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31 Verses Sample

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31 Verses: Inhabit sample
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Published by SL Resources, Inc. A Division of NavPress© 2010 SL Resources, Inc.

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NavPressCusromer ServiceP.O. Box 35002Colorado Springs, CO 80935

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible: New International Version (North American Edition), copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House.

ISBN-13: 9781935040781

31 Verses Every Teenager Should Know™


Printed in the United States of America

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VERSE 6 1 PETER 2:11






VERSE 12 PSALMS 101:2-3A


















VERSE 30 JOHN 17:15



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INTRoINhABiT? It’s about holiness. Let’s be honest, the fact that holiness prob-ably isn’t that appealing says a lot about culture’s infl uence on us.

You probably had one of two reactions to the word holiness. One may have been neutral, knowing holiness is a good thing but impossible to understand, let alone live out, so why dwell on it? It’s like some abstract characteristic of God that is great (perfect actually) but unrealistic for us. Nobody’s perfect right?

Another may have been negative. Holiness may bring to mind strict rules and judgmental looks from boring hypocrites – people acting holier-than-thou and forcing their standards on everyone else while looking nothing like God from what you understand about Him.

So, in comes this little book. It is intended to get you into The Book. Too many people claim the name “Christian” without knowing what to do about holiness, yet God’s Word is FULL of stories and insights into God’s character and the intended life for His people . . . both can be summed up in four letters: h-o-l-y.

Holiness means “set apart.” Not just different for the sake of being differ-ent, but set apart from the world in order to be used for God’s purposes. It’s so much more than being morally “pure” or not doing “bad things.” Here’s what I mean. Near the end of His life, Christ prayed that His followers would be made holy through His Word and that they would be sent into the world to make a difference for His name and for God’s glory. Jesus said that we should be set apart, not taken out of the world but not giving into its temptations either. In response to Jesus’ prayer, we need to learn how to live IN the world without being like it. We have to develop the HABIT of being IN but not “of” the world that we INhABiT.

in Christ,

Jeremy Maxfi eldWriter & Editor


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INTRo howTOuseNow that you own this incredible little book, you may be wondering, “What do I do with it?”

Glad you asked. The great thing about this book is that you can use it just about any way you want.

It’s not a system. It’s a resource that can be used in ways that are as unique and varied as you are.

A few suggestions . . .

The one MonTh PLAn On this plan, you’ll read one devotional each day for a month. This is a great way to immerse yourself in the Bible for a month-long pe-riod. (OK, we realize that every month doesn’t have 31 days. But 28 or 30 is close enough to 31, right?) The idea is to cover a lot of information in a short amount of time.

The sCRiPTuRe MeMoRY PLAn The idea behind this plan is to memorize the verse for each day’s devotional; you don’t move on to the next devotional until you’ve memorized the Scripture you’re on. If you’re like most people, this might take you more than one day per devotional. So this plan takes a slower approach.

The “i’M no WiLLiAM shAKesPeARe” PLAn Don’t like to write or journal? This plan is for you. . . . Listen, not everyone expresses themselves the same way. If you don’t like to express yourself through writing, that’s OK. Simply read the devotional for each verse, then read the questions. Think about them. Pray through them. But don’t feel as if you have to journal if you don’t want to.

The sTRenGTh in nuMBeRs PLAn God designed humans for interaction. We’re social creatures. How cool would it be if you could go through 31: INhABiT with your friends? Get a group of friends together. Consider agreeing to read fi ve verses each week, then meeting to talk about them.

Pretty simple, right? Choose a plan. Or make up your own. But get started already. What are you waiting for?


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Can you imagine? Ben Underwood lost both eyes to retinal cancer as a tod-dler. But amazingly, this little boy would later skateboard the streets of Cali-fornia and play basketball, foosball, and even PlayStation® with his friends. How? By the time he was a teenager, Ben had mastered a technique called echolocation, which is basically sonar like bats use. His hearing became so pure that he was able to sort through noisy distractions to recognize sounds and echoes, clearly visualizing what he was unable to physically see. With no eyes, Ben experienced a life beyond anything people dreamed possible, fully aware of the “invisible” realities surrounding him.

Keeping that in mind, read Matthew 5:1-12. This opening section of what is known as the Sermon on the Mount (since vs. 1 says Jesus went up on the mountain) is known as the Beatitudes (what our attitudes should be). Christ gave simple but surprising descriptions of what our lives should look like and why. Basically, Christ-followers think and act very differently from the world around them. If the things in the second part of each verse sound good, look at the habit in the first half.

Obviously we can’t see God physically, but that doesn’t make Him any less real. In fact, He’s all around, always at work, but we’re so distracted by the things of this world that we don’t know how to recognize His voice anymore. Jesus clarified that if we want to experience life with God, we need to develop the habit of keeping our hearts pure, free from the noisy lies of temptation. We begin to see Him by learning to hear Him. We learn to hear Him by spend-ing time in His Word. It makes sense. This kind of life is more rewarding than anything we could ever dream possible in our own natural abilities.


Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. MATTHEW 5:8


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1. in your own words, what does a “pure heart” mean? what does the BiBle say is the reward for a pure (holy) heart? do you Believe that reward is worth what you’ll “Give up”?

2. is there anythinG in your life (haBit, addiction, temptation, attitude) that you are unwillinG to Give up in order to “see God”? what do you need to surrender to christ?

3. write a prayer askinG God to Give you a pure heart, forGivinG your sins throuGh christ and GuidinG you daily in holiness By his spirit.



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222There are few things more nerve-racking when you’re a teenager than waiting around to get asked to a dance. The sooner the big day looms on the calendar, the more anxious you become. During that period of waiting, you can’t help but wonder, “Why hasn’t anyone asked me yet?” “Is something wrong with me?” “How can I show my face at school again if I don’t get asked?”

Of course, once you get invited, a whole new series of concerns set in, all revolv-ing around whether or not you’re going to be a good date. You’ve got to wear the right clothes, dance well, carry on good conversations, and basically avoid making an idiot out of yourself or your date.

Read Ephesians 4:1-6. Paul described what should fi ll the minds of those who have been invited into relationship with the God of the universe. It’s not something to worry about since God has proven His love, but it should result in thoughtfulness.

Hopefully, we eventually realize that, in the greater scheme of things, whether we get asked to a dance or not really isn’t a big deal. We fi gure out that’s ultimately not where our value lies.

You see, God desires a relationship with each of us. He has chosen us. He has chosen you, and He’s done that because He loves you. When we accept that love and begin to follow Him, we become part of a larger group of God’s children, the Church.

The original Greek word for Church literally means “those called out.” God has called you out of the world, out of your previous life of striving for acceptance, to be fully accepted by Him. Our lives become daily responses to that acceptance,

showing the people around us the joy, hope, peace, and satisfaction found only in Christ.

as a prisoner for the lord, then, i urGe you to live a life worthy of the callinG you

have received. EpHEsiAns 4:1


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2 REFLECT1. what does it mean to you to know that you’ve Been chosen By God? descriBe how your life as one of “those called out” is different from the rest of the world.

2. what is one area of your life in which you know you need help in livinG in a way worthy of your callinG?

3. write a prayer Below thankinG God for choosinG you and callinG you to himself. commit to live in a manner which is worthy of that callinG. confess to him the areas of your life in which you currently need the most help and seek his assistance and conviction in those areas.


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Do you remember the first day of school as a 4th grader? You spent the night before carefully laying out new clothes, making sure you’d look cool, but not like you were trying too hard. You had your brand-new Lizzie McGuire lunch-box (girls, admit it, you loved it). You called your friends, trying to figure out who was in your new class and who wasn’t. The next morning, you strapped on your new backpack, filled with new school supplies, and started a new year filled with infinite possibilities. Were you excited? Terrified? Maybe a little of both?

Read Ephesians 4:17-24. Paul was writing to the church in Ephesus while he was imprisoned in Rome. He encouraged Christ-followers there to remember that God had given them “new selves” to put on, which is kind of like that new stuff from the first day of school. Think back to that day. Could anything have convinced you to use your old lunchbox when you had your new one right there? Could your mother have persuaded you to wear your old clothes? Could anyone have prevailed upon you to go back a grade? Not a chance!

In the same way, you were given a brand new life when you believed in Christ and with it, a renewed mind. The new self is all about God, about Christ, His teachings, and living a life that is pleasing to Him. The old stuff (old habits, old ways of thinking, old attitudes, everything that you formerly were) doesn’t apply anymore. You now look at your life through the lens of Christ and what He has done in your life. Everything is different, but YOU have to put it on. It’s a choice between old and new everyday, every moment, actually! And the new is so much better!

VERSE3put on the new self, created to Be like God in

true riGhteousness and holiness. EpHEsiAns 4:24


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1. what do you think your “old self” looked like?

2. in what situations miGht you Be tempted to use the old self instead of the new self? why does it feel easier or Better to Go Back to those old haBits sometimes?

3. how has your life chanGed since you put on the new self? how will you make it a haBit to put on the new self every day?



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don’t let anyone look down on you Because you are younG,

But set an example for the Believers in speech, in life, in love,

in faith and in purity. 1 TiMoTHy 4:12

4Think you’re too young to make a difference? To do great things? Think again . . . On Thursday July 16, 2009, Zac Sunderland became the youngest person to sail by themselves around the world. Zac was 17 when he completed his journey. Oh, and he bought the boat with his own money. The 27,500 mile journey took him more than a year. Did I mention he did it alone? Pretty cool, right? But the story gets better . . .

One month later, Mike Perham, also 17, completed his own solo journey around the world. Mike who is younger than Zac, thus breaking Zac’s weeks-old record, completed his journey in only nine months! Oh, and he did it alone, too. Zac and Mike prove that you are never too young to do great things. Those great things don’t just apply to physical feats of endurance and adventure. They apply to your spiritual life as well.

Read 1 Timothy 4:9-15. This is a letter written by Paul to a young man named, you guessed it, Timothy. Timothy had traveled with Paul during many of his in-credible adventures, going from town to town telling people the life-changing story of Jesus Christ. Paul was met with great success, but also with great adversity and persecution. Timothy witnessed much of this but would go on to become a leader of the early Church. 1 and 2 Timothy are letters Paul wrote to give advice to this young man.

Read verse 12 again. Paul wanted Timothy to know that age is nothing . . . just a number. Timothy still had the responsibility and the ability to make a

difference for God in the world around him. You have that same ability. Never let your age be an excuse for not using your life to make an incred-ible impact in the name of Jesus.7

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REFLECT1. think for a moment aBout the areas in your life where you have influence. think aBout the places where you could make a difference. write down two or three of these areas.

2. now, look at the areas you have written down. for each of these, write down one or two thinGs you could do today that would make a positive difference in these areas.

3. finally, pray that God would Give you the couraGe and strenGth to follow throuGh with your plan. write your prayer down. if you need to, look Back at your prayer over the next few days.


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Have you ever been lost without any map, GPS, or road signs? I learned the importance of directions the hard way. One day, before heading out on a hike, I noticed a map, but thought I could figure the trail out. After an hour of hik-ing, I knew something was wrong. The trail kept winding back and forth going nowhere. Finally, I saw a sign that said “hikers’ trail” and pointed toward a smaller path. Another sign told me I had been wandering around a horse trail! Even though I knew where I wanted to go, I never would’ve gotten there without the trail markers guiding me.

Read Psalm 119:9-16. The author of this psalm was certain that the most important guide for a person’s life was God’s Word. These verses are the second stanza in an acrostic poem (meaning it has a stanza for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet). The poem is all about the value of God’s Word. (Yes, Bible verses about how awesome Bible verses are.)

Verse 9 raises a valuable question and acknowledges that life isn’t easy. In fact it’s impossible to lead a holy life without God’s Word, the only true guide for living. Now look at what verses 10 through 16 describe. God’s Word is hid-den in his heart, it’s what he talked about, thought about, and was delighted by. The poet was focused on pursuing the Author of this perfect guide. He knew God’s Word personally and wanted to be closer to God, Himself.

It’s not enough to know the Bible says something about how we should live. As a guide, it’s meant to be followed. In order to live according to God’s Word, we have to learn what the Bible teaches, then think about it, talk about it, and celebrate how its truth guides us. The result will be a life that is headed in the

right direction.


how can a younG man keep his way pure? By livinG accordinG to your word.

psALMs 119:9


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1. what are some Guides other than the BiBle that people follow? how is God’s word different from these?

2. descriBe how the BiBle has Been a Guide for your life? in what ways do you deliGht in God’s truth? if not, why not?

3. what areas of your life are the most difficult for you to live in accordance with God’s word?



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