratedby the example, such errors occur whenever many training pairs activate thesame output line r and the opposite output value yr = 0 is to be assignedto an input pattern which agrees partly with many of these pairs. However,it can be shown that for pattern vectors with a sufficiently small proportionof 1s (this assumption is strongly violated in the example of Fig. 3.3), theseerrors occur with very low probability.

For a statistical estimate of the error probability of 0s, we introduce theadditional assumption that every output pattern contains a fixed fraction f ′

of 1s. However, we make this assumption for convenience of the mathematicaldiscussion only; it is not important for the function of the memory. We denotethe fixed fraction of 1s in each input pattern by f = k/L.

We consider a pattern ν and a component r of the output, to which the valuey(ν)r = 0 is assigned for pattern ν. What is the probability for equation (3.15)

to provide the wrong output value yr = 1 if altogether p patterns are stored?

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Abb. 3.3: Pattern storage in an associative memory matrix. The input infor-mation is provided by the horizontal lines as a 0-1-pattern x of “activities.” Theoutput information y is the 0-1-pattern on the vertical lines. Each intersectionof an output line r and an input line i is assigned a “weight” wri (marked bya symbol), which is set to the value one if both lines are active simultaneously.The associations between the input and output patterns are stored in the matrixdetermined in this manner. Fig. 3.3a–c show the implications of this rule forthree consecutive training pairs. The output y corresponding to the input pat-tern x can be approximately reconstructed for each output line by summationand thresholding, yr = θ(

∑r wrixi − sr) (Fig. 3.3d). In Fig. 3.3d, the out-

put pattern reconstructed in this way deviates from the correct pattern in thecomponent designated by an (∗).

An incorrect value yr = 1 always occurs if∑i

wrix(ν)i > sr. (3.18)

Because of the choice sr = k − 1/2 for the threshold, the left side of (3.18)would have to assume its maximal value k. This can only occur if all of the k1s of the input pattern x(ν), i.e., xi(ν), coincide with elements wri = 1. Sincey(ν)r = 0, these elements can only come from training pairs µ 6= ν. Those k

values of the index i for which wri = 1 or xi = 1 are therefore uncorrelatedwith one another. The probability for all k input 1s to coincide with elementswri = 1, and thus the probability for the occurrence of an error in the outputvalue yr, is therefore

P ≈ qk. (3.19)

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Here, q is the fraction of all weights which have been set to the value 1 duringthe storage procedure. Since a weight wri keeps its initial value 0 if and onlyif it “avoids” the coincidence of xi = 1 (probability f) and yr = 1 (probabilityf ′) for all p training pairs (probability each time 1− ff ′), q is thus given by

q = 1− (1− ff ′)p ≈ 1− exp(−pff ′). (3.20)

Equations (3.19) and (3.20) thus yield the estimate for the probability of a“false 1” (f = k/L)

P ≈ (1− exp(−pf ′k/L))k. (3.21)

The average fraction γ of “false 1s” in the output pattern then becomes

γ = P (1− f ′)/f ′. (3.22)

For fixed f ′, γ depends only on k, the ratio p/L of the number of stored pat-terns, and on the input dimension L. A convenient parameter for discussingthe behavior of P is α = f ′p/L. Figure 3.4 shows the behavior of the errorprobability P with the number k of 1s per input pattern for several values ofα. Below α ≈ 0.1, the error probability falls off rapidly with decreasing α.There is always an optimal value kopt = ln 2/α of k that minimizes the errorprobability for fixed α. The minimum is given by Pmin = 2−kopt ≈ 0.6181/α.

Abb. 3.4: Dependence of error probability (logarithmic scale) P on the numberk of 1s of the input pattern in the model of Willshaw et al. for parameter valuesα = 0.1 (upper graph), α = 0.05 (middle graph) and α = 0.025 (lower graph).For every α, there is an optimal value of k minimizing the error probability. Forα << 1, errors rapidly become very rare

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The choice sr = k − 1/2 for the thresholds “just barely” enables the activa-tion of an output line. If any 1s at all are lacking from the input pattern,the value zero results in all output lines. Similarly, even a single missing“synapse” (wri = 0 instead of wri = 1) prevents the output value yr = 1.Thus, the system has practically no error tolerance with respect to failureof a few “synapses” or a few missing input bits. However, the choice of alower threshold sr gives rise to such an error tolerance. This raises the errorprobability P to

P =k∑


qν(1− q)k−ν(k



(for sr = k − 1/2 this reduces to the simpler expression (3.21)), but thisworsening can be compensated by choosing a correspondingly smaller valuefor the ratio p/L , i.e., by a storage of a smaller number of patterns. Thiscorresponds to utilization of a smaller fraction of the “storage capacity.” Theadvantage compared to the choice of threshold sr = k−1/2, however, is thatthe error rate P is now robust with respect to a limited fraction of missingsynapses or with respect to the absence of some percentage of the input 1s.The tolerable fraction of such errors can be estimated as follows: since sr < kcorrect input 1s of an input pattern already suffice for activation of all thecorrect output 1s, even if a relative fraction κ ≈ 1 − sr/k of all input 1swere absent, an incorrect output pattern would not result. Here, it is of noconsequence whether these errors occur in the input pattern itself or whetherthey arise due to the lack of a corresponding fraction of the “synapses”wri = 1. In this way, the model offers a way to realize a distributed patternstorage. A similar kind of storage is believed to be realized in the brain.

An especially interesting feature is that one can obtain the matrix wri usingHebb’s Rule (3.2) by adding the condition that the value of a weight mustbe strictly increasing and be bounded from above by the maximal value one.Beginning with the initial values wri = 0, during a training phase one “forces”the input and output lines to take on successively the binary values of alltraining pairs (x(1), y(1)), (x(2),y(2)), ..., (x(L),y(L)) which are to be stored.For each pair (3.2) is applied with ε = 1. Thus, one sets wri = 1 in the first

training pair satisfying both x(ν)i = 1 and y(ν)

r = 1 simultaneously. All wrifor which this never happens remain zero, which finally results in (3.14).

The nonlinear threshold operation by means of the function θ(.) defined in(3.5) does not allow a mathematical analysis. However, a matrix memory

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can also be realized by means of a linear ansatz. In this case, the thresholdoperation does not occur, and the binary values may be replaced by continu-ous variables. The resulting linear associative memory has been investigatedby Kohonen (1972, 1984a) and forms the subject of the following section.

3.4 Linear Associative Memory

An important difference between nonlinear and linear systems is the validityof the superposition principle in the latter. The linear superposition of severalinput patterns yields the same superposition of the corresponding outputpattern. Whether or not this is a desired property depends on the intendedapplication. However, in general this circumstance does imply a limitationof linear models compared to nonlinear models: only in the latter case cana linear combination of input patterns be associated with an independentoutput pattern.

In the following, we consider the linear ansatz

yr =∑i=1

Lwrixi. (3.24)

Like Eq.(3.5), Eq. (3.24) can be interpreted as the transformation of an inputsignal x by a number of “neurons,” now assumed linear, into an output signaly.

We are again interested in the use of a system described by Eq.(3.24) as amemory for a number of given “training pairs” (x(ν),y(ν)), ν = 1, 2, . . . , p. In

contrast to the previous section, the components x(ν)i and y

(ν)i can now take

arbitrary continuous values. For example, x(ν) might be an array of pixelintensities of a gray-level image, and y(ν) might contain some informationwhich is to be “associated” with this image. In particular, y(ν) may evencoincide with x(ν). In this case, one has a so-called autoassociative memory .At first glance the association of a pattern with itself seems to promise littlenew information. However, a useful effect results if the association succeedseven in the case of an erroneous or incomplete input pattern. Autoassociationleads in this case to elimination of errors and/or to completion of incompleteinput data.

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The requirement that the p training pairs (x(ν), y(ν)) be stored constitutes acondition on the N×L-matrix W of weights wri. The simplest approach con-sists in minimizing the squared error E[W], averaged over all input patternsof the matrix, which is dependent on the matrix W:

E[W] =∑ν=1


N(y(ν)r −



)2 = Minimum. (3.25)

Several solution strategies are possible for minimizing E[W]. The three mostimportant are: (i) exact algebraic minimization by means of the so-calledpseudoinverse, (ii) application of an iterative gradient-descent procedure forstepwise minimization of E[W], and (iii) use of the correlation matrix oftraining pairs as an approximate solution for the weight array W.

The approaches (i) and (ii) lead essentially to the same solution and max-imize the achievable “storage capacity.” However, as a solution technique,(i) has the disadvantage of requiring a completely new computation of allwri for each newly arriving pattern. Hence, this approach is unrealistic, atleast as far as applications to neural models are concerned. On the otherhand, method (ii) can be formulated as an iterative “learning rule” which,for sufficiently frequent sequential “presentation” of the training pairs to bestored, gradually produces the optimal weights wri. However, the change of aweight wri in a learning step also depends on all the other weights wrj, j 6= i.In this sense, alternative (iii) is still simpler. Moreover, the required correla-tion matrix is easy to compute, and its formulation as an iterative “learningrule” takes the form of Hebb’s rule. However, in general (iii) does not yieldthe minimum of E[W] and hence its utilization of storage capacity is worsethan that of the optimal techniques (i) and (ii). This disadvantage is onlyavoided in the case of pairwise orthogonal pattern vectors, i.e., x(ν) ·x(µ) = 0for µ 6= ν. In this case, all three techniques are equally good, and (i) and(ii) reduce to (iii).

Following this survey, we now discuss approaches (i), (ii) and (iii) in moredetail.

3.5 The Pseudoinverse as a Memory Array

The average error E[W] is a quadratic polynomial in the weight variableswri. Minimality of E[W] demands the vanishing of all first derivatives with

3. Neural Network Models 35

respect to weight variables wri, i.e., the existence of the L× p equations


∂wri= 2 ·




wrjx(ν)j − y(ν)


· x(ν)i = 0, (3.26)

or, in matrix notation,

WXXT = YXT. (3.27)

Here, W is the N × L-matrix of weights wri, X is a L × p-matrix, whoseelements Xiν are given by the components of the input vector x

(ν)i , and Y is

a N × p-matrix with elements Yrν = y(ν)r .

Equation (3.26) is a linear equation for the weight array W. Comparisonwith the original “storage condition” (3.24), which in matrix notation takesthe form

WX = Y, (3.28)

shows that (3.27) results from (3.28) after “right-multiplication” of bothsides by the matrix XT . If the square matrix XXT is invertible, one cansolve (3.27) for W, and one obtains

W = YXT (XXT )−1. (3.29)

However, the invertibility of XXT requires the presence of N linearly inde-pendent input pattern vectors x(ν), which is usually not satisfied. For exam-ple, the number p of input vectors might be smaller than N ; or, althoughp > N , the dimension of the space spanned by the input vectors might belower than N .

The noninvertibility of the matrix XXT indicates that (3.28) possesses awhole family of solution matrices W forming an affine space. However, theuniqueness of the minimal solution can be restored by imposing an additionalrequirement. An appropriate condition is the minimization of the squaredsum

∑riwri2 of all weights wri. This requirement can be incorporated easily

into the original ansatz by minimizing the new functional E[W] + α∑riwri2

instead of E[W]. This, besides measuring error, also measures the magnitudeof an average weight. Here, α is a positive constant, and we take the limit ofα approaching zero at the end in order to recover the original minimizationproblem.

3. Neural Network Models 36

This leads to the new minimization condition

W(XXT + α1) = YXT . (3.30)

For every α > 0, the matrix XXT + α1 has a well-defined inverse (becauseuT (XXT+α1)u ≥ α‖u‖2, all its eigenvalues are positive). Hence, combiningthis with the limit α→ 0, we obtain the closed expression

W = limα→0

YXT (XXT + α1)−1 ≡ YX̃ (3.31)

for a minimal solution of E[W]. The matrix

X̃ = limα→0

XT (XXT + α1)−1 (3.32)

is known as the pseudoinverse or Moore-Penrose inverse of X.

Whereas the inverse X−1 of a matrix X arises in solving the matrix equationWX−Y = 0 for given X and Y in terms of the variables W, (and exists if andonly if there is a unique solution W, which is then given by W = YX−1), thepseudoinverse X̃ arises in the present, more general problem of minimizingthe squared sum E[W], Eq. (3.25), of the matrix elements of the differencematrix WX −Y. In contrast to the stronger condition WX −Y = 0, thisproblem always has at least one solution, which can be expressed in termsof the pseudoinverse X̃ in the form W = YX̃. If more than one solutionexists, the pseudoinverse chooses the one with the smallest possible sum ofthe squares of the matrix elements. Unlike the ordinary inverse, which isdefined only for quadratic, nonsingular matrices X, the pseudoinverse existsfor any matrix (hence in particular for rectangular matrices), and it coincideswith the inverse X−1 whenever the inverse is defined.

3.6 Gradient Descent for the Computation of theMemory Matrix

Frequently, it is desired to “memorize” new patterns and/or to change alreadystored patterns adaptively — while the memory is being used — withouthaving to carry out a completely new computation of the weight array Wevery time. This seems to be an important property for a neural model aswell.

3. Neural Network Models 37

Such requirements can be taken into account by an iterative procedure forminimization of E[W]. Each iteration step consists of changing all theweights wri in the direction of the negative gradient of E[W], or, in ma-trix notation,

∆W = εp∑


(y(ν) −Wx(ν)

) (x(ν)

)T, 0 < ε << 1. (3.33)

Since E[W] is a quadratic function of the matrix elements wri, this proce-dure leads to a monotonic decrease and eventually to the global minimumof E. In the case of a family of minimal solutions, the asymptotic solutiondepends on the initial value of W, and, in contrast to the solution usingthe pseudoinverse, it is generally not characterized by having the smallestpossible sum of the wri2.

Equation (3.33) can be regarded as the result of the superposition of p“learning steps,” where each learning step corresponds to a term in theν-summation and can be interpreted as a change of the weights during a“presentation” of the training pair (x(ν),y(ν)). If every training pair occurswith the same probability and the “learning step size” ε is sufficiently small,then on the average (3.33) corresponds to the simpler prescription

∆W = ε′(y(ν) −Wx(ν))(x(ν))T , ε′ = ε/p. (3.34)

Comparison of 3.34 and (3.4) shows that (3.34) is nothing more than a variantof the perceptron rule discussed above. The present derivation augments theprevious discussion of the perceptron rule by showing us that this rule can beinterpreted as a gradient descent procedure for the average squared responseerror.

3.7 The Correlation Matrix Memory

The perceptron rule (3.34) requires that a matrix multiplication Wx(ν) iscarried out for each learning step. Hence, the change of any single weight wriinvolves the values of all the remaining weights wrj, j = 1, . . . , L. In order tocarry out the procedure in practice, for example in very large scale integrated(VLSI) circuits, it would be desirable to have a simpler rule that would work

3. Neural Network Models 38

without this dependence. In fact, in many cases one can do without the termWx(ν) in (3.34). This leads to a rule of the form

∆W = ε(y(ν)(x(ν))T −W

), ε > 0. (3.35)

Here, as opposed to (3.34), an additional decay term −W has been intro-duced for the sole purpose of automatically normalizing W; it can be leftout if the normalization is otherwise guaranteed.

In the limit of small step size ε the matrix W converges by means of (3.35) tothe correlation matrix 〈yxT 〉, where 〈.〉 denotes averaging over the presentedpattern pairs. A matrix memory based on this choice of W is thereforeknown as a linear correlation matrix memory . If the training pairs all occurwith equal frequency, one has

W =1




)T. (3.36)

For pairwise orthogonal pattern vectors x(ν), one easily sees that (3.36) leadsto a memory matrix with the desired property Wx(ν) = ‖x(ν)‖2 ·y(ν). In thiscase, the correlation matrix memory evidently works in an error-free manner,(the factor in front, ‖x(ν)‖2, can be regarded as an “intensity normalization”and disappears if normalized input vectors xν are used). In particular, amaximum of p = N such pattern vectors can be stored in this manner.

Deviations from pairwise orthogonality lead to “ cross-talk” between differentpatterns and, thus, to a decreased storage capacity: for an input pattern x(ν),the resulting output signal is

y = ||x(ν)||2y(ν) +

∑µ 6=ν

y(µ) x(µ) · x(ν)


. (3.37)

Equation (3.37) shows that, superimposed on the correct output pattern y(ν),there are contributions from all the remaining patterns µ, µ 6= ν for whichthe scalar product x(ν) · x(µ) with the input pattern x(ν) does not vanish.A proper functioning of the linear correlation matrix memory thus requiresthat these scalar products be small and, hence, that the patterns be at leastapproximately orthogonal.

As a consequence, the operation of a linear correlation matrix memory can besignificantly improved by a previous orthogonalization of the input patterns

3. Neural Network Models 39

x(ν). A simple and often appropriate procedure ( e.g., for many kinds of imagedata) is a high-pass filtering of the input signal. The slowly varying parts ofsignals are then suppressed, and only the “high-frequency” (in space or time)part of the signal is kept. Subtracting from each component, its average valuecan be regarded as the simplest version of such high-pass filtering.

The models discussed so far have no feedback. Feedback is present if someof the input is provided by the output lines. This situation, which compli-cates a theoretical analysis considerably, is almost always found in real nervesystems. The smallest degree of complication occurs in the case of the lin-ear matrix memory, considered here. A qualitative summary of its behaviorwhen feedback is present can easily be given. If the dimensions of the inputand output vectors agree, (L = N), the process of repeatedly feeding theoutput back into the input is equivalent to replacing the memory matrix Wby the matrix taken to some higher power. After t loops, the initial vectorx(0) becomes

x(t) = Wtx(0). (3.38)

For a diagonalizable memory matrix W, x(t) converges (up to a normaliza-tion factor) for large t to its projection on the eigenspace corresponding tothe eigenvalue of W with the largest absolute value. The components of x(0)along the eigenvectors with small eigenvalues of W fall off most rapidly. If,for example, W has been determined using (3.36), and if p stored patternsare approximately orthogonal to each other, then the eigenvalues of W mayform two “clusters”, one cluster consisting of p eigenvalues of nearly the samemagnitude near 1/p, the other consisting of N−p eigenvalues near zero. Theeigenvectors corresponding to the latter eigenvalues are approximately or-thogonal to the stored patterns. Hence, an input vector is generally “driven”in the direction of the “most similar pattern” among the p stored patterns.Competition between the stored patterns eventually occurs after many itera-tions, and x(t) converges to the eigenvector whose eigenvalue has the largestabsolute value. Since W is nearly degenerate in the space spanned by thestored patterns, this eigenvector need not necessarily agree with any of thestored patterns.

Since the eigenvalue of greatest magnitude will usually differ from unity, thenorm of x(t) gradually tends either to zero or infinity. Hence, for a realisticmodel, the introduction of nonlinearities is unavoidable, at least for stabi-lization. One of the earliest suggestions of this kind goes back to Anderson

3. Neural Network Models 40

et al. (1977) and is known as the “Brain State in a Box” ( “BSB” model),since an appropriate nonlinearity constrains x(t) within a multidimensionalbox.

The mathematical analysis of systems with feedback of this type turns out tobe much more difficult than in the linear case. In particular, it seemed quitehopeless for a long time to go much beyond computer simulations for nonlin-ear threshold value models with McCulloch-Pitts neurons. This changed in1982 due to an important idea of Hopfield (1982), which forms the subjectof the following section. For other important contributions related to thesequestions see, for example, the papers by Grossberg (1976ab,1978), Kohonen(1984a), as well as Cohen and Grossberg (1983).

3.8 The Hopfield Model

If a portion of the output lines is fed back to the inputs, the correspondingportion of the output patterns y can contribute to the input pattern x. Anespecially interesting case arises for y = x, i.e., every input pattern is asso-ciated with itself as output (autoassociation). If one presents an incompleteinput pattern to a recurrent system in which such training pairs are stored,then at first a correspondingly incomplete output pattern results. However,if output is fed back, the intact portion may be sufficient for reconstruction ofpart of the missing input data. The system may react to the improved inputpattern with an improved output, which in turn reconstructs even more ofthe input pattern, etc. until finally the system winds up in a state in whichthe input pattern is completely restored.

Such feedback mechanism can enable recall of the complete pattern on thebasis of an incomplete input fragment. Such a capability of pattern restora-tion is an important requirement for high-performance data processing and aprominent feature of biological nervous systems, which are highly optimizedin the processing of incomplete information from their natural environment.

Due to feedback, every neuron affects the inputs to all the other neurons.The behavior of such a system is generally quite difficult to analyze. How-ever, by exploiting an analogy to interacting many-particle systems fromstatistical physics, Hopfield (1982) was able to characterize the behavior ofan interesting class of such systems in an elegant model.

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Hopfield’s original model employs McCulloch-Pitts neurons. In the following,we give a version with “±1-neurons”. Because of the feedback, now theinput pattern of each neuron i is constructed from the states yj of all theother neurons. The state of neuron i at the latest time step is determinedaccording to

y(new)i = sgn

∑j,j 6=i


. (3.39)

Here, sgn(x) deno tes the “ sign function”, i.e., is equal to +1 for x ≥ 0 and -1otherwise. The “update-steps” (3.39) are carried out “ asynchronously,” i.e.,the state of a neuron is updated at discrete times chosen to be uncorrelatedamong the neurons.

The solvability of the models follows from the requirement of symmetricmatrix elements, i.e., wij = wji for all index pairs (i, j). In this case, (3.39)describes the stochastic dynamic of a physical spin system with an “ energyfunction”

H(y) = −1



wijyiyj, (3.40)

where wii = 0.

Whenever (3.39) leads to a change ∆yi 6= 0 of yi, it can be written in theform

∆yi = 2 · sgn

∑j,j 6=i



By symmetry of the wij, the corresponding change ∆H of H is then

∆H = −∆yi ·∑j


= −2 ·



∥∥∥∥∥∥ ≤ 0, (3.42)

i.e., H decreases until either the quantities∑j wijyj all vanish (an exceptional

situation arising only for “pathological” choices of wij), or the adaptation rule(3.39) does not yield any further change in state. In this (common) case, thesystem reaches a stationary “ fixed point.”

This allows a rather clear interpretation of the time evolution of the neuralactivities described by (3.39). H(y) defines a “ potential surface” on the

3. Neural Network Models 42

state space of all possible binary vectors y. Starting from an initial statey(0), the system moves downhill along the gradient of H(y) until it comesto rest at a local minimum (a “perpetual” descent is impossible, since onlyfinitely many states are available to the system). If the input pattern definesthe initial state y(0), the minimum attained by the network is the outputassociated with the input. Every minimum in the potential surface is thelowest point of a “basin” or “sink” surrounding it. All the input patternswithin this basin are attracted to the basin minimum by the system dynamicsand, thus, yield the same output pattern. Hence, one also refers to basins ofattraction surrounding the local minima.

By an appropriate choice of wij, one can “mold” the potential surface and,in particular, place local minima at desired target patterns ξν. The systemdynamics will then be able to restore a fragmentary input pattern to thattarget pattern ξν, whose basin of attraction encloses the input pattern. Thecompletion of fragmentary information in the Hopfield model thus is obtainedthrough gradient descent on a potential surface.

The choice of the wij is based on the specified target patterns to be stored.For uncorrelated binary patterns consisting of equally many positive andnegative elements an appropriate choice is

wij =1



ξνi · ξνj . (3.43)

Here, N is the number of neurons, p is the number of patterns and ξνi theith component of the νth pattern vector ξν , ν = 1, 2, . . . , p.

Abb. 3.5: (left) This pattern is stored together with 19 others in a Hopfieldmodel consisting of 400 neurons. (right) All of the other 19 patterns are “randompatterns” of the type shown; 50% of randomly chosen pixels are black.

3. Neural Network Models 43

In the following, we present an example of a simulation for a network con-sisting of 400 neurons. In this case, 20 patterns are stored according to theprescription (3.43). The first two of these patterns are shown in Figure 3.5.Each -1 is represented by a white pixel, each +1 by a black pixel. Only thefirst pattern represents a recognizable motif (Fig. 3.5a); all of the remaining19 patterns are “random patterns,” each consisting of 50 percent randomlychosen white and black pixels; a representative example is shown in Figure3.5b.

Abb. 3.6: Completion of a fragmentary input pattern. Only the upper 25% ofpattern 1 is presented to the network (left). After one timestep, the completepattern can already be recognized (middle); two steps later, the pattern has beencorrectly completed (right).

Abb. 3.7: Reconstruction of a noisy input pattern. This time, the input is thecomplete pattern 1, but, with a probability of P=0.3, every pixel of the imagehas been changed (left). After only one timestep, nearly all of the errors areeliminated (middle), and after an additional step the correct pattern 1 is restored(right).

3. Neural Network Models 44

Abb. 3.8: Like the preceding sequence of images, but for P=0.4. In this case,the network is no longer able to restore the original pattern, and it converges toone of the 19 other random patterns.

In Figure 3.6, we see the reaction of the network, if just the upper quarterof pattern 1 is presented as input. In the course of a few timesteps (eachtimestep includes update steps for all neurons) the pattern is correctly com-pleted.

Figure 3.7 shows a similar simulation. This time, pattern 1 is corrupted bychanging each pixel of the image with a probability P=0.3. This correspondsto the presence of intense “ signal noise.” Although the original motif ishardly recognizable, within a few time steps all of the “errors” have beencorrected.

Figure 3.8 shows a repetition of this simulation, but this time with P=0.4.In this case, the network is no longer able to restore the original motif, andthe output pattern converges to one of the other stored random patterns.

The weight choice (3.43) is sufficient for pattern recall, provided that thenumber p of stored patterns is not too large. If the number of patterns isincreased beyond a critical threshold, the character of the potential surfacechanges, and the system no longer functions as a memory for the specifiedinput patterns. This can be qualitatively understood as follows. If all of theneurons are in a pattern state, for example y = ξ1, then


wijyj =1



(ξ1i · (ξ1

j )2 +


ξνi ξνj ξ



= ξ1i +




ξνi ξνj ξ

1j . (3.44)

3. Neural Network Models 45

After separation of the terms with ν = 1, the remaining summation on theright side consists of N · (p − 1) uncorrelated terms of value ±1 and withaverage value zero. Hence, the sum is itself again a random variable with

average value zero, but with variance√N(p− 1), and we can write (3.44)

approximately as ∑j

wijξ1j = ξ1

i + η ·√p− 1

N, (3.45)

where η is a normally distributed random variable with variance one. Thesecond term in (3.45) shows that the stored patterns act like “ Gaussiannoise” superimposed on the currently active pattern. Nevertheless, providedp << N , the first term in (3.45) dominates, and the system is immune tothe noise, since in this case (3.39) does not lead to a change in any neuronstates. However, if p gets to be of order N , the influence of the noise becomescomparable to the effect of the currently active pattern itself. In that case,we can no longer expect to find stability for any stored pattern. A moreprecise computation shows that the critical transition occurs at p ≈ 0.146N .In the analogous physical spin system, one encounters at this value a phasetransition to a so-called spin glass state ( Amit et al. 1985).

The choice (3.43) for the storage of given patterns is not the only possibleone. By means of more general procedures, for example iterative methods,or by a more sophisticated coding of the patterns, on can store a largernumber of patterns. However, for an estimate of the storage capacity of anetwork, the mere number of patterns that can be stored is not the onlyimportant variable. In addition, one has to consider the information contentper pattern as well as the information contained in the synaptic strengths wij.For a thorough discussion of these interesting questions, the reader is referredto the literature (see Palm 1980, 1981; Amit et al. 1985, 1987; Gardner andDerrida 1988; Buhmann et al. 1989).

The Hopfield model of associative memory is less than optimal in manyrespects. For example, it is ill suited for the storage of correlated patterns.Another problem arises in connection with invariance: the model judgesthe similarity of patterns exclusively according to the number of pixels thatcoincide. Hence, it is unable to recognize the equivalence of patterns thatdiffer only by a simple transformation, such as, by a translation.

Nonetheless, the model is of great conceptual significance, since it constitutesa fully connected neural network for which many questions can be given an

3. Neural Network Models 46

analytical answer. In particular, the Hopfield model initiated the use of manyhighly developed mathematical methods of statistical physics and thus madeimportant new tools available for the field of neural computation. Therefore,it formed the basis for numerous new developments and motivated importantnew questions, and it was thus a forceful stimulus for the major upsurge in“ neural computing” at the beginning of the eighties.

3.9 The Back-Propagation Algorithm

In the Hopfield model, every neuron is connected to every other neuron.Hence, with respect to its connections, the model has no “internal structure”and is “homogeneous.” However, neural networks are usually structured.A structure encountered frequently results from connecting several layers ofneurons in series. The first layer is usually reserved for input patterns. Everyneuron of this layer sends out connections to every neuron of the next layer.This continues until the last layer has been reached, whose activity patternconstitutes the output.

Each individual layer can perform a partial transformation of the activity pat-tern of the preceding layer. For the perceptron — corresponding essentiallyto a single layer — we saw that a serious limitation of the possible trans-formations between input and output occurs. Hence, an important questionconcerns how to overcome the limitations of the perceptron by connectingseveral layers in series and thus concatenating their transformations.

In contrast to the perceptron and to nets of the Hopfield type, a layeredfeed-forward network contains hidden units that are not directly connected toinput or output lines. Therefore, the activity state of these neurons cannot beaffected directly by the “outside world,” but can only be influenced indirectlythrough the internal circuitry of the network. The perceptron convergencetheorem described in Section 3.2 guarantees that the weights of a networkwith a single layer of units can be trained with a finite number of adaptationsteps. However, this theorem cannot be generalized to feed-forward networkswith hidden units. Because the hidden units are only indirectly affectedby input signals, the following problem arises: if the given task has beenperformed badly, it is not clear which of the weights are responsible for thebad result and how they have to be changed. This problem is known as thecredit assignment problem and was one of the reasons which led to the demise

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of the perceptron and its multilayer successors in the 1960s. The back-propa-gation algorithm ( Werbos 1974; Rumelhart, Hinton and Williams 1986) isan interesting approach to solve this problem. We describe this procedurefor a network which consists of three layers: an input layer, a “hidden layer,”and an output layer, as shown schematically in Fig. 3.9.

Abb. 3.9: Three-layer neural net. Each layer sends connections to the layer justabove it. The input pattern is applied to the neurons of the bottom layer, whilethe neuron activities of the top layer constitute the output pattern.

We designate neurons of the output layer, the hidden layer, and the inputlayer by denoting indices i, j and k, respectively. In contrast to the earliermodels, here each neuron has a continuous output activity between zero andone. The activity sj of a neuron j of the hidden layer is given by

sj = σ



). (3.46)

Here, sk are the activities of the neurons k in the input layer, i.e., we identifysk with the components xk of the input vector. σ(x) is a sigmoid func-tion, i.e., σ(x) is nonnegative, everywhere monotonically increasing, andapproaches the asymptotic saturation values zero or one, respectively forx→ ±∞. σ(x) describes the response of a neuron to a total synaptic inputx. A frequent choice for σ(x) is the “ Fermi function”

σ(x) =1

1 + exp(−x)(3.47)

presented in Fig. 3.10.

3. Neural Network Models 48

Abb. 3.10: Graph of the Fermi function σ(x) = (1+exp(x))−1, a typical choicefor the response function σ of a neuron

The activities of the neurons of the output layer are

si = σ



, (3.48)

and provide the output values yi ≡ si. According to (3.46) and (3.48),for each input pattern x an output pattern y is assigned. This assignmentdepends on the values of the synaptic strengths wij from the hidden layerto the output layer and on the synaptic strengths wjk from the input layerto the hidden layer. 2Equations (3.46) and (3.49) do not contain explicit“excitation thresholds”. These can be taken into account in the form ofsynaptic strengths wi0 and wj0 by taking for each layer s0 = −1.

We now seek wij and wjk such that the network maps some given number ofinput patterns xν onto given output patterns yν , ν = 1, 2, . . . , p. A measureof how well the network performs this task is the sum of the squared errorsover all training pairs (xν ,yν)

E =1




(yνi − si(xν))2 . (3.49)

For a set of given, fixed training pairs, E is a function of all the synapticstrengths wij and wjk. Here, the wij and wjk are optimally chosen if the errorE is minimized. The determination of appropriate synaptic strengths is henceequivalent to the problem of minimizing the function E. The gradient de-scent procedure offers the simplest way of doing this. The back-propagation

2 †

3. Neural Network Models 49

algorithm is a parallelized computational scheme for carrying out an approx-imate gradient descent for E.

To do this, all of the wij and wjk are modified iteratively according to wnewab =woldab + ∆wab where

∆wab = −α · ∂E∂wab

. (3.50)

For sufficiently small α > 0, one will then move along the direction of steepestdescent of E. The change of E during such an iteration step is approximately

∆E =∑ab


∂wab∆wab = −α





≤ 0. (3.51)

The derivatives ∂E/∂wab are obtained using the chain rule. For the connec-tions wij between the hidden layer and the output layer we have


∂wij= −


(yνi − si(xν)) · σ′(∑j′wij′sj′) · sj; (3.52)

and for the connections wjk from the input layer to the hidden layer we have


∂wjk= −



(yνi − si(xν)) · σ′(∑j′wij′sj′) · wij ·


= −∑ν


(yνi − si(xν)) · σ′(∑j′wij′sj′) · wij

×σ′(∑k′wjk′sk′) · sk. (3.53)

Both expressions consist of sums over contributions from specified inputtraining pairs (xν ,yν). If α is sufficiently small, it makes little differenceif just one ν-term of (3.52) or (3.53) is taken into account at each iteration(3.50), provided that every term is on the average included equally often.This leads to the update rules

∆wij = α · ενi · sjsi(1− si),∆wjk = α ·


ενi · sksi(1− si) · wij · sj(1− sj) (3.54)

for the wij and wjk connecting hidden and output layer, and connecting inputand hidden layer, respectively. Here, we have defined ενi = yνi − si(x

ν) for

3. Neural Network Models 50

the ith “output error” in the νth input pattern, and we have employed theexpression σ′(x) = σ(x)(1−σ(x)) which is valid for the Fermi function (3.47).

Expressions (3.54) can easily be generalized to the case of more than onehidden layer. In the following, let a and b designate arbitrary neurons of twoconsecutive layers, and let b lie in the layer preceding a. The change ∆wabof the weight wab under an iteration with the specified input training pairν is a summation over contributions Dγi . Each contribution belongs to oneneuron i of the output layer and to a sequence γi of connections leading fromneuron a to neuron i. The summation is to be performed both over all thedifferent sequences of this kind, visiting each layer between a and the outputlayer only once and over all possible choices of the output neuron i, i.e.,

∆wab =∑i


Dγi . (3.55)

Each contribution Dγi consists of a product of factors along the “connectingpath” γi. The individual factors are obtained according to the following rules:

1. For each “visited” neuron n along the path γi, one obtains a factorsn(1− sn), where sn is the activity of neuron n.

2. For each connection between two consecutive neurons n, n′ along thepath γi, one obtains a factor wnn′ .

3. Additionally, one has a factor α · ενi · sb. Here, ενi is the output error ofthe neuron i at the end of the connecting path.

Equations (3.54) allows the following interpretation: for each iteration, atraining pair (xν ,yν) is selected and the activities of the neurons in the inputlayer are set to values xν . On the basis of the resulting neuron activities inthe remaining layers and the error ενi occurring at the output layer, thenetwork carries out a “learning step” such that the output error for patternν is decreased.

The hope is to gradually reduce the error E to zero or at least to negligi-bly small values for all specified input patterns, provided sufficiently manylearning steps are made. However, the problem of local minima can arise. Asa rule, E is an extremely complicated function of all the synaptic strengthswab and, hence, it can have numerous local minima. Depending on the initial

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values specified for the wab, the gradient-descent method always leads to thenearest minimum, independently of how far it lies above the absolute min-imum. Thus, the learning procedure can get “stuck” prematurely althoughthe network has not yet solved the problem. Whether or not a good minimumis attained depends in a generally unpredictable way on the initial values forthe synaptic strengths and on the (generally unknown) form of the “ errorsurface” E. A further difficulty is caused by parameter regions, for which theheight of the error surface hardly varies with wab. There, the gradient is verysmall and, thus, the adaptation steps (3.55) yield negligible changes. Thisdifficulty is the price for a completely “general” learning algorithm, which issupposed to solve a given problem without any a priori information.

In spite of these problems, the back-propagation algorithm represents a sig-nificant step forward. In particular it allows the solution of problems thatcannot be solved with a single-layer perceptron. One problem of this kindthat is frequently considered is the logical “ exclusive-or-gate,” which assignsthe output value 1 to an input if and only if one input is equal to 0 and theother is equal to 1.

In the back-propagation algorithm, the solution of such problems becomespossible because, in contrast to the perceptron, the system has access toadditional, “ hidden” neurons. The activity of these neurons provides aninternal representation of the input patterns. By evolving appropriate con-nections wjk, the system can develop internal representations that make theproblem solvable for the following layer. We demonstrate this by means ofa simulation example, the so-called “ encoder problem” ( Rumelhart et al.1986).

We consider a network consisting of three layers. The input and outputlayers each contain N neurons, numbered from one to N . The middle layercontains M < N neurons. The learning task of the network is to respond tothe activation of a single neuron n in the input layer with the activation ofa single neuron n in the output layer, i.e., activation of that neuron whoseindex coincides with the index of the activated input neuron.

If the hidden layer also had N neurons, the solution would be simple and ev-ident: each input neuron would be connected directly via one of the hiddenneurons to “its” output neuron. However, since the layer in between pos-sesses less than N neurons, it constitutes a “bottleneck” for the transfer ofinformation, and the network must find some way of getting the information

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through this bottleneck. One possibility consists in discovering an appropri-ate data coding — hence the name “ encoder problem” — which can makedo with M elements for the representation of the information.

Figure 3.11 shows the result of a computer simulation for a network with N =8 and M = 3 after 10,000 learning steps with a step size of α = 0.25. Theinitial values of all connections were chosen to be pseudo-random numbersin the interval [−2, 2]. Each of the eight specified input patterns xν wasgiven by xνk = 0.1 + 0.8δkν , i.e., the νth neuron received the input 0.9, allothers 0.1. The inputs 0.9 and 0.1 for “active” and “inactive” were used toavoid convergence difficulties, since the Fermi function σ(x) produces binaryoutputs zero and one only for x = ±∞ (this would require infinitely largeweights wab).

Figure 3.11 shows for each of the eight possible input patterns the resultingneuron activities. The bottom row of each picture shows the input layer, themiddle row consists of the three “hidden” neurons, and the upper row showsthe output layer. Each square symbol stands for one neuron, whose activityis indicated by the size of the square.

One sees that the network has solved the problem successfully. A look at theactivity patterns of the middle layer reveals the solution strategy developedby the network. The neurons of this layer have organized their connectionsin such a way as to assign to each of the eight input patterns a 3-bit binarycode, thus enabling the transfer of the required information through the“bottleneck.”

This example shows how a network can “discover” interesting internal datarepresentations, in this case the binary code. This is relevant to a key ques-tion of neural computing: What internal data representations are requiredin order to solve a given problem by means of a massively parallel network?With the back-propagation algorithm one has a method to construct net-works performing some desired task. One then can analyze the structureof the networks thus obtained in order to gain new insights how parallelnetworks can solve various computational tasks. This approach, occasion-ally termed “neurophysiology in the computer,” may also help to interpreteneurophysiological findings about “real” neural networks and to guide newexperiments. For instance, interesting parallels have been noted between theresponse of “neurons” in the computer and neurons in biological networks (Sejnowski and Rosenberg 1987; Zipser and Andersen 1988).

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Abb. 3.11: Internal data coding found by the back-propagation algorithm forthe “encoder problem.” In each picture, one of the eight lower input neurons isactivated. The task of the network is the activation of the corresponding outputneuron in the upper layer. The input neurons cannot reach the output neuronsdirectly, but only by imposing an “intermediate coding pattern” on the threeneurons of the middle layer. From their activities it is evident that the networkfigurehas “discovered” in essence a binary coding of the eight input patterns.

3.10 Self-Organizing Maps

In all of the previous models, a key role was played by the connections be-tween neurons. In the Hopfield model, every neuron was connected to every

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other one, and the only (but, from a biological point of view rather restric-tive) constraint was the symmetry wij = wji. The feed-forward nets of theprevious chapter were already organized into a number of layers connected ina fixed order. However, thus far the location of each neuron within a layer hasplayed no role for the outgoing or incoming connections. This was a directconsequence of connecting every neuron of one layer to every neuron of thesubsequent layer. With self-organizing maps, one deals with models in whichthe ordering of the neurons, i.e., within a layer structure, plays an importantrole. One is concerned with the question of how the neurons should orga-nize their connectivity in order to optimize the spatial distribution of theirresponses within the layer. Here, the purpose of the optimization is to con-vert the similarity of signals into proximity of excited neurons. Neurons withsimilar tasks can thus communicate over especially short connection paths.This is a very important property for a massively parallel system. A fur-ther consequence of such optimization is the formation of topographic mapsof the input signals, in which the most important similarity relationshipsamong the input signals are converted into spatial relationships among theresponding neurons. This conversion can be viewed as a process of abstrac-tion, suppressing trivial details and mapping the most important propertiesor features along the dimensions of the map; this is once again relevant tothe important problem of the construction of internal data representations.An important special case of such maps is the occurrence of topographicallyorganized projections from a receptor layer to a layer of sensory neurons. Thiscorresponds to the occurrence of simple maps, representing on the neuronlayer a (distorted) image of the receptor layer. A theory of the formationof such projections on the basis of synaptic plasticity was suggested by vonder Malsburg and Willshaw (Willshaw and von der Malsburg 1976; von derMalsburg and Willshaw 1977). These authors consider a neural layer A,from which output nerve fibers are supposed to grow into a second layer Bsuch that the neighborhood relationships in A are preserved under this “projection.” To this end they postulate in layer A the presence of at leasttwo different “ marker substances” i = 1, 2, . . . , with concentration gradientssuch that their local concentrations ci(r) uniquely determine the position reverywhere in A. The nerve fibers leaving r are assumed to transport thesemarker substances in a mixing ratio characteristic of their origin r and togive them off at all points in B with which they make synaptic contact. Inthis way, position-dependent concentrations c′i(r

′) of the marker substancesare formed in B as well. The evolution of the strength of each synapse in

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B is then determined by two competing contributions. One contribution isa decay term driving the strength of a synapse slowly to zero. The otheris a growth term. The better the agreement between the mixing ratios ofthe marker substances present at the position of the synapse in B and themixing ratio of the markers given off by the synapse itself, the larger is thisgrowth term. This favors establishment of neighboring synaptic contactsin B for nerve fibers that originate from neighboring positions in A and, asdemonstrated by von der Malsburg and Willshaw, leads to the formation of atopographically ordered projection between A and B. By means of computersimulations, von der Malsburg and Willshaw were able to demonstrate a goodagreement between the properties of this model and experimentally knownfindings. In a series of papers, this model was elaborated further in variousdirections, and new variations were proposed that were capable of explainingadditional details, such as the formation of cortical microcolumns ( Takeuchiand Amari 1979).These models often endeavored to be more or less faithful to biological details.A more abstract, and at the same time more general, approach was subse-quently suggested by Kohonen (1982a) for the formation of self-organizingsensory maps. We will discuss his model for the formation of such maps inmore detail in the subsequent chapters of this book. The Kohonen mapsoffer a very good point of departure for presenting how a multitude of dataprocessing problems can be solved by means of a small number of powerfulbasic principles. At the same time, the simplifications and computationalsavings due to abstraction from biological details not only allow computersimulations of interesting applications, but also are suited for a far-reachingmathematical analysis.
