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34.industrial revln

Date post: 30-Jul-2015
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The Industrial Revolution

1. Economics What forms of economy have we seen so far? Paleolithic/hunter-gathering/nomadic Agrarian Feudal Mercantilist Capitalist Degree of focus, labor organization (free vs. slave), and state control depends on the society under discussion 2. Economic Vocabulary Mercantilism Cities & markets Unit 2 Mediterranean Unit 3 Caliphates & Southernization (tariff = ) Unit 4 Europe and New Europes Particularly for Unit 4: Emphasis on trade balance: realizing a profit Wealth frequently measured in bullion Strong government role Behavior in colonies 3. Economic Vocabulary Capitalism (1600s-present) Focus on individual freedom: Enlightenment beliefs in equality & liberty in economics Necessitates private ownership Adam Smiths Wealth of Nations (1776): laissez-faire. Self-regulation Measured in growth; no limit 4. Industrial Revolution: What do you Need to Know? How did IR affect peoples lives? Within regions (SPICE) Between regions (SPICE) Previous units: nomads vs. civilizations [cf. Neolithic Revolution] After 1750 it is industrialized vs. unindustrialized 5. Political/economic ideas that come out of the Industrial Revolution Socialism reaction to capitalism Regulation of distribution of wealth Economic meritocracy is false: who creates wealth?! Emphasizes the common good over individual success. Varieties of socialism! 6. Imperialism, Nationalism Social Justice (Feminism, Abolitionism, Socialism, Communism) Industrial Revolution ITS ALL CONNECTED! 7. Define Industrial Revolution 8. Consequences of Industrial Revolution S P I C E 9. SOCIAL STRUCTURE 10. POLITICS 11. INTERACTION WITH ENVIRONMENT 12. CULTURE 13. ECONOMICS 14. Major Industrialized Areas: Timeline Western Europe 1750 on United States Northern areas: early 1800s United States expansion: post-1850 Russia and Japan Post-1860s 15. IR SOURCES What do these sources reveal about the Industrial Revolution? 16. David: The Lictors Bring to Brutus the Bodies of His Sons (1789) 17. Delacroix: Liberty Leading the People (1830) 18. Arise, ye prisoners of starvation! Arise, ye wretched of the earth! For justice thunders condemnation, A better world's in birth! No more tradition's chains shall bind us, Arise ye slaves, no more in thrall! The earth shall rise on new foundations, We have been nought, we shall be all. (Chorus) 'Tis the final conflict, Let each stand in his place. The international working class Shall be the human race. We want no condescending saviors To rule us from a judgment hall; We workers ask not for their favors; Let us consult for all. To make the thief disgorge his booty To free the spirit from its cell, We must ourselves decide our duty, We must decide, and do it well. (Chorus) The law oppresses us and tricks us, wage slavry drains the workers blood; The rich are free from obligations, The laws the poor delude. Too long weve languished in subjection, Equality has other laws; "No rights," says she "without their duties, No claims on equals without cause." (Chorus) . The Internationale by Eugene Pottier (translated by Charles Kerr) 19. Courbet: The Stone Breakers (1849) 20. Monet: Djeuner sur l'herbe (1865) 21. Degas: Miss La La at the Cirque Fernando (1879) 22. Sadler Report 23. Communist Manifesto Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels 24. Statue of Liberty, 1886 Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! 25. Global long-distance migration, 1840-1940 Destination Origins Amount Auxiliary Origins Americas (65% went to US) Europe 55-58 million 2.5 million from India, China, Japan, Africa SE Asia and Indian Ocean rim India, S. China 48-52 million 5 million from Africa, Europe, NE Asia, Middle East Manchuria, Siberia, Central Asia, Japan NE Asia, Russia 46-51 million 26. 1750: Production at home or in small workshops by hand
