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3 pm3 t_4%20-%20schedule%20development

Date post: 16-Apr-2017
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1 3PM3_T_B – Planning Time Inspect work Start: 4/13/ ID: 2 Finish: 4/17/ Dur: 3 days Res: Phone customs Start: 4/16/ ID: 4 Finish: 4/16/ Dur: 1 day Res: Prepare shipping paperw Start: 4/16/ ID: 3 Finish: 4/17/ Dur: 2 days Res: Ship Start: 4/18/ ID: 5 Finish: 4/18/ Dur: 1 day? Res: Complete work Start: 4/9/0 ID: 1 Finish: 4/12/ Dur: 4 days Res: ID Task Name Duratio 1 Toronto Nuclear Power Plant Design 890 day 2 Phase 1: Site Selection 110 day 3 Environmental Assessment 30 days 4 Hydrological Surveys 1 mon 5 Review of impacts to wildl 2 wks 6 Rough thermal emission ana 1.5 mon 7 Political Consultation 100 day 8 Obtain federal development 1 mon 9 Meetings with regulatory b 2 mon 10 Consultation with local re 2 mon 11 Geological Survey 60 days 12 RFP for survey firm 3 wks 13 Bid process and selection 6 wks 14 Review of candidate areas 3 wks 15 Power Transmission Assessment 110 day 16 Review of usage 2 wks 17 Model for future demand 9 wks 18 Trade studies for potentia 8 wks 19 Final report and review 3 wks 20 Phase 2: Reactor Preliminary De 140 day 21 Selection of Reactor Type 4 mon 22 Rough Reactor Sizing 5 mon 23 Selection of Prime Subcontrac 3 mon 24 Phase 3: Reactor Detailed Desig 8 mon 25 Phase 4: Construction 18 mon 26 Phase 5: Commissioning 6 mon Qtr 4 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Activity List Resource Plan Finish-to-Start39 D ata M anagem ent 2h 1d Subm itthrough D ata M anagem ent 40 Finish-to-Start38 ProjectManager 3h 1d ProjectM anagerR eview 39 Finish-to-Start37 M echanical Engineering 8h 2d C heck R eport 38 Finish-to-Start36 Engineering Publications 45h 2w Prepare R eport 37 Finish-to-Start35 TestEngineering 2h 1d Provide D ata Package to Publications 36 Finish-to-StartTestCompletion TestEngineering 9h 3d C ollate TestR esults 35 LogicalD ependency R esource C ost D uration D escription Q ualification TestR eport BCA Finish-to-Start39 D ata M anagem ent 2h 1d Subm itthrough D ata M anagem ent 40 Finish-to-Start38 ProjectManager 3h 1d ProjectM anagerR eview 39 Finish-to-Start37 M echanical Engineering 8h 2d C heck R eport 38 Finish-to-Start36 Engineering Publications 45h 2w Prepare R eport 37 Finish-to-Start35 TestEngineering 2h 1d Provide D ata Package to Publications 36 Finish-to-StartTestCompletion TestEngineering 9h 3d C ollate TestR esults 35 LogicalD ependency R esource C ost D uration D escription A ctivities Q ualification TestR eport BCA W ork Package: Network Diagram Integrated Schedule Finish-to-Start39 D ata M anagem ent 2h Subm itthrough Data M anagem ent 40 Finish-to-Start38 ProjectM anager 3h ProjectM anagerR eview 39 Finish-to-Start37 M echanical Engineering 8h C heck R eport 38 Finish-to-Start36 Engineering Publications 45h Prepare R eport 37 Finish-to-Start35 TestEngineering 2h Provide D ata Package to Publications 36 Finish-to-StartTestC om pletion TestEngineering 9h Collate TestResults 35 LogicalD ependency R esource C ost D escription Qualification TestR eport BCA Finish-to-Start39 D ata M anagem ent 2h 1d Subm itthrough Data M anagem ent 40 Finish-to-Start38 ProjectM anager 3h 1d ProjectM anagerR eview 39 Finish-to-Start37 M echanical Engineering 8h 2d C heck R eport 38 Finish-to-Start36 Engineering Publications 45h 2w Prepare R eport 37 Finish-to-Start35 TestEngineering 2h 1d Provide D ata Package to Publications 36 Finish-to-StartTestC om pletion TestEngineering 9h 3d Collate TestResults 35 LogicalD ependency R esource C ost D uration D escription A ctivities Qualification TestR eport BCA W ork Package: Duration Estimate Activity Definition Activity sequencing Activity Resource Estimating Activity Duration Estimating Schedule Development

Slide 1

Activity List

Resource Plan

Network Diagram

Integrated Schedule

Duration Estimate

Activity DefinitionActivity sequencingActivity ResourceEstimatingActivity Duration EstimatingScheduleDevelopment

#3PM3_T_B Planning TimeMaking a Schedule that WorksIdentify schedule problemsIncorrect activity definition: work packages vs activitiesIncorrect sequencing: Unhealthy networksOver-allocated resources: resource levellingMaking the schedule usefulJust in time scheduling: The Rolling WaveGetting done on timeMaking status visible: Reports and MilestonesThe final product is the Time Management Plan called the Integrated Schedule

#3PM3_T_B Planning TimeActivities vs. Work Packages

Activities describe the processes performed to complete all the work in the Work Package

#3PM3_T_B Planning TimeActivities vs Work PackagesExample:Work Package = Qualification Test ReportActivities:Collate Test ResultsProvide Data Package to PublicationsPrepare ReportCheck ReportProject Manager ReviewSubmit through Data Management

#3PM3_T_B Planning TimeThe reality checkOnce the links are entered, they should form a complete networkEverything ties in to somethingAs much as possible, all the loose ends tie back together at the end

#3PM3_T_B Planning TimeResource LevellingWhen the ideal schedule is viewed to check the resource usage, many resources maybe overutilizedExample:If you have only one carpenter, you cant have Saw table legs happen at the same time as Assemble chair backThis is usually showed via a histogram that plots resource demand over time vs. the defined team size

#3PM3_T_B Planning TimeOptions for dealing for overutilized resourcesNegotiate increased resources with functional managerIncrease productivity through overtime, or procurement of enabling technology Consider options for work re-allocation:OutsourcingWork segmentation to allow partial performance by another under-utilized function (eg. Getting an Admin Assistant to perform clerical tasks of writing a technical report)Resource levelling = re-arranging existing program resources and task sequence to minimize impacts to the critical path delay non-critical tasks with conflicting resources

#3PM3_T_B Planning TimeRolling Wave Schedule DefinitionSome projects can be scheduled in detail at the beginning:Repeat of previous projects (eg. Building a house)Technology well understood, with little chance for environmental impact (eg. Database design)For many projects, however, only near term tasks are scheduled in detail:Technology not well developed or developed during project (eg.cold fusion reactor)Project involves significant trade studies or selection of alternative approaches (eg. Project to develop corporate network Client/server vs. stand-alone? Mac vs. PC? Wireless vs broadband?) Project is lengthy and act of activity definition is a significant cost driverLatter using Rolling Wave scheduling

#3PM3_T_B Planning TimeRolling Wave Definition

Near term/known events scheduled and resource loaded in detail to activity levelLonger term activities scheduled at increasingly reduced levels of detailDepending on risk reduction philosophy, these may either have no budget/ resources allocated, or may be lumped as Planning Packages

#3PM3_T_B Planning TimeTechniques for Shortening a Project ScheduleFocus on the Critical PathCrashing: shortening the calendar duration of a taskApply more resourcesApply overtimeIntroduce enabling technologies, eg. Automationre-design the work (eg. Current process requires 4 approvals change process to require 2)Fast tracking: doing tasks - normally done in sequence - in parallelEg. you eat breakfast, then drive to work eat breakfast while drivingEg. Test product, then ship it perform minimum/safety-critical tests and ship while completing remainderRemember the Constraint Triangle, any schedule reduction means:Cost, scope or quality trade-offRisk impact especially when fast-tracking

#3PM3_T_B Planning TimeShortening Project SchedulesOverlappedtasksShorteneddurationOriginal schedule

CrashingFast tracking

#3PM3_T_B Planning TimeMilestonesMilestones = zero duration tasks inserted into the schedule to provide visibility to key datesMay be mandated by contract or management, at PM discretion or bothLocation:Milestone section at the top of the projectProvides immediate summary of program goals and statusEasy access for changing and What-if analysesEmbedded in the related task path if needed to clarify inputs critical to that pathDefinition methods:Hard dates: Typed in as a dateno driving dependenciesUsed to flow information into the scheduleStatus Dates:Hooked on to the end of a task network leading up to the state to be trackedUsed to flow information out of the schedule

#3PM3_T_B Planning TimeApplication of MilestonesFlow down key commitments from the contract/program plan (eg. First shipment; inputs to customer activities)Hard dates in the milestone sectionFlow up estimated completion dates (eg. Design complete; Foundation complete)Status dates usually embedded in schedule Indicate external inputs to the program from other schedules or program entities (eg. Parts available from supplier; test equipment available in shared facility)Hard dates embedded or at the topMeasurement of performance discussed in integration sectionEstimated vs committedBurndownEarned Value recognitionContractual basis for invoicing progress paymentsUsually attached to the key commitments

#3PM3_T_B Planning TimeSchedule Reportsthe schedule is actually a database that integrates task cost, time and logic often called: integrated scheduleIntegrated master scheduleCost/budgetCan be used to generate various views and reports:WBS (sometimes)Network diagram (PERT chart)Schedule (GANTT chart)Resource/cost profiles

#3PM3_T_B Planning TimeSheet1Work PackageActivityLowest level of WBS - element of scopeLowest element of workRequirement: determined by requirements managementImplementation: determined by planningCharacteristics:- a product, service or resultCharacteristics:- duration- cost- resourcesflowdown relationship to requirementslogical relationships to other tasksWhatWhen, How, WhoA deliverable (noun)An action = noun+verb


