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3.4 Memorandums

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  • 8/12/2019 3.4 Memorandums


  • 8/12/2019 3.4 Memorandums


    Definition of a Memo A memorandum(abbrev.: memo) was from

    the Latin A memo is an internal document that is generally short,

    focuses on a single topic, reports information, makes arequest, or recommends action.

    It follows specific forms,depending on theorganization.

    Memos can be as formal as a business letter and used topresent a report.

    However, the heading and overall tone make a memodifferent from a business letter. Because you generallysend memos to co-workers and colleagues, you do nothave to include a formal salutationor closing remark.

  • 8/12/2019 3.4 Memorandums


    Business Memo Memos solve problems

    Most effective when they connect

    purpose of writer needs of reader

    Provide Information

    Persuade Pretend you are the recipient and ask: 1. How is this relevant to me? 2. What, specifically, do you want me to do? 3. What's in it for me?

    Or Both

  • 8/12/2019 3.4 Memorandums




    Identify your audiencebefore you begin to write.

    Ask yourself, should this be persuasive,directive, or technical?

    Be concise and come straight to the point.

    Maintain a business-like tone.

    Use headings, bullets, and/or numbered lists so key points stand outand the document is easy to read.

    As when writing anything, each paragraph should contain one main idea.Also, try to keep each paragraph short.

    Always proofread very carefully. Check all of your facts.

    Dont forget to identify any attachments. If not, a recipient would notrealize anything was missing.

  • 8/12/2019 3.4 Memorandums


    Parts of a Memo

    The heading segment follows this general format: To: (readers' names and job titles)

    From: (your name and job title)Date: (complete and current date)Subject: (what the memo is about)

    Encl or Attached: other documents which are included with thereport (omitted if there are no enclosures).

    References: list of particularly importantbackground documents( omitted if there are no such documents).


  • 8/12/2019 3.4 Memorandums



    Details: Keep these two things in mind:

    Begin with most important information

    Key findings or recommendations Inverted pyramid.

    Start with your most general information

    Move to your specific or supporting facts Or Details: strongest weakest

  • 8/12/2019 3.4 Memorandums



    Courteous ending that states what action

    you want the reader to take.

    How the reader will benefit from the actions. How you can make those actions easier.

  • 8/12/2019 3.4 Memorandums



    Refer to attached documents, lists,

    graphs, tables, etc.

    E.g. Attached: Several Complaintsabout Product, January - June 1997

  • 8/12/2019 3.4 Memorandums


    Format Guidelines

    Regardless of the style, memos generally have similar format characteristics.Listed below are some basic guidelines that can help you create a memo:

    Memos have one-inch m arginsaround the page and are on letterhead paper All lines of the memo begin at the left margin The text begins two spacesafter the subject line. The body of the memo is sing le-spaced, with two spaces between paragraphs. Memos are written on com pany letterhead( special company paper that has

    that has the company's name, address, and telephone number printed on it).

    If the memo is written on letterhead, do not repeat and any information thatappears in the letterhead.

    The format of the heading is easy to read because of the use of whi te spacesand al igned co lumns .

    The format of the heading is functional; the first information it gives is theinformation the readers need first. None of the information is presented more than once at the beginning of the

    report. The information included in the letterhead is omitted from the heading.

  • 8/12/2019 3.4 Memorandums


    Common Types of Memos

    Each memo is written for a specific purpose to a specificaudience. The purpose and audience for your memo willhelp guide what type of memo you w i ll wr i te.

    Even though no two memos are identical, four common

    broad categories exist. If you are unsure about how toformat your memo, ask your instructor or review memosyour co-workers have written.

    1. Persuasive2. Directive3. Technical

    4. Announcement5. Author izat ion6. Request

  • 8/12/2019 3.4 Memorandums


    Persuasive Memo:

    In a persuasive memo you must

    cons tant ly keep your reader 's feel ings

    in mind. Consider how the person willreact to what you are saying.What would

    con vince himor her most readily? How

    much should you rely on log ic, and how

    much should you appeal to emo t ion?

  • 8/12/2019 3.4 Memorandums


    Directive Memo:

    A directive memo states a pol icyor

    procedureyou want the reader or co-

    worker to follow. The length of the memodepends on how much space is required

    to properly explain the procedure.

  • 8/12/2019 3.4 Memorandums


    Technical Memo:

    A technical memo is a concise

    presentation of results, w ith a log ical

    prog ress ion from the pr inc ip leswhichare core to the analysis towards the

    conclusions that were drawn from the


  • 8/12/2019 3.4 Memorandums


  • 8/12/2019 3.4 Memorandums


    He told them of his decision in amemorandum a note recording something forfuture use: the two countries signed a

    memorandum of understanding on economiccooperation

    Law a document recording the terms of a

    contract or other legal details:articles ofassociation must be signed by subscribers tothe memorandum

    Memoranda of understanding (MOU)
