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3.1 notes part ii

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4.1 notes (Part II)

3.1 notes (Part II)

VIRGINIA LABORThere were severe labor shortages in VAOriginally, to deal with this problem, indentured servants were brought inIndentured servants usually signed a contract to work 4-7 years for people who would pay their ship fare to the New WorldLater, African slaves were brought to fill the labor void

BRIDGING TO 1676Settlers continued to flood into VAMost people worked hard and enjoyed the prosperous timesShips constantly sailed in and out of busy harborsColonists traded raw goods like tobacco for tools, books, furniture & other finished/manufactured goods from England

EXPLODING POPULATIONBy the mid 1600s, VA had a population greater than 15,000In 1699 the capital was moved from Jamestown to the tiny town of Williamsburg

Settlers continued to flood the colonyWealthy tobacco planters controlled the best coastal lands at the mouths of rivers and along the Atlantic coastPoorer people set up smaller farms inlandWhere specifically might average settlers have looked for land?INDIAN LAND

SETTLERS GRAB INDIAN LANDNow we had extensive bloodshedIn the 1640s we saw a series of attempts to establish peaceThis truce did not last because people kept ignoring it and moving west

A REQUEST FOR BERKELEYPeople on the western edge of settlement were always looking for an excuse to grab Indian land and wanted to do away with the Indians who owned itThese settlers asked the 70 year old VA Gov. Sir William Berkeley to authorize a military offensive against Indians who had been attacking nearby plantations

Would Gov. William Berkeley move the Indians further west?Berkeleys income sources:Plantation ownerSalary as governorTrading post owner (his primary customers were Indians)

Would he?

TROUBLE BEGINS (July 1675)Doeg Indians attacked the plantation of Thomas MathewsSeveral Doegs and whites were killed in the raid, which began in a dispute over the nonpayment of some items Mathews had apparently obtained from the tribeVarious colonists decided to get even but they attacked the wrong Indians, the SusquehanaugsLarge scale Indian raids began soon after

LAST CHANCEGov. Berkeley was given a final opportunity to attack the IndiansJuly 30, 1676, a young planter named Nathaniel Bacon (Berkeleys cousin) issued a Declaration of the People of Virginia demanding that Indians in the area be killed or removedIt also demanded an end to the rule of parasites

CRITICISMThe governors administration was criticized in detailIt accused him of levying unfair taxes, appointing friends to high positions, and of failing to protect outlying farmers from Indian attack

FARMERS ORGANIZEWhen the governor refused to attack the Indians, farmers decided to create their own raiding partyNathaniel Bacon arrived with a large amount of brandy, distributed it and was then elected leader of the groupIgnoring Berkeleys pleas to stop, the drunken mob of 500+ consisting of many planters, former indentured servants, slaves & free slaves marched to Jamestown

September 19, 1676Jamestown was burned to the groundBerkeley was outnumbered and had to retreat across the river to John Custis plantationCustis only surviving son was Daniel Parke Custis, the 1st husband of Martha WashingtonHowever in Oct, Bacon contracted a fever according to your book

WHAT KIND OF FEVER DID NATHANIEL HAVE?Dysentery?By touching waste you contaminate food and water resulting in the loss of salts, fluids and other vital mineralsPut more crudely bloody and mucus-filled diarrhea eventually result in your deathSimilar to e-coli todayMany people of that time called it the bloody flux or the lousey disease

RAMPAGING MOB LOSES ITS LEADERNathaniel soon diedHis remaining soldiers burned his bodySoon after an English naval squadron arrived with enough soldiers to restore orderBerkeley regained complete control and 23 of Bacons followers were executed without trial. Their estates were seized to compensate friends of the governor whose plantations had been plundered by the rebelsIronically a new Indian treaty was signed in 1677 that opened up most of the disputed territory to whites

SUMMARY OF BACONS REBELLIONThis was the 1st rebellion in the American colonies in which discontented frontiersmen took partThe uprising was a protest against Indian raids on the frontier and the governors blatant favoritismIt was one of the 1st times that poor whites and poor blacks were united for a causeWhile the colonists were not successful in their goal of driving Indians out of VA, the rebellion did cause Berkeley to be recalled to EnglandIt showed the lengths that colonists would go to get hold of valuable Indian land

CHARLES II REACTSThe king acknowledged that high taxes and low tobacco prices contributed to Bacons RebellionCharles II said, That old fool has hanged more men in that naked country than I have done here for the murder of my father.

ROOTS OF MARYLANDDuring the 1600s, Catholics in England faced some of the same problems as Separatists, Puritans, Quakers, etc.As nonmembers of the Anglican Church, Catholics could not practice their religion openlySmoker Ruth persecution STORY?Those who were open about their Catholicism risked jail and/or the confiscation of their property

THE CALVERT PLANA rich and powerful family, the Calverts, decided to build a colony where Catholics could worship freelyThe Calverts had been friends of the royal family for generations, so they felt comfortable asking the king for a land grantCharles I gave them a huge chunk of land just north of Virginia

LAND GRANT In 1632, Charles I granted George Calvert, Lord Baltimore (son Cecilius) the land that became known as Maryland

CALVERTS PROFIT MAXIMIZING MODELCalvert hoped to make a profit from the colony but since he was Catholic, he wanted it to be a haven for Catholics (refuge)Lord Baltimore planned to set up a feudal system with manors and serfsHe had the right to pass his own laws and set up courts

PUBLIC REACTIONS TO CALVERTS COLONYMany settlers didnt find MD attractive under Calverts ideasTo attract settlers, they were later allowed to own their own farmsTo keep political influence, Calvert had to give the people considerable say in local affairs

SHOT IN THE ARM FOR THE ECONOMYIn 1634, the Ark and the Dove took the 1st Catholic settlers from England to MDFarmers soon raised huge crops of wheat, corn and tobaccoBaltimore was the largest cityAnnapolis grew into a busy seaportBefore long, MD products began to flow into England along with products from other coloniesTo ensure quick growth, the Calverts did not limit settlement to CatholicsAll Christians were welcome!!

1649 Maryland Act of TolerationAssured all CHRISTIANS that they could worship freely in MDWhat about Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, etc?

Religious TolerationBy Edwin Howland Blashfield, (1848-1936)unveiled January 11, 1905

KEY ITEMS TO REMEMBER ABOUT MARYLANDMaryland based its economy on tobaccoIt was very similar to VirginiaSomewhat more diversified

CAROLINAIn 1663, Charles II issued a charter giving a large tract of land to the south of Virginia to EIGHT rich English nobles (Are there poor nobles?)These nobles named it Carolina in honor of the king (Carolus is Latin for Charles)Proprietary colony

THE CAROLINA PLAN OF THE EIGHT RICH DUDESThey had a very detailed vision to assure that the colony would succeedThe Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina (FCC) was commissioned by the eight to be written by one of the great philosophers of the time, John LockeLocke described a colony controlled by a group of landed noblesDivision of political and economic powerPeople of different religions were welcomed in the colonyThe capital city was built on the shore of a beautiful bay and was called Charles Town (later Charleston)

A COLONIZATION MAGNET?Others seeking religious freedom and the chance to make a decent living followed People came from all over Europe and the other English coloniesSoon Carolina had valuable crops to export such as tobacco, rice, and ginger

DIVORCENC had been settled by poor farmers, while wealthier SC developed huge rice plantations that used enslaved AfricansBy 1712 the population had grown so large that the colony was dividedOther aspects of the division? Economic snobbery from the south and distance from the north to Charles Town
