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30 Day Weight Challenge

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30 Days Weight Challenge - Women
Days 1-30 of The FREE 30 Day Dumbbell Challenge Click on Day to goto the workout. DAY 1 ~ Arms, Chest, Shoulder & Abs DAY 2 ~ Legs, Buttocks, Calves & Abs DAY 3 ~ Arms, Chest, Back & Shoulders DAY 4 ~ Legs, Buttocks, Inner Thighs, Calves & Abs DAY 5 ~ Arms, Chest, Back, Shoulder & Abs DAY 6 ~ Abdominal Workout DAY 7 ~ Light Day, Stretching The Whole Body DAY 8 ~ Arms, Chest, Back & Shoulders DAY 9 ~ Legs, Buttocks, Calves & Legs DAY 10 ~ Arms, Chest, Back & Shoulders DAY 11 ~ Legs, Buttocks, Calves & Abs DAY 12 ~ Arms, Chest, Back & Shoulders DAY 13 ~ Abdominal Workout DAY 14 ~ Light Day, Stretching The Whole Body DAY 15 ~ Legs, Buttocks, Thighs & Abs DAY 16 ~ Arms, Chest, Back & Shoulders DAY 17 ~ Legs, Buttocks, Back & Calves DAY 18 ~ Arms, Chest, Back & Shoulders DAY 19 ~ Legs, Buttocks, Thighs & Calves DAY 20 ~ Abdominal Workout DAY 21 ~ Light Day, Stretching The Whole Body DAY 22 ~ Legs, Buttocks, Thighs & Abs DAY 23 ~ Arms, Chest, Back & Shoulders DAY 24 ~ Legs, Buttocks, Thighs & Calves DAY 25 ~ Arms, Chest, Back & Shoulders DAY 26 ~ Legs, Buttocks, Thighs & Calves DAY 27 ~ Abdominal Workout DAY 28 ~ Light Day, Stretching The Whole Body DAY 29 ~ Legs, Buttocks, Back & Calves DAY 30 ~ Arms, Chest, Back & Shoulders

Days 1-30 of The FREE 30 Day Dumbbell Challenge

 Click on Day to goto the workout. DAY 1    ~ Arms, Chest, Shoulder & AbsDAY 2   ~ Legs, Buttocks, Calves & AbsDAY 3 ~ Arms, Chest, Back & ShouldersDAY 4   ~ Legs, Buttocks, Inner Thighs, Calves & AbsDAY 5   ~ Arms, Chest, Back, Shoulder & AbsDAY 6 ~ Abdominal WorkoutDAY 7 ~ Light Day, Stretching The Whole BodyDAY 8 ~ Arms, Chest, Back & ShouldersDAY 9 ~ Legs, Buttocks, Calves & LegsDAY 10   ~ Arms, Chest, Back & ShouldersDAY 11 ~ Legs, Buttocks, Calves & AbsDAY 12 ~ Arms, Chest, Back & ShouldersDAY 13 ~ Abdominal WorkoutDAY 14   ~ Light Day, Stretching The Whole BodyDAY 15 ~ Legs, Buttocks, Thighs & AbsDAY 16 ~ Arms, Chest, Back & ShouldersDAY 17 ~ Legs, Buttocks, Back & CalvesDAY 18 ~ Arms, Chest, Back & ShouldersDAY 19 ~ Legs, Buttocks, Thighs & CalvesDAY 20 ~ Abdominal WorkoutDAY 21 ~ Light Day, Stretching The Whole BodyDAY 22 ~ Legs, Buttocks, Thighs & AbsDAY 23 ~ Arms, Chest, Back & ShouldersDAY 24 ~ Legs, Buttocks, Thighs & CalvesDAY 25 ~ Arms, Chest, Back & ShouldersDAY 26 ~ Legs, Buttocks, Thighs & CalvesDAY 27 ~ Abdominal WorkoutDAY 28 ~ Light Day, Stretching The Whole BodyDAY 29 ~ Legs, Buttocks, Back & CalvesDAY 30 ~ Arms, Chest, Back & Shoulders

Day 1  (Muscle Areas Worked: Arms, Chest, Back, Shoulders, Abs)


My first circuit was as follows.

I followed the intermediate level.

First Set:

12 reps of Biceps Curl 12 reps Triceps Kickback, both sides (I used the exercise ball as my bench) 12 reps of Bench Press (I used the ball as my bench) 12 reps of Kneeling One Arm Row, both sides (I used the ball as my bench) 12 reps of Lateral Raise 12 reps of Dumbbell side bend

**I did this set with no breaks in between.   After you finish this set, take a 2-4 minute break and then repeat the circuit and start your second set.

Second Set:

12 reps of Biceps Curl 12 reps Triceps Kickback, both sides (I used the exercise ball as my bench) 12 reps of Bench Press (I used the ball as my bench) 12 reps of Kneeling One Arm Row, both sides (I used the ball as my bench) 12 reps of Lateral Raise 12 reps of Dumbbell side bend


Exercises for Day 1


Biceps Curl

Stand up and hold one dumbbell with each hand down the side of your body, palms facing each other.

Raise both dumbbells until they reach your shoulders’ height and slowly lower them back down after a short pause.

Try NOT to jerk your upper body in an effort to help you lift the weights.

Triceps Kickback

Put your knee and hand on a bench and grab a dumbbell with your other hand, palm facing your body, upper arm parallel to your body.

Push the dumbbell back by extending your elbow and allow it to slowly return after a short pause.

Keep your upper arm still throughout.

Bench Press

Lie down on your back on a bench and hold 2 dumbbells at chest level along your body, palms facing your feet.

Raise the dumbbells straight up until your elbows are close to being locked and lower them back slowly after a short pause.

Breathe out when raising the dumbbells and breathe in when lowering them back.

Kneeling One Arm Row

Put your knee and hand on a bench and grab a dumbbell with your other hand. Lift the dumbbell straight up without moving anything else than your arm and lower it back

down after a short pause. Breathe out when raising the dumbbell and in when returning to starting position.

Lateral Raise

Stand up and hold one dumbbell with each hand in front of your hips, palms facing each other. Raise the dumbbells to your sides until your arms are close to being parallel to the ground and

lower them back down after a short pause. Try to maintain the angles in your elbows still throughout.

Dumbbell Side Bend

Hold a dumbbell with one hand along the side of your body. Tilt your upper body to the side that holds the dumbbell and bring it back after a short pause.

Complete your set and change sides. Be careful not to tilt your upper body too far sideways where it may be difficult to bring it back.

DAY 2  (Muscle  Areas Worked: Legs, Buttocks, Calves & Abs) 

My first circuit was as follows.  

I followed the intermediate level.

First Set:

12 stationary lunges on both legs 12 stiff legged dead lifts 12 squats 15 toe raises 12 weighted leg raises

**I did this set with no breaks in between.   After you finish this set, take a 2-4 minute break and then repeat the circuit and start your second set.

Set 2:

12 stiff legged dead lifts 12 squats 15 toe raises 12 weighted leg raises


Exercises For Day 2


Stationary Lunge 

Stand up with one foot in front, one foot back and hold one dumbbell on each hand along the sides of your body, palms facing each other.

Lower yourself without moving your feet until your knees form 90 degree angles and raise yourself back up after a short pause.

Keep your upper body steady throughout. Repeat exercise on other leg Special Consideration Set & Rep Change – Beginners do 1 set of 5 to 10 reps, Intermediate do 1

set of 10 to 20 reps, Advanced do 1 set of 20 to 30 reps

Stiff Legged Dead Lift

Stand up and hold one dumbbell in each hand against the sides of your body, palms facing each other.

Lower the dumbbells by bending your hips forward and raise yourself back up again after a short pause.

Keep your back straight throughout.


Stand up and hold one dumbbell with both hands in front of your thighs. Lower your body by bending your knees until they form a 90 degree angle and raise yourself

back up after a short pause. Keep your upper body steady throughout.

Toe Raise

Stand up and hold one dumbbell in each hand against the sides of your body, palms facing each other.

Lift your heels from the ground by pushing on your toes and lower yourself back down after a short pause.

Keep the rest of your body still throughout. Special Consideration Set & Rep Change – Beginners do 1 set of 10 to 15 reps, Intermediate do 2

sets of 15 to 20 reps, Advanced do 3 sets of 20 to 25 reps

Weighted Leg Raise

Lie down with your back on the bench, hands gripping the sides of it (I used the floor and placed my hands under my buttocks to support my lower back) and hold a dumbbell between your feet.

Raise your legs up until they are perpendicular to the floor and lower them back after a short pause.

Try to keep your legs extended by keeping your knees at the same angle. My Special Note – due to safety reason, I do not recommend doing this with a weight. Do this

exercise without the weight and you will still see tremendous results! Also if you are lying on the floor to do this exercise, place your hands under your buttocks to support your lower back.

DAY 3  (Arms, Chest, Back & Shoulders & Abs) 

My first circuit was as follows.  

I followed the intermediate level.

First Set:

12 hammer curls 12 two-arm triceps extension 12 lying flies 12 bent over rows 12 shoulder presses 12 torso twist

**I did this set with no breaks in between. After you finish this set, take a 2-4 minute break and then repeat the circuit and start your second set.

Second Set:

12 hammer curls 12 two-arm triceps extension 12 lying flies 12 bent over rows 12 shoulder presses 12 torso twist

Exercises For Day 3

Hammer Curl

Grab one dumbbell in each hand along the sides of your body, palms facing your body. Raise both dumbbells by curling your elbows and lower them down after a short pause. Keep your upper arms still throughout.

Two-Arms Triceps Extension

Stand up and hold one dumbbell with both hands behind your head, upper arms pointing straight up.

Raise the dumbbell up by curling your elbows and slowly lower it back after a short pause. Your upper arms should remain still throughout.

Lying Fly

Lie down on your back on the bench, ball or even on the floor and grab one dumbbell with each hand at body height, elbows just slightly arched.

Raise the dumbbells until they are side by side on top of you and slowly lower them back after a short pause.

Try to maintain the same angle in your elbows throughout.

Bent Over Row

Stand up and reach down in order to hold two dumbbells with both hands (knees slightly bent).

Lift the dumbbells up until your upper arms are parallel to your body and lower them back after a short pause.

Try to keep your back straight throughout. Only the arm should move.

Shoulder Press

Stand up and hold two dumbbells close to your shoulders, palms facing forward. Raise the dumbbells straight up until your elbows come close to locking and lower them back

after a short pause. Be careful NOT to jerk your back in an effort to help you raise the dumbbells.

 Torso Twist

The torso twist targets the waist muscles – external and internal obliques.  Lie on your back and bend your knees to 90º and place your feet either on the floor or on a bed, ball  or chair.   You can also cross one leg over the other: Put your hand behind your head, and lift your upper body off the ground so your shoulders do not touch the floor.  This is the starting and ending position. Twist the trunk by moving one elbow toward the opposite knee, bringing it as close to the knee as possible, without pulling on your neck or compromising your form by lifting your back off the ground.  If you look straight up at the ceiling, this will help keep your body in alignment and prevent you from hurting your neck or doing the Torso Twist incorrectly.  Repeat to the other side.  Doing it once on each side constitutes one repetition. (description courtesy of Smart Girls Do Dumbbells.)

DAY 4  (Legs, Buttocks, Inner Thighs, Calves & Abs) 

My first circuit was as follows.  

I followed the intermediate level.

First Set:

12 dumbbell swing through 12 side lunges (both sides) 12 ball hip adduction (both sides)

12 one legged toe raises (on both sides) 12 weighted crunches

**I did this set with no breaks in between. After you finish this set, take a 2-4 minute break and then repeat the circuit and start your second set.

Second Set:

12 dumbbell swings 12 ball hip adduction (both sides) 12 one legged toe raises (on both sides) 12 weighted crunches

Exercises For Day 4


Dumbbell Swing Through

Hold one dumbbell with both hands between your legs and crouch down until your knees are at 90 degree angles.

Lift yourself to a standing position while bringing the dumbbell up above your head and slowly return to starting position after a short pause.

Keep your back straight throughout.


Side Lunge

Stand up and hold one dumbbell on each hand against the sides of your body, palms facing each other.

Take a wide step sideways so that your knee shows a 90 degree angle and slowly bring yourself back up after a short pause.

Keep your back straight throughout. Repeat on other side to complete 1 rep Special Consideration Set & Rep Change – Beginners do 1 set of 5 to 10 reps, Intermediate do 1

set of 10 to 20 reps, Advanced do 1 set of 20 to 30 reps

Ball Hip Adduction

Stand on your right leg and put your left foot on top of the exercise ball, leg extended to your side.

Roll the exercise ball towards you by bringing your leg in and slowly roll it back after a short pause. Alternate sides after each set.

Breathe out while rolling in and breathe in while returning to starting position.


One Legged Toe Raise

Stand up on one foot on top of a small step and hold one dumbbell with one hand against the side of your body.

Raise yourself by standing on your toes and slowly lower yourself back down after a short pause. Alternate to other foot and repeat the exercise to complete 1 set.

Make sure that only the calf muscles are exercising.


Weighted Crunch

Lie down on your back on a bench (I used an exercise ball) and hold a dumbbell on top of your chest.

Raise your upper body until your shoulder blades no longer touch the bench and lower yourself back down after a short pause.

To avoid pulling your neck with your hands, look straight up instead of looking at your knees.

 DAY 5  (Arms, Chest, Back, Back of Shoulders & Abs) 

My first circuit was as follows.  

I followed the intermediate level.

First Set:

12 hammer curls 12 ball triceps extensions- weighted

12 ball chest flies 12 kneeling one arm row (on both sides) 12 bent-over one-armed deltoid raise (on both sides) 12 ball reverse crunch

**I did this set with no breaks in between. After you finish this set, take a 2-4 minute break and then repeat the circuit and start your second set.

Second Set:

12 hammer curls 12 ball triceps extensions- weighted 12 ball chest flies 12 kneeling one arm row (on both sides) 12 bent-over one-armed deltoid raise (on both sides) 12 ball reverse crunch

Exercises For Day 5


Hammer Curl

Grab one dumbbell in each hand along the sides of your body, palms facing your body. Raise both dumbbells by curling your elbows and lower them down after a short pause. Keep your upper arms still throughout.

Ball Triceps Extension – Weighted

Lie on your back, shoulder blades against the exercise ball, buttocks off the floor and hold dumbbells on each side of your head, upper arms perpendicular to the floor.

Raise the dumbbells up by straightening your arms and slowly lower them back after a short pause.

Keep your upper arms still throughout.


Ball Chest Fly

Lie on your back, shoulder blades on top of the exercise ball, back extended, knees flexed at 90 degree angles and hold dumbbells out to each side of your body.

Keeping your elbows just slightly bent, roll the dumbbells in and up and slowly lower them down after a short pause.

Breathe out while pulling the dumbbells in and up and breathe in while returning to starting position.


Kneeling One Arm Row

Put your knee and hand on a bench and grab a dumbbell with your other hand. Lift the dumbbell straight up without moving anything else than your arm and lower it back

down after a short pause. Breathe out when raising the dumbbell and in when returning to starting position.

Bent-Over One-Arm Deltoid Raise

Bend down and hold one dumbbell with one hand between your legs, knees slightly bent. Raise the dumbbell to your side until your arm is parallel to the ground and lower it back down

slowly after a short pause. Keep your back straight throughout.

Ball Reverse Crunch

Lie on your back, calves and hamstrings pressed against the exercise ball and arms spread out. Squeeze the ball with your legs and roll your knees towards your chest then roll back down after

a short pause. To avoid straining your neck, look straight up instead of looking at your knees.

DAY 6  (Abdominal Workout) 

My first circuit was as follows.  

I followed the intermediate level.

First Set:

12 ball crunches 12 ball crunches- legs elevated 12 ball side crunches (both sides) 12 ball jacknives 12 ball bridge T-fall off (on both sides) ab #1 stretch

**I did this set with no breaks in between. After you finish this set, take a 2-4 minute break and then repeat the circuit and start your second set.

Second Set:

12 ball crunches 12 ball crunches- legs elevated 12 ball side crunches (both sides) 12 ball jacknives 12 ball bridge T-fall off (on both sides) ab #1 stretch


Exercises For Day 6


Ball Crunch

Lie on your lower back on the exercise ball and place your hands behind your ears. Roll your shoulder blades up and lower yourself back down after a short pause. To avoid straining your neck, look straight up instead of looking at your knees.

Ball Crunch – Legs Elevated

Lie on your back, calves on top of the exercise ball and arms across your chest. Roll your shoulder blades up and lower yourself back down after a short pause. To avoid straining your neck, look straight up instead of looking at your knees.

Ball Side Crunch

Lie on your side against the exercise ball, arms across your chest, legs extended and feet wide apart to give you balance.

Raise your upper body up from the ball and lower it back down after a short pause. Alternate sides after each completed set.

Breathe out while contracting your ab muscles and breathe in while returning to starting position.

My special note – it might be a bit difficult to balance. To help with this, place your feet against a wall to stabilize you.


Ball Jacknife

Place your ankles on top of the exercise ball, legs extended, chest facing the floor and extend your arms to lift you from the floor.

Keeping your weight on your extended arms, roll the ball in by bending your knees and hips and extend your legs back after a short pause.

Breathe out while rolling the ball in and breathe in while returning to starting position.


Ball Bridge T Fall-Off

Lie on your shoulder blades on top of the exercise ball, knees at 90 degree angles, back straight and extend your arms out to keep balance.

Roll off the ball slightly to one side and return back after a short pause. Alternate sides between each repetitions.

Keep your back straight throughout.

Abs #1 – Back Roll (Ball) This is a great stretch for the Abs!

Lie on your back on the exercise ball. Stretch by extending your arms and legs fully. This exercise stretches your abdominal muscles as well as your chest muscles.

DAY 7  (Light Day ~ Stretching) 


There are no circuits, sets or reps today.  Today we are focusing on stretching the muscles we have worked out all week!  There are a few things I want to mention here.  The images that are

displayed for todays workout are provided by an amazing free website stretch-exercises.com! There will be a lot more exercises in todays workout but you are not doing these in reps or sets, you are simply stretching the muscle and holding the stretch for 5-10 seconds and then you move onto the next exercise.  This routine shouldn’t take you any longer than 20 minutes.  Enjoy this workout!  It should feel good to stretch these muscles.


Exercises For Day 7


Neck #1 – Head Tilt Forward

Stand up with your back straight and tilt your head down towards your chest. Tilt your head back to its starting position after a short pause. Be careful not to tilt your head back too far.

Neck #3 – Head Left-to-Right Rotation

Stand up with your back straight and rotate your head to the left. Rotate your head back and continue on to the right side. Chain together these steps to accomplish fluid and smooth movements.

Shoulder #2 – Upper-Arm-Up Shoulder Stretch

Stand up and grab your right elbow up on the side of your head using your left hand. Stretch by pulling your elbow towards the back of your head and hold for several seconds before

moving on the other side. This exercise will stretch your shoulder and triceps muscles.

Shoulder #1 – Arm-in-Front Shoulder Stretch

Stand up and grab your right elbow in front of your chest using your left hand. Stretch by pulling your elbow towards your chest for several seconds and alternate sides when

done. This exercise will stretch your shoulder muscles.

Shoulder #3 – Sideways Arms Swing

Stand up and extend your arms out to each side. Swing your arms in and out while keeping them straight throughout.

This exercise will stretch your shoulders and chest muscles alternately.

Shoulder #7 – Shoulder Chest and Hips Stretch (Ball)

Lie down on your left knee, your right leg fully extended out back and place your hands on top of the exercise ball in front of you.

Stretch by pushing yourself down while keeping your hands on top of the exercise ball. Alternate sides after several seconds.

This exercise will stretch your shoulder muscles as well as the muscles located in your thighs.

Chest #1 – Chest Stretch (Ball)

Stand in front of a wall and hold the exercise ball with your left hand up high. Stretch by extending your body and pulling yourself down towards the wall. This exercise will stretch your chest muscles primarily.

Abs #1 – Back Roll (Ball)

Lie on your back on the exercise ball. Stretch by extending your arms and legs fully. This exercise stretches your abdominal muscles as well as your chest muscles.

Back #5 – Upper Body Side Stretch (Sitting)

Sit down on the floor, left leg extended to its side, right leg folded in front of you. Stretch by raising your arms straight up and tilting your upper body towards your left leg.

Alternate sides. This exercise stretches the muscles located in your legs and in your back.

Back #3 – Lower Back Stretch (Sitting)

Sit down on the floor, back straight, legs in front of you wide from each other with your knees bent in front of your chest.

Stretch by tilting your upper body forward. This exercise will stretch your lower back.

Back #6 – Full Body Stretch (Lying on Back)

Lie on your back on the floor and extend your legs down and your arms up. Stretch by trying to make yourself taller, by pulling/pushing your feet and hands away from each

other. This exercise stretches your entire body.

Legs #1 – Side Leg Stretch (High)

Spread your legs apart from one another and move your weight on your left leg, flexing your left knee while keeping your right leg fully extended.

Stretch by lowering yourself down and hold the stretch position for several seconds before switching legs.

This exercise will stretch your inner thigh muscles primarily.

Legs #3 – Front Leg Stretch

Stand on your right leg and hold your left foot with your left hand behind your buttocks. Stretch by pulling on your foot and hold for several seconds before changing sides. This exercise is excellent at stretching your quadriceps, located in front of your thighs.

Legs #6 – Push Forward Calf Stretch

Stand in front of the wall, put your hands on it, and extend your right leg back, foot pointing forward.

Stretch your calf by trying to rest your right foot flat on the ground, hold for several seconds and change sides.

Use this exercise to stretch your calf muscles.

Legs #7 – Hamstring Stretch

Extend your right leg in front of you and bend your left knee to lower yourself down a little. Pull your right-foot toes towards you and move your hands towards them to stretch. Alternate

sides when done. This exercise stretches your hamstrings and your calf muscles.

Legs # 10 – Hip Sideways Stretch (Sitting)

Sit down on the floor, rotate your upper body to your right, grab your right leg at the knee while it is slightly bent, foot across your left leg.

Stretch by pushing on your right leg with your left elbow to rotate your upper body further. Alternate sides.

This exercise stretches your hips and your back muscles.

Legs #18 – Hi Stretch (Ball)

Lie down on your back on the floor, put your left foot on top of the exercise ball, knee at a 90 degree angle and your right foot against the top of your left knee.

Stretch by pushing your right knee down towards the ball with your hands and alternate sides after several seconds.

This exercise will stretch the muscles located in your inner thighs.

DAY 8  (Arms, Chest, Back & Shoulders) 

My first circuit was as follows.  

I followed the intermediate level.

First Set:


12 biceps curl – on knees, one-at-a time (both arms) 12 one arm triceps extension (both arms) 12 ball push ups 12 bent over rows 12 upright rows 12 ball sit ups

**I did this set with no breaks in between.   After you finish this set, take a 2-4 minute break and then repeat the circuit and start your second set.

Second Set:

12 biceps curl – on knees, one-at-a time (both arms) 12 one arm triceps extension (both arms) 12 ball push ups 12 bent over rows 12 upright rows 12 ball sit ups


Exercises For Day 8


Ball Biceps Curl – on Knees, One-at-a-Time

Kneel down in front of the exercise ball and rest your upper arm on top of it while holding a dumbbell.

Raise the dumbbell towards your shoulder and slowly lower it back after a short pause. Alternate sides after each set.

Keep your back and upper arm still throughout.

One-Arm Triceps Extension

Stand up and hold one dumbbell with one hand behind your head, elbow at a 90 degree angle, upper arm straight up.

Raise the dumbbell with one hand until your arm is close to being fully extended and slowly lower it back after a short pause. Alternate after a set.

Keep your upper arm still throughout.

Ball Push Up

Lie prone with your hands on top of the exercise ball, legs and back fully extended. Push yourself up by extending your arms and slowly lower yourself back down after a short

pause. Breathe out while pushing and breathe in while returning to starting position. My special note: if doing pushsups on a ball is to difficult then do the push ups on the floor

without the ball.

Bent Over Row

Stand up and reach down in order to hold two dumbbells with both hands (knees slightly bent). Lift the dumbbells up until your upper arms are parallel to your body and lower them back after

a short pause. Try to keep your back straight throughout. Only the arm should move.

Upright Row

Stand up and hold one dumbbell in each hand in front of your thighs. Raise both dumbbells until your arms are parallel to the ground and lower them back down

slowly after a short pause. Be careful NOT to jerk your back in an effort to help you raise the dumbbells.

Ball Sit-Up

Lie on your lower back on the exercise ball and place your hands behind your ears. Raise your upper body up from the ball and lower it back down after a short pause. Breathe out while contracting your ab muscles and breathe in while returning to starting


DAY 9  (Legs, Buttocks, Calves & Abs) 

My first circuit was as follows.  

I followed the intermediate level.

First Set:

12 ball squat one legged (both sides) 12 ball leg curls 12 ball squat on wall, weighted 12 one legged toe raises (both sides) 12 dumbbell side bends (on both sides)

**I did this set with no breaks in between. After you finish this set, take a 2-4 minute break and then repeat the circuit and start your second set.

Second Set:

12 ball squat one legged (both sides) 12 ball leg curls 12 ball squat on wall, weighted 12 one legged toe raises (both sides) 12 dumbbell side bends (on both sides)

Exercises For Day 9


Ball Squat – One-Legged

Stand with one ankle on top of the exercise ball behind you and crouch down until your knee is at a 90 degree angle.

Raise yourself up by extending your leg and slowly lower yourself back after a short pause. Alternate sides after each set.

Breathe out while raising yourself up and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Leg Curl

Lie on your back and grasp the exercise ball using your calves and your thighs. Squeeze the exercise ball by pulling your feet towards your buttocks and slowly unsqueeze after

a short pause. Breathe out while squeezing and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Squat – on Wall; Weighted

Crouch with your back pressed against the exercise ball, itself against the wall, knees at 90 degree angles and hold dumbbells with your hands down your body.

Raise yourself up by extending your legs and slowly lower youself back after a short pause. Breathe out while raising yourself up and breathe in while returning to starting position.

One Legged Toe Raise

Stand up on one foot on top of a small step and hold one dumbbell with one hand against the side of your body.

Raise yourself by standing on your toes and slowly lower yourself back down after a short pause. Alternate feet after your set.

Make sure that only the calf muscles are exercising.

Dumbbell Side Bend

Hold a dumbbell with one hand along the side of your body. Tilt your upper body to the side that holds the dumbbell and bring it back after a short pause.

Complete your set and change sides. Be careful not to tilt your upper body too far sideways where it may be difficult to bring it back.

DAY 10 (Arms, Chest, Back & Shoulders) 

My first circuit was as follows.  

I followed the intermediate level.

First Set:

12 alternating bicep curls 12 ball triceps extensions – standing 12 ball dumbbell presses 12 kneeling one arm rows (on both sides) 12 straight-arm front deltoid raises 12 ball ab rollouts

**I did this set with no breaks in between. After you finish this set, take a 2-4 minute break and then repeat the circuit and start your second set.

Second Set:

12 alternating bicep curls 12 ball triceps extensions – standing 12 ball dumbbell presses

12 kneeling one arm rows (on both sides) 12 straight-arm front deltoid raises 12 ball ab rollouts


Exercises For Day 10


Alternated Biceps Curl

Stand up and hold one dumbbell with each hand down the side of your body, palms facing each other.

Raise one dumbbell until it reaches your shoulder’s height and while slowly lowering it back down after a short pause, start raising the other one.

Try NOT to jerk your upper body in an effort to help you lift the weights.

Ball Triceps Extension – Standing

Stand up and place your forearms against the exercise ball, itself against the wall in front of your chest.

Push yourself back by rolling the ball towards your hands to extend your arms and slowly return back after a short pause.

Focus on exercising the triceps.

Ball Dumbbell Press

Lie on your back, shoulder blades on top of the exercise ball, back extended, knees flexed at 90 degree angles and hold dumbbells on each side of your chest.

Push the dumbbells straight up and slowly lower them down after a short pause. Breathe out while pushing and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Kneeling One Arm Row

Put your knee and hand on a bench and grab a dumbbell with your other hand. Lift the dumbbell straight up without moving anything else than your arm and lower it back

down after a short pause. Breathe out when raising the dumbbell and in when returning to starting position.

Straight-Arm Front Deltoid Raise

Stand up and hold one dumbbell in each hand in front of your thighs.

Raise the dumbbells to your shoulder level and continue on to raising them up at arms’ length and lower them back down slowly after a pause.

Keep your arms extended throughout.

Ball Ab Rollout

Lie on your knees, place your hands on top of the exercise ball in front of you, arms extended and back straight.

Keeping your back and arms extended, roll on top of the ball until your upper arms are pressed against it and pull yourself back up after a short pause.

Keep your arms extended and your back straight throughout.

DAY 11 (Legs, Buttocks, Calves & Abs) 

My first circuit was as follows.  

I followed the intermediate level.

First Set:

12 stationary lunges (both sides) 12 stiff legged dead lifts 12 squats 12 ball calf raises 1-legged (both sides) 12 ball reverse bridge 12 weighted crunches


**I did this set with no breaks in between. After you finish this set, take a 2-4 minute break and then repeat the circuit and start your second set.

Second Set:

12 stiff legged dead lifts 12 squats 12 ball calf raises 1-legged (both sides) 12 ball reverse bridge 12 weighted crunches

Exercises For Day 11


Stationary Lunge

Stand up with one foot in front, one foot back and hold one dumbbell on each hand along the sides of your body, palms facing each other.

Lower yourself without moving your feet until your knees form 90 degree angles and raise yourself back up after a short pause.

Keep your upper body steady throughout. Rep/Set Change: Beginners 1 set 5-10 reps, Intermediate 1 set 10 to 20 reps, Advanced 1 set 20

to 30 reps

Stiff Legged Dead Lift

Stand up and hold one dumbbell in each hand against the sides of your body, palms facing each other.

Lower the dumbbells by bending your hips forward and raise yourself back up again after a short pause.

Keep your back straight throughout.


Stand up and hold one dumbbell with both hands in front of your thighs. Lower your body by bending your knees until they form a 90 degree angle and raise yourself

back up after a short pause. Keep your upper body steady throughout.

Ball Calf Raise – One-Legged

Stand up on one foot and lean against the exercise ball itself pressed against the wall in front of your chest.

Raise yourself by standing on your toes and slowly lower yourself back down after a short pause. Alternate legs after each set.

Make sure that only the calf muscles are exercising.

Ball Reverse Bridge

Lie on your back with your feet on top of the exercise ball, knees and thighs bent. Lift your back from the floor by extending your legs and slowly lower yourself back down after a

short pause. Keep your back straight throughout.

Weighted Crunch

Lie down on your back on a bench and hold a dumbbell on top of your chest. Raise your upper body until your shoulder blades no longer touch the bench and lower yourself

back down after a short pause. To avoid pulling your neck with your hands, look straight up instead of looking at your knees.

DAY 12 (Arms, Chest, Back & Shoulders) 

My first circuit was as follows.  

I followed the intermediate level.

First Set:

12 bicep curls 12 bent over one-armed triceps extension (both sides) 12 ball dumbbell press

12 wide rows 12 shoulder press 12 ball reverse crunches

**I did this set with no breaks in between. After you finish this set, take a 2-4 minute break and then repeat the circuit and start your second set.

Second Set:

12 bicep curls 12 bent over one-armed triceps extension (both sides) 12 ball dumbbell press 12 wide rows 12 shoulder press 12 ball reverse crunches


Exercises For Day 12


Biceps Curl

Stand up and hold one dumbbell with each hand down the side of your body, palms facing each other.

Raise both dumbbells until they reach your shoulders’ height and slowly lower them back down after a short pause.

Try NOT to jerk your upper body in an effort to help you lift the weights.

Bent-Over One-Arm Triceps Extension

Sit down, crouch forward and hold one dumbbell with one hand, elbow at a 90 degree angle, palm facing your body.

Raise the dumbbell with one hand until your arm is parallel to the ground and slowly lower it back after a short pause. Alternate after a set.

Keep your upper arm still throughout.

Ball Dumbbell Press

Lie on your back, shoulder blades on top of the exercise ball, back extended, knees flexed at 90 degree angles and hold dumbbells on each side of your chest.

Push the dumbbells straight up and slowly lower them down after a short pause. Breathe out while pushing and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Wide Row

Grab one dumbbell with each hand and flex your knees and hips to bring yourself to a squatting position.

Lift both dumbbells straight up without altering the angles at your knees and hips and lower them back after a short pause.

Breathe out when lifting the dumbbells and breathe in when returning to starting position.

Shoulder Press

Stand up and hold two dumbbells close to your shoulders, palms facing forward. Raise the dumbbells straight up until your elbows come close to locking and lower them back

after a short pause. Be careful NOT to jerk your back in an effort to help you raise the dumbbells.

Ball Reverse Crunch

Lie on your back, calves and hamstrings pressed against the exercise ball and arms spread out. Squeeze the ball with your legs and roll your knees towards your chest then roll back down after

a short pause. To avoid straining your neck, look straight up instead of looking at your knees.

DAY 13 (Abdominal Workout) 

My first circuit was as follows.  

I followed the intermediate level.

First Set:

12 ball sit ups 12 ball table tops 12 ball side crunches (both sides) 12 ball crunches, legs elevated 12 ball bridge T-fall off (on both sides) ab #1 stretch

**I did this set with no breaks in between. After you finish this set, take a 2-4 minute break and then repeat the circuit and start your second set.

Second Set:

12 ball sit ups 12 ball table tops 12 ball side crunches (both sides) 12 ball crunches, legs elevated 12 ball bridge T-fall off (on both sides) ab #1 stretch


Exercises For Day 13


Ball Sit-Up

Lie on your lower back on the exercise ball and place your hands behind your ears. Raise your upper body up from the ball and lower it back down after a short pause. Breathe out while contracting your ab muscles and breathe in while returning to starting


Ball Table Top

Lie on your knees, place your forearms on top of the exercise ball in front of you, elbows at 90 degree angles and back straight.

Raise your knees from the floor by rolling forward on the ball until your legs are fully extended and return back after a short pause.

Keep your back straight throughout.

Ball Side Crunch

Lie on your side against the exercise ball, arms across your chest, legs extended and feet wide apart to give you balance.

Raise your upper body up from the ball and lower it back down after a short pause. Alternate sides after each completed set.

Breathe out while contracting your ab muscles and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Crunch – Legs Elevated

Lie on your back, calves on top of the exercise ball and arms across your chest. Roll your shoulder blades up and lower yourself back down after a short pause. To avoid straining your neck, look straight up instead of looking at your knees.

Ball Bridge T Fall-Off

Lie on your shoulder blades on top of the exercise ball, knees at 90 degree angles, back straight and extend your arms out to keep balance.

Roll off the ball slightly to one side and return back after a short pause. Alternate sides between each repetitions.

Keep your back straight throughout.

Abs #1 – Back Roll (Ball)

Lie on your back on the exercise ball. Stretch by extending your arms and legs fully.

This exercise stretches your abdominal muscles as well as your chest muscles.

DAY 14 (Full Body Stretch) 


There are no circuits, sets or reps today.  Today we are focusing on stretching the muscles we have worked out all week!  There are a few things I want to mention here.  The images that are displayed for todays workout are provided by an amazing free website stretch-exercises.com! There will be a lot more exercises in todays workout but you are not doing these in reps or sets, you are simply stretching the muscle and holding the stretch for 5-10 seconds and then you move onto the next exercise.  This routine shouldn’t take you any longer than 20 minutes.  Enjoy this workout!  It should feel good to stretch these muscles.


Exercises For Day 14


Neck #3 – Head Left-to-Right Rotation

Stand up with your back straight and rotate your head to the left. Rotate your head back and continue on to the right side. Chain together these steps to accomplish fluid and smooth movements.

Shoulder #4 – Arms Behind Back Reach

Stand up, put your left hand behind your back over your left shoulder and your right hand behind your back against your lower back.

Stretch by moving your hands towards each other, holding on to one another if you can and hold the stretch for several seconds.

This exercise will mainly stretch your shoulder muscles.

Shoulder #5 – Shoulder Stretch (Ball)

Crouch down on the floor on your right knee and your left foot, exercise ball in front of you and your right hand lying across the exercise ball.

Stretch by applying weight down onto your shoulder and alternate sides after several seconds. This exercise will stretch the muscles located in your shoulders.

Shoulder #6 – Kneeling Twist (Ball)

Lie down on your knees on the floor, ball in front of you with your hands on top of it, arms fully extended.

Stretch by rolling your upper body down to one side while keeping your hands on the exercise ball.

This exercise will stretch your back shoulder muscles.

Chest #1 – Chest Stretch (Ball)

Stand in front of a wall and hold the exercise ball with your left hand up high. Stretch by extending your body and pulling yourself down towards the wall. This exercise will stretch your chest muscles primarily.

Abs #1 – Back Roll (Ball)

Lie on your back on the exercise ball. Stretch by extending your arms and legs fully. This exercise stretches your abdominal muscles as well as your chest muscles.

Back #1 – Trunk Rotation

Stand up and position your hands on each side of your hips, elbows slightly bent. Rotate your trunk to your left, then rotate it all the way to your right in one smooth motion.

Repeat this a few times. This exercise will stretch your back, chest and abdominal muscles.

Back #2 – Arm Up Upper Body Sideways Stretch

Stand up and raise your right arm straight up. Titl your upper body at the hips to your left in order to stretch the entire right side of your body.

Alternate sides when done. This exercise stretches your back and your abdominal muscles.

Back #4 – Trunk Rotation (Sitting)

Sit down on the floor, legs straight, away from each other. Stretch by rotating your upper body to one side then to the other. This exercise will stretch your back muscles.

Back #6 – Full Body Stretch (Lying on Back)

Lie on your back on the floor and extend your legs down and your arms up.

Stretch by trying to make yourself taller, by pulling/pushing your feet and hands away from each other.

This exercise stretches your entire body.

Back #8 – Ball Roll (Lying on Back)

Lie on your back on the floor, thighs propped up over your chest, knees bent. Stretch by pulling on the back of your thighs with your hands. This exercise stretches your buttocks, lower back and hamstrings.

Legs #2 – Side Leg Stretch (Low)

Crouch down, feet wide apart, with your right knee flexed but your right leg fully extended. Move your left hand towards your left ankle to increase the stretch, hold for several seconds and

change sides. This exercise will again stretch your inner thigh muscles.

Legs #4 – Step Forward Calf Stretch

Stand on your right foot, knee flexed and extend your left leg back, both feet pointing forward. Stretch your calf by trying to rest your left foot flat on the ground, hold for several seconds and

change sides. Use this exercise to stretch your calf muscles.

Legs #8 – Hamstring Stretch (low)

Extend your right leg in front of you and bend your left knee to lower yourself down as far as you can.

Pull your right-foot toes towards you and control the stretch by putting weight on your hands on the floor as required. Alternate sides when done.

This exercise stretches your hamstrings and your calf muscles.

Legs #11 – Hands-on-Knees Leg Stretch (Sitting)

Sit down on the floor, knees bent in front of you, the sole of your feet pressed against each other.

Stretch by pushing down on your knees and hold for several seconds. This exercise will stretch your inner thigh muscles.

Legs #12 – Stretch to Ankles (High; Sitting)

Sit down on the floor, legs extended in front of you, knees slightly bent. Stretch by titling your upper body forward and bring your extended arms towards your toes. This exercise will mainly stretch your back, hamstrings, buttocks and calf muscles.

Legs #15 – Side Knee Hold (Lying on Back)

Lie on your back on the floor, cross your right leg over your left, knee bent. Stretch by pushing down on your right knee with your left hand. Alternate sides when done. This exercise will stretch the muscles located in your hips.

Legs #16 – Front Leg Stretch (Lying on Side)

Lie on your left side on the floor, left leg forward and right leg held back, knees bent. Stretch by pulling your right foot using your right hand. Alternate sides when done. This exercise stretches mainly your quadriceps muscles.

Legs #21 – Hip Flexor Stretch (Ball)

Stand up with your left leg in front of you, right leg back, both fully extended, your left thigh slightly held on top of an exercise ball.

Stretch by rolling your left leg forward while keeping your right leg back. Alternate sides after holding a several seconds.

This exercise is an effective way to target the muscles in your hips.

DAY 15 (Legs, Buttocks, Thighs & Calves) 

My first circuit was as follows.  

I followed the intermediate level.

First Set:

12 reverse lunges (both sides) 12 ball squeezes sitting 12 ball reverse bridge 12 seated one legged toe raises (both sides) 12 ball side crunches (on both sides)

**I did this set with no breaks in between. After you finish this set, take a 2-4 minute break and then repeat the circuit and start your second set.

Second Set:

12 reverse lunges (both sides) 12 ball squeezes sitting 12 ball reverse bridge 12 seated one legged toe raises (both sides) 12 ball side crunches (on both sides)


Exercises For Day 15


Reverse Lunge

Stand up and hold one dumbbell on each hand along the sides of your body, palms facing your body.

Place a foot back and bend your knees in order to bring down your body until your knees form 90 degree angles and raise yourself back up after a short pause.

Keep your upper body steady throughout.

Ball Squeeze – Sitting

Sit on the exercise ball with your thighs on each side of it and place your hands across your chest.

Squeeze the exercise ball between your legs by bringing your thighs closer to each other and slowly unsqueeze after a short pause.

Breathe out while squeezing and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Reverse Bridge

Lie on your back with your feet on top of the exercise ball, knees and thighs bent. Lift your back from the floor by extending your legs and slowly lower yourself back down after a

short pause. Keep your back straight throughout.

Seated One Legged Toe Raise

Sit down on the bench, place the front of one of your feet on top of the step and hold a dumbbell with both hands on top of that foot’s thighs.

Raise the dumbbell by standing on your toes and slowly lower them back down after a short pause. Alternate feet after your set.

Make sure that only the calf muscles are exercising.

Ball Side Crunch

Lie on your side against the exercise ball, arms across your chest, legs extended and feet wide apart to give you balance.

Raise your upper body up from the ball and lower it back down after a short pause. Alternate sides after each completed set.

Breathe out while contracting your ab muscles and breathe in while returning to starting position.

DAY 16 (Arms, Chest, Back & Shoulders) 

My first circuit was as follows.  

I followed the intermediate level.

First Set:

12 seated alternated biceps curls 12 one arm triceps extensions (both sides) 12 straight arm pull over 12 ball arm extensions alternating 12 upright rows 12 ball crunches-legs elevated

**I did this set with no breaks in between.   After you finish this set, take a 2-4 minute break and then repeat the circuit and start your second set.

Second Set:

12 seated alternated biceps curls 12 one arm triceps extensions (both sides) 12 straight arm pull over 12 ball arm extensions alternating 12 upright rows 12 ball crunches-legs elevated


Exercises For Day 16


Seated Alternated Biceps Curl

Sit down on a bench and hold one dumbbell with each hand down the side of your body, palms facing each other.

Raise one dumbbell until it reaches your shoulder’s height and while slowly lowering it back down after a short pause, start raising the other one.

Try NOT to jerk your upper body in an effort to help you lift the weights.

One-Arm Triceps Extension

Stand up and hold one dumbbell with one hand behind your head, elbow at a 90 degree angle, upper arm straight up.

Raise the dumbbell with one hand until your arm is close to being fully extended and slowly lower it back after a short pause. Alternate after a set.

Keep your upper arm still throughout.

Straight-Arm Pullover

Lie down on your back on one end of the bench and hold one dumbbell with both hands above your chest area, arms extended.

Raise the dumbbell straight up until your arms are perpendicular to the floor and lower it back after a short pause.

Keep your arms extended throughout by keeping still the angle of your elbows.

Ball Arm-Leg Extension – Alternating

Lie prone on top of the exercise ball, your belly pressed against it and maintain balance with your feet and hands on the floor.

Extend your left arm and right leg out and up and lower them back after a short pause. Alternate sides after each repetition.

Breathe out while extending and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Upright Row

Stand up and hold one dumbbell in each hand in front of your thighs. Raise both dumbbells until your arms are parallel to the ground and lower them back down

slowly after a short pause. Be careful NOT to jerk your back in an effort to help you raise the dumbbells.

Ball Crunch – Legs Elevated

Lie on your back, calves on top of the exercise ball and arms across your chest. Roll your shoulder blades up and lower yourself back down after a short pause. To avoid straining your neck, look straight up instead of looking at your knees.

DAY 17 (Legs, Buttocks, Back & Calves) 

My first circuit was as follows.  

I followed the intermediate level.

First Set:

12 side lunges (both sides) 12 stiff legged dead lifts 12 ball squats on wall 12 ball hip abduction (both sides 12 toe raises 12 ball table tops

**I did this set with no breaks in between.   After you finish this set, take a 2-4 minute break and then repeat the circuit and start your second set.

Second Set:

12 stiff legged dead lifts 12 ball squats on wall 12 ball hip abduction (both sides 12 toe raises 12 ball table tops


Exercises For Day 17


Side Lunge

Stand up and hold one dumbbell on each hand against the sides of your body, palms facing each other.

Take a wide step sideways so that your knee shows a 90 degree angle and slowly bring yourself back up after a short pause.

Keep your back straight throughout. Rep/Set Change: Beginners 1 set 5-10 reps, Intermediate 1 set 10 to 20 reps, Advanced 1 set 20

to 30 reps

Stiff Legged Dead Lift

Stand up and hold one dumbbell in each hand against the sides of your body, palms facing each other.

Lower the dumbbells by bending your hips forward and raise yourself back up again after a short pause.

Keep your back straight throughout.

Ball Squat – on Wall

Crouch with your back pressed against the exercise ball, itself against the wall, knees at 90 degree angles and place your hands behind your ears.

Raise yourself up by extending your legs and slowly lower youself back after a short pause. Breathe out while raising yourself up and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Hip Abduction

Stand with the wall on your right side and hold the exercise ball up from the floor against the wall with your right thigh, knee bent.

Squeeze the ball by pressing your leg against it and slowly bring it back after a short pause. Alternate sides after each set.

Breathe out while pushing and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Toe Raise

Stand up and hold one dumbbell in each hand against the sides of your body, palms facing each other.

Lift your heels from the ground by pushing on your toes and lower yourself back down after a short pause.

Keep the rest of your body still throughout.

Ball Table Top

Lie on your knees, place your forearms on top of the exercise ball in front of you, elbows at 90 degree angles and back straight.

Raise your knees from the floor by rolling forward on the ball until your legs are fully extended and return back after a short pause.

Keep your back straight throughout.

DAY 18 (Arms, Chest, Back & Shoulders) 

My first circuit was as follows.  

I followed the intermediate level.

First Set:


12 ball biceps curls-stainding 12 triceps kickbacks (both sides) 12 ball chest flies 12 one arm rows (both sides) 12 ball shoulder rotations 12 ball jacknives

**I did this set with no breaks in between.   After you finish this set, take a 2-4 minute break and then repeat the circuit and start your second set.

Second Set:

12 ball biceps curls-stainding 12 triceps kickbacks (both sides) 12 ball chest flies 12 one arm rows (both sides) 12 ball shoulder rotations 12 ball jacknives


Exercises For Day 18


Ball Biceps Curl – Standing

Stand up with your back against the exercise ball, itself against the wall and hold dumbbells down the sides of your body.

Raise the dumbbells towards your shoulders and slowly lower them back after a short pause. Keep your back and upper arms still throughout.

Triceps Kickback

Put your knee and hand on a bench and grab a dumbbell with your other hand, palm facing your body, upper arm parallel to your body.

Push the dumbbell back by extending your elbow and allow it to slowly return after a short pause.

Keep your upper arm still throughout.

Ball Chest Fly

Lie on your back, shoulder blades on top of the exercise ball, back extended, knees flexed at 90 degree angles and hold dumbbells out to each side of your body.

Keeping your elbows just slightly bent, roll the dumbbells in and up and slowly lower them down after a short pause.

Breathe out while pulling the dumbbells in and up and breathe in while returning to starting position.

One Arm Row

Position yourself bent forward in front of a bench while holding a dumbbell with one hand (arm extended).

Lift the dumbbell up until your upper arm is parallel to your body and lower it back after a short pause. Alternate hands when set is completed.

Try to keep your back straight throughout. Only the arm should move.

Ball Shoulder Rotation

Lie prone with your belly against the exercise ball, back and legs extended and hold dumbbells out to your sides, elbows at 90 degree angles.

Keeping the angles in your elbows still throughout roll the dumbbells up until your forearms are parallel to the floor.

Breathe out while rolling up and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Jacknife

Place your ankles on top of the exercise ball, legs extended, chest facing the floor and extend your arms to lift you from the floor.

Keeping your weight on your extended arms, roll the ball in by bending your knees and hips and extend your legs back after a short pause.

Breathe out while rolling the ball in and breathe in while returning to starting position.

DAY 19 (Legs, Buttocks, Thighs & Calves) 

My first circuit was as follows.  

I followed the intermediate level.

First Set:

12 reverse lunges (both sides) 12 ball squeezes 12 ball hip adductions (both sides) 12 one legged toe raises (both sides) 12 ball sit ups

**I did this set with no breaks in between. After you finish this set, take a 2-4 minute break and then repeat the circuit and start your second set.

Second Set:

12 ball squeezes 12 ball hip adductions (both sides) 12 one legged toe raises (both sides) 12 ball sit ups


Exercises For Day 19


Reverse Lunge

Stand up and hold one dumbbell on each hand along the sides of your body, palms facing your body.

Place a foot back and bend your knees in order to bring down your body until your knees form 90 degree angles and raise yourself back up after a short pause.

Keep your upper body steady throughout. Rep/Set Change: Beginners 1 set 5-10 reps, Intermediate 1 set 10 to 20 reps, Advanced 1 set 20

to 30 reps

Ball Squeeze – Lying

Lie on your back and grasp the exercise ball between your legs below your knees. Squeeze the exercise ball between your legs by bringing your thighs closer to each other while

lifting your buttocks from the floor and slowly unsqueeze after a short pause. Keep your back straight throughout.

Ball Hip Adduction

Stand on your right leg and put your left foot on top of the exercise ball, leg extended to your side.

Roll the exercise ball towards you by bringing your leg in and slowly roll it back after a short pause. Alternate sides after each set.

Breathe out while rolling in and breathe in while returning to starting position.

One Legged Toe Raise

Stand up on one foot on top of a small step and hold one dumbbell with one hand against the side of your body.

Raise yourself by standing on your toes and slowly lower yourself back down after a short pause. Alternate feet after your set.

Make sure that only the calf muscles are exercising.

Ball Sit-Up

Lie on your lower back on the exercise ball and place your hands behind your ears. Raise your upper body up from the ball and lower it back down after a short pause. Breathe out while contracting your ab muscles and breathe in while returning to starting


DAY 20 (Abdominal Workout) 

My first circuit was as follows.  

I followed the intermediate level.

First Set:

12 ball side crunches 12 ball Ab rollouts 12 ball reverse crunches 12 ball bridge T-fall off (on both sides) 12 ball crunches ab #1 stretch

**I did this set with no breaks in between. After you finish this set, take a 2-4 minute break and then repeat the circuit and start your second set.

Second Set:

12 ball side crunches (both sides) 12 ball Ab rollouts 12 ball reverse crunches 12 ball bridge T-fall off (on both sides) 12 ball crunches ab #1 stretch


Exercises For Day 20


Ball Side Crunch

Lie on your side against the exercise ball, arms across your chest, legs extended and feet wide apart to give you balance.

Raise your upper body up from the ball and lower it back down after a short pause. Alternate sides after each completed set.

Breathe out while contracting your ab muscles and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Ab Rollout

Lie on your knees, place your hands on top of the exercise ball in front of you, arms extended and back straight.

Keeping your back and arms extended, roll on top of the ball until your upper arms are pressed against it and pull yourself back up after a short pause.

Keep your arms extended and your back straight throughout.

Ball Reverse Crunch

Lie on your back, calves and hamstrings pressed against the exercise ball and arms spread out. Squeeze the ball with your legs and roll your knees towards your chest then roll back down after

a short pause. To avoid straining your neck, look straight up instead of looking at your knees.

Ball Bridge T Fall-Off

Lie on your shoulder blades on top of the exercise ball, knees at 90 degree angles, back straight and extend your arms out to keep balance.

Roll off the ball slightly to one side and return back after a short pause. Alternate sides between each repetitions.

Keep your back straight throughout.


Ball Crunch

Lie on your lower back on the exercise ball and place your hands behind your ears. Roll your shoulder blades up and lower yourself back down after a short pause. To avoid straining your neck, look straight up instead of looking at your knees.

Abs #1 – Back Roll (Ball)

Lie on your back on the exercise ball. Stretch by extending your arms and legs fully. This exercise stretches your abdominal muscles as well as your chest muscles.

DAY 21 (Full Body Stretch) 

There are no circuits, sets or reps today.  Today we are focusing on stretching the muscles we have worked out all week!  There are a few things I want to mention here.  The images that are displayed for todays workout are provided by an amazing free website stretch-exercises.com! There will be a lot more exercises in todays workout but you are not doing these in reps or sets, you are simply stretching the muscle and holding the stretch for 5-10 seconds and then you move

onto the next exercise.  This routine shouldn’t take you any longer than 20 minutes.  Enjoy this workout!  It should feel good to stretch these muscles. 


Exercises For Day 21


Neck #1 – Head Tilt Forward

Stand up with your back straight and tilt your head down towards your chest. Tilt your head back to its starting position after a short pause. Be careful not to tilt your head back too far.

Neck #3 – Head Left-to-Right Rotation

Stand up with your back straight and rotate your head to the left. Rotate your head back and continue on to the right side. Chain together these steps to accomplish fluid and smooth movements.

Shoulder #2 – Upper-Arm-Up Shoulder Stretch

Stand up and grab your right elbow up on the side of your head using your left hand. Stretch by pulling your elbow towards the back of your head and hold for several seconds before

moving on the other side. This exercise will stretch your shoulder and triceps muscles.

Shoulder #6 – Kneeling Twist (Ball)

Lie down on your knees on the floor, ball in front of you with your hands on top of it, arms fully extended.

Stretch by rolling your upper body down to one side while keeping your hands on the exercise ball.

This exercise will stretch your back shoulder muscles.

Chest #1 – Chest Stretch (Ball)

Stand in front of a wall and hold the exercise ball with your left hand up high.

Stretch by extending your body and pulling yourself down towards the wall. This exercise will stretch your chest muscles primarily.

Abs #1 – Back Roll (Ball)

Lie on your back on the exercise ball. Stretch by extending your arms and legs fully. This exercise stretches your abdominal muscles as well as your chest muscles.

Back #1 – Trunk Rotation

Stand up and position your hands on each side of your hips, elbows slightly bent. Rotate your trunk to your left, then rotate it all the way to your right in one smooth motion.

Repeat this a few times. This exercise will stretch your back, chest and abdominal muscles.

Back #3 – Lower Back Stretch (Sitting)

Sit down on the floor, back straight, legs in front of you wide from each other with your knees bent in front of your chest.

Stretch by tilting your upper body forward. This exercise will stretch your lower back.

Back #6 – Full Body Stretch (Lying on Back)

Lie on your back on the floor and extend your legs down and your arms up. Stretch by trying to make yourself taller, by pulling/pushing your feet and hands away from each

other. This exercise stretches your entire body.

Back #9 – Side Lying Stretch (Ball)

Lie with your left side on the exercise ball, right leg extended out to maintain balance. Stretch by extending your right side fully and alternate sides when completed.

This exercise stretches your back, abdominal and chest muscles.

Legs #2 – Side Leg Stretch (Low)

Crouch down, feet wide apart, with your right knee flexed but your right leg fully extended. Move your left hand towards your left ankle to increase the stretch, hold for several seconds and

change sides. This exercise will again stretch your inner thigh muscles.

Legs #3 – Front Leg Stretch

Stand on your right leg and hold your left foot with your left hand behind your buttocks. Stretch by pulling on your foot and hold for several seconds before changing sides. This exercise is excellent at stretching your quadriceps, located in front of your thighs.

Legs #5 – Step Up Calf Stretch

Stand up and put your right foot on top of a step in front of you and extend your left leg back, feet pointing forward.

Stretch your calf by trying to rest your left foot flat on the ground, hold for several seconds and change sides.

Use this exercise to stretch your calf muscles.

Legs #7 – Hamstring Stretch

Extend your right leg in front of you and bend your left knee to lower yourself down a little. Pull your right-foot toes towards you and move your hands towards them to stretch. Alternate

sides when done. This exercise stretches your hamstrings and your calf muscles.


Legs #9 – Reach Ankle Stretch (Standing)

Stand up, knees slightly bent and bend your hips to lower your upper body down in front of your knees.

Try to bring your hands towards your ankles to stretch and hold for several seconds. This exercise will stretch your leg and back muscles.

Legs # 10 – Hip Sideways Stretch (Sitting)

Sit down on the floor, rotate your upper body to your right, grab your right leg at the knee while it is slightly bent, foot across your left leg.

Stretch by pushing on your right leg with your left elbow to rotate your upper body further. Alternate sides.

This exercise stretches your hips and your back muscles.

Legs #12 – Stretch to Ankles (High; Sitting)

Sit down on the floor, legs extended in front of you, knees slightly bent. Stretch by titling your upper body forward and bring your extended arms towards your toes. This exercise will mainly stretch your back, hamstrings, buttocks and calf muscles.

Legs #14 – Side Stretch to Ankles (Sitting)

Sit down on the floor, legs extended and apart from each other.

Stretch by tilting your upper body towards one foot, bringing your extended arm towards it and switch sides after holding for several seconds.

This exercise stretches your back, hamstrings, buttocks and calf muscles.


Legs #16 – Front Leg Stretch (Lying on Side)

Lie on your left side on the floor, left leg forward and right leg held back, knees bent. Stretch by pulling your right foot using your right hand. Alternate sides when done. This exercise stretches mainly your quadriceps muscles.

Legs #18 – Hi Stretch (Ball)

Lie down on your back on the floor, put your left foot on top of the exercise ball, knee at a 90 degree angle and your right foot against the top of your left knee.

Stretch by pushing your right knee down towards the ball with your hands and alternate sides after several seconds.

This exercise will stretch the muscles located in your inner thighs.


Legs #21 – Hip Flexor Stretch (Ball)

Stand up with your left leg in front of you, right leg back, both fully extended, your left thigh slightly held on top of an exercise ball.

Stretch by rolling your left leg forward while keeping your right leg back. Alternate sides after holding a several seconds.

This exercise is an effective way to target the muscles in your hips.

DAY 22 (Legs, Buttocks, Thighs & Calves) 

My first circuit was as follows.  

I followed the intermediate level.

First Set:

12 stationary lunges (both sides) 12 ball reverse leg curl 12 ball squeezes – sitting 12 squats 12 ball toe raises 12 dumbbell side bend (both sides)

**I did this set with no breaks in between.   After you finish this set, take a 2-4 minute break and then repeat the circuit and start your second set.

Second Set:

12 ball reverse leg curl 12 ball squeezes – sitting 12 squats 12 ball toe raises 12 dumbbell side bend (both sides)


Exercises For Day 22


Stationary Lunge

Stand up with one foot in front, one foot back and hold one dumbbell on each hand along the sides of your body, palms facing each other.

Lower yourself without moving your feet until your knees form 90 degree angles and raise yourself back up after a short pause.

Keep your upper body steady throughout. Rep/Set Change: Beginners 1 set 5-10 reps, Intermediate 1 set 10 to 20 reps, Advanced 1 set

20 to 30 reps

Ball Reverse Leg Curl

Lie on your back, feet on top of the exercise ball, legs and back straight. Roll the exercise ball towards you by bending your knees and allow it to slowly return back after

a short pause. Keep your back straight throughout.

Ball Squeeze – Sitting

Sit on the exercise ball with your thighs on each side of it and place your hands across your chest.

Squeeze the exercise ball between your legs by bringing your thighs closer to each other and slowly unsqueeze after a short pause.

Breathe out while squeezing and breathe in while returning to starting position.



Stand up and hold one dumbbell with both hands in front of your thighs. Lower your body by bending your knees until they form a 90 degree angle and raise yourself

back up after a short pause. Keep your upper body steady throughout.

Ball Toe Raise

Sit on the floor, hold the exercise ball on top of your ankles and place your hands on it, arms and legs fully extended.

Squeeze the exercise ball by pulling your toes towards you and keeping your arms fully extended and allow it to unsqueeze after a short pause.

Make sure that only the calf muscles are exercising.

Dumbbell Side Bend

Hold a dumbbell with one hand along the side of your body. Tilt your upper body to the side that holds the dumbbell and bring it back after a short pause.

Complete your set and change sides. Be careful not to tilt your upper body too far sideways where it may be difficult to bring it back.

DAY 23 (Arms, Chest, Back & Shoulders) 

My first circuit was as follows.  

I followed the intermediate level.

First Set:

12 hammer curls 12 two arms triceps extension 12 ball dumbbell press 12 kneeling one arm row (both sides) 12 seated side lateral raises 12 ball crunches

**I did this set with no breaks in between. After you finish this set, take a 2-4 minute break and then repeat the circuit and start your second set.

Second Set:

12 hammer curls

12 two arms triceps extension 12 ball dumbbell press 12 kneeling one arm row (both sides) 12 seated side lateral raises 12 ball crunches


Exercises For Day 23


Hammer Curl

Grab one dumbbell in each hand along the sides of your body, palms facing your body. Raise both dumbbells by curling your elbows and lower them down after a short pause. Keep your upper arms still throughout.

Two-Arms Triceps Extension

Stand up and hold one dumbbell with both hands behind your head, upper arms pointing straight up.

Raise the dumbbell up by curling your elbows and slowly lower it back after a short pause. Your upper arms should remain still throughout.

Ball Dumbbell Press

Lie on your back, shoulder blades on top of the exercise ball, back extended, knees flexed at 90 degree angles and hold dumbbells on each side of your chest.

Push the dumbbells straight up and slowly lower them down after a short pause. Breathe out while pushing and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Kneeling One Arm Row

Put your knee and hand on a bench and grab a dumbbell with your other hand. Lift the dumbbell straight up without moving anything else than your arm and lower it back

down after a short pause. Breathe out when raising the dumbbell and in when returning to starting position.

Seated Side Lateral Raise

Sit on one end of the bench and hold one dumbbell with each hand down the side of your body.

Raise both dumbbells sideways until your arms are parallel to the ground and lower them back down slowly after a short pause.

Keep your back straight throughout.

Ball Crunch

Lie on your lower back on the exercise ball and place your hands behind your ears. Roll your shoulder blades up and lower yourself back down after a short pause. To avoid straining your neck, look straight up instead of looking at your knees.

DAY 24 (Legs, Buttocks, Thighs & Calves) 

My first circuit was as follows.  

I followed the intermediate level.

First Set:

12 side lunges (both sides) 12 ball leg curls 12 ball squats, on wall; weighted 12 one legged toe raises (both sides) 12 weighted leg raises (with or without weight)

**I did this set with no breaks in between. After you finish this set, take a 2-4 minute break and then repeat the circuit and start your second set.

Second Set:

12 side lunges (both sides) 12 ball leg curls 12 ball squats, on wall; weighted 12 one legged toe raises (both sides) 12 weighted leg raises (with or without weight)

Exercises For Day 24


Side Lunge

Stand up and hold one dumbbell on each hand against the sides of your body, palms facing each other.

Take a wide step sideways so that your knee shows a 90 degree angle and slowly bring yourself back up after a short pause.

Keep your back straight throughout.

Ball Leg Curl

Lie on your back and grasp the exercise ball using your calves and your thighs. Squeeze the exercise ball by pulling your feet towards your buttocks and slowly unsqueeze after

a short pause. Breathe out while squeezing and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Squat – on Wall; Weighted

Crouch with your back pressed against the exercise ball, itself against the wall, knees at 90 degree angles and hold dumbbells with your hands down your body.

Raise yourself up by extending your legs and slowly lower youself back after a short pause. Breathe out while raising yourself up and breathe in while returning to starting position.

One Legged Toe Raise

Stand up on one foot on top of a small step and hold one dumbbell with one hand against the side of your body.

Raise yourself by standing on your toes and slowly lower yourself back down after a short pause. Alternate feet after your set.

Make sure that only the calf muscles are exercising.

Weighted Leg Raise

Lie down with your back on the bench, hands gripping the sides of it and hold a dumbbell between your feet.

Raise your legs up until they are perpendicular to the floor and lower them back after a short pause.

Try to keep your legs extended by keeping your knees at the same angle. My Special Note – due to safety reason, I do not recommend doing this with a weight. Do this

exercise without the weight and you will still see tremendous results! Also if you are lying on the floor to do this exercise, place your hands under your buttocks to support your lower back.

DAY 25 (Arms, Chest, Back & Shoulders) 

My first circuit was as follows.  

I followed the intermediate level.

First Set:

12 seated inner bicep curls 12 lying triceps extensions 12 ball push ups -feet up 12 bent over rows 12 shoulder presses 12 ball side crunches (both sides)

**I did this set with no breaks in between. After you finish this set, take a 2-4 minute break and then repeat the circuit and start your second set.

Second Set:

12 seated inner bicep curls 12 lying triceps extensions 12 ball push ups -feet up 12 bent over rows 12 shoulder presses 12 ball side crunches (both sides)

Exercises For Day 25


Seated Inner-Biceps Curl

Sit down on a bench and hold one dumbbell with each hand down the side of your body, palms facing each other.

Raise both dumbbells until they reach your shoulders’ height and slowly lower them back down after a short pause.

Try NOT to jerk your upper body in an effort to help you lift the weights.

Lying Triceps Extension

Lie down on your back on a bench and hold a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing up, upper arms pointing the ceiling.

Raise the dumbbells by extending your elbows and allow them to slowly return after a short pause.

Keep your upper arms still throughout.

Ball Push Up – Feet Up

Lie prone with your thighs on top of the exercise ball, legs and back fully extended and hands on the floor, elbows bent.

Push yourself up by extending your arms and slowly lower yourself back down after a short pause.

Breathe out while pushing and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Bent Over Row

Stand up and reach down in order to hold two dumbbells with both hands (knees slightly bent). Lift the dumbbells up until your upper arms are parallel to your body and lower them back after

a short pause. Try to keep your back straight throughout. Only the arm should move.

Shoulder Press

Stand up and hold two dumbbells close to your shoulders, palms facing forward. Raise the dumbbells straight up until your elbows come close to locking and lower them back

after a short pause. Be careful NOT to jerk your back in an effort to help you raise the dumbbells.

Ball Side Crunch

Lie on your side against the exercise ball, arms across your chest, legs extended and feet wide apart to give you balance.

Raise your upper body up from the ball and lower it back down after a short pause. Alternate sides after each completed set.

Breathe out while contracting your ab muscles and breathe in while returning to starting position.

DAY 26 (Legs, Buttocks, Thighs & Calves) 

My first circuit was as follows.  

I followed the intermediate level.

First Set:

12 squats 12 ball reverse leg curls 12 ball squeezes sitting 12 ball calve raises – one legged (both sides) 12 ball bridge T fall off

**I did this set with no breaks in between.   After you finish this set, take a 2-4 minute break and then repeat the circuit and start your second set.

Second Set:

12 squats 12 ball reverse leg curls 12 ball squeezes sitting 12 ball calve raises – one legged (both sides) 12 ball bridge T fall off


Exercises For Day 26



Stand up and hold one dumbbell with both hands in front of your thighs. Lower your body by bending your knees until they form a 90 degree angle and raise yourself

back up after a short pause. Keep your upper body steady throughout.

Ball Reverse Leg Curl

Lie on your back, feet on top of the exercise ball, legs and back straight. Roll the exercise ball towards you by bending your knees and allow it to slowly return back after

a short pause. Keep your back straight throughout.

Ball Squeeze – Sitting

Sit on the exercise ball with your thighs on each side of it and place your hands across your chest.

Squeeze the exercise ball between your legs by bringing your thighs closer to each other and slowly unsqueeze after a short pause.

Breathe out while squeezing and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Calf Raise – One-Legged

Stand up on one foot and lean against the exercise ball itself pressed against the wall in front of your chest.

Raise yourself by standing on your toes and slowly lower yourself back down after a short pause. Alternate legs after each set.

Make sure that only the calf muscles are exercising.

Ball Bridge T Fall-Off

Lie on your shoulder blades on top of the exercise ball, knees at 90 degree angles, back straight and extend your arms out to keep balance.

Roll off the ball slightly to one side and return back after a short pause. Alternate sides between each repetitions.

Keep your back straight throughout.

DAY 27 (Abdominal Workout) 

My first circuit was as follows.  

I followed the intermediate level.

First Set:

12 ball crunches- legs elevated 12 ball sit ups 12 ball jacknives 12 ball ab rollouts 12 ball side crunches(on both sides) ab #1 stretch

**I did this set with no breaks in between. After you finish this set, take a 2-4 minute break and then repeat the circuit and start your second set.

Second Set:


12 ball crunches- legs elevated 12 ball sit ups 12 ball jacknives 12 ball ab rollouts 12 ball side crunches(on both sides) ab #1 stretch

Exercises For Day 27


Ball Crunch – Legs Elevated

Lie on your back, calves on top of the exercise ball and arms across your chest. Roll your shoulder blades up and lower yourself back down after a short pause. To avoid straining your neck, look straight up instead of looking at your knees.

Ball Sit-Up

Lie on your lower back on the exercise ball and place your hands behind your ears. Raise your upper body up from the ball and lower it back down after a short pause. Breathe out while contracting your ab muscles and breathe in while returning to starting


Ball Jacknife

Place your ankles on top of the exercise ball, legs extended, chest facing the floor and extend your arms to lift you from the floor.

Keeping your weight on your extended arms, roll the ball in by bending your knees and hips and extend your legs back after a short pause.

Breathe out while rolling the ball in and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Ab Rollout

Lie on your knees, place your hands on top of the exercise ball in front of you, arms extended and back straight.

Keeping your back and arms extended, roll on top of the ball until your upper arms are pressed against it and pull yourself back up after a short pause.

Keep your arms extended and your back straight throughout.

Ball Side Crunch

Lie on your side against the exercise ball, arms across your chest, legs extended and feet wide apart to give you balance.

Raise your upper body up from the ball and lower it back down after a short pause. Alternate sides after each completed set.

Breathe out while contracting your ab muscles and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Abs #1 – Back Roll (Ball)

Lie on your back on the exercise ball. Stretch by extending your arms and legs fully. This exercise stretches your abdominal muscles as well as your chest muscles.

DAY 28 (Full Body Stretch) 

 There are no circuits, sets or reps today.  Today we are focusing on stretching the muscles we have worked out all week!  There are a few things I want to mention here.  The images that are displayed for todays workout are provided by an amazing free website stretch-exercises.com! There will be a lot more exercises in todays workout but you are not doing these in reps or sets, you are simply stretching the muscle and holding the stretch for 5-10 seconds and then you move onto the next exercise.  This routine shouldn’t take you any longer than 20 minutes.  Enjoy this workout!  It should feel good to stretch these muscles. 


Exercises For Day 28


Neck #2 – Head Tilt Sideways

Stand up with your back straight and tilt your head sideways towards your left shoulder. Tilt your head back towards its starting position but continue on to the right shoulder. Chain together these steps to accomplish fluid and smooth movements.

Shoulder #1 – Arm-in-Front Shoulder Stretch

Stand up and grab your right elbow in front of your chest using your left hand. Stretch by pulling your elbow towards your chest for several seconds and alternate sides when

done. This exercise will stretch your shoulder muscles.

Shoulder #5 – Shoulder Stretch (Ball)

Crouch down on the floor on your right knee and your left foot, exercise ball in front of you and your right hand lying across the exercise ball.

Stretch by applying weight down onto your shoulder and alternate sides after several seconds. This exercise will stretch the muscles located in your shoulders.

Chest #1 – Chest Stretch (Ball)

Stand in front of a wall and hold the exercise ball with your left hand up high. Stretch by extending your body and pulling yourself down towards the wall.

This exercise will stretch your chest muscles primarily.

Abs #1 – Back Roll (Ball)

Lie on your back on the exercise ball. Stretch by extending your arms and legs fully. This exercise stretches your abdominal muscles as well as your chest muscles.

Back #1 – Trunk Rotation

Stand up and position your hands on each side of your hips, elbows slightly bent. Rotate your trunk to your left, then rotate it all the way to your right in one smooth motion.

Repeat this a few times. This exercise will stretch your back, chest and abdominal muscles.

Back #2 – Arm Up Upper Body Sideways Stretch

Stand up and raise your right arm straight up. Titl your upper body at the hips to your left in order to stretch the entire right side of your body.

Alternate sides when done. This exercise stretches your back and your abdominal muscles.

Back #3 – Lower Back Stretch (Sitting)

Sit down on the floor, back straight, legs in front of you wide from each other with your knees bent in front of your chest.

Stretch by tilting your upper body forward. This exercise will stretch your lower back.

Back #7 – Hip Twist Stretch (Lying on Back)

Lie on your back on the floor and cross your right leg all the way over your left, both fully extended.

Stretch by rotating your upper body as far as you can by pushing your leg as far as you can. Alternate sides when done.

This exercise will stretch the muscles located in your back and your hips.

Legs #2 – Side Leg Stretch (Low)

Crouch down, feet wide apart, with your right knee flexed but your right leg fully extended. Move your left hand towards your left ankle to increase the stretch, hold for several seconds and

change sides. This exercise will again stretch your inner thigh muscles.

Legs #3 – Front Leg Stretch

Stand on your right leg and hold your left foot with your left hand behind your buttocks. Stretch by pulling on your foot and hold for several seconds before changing sides. This exercise is excellent at stretching your quadriceps, located in front of your thighs.

Legs #4 – Step Forward Calf Stretch

Stand on your right foot, knee flexed and extend your left leg back, both feet pointing forward. Stretch your calf by trying to rest your left foot flat on the ground, hold for several seconds and

change sides.

Use this exercise to stretch your calf muscles.

Legs #7 – Hamstring Stretch

Extend your right leg in front of you and bend your left knee to lower yourself down a little. Pull your right-foot toes towards you and move your hands towards them to stretch. Alternate

sides when done. This exercise stretches your hamstrings and your calf muscles.

Legs # 10 – Hip Sideways Stretch (Sitting)

Sit down on the floor, rotate your upper body to your right, grab your right leg at the knee while it is slightly bent, foot across your left leg.

Stretch by pushing on your right leg with your left elbow to rotate your upper body further. Alternate sides.

This exercise stretches your hips and your back muscles.

Legs #11 – Hands-on-Knees Leg Stretch (Sitting)

Sit down on the floor, knees bent in front of you, the sole of your feet pressed against each other.

Stretch by pushing down on your knees and hold for several seconds. This exercise will stretch your inner thigh muscles.

Legs #12 – Stretch to Ankles (High; Sitting)

Sit down on the floor, legs extended in front of you, knees slightly bent. Stretch by titling your upper body forward and bring your extended arms towards your toes. This exercise will mainly stretch your back, hamstrings, buttocks and calf muscles.

Legs #19 – Hamstring Stretch (Ball) – Lying

Lie down on your back on the floor in front of a wall and put your legs up straight against an exercise ball pressed against the wall.

Stretch by moving your body closer to the wall while maintaining your feet still on the exercise ball.

This exercise will stretch your hamstrings as well as your calf muscles.

DAY 29 (Legs, Buttocks, Back & Calves) 

My first circuit was as follows.  

I followed the intermediate level.

First Set:

12 stationary lunges (both sides) 12 stiff legged dead lifts 12 ball squats – one legged (both sides) 12 toe raises 12 ball table tops

**I did this set with no breaks in between. After you finish this set, take a 2-4 minute break and then repeat the circuit and start your second set.

Second Set:

12 stationary lunges (both sides) 12 stiff legged dead lifts 12 ball squats – one legged (both sides) 12 toe raises 12 ball table tops

Exercises For Day 29


Stationary Lunge

Stand up with one foot in front, one foot back and hold one dumbbell on each hand along the sides of your body, palms facing each other.

Lower yourself without moving your feet until your knees form 90 degree angles and raise yourself back up after a short pause.

Keep your upper body steady throughout. Rep/Set Change: Beginners 1 set 5-10 reps, Intermediate 1 set 10 to 20 reps, Advanced 1 set 20

to 30 reps

Stiff Legged Dead Lift

Stand up and hold one dumbbell in each hand against the sides of your body, palms facing each other.

Lower the dumbbells by bending your hips forward and raise yourself back up again after a short pause.

Keep your back straight throughout.

Ball Squat – One-Legged

Stand with one ankle on top of the exercise ball behind you and crouch down until your knee is at a 90 degree angle.

Raise yourself up by extending your leg and slowly lower yourself back after a short pause. Alternate sides after each set.

Breathe out while raising yourself up and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Toe Raise

Stand up and hold one dumbbell in each hand against the sides of your body, palms facing each other.

Lift your heels from the ground by pushing on your toes and lower yourself back down after a short pause.

Keep the rest of your body still throughout.

Ball Table Top

Lie on your knees, place your forearms on top of the exercise ball in front of you, elbows at 90 degree angles and back straight.

Raise your knees from the floor by rolling forward on the ball until your legs are fully extended and return back after a short pause.

Keep your back straight throughout.

DAY 30 (Arms, Chest, Back & Shoulders) 

My first circuit was as follows.  

I followed the intermediate level.

First Set:

12 alternated biceps curls 12 bent over one arm triceps extensions 12 bench presses 12 bent over rows 12 bend to opposite foot (on both sides) 12 weighted crunches

**I did this set with no breaks in between. After you finish this set, take a 2-4 minute break and then repeat the circuit and start your second set.

Second Set:

12 alternated biceps curls 12 bent over one arm triceps extensions 12 bench presses 12 bent over rows 12 bend to opposite foot (on both sides) 12 weighted crunches


Exercises For Day 30


Alternated Biceps Curl

Stand up and hold one dumbbell with each hand down the side of your body, palms facing each other.

Raise one dumbbell until it reaches your shoulder’s height and while slowly lowering it back down after a short pause, start raising the other one.

Try NOT to jerk your upper body in an effort to help you lift the weights.

Bent-Over One-Arm Triceps Extension

Sit down, crouch forward and hold one dumbbell with one hand, elbow at a 90 degree angle, palm facing your body.

Raise the dumbbell with one hand until your arm is parallel to the ground and slowly lower it back after a short pause. Alternate after a set.

Keep your upper arm still throughout.

Bench Press

Lie down on your back on a bench and hold 2 dumbbells at chest level along your body, palms facing your feet.

Raise the dumbbells straight up until your elbows are close to being locked and lower them back slowly after a short pause.

Breathe out when raising the dumbbells and breathe in when lowering them back.

Bent Over Row

Stand up and reach down in order to hold two dumbbells with both hands (knees slightly bent). Lift the dumbbells up until your upper arms are parallel to your body and lower them back after

a short pause. Try to keep your back straight throughout. Only the arm should move.

Bend to Opposite Foot

Stand up, reach down and grab a dumbbell just above one of your feet with your opposite hand (knees slightly bent).

Lift the dumbbell up until you are standing up and lower it back after a short pause. Keep a slight arch in your knees throughout.

Weighted Crunch

Lie down on your back on a bench and hold a dumbbell on top of your chest. Raise your upper body until your shoulder blades no longer touch the bench and lower yourself

back down after a short pause. To avoid pulling your neck with your hands, look straight up instead of looking at your knees.
