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360 degree leadership skills - putting talent management into action

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360-DEGREE LEADERSHIP SKILLS PUTTING TALENT MANAGEMENT INTO ACTION Dr.Ibrahim Alhariri 22-26 August 2016 - London www.Projacs.com Dr.Ibrahim Alhariri 1 2 3 END 4 5 Done

Slide 1

360-Degree Leadership Skills Putting Talent Management into ActionDr.Ibrahim Alhariri22-26 August 2016 - London

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Introducing the Trainer

Dr.IBRAHIM ALHARIRI 396 YORK WAYLONDONN7 9LWMob: +447890380000 Email: [email protected] Skype :ITHARIRIhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJOka6GFwRw

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Introducing Each Other

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Our Schedule 5 DayTraining Program:

08:30 Starting Time10:00-10:20 Coffee Break12:30 -12:00 Coffee Break14:00 Closing Time

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Rules of The WorkshopAttendance is a must.Participation is required.Freedom of speech & expression.Mobiles should be kept silent during training.No smoking in the conference room.Tea/coffee is allowed during training activities.Distribution of Certificate of Attendance.Lets enjoy our program together and Learn by Fun!

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General Information

. . . . . . . . .Dr.Ibrahim Alhaririwww.Projacs.com


ExpectationsThis Workshop offers an extensive training on 360 Leadership in the 21st Century. To learn strategies and tools to overcome 21st Century challenges To become a more Creative and Competent Leader. To learn different Management Styles and how to deal with it. To learn the importance of Productive Performance Appraisal To Learn Different Leadership Styles To Learn Different Followers Styles To become a better Leader in the 21st Century

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AgendaDay OneThe Management Process Planning Organizing Leading Control Nature of Managerial Work Creativity

Day Two Innovative Leadership

The Nature Of Leadership

The Nature of Managerial Work

Effective Creative Leadership

Change Management

Productive Performance Appraisal

Delegation and Empowerment

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AgendaDay Three Organizational Behavior

Multi Culture


Effective Communication

Leadership in Teams Leadership in Decision Groups

Day Four Leadership Styles

Followers Types

Developing Leadership Skills

Competent Leadership

Leadership Dimensions

Leadership in the 21st Century

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AgendaDay Five Managerial Grid Styles



Critical Thinking

Emotional Intelligence

The Habits of Highly Effective Leaders and Managers

Related DVDs

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Spot the DifferenceLook Inwards!



360 degree Leadership

The Five Levels of Leadership Personhood

People Development





PositionRightsPeople follow because they have to.

NOTES: Your influence will not extend beyond the lines of your job description. The longer you stay here, the higher the turnover and lower the morale.


PermissionRelationshipsPeople follow because they want to.

NOTE: People will follow you beyond your stated authority. This level allows work to be fun. Caution: Staying at this level without rising will cause highly motivated people to become restless.


ProductionResultsPeople follow because of what you have done for the organization.

NOTE: This is where success is sensed by most people. They like you and what you are doing. Problems are fixed with very little effort because of momentum.


People DevelopmentReproductionPeople follow because of what you have done for them.

NOTE: This is where long-range growth occurs. Your commitment to developing leaders will ensure ongoing growth to the organization and to people. Do whatever you can to achieve an stay on this level.


PersonhoodRespectPeople follow because of who you are and what you represent.

NOTE: This step is reserved for leaders who have spent years growing people and organizations. Few make it. Those who do are bigger than life.


DiscussionTask 1:You have just found a magic wand that allows you to change three work related activities. You can change anything you want.

How would you change yourself, your job, your boss, coworkers, an important project, etc.?

The Magic Wand


Leading downthose you're responsible for Leading up those you're accountable toLateral leadership your peers Self Leadership you!360-degree Leadership


Leadership from the Middle360 degree Leadership



Task 2:Your magic wand gave you another opportunityMake a wish!

Discuss what you would change if you become the boss for a month. The Magic Wand


How do I lead when am not the boss?


Values of a 360 degree Leader

A Leadership Team is more effective than just one LeaderLeaders are needed at every level of the organization. Leading successfully at one level is a qualifier for leading at the next level.Good leaders in the middle make better leaders at the top. 360-Degree Leaders possess qualities every organization needs Values of a 360 degree Leader


A Leadership Team is more effective than just one Leader

Leaders Build TeamsLeaders shape their people into desired teamSecure Leaders empower their teamsExperienced Leaders Listen to the team Team Leaders produce more leadersLeadership Values


Leaders are needed at every level of the organization:What happens when there are no leaders?

Vision LostDecision delayedMultiple AgendasConflict extensionReduced productivityLeadership Values


28Leading successfully at one level is a qualifier for leading at the next level:

Leadership Is a journey that starts where you are, not where you want to beRequired Leadership skills are same, regardless of positionGreater responsibilities come after handling small ones wellLeading current level well creates opportunities for next level.Leadership Values


29Good leaders in the middle make better leaders at the top:

Add a new leader, get others better.Created leaders at the middle add value to those above themCreated leaders at the middle release Top level leaders to focus on their main functionsCreated leaders motivate Top to grow higherCreated leaders give Organisation a future!Leadership Values


30360-Degree Leaders possess qualities every organization needs

Adaptability: Quickly adjusts to change. Discernment: Understands the real issues.Security: Finds identity in self, not position.Service: Gains fulfilment in serving everyone.Maturity: Puts the team before self. Resourcefulness: Finds creative ways to make things happen.Communication: Links to all levels of the organization. Leadership Values


Human nature exaggerates yesterday, overestimates tomorrow, and underestimates today John MaxwellRed Alert!



The Position Myth I cant lead if I am not at the top.

The Destination Myth When I get to the top, then Ill learn to lead.

The Influence Myth If I were on top, then people would automatically follow me.

The Inexperience Myth When I get to the top, Ill be in control.

Red Alert!


The Freedom Myth When I get to the top, Ill no longer be limited.

The Potential Myth I cant reach my potential if Im not the top leader.

The All-or-Nothing Myth If I cant get to the top, then I wont try to leadRed Alert!


Managers and ManagingDr.Ibrahim Alhaririwww.Projacs.com

Learning ObjectivesDescribe what management is, why management is important, what managers do, and how managers utilize organizational resources efficiently and effectively to achieve organizational goals

Distinguish among planning, organizing, leading, and controlling (the four principal managerial tasks), and explain how managers ability to handle each one affects organizational performancewww.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri


Learning ObjectivesDifferentiate among three levels of management, and understand the tasks and responsibilities of managers at different levels in the organizational hierarchy

Distinguish between three kinds of managerial skill, and explain why managers are divided into different departments to perform their tasks more efficiently and effectively.

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What is Management?All managers work in organizationsOrganizations collections of people who work together and coordinate their actions to achieve a wide variety of goalswww.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri


Question?What is a person responsible for supervising the use of an organizations resources to meet its goals?Team leaderManagerPresidentResource allocatorwww.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri


38The correct answer is B Manager. See next slide

ManagersManagers The people responsible for supervising the use of an organizations resources to meet its goals

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What is Management?The planning, organizing, leading, and controlling of human and other resources to achieve organizational goals effectively and efficientlyDr.Ibrahim Alhaririwww.Projacs.com


What is Management?Resources include people, skills, know-how and experience, machinery, raw materials, computers and IT, patents, financial capital, and loyal customers and employeesDr.Ibrahim Alhaririwww.Projacs.com


Organizational PerformanceA measure of how efficiently and effectively managers use available resources to satisfy customers and achieve organizational goalsDr.Ibrahim Alhaririwww.Projacs.com


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Organizational PerformanceEfficiency A measure of how well or how productively resources are used to achieve a goalEffectivenessA measure of the appropriateness of the goals an organization is pursuing and the degree to which they are achieved.

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Why study management?The more efficient and effective use of scarce resources that organizations make of those resources, the greater the relative well-being and prosperity of people in that societywww.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri


Why study management?Helps people deal with their bosses and coworkersOpens a path to a well-paying job and a satisfying career

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Managerial TasksManagers at all levels in all organizations perform each of the four essential managerial tasks of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling

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47Henri Fayol outlined the four managerial functions in his book General Industrial Management

Four Functions of ManagementDr.Ibrahim Alhaririwww.Projacs.com

PlanningProcess of identifying and selecting appropriate organizational goals and courses of action

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Steps in the Planning ProcessDeciding which goals the organization will pursueDeciding what courses of action to adopt to attain those goalsDeciding how to allocate organizational resourcesDr.Ibrahim Alhaririwww.Projacs.com


PlanningComplex, difficult activityStrategy to adopt is not always immediately clearDone under uncertainty

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OrganizingTask managers perform to create a structure of working relationships that allow organizational members to interact and cooperate to achieve organizational goalsDr.Ibrahim Alhaririwww.Projacs.com


OrganizingInvolves grouping people into departments according to the kinds of job-specific tasks they performManagers lay out lines of authority and responsibilityDecide how to coordinate organizational resourcesDr.Ibrahim Alhaririwww.Projacs.com


Organizational StructureA formal system of task and reporting relationships that coordinates and motivates members so that they work together to achieve organizational goalsDr.Ibrahim Alhaririwww.Projacs.com


LeadingArticulating a clear organizational vision for its members to accomplish, and energize and enable employees so that everyone understands the part they play in achieving organizational goalsDr.Ibrahim Alhaririwww.Projacs.com


LeadingLeadership involves using power, personality, and influence, persuasion, and communication skills

Outcome of leadership is highly motivated and committed workforceDr.Ibrahim Alhaririwww.Projacs.com


ControllingTask of managers is to evaluate how well an organization has achieved its goals and to take any corrective actions needed to maintain or improve performanceThe outcome of the control process is the ability to measure performance accurately and regulate organizational efficiency and effectivenessDr.Ibrahim Alhaririwww.Projacs.com


Decisional RolesRoles associated with methods managers use in planning strategy and utilizing resources.Entrepreneurdeciding which new projects or programs to initiate and to invest resources in. Disturbance handlermanaging an unexpected event or crisis.Resource allocatorassigning resources between functions and divisions, setting the budgets of lower managers.Negotiatorreaching agreements between other managers, unions, customers, or shareholders.Dr.Ibrahim Alhaririwww.Projacs.com



Interpersonal RolesRoles that managers assume to provide direction and supervision to both employees and the organization as a whole.Figureheadsymbolizing the organizations mission and what it is seeking to achieve.Leadertraining, counseling, and mentoring high employee performance.Liaisonlinking and coordinating the activities of people and groups both inside and outside the organization.Dr.Ibrahim Alhaririwww.Projacs.com



Informational RolesRoles associated with the tasks needed to obtain and transmit information in the process of managing the organization.Monitoranalyzing information from both the internal and external environment.Disseminatortransmitting information to influence the attitudes and behavior of employees.Spokespersonusing information to positively influence the way people in and out of the organization respond to it.Dr.Ibrahim Alhaririwww.Projacs.com



Levels of ManagementDr.Ibrahim Alhaririwww.Projacs.com

Areas of ManagersDepartment A group of managers and employees who work together and possess similar skills or use the same knowledge, tools,or techniques

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Levels of ManagementFirst line managers - Responsible for daily supervision of the non-managerial employees who perform many of the specific activities necessary to produce goods and servicesMiddle managers - Supervise first-line managers. Responsible for finding the best way to organize human and other resources to achieve organizational goals

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63Major part of the middle managers job is developing and fine-tuning skills and know-how, such as manufacturing or marketing expertise, that allow the organization to be efficient and effective

Levels of ManagementTop managers Responsible for the performance of all departments and have cross-departmental responsibility. Establish organizational goals and monitor middle managersDecide how different departments should interactUltimately responsible for the success or failure of an organization

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Levels of ManagementChief executive officer (CEO) is companys most senior and important managerCentral concern is creation of a smoothly functioning top-management teamCEO, COO, Department headsDr.Ibrahim Alhaririwww.Projacs.com


Relative Amount of Time That Managers Spend on the Four Managerial Functions

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Question?What skill is the ability to understand, alter, lead, and control the behavior of other individuals and groups?ConceptualHumanTechnicalManagerial

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67The correct answer is B, Human skill. See slide 1-37.

Managerial SkillsConceptual skillsThe ability to analyze and diagnose a situation and distinguish between cause and effect.Human skillsThe ability to understand, alter, lead, and control the behavior of other individuals and groups.Technical skillsJob-specific skills required to perform a particular type of work or occupation at a high level.www.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri



Skill Types Needed

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Core CompetencySpecific set of departmental skills, abilities, knowledge and experience that allows one organization to outperform its competitorsDr.Ibrahim Alhaririwww.Projacs.com


RestructuringInvolves simplifying, shrinking, or downsizing an organizations operations to lower operating costs

Can reduce the morale of remaining employeesDr.Ibrahim Alhaririwww.Projacs.com


OutsourcingContracting with another company, usually in a low cost country abroad, to perform a work activity the company previously performed itselfIncreases efficiency by lowering operating costs, freeing up money and resources that can now be used in more effective waysDr.Ibrahim Alhaririwww.Projacs.com



Dr.Ibrahim Alhaririwww.Projacs.comInvolves giving employees more authority and responsibility over the way they perform their work activities


Self-managed teamsGroups of employees who assume collective responsibility for organizing, controlling, and supervising their own work activitiesDr.Ibrahim Alhaririwww.Projacs.com


Discussion QuestionWhat is the biggest challenge for management in a Global Environment?Building a Competitive AdvantageMaintaining Ethical StandardsManaging a Diverse WorkforceGlobal Crisis Management

Building a Competitive Advantage

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75There is no one correct answer. It will depend on the firm and its industry. Some firms need to spend more time with ethics, others with building a competitive advantage, etc. Students should be prepared to discuss based on an industry they are familiar with.

Building Competitive AdvantageCompetitive Advantage ability of one organization to outperform other organizations because it produces desired goods or services more efficiently and effectively than its competitorsDr.Ibrahim Alhaririwww.Projacs.com


Principles of Leadership and Managementwww.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri

Definition of Leadership The ability to obtain followers through Influence.

Proverbs: He who thinks he leads and has no one following him is only taking a walk.www.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri


Leadership Theories.

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Session objectivesWhat is leadership?Identify the traits and skills of an effective leaderKey leadership theoriesExamine the role, duties and responsibilities of a Team Leader in the workplaceUnderstand the limits of authority in a Team Leader roleDevelop a plan to develop your own leadership potential

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Understanding LeadershipWhat is leadership? Why is leadership important why do we need leaders?Leaders born or bred?

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Understanding Leadership "Leadership is a function of knowing yourself, having a vision that is well communicated, building trust among colleagues, and taking effective action to realize your own leadership potential." Prof. Warren Bennis

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Exercise - 1www.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri

Exercise In pairs Discuss examples you have come across of strong and weak leadership

You can use examples from employment, academic studies or participation in sports clubs and societies (keep anonymous)

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Leadership TheoryEarly Theories: Great Man Theories Leaders are exceptional people, born with innate qualities, destined to lead Term 'man' was intentional - concept was primarily male, military and WesternTrait Theories Research on traits or qualities associated with leadership are numerous Traits are hard to measure. For example, how do we measure honesty or integrity?

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Exercise - 2Dr.Ibrahim Alhaririwww.Projacs.com

Leadership TraitsGroup Exercise:Choose leaders YOU admireWhat personality traits and skills do they have?

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Traits Adaptable to situations Alert to social environment Ambitious and achievement orientated Assertive Cooperative Decisive Dependable Dominant (desire to influence others) Energetic (high activity level) Persistent Self-confident Tolerant of stress Willing to assume responsibility

Skills Clever (intelligent) Conceptually skilled Creative Diplomatic and tactful Fluent in speaking Knowledgeable about group task Organised (administrative ability) Persuasive Socially skilled Stogdill, 1974

Leaders will also use: Integrity, Honesty, Compassion, Humility Leadership Traits and Skills

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Leadership TheoryFunctional Theories (John Adair, Action Centred Leadership, 1970) Leader is concerned with the interaction of 3 areas:Task goal setting, methods and processTeam effective interaction/communication, clarify roles, team moraleIndividual attention to behaviour, feelings, coaching, CPDwww.Projacs.com

Dr.Ibrahim Alhariri


Leadership TheoryBehaviourist Theories (Blake and Mouton, Managerial grid, 1964)

Leaders behaviour and actions, rather than their traits and skills e.g. production orientated or people orientated Different leadership behaviours categorised as leadership styles e.g. autocratic, persuasive, consultative, democraticDoesnt provide guide to effective leadership in different situationswww.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri


Leadership TheorySituational/contingency Leadership (Hersey-Blanchard, 1970/80)Leadership style changes according to the 'situation and in response to the individuals being managed their competency and motivationwww.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri


CompetencyLow competenceSome competenceHigh competenceHigh competence MotivationLow commitment/Unable and unwilling or insecureVariable commitment/Unable but willing or motivated Variable commitment/ Able but unwilling or insecureHigh commitment/Able and willing or motivatedLeadership styleDIRECTIVE(Telling)COACHING(Selling)SUPPORTIVE(Participating)DELEGATORY(Observing)

Leadership Theorywww.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri


New Leadership Theory

Transformational Theory (Bass and Avolio, 1994)

Leaders inspire individuals, develop trust, and encourage creativity and personal growth

Individuals develop a sense of purpose to benefit the group, organisation or society. This goes beyond their own self-interests and an exchange of rewards or recognition for effort or loyalty.

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Leadership Philosophies

Ethical LeadershipCSR, sustainability, equality, humanitarianismFour Ps - Purpose, People, Planet, Probity

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Exercise - 3www.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri

Group Exercise Examine and discuss the Team Leader Job descriptions

What are the key responsibilities of the team leader role?

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Key Team Leader ResponsibilitiesGuide/coordinate team members encourage teamwork and motivate individuals

Provide structure for team set mission and purpose, clarify roles and responsibilities, allocate tasks and set objectives

Clarify working methods, practises and protocol

Focus on performance anticipate challenges, monitor performance, delegate and provide CPD support

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Accountability, Responsibility, and AuthorityResponsibility Vs Accountability?

What does having authority mean?

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Accountability, Responsibility, and AuthorityAccountability the state of being accountable, liable, or answerable

Responsibility (for objects, tasks or people) can be delegated but accountability can not buck stops with you!

A good leader accepts ultimate responsibility: will give credit to others when delegated responsibilities succeedwill accept blame when delegated responsibilities fail

Accountability can not operate fairly without the leader being given full authority for the responsibilities concerned

Authority is the power to influence or command thought, opinion or behaviour

Cross-functional team less authority - more difficult to managewww.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri


Exercise - 4www.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri

Group ExerciseWhen have you experienced an issue as a leader that you did not have the authority to resolve?

How did you know you did not have the authority?Who did you refer to for help?

Use examples from your own current experience work, volunteer, club /societywww.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri


Team Leader AuthorityTeam Leader authority will vary from role to role dependent on the scope of duties and organisational structureA Team Leader may refer to line management or other

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Team Leader AuthorityAuthorities for the following: HR (staff recruitment and training, performance and discipline, racism or bullying)Policy and procedures (Health and Safety, changes to working practises)Budget & resources (allocation and management)Organisational objectives (strategy, targets)Managing change (department restructure, office move)Line management (support and advice, own CPD)

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How to improve your leadership skillsReflect and identify the skills YOU need to lead effectively and create your action plan to develop them

Ask for feedback from work colleagues, line managers, tutors, your followers

Practise! Take on responsibility (work, volunteering, clubs & Societies) and reflect on your performanceSIFE - www.youtube.com/watch?v=KB2fOF_gYBg

Find a mentor learn from positive leadership role-models

Attend further leadership and management training

Use the resources on Exeter Leaders Award ELE pageswww.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri


Individual Exercise - 5www.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri

Review your performance as a Leader Assess yourself as a Leader Conduct a SWOT analysis - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats(Use the Results of Leadership Questionnaire you have been completed prior to attending the session)

Develop an Action Plan to improve as a leaderlist 2 actions you will undertake to address Weaknesses or capitalise on Opportunities identifiedApply SMART targets to your actions Specific,Specific,Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-boundwww.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri


Leadership vs. Managementwww.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri

Leadership vs. Managementwww.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri


Leadership vs. ManagementLeaders and managers are completely different and mutually exclusiveManagers are concerned with doing things right (efficiency)Leaders and concerned with doing the right things (effectiveness)www.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri


Leadership vs. ManagementLeaders and managers are different roles but dont have to be different types of peopleMintzbergs 10 leadership rolesKotter differentiating between managers and leaders in terms of core processes and intended outcomesRost view of management as a authority relationship and leadership as a multidirectional influence relationshipwww.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri


Leadership vs. ManagementManager CharacteristicsAdministersA copyMaintainsFocuses on systems and structuresRelies on controlShort range viewAsks how and whenEye on bottom lineImitatesAccepts the status quoClassic good soldiersDoes things right

Leader CharacteristicsInnovatesAn originalDevelopsFocuses on peopleInspires trustLong range perspectiveAsks what and whyEye on horizonOriginatesChallenges the status quoOwn personDoes the right thing

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Direct vs. Indirect LeadershipDirect leadershipLeaders direct influence on immediate subordinates.Leaders direct influence on lower-level employees, peers, bosses, or outsidersIndirect leadershipCascading effect of leadership influenceInfluence over formal programs, management systems, and structural formsInfluence over organizational culturewww.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri


Difference between a Leader and ManagerLeader- Provide vision and motivates people;- Goal-orientedManager- Make sure things happen through other people;-Task-orientedwww.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri


Difference between a Leader and Manager

Making sure the work is done by others is the accomplishment of a MANAGER;

Inspiring others to do better work is the accomplishment of a LEADER.www.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri


Traits of Leader Manager Leader managers are long-term thinkers who see beyond the days crisis and the quarterly report;

They constantly reaching beyond their specific area of influencewww.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri


Traits of Leader ManagerThey put heavy emphasis on vision, values, and motivation;They have strong political skills to cope with conflicting requirements of multiple constituents;They dont accept status quo.www.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri


Are leaders born?Traits of a leading LEADER:

Is born with leadership qualities;Has seen leadership modeled throughout life;Has learned added leadership through training;Has self-discipline to become a great leader.www.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri


Five levels of LeadershipLevel 1: Position or title; people follow because they have to (Rights).Level 2: Permission; people follow because they want to (Relationships).Level 3: Production; people follow because of what you have done for the organization (Results).Level 4: Personnel Development: People follow because of what you have done for them (Reproduction).Level 5: Personhood; People follow because of who you are and what you represent (Respect).www.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri


Important factors in leadership

The key to leadership: Priorities;The most important ingredient of leadership: Integrity;The ultimate test of leadership: Creating positive change;www.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri


Important factors in leadershipThe quickest way to gain leadership: Problem solving;The extra plus in leadership: Attitude;Most appreciable asset of leadership: People;

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Important factors in leadershipThe indispensable quality of leadership: Vision;The price tag of leadership: Self-discipline;The most important lesson Ive learned about leadership: Staff development.www.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri


Individual Exercise - 6www.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri

Question for critical thinkingDo you think managers are the same as leaders? If not, explain the possible differences between them? PhotoDiscwww.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri


Leadership Styleswww.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri

Leadership Styleswww.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri



Defining a LeaderThink of a leader that you worked for or observed

What does this person do and what qualities does this person have that make you admire him or her as a leader?


127This is basically a brainstorming question to allow the group to think about what makes good leaders. This allows the group to start thinking about leadership styles.

Leadership StylesAutocratic (Authoritarian-Dictatorship) BureaucraticDemocraticCoerciveTransactionalTransformationalLaissez-Faire


128As the study of Leadership has gone through various paradigm shifts from a historical viewpoint, the study and perspectives of Leadership styles have evolved as well. The first historical style that is often referenced is Charismatic. This was most likely used because of a lack of true understanding of leadership styles. Since then, leadership has evolved to describe many, many types.

These are the seven most referenced leadership styles. The first six listed are active type styles while the seventh (Laissez-Faire) is more of an inactive type. It is also important to consider when and how the styles were studies to understand how they evolved and based on what beliefs and assumptions.

The study of leadership is almost as old as mankind, but only in the past couple of centuries has the study of leadership styles, traits, and behaviors really been studies, documented, and theorized. In 1939, Kurt Lewin, a renowned social scientist identified three different styles of leadership, including Authoritarian, Democratic and Laissez-Faire. His results indicated that the democratic style is superior to the other two styles. (click mouse for the three styles to be highlighted.)Daniel Goleman is also notorious for his article, Leadership that Gets Results, where he targets six leadership styles, including Authoritative, Democratic, and Coercive. (click mouse)Probably most recently, there has been a significant emphasis placed on examining the differences between Transactional and Transformational Leadership ideas. (click mouse)

What is interesting and important to know about leadership is that paradigms continue to shift. As society changes, leadership changes, so naturally the study and theories about leadership change as well. Fifty years from now, it is likely that new leadership styles will have evolved, or society might possible return to adopting old ideas and leadership styles. Go to any bookstore and you will find numerous attempts of scholars and writers trying to capture the essence and answers to the intriguing field that has yet to be and probably never will be nailed-down.

The following slides will attempt to capture the ideas of each of these seven recognizable leadership styles.

Autocratic (Dictatorship-Authoritarian) Manager retains power (classical approach)

Manager is decision-making authority

Manager does not consult employees for input

Subordinates expected to obey orders without explanations

Motivation provided through structured rewards and punishments


129Autocratic Leadership is often considered the classical approach, but this leadership style has been greatly criticized during the past 30 years. Often referred to as the Authoritative Style, or Directive Style, it relies heavily on old ideas and beliefs. Put simply, the style communications.the leaders is the boss.

Often, people tend to think of this style as a vehicle for yelling, using demeaning language, and leading by threats and abuse of power. Those ideas are not the authoritative style, but the structure and limited follower participation leaves one not to be surprised by those accusations. The main ideas that circulate around Autocratic Leadership are:It uses the classical approach where the manager retains as much power and decision-making authority as possible.The manager does not consult employees, nor are they allowed to give any input. There is a one-way flow of communication.Subordinates are generally expected to obey orders without any explanations. The motivational environment is produced by creating a structured set of rewards and punishments.

Notice that the description of Autocratic Leaders use the term, managers. Autocratic Leadership fits nicely in to the ideas of management where it is expected that subordinate obedience results from orders and expectations set by the leader. On the flip-side, the term subordinate is usedshowing that the relationship between leaders and followers is strictly business.

Some studies say that organizations with many autocratic leaders have higher turnover and absenteeism than other organizations. Certainly Gen X employees have proven to be highly resistant to this management style.

These studies say that autocratic leaders: --Rely on threats and punishment to influence employees --Do not trust employees --Do not allow for employee input

Yet, autocratic leadership is not all bad. Sometimes it is the most effective style to use.

When to use AutocraticNew, untrained employees Employees are motivatedEmployees do not respond to any other leadership style High-volume production needsLimited time for decision making Managers power is challenged by an employee


130In reality, the Autocratic style should normally only be used on rare occasions. Having said that, there are always situations where a quick and confident decision is needed. In other situations, there may be factors such as the followers development level, knowledge level, and skill level that leave leaders with few other choices than to use the style.

The autocratic leadership style should NOT be used when: --Employees become tense, fearful, or resentful --Employees expect to have their opinions heard --Employees begin depending on their manager to make all their decisions --There is low employee morale, high turnover and absenteeism and work stoppage

Lets look at some examples of where Autocratic Leadership might be used

Who are Autocratic Leaders?

131Can you think of some Autocratic Leaders?SchoolsParents

Where are some places/organizations where we might need Autocratic Leaders?Many military leaders are considered Autocratic Leaders.Why would it be advantageous to use an Autocratic Style in the military?Prison systems almost have to use an autocratic style, along with other places where it is too risky to leave anything questionable and unanswered.Factories often require high volume production on a daily basiswe often see autocratic leadership styles used to increase efficiency

BureaucraticManager manages by the book

Everything must be done according to procedure or policy

If it isnt covered by the book, the manager refers to the next level above him or her

Police officer more than leader


132You want your organization to keep their nose out of trouble?....find a Bureaucratic Leader!

Bureaucratic leadership is where the manager manages by the book. Everything must fall according to procedure or policy. I it is not covered by the book, the manager refers to the next level above him or her.

When considering leadership traits, Integrity is often listed as one of the most valuable traits a leader could possess. Bureaucratic leaders demonstrate the meaning of integrity beautifully. When do we need leaders with an abundance of integrity and when do we want Bureaucratic Leaders?....

When to use BureaucraticPerforming routine tasks

Need for standards/procedures

Use of dangerous or delicate equipment

Safety or security training being conducted

Tasks that require handling cash


133The bureaucratic style is most effective when there is a need to be concerned about procedure, safety, and specific, technical tasks.

This style is ineffective when: --Work habits form that are hard to break, especially if they are no longer useful. --Employees lose their interest in their jobs and in their fellow workers. --Employees do only what is expected of them and no more.

Who are Bureaucratic Leaders?

134Can you think of some Bureaucratic Leaders?Police were already mentionedAdministrative positions

Where are some places/organizations where we might need Bureaucratic Leaders?Law enforcement absolutely needs bureaucratic leaders. In their professions, law enforcers do not have room to wiggle their toes, and they must be sure to dot their Is and cross their Ts. It is important to consider how important it is for organizations that are funded by state tax dollars to have some bureaucratic leaders to monitor and lead others to be efficient and effective.Anytime there is an exchange of money, or someone is required to manage money, we hope to have bureaucratic leaders, or people with bureaucratic skills in those positions.

On a side note, what kind of connections might there be between bureaucratic leadership and stress management?!

DemocraticOften referred to as participative style

Keeps employees informed

Shares decision making and problem solving responsibilities

Coach who has the final say, but

Gathers information from staff members before making decisions


135Like the other styles, the democratic style is not always appropriate, but it has many valuable benefits.

It is most successful when used with highly skilled or experienced employees or when implementing operational changes or resolving individual or group problems.

Because a democratic leader welcomes team input and facilitates group discussion, it is often referred to as a participative leadership styleDemocratic leaders are constantly keeping employees informed about matters that affect them. They are consistently sharing plans with the group and offering multiple options for group consideration.Even though the Democratic leader still makes the final decision, they use a coaching style to encourage followers to take part in influencing and guiding decision making process. Generally before making a final decision, the leader will consult followers and gather information from them.

There are so many great qualities about the democratic leadership stylethat the list goes on

Democratic ContinuedHelp employees evaluate their own performance

Allows employees to establish goals

Encourages employees to grow on the job and be promoted

Recognizes and encourages achievement

Can produce high quality and high quantity work for long periods of time


136One of the interesting ideas about Democratic Leadership is the use of a coach style of leadership. Not only is the leader concerned about being effective and efficient, but they are also concerned about the development of their followers through the tasks.Democratic leaders commonly works with followers to help them set goals, not only for their organization, but personal achievement goals as well. Democratic leaders encourage growth in employees/followers by encouraging them to work freely with each other and leave division of tasks to the groupallowing more sharing and collaboration among followers or group members.In order to continuously encourage growth, democratic leaders make it a point to praise and offer constructive criticism. In addition, they will join in group activities without over-participating.

Lets begin thinking about when we might value a democratic leadership style.

When to use DemocraticTo keep employees informed

To encourage employees to share in decision-making and problem-solving

To provide opportunities for employees to develop a high sense of personal growth and job satisfaction

Complex problems that require a lots of inputTo encourage team building and participation.


137A democratic leadership style allows for multiple viewpoints, inputs, and participation, while still maintaining control and the leadership role. A quality democratic leader will recognize each members strengths and effectively encourage the best from each member. It is important for the leader to be able to recognize those strengths and focus on the needs of the groups members.

On the other hand, it is sometimes a challenge for democratic leaders to recognize that not all tasks need to be handled by the group, and that sometimes the leader should appropriately address some issues along.Democratic leadership should not be used when: --There is not enough time to get everyones input. --Its easier and more cost-effective for the manager to make the decision. --The business cant afford mistakes. --The manager feels threatened by this type of leadership. --Employee safety is a critical concern.

Who are Democratic Leaders?

138Obviously, our country was founded out of democratic ideas. Our government acts as a democracy that encourages involvement and allows every American to actively participate and voice their concerns, if they choose to do so.

Does this mean that all of our political leaders are democratic leaders?

A democratic leadership style is also commonly used in situation where the leader needs too and wants to encourage team building. There is no better way to encourage true team collaboration than allowing the members to be actively involved in a group processes and decisions.

The ear of the leader must ring with the voices of the people.

Woodrow Wilson


CoercivePower from a persons authority to punish

Most obvious types of power a leader has.

Good leaders use coercive power only as a last resort: In todays sophisticated and complex workplace, excessive use of coercive power unleashes unpredictable and destabilizing forces which can ultimately undermine the leader using it.


140The coercive leadership style, focuses on the use, and possibly abuse of power. While coercive power can produce results in the short term, it relies on intimidation to do so and will backfire badly if used as the sole base for exerting influence.

At first glance, most people incorrectly assume that a leader can only be effective if he or she has access to the formal levers of power: Legitimate Power, which comes from the position a person holds; Reward Power, which comes from his or her ability to give rewards; Information Power, which comes from exclusive access to information; and Coercive Power.The best leaders rely on more subtle forms of power:Expert Power: Where followers do what theyre asked because they respect the leaders knowledge and expertise and, because of such, trust him or her to give the best guidance; and Referent Power: Where followers admire and seek to emulate the leader, and want to receive his or her approval.

Good leaders use coercive power only as a last resort because coercion reduces employees satisfaction with their jobs, leading to lack of commitment and general employee withdrawal.

Think about how you feel when you get coerced into doing something. How would you like to be led that way?...

When to use CoerciveTo meet very short term goals

When left with no other choice

In times of crisis


141Obviously, by the shortness of the list on this slide, coercive leadership is not highly desirable, nor is it commonly used. However, there are still times when a coercive style could be valuable

In times of economic crisis or threats to the survival of the organization at large, coercion may come to the forefront. Coercive power may also materialize as organizations attempt to streamline their operations for efficiency. In those types of situations, it employees must be fired, those who fail to conform to the organizational goals for survival will be most likely candidates for termination.

The threat of termination for failure to comply, in turn, is coercive power.

Where might we see coercive power used today?.....

Who are Coercive Leaders?

Youre Fired!

142Coercive leaders are not nearly as recognizable as others, probably because it is not the most highly desirable leadership style to exemplify.

The first illustration represents chaos and crisis. We know that there have been many instances where crisis has occurred. For example, think about the New Orleans situation when Hurricane Katrina hit last summer. Considering the state of emergency those Americans were in, do you think it was valuable to have coercive leaders present?

Although Donald Trump may not be a coercive leader, the phrase he is most famous for demonstrates the ideas of a coercive leader, Youre Fired! Unfortunately, there are times when the need to take action arisein those times, we may need coercive leadership styles present to get it done.

TransactionalMotivate followers by appealing to their own self-interest

Motivate by the exchange process. EX: business owners exchange status and wages for the work effort of the employee.

Focuses on the accomplishment of tasks & good worker relationships in exchange for desirable rewards.

Encourage leader to adapt their style and behavior to meet expectations of followers


143Some researchers added to Burns original theory and it is thought by many today that transactional leadership can encompass four types of behavior. 1. Contingent Reward To influence behavior, the leader clarifies the work needed to be accomplished. The leader uses rewards or incentives to achieve results when expectations are met.2. Passive Management by Exception - To influence behavior, the leader uses correction or punishment as a response to unacceptable performance or deviation from the accepted standards.3. Active Management by Exception - To influence behavior, the leader actively monitors the work performed and uses corrective methods to ensure the work is completed to meet accepted standards.4. Laissez-Faire Leadership The leader is indifferent and has a hands-off approach toward the workers and their performance. This leader ignores the needs of others, does not respond to problems or does not monitor performance.Transactional leadership behavior is used to one degree or another by most leaders. However, as the old saying goes, if the only tool in your workbox is a hammeryou will perceive every problem as a nail. A leader should not exclusively or primarily practice transactional leadership behavior to influence others! Here are a few common problems of those who do so. Some use transactional leadership behavior as a tool to manipulate others for selfish personal gain. It can place too much emphasis on the bottom line and by its very nature is short-term oriented with the goal of simply maximizing efficiency and profits. The leader can pressure others to engage in unethical or amoral practices by offering strong rewards or punishments. Transactional leadership seeks to influence others by exchanging work for wages, but it does not build on the workers need for meaningful work or tap into their creativity. If utilized as the primary behavior by a leader it can lead to an environment permeated by position, power, perks and politics. The most effective and beneficial leadership behavior to achieve long-term success and improved performance is transformational leadership.

When to use TransactionalLeader wants to be in controlWhen there are approaching deadlines that must be metRelationship is short term


144If I do this for youwhat can you do for me?

Music to your ears? Probably not!, but it is something you might hear from a Transactional Leader!So, when would we want to hear those words?

Most of the consideration of when the style would be used is based on the leader themselves. Since the transactional leader views the leader-follower relationship as a process of exchange, they would choose to use it in situations where relationships are of little importance and are short-lived.

You might be noticing a trend among some of the leadership styles by now. The Transactional leadership style closely parallels some of the ideas, pertaining to relationships, as the autocratic, bureaucratic, and coercive styles.

Lets look now at the other style, often studied in conjunction with Transactional LeadersTransformational

A Result of the Leadership We Knew...We made workers into robots; we made them into machines

145This quote illustrates the ideas of transactional leadership and the effects it has on individuals and organizations

...Now, we want them to become a different kind of person: to come up with new ideas. Jack Smith, CEO, General Motors

146How interesting! With new expectations, new demands, and new paradigms in leadership, the next leadership style offers a lot to the current and maybe futuristic views of leadership studies.

TransformationalCharismatic and visionary

Inspire followers to transcend theirself-interest for the organization

Appeal to followers' ideals and values

Inspire followers to think about problems in new or different ways

Common strategies used to influence followers include vision and framingResearch indicates that transformational leadership is more strongly correlated with lower turnover rates, higher productivity, and higher employee satisfaction.


147Transformational leadership is about hearts and minds, about empowering people not controlling them.

4 theories of Transformational Leadership included:Management by Command Unsophisticated management in which subordinates are told what to do and have little say in what and when.

Management by Objectives Process management in which subordinates are given goals and decide how to achieve them.

Management by Communication Sophisticated organizations in which skilled subordinates deduce their own goals by learning about the needs of the organization.

4. Management by Vision In which management is about inspiring people to achieve what only they know they can achieve by concentrating on what is possible.

Transformational leaders are more visionary and inspirational in approach. They tend to communicate a clear and acceptable vision and goals, with which employees can identify and tend to engender intense emotion in their followers. Rather than exchanging rewards for performance, transformational leaders attempt to build ownership on the part of group members, by involving the group in the decision process. When transformational leaders are successful, they are able to move followers from external to internal control.

Transformational cont.Instils feelings of confidence, admiration and commitment Stimulates followers intellectually, arousing them to develop new ways to think about problems. Uses contingent rewards to positively reinforce desirable performancesFlexible and innovative.


148While it is important to have leaders with the appropriate orientation defining tasks and managing interrelationships, it is even more important to have leaders who can bring organizations into futures they have not yet imagined. Transformational leadership is the essence of creating and sustaining competitive advantage.

When leaders want members to be an active part of the organization and have ownership to it

When leaders are building a sense of purpose

When the organization has a long term plan

When people need to be motivated

When to use Transformational


149Today, the phrase, the only constant is change, seems truer and truer. Change is inevitable, therefore, we should seek leadership and use leadership styles that embrace change.

Changing organizations to be motivational when members are resistant, to be purposeful when members are not directed, and to be visionary for long term goals. Transformational leadership can be one of the best resources for organizational change.

Because it lends itself to successful change, the latest paradigm shift has directed scholars toward focusing on transformational leadership more than they ever have.

"(He) possessed the gift of silence." (Comment by President John Adams about George Washington)


Laissez-FaireAlso known as the hands-off styleLittle or no directionGives followers as much freedom as possibleAll authority or power is given to the followersFollowers must determine goals, make decisions, and resolve problems on their own.


151A successful laissez-faire leader is often popular, even charismatic, and inspires people rather than directs them. They believe people know what to do and will do it without too much direction.

The laissez-faire leadership style is also know as the hands-off style. It is one in which the manager provides little or no direction and gives employees as much freedom as possible. The authority of power is given to the employees and they must determine goals, make decisions, and resolve problems on their own.

When to use Laissez-FaireEmployees are highly skilled, experienced, and educatedEmployees have pride in their work and the drive to do it successfully on their ownOutside experts, such as staff specialists or consultants are being used Employees are trustworthy and experienced



This is an effective style to use when: --Employees are highly skilled, experienced, and educated. --Employees have pride in their work and the drive to do it successfully on their own. --Outside experts, such as staff specialists or consultants are being used --Employees are trustworthy and experienced.

This style should not be used when: --It makes employees feel insecure at the unavailability of a manager. --The manager cannot provide regular feedback to let employees know how well they are doing. --Managers are unable to thank employees for their good work. --The manager doesnt understand his or her responsibilities and is hoping the employees can cover for him or her.

Some risks are involved with Laissez-Faire Leadership. Followers may like them, but some people find events around them confusing and chaotic. They also may feel that the leader does not respect their time and energy. Most importantly, they may not see where their contribution fits and slowly become less committed and enthusiastic.

Theory X and Theory Y

Theory X and Theory Y each represent different ways in which leaders view employees.

Theory X is the traditional view of direction and control by managers.

Theory Y is the view that individual and organizational goals can be integrated.Other Referenced Theories


153Douglas McGregor described Theory X and Theory Y in his book, The Human Side of Enterprise.Theory X managers believe that employees are motivated mainly by money, are lazy, uncooperative, and have poor work habits. Theory Y managers believe that subordinates work hard, are cooperative, and have positive attitudes.


Alan ChapmenTight control, lots of rules, no freedom


Theory X is the traditional view of direction and control by managers.1. The average human being has an inherent dislike of work and will avoid if he or she can. 2. Because of this human characteristic of dislike of work, most people must be controlled, directed, and threatened with punishment to get them to put forth adequate effort toward the achievement of organizational objectives. 3. The average human being prefers to be directed, wishes to avoid responsibility, has relatively little ambition, wants security above all.Theory X leads naturally to an emphasis on the tactics of control - to procedures and techniques for telling people what to do, for determining whether they are doing it, and for administering rewards and punishment. Theory X explains the consequences of a particular managerial strategy. Because its assumptions are so unnecessarily limiting, it prevents managers from seeing the possibilities inherent in other managerial strategies. As long as the assumptions of Theory X influence managerial strategy, organizations will fail to discover, let alone utilize, the potentialities of the average human being.

Alan Chapmen

Management/LeaderStaff/FollowersLots of freedom, creativity & responsibility

155Theory Y is the view that individual and organizational goals can be integrated.1. The expenditures of physical and mental effort in work are as natural as play or rest. 2. External control and the threat of punishment are not the only means for bringing out effort toward organizational objectives. 3. Commitment to objectives is a function of the rewards associated with their achievement. 4. The average human being learns, under proper conditions, not only to accept but also to seek responsibility. 5. The capacity to exercise a relatively high degree of imagination, ingenuity, and creativity in the solution of organizational problems in widely, not narrowly, distributed in the population. 6. Under the condition of modern industrial life, the intellectual potentialities of the average human being are only partially utilized.Theory Y's purpose is to encourage integration, to create a situation in which an employee can achieve his or her own goals best by directing his or her efforts toward the objectives of the organization. It is a deliberate attempt to link improvement in managerial competence with the satisfaction of higher-level ego and self-actualization needs. Theory Y leads to a preoccupation with the nature of relationships, with the creation of an environment which will encourage commitment to organizational objectives and which will provide opportunities for the maximum exercise of initiative, ingenuity, and self-direction in achieving them.

Other Referenced TheoriesHersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership

Based on the amount of direction (task-behavior) and amount of socio-emotional support (relationship-behavior) a leader must provide given the situation and the "level of maturity" of the followers.




157Hersey-Blanchard Situational LeadershipTo determine the appropriate leadership style to use in a given situation, the leader must first determine the maturity level of the followers in relation to the specific task that the leader is attempting to accomplish through the effort of the followers. As the level of followers' maturity increases, the leader should begin to reduce his or her task behavior and increase relationship behavior until the followers reach a moderate level of maturity. As the followers begin to move into an above average level of maturity, the leader should decrease not only task behavior but also relationship behavior. Once the maturity level is identified, the appropriate leadership style can be determined. The four leadership styles are telling, selling, participating, and delegating. High task/low relationship behavior (S1) is referred to as "telling." The leader provides clear instructions and specific direction. Telling style is best matched with a low follower readiness level. High task/high relationship behavior (S2) is referred to as "selling." The leader encourages two-way communication and helps build confidence and motivation on the part of the employee, although the leader still has responsibility and controls decision making. Selling style is best matched with a moderate follower readiness level. High relationship/low task behavior (S3) is referred to as "participating." With this style, the leader and followers share decision making and no longer need or expect the relationship to be directive. Participating style is best matched with a moderate follower readiness level. Low relationship/low task behavior (S4) is labelled "delegating." This style is appropriate for leaders whose followers are ready to accomplish a particular task and are both competent and motivated to take full responsibility. Delegating style is best matched with a high follower readiness level.

Selecting a StyleSome people are motivated by reward Some people are motivated by punishmentSocial systems work best with a chain of commandWhen people have agreed to do a job, a part of the deal is that they cede authority to their leader


Old Style vs. New StyleHeroic (Old)Managers are important people, quite apart from others who develop products and deliver services.The higher up these managers go, the more important they become. At the top, the chief executive is the corporation.Engaging (New)Managers are important to the extent that they help other people who develop products and deliver services to be important. An organization is an interacting network, not a vertical hierarchy. Effective leaders work throughout; they do not sit on top. Henry Mintzberg. Managers Not MBAs. 2004. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers. www.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri

Heroic (Old) Engaging (New)Down the hierarchy comes the strategyclear, deliberate, and boldemanating from the chief who takes the dramatic acts. Everyone else implements.Implementation is the problem because while the chief embraces change, most others resist it. That is why outsiders must be favored over insiders. Out of the network emerge strategies, as engaged people solve little problems that grow into big initiatives.Implementation is the problem because it cannot be separated from formulation. That is why committed insiders are necessary to resist ill-considered changes imposed from above and without. www.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri

To manage is to make decisions and allocate resourcesincluding those human resources. Managing thus means analyzing, often calculating, based on facts in reports.Rewards for increased performance go to the leadership. What matters is whats measured.Leadership is thrust upon those who thrust their will on others. To manage is to bring out the positive energy that exists naturally within people. Managing thus means engaging, based on judgment, rooted in context. Rewards for making the organization a better place go to everyone. Human values matter, few of which can be measured.Leadership is a sacred trust earned from the respect of others.

www.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim AlhaririHeroic (Old) Engaging (New)

The perfect Leadershipwww.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri


leadership effectivenesswww.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri

Definition of Leadership EffectivenessLeader are effective when their followers achieve their goals, can function well together, and can adapt to the changing demands from external forces.www.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri


Leaders are Effective When:The group achieves its goalsInternal processes are smoothThe group can adapt to external forces

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Effective vs. Successful ManagersEffective ManagersSatisfied followersProductiveFocus on communicationActive conflict managementMotivate, train and develop employees

Successful ManagersQuick promotionsFocus on networkingInteract with outsidersSocializeActive in office politicswww.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri

Key Leadership VariablesCharacteristics of the leaderCharacteristics of the followersCharacteristics of the situation

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Developing Your Leadership Competencieswww.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri

OBJECTIVESUnderstand Leadership Competencies Understand how competencies can be used to improve Leadership abilities.www.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri


Leadership Autograph Seeker BingoObtain signature from fellow participants in boxes that identify with their experiences.First person to black out card call out BINGOPrize for the winner.www.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri


Traits and Components Commonly Found in Leadership Competency ModelsValues Cognitive SkillsInterpersonal SkillsDiversity ComponentsChange Orientation

A competency model is a roadmap to individual and group leadership success.

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Components of Competency FrameworksCompetencies are labels that describe how they relate to leadership and behaviorCompetencies are often written as definitions that describe observable behaviorsVarious types of frameworks used, many similarities, many differencesArmy Field Manual 22-100ECQs 5 Areas, 27 competenciesMarines -11 Principles, 14 TraitsIRS - 5 Core Responsibilities, 21 competenciesOthers?

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ValuesValues are our core beliefs that we feel most passionate about. There are individual, family, community, cultural and work values. For example:FamilySpiritualLearningIntegrityHonestySelf Awareness

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Cognitive SkillsCognitive skills represents knowledge acquired through perception, reasoning, and intuition. (i.e. analytical skills, learned processes like problem solving, planning and monitoring)DecisivenessProblem SolvingPolitical SavvyStrategic ThinkingEntrepreneurshipAnalytical ThinkingTechnical Knowledge

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Interpersonal SkillsInterpersonal skills pertain to interactions between individuals.Oral CommunicationWritten CommunicationInfluencing & NegotiatingDeveloping OthersCoachingMentoringPartnering

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Diversity ComponentsDiversity encompasses the understanding, respect and acceptance of the various differences and uniqueness of individuals.Cultural AwarenessDiversity AwarenessTeamworkCustomer Focus

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Change OrientationChange orientation is a systematic approach to achieving change at individual and organizational levels.Leading TransformationRisk takingAchievement OrientationChange ManagementCreativityInnovationAdaptabilityFlexibilityResilience

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Exercise - 7www.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri

ExerciseBreak into groups of fourDiscuss various types of models from your respective organizationsWhat categories are emphasized most?ValuesCognitiveInterpersonalDiversityChange

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Leadership communication strategies www.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri

Communication Skills

www.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri181

ContentsWhat is CommunicationThe Communication EquationProcess of CommunicationTypes of CommunicationLevels of CommunicationCommunication BarriersTools of Effective CommunicationThe 7 keys of Powerful CommunicationCharacteristics of effective communications


Communication is a series of experience of





Most Common Ways to Communicate


WritingVisual ImageBody Language


Deepti Singh Communication Goals

What is Communication?What does it mean to you? The process of communication is what allows us to interact with other people; without it, we would be unable to share knowledge or experiences with anything outside of ourselves. Common forms of communication include speaking, writing, gestures, touch and broadcasting.

www.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri186


It is a process of exchanging InformationIdeasThoughtsFeelingsEmotionsThrough SpeechSignalsWritingBehavior

What is Communication?What is Communication?


Personal PresentationDoes personal presentation make a difference to the way we are perceived?Does it matter?What can we do about it - do we have to look bland and boring?What if our organisation has a dress code?www.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri188


188Discuss job interviews; TV ads what people wear how they cover up etceg Goth girl with tattoos who hides it from her mother; stereotypes

The Communication EquationWhat you hearTone of voiceVocal clarityVerbal expressiveness 40% of the message

What you see or feelFacial expressionDress and grooming PostureEye contactTouchGesture 50% of the message

WORDS 10% of the message!

www.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri189


189Discuss how this came across in the introductions when people talked about their LOVE items and their HATE items. How did they sound? How did they look? How much weight did the actual words carry compared with their vocal expression and faces?


NoiseBarrierProcess of


Deepti Singh Types of Communication On the basis of organization relationshipFormalInformalOn the basis of FlowVerticalCrosswise/DiagonalHorizontalOn the basis of ExpressionVerbal(Oral)WrittenNon Verbal(Gesture)


Types of

People communicate with each other in a number of ways that depend upon the message and its context in which it is being sent.Types of communication based on the communication channels usedare Verbal CommunicationWitten CommunicationNonverbal Communication

Verbal vs Non VerbalCan we communicate without words?

Voice attributesWhat are they and how do they affect communication?

Physical attributesWhat could be considered here and how do they affect communication?

The power of touchWhat and when is OK?

Which is better, verbal or non verbal?www.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri193


Verbal(oral) It refers to the form of communication in which message is transmitted verbally.Communication is done by word of mouthIn verbal communication remember the acronym KISS (keep it short and simple).

Verbal(oral)In oral communication, Spoken words are used.It includes face-to-face conversations, speech, telephonic conversation, video, radio, television, voice over internet.Communication is influence by pitch, volume, speed and clarity of speaking.

Advantages It brings quick feedback.In a face-to-face conversation, by reading facial expression and body language one can guess whether he/she should trust whats being said or not.

Disadvantages In face-to-face discussion, user is unable to deeply think about what he is delivering, so this can be counted as a fault.


WrittenIn written communication, written signs or symbols are used to communicate.In written communication message can be transmitted via email, letter, report, memo etc.Written Communication is most common form of communication being used in business.Advantages Messages can be edited and revisedWritten communication provide record and backup.A written message enables receiver to fully understand it and send appropriate feedback.Disadvantages Written communication doesnt bring instant feedback. It take more time in composing a written message as compared to word-of-mouth and number of people struggles for writing ability.

Nonverbal(gesture)Nonverbal communication is the sending or receiving of wordless messages. Such asgesture,body language, posture,tone of voiceorfacial expressions, is called nonverbal communication.Nonverbal communication is all about the body language of speaker.

Nonverbal communication have the following three elements AppearanceSpeaker clothing, hairstyle, neatness, use of cosmeticsSurrounding room size, lighting, decorations, furnishingsBody Languagefacial expressions, gestures, posturesSoundsVoice Tone, Volume, Speech rate

Levels of1- Intrapersonal Communication

is communication that occurs in your own mind. It is the basis of your feelings, biases, prejudices, and beliefs.Examples are when you make any kind of decision what to eat or wear. When you think about something what you want to do on the weekend or when you think about another person.



2- Interpersonal communication

is the communication between two people but can involve more in informal conversations.Examples are when you are talking to your friends. A teacher and student discussing an assignment. A patient and a doctor discussing a treatment. A manager and a potential employee during an interview.

Levels of


3- Small Group communication

is communication within formal or informal groups or teams. It is group interaction that results in decision making, problem solving and discussion within an organization.Examples would be a group planning a surprise birthday party for someone. A team working together on a project.

Levels of


4- One-to-group communication

involves a speaker who seeks to inform, persuade or motivate an audience.Examples are a teacher and a class of students. A preacher and a congregation. A speaker and an assembly of people in the auditorium.

Levels of


5- Mass communication is the electronic or print transmission of messages to the general public. Outlets called mass media include things like radio, television, film, and printed materials designed to reach large audiences.A television commercial. A magazine article. Hearing a song on the radio. Books, Newspapers, Billboards. The key is that you are reaching a large amount of people without it being face to face. Feedback is generally delayed with mass communication.

Levels of


Barriers of

Deepti Singh Barriers to CommunicationSemantic BarriersEmotional Or Psychological Barriers Organizational BarriersBarriers in Superiors Culture Barries


Deepti SinghSemantic BarriersSymbols with different meaningBadly expressed messageFaulty translationUnclarified assumptionSpecialists language


Deepti SinghEmotional Or Psychological BarriersPremature evolutionInattentionLoss of transmission & poor retentionUndue reliance on the written wordDistrust of communicationFailure to communicate


Deepti SinghOrganization BarriersOrganizational policyOrganization rules & regulationStatus relationComplexity in organization


Deepti SinghPersonal BarriersBarriers in SuperiorAttitude of SuperiorFear of challenge of authorityLack of time Lack of awareness Barriers in SubordinatesUnwillingness to communicateLack of proper incentive


Ethnic relationGender relationNational relationReligion relation

Culture Barries

How to Overcome Barriers of Taking the receiver more seriouslyCrystal clear messageDelivering messages skilfullyFocusing on the receiverUsing multiple channels to communicate instead of relying on one channelEnsuring appropriate feedbackBe aware of your own state of mind/emotions/attitude

Barriers to Effective CommunicationBarriers to effective communication

Language NoiseTimeDistractionsOther peoplePut downsToo many questions Distance Discomfort with the topic DisabilityLack of interestwww.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri211


211Show the title of this slide and ask people to see if they can suggest some of the barriers-Then reveal the diagram when there has been 2 to 3 mins of ideas from the group

Tools of effective Be BriefMannersUsing IBe PositiveGood listenerSpice up your wordsClarityPronunciation


Effective Communication SkillsEffective Communication skills

Eye contact & visible mouthBody languageSilenceChecking for understandingSmiling faceSummarising what has been said Encouragement to continueSome questions

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213Encourage participants to think about a situation where they must communicate with someone who is hard of hearing; anxious; has been put down in the past; doesnt know who you are what are some of the things you can do to help communication?

Characteristics of effective communicationsEffective communication requires the message to be:Clear and conciseAccurateRelevant to the needs of the receiverTimelyMeaningfulApplicable to the situation

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Characteristics of effective communicationsEffective communication requires the sender to:Know the subject wellBe interested in the subjectKnow the audience members and establish a rapport with themSpeak at the level of the receiverChoose an appropriate communication channel

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Characteristics of effective communicationsThe channel should be:AppropriateAffordableAppealing

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Characteristics of effective communicationsThe receiver should:Be aware, interested, and willing to accept the messageListen attentivelyUnderstand the value of the messageProvide feedback

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Characteristics of effective communicatorAn effective verbal communicator:ClarifiesListensEncourages empathicallyAcknowledgesRestates/repeats

An effective nonverbal communicator:RelaxesOpens upLeans toward the other personEstablishes eye contactShows appropriate facial expressions

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The 7 keys of Powerful CommunicationAssertivenessAuthenticityAskingOpen-MindednessEmpathy vs SympathyClarity(Transparency)Listening

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219Check that these objectives are what participants expect.

Deepti SinghHow do you develop your communication skills? Explore the related skills


Tips to good communication skillsMaintain eye contact with the audience Body awareness Gestures and expressions Convey one's thoughts Practice effective communication skills At Last


Effective Communication . . .It is two way.It involves active listening.It reflects the accountability of speaker and listener.It utilizes feedback.It is free of stress.It is clear.


Effective communication Meaning and Definition

Uses of Effective Communication

The 7Cs of Effective Communication

Facts about Effective communication

Meaning and definitionMeaning-Effective Communication is a two way process sending the right message and to the right person. It is important to know the psychology of the people you are interacting with for communication to be effective.For communication to be effective it is necessary to know the circumstances of the counter entity.Effective communication includes all the aspects of visual, auditory and kinaesthetic language to appeal the listener.

Definition- Effective communication is the communication which produces intended or desired result

Uses of effective communication

Effective communication helps to understand a person or situation in a better way.

It enables us to solve the differences, build trust and respect in the organization.

Sometimes our message is misunderstood or we misunderstand the received message, effective communication helps us to resolve problems with boths point of view.

Effective communication helps us to connect well with kids, spouse, boss, colleagues, etc.

It helps us in decision making.

The 7cs of effective communicationCompleteness







Completeness`The information conveyed in the message should be complete for the communication to be effective.

The sender must take into consideration the receivers mind set and convey the message accordingly.

Complete communication enhances the reputation of the organization.

Complete information always gives additional information wherever required, it leaves no question in the minds of the receiver.

Complete information helps in better decision making as it serves all the desired and crucial information.

Complete information persuades the audience.

ConcisenessConciseness means communicating what you want to convey in least possible words.

Conciseness is a necessity for effective communication.

Concise communication provides short and essential message in limited words.

Concise message is more appealing and comprehensive to the audience.

Concise messages are non repetitive in nature.

ConsiderationEffective communication must take audience into consideration by knowing the viewpoints, back ground, mindset, educational level, etc.

Consideration implies stepping into the shoes of others.

Consideration ensures that the self respect of the audience is maintained and their emotions are not harmed.

Consider the needs and requirements of the audience to achieve effective communication.

Clarity Clarity implies emphasizing on a specific goal or objective at a time, rather than trying to move away from track.

Clarity helps to understand the message easily.

Complete clarity of thoughts and ideas enhances the meaning of message.

Clarity comes with the use of exact, appropriate and concrete words.

ConcretenessConcrete communication implies being particular and clear rather being fuzzy and general.

Concrete communication shows good level of confidence.

Concrete information helps to strengthen the reputation of the organization.

Concrete information cannot be misinterpreted.

CourtesyCourtesy means being polite, kind, judicious, enthusiastic and convincing.

Courtesy is an important element of effective communication.

Courtesy reflects the nature and character of the sender of the message.

It is the same as give respect and then expect the same.

Courtesy is not at all bias in nature.

CorrectnessCorrectness in the communication implies that the correct information is conveyed through message.

Correct communication boosts up the confidence level of the sender.

Correct information has greater impact on the audience.

Free from grammatical errors and use of appropriate and correct language.

Correct information includes the precision and accurateness of facts and figures used in the message.

What is listening ?Listening is the absorption of the meanings of words and sentences by the brain. Listening leads to the understanding of facts and ideas.


Various stages to listeningHearingFocusing on the message not the personComprehending and interpretingAnalyzing and EvaluatingResponding Remembering


Co-relation between Listening and Speaking


What we are taught.

Amount taught


Importance of listening If we were supposed to talk more than listen, we would have been given two mouths and one ear.Mark Twain


Techniques of active listening PARAPHRASE

Restate what was said in your own wordsSUMMARIZE

Pull together the main points of a speakerQUESTIONChallenge speaker to think further, clarifying both your and their understanding, however suspend judgement


Path for good communication


Conclusion A man is seldom better than his conversationGerman Proverb


All parts of life- used exp


Brainstorming 1www.Projacs.com

Dr.Ibrahim Alhariri

BrainstormingWhat is it?

Why do we need it?

A gathering of ideas from your brain onto paper. The variety of ideas and the use of your imagination assist you in producing a lot of material with which to work. Its the best way to collect your thoughts. Its helpful for organization. It ensures only quality ideas are used in the essay.

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Brainstorming TechniqueNumber OneFreewritingWhat is it? Think about the topic. Then write, write, write. Whatever comes into your brain even if it doesnt have to do with the topic. Example:www.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri

Brainstorming TechniqueNumber OneFreewriting"This paper is supposed to be on the politics of tobacco production but even though I went to all the lectures and read the book I can't think of what to say and I've felt this way for four minutes now and I have 11 minutes left and I wonder if I'll keep thinking nothing during every minute but I'm not sure if it matters that I am babbling and I don't know what else to say about this topic and it is rainy today and I never noticed the number of cracks in that wall before and those cracks remind me of the walls in my grandfather's study and he smoked and he farmed and I wonder why he didn't farm tobacco..." www.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri

Brainstorming TechniqueNumber OneFreewritingOptions:Write for a specific time periodWrite for a specific amount of paper

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Number OneFreewritingWhen is it helpful?When you have NO ideas about a topicWhen you have TOO MANY ideas about a topic

Maybe I could say this or maybe I could say that hmmm

??????Brainstorming Techniquewww.Projacs.comDr.Ibrahim Alhariri

Number TwoMaking a CubeWhat is it? Imagine a cube. It has six sides. On each side, you have a different task regarding the topic.

Brainstorming TechniqueDr.Ibrahim Al
