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3653-3660-LncRNA MIAT enhances cardiac hypertrophy partly … · studies 4,5 suggested that diverse...

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Abstract. – OBJECTIVE: In this work, we aimed to study whether myocardial infarction associated transcript (MIAT) exerts a regulative effect on cardiac hypertrophy via acting as a miR-150 sponge. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cardiac hyper- trophy was induced using Angiotensin II (Ang II). MIAT and miR-150 expression were quanti- fied using qRT-PCR. Rat heart-derived H9c2 cells were used as the in vitro model. Cardiac hypertrophic features were assessed by quanti- fying cardiac hypertrophic genes and measure- ment of cell surface, protein synthesis and total protein content. RESULTS: MIAT is significantly increased in Ang II induced cardiac hypertrophy in a mouse model and in H9c2 cells. MIAT siRNA substantial- ly alleviated the Ang II induced upregulation of ANP, BNP and β-MHC in H9c2 cells and markedly attenuated the Ang II induced increase of the cell surface area and the protein synthesis. MIAT overexpression in H9c2 cells significantly re- duced the miR-150 expression. MIAT inhibition al- so partly restored the miR-150 levels under Ang II treatment. MiR-150 overexpression could attenu- ate the Ang II induced upregulation of hyper- trophic marker genes and suppress the Ang II in- duced hypertrophic phenotypes of the cells. CONCLUSIONS: MIAT is significantly in- creased in Ang II induced cardiac hypertrophy and contributes to the pathological develop- ment. MIAT can suppress miR-150 expression in cardiomyocytes and miR-150 is a downstream effector of MIAT in the development of cardiac hypertrophy. Key Words: MIAT, miR-150, Cardiac hypertrophy. Introduction Cardiac hypertrophy is an adaptive response of the heart to the increased cardiac load, which is European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences LncRNA MIAT enhances cardiac hypertrophy partly through sponging miR-150 X.-H. ZHU 1 , Y.-X. YUAN 2 , S.-L. RAO 3 , P. WANG 4 1 VIP Ward, Zhumadian Central Hospital, Zhumadian, Henan, China 2 Department of Cardiology, Zoucheng People’s Hospital, Zoucheng, Shandong, China 3 Department of Emergency, Binzhou People’s Hospital, Binzhou, Shandong, China Shandong, China 4 The 2 nd Department of Cardiology, Feicheng mining industry Central Hospital, Feicheng, Shandong, China Xiuhua Zhu and Yuxiang Yuan contribtued equally to this study Corresponding Author: Peng Wang, MD; e-mail: [email protected] 3653 characterized by an enlargement of cardiomy- ocytes and the addition of contractile proteins 1,2 . Sustained cardiac hypertrophy and maladaptive cardiac remodeling significantly increased the risk of heart failure and cardiac death 3 . The causes of cardiac hypertrophy are quite complex; previous studies 4,5 suggested that diverse factors, including physiological, mechanical, hormonal, and genetic influence are all involved in the regulation. Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) refers the non-protein-coding RNA transcripts longer than 200 nucleotides 6,7 . Recent studies suggest that several dysregulated lncRNAs are associated with the pathological development of cardiac hy- pertrophy through transcriptional and post-tran- scriptional regulation. At transcriptional level, for example, lncRNA H19 is upregulated in pathological cardiac hypertrophy 8 . Both H19 and its encoded miR-675 can inhibit the hypertrophic growth of cardiomyocytes, the effect of which is partly mediated by suppressing the expression of miR-675 target gene CaMKIIdelta 8 . At the post- transcriptional level, lncRNA can function as miRNA sponge and modulate the development of cardiac hypertrophy. For example, lncRNA CHRF can act as an endogenous sponge of miR- 489 and increase the expression of miR-489 tar- get gene myeloid differentiation primary re- sponse gene 88 (Myd88), thereby promoting car- diac hypertrophy 9 . lncRNA-ROR can also pro- mote cardiac hypertrophy via interacting with miR-133 10 . Myocardial infarction–associated transcript (MIAT), is an lncRNA predominantly expressed in heart and fetal brain tissue. Constant researches showed that dysregulated MIAT is in- volved in myocardial infarction 11,12 . However, whether this lncRNA has a regulative effect on cardiac hypertrophy is not clear. 2016; 20: 3653-3660
Page 1: 3653-3660-LncRNA MIAT enhances cardiac hypertrophy partly … · studies 4,5 suggested that diverse factors , including physiological, mechanical, hormonal, and genetic influence

Abstract. – OBJECTIVE: In this work, weaimed to study whether myocardial infarctionassociated transcript (MIAT) exerts a regulativeeffect on cardiac hypertrophy via acting as amiR-150 sponge.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cardiac hyper-trophy was induced using Angiotensin II (AngII). MIAT and miR-150 expression were quanti-fied using qRT-PCR. Rat heart-derived H9c2cells were used as the in vitro model. Cardiachypertrophic features were assessed by quanti-fying cardiac hypertrophic genes and measure-ment of cell surface, protein synthesis and totalprotein content.

RESULTS: MIAT is significantly increased inAng II induced cardiac hypertrophy in a mousemodel and in H9c2 cells. MIAT siRNA substantial-ly alleviated the Ang II induced upregulation ofANP, BNP and ββ-MHC in H9c2 cells and markedlyattenuated the Ang II induced increase of the cellsurface area and the protein synthesis. MIAToverexpression in H9c2 cells significantly re-duced the miR-150 expression. MIAT inhibition al-so partly restored the miR-150 levels under Ang IItreatment. MiR-150 overexpression could attenu-ate the Ang II induced upregulation of hyper-trophic marker genes and suppress the Ang II in-duced hypertrophic phenotypes of the cells.

CONCLUSIONS: MIAT is significantly in-creased in Ang II induced cardiac hypertrophyand contributes to the pathological develop-ment. MIAT can suppress miR-150 expression incardiomyocytes and miR-150 is a downstreameffector of MIAT in the development of cardiachypertrophy.

Key Words:MIAT, miR-150, Cardiac hypertrophy.


Cardiac hypertrophy is an adaptive response ofthe heart to the increased cardiac load, which is

European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences

LncRNA MIAT enhances cardiac hypertrophypartly through sponging miR-150

X.-H. ZHU1, Y.-X. YUAN2, S.-L. RAO3, P. WANG4

1VIP Ward, Zhumadian Central Hospital, Zhumadian, Henan, China2Department of Cardiology, Zoucheng People’s Hospital, Zoucheng, Shandong, China3Department of Emergency, Binzhou People’s Hospital, Binzhou, Shandong, China Shandong, China4The 2nd Department of Cardiology, Feicheng mining industry Central Hospital, Feicheng, Shandong, China

Xiuhua Zhu and Yuxiang Yuan contribtued equally to this study

Corresponding Author: Peng Wang, MD; e-mail: [email protected] 3653

characterized by an enlargement of cardiomy-ocytes and the addition of contractile proteins1,2.Sustained cardiac hypertrophy and maladaptivecardiac remodeling significantly increased the riskof heart failure and cardiac death3. The causes ofcardiac hypertrophy are quite complex; previousstudies4,5 suggested that diverse factors, includingphysiological, mechanical, hormonal, and geneticinfluence are all involved in the regulation.

Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) refers thenon-protein-coding RNA transcripts longer than200 nucleotides6,7. Recent studies suggest thatseveral dysregulated lncRNAs are associatedwith the pathological development of cardiac hy-pertrophy through transcriptional and post-tran-scriptional regulation. At transcriptional level,for example, lncRNA H19 is upregulated inpathological cardiac hypertrophy8. Both H19 andits encoded miR-675 can inhibit the hypertrophicgrowth of cardiomyocytes, the effect of which ispartly mediated by suppressing the expression ofmiR-675 target gene CaMKIIdelta8. At the post-transcriptional level, lncRNA can function asmiRNA sponge and modulate the developmentof cardiac hypertrophy. For example, lncRNACHRF can act as an endogenous sponge of miR-489 and increase the expression of miR-489 tar-get gene myeloid differentiation primary re-sponse gene 88 (Myd88), thereby promoting car-diac hypertrophy9. lncRNA-ROR can also pro-mote cardiac hypertrophy via interacting withmiR-13310. Myocardial infarction–associatedtranscript (MIAT), is an lncRNA predominantlyexpressed in heart and fetal brain tissue. Constantresearches showed that dysregulated MIAT is in-volved in myocardial infarction11,12. However,whether this lncRNA has a regulative effect oncardiac hypertrophy is not clear.

2016; 20: 3653-3660

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X.-H. Zhu, Y.-X. Yuan, S.-L. Rao, P. Wang

with 100 nM MIAT siRNA, 100 nM miR-150mimics or pcDNA3.1-MIAT using Lipofecta-mine 2000 (Invitrogen) according to manufactur-er’s instruction.

QRT-PCR Analysis Total RNA from the tissue and cell samples

were extracted using Trizol reagent (Invitrogen)according to manufacturer’s instruction. The firststrand cDNA were synthesized by reverse tran-scription using a First Strand Synthesis kit (Invit-rogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA). QRT-PCR was per-formed to detect the expression of MIAT, ANP,BNP, β-MHC using gene specific primers andSYBR® Green qPCR MasterMix (AppliedBiosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) in ABI 7500Real-Time PCR Systems. The primers were:





MiR-150 expression was determined by qRT-PCR using the mirVana qRT-PCR miRNA De-tection Kit and Primer Sets from Ambion as wellas Taqman® miRNA assays (Applied Biosys-tems). The relative expression of the RNAs wascalculated using the 2-∆∆CT method.

Immunofluorescent Staining and Measurement of Cell Surface Area

Cells on coverslips were fixed with PBS con-taining 4% paraformaldehyde, permeabilized inPBS containing 0.2% Triton X-100, and thenblocked with PBS containing 3% BSA. After thatthe cells were incubated with primary anti-α-actinin at a dilution of 1:100 in 1% goat serumovernight at 4°C, and then incubated with AlexaFluor® 594 goat anti-mouse IgG for 1 h at37°C. The coverslips were mounted onto glassslides with SlowFade Gold antifade reagent with

Functionally, MIAT upregulation can lead tomicrovascular dysfunction via enhancing en-dothelial cell proliferation and migration13. Inboth microvascular endothelial cells and lens ep-ithelial cells, MIAT can act as a sponge of miR-15013,14. miR-150 is an important miRNA withinhibitive effect on pressure overload-inducedcardiac hypertrophy15 and high glucose-inducedcardiomyocyte hypertrophy16. Therefore, we hy-pothesized that MIAT might exert a regulativeeffect on cardiac hypertrophy via acting as amiR-150 sponge.

Materials and Methods

Animals and ProtocolsAnimal based study was approved by the Re-

search Commit tee of Zoucheng People’s Hospi-tal. All animal based studies followed the Guidefor the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (USand National Institutes of Health). Eight-week-old male, healthy and specific pathogen-freeC57BL/6J mice weighing 19-21 g was purchasedfrom the Experimental Animal Center of theShandong University. The mice were random-ized into three groups (n=10/group): a blankgroup without any treatment; a sham group onlyreceived PBS infusion; an Angiotensin II (AngII) (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA)-in-fused group. The animals in Ang II group re-ceived Ang II dissolved in PBS with 10 µmol/Lacetic acid at a dose of 2.5 µg/kg/min using asubcutaneously implanted minipump (model2002, Alza, Moun tain View, CA, USA) for 15days. The mice were housed in SPF conditionswith a 12-h light/12-h dark cycle and with freeaccess to drinking water and food.

Cell Culture and Treatment Rat heart-derived H9c2 cells were cultured us-

ing Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium(DMEM) supplemented with 10% fetal bovineserum (FBS) at 37°C in a 5% CO2 incubator. ForAng II treatment, the cells were incubated with 1µmol/L Ang II or PBS for 48 hours. MIAT siR-NA, miR-150 mimics and the scramble negativecontrols were purchased from Ribobio(Guangzhou, China). The Full length of MIATcDNA was amplified and inserted into the sitesbetween BamHI and XhoI of pcDNA3.1 plasmid(Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) and the recon-structed MIAT expression plasmids is named aspcDNA3.1-MIAT. H9c2 cells were transfected


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Figure 1. MIAT is significantly increased in Ang II induced cardiac hypertrophy. A-B, QRT-PCR analysis of MIAT expres-sion in the mouse cardiac tissues of the three groups after indicated treatment (A) and in H9c2 cells after 48 hours treatment ofAng II (B). N.S., not significant; **p < 0.01.

DAPI. The cell surface area using a quantitativedigital image analysis system (Image Pro-Plusversion 7.0; Media Cybernetics, Rockville, MD,USA) with a digital camera (Olympus IX-81,Olympus, Tokyo, Japan). 100 cells were random-ly selected in three wells of different treatment.

Measurement of [3H]leucine Incorporation and Protein Content Assay

[3H]leucine incorporation was measured ac-cording to the method introduced in one previousstudy17. Briefly, Cells were cultured in 24-wellplates in serum-free medium for 24 h. After indi-cated treatment, the cells were pulsed with 1µCi/mL of [3H]leucine (Amersham Biosciences,Piscataway, NJ, USA) for 4 hours before harvest.After three times washing with PBS, the cellswere treated with 5% trichloroacetic acid for 30min. Finally, cells were solubilized in 500 µL of1 mol/L NaOH and neutralized using 0.5 mol/LHCl. Then, an aliquot was taken to determine thelevel of incorporated radioactivity using theBeckman LS 3801 liquid scintillation counter(Beckman, Fullerton, CA, USA). The total pro-tein content per well was measured with a Modi-fied Lowry Protein Assay Kit (Pierce, Rockford,IL, USA).

Statistical Analysis Data analysis was performed using SPSS18.0

statistical software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL,USA). Group comparison was conducted un-paired t-tests. A two-tailed p<0.05 was consid-ered statistically significant.


MIAT is Significantly Increased in Ang IIInduced Cardiac Hypertrophy

Previous studies suggest that MIAT is anlncRNA that is significantly increased in patientswith myocardial infarction and with dilated car-diomyopathy12,18. In this study, we firstly ex-plored the expression of MIAT in Ang II inducedcardiac hypertrophy in a mouse model. The re-sults showed that the hypertrophic cardiac tissuesof the mice received 15 d administration of AngII had significantly increased MIAT expression(Figure 1A). In H9c2 cells, we also confirmedthat Ang II treatment induced a significant in-crease of MIAT expression (Figure 1B). There-fore, we decided to further explore the biologicalfunction of MIAT using H9c2 cells as the in-vit-ro model.

Inhibition of MIAT Attenuates Ang II Induced Cardiac Hypertrophy

Cardiac hypertrophy is associated with signifi-cantly increased expression of the hypertrophicmarker genes and the subsequent enhanced pro-tein synthesis and increased cell size19. There-fore, we firstly detected how MIAT suppressionduring Ang II treatment affected the hypertrophicmarker genes, including ANP, BNP and β-MHC.The results showed that MIAT siRNA substan-tially alleviated Ang II induced upregulation ofANP, BNP and β-MHC in H9c2 cells (Figure2A). Another common feature of cardiac hyper-trophy is the increased cell surface area and the


LncRNA MIAT enhances cardiac hypertrophy partly through sponging miR-150

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enhanced protein synthesis. In this study, the cellsurface area of the H9c2 cells was determined byα-actinin staining (Figure 2B). 48 h treatmentwith Ang II stimulated a significant increase inthe cell surface area. However, MIAT siRNAmarkedly attenuated the increase (Figure 2B). Inaddition, we also observed that MIAT siRNApartly abrogated the Ang II induced higher levelof [3H]leucine incorporation (Figure 2C) and to-tal protein content (Figure 2D). These resultssuggest that inhibition of MIAT attenuated AngII induced cardiac hypertrophy.

MIAT Suppresses miR-150 Expression inH9c2 Cells

Since we confirmed the contribution of MI-AT in the development of hypertrophic charac-teristics, we further investigated the underlying

mechanism. Previous studies showed that MI-AT could act as a miR-150 sponge in lens ep-ithelial cells and modulate cell proliferation,apoptosis and migration14. In fact, miR-150 isan important miRNA with inhibitive effect onpressure overload-induced cardiac hypertro-phy15 and high glucose-induced cardiomyocytehypertrophy16. Bioinformatics analysis showedthat MIAT has three possible binding sites withmiR-150 (Figure 3A). Therefore, we hypothe-sized that the pathological effect of MIAT incardiac hypertrophy might be related to itssponging of miR-150. To test this hypothesis,we firstly overexpressed MIAT in H9c2 cells(Figure 3B). MIAT overexpression significantlyreduced miR-150 expression in the cells (Figure3C). Ang II treatment also induced miR-150suppression in H9c2 cells (Figure 3D). Notably,

X.-H. Zhu, Y.-X. Yuan, S.-L. Rao, P. Wang

Figure 2. Inhibition of MIAT attenuates Ang II induced cardiac hypertrophy. A, QRT-PCR analysis of mRNA expression ofatrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP), β-myosin heavy polypeptide (MHC) in H9c2 cells after AngII treatment with or without MIAT knockdown. B-D, Immunofluorescent staining of α-actinin and measurement of cell sur-face area (B), the rate of protein synthesis (C) and the total protein content (D) in the H9c2 cardiomyocytes after Ang II treat-ment with or without MIAT knockdown. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.

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inhibition of MIAT during Ang II treatmentpartly restored miR-150 levels (Figure 3E).These results suggest that MIAT can suppressmiR-150 expression in H9c2 cells.

MIAT Enhances Cardiac Hypertrophy Partially through Reducing miR-150

Since we verified the regulative effect of MI-AT1 on miR-150, we further studied the role ofmiR-150 in Ang II induced cardiac hypertrophy.MiR-150 overexpression attenuated Ang II in-duced upregulation of hypertrophic marker genes(Figure 4A), suppressed Ang II induced increase

of cell surface area (Figure 4B) and also weak-ened Ang II induced higher level of [3H]leucineincorporation (Figure 4C) and total protein syn-thesis (Figure 4D). These results suggest thatmiR-150 is a downstream effector of MIAT inthe development of cardiac hypertrophy.


In the past years, emerging evidence showedthat lncRNAs might have as either protective orenhancing effect in the development of cardiac


LncRNA MIAT enhances cardiac hypertrophy partly through sponging miR-150

Figure 3. MIAT suppresses miR-150 expression in H9c2 cells. A, Bioinformatics analysis of the possible binding sites be-tween MIAT and miR-150. B-C, QRT-PCR analysis of MIAT (B) and miR-150 (C) expression in H9c2 cells after MIAT over-expression. D-E, QRT-PCR analysis of miR-150 expression in H9c2 cells after Ang II treatment (D) or with MIAT knock-down (E). **p < 0.01.

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hypertrophy. For example, Han et al20 demon-strated that stress-induced myosin heavy-chain-associated RNA transcripts (Mhrt) repression isessential for cardiomyopathy to develop, whilerestoring Mhrt to the pre-stress level showedprotective effects on the heart from hypertrophyand failure20. Both H19 and its encoded miR-675 are upregulated in pathological cardiac hy-pertrophy. Their upregulation can inhibit thehypertrophic growth of cardiomyocytes, the ef-fect of which is partly mediated by suppressingthe expression of miR-675 target gene CaMKI-

Idelta8. Besides the protective effect, other stud-ies also indicated that some lncRNAs can con-tribute to the development of cardiac hypertro-phy mainly through the competitive endogenousRNA (ceRNA) mechanism, of which lncRNAcould interact with miRNA and indirectly inter-act with mRNAs through competing interac-tions21. For example, lncRNA CHRF can act asan endogenous sponge of miR-489, which re-duces miR-489 expression9. Via downregulatingmiR-489, CHRF can upregulate Myd88 expres-sion and promote hypertrophy9. Another study

X.-H. Zhu, Y.-X. Yuan, S.-L. Rao, P. Wang

Figure 4. MIAT enhances cardiac hypertrophy partially through reducing miR-150. A, QRT-PCR analysis of mRNA expres-sion of ANP, BNP, β-MHC in H9c2 cells after Ang II treatment with or without miR-150 overexpression. B-D, Measurementof cell surface area (B), the rate of protein synthesis (C) and the total protein content (D) in the H9c2 cardiomyocytes afterAng II treatment with or without miR-150 overexpression. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.

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observed that the expression of lncRNA-RORin hypertrophic heart and cardiomyocytes is ele-vated dramatically and can suppress miR-133expfession10. Overexpression of miR-133 re-duced the elevation of ROR and atennaturedROR induced hypertrophy10.

The pathological effect of MIAT in myocar-dial infarction have been reported11,12. Vausortet al12 reported that MIAT is significantly high-er in whole blood from patients with non-ST-segment-elevation MI (NSTEMI) than in thatfrom patients with ST-segment-elevation MI(STEMI), suggesting that MIAT is associatedwith chronic cardiomyopathy. Therefore, inthis study, we firstly investigated the associa-tion between MIAT and cardiac hypertrophyand we demonstrated that MIAT is significant-ly increased in Ang II induced cardiac hyper-trophy. Knockdown of MIAT can reduce AngII induced upregulation of hypertrophic mark-ers and alleviated Ang II induced hypertrophicphenotypes in H9c2 cells. Therefore, we decid-ed to further investigate the underlying mecha-nism. Previous researches found that in bothmicrovascular endothelial cells and lens epithe-lial cells, MIAT functions as a sponge of miR-15013,14. In fact, miR-150 has a well-recognizedinhibitive effect on cardiac hypertrophy. Trans-genic mice with miR-150 overexpression in theheart were resistant to cardiac hypertrophy andfibrosis through down-regulation of serum re-sponse factor (SRF)15. In addition, miR-150mimics can also prevent glucose-induced car-diomyocyte hypertrophy via downregulatingp30022. Moreover, in transverse aortic constric-tion (TAC) mouse model, it was observed thatmiR-150 could also inhibit cardiac fibroblastactivation via reducing c-Myb expression16.Therefore, we investigated whether the patho-logical effect of MIAT in cardiac hypertrophydevelopment is via sponging miR-150. In H9c2cells, we confirmed that MIAT overexpressionsignificantly reduced miR-150 expression,while MIAT inhibition partly restored miR-150levels under Ang II treatment. Following func-tional works further verified that miR-150overexpression could attenuate Ang II inducedupregulation of hypertrophic marker genes andsuppress Ang II induced hypertrophic pheno-types of the cells. These results confirmed ourhypothesis that MIAT could suppress miR-150expression in cardiomyocytes and miR-150 is adownstream effector of MIAT in the develop-ment of cardiac hypertrophy.


MIAT is significantly increased in Ang II in-duced cardiac hypertrophy and contributes to thepathological development. MIAT can suppressmiR-150 expression in cardiomyocytes and miR-150 is a downstream effector of MIAT in the de-velopment of cardiac hypertrophy.

–––––––––––––––––-––––Conflict of InterestThe Authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.


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X.-H. Zhu, Y.-X. Yuan, S.-L. Rao, P. Wang
