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3 Ways to Use Social Media for Fundraising

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3 Smart Ways to use Social Media for Fundraising Presented at the Interna:onal Fundraising Congress –2013
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3  Smart  Ways  to  use  Social  Media  for  Fundraising  

Presented  at  the  Interna:onal  Fundraising  Congress  –2013  

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WHO AM I?!•  Former senior nonprofit fundraiser and

political consultant"

•  Online marketing and communications specialist"

•  Founded See3 Communications to merge video and the web for richer donor engagement experiences "

Email me – [email protected] ""

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This  presenta,on  is  only  made  possible  because  of  the  contribu,ons  of  those  that  think  a  lot  about  this  subject.  In  par,cular,  let’s  thank:    

Beth  Kanter  

Darian  Rodriguez  Heyman   Lesley  Mansford  

Carie  Lewis  Carlson  

Look  them  up  on  Slideshare  and  Google  and  see  their  awesomeness  

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You don’t have to look far to find people in fundraising who think social media is a waste of time. Is it a coincidence that most of those people are in the direct mail business? "


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Direct  Mail  lands  a  punch  to  Social  Media’s  head  

Well, they do have a point: Digital fundraisers have been talking about the decline and death of direct mail for a decade or more, but that’s not what’s happening. ""Direct mail produces dollars. "


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Social  Media  for  Fundraising  

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Why  do  organiza,ons  use  social  media?  

Unlike  direct  mail,  which  has  the  singular  focus  of  fundraising  and  is  a  closed  system  that  can  be  measured  to  the  nth  degree,  social  media  is  used  for  many  reasons  by  organiza9ons:    •  Awareness  •  Customer  Service  •  Advocacy  •  Counter  nega,ve  stories  •  Stewardship  of  exis,ng  supporters  •  Fundraising  •  Understand  consumer  interest  and  behavior  

In  social  media,  lots  of  teams  involved  (press,  marke,ng,  programming)  &  lots  of  goals  >>  a  lack  of  clarity,  and  a  wide  variety  of  ac,ons  to  take.  

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Let’s  Look  at  Some  


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2012  Nonprofit  Social  Media  Benchmark  Report  This  number  doesn’t  mean  what  you  think.  

This  number  represents  the  12  month  value  of  a  donor  that  came  in  from  Facebook  across  all  dona,on  sources.  So  donors  who  like  are  worth  this  much  over  12  months.  Of  course  only  a  frac,on  of  the  likers  on  a  page  are  actually  donors.  And,  this  is  an  average  of  averages  across  a  select  group  of  organiza,ons.  So  what  does  this  really  mean  for  you?      

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Source:  M&R/NTEN  e-­‐benchmark  study   It’s  useful  to  just  look  at  the  overall  scale  right  now  of  social  compared  to  other  methods  of  reaching  donors.      

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Source:  Stanford  Social  Innova,on  Review      

Clearly,  there  is  a  connec,on  between  social  media  and  people’s  awareness  of  and  connec,on  to  causes  –  even  if  the  fundraising  results  are  lagging.      

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And  just  as  clearly,  there  is  poten,al  when  someone  learns  about  causes  to  get  them  more  engaged,  even  if  we  don’t  believe  all  these  numbers  we  see  from  self-­‐reported  surveys.    

Source:  Waggener  Edstrom  Digital  Persuasion  Report  

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What  Should  You  Do?  

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The  lack  of  clarity  in  terms  of  what  is  possible  should  not  become  a  lack  of  clarity  inside  the  organiza,on  about  the  amount  of  ,me  we  spend  on  social  media.  If  learning  is  a  goal,  fine,  but  let’s  set  clear  investment  boundaries  and  have  expecta,ons  about  what  should  happen  –  even  if  the  goals  lean  toward  experimenta,on.    

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Mul:channel  Fundraising  Peer-­‐to-­‐Peer  Crowdsourcing  

3  Places  Social  Media  Works  for  Fundraising  

Cura:on  –  Lead  Acquisi:on  

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 “I  just  got  a  keychain  and  address  labels  in  the  mail  from  you  guys.  Now  that  I  see  you  pos,ng  on  Facebook  and  know  you're  legit,  I'll  be  sending  a  

dona,on.  Thanks  for  the  work  you  do.”  –  Posted  to  Humane  Society  of  the  United  States  (HSUS)  Facebook  Page  wall,  

January  2010  

Mul,channel  Fundraising  

How  many  more  people  are  giving  offline  because  of  what  they  found  

online?   (next  few  slides  courtesy  of  the  HSUS)  

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Humane  Society  of  US  

•  1.7  million  Facebook  fans  •  200,000  Twifer  followers  •  103%  growth  rate  on  Facebook  from  2012  to  2013  •  93%  growth  rate  on  Twifer  from  2012  to  2013  •  $1  million  raised  on  Facebook  (life,me  at  the  middle  of  2013)  •  $200,000  raised  per  year  on  Facebook  •  300,000  ac,ons  per  year  taken  on  Facebook  


The  Human  Society  is  one  of  the  top  NGO  players  on  Facebook.  So  lets  look  at  where  the  bar  is  set  right  now:  

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A  donor  is  a  donor  •  Start  considering  social  media  follows  like  

they  are  supporters  –  social  CRM  /  moves  management  

•  Consider  match/append  and  other  efforts  to  combine  social  media  and  email  data  to  get  a  befer  picture  of  who  they  are  

•  Build  your  efforts  reasonably,  don’t  over-­‐invest  and  expect  high  direct  returns  

•  Ideal  situa,on:  Move  online  donors  to  offline  –  they  will  give  more,  higher  life,me  value  

Use  your  fundraising  skills  and  remember  that  new  methods  and  mediums  do  not  mean  the  core  of  what  we  know  to  be  true  is  no  longer  true.  It  is!    

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Why  Crowdfunding?  

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NOT  a  place  for  nonprofits.  It  is  for  the  

arts  and  crea,ve  projects.  If  you  have  a  “cause,”  they  will  reject  


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The  following  slides  are  courtesy  of  Kickstarter  

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Indiegogo  is  a  much  befer  plamorm  for  nonprofit  projects.  Here’s  one,  a  museum  dedicated  to  the  life  and  work  of  Nikola  Tesla.  

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This  funding  project  got  its  real  excitement  and  reach  from  a  cartoonist.    So  this  is  an  example  of  tapping  into  exis,ng  online  networks  to  fund  projects.      

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Crowdfunding  is  not  totally  new.  Donors  Choose  in  the  USA  lets  people  contribute  to  specific  US  classrooms.      

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JustGiving  has  much  of  the  peer-­‐to-­‐peer  fundraising  market  in  the  UK  and  elsewhere,  and  is  geong  on  this  bandwagon  of  crowdfunding.    

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Razoo  is  a  terrific  plamorm  in  the  U.S.  for  peer-­‐to-­‐peer  fundraising.      

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Just  Do  It  Fail  Fast,  Fail  Forward  


How  to  Launch  

Advice  from  Darian  Rodriguez-­‐Heyman  

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Pick  a  Well-­‐Defined  Goal  &  Deadline    

How  to  Launch  

Beth  Kanter  

•  Fundraiser  to  honor  her  father  who  passed  away,  suppor,ng  Surf  Rider  Founda,on  

•  $5000  Goal  •  2  Weeks  to  raise  the  money  •  Promoted  through  social  media  •  Very  specific.  Time  limited  

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Start   End  

Your  fundraiser  should  look  like  this  


promote   Deadline  panic.    Promote!    

promote   promote  

Not  like  this  

Fundraiser  =  Campaign    

Start   End  

How  to  Launch  Great  advice  from  Razoo  about  trying  to  have  a  more  even  growth  of  your  campaign.      

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Tell  Your  Story  and  Be  Crea:ve    

How  to  Launch  

Beth  Kanter  used  old  photos  and  a  virtual  event  to  make  her  story  s,ck  and  be  crea,ve.      

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How  to  Launch  Pick  a  PlaYorm  Upload  Content    

An  example  from  Razoo  

Larger  orgs  say,  we  already  have  dona,on  func,onality  and  are  loathe  to  use  yet  another  plamorm  with  yet  another  source  of  data  …  

But  are  you  able  to  op,mize  the  important  things?  Befer  to  deal  with  moving  the  data  over  than  deal  with  a  bad  process  for  the  donor.      

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Images  are  Powerful…    

How  to  Launch  

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Fundraisers  with  videos  typically    earn  4X  more!  

…Videos  Even  More  So    

How  to  Launch  

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Social  Media    

Press  Releases  

Promote  Your  Fundraiser    

How  to  Launch  

You  need  to  be  all  in  on  your  campaign  and  use  your  reach  on  the  website,  social,  press,  etc  …      

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Build  momentum,  then  branch  out  

•  Staff  •  Board  of  Directors    •  Key  Influencers      

•  Donors    •  Your  Social  Network    

•  Volunteers    •  Friends    

Start  With  Your  Inner  Circle      

How  to  Launch  

Don’t  let  your  campaign  be  a  surprise  to  your  

closest  cons,tuents.  Bring  them  in  early,  give  them  tasks  and  goals  to  make  it  go  into  their  networks.    


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Ask  Clearly    

Tie  to  Direct  Impact  “$10  provides  500  liters  of  clean  drinking  water  to  refugees  in  Somalia.”  

“  ”  

Don’t  Be  Afraid  to  Ask      

How  to  Launch  

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Using  Social  Media  

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•   Editorial  Calendar  •   Facebook  <  3  /  Day  •   Twiier  1++  /  Day  •   P2P  Asks  Are  Key  •   Seed  the  Tip  Jar  

Using  Social  Media  Plan  for  Success      

On  Facebook,  frequency  mafers,  don’t  go  over  3  posts  per  day  or  you  will  lose  people.  On  Twifer  it  is  more  like  a  moving  river  and  you  need  to  post  more  ouen.    

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•   Mornings:  8  –  9AM  •   Lunch:  12  –  1PM  •   End  of  Day:  4:30  –  6PM  •   Nights:  9:30  –  11PM  

• Weekends  vs.  Wednesdays!  

Ac:ve  Social  Media  Times      

Using  Social  Media  

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•   ?  Vs.  .  •   Media:  Photos,  Vids  •   Tag  Everyone!  •   Emo:cons  Rock!  :)  • Respond,  Recognize  &  Retweet  

ROI  =  Realiza:on  of  Influence      

Using  Social  Media  

Make  sure  you  recognize  people’s  contribu,ons  publicly.  That  creates  “social  proof”  that  this  is  something  the  prospec,ve  donors  want  to  be  a  part  of.        

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=  $10-­‐$18  

Share  &  Ask  for  Shares      

Using  Social  Media  

In  peer-­‐to-­‐peer  fundraising  shares  are  valuable  in  increasing  the  campaign  size  

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The  Ask:  5  Minutes/Week  

Form  a  Social  Media  Marke:ng  Commiiee      

Using  Social  Media  

A  great  volunteer  opportunity  is  to  get  people  on  the  Campaign  Commifee.  You  can  send  them  a  t-­‐shirt,  give  them  a  ,tle  and  they  will  do  amazing  things  for  you  

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CELEBRATE!    Thank  Your  Donors  


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•  Announce  when  milestones  are  met    •  Send  “thank  you”  notes  •  Show  donors  their  impact  

Thank  Your  Donors    Stay  In  Touch      

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Beth  Kanter’s  Campaign  –  Results    

•  $5563  –  10%  over  goal  in  2  weeks  •  128  donors  with  45%  at  suggested  giving  level  of  $25  

•  43%  gave  more  than  suggested  level,  12%  less  •  92%  of  people  had  STRONG  ,es  to  Beth,  almost  none  knew  her  father  

•  85%  of  dona,ons  converted  through  Facebook  •  Thanking  donors  individually  triggered  new  dona,ons  

•  95%  of  dona,ons  through  Razoo  site,  5%  mobile  


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Beth’s  Lessons  Learned  •  Set  a  realis,c  goal  •  Don’t  set  minimum  giu  levels  too  low!  •  Use  “Social  Proofing”  to  get  more  donors  •  Offer  many  ways  to  par,cipate  –  this  is  a  non-­‐linear  supporter  journey.    Sharing  story,  dona,ng,  par,cipa,ng  in  event.  Not  a  simple  funnel  in  the  age  of  control  and  info  overload  

•  Find  the  influencers  •  Use  promoted  posts  strategically  •  Honor  your  network’s  crea,vity  

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CONTENT  CURATION  is  the  process  of  sor,ng  through  the  vast  amounts  of  content  on  the  web  and  

presen,ng  it  in  a  meaningful  and  organized  way  around  a  specific  theme.    

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The  magic  is  in  the  framing  of  the  story  as  much  as  the  story  itself.  Just  by  changing  ,tles  Upworthy  gets  much  more  trac,on.      

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Can  you  do  this?  

See3  client  Groundswell,  part  of  Auburn  Seminary  in  New  York  is  doing  this.  And  we  just  broke  the  internet  with  one  story.  Views  and  lists  are  growing.  


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You  have  to  start  doing  some  things  differently  if  you  want  to  succeed  on  social  media.      

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Take  that  Direct  Mail!  

So  we  didn’t  quite  knock  out  the  Direct  Mail  folks,  but  it’s  a  work  in  progress.      

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E M A I L :   M I C H A E L @ S E E 3 . C OM  @M I C H A E L _ H O F F M A N  


S E E 3 . C O M  
