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3 Top Reasons CRM Goes Mobile

Date post: 22-Jan-2017
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3 TOP REASONS CRM GOES MOBILE “This is all coming together in a very awesome way. I believe this should be the “next big thing” in CRM. Danyel Benoit, CEO & President, iMachines Group in CRM Mobile CRM has changed how companies do business
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“This is all coming together in a very awesome way. I believe this should be the “next big thing” in CRM. Danyel Benoit, CEO & President, iMachines Group in CRM

Mobile CRM has changed how companies do business

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When everything around us is becoming more and more mobile, companies are discovering that perhaps the best way to maintain a good relationship with their customer, become more creative and also increase the business is by making the CRM available for complete out-of-the-o�ce-usability and also putting the CRM in the hands of employees and partners outside your sales department.

When everyone is working more closely-knit, together, without having to extend their workload, the machinery of a company runs smoother, more in balance and towards the same goal; to grow!

The end result of implementing a truly mobile CRM is a changed and improved business, most often in ways that may not have been considered or foreseen.

We’re not living in the 1990s anymore; there’s no reason why your business should have to be centred around a stationary, o�ce-based computer system, or even the o�ce as a working environment, as actually still is in many cases.

With the rise of mobile computing, smart devices, and cloud-based data networks, businesses are discovering that, anything possibly done digitally in the o�ce can now be accomplished—even easier—while on the go. All thanks to mobile innovation. And while these new advances may make it easier for everyone in a com-pany—from the CEO all the way down to the unpaid intern—to do their jobs more e�ciently, there is no one who will be as greatly a�ected as outside sales reps. (Marketing People, Consultants and Field Service will also be a�ected by mobile CRM since they can start helping sales by generating leads and e�ciently helping sales during the sales process IF, they too start using the mobile CRM.)

Think about it. Today outside sales reps spend most of their workday selling remotely. Which means as those reps have the need of sales information, specialized tools, contact data, etc., they have to either retreat back to their home base, or they need to rely on mobile com-puting to ful�l their need. This need becomes especially important when those reps are dealing with customer data.

A CRM enables businesses to keep track of any and all useful information associated with any particular custo-mer while also providing a company-wide, cloud-based network that can be accessed by anyone who has the right level of permission, from anywhere in the world, at any time.

Mobile CRM allows sales reps to take advantage of the entire organization, e�ciency, and accessibility of an easy and quick to update mobile CRM tool while on the go, and as a result, it is greatly changing the business. How? Well, let’s have closer a look:

1. Increased Productivity Through Making Use Of Dead Time Moments

A truly mobile CRM originally and properly designed for mobile devices should only take seconds to update. Success is re�ected by how well the CRM relies on arti�-cial intelligence and the user’s heavily reduced need for typing inside the system. If done correctly, this enables you to update your truly mobile CRM in only seconds, instead of the minutes or hours it takes to update a traditional CRM. Just to �re up a PC may even take seve-ral minutes when a mobile device is always at hand and up and running. As it takes seconds to update your truly mobile CRM you can utilize all those dead time momen-ts that occur during a work day; that 1 minute while taking a break in the meeting, those 5 minutes while waiting for the subway or those 10 minutes while having a cup of co�ee etc. Examples are many yet the point remains intact; you can and for your own bene�t will, use these moments. You will even be reminded and guided by your truly mobile CRM regarding time management, thus save enormous amounts of valuable time. Each dead time moment revived using your truly mobile CRM adds up to reduced sales admi-nistration by up to 88 %. More speci�cally that is almost 500 work hours a year per sales rep. Imagine if you could spend 500 hours on your customers instead of doing administrative work, would your business be more likely to grow?

"Be mobile, be creative, become successful!"

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2. More control through continuous real-time upda-tes

When speaking of being productive, control and decision-making are key factors to see the success you desire and deserve. Many CEOs, Sales Directors and Management Groups are running their business by looking in the rear view mirror. They go through num-bers and stats on a weekly basis or sometimes as seldom as a monthly basis. During that time things might (or will) change in their business. A lot of Mana-gers want to see detailed forecasts, performance and activity reports. Traditional web based CRMs have to a great extent focused on supplying management with exactly just that. Something important has been missing though. You can always discuss how easy to understand and maintain these reports are, however, let’s focus on the real issue here.

It doesn’t matter how great the reports are designed if the input data is

1. Updated less than every day (look ahead while driving, not in the rare view mirror) 2. Inaccurate

Try following a route to a never before visited destina-tion if you only can see you exact position on the map once a week and only one week in retrospect. Care to compare this situation to your experience in most tradi-tional CRM? Luckily truly mobile CRM take full advanta-ge of your mobile device, like your GPS, so you can follow the performance of your business “on the map” in real-time.

Almost all companies worldwide have tried to keep their CRMs up to date on a daily basis and almost all of them have failed. If you fall into the above-mentioned category, don’t blame your self, here are the real reasons of anyone failing at this:

1. A web-based CRM is a stationary tool built for stationary deskwork. That doesn’t align well with how most sales reps work.2. Since these web-based CRMs are designed for the business and management, Sales reps don’t see the value for themselves and find the web-based systems hard to use. This equals inaccurate and irregular CRM updates.

With an intelligent, truly mobile CRM asking the Sales rep questions when they hang up the phone or leave the appointment, a CRM easy to use and taking seconds to update, that is helping the sales rep to focus on, and give the sales rep recommended tasks or even help the sales rep understand what it takes to reach the targets. If having just that the CEO, Sales Director and other people in management positions will get the news of their company not only on a daily basis, they will get it in real-time. The data will also be more accurate since we tend to forget 50 % yesterday’s events. These are all reasons why a truly mobile CRM will help management get more in-control and also be able to focus on more strategic questions like how to grow their business rather than to focus on data quality, who added the data and as a result of that spending countless of hours generating their own excel reports outside the CRM. Wasting time is most often something business people avoid…

3. More Engaged Sales Teams through mobile colla-boration

History has clearly shown that employee-satisfaction and commitment is a big determiner of company success. Modern Sales becomes more and more about teamwork and collaboration. The days when a sales rep took care of every step in the sales process alone are more and more rare. In general we are increasingly dependent on specialists, thus closing more business is often a matter of compiling the right team for the right opportunity. Therefore, utilizing di�erent skills and behaviour (e.g. DISC) in di�erent steps of the sales process is vital to maximise your chance to win the opportunity. All this requires good support for collabo-ration, especially when working outside of the o�ce, as many are. If you are a geographically spread organisa-tion you will de�nitely have the need to collaborate more digitally.

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When everything around us is becoming more and more mobile, companies are discovering that perhaps the best way to maintain a good relationship with their customer, become more creative and also increase the business is by making the CRM available for complete out-of-the-o�ce-usability and also putting the CRM in the hands of employees and partners outside your sales department.

When everyone is working more closely-knit, together, without having to extend their workload, the machinery of a company runs smoother, more in balance and towards the same goal; to grow!

The end result of implementing a truly mobile CRM is a changed and improved business, most often in ways that may not have been considered or foreseen.

We’re not living in the 1990s anymore; there’s no reason why your business should have to be centred around a stationary, o�ce-based computer system, or even the o�ce as a working environment, as actually still is in many cases.

With the rise of mobile computing, smart devices, and cloud-based data networks, businesses are discovering that, anything possibly done digitally in the o�ce can now be accomplished—even easier—while on the go. All thanks to mobile innovation. And while these new advances may make it easier for everyone in a com-pany—from the CEO all the way down to the unpaid intern—to do their jobs more e�ciently, there is no one who will be as greatly a�ected as outside sales reps. (Marketing People, Consultants and Field Service will also be a�ected by mobile CRM since they can start helping sales by generating leads and e�ciently helping sales during the sales process IF, they too start using the mobile CRM.)

Think about it. Today outside sales reps spend most of their workday selling remotely. Which means as those reps have the need of sales information, specialized tools, contact data, etc., they have to either retreat back to their home base, or they need to rely on mobile com-puting to ful�l their need. This need becomes especially important when those reps are dealing with customer data.

A CRM enables businesses to keep track of any and all useful information associated with any particular custo-mer while also providing a company-wide, cloud-based network that can be accessed by anyone who has the right level of permission, from anywhere in the world, at any time.

Mobile CRM allows sales reps to take advantage of the entire organization, e�ciency, and accessibility of an easy and quick to update mobile CRM tool while on the go, and as a result, it is greatly changing the business. How? Well, let’s have closer a look:

1. Increased Productivity Through Making Use Of Dead Time Moments

A truly mobile CRM originally and properly designed for mobile devices should only take seconds to update. Success is re�ected by how well the CRM relies on arti�-cial intelligence and the user’s heavily reduced need for typing inside the system. If done correctly, this enables you to update your truly mobile CRM in only seconds, instead of the minutes or hours it takes to update a traditional CRM. Just to �re up a PC may even take seve-ral minutes when a mobile device is always at hand and up and running. As it takes seconds to update your truly mobile CRM you can utilize all those dead time momen-ts that occur during a work day; that 1 minute while taking a break in the meeting, those 5 minutes while waiting for the subway or those 10 minutes while having a cup of co�ee etc. Examples are many yet the point remains intact; you can and for your own bene�t will, use these moments. You will even be reminded and guided by your truly mobile CRM regarding time management, thus save enormous amounts of valuable time. Each dead time moment revived using your truly mobile CRM adds up to reduced sales admi-nistration by up to 88 %. More speci�cally that is almost 500 work hours a year per sales rep. Imagine if you could spend 500 hours on your customers instead of doing administrative work, would your business be more likely to grow?

Mobile collaboration is about getting more control by being constantly updated on what is going on, being able to share tasks and ask colleagues for help or even distribute leads or tasks to team members or ticket lists available for other colleagues, all this through a mobile device, anywhere at any time. That is true e�ciency at work, no pun intended. Studies have also shown that people enjoy being creative, and to become more creative you need changing environments, i.e. outside your o�ce is a better place to become creative and this will help making employees more committed and satis�ed.

If your truly mobile CRM also includes marketing auto-mation then you can �nally connect your sales and marketing department. Let them join forces and work together from the initial campaign is sent out to the deal is closed. With a truly mobile CRM with built in marketing automation you will be able to, in minutes, generate your campaigns from literarily anywhere at anytime. You will be able to get real-time automatic leads in the hands of the right sales rep and from a management perspective you will also be able to easily track and follow the performance of your campaigns. See which campaigns generate the most leads, convert to most opportunities, close most deals or generate most sales.

Welcome to Salesbox All we do, 24/7, is about making it easier for you to focus and reach your sales targets, that is our

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If you are in Stockholm Sweden, pay us a visit at Jungfrugatan 6. We would love it!


The future is already here; we’re looking at a truly mobile, collaborative and creative CRM solution! The days of the o�ce, with stale inaccurate tools are �nally over. It is all up to you to decide where you want to be, if you dare to use change as a way to challenge the status quo you will almost give yourself an unfair advantage, victory is near.

"Creativity requires dynamic environments,

get out of the office and embrace success!"
