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352 - Montezuma County, Coloradomontezumacounty.org/web/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1939... · 352...

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352 Proceedings of the oard of Coun Commissioners _______________________ ay ________ ___________________________ Term, f 9 _________________________________ / J ______ _ VJer The Board of Coty Gommissioners of ionza Gotmty met in regular adjoed session on 'uesday Janua 10, 1959 at 10:00 o1clock A. M. ''he were psent; J. L Martin Frank Phiey Har .Hogers John J. Downey Lhas. B. Reid Chairm C oissioner Coissioner Attoey Clerk .e new Board proceeded to reorganize and Frank Philley was elected as L'hai of the Board for the ensuing year. The following reappoineents were made by animous vote of the Board; for the ensuing year; John J. .Uowney County Attoey at sala of $75, per month. H a. halters Janitor " 75.00 " " Harry Walters Ass1t Janitor " 2.00 " " William Higman Pest Exteinator " 50.QO " " during prairie dog seaso Glenn R. Grace Bee Inspector " 150,00 " year. Vote was then had by ballot for Road Supervisor for the ensuing year at a salary of $150.00 per month. Dale Stockton receiving two votes and Niles North one. ' It appearing to the oa that the ounty is the owner of Tax Sale Certificates #8515 & #8756 and deeming it to be to the best interest of the County to dispose of said sales it was ordered by the board that the County 1'reasurer be and he is hereby authorized and directed sell the same as follows: Sale #8515 covering e 1929 taxes on the S� & SE SW of Sec 18, & Ni NW! & Nh4 N of Sec 19, p 57, R 19 for the sum of $520.00 including all subsequent taxes Tasurer•s fees; Sale #8756 covering the 1950 tas on the E� f Sec 18, 56, R J4 for e sum of $516.26 including l subsequent taxes plus Treasurer's fees; Provided the above sales are taken up wiin thirty days from date of this order. Dond of Mrs. Lotta W. Manaugh as School Superintendent was approved and ordered filed in e amount of 000,QO. The following re8olution was adopted upon motion duly made, seconded and carried; LVí, that pursuant to the provisions of Section 8796 of the Colorado compiled laws of 1921 as amended, J. J. Harris & ,ompy, Bankers located at Dolores, Colorado, and the Citizens State Bank of Cortes, Colorado, be d are hereby approved and desiated as e depositories for all funds and monies coming i�to the possession of the County Treasurer of �ontezuma County virtue of his office as such ounty Treasurer.
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Proceedings of the 'Board of County Commissioners _______________________ tfay ________ ___________________________ Term, f 9 _________________________________ / J ______ _


The Board of County Gommissioners of iliontezuma Gotmty met in regular adjourned session on '.Luesday January 10, 1959 at 10:00 o1clock A. M. '.1.'here were present;

J. L Martin Frank Philley Harry .Hogers John J. Downey Lhas. B. Reid

Chairman Commissioner Commissioner Attorney Clerk

'Ib.e new Board proceeded to reorganize and Frank Philley was elected as L'hairman of the Board for the ensuing year.

The following reappointmeents were made by unanimous vote of the Board; for the ensuing year;

John J. .Uowney County Attorney at salary of $75,00 per month. H .. a. halters Janitor " 75.00 " " Harry Walters Ass1t Janitor " 50.00 " " William Higman Pest Exterminator " 50.QO " " during prairie dog seaso • Glenn R. Grace Bee Inspector " 150,00 " year.

Vote was then had by ballot for Road Supervisor for the ensuing year at a salary of $150.00 per month. Dale Stockton receiving two votes and Niles North one.

' It appearing to the .l::loard that the i,.,ounty is the owner of Tax Sale Certificates #8515 & #8756 and deeming it to be to the best interest of the County to dispose of said sales it was ordered by the board that the County 1'reasurer be and he is hereby authorized and directed to sell the same as follows:

Sale #8515 covering the 1929 taxes on the S� & SE-! SW-! of Sec 18, & Ni NW! & Nh4 NEi' of Sec 19, Twp 57, R 19 for the sum of $520.00 including all subsequent taxes plus Treasurer•s fees;

Sale #8756 covering the 1950 taxes on the E� Nlti" cif Sec 18, Twp 56, R J.4 for the sum of $516.26 including all subsequent taxes plus Treasurer's fees;

Provided the above sales are taken up witliin thirty days from date of this order.

Dond of Mrs. Lotta W. Manaugh as School Superintendent was approved and ordered filed in the amount of $2000,QO.

The following re8olution was adopted upon motion duly made, seconded and carried; RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Section 8796 of the Colorado compiled laws of 1921

as amended, J. J. Harris & i,.,ompany, Bankers located at Dolores, Colorado, and the Citizens State Bank of Cortes, Colorado, be and are hereby approved and designated as the depositories for all funds and monies coming i�to the possession of the County Treasurer of �ontezuma County by virtue of his office as such L;ounty Treasurer.

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Sale #9870 covering the 1927 taxes on the E·� SW-l SEi of Sec 51, Twp 37, R 15 for the amount of $50.00 incl.uding all subsequent taxes plus Treasurer's fees;

Sale #8742 covering the 1951 taxes on the W� NE! & E} NW! or Tract 47 of Sec 27, Twp 59, R 18 for the flat taxes and the fiat tax for all subsequent taxes plus Treasurer's fees.

Provided the above sales a.re taken up within thirty days from date of this order.

An offer of $87.06 for Sale #7978 covering the 1927 taxes on Lots 11 & 12, Block 11, Bauer's 2nd S.D., Mancos, including all subsequent taxes, was rejected.

The following surety bonds of Llounty Officials were approved by the Board and ordered filed;

Claude H. �ilson, Treasurer, in the amounts of $50,000.00 and $15,000.00. c. R. Hickman, County Judge, in the amount of $5,000.00. Hugo Weston, Justice of the Peace in the amount of' $1,000.00.

Retail Liquor License was granted to Fred C. Hallar for year 1959.

Rebate in the amount of $9.60 on 1957 taxes on account of having been assessed with 40 acres as irrigated land and should have been 27 acres, was allowed to W. E. Porter subject to the approval of the Colorado Tax Commission.

The following claims having been filed against the County were allowed and warrants ordered drawn in payment of' the same;

J. L. Martin W. R. Mc Cabe Frank Philley John J. Downey Chas. B. Reid John Wesch Jimmie Johnson Claude H. �iilson Frank Shadell Elizabeth Dunlap Audrey Hansen J. G. Dunning

" Madeline Mc Crum c. R. Hiclanan Ka tie Brumley He,rry Walters H. A .. Walters Myrtle Jordan Chas. B. Reid, Co. �lerk James M. Degan J a.ines M. Nol end J. J. Harris & lio., .t:lanJters 'fbe Dolores Star Owen's Electric Service C. H. Webb Sentinel-Richardson H. B. Hazard Mrs. H. B., !laz.a.rd Jesse H. Robinson Anneke Kollewijn E. Ellison Hatfield 1'own of Llortez " Out West Printing & ""ta. Lio. Burns National Bank Leslie Fitts Noland Dry Goods Guy 0. Harri son Audrey Olson Mancos Tim.es-Tribune F. illi., 1:5hideler Dr. J., R. trotter F. E .. Larimore J. C .. Penny Co. Jett Hdw. & Lbr. Co. The Toggery Mrs. Ralph Dunham Mrs. Letha Mc Lain Mrs. Thera Clark Roy VI'. Hingham Glenn Hill John D. Carver State Industrial School for Girls Cragmore !''oundation1 Inc. Dale Stockton Minafee fuorelock L. C. Dunagan Mil ton Dunlap Sylvester Menefea Albert Leavell Lawson Bowling Albert Wagner i'llil ton Roberts Clyde Striegel Ro be rt Gardner Frank Mc Kibben George Leavell �'illiam Hansen

Uommissioner & Mileage II II "

County Att'y Clerk Deputy Clerk Assistant Clerk Treasurer Deputy Treasurer Assisting Treas.

" " Assessor Expense to District Meeting Deputy Assessor Judge & Clerk Dist. Ct. Clerk County Court Assisting Janitor Janitor School Supt & Mileage Supplies Deputy Dist. Att1y Dist. Att1y Escrow Fees Supplies

" Roger's Bond Supplies Deputy Sheriff & Exp. .t:loard of Prisoners Sheriff & Mileage County Nurse Deputy Dist. Att'y Wa,ter II Supplies Order E. D. Peters Fertilizer for Ct. tlouse Lawn Supplies Bond of c. R. Hickman Assisting in office of Co. Judge Printing �o. Treasurer1s Bond Care of' Uounty Patients Trans. vhildrsn to Hospital Supplies f'or Sewing Project

n 11 liomm.. Warehouse 11 n Sewing Project

Rent of Sewing Mch .. II 11 :n " " "

Salary, Commodity Lllerk Sewing Mch. Oil Rent & Lights-Sewing Room Care of Alice Sales Care of' Owens Road Supervisor Shop .foreman Labor "

" II " " II • II II " II

0 c R Irund $ 70.17 "i " 60.57·'1 II 59,.g.3,,, • 75.00" " 150.00" n 125.00" II 100.00.' II 150$00 •'\ " 125.00 ' II ll.25·. n 5.oo· " iso.oo· 1 " 150.00· · II 100.00·, II 200.00"\ " 2s.oo."' II 50.00;i " 75.00·· " 112.00' II 64.58•, II 65. 70" n 105.12"' " 9.62·« " 42. 75 .. n 4.05 ,•, " 19.00· II 16.18, \ • 104.50' ..... " 14,.f)Q I\ " 249.54" " 50.00·"' II 55.f)f).�

Spec. lioad 1. 75·,.. 0 Ll 1i. 12.f.i0'1. " 545.12'-"

II 58.88-,,_ II 21.00 •. " 2.65. " 55.70' II 20.00. II 29.49·· II 265.00·· II 21.00•

Pollr 15.00• " 4.05� n 5,.50 ... • 9.54· " 2.00 � " 2.00' • 2.00·· " 64.57" " l,. QO "'\ " 17 . 55·., " 15.50-.

Tuber 41.50 .... Spec. Road 150.00r " 115.00'

" 100.00" • 100,.l)J "• n 100,. l)l)>r"' • 100.0D·• " 100.0'}1 .... II 100.0(} ., " 100.001, " 100.00., • 100.og " 100.00·' • 100.00· II 100 .. 011' '·

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Proceedings of the 'Boa.rd of County Commissioners ______ ________________ da,y _____ --··---------------------------Term, 19. ________________________________ f 9 ______ _

Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the following resolutions were adopted;


Whereas, there was created in the year 1957 the Colorado Water Conservation .l::loard of the State of �olorado, designated to look after, protect and preserve to Colorado the waters rising in the State of Colorado and naturally belonging thereto, and other waters claimed by the State; and

Whereas, litigation is now pending and litigation threatened concerning the right of the State of Colorado to the use of water belonging to the streams of liolorado and to its People; and

Whereas, a proper and equitable distribution of the waters of the Colorado River allocated to the four upper states under the Colorado River compact has not been determined but is now being negotiated between said states by and under the agency of the said �·later Conservation Board on the part of the State of Colorado; and

Whereast important matters are now pending with respect to the waters of the State of Colorado before said Viater Conservation board; and

Whereas, the rights to the use of the waters of the State of Colorado will be imperilled unless definite actionis taken to protect the same; and

Whereas, the Water Conservation Board of Colorado is the agency set up in the State for the purpo� of protecting Colorado's interest in said waters and is now .functioning successf'ully in that behalf;

Now Therefore, be it resolved that it is the sense of the Board of County Commissioners of Montezuma Gounty, Colorado, that said Water Conservation Board be continued, and that funds be provided for its operation; that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Governor of the State, to the President of the State Senate, to the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the State and to the Water Conservation Board of the State.


Whereas, the Thirty-firet General Assembly of the State of Colorado approved and authorized by adoption of House Joint Resolution No. 14, the state's participation in the Golden Gate International Exposition at San Francisco in 1939; and

Whereas, under the provisions of House Joint Resolution No. 14, Governor Teller Ammons created a Colorado commission to finance, arrange and supervise a Colorado exhibit at said Golden Gate International Exposition; and

Whereas, the said Colorado commission, acting with the kn.owledge of Chapter 45, Section 37, Vol. 2, Colorado annotated statutest authorizing Boards of Cow1ty Commissioners of the State of Llolorado to appro­priate f'Unds for the encouraging immigration and increasing trade in Colorado products, has pro-rated expenses of said Colorado exhibit at the Golden Gate International Exposition wnong counties, fairly and equitablyt on a basis of assessed valuation;

Now, Therefore Be It Resolved, By the Board of County Commissioners of Montezuma County, in regular meeting convened, under authority granted by Chapter 45, Section 37, Vol. 2, Colorado annotated statutes, hereby approve participation of Montezuma Countyt and hereby pledge and appropriate the awn of $56.QO to said ColoPado commission Uolden Gate International Exposition, as payment of said Montezuma County's quota of Colorado's participation in said Uolden Gate International Exposition.

Dated this 10th day of Januaxy 1959, in the city of Cortez, County of Montezwna.

The following claims having been filed against the County, were allowed and warrants ordered drawn in payment of the same;

Harry V. Pyle Lee E. Tripp G. O. Harrison Highland Utilities Co. Myrtle E. Jordan Walter Winbourne moffitt Drug Go. Karl G., Parker Dr. E. E. Johnson A. L. Wilhite The Texas Company C. C. Mc Afee J. M .. Vlatkins Machine Shop Highland Utilities Co. Cortez Motor Sales Cole's Relding Shop Rocky Mt. Electric Station Lyen Motor Lio. Central Service Station H. D. Mc Donald, Chairman

J P. Fees .cond of Mrs Manaugh Ranev1al ,tjond-Harry Hazard Lights Salary - l/l/39 to 1/10/59 Bailiff Supplies-Co. Nurse !Joun ty Ae-en t County Physician IJoal for Sewing Project Gas & Oil Rent for Dec. & Supplies Repairs Lights Supplies Repairs



San Francisco Fair

0 G R Fund $ 13.45"" " s.oo-" " 12.5(}"' " 16. 9fr" " 53. 50. "' " 2.50··· " .so-. " 68.29"" " so.oo·

Poor 6.69..,, Spec. Road 146.59-,

" 10.50·' " 3.25..-'\ " 7.21 ..... " 104 .. SQ"...,, " 14. 25 \ " 4.20 " 14. 75 "\ • 1.10 ..

Adv, 56;00

fC::�s._(E! I!}� -c��-';-�

The Board of County Commissioners of Montezuma County met in regular adjourned session on Thursday Januaryt 12,. 1939; There ware present;

Frank Philley J. L. Martin Harry Rogers John J. Downey Chas .. B. Reid

Chairman Commissioner Commissioner Attorney Clerk

Time having arrived for opening different bids published by the County after due consideration the contract to furnish 16 tons screened pea coal for the tlourt house at �ortaz was awarded to J. m. J!ielding at $4.00 per ton by unanimous vote of the Board.

By unanimous vote of the Board the Dolores Star was awardedthe contract for uounty printing and publishing of the rlelinrJ1ient tax list and was designated the legal paper for the County and the Out West Printing and Stationery Lo. was awarded the contract for all record books and legal blanks.

The Mancos .i'imes-Tribune was awarded the contract for stationery, receiv-Ing two votes the Cortez Sentinel receiviD.E one vote.

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Proaetfings of the 'B041'11 of County Comml!slonm . ............ .......... day ... . . ....... ..... ............... Term, 19 .......... ............... ....... 19 ...... .

"lhe Board of Gounty Commissioners met in regul.e.r session on �da.y1 March 6,. 1939 at LO:'JO o• clock A. t.1., 'fbere were present: Frank Philley J., L. Martin

Earr,y Rogers 3 oh!l J .. Downey Lb.as. H. "eid

�inutes of the previous meetings were read end approved.,

Chnirman CoJIUUisaioner


Attorney Clerk

It appearing to the &ard that the County is the owner of' Tax Sale Certificates #7775, #78141 #9210, #8057, #8082, #8064, #8119, #il477, #l0902 & /110598 and deeming it to be to the best interest of 1hel the County to dispose of' said sales it was ordered by the Board that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized and directed to sell tha arune as follows:

Sale #7775 covering the 1926 taxes on the W! NW-!' & SE:i- NWt & NE::} SWi of' Sec 8, Twp 35, R 15 end a Tract described by metes & bounds,. total of about 219 acre�, for the sum of $219.00 including all sub- ' sequEmt plus Trerunrer1 s fees;

Sale #7814 covering the last half of the 1925 tax.as on the Kk SJ/;t of Sec 28, Twp 57, R 16 for the amount of $1JO ... OO including all subsequent taxes plus 'freasurert a fees;

Sale #9210 c.overing the last half of the 1951 taxes on the Wi SW,t of Sec 28, 'l'wp 57, R 16 for the amou�t of $100 ... 00 Including all subsequent taxes plus Treu�urer's fees;

Snle /lfJ057 covering the 1928 t&:<es on t.>,e � NE.,t of Sec 12, Twp 56, R 17 for the sum of $1.00 and the �ount of $299.00 for all subsequent tnxes ;plus Trea�urer• s fees;

Sale #8082 covering the 1926 taxes on the SW{t' of Sec 54, Twp 5?, R 18 for the a:nount of $400.00 including all S'Jbsequent taxes plus Treasurer's fees;

Sale #8064 covering the 1928 taxes on the ElJ sE;t of Sec 4, Twp 56, R 16 for the sum of $1.00 ond the amount of $159.00 for all subsequent taxes plus Treasurer1s feesf

Sal� #8119 covering the 1928 taxes on the Sj- Ni� & Nl:14 SE} & �.f SW:f o.f Sec 12,. 'I'wp 57, R 17 for the amount of $250.00 incl11ding all subsequent taxes plus Treasurer's fees;

Sale #8477 covering the 1929 taxes on the Sk NE:f & N} SEl of See 25, Twp 58, R 17 for the fiat tax and the nat tues for all subsequent taxes plus Treasurer's fees;

Sale #10902 covering the 1951 taxes on Lots 1, 2, 5 & 4, Block 10, Coffin1s Add. Cortez for the amount ot $100,.00 including all subsequent taxea. 9].us 1'reasurer• s fees;

SalA #10598 covering the l932 taxes on Lot 31 Sec 2, 11.'wp 55, R 15 for the amount of $60.00 includ­ing all subsequent taxes plus Treasurer's fees;

Provided the above sales are taken up within thirty days from date of this order ...

It was ordered by the Board that the County 'treasurer be directed to transfer the amount af tl.07 from the Poor i:<\md to the credit of the State cipecial Relief .Fund, this amount having been paid to the




�:::. �::�;::a::.::�::: ::::::::·on account of being erroneous;


Sales #8106, l/B461, #854?, ;910811 & #10891.

An abatement of $14�85 in the tax of Frank B. Wedell Est.on account of excess valuation in assessm t of �555.00, was allowed subject to the app!'QVal of the Colorado Tax Commission.

Resolutlon was nassed authorizing the pa,vment of not to exceed $25.,00 for milage of Roy Gulick in I

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...................... Term, 19 ................................. 19 ...... .

- Gof-W liBFI i'ri1'tffii:iltid Stitil!b\ii'Y CO., CVJarAdtiSprihlfi, Cdld. U2U2b

After due consideration of all bids submitted of prices on two trucks it was decided as the bid �.f' +l..,, l,;,..,,...+_.,,.,. Jl!lot.oT" s�1 RF:. Inc was the lov1est bicl _offered to purchase two l� ton{,'hevrolet 'l'rucks with

01 ClOClC A. m.. as -i;.ne "'Ul:!.ru '-'.L ................... .... the meeting; There were present:

i-·rank Philley J. L. h!.lartin Harry Rogers J olm J. Lowney Chas. B. neid

Chairman Commissioner CommisSioner Attorney Clerk

It appearing to the Board that the County 'ls the owner of Tax Sale Certificates #7927, #8570, #8945 & #9256 and deeming it to be to the best interest of the County to dispose of said sales it was ordered by the Board that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized and directed +.o sell the srune· as follows:


bale #7927 covering the 1927 taxes on the Sj- SE;i & SEt SW� of Sec 24 & NE! NW±- & NEi of Sec 25, all in Twp 58, R 18 for the flat tax and the fiat tax for all subsequent taxes plus Treasurer's fees;

Sale #8570 covering the 1929 taxes on the SYit of Sec 26, Tu-p 37, R 16 for the amotmt of �250�00 including all subse�uent taxes plus Treasurer1s fees;

Sale #8945 covering the 1956 taxes on Lots 12 & 14 in �ec 22 & Lots 3, 4,& 6 in Sec 27 all in Twp 38, R 19 for the flat tax and the flat tax for all subsequent truces plus Treasurer's fees;

Sale #9256 covering the 1951 taxes on the S� NEt & N} NEt & NEi NW± of Sec 27, Tv.11 ES, R 17 for the amo1mt of �,100 .. 00 including all subs-equent taxes except 1958 tax which is to be paid in full, plus Treasurer's fees;

Provided the above sales are taken up within thirty days from date of this order.

An offer of $1.00 for tax sale certificate #7555 covering the 1925 taxes on the m�s of Sec: 52, Twp 56, R 15 and the flat tax for all subsequent taxes was refused.

By unanimous vote of the Board the follovri.ng resolution was passed;

Whereas, the term of office of I. F. Beauchnmp, member of the State Highway Advisory Board in and for District No .. B of tha State of Colorado, will expire on the 1st day of I\IIay A. D .. 1959, and

Whereas, the vacancy occurring in the Board will be filled by the Governor of the State of Colorado, and

Whereas, what is Y..nown as the San Juan. Basin forms a larg-e and important part of said Highway District No. 5 and has been without local represent�tion on said Advisory Board for many years, and

Vfher€as, it is the sense of the Board of liounty Commissioners of fiilontezuma County, Colorado, that the San Juan Basin is entitled to and should have a citizen of the Basin appointed e member on said Advisory Boa.rd, and

r1::erea.s, Dr. R. W. Calkins of Cortez in Montezuma County, Colorado, is widely kno .. ,n throughout the San Juan Basin, as well as the State of Colorado, and would be generally acceptable to the people of the Basin as an appointee to said Advisory Board, and

llhereas, it is known to the members of the Board of County Commissioners of Montezuma County that Dr. R. Yi. Calkins is intimately informed with respect to the highway needs of District No. 3 as well as the entire Sta.te of Colorado, and would add much to said Advisory Board;

NO\i TftEREFORE, be it resolved that this Board favors the appointment of Dr .. R. W. Calkins to membership on the State Highway Advisory Board, fllld that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Hon. Ralph L. Carr, Governor of the State of Colorado, by the clerlt of the Board.

--��-/£� '�i�-----Clerk


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·.1.ne Board of Uounty Commissioners met in regular session on '..l.buraday1 l'ay 25, 1939, at 10:00 ot cl.ock A .. M .. �s a l:.klard of Public Wells.re and to attend to any other bu.siness that might come be.fore said meeting: :rhere were present=

Frank Philley J. L. "'artiil :Jarry Roger• ohn J. 1'owney 'ebas. ll. Haid

Uhairmnn Commissioner t.lommissioner Attorney Olerk

An offer of $260.00 for Tex SaJ.e Certificate #8l22 covering the 1928 trums on the N!if of Sec 9, �' 36, ll 16 including all subsequent tax&s and an of:fer of �100.00 covering the 1952 taxes on the ill\V4 of' Sec 13, Twp 57, R 16 including aJ.l !lubsequent taxes, were rejected.

An offer was made on various Tax Sale Certificates covering 1.and asaessed to the Cortez Land a Ci.e�ities Vo. of the 1958 taxes in full and 5@ o:f the flat tax.ea for the previous years on said lands,

I totOl llJllOunt of $9756.68 offered. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the said offer was rejected.

The Clerk was instructed by the Board to write the following letter and send copies to l'ion., 1 Edward 'J: .. 'J.'a.ylor, Representative, .don. Alva B .. 4dallls1 Senator and Hon .. .l!;d c .. "'ohnaon, clenator at 1 Washington• . 0outherd The matter of' ebandomnent of twentJ'-eight miles of' the "to Gra:nde/llailroed between Vence Junction a.."ld Rico will be conaidered by the Interstate Commerce Commission in the near future .. '!he abandorunent of' this much of the road •'lJuld be very damaging to the mining interests of this section of the State,, and all of the t.iounties affected are united upon the propo:sitian that thia abandonment should not be made.,,'., .•

The receiver of the railroad has; or is making application to the Reconstruction Finance Corpor­ation for a loan of $100,000 to be expended lat\;ely in the rehabilitation of the road. It seems .:!most necessary that money be raised .from this source in order to place the ros.d on a better operating basis .. '!'he five Counties interested are also anxious to have this loan me.de* As one of tbe counties interested we will appreciate anything that ya1.l. can do to see that no atandonment is made7 and that a loan from the Reconatiluction l!'inance Corporation is granted ..


Y!J:f truly yours _ffi,-r Board of County Commissioners,

Montezuma County, Colorado.

Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the following resolution was pas&ed: Whereas the Coi.mty of ilontezuma ia the holder a.nd owner of the following numbered tax eal.e

certificates covering tha lends described in connection with said certificates and assessed in the names o! the persons mentioned in connection with aa1d certi!icateG; and

Whereas it i,a deemed advisable by the Board o:f County Commissioners of Montezuma County, Colorado that a request be mode upon the County Treasurer of said County that deeds be issued by him to the County of Jlontezuma covering_ all of the following deaeribed lracts of land covered by said tax sale certificates aft.et �f full compliance with the laws of the State of Colorado with respect to the issuance of treaaurert a deeds in suoh cases ·made and provided;

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Procrofings of the "Bom of Counl:; Commissioners ...... _____ . .......... day ...... . . . ................... Term, 19 .............. ..... .............. I J ..... .

. . ' :: .

t'omtlti� �-·_ie,°��-,_«t_U_�-���� tQ a.������;�;t'-�tttn.'.• �Aft."'°''� _mirin:&-:

T 0 ·_.th: • Treasurer ()j.. ..... IAtu?..1..e.zu'in.& ..... L� .. ---'·'··-· County' Colorado Y(ra-a:t&�htiteby ncitiiied that the und0:roignCd ia 1be bolder of a certificate 6f purchase of the property

desC_rff�ed-'ns follows, t&-wit: ·

OerH:thate ll!o. ll3S7, dated lleo•111bu 12, 19ll, nverU.i! th• t_�-:K�,!�.tl\1 dsScr:l_b ed le.ad,, aa-sealsed t• _'I, L, _ W_e.llc:er- :tor· <t•h• te.iu-1·· U no year 1910 an� l'urohasod l>Y 11.ontozurn Oountn l!if•t i>Wt & ut er Ht & s�t or Ht 1 .. a.a, u, Town•h1p _&11 Jrertit, Bans• li ilieet: o:r the li•w ll•:ito• Prinoipul Msri·dia�,.

... ,·1911.. ..... ,

for the taxes of the yeilr._, ... .,.19 .. lw:t.lO. .........• """ "'---·· Moat. &ZURG c.,u:nty

You are be:reby requested to give such notice aa the law requiies, so that.)£ may become entitled to a deed upon said eertiil<late1 as soon as the law l\111 plll'Illit n deed to issue1 under the circumstances of this case.

D•ted ..... .................................................. )9 . . �9..-wibll¢1<1•ii!>V.N'l'b6U�U CVUl�TY BJ: O.lfu...,,H Ol!' l10n.hii Ul'" COUN1Y \.iO�Ml..:iolUilli:-RS 0.1.r -��·01��...-.·;;:.::Ut4�'-TlOtYi�,·i·y·;" ··GoLo·tt�LO·;····., ........ By Chai J:.ilfen.

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To the Treasurer of . . J1.••t..ut1.r1t.. ..... ........... c ........ County, Colorado You a.re hereby notifi'ed th:i.t the undersigned is the bolder of a certificii.te of purcha.s.e of thtl property

described u foHows1 to-.wit:

. . . Cert�Ucate l!o. $12', dated De�""'ber 17, lUlil• coverhtg the

tollowing de•oribed_ land..,_ assessed to B" J3,., Gre_ger;r t-0r the taaea ot th• yoar 191? and purohas&d- by M•ntemuma CeuntT; SW;it $W,t- ta Seo_, l·t- Township :56 .North .• liaJl@'.8 17 West at the Sew .Mtsxico ir1.nc1_pal Mer10.1e.:a ...

Certirteat• Ne, Oli?. dat•d December 17, 1918, Govering_ the f'•llorl;n;g dssaribed lan d • ft.f!S-eaaed te c." VJ;. Wileo:ii for tho taxes Or the year 1917 a.ud pllrebaa&d b;r M.aute-zume County; sw-: in"Sf,o,. 29, 'fow:cuihip 38 Nor'tht Ra.ngo 17 r.:·est ot the New Wexiao P�tnefpal Meridian,.

which was sold on the ....... !.!.�-�--

.�U e·au.ma 0-;:u;n.t;y; all 1a New Mexice :Pr

............. day of ..... P..�� ... !1!M.l!' ................. __ .... ..... .... ., rnJ.�.

to •..• !�.&>_t_a._• ..... !.Jl_O,),l�-�l. ... ...... .. · - ----·· -- - .. -- - -···- - ---··-- · -

for tbe taxes of the year .......... 10.!! .............. ···········"·�·

You are hereby requested to give sucb notioo as t·be law require.."1 so that I may become entitled '\deed up-on Sa.id eertific!!.te, as soon as tbe la.w will permit a. deed to issue, under the circumstances


,_, i

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To the Treasurer of-... !'!Jt.-..'!ull'IJ.e. ......... ,., ............... County, Colorado You are hereby notified that the undersigned is the holder of a certificate of purchase of the property

described as follows, to-wit:

Certificate Ne. 5440, dated D ec ember 16, 1919, covering the following described land, assessed to Rae Pederson for the te.xee of the year 1918 and pu_rcbased by Montezuma County: Nl!.i; in Sec. 15, Township 36 l�orth, H.anee 16 West of the N�w Mexico Principal Meridian, less 42.5 A. described as follows: Beg. at NE Cor. said Seo. 15 S on Sec. line 1664.5 Ft. SB� 301 ·W265 Ft. 810"'301 251.5 Ft. s7s• Wl35 Ft. N54" W367 Ft. N74" 301 N240.5 Ft. N 4°15' E623 Ft. N21" 15' W570 Ft. N5-501 E278.8 Ft. N22'481 W30l Ft. to E & W Sec. line thence h on Sec. line 1240.5 Ft. to beg.

which was sold on the ....... �.?..�.�--··········· .. ·------·-----· .. ····day of .... E�-�-��.t?.!�! ................... .

to ... �.�.�-�.-�.?:'-���···-�-'?-�.�.�! .................................................. .................................................. .

for the taxes of the year .... ...... 19�-�----------------················ You are hereby requested to give such notice as the law requires, so that I may become entitled

to a deed upon said certificate, as soon as the law will permit a deed to issue, under the circumstances of this oase.


I 'Ii'/

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Ta the Treasurer· of. ... -1l.tJ1.�_u111111. .•• -·-··-···-·-··-·Caunty, Colorado You are hereby notified that-the undersigned is the holder of a.· oortifioo.te Of purtha.ae of the Property_-­

doo:aribed s.s :follows, -00..wit:

CarHfiaUe No. Uli2, hted Dec..,bn 1&, lUO, oe"it•r111s th• t•ll•wiug diJu�:c.ribed la.a.a.,. a.a:eessed tet :r • L� Wllsen t.or tlle tax1111 of tho :tear 1919 •nd purchased by ld<Ontnuma Count;i-t llff !'lllt in Seo. 10, TC!rw-D.eh1p 36 lt'trth, Raugtt 15 Weat of the Sew Mbx.ioe Prinaipal - M:erid1a.a.

.., ....... , 19--�-�---,

for the taxes -Of tb:e year., .. _ .... 19._!.? ... _ .. ,..N_. .............. _.

You are hereby requested to give such notice M the law requires, so that I may become entitled to a deed upon said certifieste} as soon as the law wUl permit a deed to issue, nndC? the cireumstances of this case.

Dated-.................................................... 19 .. !!2 .. -S 1 g&ed•UOllT�ZUll:A OOUNTT BT ORDRR 07 BOARD OF COON'!'Y COJ.r�lSSIONbRS oF ·iio"iiiiiiiiii.co'imn; .. coI:oii"Alill� ..................... ..

B;r Ol>a:ln.u.

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To the;T:'reasuref 6f ___ lti.iu.llvuL __ ________ , __ ,, _______ Coun t"!;, -C�loraJo . y OU are· herebY: llotified_-that thG-undi:il.'Signed ia th& hOlder--of a eertm00ttf0i:'�-�ii-�-Of

-the p�Operty·-/; deserlbed as follolVS, tcrwit: - -

Oe:rtitioaj� Ro. 6Sll. hh4 Deo•mber 20, HU; conr111.S th•. toll•win_g- _d�_e:e·ribed lan._d-t asa_-esS•d- tG G. R. lii_ah __ •l•· t•r __ the hn• et the 1•ar 1920 a_l!d purchased by _l&utnama aou,.ty:. Eli awl; ill. S•e• l2, 'l'owaeUp 3'1 l!lorth, l\ango 16 WU� of' th• New ilexho _-l':r!.nci:iial ll.niuu. · ·

to ..... .li!.Oll�-"-Zlllllll.JleU.\T.c ..................................... . ...... ,, ................................ ................ .............................. .

for the tnxes of the year ...... .. "19 ... l.�t ...... -... -.... .......... "' .

You a.re hereby requested to give such notice as the law requires, so that I ·may became entitled to a deed upon said OOrlifieate; as soon o.s the law will permit n. deed to h1sue, under the cireums:tancea of this cnse.

D•ted- ...................... -............................ 19 ... &i .. . S1su4•l!.IO!i'l'llZUllA OOUllH

· '.!lt . .. O!W.&ltJlli.ll.QARll. .. !J.i' .. . .O.l!.l!.l!:l!X .. Q.!J�.'.!;11.!!.!.9.l!El'. ' OP itOl!TliZUIU COlililTY, COLORADO. B7 Qha1rm11.11.

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Certificate .Ho. 1544, dated Ueeember 13, 1904, co�ering the following de:ficribed �rt:.ipel"ty 1 'assessed to 1'he Colorado ;itate- Bank for· tf:.a tn.s:es of th'e year 1897 an·d· purch'ased by Mon tezu'ma Cou:'.:Jty: Lots B &- 9- in Block 44, in t!J.e 'l'own of• c:�r -t_e�, o·o�_ora·do.

Cert1ficate No. 222b, dated December 14 } 1909, covering tbe following deacribed property -; assessed to Annie Lewey for the· ta:.x:ea or the year 1908 and l'Urchaiied-"by -'.Mcn.te�:a�.Itta: county: -- L�t -12 in ·Hl'o".'e-k 44 in the 'i1ow·n of Cortez,_----c·aloi�fdo\::: . ,.


-, ,, - Certii'icti,t·e No�·-,-1·0220, dat-e'd December l2t 1933,

desCTfbed·,-propeTty ;- · asSe ase_d tO Ml<v_.--·M.&i"y A.·. Lewey yes.·r- l_-�rfg 'and p�rche.sed by M.onte�ume:· c·ountyt· t.ot-s ttre ·;�Own ;of Coril�z.1 Colbradt:j • .--•

covering the following for the taxe·s of the 10·& ll in Block 44 in

Certificate No. 2309, dated necember 13, 1910, covering th6 following de•�ribed property, esseseed to Unknown for the taxes cf the year 1909 tind :purchased by }l.Ontezuma Countr·:··- ··Jtn- unnumber-ed ·plo1; .-or lot lying South

- --�n.d 'Jo.'i!llng lot 9· in Block·-1a, ;t;n 'Le-mon Town Sit·e1 Man-�Os, Colorado�

Certi·ficute ::"io. 24-44, dated ·Deeember 12, 19-llt -c�vering the following described property, assessed to Unknown for tbe taxes ·or th e year 1910 and purchased ·by �lio-ntezuma Co:i.tnty� - Lot 14 in B1oct. 23 in the Town o f Dolores� Colo�ado,·

Cert1f1cate-_ No .. 256-4-)r dated De-c:ember 17-, 1912t covering the :following described property, assea:Hfd- to Lizzie .Pearman for the _taxes of tbe year 1911 and p'.lrchnsed by Mon:t·e:zuma- Cotin.ty: Co:o. 340..-3 $.t -..- Yi'est aiid 877 Ft. So'..Ith of NE Cor� of SW�-- ot.- Sil-tin: Sec� · 28, Town.ship 3 6- N:Jrth, Hange 13 West of the �ew Me:K-ico Pii.n'C:ipal Me:ridie.n, '.E200 Ft. S6'0 Ft .. '11200 Ft. NS-0- Ft. AlsO Com. 360-,5,-Ft • . . W-est a:td 677 Ft. s·outh_o-t- NJ!.:- Cor of SWi o:r SWt in Sec._ 28, Township 36 North, tlange 13 West of the New �ezico Princip�l Me:rid1cnt W200 Ft. S60 Ft-. X200 Ft. N60 Ft ..

CeTt:if'ic:e.te No. 4080,, .-d:ited December ltl, 1913 , covering the .following described _proper"Jy, asses-sad ·to the .l!.st. of c· .. _ A..- Kramer for the texes of the yeur 1911, last hal:f, t:.nd purchased. by Montezuriui Countyi Com. BO ll't. South & 100 Ft,, West of- SE Co:r. of Block 2- in .et-olemy'Addit icn, .Mancos, Coloro.do, S234 lft. WOO Ft� .N234: li't. E50 Ft.

Certific-ate 'No'.- +103;- de.tad December 16, 191,3,' covering the following described property, 'a:;ise.ssed to 'J. ,J',. lle.llar_-tor the taxes of- the :yeE:.r 1912 and :purcha::;ied by :Montezuma county: Lots ·1 &-- 2 in !!lock 18 in Lemon Town SiteJ Ma.noes-, Colorado.

Certificate No. 9729, de.ted December 1:3', l<j32·, covering the following described property, assessed to Thos .. C� Grad-en· for the texes of the year 1931 r.nd purchased by i:.-10ntezwna County: Lots· 1-2 and tract adjoining lot 2 in Block 18 in Lemon Town S-i te ,_ !\\anco.s ;. COlorad ·o.

Cortif'ica.te No. 4416-, dsted De-cember described propertyt assessed to Lebanon 1911 end purchased by Mc:intez·uma County: Lebanon. Colorado.

15, 191�. covering tha following Irup� Co. ror the ta�es of the year

Lot 1 i� B1ock l4 in tbe Town of

Certificate No. 4478, dated December 151 1914 , covering the following described pro�ertyi assessed to Unknown tor tbs taxes of the year 1913 and purct.ased by t1lontezu:na County: Lots 17 ... 18 & 19 in DloCk 3 in Le-;non Town Site1 �accoe* �olor�do�

Certificate No. 4740� d�ted De�e�ber 15, 1915, covering the following described _property, aasecsed to .l!.dward Hero for the te.Aes of the year 191 and :purchased by tnontezume. County: Com.� at poir.t where Hio Grande :a.a. joins �ast boundary_line of Dolores �ast along R�H. right-of-way 150 Ft. to Dolores River Sout:-1::. 300 .Ft. ·along river bank to Ba,�t boundary o:t' Dolores N250 Ft� to beg.

Certificate No .. 5021, dated Uecernber 18, 19171 covering the followi,' described property, ussessed to Leah Taylor for the tsxes of the year 1915 and purchased by &ontezuma County: Com. 300 Ft. B & 275 Ft. Wea' Nl!i Cor. in Block 2 in -¥tolemy Addltio.n, dancos1 Colorado, Nl40 Ft. E7 Ft. Sl&O Ft. W?5 Ft.

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Certificnt_e No. 5025i _dated De_cembe

_r- l8J l917i.- co-V6ri-:ug the_ f6llowiilg

described property, assessed to Railway Savings & Building Ass_�n. :tor the taxes_ o:{' the year 191.61 l<ist half1 and :purchased by -,,1ontez;ui:i.a C-oUuty; LOt 2' 111 Block 14 in the Town

_ _ or· �ebanon, Golorado.

Certificate- No� 6613-, dated December 12, 192_5, covering the-- following

described property, assessed to s·arah Waters .ro·:r tbe ta-xl!le cf the year 1922 and pur chased by Iao:i:itOzU:ma· County:· 'l'ract A in Block 2 in .Ptolemy Addition, �ancos, Colorado, Des. aa follows: Beg. a t SW Cor.- said Block 2 .&140 Ft. E?5 Ft. Sl40 Ft. W'75 Ft.� to


Certificate Dio. 6674, de.tad De_e_ember 12, 1925. covering the following

described prope-rty, a;ssesaed to Mrs .. H. bi.. iiattles for the taxes of' the year 1922 and pur chased by 1tlonte-zuma County: Tract F in unnwnbered B!.ock Soutl;. of Block 21 ?toleJllys Additio:ti..1 kancoa, Des. lls-_._follows: Eeg. 580 Ft. Sou-t:h of NE Cor. of Lot 11_ Blo.ck 2, l:'tolemys .1:\ddit_ion, WlOO l!"t. S234 .1,i't. ElOO Et. N234 Ft� to beg.

Certificate No. 66'76 1 dated Decenfber 12, 1923, covering the follo-wing desc!"ibed propartyt assessed to Stc.te_ Inv. Co. for the taxes of the year 1921 and pu rchesed by 1-.iontezuma Vount y: Lots 5 & 6 in Elock 7 in ths Town of Cortez, Colorado.

Certi.ficate No. 7036-, dnted Noverriber 15, 19241 cov-ertne tb.e following descri�ed pr operty, assessed to Mary A. llyde iieire for the taxes of the year 1923 and purch:i.sed by- Mont-ezuna County; Lot l in Block 2 in Ptolemy �ddition, lliancos; Colorado�

Ce-rt.if'ioate 11'0. 71401 dated Dece.w..ber 12, 1925, covering the followin·e described proJerty, &saessed to An�a L. Lewis for the taxes �r the year 1924 and pur ct-.ased by :11ontezume Uounty� 'rraot "B" in Block 2, in .i)tole-my Addition, Wancos. Colorado• des � ea follows: Beg. ?6 Pt. E of SW Cor. seid Block 2, Nl-4-0 Ft. £'.:?5 Ft. 8140 l<'t. W?5 ?t. to beg._

Cer tificate �o. ?369, dated December 181 l9B6, covering tbe fellowing described prope�ty, aSsessed to E. K. �cGall1a r d for tbe taxes of the year 1925 and :i;iurchased by .i1i.onte:zumu \!oti.nty; Lots '7-S--9 in Block 1, in ?to:erny AdC-itionj :iJ.ancos, Colorado ..

Ce:-tit'icata i'io-.. 'i'-?89, da�ed December 10, 1927, covering the following described property, assessed to Jatr.es •i� George 1·or the taxes of the ye-ar 1926 and JUrehased by "'�ontezuma County; Lot 1 in Block 9 in Ba.Uerts 2nd Sub., �eneoa, C�lorado�

' I

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':lroceedings of

c-e-rtif1C-"at"e l'io_. -4 3 4_1 � d":a t e d ,ne-eemher: --10 t -1_91·4_.,_ "cov:_er'irit&;" the fo_11-o_w_fn"g

d e s c·ri: be d- land -,_- a s s e se-ed t o F-. L . Dunn i n g for· t h e t a x e s o f t h e y ear· 1 913 and :pur-cha s e d b y MO n t ez um 'ii Count y : s- 1/10 of ii�- - o t' NW1:- O f- NW! in ·se c . 9 , T own sh ip 3 6 N or th , HanBe 1 5� iVe-st o f the I� ew li ex i e o P:r iricip:al- -.Mer1d:1 a n .

C e r t i f i n a t e No . 5 1 5 9 , da t e d December 1 7 , 1 9 1 8 , eov �rine th• f o l l o � l n g d e s c r 1 �e d l a n d , a s s e s e e d t o W . I • . • i l s o n for the t a x e s"- o r t h e year 1 9 11 and puI.'" ch as e d by Mout e·2;uma C o un t)r : _ UW-! NEt in S e o . 2 3 ; a n d W� BEttsEi SW-:f 1 n S e c • 1 4 :1 a l l i n 'l'ownsh1,- 35 1�-ort h , Range 1 ? -� e s t of the New M exi e o P r i n c ipal M e r i d i a n �

C e r t i f" i c at e no . 5 6 3 3 , dat e d Decemb er 1 6 , 1 9 20 , c ov e ri ng t h e f'o l l o w i ng d e s c r i b e d l an d , a s e e s s e d to R oy Moore f o r t h e t a r e s ·ot th e y e a r 1 9 1 9 an d purc h a s e d b y :M o n t e zuma C o un ty : E-£ i n Sec . 9 1 T o 'iV n a h i p 35 No r t h , Runge 14 d e .s t of" t!:e New M e x i c o Pr inc ipa l Meri d ian _�

C ert i f ic at e l>l'o . 6 332 . d ci t-e d :-Jay 1 9 , 1 9 2 3 , c o vering t h e fa llowing d e e c r ! b e d land , a s a e s s e d to C . H . Bopp for t h e . t ax e s of" t h e y ear 1921 a n d pu:I'cha a e d b y Mc:ntezum.e County- : NW! S W � l e s s 7� A . i n S e c . 3 2 , Townsb i� 3 7 Nort h , Range 1 5 _ • e s t of t h e New Mexi c o Prin c ipal Mer id ia n .

C e rt i f i c at e No .. 6 338 � dat ed May 1 9 , 1 92 3 , c ove ti ng the f o llowing d e s c r i b e d land , a s s e s s e d t o John R . C urr y tor t h e t a x s s of th e year l 9 Ul and :p urehe s e d by ilo n t e z uma. C o unt y : SWi; NEi in Bee . 2 3 , Tow.nehip 3 6 N or t h , R a n g e 1 6 'if e a t o f the Hew 11. e x i c o Principal Jlf er i d 1 e n .

C e r t i f i c a t e N o . 6 3 4 2 1 de. t e d May 1 9 t 1 9 2 3 , co ve rin g the f o l l o w i n g d e s c r i b e d land 1 a s s e s a e d t o s . F. Grim sby f o r t h e taxes o f" t h e y ear 1 9 2 1 a n d p ur c ha s ed by roont e z uma Count y : SEt NWi i n S e c . 3 4 , �ownahip 3? N o � t b , Rang e 16 � e s t o f the Naw Mexico P ri �a ipal � e r i d i an .

C e r t i f i c a t e !io . 6 54 5 5 dat e d M�y- 1 9 t 1 9 2 3 , c o v e r i ng t h e ;f" o l l o w i n g d e s 3 r i b e d l a n d , a s s e s s ed t o M. �zra Ha rri s for t h e taxes of t h e year 1 9 2 1 and purcha s e d b y Mon t ez uroa C o un t y ; Vi 2 2 A . of SW:fc SWi i n S e c . 34 , To wn s h ip 36 North 1 Range 16 ifeet of t h e New Mexico Pri n :? i ,pe.l Mer i di an .

C e r t i f i c a t e U o . 5 3 4 6 1 dat e d .May 1 9 , 1 9 2 3 , e o v e r i ng t h e f o l lo w i ng d e s c r i b e d l a n d , a s s e s s e d t o Ri l e y M c C a l l r or t h e taxes of t h e y e �� 1 921 an d p u r c h a s e d by �lontezuma Co unt y : SW� NE:t i n S e c . 6 , Town s h i p 3 6 No r t h ; R an ge l 6 ?.-e s t o f t h e New Ma :xi c o P r i n c i p al t1; e r i dian.

C e r t i f i cat e l{ o . 5 3 4 '1 , dat e d _;,1ay 1 9 , 1 9 23 , c o v e r i n g t h e :f o l l o w i ng de s c r i b e d l a n d , a s s e s s e d t o Do ra Prov i s f o r t h e tax e s o f the y e a r 1 92 1 and p ur c h a $ e d b y M on t e zum a Count y : L o t 2 i n S e c . 5 , T o w n s h i p 3 6 North , Ra n g e 1 6 _ W e s. t of t h e Rew M"e:x:i c o Principal Mer i d ian .

Cert i f i c a t e No -•. 6 3 4 9 . d ate d May 1 9 , 1 92. Z t covering th e f o l l ow i ng de s c ri b ed lu n d , a s s e s s e d t o E d i t h S eb g e enau f o r t h e t a� e s of t he ye ar l S 2 1 and pur cha s e d b y M o n t e zuma. C oun t y : N\'i;t NE.,t in S e c . 2 0 1 Town s h i p Q7 X. o r t h 1 Ranee 1 6 W e s t o 'f t 11e New 1.i e x i c o Pr i n c i p a l .ki er i d i a n .

C e r t- i f i o b. t e No . 6 9 40 ) d o. t a d Ncvemb sr 1 5 ; 1 924 , c ov er ine; the f o l l o w ing d e s c r i b ed l an d , a s s e oee d to J . L . llunt l ey for the t a x e s of the y e ar 1 9 23 u.nd p u r c h e. e- e d by -:.io nt e zum a County: t�.h.±: Nw-:t- an d t hat part of sit NW� l y i ng S . of Pub l i c Road in Seo . 2 5 1 TownshiD 3? � o r t b , Nunge 15 n e s t of t h e New � ex i c o Pri n c ipal M e r i d i a n .

C e r t i f i c ate Na . 6 94 6 1 dat e d N o v emb e r 1 5 , 1 9 24 1 c o v er i ng t t e f o l l owlne d e s c r i b e d l a n d , ci. s s e s s e d to L ew i s Lb:m.p e rc h f o r t he t ax e s of the ytiar 1 9 2 3 a n d p u r ah� s e d b y � o n t ezuma C oun t y : ag� i n S e o . 1 , Township 3 6 North • aan£e 14 � e s t c f t he Uew �exi c o Fr in c i p � l � er l d ien .

Cert t f i cut e No . ?05 4 1 dat e d Tu o vemb e r 1 5 , 1 9 2 4 1 c ov er i ng t h e f o l l o w i n g de s c r ib e d l a n d , 3 $ £ C $ s@ d t o C l i n t on C . Oh��t L ? 3 f o r t h e t � � e s of � h e y e a r 1 9 2 3 and :purch a s e d by Mcn t e:zum.a. Oounty: Lota 2 & 8 i n S e c . 2 5 , Townshil) 39 Herth , Rkn�e 18 W c m t of the New Kax i c o P r 1 c c i�al Me�i d i e n .

C c r t l r i c at e No . ?06 5 , d e t e d No vemb er 1 5 , 1 9 24, co v e r i n s t h e f o l l ow i n ! d e s c r i b e d l an·d , aoees1;1ed to M: , C .. Van A t t a f o r t b a t e,:x e s o f �h e y ea r 1 9 Zl ar.d p-.irchused by Monte zuma Co\:X.ty : 1:� Sl.:l, in S e c . 32 ) Towns h i p 37 No r th , Rause 1 5 � o s t of t h e Kew Mexi c o P r i n c i p a l M e r i d �en .


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Ce rt jf iont� No ¢ 8000 1 d� s c r i b e d l an d , a s � c s c e d and purcha$ed b y Mont e zum� hook 7 9 , :;ic_ge 42·0 Records

C e r t i f i c at e· N o « 1302'8-,- - dat-e'd Da c··emb"-er 10 , 1 92 9 , C;oVei-_fii'g: d � s c :- i b e d land , a s z e s se d - t6 DaVid- H . But l e r Tor_ t h e _ t e.1te_·s or _ th e ·year 1 9 2 8 4nd pur ch a s e d by hiont e z\i.na Cour�t y: Nl l'iE;t SEt-- &-- S,'.Ei> NE_i &; ___ s � NEi'-hB,; in S e c . 2 5 ,· Townsh i p.· �&- · N o r th , :t{:i'nge 13 Viast of· th9 -'·New · Mexi'co Pri n c i :;ie:.1 .:Vi.eri dian an<! a t ra.c t c:f l s n d com . at Pt .-_. --en· Tw·p·. li n.a ·:-oc-O · F t � s ,. of' C o t' . i�iti" 30-36-12 t h e n c e El0111 8 315 Ft � S W :.3 5 0- F t -.--·to Twp . l-tne:­b e twee� Rance 12 • · 13 N � aLocg naid l i ne t o p l � c e o f b e g .

C ert i :f ic t::.t e .N o . 81 6 0 , dat ed DecemCer 1 0 1 1 92 9 1 c ov er i ng t h e :following d e s c r i b e d l&nd, as s e a s ed to Mr s . M.- M. lietohman for tha taxes o f the ye u..r 1 9 2 8 and ;p u rchased by t4ont e z u.t'.l.a C o unt y : SWt SE'it; SE! - i n S e c .- 21 , Tow�shi;p 3? � o r t h , Range 16 W e s t of the New Mexic o 2rincipal Meridian.

C e r t i f i c at e No .- 8 1 6 1 , d a t e d :ue o-emb er 1 0 1 19 2 9 � covering tf!.e following de s c r i b e d laa d , a s D e s s e d to Het chman Bro D . for the tax&a or th e year 1 9 2 8 and p'.l!"' c h e. e e d by M.o r: t e zumu Count y : Un d . ! Int . i n E-� SE:k SEi fn Sec . 21 , Town ph ip 37 North J Range 16 U e s t or t � e New Mexico Principal M e r i d i an .

C e r t i f i c a t e No � 8 51 6 , dat ed D e c ember 9 , 1 9 5 0 , co v er in g the :foll owi:ig desc r i b e d land$ a s s e s s e d to ; . E� Phi l l i p s for tta taxes of the year 1929 and pu-rch.a sed by Mont ezuma count y : SE'! i n S e c . 11 , Tow n s- h i p 36 N o r t h 1 iiange 18 West of t h e Ha� Mexic o P r i n c i p al Mer i d i an .

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"roceeiings of

C er t i f i c a t e No . '7892"; -d�-

t ea_ -D e_�em--b"er- '1 o-, i92a:� aa·v�r

'fn,.g" th�_ t __ O'iio'�iD:g d e s c r i b ed- p r o p e rt y , a s s e s_ sed- t_o _ _ Et_-ta: ]. . Bayes · :r o r _ tn e · t_a:it.ea _ _ o f- the_ yea:I' 1 92 '1 , _l a s t h a l .f , a.nd p u :r c�a s e d :b �--- _�o nt_ e z-um8. C o unt_�_: _ '1'.J:�o_t 11Gtt W, of :s· Wa_ l_n.u t _ s t . � Yau c o a , � o l o :rado ,, _ d e_ s ,- : __ as _ fo 11 o ws : _ _ B e_i.t:::-:_--��-0 ,. 2 .Ft . 1;f·-_.of- S,W G o r . o f SE:t _ i n S e c .. 2 B , 'l'owns1'-�P--_ _ :;;e __ No r t h , Range 1_3 ·-lV·e·s_"t' : _ o_f _ the __ New M ex i c o P r i n c i pal .v.i e r i d i a n , ·st08"li't-. · E l l ? ;!l' t . 3 5 14 � 3 _-.rt·�- E53Cv Ft-� t·o - W l i ne o f s a i d B -il &lnut ll t . 8 8 3_� ,tl' ·woo· F t .. l':'!."om SW c or- . Bl0clt 10-Lemon Towri .:J i t e �

C e r t i f' i c a t e .1.\0 ,. 7 9 7 9 , d a t e d D e c: tlm b e i"' 1 0 , 1 9 28 , C o v e-ring· th e toliowfng d e s c r i b e d p r o p e rt y , e s s e s � � d t o · A . E � Far 1 s i Trus t e e·, f6r the t ax e s o f t h e yea::- 1 9 2. 7 a n d :pur c h a s e d b y �.:ont e zt<m.9. D o � nt y : 1,o t s .l - 6 Ine .. i n B l o c k 2 , i n �unny s i d e A d d i t i o n ) ft a nc o s , C o l o r a d o �

C e r t i f i c a t e l<io . '1 983 � d 6. t e d D e c E.imh e r 1 0 1 1 9 2 0 , c O v e r i n g th6 fo l l o wi n g d e s c �i b s d p r o p e r t y • a s a e s s � d t o Ada �. F r i n k f o r the t a x e s o f the y e a r 192? and J;:t:r chc. s e d b y .;i o n t e z uma �Ol.U1t:y: Lots 3_4 ... 5 i n. B l o c k 3 i n . .Sunny­s i d e � d d i t i o n , man c o a � C o l o r a d o .

C e r t i f i c a t e h o . ? 98'7., d f;. t e d u e c e:nib e r 1 0 , 1 9 2- 8 , c o v e r ing the f o l l ow i n g d e s c r i b e d � r o p e r t y , a s s e s s e d to � t t a � . �ay e s f o r t h e t a xe s or th e y e a r 1 9 2'7, l a s t h a l f , and p u r c h a s e d b y 1.llo n t e zumo. C o � n t y : L o t s 2 2 ... 10 I n c . i n B l o c k 1 0 i n Lemon 'l'own S i t e � ,",; o.n c o s , C o l o r a d o ..

C e r t i f i c a t e He + ? 9 88 J d e t e d December 10 , 1 9 28 1 c o ·v e r 1 ng the fo l l ow i n g d e s c r i b e d p r o p e r t y 1 a s s e s s e d t o J � .a . ht! ff h e s 1' or tbe tax e s of t:he yeat: l 9 2 ? e n d p ·J.:rchtH 'H3 d b y .�• o n t e zuma C o un t y : L o t s 3 - 9 11�e . in Jj l O c k 2 0 , D o l o r e s , C o l o r a d o .

C e r t i f i c a t e N o . 7 9 9 3 � dst e d C e- c emb er 1 0 , 1 9 2 8 , c o v e r in g ths fo l l o w i n g d e s c r i b e d p r o p e r t y , a s s e s s e d t o r r e d M c G r e g o r : o r t h e t a x e s o f t h e y ea r 192? nr:.d puroha s e J b y .-. o n t e zuna C ct.in t y : '•«ract "31' i n ur:nurc. b e r e d fj : o c k S o f Bl o c k 1 i n P t o l el'l"�Y u dd i t i o n , r.:an c a s , C o l o r :i rl o �

G e r t i f i c u. t e i'lO . ? 9 9 1 , ·� r t e d v e c emb e r 1 0 , 1 92 2 , c o v-e l' i n ,; the f o l l o wi ng d e s c r i b ed p r o ;i e :r t �r , aa s e s s e d t o .Tam e s hi o r r i s o n E s t . f o r t h e t h :x e s o f t h e y e a r 1 9 2? and purch&. s e d b y Mon t e zuma C o u n t y : 1;.ll t h a t p ar t o f B l o c k 4 , t o l o r 1 s � C o l o � � d o l y i ng W or a l l e y i n said B l o c k 4 .

C e r t i f i c a t e No . 7 9 9 5 t d a t e d D e o em b e r 10 , 192 8 1 c o � e r i n g t h e f o l l ow i n � d e s c r i � a d p ro p e r t y , asc e s s e d t o c . B. N e ele y f o r t h a t a x e s o f the y e ar 1 9 2 '? and pur c h � s: e d b y M o n t e z uma C o -.:.�t y : 'i.' r a. c t ''311 E of' :S l e e k 1 , P t o l emy l .. d d i t i o n , }! �n c o s , C o l o rttd o , d e s . � ;.; f o l l ow s : Beg . at a .P t . 80 F t . A &. 1 6 0 F t . S o f NE C a r . s u i d B l o c k l 8 1 40 Ft . BBO Ft . N l 4 0 F t � WBO Ft . t o b e g .

C e rt ificate N o . 7 9 9 6 , dat e d D e c ember 10 , 192 8 , c o • e r i n g t h e fo l l o w i n g d e e a r i b e d p r o p e r t y , a s s e s s e d t o c . B � N e e l e y f o r t h e t ax e s o f t h e y e ar 1 9 2 7 and purcha s e d b y Mont e�ttmu C o � n t y : L o t s 2 1 -22-23 in Block 3 , i n S unn y s i d e a d d i t i o c , Mtin.co s 1 C o l o r a d o .

C er t i f i c a t e l-io .. '7 9 9 9 , d a t e d Dec emb e r 1 0 � 1 9 2 8 , c o v er i ng t h e f o l l o w i n g d e s c � i � e d p r o p e rt y , a � s e s s e d � o Alonzo Hob e r t s o n f o r t h e t ax e s o r t � e

y e a r 1 9 2'/ and p u r ch a s e d by l-l ont ezUI:!a C o unt y : 'l' r a c t " B " l!; o f S p r u c e S t r e e t i n P t o l emy ad d i t i o r. 1 Man c o s 1 C o l o ra d o �

C e r t i fi c a t e � o � 8 2 6 7 , d a t e d D e c eob e r 1 0 , 192 9 , c o vering t h e f o l l o w i n g d e s c r i b e d prop e r t y , a s s e s sed t c Ada . M . � r i n k f o r t h e t a x e s o t t h e y e a r 1 9 2 8 a n d p u r c t: a s e d b y lJ o n t e zuma C o u n t y : Lots 1- & 2 i n B l o c k 1 2 , i n Buuer 1 s 2 n d S ub . , Man c o s , C o l o ra d o ..

C er t i f i os.t e N o � 8 2 7 5 , d a t e d D e c. e-mb e r 1 0 1 1 9 2 9 1 c o v e r i ng the fo l l o w i n g d e s c r i b e d p r o p e r t y � a s s e s s e d t o A � L . Eays f o r t h e taxe s o f t h e ya�r 1 9 2 8 , l a s t h a l f , &nd �urcha B e d b y M o n t e zum� C o uu t y ; L o t s l ? - 18 1 i n B l o c k 1 0 , i n Lemon '!'own S i t e , M an. c o s t C o l o r a d o .

C s. r t i f i c at e No . 8281 . d a t e d De c emb e r 10 , 1 9 2 9 ) c o v e r i ng t h e f o l l o wing d e s c r i C e d p r o � e r t y , a s 5 o s s e d t c John R i f f e y f o r the taxes of the y e n r 1�28 a L d p u r c h a s e d b y �ont e zu�a C o un t y : Lot s 2 6 - 2 ? - 2 8 in B l o c k � , i n Sunnysi d e A d d i t i o n , 41an c o s 1 C o l o r a d o ..

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Proceedings 01

> i

C i:; r t i f i e a t e N o . 8593_-, d&t e d ___ De--O einb e:r 9 ,-_ 1 9 :3-0 ,: oove;r_tn&:· the --t_Oll_oW:tn·g d e s c r i b e d prope rt y , a. s s e s s_e_d,- � -o- Ja_c o'!J, Arney f or the_-.--t-.e±es of .the ::re


l929 and p urcha s ed by M o n t ezuma C o unt y : Tract "Ji.."' s --- or_ Blo ck- 3 ,_ i_n Sunny s i d e Add i t i on , i'.Uancos I c Oror&do t de s . as follow s : B·eg ·- :seo·_-- Ft. s & 250 Ft . w of �JI C o ,- . Nl40 Ft . W50 Ft . Sl40 F t . E!lO Ft . to b e g .

C e r t i f i c at e No. 8 5 9 4 1 dated D e c ember 91 l. 9 30 , cc ieri:nS the foll ovti ng d e s c �i b e d pro p e rt y , & s s n s s e d t o Jacob Arney for �be taies o f the yeir 1929 and ? U r o h a s e d by Mont ezu.11a Count y : Lats 15-10 i n Block 1 , i n P t o l emy Addi t i o n , Manc oo , C o l o r ado �

Ce rt i f i c at e N o * 86 0 7 1 d a t e 6 lie c emb er 9 , 1 9 3 0 , covering tb e f o l l owing d e s c r i b e d p r o p e r t y , a e e e s s e d to �nua M . G u i l l e t for the t a x e s o f the year 1929 and p ur c ha sed by M o n t e zuma C o unt y : L o t s 3 9 - 4-0 i n Bl o,c.lt 5 , i n O unny s i d e A d d i t i o n , Man c o s , Colorado .

C e r t i f i c a t e Ne * 8 6 1 3 , d a t e d D e c ember 9 , 1 9 30 ; c o v ering the fo l l owi n ff d e s c r i b e d prope rty , as s e s s e d to •m * J . � i l l e r f o r th e taxes of the y e ar 1 9 2 9 and purcha s e d by "'1o:nt e z ume. C o unt y � Lot 9 ir: B1 oc k 10 , .Baue r ' s 2nd Sub . t Man cc s , C o l o r ado .

C e r t i f i c at e No. 85 1 4 , d at e d Decemb er 9 , 1 9 3 0 , cov e r i ng the f o l l o w ing d e s c r i b e d p r o p e r t y • a s s e s s e d to dm . J . M i l l e r f e r the taxes of the y e a r 19�:9 and purchased b y Mou t e z uma C ounty : Lot 1 0 i n l:l i o c k 1 0 , i n Beuer f s 2nd S ub � ) i.la.nc o s , Colorado ..


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Gntttiud� lil<>. 6QO, dated li4nmbu. i s , Ull.4, ""v""�"t .tbe follo,.hg d·eocrib.ed _land.-. &.�UJ4Ht11l_e_d _te n_�,- -c .. ll'liiugbtl' toJt ticb9-- 'tt1 X$:&- 1':f tlH!t-_-_-_)ftt'a� 1923 ond purob•••d bK /.!ont<1"""'" Couty: !il&t awt; &i !Ill� !:!W;li in Seo, 12 , '1<>WJ>.oll1p 37 i11>rt11, . Hai:i�o kl>ut �t .the ·liew !liexicG �rinoiplll. U•<r1d1Uh

_C_ei't:i"f·i:o':l�}� -- ff?._ � 90 __ t\_, ___ -:-�ert ed __ _ Nov�mb�l'.-_::· _15 •- .l !l2_:4-i __ :e<»-lfer i n e tlia fo ilC_w-ltt� deeel'1.b_-_ed· l•trd . ' a1a e-s_a_�d< to_ J aJllit&- aos_sa:i_-- r!ll:C t,h::f::.:-Jr_n_.;x:«�_ "ff/rt_ t h " year l9.2� <>nd p>;1r<>h••oil bl' lloatuuma Countyt Slit l1Wil ill St li!lll & SWt SJ>.\' ill S o e , l , 'l1�fwnshit>.-.: ti,.?: N_�rth-1 �».�.,.- 20 ·� eat. of t h a-.- �ttl'¢': Me:r.1_�-"-- Fritto ipol- Meil"idla�.

C"rtl.f.1n�e l!I�, $ffflS, d•h4 liov•m�er .U, U2,f,1 .li.<i>utbg t �a rollo�.ing de:a.c�:1b,_t1_tL la:a_4 t - atJB0�Jte}td:· /,t.� iiSi:int ez\Ut\_a __ lt&ve;·,tep:in_•#ct_; x:/I�_,; _fi:;r 'thfl t-ax_e_e ·-cf tbe y�ar · 1_925 · ant)_ pu7�-�:lt:a·ed by Ma:a:te;�uin_tt D 0ca:Gt}'_ � . ,, -�--Zt:f _A� _ t>t JH'i.;_- N:o:�- tn iJ e e .-_ �4-; ·- "ittffU'stlip 38- �·�1:µ 1 -�ans&_ l i _ W·e:et et "tho ; l_�_lf_:_.44e:_x1�o Prineilli:il Jiturid'�illi •

· ·

Qor�uioah 110 . 69�9� Jated. ""'"'"'be�.

�.e i i9a4, �ove.r�it¢ . tllo hUowbg <l�oo.r:-1-t!�d land i aa_t1$_,&fjil� - -�-- l'.h� Fo l"ln- 1.ati'd• :_;::t&o . Oo. f<)l:' _ 't he: :_�a�ee o,r- ttt• 7 s-a.r_·- :�,,9�3 «ad p_U.l'4l_haae:4.·, _ _ �,. �o_ntezuma _c_��_-t1:'; awt l• --��_,"�:_�-- :.2_4 ,-_ .• '?�v.tIJ:,-:lh:l:;p 35 }'_�I"t�.:t: i4a.nge . 1 11 :�_8ef.: __ _ �J'_- tlle Ne.w t.te:):.1e<r>:fr1-no1p•l'. __ �-�-l:i-di�-:a .•

- -��-_r.t i_r1a·at e �io._. 7Q0��- -d��oa bovrtm.b�� lS:, .. -1��:4� _ _ :�-·�··:r-*ng-: _·t:lie- __ ,f_o_ ll_ow;tng

tl"a4'c_:i:. __ ib6_d l a u d. , - a:ti.$O atiP:_d __ t-o: _l'.b\i .t! arm .Lands:_ ·Q ae:lu-:_1_t_1tt_B-- G.J-•:- _for the ta•:es. G .f: _--_t ___ hll_-<�ettr l i2�: au� - ""-"-��_b as.ed by _ rlC1A t;ezWll_� ---S:t:1-�.u! __ t)": .Nl_t-: __ ��-�r 1-11 :�_eo•- 321 'l't:twlltth i p :3 '7 t:airth / Ua���1: _:16_ - �ttat- Qf tha -l�e•--�!!tXi-c_'o P1"1nfi1p�-1 M&t'idian, .

Oortit ioeh N� . 7001>$ dated �overn1ln Hi ; l.l12�, u,vo�:lnl!: Ute follc>th;t di!t�Ql'1b_ed l�nd . & S e�

_u13ed t& -'the Farm Laada s e eur'1t·ie& - \i e- .: ' f(?:t' the triL'I.tS

o f - the yet!.l:' 19'£5 £\An -P-�_rc.has.ed by l!do nt·o aunu1 c·�unty;: S�·t NW'! i n Ll e e ., 32 t 1iQwnsh1p 57 .Nor t h . -�·l!i.t16& lD- We.st ot- the N@-.., .-_ MG7:,:l0o&- .(Jt-1-ncip:a.1 M.e_.t:" i d i a ti. •

Q�l't i i' i Oat� N o . 70_Q6_� �a-t_•d tiovsii&'.b-er 15-. 19"26_.,._._.�-o_T{tl":ine:- th� 1'_4llow111g dceeri b-_ed land., a&6e s_s_t;_d-_�t_a::_I-be. lta_Jiltl- __ t.e_.a d s _ _ s.eour1�-*-•,e C o . fol" _ _ _ thi"_- te:was ot tlie- :r � s. r: - 1 9 .2 � and ,Pr.r-Ohaeetl 07 ;,;ont e :zum.a G�uu.t1 ;- Nh 3'tf�- swi t- s{ N-.¥� SPJl:- ill S t e . 2 l t 'r�wuship '&6 No.rtb • I\a2,e.e l b 14:aa-t ttf tb & New !'iol.!CG PrJuoiJal �artdl6u.

\iertitiGe.t llii No . �Oi4 , _ _4$-t•4- lllovemb:el' �5- ,__ lil_2"' , OQYrrillB the :tollow l n � dill&Cri_bt:d _la�d. _ fi.&$_9'$�t;:d--'._ �-°' _ $_e�r;y D�rt\hol_i: _ tQ:r _ the $ttX$fl ::r_f : the year 1922 end purcuud by M<>•hzuaa Co11nt:r• S:li <'t Hi i. Si\ <>!i . 1111t I< Ni llt :ifi in $ C c • G , �QWUbJ.JI 5�. ll<>.t t h , llanga lf; hot. <>t th !l'l!.w h!eUOt> lt.rin� 1pal .w-•t'id:iau.

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"': <:t r t t f i e;i t G �·!;;> . 71!17. d�t it d ;('c ot-1bn.r l 2 , J.92� • . c o v t'! rinlif · t_ll�- -f�ll-Qw1ilg l'.l � s e r i�; e d lttrtd i ss:Je a a r.t d. ta: !� .. P, Al �x:'.ln d e r tor th� t·u.'.Xl!1:a. . · G-t-. . the ;y c�P 198-4: e.n.d f.l\irt"!hs.sed b y _Mont• zuvvi Count y � 3�, N:·t l & Jt� 13W;'.i£ 1.rl>r.;e-o . g_fl, T.¢w!ln:t:i 1p 36 �orthi 11.s.nu;& l? ;.·$st ut t h.a N'orr Mox_i c iS" Prtno i p & l }1-le-ri disn ..

.c a __ :tt_; t_l_Ga_·t s N'.I) ,. __ ?1_6 __ tr. di:tt<&d Decetiber l a 1 19'25:� ·ooviJrint;· i.ht1: f�llowin� de.&eribeil -la11 d 1 g. 1 n_� ll �>"«H, t o !UfOf<tl :e.t!·n� fc.ir t-h¢_ t_a_:r._S-'!!l Qf tl1t :;'1.'J:e.:f'-,-:1-�z4 'lntl- ·puchaeed by !'!ot._f.'$'iu:na County; !i:l SW� ,:.., 5!_::�'1-, i n at}c ,. 1 8 ;: - -'rfifin sb i p 38 140rtb:·. IT.tin311 11 � a n t o f t h e lf� w M:1txie"' Fr1ni; ipe:.l �te-rid.ian.

v' . . C ei: r t itlcnt.� H"' � 7l8�1 ilatad. tl':: O.!Jhb !!'r 12 , l9ll5, n_ev'*i'in� t he fOl'lc·rti:ug

d'fsnribf'ld land·, f.i: S: B_��f1:1;-1' to C o rt o 3 l .. tind tr. S-�O ur·1 t.i�s Co . fOl" t h � ·i-ti'it.aa o r-- thG Yi>lS":: 1".1_24- ---tni_-d> p·u�_Clie. � e d by ;Jont�z·J:t!H Coun_t;r: Rfi� in· :;�o--. -�3_,�· 'l'own�h :t p :51 Ul'>i"'t !) ;-< -�tth(it: ' l f;· ·.� �o.t of �h-e fff>v; Mi!XicO Pri:ao1p·al t.iori d1an: ..

c-et>t i t 1 c 'l i i.!. N>?:-.. ------?.1a:4;-, ds:t:oJ. DtHlclli�-6r 1_2 •. 1 325- . o Ov.'el'i'!lig t l: a rollau i n g .d6aer-tbe<i l a n d t _ -·a'eG%:'a'S·�-d- t·o Ocrt e z L'a r{a::- -&.- s·!!i: c u r t t fa-lJ·>: c o . · t::1: the t t1xe·e-11·t_ t'ho_,- y e n r l9!:f4- ·a·�_!.\''. .l:i.\11"_ehaa�tt- -r.y J.f.orit=t'.i--?.-fit11'!< Cnu..rftzt : fi � _--titi Si�� i n ;) tHJ . 21 . 'l'owns-h!p- 3�-- 1'hi:tt_� , _·*anfttt 1& 'fiost of- t he Nt;tw S1 � i; i 0: .<t· P1�1·n c i [;lll �J.ftri,.dlun �

C " f't i f i c a t � _l'f.('i . _'1 ._1 � �( • . d-� t e_d lie a !!mbe:r 1 2 , 1 92 5 , ·O Q T q. r t r.(r: t l:J � f a l l rP1in8 d e • o r i b ed land , a a ��-�•4 to _� o r t e � Lnhd &- S 0 c ttr i t i a� C o . t"r t h e tn�e5 of- _t h-') ;t1<1 &r J,924 _a'nQ jru_-"f:C b:'3 � ed· by_

-�to-_ttt e �-umO_ ,:'.: ouut;ri -N}t NW<�� &,. 5 '1 � 1-;;!t�1i in Boe_._- 3-'_• 'l'owusb i p. 5'1 · N,t1<t.th -, Rn.nt;._e. 1 6 Weet o-r tbe.i ttl\':!W td�xioo :Pri n a ipnl Uar:\-dt a.n-._ ·

c_a-i-t.iticnt1t1 �u_-. _ 'll�a_:. ·thlt-·e d- _r:eoembifr_- 18-._ :-l:9IZ&t oov�:r1:ng t li e i�llow t ng d,,,-tlcribe:d lan d , as.sf).e·-1,-Qil_ .t� OQ'l't_ea _-l.11.nd i. Ue.a\iri-t-_1-�n. •:o-,. tor t.h0 ta}'; e e ot- t h e ye".!r li24 :nnif Jn.trc __ h�;sed- --�y :.t�nte:zuma· COuntft S11t Hlt;t & ���- S.D:i tn Soc .. 20 t fJ.'OWl'l8hi3;'f 36 1'$1" th • R'atfge- ll> lfe---$t 1lf- t-h·e· Mew Mex-ice: r'ri naipal

�eri <': i !): n .

C e rt i f i e a t e N?J ,. 71-90 , iiat-ed .Oe:c«nni'l-er- 12 , 192$',_ �0:ve:r1na t h e follot!in.g d e e. o r ibed 1.er. lt , 1J:: 5 C i"' fJ S ed· t'o Cortez- Land -!& 8 e o-u:- i t 1 e-3 C o .. fQ'Jt t h � t;a.ac-a -of t h l't: year l i.24: an d :p u!"'eh.&a !ld by Mont e:zu1u1 Gout1:ty:: in s e c. ._ �o. TavAahlp 36 Ner th 1 Rej�· 15 ��•t af t b e 6nw � � x i a o Pr!Pa �eri diaa�

C e r t l f i a a t "' .No .- 71 9 1 , dated Dec<Jmb e-r 1 2 , 19n-�. tfo ver1a� th!) i' o l l G w i n & d e uarlbsd lan d , a � Gl$sod t o Cortez Land k C eo ur l t i u e C v . t o r t b o t a x �n 01: t ne ysar 1 924- li.lnd. purch O: s o d b�· �!ant � zumu. C ::;;unty� :::il::t i n ::.i- � c . l S , 'l'oWnsh. ! ;i 36 Nortti , �an!?;& 1 5 ',+'eat o f t h ".! He'I': :,�e;.t.lt:I'.; �L"incip-1.l t:t..:- i d i au •

C e r t 1.r t c 11 t s bh> « ? 1 9 2: • dated !'.:'e.eember 1 2, 7 1$2 fi ,._ o o v e f.'-!!'..\ {.': tbo followi ;:;_c 4e&cr1bo4 len d • b a � &� A �d to Cortez Lnnd & S e e u � i � i e & C • tar tha taxes 0f th<} jet\r l. Q24 ant't puraha.1'.e·d by t·i:o�te-zumc.. County ! in f' eo ,. 31 ,

'.i."oW;D.a;ti 1 p 37 l•o r t b • R&aee l� ri'tt1":t o r t h P.i New l!lexieo P.riu�ipt:i.l Mt)ridir..ll �

Cl3rtificate No ,. 7li!$, dated J.iectrmb e-r l, 2 • 1926 , C-OV$:t'1i'tg th.a fOllOti'i ng desc1·ibed land , aiss�et!ed t o Co�tez .Land. t: �- eour:l til$a t.ja . _fl:Jtr the t::�os of the y cia� 1924 auu purzh�sod by �ontezuma County : Wi B�t le�5 a �. in t:i tt e .. 2B a TownShip_ 57 l<icrth i Runge 1.& lif;st of tb.e- lii«'W- Me:irJ .. o-·Ci .Princlp'l-1

»4eri\1 1ul'.l .

C!i'l."-t i!'1.cu.te UO: .. 710-4'• dat ed. iifioenbflr l2i- 1925- t OOVf!ring the folleu1r.�--: descri bed- land ,- e.seed_fi: ed t o_ co-·rt ez= L u n d_ $... - £ e c u r t t i fl s· G o . for t hfJ' t�.t:tl'rs of the ye_-!.lr 19.24 '8l'U! -puroha eeQ bY' t-tont e-z:uma C o uu t y t .Nil in S s c ,. 1 5 #

il.'Owua h i"p- 55- ll ort h , R&:pr,e l & 'iie&;t Cf- t h e lil:ew i& l!'l X 1 e � .f".rinc ipal h'Critia.n ..

O e r t i i' t c a t. e l'l o . 7 1 9 6 • dat e d Doc�mber 1 2 , 1925, c;:v-e-r:t.ng t-bc :roJ,low i n g d © a orib �C land 4 15 $. (t EH!l e d to Floyd Crenshsw tar t b & t e.;t e & 'of t- b e 7ear 1924 ei:ld pu.rch�se-a by riont•ZWrt� Cou.n t y : NEt � 4A .Nrtt &. "Mk "swt t u cii e- a . l ? , ! o fln-sh:t..P 58 Rort.h, Range l B �e&t Q f t-b * Nei•'- M:exico .f'ri no lpsl M eo :r i d i a.n .

C-ertitior..t & .N-0 ., ? i9 7 • dmt e-- 0 fie<temQ.-er 12 . l ll k 5 , -0ove:r i t1 g t h& 1'�1.1.0-w in� ,�cribad l au d , a s a e a s e4 tQ Flotd L. Cranshaw tot the ta�ee o f . tQ c y�ar

"t4 and purchneed tty t.1out e mume County� Nii.ii; Hi'.:� & .Ni- Ii'lt &. SW;,: lrd':t & Wt\ i n tiec .. 1 6 • f# n d �� DEt i o. $ec _,, 1 7 t a l l i n Zown s h i p :38 R o r t h , ;is :c.;; u �et 9f th� N�� M��i Q O Pri nc i p�l M e r l d l an .

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1 , ,�,,,, '"' "', , , ._ ,,,,_,,,,, , '----�- ,. , , ___ n�.,4�-�''"''"''"'''ft�- -

Cel:-tific8-_te No. 920S .• dnt ttd Dt1.:lS'5ber 12 , iS2_5-� covcr;Lllf; th.9 !'ollo'>'i1Lt; des�.ti�bed �end 1 ___ aa_��_s_t.1'et\ _t_o John T• _ __i.h.illee-n: t'o:r __ ,t_t:e _ _ t_axe� t}f the_ Y"�ur 1924 ·_a�d - p ureh-a stHi:_ b;f:-·: �-o_ntez:umS. 'COUut,,:r : _ _li?f sJ!.t.·-::-- 1:_�\ See* 141 atrd __ ·_ W_J· swt in S&o:" lZ. �!l in T:8wn sh1p '3-U �or th� - - k(Q:ng:'S l7:---itelit_ of ti10 Nr;\'l'.· M<;xi c. fl .tJr1nc11Hi.l- Me=-rdi a:a-.

Ce:rti:t'_i c e.t s �4 n,. _7 �_.!-3, d-.tte.d i.ioe'i)_mber l2t _ �-9-�5_-, c,ovex' i n,z tho !'t1ll_owing d1i.il-crl.·b·e d l a n d , e $-StlSE!--ud t s .t. l t zabt:)th _ ;f .. ·: .Johli-5'1Pn .�-fi:ri' i;i:h• te:ir.o.s of- the ye�·r- l!l:J4 «�•� pU'i'Lil�'-s_6-i;1- _by V.on t e :t.'illlli C o.Utit'i·:. N_fj __ . ci_�it<& ___ "�-� -5b4 in Sec. ll . Township 3 17 u·urtn·.- ".Hung.ti 1 6- fit>St Qf the 1-4\itw flezi'\l'l;) · fz-1 nc1:pul It 1$t'idiau ..

C_er_t ! f i eGte IJ 0 � _ __ _12 __ '.i5 •_. _da t e 6. Djllj ce-·;ibei: . ._l2_ .:, i9_�5 J c_?v'e_ri_rig_ t h_e f�llow i::in; de: __ sc.l'.'ib1'd la.ttO t _ a fl_s:_ers_:s�d _te A .. _c . Kttt e_l.1 :r·or_.:_th•--·-t-a_x'°"·s: _o.f t h e Y�Ji;r l:l'"­aad _pur'cllsso_� by __ \t�_nt �·.tut.1a C' gu.uty : N� $_�-:i\- -� -sl _.tl·_w�:- ----� -n- &-t� . -14 , (! ,._,.: J h :trAi & t:IE� !iW:);· a.nJ Nl!l_i;. _Slflt in_ Se:e . 1 6 ,- :ei-11 ·_1-_:n- T __ owns·hi� _55_ Nt> r t h J ttani,n l ? WtH!rt- o· r th� New M-ei.·_10·0 Erln.eipel Me-r-idien· .-:.- -- ·

c: e- r t 1 r 1 � a t -s RQ .- -_'12_ao·. __ da.''t e C De-c�mbft._r _1 2 ,::--- -_19:_2& .• - CO"ff.i:rin.& 'the r o l l o xill& dE.:s_c:r:tb!'d lt!n·d , _o s r e-�Hf�d: to ir_ra_ck _n . _.Pott er- l'_ar thtt tt11x a: s _o f t h e y eJtr 1 9 24_ llnd purche ead - bj _ Montl;!tu-:ia Ueunt y : SE� _ _ NE·� in :;,ae .. 2 , Tt;ivt n e b. 1 9 �6 r>Jorth , Range- 14 West-- o f.- th l!!- 1few --hf-e- A i c o !? :'f11·c111·1l }l:ie:-ri.d 1 e.n ..

08:rtft i <! a t e No. 7_ 2-9_1 ,-- _d&te°d D!9¢ettnb�t' 1 2 1. -:1i)�5 , OQV•ir_ins __ th� fQ l l o w i n :1 '1 a l$_Or_tbed.. - laJJd t n s li"l_e_t!.t?Je_d to ;r .. - E � R�E!d· f o r _ _ t tia __ ----t-a:i$s_ of - t h e Y l! 3:1'·- l924 a.nd:_- j)_�ro.heaed by- �!"Otrt·e :z;_u'»;ll Countyt !Ji SEt '& -:_'i§- ,SW:i in Gee_. 201 Town13h1_p 36 No:rtb1 R1111g_e 16 ifes-t. -ef tb-e N.ew M.e:r i r$ O Pl:"in o i p a l fi er-idi"ill.-

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c¥�tUicate ae;-�nr,1tf Ei_-d ---i_anu-� �nd _ xn.1-�ct:ase-d .bf 37 Nor.t h , Ra�g�- ---l?

_tJ��t rti oet ei i�O o: ,i'(�2_e_. ,_dS:t tfd llae�mber la , · _1-9-2e;-_�--'-:e"_v�l:'.Jj�g t_11 e ··:-i'G ll_oW_i�ti

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.... ib. • . . d .. l!tnd., ".

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. Y�li� lil�Z> and purel';a!!ed h7. M���e zu?tu�- _County� lli'Ei- .in 8 t: c ,· z s , Tow1r1$h i;p ZG llltrt.n-, iitanat• l4 � it$t _·_

-_�f' ·t��_ New Mexloo Pri no1pel t.1&r1 e1mn;. C•rtif1eat o rlo • . 7!j�4:1 d�hd llMnibor 1 8 , 192 6 , o o v o d 11� thii' r a U owin& d i:n.l cJ.�1b-ed' lan d. . e. 1129-s_Sa-t · t<.+ ·_:; .. 8-&f"-t enburg to-r 1.hfl t a icp, a -·o:r· t h � � e ar.- l f{H' end purohasad b:y Monte Zllt;la

_ co·unty: N?fi 1 n See .. ( • 1'owi;eh1!)' $!t North 1

Hange 1$) '8 a $ t o r th4 Ne.lt·Mexto.Q Pri 11C1 pal Merl d i nn. C o r t i f i c: 6 t e Na . ?5?'1 1 -dri t ed Ile.::i ombei" ler. 1 9 2 6 . eo'fel' i n& - th$ tlfi:llcw1ne,

deeicribad la r11l , e..s tt e ase-d t_-0 Mrs. M,. A.; Roh i i.1:.1011 l'or t h;a - t r:t.z:es of th• yee:r 19-25 �no _purc-hes-6d---_by Montezuma -County: '!'re.ct or land b�g .. in th� !-L'Ji;� N¥!- 1n S e o .- 2 3 , To-WutA:hi:p 36 liort !t * Hane� 10 \fe;;t �t the t.f ow tdt-:t i QQ: i�r-irieip-sl ;..;eX"1d1un -dem . a·� 'follo-wl'i: .U'1r;-.._ at ;;:g C o i" . N�� , tJ1$nee WS flds .­SlO R d e .- BB Eda-. NlO Rda � W Be,z:. Cont •_ t A ..

C &l" t i f i e ft t e No . ?t>al . da ted .Deo.8mb0r 18 , l-92fi 1 C QV'ieriLt: tho fQ llewin3 d. e a o r- l b e d lt1. 11 d � ae!'S-6.1lS t!! d to M2'.d�1e J-k l�hl" for the t&:t.c3 vr tl:t: )! a f,\ t' l9l.t;; and pure1hnee-d b :t M¢ntczum.a County: SD:� $.b;" 1n S.ec . ll , e..nd Nj, l>1£i i a uea . 14· � all 1n Tow:uehip --56 Nort h , Ita.11.se- 14- fl;;oet of t h e .Se.ti.- i; �xi<:G ?�in�ipa! �er16ian"" Cer-tii' i o-e.te t-ta . 7586 1 dated !Je't!embttl" is. 1925 , eoveri:tg tho r.,l-l�;1r!ng

desqJ:ib.�--d 'fali-d , & e fioe:H�ed to Q-ecr-e;e �•ulen tor _ th$ ta:xeo- or t llll yt111r 1 925 nn_d __ j)u.:rch!is:ed _h1


_ezuma Couty� .NK.i- N�i; i n Soe. 26 , 'T¢wrusbip: �? �o·:i. b • R.&.ngtr 14- t\,t-at_ of_ t·ht- �tl'YT M-fl-Xico .. ri n o ip "l Mf.ll"id ien.

c--er-- t it' i a u t e Ko_� 7D67 -, dated Dec:otilh b o r l B , 1 9 2 6 • e o v e-.r f. :n r; t.?l-f'l f.::i l l<i,.;i nc; de!lcrl h f<d_ l:ati!\ i:- _-iasoe_i<:'aed: t u Ga-or�e iijQlllen f!>r .tb.o tax-e-s ct t he y �ur 19:l5 e.b..d pu.rch�.$_$_(f by' i-fon t"�ZllUUl CQub.ty; Wl; elii} 10: "$c4·., 14., '1'oWt1 !3hip -3'1 t�o:tth t liatir:;e. 14 U:t!�t of, t-hG . .-New .'M.trx:iuc i'ri:al.'l: � p a l i'Leri di�n ..

aaX"tiii:O_At_.a !<e,. '16_12 , d'$t�d :o._e_e::mb l'Jl" 1 8 1._ �9jr6_-, .e Q 'V 1'i r i :> J1 t h� :t o. l l u-::itl&

d6 s o r i U e d -,..L_iin u ,_ -_dnsG_ss.ed �t c _ Ul_a+-_� \fe_1_timian11 f"o_r _ __ "tbe ta�JJs of th"I y t=-.�r l92!i a:nd p u.:rctia,_v ed by tiao n_tezumu Cnui;t.y; ._._ 4Q

_Oit4SO_ ,ft . 1n SW:}; in



_ 1, Towzi.ab_ip- 3--S - tiorth� �nn�e 11 ife&-t of' the :Nl!lw- Mox:ie� Fr1n�1.:?�l Heri d t en ..

Oert1t �eatt_ No. ?' 4 1 4 . do.t cd J..lcc �;r.b ar _lt�,_

1 9 2 6 , -o o.v ri!':ri111£; the :tQll ovJing described land , �as & a a o d t� Culley a n a Svadl•T f a r t o a ta&o•�f the year 192.3 e:�' d pu:rch�stHt by Mout e zut;u1 C ti.ti.uty : 'fh11t ,Part r,ft- ti�t: 1n &e:-0 . e-� 'l't>wn �1> �<· :Ill 11-,,-rtb. l:ia.n.!A:ii 16 fi e-5t of t tle If!!W Xexi oo -.?ri:a>J.1J,luJ. l.:tt1tri dia¥:., 'a:flarib 'liid as :i'i;llow n : B-@s .. n.t-- .fllk C-.zr .. _ o :r J fl: (j . 6 ,gaao , ft . S 9 0:0 F t . ii020-

� \ . NBOO ,Ft . t o pla<fe of b e g .

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·To. the Tteaiu;�r o/..J1fu.t-'l.z'NJuc,,._ .,,.,,., _ �._c.f:.ountg, Colorado :x·ou_ ire hereby nOtt°fi�·that th& undersigned is the liolde? of- a.--�fiC��I�f �Ufchase-Qf the property

desOribed_ as followsJ :.00..lV:it:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ ,, __ _ C ari1-t1c'1t.iJ" ?h� .. -_ 166_1 , dat�d D13� e!Uh1'!r_ l O , .l9i'l , ___ :o(t"r'1_r_1n.� the

ro�-_lCl'tlillZ dl.!lSCI'-ibe.ii laud ,_ ause�eud to _11. w-.. _ O:.; AinleJ :: _t_or 'tb.6 'taxes o _t: th-e year 1926 and puroht1111 etd by i'Ao·nt e-zutna c·ounty�- 1i'-1�;} $i(,t & Leta 6&:.'l i_n .-...e c .. s . 'rowu.�hi» 37- liortb 1 RiiUS• ltt_ tt"€-�t ot t�ia �icW ;·.1 e.z:ico Pr:i.u.:Jipul Z.l eri d i 11 n .

¢ i! X f. i f' i o a t s: :to- . '166'1 * datttJ. llct.:<9.tllb � l" lO , l�� '? t C,:)Tarili!l the followt n�; ci<lac.ri'->ti-d: la n d , o.�tlffS.�.,a to A .. - o,. Uavict.l.l6S1 ;f{l r: thf;;I taxes OJ' tte J e 'l;.'; r l\t.$6 JI JJ :i pu.ttchl1:Jed by ;:iQDtt?zu::aa Couuty} :f.: .. �- :t,,i i A :..-. e o . l13 , ·.:·::, �·n; .ch i p ?. 0 t� c. r t h , Hun�•'lf 1 4 ':: � :); t 01� tl;-o .·t nw :.i z:xi<H) 1,· .::' tu1.:-:i.,1-al �-i:trri d i a n .

i.': e r t i1' 1 Cii1; e !�\> . ? 6-S8 t dr-1. t�� -D-1J� �m11 �r 10 , 192 7 , oov e-rt.nc thff t o l l '-nl i fi.r. 1·-� t0<J.rl1_)a"1 liLU-!J ; u ei • . ,e;;_· � � -� t _, John :: . ,,.::i·� J. & f'v:r the t i;. x"a of ti. e. -.; · · ·--'I' i. i;,:, o c,;,Jd �1,.ll"O!Hl ll t d. by Lt ;J. :t. t � z una Gottn ty : '2· .li,,\: .w.:: •. ·� & ift. ;, J ,.., « � � � 1L � o � . �o , t?wn ahlp 3? �or�a, d � &s o l S :. � � t u / t b e 1 ew �exio� � � i �o t��1 -<l J ti a t a n .

< ·; rt 1- r 1 c 11 t � ;; .., .. '1 ? 1 6 , d i' t � <'.! \..e <;>. 1tmb e r l O J 1 ') 2 7 . eov�!'i t<t' t J', a­rallow1 �-� � a s c ri��d la �e , ft S & � � • e d t n naward autahinson f o r the tfrxes o .!' tt� :,-.· -:.: r- l Jtt. :'I n d :;;u � e h n $ 1'l: d by -!.o n t e zui::a ·�o u a t j' ! �i•i� l U .;.i- 11.) ¢ • 1 9 • � u � ft zb i p 3t 1• � � t h , Uaue� 19 � w a� or the � e � �•x 1 a o � riu0 ipul � e r l d l c D

C&l' l. i f iet1 t.e �J ., , '7 7 Z 3 . tlu.t.ed .i:.e� <!lmbfl l� l J , lS�i 'l , e o •r.t: r i :i.;; � l: e 1 o l l ;;.,, i i:.;_� {i,;!:-3C.J. ib �<i le n ct. 1 :i 21 u e l$ c e d t q ;l ,. H . Kruger t o r t ' 0 t;.. :s. s & or "t h ') yt;.•, ·:� l J2S 1 la.sit hal t , and _purnh6 .'.>ed b-:,• ;.;on1. r: ::u..�u c o un t y : ?:i� �!'� ;,, .±. 0.r:-.._ hi.- ..,_ ix. ,·,-r. c � 2 9 • '.i o:wns.l'.. ik-- z,,g ;::�1;r:rvh , lu;J.nG" lo k eet c t ti.e }� ew �exioo � �1 h u ip�l � � r i d iaD .

, ; �- �·t i f j :: -:;. t l� �;-� . r_n?4C-i 0L.ted «'· l"I C- c'�Jq: l" .l O , J -,:Jr: ? . t� a v 1�X-i -?.r·: t h " f·• l l ,;.:-1 i ,:':. ,)_{� -: o r i.tH�d la:i n,� , C!. :!l >'t Z "'. e � t o C .. /, ,. i' i n i<; e r l;. 0 11 f nr t�:e t.itxtils <; Z.� t h<' f P 'J;-:� 1 �£10 t l!l d p-u:ret;�; s ed hy t1ont11 zumu \.: o u11t .. v : ;;. e,;. ... .. .. i u ..., (1 1;,.

1� , , :wn�h ! D &a hort h , HnR�� 19 a e u t or �he �ow m � � 1 c o 1'r1 � c 1 � c 1 �c_:i d t :�n ...

� e rt i i 1 e � t • i•a • 7 7 6 3 , d�t ed � e a •��6r 10 , 1 � Z 7 . o � v � rlnG t h • r e l l owinl:!: G.esc.c .1. t1 u tl lau<l . ti � ill e 1Ja e d t � .il-&.ul'Y � .. . . �znith for the t s l: e G at- t h e y c c. r l if � O u n a purchueed b y $�uJJ.t a z ut."\a County: �"'°;h l"'- .J iu :; .,. c . 21 . l·-;;w.u. G h !. p Z 7 1:io;:tl1, ii.rJ.t1ge 15 A � e t o f th o �iaw bl e x i e a i:-riueipa.1 ..:.c1• i ditu.,

whicb was sold on the .•. ..... ;.��-�-"'-.,. ... -..... , .. _ . ., ........ d&y ot .... �:�.�-���-�-�··---··· ...... , 19.�.! .... ,

for the taxes of the yes;..r ___ , ___ 19_�-�;_,_,, .... ·. ,. .... -......... . You n,re hereby requested to give such notice as the law requires1 so tha.t I uuty become entitled

to n deed upon aaid oertifio2-W, BB soon a.s the law will permit n. deed to issue, under the oircumstaneoo of this """ ..

�9 ' D•t•<L, ...... ,. .. ., .. , .. ,., .. ,. ... ,.,.&Yiiilo·�;:�g);'rll:.lu;l.c, C¢UN'rt DI !JltlJ!!.1t Ql'!" l:I OA.fiL Ot 0-C>Ul� 'l"i' COM.MI,.,,.;, 11.:i·d.h3 Oli M"ii'f.'i�t.:Ztii!A"''C'CHJii•fj'"�----c·o:ctrRA"f;(j"�-.. -- .. .. . -.. ····-······

By Cbsil��at n ')

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, ................ .................. ''! ...... .

Certificate lio,i 7t!l>S., d,.1<•�, D'iOJl)b.•r io,. 19'1�, covert11g the 1'<>llowing 4_,r$�_ltt�_.,_d<:·laha-,,.-.<a�--� � s�e d _t o : ))_al,,�-,>�p,_yi;�&o;;t :, t�-r ·_:�t .. it;�(';�-��--�� .;:_of t'�!'---- �:•:ci,_r · 19_2_? all:d purobasod ·.b:r. >111.nt.•zUJna 0�1)c)lti.; • • .s( li!'t' .t"' &�.�f. l.J.• 'l'ownshtj; �tl'. !forth , Rfillge ·l4 lleat· •<>f: �he New lle.xi'•l!. 1'ri'11.,1pal -!.l"".1'd.J;�, , • . : · ·

. . . t.; ert!.tUUe N�,, 1a<.io_, dated l)eoombu lo ,_ 1$.�tl•i •!>"1,.11�ng th• 1'ollo . .,1n11;

d�_aor�b�d __ 1 a:11d-�; _ a __ a�··�-•�d t_9- .1);;._.1_i&'._,_:.·_.})U. �-t de-en ., fol) - �4:t_i::�:�,J;-�JJ: - ot _·_th& __ J'_fi'1J: _-f 927 ,.n_d pu,,ollase.d b:\i•.14.on;tezuma_ t;o�.�•:rx·>Ni axt; in :s •• , ., �;i',, 'l;ewn•htp ao Ncutth , R�nge 14 h•t. <>.t •'th<i N•" !.!el:i�<i. J')lilldipal. lleridtaiuc .<' . · · .

F or�U',i oat_<! li".• . 7�1(), d<it •.d . _ll��·l!l""" 10, 19_2&, conti._ng tbe foll�_w1ug d-�8,c r ib �4; ·1��f1-- t,, _as:_s·�--�8(!f4 --�'0 <-'._a\�.:�:J't''. -�_.9:•1_a ·tor 1;h_•: :·_t,ax;�r�7�- crt __ -xt;h_e ___ ·-.yea·r -:l,9_�? and lnir o.lla•.�d_ ":-:r.:��.U,tJt:111lie. ·.d�)'.8,�.i• ; . �l.s�#"1.'\. Se °'� ·· 3i; T"1'!!_!�1p 37 North; ·Range ie W.�t. ot Mi'! 1hw Me:<i�o ;l'>'1'li�ipaI'_M•r.14�•" • l"�� ,·3;c�o� .. �; o t SK! o r see , :;,. _:.;i.eac r1b��--'.-�!:i _ �Oll_o-W� f-_'- �:,��-e:�----pO:t·t 1()n-.1Yinit S:E :�f:·. ___ ·o_qi'E;�it•i.._N<trtrG�id- roB.tl.-�on tt. , 3 ae_r_�t1<niO�e · o· r_ -- fits�--�< - -- _ , -- ,·· . -- - - - - -- - >.- --_ \·. ,,-, . . _ , - - - -

O erttrioah 1;0 . 7Ba5 ; d�t<ul. llee<>mb �r;lll., 1929, °c'4¥�>'il>ll the following deocr1_bed __ - lan4 ,_ ; �• fJ_e:! __ �-e,d: :�_.0 -:<I}-�O�.t�,: q_r-e8;e-�:?'_ for,,_: t·he_-; :t_�x,,e'�>of_ th e ._ y$e.r 19 27 an._d p:ure�fU!•e�:'__by }A.,o.a

. --� (f�';lll'H1',

_' .. 0'0

.� .u�·1£y ;�·'..

'"-'_-'. �lff/· �:..i n . ... . :.". _


.<.": .. 2.


-�.-Y"·'·"!'.)'A'&b:ilV· .. $6 · N�rth-,

Rang;� l?� f1est. o:t· ·t.he--· New M_e:'.Xico·· Fri·n·c1l,)al 'Jler1dt-an·-._-_ "°i_ \-i 'i

c eruttcate N_o . 7912� datod De9enibe1' io, 19281 c�t-.r!ne th� :r��i.9w1ng deec�i b e d: la�d, a.aa·•.a�.e d :t_Q .Mau_:rioe �-•. Mad.�Q._ci>.t"6'_r;'. �li'e_ :\a_xea of. tn.e·. yea:r 1927, laat h'alt , . an(!.; .Pllf•)laepd b1 1110,.-t.ez-u!ll a c'1'u11t11 Wi swi: and .sJ<::l;, s . .-i: •nd SW,j:;SS.j: . ia. Sec � • . l·7 , 1 To1nuiMp_ 31[\ Jlgw�li', . . R�'!J,1''. ;(& li��tl ·&nd Nill;, ME;i . 10. S e o . 20 , _ To•.,>ah1p �e, J;• r.tl>.;, !'o•ngii l6'\' ·""d !St.NJi'i:/&."'d .S,Ei: NWi ill sec . 2 0 , TOJ1ll1;>hip- ,SS �or.th, Range. _ 1 6 W:.e_a t, Of J t_he- ·N',e\i·;lfe'X.l�.o· .}'rf:n_ci·p_al:--. lter-idieJi. .• ... .- •' ', - _ ''" ' ' ' ·.-:- " ' ' .-. ' >. ·.::>-_ .. ;,'· .. -.-. :', '• ' ._ ' ' ·, '

c.e.�t i.ti CJ� •. t �- N.f}�:: .:_7 .. 'll;�·, ,d.a� .e.d .J�_�e .e'mb_O.r. -·.i.() . .-, · ... -,i.-� .. 2.S:·, .oo.v_O!tll& :th_�-: .ro_ll'{)'jllin.g de_acr_i,b.�4 __ l.a:ltd , . .. }1.e�e�-B.&d_ .ta_:·· l(�h�r>t · Mu_r:t:.•t.::c-'.t:�:r��:�lt� .'·1't\X,e_�\-·i)f·· ·�he·- y_a&'r. _ 1927 and ;iurfth•.•&ll, �Y r.l°�"1t • ;l\ll\a o&�nt)·: . l!;I $�j Jil lil•�:i 2�'(an& i<1t s-11; 1n aec, 22_, a,1i i n 'l'olin•l\ip ,3.5 N°'rth, , llallil" 17 'h"'t .bt1 th.• ll•,W li�"1n ,l'rincipal .M�rid·ian. ,

d. to :i�;>ii:'ii.r.� �ii,��.,' r<l'r 1iho t . -:r•ar 1927 · ·· 11.t•'lt"·'"·• ;c."u • . . ·, < / , ' . . , and <lli:f sw� lit S(fc • · 114 ,'. 'a11d

Certiti ca•t& N.o . • 7.929, dat_ed · D_eo<ombor 10_, U211t .. ••v,er1ag Yh• .follQl)lring des.1,11-ibB.d .. J;ali:.a·, cisAte.Ss:•�·-·'fo_"-:F:ra:nk:' G,• ·.:cP.•.•.•·• .. !'.or ... th•.·�.t.afe.s .- o.�. _t�.e_ : 1-�.�r . . 19 27 ud' pul"o!la•ed ,hY · Mont•Z!lillo. !O.ou11t11 • ·ll'i llWt b:1 S•• • ; Z!ii , 'l1Qwuh.ip- .36 II.nth, Range l.11- We•t ot ·tb• !low-. .ll•xioo ·.i'finc i·pd ,Jler'idi�n, '

• . ' '

_c.er.ti_:f1e�te_ ·: No.- _.·.?9_·32, dat_ed . D&eember. ,.).o.,. - 1928, coV&rin& the· tol.l·owing

de-B:ci:tb e d-;:: lii;U.d� .. _ as�: � •- •.ed. .�t_Q .. )J\. ;t· , M .,· .. 'll.ue�i :'.(-o� --:�lte _ _ 1H\x&.s: � O·f-- th•. Y:�ar.- ·1:9.2'1 . and pl!'r<ihli��d by M�""""Ull\" Ooimtn •. !ii NWj; Jn S •_• . �2 ; . Tn11•hijl Z7 North. ,Range :1:3· _Wot . . ot �h•�·N:eirf·ll•"l:ol> ;· l'rine ipaiL '•lilo1'1:diall• .

�ert·1r'.t:ca.�_e ,jG: • .-<�;-9:4.?_:,-'--'d:��.��> ��d ��:b

_& ; -: �O •:. 1'928.-; _ cove.�� ng- th� .toilow 1ng

deSol".ibed_ land.1 a.s_a e_r:1.s.e d t.o _ Fra11k .W. Shl;'ader>f'o,r _ the taxea __ _ of_ t.hfJ: real'". 1927 · and purohaud l>Y llonte�um"' County: lli . s:i:1; 1"' -1>•• • . ;i.o au.I!: S)\'j; ia S••.• 11, all in Tow1>1hip \l8:.North, ' lia!>t!'• .1� We• t . 9t ti>.• li•w . Mn:ioo I!r1no i.1>o.l li!e:f-idie.l.'L. ' · , - ... , ' -

.. . . .

Y•'"' l 9Jl7• Ji\id'�, 'l';tWn•hij) ;!7

O er t i .f ica:t • Mo-. 790.5·· d8.·t od o·e c.elitber -:Lo t '1928-, co.v·ar1·11g the- tolli>Wtng. daaci-1_be� -ltt.nd, .�e:a<tssed. tq .Te e_e 1-e B •. li•nd.n-rs�.i:i tOr· tlle taxes ot. the ---1.e-ai: 1927 ali_d_ pnrchu e d by MontHUll!a County: Slit S'di an.d it! si'lt fl Wt in Seo¥ :32,. Tow.nf.lhi:p �7 North ,. Raue.et 16 Wee:t. of. th• New.-.1(·.xic.,, Priac1p·a.1 .la.iJ:r·1:d·la11.,

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Ptoceeaings of . . .

r : .,

. C erti:fioate lfo. 8()2.'il , daUd .ll�oemi>er 10, . 19290 C OHrf'1g th!!> f"1lcwi'ltg deeertb_ed. l_G.l\�•- att_.eeaa•d . to S<:i1ttu111l Baitgn_ tor t1x• _ "taXe1t -or .th_-� -, ,)te&r'. -192\ o.lld_ pu.rahaa�d l>y Mont.u11111a Oou.,tr: s:>:l; lil'lt a.nd swt NE:I; and .wi ll&t "·"d. "i �•t in "'"·" · 1 6 , To•ashil> 51;1 li10rtlt•, llane;e l!l �ut•·ot t he li••• Mexico l'ri:uipal >!ei'idi&a.

c.,,,.tl.fi.uh No • ll03.4, llate4 lle<Hiiab u 1 0 , 1�119 , . onnillg the .tollowi!l;! descrl�•-�- _l&.nd.- ae_" e_saed to T_ho_m&til_ 1_.,- B8it-tou to:-_ _ the _ t·axes of. _the year 192!1 . an.4. pul'oluued b;r l<on\ezuma. Coua,;r : s.1;; ttr s e c , 1<1 6114 !Jlt llli::j: . b sec, l!.f., .. u in Townahip 1:1? liort h , Iiaac.• ·lli hot ad Lot• :; Ii> "'· an.d sEt s11t in S•• · lll od Loh l , 2 &5 and llf l!lli,: ud llllt •Sll.f• i•i•llec. 1 9 , au in TowuU;p 3? llorth, lia11g• 14 h•t oi' the l'l•w lllutcie .P,!.'1llctpal Merl<lia;o.,

· Cutitioat<o !io . SQ35 • de,hd Deo.•h!.' .1-0 , 1929 , . coTe1'1ng th• fo Uow!l>,g d_eacribcd laud,, e.� __ a•_aeed to--:. O_l_i_•1'-�:-H_•--_:lll'uuer tor·:,- th•:::_�-e: e t -:· hfi.1r taxea -· ot t)le i;•1r 1926 and.purohaud,1't. lionte1nnu County • <ll:f .Birt "'1 4 l>lil;j; NW� .alld llWi Sli4 1n ;;e.,. 24 , Town olltp,,. �9 · l!•rtli, <tug a 20 . \lu � ••l· the Now llle>:io• ?dnelpal >lcridhn, '

CerUficate .No. SOU, dated December 10 , iu9, ·���e1'1�g the following i1escr1-b &_d

-- lftn d , asS_!ss __ G:d _ _ io Co.rte_z- Land & s eC-urf�-�-e __ I C o . fOr tbe taie•

ot th• .7ear 19.38 e. n d._ pu_rchaaed by Montezuma · county_; _.>_J��t-_ _ in sec . 13., Township 3G. liorU!., llen!I• U fiut of .tho ll•w 14•xHo. �r1nc1pd Meridian,

Certii'ihh � •• ll042 , <lated Dec ember 10 0 li,�ji; ,.ooT�rbg the f ollo•ing dttao:ribftd land; · a.s a_e_i$6d t"' Oo:rt.e z Lna.d & _ Soc��-1 � i e·a C o . _ tor the iaxee of the Year 19211 . . 11114 purohue d b7 Mo11t n11n1a Co.unty: ll:ll .!ii>t in Seo , 24 , 'l'ow iuh1p 36 Nortli, !lfio!I • 16 � .. t. of tl>e lh>w llleliii.•o .l?rJno1pal Meridian,

certificate __ No .. _--:-8040_�- d�ted. _ 1)e!> eilb_$r 1-�- ' _--:i:�--�-' · -

-,��-t)_vCii_1:_nft th• _ _ to ilowi ne;

deeoi"tbetl land. -'A_tletH'!\ied t o Oorte'0 _Land &_- S_o:-c_u�'.{ _t-1:e�_-- C o . to_r tha ta.xea of the year 1928 ""d p1u.'•haOd l>)' il!ont .,zum& 09U't�:.'' . i.. ota 6 .& 7 a11d Et 4W;k in. Sao , & , 'l'owuhi;p 54 llort h , !uuige l0' . lles1F ot �ho New Mex1eo P,1'1 noipol M•r1 dia11+

Oel'titi cato No, 1!048 0 d.ahd ll<>tleD1b<>r 10, lUl!, covering tlte tollowtng desei-1b_e d lart_d,t __ __ a_s_r." a_s_ed _t_°- g o r, e_z _ _ _-L,� G,-_: __ -& _ _ S ecµri t i e l _C_o . fo r , th er ___ t az�g _ ot t h • yolicr 1928 and purellu4it l>.Y ·lil,,n.te�ll:n!l County; · Lots 5 & 4' and swt Hi in !loo • 4' and L.ot t aJ!:ll. 'Sl'l:.j; llll;l:<tn . se o • 5 ; all ill '.l'ownahiP a& llorth , Jiange 16 oat ot · the• ll•w•lile:,11,ha li'rinOipd !lnl.dian•

certl ticete ,No_-.. _�O�_Cl_

-, __ dated" JJeoell\bc_r l(j .- 192_� • oov�r_tng the- follow-ta.a

deaofibett laud, l:lilU:lelis_ed t-o Cort•z: - .Land &-. -Jeoti-ri:t1ea C: o .- . _tor the- tuxes ot tb:• ,l'oar 1926 end purcbued bf llontez111na Oount:I" Ei ll&i and Eu SJ:f 111 $tui•- 2 z . Towu6bip: 35 .North , Rani:i& 17 we.et -ot tile New -Mexico 1}ri:o.o1tflll MeridilltO.•

Oio}'HU cata !lo . 8051 , dat•d D11eembn lO , 19119 , oo•oring the foll<>•ins deiic __ r_lbed l's.nd. . __ a,&e._e�s•.<1- to . _-0.o�t•_:a �_a:qd _,_& _$ttc-u�1 t_1oa c-0 • . for_ . th_e .-.tax1's of t h e 7ear .l9!UI a!l.d.. �\lr�l>.aoed by l\!."nt,oz""'" O.ouaty: Si NEt ""d nwt; Sl!::i; and llEt swt; i n B!" • 13, . . To.wuhip 35 lie.rt!>, ill!nge l'I lint o t th• llew Mexico Prinotpal Meridian•

OerUtint <> No� 80&2 •• <lated De<h:nber . 10 , 1929, .<>oTerin!l .the tollowtnll d_8s0;ri_b"&d- i9nd._:• ___ ae�sased t_o _ ?ortez _ tan�_ ,·& �_eOu:;-t_tioo a; o_ .. to_r t!o _t_a_x� • ot the you l,!11!8 an<! puro!ui:sod .by llon.t uUllla County • St llWg s:E., .and " � Nlli Slllt in. Sec, 1 2 , 'li'ownohil! 36 North, !tang& l & West of the New Me:<loo .l!dllc ipal. lloridtu.

Oert1t1 oah l'I•· l'l053, dahd Jlt!O Olllbn 10, 1921>, o<iv•ri, th.• f0llow.1ng dffaoribe-d _land --- ·-_aea:e_s::;&_d t� __ - : c_Ort:az -Lan_d_ &_ 0S-�q::if�1_:tf�ef:l __ _ c<>: .-. _to_:r t h e taxeu: ot- the- -yea_r l'i2a_ '&Jid:-. pu:ro'hae e d by- -Mo-nte<?iwne. Qo:_unt:r_�-=: _ 'SWi in Sec • _ l:!i •

'!'ow.ti•hil' »& !lorth , llans• le> h•t o! tb• llew M•xico .l/r1Mip"1 ilorid1"ll:•

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Proceedings of

C e r t i :l' t oa t e No . 8054, dat od Dooember 1 0 , 1 9 2 9 , oo•ering tho following described land. a� a e ased to Oo�tez Land & 3ocuri t 1 e $ c o . tor the tnxea ot th& 7oar 1928 and purcha s ed b y llontozuma Oount1 • Wi SEi in Soc . �2 , Township ,37 Nor t h , llHge 1 6 lie•t ot th• llew Mexio.o Principal lle:ridi&.11.

Certlti o a t e N o . 8056 , dat e d December 1 0 , 19119 , <1<1••r1ng the :ro11ow1ng de s cri'.-be d: lan.d• ae &e s oed to_ Ool't-•z Land & Soou:ritie;e. C o . tor :th_e taxe• of th o year 1928 end purcha sed by Montezuma Co11at7• Ei NWi in "•• • 1 4 , Township 3 6 Nort h , Rongo 1 6 lleot ot the Now Mexico Princip"l M•ridian .

Cert i t i o a t e N o ._ _8059 _. datO:d _____ p�_� ember 10 , ·1929 ,_ ·c_ov�r1ne; _th$ following

de a a- r i b e d land• s a s e s s e d to _ ___ c,,ort __ ez Land &. �eouri't i: e.-s (fo-. tor t h e t e. x e s

o_r t h e year 1 92 8 a n d pur eha_11 e:d· b

__ t Mon-tezuma County; a�t in S-e.c . 22 ,

Tow.n shi_p 36 North; Range :1& -w·est- ---0-r t h e New Mexico .?:rt-n o ipe.l M.erittian.

d••• 1'1.b,.a, !;.�u1 : •. ;.5 ot the," '/Hr/ 'i 9'


O e r t i f t c a t e tic . 8063, dated Oe-o6i».ber 1 0 , 192 9 • coveitng the tollowing d e s c r i b e d l an d • a s s e ssed. to Cortez Land & S ec uri t i e s C o . tor th.a ·t.a.xea or the year l92S an d pureh,a_&ed by- Montezuma C ounty: Ni NE� ot Seo ., 13 an d st SEz of S e o . 12, a.ll in Town ship 35 llo r t h , hnge 1 7 w o s t o t the New M exi co Principal Meridian.

C er t i f i c a t e �·o . 606& , �ated llooembor 1 0 , 1 92 9 , covering t b o i'ollowing

described land. a a a es s.e-d t o C o r t e s .Lan d & S e c u r i t i e s c o . tor the t axee ot t h e y e a r 1 928 and .purchased b y �cnt ezuma County: NWt or 3•c . 27 , Town ehip 37 Nort h , Range l � �••t of the New Mexi c o Prinoipal Meridian.

Cort i t i c � t e N o . S06 ? t dat e d D e o ember 10, 1 9 2 9 , ooYering the following d e a o r i b e d land • asae•sed to Cortez �end & S ec uri t i e s C o . tor the taxes of the yeor 1 9 2 6 and »urehosed by Montezuma County: Nll:l; JI.Et or Sec , 20 , '!onahip 37 Nort h , Range 1 6 West Of the Now Mexi co Principal Meridian,

Cert ifi cate No . 60 6 9 , dateu De c onb e r l O , 1929 , covering the f o l lowing d e s c r i b e d land , a a s e a sed to C o r t ez Land & Secur i t i e s c o . tor t h e t a x e s of t h e year l 9 2S � n d purchas e d by Mont ezuma County: N • i N � � o f B o o . 21 , Towuhip 57 North, Rang& U 'Neat of the New Mexico Princ ipal Meridian.

Cert i f i c a t e N o , 80� 9 , d a t e d DGo embe� 1 0 , 1929 , cov ering the following describ$d -nd� a•e e e � • 4 -· t o Oo�\•z- Land & S ecu�i t i e s C o . tar the taxe s of

t h e year 1926 and purcha•ed by Mont ezuma County: S�i swt ot S e a , 2 1 , Townsh ip $ 7 North, Range 1 6 �eet o t t h e H e w Mexico Pri nc ipal ¥eridi5n ,

Cert i f i o a t -t!t N o . SO?B t . dated December 1 0 , 1929 1 e o v e r i ug t h e follo-wine d e s o r i b e d lall4, asaeaa6d to Cortez. Land & S eo u � i t i e s C o . r�r th e taxee o t the. year 1928 and purche.oed by M..ontezUD:la County; SE:i; Blill at Seg . 2 � , Township 3 6 liort h , Be.nge 1 6 *oat o r the New Mexico .i?rinoipal M e r i d i QD-.

Oert1tioat& No. 80? 5 , dated Dec ��b er 1 0 , 1 92 9 , cove ring t h e following

deaoribed land. a s s es s e d to C ort e z Land & S e cur i t i e s Co. t�r the ta�es

o:t the yeo.r 19219 end purehaeed by l\Ont numa Co un ty : NWJt SWi ot Seo , 21 ,

Towns.h ip 37 North·. Range 1 6 West o r- t h e N ew Mexioo l' r 1- n c ipal Meridian.

Certificate No . -eooo, dat ed D e c ember lo. 1 929 , a o v Ei r i ng , the to l l o wing

ae so r ib ed land t s s a es e ed to C ort e z kand & Secur t t t e o C o . tor th& taxe s

or -the- yoe:r 1 9 2 8 &.na purchased by -Mon.tezuma Coun t y : NW:i- o 't Sec • l � .

Township a& North , Range- 1 6 '� e a t o t t h e New M e. x. i c o !' rincipal �erid i a u .

Certit'icat-e No. 8001 , dat e-d Decembflr 10 , 1929 1 covering th e following

desriribed l•nd. & a e e sae4 to Gorte� Land & S ec ur it ie G C o . tor the taxes

of 'th• year 1920 and purchased by Montezuma County : Nv NEt and NEi NWi

in s0c . 2:4 , ToWnsb.1.P �5 North-, Range 1 7 w e s t ·or the- Hew Mexi co Princi:pal

t.li e r i d i o.n .



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Oerun c a t e '" " aoaa, d&t;•d lYe�<rllll>er 10, UH , �ev��ing the tollntll;t deaoribad l Q '-1: • aaaea&eti :t_c-::C-orte;ra :t:und &. Sttour1tt.�--·----�o_-.--_, __ -_tor _-t.h&- -t·a:x:e._­of t h e y o o r 1 9 2 6 • n d purohuod bt MontUUl1la County! . 111' Sitt and lli: .li!W$ ln $ • • • 2 6 , '!'ovrnship H llorth, llang& lt\ h o t o f th:.!< lle111' 1'1exioo .i':rhl<>ipd M.eri d i an ..

Cert i f i ca t e II• • 808 9 , d .. h<I lloeember 1 0 , 19H, oo•oring the tollow1'1.g de so r1b e d land.. a s s e ss e d to Cor t e z Land. & Securities _ _ oo. tor tha taxtut ot the 7ee:r 1928 and puri:h�Sed by MOnt $ZW1l& Goutr\l t Sg-$_ in t'JIJO • 14: .• Town e-h i p 3? .'a o r t h , Range_ 17- "'e a t of tb.e New M:&%1o0 PrJ.Uoi-pal lfer i Cl 1 aJt··

C e r t i f i o a t; e No. 80-90" dated lleoember 1 0 ,. 19�9-, covGrin.g: th& following d$O C r i b e d lan d , a a e • a �ed t o Cortez Lnn4 � Beour i t l e � c o � tor t h e ta�e• of t'lle ,voar 1928 and purohaeed 'by Mont ei,ui:na Cou.nt1: NW� i n l:)ac . 21 , Town ship 3� Hort h , ke.ng"e .16 fi e.et ot t h e New Mexico Prinei:p&.l a':er1'41au..

t e rt 1 ti oa-ie N o . OOtl, dated Ueoombnr 10 , 192�, c o vering thtt follo�ilig

described lan d • nes$H$ed to Cortez Land & S•cur i t t o e O o . for the t ax•b

o:t tlle year 1 9 £$ and puroh a o. e d bf niton\ezuma Cou.ri. t y : Sif uWt in S e o . 20 , Town ship 36 Horth, .tiance 1 !5- W e s t of the .N ew Mex�ao Principe.l M0r1 dien .

Cert iti e a t e No. 6092, dat e d ll•ooml>er lO , 1929 , ooverlng t b e fol!Gw l ng

d4&�r1b � d - land• csseD•ed to C ort ez Lnnd � s ecur i t i e s · 06. ·to r the taxsa of Uia year UH. �nil pu:rcb•aed b.Y i.lant.ozullla Cou11t11 l'lE;k in Sec. 2 6 , Tcn11 .. l1ip 35 Nortll, li"nge 17 w .. t ot t h e New We:i;1C>O <':<inoipel 11\&rldh••

c e r t i f i c a t & No. 0093• 4a��d De�Omber 10 , 1929 . oovertng the foll owing de:•Orib&d land• aaa.ea.(!Bd 'tO Oort-62::, ""Ill-Ad a:.- £.i ec-ui-1t te a O o , :r--or- t h e tax.ee of tbo yoar 1928 uud purc h a o o d b7 Monte•uma County : Si s� of S o o , 1 2 , ifownah1p 3 6 Nort h , UtlnS& J. 6 *eat of the New Mexico l?rinc_ip11.l Meri d ian.

C&�t1�1oate 80. 8094, datad Deeember 10 , 1 9 2 9 , co v er1ne th e following de•C r ib e d land, ase�ese4 to C ort ez Laud & �eour i t 1�• c o . for the ta1en or the year 1929 and puroha s e d b7 �on t e auma County; Nl!;i; NE� in Bes . 1 9 , e.n4 Slit si;t i n -'ee , 1 e , all i i> '!'own •llip 36 liort ll , l\ange 1 5 �sat o f tlle �ew Mex i c o .Prtno ipefl "4er1-0.ien.

C o r t 1 f 1 oo.h li o . 609 1; , de.tad Jlcoo:nber 1 0 , 1929 , covering tho following � c a c r ib e d land , a& $ e o e e d to C o r t e z ��nd & S e c ur i t i e s C o . tor th e taxes o f th• y o o r 1926 and pn�oha••d b7 Montezuma County : si N�i ond Lot• l � 2 111 Seo . 4, Township ll6 liortb, llltnoi<> 16 >ost of t h" No• 101100 .i' r11'o1po.1


6t)��"i :t i c .a \ 8' !t o . S096 , d a t e d Dec.emb er 10 . 1929 , cove-r1n.g thtl f'ollow1ng

desoribeg l&�d, aaseosod to Corte� Lend & Seouri t i e l c o . for t h e taxe•

of th& year 1928 end purehased by Montezuma. Ccunty'; wt NW! ia Sea • 3 4 ,

Town&b i p 56 l�orth � tcange 16 Wt:&t. of t b e New Mex.100 P-i"tn"lpal Meri d i a n .

C er t i ficate No. 8 0 9 9 , d & t e d Dec ember 10 , 1 9 2 9 . covering the folJ.ow1ng

aos o r i bed land, a s a e ssed to Qgrtez Land & B e�url t 1 o e c u � ror the taxea of the yeor 19�6 aAd purcha••d bf Monte•uma Oowity l S�t Unt and Nt Sft in S e o . 27t Township 36 North• Uange 16 �&st or t he N&W �eiico P�inaipal


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c�;,tftl�atr���. ���'�i��i;���j���$i%ct. ' ��;;� .. i�t tlnl rO,j1�'1tt!t1 _ a_�-�c-�--�-�:�!i,- -:-l�Jl�·)-:�J:fa;es_��-4:'-- :�:�::,_. q�i�l>:Z-:: 'li��:;�_-, _ ____ __ __ _ _,,_t:i_•.6!>5�-·-�---"'.-tfoik--:-�l:��-- :'._t3:�r,;a

u �!>• ,Yi>)'l' J;�2e,;�"' i�;"5�0c••<1 Iii i.ioiitezlll:"<l Clih1�t1r; ·.·'flt.• WI� �1>4 ".It:� lll!l �:r�:�;"�",_ '!'0.,,111��1> ·1'�. No:tth,• · l'.bneo 16 .�o•t . • ot tile• Nel\ M•���".li'r.ti>elj/al

· cfiiti}'tc!'tfi .llo ; .111el.; . • ��·t .. .1,·n1c•'1>'<i� i.o,•. l.9��: �overbg.�t.. to1�i'llh� h•C:t'tb�d . l.ant, �·•"•l�yto Cort•i!.. l.nd &.•hcui!�t1"*' .co, · ror tile t .. x�" ct. th .. ;J�",. }.92$· �A<! •!>ttl:�ll;tae<I by . lto•h•Ulll•. 0�111<t;i'• llll'i 111 "llO . ;.��. Townsili) .�& l!lori>ll., 'll•!il;•i 16 "

·••.� or · �h.•· li•w Mox�.cO• ;!>rinoipal ill•;ridi 3n,

c nt.inot • !lo; �;?:1 • .<l•t .•� ll•eell\!10.1( lo, l 9llll, •<> ... 'trinll: th.• :ollowt�� deso r_�_'D,-�_d land* a•�:-��:��4-;--_t.Q _Oort e.� :_�a_nd_ :C .S _ee}J:X:-_� tl:�:-s.---_:_qo-� - - to:c th-_e_ t_&�toa ot t.h• y�ar ius. �11�'�)!i>o;i,11:1"a by fil<>11•.••u.ma oo:Unty> \ '*� 1i. sr.o. z;s, • Tow.,.JUp Z'I' llortll., lfa;il�� :u lle•t ot tlla •ll•w iln1o0 Pl'•lll.l>'fpal i.ie,.141!>11.

c.•r1'!tieatlt 11<1,. ��l)., Jated Decem�•* 10 , llll<9., oov�r.!.ng . th e following dij&ol'Hr.4 h11d , . �l>••••'o.l\;i;l> .. 6ortn lio.11 « . &..•s.oo·uritioa ·c�. it'or tb e . tun ot the l'•nr l9ll� "�cp)l1'�i,j,�ed bf :.:oictifr.,,,'m.i Gouaty : . slf� ll'i b: S•• · 31, Towi,.hip 3? l'lo;rthi 'R�O,,�t l'leat ot the l%ew i.ie:t1co . P,rhd'J1"1 . ¥•r1dt..1&0 lea� tl>a foUowin�· ·

.·l<�• :•t the OOllt<tr .. ... . :.u ll . 13JOO tt. lt. s.e� rt ,

-�'"* 4{_; 4!_1 -E_ •. _ l��·a_: __ :·r-�;;:::.-��;ff?J!'.8,''_�:�.• - !O b_G�'._- cO�i-�>:�-i-::2/-10---:a0e�_t>.·-·:--- �-- - - - - - - :-- : --- ------- ,- - \ - - -- · - - _-:: ,-: . .;---_ ( -- - -:-- ''. - - -, - '--:. �'"'tifl.<>atl. . HO:. i��,��l!i:��t!id D"eenfbor iti:; J,�2.� . •.ot•l'l.!tF . . �ll• . . follow1og

do&•X'ib•d i .. x.d,. a•oejjc.si><l'•.t o Go:rhz Leu.<! fi .� lio'1:r!tiea do ; f<ir tho taua

oi' �!1• ;i'•n 19�$ a»,jl P";"�""":d 1>1 .. !;l..nt.numa ' �ou.11.t1 : St i;IJ>t in El•• • 20 , TOl!ll•hip IHI Nort<h, . l!ug'lt ie ltoe.t . o t tlle ·!'!ow 11."1'1.•·o. Prbc'1 pd l>ler1 di on •

. ·. Po>'tU1od• 11,.,· s¥� .. ;:4�to.d neo•>n•ber iO., 11'�� • . tovort11r.: ... •th.o �qllowing 4-•:•()ribed _land, _-a·& a·ec�_B•ll-__ 'to, _oor,'tea .Lua _&- _seOuti_t:i_e_o -°<>· .fO'r _ _ t.-ti'tf _ta:.'tea ot tile :yea.. U28 .and pui-eMud by •llor.tH"!lll' ;.q<i:unt.:i-;, . NEt in yea , 30,. Tow••M i> . 36 Nol'th,. lhut<t• .lll . .tut ot . . the 11.W, lll.,.:il.o.ii' ir1tt•U .. l. ll&rUi.an.

Cort ii'i O U t> No , Sl�Oi, <lated llonmbU ).O., l,9ll9, OGV&l'ing .tlle t<>l�oWing a•s'e __ t-1.1).ed .land,, a•ae_&"_&_,-__ t.-o O,or�•Z: i.an� & ' cl•4u"l"'i ti_ •• , _·_e:cO_:•_ : t_n_r- the __ 'te.:1:&6 ot Ute .;i,oor .. 19211 and PU';<>D&$•<I .�7 lil<>..n:!<. <1'\U!llll CoW>ty,; .<;l�. 1.11 ll.ec , 1 4 , ;J;owi;•ll 1p: 5& North, llan!te ;l}jl . w .. i ot tli• New l4.e;1:l0� · Pr1n • 1en.l )�<ir Ui "" , 1eu tl>.•,!.."l!<IJ01llj1• . p��•t1J>•O. tl'lilOt$,.•.oio, at. '\ 11'.t• �00 ft. !' • ·ct NII. """' l>l>t u · " · •ll. 35' � · 4!.a .t.h s . in .&, 511 :t't .• . 11 • . J<e ·Pt • . <>t. beg. c<>1> t . 1

·A' . Ah<> b•&•at NJ!; ci> .. t'; ••ot n; S ee ; 14, ·1$ , 300 t.' • W , 400 tt , 11, 300 th

·to pJ.ae-- ot_'big.-0-0nt_. 3;_A. A.,lso _b�g. _a-t_· 'Gti �t •: ?:i_?: :f_t .. �· . __ or Ni .:eor. Sli,i lir•• · 14 s. 11• 5Q ' 11 • . 21>0 . rt : ,fi • . 7o' 1 . llt.'7' .rt . 11. 6�' ·0'. w . ,ves tt . ;; . to bag:� : �-o�_t._- _4-. '1

. &c'?'ea � :1\ls'O _- ,b't,g •- _ at A,_ -jrt-•_- --lf �-- S!�_-B-.-: 2.$!1 ft_ .. __ -;-�ro,�s�S/4_ --'.co_r ,

SJ!i fl••. · 14 11. 4?' a<11,; . th. - N • 52• &o• :E• i!zo n ; 1'h · '1a•·111 . 4�3 n . Eh 411•10• J! • . l!>.V t.t ; l; ; �·aa• ll: . 3l?l!' rt . Vi• t<> pl�.•• ot iiet. eont, 6 1 9 A, AlH -st·r1p ,·i_50'"tt--_.- wi--t•: · 1ai"i-elllns th•;- -t'oll6wi-ng t �_-oti:rae en ttt:e _B�t-b. -.e_om.: _ -at a. J)t0 �'10 . ft • N0. o.f . $'1 O<>r. :Ul:i Seo, 14 N, 4&' 15 ' JI , tea ft , lh 1111' 50 ' E, 555 tt. s . ·.a· $0� ii.> 401 .. t ; N. ?8'111)• •11. uo l.'t . ll. H' 45' E ; 4ll0 Ft. s . 7?' 4.0! s; .U()\ft� ll •. 4.2' 11 ' ll . 400 it . . to ' end o t ooure:• .-1011.h B . ll '"

q"rHtiO�;: iol �h1 , datell llooemb•l" lo, l9l!9� ci>v..1'ina the tollowt.11,;; Aeaor1_bed :i-"_n,� .: --_••-�- ·-�-� �:�: -__ �_()-__ --:_oart_e._z_ L�Yld _ _,& _ _ ,��o_u�.i �_t¥_a , Co'.�--: �_lflr-· _:the _ __ t&>;t!a ot. th- ;reai,- .. 19ll� �llodli�'l�l>li'!�.'i'4;;blf�:�.1'��1'!1'1!.•;.��!l'tt.1� < lll; £;1l'i1c<" S'f>• � . . iu, ...,4 · 11111t sE;\; . a.lid a11tc11.s�.1...,,a,.i; .•• �<!.•x:lll:.,i;, �ii .. '!'O.'t!fl\:li.l>ip .ll�· l'lorti>, . Rane• l � h•t · <>t tho .llew Meti�o•.,olll'il\:"1lld ll•1'lfiallz< · \ -,:- - - -:


Oert1ti.cah No , 6Ul!, d"'tod De.i-ber 10 1 lU�i <tOvo:r:tne the tollodng de_U:�'.i_ib011 l�nd, _ t),S __ uea_�ed __ _ to·- Oo_Myez- -1.-�n._a- _: /;;. e_�-cil'�_l;&-1,e_,�_-- C�-• - toio-:-: -�-he taX_aa · or t.he. y&n. i92S and "purei..a•ell b)I MontoU!!l.a \1t>t111tY:: . · Hi. ho . 5 "•N•. to ""

·'""u;r7 1 ... s.eo. :lP • .. l'••.uh.1.P 56 !lorth, Range i,5· �••.t ot th'll � ... llle,.100

l'l"ill<>1pal MeJ>idian, · · ·

cu»aioa�<> N<> •. Jill�. da� ed . ll�c•!llbai:' l.O, 192�· · cn�rinc ilh<> toll<>wins dtitl_o 1;-ibed_ lan-a_.-_ -an_S_e_e_a.Od _ _-_ to .. Q-ortez_ 1:4.n ct & _s_._eeu,� __ l.t-!:aa ti'�,·- 1'9.;\,_-_:t_h_& _t __ a_�e9' ot tl><> 1.•a1" l:9lll!.,and .P.i11"�li"•�d .by Alonte:aW.ioi Coun.ty :. .x..tt 4 in. """ • 11 , ad Lot l. · .. ,,a Gl!:i. llJ<t. nli lit SJ>i b. S"c• ii , lill 1lt Town•l>iP ao Nortll, ll"ll/l,e. ll\ nn.t .•t t,l!;t l>ew l.te,"ho PriM1Jltll 11.,,,idha .• .


1926 n,nd pu:ra_l;ui"i1.�_ll by lii.On"t�:Aum.11 ·v"u:ttli-;,--t ....-.... 1i- --� --S? llortb, Rtl:O.S-8 i-& Wost of tJ\e liew rileii·eo PPtiiotpal Mel"1.ditu1.

land 1 a e s e �.ae<! to Cortez J..aac & ·:.;i aeurl. w i e 1:1 '-' " • and Purch&sed by �ontezuma C ounty: s � i n � e o . i.eet of the l� ow y • 1"r1ncip.al M.eridi-aD •


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ce!'tlf!opJ" 11<). Sll,"• deted. D�c•lllbor .H>, .u2.1>;< �1).,..•Ung• �h til:t/<l!lbg dt!l.eor,lbe.d . _.land •-- - �a_sas&·�� --to Co�t ett �,,a_n d - � �-·_eo __ url't_i:•_-&:- c�•- _ tn:r:---'.t_�-e- : .t_�x_e:• __ ' ll! t.ll• :rtt11l.' l9!!il ond ]111l'chau<1 by l!onhz.wu. c.""lit¥l . li:f SW;! •<!lid SW1f Ht a1>d Sll1t <!iii 1a Ste • U , 'l'owullip 35 Nel:'th, R"ni!;$ 17 Weat <>t. tl>.e •g,.., .

!iox.1H .l'dlldpal lhl.'1Ua11 " .

lie11t 1flcah !lo. e11i;; ilo.t&d liec emb<>:r l O , 1 9 2 9 , 40t>ertng the tollowba dasor_ili�d _le:nd , - a_&a0154' __ •d·-;_t� -- Oort ez Land &-_ Seoulr1t i•a-- Co_. ror tbo tta:r.•• C>t . i1t�. iroar 1928 •114 l>�l'�.ll:a .. . d by l!ont�l!iUrua County ; . llli,j: in s u , all, T<>w,.o1i111 a& Nortll, ·lta11$e 'U West o t tll• l'lew il""1"o .Pdnciplil lol•rtil1111>.

C�tt!tioo.te No . et17,� �aUd lleo·'""°"" 10, .1929. • coverinti th ronow lng

dfJ,_,e;:1�_-e_d. land . a$Jee_�_bfn1 to_ Cort e z Lft.n�l & s_eour_i __ t i_oe c_a·_�: - _:tcir the taXG& ot t».e ' ;rear 1928 and purollnod by Monte.z.u1na County; .11�;!; liEt iB >J o o . 2 9 , To'!�•llip :s& Nort l! , • ll.(\il.il�. 10 hat. o r th• !low ¥."xte<> l?t:itt<>i�al llf•111 d1an.

C•rt�thate N<>, 11;•J. , ,.l�t•d llecember lo, ltl'!il, oonr1"4 th<> follow in<1 d.!:ll�_rtbtd -,land ,--_ ���,��-''-� -�_o _ __ Cortez Lc;Ad. & ____ S_fi,_urt t_i&s O_o ,-.:,t-or _t!le taxoe of U<1 l'."''" Hll!l and 11urohas•d by. llontezwoa County; Nit :l.n �'"" H , T<;wn oliip 3&. llorth,. l!o:nu �4 »u> o f the !!ow .Mel!<ioo !frl.llo ip•l llniaio.n.

llar�l.ttcate .llo � e·le�;·<l11<tod ll�O Olll.bor l O , .. 192 9 , covuillg .t ho following (te e�;r_i bod.,- lltnd • ,_&�--�·"'�--�--� _:_t:�--

_ Oo,r_tel'<- Lfind & S �:c_n,ri_t itut C.o-, - - for thti taxes

ot .�.h• year 19�1! •nd • ptl:r,ol!a&ed by llontn\Wle C ount;r • Nl!t in. � · • • � . Town•�.1p :!& llcl.'tll, !iaa.e• l& h•t o r the i;�., Me. d u Pr1noipol l.teri d 1o n .

·O•rti.1Unt& llo •. . 812i!h datod ll,u,.bn l O , 1929, c overing . the following deacr-ib_&_d __ land,- -.·11n_1t.t.af:td::_t_0 __ :_Qorte_;s -Le.-u4 Ai S&(f\lr_i_t1_e-o __ oo-. _ -fO_l' __ _ th-$ taxes ot. 1ihe fo•r 1926 a11d . . p\lrob .. ud by llont e:<um?t Count;,; .ll;t l!IE:l; Ui Sec , !11 , Tow ... hip 36 �orth , llango l& Ost o:r tho ll�w Mexico l'rino ip�l lll•:tidian,

CorUt1•11.to Ho, SUoi dated D• ... !li'l>'il:\' 10 , 1929 , oonl:'il>S tho toll<>w1'1g 4�tc-i�t-b_fl4-: lal.td-.- - aacs1rstJ:•d:,'_to _ cort_6_Z ,i;n-na _ &: Securit-1•• 00, _ _ tor th• taxea or t he year. HJ!a and pu.-ehaeed by l>lcnto,.ul!ia Coun�ir• . lllff Slit and Iii Sll';j; SKt 1&. Soo , 3 l , 'l'owuh�p 37 liortb, llanj!le lll l\'ost · of th• New llex1oo l'rinqipal Merl.dian.

C ortifhah ti<>. lill50, dotad ll•<tembel.' l O , 1929, oo1'•r1ng tll• toll.owl.Ilg daff'cl--iti84 · 1an�, aOae&s ed tQ Oo1'tez L&nd & S e c ur1t 16a c o . tor t h e taxtl'a ot th )'eAl.' 1928 llll<I, pur•h•Ull by llon t""""'" Oo11o.t ;, ; Ej lji JJIX;j: ln S a o . & , fownhip $& llortlt, liango 15 W.•t o r the !lew Alexio" !'rinuipal 1.!eridhn.

Cert1f1c.aie .!lo. 8134. 1 d•t•d Doool!lbu 10, 1 929 , covering tb• following

d•se:r!;'lf6d l&ad,_ a s s_eese:d t o Harry D. Davicl.eon :tor the ta_xetS G f _t h4 year 19211 an4 pul:'ollo.sad b;r Mon.tenm" Cou1ay : Sl:lt in doo . 13 nnd. in:t 1n Sec • 24, dl hi Town•hip SS llortl!,, Ruo;u 19 *''"t of tbio.!fow Me:tioo Prlnoipal


dertU"ioato. ll<>• &lH , dated D.,.umhl' lO , c lU 9 , ce>�•ring ·tho followinil 4eaor1bed. land , ·ea_se s a ed :to:- J . u. Jrre•nu:ui t_t>r th_•- tex_•• ot �he_ ;y 1u::.r 1926

an<I pu:roh11111e4 bjf ilonhzuma C<>Wl.t)'• Sift llllt" ; 1 a :il.oc. 2 , To>111oh1l' 36. !lol'th ,

il$lll!O 1<\ lint ot the• ll•W lll<IX!Oo '•l?rfnoipd i>ler1d1ell•

Oal:"tii'ioe.t • ffo ,. 8145, 4at6Cl .O&oembar 10, 19891" - covering thti fo llowi ng

deaioi",ibed leu1d• -.-a•setu:Hed to John R •. Freeman to� the-,

t ti.x�B ot the yee.r lQ2S aa4 purohaae 4 by Want•z1.'lJAa CountTl Nt BBt 1� S e o . l l , Towneh i� 36 Ni1i-thi Range 14 W.es-t ot t;b•f Ii••- atex1oo .t'rtn-41,Pal Ue,rid:ian..

Cu· • > 1'1 a li.t • llo:C lilllUl, d"ted J>eoem.ber· l O ,. 11129 , HV8l:'illiit tho fo llodng

ti<tuoribod -lttn-4-, a�4•aa:·•c- to ·11_07_ -na�mO-n-d to:r :-.t-he taxe s Cf the year 19aS and purchased b;r >tontuum" Couaty< w; S:!::f swt in :leo . 11 , Township II? !lorthi Range 16 hat or �h" l'l<>l• l!e::tho !'dnoi'pal !.!oridhn,

aertithote No . GlB11, 4at•d De<l"ll!b•� 16, 1929 , covering Ule tall owing

de-Bcir1bed: l6.ri.d a1S'eS.� ·ed to JL\_ E. k.hiilliat-on-- tor thtt tax.ea ot' tha: _y•a� lU� aitd plll'oh�sed by l!ontuuma Count)'> Slit ll�;j: b S u , l.7 , Township 3&

Northt Rh:lli:• 15 ifo�t- Of the l'$'W M.exio� Pri-no i:pal MtiridiitAt

Iarid, a e a e ss•� \O Cort e z Lane & uecu71�i�o � u ·

1 �1 , �o-"'· "''l.. i'I'\ 3& t�o rtb .- rtange 1 6 and {'ui·ehaeed by Montezuma \�oun t. ;.v : Se in. :.:. a-e � � • ,., .... """" "'

,;,.,.at_ Qf tha H"m .._� I:rt neipetl hlel"'id1tlll•

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Certit1cate . !lo , lll$0, dated Deoambo� 10 , l9a!I{ <!overJ.ns t h o :follQ>ti�S. dctrcl"ib�d luL

_d. c.a.lJeaCc

.t<1 .tG:_ S ruu .Jones ·rar_ the tax�&-· :o-t ·the yec:�- l_92e and lH.treb.tla'$d by_ ilorrt_ezu.ma .. - O-�unt7 : �liit in: Heo ._ a • "ToWn.•hip:_ 37 .North _ aange

15 �e&t of the Ue:?l-M•z:io'o Princ1.p-e1-l lleridian .__ '

.c .. run.cate «<> , Sl(I�> ��t:•� .Douml>•r io , .lU9 , nv ... ;rh&. �ho tollcwlllll:

d&�u,.,�_ibod land_., _ _ a�.a--� __ a_�-��--,-�o _ c . n . ICins.a,i-y 1'.or -t_b-.; .·_ta!f.':4'8_.-_-:-o:r--"-·the year 1928 and P ".;'chna1'd by lilont,tl;<,Jl)Oa Co11nt1 1 Hi; liWt & Si\ !Ill� . .s. SWt NE!; & l'I�. ;;.Ei; & Ni slff in ;.,, @e ,. .27-, __ -T-own·shi,p 55 No rth , Range l.7 We.st 0-t the now Me:x.i co .Print:i:pel i4er1di-�tJ.,.:

Cert 1:r1e:nte bfo .. _e_l991---_;_d,_l.tt1_d'. De:<:9mbe� 10 , _ 19:_29 . eov&i-ing t_he i"ollowin,g

_d.ea.�:ribed l�nd , - iaS:$..tt'li$tl.a,,-�.tt:> Monte zuma .Fru.it· · .v. l..:an.d C C1-.- tor the- taxe-i:t � t th e-' f&ar 1928 '!l n d p:urcll,11&ialftl }) 7 �a:nt &zuma -County; lit s�t 1.n 5 • o . 1 . i'owilob,i p 3 5 North-.- - R4nS.& -1'1 tlss-t _ or the· Bew U_ezico !Jl"it1-0-1pe.l- Meridia1:1.

Cet'tifio:ate fi\o ., 6200-_. -_�atod December 1 0 ,_ l.9 2-9-t.- cove ring t h e 1"0ll<tw1ng d6d3Cl'ibcd lan d , Q.&'S·_• s s e dc_ to Maggie r1!orr1son. for t h e tax.es ot th0 year 192:0 _ and pu.rch a e e11·- by �oJit oium-. C c u.nty: SW.j. N�i in �iec .. ia· & St;.i, Nl.-i· &; J£! s.;;j; iu O oo . l�, a.ll in. 'l'own o hi:p 36 Nortll , !longs 19. !hat Gt the !lew MexicP Pr-ine 1 pu1. �(ir1_t,l1\tll· .. · Cert_ 1_r1oe.t� Ne . 820 1 , - d � t &d .Pece.m'har 10, 19-29, o c vcring t h• follevt1ng d!!l:acribed land, �esens:o:d to_ Maggie �torrison: for the- taxes of the 7e.a:r 1928 &nd purotas1td b;r iolont numa County: wJi llK;i: & NWt !:!Ki in Seo . ll9 , ,Township Z& Borth•-- iengfl 20 Weet. of_ the N s1f MoX1 e_o,- .Prin<:ipal Meri d i an.

Cert ificate· No .. 8205• d_atet1-. fieqembe-\'_ lO• l 'l:l 29 , covering- the fellowing. desc rib ed land, a s n e$eed t o Gecrge M�Cln•r t o r tho taxss � r the ye�r l9ZB an d pu.rchaoed by." �on_t ezmna C-ountyi SAi i n- a.ec .... 29 + 'l'own&h ip �7 .North• Runs:e 15 �i&e.t of-. Thff .New W.exi co _ r;r- 1 ll-o1pal ;.(eridien.

Cert 11'1oat e Iio . 8206·1 dated- Deeem,b-e:r 101 l 9:il9 + �overing the f o llo wi ng described lttnd , n z a e s e Bd t o J , c . MeUo�ell tor the tax�& o f the yon� 1928 and purohaoe4 by Montezuma Ooanty: Si NW� & Ni swt in Soc . i , 'l'ownsh 1p 36 Nortll, Rang• U iieat or \he Ne1'1 lilexioc> l':rt11ci:pd Mer 1 d 1 B l h

Ce:rt 1f10-at&-- lio • . _ 8 2 1 & , dat e d De-ceaber 1 0 , 1 9 2 9 + OOV l!)J:i.ng t h e following d& f.Hlr ibed la:Ud� aa-1;etH11 eti t.o 1 .. . -G. Reedei" for the ta:xes Qr the year l9n8 and: .purolt"a. iS o d by �ontez\lltla Cou.ntyi: Lota 7&.6 ia Se¢ . ? • 'township 38 North• U�ngG. ·.1'9. lllaat or· th'e Sew -M.axteo 1.-1r1ncipal Me:t"idie n .

Certl. fio<>.te �!!>. .Slll S , . dote� lle• ""be� 1 0 , 19&!1 , o overin11 th• following dese:ribad 13.n d t_ t\S'ci:-e:ssed: t.o l:'fltt i e Jl, Rodman fOl" th& taxos Cf tho Y"ea?" l928· and. l>Ul"'ch�-s_i.4:d._.-. by:" Monteiin1z16i-- Coun:t1":: Lo:t&- _8·1 l0-·.,1_l , l � , l �-.l6&l_'i' or S\.'t 1.n Sao·. ZS.1_: 'r_G_�·n111Jl-ip:-._.-36 .. . .N.ort}l, Re.nge- 19 .. Weet ___ &' _ _ Lot2-i n_- S&c_ , 4 t To11n-•bip ;>7 Nor t h , Rau;i• 19, ifo•.1' or tbo li"w' M�"ho )'rino i:pd lller141<>n.

Cert 1 1' 1 cat-e N o . �1224, 040.-t_-e d- !J�ce�bf.J1". 10 . 1 929 • covering- th-a to ll.owing described l a n d , ai:uae .'iae4 - to J·.- :tt . Schul t z & C .:> . ,. Inc. for the taxes. of the year 1928 o.nd· p-urcho.e.trd. by Mont ezuma:- C.ouD.t:y .:: Lots 3. 4 , Ii & ti�: liait 1 n Seo .. 6 1 !ownah1P 34 Ner-th 1--- liange 16· l\' e-st. ot the New !deltieo P'l'inoipal Meridian-.

Cert itic11te Uo . 8Si1i , dated Deeem:ber 1 0 , 1�29 , eover1ng t h.e follot1'.1ng

daoo.ribo-d laud·, a:sstl!lpe:d to J � u. _Oohulta �. CQ . , Inn. tor tba t ax-e .; of' the yG ar. 1928 n:ud pur4bf\tuld by i.&o_nt a z.ums. County: Lots l&.2 1'D. s e c ,, 2-3 , Township 36 No rt h t. ·allnge 1'1 We-ot o f th e .NOW N:ex1co Pr1no 1pal .Merld i a:n . C-ert-it1 oat e N o-• ." 8234t d�tetl DoOem.bBl" 1 0 ;: 19-2\t t coverlng ta& fol.lowing

descri':.. -.t-.J. land,: a:ss_.eased. .t o . Mrs-•: tiii n.n i tr .t;. 5ta.b; er _ �.o r th• ts.xes_ or tbe

l{ea" l9SS and purohUed by illont du"e. Onunt:t; !ljj Swt II> Wit Biii S<'lt 111 bsa. �a •. 'fCPlfli1'h1p 3'1 North ,· Riulee 16 �oat or tbe Liew Si•�1CG �r.t.noipel


C•rtif ieate lio. 82141 t'h.'Lt e4 _ December l o ,- 1929. <: overi ng_ the fol.lowing

deec.rib&d le.nd ai!Js:e-a-e-ed tcr ii. m. . -lkh1pple- fur t-!le t a�s s -ot the 7erJ.r_ .l928

tt.nd· pu.ruhased �-y· Mouteewna County$ NWi S ti· I: NB; SWt ia. Sec. 2-3-, Town .. .eh1p- 38 North. aange 20- �es t of t h e New Mex100 P�ino1pal lder1dlan.

Cortificat• No , 825 6 , datea Veoember 1 0 , 1929, cav�rini the f ollowing

dese�ibed lan d • a & a e-ssed to 'ii' '!' L .. tl1lliam'S- f<'\r _ t h s t axe_-& o f' tho _ ;rear

19�� a"d puroh . . etl blf l.lonte zllllla county• si<l S:Ei 111 See. 56 , Township

3? Noi-tb1 lln.uge 16- \i�st of th*' new Mexico- Pll'i-neips:l M.orid.ian:.

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" '

' . -Certitioat• !lo . Ssu, .,i!"'��A.D•<>•mb&r . · � . lUO, eovn1lll!; tll• hllov.i!'ll .i.,•�rib\>d land, """•H•d t o lliJ.Jll>,l•(f�;)I:. f<>r the t�>•• o.f .<lW 1•11.1: lU9 and J!\l�<Ol>.all•d b7 U1ttntttt;mtt_.ti - Caunt.y! ��_:t;·>�lL: _ s,e_'• a , Town-_eh-ip _38 .?40.rth� - Jta·n_tl& l9- �e�_t: r.it_-- _t:h_� - �--- , 1'exi c;-- il:i"inoipt.l- :A-t ttr1tit·an.

C el"t :I H u U 110. S3l$ , (..tea Dao.ember 9 , . H�ll , on.<>r!.llg the follnin>1 4o•,¢ribed land ,, _ ae:;e-0aed to li. C:_� ---+-P-P_�e:gat• for· -tb,,�r tU.xea � 1 ... : thb_- ;yOa-r 1:929 a·ad_ p_urehtl:a:<%d l>y &r<>nh•wnu Count,-> lil:it .u · aeo . 11! � :lll;i'. Slll/j; in iioo . l , .<Il l ill Towull.ig 57 North.-;-- Range 18 Wost o.t 'th� Neu Mox1ao i'rt.u-eipa-1 M�ridlan.

Cortifioate N o . 032!1, d3h4 ll•o•mbor 9 , 1$30 , o overing \ho following daoo db"ll le.n<t. asu$ase-Li to

_.M . E-�

_ !:h1ys

_in13&r for th-e t a;tes or tlie yGar

_ 1929 and pv1·_eh'1S_f'J d

br _14ont ezUllla Coun ty; st_ N:ti;i SEl; in Se c . 3 1 , township ·z7 Nor-t h , Rant>.e l& � e s t o f t h e lte1t J.1. ex.1oc> F:ti n c l ptll M1",4' 1 d i all .

Cert if'1e.&t� Jio . Ba-33, dat-ed Deeo.mbar 9 , l 1330 , i:o;-ering t-ho following d e a o r i bt'I d l and • uo s"!l!-S!!lfld to I;d . _ Douhn for the ilaxea of the year 1 9 2 9 a.n<l JH1reh an 6d b1 U c n t &zwua Countyt _ Ni SW�- & Wi NAt & �Ki i � B a � . 2 4 , Township a1 North • rtan;� 16 i\ IJ & t ct th'l't .New it:exto:o Prinel:;ail kler1 d i ;i.n. .

C e r t 1 1' 1 e li t- n- lio . 8SZ4- t· d o t ed ti-e-c-o;:nba:r ?J , lilZiO • c ::> v a:ri.u� the 1'ol.low1n£ d t s o r 1 b s-d lan d , S. 6'. B e s sad t o Uogl ino & 1'1bbets tor th.a t.s:xe-a or the y(le.l" 1929 a.rid pur­ob.an e d by f.lo;i.t � z.uiia Ci;,unt :t t NU:� sE:i « il· in:-1 i ... Jf·i\"� Nn.:l i ll ;,.� Cle .. l9 , ·�·owuah1p 5? North, Rans� 14 West ot tho- New �ex i e o �rinoi�ul Mer t di�D .

O e rt t t ic B t � N o . 834�, d a t ed D�Gomber 9 • l��o . eaver1ng th� fellowing de$er1bed

la.nu·, ase-oASsed to John Cbsck tor the ta:ll e » o! t b. 6 y e ,.,·r 1 9 � 9 and purohEiaed by J:lont e2u.ma County : cittt !iii & B-Li UWi 1 ti tiee ., 36 , '.l'ow.n.ehip- �S North_, Hauge 1 9 Wt:st vt t h e .Uew twl.Px i a o l-r1 11.c i 1H1-1 Mer1tl1an.,

Cert i t t e i:. t e No ,. 6Z54 , crated lieo:embe,t<- 9• 19:0 , c over1.Dg the fQllol\ing d e a c r i b e d l a n d , assessed to � i l l lwn C op p i nger �9 t . t o r th& taxee Q f th & y e a r 1 9 2 9 and purchased by Montezuma Couu ty! nwt Ni4� 1 n See .. 9, 'I'ownah ip 5fl fiorth • .Range 16 "' e e t of tb e ��e:w ilG'xic"O f'r i r. c t,pal Meri d ian.

Ce�t 1 f ie e t o �o � 836 2 . dat ed D e c ember 9, l930 t oo v e r i ns tho fQllowing d G e e r 1 b e d land, e n o t a s e d to Cort e i L $ D d & j a e ur i t 1 �� Co. tor t h e ta�ea o f t h $ y e a r 1 9 & 9 a n d �urchased by Mont ezUm$ County ; L o t s 3, 4 � S� N�i i n S e c . 6 , town&b ip Z& �ortb• Ran$e l � ljout Q t t h e New �ext�� P r i � o tpul Meri d 1 a� ,

C e r t i f icate No� 8564� d a t ed De c emb er � . 1950 • oovering th� fo llowing d es c ri b e d l&ud, a B s � ss*d to Corte� taud � S �Q u r 1 t 1 � o O o . tor the taxe� of the yaar 1 9 2 � end purohaacd by 1'.fo n i tt: tuma coun t y � N:U.;l: swi; & Nr� !Jlkik, � s t r i p- of l a :u d e om . at­\Sbi oor. Qf 1Ui stt-l thena: fll lS 1540 r t . 'Wlfii :rt . 51�44 ft • .&:-16-b f t . t o beg. in ssc . 2�, Township 36 N�rt b , Range 16 West o r the �ew Mexi co ?ri n a i pul � � r i d 1 a o .

C � r t i t t c a t e No . 9363, dat ed Peaomb e r 9 , lQ�O , covarinz the following dea�ribed lan d , aaseaQed to Cortez Land & Securi t i es C o . tor t h � t e x e a or tha y � �r 1�29 and purc b.aGed by �onte zwn.a Cou.nty: i1 l.£ N'Nt tu a e: o . 28, Town s h i p i? l{ ortn. Hanga 1 6 �eat of the N@w Mexi•o ��tne1pal Meri d i an .

Cer·t 1 f i c a t. e �.; .,, ,.. 8374 , d.n t e d Decl3mber 9 � 1930 , covering t.bo :tollowiug de2c r i bed l u n d , aa�eaaed to Gorte 2 Land & � e���i t 1ee Co . tor the ta�ea o � t h � y�nr 1929 and pure-hns&d by Mion t @ zwna County; Ni; Nv;:t �A-t it dd!,t ?t�i S:C.,1. & 1'iXtk SR� 3ll.;}; i n See . 21 , 'Iowlish1.P �7 11o t" t h , £u:ln,ge 1 $ �"ltJ»t o t the New i<loxico .?rine-ipnl t.!evid1a.n ..

Cert i f i c a t e ,�o . 6377 , dat ed tleeemb'fl.L"' e . 1 9 00 , a-overing tt:._e :fol1owing dea<.:: r 1 b e d latt.d, n s a e :.i .!li ti d to. Ccrtaz t.nnd- :r. :.> eeur 1 t i a � Co . for t h & taxaa of tb w :vcei.r 19�9 and purchased b )' !>lontezuma County� �Ai: i n "; ec . 1 3- t 'i'own ehip 3 6 t.-; ort-h , :ttange 16 ,� e � t ot t b e New Mexi co ?rtucip&.l !ke-r i ti ie.n.

C e rt1t i <: 6 t rt l�o. ... 6583. dnt-tttd JJ<toem\:!€:1' 91 19-30 , eoverins th-e tol lo111ug tle bc'ribed l{IU.G, 6.fiS6SBed tQ Cort-oz. l.;e:nd &, t'; acur i t 1 e !!: C o . f\ll.� th e taxes or t.he renr 1'9l{9 and p-urehe.eed by ;<iont-e zwna County: �lf<'i 1.n S-«ttl. �l. 'town !ih1p 37 t,,ortb , ia.age 16 .1e-e:t pf the tiew .i.lex1oo P r i 1' ci;pal ll'6 r 1 d 1 n n .

C0rt i f i o a t e �o . 8384 , dat e d Doc emb � r 9 * 1 9 5 0 , oo �er 1 n g \he fol lowing des cri be d

lantl , .!).:Jt!Eta�ed to- Cortez Land &- S e c ur i t i e s Co ... for the ta.x-eo a.r the- 1efjr 19�9

:and purchaaed by �ont er.;wna C¢>unty :.- if§ SH-,t &. S�t_ NW-k &- SlO A . or ti�! U!Yi i n � e o , 2<t 1 'i. Qwllehi,1;1 S G ?\'.ort:tf , 4iJAllG.O 16 !1 n e t Qf the tlew ;tax1co .?rinei_ps.1 /,{ e .r 1 d i a n .

� e r t 1 t i e a t e N� . 8385, dated Ueoembcr it 1 9 30 , en��rlng th0 following jaeeri b•d

ltu1d • a � s e z a ad to Cort e z 1and &. � e c u r 1 t i as C o ., tor t h e taxe-s ot tha yea·r l li 2 9

$ n d .tnlrctll.sed by mantezwna Gvunty : $- � i n ;.,ea � '31 , Township '35 ho-rt h , 11aDSf.! .l& Aeet of the �ew �' ... -" _ _ i"rin.c-ipal M e r i d ian.

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\: e r t i t i o e t e »o. Slli:2_� ,., diated JJee&mbn:r_ 9, 19�-C . "'covering thtt follOwin� d:$St\i"_i-bed l a n d , (l.i'J:'$eaaed _ _ to 1�f,f �\ �_ �arc i a .for- th� taxeB o� ·tbtt 1•11;,.r .192�- and -purche.Stu1 bf Mellt6l.'l\UTUl_

.C<lU!lt)'-:: . WU �w;. & S!:I;- S�,!: &_ BW!i SBZ; fn s-e� .. a. ToviaehiP- !7 North HanA;e 14 l.!'e�t- ot the: Jri&w· .a<extco Principal t.rCridilll.b • t · *

Cert 1_f1 eS. �•_: _Ho·. _8430 t __ de_ti-ed· -D$d&mb __ e:r: 9_,_. li?00:--i-- - coVertilg."tbs f'ollow1-ll&- d e a c :r:-1 b·ed land• a_s_s_,e n_DtiH1: _t_c D_e: vi d· -Ro._llo �or · the taxes· ot th• yeal". 1929' •nd · fl'\il"'eha.&ed b7 MGnt:&zumo Cau-n ty; - A t _r&.-ot : 11Xl'l rod.s in SW- b o r . �1':f SW! in SeQ' � t . 'l'owns:hip �ti Uorth_, Bang a · .13 Wetst of · tbe N-sw Me:ti oo- P r i n cipal 14:eX'1-ti1an. Cert i f i:c_atG· No. _ _ &432--, -dated D_ec-�ltt�er 9-, 193_0 • cr0Ve_r1-na:-- 'ibei!- followilt:g described land, i'tSSttSS(l!d- iO·,"!!_• n . U.J\::Sb0lol1r'3' ::f_O'J! , th e t�xe-_e---o,;f __ the 7fl:ar' -l-lfi_-9 11.JU! -pUrt\l:iO.aE;d. by Montttzume;· county_: _ ME� -& &i- Nw!- & _ttk:l SlVi' &. •�; _ s:1t _ 1n ;Jeo .. l? , Town s h i p :,? r.iort h , Hal1tl'1i' 1 9- tt'ea·t-- ot the Nf!-'l'. Mexteo rr1ncii:el M·c1�ii:;lj;.c_u .

Cs:rt iti __ oat� No. �_.+4;t; , datod --n*_"}•ttfb.c_� -- 9 , 1-950 , _e ovfi.ri.ug -,.;h9 r.o-t-low1n_g_ _ _ tl� uoribe d

le.:nd: ,-_ _ as1H•u.1e 0i:t-to-- tle;nry --Huels:e f'.q:r,_- th�- tuxes or thtt-- 7tta·r 1-91'39 and pu:rcha-e ed by Mo»tuuma G ouuty1 st N�;\; ;. tlj SW� ill S &c ; l !l , 1'01'1teUp l!B l'lortb , Rane" 15 tiettt ot t h e Now Mexico- Prinoi-11al-_ µ-eridie.n ..

Cnrt1r1· o � t e No .- 1344? . t1"'t ed· --,P•:O.:�in:bf}r g t_ -l-930',, t10l'•ii_1--ni>.:_-:tlt_e- fiallowirt� _d(';-&o r1bed le,nd: , - a3s._e-seed to_ ;r"* P' . ·K_u,r�t. "tr>r t-h& taxett- __ o.f t-_he'_- _y_fl__til'L:;�dl:29 a&1.d- purohaeQd by M:onto$Ul1\a Coun·ty i :ifr .NW..t -in- _See_-.- a -. 'township 36 North-,_ -Ha.nee l fi r,\'eat o r the Rew Mexico ¥riueipal Meri di 5 n .

Ccrt i f i e u. t e _Ne.- 845�-.- d.a-t'ed- --Pecombe'._:r:- 9 ,- lil30 , -eov _erlng_;_t_tt,i:r. tollow iil.g d e a Q r 1 b e d l a n a 1- ea1Je8aed t o-- John H .- ·.te.n;U.ga .tor- t h e ta:x:as o f - t h lJ" yoer 1 9 2 9 tind p-u.rehased by- -:4onte�uma· COuntt$ Sj. -NWl, C. ffil·4 Sff:f.; i n 5eo.- a z , '!Qv/_n.lb.i; 36 Nor t h , Ua.nge lP llB!Jt of the i4e'W "M�xlao i'rit1:¢ipal f!ill}rid1an.

ce:rt i r i o a t e No � 84fl0, dat•d Deo e11:nb-E1-r 9 , 19.50 , eove.r i-llg the t9llowing das-crt.bod lnnd,, 8:etteaeed. to -A. ti . lleStfod.8 f'nr the taxee of th·• :y_e:ar 1928- aud p-u.�chaaed. by Mv.ntezuma Oou:oty: �!:t 1 n- -·cle e . 32 , Tow12ship 3-6. 140-rth , ilan,s_e ltl ii"e5t of the New .di: e x i oo .PJ:<t n o i pe.l A.ie-r i d i art .

C e rt 1 ti c e. t o -No .. 8459 , _ _ de.t:e:d t-eeambe.r 9 , 1930 •- oo'f--erii'i.g th& - to-llovii.ug d&ec r ib e d l a: ri d , &. -G !!t' e s s e: d t o Martha J ., lternan- ·tor th• taxes -of _ --tb e :ye-a:r_ 1-929' .snd pu-r­ohaoed b.Y :.ilo-n t @ zuaQ C � u n t y ; SX'ik Sit* in S eo ,1 7 ,<N/j_ NWi: & Siii N«;t- -ill S e o . 20 ttit' 'l'o-wnffli1P• 36 Korth,- Ran�e 14 t'ie&i; of tbft New MsXi-cto -.rrinc 1pal t;Qer 1 d 1 n n .

C 6 r t i f i cat.e- Ne .. 84£0-, de ted .tec«im'be-z 9- , i·iaso.- .. c crY0r J n,g : the tollow1 ttt;: d4!eorib&<l land , a e-e e s &-�d_ to ii i l l i o tt .- Kit"kpatl"iek fo r \ha taxes of t b e 7&ar l 9 ! 9 and pui-cb. e e e d b / l.ton.t e�al!!'la County ; N.E:t &-. N.lt- S Et° i n Jee.. a1 Bf .«� 5-if & SE� Swt in ·ifec .. - -a21 all i·n- Townahip 59rjox-tP., Range -is Weil� ot tlla ttew_ iie�:lco l:'*r 1 nc1pnl M e r i d i e: U .,

C t11 rtif 1.Cat0 ffo ,.- 846!, dn.t e{f __ l)e;eomber 9,: -.-;}.9_30 • Q O-v eri11g tbe following � e & -c: r i b 1> d

land , ae41ttseed _ _ to c . ·-er.- Kni_i?;ht ror t b e te.1.ea- of the year l92S _ nna purch l!:taa-d. by Mo-n"t ezuma_· Co_\llllty:: N'.Sf-- in Sec .-- 31 J Towneb1p ze Nortb, ftanc:t 16 l\toat Gt' the- �ew Mexic;o Prf-n-c:tpiil �·-:ridian-' .. _

Certfr1ee.t e. ·Ho--. -8:4'9ii,=- :-da_t ed -neee:m.b er 9 ., 1 9 3 0 , e:ovoring the tol_lowing d&·noribed land , as.seseect t.o L .. NerC- MoCurry f o r the taxes Qf' the ye-ar 1 929 � ru1 purohaaed

by li<int ezume._ C ouri-tt ; W� BE� 1.n. S a c . l O , TQw-neh1p 3'1 !lort. h ; .ti:ange lei �eit ot t b a; Ne""· M.e>:: ie0: .PriJJ:oi-pnl. tlet:idian.

0-t l" t i f i oat e _-Nat� _ B5l o , dated IJece-mb •r ti , 19301 cove:r-ing the fi:> llowing describ e d i.an d � .u e e .,.erH;id-_ t o- M r s . Lola Palmer tor t h e ta.xea of t b e year 1 9-29 E'.n d. purchua&d

lly Monte�"tJm& county; lleg. s.t_ e. point 0-0. S'.i aer .. S-K;i.- SA:.t i n 9ec • � , 'l:owneh i p

57 North , }(-iinaa- l-7- Wetat o t the- New Mei:i-o:o l>r11leipel we.ri dtaJ!, .g-14:0 rod$ 1¥&4 ro de W-'0 r-o-d!t 944 rods t o· beg- ..

crort i f ! e s:t- e: NQ• a:g;11; -ctat64 .Cie e a mb er 9 4 1950 • ooverifiS tha i'ollowtut:i; d.esc r i 'o e d

l'1.u.d ,_ a t? s e e s e d t o 't:'illle.m- Penrod tor the taxes of the yer;Lr 1929·_�: liaet b lil f ,, and purcb:s;e:ed- bi Mo nt tJ zu.:ns. Oo-u.nty1 SAk- SW'j; ill tl e o . 33, Township 36_ NQ�\h• ztari:gtt 1 4 - ;geot k Lot. 4- in Jec 111 4-,- Tonsbip -'36 No rth , llange 14 f\1 6et cf t h e 11eV' iltextco 1�rinoipal M:Err i d i an. .

o"rt i f t. e .n t e u ci . 651 2 • datitd December. 9 , 1930 , e<>Ver in« �hO- fo� lowing Q�&c r i b e- 0 lun d , aae-tt-aa1:Hl t o 'William Penrod _ fer- t he tu.J;eS - -of- _ tht'I ff>'G.r l96i? • l a e : h a l t' 1

and pureba•ed by Monte�\lm& count11 swt s�l: in �ee . 3 Z . Townsh1.p �6 �orth•

ltenge 14: Oest ot tbe New :.te:xico 2r1na ipo.l M.ertdifln ..

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cu�$fhah. ,Jlo . la�:d'.1::_'-atieti:11< &°4'(i" t·'1 "'� ¥ • R.obbt,f by'o:M __ Cil}t·:·�\UIH), coUn�:f-; l<ano;e 14 l< . . t i>f the

Oeli't ifie�te- _ j\;o ,- - SD�"• land.'.----: a a.iHt_ssed:- t o Fred .:to.n.t'szml\-e C o �nty": Ne·w lliaxi a o F·ritt4 1p-ai

Ce.rt i ti ee. t t no . �H:��5 . dJt.ttld: ·.uee.�mb('r s . l t 3 0 ,_ ce_vt!Jf1ti;G-":_'.t-� e_ ,.,,,a.,.��!�h�::�:!� land , lil t1 e e .e a e d t o Fred Rusaell t!):rf t_b a taxes._ <J:f _ tho -y\tal,\- 191_9' ;!io .n t e zu.rue. C o t:._nty : swf; 1n -s_�.,_.- - 2e _.- f_-own ..,,h 1p 3-;) Jfo:rtb • _:Rati.Se·- 1a Mex1C:) l' r i c.ctpal ifier1(!1a.n,.

Ctirtif 1 eat e Na . 8336 , d&ted-_- !ltefc�ber 9-.-- 1930 • a crie:'ei-_itg ___ the ro1·1�W1n� -ae11_oril:uid--- -·

lan d , t!.S$eae.ed to � . G . R_u the�.reit4 · to'l! th& tax.ea ot: -th_e year l9S9 and p'u?!• · chti.ssed by hl.ontezume Cuu.nty: N�: N�i Equ.t t i e � in $e-o-.: l , TowniJhi;p '37-_ #Qrt-h:; Rtu:i.ge 1 1 .5es-t or tha Nww l:ii:�;tiOO F'ri-nc:i,p&l Ji.;; er1dis.i.Ji..,

Ce-rtt fieute 1-io. 8-545 , d�t !!!:& i)IJ:oeos\b ai<' 9, l92i0 1 e0- verins: th� f'ollo¥!1t�g lend, n s s -e � s e: d to A -. ir. S:nith tor th"> taxo• c f - tb.a year i i 2 g &-nd pu-re-ba"&ti_d :11on t e zu.ma County: Part nr liflii.t, in ;J e e .. 1 & . 'fcrwnahip 311 North_, H8-n6e lfl �est th-e. .N$W ;4ttxico i' r i n o 1 p-til t.1crid1"�n dii::ueribed An tollow:;.i BtH:l'· ll'- bt- HJ:i .aor � e c . 1 5 and ru.n:u i u g ;.> O.il $ 1Y c: . l ine lU&4 . a rt. 58111 30-'" 1#245 :tt • .Sl0° 3 0 ' ft • S '7 & 1.1 W l 3 '5 t t .- ?J54" S�&7 t t. . N74" �O t- W24'0 t t .. N-4"' 1 0 ' 623 t t .. N21" -15- t N$q 1 0 1 2?S .. a rt .. M22' 4fl t W301 rt . tc the :S�fi line R on aaid Sec-. lirie to beg.

-.::e r t i f 1 o a;t e Uc::t .. B55l , diat ad .Ueo enfb e:r 9, l9SO • aovertAS the f.;Jllowi.ag d"aac .ri_bed_ lanri , n t :n a .t; tH� d to Uso • .;.· � G tove.us t-:Jr t h e t-uJtea of t!'i.$ year- 1929- find lfUX"!lhfltHi4 by L1ont·azu.."la. C o unty: 'E-b· Sk- tli lm:prov-ed in if6c , 1 6 ,- 'r'ownship 3$ Nort h � �Ona� 13 � e s t of' tile 1h!w 111'X! o o Pri.nel.rial i..1.ciridian.-.

Cart i f 1 e a_te _No .. 8 5 5 7 , _ dst&d lJl!;)Oetnb�r 9 � 19'30 1 ooV-ti!l:"ina tha _followine tloso;r1bed land , easeiJ�ed _ to Dan- · Fi .. !' i c e • .rr.- !"or thtt to.x-os_ of· th.a_ ycnl" 192-9 und :pur .. ¢h�llcd by. :1.Qi\ te:z_urriil_ C_-,:.nrn.fy : NW; ill ::3 0 0 . 131- Tcrwnship 35. _Plo.rth, 1le.n�a l?' i;f!st ot t h e �t?w- Me::t1 oo P:t'ino·ip:el :.tn:r-iilian.

CtJrtiti.:ate !4 0 . 8311 1 , d&.t.�d U<tcemb&!" s , 1930 , Ot>V<triilg the to llowiag described l e n d , as•� ssad to J . H . � Mark w tllden tor �he t �xoe ¢f tho y0a� 192) and pur• ohuaad by 1font a:ium& COUll t ;y : Ai .;�� & ::J�'I!" SA-i in s e-o . 9 a.. s�:t s�.t in S-eQ . lO t all in 'I';rw1uihip :36 No:.rth, lh.\nge 1 3 ':l est -Of tb& New f.ijt!lx1e:o Pri n c i pal 1-i(tr!dian.

-Oer t 1 : 1 ca t o �o. 8572 , dated �•e�mber 9 , 19�0 , cover ing the fellQwin� described land, ll Sl .5 e' 1li $ tl d tQ j • H. ,$, ;.jurk >'i111do.t.. rcr the tuxes Of t b.o ':/ 1..�U.'r:' l,'µ2� ttild -pur ... chn ia: _., <'i by :-Joatez\und Countt:r 1- L ..:> t l (.; 51'.;t Nt:.; & u:J at� in 2 � o . 4 !:.. NE_,t &. N''-! Sll.i er. E� b�-,t in .:.'.ti:Jc . 9 . all in Township 39 NQl'th , H.ange 13 ·119st of the Jiew lli-ex100 i'riucipal ;,ter1d1an.

Cilrtiti.-. � :. .;; :to . Sb73 , :.tut.ad :Voc.-om.l>er 9 , 1950.,. coveriug ti..e folle'lf1l18 d1'!-so:r'ibe-d

lan d ,. a_ 3 n o .5 a iii'ld to I.rs. Wll l i nms Jor the- tc.:xeo of thG ;y e e.l' l'i'2? ll:Ud ?Ul'eh£d:'•ed bf x.o.u t a �uron Coun t ,- ; Lot 1•2 «. :E� N�t & NA.zy, i n S-eo . 51 , 'l'ownshi_p 39 liiorth � t-tan.ge 16 :/J5at cf' the t-i�l!I Me�-1co .P:rt.llo1pal ,>,1ertd1e.n.

Cert1ficat(J). N o .: $574, dat ed l'6ee-ol.u!! it 9, 1 9'50 , <rcv-ar1ng the t o l lo:w1lig d0ec;z<ib6"d l.�.nd a id a e s :s e U to i:;. h • .a'illiam.e fer t b.Q tax.ea of t b. e Yt.•er 19:�� a.nd purcJ:u•.._-fH�d 'bY .d�.uteZUJU& CrJU.n ty ; 11� liWI- i ,n �eo . 12 & Ji;} Ml.;.i &. UE.i t.n. !.>eo . l l , all i:'.l Tcwn.shi.P !56 ilal"th, !tauge 18 b e st ot the �CW' :1-oxic-O Pri no ip n l He.r1 d1an .

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CertUidoto ll�. Sl.>�3, dated D"otilt!b�l' It, llt3G, eol'il'li�� �h" foJlh�Jlfi! �.;Ji��j��� ;;. l,tt_nG . -a_a;;eLs�d t_o- li:�:- :il• _ ��+u��-:'f�'�+j�ti! � ��o• --_Qt.--:t��:l,l�:�-a-i:;,l --��-:- li��J;P-��:44�J,e4;:;:¥i;:--<;:- -'Ion t• oumu. Oo1'nty: $fi '1E;t & 4.'l!i:��i. :� n ••�• • . �e " J!lt�ii!'fll't: ;n. iO�� •?i·3'?i¥i a.J..� in . 'l'ownshlp ll6 �orth , Range l4 wu,,;Of · t.he .li&w llu·i�o:·.J'.:l'i.<l�li11a1 lil"�U�f<Xi:i:'

C e:_t ifi ca t.·e N� .. _ C/Ot'l!-4, eta t e-d- -'-pe-<.�!tttib @» -� • l 9:50 �- _"-c o_�fr�t-:n:.::_-�:fr:et ,, 1'01l<(w £nf; ·il4f·�·e_.t:::t1f•_�-- · ' l�n d , 6 !i el 1': 8 S 5d_ to H .. v .. _ 7�ilG9li._-: r'or _.th�_ tazeu Of _th�--; Y _ea;-_ -l:_f.2.$1 �!id -p\l:r�}l �ti _tH1- :_,b1 ' :.\ont uv.ma Co�nty: �t £Iii i.ll. ... s�.o., .II & ii� "''i &. 111',lr .Sl;i. •. & lli�&,.,.i;.; « swt. l'IJ>.l tn D � c � lV, n l l i n To'Wt:&l,; 1� 36 __ ._.�t?)t_th,�- R�nt;a -14. if e t\t o,_f_:_-_tho--_-Ne�--M6:t1eo _ _ i'_�i-:ncJ;-r>$._J. M:e1· i d ian..

- -

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·. oenu1nt• ao. liltH, a11t.11 ��llJllbt!" 111 , us1 ; • • ����i11111 tlie>�il.<111s.a dHol'1hd l"•d, usHud t0:. »al'f . O.hia44 tor the t11:ui.11,• •t•;ihit """'"' 1911'9""11'4 1>ull'ttllu$d �;r Sloat u"""'. Oollllt.71 ·· . llJ14• ii llat , 111 .t•11 1 e. ""f li11t ·.a .� illla)ll� . : &. liit SW.j; NJ>:i;' 1" i>e<> • l , 'J'owHllip $6 llortll, lianj!e l.$ to'e'!lt i!t 'lllUt !!"" .lile;tU<:> P1'i11otpal Mnidhn. · • ··· · · •. • · . . · · · · ·. · · · · . ·

OorUtiooh Ile• llUO, 4ated. li.rotm\ler ui, Ulll , o""""'ltiS the t<:>Uow:Lne duo>'lbed 1"'10, aueued ti> Goo, 11, eool< tor tl!e tuu ot fllu1 rear U30 aa4 puroll..,od by liontez""'" '1ou1:1t1• . lflli: lll!ll, b ileo, lll, townoll1p l!7 liol'tb, l!Ui• l? '1<>&t ct the l'le'CI l:lexico <'rill<11pa1 Mo1'U1<ui. a.,rtitioi>U /iio, S$9'1', datod liecem�a:i- l�, Ulll , ••»'$1'1"1 t?ie tollow1ng

deeerilled land, a&•eaoed to airat e Oordell tor •lie ia$oe ot the Y•ar 1930 �116 J>llrohu.,4 b:V 1'<>ntn"""" County • lll! lilli 111 $ eo . llll , :rown•ll1p 36 liortll, Ean;ze 16 '1liat ot the ll""' lilutoo l'r111o:lp"1 liniUalh · ·

Certitie•te �o. 8696, dated �•c&�ber 1 6 , 1931 , ooTo1'i"<! tb• fQ11""'1l!S deue�1bed lnad• as� &&sed to Corte a La�� & �ecuritiee to. to� tb• tu�ea of the 1ea� 19:,,� an4 puroha•ea 'b-7 montezuma .Cou.trty.: w,t &il- ia $•o. a1, !owuh1p 31l :;or'l.b , ''"""" l& Wot of' tbe ll...- M•:U•o .l'rlno ip&l M•rUh11 .

Ocrttttoate Xo. 8?01 , deted teoeabcr 1 5 , 1 931 . �o••�1ng tlle rollow1na t'.le"'Q':l'ibo4 lud, &aaessed to Ooiitez .Lend � Ue-Cti$'ltles Co. ror the taxca ot­the y$nl' 19SQ and pur�haeeu bf Monieaume co�nt11 Pert at �•otiol\D 17 & e�, 'l'o111J111hl1> ll& liortb, !t&nge 16 �.,., of' th "•" llieii:ico •'>'i noipd .!!1>:t'l<U a11 , 11&3, st llll Oor. ot 1111':/i liEJ!; in Ii •• · 20 , '.l'cns.ti1p 36 llioll'U•, ltans<> lll ""at ot the �ew �ex1oc rrlnoipnl Ueridian �320 rt , D2e• 30t 1!:323 it , �70' �?10 ft , u10· 10• W&0.3 ,t, A610 B t . N27°16' W642 F t . u�·so• EISS ,,, K43° so• �3118 r t . N45° ao• �:ta? F t , B?i0 40' Jl67 Ft. a to beg,

Oertitloale a., , 6704, dated Pea .... �or 16, l9Zl, •overlll& th& tollowtua deeo�ibed land f naaeeaed to Co�tea Land � U•eu•1t1ea oo. for th• tazee ot tbe r••r 19�0 su4 puroha&o4 hf �ont�&,...a COIUltf• $. N�t & £# �a; ln �••· 24, fOWl>&h1p al> �o�tb, �•DS• 17 leet or �he �-· Moslco �r1a• lp"1 �ert41"11•

Cei:'t ltice.te Ilg . 8V3i, dehd 1'Ht1111ber 111, l�Sl, cowe1'tllg the tal 1ow1q dHortl>ed land, aouue<l t<> <'\ , J . 1111.:rhu for tlu1 tasu ct th• ,.,,... 1 9 30 and purohu"ll b;r illoatesnm" Cou.lltyl li1il Sil·� !'< lift lli!if "' l.o t l i n " " " • 1 S , Town•lllp :ill> l!ol'th , 1u111ee U <l&d ot tile lilow 1"8deo !>rho1pa1 lh•r141an.

Oertlf1cate �o. &V 37, detod llec.,.,bet in , 19$1, ooTu1'1ng th• tollo�ing d61Cr1�e4 lan4. &aa eaee4 to A . J . �u�bam tor the t�aaa or the YeQr 1930 and pu.;rohceed by ;;;ontHWlla Count1" Ii� llli); in i;ec. 1 1 , T&wnolli; !!& !!0111111 , Range 14 �os� of th& Mew �exico �r1ncipa1 �er1d1an.

de:rtittoate l�o. 8?40 * fJ&\e<l .tiecember 1 e . li).$.l . D(!V4fr1ns the tc1low1na dea�rtb&d l&n�, Q 8 1 eAU$G to llurry 1. DJ er to» the tasea Of tba y ear li$0 and J>U1'Qhaee4 l>:V 1£oJ>tet.uma Count y! Lot 4 .$o llll.J:: Jl'1i 11l ih<h 4 ""d 1.o'IS l �2 & $Q �B� 10 �ec. a , cl1 111 T011tnah1p 56 �orth, Range 14 aoet of �he 1..., �exioo �::rino1pal �•�1dian.

aert1�1cate N o . at&o , doted �ac.,..b&r 1 5 , 1 9al, oova::r1"1\I the tollowins

dea��1bed land . &Q1•ee•4 �o Et.ore Fl�ya to• tbe taxes ot the YGer 1900

and purcbaaed bf Zontezum& Coynty; Ei NE� in �-o. 86 , township 0& aorth t ilanse 1 3 il'nt of tlls lio" mezico 1•:r1noipul llleridian+

Certttlo&�a �o . 67$2, 4uted �eee�bor 1 6 , 1931, oowarittg th& tollowlaa

deu::ribed l1>nd, rrnuaoed to I., S , l'ooh fo:r tl>e hat holf of the "'�?• ot th& :re�� 1930 aQd pu�ohaa&6 bf mont&�uQa Co1U1t11 �ota l & 2 & �h &�� 111

�ec . 1 9 , fowu:&Uip 36 tfor,h, a-aaae 16 �«-at of the New Mextoo 2r1iu:: ipd,


Ceri1tieat• no, a,�3, Oate4 ��CO!Ob&l' 1 5 , 1'3l, coverln;i the ro11ow&ng

dual'ibed lnd uoeuea t.o :i\<!M , J , Foster llM>1re} tol' 'II" tax•a of i!le

year 1 9$0 anti ;urcbaae4 bf Montezuma Count-1 ; 1'-j; SJtit _ 1ti �•e .. 81 a11d Sf•t: N�t A li�; �6� 1n aec , _ &4• all t n Town•b1p S9 �arth, i-tan&• 19 �eat of t • wew- iile:=-ico J.'l'ine:tpal �6J"1d!an.

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Proceeaings of the 'Board of County Commissianers ....................... day .... . . ..... .............. ... ...... Tet'm, 1 J ................................ . f J ...... .

Now Therefore be it Resolved that the Chairman of tbe Board of Gounty Gonnnissioners be and he i s hereby authorized and directed to make request upon the �ty �reasurer of Montezuma County, Colorado; for deeds conveying to said County all of the above dese:ribed lands ..

£�/!!, _________ _


The Boud of County Commissioners met in regular adjourned session on 'J.'uesda.:y,, June 6, J939, at 10;00 o ' clock A. M. There were present:

Frank Philley J. L,. Martin Harry Rogers John J , Downey Lba.s.. B., Reid

Cl:.i:driian Commisaioner Commissioner Attorney Clerk

The County Treasurer was ordered to trans.fer the amount of' 60c from the Spec. Road l''und to the credit tr£ the State t;pecial Relief J:'und account of erro:r,.

An abatem.ent o:f $15.4'7 on the 1958 tax of Ed F. Roelfs on account of double assessment and an abatement of �16 .. 55 on the 19�$ tax of Herman Kuhlman on account of raw land havir..g been assessed as cleared .iaud, were allowed subject to the approval of the Colorado Tax Comm.ission.

Mr. c. R. Beers and Mr. G. O. Harrison were appointed to audit the books of the several County Offices for the semi-annual period ending June BO, 1959.

Upon motion dul.J: made seconded and carried resolution was passed ordering the .:purchase f:rom the Clinton & Held Co.- of Denver, Jme 44 Gradex equipped with SB 1864 Rubber 'l'ires with puncture proof tubes for the purchase price of $1706.00. $166.00 to be paid at regular meeting in July, 1959 and monthly peymente of $140.00 beginning August 1st, 1959.

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Proceedings of the 'Board of County Commissioners _______________________ rfay ____ _ _ _________________ Term, I 9. ________________________________ f 9 ______ _

Out wm 1 iiDlliik1lud SUiili>iiWY Co., cmmide ffelhAii, coru, Omo


State of Colorado, ) ) ...

County of Montezuma , )

WHEREAS, after careful consideration b y this Board, i t appears necessary and for the best interes of the. People of the County to purchase one Galion Heavy Duty Motor Patrol- International Diesel power­B man enclosed cab- 11 tooth V type scarifier- 700 X 24 front 12.75 X 24 rear tires- 128 oil mix mold­board and end boots, from H. W. ll!l.oore Equipment �ompany, for the use of the County on maintainance and construction work, on the tel.'11ls hereafter stated and the sum of $6420.00 is the reasonable and agreed value or said equipment:

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this Board purchase from the said H. W. Moore Equipment Co. the above named articles for the sum of $6420.00 payable to the said H. W. Moore Equipment CompBDY, or its assignee, as follows; 6 equal monthly payments of $267.50 each and one of $4,815.00 @ 6% interest,

$267.50 on or before July 7, 1959, $267. 50 on or before Nov 7, 1959 $267.50 II ti A'Ilg ll II $267. 50 II II Dec " II $267.50 II II Sept II fl $4815.00 II II Jan fl 1940 $267 .. 50 11 11 Oct 11 "

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , to evidence the said amounts payable, the 6hairman of the Board, wi the attestation of the Clerk, shall be and is hereby authorized to execute and deliver to said H. w. Moore Equipment Companyassignable trade acceptances, and a certificate or certificates evidencing the abobe transaction and the agreement of the County to pay H. W. Moore Equipment Company, or its assignee, for the purchase so made; and that it is understood that the said H. W. lJioore Equi:Pment CompBDY may assign its right to the said paYments, and that its endorsement of the said trade acet:lptances will be sufficient evidence of any such assignment.

Introduced, passed and adopted this 6th day of June 1959.

Frank Philley J . L. Martin Harry Rogers

,, Doard of County Commissioners of Montezuma County, Colorado.

In the Matter of Lost Tax Sale Certificate.

It having been ma.de to appear to the Board of the County Commissioners of Montezuma County, Colorado, by satisfactory evidence and proof, that O . E. Noland is the legal owner of Tax Sale Certifi­cate No. 780 sold by the CoUDty to George Bauer on the 15th day of June A. D. 1898 for the delinquent taxes for the year 1896, subsequent taxes haVing been endorsed on said sale for the year 1897 on the 25th dey of' January 1899;

And it appearing to the Board that said Tax Sale �ertificate has been lost and after diJ.igent search cannot be found, and that the said premises have not been redeemed from said sale and that no Treasurer• s Deed has been issued therefor;

It is therefore ordered by the Board accordingly that a certificate of said proof and findings, to-wit: a certified copy of this order properly attested by the Clerk of said County under the County seal pursuant to and with the effect of the Statutes in that behalf, be delivered to O . E. Noland as the legal owner of said tax Sale certificate.

The following claims having been filed against ths County were allowed and warrants ordered drawn in payment of the same:

Karl G . Perker Mrs. Maria Giorgetta H. C. & Ef'f'ie Huggins Ben Small Frank Philley J . L. Martin Harry Rogers J . L. Martin Chas. B. Reid John Wesch Jimmie .Johnson Chas. B. Reid, Go. Clerk

" "

John J .. Downey H. B. Hnzard Mrs. H. B. Hazard Jesse H. Robinson Claude H. �ilson Frank Shadell Delcie Martin Claude H. Wilson

" "

Durango Office Equip. & Service Dr. E. E. Johnson James M. Legan State Bd. Land �omsrs. Lotta w. Manaugh Out West Ptr .. & Sta. Go. Banquet Cafe 'l'h.e Dolores Star Paul .Akin Gallup Typewriter Exch. F. M, Shideler Jerry Hunt Dr. R. II. Calkins E. E. Johnson M. D . Anneke Kollewiin

Grasshopper Poison Road "igh t of' Way

n "

Commissioner & Mileage n n "

Expense to Denver Clerk Deputy Ulerk Assistant Ulerk Supplies

" "

County ll.tt'y


Deputy Sheriff & Mileage Board of Prisoners Sheriff & Mileage Treasurer Deputy Treas. Assisting Co. Treas. Stamps Overhaul Add. Mch .. Co. Phyeician Deputy Dist. Att1y Cert. Pur. List Sup1t & Mileage Supplies Meals for Jurors Prill ting Removing dead horse from niver Repairson 'fypewriter Premium on bond of Deputy ::liieriff lionstable Fees Sanity Hearing-Phillipa

" "

�n. N11,...J::Q

0 C R ;·und General Road

" "

0 C R " n " " " " "

Spec. Road R Pest

0 L R n .. " " " " " " • " " " " " " " " n " " " n

$184. 80 / 400.00"' 455.40'"

25.00 59.93 .,, 64.09 . ' 59. 61 . ..._ 70.00 ,

150.00 ....., 125.00 � 100.00 '\

65.00 ' 5.15 ,, 2.00 �'\

75.00 ""-107 .44 .,

99.40 ·-'\ 271.48 - · 150.00 · . 125.00· 'I

45.00. -... 42.00 . -... 18.00 ..

100.00 i ,·, 77.97 ' •

s.oo . ' 177.44 • ·.

87 .46· 12.40 . . 40.16 .

5.00 . \ 10.65 . . 25.00 -

8.02 · , 10.00 -10.00 . \ cy, fV\ . �

Page 37: 352 - Montezuma County, Coloradomontezumacounty.org/web/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1939... · 352 Proceedings of the 'Board of County Commissioners ... Mrs. Thera Clark Roy VI'. Hingham

Jillson Pharmacy L<ortez Town

J awes M. Nollltld E • .t111son llatfield Mahan & Son Western .r ani tor Supply .r. E. Barrett & Co. Charles N. Fairlamb Highland Utilities �o. Eugo Weston Dr. H. C. Lef'urgey tT. R. T. Bpeck Katie Brum.ley c. R. Hickman Dr. II. G. Lei'\Jrgey Karl G. Parker .r • G. !Junning Dorothy Smith Jdadeline Mc Grum Louis Dunning Burns Nat. Bank Durango J • .r. Harris & �o. , Bankers .Mt,. States Tel. & 'l'el .. Co. Val Barrett Richard C .. 1''awell P. M. Uhappell Orrel Conoley Joe Hill William E. Ashbaugh Wilber Bi.shop Vernie N .. Cole Charles E. lf tte R. E. Caylor Roy Green B. H .. Humes �.ack Coats Homer Hughes C. G . Gn.wthrop c. J. llroarlhes.d Fred Armstrong 1\'alter Coppinger llobert Holston George Exon L. M. Frake Noah Barlow John T.,' lihamblee G .. o . Harrison E. E .. Johnson M. D,. Eva E. Dennison D::tlorett Pharmacy l!offi tt Drug Go. .hl.sie Archer �ilson Pha:rmacy Roy l'i • llingham State Industrial Sch for Girls Ben Fra.nklin Stores John D. \..arver JJr. J. R. frotter National Methodi$t Sanatorium Vire. Higman •'ileon Pharmacy Morris Mc lilelland Dale Stockton Minnaf ee Morelock Wm. Hansen Clyde Striegel Frank Mc �ibben Frank Hain Sylvester Menefee llll ton Roberts B. o .. Howard Albert l'lagner Ernest Mc Ewen Lawson Bowling Niles North Jim Fitzgerald Freed Kelly L. C. Duruigan Bob Gardner

Frsnk Arny Cortez Produce Co. C. H. �Webb Mexirado Distbr. �o. . Southwestern Petroleum Co. Dontinental 011 Co. F. A. "rlell Cole' s Auto Service Ute lit. Builders Supply Cortez machine Shop Kenyon' s 8elding Shop

Supplies Water rent

" Dist. Attorney Deputy Dist. Att•y Supplies " Glass for Door Att' y in R. R, Case Lights Water Commissioner Lunacy Case- Moore

n •

Clerk Co. Dourt Judge & u'lerk Dist. Ct. Qua.ran tines County .Agent Assessor & Mileage Assisting Assessor Deputy Assessor Assisting Assessor Order E. D. Petere Escrow Fees Telephone Service Juror' s Fee




Labor Jurorts Fee





" II "

Hospital Ca.re of Goff Supplies-Co� Nurse

Ce.re of Black "eye Supplies Coinmodi ty Trucker Care Alice Salea Supplies-Sewing "oom Rent & Lights • Care Joh.tis & Quarantines Cnre of &.ldy Salary Supplies !load Supt.


Shop !!·orem.an Labor







" n

Stcrage of Supplies 3:riavel Storage l'reight Ins. on 'l'ruck & Shovel Gas & On


Supplies •

Repairs •

O C " l:'und Ppec. t'i.oad

O C R •






' " lt "





" Spec .. ltoad

0 C R •



" •


Poor • "


Tuber R. l'est


Spec • Ros.d • " II " II " •


" •


" " • " •

$ 2.69 . ,.., 5.50 �'\

45 .. 00 'lo, 115,.::;5•,'\_

40.00 ., 5.25 . .

25.23 • • , a.oo \

i25.::;s · .., 12.00 ""

120.00 � 1 lo.oo · ... ll.OQ "A 2s .. oo �"

200.00 ... 20.00 • ._

159.80 ' ' 276.64 • ,>,

20.00 . ..,, 100 .. 00 •• 100.00·,., 129.44 .,

a.49,.., 57 .. 85 •!I

5.00 ... 15.40 .,

9.60 ·� 15. 75 .. \ 25. 50 ..... �

io.so� 15.50 .,

s .. 00·1 s.oo"' S.70 ·,

14.85 -. 15.054

9.00 ". 10.20 "" ll.40 ' 10 .. 65 " 15.10 " 15.lO ·o ll.40 •. 11.40 \ 12.00 " 15,.50 '\ 17.55 �

s. ;,o "\ 100.00 '

a . 7 5 ,., . 50 "\ .60 '

4 .. 50 " . so. ..

60.00•A 50.50 ... 14.25 • ...,_ 54.00 �'\ 22.50 ., 56.25 ·•. 50.00 ·.�

5.,.50•\ 100.00�

50.00 ' 115.00 ... 100.00 ·" 100.00 " ioo.oo .... 100.00 � 100.00 '· 100,00 -

s.oo F\ 100.00 "'

28.50 "' 100.00 ""'" 100.00 . ,

01.00 -100.00 · . 100.00 "'· 100.00 •.

7.50 ...... _ s.25.,..,

16.07 ., 2Bl,50 . 298.83 � 189 . 40 ', 591.�4 ••

2.05 •. 6,0B · ,

65,49 . 26.25 . 52.50 "


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Proceedings of the "Board of County Commissioners._ _____________________ day _ _ _ _ _ ____________________ Term, f 9 _________________________________ f 9 ______ _

Hi-Way . Se:rvice Station Cortez .S.erviae.£tation Cole'- s welding Shop Mt. �tates Tel. & Tel. Co. Coleman Motors Corp. .Montezuma Lumber Co. · Hendrie & Bolthoff Mfg. Co. H. w. Woore Equipment Co.

" Clinton & HeJ:d Co. , '" Montezuma Motor Uo. Abbott\s Auto Parts · Basin Truck &- lmp. · l.:o. Paul E. l'.schop Hozman' s Garage Cortez Motor Sales, Inc. Pittsburgh Steel & Tool Co. Rocky Mt. �lee. Station Southwestern Petroleum Co. ME;lllett Motor Co. Scba.af1 s titore Uourthouse Servi·ce Station

. --N., _c .. .Ueek.er ·

The Texas Campany "

CQrtez Lbr •. & lidw. Uo. c. b. �eed Tf?.ylor Hardware TJ;"oy Gard,ner Bob Holston , '-" F!i.ir' s ,':)arvice Jett Hdw. & Lbr. Go. H�nry Brothers R. N.- Musgrav.e W�stern Auto Sup Co. J qhn M • .Liambert L�berty Trucks· & Parts Co. CJias •.. � A. t,;onstantine Western Machinery Go. Wqod: &·: inorgan • D •. :e;.:. Wood

' '

'.'.-· Supplies ' 11 ·

Repairs Telephone Supplies

" " "

Payment on Supp-lies

" u,::,; II

Repairs Supplies

" " II II II " " "

Gas & Oil "

Supplies Repsfrs

· Supplies Po"Sts Lumber Supplies

" II II "

· Repaira Supplies



Grad et

Spee. Road 11 " "

· · • 1--•• ·�''""" II

�· . . ' ·•"..:

. . .


" " " 11

" ,, II

. II

"' " 11 11 II 11 n

· •

" " 11 " " " " " II II " ,, " • 11 11 " II


$ B0.19 " 12.99 " 51.50 'I'

a.so ·,... �·" 52.55 ......

M.45• ' 109.15 \

40.rs·,.., 144.94' \ 565. 72 . ,

24.90 . , ' 12.9s · •.

15.55 .,.... 50.15 . ..., 77 .44 .. , 48.58 . ... \

29.56 ' < 7.oo � -\

50.68 .,

25.12 :,.., • 75 •,.,,

'36.25 """-50.96 °A

155. 95 .,, 280.82 •/\.


..s.00 �-\

:''1.-70 "' ., 5.ro-· ,

59.84. • .... i1.1s· .,,., 29.-19 • A 48.75 �..,.

82. 97 ·-� 9.57 '·"\ l.m · -.

45.14 . -, 81.58• "'·


w •. L • . �pidle L •. L.· Marcell

·J .• P. Fees Juro·rt's Fee, J. P. Vt. II

51.95 �...._ 22.80 . ,..

2.50 '"' . 2.50 .,..,

W •. A. La ppinger C •. V �- Darnell Chet ·.,Maynes J obn· :Sundey . Horace. Holt Add , Wheeler &3 Smith Ea,rl. Ince

... -11 II • • • • • • • " "

Lee Winbo1Wne F�ed "mi th State _:Board of Land t;ommissione�s fl.oad Right of Way

// £:)' fl' ' ' • �-�1,,;p_._&£.L __

� - · ; Clerk ·'

II " • " • II • " •

2. 50 · ... 2·. 50 ·,..

- 2. w · . . 2.50 • • . 2. 50 . '•

2 . so· 2.50 • .

2.50 "' " . 2.5(1' . tr ' 2. 50 "

General Road 520.44. -,.....

C!Ml(Jf)/, '!!_J ---------- -�2'-�� ;
