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31 Recruiting Hacks for Sourcing and Diversity Recruiting

Date post: 22-Jan-2018
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Part 2 Sourcing and diversity recruiting

Part 2

Sourcing and diversity


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Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting

Our speakers

Zeenat Bhamani / @zeenatbhamani

Recruiting Researcher, Netflix

Maya Humes / @mayanjeri

Content Marketing Manager, Lever

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting

Candidate sourcing hacks

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Use calendar “chunking” for sourcing, phone

screens, etc.

Block chunks of time on your calendar for

sourcing, phone screens, candidate

feedback, hiring manager meetings, etc.

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Make OneTab your best friend

Use a browser extension called OneTab. It will zap all of your open tabs into a

single one so you can re-open each tab as you’re ready to review it.

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Give tree ring sourcing a try

When you’re sourcing candidates, start narrow and work your way out. Use a

Boolean AND operator for both required and desired skills, and use a small

zip code search radius, then slowly expand your search from there (if


Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Find any candidate’s email address

Did you just come across your dream candidate, but you aren’t sure how to

contact them? Work emails tend to follow a pattern, like

[email protected]”, or [email protected]". To find

the pattern, create this string using the company’s URL:

“contact OR email * * company name.com”

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Host team-wide sourcing jams

Make sourcing fun and find new candidates

faster by hosting a company-wide sourcing

session - complete with music, pizza, and

even beer.

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Tap into the “People also viewed” section of

qualified people on LinkedIn

Think of the most talented people on your

current or former team, and dive into their

“People also viewed” section.

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Pull all candidate profiles from online hubs into

your ATS

Forget the hassle of keeping track of candidates on GitHub, AngelList, and

LinkedIn. Bring their information into one centralized location - your ATS.

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Set up a Google alert for your top prospect’s


If there’s a candidate you’re courting, use Google Alerts to get notified when

there’s an article published about them online. That way, you can send a

related follow-up.

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Throw quarterly referral-a-thons

Wasting time asking your team to submit

referrals at every company meeting? Plan a

referral-a-thon once a quarter. Also, use a

tool like Drafted to make gathering referrals


Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Send automated follow-ups to check in with


Second and third follow-ups can double your candidate response rate, but it’s

not easy to remember to send them. Save yourself time by automating your

follow-ups in Lever Nurture.

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Capitalize on engagement notifications

One Lever Nurture feature allows you to see when candidates open and click

your emails. Even if they don’t respond, this is key info that can drive you to

reach out again.

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Use Lever Nurture Recommendations to

resurface archived candidates

Why spend hours searching for new talent when you already have incredible

talent sitting in your ATS? Lever Nurture Recommendations suggests

qualified candidates you’ve already pulled into your recruiting software.

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Send for your hiring manager to increase

candidate response rates

Having trouble getting candidates to respond? Try sending for their future

manager or an executive.

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Identify, clone and improve your best performing

reach-out templates

Lever Nurture Reports helps you see

which reachouts get the most opens,

clicks and responses. Find what’s

working and socialize that with the

rest of the team.

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Reward employees who submit referrals with

restaurant gift cards

Referrals are one of the most rewarding recruiting tactics around. Lever’s

research shows that one in 16 referrals are hired, compared to one in 152

candidates who apply through your website or job boards. But it helps to

incentivize your employees to submit them.

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Share a new “Sourcing Tip of the Week/ Month”

in team meetings

Start a tradition wherein team

members share new tips regularly

- that way, you’re always keeping

your tactics fresh, varied, and


Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Integrate “open role spotlights” into your

company’s weekly all-hands

Make key roles you’re trying to fill top-of-mind for the whole team. When you

give the recruiting updates during your next company-wide meeting (you do

do that, right?), focus on the highest-priority positions.

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Pore through your coworker's connections

Connect with an existing team member on

LinkedIn, source their connections, send that

employee the names of the people you found

in their network, then ask for a simple "Would

you refer this person? yes/no?".

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Find where candidates hang out (online)

No need to make it to every candidate meetup when you have the internet.

Are you looking for Social Media people? Try Instagram. Engineers? Try

Github. Or maybe Reddit. Or Twitter. Designers? Try Dribbble.

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Build rapport with candidates who aren’t right

If you build a great rapport with a candidate who ends up not being right for

the job, they’ll likely won’t mind sending you the names of other great people

who may be closer to what you’re looking for.

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Use the "Find more people like..." feature

LinkedIn Recruiter's search bar allows you to type in an exact name and pull

profiles similar to that individual. I like to use this with the existing team,

dream hires, or even people we've passed on whose backgrounds were great


Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting

Diversity recruiting hacks

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


State your commitment to building a diverse and

inclusive culture on your careers page

Even if you just add one simple

sentence, you can send a strong

message to your applicants. Add it at

the end to your job descriptions too to

drive the point home!

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Conduct blind resume screenings

This will help you minimize unconscious biases. Studies have shown that

people with ethnic names need to send out more resumes before they get a

callback, for example.

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Ban “culture fit” as a reason for rejecting a


When interviewers want to reject candidates for “culture fit”, or a “gut feeling”,

it’s an indication that unconscious bias is at play.

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Explicitly request a diverse range of referrals

Challenge your employees to think

beyond the obvious – past their three

best friends that may or may not be all

from the same demographic.

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Ensure that underrepresented employees are

included in your interviews

But don’t go overload them either - steer clear of asking your

underrepresented employees for help nonstop.

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Check the temperature of your office

The temperature in most buildings defaults to what’s most comfortable for


Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Stray away from oddball questions like “How

many golf balls would fit inside a 747 airplane?”

Brain teasers and off-the-cuff questions have been found to be not that helpful

in predicting great hires vs. those who need to be rejected. Instead, focus on

behavioral interviewing.

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Intersect your conversion rates with the

demographic data collected through Equal

Employment Opportunity (EEO) questions

You might find that underrepresented candidates are passing phone screens,

but falling off after on-site panels at a high rate. This tells you there may be

some sort of bias in a particular stage.

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Change the reading materials you have in your


If you’re going to provide magazines,

try to make sure them relevant to your

industry as opposed to clearly

gendered options.

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting


Print inclusive bathroom signs

Lever’s bathroom doors have a sticker that says “For those who identify as,”

above the mens and womens signs. Try doing the same!

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting

Download our entire 103 Recruiting Hacks Ebook here:


Register for our 4-part webinar series:




Zeenat Bhamani / @zeenatbhamani

Recruiting Researcher, Netflix

Maya Humes / @mayanjeri

Content Marketing Manager, Lever

Part 2 — Sourcing and diversity recruiting
