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30 Innovative Sales, Marketing & Recruiting Ideas for...

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Innovative Sales, Marketing & Recruiting

Ideas for 201630


Are you ready to make 2016 YOUR BEST YEAR EVER?At Haley Marketing, we are on a mission. We’re out to make 2016 your best year ever!

To kick things off, we asked our entire team to share their best sales, social media, recruiting and other marketing ideas–and we told them not to hold anything back.

Keep reading for 30 inspirational ideas that can make a big impact on your company this year!


TIP #1

Use remarketing to fill more job orders!

Did you know that a candidate who visits your website a second time is twice as likely to apply for a job?

Remarketing is a low-cost way to “follow” people after they visit your website. You can create ads that encourage job seekers to come back to your site...check out your jobs...and apply!

Remarketing typically costs less than a penny for each impression you make on a candidate, and it provides a highly targeted way to get second time visitors back to your site!


TIP #2

Use Google Adwords to target your client and candidate lists.

Did you know that you can upload an email list into Google Adwords, and then only show your ads to people on that list?

With this form of PPC, you can cost-effectively target highly competitive (and expensive) search terms. For example, let’s say you want to go after people searching for “jobs” in your market. “Jobs” is a very competitive term with a high cost per click. When you limit your targeting to your email list, you’ll limit your advertising to a highly qualified audience, for a tiny fraction of the cost.

This form of PPC is ideal for reconnecting with the thousands of people who you’ve entered into your ATS over the years.


TIP #3

Proactively manage your online reputation…or others will.

9 out of 10 people trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation. If your reviews on Yelp, Facebook and Google are less than stellar, you need to take action.

In staffing, the practical reality is that we reject more candidates than we place. And those unhappy candidates love to go online and complain. A reputation management program attempts to capture the disgruntled candidates before they go online (and in a private manner) while encouraging the people who love you to leave a testimonial and online review.

While you’ll never make everyone happy, reputation management can generate more five-star reviews and positive testimonials so that your good feedback outweighs the bad. In fact, we took one of our clients from a net one-star review to 3.5 stars in under a week!


TIP #4

If you want serious results from SEO and social media, get serious about blogging.

SEO isn’t about stuffing keywords onto a webpage. To win the SEO war, you need to consistently add fresh and relevant content to your website. For most staffing firms, that means you have to add job posts and write blogs.

Each blog you write is a new page on your website. And you can optimize that page around specific types of jobs, industry and functional specialties, and geographic markets. The more blogs you write, the more you’ll get found on search engines. The key to blogging is to be a true resource for people. The more valuable the content is to the employers and job seekers you serve, the bigger the impact it will have on your SEO results.


TIP #5

Turn skill marketing into a new service.

For years, skill marketing has been one of the most effective ways to generate placements. Now it’s time to up your game with a more dynamic and visual approach. Rather than just making calls or sending out email blasts, create a Talent Showcase on your website.

The Talent Showcase is a way to highlight your Most Placeable Candidates—you share just enough information to make an employer want to know more, and then allow an employer to contact the appropriate recruiter with just one click. It can also be a great recruiting tool—showing top talent how you do more than others to help them find a job.


TIP #6

Understand what you CAN (and CANNOT) accomplish with Search Engine Optimization.

SEO is part science…and part dark arts. There is no published rule book about what works and what doesn’t (unless you work for Google). And in staffing, there are some things you can do…and some you really can’t.

The key is to do your homework. Understand where you can effectively compete for traffic (and where you can’t), complete on-page optimization for your top-level pages, and create a content development (and sharing) strategy for ongoing optimization.


TIP #7

Use Google Analytics to make smarter decisions.

Google Analytics shows you what works and what doesn’t on your website. It shows you where people enter your site, where they exit, and what they do in between. You can also use it to set up goals to track the effectiveness of your online and offline marketing efforts.

With Google Analytics data, you can:

• Test offers• Create and track landing pages• Find the “leaks” in your website • Track goals to see which marketing activities are really

driving results.

Analytics let you make better decisions and get MORE ROI from your marketing!


TIP #8

Want better social marketing results? Get a better social marketing strategy.

Social media isn’t about posting cute pictures to Facebook. Or just sharing an article that you read on LinkedIn. For social media to really work, you need a strategy—one that includes:

• Goals• Analyzing your audience• Developing compelling content that includes text, images

and video• Incorporating strong calls to action• Network building• And an aggressive plan for regular sharing in the right

places, at the right times.


TIP #9

Want more people toengage with you on social media? Make your content more visual.

Content with compelling visuals gets 94 percent more total views than content without visuals. Don’t just share content...share content that looks amazing!


TIP #10

Use trackable links to make all your marketing more measurable.

Want to know how many job seekers read your blog and then viewed your job board? How about employers who viewed your content and then navigated to your contact page? Using UTM tracking within Google Analytics, you can accurately track conversions for all your online marketing.


TIP #11

Get your Google My Business set up correctly.

Want your company to show up on that map that appears in search results? Make sure your Google My Business is set up correctly. The Google My Business account is critical for your search marketing, and it will help you to stand out from your competition with reviews from social sites.


TIP #12

Don’t talk about yourself in content marketing!

Okay, don’t shoot the messenger on this one, but we track open rates and click rates on email marketing for millions of emails each year. And guess which topics get the lowest open and click rates?

Yup, staffing content is the lowest.

If you want an effective plan for email marketing, keep “self promotion” to a minimum. Think about all of the issues that your clients and prospects have. What challenges are they facing? What’s keeping them up at night? Make your emails about THOSE topics. Your goal is to be seen as an expert in everything that matters in the workplace, not just things that deal with the workforce!


TIP #13

Get Mobile.

The numbers don’t lie. Fifty percent of all email opens are on mobile devices. If your newsletter (and other email marketing) is not mobile optimized, you might as well send it right to the recipient’s junk folder.


TIP #14

Take a “less is more” approach to blog content.

Today’s readers are inundated – and attention spans are shorter than ever! So when writing blog posts, a “less is more” approach may work best:

• Keep posts between 350 and 500 words. • Use bullets, text formatting and an active voice to keep

readers interested.• If you have an in-depth topic you’d like to cover, consider

presenting the information in a series of interlinked posts.


TIP #15

Ask yourself “who cares?” before you write or publish anything.

Before you write your next blog post, sell sheet, article for an association or trade journal – or anything else – ask yourself this one simple question: “Who cares?”

When you write anything, keep your reader in mind. Make sure the content you provide:

• Makes their job easier• Saves them money, headaches or time• Or, on the candidate side of the equation, helps them

find a job or advance their career.


TIP #16

Get more mileage out of your existing content.

Leverage your existing content as much as you can. Take the content from your newsletter and add it to your blog, share it on social media, use it as a discussion starter in LinkedIn Groups. Consider taking a group of blog posts and converting it into an eBook or a video presentation. Or take an eBook and break it down into a series of blog posts.

Content development is hard work, and almost everything you create can be repurposed to other formats at little-to-no cost. And finally, don’t forget to use the topics you write about as discussion starters with your clients and prospects. Great content is a great sales tool! Strategic Staffing

in 2016

Strategic Sta�ng

in 2016


TIP #17

Track your results.

How will you know which of your marketing tactics are working and which aren’t? Use Google Analytics to track your website visitors. Use an email marketing program that tracks results. And remember to ask all new clients how they heard about your services, or at least cross reference against any outbound marketing you are doing.


TIP #18

Make your website the HUB of your online marketing.

Think of your online marketing like a funnel. The bottom is when someone takes action to contact you. The top is when they first find you. And in the middle is a kick ass website.

Your website should be the hub of your digital marketing. The goal is to capture people once they arrive, and get them to take the actions you want them to take. Your website needs to be designed to convert…to get candidates to apply to jobs and clients to contact you about your services.


TIP #19

Longevity breeds confidence. Make the most of your big events!

Leverage your major company milestones to drive sales leads and strengthen client relationships. For really big events, like a 10- or 20-year anniversary, consider making the celebration year long, and be sure to incorporate the milestone into your company logo, special pages on your website, special projects that you do, special events for clients and candidates, thank yous, etc.

And speaking of milestone events, on August 2016, Haley Marketing turns 20! We’re going to be doing amazing things all year long...so keep your eyes open for lots of good stuff coming soon!


TIP #20

Say THANKS in aspecial way.

Clients and candidates want to know that you appreciate them. Saying “thank you” is the easiest way to encourage retention, strengthen partnerships and even generate new business.

Here are a few ideas for ways to say thank you:

• Handwritten note• Holiday card• Special discount or educational event just for your clients

or candidates• Drop off a small gift for each candidate at their work site• Cards on service anniversaries or birthdays


TIP #21

Create an infographic-based marketing campaign.

The human brain processes visuals much faster than text...about 60,000 times faster! Use that to your advantage in your marketing by using infographics!

Infographics are great for case studies, sharing industry data, and making testimonials more engaging. Create an infographic-based marketing campaign to quickly and clearly educate and capture the attention (and interest) of prospective clients (or candidates). Infographics let you convey more information in less time.


TIP #22

Use specialty printing to make your marketing stand out.

Print is not dead. In an electronic age, print pieces are a fantastic way to break through the clutter and reach your prospects in a tangible way. Take that up a notch by using specialty printing techniques.

For example:

• Use a unique die-cut for your business card. • Create a custom mailer or folder that includes

embossing or foil. • Create dimensional direct mailers or leave behinds

that are sure to capture attention.• And don’t limit “printing” to paper...you can print on

plastic, cardboard or even metal.


TIP #23

Want your sales team to be more productive? Add direct marketing to your sales process.

Direct mail is so underused now; it can be a great way to get attention.

• Use it in advance of your sales calls to improve your calling results.

• Use it with a landing page and a compelling offer to generate leads for your sales reps!


TIP #24

Use inbound marketing strategies to compliment your direct sales activities.

In staffing, there are two kinds of prospects:

• Companies that you want your sales team to aggressively pursue;

• And companies you want to find you.

One of our clients generates more than 40 percent of their new business from inbound marketing. While these companies are smaller, only about 1/8 the size of the companies their sales team pursues, they capture millions of dollars in revenue each year through an aggressive inbound marketing strategy that includes blogging, PPC, social media and email marketing. Use inbound marketing to drive inquiries and bring these prospects to you!


TIP #25

Make your candidate experience a “WOW.”

When there’s a skills gap like we face now, and you want to attract and retain the best talent, you need to deliver an experience that far surpasses the competition. Benchmark everything you do. Then figure out how to make every touch-point easier, faster and more enjoyable for your candidates.

The stronger your talent network, the more placements you’ll make!


TIP #26

Get more response from your website!

Use these tactics to make your website your best sales rep:

• Double the number of calls to action on your website. • Use social sharing to drive people you don’t know to your

website. • Share your content through email to drive people you do

know to your site

Get More Info


TIP #27

Take a lesson from “Undercover Boss,” and shop your company in secret.

Pretend to be a candidate using your website for the first time. Is the candidate experience excellent? Can you find what you need to decide to apply for a job? Is the application process simple? If not, it’s time to consider using a better approach.

Why not take this a step further and hire a mystery shopper to apply with your firm and report back on the service experience. The more you know about how people are treated “when the boss isn’t around,” the more you’ll be able to improve the candidate experience.


TIP #28

Create an appealing drop-off piece for your sales team.

Everyone hands out business cards and brochures. Try something that adds value and can be used as a conversation starter, like local salary information or a thought leadership topic about a hot HR issue in your market. Five Sta�ng and

Workforce TrendsFor 2016


TIP #29

Be conscious of your brand.

You may not think about your brand much, but it’s really important. Your brand is not your logo…or your tagline. It’s not your colors…or your website. Your brand is the foundation for how your firm is perceived. It’s based on your values. And your actions. A brand is something you live every day.

All of your communication (both internal and external) needs to reinforce your brand message, and it starts with your employees. To ensure you have a strong and consistent brand, make sure every person in your organization understands and can communicate your brand message. From a marketing perspective, make sure everything you do—from your website to brochure to social media to your day to day conversations with clients and candidates—is consistent with your brand and the message you want to convey.


TIP #30

Make the most of every marketing investment.

The staffing industry GROSSLY underinvests in marketing. And yes, we’re biased, but our industry spends a measly 0.25 percent of sales on marketing. That’s nuts!

So while we think every firm needs to up their marketing investment, the key to success is not to spend more, but to spend right. When you invest in marketing, make sure you get the best return. Here’s how:

• Take advantage of ALL the tools that come with the marketing you purchased!

• Follow-up! Integrate marketing with your sales efforts.• Don’t half-ass it. If you are investing in marketing, do it right!

Invest in quality. Target a big-enough audience to realize an excellent return. Do whatever it takes to make an impact.

Yes, marketing can be a big and scary expense. But when you do it right, marketing is actually FREE. It generates 3, 4, 5 dollars...or more, for every dollar you invest!


Ready to make 2016 your best year yet? Let’s put these ideas into action!Email us at [email protected] to set up a consultation and get started!


About Haley Marketing GroupAt Haley Marketing, we are staffing industry specialists. We offer a range of services to satisfy the marketing needs and fit the budgets of all kinds of staffing firms.

We founded our company with a simple mission: to make great marketing more affordable. Whether you’re looking for an effective way to stand out from the competition or you just need a new website or brochure, we can provide it.

Our services include:

Solutions to the staffing industry’s challenges.

Prices YOU can afford.

• Blogging & Content Marketing

• Social Media Marketing

• SEO & PPC Management

• Direct Mail

• E-newsletters & Email Marketing

• Website Design

• Website Content

• Integrated Staffing Campaigns

• Marketing Strategy

• Creative Services

• Reputation Management


