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#30 term 4, 2013

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BISHOP DRUITT COLLEGE COFFS HARBOUR 11 October | 2013 | Page 1 DYNAMIC CARING OPTIMISTIC Issue # 30 www.bdc.nsw.edu.au COLLEGE NEWS VIEW THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE NORTH COAST ANGLICAN NEWSPAPER Term 4 started busily, with our Year 11 students heading off to Mebbin for their annual camp. They will return as the senior student leadership group in the College. Their camp will have seen them focus on the challenges that lie ahead for them in Year 12. In the context of their HSC studies, they will begin Year 12 next week. The second year of the HSC is in fact Term 4 of Year 11 and the first three terms of Year 12. On that note, it was very pleasing to see so many of our current Year 12 students using the school library over the holidays for study sessions with one another. Many also attended tutorials offered by their teachers. Their Valedictory Dinner, which was the culmination of their last week of school was a terrific affair. Many thanks to Mr Kadwell and Mrs Purcell for their efforts in organising the dinner. Sixteen new students joined the BDC family on the first day of term, ten Primary students and six Secondary students. I hope that our newest students settle quickly into the life of the school and make the most of the opportunities available to them at BDC. Our Primary students quickly resumed their routines and are as ebullient as ever. We welcomed Mrs Meulenbroeks back from long service leave, where she had been working with a charity group near Cape Town, South Africa. The other big news in Primary this week is Mrs Jonston’s announcement that she and her husband Mitch are expecting their first child in April. We are very pleased that building has commenced on our Trade Training Centre. This will provide a commercial kitchen, work stations and an adjoining classroom. The complex is being built by CBuild, a local building company. If the weather is kind to us, the building will be completed in mid-January. I received a letter from Coffs Harbour City Council this week asking for feedback on the Coffs Harbour Gold Cup Half Day Holiday. My letter responding to this request follows: Letter to Coffs Harbour City Council Congratulations this week to: Ryan Marshall (9) who competed in the Australian Junior Squash Championships in Canberra over the holidays. He finished ranked 7th nationally in the U15 division. He then played in the NSW team that finished 2nd nationally. Well done on achieving a national rank! Monique Orme (11) competed at the Far North Coast Regional Gymnastics Championships prior to the holidays and was runner up in level 6 Gymnastics. She then went on to represent Coffs Harbour at an interstate team competition in QLD where her placings were 3 x 1st and 1 x 2nd, winning the overall level 6 Champion Team. Harry Buchanan (12) and Hannah Luke (12) who have been selected to perform at the ‘Bravissimo 2014’ Northern Regions HSC showcase concert at the Glasshouse in Port Macquarie on 14 February. Principal’s App of the week: Family by Sygic Welcome to Term 4. I hope that you and your family are refreshed and ready for what this term will bring. For many of our students changes are starting to take place and you may have noticed your son or daughter getting taller or perhaps maturing in some way. Perhaps you are still waiting for that to happen! But this is the term when students realise that it is their last nine weeks in their particular year level; for Year 6 students looking forward to Secondary School; Year 9 students going into Senior School; Year 11 students becoming the new Leaders of the College and Year 12 who are sitting their HSC exams next week and looking forward to their future outside of BDC. All of us have hopes and dreams and this week we are commencing the Advent Series of lessons in Chapel that will begin with Hope - that Christ Jesus brings into the world. The wisdom of the Prophet Isaiah reveals God’s promise of hope for humankind in Chapter 2 verses 1-5. The word that Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. In days to come the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established as the highest of the mountains, and shall be raised above the hills; all the nations shall stream to it. Many peoples shall come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his paths.” For out of Zion shall go forth instruction, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. He shall judge between the nations, and shall arbitrate for many peoples; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord! There are many opportunities to share God’s hope throughout the world but I would like to bring your attention to the Council for Churches in Coffs Harbour who are raising awareness of the needs for the Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza and the people they serve. The Coffs Harbour Ecumenical Council of Churches is hosting a Trivia Night on the 25th October at 7pm in the Recreation Centre at Marian Grove Retirement Village, Marian Place, Toormina (off Sawtell Road). FROM THE PRINCIPAL CHAPLAIN’S CHAT Alan Ball Principal
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Issue # 30






view the current edition of the north coast anglican newspaper

Term 4 started busily, with our Year 11 students heading off to Mebbin for their annual camp. They will return as the senior student leadership group in the College. Their camp will have seen them focus on the challenges that lie ahead for them in Year 12. In the context of their HSC studies, they will begin Year 12 next week. The second year of the HSC is in fact Term 4 of Year 11 and the first three terms of Year 12.

On that note, it was very pleasing to see so many of our current Year 12 students using the school library over the holidays for study sessions with one another. Many also attended tutorials offered by their teachers. Their Valedictory Dinner, which was the culmination of their last week of school was a terrific affair. Many thanks to Mr Kadwell and Mrs Purcell for their efforts in organising the dinner.

Sixteen new students joined the BDC family on the first day of term, ten Primary students and six Secondary students. I hope that our newest students settle quickly into the life of the school and make the most of the opportunities available to them at BDC.

Our Primary students quickly resumed their routines and are as ebullient as ever. We welcomed Mrs Meulenbroeks back from long service leave, where she had been working with a charity group near Cape Town, South Africa. The other big news in Primary this week is Mrs Jonston’s announcement that she and her husband Mitch are expecting their first child in April.

We are very pleased that building has commenced on our Trade Training Centre. This will provide a commercial kitchen, work stations and an adjoining classroom. The complex is being built by CBuild, a local building company. If the weather is kind to us, the building will be completed in mid-January.

I received a letter from Coffs Harbour City Council this week asking for feedback on the Coffs Harbour Gold Cup Half Day Holiday. My letter responding to this request follows: Letter to Coffs Harbour City Council

Congratulations this week to:

Ryan Marshall (9) who competed in the Australian Junior Squash Championships in Canberra over the holidays. He finished • ranked 7th nationally in the U15 division. He then played in the NSW team that finished 2nd nationally. Well done on achieving a national rank!Monique Orme (11) competed at the Far North Coast Regional Gymnastics Championships prior to the holidays and was runner • up in level 6 Gymnastics. She then went on to represent Coffs Harbour at an interstate team competition in QLD where her placings were 3 x 1st and 1 x 2nd, winning the overall level 6 Champion Team.Harry Buchanan (12) and Hannah Luke (12) who have been selected to perform at the ‘Bravissimo 2014’ Northern Regions HSC • showcase concert at the Glasshouse in Port Macquarie on 14 February.

Principal’s App of the week: Family by Sygic

Welcome to Term 4. I hope that you and your family are refreshed and ready for what this term will bring. For many of our students changes are starting to take place and you may have noticed your son or daughter getting taller or perhaps maturing in some way. Perhaps you are still waiting for that to happen! But this is the term when students realise that it is their last nine weeks in their particular year level; for Year 6 students looking forward to Secondary School; Year 9 students going into Senior School; Year 11 students becoming the new Leaders of the College and Year 12 who are sitting their HSC exams next week and looking forward to their future outside of BDC. All of us have hopes and dreams and this week we are commencing the Advent Series of lessons in Chapel that will begin with Hope - that Christ Jesus brings into the world.

The wisdom of the Prophet Isaiah reveals God’s promise of hope for humankind in Chapter 2 verses 1-5. The word that Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. In days to come the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established as the highest of the mountains, and shall be raised above the hills; all the nations shall stream to it. Many peoples shall come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his paths.” For out of Zion shall go forth instruction, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. He shall judge between the nations, and shall arbitrate for many peoples; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord!

There are many opportunities to share God’s hope throughout the world but I would like to bring your attention to the Council for Churches in Coffs Harbour who are raising awareness of the needs for the Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza and the people they serve. The Coffs Harbour Ecumenical Council of Churches is hosting a Trivia Night on the 25th October at 7pm in the Recreation Centre at Marian Grove Retirement Village, Marian Place, Toormina (off Sawtell Road).

from the principal

chaplain’s chat

Alan BallPrincipal

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Tim EganAssistant Principal (Head of Secondary)

from the head of secondary

dyslexia awareness

Welcome bAckI would like to welcome everyone back to the final term of 2013. Please remember our Year 12 cohort in your thoughts and prayers as they commence their HSC Examinations on Monday 14 October with English Paper 1. I would like to thank our dedicated staff of Year 12 for the time and extra effort they afforded these students throughout the year, but particularly over the past month or so. I witnessed many tutorial sessions happening over the holiday break and the students have been appearing in study sessions this week.

PreSentAtion ceremonyThis year our presentation ceremony for Secondary school will be held on Tuesday 3 December, 12:45pm in the Branson Centre. It is wonderful to have the opportunity to hold this event in our own venue. You will notice that it is during the school day and, as always is a compulsory attendance event for all students in Years 7-11. Parents are all most welcome to attend if you have the opportunity. The ceremony will be completed in time for students to catch their regular buses home. It will be a wonderful opportunity to gather together as community to celebrate the academic, cultural and sporting successes of our students and to complete the year formally. If there are attendance issues for students, I would ask that parents contact me via email. [email protected]

exemPtion from AttendAnceThe state government has mandated that extended leave for students must be requested via written application. We have had this in place here at BDC for over twelve months. I would ask that if students are required to be absent from school for three or more days (other than sick leave), that parents/guardians complete an ‘application for exemption from attendance’ form which can be found on our website and via this link. http://www.bdc.nsw.edu.au/assets/pdf/Exemption_from_attendance_application_form.pdf

Have a great weekend.

Bishop Druitt College takes learning seriously and over the last year or so we have been committed to learning more about dyslexia and how best to support our dyslexic learners in our school community. It is important to educate ourselves and our parents. We began last year with a dyslexia awareness Parent Partnerships evening.

A BDC parent support group for parents of students who learn differently has grown from this and is coordinated by Susan Robertson.

Another event is coming up soon. Laughton King, who is dyslexic himself, has graduated from University with three degrees and is now an Educational Psychologist. He offers short seminars to teachers and parents and those working with children and young people regarding dyslexia and the difficulties in learning associated with this common thinking style.

Laughton King will be presenting a parent information session on Monday 4 November from 6-9pm at Bishop Druitt College.

Tickets can be purchased via TryBooking and includes a light supper.$15 for BDC members$35 for local community members

In the late 1800’s, the Church Missionary Society (CMS) established medical work in Gaza and in 1907 they built the first hospital in ‘Gaza city. This hospital was destroyed during the First World War, and was rebuilt by CMS, as Al Ahli Arab Hospital. The hospital works closely with the Palestinian National Authority Ministry of Health, so when there is a demand for patient care, Al Ahli Arab Hospital is the first to receive the overflow from the government hospital in the central area of Gaza.

Through its ministry, the hospital tries to give hope to the hopeless, compassion and comfort to those who mourn and dignity to the oppressed. Condemning violence on all sided, the hospital staff search for ways to promote peace, reconciliation and justice for those of all religions and nationalities in its community.

Al Ahli Arab Hospital is a mission of the Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem. Located in the Gaza Strip, Palestine, the hospital was established in 1882 and is one of 22 health care facilities in Gaza to serve a population of 1.5 million people, and is the oldest hospital in Gaza. “Al Ahli Arab Hospital is a place of love, real love in action”

Please consider how you might support the Al Ahli Arab Hospital to bring hope to the people of Gaza, perhaps you and your friends might like to book a table and come along to this Trivia Night of fun and laughter. Tickets are $10 per person For Enquiries and Bookings Phone: Anglican Church – Jan McLeod 66532058 or 0402889458

Throughout our journey may we grow and reap the good harvest as we too discover Jesus together.

Shalom my friends.

secondary school

Rev Marion Tanfieldchaplain

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We encourage parents of students at the College or from other schools to attend.

Please call Jane Mosco for any further information on 66515 644 ext 249

Jane Moscocounseling department

Rebecca BrownVisual Arts faculty

Alison HollierScience faculty

Craig VerbruggenHead of mathematics & chair of ict committee

visual arts


Byot Blog


Congratulations to Lillian Kok-McCosker for winning an encouragement award in the Marnie Yeates Trophy for Nature Photography. This competition was an excellent opportunity for locals to show off their talents and win great prizes. Watch this space again next year for the competition details!

Congratulations to the following students who have achieved Certificates of Merit in the Australian National chemistry Quiz:

Credit – William Ensbey, Yr 9; Noah Bedford, Ben Jones, Ryan Ussher, Dylan Wicks Yr 11; Laura Hallen, Lauren Wood Yr 12

Distinction (top 25% of NSW) - Xavia Bennett-Hill, Jordan Black, Wakeel Mohammad Yr 11; Gideon Conley, Alana Olney, Fraser Tankel, Yr 12

High Distinction (top 10% of NSW) - Alice Jeffery Yr 7; Ed Condon, Sam Hemer, Brooke Lusted Yr12.

Particular congratulations should go to Edward Condon and Brooke Lusted from Year 12 who ranked in the top 2% of the state.

On Monday 14 October Years 7,9 and 10 students will be attending a presentation by The Surfing Scientist, Reuben Meerman, ABC Science presenter and children’s author. In his own energetic style he will discuss and present information on general science as well as climate change.

In the past I have given advice for how our senior students can prepare themselves for University studies, providing multiple resources that are excellent for undergraduate study. In this week’s article I would like to name a few apps and websites that are particularly useful for our younger students with their homework and preparing for speeches and other assessments, all the way from K-10.

Shake-A-PhraseThis App is great for starting creative writing, speeches and building vocabulary. It has over 2000 words to use. Shake and it will give you a passage that you can use as a first line for creative writing or speeches.Cost: $1.99 (Apple & Android)

kahn Academy Found in both website and App form, the Kahn Academy was featured in my article on University prep. It can assist students when revising to have video lessons on the content. Topics and areas of such videos are Mathematics, Science, Economics, Computer Science and History.Cost: FREE (Apple & Android)

that Quiz.orgThis website is a fantastic free tool for practice of Mathematics from K-10 levels, Geography and Science and PDHPE (human body).Cost: FREE, just click and get started thatquiz.org

Just a few good ones, but there are websites and app’s being created everyday for almost any topic you could choose.

2013 yeAr 12 PArentS27 September was the last day to apply for undergrad courses if you wish to avoid paying a late fee. http://www.uac.edu.au/media-hub/

News from UQ B. Nursing & Midwifery - New Mater QTAC Codes for 2014 applications

North Coast TAFE, 2014 Careers and program guide is available in Careers lounge. Check out entry requirements.

eVentSYear 11 will visit Southern Cross University, Coffs Harbour Campus on Tuesday 22 October. This day greatly assists with reducing transition issues, promotes independent future planning and also serves to motivate our students efforts in their final year. Students are reminded to check emails and return their permission forms and preference form so they can attend their preferred two course information sessions inspiring them to embark upon pursuing a fulfilling career.

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Year 10 will attend future of work expo and forum at Coffs Harbour racecourse (12.30 to 1.40pm) on 24 October. Please get your permission forms in.

Apprenticeship and Traineeship Information Session Thursday 24 October, 6:30pm at Coffs Harbour Racing Club. This free session provides a unique insight into preparing for and sourcing apprenticeships and traineeships and allows the audience to speak with experts from a range of industries. Register www.gtana.com.au/events/event/swsat Enquiries taken by GTA NSW on 9746 9333

A White Card course is running at Coffs Harbour High School (Jetty) on 8 November. Interested students, please let me know ASAP. Cost is $100.

The NSW Government is committed to increasing the number of women and girls working in non-traditional trades where women are under-represented. Examples of non-traditional trades where women are under-represented include chefs (17%), electricians (2%) and plumbers (1%).

On 13 September, year 9 girls Jamie Forsyth, Jessica Ginn and Payton Ellicot represented the college at the Coffs Harbour Girls in Trades expo. A special thank you to Greg Hill, Trina Neville, Andrea Hitchcock, Kim Harland for their help on the day and Youth Directions for their impeccable organisation and the Coffs Harbour and Clarence Careers advisers association for sponsoring us. For further details on Girls in Trades resources, including an information sheet, tradeswomen profiles, video footage, and posters check out the website http://www.women.nsw.gov.au/women_and_work/girls_in_trades or contact me.

Karin LisleAssistant Principal (Head of Primary)

Robyn Crispcareers Advisor

from the head of primary2014 clASSeSIt is that time of year again when we start to think about classes for next year. This is a long process and we consider:

Gender balance Academic balance • Behavioural balance • New students •

Parental input • Previous experience with a particular • teacher

The Primary School ‘Class Placement Guidelines’ have been developed to ensure that fair procedures are followed each year.

Parents who believe there is a significant factor that should be considered in relation to their child’s class placement for 2014 should forward this confidential information in writing to me (not the class teacher) at [email protected] by 8 November. After this date it will not be possible to consider any further requests.

As I am sure you can understand, it is impossible to satisfy all requests and design well balanced classes that consider the factors listed above. However, please be assured that careful consideration will be given to each class allocation.

primary school

Lorelle Newtonbook club coordinator

scholastic BooK cluBThe Book Club Issue No. 7 booklets have been distributed and orders will close on Friday 25 October. Orders may be sent to school and handed to your child’s teacher at any time before that date. For parents who are new to Book Club as well as a reminder to those who have placed orders in the past, the following things need to be noted when filling out a Book Club order:

Fill out your child’s • full name and class on the order form, clearly mark all items to be ordered.Credit card payments are made by telephone or online BEFORE you send the order to school. The information slip on the bottom • of the order form is sent to school with the Book Club order.

Please note: all payments for Book Club is now to be done by telephone or online with your credit or debit card. You will receive a receipt number after you have paid and this is to be written in the space provided at the bottom of the order form. Orders are then sent to school as usual.

Online payment: www.scholastic.com.au/paymentPhone Payment: 24 hours free call 1800 557 908

Thank you for your support of Book Club. Your orders enable us to receive extra books for our classrooms, library and teacher resources by way of a rewards system. Most importantly, it is a great way to keep our children reading.

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grade of the weeK - year 3These are some of the letters students students wrote to Mrs Meulenbroeks while she away in Africa.

We just want to fill you in on what you missed at BDC.We have a new student named Jaali and camp was awesome. There was lots of activities and we know how to do Google Docs. We learnt how to do perspective drawings and we have a thing called class Dojo to keep track of how good we are. We also had a lockdown practice and Miss Wittman got us up too early. We are learning the violin. Lakkin McMaster

We went on camp and some people got sick including me.We have now a new student called Jaali.We have a new system called class Dojo. It is so fun. We also had a lock down practice and Miss Wittman made us come out from our chairs early. Meg Parker Reynolds

We went to camp and our new student is called Jaali came to our school at the start of the term. Camp was fun. I went on the flying fox it was fun. We got to go on Google Docs for the first. Mis Wittman was a very nice teacher. She found something called class Dojo. We did violin (which was fun). Jude Andrews

Highlights of Year 3 camp:

I loved year 3 camp and my favourite part was when we went on the giant flying fox. There is also an awesome water slide and I think camp is one of the highlights of the year. Satch Rutter

At the year 3 camp there was a water slide, horizontal bungee and a flying fox. My favourite part was the water slide because it was fun and I enjoy getting wet. The bad part was at night time when you are trying to sleep and other cabins are being too loud. It was lots of fun. Grace Hill

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Dale CondonHead of music k-12

new tutors

ayo string Quartet concert

ensemBles concert

Welcome back to another busy music term. This term we welcome three new music tutors. Francesca Andreoni, travels from Armidale and is a Double Bass specialist, Amelia McCluney will travel from Sydney each week for a day of ‘Cello teaching and Michael McCabe will travel from Maitland to tutor upper string students. Please make them feel welcome.

The AYO String Quartet, featuring some of Australia’s finest young classical musicians, will perform at a number of intimate gatherings as part of AYO’s Regional Residencies program. The Quartet is visiting Coffs Harbour on 16 October and will run workshops and tutorials for the advanced strings students at school on the day, from 1.30pm-3.00pm.

This will be followed by a concert held at St John’s Anglican Church starting at 6pm. Entry is by gold coin donation, which will be donated to St John’s at the end of the concert.

This year’s ensembles concert will be held on one night Wednesday 6 November 2013, in the Branson Centre. A fundraiser sausage sizzle and drinks stall will run from 5pm onwards. There will also be raffles, with some great prizes! You will receive an information letter soon. If you have any prizes you could donate to this cause, please ring me on 66515644 ext. 218 or email [email protected]. All proceeds go towards the 2014 BDC Music Tour and purchasing new instruments for the students. See you there!

musical notes

important dates and events

college community

14 oct

15-18 oct20 oct

HSC Examinations CommenceRugby Presentation AfternoonYear 5 CampBDC Golf Day - Read More...

alumniScott Townley (HSC 2004) is teaching at Grafton Primary School as well as music/band pursuits.

Dr Ruth Cameron-Jeffs (HSC 2004) is in Melbourne in first year Obstetrics/Gynaecology training at the Royal Womens Hospital.

Nash Cameron-Jeffs (HSC 2007) is currently in USA and Canada playing electronic music at festivals and social engagements.

Doug Billing (HSC 2007) is completing his final year of nursing at Armidale Hospital.

Malia Rouillon (HSC 2007) was studying in Armidale but now working in Western Australia in the Port Headland mines.

Ben Law (HSC 2007) is working for BHP in Port Hedland currently as their youngest employee. He is also doing an Environmental Science degree through Southern Cross Uni by distance Ed.

Tim Law (HSC 2011) is in second year of Chemical Engineering at Newcastle Uni. He is still playing the Viola and just finished the Phantom of the Opera playing at the Civic theatre. He is also in the orchestra for another up and coming musical.

Scott RodhamAlumni Officer

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you are invited to attend the

Annual Golf Day

Bonville Golf Resort4 Person Ambrose Event

Sunday 20 October12:30pm Shotgun Start

Tuesday 19/11/2013

5:30pm – 7:30pm


Ph: (02) 6648 5435

Freecall 1300 359 968

ETC Office 80 Grafton St Coffs Harbour

parents and friendsbdc AnnuAl Golf dAyThe Bishop Druitt College Annual Golf Day 2013 is here again! This is a social day for members of the BDC community, friends and our business partners. Bonville Golf Resort will be again hosting the Annual Golf Day. It is a four person ambrose competition with a shotgun start at 12.30pm on Sunday 20 October. We’re aiming to have the best Golf Day ever with lots of wonderful prizes and a raffle.

If you’re interested in playing or sponsoring the day, please fill out the Entry Form/Sponsorhip pamphlet and return to Bonville Golf Resort by fax 6653-4005, email [email protected] or post - PO Box 9 Bonville 2450.

BDC Golf Day Entry and Sponsorship form

For more information please contact Susan Nealon on [email protected]

cAllinG for exPreSSionS of intereSt!Want to be involved in your child’s schooling? The P&F currently have an email group that is often used to inform parents of upcoming P&F/College events, news, volunteer requests etc. You do not have to be a P&F member to be included, so if you want to help out every once in a while or just want to hear about upcoming events or information please email [email protected].

contAct uSFor more information, to view our Constitution or read our latest meeting minutes, click on “Our Community” then “Parents and Friends” on the College Website. We look forward to your support.President: Allan Williams 0408 332 082 [email protected] & F email: [email protected]

next meeting: monday 21 october, 6.30 pm, Senior Common Room, refreshments provided

The Bishop Druitt College Parents and Friends Association is an organisation that supports the aims and objectives of the College. It does so through the promotion of fundraising, fellowship, friendship and fun.

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Group  Training  Association  of  NSW  &  ACT,  30-­‐32  Pomeroy  St  Homebush  NSW  2140.  www.gtana.com.au    




















Supported  By:    

!""#$%&'($)*'"+,#-'%$$)*'" /%01#2-&'1% 3$))'1% 4-#& 10 ,56 78,896 :7 ;:9< 6=4:

Who  Parents,  carers  and  grandparents  

School  leavers  and  job  seekers  

Schools  Careers  Advisers  

Business  and  potential  employers  

Schedule:  5:30pm    Keynote  address  (Regional  labour  market,  Future  jobs  and  Skills  for  the  future)  6:10pm    Refreshments    6:30pm    Apprenticeship/Traineeship  Information  Session  7:30pm    Q  &  A  

Date:    Thursday  

24th  October,  2013  

Location:    Coffs  Harbour  Racing  Club  

Howard  Street,    Coffs  Harbour  

Register  at:  www.gtana.com.au/events/event/swsat  |  Enquiries:  02  9746  9333  /  [email protected]      




Free  apprenticeship  and  

trainee  information  session  


Brought  to  you  by  Group  Training  Association  of    

NSW  &  ACT  

Supported  by  NSW  State  Training  Services  and  local  

Partnership  Brokers  


Why  To  know  how  to  prepare  for  

Apprenticeships  and  Traineeships  

Speak  with  experts  who  represent  a  range  of  


Learn  about  the  benefits  of  pre-­‐apprenticeship  courses  

And  other  industries...  

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