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3. Notch Signalling

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  • Notch :


    1. Notch

    2. Notch

    Notch NICD

    3. Notch Notch

    4. Notch Notch


    5. Notch - - , , Notch - Notch


  • 52

    1. Notch

    Notch , . otch , . otch , . , otch , "" .

    , , notch .

    otch 90 Drosophila (notch = ) , (Dexter, 1914). otch Drosophila Poulson (1937), o Notch , . 1985, Notch (Warton et al, 1985).

    3.1 . (delta) otch . otch, , otch ( delta) .

    Notch-like :

    Caenorhabditis elegans ( LIN-12 GLP-1), , (Notch 1-4).

  • 53

    otch 300 kDa . otch , -.

    36 - EGF (epidermal growth factor) 3 (LNR). RAM , CSL . (TAD: transcriptional activator domain), otch (nls: nuclear localization sequences) PEST ( , , , ), (. 3.2).

    3.2 Notch. otch 36

    EGF 3 (LNR). otch RAM, 6 , TAD (transcriptional activator domain), nls (nuclear localization sequences) PEST ( , , , ).

    , Notch

    otch , O-- (O-Fut), Golgi. Golgi furin-like -Fut, 1 , (, Fringe) . ( ).

    Notch 3 . . 3 (Itch, NEDD4, Su(dx) Deltex), Notch Notch , , . tch , GTP Rab. Notch ( ).

  • 54



    3.3 ,

    Notch. otch , O-- (O-Fut), Golgi. Golgi furin-like -Fut (, Fringe) . ( 3 ) Noptch 3 (Itch, NEDD4, Su(dx) Deltex), , , , . Sarah Bray, Notch signaling: a simple pathway becomes complex, Molecular Cell Biology, 2006, 7, 678-689.


    otch. ( ) otch Drosophila , Delta

    Serrate, Caenorhabditis Lag-2 Delta 1 2 Jagged 1 2. DSL Ligand (Delta-Serrate-LAG). .

    3.4 Notch Delta , . , Notch .

  • 55

    (effector) otch Suppressor f Hairless [Su(H)] Drosophila, CBF Lag-1o Caenorhabditis. CSL effector (CBF-Su(H)-Lag). [E(spl)], HES.


    DSL ligand Notch Receptor CSL effector Caenorhabditis elegans

    Drosophila melanogaster


    Lag-2, -1, ARG-1, DSL1

    Delta, Serrate Delta1-4, Serrate, Jagged 1,2

    LIN-12, GLP-1


    Notch 1-4





    : otch . , Notch Su(H). Su(H) E(spl) , HES, Helix-Loop-Helix (. 3.5). S , .



    3.5 otch , Notch (CD) Su(H), HES, Helix-Loop-Helix (bHLH). S 2.

  • 56

    Notch -

    otch, ( Delta-Serrate-Lag).

    otch/ EGF otch EGF .

    3.6 Notch Delta Serrate,

    Drosophila. Blair Seth, Notch signaling: Fringe really is a glycosyltransferase, Current Biology, 2002, 10: R608-R612.

    : . cis , otch . , Golgi, , . , - Delta Serrate, ( . ) ( . otch).

    , Notch (.. CADASIL, Alagille), .

    : Neuralized (Neur) Mind bomb (Mib), Notch, , , . Neur Mib , . Neur Drosophila . :

  • 57

    3.8 Notch . Notch, NICD (Notch intracellular domain) . Kimble J., et al, Notch/LIN-12 signaling: transduction by regulated protein slicing, Trends in Biol. Sci., 1998, 23, 353-357.


    , - .

    3.7 . 3 Neuralized (Neur) Mind bomb (Mib) Notch. Neur Mib, . Neur ib Epsin- . Sarah Bray, Notch signaling: a simple pathway becomes complex, Molecular Cell Biology, 2006, 7, 678-689.


    Notch , . (DSL). Notch, otch . Notch, .


    To otch


  • 58

    Notch , S1, S2, S3. S1

    Golgi furin-like . , . otch .

    S2 . , ADAM-10 Kuzbanian ADAM-17 TACE (TNF--converting enzyme), S1 , Notch, . Notch NEXT.

    S3 , -, ( 1-2), Pen2, Aph1 . S3 otch NICD (tch intracellular domain), . NICD , DNA , NLS (nuclear localization signal). S3 Notch, S3 .

    -: ADAM -



    3.9 otch. otch , Golgi, (TMIC

    ECN) (S1 ). , otch , ADAM-10 ADAM-17 (S2 ), NEXT. S3 , , -, ( 1-2), Pen2, Aph1 . otch NICD, . Mumm J.S. and Kopan R. Notch signaling, From the outside in, Devel. Biol., 2000, 228, 151-165.

  • 59

    3.10 Notch .

    , otch , ADAM-10 CE (S2 ). S3 , -,. otch, Nicd, . Sarah Bray, Notch signaling: a simple pathway becomes complex, Molecular Cell Biology, 2006, 7, 678-689.


    NICD, NLS (nuclear localizing signals) . , DNA, CSL (CBF1, Su(H) Lag1), , -, . - , SMRT, SHARP ( MINT S) CtBP, Drosophila Hairless, CtBP Groucho (Gro). SKIP (Ski-interacting protein). - (DACs), . COREPRESSOR COMPLEX .


  • 60


    (CBF1, Su(H), Lag1)




    HAs: ,

    3.11 otch , -. Sarah Bray, Notch signaling: a simple pathway becomes complex, Molecular Cell Biology, 2006, 7, 678-689.

  • 61

    3. Ntch

    Notch . otch , . , , , . (NICD) , , , .

    ( ), NICD, , . , 3 NICD. NICD, , , . Notch ( 3.12). , -, 3 .

    3.12 .

    , 1 (ubiquitin-activating ), 2 (ubiquitin-conjugating ). , 3 (), (NICD). , . : Lubert Stryer et al., Biochemistry.

    3 NICD ( Sel 10, Itch, suppressor of deltex) tch (eur, Mind bomb) Notch (LNX). 3 ( HECT, F-box RING), ( Itch 3 , Sel 10 ) ( 3.13).

  • 62

    1. Sel 10 Sel 10 Caenorhabditis elegans, Notch. , F-box WD-40. F-box , PEST NICD, . NICD.

    2. Suppressor of deltex Itch: Notch Suppressor of deltex Drosophila melanogaster. , Deltex ( Notch). , Suppressor of deltex WW NICD, . Notch. Suppressor of deltex, , Itch. . Itch JNK1.

    3. LNX LNX 3 Numb, . Numb Notch, . LNX Notch, Numb.

    3.13 , 3 , Notch. - - (NICD) 3 . : Eric C. Lai, Current Biology, 2002, 12, R74-R78.

    3.14 Drosophila. () Drosophila, , () , Suppressor of Deltex. Bernd J., and Preiss A., Mechanisms of Development, 2002, 115, 3-14.

  • 63

    4. euralized euralized (neur) Drosophila, , , . NHR (neuralized homology repeat) RING (Really Interesting New Genes), 3 . eur Notch, , . , NICD, , Notch, .

    Notch Notch Fringe. , Scabrous, .

    Notch EGF, . - (-Fut) 1 . -Fut Notch. O-Fut , - Notch . -Fut , Notch .

    1 , . Fringe.

    3.15 3 Notch. sel-10 NICD. Su(dx)/Itch: suppressor of deltex Itch NICD, . eur Notch, , . LNX Numb, Notch. : Eric C. Lai, Current Biology, 2002, 12, R74-R78.

  • 64

    1. Fringe Fringe Drosophila (fringe=) , . -, trans-Golgi - EGF-like 22 36 Notch, trans-Golgi. tch , Fringe Notch : , Fringe Notch Serrate, ( Delta). Fringe (boundary formation), , Drosophila. , Drosophila, , ( 3.16).

    Fringe Serrate Delta . , Fringe otch Serrate, . , Notch . , , Fringe otch, Delta . . Serrate . Delta . 3.16 () Drosophila.

    (dorsal) , (ventral) (margin) . () Drosophila: Fringe Drsophila , .

  • 65

    Boundary formation 3.17 , .

    () Notch Delta , Notch Serrate , . , Serrate Fringe, Notch . : M.Baron et al., Molecular Membrane Biology, 2002, 19, 27-38. () Fringe Serrate , Delta , Notch . Fringe. : Seth S. Blair, Current Biology, 2000, 10, R608-R612.

    2. Scabrous

    Scabrus Notch, . Notch. Scabrous Notch (SOPs). Scabrous, Notch, . , , Scabrous, Notch , ( : lateral inhibition).

    Lateral inhibition

    Scabrus Notch Fringe, Notch .

    3.18 Scabrous SOPs Notch signaling SOPs, Scabrous, Notch (). , Scabrous, () Notch .

  • 66

    3.19 NOTCH (a) otch S1

    Golgi. otch Delta. Notch Delta. , 3 neuralized. (b) S2 ADAM Kuzbanian. (c) S3 Notch -, . NIC . (d) , NIC Su(H)/CBF1, NIC , , NIC , . (e) NIC sel-10, . (f) otch , 3 , Su(dx)/Itch. (g) notch cis- notch, . (h, i) Kuzbanian Neuralized: (h) Kuzbanian (i) euralized , cis- otch. Baron ., Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology, 2003, 14, 113-119

  • 67


    otch . - , Notch ..., , , , , Drosophila .

    notch . ( ) . Notch ; - otch, , .

    4. Notch

    Notch , Notch 1.


    otch 9 , , IC Notch . , o Tanigaki et al (2001) , Notch ( 2).

    , Notch , CSL DNA HES (Hairy/Enhancer of Split genes), MASH . , MASH , . , () MASH, . , , . 1 : , . . . 2 : , . , . . 2 : , , .

  • 68

    3.20 otch (NICD) , . , (Ngn) . Lundkvist J. and Lendahl U., Notch and the birth of glial cells, Trends in Neurochem. Sci., 2001, 24, 492-494.


    (cortical ventricular zone, VZ) . , .19, . , , P9 , P21.

    , , (radial glia), (VZ) ( 3.18 3.19). Notch . , . , . , . Notch, , .

    , Notch - , .

  • 69

    3.22 (VZ) , . : . (), . : Eric R.Kandel et al. .

    3.21 . . ) (EARLY), . (stem cell) Notch, (radial glia), (cortical plate). ) (LATE), , notch , Notch signaling , . : Nicholas J.Justice Yuh Nung Jan, Current opinion in Neurobiology, 2002.

    . .

  • 70

    5. Notch - - , ,

    . O (, , , , , ). :

    , .

    , .

    ( ), , . , .


    - Notch ,

    , ( 3.20).






    3.23 Notch, .

  • 71


    Notch , , - Notch. Notch-1 (NICD) ( CD4+, CD8+) - , , -. , Notch-1 , - CD44+, CD25-, CD4-, CD8-) - .

    , Notch-1 -, - .

    Notch -

    Notch, , , .

    ( , , , ), (, , ) , .

    ( ) ( 3.21). 90% , . .

    3.24 ) . ) . ( , , , ), . () , .

  • 72

    - . , (CD45RO, CD45RA, CD3, CD2, TCR), - ( 3.22).

    3.25 . TCR: ( ), -. CD4: - . CD8: - . Roitt et al., , . 18, 2000.

    (DN1, DN2, DN3, DN4,

    DP) (SP). DN1, -, -

    . , . DN2-4 - (TCR: T cell receptor). , TcR. - , -. , TcR ( 1% - TCR). TcR , TcR . - -. , .

    3.26 TcR(-

    ) - (MHC, Classe I/II). ,,, - CD4/8, MHC.

  • 73

    DP, ( 99% -) CD4 CD8. , . , , TcR, CD4 CD8 MHC- . MHC- . ,

    (CD4 CD8) . , TcR//MHC-. , cR , , MHC-, CD4 (- ). , TcR MHC-, CD8 (- ).

    3.27 - (H helper) - (C cytotoxic) .


    - , - - , CD4+ CD8+ .

    Notch-1+/- TcR- Notch-1+/+, Notch TcR . , -TcR Notch-1 -, TcR Notch-1, -.

  • 74

    Notch TcR- CD8+ CD4+. , Notch, (- CD4+ - CD8+). Notch -.


    Notch . : Izon Dj, Punt JA, Pear WS Deciphering the role of Notch Signalling in Lymphopoiesis, Current Opinion Immunology, 2002, 14:192-1999.


    Notch , Lunatic Fringe, Deltex Numb.

    Lunatic Fringe EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor)-like Notch, Serrate. , Notch , . , Notch (Delta 1, 2 Jagged 1, 2).

    TCR+ Notch 1+

    TCR+CD4+ CD8-

    TCR+CD4- CD8+



    - -

    Notch 1+

  • 75

    Deltex Notch, CSL. CSL- Notch.

    Numb , Notch. , Numb Notch . , Lunatic Fringe, Deltex Numb .

    3.29 Notch , Lunatic Fringe, Deltex Numb. : Izon Dj, et al. Deltex1 directs lymphoid progenitors to B cell lineage by antagonizing Notch1, Immunity, 2002, 16: 231-243, ..

    3.30 Notch Lunatic Fringe, Deltex Numb.

    , Notch, . , , Notch .

    -Fringe, -Numb

    -Deltex Notch

    + Fringe + Numb

    + Deltex Notch

  • 76

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